Peace from the inside out

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 01/19/2022

woman lying on green grass among palms at resort
Photo by Kammeran Gonzalez-Keola on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Given the choice, would you choose war or peace? In truth, you are given this choice countless times a day.

You choose war or peace between your head and your heart.
You choose war or peace between your desires and your thoughts about them. You choose war or peace between your thoughts and your actions. You choose war or peace with the people around you in traffic, with the customer service representatives on the phone, and with those who play even more important roles in your life. You can choose war or peace with your computer equipment, with your body, with your food, your finances, or with an ideology. You choose war or peace with those whose behaviors you love and those whose behaviors you abhor. A thousand times a day, or more, you can “go to battle” or you choose to be at peace.

When someone cuts you off in traffic, the choice for peace, compassion, and forgiveness may seem insignificant. Nonetheless, your choice is a vibrational vote which affects the whole.
When someone wants to argue, your choice to listen rather than engage may seem difficult, but not a big deal to the human race. In truth, each of these choices is a huge victory for your soul, and for the entire human race. When you look in the mirror and don’t care for the body you see, the choice to be kind to yourself rather than choosing to “attack” yourself with derogatory statements is yet one more vote for peace.

The vibration of war is the same no matter how big or small the battle. The vibration of peace is the same no matter how large or small the choice to stay in your loving center. These vibrations matter. You matter. Your choices matter. A war between nations starts far before the invasions and attacks. It starts with countless souls in a vibration of frustration, anger, victimhood, and unrest. The ripple effect eventually builds momentum and must be out-pictured in the mass consciousness.

Far more beautiful, a sweet ripple of loving peace goes into the mass consciousness every time you choose it. Since peace is a higher vibration than war, it takes far fewer souls in loving peace to affect the whole than the countless souls who must choose anger to create war. You have the advantage when making peaceful and loving choices, dear ones. You matter.

Whenever you try to impose your will upon another, you choose war. Whenever you beat yourself up, criticize your body, or make your own choices wrong, you choose to be at war with yourself.

Conversely, when you choose compassion, for yourself or others; when you live and let live, you are an angel of peace.
You never know which one of you might make the vibrational vote that tips the scales of vibration towards an external war or more importantly soothes a vibration of chaos within someone “in power” to create peace. Your “votes” for war or peace, made vibrationally throughout the day, ripple out into the cosmos, joining with other similar vibrations and influencing global events. You are important. Your choices between war or peace, vibrationally speaking, are important.
We are not suggesting that you ignore your feelings. We are suggesting that you listen to your feelings, and learn from them – for they are your guidance. When you feel good, you feel God. When you feel anything less, you are, to some degree disconnected from your true loving nature, and the true loving nature of the universe. No matter who or what triggered you into this lower vibration, you get to choose whether you want to dignify the bad feelings with your attention or choose more peaceful thoughts and actions. We urge you to be kind to yourselves –  t choose peaceful thoughts and actions when tempted to create battles in your mind or your life. In peace, your soul wins.

You have a phrase on earth that says something or someone “disturbs your peace.” At the very heart of that phrase is an understanding that peace is yours. Peace is the natural state of a soul that is aligned with the love that breathes life into them. Peace is an inside job, and while something might “disturb” your peace, the more you practice being peaceful, the less the outer world will “disturb” you.

Peace comes from knowing you are eternally one with the Source of all Love and you can choose to be a loving being, no matter what anyone else chooses. Peace comes from knowing you are connected to the Source of all Wisdom and you can silence the mind, and feel your way into a solution to all challenges. Peace comes from knowing you have a right granted to you by your creator to be whomever you choose in a given moment and so does everyone else.

Peace comes from releasing your head’s control over your heart and allowing yourself to feel, for your feelings will always guide you. Peace comes from releasing control over others, even if that desire to control comes from loving intent.

Peace, dear ones, comes from your willingness, in the present moment to accept yourself exactly as you are; from your willingness to accept others and life exactly as they are in that moment,. Then from that platform of peace and acceptance, you can lovingly reach for the next best thought, the next best feeling, the next loving action.

Imagine a stream flowing towards the ocean. It wants to flow. It encounters a boulder it cannot move. Should the stream stop and complain about the boulder blocking its flow and thus make war? Or would the stream be better served by relaxing into the present moment with peaceful acceptance? “I accept myself. I want to flow in this direction. I accept that there is a boulder that appears in my way. What next?” You already know the answer. The stream would flow naturally around the boulder and the boulder would stand strong, relaxing to the gentle caress of the stream as both remain true to their nature.

The stream is not resisting itself, nor did it resist the boulder. It is surrendering to a greater wisdom and flow of life that accommodates both. The boulder is not resisting itself, nor is it resisting the stream by complaining about the flow. It simply stands in its essential nature.

In fact, if you look at nature you’ll see signs all around of various animals and plants living true to their essential nature, engaged in a dance of life, which is so precisely, vibrationally coordinated that your greatest computers cannot even come close.

You can end the wars within, by allowing yourself to be yourself. You are who you are… in this moment. You feel what you feel… in this moment. You want what you want… in this moment. Release your need for agreement, surrender, control, and don’t worry about what anyone else is doing. Focus on the reality you wish to experience. Listen to your own feelings. The beautiful Source of life within wants you to be happy, and always wants to guide you to the best, most benevolent version of your dreams. The Source wants to do the same for all souls willing to listen to their own flow.

Don’t resist the boulders of life. Don’t waste your life and your time worrying about what others are doing, or what they think you should do. Trust your own feelings, and to the best of your ability honor them as much as possible. Peace is yours. It has belonged to you all along, and the more you plug into this peace voluntarily, the less anyone or anything external can disturb it.

True Peace comes from the awareness that you are united – never separate – from the Source of all love, all resources, all wisdom, and all guidance. When you experience yourself united with the Source of all love, you lack nothing. You trust life to lead you to all you desire. If one person isn’t giving you what you want, you trust you will be guided to others who will. When you experience yourself united with the Source of all love, you can truly “live and let live” and you can truly experience the “peace that surpasses all understanding.” You have no need to make yourself or anyone else wrong. You have no need to insist others agree with you. You have no need to tear yourself or one another apart. You become a powerful agent of peace.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

These are the times you have been waiting for. We urge you not to limit yourselves through old habits that no longer apply.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Old Habits No Longer Apply

Dear Ones, many of you are afraid to fully commit to the life of your dreams. This fear was created from the results of unconscious creation.

When you are fully conscious of what you are choosing, working from a space of integrity, and following your higher guidance, you cannot make a mistake. In fact, from that space you give yourself every chance to fully succeed in ways that will only surprise and delight you.

You are ready to start living fully and to assume the role of empowered co-creator. Be clear and congruent and make choices that are in line with what you truly wish to experience and you will be surprised how quickly you will move into the discovery of where your soul has been trying to lead you all along.

These are the times you have been waiting for. We urge you not to limit yourselves through old habits that no longer apply.

Humanity will become immortal.

a man and woman wearing angel costumes
Photo by KoolShooters on

Humanity Will Become Immortal Greetings, friends!

There’s some fantastic news. We will soon be entering the New Earth. The Galactic Federation has confirmed this.
The New Earth exists in the same space as the Old Earth, but it is at a higher dimensional level. The energies of the two piles of Earth influence each other. Therefore, eventually, all of humanity will move into the New Earth, and our consciousnesses will ascend to higher levels of awareness and spiritual development.
What will it be like on the New Earth?
The New Earth is not an actual physical planet as you know it now, but rather a dimension that exists on top of the old Earth (the third dimension). It has been termed the “Fifth dimension.”
The old Earth is still under the rule of darkness. The new Earth will be ruled by light.
In this article, we are going to discuss the difference between the old Earth and the new Earth. The main difference between old Earth and new Earth is that on old Earth, we have a carbon-based body, and on new Earth, it will be a crystal-based body.
The transition from carbon-based to crystalline-based DNA has been described as a quantum leap in human evolution. Humanity will become immortal. The process of transition is already underway and will continue for some time.
During the transition period, existing carbon-based bodies will be gradually replaced by crystalline-based light bodies. These light bodies are real physical manifestations of the new crystalline network that is gradually appearing within the Earth’s Collective Consciousness Field (CCF). Thus, they are not ethereal or astral in nature. They exist in physical form like your current bodies do, but they are composed of a more refined matter/energy matrix and are more finely tuned to the resonant frequency of your True Selfβ€”your multidimensional, eternal essence that exists beyond time and space.
The Universal Law of Attraction will cause your awareness to be drawn to these new crystalline forms in order for you to occupy them so that you can reunite with all those who have already made this transition and so that you can help co-create the New Earth together with them.
As you progress along your own spiritual path and create the necessary energetic blueprints in your mind and body through meditation, affirmation, and visualization techniques, you will begin to raise your consciousness to a higher dimension in order to attract this crystalline form.
We are not aware of our own soul or spirit because we are behaving like a corpse. We have forgotten the secret of immortality from ancient times, but on reaching the New Earth, we will again attain that knowledge and become immortal beings.
There is no death on the New Earth. The New Earth will be a paradise-like place. On the old Earth, there was death and separation of masculine and feminine energies, which caused us to face many problems in our daily life. On the New Earth, there will be no death, and this separation will be done away with. There will only be Oneness. So there will be only one gender. Both masculine and feminine energies will be in a union.
Yes, it is true. The old Earth is nearing the end of its time. And the New Earth is in the process of being created. The old Earth had all kinds of problems, like war, terrorism, natural calamities, poverty, unemployment, diseases, etc. But they will not exist on the New Earth. The new Earth will be a place where peace and happiness run wild.
The New Earth has been created by God Almighty, and we will be transferred to the New Earth through Ascension.
That’s why God Almighty has been delaying his work of creation so that we can get prepared for the New Earth. We have to prepare ourselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually for that day because on that day; there will be no turning back for anyone.
For some time now, the events on Earth have been changing very rapidly. The light penetrates the darkness, and a lot of people feel that something big is about to happen.
But what will happen? How is it going to affect us?
Let us discuss this in more detail.
On the old Earth, we were in duality or separation. In separation, there has to be a winner and a loser, but that doesn’t exist in Oneness. Oneness dispenses with duality because it exists only as an illusion. And there are no losers or winners in Oneness; everything is One.
Duality means that there is a light side and a dark side, but we will all be together again on the New Earth, which will be very different from what we know today.
The New Earth knows no boundaries between countries, religions, or races. There are no wars, no greed, ego, or fear, and there is respect for all living things.
This is not a future scenario but very much a reality already. We have already started our journey into the New Earth by leaving behind the old paradigm based on duality.
We are all One Love, One Light, One Consciousness. We have all come from a divine source.
The New Earth is described as a world free from all vices, crime, and disease. There is no need for money, and everyone shares their material possessions with those who are less fortunate than themselves. The inhabitants of the New Earth are said to have perfect health and to be free from any illness, disease, or physical defect. They never have accidents or experience death before the time of their natural life span.
Particular emphasis is placed on freedom from any kind of physical pain. This freedom is not limited to just the inhabitants themselves but also extends to animals and plantsβ€”even insects, which we might normally consider pests that must be eradicated.
The New Earth will be a spiritual world where people are in constant communication with God. The world itself is sacred, and everything in it is alive with God’s presence.
We love you dearly. We are here with you. We are your family of light.

A’HO Aurora Ray Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.

almost every faction of the government now has its β€œLight” faction, and it’s β€œDark” faction…which means we have come a long way, baby!

Keep on Truckin’! | John F. Kennedy via Losha

February 17, 2022

Message from JFK

Keep On Truckin’!

My dearest Patriots and LightBearers…I know you are weary and feeling downtrodden, however just look at how many positive events are happening around you! (smile)

The biggest and brightest event that is happening right now is the Trucker Convoys, which was started in our beloved Canada, and its call for sovereignty and freedom is now traveling around the world…Glory Be!

In case it wasn’t clear, my β€œTitle” for this message was to be a cute play on words! (smile)

As for what else is happening around the world that is positive…well, Losha has been reading of many new advanced technologies which are being widely disseminated for all to use now. I will ask Losha to update her β€œTechnologies” page soon with these latest methods.

I truly wish I could find a way to turn off all of the televisions that have the False Mainstream Media playing, especially in the Lightworkers and Patriots’ households! It does no one any good to listen to those boneheads! Most of the celebrity news anchors are not even human…they are either clones or hybrids of dark ancestry. So, please…your lives will be so much less stressed and filled with angst if you make the choice to turn off your televisions (and your phones if it is also conveying dark information)…and you will also find yourself with a LOT of extra time with which you can then do things that actually make you happy! I say YES to Happiness! Do you say YES to Happiness, too?

I am so very very proud of all our truckers! They are doing a magnanimous deed which will go down in history…our true history. The way that all who are involved in these Freedom Convoys are steadfastly staying peaceful, even during stressful situations which arise with the police, etc, is also wonderful to watch. As I hope you can see now, almost every faction of the government now has its β€œLight” faction, and it’s β€œDark” faction…which means we have come a long way, baby! It is so wonderful when we see some of the police force refusing to arrest its own citizens…and sometimes, even putting down their batons, and joining them! So very wondrous, indeed!

So, I just wanted to stop by briefly to try to lift your spirits a bit…because we are getting closer and closer to the finish line…a line which will set all deceptions straight, and will begin to share the Light of Truth, instead. Thus, I ask that whenever you find yourself feeling down about the negative happenings in the world, you choose at that moment, to do something that will make you happy. When you feel happy then you are raising your own energy and vibration levels and those vibrations will emanate out into the world, and will also help to raise the energy levels of those around you, and of the whole collective, in fact.

That is why keeping yourself in a more positive mood is so important…because as you have heard many times before, we are all One…so whatever we are feeling, others feel also…and vice versa. I know it is challenging to believe that others feel what we feel, but it is the only way to truly exist…otherwise, our lives would be utter chaos…yes, even more chaotic than we have been experiencing on Earth. When we finally understand that we are all One, then it is of utmost importance that we are compassionate and understanding so we can help our fellow man and woman…and we can move toward a beautiful, loving, and free, future.

I am giving you all of my Love…each and every one of you!

Your ever-devoted, Jack.

Channeled by Losha