Let’s Dance!

The dance floor has been a place for many of us to heal and express ourselves freely through dancing raising our frequency and being with like minded people. Unfortunately the blindness of few to make more money without carrying about the well being of all brought the clubbing scene to its knees (call it C19 or anything else). We live on a planet that is ascending with human beings equally ascending . This means our bodies are changing to accommodate higher frequencies of Light and since dancing and celebration is one of the best ways to keep raising our frequency, i am asking myself what the future holds in relation to coming together to celebrate as ONE, this time being careful of our health and sleeping patterns as new beings living in a new world with each and everyone aware of our ONEness. I can only imagine and feel into this moment where we dance and express ourselves freely again .The dancefloor so far is the only place that i found LOVE is expressed more easily by all present. Call me a conspiracy theorist i don’t care. I have witnessed the degradation of the clubbing scene and i feel that once more and more among us are able to face our darkness and love unconditionally ourselves and all others and forgive, creating by the same authentic joy from within, the clubbing scene will flourish again not because we need to dance to be happy but because we are happy within at all times and we celebrate our new found freedom together as ONE dancing and expressing freely as the ‘good old times’ with an important tweak from inside out that makes the whole difference of our existence as humanity that made it this time. Oh what a celebration this would be!!! and because i know this is already achieved in the higher dimensions, i already celebrate in this now by feeling into it more and more and playing music that i love and dancing even if there is nobody around that gets it so far ๐Ÿ™‚ or maybe some of you really get it . So LET’s DANCE!!!!๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ™‚

Picture Credit :#MorningGloryVille

Psychic Agreements (Contracts)

In your daily life, you are constantly making psychic agreements, or contracts, with people. Some correspond to conscious agreements such as luncheon dates, or telling your housemate you will do the laundry if he or she will cook dinner. When the activity is completed, the contract dissolves and no hooks are left over. However, there are many types of contracts you make with others that are totally unconscious or subconscious. For instance, you may have a friend who has a strong tendency to blame others. You, on the other hand, may be afraid to disagree with people for fear of making them mad at you and losing their friendship. So you and this friend have created a subconscious agreement: you will always side with him or her against others, no matter what, and your friend will never get angry at you.

This type of contract is very codependent. You assist this friend in remaining blaming and negative, and he or she helps you stay afraid of anger and rejection. Neither person has much freedom to grow and evolve in these areas of life. Therefore, when you discover or even suspect that you may have unhealthy contracts with others, it is important to clear them.
Some contracts need to be released because they usurp your free will in inappropriate ways. For example, I have had numerous clients who, after ending relationships, cannot seem to let go completely and make way for new relationships in their lives. Often I find clients holding such contracts as: “If you ever change, I’ll get back together with you” or “I’ll wait forever for you” or “I won’t ever allow myself another relationship because I left you and you were hurt and angry about it.” I have also found contracts between ex-lovers to have children together even though they do not intend to get involved again. These types of agreements literally paralyze you in the particular area of your life they rule; they do not allow you to change your mind, forgive, or do whatever is needed in order to move on.
If you tend to take on other people’s emotions and problems, you probably did that for one or both of your parents when you were very young. Most families have at least one member who functions as the emotional dumpster for the parents and/or other children. People’s contracts for this arrangement vary with respect to specifics, but they have similarities. The following are examples:
1. You take on your mother’s fear so she will be more capable of meeting your physical needs.
2. You absorb all the anger between your parents so they do not hurt each other or you, but you never have permission to express anger.
3. As the oldest child, you take care of the younger children’s physical and emotional needs, and put your own needs last.
4. Since Mom has stopped nurturing and being sexual with Dad, you become surrogate wife, absorbing his excess emotions and sexual energies, and letting him take your second chakra energy whenever he feels the need.
5. Mother can drain your life force any time she wants because she gave you life, therefore, you owe it to her.
6. You feel guilty for being a burden to Mom or Dad, so you volunteer to take on their emotions and pain and give them your energy.
This list is not intended to make anyone look like a bad guy; it is meant to awaken you to the nature of psychic agreements in a society that tends to encourage emotional repression, codependency, and denial. Following are other common types of agreements:
1. Family members never ever acknowledge a parent’s drinking problem, violence, bad temper, financial lack, or whatever else there might be family shame about.
2. You take on another person’s fear to prove you will not hurt him or her like others have in the past.
3. You exchange sex for financial support.
4. You never disagree with the boss, so he will not fire you.
5. You will never marry until after your mother dies, nor will you live far away from her. Therefore, you will always be available if she needs you or is lonely.
The list could go on and on and on. Hopefully, by now you have a sense of the nature of personal contracts. There are also societal and planetary contracts. Examples of societal contracts are:
1. We who live on the east side of town do not associate with the other race or general lowlife on the north side, and we agree that the west-side residents are snobs.
2. People in our social group do not wear bright colors.
3. We support each other’s victimization by playing “poor me” games and agreeing with one another that we do not have a chance in this world. “Misery loves company” is another way to say it.
 4. We will only associate with members of our church because we are the only good people in town.
Some of the planetary contracts I have found and cleared in myself and/or clients are:
1. We agree that everyone on the planet must be under the rule of and answerable to an organized government. If that government has dark entities running and possessing its leaders, we must submit to them as well.
2. We are the only living beings in existence. There is no life beyond Earth.
3. Women shall be held in oppression with the “Adam and Eve” lie that women brought down darkness upon the planet.
There are many, many more. By now, at least one example of a contract probably has a familiar ring to it for you personally, and you probably have ideas about ones not specified. You can clear these agreements using the following process. Begin with one of the planetary contracts mentioned above, then do a personal one of your own.
1. Close your eyes, ground yourself, pull your aura in, and check your boundary colors and roses.
2. Optional: Run cosmic gold and Earth energies and put them on Automatic.
3. Visualize a legal document that says “CONTRACT” at the top.
4. At the bottom of the contract, on one side, see your own name.
5. On the opposite side see the person’s or group’s name with whom you have made the agreement. The first time you go through these steps, see “All citizens of planet Earth” on the side opposite your own name.
6. Now, simply tell yourself what the contract is about, or visualize the words on the contract, if you prefer. The first time, imagine that the contract says, “All human beings on this planet must be under the rule of an official government and the government’s controlling entities.”
7. Write “VOID” across the contract in your own handwriting in large red letters. 8. Rip the contract in two and burn it in a normal-colored fire.
9. Repeat the process from step 3 on, this time using a contract you have with a person or group.
10. When complete, open your eyes.
The Pleiadians through Amorah Quan Yin

Judith Kusel: The Great Splitting


Last year, when I was preparing to go to the USA, I was called to do a lot of remote energy work on sacred sites there, and in the process was working with the Sacred Ancient Ones and the Those Tribal Guardians and Keepers who indeed merely have withdrawn into a much higher dimensional frequency band and are very much still present everywhere. I never work with sites, without asking permission, and thus they made themselves known to me.

I was shown the sites in their original forms, long before the Great Floods were and afterwards when the Tribes indeed were led to these sites and indeed assumed co-guardianship and keeperships of these lands.

This morning I woke up and White Feather appeared, one of the Ancient Ones, and he showed me what is happening, as the drums are beating and indeed are calling.

I was taken to the Hopi Site where the Great Hopi Prophesy is stored and I was shown what is happening here, and the Ancient Ones and the Tribal Guardians and Keepers were gathering around me.

As the drums were beaten and talking, two distinct lines appear: The First line had split from the bottom line, and indeed this line was white-golden. This stream of souls indeed now were completely splitting from the bottom line and indeed as they progressed into the New Earth, they were being transformed into a totally New People and indeed they became White-Golden (energetically and figuratively). They are the New Golden Race, the New embodied race of much higher Beings, who indeed are AS ONE with the Great Spirit (The Divine Source) and are thus living in Unity and Harmony, with the New Mother Earth and All-That-Is.

The bottom line indeed was sinking lower and indeed pulled down more and more into the quagmire of their own inability to rise out and above it, as the Old Earth is disintegrating. Indeed, this is of their own making and their own free will and choice. I was shown who all is dissolving and indeed the Old Earth cannot hold form in any way anymore.

Then I was shown how all the tribes around the world and those souls who are leading them, the Great Tribe of Souls if you like, are indeed all doing the same. Indeed the Higher Stream are far fewer than the bottom steam, but the higher stream is indeed being lifted ever higher and higher, for as they step into the New Earth, they are resurrected into the True Soul Self, and then assume their truthful Divine Soul Self, and thus infinite space is opening where they can cocreate the New with Love, in Unity and Harmony and AS ONE.

I was then shown that the Highest Steam, the White-Golden Stream, all have their heart center fully open and now live from the Sacred Heart. They are united with each other through the Heart and Soul Centers and live from ONE HEART and are indeed ONE HEART AND ONE SOUL.

I saw the Ancient Ones, celebrating, as the drums indeed started beating faster and indeed the songs of Joy rose from the White-Golden Stream of Souls, as they are rising ever higher into the Oneness and Unity. Indeed all the Cosmos joined in song and celebrations.

I was then again shown the Sacred Sites, not only in Americas but all over the world, many still totally hidden from humankind. I saw them filled now with the White Flame and indeed filling to capacity, as they are being reactivated and lifted too, into the New Earth.

And within me THE ODE TO JOY rises as I join in celebration.

I thank White Feather and the Ancient Ones, the Elders, the Guardians and the Keepers and Sacred Ones for showing me this, with the Divine Source and all my Counsel of Elders who surround the Throne of the Divine who work with me and the High Orders.

This in unprecedented in the History of the Outer Planet Earth as the Inner Earth has joined in celebration.

I have spoken.

IRS unemployment tax refund update: Finally, the checks start showing up!

IRS unemployment tax refund update: When will payments come? (fastcompany.com)

This is the beginning of Basic Universal Income and most probably coming from the Saint Germain Trust.


Eligible recipients of an elusive tax refund related to unemployment compensation lit up with joy over the holiday weekend with reports that some have finally started to see the checks roll in.

Some social media users on Twitter and in Facebook groups who have been monitoring the payments said they received notice from their bank, credit union, or online tax transcript beginning on Friday. Although the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had said the payment would begin to be delivered in May, it has not said how many, nor has it provided much information about which taxpayers would receive them. Many who believe they are eligible for a refund have been communicating in online groups for weeks, attempting to confirm whether the payments had begun.

A spokesperson for the IRS told Fast Company it expects to have more information about its progress this week, including details about how many payments have been delivered so far.

In an update on May 14, the agency said it began automatically correcting tax returns to reflect changes to the law authorized in March by the American Rescue Plan Act. Those changes excluded up to $10,200 of unemployment compensation for 2020, which means some taxpayers who filed early have now overpaid.

The first phase of refunds were expected to go to single filers with the โ€œsimplest tax returns,โ€ the IRS said. Based on some of the responses from elated social media users over the weekend, that appears to be the case.

Who is running America?

Now i know that sometimes i post stuff that are of 3D even though this is not the intention of this website…but since Truth sets us free, then certain events that occur on the planet need to be shared…there are so many and i choose for this time this particular one :

Check out the 11 minute mark of this video. Victim and survivor of child trafficking, Madyson Marquette, testifies at multiple military tribunals in Washington DC. She confirms that Joe Biden is not running America and has identified him as her rapist and is involved with human trafficking.


Plato via Erena Velazquez | June 1, 2021

June 1, 2021


I am Plato the Athenian Philosopher, and I have been asked by Light Beings to speak to humanity today on their behave.

I was born and lived in glorious Athens, Ancient Greece a long time ago. Philosophers from different eras studied my work in written dialogues. I was fortunate and blessed to be born in a wealthy Aristocratic family, and to live until my early eighties of a human life.

Many historians have been fascinated by my nameโ€˜s origin of Plato, as my birth name was different. I am originally from the planet Plato a faraway star cluster. I arrived to Mother Earth as one of many other volunteers with the mission to enlighten the population and free them from the control of Dark Entities.

I was able to bring some significant advancements in the Ancient Greece, such as the Platonist school of thought and the first Academy of higher learning institution of Western world and etc. My purpose at this moment is to explain to you how important it is for you to understand, and to see that everything and everyone are connected in the Cosmos.

Light and Love spreads positivity and destroys the Darkness. The negative behavior brings only unfavorable results. A lot of your modern scientists, philosophers and inventors are suppressed emotionally and financially by the Dark Entities. They kept everyone for eons in illusion that there is no existence beyond Earth and that only life is on planet Earth. Also, they controlled all of development and growth of the human civilization.

Numerous planets are resembling and look like Mother Gaia, and some of them got destroyed by the corrupted souls, who first conquer the world they invade, and then they make the whole civilizations go extinct. Same destiny was carefully planned for this planet. Fortunately, the inhabitants here are going to stay safe, as you are protected by the Light Beings from out of space. The Collective Consciousness is also on the rise, and itโ€™s getting close to reaching the critical point needed for Ascension.

In this part of the Galaxy every day millions of ships pass by. Eventuality in the future, the humanities advancement is going to surpass many other civilizations as a result of Starseeds, who carry immense knowledge, experiences and who live here on Gaia. All of you came from different Galaxies, Universes and Star Systems to rescue and save this world.

These negative entities are always trying to confuse and bring negativity to the Light community by sending misinformation on many subjects like that the soul can be switched during your sleep, no one can touch your soul. Itโ€™s one with Father, who created everyone, and you can also surround yourself with a special protection by asking Prime Creator. Another example, the Greys are not allowed to enter the Earth orbit, so they donโ€™t have any bases here.

My recommendation please, listen to your soul and you are going to immediately recognize the truth from a lie. I am Plato, and I am delighted to delivery this message to all of you. Thank you.

You are the Knowledge and the Power.