Daily Archives: June 10, 2021
We Rise Up Globally Every Day at 21h21 CET for 1 minute for The Highest GOod For All.
The next ninety days will be like none before them for the compressed effect of massive global alteration.-The ONE via Sophia Love-
June 9, 2021, 5:24 AM
It is the One.
Things are occurring right now on this planet that effect the course of the (human) race. These are hidden from the public view at this point. They will not always be.
It is helpful for you to hear of these things. As you do, and you process their meaning, you’ll have a more expanded view.
Part of the process of your expansion is this view. You will incorporate a broader perspective into your seeing, and will have a deeper comprehension of how your life fits. How your life fits into the greater scheme of things. For you are here with purpose. That purpose is both personal and what you might call global.
Once you comprehend your true nature, you’ll experience a sense of purpose unlike any you’ve held thus far. It will feel more complete. It will be more comprehensive.
For your life as a star seed, light worker or truth teller holds an initiatory force for this planetary shift. It is because of you that this happens at all, and because of your presence that it occurs right now.
It’s been attempted twice before.
This time, it will be completed.
You came with different skill sets and purposes. On some level, your participation has been part of your life always.
You also came to play out human dramas and lessons, simultaneously pushing forward an agenda. An agenda of evolution.
A program of enlightenment. A process that will assist in the Ascension of the (human) race.
What can be said now is this. The cumulative effect of your efforts, the efforts of the star seeds, light workers, truth tellers and light warriors, has yielded an unstoppable wave of destruction, cleansing, and ultimately – nourishment. It is a tidal wave of change. It is pure power.
What this looks like from an earth-bound perspective will be a breaking up of all that has held the matrix society together. The destruction has begun, and it proceeds in earnest. Its cumulative effect will feel massive and shocking. These will be short-lived emotions for those of you here for this. They’ll quickly change into calls for action.
You will each instinctively know which action to take.
Do not fall into fear. There are many more of you here for this next part than are currently aware. They will soon be activated. Events, about to transpire, will see to it.
There has been a change in command. A transfer, in this physical realm, of the machinations of control. It is done. It must be played out now in an orderly fashion for humanity to witness.
There will be pushback. Expect unrest and a bit of discomfort, but this will not be long-lived.
You are to see the unfolding of the complete story; the truth. The next ninety days will be like none before them for the compressed effect of massive global alteration.
The narrative changes.
The narrative around health, government, money and control begins its transformation. This happens already behind closed doors.
Yet, prepare for those doors to be blown wide open. You will not end the year in the same fog in which you started it.
The confirmation of command and control has occurred in your military. You will hear of this in whispers and unconfirmed reports. When you do, know that they refer to a true transfer of control.
What needs to be said is this. There are many who are here now to assist. They have been caught up in their life and are not fully conscious of their purpose for this time. The majority of them will be sparked now, will be “turned on” and directed towards their planned role. They will take their place and assist.
The transfer will be messy, yet complete and rapid. This is a global effort.
Know that every inside nudge now will point you closer to where you’ve intended. It may not appear so outwardly. Trust.
What you will quickly discover is that all systems are go, and the place they are going is one of freedom and peace, prosperity and joy.
This is a place ruled by a state of love, not fear. This is the place you are here to usher in, to welcome and to enjoy. This is your new Earth.
It cannot show up in any way but truthfully. Know that when you see or sense falsehoods and deception, you are witnessing the last gasps of what it is you are leaving behind.
Your new Earth will arrive in full transparency – pure and whole.
Anything other than that will not survive, will not continue.
No more lies.
No more deceit.
No more power-over.
You are about to begin an era of power-with and power-full. A combined effort with a single purpose. Oneness.
As you witness the breakdowns and reversals in these coming times, hold on to the fact that all falsehoods must fall before the truth can be revealed.
You will know truth by its frequency. It will take some getting used to, you haven’t lived there much.
You are about to.
You will see, dear human, many changes in the coming days. Know that they all lead to a place you’ve come to build together, as One.
This is a wonderous place and it will be worth every step taken.
You will not be disappointed.
That is all.
Thank you.
expect a third eye chakra upgrade for this upcoming June solstice event
A June Solstice Gift for the Awakened ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are watching and waiting, feeling into the possibilities for what we can deliver to you all for the upcoming June solstice event. We know that many of you feel that you are ready for anything and everything that we could possibly throw at you, but we have to work within the parameters of what is allowed by your higher selves, and we also cannot overwhelm the rest of humanity with what they are not ready for. And so, we negotiate and contemplate, and as always, we look for opportunities to reach only those of you who are ready.
One of the ways in which we have been able to get more precise is by using smaller portals. These smaller portals can act like a device that shoots a laser. We can have pinpoint accuracy and deliver energies right to where you need them most. Therefore, we are currently working with the higher selves of the awakened collective to see what is permitted to deliver to all of you at the time of the solstice, and a little before and a little after as well. We are looking to deliver energies that would expand your consciousness and open you up to your multidimensional selves.
We want to specifically target your pineal glands in order to do this. As most of you know, the pineal gland is the physical representation of the third eye, and the third eye allows you to see inter-dimensionally. This is something we feel that those of you who are awake would certainly benefit from at this time, as you need to know how much help there is around you. You need to know how much support you have, how many beings there are sending you love and light.
And for most people, seeing is believing. And so, one way or another you can expect a third eye chakra upgrade for this upcoming June solstice event. We have many, many more upgrades and activations coming, and we are not alone. We are but one group from one star system who is looking to help humanity raise the level of your consciousness so that you can continue to move forward in your ascension and help as many others who want to ascend with you as you can. This is a golden age of enlightenment for those of you who are willing to be in your bodies, to be heart-centered and to be there for your fellow humans, many of whom have never had the level of support in the physical that they need.
That is where you all will continue to step in and be the teachers, the healers, and the guides that they need. That’s what all of the gifts we send to you are ultimately for, and we know that you will use them appropriately because we have seen down all of the timelines, and because we love you and trust you so very much.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Golden Opportunity: Eclipse Meditation on Thursday
Blessings Beloveds ~The photo above is from gatework this week in Sedona. Pre-SUNrise is such a pure zone to unify with all realms, and the emerging realm of the Crystalline Stargate of the Heart. Diamond-Solar flows have opened wide, supporting Truth, Revelation, Divine Perspective, and Freedom. I witnessed a consistent stream of golden-diamond sphere-like God drops coming through the Gateways. The photo above was taken just afterward at SUNrise. Into the Golden race we glow. Latest Article: Preparation for Higher Truth This eclipse-Solstice passage requires effective self-evaluation. When the heart is coherent (neutrality) we may see ourselves more clearly. The heart becomes a conduit of the revelation frequencies.Mastery questions are a deeply personal experience; take care to meditate on them, feel them, and be transparent with your own heart and journey. Personal revelation becomes a collective experience when we do this. Change within, change without. [READ THIS ONLINE] Solar Eclipse UnificationThursday June 10 at 3:41AM PDT: Global Unity Meditation New Moon 3:54AM PDT Palpable new frequencies level up many OverSoul groups Dropping off of old Self support for Embodiers; rapid Self-Revelation Solar flash experiences (transcendence activations) amplified Crystalline Bridges to New Earth Realms open through the Heart Crystalline Convergence Access We are at capacity for in-person seats at the Crystalline Convergence in Sedona. Livestream access with the full 10 hour replay is still available HERE. The Crystalline Convergence replaces our quarterly webinars with two days of vivid presentations, activations and a few surprises. SUNday Unity MeditationsJoin us in unified intent. Quantum support, DNA and Lightbody expansion are present in this unified field. SUNday Unity Meditations at 5AM, 8AM and 11AM Pacific Daylight Time. 30 minute sessions. See you in the field for the Solar eclipse peak on Thursday, and our SUNday Meditations! Infinite LoveLight to all during this profound passage. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension! In Love, Light and Service,Sandra |