You have chosen freedom, you are dissipating your long-held belief in limitation, you are awakening, and you are coming Home to Reality, where a most magnificent and celebratory welcome awaits you.

Jesus Through John: Life is a Miracle, and You are all Alive!

As you are all well aware, humanity’s awakening process is moving forwards beautifully, just as God intends, no other way is possible.

Therefore, relax!  God’s intent is always perfectly achieved, so release your doubts about His Reality, which is Reality in all its magnificence and glory, and TRUST Him completely.  You only have problems or issues when you engage with doubt about the reality of the divine plan, and when you attempt to conceive of how, in your opinion,it could or should be unfolding.

Those ‘mind-games’ that you play with yourselves – the ‘what-ifs,’ and the ‘this has to be wrong,’ and the ‘God would not allow this to happen’ thoughts and arguments you have with yourselves – are egoic distractions which delay your acceptance of the fact that the collective awakening process is occurring right now.

Your thoughts do not and could not interfere with the process, let alone delay it, because that is not God’s Will.

All that happens is that you convince yourselves that the awakening is moving too slowly, or even that it is not happening, and will not happen, and thus lock yourselves into a state of disbelief, preventing you from watching with delight as it unfolds – PERFECTLY!

Humanity is awakening, even though vast numbers of people remain completely unaware of it.  The chaos and confusion that is occurring all across the world, and which you see reported on the MSM and on social media channels, as people everywhere start reclaiming their divine sovereignty, is a clear indication that humanity is waking from the nightmare.

They are coming to the realization that the only way to live happily and at peace is in acceptance of one another, regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, or religious or political beliefs.  It is very apparent to all that using conflict to resolve issues has never worked, can never work, and needs to cease.  And that way of interacting is coming to an end, now.

You are indeed very blessed to be in form on Planet Earth right now.

There is room only for so many, and there are many more who would love this opportunity to be in form as the collective awakening unfolds.

Why?  Because it is a time – a MOMENT – for celebrations on a most magnificent scale, planet-wide.  All the tickets have been sold, all the seats are taken, and there is a great and completely justifiable state of expectation arising as more and more humans start to realize the enormity and brilliance of what is coming to fruition.

Although the state of separation that you appear to be undergoing has been ongoing for billions of years as humanity measures and experiences time, in truth it is but a moment, but an instant, less than the blink of an eye since you chose to limit yourselves by engaging with form, first as microorganisms about four billion years ago, and from there evolving into the human forms that you inhabit today.

The moment for life in form is coming to a magnificent conclusion, and those of you present as that need is realized to be no longer necessary will find yourselves in a state of bliss that at present is inconceivable to you.

To prepare yourselves for this fabulous event is impossible, so remind yourselves of the exhilaration and excitement that small children undergo when something wonderful, totally new, and completely unexpected occurs to delight their young lives – maybe some of you can remember an early experience of your own like this – and know that what is coming is truly going to blow your minds!

Life is a Miracle, and you are all alive!

Most of you have forgotten this, or have lost your awareness of it, as you deal with the problems with which your human lives are almost constantly presenting you.

Life has become intensely prosaic for the majority of humans, with but brief moments of uplifting excitement, and it appears to many that this is how it will continue, even becoming far less satisfying as you age physically, ending finally in death and extinction.  Not an uplifting prospect for most people to live with comfortably.

However, you are just now – there is only NOW, remember? – extremely close to the most magnificent awakening out of this stupor, out of this exhausting life experience.

So do make sure to go deep within yourselves daily, to those holy inner sanctuaries that you each have, which can connect you directly to the One, and invite Love, which resides there in every moment of your eternal existence, to embrace you and bring some memories of Reality into your conscious awareness.

It will, even if only for the briefest of moments, uplifting and inspiring you wonderfully, and you will never forget that experience while you remain in form.  Your doubts about the possibility of eternal life in joy and harmony with all sentient beings will dissolve, and you will find yourselves living at peace with yourselves and with others.

Mother/Father/God loves you utterly and completely, way beyond your wildest dreams, and longs for you to awaken and know yourselves once again as you truly are, Light Beings of unlimited power and creative abilities.

You are now freely choosing to awaken, the only way that your awakening can occur, as you let go of your conviction that you are limited beings, perhaps even controlled by some higher authority.

You are now reclaiming your autonomy, your inherent sovereignty which has always been at your finger tips and ready for you to put into effect whenever you chose to fully honor yourselves.

You have chosen freedom, you are dissipating your long-held belief in limitation, you are awakening, and you are coming Home to Reality, where a most magnificent and celebratory welcome awaits you.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

You will have abilities you would not have thought possible and become a very independent soul. Life would be mainly spent in the Galaxy with no restrictions as to where your travels take you.

man bathing in waterfall lake with arms outstretched
Photo by ArtHouse Studio on

25th February 2022. Mike Quinsey.

Changes have been taking place on many levels, clearing out that which is unsuitable for the New Age, and promoting the future from a different angle that is more in line with the needs of this moment and lays down the foundations for it. For some souls this time period is causing much anxiety and even pain. It is regretfully both inevitable and unavoidable due to the scale of changes necessary. However, it is all for a good cause and it will compensate you for your difficult experiences. Time is of a premium and the sooner you advance beyond the present period the sooner the better times can commence.

So much has been prepared in readiness for your advancement and obviously Ascension is the final goal. Yet it is the beginning of a new life for all of you as the past is put behind you. Peace is coming that cannot be disturbed or altered by outside interference because the perpetrators of negative actions will have been removed and given another opportunity to turn to the Light. There is no punishment involved as they make their own path according to their past actions. Rest assured that fairness and justice are supreme and no soul is abandoned.

These times are obviously very unsettling but the negative must come to the surface to be cleared. For too long they have dictated how your life should progress while at the same time withholding the truth to keep you in their clutches. The truth will always surface and cannot be held back indefinitely. Religion is one area where the teachings will need revising to come into line with the greater truth. People are ready for new revelations and have the ability to understand them. Consciousness levels have been growing for quite some time, and there is now an understanding well above previous times.

Given the truth you will be more able to understand the past, and see that all of your experiences have helped to expand your consciousness levels. False teachings soon fall by the wayside and only the truth can carry you forwards. The dark Ones have constantly tried to scare you with stories of the devil and punishment for your sins. God does not punish anyone and still loves his creations beyond measure. Almighty God is beyond understanding, that love is God’s presence in everything that knows no end. Yet for all of God’s greatness the most humble prayer is heard and responded to as God knows each of you personally and is with you all of the time.

You will find moving more into the Light a most wonderful experience, as with it comes a greater level of consciousness. You will have abilities you would not have thought possible and become a very independent soul. Life would be mainly spent in the Galaxy with no restrictions as to where your travels take you. On Earth you are isolated yet many ET’s live deep within it and come and go as they please. Your experiences are confined to the surface of the Earth except for those astronauts who are chosen for Space exploration. You have not yet experienced the real world but the opportunity will come in the near future.

All the lives you have spent so far to reach this point will be of immense value, and have given you a good grounding to face any challenges you may encounter. You have immense experience having come through the lower dimensions to get this far. In the latter stages you have learned to be patient and kept cool in the most exacting circumstances. Control of your feelings is essential if you are to continue rising up and made easier as the vibrations increase. To keep calm in the face of provocation will prove a stern test so remember to keep calm at all times.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Love, Nancy

You are such a treasure to others and most of all to yourself, for in being a treasure to yourself, you are that to others.

This will not escalate into global conflict. This will end quickly.(Update on the Ukraine Situation by The ONE via Sophia Love)

February 24, 2022, via email

Sophia, it is the One.

As I mentioned the last time we spoke, the eye of the storm surrounds you. It is where you find yourself now.

During a time such as this, amidst the turning and churning of the storm around you, it will be near impossible to discern from the items moving past you – which you’ll keep and which you’ll let go.
Everything is moving too quickly, and discernment becomes a challenge.

This is due to your engagement with your life, and with “time”. The time it takes to decide about the truth or worth of an item just won’t be available to you. You are virtually along for the ride now.

Things have come to a head and all central players are fully absorbed in their roles.

This has to play out.

Regardless of play-by-play action, always remember this – humanity will benefit in the final analysis.

This is not the final card, yet you are just about there.

This move was done to thwart the controllers, make no mistake about that. War is an extreme move and it will force their hand.

It is having many unfortunate effects as well. Yet ultimately, what this move does, is to remove many of their moves from the playing field. In some cases, it stops them completely, and in others, it exposes them. Know that all is not lost, and you are closer now to the final card being played, and their eventual defeat.

Now that this move has been made, the true face of each player is shown. Watch who objects to the move. Watch who responds with the most force.

This will not escalate into global conflict.

This will end quickly.

You are not in danger of annihilation or a deeper level of control and capture. It is the opposite. By playing this card, the fight has moved into the very public realm, and you will quickly discern who is on which side:
Humanity’s (side) or the controllers/Freedom for the race or capture of the race.

It will be crystal clear now so pay attention.

Events will occur rapidly and it will appear as if they are unrelated.
Nothing could be further from the truth. This is War, and it has now been moved to the headlines. Everything that is done or sanctioned or mandated or announced is a move in this War Game. The conflict on the ground is one part of it. There are many.

You’ll witness unusual and previously unknown people come into the public view. These will be some who’ve been active behind the scenes for a long time, and who can now be “uncloaked” as it were.

This one act forces many others, not the least of which is the outing of your mainstream media coverage. War has a way of putting the fear of God into people, and you’ll see changes and reversals, and even admissions, on the larger networks. This is worldwide.

There are casualties already and there will be more before it’s over.
Remember that those individuals leaving now, for any reason, have chosen to do so. They have completed their purpose in this physical life, and will offer more assistance from elsewhere. This should help to ease the sadness and pain over what looks to be needless loss.

The conflict in the Ukraine will end quickly. Nothing is as it seems.

The active portion of your journey is in full throttle now, so hang on. When things appear dire or doubtful, remember that there are multiple steps and moves. You will know when the final card is played.


Go within.

Emblazon your world with your light.

Saturate your field with love.

You were born for this part, my dear, dear, humans. Trust.

That is all.

Thank you.

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 02/26/2022 • An easy way to play with your angels

silhouette of a person on a swing
Photo by Asad Photo Maldives on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Imagine yourself in a beautiful place in nature. Perhaps you are in a field of wildflowers with a vast expanse of blue sky overhead. Perhaps you’re taking a morning stroll along a forest path, serenaded by birdsong. Maybe you’re walking slowly along a beach at sunrise, soothed by the gentle, unceasing sounds of the surf and the whoosh of birds overhead. Maybe you’re lying on a picnic blanket under a favorite blossoming tree, or in a garden smelling the herbs and flowers. Perhaps you are standing barefoot in the grass in your yard or a nearby park.

In a moment, shut your eyes and intend to be in this beautiful place. See where you end up. Explore in your imagination. See, smell, sense, feel… imagine. What would the temperature be like? Is it dry, moist, humid, or raining? Is it night, day, sunrise, sunset, or at night with the stars beaming overhead? Explore this beautiful sanctuary in your inner world and allow yourself to feel its welcoming peace.

You might come back and say, “well that was nice, but it wasn’t real.” In real life, I have to pay the bills. In real life, I have to contend with contentious people. In real life, I have to figure out how to plan when the world’s plans are in a state of flux. This is nice, but what purpose does it serve?

In truth, dear ones, the scene exists in your imagination, but the vibration you experienced while imagining it and tuning into it was very real. For just a moment, you created and visited your own personal paradise. For just a few moments, you allowed yourself to experience a higher, peaceful vibration. For a few moments, you were intensely present, enjoying your inner world, and free from concerns. For just a few moments, you were not blocking the love, grace, and guidance that naturally, always want to flow into your life.

If you require some guidance, shut your eyes again and imagine meeting one of your angels in this place. It can be a relative you love and admire, a favorite pet, or you can intend to meet with one of your higher guides or guardian angels. You can ask for Jesus, Buddha, or any of the masters.

See who pops into your mind right now. Shut your eyes. Go to your inner sanctuary and ask this being your question. Wait patiently until they answer you. Don’t worry if you’re making it up or not. Your intent to connect will connect you with this being. Your intent to receive guidance will call forth a response from them. It will be an energetic transmission filtered through your mind and interpreted in words you understand, but it will be a response nonetheless. Try it. Play with it. Go inward now and ask for some guidance. See what you receive in return.

Working with your guides or loved ones in spirit can be this easy. It may take several tries before you relax enough to be playful about it. If you’re not visual in your meditations, then see what you hear, or know, or what words pop in your mind. Trust. Relax. Be easy with this. Your dear ones, guides, and angels are ever-present, and always in connection with you. Your intention to communicate pops in their minds as surely as an incoming text message would get your attention. They love to love you.

Your inner sanctuary is there whenever you need peace, healing, help, or guidance. While the place is in your “imagination” the energy of it is very real, and the rendezvous with your guides is very real. If you approach this very simple exercise playfully and with a spirit of adventure, you will feel our love, our guidance, and our constant presence more and more with each passing day.

We know your earth is turbulent and that you are all in need of extra love these days. We also know that our love, God’s love, is always there for you, always waiting for you to receive, and always stronger than the deepest, darkest, and most confusing moments in your lives. Love awaits dear ones, in every moment. Join us in this exercise and receive, receive, receive. If you only intend one thing, intend to receive our love, and in learning to receive, soon you will begin to believe.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Light Absorption. Making Ascension a Fun process.

short furred orange cat on brown surface
Photo by Pixabay on

Cats and dogs sitting in the sun are our best teachers. Taking a nap in the sun and right after doing conscious breathing in meditation to absorb as much as much as possible Light directly from Sun is super empowering. The feeling of exhaustion that i was feeling half an hour earlier vanishes to be replaced by a a feeling of enormous inner strength felt in through and around my body. Ascension process changes our daily habits and i invite each and everyone of you to try this, even if there is no sun. This is one of the best ways that i discovered on my Ascension journey to absorb Light. Truly. Super.

The transformation of our carbon based cells to crystalin cells is what is asking for our attention and this is exactly the reason why more of the collective, if they choose to ascend within their physical bodies to become aware of simple practices like this. Ascension can be really fun if we learn to allow more Light to flow within just like our animal friends do.