You are a new butterfly finding your perfect flower in a field of flowers.

orange flower with butterfly
Photo by Pixabay on

Confusing Contradictions

Dear Ones,

You probably feel as if the world is passing you by – as if there is no one or very few in your corner. Such is true even if many others once wished to be in your orbit.

This feeling seems counter-intuitive given the forced Covid isolation. Most appear to be hunkering down instead of expanding their interactions. Such is so for several reasons.

When you were part of an outer-directed lifestyle, you shifted your actions to blend with others, so whatever action was expected was easy to discern and activate. With many of your closest beings acting on their inner-directed needs, it appears as if most are isolating. Part of what one friend believes feels right, but not right enough to follow completely. And the same is true of others you once interacted with. Everyone seems to be in an isolation booth.

Perhaps you counter our isolation concept with recent war news indicating many are shifting together. We, of the Universes, remind you that war is not an act of love. Those enmeshed in war are functioning in an outer-directed manner. You cannot understand or condone their actions, and they cannot understand why you are not more involved in the supposed solution or selecting the right side.

You are flailing about connecting with this person or idea only to feel as if you are on the slippery slope of connecting with your mind, but not your heart.

You will probably feel lonely the next few days. Not because you have done anything wrong, but because you are no longer outer-directed so you cannot react as others expect or want. But then, you are not sure how you wish to respond.

Your world feels lonely because those beings who will be part of your cadre have not yet materialized and those who were seem flat and lifeless.

This is a lonely time for those accepting an inner-directed life. Such is so because as you contemplate your actions based on your new inner-directed messages, you shift your emotional being minute-by-minute. Who you are is becoming more difficult to define.

Even though you have the broad parameters of who you can no longer be, you continue to refine who you are. This is your flitting time. Think of yourself as a new butterfly unfolding your wings in a field of flowers attempting to discover your favorite flower.

You are a new being in a new land flipping from one emotion to another even as the world news encourages you to focus on one issue. Your outer-directed knowingness feels guilty for not focussing on that fear, while your inner-directed being is most interested in something different. Both your inner-directed and former outer-directed beings vying for your attention.

Outer-directed entities are doing whatever they feel necessary to return you to their clutches. “The world is horrible and without our support, you will not survive.” At the same time, your inner-being is telling you that all is wonderfully right, and you merely have to select the right flower to be in bliss – confusing contradictions.

You will sift through it all to create a conclusion that is right for you. What does your heart tell you to do? That is the only action necessary. Do you need to follow the war news? Do you need to be in your garden or dancing, creating, or interacting with your pets? Follow your inner needs, and you will be in the right place. Follow the fear, and you will negate your inner-being.

All is right with your world of love. Nothing in the world of fear applies to you. Do those words mean you should be vaccinated? Or you should serve your country in war? That is your choice. But for the first time while of the earth, that choice is individualized instead of a group thought. So it is those who react differently than you as a result of their inner- or outer directives hold little interest for you. And because everyone seems to be going rogue now as they find their inner compass, no one or very few will seem compatible for long.

Your current loneliness will not last forever – any more than was true when you were an infant and had no idea how to play with other infants. The difference now is your compatibility development will happen within days instead of months – without you completly understanding how or why. It will just be.

Even though you are a new you adult, you are a self-love infant in terms of who you wish to interact with and why. So for a few days or even weeks, you will try this person, activity, or flower until you find the glorious being or activity that takes your heart. Perhaps that activity will be short-lived, perhaps not. It does not matter, for that activity is the springboard to your new actions and life.

You are a new butterfly finding your perfect flower in a field of flowers. The media/political fear-mongering is little different from a rainstorm that prevents you temporarily from finding your ideal flower. Even though this is a new world of love, fear has dominated your earth being for so many eons you will naturally focus on fear for a bit – even though doing so does not feel right.

You will turn away from that fear once the discomfort becomes too great. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page (, and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

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You are the ocean in a drop of water.

February 26, 2022,

Beloveds, you consider that you are partitioned, that you come in segments, that you are not whole, not a perfect entity.

You imagine that you have bits that are ‘good’ and bits that you consider ‘bad’; bits that are appropriate and bits that must be rejected.

You imagine that there are parts of you that are Divine, and parts of you that are human. You are like an orange that sees only the segments. Truly, that is not how I see you. You are one. You are whole.

You are far more like an Apple! There are no segments. There is no division. There are no bits that are ‘good’ and bits that are ‘bad’. There are no bits that are Divine and bits that are human. There is just all of you: and all of you contains the All of everything.

red apple fruit on white textile
Photo by Andie on

You are the ocean in a drop of water.

How could you imagine that the Divine would create any being in a way that is less perfect than the Divine? It would be impossible, because the degree of love that flows through the creation process allows only for perfection in all its expressions.

You may decide that some expressions are better than others; that some are more appropriate and some are more acceptable. But truly, that is your decision and your classification, not mine.

Yes, there were some thoughts, words, and deeds that will invite greater expansion and new experiences, so that you may learn the balance and the other side of those thoughts, words and deeds. But there is nothing attached to them that says one is ‘good’ and one is ‘bad’, one is accepted by the Divine and one is rejected.

The Divine accepts everything because the Divine knows the purity and perfection of all Creation. It is you, and you are everything. You are everyone.

Every energy, even beyond what you have conceived, is hidden within you. And it is all perfect. Because the Divine never does anything that isn’t perfect and would never, ever create any being that was less perfect than the Divine is.

You have been told of imperfection. You have been sold a lie. It is not true. The truth is your perfection. All of you, every bit, even the bits that you have forgotten or wished you had forgotten or tried to hide. Let me hold them for you. Don’t push them away. If you cannot bear to see, hear or feel them, give them to me and I will hold them in trust for you.

You are perfect.

  • Your every move;
  • Your every thought;
  • Your every word;
  • Your every action is and has always been perfect.

There is nothing other than perfection. The more you move into that knowing of your perfection, the more expansive, loving and kind you become, creating even further cycles and spirals of joy, love and perfection on your mastery path. Your joy is you embodying your creative Divine potential.

Now you see the truth of you. It is love: You are Love. Any moment where you have forgotten the truth, the knowingness of love, and your perfection, it is because the lies you have been told believed have temporarily blocked you.

There is always an easy pathway back into love, understanding and acceptance. Now more than ever, that pathway is open to you so that all ills, troubles, woes, fears and hurts from the past ~ whether you hurt or were hurt ~ may all dissolve instantly and effortlessly by handing them to me and asking for my help. I am here for you as you return to the full knowing and awareness that you are entirely perfect.

You are mine and I am yours; I am you. I am here in service to you. I am here in joy for you, as your best friend, your deepest confidant, the loudest cheerleader. That is me wrapped around you, because you are perfect, I see your perfection and I am entranced by you.

Allow me to come into you and let us merge, so you may experience the fullness of perfection that is you, and I may relish in the joy of you, as you embody the fullness of your perfection.

(c) Jennifer Crokaert 2022 YouTube Channel

Make choices for greater Life, Peace and Joy, and all the forces of the Universe align themselves behind you.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel ~ Making Exalted Choices for Life

person standing under a rock formation on a starry night

Photo by Pixabay on

This is a universe of free will. The Angels will not step in to assist without being asked. “Ask and you shall receive” was the statement of master Jesus. So it is important to ask for this support in all the choices you make in your life, from moment to moment.

When you make a choice to think in a positive, instead of negative way; when you make a choice to accept, rather than judge, the decisions made by another; when you agree to give instead of waiting to receive; all these choices are examples of opening your heart and mind to receiving your highest good.

When you choose the highest good for all, you signal the available energy in the universe to come to your aid.

Miracles will occur naturally all around you, by your willingness to receive them. People will suddenly begin to give to you in a different way. Synchronous events will transpire in ways you never thought possible. This is the natural flow of God’s grace available to all who are willing to work in harmony with Divine Energy and have the forces of the universe align behind them.

There is a Universal Flow of energy awaiting your command. You live in the pure potential of All That Is, a River of All Creation. When you are aligned with what you want to create, and open to receive, that powerful river of creative energy will flow in the direction of your intentions. It is the natural order of life, yet it will feel like a miracle.

These results also come from willingness on your part to have your life be good, and to allow others to love and support you. It has to do with knowing what you want and asking for it directly, as well as having faith to know that there is a greater order and good available to all who believe.

So accept that what is occurring around you in your life is a reflection of what is occurring within you. Begin to make small choices to experience love instead of fear, to forgive the person who has wronged you, even when the action seems unforgivable, to give thanks for what you have instead of complaining about what you don’t have, and to believe that miracles can occur in your life, when you are willing to receive them.

These shifts in attitude bring a return of greater Love, Joy and Fulfillment in your life. It all begins with you and with your sincere willingness to allow the Angels and the Universal Presence to come to your assistance.

Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel for today:

Make choices for greater Life, Peace and Joy, and all the forces of the Universe align themselves behind you.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel

Ushering in a New Era for Humanity ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been able to assist you with the evolution of your consciousness to a certain extent, but we would never take the credit for what you have done with what we have given you. You are the ones who are living the challenging lives that you are. You are the ones facing your financial, health, and relationship issues, and you are the ones who use all that you are given to raise the level of your consciousness to new heights. You are the ones to thank for the progress that is being made in the human collective consciousness, and we know that.

We know the role that you are playing as the awakened ones, and we know that many of you have taken on more than your fair share of the energetic and emotional burden. You are doing clearing work for your genetic line. You are doing clearing work for the area where you live. You are doing clearing work for your past life selves, and you are also the ones who have the ability to handle the karma and trauma from your galactic histories. Therefore, we invite you to celebrate each other. We invite you to see your humans as the heroes for having taken on so much.

Every time you see a person carrying a heavy burden, know that the person is a master. They would have to be in order to create something that would be so hard on them emotionally, physically, psychologically, and energetically. Offering your healing, your love, and your compassion to your fellow humans is much more appropriate than looking at us and the other beings who are helping in the higher realms as the heroes of human struggle.

We can feel into how hard it is there, and that is just one of the reasons why we support you so much in what you are doing. We want you to know that the path ahead for humanity is going to get easier, and that includes your individual paths as well. We will always encourage you to lighten your loads as much as you can because you have already done so much, and it is time to reap the rewards for all of the positive creating you have done for yourselves and for the rest of humanity. This is the time.

This is the ushering in of a new era for all of humanity, and it is the perfect time for you to be letting go of those heavy, burdensome weights that you’ve been carrying around. Now is the time for forgiveness, for compassion, and for surrender, and we know that those of you who are awake have learned enough about life there on Earth to recognize that the time for struggle is over and the time for letting go is upon you. There is nothing left to do. There is nothing left to accomplish, and there is everything to be gained by hanging in there a little longer and letting in all that you have summoned for the good of yourselves and all of humanity.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Arcturian Group Message 2/27/22

February 27, 2022

Welcome dear readers.
Know that these messages are brought to you with love and the intention of bringing encouragement, information, and truth to you, the brave ones who chose to be on earth at this time in order to assist mankind’s spiritual evolution through the presence of your light and awareness.

We honor each and every one of you and are fully aware of your frustration with the seeming slowness of change and disturbing situations continually happening the world over. However, know that all this was clear to you before you decided to incarnate and yet you eagerly wanted to be a part of earth’s ascension process. You knew that your light and awareness would be needed and that higher incoming energies would make it the perfect opportunity to clear remaining old energy for yourselves.

Know that all is proceeding according to plan in spite of how it may appear when judging by appearances. It is a process and cannot happen overnight. A great deal of old energy is presently clearing from earth herself throughout the world especially in lands that have been inhabited for a very long time. Energies formed from centuries of war, domination, struggle, poverty, and all manner of violence are now rising to the surface in areas desperately in need of cleansing.

Dictators and others in positions of power are beginning to sense that the “power over” they have always enjoyed is weakening leaving them feeling threatened without knowing why. Fear is causing some of them to lash out in ways that represent their state of consciousness. However, these old ways are quickly becoming obsolete because the energies that have maintained and sustained them (belief) is beginning to dissolve and will continue to do so as increasingly more light penetrates collective consciousness.

It is a time of mourning for many. A time in which the majority, both the awakened and the un-awakened, are experiencing an unidentified sense of sadness. As the familiar begins to fade away it causes fear of the unknown to those unaware that there are new and better ways coming and so they continue to believe that in spite of how disruptive and painful some of the old ways may of been, they were and are the right ways. Many of you are simply feeling this energy, it is not yours.

You will find yourselves increasingly called upon to help those drawn to you with questions and concerns. They recognize your stability in the face of outer appearances and want this for themselves. You will become and many of you already are teachers to those ready for and seeking truth. However, even more important than the outer work is the inner work, your ability to continuously and silently BE the Light that you are for without the inner there can be no outer.

You are spiritually ready to resist the temptation to quickly jump in to heal, change, or fix appearances. Those days ended once you understood and accepted that the only reality is that of one omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient God/Source/Creator/Consciousness–period. Once this is understood and accepted, what is there to fix unless the belief in two powers continues?

When you live life from a consciousness no longer cluttered with beliefs of duality and separation, the energy of your enlightened awareness automatically flows wherever you are because it is who you are. Allow your Light to flow to the earth, people and countries, and to all situations without attaching intentions as to how you think they should be. When you acknowledge the Light and perfection already present in and as them, you are working from a higher level, the level of Oneness.

God alone is reality and the forms of good and evil that you witness are false mind translations of the spiritual reality that underlies everything. You cannot make something out of nothing. The mind draws upon and presents personal and collective states of consciousness (consciousness being the substance form) which in the third dimension are usually conditioned by beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers.

This is why the very evolved over time have said that the world is an illusion. The world is not an illusion, it is a real, perfect, and spiritual expression of God. Rather, it is mankind’s hypnotism and false beliefs about the world that constitute the illusion.

You may say that this is impossible and very impractical in the ordinary world where events of violence and discord take place regularly but this is why you who are awake chose to be on earth at this time. You came in order to seed collective consciousness with truth just as Jesus seeded the collective long ago. Increasingly more truth in the collective, will allow those seeking higher and better ways to access it. This is the only way a sleeping world can rise out of its present density and into the realities of the Universe of God’s creation.

We are not saying it is ok to walk down dark alleys in questionable areas. We are not telling you stop locking your door. Living the spiritual life is the practice of walking the “razor’s edge”. Allow your intuition to guide you as you go about your day. Take whatever human footsteps may be necessary and practical but do it with an awareness of truth rather than fear.

Living from within may seem difficult if not impossible as you observe personal and global conflict but this is why only those spiritually strong and sufficiently evolved were chosen for the job of bringing Light to an ascending planet. Allow appearances to be what they are without immersing yourself in (aligning with) them. Your job is not the same as those working to make things better through the three dimensional belief system. Your job as Light workers is to be the Light through your realization that God alone is power, not a power over but simply the only power. Allow the words; “I and the Father are one.” to become your state of consciousness, your identity. This is mysticism.

Over the course of hundreds of lifetimes, everyone’s consciousness evolves in stages. First atheism, then into some sort of organized group or belief system, then to metaphysics, and lastly to mysticism or the consciousness of Oneness. Many hesitate to move beyond metaphysics because it offers new, different, and exciting tools that seem to work. However, metaphysics which is based in new ways of changing a bad picture into a good one as well as being able to bring someone closer to God often simply perpetuates the belief in duality and separation.

Every person learns and spiritually grows through each stage which is why it is important to simply allow others to be where they are in their belief system. When they are ready for their next stage, their Higher Self will guide them to it and you may be a part of it. Proselytizing is a very ego based activity.

Mysticism is an attained consciousness of Oneness which is lived automatically even when ordinary human footsteps must be taken. The world in general does not recognize modern day mystics because they live, work, have families and appear to be like everyone else. In general, the world continues to think of mystics as they have been pictured on holy cards, art work, statues etc.–eyes closed, hands folded, and with a bright light around their head.

You who are awake, living in the world but not of it, are today’s mystics. The mystical life is a life of detachment from much that occupies three dimensional thinking and thus those living it are often thought of as being uncaring and cold by those living fully in the three dimensional belief system. Being a modern day mystic never interferes with being loving and warm, but rather embodies the very essence of these things. Mysticism is what you have been preparing for throughout your many lifetimes of spiritual seeking, questioning, study, and practice.

As you move deeply into conscious awareness of your Divine Selfhood, many previous ways of solving problems and living life in general, will continue to present themselves to your awareness because you are used to and familiar with them. However, you may quickly discover that ways (actions, words, ideas etc.) that worked well in the past for you no longer work as they once did. This is because you have evolved and are no longer in alignment with them.

Never resist anything because resistance only makes that which is resisted into a “something” giving it power and reality. Rather, simply evaluate every situation in the light of your higher awareness–stop, go within, and remind yourself that nothing is power but God and that God is governing ITself as you. THEN take whatever steps you are intuitively guided to take which may appear to be very three dimensional to others.

Becoming mystical consciousness is a huge step , one that will take many more years, or even lifetimes for some but you who read and understand these messages are ready. At some point every soul finally realizes that all the “stuff” designed to bring one closer to God, is just “stuff” that will keep you believing that you are separate from God and all God’s expressions.

Nothing–no ritual, practice, prayer, class, crystal, oil, mantra, group, guru, or teacher can give you what you already have or make you what you already are. Spiritual tools can assist because they carry their own energy, many being of a high resonance. When you align with the energy of certain crystals or oils etc., you can be temporarily lifted to their level but it will always be temporary because your own state of consciousness is what governs you.

Use these things, love them, but never forget that spiritual tools are meant to be helps never meant to become one’s God. To continue depending upon spiritual tools or some person in the belief that you need them is a form of idolatry that will block further evolutionary progress.

It is time and you are ready.

We are the Arcturian Group 2/27/22

Donations are welcomed



Patricia Cota-Robles

February 26, 2022
  The incredible opportunities the masses of Humanity have experienced since the inception of this year 2022 have paved the way for the next Quantum Shift in Mother Earth’s Ascension process. More people than ever before are now able to lift above the chaos manifesting in the outer world effectively enough to hear the Inner Guidance of their now fully integrated I AM Presence.   The Heart Commitment that each and every one of us made prior to our embodiment in this lifetime to assist Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her in our own unique ways during this Ascension process is now beginning to resonate in every person’s conscious mind and feeling world. The Company of Heaven has affirmed that this realization within the hearts and minds of the masses of Humanity will motivate changes in people’s behavior patterns and belief system that will lift them up enough to perceive the opportunities happening on Earth in new ways.   As we assimilate the NEW frequencies of God’s Comprehensive Divine Love and the Violet Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness that are now gently influencing every particle and wave of Life on Mother Earth, you and I have the ability to assist the masses of Humanity to the next level of their Awakening. Everyone has free will of course, so we cannot just do this for them, but you and I and every other willing person have an amazing ability to help in the process.   The Company of Heaven has reiterated time and time again that the Universal Law is: “The call for assistance must come from the Realm where the assistance is needed.” Since we are One with every man, woman, and child on Earth, and since we are indeed embodied on Earth ourselves, we have the ability to invoke assistance from every person’s I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven on their behalf. The Company of Heaven has clearly demonstrated that when we invoke the Light on behalf of our Sisters and Brothers the Floodgates of Heaven open.   Many of the masses of Humanity have been so manipulated and controlled by their own and other people’s fear-based, fragmented human egos that they do not even remember that they have an I AM Presence or that they are a Beloved Child of God. They are oblivious to the wondrous events occurring on the Planet. These are the souls that continue to act out adversely in spite of the pain and suffering their actions are inflicting in their own lives.   The millions of people who are Awakening and making the choice to move into the Light on their own are not the Ones who need us. It is our Sisters and Brothers who have forgotten who they are and the fact that they are One with all Life that need our help at this time. Contrary to what we may think, they are not acting out in the adverse and appalling ways we are witnessing because they are evil. It is due to the fact that they are so trapped in the illusion of separation and duality that they think the only way to survive is to lie, cheat, steal and kill. These are the very people we are being Called to help. These are the people who will make the most positive difference in our lives when they Awaken and choose to stop Creating such pain and suffering for Humanity.   Today, the Company of Heaven will join us to empower an Activity of Light that has been building in momentum for several years. Because of the shifts that have taken place in 2022 so far, this Gift from On High is now able to affect every man, woman and child on Earth in more powerful ways than ever before. If you have the Heart Call to participate in this Holy Endeavor, please know that Lightworkers around the World and the entire Company of Heaven are joining with you.  
I AM Loving My Sisters and Brothers FREE
  I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth. As One Collective I AM Presence, the Sons and Daughters of God on Earth now merge our Unified Heart Flames with the Heart Flames of our Father-Mother God and the Legions of Light throughout Infinity. Together, as we Breathe our newly Elevated Holy Breath, every person on Earth is lifted into a higher frequency of Unity Consciousness. This monumental shift of Consciousness is being accomplished by every person’s I AM Presence in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.   Beloved Father-Mother God, we ask that you now greatly intensify your Comprehensive Divine Love and your Violet Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness within every person’s Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame. As this occurs, we experience this Sacred Fire flowing through every person’s 5th-Dimensional Heart Chakra until God’s Comprehensive Divine Love and Cosmic Forgiveness envelope the entire Planet Earth. As this tremendous influx of Light bathes the Earth, every facet of Life is lifted into a Higher Order of Being.    Each person’s I AM Presence now Creates a sacred space in which they are able to open their 5th-Dimensional Crown Chakra of Enlightenment to full breadth. This allows each person to Ascend ever higher into the Awakened State of Unity Consciousness, Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life.   As this occurs, multidimensional and multifaceted 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light expands from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God into every cell of Humanity’s Earthly Bodies allowing our I AM Presence to take full dominion of our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies in ways we have not previously experienced.   Now, all is in readiness. Through our I AM Presence, every person is participating at both inner and outer levels in this Activity of Light which is raising the Consciousness of the masses of Humanity and assisting every person to now tangibly experience the Enlightened State of Unity Consciousness through his or her newly empowered Creative Faculties of Thought and Feeling.   Through my I AM Presence I now reach up into the Infinity of my own Unity Consciousness. I clearly perceive that as I AM lifted up ALL of Humanity is being lifted up with me. In this frequency of Unity Consciousness, I see that Humanity’s free will is at long last becoming One with God’s Will.   Instantaneously, I see the Truth of every person on Earth. I see ALL of my Sisters and Brothers in the Family of Humanity, even the most recalcitrant or asleep souls, as precious Sons and Daughters of God, no matter how far their behavior patterns or their life experiences may be from reflecting that Truth. I perceive all of the painful human miscreations associated with my Sisters and Brothers as innocent primordial energy entering my awareness now to be Transmuted back into Light and Loved FREE.   I happily greet all of these Sons and Daughters of God and all of their misqualified energy the same way my Father-Mother God would greet them. I greet them with Comprehensive Divine Love from within the embrace of Eternal Peace, Detachment, God Confidence, Supreme Authority and Cosmic Forgiveness.   I AM enveloped in an Invincible Forcefield of God’s Infinite Light, as I invite my Sisters and Brothers into the Kingdom of Heaven within my Heart Flame. I hold them in my arms of Light as I would an injured child. They cannot overwhelm me or control me in any way. I simply hold them and Love them until they surrender to the Love of God, desiring on their own to enter the Kingdom of Heaven within the Divinity of their own Heart Flames.   Now, rather than feeling rejected and thus perpetuating their negative behavior patterns, my Sisters and Brothers feel accepted and Loved as the innate Sons and Daughters of God they are. They voluntarily release themselves into the Light, and they begin to KNOW that they are ONE with ALL Life and that ALL Life is Divine.   I rejoice that every person and their unascended energies are finding their way Home and I release myself into the Peace of KNOWING: “My I AM Presence is handling ALL imperfection perfectly.”   As these Sons and Daughters of God Awaken and surrender to their I AM Presence, they begin to remember who they are and why they are on Earth during this auspicious Cosmic Moment. With this Sacred Knowledge, they once again find their proper place in the Family of Humanity. In perfect Divine Order, they are set FREE to live and Cocreate the patterns of Love, Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life that are now being revealed through Mother Earth’s new contingency plan.  And so it is. Beloved I AM That I AM.   Dear One, as you empower this Activity of Light by envisioning the highest good for all of our Sisters and Brothers during this Cosmic Moment, ask your I AM Presence what you can do to help implement the Heart-based patterns for Mother Earth’s NEW contingency plan on behalf of ALL Life evolving on this sweet Earth.  
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles

Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909
Fax: 520-347-5440
  This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included.  
Era of Peace is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
 ©2022 Patricia Cota-Robles

You have chosen freedom, you are dissipating your long-held belief in limitation, you are awakening, and you are coming Home to Reality, where a most magnificent and celebratory welcome awaits you.

Jesus Through John: Life is a Miracle, and You are all Alive!

As you are all well aware, humanity’s awakening process is moving forwards beautifully, just as God intends, no other way is possible.

Therefore, relax!  God’s intent is always perfectly achieved, so release your doubts about His Reality, which is Reality in all its magnificence and glory, and TRUST Him completely.  You only have problems or issues when you engage with doubt about the reality of the divine plan, and when you attempt to conceive of how, in your opinion,it could or should be unfolding.

Those ‘mind-games’ that you play with yourselves – the ‘what-ifs,’ and the ‘this has to be wrong,’ and the ‘God would not allow this to happen’ thoughts and arguments you have with yourselves – are egoic distractions which delay your acceptance of the fact that the collective awakening process is occurring right now.

Your thoughts do not and could not interfere with the process, let alone delay it, because that is not God’s Will.

All that happens is that you convince yourselves that the awakening is moving too slowly, or even that it is not happening, and will not happen, and thus lock yourselves into a state of disbelief, preventing you from watching with delight as it unfolds – PERFECTLY!

Humanity is awakening, even though vast numbers of people remain completely unaware of it.  The chaos and confusion that is occurring all across the world, and which you see reported on the MSM and on social media channels, as people everywhere start reclaiming their divine sovereignty, is a clear indication that humanity is waking from the nightmare.

They are coming to the realization that the only way to live happily and at peace is in acceptance of one another, regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, or religious or political beliefs.  It is very apparent to all that using conflict to resolve issues has never worked, can never work, and needs to cease.  And that way of interacting is coming to an end, now.

You are indeed very blessed to be in form on Planet Earth right now.

There is room only for so many, and there are many more who would love this opportunity to be in form as the collective awakening unfolds.

Why?  Because it is a time – a MOMENT – for celebrations on a most magnificent scale, planet-wide.  All the tickets have been sold, all the seats are taken, and there is a great and completely justifiable state of expectation arising as more and more humans start to realize the enormity and brilliance of what is coming to fruition.

Although the state of separation that you appear to be undergoing has been ongoing for billions of years as humanity measures and experiences time, in truth it is but a moment, but an instant, less than the blink of an eye since you chose to limit yourselves by engaging with form, first as microorganisms about four billion years ago, and from there evolving into the human forms that you inhabit today.

The moment for life in form is coming to a magnificent conclusion, and those of you present as that need is realized to be no longer necessary will find yourselves in a state of bliss that at present is inconceivable to you.

To prepare yourselves for this fabulous event is impossible, so remind yourselves of the exhilaration and excitement that small children undergo when something wonderful, totally new, and completely unexpected occurs to delight their young lives – maybe some of you can remember an early experience of your own like this – and know that what is coming is truly going to blow your minds!

Life is a Miracle, and you are all alive!

Most of you have forgotten this, or have lost your awareness of it, as you deal with the problems with which your human lives are almost constantly presenting you.

Life has become intensely prosaic for the majority of humans, with but brief moments of uplifting excitement, and it appears to many that this is how it will continue, even becoming far less satisfying as you age physically, ending finally in death and extinction.  Not an uplifting prospect for most people to live with comfortably.

However, you are just now – there is only NOW, remember? – extremely close to the most magnificent awakening out of this stupor, out of this exhausting life experience.

So do make sure to go deep within yourselves daily, to those holy inner sanctuaries that you each have, which can connect you directly to the One, and invite Love, which resides there in every moment of your eternal existence, to embrace you and bring some memories of Reality into your conscious awareness.

It will, even if only for the briefest of moments, uplifting and inspiring you wonderfully, and you will never forget that experience while you remain in form.  Your doubts about the possibility of eternal life in joy and harmony with all sentient beings will dissolve, and you will find yourselves living at peace with yourselves and with others.

Mother/Father/God loves you utterly and completely, way beyond your wildest dreams, and longs for you to awaken and know yourselves once again as you truly are, Light Beings of unlimited power and creative abilities.

You are now freely choosing to awaken, the only way that your awakening can occur, as you let go of your conviction that you are limited beings, perhaps even controlled by some higher authority.

You are now reclaiming your autonomy, your inherent sovereignty which has always been at your finger tips and ready for you to put into effect whenever you chose to fully honor yourselves.

You have chosen freedom, you are dissipating your long-held belief in limitation, you are awakening, and you are coming Home to Reality, where a most magnificent and celebratory welcome awaits you.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

You will have abilities you would not have thought possible and become a very independent soul. Life would be mainly spent in the Galaxy with no restrictions as to where your travels take you.

man bathing in waterfall lake with arms outstretched
Photo by ArtHouse Studio on

25th February 2022. Mike Quinsey.

Changes have been taking place on many levels, clearing out that which is unsuitable for the New Age, and promoting the future from a different angle that is more in line with the needs of this moment and lays down the foundations for it. For some souls this time period is causing much anxiety and even pain. It is regretfully both inevitable and unavoidable due to the scale of changes necessary. However, it is all for a good cause and it will compensate you for your difficult experiences. Time is of a premium and the sooner you advance beyond the present period the sooner the better times can commence.

So much has been prepared in readiness for your advancement and obviously Ascension is the final goal. Yet it is the beginning of a new life for all of you as the past is put behind you. Peace is coming that cannot be disturbed or altered by outside interference because the perpetrators of negative actions will have been removed and given another opportunity to turn to the Light. There is no punishment involved as they make their own path according to their past actions. Rest assured that fairness and justice are supreme and no soul is abandoned.

These times are obviously very unsettling but the negative must come to the surface to be cleared. For too long they have dictated how your life should progress while at the same time withholding the truth to keep you in their clutches. The truth will always surface and cannot be held back indefinitely. Religion is one area where the teachings will need revising to come into line with the greater truth. People are ready for new revelations and have the ability to understand them. Consciousness levels have been growing for quite some time, and there is now an understanding well above previous times.

Given the truth you will be more able to understand the past, and see that all of your experiences have helped to expand your consciousness levels. False teachings soon fall by the wayside and only the truth can carry you forwards. The dark Ones have constantly tried to scare you with stories of the devil and punishment for your sins. God does not punish anyone and still loves his creations beyond measure. Almighty God is beyond understanding, that love is God’s presence in everything that knows no end. Yet for all of God’s greatness the most humble prayer is heard and responded to as God knows each of you personally and is with you all of the time.

You will find moving more into the Light a most wonderful experience, as with it comes a greater level of consciousness. You will have abilities you would not have thought possible and become a very independent soul. Life would be mainly spent in the Galaxy with no restrictions as to where your travels take you. On Earth you are isolated yet many ET’s live deep within it and come and go as they please. Your experiences are confined to the surface of the Earth except for those astronauts who are chosen for Space exploration. You have not yet experienced the real world but the opportunity will come in the near future.

All the lives you have spent so far to reach this point will be of immense value, and have given you a good grounding to face any challenges you may encounter. You have immense experience having come through the lower dimensions to get this far. In the latter stages you have learned to be patient and kept cool in the most exacting circumstances. Control of your feelings is essential if you are to continue rising up and made easier as the vibrations increase. To keep calm in the face of provocation will prove a stern test so remember to keep calm at all times.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Love, Nancy

You are such a treasure to others and most of all to yourself, for in being a treasure to yourself, you are that to others.

This will not escalate into global conflict. This will end quickly.(Update on the Ukraine Situation by The ONE via Sophia Love)

February 24, 2022, via email

Sophia, it is the One.

As I mentioned the last time we spoke, the eye of the storm surrounds you. It is where you find yourself now.

During a time such as this, amidst the turning and churning of the storm around you, it will be near impossible to discern from the items moving past you – which you’ll keep and which you’ll let go.
Everything is moving too quickly, and discernment becomes a challenge.

This is due to your engagement with your life, and with “time”. The time it takes to decide about the truth or worth of an item just won’t be available to you. You are virtually along for the ride now.

Things have come to a head and all central players are fully absorbed in their roles.

This has to play out.

Regardless of play-by-play action, always remember this – humanity will benefit in the final analysis.

This is not the final card, yet you are just about there.

This move was done to thwart the controllers, make no mistake about that. War is an extreme move and it will force their hand.

It is having many unfortunate effects as well. Yet ultimately, what this move does, is to remove many of their moves from the playing field. In some cases, it stops them completely, and in others, it exposes them. Know that all is not lost, and you are closer now to the final card being played, and their eventual defeat.

Now that this move has been made, the true face of each player is shown. Watch who objects to the move. Watch who responds with the most force.

This will not escalate into global conflict.

This will end quickly.

You are not in danger of annihilation or a deeper level of control and capture. It is the opposite. By playing this card, the fight has moved into the very public realm, and you will quickly discern who is on which side:
Humanity’s (side) or the controllers/Freedom for the race or capture of the race.

It will be crystal clear now so pay attention.

Events will occur rapidly and it will appear as if they are unrelated.
Nothing could be further from the truth. This is War, and it has now been moved to the headlines. Everything that is done or sanctioned or mandated or announced is a move in this War Game. The conflict on the ground is one part of it. There are many.

You’ll witness unusual and previously unknown people come into the public view. These will be some who’ve been active behind the scenes for a long time, and who can now be “uncloaked” as it were.

This one act forces many others, not the least of which is the outing of your mainstream media coverage. War has a way of putting the fear of God into people, and you’ll see changes and reversals, and even admissions, on the larger networks. This is worldwide.

There are casualties already and there will be more before it’s over.
Remember that those individuals leaving now, for any reason, have chosen to do so. They have completed their purpose in this physical life, and will offer more assistance from elsewhere. This should help to ease the sadness and pain over what looks to be needless loss.

The conflict in the Ukraine will end quickly. Nothing is as it seems.

The active portion of your journey is in full throttle now, so hang on. When things appear dire or doubtful, remember that there are multiple steps and moves. You will know when the final card is played.


Go within.

Emblazon your world with your light.

Saturate your field with love.

You were born for this part, my dear, dear, humans. Trust.

That is all.

Thank you.

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 02/26/2022 • An easy way to play with your angels

silhouette of a person on a swing
Photo by Asad Photo Maldives on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Imagine yourself in a beautiful place in nature. Perhaps you are in a field of wildflowers with a vast expanse of blue sky overhead. Perhaps you’re taking a morning stroll along a forest path, serenaded by birdsong. Maybe you’re walking slowly along a beach at sunrise, soothed by the gentle, unceasing sounds of the surf and the whoosh of birds overhead. Maybe you’re lying on a picnic blanket under a favorite blossoming tree, or in a garden smelling the herbs and flowers. Perhaps you are standing barefoot in the grass in your yard or a nearby park.

In a moment, shut your eyes and intend to be in this beautiful place. See where you end up. Explore in your imagination. See, smell, sense, feel… imagine. What would the temperature be like? Is it dry, moist, humid, or raining? Is it night, day, sunrise, sunset, or at night with the stars beaming overhead? Explore this beautiful sanctuary in your inner world and allow yourself to feel its welcoming peace.

You might come back and say, “well that was nice, but it wasn’t real.” In real life, I have to pay the bills. In real life, I have to contend with contentious people. In real life, I have to figure out how to plan when the world’s plans are in a state of flux. This is nice, but what purpose does it serve?

In truth, dear ones, the scene exists in your imagination, but the vibration you experienced while imagining it and tuning into it was very real. For just a moment, you created and visited your own personal paradise. For just a few moments, you allowed yourself to experience a higher, peaceful vibration. For a few moments, you were intensely present, enjoying your inner world, and free from concerns. For just a few moments, you were not blocking the love, grace, and guidance that naturally, always want to flow into your life.

If you require some guidance, shut your eyes again and imagine meeting one of your angels in this place. It can be a relative you love and admire, a favorite pet, or you can intend to meet with one of your higher guides or guardian angels. You can ask for Jesus, Buddha, or any of the masters.

See who pops into your mind right now. Shut your eyes. Go to your inner sanctuary and ask this being your question. Wait patiently until they answer you. Don’t worry if you’re making it up or not. Your intent to connect will connect you with this being. Your intent to receive guidance will call forth a response from them. It will be an energetic transmission filtered through your mind and interpreted in words you understand, but it will be a response nonetheless. Try it. Play with it. Go inward now and ask for some guidance. See what you receive in return.

Working with your guides or loved ones in spirit can be this easy. It may take several tries before you relax enough to be playful about it. If you’re not visual in your meditations, then see what you hear, or know, or what words pop in your mind. Trust. Relax. Be easy with this. Your dear ones, guides, and angels are ever-present, and always in connection with you. Your intention to communicate pops in their minds as surely as an incoming text message would get your attention. They love to love you.

Your inner sanctuary is there whenever you need peace, healing, help, or guidance. While the place is in your “imagination” the energy of it is very real, and the rendezvous with your guides is very real. If you approach this very simple exercise playfully and with a spirit of adventure, you will feel our love, our guidance, and our constant presence more and more with each passing day.

We know your earth is turbulent and that you are all in need of extra love these days. We also know that our love, God’s love, is always there for you, always waiting for you to receive, and always stronger than the deepest, darkest, and most confusing moments in your lives. Love awaits dear ones, in every moment. Join us in this exercise and receive, receive, receive. If you only intend one thing, intend to receive our love, and in learning to receive, soon you will begin to believe.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Light Absorption. Making Ascension a Fun process.

short furred orange cat on brown surface
Photo by Pixabay on

Cats and dogs sitting in the sun are our best teachers. Taking a nap in the sun and right after doing conscious breathing in meditation to absorb as much as much as possible Light directly from Sun is super empowering. The feeling of exhaustion that i was feeling half an hour earlier vanishes to be replaced by a a feeling of enormous inner strength felt in through and around my body. Ascension process changes our daily habits and i invite each and everyone of you to try this, even if there is no sun. This is one of the best ways that i discovered on my Ascension journey to absorb Light. Truly. Super.

The transformation of our carbon based cells to crystalin cells is what is asking for our attention and this is exactly the reason why more of the collective, if they choose to ascend within their physical bodies to become aware of simple practices like this. Ascension can be really fun if we learn to allow more Light to flow within just like our animal friends do.

You get to decide. You get to create timelines, realities, versions of the future that appeal to you most as an individual.

Create Your Version of the Shift in Consciousness ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very interested in the way that you all seek to experience the shift in consciousness. We are more interested in the type of shift that you want to create than we are in what your beliefs are about the completion of the shift to the fifth dimension. We know that you have heard stories about the shift, different versions of what will happen, what might happen, and what could happen, but we always seek to empower all of you. And so, we are much more interested in what we see you creating and in what we know you truly desire in regards to ascension.

Remember that you are fourth dimensional beings now. You are not there to simply live out a preordained set of circumstances. Your blueprints are gone. It is time for you all to go back to the drawing board so to speak, and create the version of the shift that you would like to see.

All that you put into the human collective consciousness will then affect what others are desiring about the shift, because you are all linked. Many of you wonder what you can do, how you can contribute to humanity and the evolution of the human collective consciousness. Putting your unique version of the shift into the collective consciousness certainly is a contribution and a valuable one.

Please do not believe for a second that you are just one person and that your energy, vibration, and intention is not enough to change what will happen. We know that you are all going to shift in one way or another. No one is doomed. No one is stuck. Those of you who are awake will find a way to become fifth dimensional because you have been desiring that shift in consciousness for long enough.

You get to decide. You get to create timelines, realities, versions of the future that appeal to you most as an individual. And the more inclusive you are of your fellow humans in your version of the shift, the more power there is behind that desire of yours. Dream big. Dream often. And know that nothing is set in stone. There is no one inevitable future. So again, tear up those blueprints, and make today the day that you start fresh with your beautiful and imaginative, creative minds.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Rest assured, you have been studying power dynamics for centuries in preparation to make the shift from 3D power that serves the few to 5D power that serves the whole.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Embracing Mindful Power

Power continues to be the most prevalent theme that is up for review on your planet.

Dear Ones, if you are cautious of power, you are ready to assume it. It is the people who don’t have a healthy respect for power who get into trouble with it. True healing with the theme of power comes from embracing your power in a mindful way that benefits all, not from trying to avoid it.

Rest assured, you have been studying power dynamics for centuries in preparation to make the shift from 3D power that serves the few to 5D power that serves the whole. You are wise, you are conscious, and you are ready to step into the fully empowered expression of you, and your soul is so excited you are at this juncture of your evolution.

You can shift into the observer any time you need to, and still allow your emotions to be identified, processed, and released.

woman admiring architecture of city from viewpoint
Photo by elifskies on

February 23, 2022,

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Shifting Between Observing and Feeling

During times of energetic intensity, it is common for old memories or emotions to come up. It is all part of the pulse/release process that dislodges the old and makes room for the new. We understand how this can seem never-ending and difficult to navigate. We wish to discuss this today.

It can be helpful to treat your emotions like a parade. You can see a float of emotion and identify it it, but you can wave at it on its way by secure in the fact that it will not be permanently stopping where you are on the parade route.

You can be the feeler of the energy of a float when it is right in front of you, and still be the observer of the parade at the same time. The observer part of you balances you and holds the space for the identification/processing/release to occur. You can see the float coming, have the experience when it is in front of you, and watch it leave. Your human self has the experience, while your inner wise one views it as a parade of fleeting rather than permanent experiences.

You can shift into the observer any time you need to, and still allow your emotions to be identified, processed, and released. You can flow back and forth between feeler and observer however many times you like, always using the observer as a stabilization point.

Do you see? It is still all you doing the work and having the full experience, so don’t be afraid to toggle between the two to assist you in the process. It is you being both the human and the wise one, and that is exactly what you are on the planet to do as this expanded version of yourself.


Using the Energies to Create Massive Changes ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to see how many of you are interested in exploring what you can create with the energies that are upon you now. We know that you are there to explore, to experience, and then to discover what it is that you desire to create, and many of you can feel that desire getting stronger within you during these times you are living in, and that is a good thing. Desire is the spark that ignites the flame, and you can keep the flame burning with your focus, with your breathing, and with your letting go of attachment, or you can see that your desire was not immediately met in the physical with evidence that you have created what you desired, and you can give up all hope. In fact, you can even go into resistance, which pushes that creation of yours further and further away.

We know that you live in a time where what you want can be delivered to you much more quickly than 20 or 30 years ago, and so you have developed an expectation for something closer to instant manifestation when it comes to the big changes you want to see there on the world stage. Now, enough of you realize that you have the ability to change the world in order to do so, but you must encourage each other, rather than getting together and complaining about what’s wrong with the world.

We see more people gathering in resistance than we do gathering for the positive change that they want to see, and that is why those desires take so long to come to fruition. After a while, like a toddler having a temper tantrum, people in resistance who are adults tend to tire themselves out and give up their resistance. They will eventually turn their attention towards something that is positive in their lives. Perhaps they will return to doing the things that they enjoy doing, and then they’ll start to see the changes occurring that they were so adamant about seeing just a few months prior. We would like for you to be able to skip that middle step of resistance and feeling the futility of the resistance and go right to the living of your life in joy as best you can in the moment.

Again, you can always focus on the desired outcome, the new world that you are creating, and visualize it and breathe into it, but if you set up an enemy who is preventing you from living in that world you are creating, and you make that enemy the villain of the people, then you are creating the obstacle yourself. And you don’t need to do that. You don’t need to tell yourself a story that says that it is this person’s fault or this government’s fault. Instead, you need to recognize how brilliant you are, how powerful you are, and focused you can be when there is something that you really care about.

It is important that you live your lives as they are right now, instead of waiting for the new world, the New Earth that you sometimes hear us talking about, because even though these things are coming to you and they are inevitable, you still have a life to live right now. And living in the now is the best place to live; it is the only place to live, in fact. And you can have a desire in the now that is not going to show up right away, and still have faith and still trust that it will show up because you are a powerful creator being who is there to change the world and change it for the better.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Now, you also can utilize these energies for making changes in your personal lives, and so, once you have downloaded them, you can focus on the changes you would like to see in whatever you feel is in your life that could use some energetic boosting

woman writing on a notebook beside teacup and tablet computer
Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom on

Receiving & Working with the 2-22-22 Energies ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very happy to see how many humans are excited about the February 22nd 2022 energies, and we want you all to know that you do get to use them for whatever you are most interested in. We told you about these energies and what they could do for you, but we also want you to know that you get to set your intentions for how to work with the energies and what you want them to do for you and for your fellow humans. We will give you some instructions on how to better receive them right now.

When you sit to receive these beautiful energies, do so with your eyes closed and the palms of your hands facing up. Make yourself as relaxed and comfortable as you can be, and imagine golden white light coming down from the sky upon you. Feel the energies coming in through the crown of your head and falling right into the palms of your hands. Feel for these wonderful energies all around you, and when you feel them running through your body, feel the energies moving all the way down to the souls of your feet.

Once you feel that you have opened up and received the energies of February 22nd 2022, recognize that you then can direct them towards your favorite cause, towards the aspect of life on Earth that is most in need of change from your perspective. Send the energies from your heart center to whatever you would like to see changed on your world today, and know that many other lightworkers around the world are doing the same. You’re always working as a team, and those of you who are there to make a difference know who you are and know when it is a very powerful day to be making those changes.

Now, you also can utilize these energies for making changes in your personal lives, and so, once you have downloaded them, you can focus on the changes you would like to see in whatever you feel is in your life that could use some energetic boosting. You can focus on adding to your life what you would like to add and subtracting from your life what you would like to subtract. You can trust that these energies are happy to work with you in the creation of your reality.

And as awakened souls, you know that you get to work with the energies that are upon you to create your reality at any time, but you also know that there are times when it is more appropriate to focus, to feel, and to direct the energies in a particular place in your lives and in the world. This is one of those times, but the timing is not limited to the day of February 22nd. These energies will be upon you, and you can work with them leading up to the equinox. The equinox energies will start coming in at some point in March, and then you will have those energies supporting you as well. If you do not do the process that we have outlined here on the day of February 22nd, do not worry. Do not feel that you have missed out. The energies are not going anywhere, and they will continue to come in even after the stroke of midnight on your clocks.

You are beautiful co-creators, and you are working with all the energies that you have upon you, and today is a very good day to feel that and acknowledge that, but so is every day. And so, we suggest that you continue to use the process that we have given you to receive and to create and to live happily ever after there on Earth. You are meant to create, and you are meant to receive, and when you are doing both you are truly in the flow and that is a lovely way to live your lives there on Earth.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton