We’re about to experience the beginning of the flip.
It’s like the tide changing direction.
There is a specific event
& when that occurs
very shortly here now
it won’t be real until that event for many people.
But that event is so stark
& so precise
that THEN people will understand
that the other side CAN be gotten
& is about to ALLLLLLLL be taken down.
So it’s that FIRST DOMINO.
You could make the case that
in the last 5-years
somebody’s been putting together huge groups of dominos.
So you’ll see one section go down
& then the last domino
hits a little line to another section somewhere else
that starts that group & that all goes down over there.
A lot of people are of the opinion it’s all over in a day.
It’s just not the case here.
This is going to go over months.
It will certainly be a morale boost
[for Patriots]
but it’s not just a feel-good thing
it’s a very precise marker within that group of markers
that goes down pretty quickly.
It’s an indicator to everybody that
the war’s on
but we’re on the winning team.
And then you’re gonna have
winning here,
winning there,
winning somewhere else.
And all of those things happen over these remaining months
in a very dramatic fashion till March [’22.]
Monthly Archives: October 2021
Judith Kusel: Invocation of the Mighty Ones
We can make an Angel or Archangel invocation and call the mighty beings of light to us and into our aura.
As Invocations are very powerful and sacred, they should be done mindfully, when we are quiet and still. They are even more powerful if done with a group.
I now invoke the Archangels Michael and Faith to stand at my right hand side. I ask him to pour courage and strength into me and bring about positive results to my endeavors. I now request that they cut all negative cords and attachments with their swords. I ask that they place the blue cloak of protection over my shoulders, the hood over my crown chakra, and zip it from under my feet, right up to my chin, so that only that which is of the highest and purest light may enter my aura.
(Pause for a moment so that Archangel Michael/Faith can complete their work and communicate anything they wish to you.)
I now invoke Archangels Gabriel and Hope to stand on my left hand side in their pure white ray. I ask that they pour their pure white energy into my aura and bring me guidance about my next step on my pathway. I ask that the symbols of my life’s mission be illumined and activated now. Please bring joy, grace, clarity, understanding, generosity, discipline and order into my life.
I now invoke the mighty Archangels Uriel and Aurora to stand in front of me and fill my aura with their purple and gold ray of wisdom and peace. Help me to soothe all conflict in my life and replace it with brotherhood and sisterhood, higher understanding and serenity. Please break my mental and emotional chains and free me from all my fears. Please put your ruby-encrusted golden shield in front of my solar plexus area, so that only the purest God-light may enter there.
I now invoke the mighty Archangels Raphael and Mother Mary of the emerald ray to stand behind me. I ask that they pour healing and abundance consciousness into me. I ask them to lift the 7 veils of the third eye, and assist my inner seeing. I ask Mother Mary to connect me more intimately to the Divine Mother and to open my heart more and more and to bring in higher healing. I ask for protection on my journeys and that I am impressed with justice, truth and vision.
I now invoke Archangels Chamuel and Charity of the pink ray to expand the flame of love in my heart. I ask that you will open my heart more and more, and help me to release all the emotional baggage of the past, and to feel and see only pure love. Please help me find compassion and forgiveness for myself and for everyone I have ever harmed knowingly or unknowingly. I ask that my heart be opened at a personal and cosmic level. Please open my heart and soul to ever greater levels of love and being a pure channel for love to this world.
I now invoke the mighty Archangels Jophiel and Christiel to pour the golden light of wisdom and illumination onto me through my crown centre. I ask that their wisdom light up and inspire my mind, helping me to learn and teach at the highest level. I ask that the symbols of wisdom I have accumulated throughout my lifetimes be lit up and activated now. I ask that they clear the energy in and around me, my home and my workspace. Clear my thoughts so that I can only think beautiful and positive thoughts.
I now invoke the mighty Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst of the violet ray of mercy, joy and transmutation to pour the violet flame into my aura. I ask for all my negativity to be released and dissolved and replaced with joy, diplomacy and tolerance.
Your aura is now filled with the energy and the higher frequencies of the Archangels and you are receiving bountiful blessings.
(With Acknowledgement to Diana Cooper’s School for Angels and Ascension of which I am a trained Teacher)
Judith Kusel
Presently, the human collective is in the final stages of becoming aware of and realizing this divine Truth, that You are eternally inseparable from Love.
Let Go of your Doubts | Jesus via John Smallman
We are all connected, we are all at one with each other, we are in a collective and intimate relationship with each other – always, in every moment. There is NO separation because there is only the ONE! Life is eternal, It is forever, It is Mother/Father/God, the infinite energy field of Love that is REALITY!
Presently you are experiencing a dream, an illusion, a game of separation in which multitudes are suffering greatly because the human collective believes that life as a human in form is real, is a one time event that unavoidably and inevitably terminates finally and forever in the death of your human bodies. But you are NOT your bodies, your conscious awareness is Who You are and is in an eternal and joy filled state of existence at One with God– even if that awareness, as is the case for the majority of humans, is itself mostly in a state of unawareness!.
Presently, the human collective is in the final stages of becoming aware of and realizing this divine Truth, that You are eternally inseparable from Love. Separation has never occurred, it could not occur because there is nowhere in which to be separated from Love, because Love is the One infinitely vast field of energy in which all sentient life – and all life is sentient – is eternally present in the Presence of and at One with the One. LOVE IS, and so, therefore, are YOU!
Now is the time of your collective awakening from the illusory dream state that has seemingly been reality for you for countless eons of time, which is itself a major aspect of the illusion. To experience that unreal state of separation you had to collectively engage with the game of separation; you then found yourselves living there, very realistically, as severely limited beings in form whose very existence is under constant threat of annihilation by forces far greater than themselves.
Your awakening process is the divinely created path Home to Reality, to Awareness of your Oneness with Love, that was prepared for you and offered to you in the same instant in which you chose, using your free will, to experience separation from Source. A path that you needed because, you had, in that moment of intense confusion about Who You were and Who you thought or imagined You wanted to be, moved Yourself into a state of Unknowing of Yourself.
You made that choice in a moment of confusion or even insanity – but how could a perfect creation of God be even momentarily insane? Well, You imagined that by separating Yourself from Source you would have have more and even greater freedom than you already had as a perfect divine Being, created utterly and unconditionally free of any restraints, restrictions, or limitations of any kind. Therefore that use of Your powerful and creative imagination was insane.
Now, only the briefest of moments later, it seems to You that You have been living for countless eons as numerous insignificant and tiny individuals in a vast Universe that is completely unaware of and, therefore, utterly unconcerned and uninterested in you, not even aware whether you live or die. That experience is terrifying, it is to be unseen and unknown, whereas in your natural state you are seen, recognized, and infinitely loved in every moment of your eternal existence.
God knew that that would be Your experience, and because of His infinite Love for you, He provided you with the path Home to Oneness, to Knowing Yourself once more as You truly are, a divine Being in inseparable and most glorious communion with Source. He did not remove or modify your free will – Love gives everything and never removes or rescinds anything – so you each now, as individuals, have to freely make your own choice to seek the way Home.
That choice has been made collectively – even though many are still unaware of it as individuals – and it is irreversible because it is the only meaningful choice that you, as a human, can make. And God, in His infinite Wisdom, and in His infinite Love for you, knows that whatever mood swings and egotistical changes of mind that may arise within you while you are still experiencing life in the unreal state that is the illusion, will be unable to tempt you to reverse that choice, because you know that they are utterly unreal and insane distractions from your one meaningful intent, which is to awaken. Thus He has created for you and given to you a sense of motivation and intent that, once aroused, will be powerful enough to ensure that you do not fall back into the insanity of believing that your human life is all that is possible for you, that it is a once only experience of life that will, without fail, terminate at your human death.
Humanity is coming now to the most wonderful realization that Life is forever, that It is a state of permanent Oneness with God! That realization is inducing within you all a most potent and energetic motivation to awaken, and to know yourselves as God knows you – infinitely wise, perfect, creative and beautiful Beings in constant harmonious cooperation with Her for the eternal joy that the endless sharing and extending of Love to All delivers. That motivation to awaken is intensifying worldwide, as more and more people come to an awareness of the complete insanity of conflict and of their egos’ almost constant attempts to persuade them to engage with it. Your egos are weakening as you come to understand that they are always operating from a sense of fear and, as you come to full awareness that you are Love in form, thus will you choose no longer to engage with fear because it does not serve you.
What you need to do, all that you need to do, is to set the intent, at least once daily – preferably more frequently, whenever it comes to mind – to be loving, and only loving, whatever arises in your daily lives that requires a response from you. You are, to repeat myself, divine Beings, Beings of infinite power and wisdom, and that power and wisdom always guides and drives your intent – your Will – to be only loving, if you will only allow it to do so.
Going within daily, to your holy inner sanctuaries, is essential because taking the time to set that intent is an extremely powerful and necessary priority which, when put into effect by you, enormously assists in bringing humanity to the point of awakening. It is for this precise reason that you chose to incarnate in human form at this moment, so remember that this is an essential task for which you most willingly volunteered, and do set this intent at least once daily. I know you can do it – as do you, deep within yourselves – so let go of your doubts and BE yourselves with courage and determination, knowing that you are fully supported by all of us in the spiritual realms.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
Breaking Free from the Matrix and Manifesting | The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are perpetually grateful for our existence, for our ability to expand and become more of Source Energy. We know that is what our existence is all about, and so, it becomes easier for us to experience that. On Earth, when you begin to believe in the illusion, or what some have come to refer to as ‘the matrix,’ you forget that your existence is about expanding into the newest creations of Source. And of course, you also forget that you are that Source that is both creating and experiencing simultaneously.
You do have the idea of this in your quests to manifest certain things, relationships, experiences, money, jobs, and so on. There are so many things that you could desire to manifest that we could go on listing them for the rest of this transmission and still not even get through a small percentage of them. You can see the physical realm as a representation of what’s happening on the nonphysical level. You are creating within the illusion, or the matrix, if you prefer, and then you are allowing what you have created to flow to you so that you can experience it.
And if you see it all as Source, then it becomes more fun. Now, as we were listing all the various things you could desire and then manifest, what made that list something that could be infinite is that you can manifest experiences, feelings, states of being; you can manifest bliss. You can manifest the state of oneness. You can manifest the feeling of infinite love, and those who have already experienced everything in the physical realm that they have ever desired to experience, then tend to go for the nonphysical types of experiences, the feeling states. They are much more infinite in nature than what is physical, which can break, be lost, be stolen, or simply no longer serve you for some reason.
Perhaps that fancy gadget you wanted so much five years ago is now obsolete, but the experiences that you can have that are nonphysical upgrade themselves, just like your phones and other devices need upgrades and need to be replaced every once in a while. And so, the feeling of bliss that you experienced yesterday is not the same feeling today, and that’s what makes manifesting outside of the matrix so much fun. That is why people who have spent some time developing their spirituality understand that the illusion is to be transcended to a certain extent. You will still ultimately be there in a physical body, and you will want to have certain experiences over certain other experiences, but you won’t get attached to them. You won’t feel like a failure if you don’t manifest your dream home in the timeframe that you have decided is most appropriate.
You can realize that even playing within an illusionary matrix is fun and is meant to stimulate growth within you spiritually, rather than being the measuring stick by which you determine how good you are, in one way or another. Think about the types of feelings and experiences you want to manifest, rather than the things, and realize you have access to what is nonphysical right now, whereas something physical may take three to five days to arrive in the mail. And then know that nothing is stopping you from breaking free from this so-called matrix. The only thing that ever could stop you is you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
~Raise your vibrations~
~Raise your vibrations~
Practice Unconditional Self-Love
You are CoCreators with God Master Creator Unlimited.
Detach from everything and everyone you do not wish to be included in your new life as CoCreators.
Detach from all energies that are weighing your soul down.
Plan, design, co-create and manifest the life you wish to experience.
It’s your turn and your time to live your life…
-Queen Romana-
Greetings from the Hollow Earth, located inside the very center of your planet, which is Hollow, with an Inner Central Sun and Oceans and Mountains still in their pristine state.
New message from Mikos,
Channeled October 2021
New message from Mikos,
channeled October 2021
Greetings from the Hollow Earth, located inside the very center of your planet, which is Hollow, with an Inner Central Sun and Oceans and Mountains still in their pristine state.
I come to you today with news of the GREAT AWAKENING that is rapidly spreading across the surface of Earth, as people by the millions are waking up to the realization of what the governments of Earth are trying to do by limiting people’s freedom of choice. This is a great travesty of Universal Law, and will not succeed.
We, in the Hollow Earth, have your surface monitored with our amino-acid based computers, and we see all that is occurring, including those who are responsible for the lockdown of people’s rights of freedom of choice, and freedom to travel without being vaccinated. This will not last much longer as the Light is gaining momentum and more and more help is arriving from other Star Systems to put an end to the plans of the sinister force and finally remove them all from the surface, allowing you to continue your evolution into the Light and achieve your ascension into the 5th dimension where we all await you. Your arrival is long overdue!
I Am Mikos, Head Librarian of the Library of Porthologos located inside the very center of the Hollow Earth……
Ashtar greets you from the sky!
We are here in great numbers monitoring your Earth plane. We track all movement into and out of Earth – through all dimensions of time and space. We are vigilant in our jobs and record all vehicles entering and exiting Earth.
This is a complex undertaking, but we are highly trained and skilled in the trade of monitoring planets and bringing them through their ascension. Yours is not the only planet going through these changes in consciousness. For the Universe is vast – with hundreds of millions of galaxies and planets teeming with life. Yours is one minute speck going through mighty changes on its course to the stars.
We are all your brothers and sisters of Light, and we work closely with you at night on the Inner Planes. We all work together as ONE – we from above and you from below – as we cruise through space among the stars. Your Earth’s light now brightens the night sky as life continues to evolve ever higher in consciousness. For once consciousness reaches a certain frequency, all Earth explodes into Light – and will have broken through the frequency barrier – parted the veils – and ascended into the higher dimensions.
Q: What is the frequency barrier? A: It is a wavelength that controls the light coming into the earth plane. It keeps humanity functioning on a low level of frequency so that consciousness is unable to expand or evolve. It prevents higher frequencies of light from penetrating Earth and acts as a barrier around Earth preventing an interchange with other planets. In effect, it cuts Earth off from other planetary civilizations and isolates humanity. This has been effective in leading you to think you’re the only ones in the Universe.
~ October 2021
Copyright © Dianne Robbins
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Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ We’re Always Here for You
October 22, 2021,
Dear Ones,
We are always available to you, to assist, guide, and encourage you forward. You do not need to have the skill of spirit communication in order to receive our help. All that is required is a heartfelt request and a willingness to receive. Then simply allow yourself to be guided and use your conscious awareness to watch for the signs and synchronicities that point the way.
Is it time for you to take the step of actively working with us and beginning to utilize the help that has always been there waiting for you? It would be both an honour and a privilege for us to begin that partnership with you.
Move out of ego, and into the high heart! All is well, with life taken in small moments—individual steps forward.
A Message to Lightworkers – October 22, 2021
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time with you today.
Once again our writer speaks with Saint Germain, and he is happy to offer insights into what is occurring now in your Earth lives, as you walk the Ascension path:
COR: Greetings, Lord Saint Germain!
SAINT GERMAIN: Greetings, dear one, and all. How may we assist?
COR: What is important for us to know right now, whether regarding NESARA’s enactment or regarding lifting the vibration of our world to a higher level?
I have been following a wonderful guided meditation for invoking the power of the Violet Transmuting Flame, which I feel is more important than ever now.
As you are the creator and guardian of that Transmuting Fire, what would you like to share with us right now?
SAINT GERMAIN: Only that Transmutation is in the very air you breathe now.
And that humanity’s power to transform your world has never been greater!
And that contrary to what you are being told on most fronts, you are all capable of moving into a new and higher understanding of that capability now.
While your Sun now assists you in that empowerment more fully than ever.
COR: We hear from the Faction Three White Knights about the monoatomic gold dust coming in, and from what I understand, that Light is sentient.
It desires to heal us, to inspire us.
And it feels to me to be laying a path to higher consciousness.
Other than working with it in meditation, I’m not sure how best to connect with that energy.
SAINT GERMAIN: For one, thinking of anything with appreciation will assist your energies in opening to that experience, and playing with that particular expression of Light in the higher realms.
So most certainly, we would say, be Joyful in your thoughts of this Light coming in now.
The gold dust is a form of Light that is helping to transform the particular level of human thought that opens doors not only to new inventions, but to the possibility of forms of living that in the past would have been called too idealistic to experience in Earth life.
COR: So that might be things such as people only doing the work that most interests them, or having more than enough money so that they never stress over it again?
Or forms of healing that are completely natural and holistic, and offered for free, as well as war being considered null and void, and no longer a part of human experience?
SAINT GERMAIN: Those are some forms that you will have heard many say, so as to protect themselves from the disappointment of a dream deferred, “That cannot be. The world does not work that way.”
And now of course, in this new era, humanity is reaching for that, and much more.
COR: What do you make of these companies offering space travel?
SAINT GERMAIN: That is what one might call an “accidental” breakthrough in favor of what the Light Forces have been working toward for a very long time.
Accidental on the part of the old political/economic structure, in that they would not want the majority of the populace to think that space travel is normal and easy to do, even with the current outmoded technology.
Yet it is an intentional breakthrough on the part of those working on behalf of the Light, and that of course includes all Light Bearers, as you call them.
One does not have to design rockets in order to assist in any area of disclosure of higher technologies, and the presence of other races of beings in the Universe.
That much all of you know, as you travel the ethers in your sleep state.
Increasingly, the truth of those travels—the fact of them—is carried with you more consciously throughout the day.
This would be so, even for those who feel there is no “spirit” in human beings, and that there are no other beings exploring the galaxy but those they see around them.
COR: So is the Light coming in so great now, that even the darker agendas are being used for humanity’s higher good, somehow?
SAINT GERMAIN: That potential was always there, and enacted by many.
Yet it is far easier to attain now, yes.
COR: How do we take the current agenda for complete control over human health, daily living, and consciousness, and find good in it?
SAINT GERMAIN: Your first responsibility is to move into a place of calm and Peaceful nonresistance of what you yourselves have volunteered to witness first-hand.
It can never be that you will experience your own or humanity’s higher good from a place of fearful anxiety or hopelessness.
Merely witness, and maintain your own high vibration. For you hold the Light for human experience now.
As you note the tactics being used, and trace them to the desire on behalf of the old power structure to demote humanity into automatons and fear-based slaves, or to eradicate the race almost completely, you see through their increasingly thin to nonexistent veil.
Soon, no one will be able to lie and get away with it—unless perhaps, their intentions are very high, and they wish to spare someone unnecessary pain.
COR: Or spoil a surprise party!
SAINT GERMAIN: Yes! The potential for Joy must be preserved!
COR: What about the news broadcasts that lie almost nonstop?
While presenting “experts” whose comments and recommendations we have been carefully trained to bow to, ignoring our own intuitive understanding of what is really happening.
SAINT GERMAIN: And in the current atmosphere, what we describe now is ever-increasing: the ability to see through the lies of the news broadcasts, which in the main, are channels for propaganda.
You will note alternative news media coming forward now. This is not because “the internet was invented.”
That is so, but what was to prevent the internet from becoming yet another function of the old structure of control?
Those who came forward to play the darker roles have attempted to make it such.
Yet it is the current human insistence on the Truth being told that has ensured many independent channels of more trustworthy information, and more than that, the greater perception humanity is experiencing now.
You will see an increase in human desire to hear and respect their own higher wisdom; each person’s own sense of what is right for them.
Yes, despite so many having fallen for the current lies. Despite so many being led by fear.
Despite appearance, that tendency is becoming a thing of the past.
COR: Strange that I seem to believe what you say, and to have seen evidence of it, despite the numbers who are lining up to do as they are told, without investigating what it is that is being put into them.
And without asking to understand the true motives of those propagating what are being called necessary preventions.
SAINT GERMAIN: This is a kind of culling, in the sense that those who are seeking to maintain Peace of heart-mind, while being fully aware of the darker agendas, are powerfully in training for the creation of New Earth forms and communities.
COR: What of those who have fallen for the lies spread throughout the mainstream narrative now?
SAINT GERMAIN: There are many paths. Respect all. Allow all.
COR: It is difficult, when you see loved ones making choices that do not seem wise, whether it is trusting the wrong people, as if the old system will always protect them, when it has never done that, or harming themselves with drug or drink to try to hide from what these higher energies are revealing to us about ourselves.
SAINT GERMAIN: Yet soon, there is no hiding, for anyone.
Those who choose to know themselves shall be assisted in integrating these finer vibrations.
COR: A revelation and a comfort, yet also a bit daunting.
SAINT GERMAIN: Move out of ego, and into the high heart!
All is well, with life taken in small moments—individual steps forward.
Remember that whatever dire consequence some will say awaits humanity, you are empowered to create!
To naturally flow into those circumstances that you image, expect, and celebrate most often!
COR: That would be a new reality, one that we know we have created, rather than accidentally coming across on the path.
SAINT GERMAIN: Now is the time, dear ones!
Do not delay!
As you put all of your world in the Violet Transmuting Flame, it is not to hide from that which distresses you, but to move all to the higher vibrational level, and the outpicturing that awaits you in the field of potentials.
Do you choose this? Leaving open the forms of all outcomes, yet calling forth the beauty of that which is for the higher good of all?
That New Earth which, at every moment, we see already in the process of Creation, as Gaia Herself reaches for Her newest and finest incarnation!
COR: So we don’t need to image exact outcomes, so much as blaze that Violet Flame in ourselves and the Earth, and come into a place of Peacefulness?
SAINT GERMAIN: Of course. The images of what you are creating will come up unbidden, of their own accord.
And if you have no images, that is fine also.
The realization of your Creating is enough. Allow it to fulfill you.
And put yourselves in charge, dear ones—not some hidden, unseen authority structure which is fading so quickly that it is gasping for its last breath.
It cannot stand this Light. So place all its various machinations in the Violet Flame also, which is in constant communication with the monoatomic gold you spoke of, and the assistance of the Light Forces.
All is well. The center of Creation on your planet is in your own co-Creative heart-mind—not the halls of government or corporation.
You are the captains of this particular ship!
COR: Thank you, Lord Saint Germain, as always! We take this to heart, and act upon it now.
SAINT GERMAIN: Namaste, dear ones! We are privileged to assist.
And be of good cheer!
We have seen your future timeline, and all shall be most well.
Copyright 2021, Caroline Oceana Ryan
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Each one of you is a microcosm of the entire universe. You can activate any frequency you like within yourself. Are you willing to receive what you have prayed for? If so feel for it.
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Each one of you is a microcosm of the entire universe. You can activate any frequency you like within yourself. With love and appreciation, you can activate your connection with the Source, or you can activate your connection with world problems, such as supply-chain issues, by pinching off the love waiting to flow through your own borders. You can activate frequencies of joyous celebration or frequencies of abject hatred. Within each one of you is the potential to tune into anything at all that already does, or can, exist in your reality.
The external world that you experience is just an out-picturing of the frequencies you activate within. The more people that activate a certain energy, the more you will see it mirrored in the world at large.
For example, there are ships carrying thousands of tons of items, delayed at the docks right now. The source is there. The offering is there. However, in many areas, there is a disparity between what is being offered and what is being received.
Likewise, there are countless people on earth praying for love. The Source is there. The offering of love is there. However, in many, there is a disparity between what is being offered and what is being received.
For example, you can pray for the end of this pandemic, yet still focus upon it with fear, thus creating a disparity between the well-being that is offered and what you are willing to receive. Alternately you can focus on well-being, and follow your guidance – each in your own way – thus allowing well-being to flow into your reality. You can choose to live in a way that feels healthy – to you – and focus on enjoying your own physical experience. Whether you are sequestered in your home enjoying your days or running around without a care, your energy will always be far more important than your actions.
When you focus on the good in your life, no matter what your actions, you are open to the flow of love, life, and light that is always being offered.
Likewise, many are praying for change in their lives and yet resisting the very same. If you want change, are you open to new thoughts, new ideas, new guidance? Are you open to having the beautiful essence of what you want come to you in a way that might not look exactly what you thought… but will be better than you dream? Are you open to the in-flow of Source’s wisdom and love, or are you asking for change and resisting the very same because you fear it?
Dear ones, we have no judgment whatsoever. We know that your soul’s only real goal is to live in love and to enjoy love along the way in whatever fashion you choose. Perhaps you want to change your hair. It would feel like love. You go to your hairdresser and show him or her the style you want. He/she tells you that you’d actually look a little better in a different style. How do you feel? Do you trust your feelings? For some of you that would mean saying, “No thank you. I know I want what I want.” You would feel even clearer about your choice. For others, you would say, “I never thought about that. I like that! Let’s try it!”
It is through your willingness to “feel” your way through life that you tune into your guidance. It is through your willingness to feel GOOD that you align with Source. It is through your willingness to reach for the better feeling thoughts and actions that you unblock the flow from the Source, and open up your very own supply chain, to allow everything you want or need to flow easily and kindly to you.
We are not telling you that you should change. We are not telling you that you should run around or stay at home. We are not telling you that you should or should not get a shot. We are not telling you that you need to believe or discredit anything you hear. We are telling you that the Source of all Creation, all Life, and all Love lives and breathes inside of you and is waiting at all times to be felt within you… and dear ones, Source feels Good. God feels Good. Love feels good. Pinching this off feels bad.
Pinching off your own experience of Source’s never-ending supply of love feels like lack – lack of love, lack of health, lack of abundance. Opening to the love of Source, in even the smallest of ways – unleashes a mighty flow of love, health, abundance, and so much more into your life.
Appreciate a shaft of sunlight peeking through your window, and in that instant, you have opened your borders up to the endless supply of love. Acknowledge yourself for an act of kindness, and your supply of love, and life, and well-being is flowing. Do something kind for yourself or another and you are in an abundant flow.
Dear ones, the smallest acts of love seem so insignificant to you in your 3D world and yet in the 5D paradigm, they open up the entire supply chain of love from Source so it can flow into your experience and then through you as you share this abundant flow of love with others. There is nothing ever insignificant about a moment of love, kindness, care, appreciation, or comfort.
These small loving thoughts or actions get the flow going once again in your minds, your hearts, your bodies, and ultimately your world.
Are you willing to receive what you have prayed for? If so feel for it. Align your thoughts with it. Believe in it even before you see it. Stay the course, and then dear ones you have unblocked your access to the endless supply of Love from the Source.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
Allow yourselves to experience.
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have the capacity to feel joy, love, freedom, and power, and we recognize that more and more humans are discovering their ability to feel the way they want to feel. It is an exciting time for all of you, as you are developing an ability to determine what type of energy you are putting out into the world. We would say that humanity has been largely reactionary in terms of how you would feel what you feel. Something good happens, you feel a good-feeling emotion, and when something bad happens, you would feel a bad-feeling emotion.
The way that humanity has dealt with the issue of what you feel in a positive way over the millions of years that you’ve been on Earth is by putting yourselves in monasteries, caves, convents, anywhere you could find to essentially hide from the world. Humans on a spiritual path have typically attempted to transcend feeling, as if that is the answer. Other humans will deny their emotions, numb themselves to them, or try to think their way out of them. We do not recommend these approaches. These approaches are showing themselves for what they are.
Emotions are not to be escaped from or ignored. They are to be embraced, and you are to activate the good feelings in order to create the reality that matches those feelings. You cannot do that if you’ve closed yourself off to any emotion. Any emotion that you do not allow to flow through you is going to stifle the rest. So if you are one of the ones who is saying that you don’t really feel much of anything anymore, then you have to start by feeling what you’ve been avoiding. Allow yourselves to experience what has been right there beneath the surface of your conscious awareness for quite some time. And in so doing, you will open the floodgates.
You will be able to experience more love, more joy, more peace, and more of everything else that you want to feel. And that is true spiritual mastery. It’s not about hiding away in some spiritual sanctuary that keeps you from experiencing the rest of the world as it is. It’s not about making your lives smaller so that less can go wrong and affect you and elicit an unwanted emotion. This spiritual evolution that you are taking part in consciously is about feeling it all and then choosing from within what you’ve been able to access. That’s how you create your reality, instead of letting your reality dictate how you feel all the time. This is what you came to Earth and the Solar System to master.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Conscious Observer of Transition NESARA/GESARA.
We will use the mass media to awaken and inspire people into a greater understanding of themselves and of humanity. Also Messages of unity, oneness and equality that we will broadcast to the whole world from enormous screens placed on the sides of our mother- ships.
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A Breakthrough Message From The Galactic Federation
Dear beloved ones,
We are the Galactic Federation of Light and we come with a breakthrough message from the Prime Creator to all of humanity.
The Prime Creator knows that there has been a lot of tension on your planet recently because of the failure of your systems to deal with the great change that has been taking place.
You have been through a lot, but now it is finally time for relief and reassurance. Rise up, shine your light and prepare for a very special message from The Prime Creator – a message of higher wisdom and hope.
The Prime Creator has given us permission to descend throughout your planet in large numbers, thereby triggering a massive positive chain reaction that will fall into place as soon as enough people receive our presence as a sign that what they have been waiting for has started manifesting on Earth.
Many of our ships will come by at low altitudes and make themselves visible to the general public. They may be seen in the sky at night, or during the day if they reveal themselves.
We are sending greetings of peace, hope and love to all of you. We want to prepare you for what is coming. The Galactic Federation has moved heaven and earth to be able to step forward openly with Disclosure, the announcement that we are visiting Earth, and our presence here.
The time for this event has been chosen carefully by our cosmic planners, as it is shortly after the end of this year’s solar maximum cycle and therefore the energetic conditions on earth will be particularly ripe for our arrival and teachings and therefore maximally beneficial and timely for you.
From now on, we can openly interact with the people of this planet. It is true that we have been helping you secretly for a long time but now it is time to let you know that your prayers have been answered — the initial contact has been made.
We are now allowed to communicate with the people of the world, and we will be translated into all languages and broadcast through various media, television and the Internet.
We will use the mass media to awaken and inspire people into a greater understanding of themselves and of humanity. Also Messages of unity, oneness and equality that we will broadcast to the whole world from enormous screens placed on the sides of our mother- ships.
The Galactic Federation will host open meetings on ships, where people can meet us in person.
There are many people in the world that are sick that don’t have anyone to help them. Or they just can’t afford healing treatment. So, we will provide free healing treatment to all of these people around the world that are sick.
We are getting ready. We are making the final arrangements to make the disclosure, and your world will change forever. Soon, you will recall who you really are. “Disclosure” has reached an all-time high, in accordance with the divine plan of the creator.
We are prepared for any obstacle or problem that is presented by what would seem like nefarious beings who want to delay the truth.
The most important thing we decided is to extend the end of this cycle and give way for the preparation for the people of this world and to allow the secret controllers of this world a chance to give up and surrender.This includes the dark forces, who know about this and do not yet know how to proceed. The process will turn out smoother than we had thought. This will avoid chaos.
Now is the time when you will find out who is lying to you, who has used you in some way, who has not cared about your welfare or that of humanity.
We are all very excited about this wonderful, life changing opportunity for each and every one of you. The moment is now, the time to act is upon us, the time to discover your true Galactic origins.
This is something that has never happened before in history and it will be happening now! The Earth’s population will see firsthand the origins of who they are in regards to their Galactic roots.
The plans to create a New Earth based on Universal Law, for the sake of all Life in Our Universe, have been put into motion. It is also a message of great, unexpected joy!
We love you dearly.We are here with you.We are your family of light.
A’HOAurora RayAmbassador of the Galactic Federation
Channel and Art by Aurora Ray
Copyright 2021 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
Focus, focus, focus, and then pay attention to how your focus feels.
Unleash Your Power, Confidence & Ability to Create ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are exuding much confidence when we speak through the channel here. We speak with confidence and with certainty because we have an ability to focus, and that ability to focus does in fact give us confidence in what we are focusing upon. We know, for example, that if we focus on humanity’s ascension and the good that exists within each and every one of you, that will be what we experience. On the other hand, if we were to focus on your shortcomings, and the possibility that you would destroy your world before ascending with it, we would not feel, nor would be exude, as much confidence in humanity.
We know that our ability to focus serves all of you as well. We know that as we focus on your power, we activate it. We know that as we hold space for you to heal, you find your own ability to let in healing energies. We know that as we focus on being of service to you, we are, and we want you to focus in the same way that we are focusing, because we know that your ability to focus unleashes more than just your confidence. It unleashes your power; it unleashes your ability to create. Focus, focus, focus, and then pay attention to how your focus feels.
There are plenty of people who are out there in your world and who are putting out messages to those like you about the negativity of the human collective, or they are telling you that there are a few very, very bad people and that you should focus on them and what they are doing. And if more of you paid attention to how you feel when you focus upon those teachers, those channelers, and their messages, you would turn them off, exit that page on your browser, and you would never return to experience such awful feelings in your body. We would love to convince you that your feelings matter and whether something resonates with you or not intellectually is not as important as how you feel when you focus upon it, because at the end of the day, all truths are true and all realities are real.
Please be aware of the power of your focus and use it as a tool. Use it as a way of choosing the reality you want to experience, because that’s what you are doing all the time, and if you focus on the good in you and the good in others, you will start to see more evidence of that good playing out in your world. If you focus on the fact that you are all Source Energy Beings, you will start to notice that others are showing you that they are Source Energy Beings in the flesh, and you will feel more of your Divinity flowing to you and through you all the time, and that is the best possible use of your focus.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
The old ways are finished, the suffering that you cannot help but be aware of is coming to an end because all the old karmic ‘stuff,’ that has been arising for some considerable time, has nearly all been acknowledged, thanked, and released.
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Saul Through John: You will Feel Complete, Whole, Fulfilled, Perfect
As humanity waits expectantly for the collective awakening to happen – for each individual in their daily lives – be aware that it is happening right NOW!
Look around you, observe the large numbers of people behaving far more peacefully and lovingly than you are accustomed to seeing. This is happening because all of you keep setting and maintaining the intent to be only loving whatever arises in your own daily lives.
Each of you are personally, individually, and collectively delivering the awakening to all of humanity, even though you are probably not receiving any positive personal feedback to allay your continuing doubts, about whether humanity really is in the process of awakening – doubts that are constantly being activated or intensified by your ceaseless and growing awareness of the enormous amount of suffering that so many are undergoing worldwide, and that is constantly being reported on the MSM.
The old ways are finished, the suffering that you cannot help but be aware of is coming to an end because all the old karmic ‘stuff,’ that has been arising for some considerable time, has nearly all been acknowledged, thanked, and released.
Your natural and eternal state of being – LOVE – is embracing you and flowing far more freely through you now than at any time in humanity’s long history of earthly existence.
Theknowing of yourOneness, in which all sentient life is contained and embraced, is breaking into the awareness of increasing numbers of people worldwide every day as they come to realize and understand that all are inseparably and eternally connected to each other.
It is truly a mind-blowing realization! It is a new awareness of the truth that everything anyone thinks, says, or does affects all sentient life; and all life is sentient. There is only energy – God, Source, Love, All, One – and when it is experienced as physicality know that even rocks or dust are not devoid of energy, nothing is dead, there is no dead matter.
Remember, the game in which you are engaged – dream or nightmare if you prefer – is unreal, despite its seeming reality while you are experiencing life in form, experiencing life apparently separated from Source.
The experience of life separated from Source is but a momentary adventure or ordeal, even though it appears to have been ongoing for eons, with time as an essential aspect of this unreal state of existence.
When you awaken, as you inevitably will when you make your free will choice to do so, it will be as though separation – physicality – had never existed, and, of course, it has not.
That is something that is very difficult for you to grasp because, by choosing to experience separation, you chose to be unaware of your true nature at One with and eternally in the Presence of the One.
The joy that you will experience when you awaken is totally beyond the ability of words or language to describe, or of your imaginations to conceive, because to be awake is to be at One, Complete, knowing yourselves as you truly are – Love, One with Mother/Father/God, always – and without even the tiniest possibility of a moment of unawareness of this, because there is absolutely nothing else.
Therefore, relax, becauseall is eternally well, and because it is God’s Will for you to do so, to be eternally in a state of absolute peace, undistracted from the knowing awareness of your Union with Source.
Your unawareness of God’s Will is a major aspect of the dream of separation with which you each chose to engage, and you are awakening from it. The signs of this massive collective awakening can be seen everywhere if you will but let go of your doubts, of the distractions with which your egos are almost constantly presenting you.
Your egos are the wellsprings through which your fears and doubts arise, and the vast majority of them are “what if” scenarios that never occur. So do not focus your attention on them, just let them go, knowing, as you do if you will allow yourselves to be mindful of your thoughts arising, that they are just distractions that are totally unworthy of your attention, just like the constant stream of advertisements with which the MSM is constantly interrupting any programs you may be watching or listening to on the media.
To be maintaining the dream of unreality in your awareness as essential for your safety and survival, as most of humanity has been doing for eons, is what keeps you from awakening.
It is a little bit like choosing to sit and watch all the episodes of a television series one after the other, without a break. You become totally involved with and part of the unfolding drama. When it finally comes to completion you find yourselves totally drained, exhausted, and wondering why on earth you allowed yourselves to spend all that time in a state of mindless distraction, and you may find yourselves experiencing a sense of guilt and shame for wasting so much time.
I can assure you that when you awaken from the illusion there will be absolutely no sense of guilt, shame, or of wasted time, because, as you have so often been informed, there is no guilt, no shame, and no time!
There is only NOW, REALITY, a state of eternal joy in which you are constantly present and mindful of your eternal Oneness with Source.
You will feel complete, whole, fulfilled, perfect, because that is Who You are, and there will be no doubts or uncertainties to distract You from full awareness of this wondrous and brilliant state of being, because It is All that Is.
With so very much love,
Increase in military activity
Do not panic, do not be scared , unless you work of course against humanity’s best interests. It has to go through this way for the highest good for all.
Remember: “War” is for the purpose of declaring martial law. Declaring martial law is for the purpose of announcing the fall of the cabal and the return of the Republic.
No need to worry. This is what we’ve been waiting for. (Steve Beckow)
Military action across planet to move to second phase.
Increase in military activity now given green light.
Balance, laughter, joy, gratitude and appreciation are vibrational tickets that allow you to move from one dimension to another.
Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ A Bigger Playground
October 18, 2021, via email
We are here inviting you to acknowledge who you are and to begin to step into your mastery. We continue to offer you simple ways to shift energy throughout the day; again we remind you that gratitude and laughter are powerful tools to shift energy.
This practice is most important because as you begin to shift your vibrational offerings, this shift allows you to begin to move into different dimensions. Remember that the dimensions are nested levels of vibrations of energy and consciousness.
We are inviting you to practice ways of riding these intense energy waves that are being generated from the stars. All are watching and observing your planet and the skillful aware manner that you manage frequency, energy and vibrations. This is your time to shine. This is your time to own the ability to move from one dimension to another with ease, grace and skill.
Remember that you are first a divine energy being and that divine energy is what animates and creates your physical form.
Everything you experience as solid and “real” are vibrations of energy, held or locked in place by belief systems. If for a moment you could set aside all the mental programs about your reality, you would experience an entirely different perspective of what you call reality. Practice letting go of your perceived ideas of what is real. Practice asking yourself often, what am I creating with my energy, vibrations, thoughts right now?
Make it a conscious practice of shifting or pivoting from a low vibration/frequency of worry, stress, fear or anger into one that is gentler and uplifting. Practice turning up your volume so to speak to one of loving kindness and grace. Each time you shift to offering a higher vibration/frequency you are capable of moving to a higher dimension. Become aware of these subtle shifts in your awareness.
In the holograph of the corridor of time your sages and wise ones have all spoken of the ability to shift from one dimension to another or one state of awareness to another. They have offered suggestions of prayer, meditation, fasting…the shamans and mystics have offered mind altering herbs and ceremonies of dance, drums or sounds to bring a shift of consciousness. There are scores of methods, pathways and tools that have been offered to humanity throughout your history.
All these suggestions and techniques are for the important purpose of shifting your awareness to understand that the world you view is only one small perspective of the whole. There are levels and dimensions and timeframes in which an aware individual can experience and, so to speak, ‘travel’. This is our invitation to you.
Let us give you this example; imagine a young child is raised in a small house, all their needs are met. They are happy and their entire world that they consciously know is that small house. They become an adult yet never venture out of the small house, believing that the space of the small house is all that exists. Their parents only know and see the small house as reality. They are taught nothing more. Everything they experience, all their beliefs and mental programs tell them that reality is this one small house. As long as they do not believe, they cannot see a different reality.
Imagine now that something happens and they are shocked out of their stance and beliefs. They briefly catch a glimpse of a bigger reality beyond the small house. This is the beginning of expanded awareness. They are shocked, even amazed. They might even question their own beliefs; perhaps there is more than the small house. They even share with others about this new reality that they have seen. Everyone invalidates them, shames them, even mocks them. They begin to doubt what they experienced.
This is what is happening on your planet right now in a big way. People are being shocked out of their stance of what’s real. When no one believes them, they doubt their own experience. It then becomes frightening, it is fearful and they have a tendency to run back into the small house rather than explore the new reality.
Another example here, you have the television in your home; even though it is turned off at this time you could simply activate it and there would be a program or news or movie. There are various selections and offerings here to view, different realities so to speak.
Imagine all the assembled electronic equipment called TV, is much like your brain. You can switch the channels, you can find a memory of the past which invokes emotions or you can review a channel of your worries or you can envision and get a sense of your possible futures.
Yet you are still in the small house, or you are still in the box of the TV. You are still in your small mind; you are still in your beliefs about this limited reality.
We are encouraging you to step out the door and embrace the countless realities that are only a frequency/a vibration away. Allow yourself to imagine traveling to the stars. Allow yourself to imagine being a tree, a rock, or some animal, what might that feel like. Allow yourself to see energy in its different forms without an overlay of your beliefs. Allow yourself. It is a practice. It is an intention. Allow your imagination to be free.
There is much assistance being given at this time to awaken humanity to the rich tapestry of multi-realities. It is a bigger playground…a freer playground. It is riding the energy flow, it is reading the energy signature of the moment.
It is opening the door to all possibilities and stepping into an awesome new awareness of being unlimited. As a multidimensional being and a galactic citizen, now think of the size of your playground.
As you increase your personal vibration and frequency you operate at a higher resonance. This invites the expanded reality; the bigger playground is open to you. Balance, laughter, joy, gratitude and appreciation are vibrational tickets that allow you to ride into realities of wonder and awe. Balance, laughter, joy, gratitude and appreciation are vibrational tickets that allow you to move from one dimension to another. Be at peace, Beloved the ‘team’
©2021 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available
The earth was designed as a Universal vacation spot of sorts. To experience emotional sensations as well as enjoy the beauty and love provided by the earth’s environment. That earth vacation spot was tainted by those who wished to emphasize other aspects – most notably fear…
”Fun is in. Work, pressure, shoulds, and have tos are out.
Enjoy your life. Most importantly, shift your beliefs and thinking from shoulds and have tos to relaxation and pleasure.”
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Dear Ones,
You likely feel emotionally exhausted. The energies bombarding the earth the past few weeks have made your days and nights light up with new information, as well as shifting your actions and reactions.
Even though this is what you hoped for throughout this transition, the recent energies were stronger than ever before. It is time to rest to fully integrate these energies.
So it is you are in the midst of an earth energy lull, allowing you to sort out your new information and actions.
This lull will likely produce a sensation similar to completing a major work project despite disjointed instructions as you were doing so. But after, your days seemed empty without the hustle you became comfortable with to complete the project on time and within budget. At the same time, your body was screaming for rest.
So it is now. You are entering a short rest stage that might produce some fun but is more likely a time to regroup and regenerate. The energies will soon rev up again to a speed you will easily adjust to – if you allow your being to rest when it calls for you to do so.
You are determined to complete all you need to complete before the end of this calendar year. So perhaps you feel you cannot let up – that you have no time to regenerate. The opposite is true. This is a new world where pushing yourself beyond exhaustion is no longer a rewarded effort.
In 3D, many of you lived by the belief that hard work would create what you wanted or needed. That if you fully devoted yourself to a job, your children, or your relationships, you would fulfill your 3D needs. Almost like a three-legged stool with one leg much longer and stronger than the other two. The result was – as can be visualized by that example – everything was out of balance.
So it was in 3D. Focusing on one or two issues to the detriment of other parts of your 3D life and world. As most of you determined, economics was the overriding 3D emphasis creating pockets of wealth for some and emotional, physical, and economic neglect for the larger population.
In your new world, there are no larger legs in that three-legged stool. Hence, there is no need to push yourself beyond endurance to achieve anything.
The earth was designed as a Universal vacation spot of sorts. To experience emotional sensations as well as enjoy the beauty and love provided by the earth’s environment. That earth vacation spot was tainted by those who wished to emphasize other aspects – most notably fear.
What you are addressing now is how to return earth life to its original vacation, loving environment. So it is you are returning to self-love. A self-love that no longer allows you to push yourself so dramatically you cannot enjoy the earth’s beauty.
In 3D, you rewarded yourself for a job well done as you plodded along in a work environment that did not include walks in nature, family time, or time for you to heal. All of that was held at bay until you were a senior or wealthy enough to retire. Most often, you negated the beauty of the earth, your Universal vacation for forty or more earth years.
You are beginning to balance your interests and time. What do you wish to do? Not what should you do, or have to do? What is your body, your inner voice begging you to do? That is your only job. The earth cannot return to the vacation mode it was initially designed for if everyone continues to push themselves into a work mode – whether for a job or in relationships.
Perhaps you wonder why fear was introduced to the earth if a vacation mode was the dominant theme. We, of the Universes, can only respond that once entities began exploring the possibilities of growth and learning on the earth, the consensus was that fear would be fun to explore. Once fear was introduced, it continued to replicate and expand to the heaviness that is now the dominant 3D theme.
Your role was to shift the earth from fear to love. So you have, and so you are by listening to your inner voice. An inner voice that is screaming for fun and rest until the next energy burst arrives.
Of course, you continue to have shoulds running through your being. Your new role is to ignore those shoulds unless they feel fun and exciting. You are balancing your three-legged stool for the first time in eons.
Listen to yourself, for you are screaming from within that the fear mode is no longer valid. Fun is in. Work, pressure, shoulds, and have tos are out.
Enjoy your life. Most importantly, shift your beliefs and thinking from shoulds and have tos to relaxation and pleasure. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page (, and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:
Ascension is a process of integrating increasingly higher vibrations of Divine love.
October 17, 2021,
Jennifer Crokaert ~ Ashian: Freedom and Breaking Down 3D Grids
J: What would you like to discuss today?
A: We would like to discuss freedom.
J: Unusual! Go for it.
A: Where do you see yourself as trapped? In what ways do you see that you are stuck, powerless or a victim? What do you avoid, and pretend you don’t notice that you are avoiding?
Each beloved person has areas in their emotional world where they feel that they have been beaten, where they have to endure what happens next, where they are without the power to exercise their divinely given sovereignty.
We would like to suggest that this is the time to take back your sovereignty. We are not saying to react, to lash out, or to be reckless. Not at all. Those are 3D responses based on fear programming.
We are suggesting a 5D mastery approach that uses intention and attention to create change and transformation. During your day, if you pay attention to your decisions, you will begin to notice little clues that show where you are bound by a distortion that is not love, but fear.
These little awarenesses are to be noticed joyously. They are inviting you to welcome home the parts of you that, over this and many other lifetimes, have been closed off from your conscious vision. You are returning to your fully healed expression of self, as you move deeper into the ascension energies.
J: Oops! “…move deeper into the ascension energies”? What do you mean by that?
A: Ascension is a process of integrating increasingly higher vibrations of Divine love. This begins slowly, building, growing and expanding, until it finally explodes. There are human experiences that will remind you of this process!
J: Think I’ve heard it all now, coming from a Galactic!
A: We return to our initial point! Fear has been programmed into humanity for millennia. It has become so deeply ingrained in your collective psyche that you are often unaware of just how pervasive it is, and how much it shapes your daily decisions ~ or lack of decision.
Simply by coming into this awareness, you bring embedded negative programming into consciousness. With the intention of healing yourself and humanity, you dissolve the bondage of fear, creating new pathways for choice. In this way, you are assisting everyone; you are freeing the collective consciousness, not just yourself…but everyone.
J: What do we do once we notice it?
A: Dissolving works on two levels. The first is bringing it to awareness: when you are aware, if it is a disintegrating program, it will begin to dissolve as your awareness inspires you to make new decisions. If it is deeper ~ either within you or the collective ~ it will require some patience to work through it, and sometimes energy work is very helpful in this instance.
We would also like to add that the Galactics are assisting humanity by actively dissolving these negative programs at a global level so that each person can rise up and through the limits previously imposed by the distorted negative programs.
J: How are you doing this?
A: Two ways: we are raising the vibration through what would look like collective love meditations with the intention of raising the vibration of humanity; the second way is through work with Starlink to beam an increasingly high vibration into the Gaian energy field.
J: You work with Starlink? I mean, I’m surprised you mention it, you haven’t before.
A: There is much that has not been said before, but you are now coming of age, Galactically speaking. You are about to learn a lot more in a relatively short period of your time that will make the love, care and connection that we feel for Gaia and humanity very clear and apparent.
J: Bring it on!
A: We have!
(c) 2021 Jennifer Crokaert
The fact that you are getting anxious and excited is letting you know you are preparing to land.
October 17, 2021,
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ The Energetic Upgrade Towards 2022
You are currently shifting towards the energies of 2022. This is a vast energetic upgrade, a larger shift than you normally experience stepping into a new year. It is so big that you have begun this in earnest since the equinox. The energies you are experiencing, along with your responding releasing and integrating, is allowing you to step up onto a series of platforms, one at a time, that are up-levelling you in preparation of stepping up and into 2022.
For this reason, many of you are in a state of flux, and whenever you are in a state of flux it is not the time to manifest. Anything that would be a match to you today, might not be a true match for you next month. These times allow you to continue to evolve and grow, and to get clarity on who you are now compared to who you used to be and what you would like to create once you arrive in your new destination.
You might think of it like climbing a mountain. You climb and make progress, then you stop and rest to avoid altitude sickness. You know the camp is temporary and designed for you to acclimate before you continue your journey. Isn’t it interesting that so many ascension symptoms are similar to altitude sickness?
As you get closer to the energies of 2022, you will find seeds of ideas starting to drop in ~ new inspirations that are starting to take hold and sprout. You’ll discover new potentials that have become possible due to your latest vantage point and level of attainment. These are little exciting glimpses of what all the hard work you have done has been preparing you for.
So be patient, Dear Ones. Allow the process. Move with the energies and thank them for their wisdom and guidance. Acknowledge how far you’ve come and how profoundly different you are now than you were not that long ago. Listen to your heart that knows that all is unfolding beautifully. And most of all, know these are the exact times your soul could not wait to experience.
The fact that you are getting anxious and excited is letting you know you are preparing to land.
JFK: Time to Focus on Yourself…for All of Us!
October 17, 2021
Message from JFK via Losha
To all my beloveds…I am here! I am watching over you all and assisting in our greatest ever “comeback” for Humanity! We are prevailing, I promise you that!
We are going to send the cabal the biggest message ever…we do not back down, we do not cower, we do not waver! We awakened ones are the biggest threat ever to the cabal and their overlords (dark galactics). They know already that they are done…what is going on now is just the “cleanup on Aisle 10!” (smile)
As for what each of you can do individually to assist in this cleanup, I would encourage you to look inward more, and pay attention to what emotions are stirring within you, and where those emotions may have first originated in your lives.
As an example…Losha here was noticing that she was thinking a lot about the young daughter of one of her friends’ lately, and Losha began to get emotional about it. Well, she allowed herself to express all the feelings she was experiencing (a close friend helped her), and it turned out that it brought up a very frightening situation that Losha experienced with a girlfriend, when they were both the same young age as the friend’s daughter. It was a very good release for Losha and she learned that she was not “responsible” for the traumatic situation which occurred earlier in her life.
There are many people out there who say that one can heal themselves without having to actually experience the emotions attached to the issue…well, I do believe that one can heal the many smaller issues without delving into the emotions…however, when one is realizing the issue is a much larger, emotionally-laden one, then it becomes almost imperative to attempt to process the emotions, also. (1)
Now, even though dealing with your emotions sounds very heavy and not at all exciting to do…I know that many galactics, archangels, and many other beings have also been saying the same thing in messages recently, just with different words.
This topic of going inward is not new to humanity…they have been examining their own emotions for a very long time…and that is because it works.
The feeling of becoming unburdened and liberated from those heavy, stressful, and sometimes even debilitating emotions is like no other feeling…it feels almost miraculous! And you have yourself to praise for being courageous and bold enough to resolve those issues, once and for all!
I congratulate all of you beautiful seekers of your Truth…because that is what you end up discovering when you look inward…your Truth…and that is the very powerful feeling that you will feel inside!
One of the ways that you can truly quiet down all of the outside “noise” that surrounds you daily (so you can do your inner work) is to “uninstall” all of the apps on your computers and phones that are spewing fear and negativity. I will add there are even many Truther and Patriot sites which are not providing positive insights and information. If what you are reading does not make you feel good inside then quit reading it! It is as simple as that!
Now, I realize there are many reasons why you might feel that you should continue to read the information which is negative in nature…because in some cases, it is still the Truth…and yes, some people in the population need to hear this information…however, you do not.
Many of you who are reading this message are advanced enough in your spiritual understandings as to know that you no longer “need” to follow these types of information being disseminated…you are past that level of need…you understand it all enough by now, so you can now use that time to address other areas of your life.
Now, this is a very big compliment to all of you, please know that! I am not telling you something you do not already know for yourself…I am just reminding some of you of it, at this time.
Now, for those of you who follow this “intel” information, and various videos regarding disclosure, etc., because you are so anxious for the tide to turn and you are wanting to do your part in all of it…well, I tell you this now…if you truly want to help all who are working to defeat the cabal so we can usher in our New Golden Era, then focusing on yourself first and foremost, is the most important thing you can do toward achieving that goal…because the increased Light from all of you is the biggest fear of the cabal…they literally cannot live in the Light! Hence, that is why they have been pulling out all the tricks they can to dim your Light…but it is not working!
So, as each of you beautiful souls work and focus on yourselves more and more, the brilliant Light which shines outward in ever-increasing volume and frequency, will quite literally, end the cabal’s existence, once and for all.
So, even though going inward is not always enjoyable to do…your Light shines ever more brightly each time you do!…and that, my dear Lightworkers, is the very best and most important thing you can do to help us to save Humanity!
I am sending each and every one of you so very much Love! I am always with you, and I can’t wait to meet you all!
Your ever-devoted, Jack.
Channeled by Losha
This week we ask you again, to send positive energy to the Internet platforms that you use, and to continue sending white light to the planetary grids. Much transmutation is being done in order to clear the timelines for ascension and it is being done by you.-AA Michael via Sharon-
Sunday, October 17th, 2021
I am Archangel Michael with a message of love for the Angelic Warrior Group.
We find ourselves at a telling time in this war to restore Godliness upon planet earth. It appears war will break out in many spots on the planet. What is being done to calm these spots? What is being done for the people on that soil? What is being done to stop the Red Army in its tracks?
We of the divine councils are watching. We of the divine realms are watching. How effective are the energies we have been sending you? What effect will they create within you and upon planet earth?
There is so much still that must change, so much within your minds and within your lands. Reporters, yes, you are reporters now, not just Anons, not just truthers, you are Reporters for the Light, are reporting the progress, slow as it may seem to be to you, but they are reporting accurately nonetheless. You have what you need to know.
Many search for more information. Many search for daily details. Many search for wisdom instead of foolishness you are all accustomed to. Many search for truth instead of the lies.
There is only one Truth: God will prevail. He is creator of All, and he will win this battle. Yes, it is a battle. The war has been waged throughout the galaxy already, on many levels. God is the only power there is. To misuse God is not power, it is disempowerment. It cannot win.
You are the representatives of Mother and Father God upon planet earth. How do you use your power today? In service to the One, to the All, or in service to self? This is being shown to you all now upon this planet.
This week we ask you again, to send positive energy to the Internet platforms that you use, and to continue sending white light to the planetary grids. Much transmutation is being done in order to clear the timelines for ascension and it is being done by you.
New realizations, new wisdoms, new knowing is coming to you all as the darkness clears and your mind vibrates higher. Trust these new energies. The dark can no longer match what is being given to you now. It cannot vibrate this high.
May peace reign across the planet and in your minds, may peace be with you and all whom you love.
I am Archangel Michael. We are the One. We are the All. We are Legion.
As we now are truly anchored in the New Earth we are in a totally new life new beginnings, new creation.
I know the Old Earth has been left behind.
For me it has been in the last two weeks, especially, the creating of a totally new life, in the New Golden Age.
I feel myself now just like an onlooker every now and again, of what is unfolding, in the Old Earth, but from the higher perspective and distance of the New Creation, the New Earth.
This morning the floodgates have opened from the 7th Central Sun of Illumination, and flooding the New Earth and those in it with the keys and codes of Illumination. Thus the illumined higher heart, and illumined soul.
This is accelerating the creation of the new Illumined Age of Unity and Oneness, Harmony and Peace.
More than this, The Sun Discs have been fully reactivated and are being returned, en mass via Sirius.
As we now are truly anchored in the New Earth we are in a totally new life new beginnings, new creation.
Thus unknown and unexplored.
Yet deeply remembered by our souls.
Some of the very High Orders of the Cosmic Hierarchy have returned and are overlighting this process.
This is unprecedented.
This is the hour as we are now in the middle of the 20 year timespan cosmically declared, as the planet ascended and will reach its conclusion by 2032.