“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have an efficiency with what we bring through this channel here. We are able to deliver to you so much more than the economy of words that are spoken. There is a need, always, to engage with your minds, but we are reaching out to you and energetically depositing much more into your fields, as you give your attention to what you are receiving. This is a dynamic process, as many of you have noted. We know what you are asking for, and we also know what your higher selves want you to hear. But no matter how you feel about what is being delivered, and what you are able to perceive, you are getting so much more on the energetic level than your minds could possibly imagine.
Now, this is true not only of The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council and the messages we deliver through this channel. This is also true as it relates to your environment. Everything that is in your life and not in your life was carefully selected to give you the greatest possibility of growth and evolution. Every detail of what you are experiencing right now is significant in some way. So you, as your higher self, are delivering to your ego exactly what you need, and sometimes even holding back something that you want, in order to get you to go further with your spiritual evolution.
Now, this can be very frustrating for those of you who have been wanting for years, or even decades, but we want to assure that every time you desire something, you are summoning the energy to create it. It does then become available to you, and in that moment of letting go and letting it in, you experience the opposite of all of the angst and all of the yearning that you have experienced over the time you have spent desiring that thing, that experience, or that person to come into your life.
We invite you to accept the idea that there is so much more that you could be receiving by thinking less and feeling more. We invite you to shut off those fast-moving minds of yours and to get into your bodies and your feelings. Stretch your consciousness out right now, and feel what is available to you. We guarantee you that you will not be disappointed. We know that there is much more for you, as you continue to learn how to receive, and we invite you to start by exploring what else you might be receiving as you read, listen to, or watch this channeling.
We do absolutely know what you are asking for, and we are doing our best, working with your guides and your higher selves, to deliver to you what you have asked for and what you need to continue on in this journey that you are on to becoming your higher self and experiencing the fifth dimension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Me: Just a reminder folks that COBRA and Sisterhood of the Rose are having a worldwide full moon meditation on Wednesday the sixteenth. Check out our Archangel Michael group meditation page for details or check COBRA’s website which I will post below.
Archangel Michael: I am Archangel Michael, your servant in love. I am here today with a grand request to make of you and this request is that you should dare to stare evil in the eye, face to face, eye to eye.
Today is the day of the Super Bowl in the United States. Many of you are aware of the nefarious activities that are associated with the Super Bowl event and we desire to have it stopped. Teams are standing by to intervene, however your expression of God’s love and light sent towards this place of Hell today will very much help them.
The Event takes place in Los Angeles, as do many other DS activities, so please send your energies to the city of Angels and leave your angelic mark upon its soil again.
I beseech you to help today and for the rest of the week as activities will continue to play out afterwards.
I am Archangel Michael, your Patron Saint, your servant, a leader of the Light. We are Legion.
Even though nothing appears to be improving in the outer scene, know that increasingly more are awakening each day and beginning to question their beliefs and the systems that hold them in place. The changes that the world continues to hope and pray for can only manifest through the consciousness of the people of earth themselves and not from some far off three dimensional concept of God. Divine Source Consciousness embodies no duality or separation in it, aware only of ITSelf and ITs expressions because that is all that exists. As increasingly more begin to recognize the error of separation, the contents of earth’s collective consciousness will become more enlightened, in turn allowing higher resonating and more evolved ideas to be accessed and acted upon. This is how change will come and this is the work you and all who are awake are doing. Freedom is every individual’s birthright and not something that must be fought for, prayed for, or anything else. Freedom is free and always has been. The poplar saying that freedom is not free is false. However, like the many Divine qualities that remain dormant in the majority, true freedom can only manifest from a consciousness that realizes oneness with Source makes it impossible not to be free. As your personal evolutionary journey draws you more deeply into an understanding of your true self hood, you discover as many already have, that you become increasingly aware of and free from many things that up to now have held you in some form of physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual bondage without your even being aware of it.
Can God be bound by man made rules and beliefs? Could God ever be kept in bondage? Is God subject to the whims and desires, rules and regulations of human minds? A lack of freedom remains very apparent throughout the world because the majority has not yet attained a consciousness of freedom and believe that they are only powerless human beings. The people of earth will continue witness a lack of freedom on earth as long as there remains even one who believes in separation and duality. This is because there is only one consciousness individualized as the many. That one false belief will then manifest in some way because there is no un-manifest consciousness. But remember, your consciousness is the law unto you and not the collective although you will be aware of and continue to experience some of the collective while living on earth.
Every person has choice as to what they accept or reject. Energy is always seeking to align with like energy and the state of your consciousness will attract from the collective those thoughts, ideas, and beliefs that align with your energy. However, thoughts that come floating into your mind are impersonal unless you claim them as yours at which time they then become yours because you have made them a part of your consciousness. Example–A person who continually worries about disease and their health will automatically attract ideas and experiences of disease and heath from the collective. As a person spiritually evolves and their energy becomes more refined, they become more sensitive to the frequencies around them. Many very evolved young people who incarnated specifically to add Light to earth’s ascension process, are having a difficult time now because their energetic sensitivity is causing them to feel the negative and low resonating energies (anger, depression, frustration, low self worth etc.) so apparent on earth at this time. Because they don’t remember who they are or why they came, they believe these feelings, emotions etc. to be theirs personally rather than being external to them. If you have a young person suffering from this, explain to them what is going on, that their sensitivity is allowing them to feel collective energies that are not theirs. Many are beginning to actively protest for personal freedom. Because so many have integrated the higher frequencies that have been pouring to earth for some time, increasingly more are becoming aware of how freedoms on earth have been manipulated. Those who do not yet understand that freedom is already fully present within them by virtue of their oneness with God, will seek it through actions and outer activities that align with their present state of consciousness. You will be seeing increasingly more of this. There is an opening and awakening indicative of evolutionary change taking place that is causing many who never before questioned personal freedom to now question. However you reading these messages already know who you are and that the qualities of Source including freedom are fully present within so for most of you (there will be exceptions) the work of bringing freedom consciousness to the world will take place more on the inner levels rather than an outer. The increase of Light on earth is causing many to awaken and begin attempts to regain the personal freedoms they ignorantly allowed others to take in their lives–freedom to be one’s self in relationships, job, family, and religious affiliations. Permanent freedom can only manifest through consciousness because consciousness is the substance of form which is why third dimensional tools are often ineffective.
True freedom is struggling to be born at this time and every person is sensing it. It is not three dimensional concepts based in ideas of separation that will lift the world out of financial, marital, employment, or religious bondage but rather mankind’s realization of their already present completeness. However, there remain those in the world who use media as well as other forms of communication to keep the majority from realizing innate freedom because once a person, or group realizes true freedom, they are no longer controllable.
Know and actually accept that you are already free dear ones, by virtue of freedom being a Divine birthright available to all. Attaining the consciousness of it begins with knowledge, the understanding that you are already free by virtue of your oneness with Source. Follow this by practicing (bringing to mind) this truth in every situation that arises personally or globally.
Acknowledge that freedom is a Divine law even though the world in general is not experiencing it fully at this time. Gradually a sense of freedom will begin to grow within you in spite of what may be taking place in the outer scene. This will bring with it new feelings of empowerment that begin to dissolve old feelings of victim-hood allowing you to easily say; “Thank you for your opinion, but I am going to do this.” Attaining a consciousness of personal freedom often brings about anger and resistance from those who do not want change and in some cases expect a person to continue doing what they tell them to do as before. Resistance will come from family, religious or social groups, husband/wife, friends, etc. but as long as decisions for personal freedom flow on streams of Love rather than those of anger, resentment, revenge etc., innate freedom will begin to grow and blossom.
Always say, do, and take actions from a place of love even with those who may be angry, demanding, or resentful of the changes you are making for yourself. This never means surrendering to another’s unwanted desires and choices for you but rather means that you firmly and in ways the other person can understand, state your truth from a consciousness aware of the other person’s Divine nature. There will be times when you must simply you “play the game” a bit and there is no harm in this because what is important is what takes place in your consciousness. Always trust your intuition to guide you. Once an individual chooses to open themselves to seeking spiritual truth they are guided in new directions, some of which are not always pleasant. Know that the difficult experiences manifest on all levels for every person once a choice to spiritually evolve has been made. These experiences are are not accidental or a sign of spiritual regression but rather come through an individual’s Higher Self (the Real Self) who knows what lessons the person is prepared for, needs, and is ready to learn.
Individuals frequently choose to incarnate into situations that will re-activate an old energy they may have been actively carrying and suffering with through lifetimes but are now spiritually prepared to clear. For example, a person who has carried and suffered from sexual abuse lifetime after lifetime, will be allowed if spiritually ready, to incarnate into a situation of active sexual abuse in order to personally activate these deeply buried energies, move beyond, clear them, and evolve into a state of consciousness that no longer allows, carries, accepts, or can ever again experience sexual abuse. These dear ones often then become counselors helping others do the same. Human minds can only judge by appearances but remember nothing is as it appears for everything in the third dimension is a material interpretation of a spiritual reality. Spiritual reality underlies all appearances or there would be no outer manifestation.
Trust the process and allow yourselves to let go of the three dimensional “shoulds” and “should nots” you may still hold in consciousness. Be who you are In the freedom of Divine Reality, we are the Arcturian Group 2/13/22
We often advise you to make your highest choice one now moment at a time. You know what that is by using your wisdom to feel into what choice would bring you the most long lasting joy. What makes you feel good in the moment but also gives you satisfaction in the long run? What choice aligns with your truest intentions for today and tomorrow?
For example, if you have quit smoking but are feeling very stressed and are experiencing a craving, having a cigarette might feel satisfying momentarily but will ultimately lead to regret. Reuniting in a relationship that has run its course might feel satisfying in the moment, but will quickly lead you back to remembering why it did not work.
Think of your ego as an insatiable child who wants things now. It knows what it wants, and doesn’t think much of consequences or of your intentions for the future. The ego is a very necessary part of the human experience, it just isn’t the part of you that you would want to make all your decisions, because they won’t be made from a space of wisdom.
Do you see? The choices your ego makes will only satisfy you temporarily, where your soul-based choices will continue to satisfy you over time. So when you are faced with a decision, we highly recommend that you feel into what is the most loving choice for both the present you and the future you. From there you will be able to move forward confidently as your own loving shepherd and guide, and the results will always support the highest unfoldment of you.