Your skies overhead are now literally filled with our spacecraft!

by Beth Stormont

Greetings, Dear Ones! We are so very pleased to be back with you as we bring a message that may be somewhat new to you.

The new message is that Galactic Fleet Command is much expanded over the seven patrol ships that we have been in the past.

We now have many more from other planets and galaxies that have joined with us in these final days of the Ascension process… both spaceships and personnel! Your skies overhead are now literally filled with our spacecraft! All of this is added to the fleet of Ashtar Command, which has existed for eons of time.

An interesting aspect of this expansion is the addition of many humans who have left Planet Earth to become a part of our patrolling endeavors.

Many of them were living lives of great struggle and sacrifice, and so they were given this opportunity to join forces with us in a more positive way. Since they have themselves experienced such a difficult way of life, they have chosen to now aid their Earth brothers and sisters by working with us from the Higher realms.

We feel deeply honored that they have made this choice — and we have welcomed them with the greatest of joy and love!

These new members of our fleet bring great benefit to us, for they can bring first-hand knowledge of what you on the planet are actually experiencing… a perspective that can come only from the experiencing itself. The painful memories of what they had experienced before leaving the planet received amelioration from a healing orientation before they joined us. But there will naturally be an empathic connection of pain that will be revived in them as their work with you on the ground commences.

We hope you realize what a sacrifice this is that they are making for you with such loving intent. They could have chosen to go on to a more pleasing planet than is this current one – or even to the 5D Earth planet itself – but they chose instead to stay to help bring the final victory of Ascension to Mother Gaia and her Humanity.

This is the message we were anxious to bring to you, so that you might also rejoice with us, Dear Ones. We are so very proud of you who have so bravely chosen to take on Human form at this time… whether working among the ground forces or in the air!

If you have the privilege of living a life that is not with extreme difficulty or suffering – (when seen from the 5D perspective, of course) – we wish for you to know how very much your efforts are needed and appreciated as members of the ground crews. We could not carry out the work needed in the air without the efforts and support of those of you on the ground — please know this!

We hold you ever in the Love and Light of the Cosmic Christ — and send you all the love, light, and joy that we are capable of sending!

Blessings, Dear Ones.


the only ones that finished the race were those that chose to focus only on themselves and the one foot in front of the other.

May 4, 2021,

I woke from a dream and knew I needed to share it. I shared it with the Aura Cleansing group, but wanted to share it with everyone else as well. In the dream I was watching a race. It was a foot race. There were four distinct groupings with staggered starts.

The first group upon the fire of the gun, took off and ran without being concerned about anything other than completing the race.

The second group started out strong. Half the group were inspired by the first group and kept their head down and focused on one foot in front of the other. The other half of the other group got completely distracted in trying to help the third bunch.

The third group were struggling. Some sat on the track and cried. Some were losing their shoes, some fell down and injured themselves. Some were so distracted by the audience, and what was going on around them that they totally forgot that they were in a race.

The fourth group refused to move. They were completely content not running a race at all. Many were locked into the digital world and were content with the illusion it created.

I watched quite a few of the second group stop their race to assist the ones in the third group that were struggling. At first this looked kind and noble, but then it became obvious that instead of helping, they exasperated the issues that the third group was struggling with.

What the third group really needed was someone to show the way, to light the path, to give them hope that it could be done. Instead, many of the second grouping were pointing out the potholes, inequities of the race and the thousands of things to avoid. It only led to the 3rd group feeling afraid, disempowered and that they couldn’t finish the race.

In the end the only ones that finished the race were those that chose to focus only on themselves and the one foot in front of the other.

My team requested that I share this because May will be very intense. Our focus on the steps ahead and our journey will be required so that we don’t trip and fall.

What we allow in through our senses, the 5 senses in particular but also the extra senses of energy impacts us tremendously. Not only does it do damage as it comes in but then it changes our own worldview, and that changes the reality that we project from our own chakras.

We are being asked to put ourselves first. Only you know what that looks like. It may mean that you have to pull away from society, from the worry about the future and from the increased division. Only YOU know what it really looks like for you to put yourself and this journey first. That is being asked of us now.

Hope this transmission finds you well and surfing the energetic waves. Thank you to all that share and support this work. You are very appreciated.

When you have a desire and incorporate even the smallest action into your life that matches that intention, it becomes a part of who you are and sends out energetic ripples that the universe will respond to.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Energetic Alchemy

May 4, 2021,

When you have a desire and incorporate even the smallest action into your life that matches that intention, it becomes a part of who you are and sends out energetic ripples that the universe will respond to. What we want you to understand is you don’t have to climb an entire mountain to create change. You simply have to take small consistent steps.

You are in a phase where you are learning the power of working with subtle energies. You are energetic alchemists! By choosing what you prefer and infusing that preference into your life in whatever way is available to you right now, you are adjusting your energy and making a new energetic declaration of your beingness.

Don’t hold yourselves back waiting to be ready to make grandiose changes, Dear Ones. Slow and steady wins the race. What one thing can you add to your experience today, that holds the energy of where you wish to go?

We want you to understand that even one small action has the power to create big shifts because the essence of that desire has gone from being something that might happen one day to something you are experiencing in your now moment, and you can, with your love and consistency, grow it from there with the full support of the universe.

This is what is most important.

Dear Ground Crew:

This is a message from Apollo from April 29, 2021: “If you compare the lackluster of yesteryear to what is occurring now on the planet, you will realize you are living in a different world. Yes, these realizations can be challenging and discordant but you are playing a role in the movie. This is part of your ascension. The past must be cleaned out which is necessary for your evolution. Hanging onto the past is not an option. Moving upward and onward while reaching for the 5D energies and greater, is your destination. With each moment you are guided to stay present in the now. It is like trying to swat a fly. If you miss the fly, life continues. Burdens of the past are unnecessary for you to pack around. Use your focus to seize the opportunity that presents itself on your spiraling upward journey in consciousness. This is what is most important.”

you are beginning to have knowledge and clarity of who you truly are as divine beings, masters, avatars, angels and archangels.

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council for Valerie Donner May 2, 2021

Greetings. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I bring you good tidings today from all of us on the Earth Council and from everyone who is working for the betterment of the planet.

Again, I want to reiterate how important your presence on the earth is right now. You are doing some amazing things of which most of you are unaware. You were blocked from your connection with God; you lived in a veil of forgetfulness; your DNA was changed and you lost memory of who you really are and why you are on the earth.

You are powerful warriors of light. Right now, the veils have been lifted and you are beginning to have knowledge and clarity of who you truly are as divine beings, masters, avatars, angels and archangels. For too long on the earth you were taught to feel as if you were worthless. Society reinforced this through programming in a myriad of ways. As of this now moment, we recommend you eliminate any thoughts of being less than the I AM God presence that you are.

As you continue to hold the light on earth, major inroads are being made for the freedom of the planet. It is happening with powerful beings as well as technology that has been set aside for this perfect time.

Many of these resources are surprising the dark ones who thought they would have control forever. I can happily announce that their control is diminishing rapidly along with their presence on the earth. Your prayers and meditations are powerful and are assisting massively with this harmonizing shift.

We understand your fatigue and desire to be living fully in the Golden Age. I reassure you that this is where you are going. You are gifted and talented beings who can constantly bring these 5th dimensional and higher energies into your life. This focus assists us and the planet. It enables the consciousness to rise and when you claim your new world you will find yourselves living in that consciousness.

Spread the word and spread the light. Connect with us in the Pleiadian star system and with the Earth council. Call forth your galactic family and your remembrance of your origins. Participate in the divine action that you were called to take in this now moment.

Let go of fear and welcome joy, peace, beauty, harmony, and lots of love into your life and onto the earth. Please know that abundance is yours and that everything you need will be provided.

We send you our love and gratitude. I am Mira.

Message from John F. Kennedy through Losha – A Transcription


Greetings to all my beloved Patriots and Lightworkers…and all others who are listening to my message at this time.

Losha and I would like to address a different topic today. She and I have been speaking of the event called “9/11.”

I have my own understanding of what happened at that time and I would like to pass along those understandings at this time. I found out some of this after the fact, however I would like to address it anyway because I believe it is important for you all to know.

The primary piece of information I would like to pass along is that…and this will be shocking to many…however, the Alliance, or the White Hats as they’ve been called, actually knew about the 9/11 event beforehand.

Now, at this time, back in 2001, the Alliance did not have the measure of control that they do at this time. They were unable to control the different agencies. So, they heard about this event being planned but they were unable to stop it.

There are reasons that it did go forward…and one of the reasons that it was “allowed” (by the galactics) to go forward is because it was to be a huge “wakeup call” for so many Americans and international citizens.

The event went ahead as planned…however, the Alliance did what they could to diminish the casualties. Even though they couldn’t stop the event from happening, they put out rumors beforehand indicating that the Alliance knew about the event and they were going to stop it…even though they really couldn’t. So, because of all those insistent rumors the Cabal decided to move their time frame up to make sure it happened as they wanted it to.

So, they moved it up just an hour, but because they moved it up one hour…if you think about the time it actually happened…that one hour saved a lot of lives. So, that is what the Alliance did…that was all they could do at the time.

They also were aware that the Americans needed to be “awakened”, and this was the event that was to do it…and it did work that way. If you speak to many Lightworkers now, and Truthers as they are called, and all the different people who are working toward “Disclosure” and to the Truth coming out…many, many of them were awakened because of 9/11.

So, it may sound bad that the Alliance knew about it and allowed it to happen, however there is always a bigger picture and I have been learning that in my time since I have been on Earth.

The other topic I wanted to mention was that I had a behind-the-scenes role in 9/11, after the fact. Right after it happened, I was on assignment you might say, with the Galactic Federation. We went and visited and spoke with all the neighboring countries to Iraq, as Iraq was attacked by the “Americans” shortly after 9/11 happened.

Because of the fact that when I was on Earth, I had great international knowledge and understandings, I joined the Galactic Federation and we appeared to the different country’s leaders via a “holographic” image…and we talked to them because we wanted to dissuade them from joining in to help Iraq “defeat” the Americans. Some might think that might have been a “good” thing however, again…and this might sound trite to say, but this war had to happen the way that it did. As the American military attacked Iraq so relentlessly, the Americans became pretty “hated” in the countries of Iraq and the neighboring countries.

So, when the news came back on the mainstream media here in America that the Americans were basically hated by all these countries and they didn’t like that the military over there…the American “government” primarily…were being so relentless in their attacks from all phases of the military…land, sea, and air…that the neighboring countries grew to not like the Americans, also.

That news came back to the American citizens and they didn’t like that they were hated…and it did wake them up to their own government being basically a “despot” government…a tyrannical government, with the way they were waging this war so relentlessly against Iraq and Hussein.

Hence, that all had to happen as it did, also…so, my role was to help talk to the other countries so they would stay put and not involve themselves in the war against America, even though they truly wanted to do so. I enjoyed being “useful” in that way, even though it was under dire circumstances.

Those were the things I wanted to mention…two somewhat different topics about 9/11…those are the areas where I have knowledge and I wanted to pass it along to all of you…and to say that the 9/11 event happened as it was supposed to…and it worked to help awaken many, many souls.

The 9/11 event was the biggest wakeup call in the history of the United States. My assassination was also a wakeup call to Americans, but it was a smaller one as compared to the 9/11 event.

Hence, everything happened as it should and we have grown so much since the time of 9/11! We understand so much more…we know the Truth about our government and how they have programmed us to not question things. However, in the last ten, twenty years there have been lots of questions being asked, and answered, via the alternative media.

We are now very, very close to finally learning the Truth…and those who are still asleep, will also be learning the Truth. It is time for us all to embrace each other no matter what “side” of this matter we are on…whether they be awakened or sleeping, we all must embrace each other when the Truth comes out. Those who are awakened are going to need to be there, and be compassionate, with those people who are just waking up.

There should never be “I told you so”’s, or “I don’t want to help you because I already told you about this”…please just come from the Love in your heart to assist all of those who are awakening. We must help each other because that is where our future lies…by helping each other and caring for each other…so, all these “bad” events…terrible events which have happened in the past are finally going to have meaning in a positive way.

We have learned from all of these tragedies…and we have learned that Loving one another is where we are headed. We need to speak from our hearts, not from our heads.

I want to end this message on a very positive note…that we are so very close to the Truth coming out and I want you all to be prepared to help each other, so that we can all go into the future…our new, beautiful future, together, with Love in our hearts for each other…as I have Love for all of you!

I thank you for listening to my message today…I know it was rather different, however I felt it was important for me to address it. I thank you very much, and as always, I Love you all, I am watching over you, and I am here for you.

Your ever-devoted, Jack.

The combined light beamed to Earth from powerful civilizations and the light you generate has been exposing one layer after another of darkness.

Matthew’s Message, May 3, 2021

May 3, 2021

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Evolving in spiritual and conscious awareness is a self-discovery process that removes one layer after another of forgetfulness about your very being, Creator’s love-light energy. That will continue until you remember your Beginnings and return to Creator Source.

What is going on throughout your world is a different kind of discovery process. The combined light beamed to Earth from powerful civilizations and the light you generate has been exposing one layer after another of darkness. That will continue until every layer has been vanquished and its energy transmuted into light.

Numerous times during the seventeen years of our messages we have said their purpose is to offer enlightenment, spiritual guidance and encouragement. In this moment, encouragement may be the most helpful to all who are distressed because the exposure process is showing little evidence of progress and no official acknowledgement.

We want to assure you that a great deal is progressing on target behind the scenes, and we want to uplift all who are feeling like these dear lightworkers: “I do not plan on reincarnating on this planet ever again!!” “I’m old, tired and my patience has been used up.” “I promise to do my service, and when it is finished, I can’t wait to go home—and I am NEVER coming back!” “I’m exhausted… I want Matthew to tell me WHY I chose this miserable planet to incarnate.”

This is a layer of forgetfulness that is only temporary. You don’t remember that when you eagerly volunteered to come to Earth and help the civilization awaken, you knew life in a third density world would be difficult. You knew, too, that you were chosen when many, many others were not because your multiple lifetime experiencing would provide the spiritual strength, wisdom and perseverance to surmount obstacles you would encounter.

You don’t remember that you knew billions of souls would choose to complete third density karmic lessons during your Earth incarnation and those lessons would entail widespread hardships and suffering. You also knew how joyful those souls would be after transitioning to spirit life and realizing they had attained the balanced experiencing they needed to evolve. Further, you knew that you would advance by helping universal family members on Earth manifest the better world they want— and, dear brothers and sisters, you are indeed leaping forward!

A number of you have written about “feeling alone” because friends and family give no credibility to what you know is true. Another reason you were selected to help Earth’s peoples when so many other volunteers were not is, you do know that never are you alone! You just need to remember that myriad guides and angels always are with you, eager to assist, and so are dear ones living in spirit worlds. You are known, loved and honored by all light beings in this universe, and entire civilizations are beaming light to help you along your pathway.

More down to Earth, so to say, when truths come forth, people who in this moment ridicule what you have told them will have their minds widely opened. It will behoove you to refrain from saying aloud, “I told you so!” as tempting as that could be. And, you may discover that acquaintances you never suspected could be kindred spirits have been all along.

Now then, the successively higher vibratory levels that are exposing layers of darkness also are changing carbon-based cells into crystalline in all souls who are absorbing the light, and both of those are developments for rejoicing. However, energy changes can cause disconcerting physical, emotional and mental effects, and more than a year of severe restrictions has intensified them—the populace is dealing with “double stress.” [November 20, 2017 message mentions the effects and offers suggestions to lessen them.]

We empathize with all of you dear brothers and sisters who are feeling distressed! We lived in civilizations where the battle between the light and dark forces raged, and we experienced pain, setbacks, anguish and anger. The knowledge and inner strength we gained in those lifetimes is why we were chosen to help other civilizations discover their power to change their lives and worlds for the better.

What we experienced applies equally to you—simply, we remember those lifetimes and you don’t. But you do know the source of the severe restrictions is vastly different from the grand benefits heralded by ever-rising vibrations, and most people don’t. Consequently, they’re feeling frustrated, anxious and despondent, and when they realize they have been lied to, rage and guilt will be common reactions.

So it is that steadfastness in the light is as essential to your wellbeing as to the wellbeing and forward movement of the society. Your light will help foundering souls replace negative feelings with optimism and determination to transform their world.

Let us mention another reason you were chosen when many others were not: You know who you are. You know you are ever so much more than a person with ideas, beliefs, experiences, personality, skills, talents, desires and accomplishments. Please think of yourself and everyone else, whether or not you admire or agree with them, as who you all are: multidimensional immortal souls, inviolate and independent, yet inseparably interconnected with all other life throughout the cosmos. Each and every life is the love-light essence of Creator Source, the most powerful force in existence.

May 1st was Global Love Day, sponsored by The Love Foundation. Twenty-one years ago the Foundation was established to celebrate humanity’s diversity through education, research and cultural artistry, and to inspire people worldwide to love unconditionally. The “ingredient” of every soul on Earth is Creator’s unconditional love, and we can think of no worthier mission than inspiring people to BE who they ARE.

“My parents who are kindhearted and generous believe people who don’t share their fundamentalist religious beliefs are doomed to eternal hell. I don’t want to upset them so don’t tell them I no longer believe that but feel guilty about my deception. Mainly I’m afraid of what will happen to them when they make transition. How can I convince them to change their judgmental belief?” Our reply to this dear soul applies to everyone who has similar concerns about family or friends.

First we say, the energy of guilt and fear dims your light. Loving your parents without attaching those feelings will lift your spirits and the higher vibrations you send forth will benefit them, too. It isn’t your responsibility or your right to change what they believe. Everyone has the divine right to move toward enlightenment at their own pace, and if beloved persons have chosen a pace slower than yours, please honor their decision.

As for your parents’ transition, like everyone else on Earth, they will make the lightning-swift trip to the part of Nirvana that corresponds to their lifetime energy registration. The match-up, which is in accordance with the universal law of physics, has to do with living in godly ways or not and how closely free will choices adhered to or departed from soul contracts.

Your parents’ kind hearts and generous nature are godly indeed, and you don’t know what they chose in their contracts. Perhaps rigid beliefs are a stabilizing faith after lifetimes of struggling to make sense of what was experienced. Possibly the contracts call for shared convictions to balance lifetimes when opposing religious leaders sent them into battle. Or, in the family’s pre-birth agreement, your parents may have agreed to believe as they do as a means of motivating you to grow spiritually and consciously.

There is more to say about entering Nirvana. Each soul’s unique frequency lets the realm’s welcomers know whose arrival is imminent and each is personally greeted by name. Persons whose etheric bodies or psyches are seriously debilitated are given constant customed treatment by medical assisters, and while they are attaining full strength and wellness, they become aware of this and other realities that are “the afterlife.” To ease introduction to life in spirit for people who do not need that kind of attention, Nirvana will appear to be what they believe comes after “death.”

For instance, individuals who expect a dark void will enter silent nothingness. If persons believe they will waken in an endless field of fragrant flowers, they will. People who believe “the dead” arrive at a magnificent gate where St. Peter is holding a list of names will see him there. Whoever believes heaven is filled with winged angels playing harps suddenly will be in their midst.

Whatever each person expects is holographically reproduced, but since those are “theatrical performances” in a manner of speaking, they cannot last long. Only truth and love can prevail in Nirvana—it is their high vibrations that maintain the stability and flexibility of all parts of the realm.

This is how the actuality of that world might be revealed to a man who was engulfed in the nothingness he anticipated. A diffused light appears in the distance and becomes brighter as it slowly moves toward him. Now he can see someone he loved and, in his mind, was long dead—his grandmother, who died in old age twenty years previously. Appearing as the smiling, white-haired, wrinkle-faced lady he knew, she takes his hand and gently pulls him into the light. During the several days in your concept of time she shows him the realm’s beauty and diversity, gradually she changes into a vibrant young woman. Elderly persons become younger until they reach what you consider “prime” years of early thirties and children grow older until they reach that stage.

Reunions with persons dear to new arrivals always are joyous, but adjustment to Nirvana varies in accordance with people’s beliefs about the “afterlife.” People who quickly remember other lifetimes there are excited about returning. Others are hesitant about living in a world that is different from the one they entered, but as they see the realm’s wondrous offerings, they become active residents. Individuals who cling to their ideas of eternal life in heaven or hell decide to sleep rather than accept something they don’t believe exists; they are lovingly tended until they want to waken and learn about Earth’s spirit world.

To the dear soul who wrote about her parents, whatever they expect the afterlife to be, so it will be at the outset. In time, each will embrace the reality of life in spirit and, like all other residents, plan their next incarnation with the knowledge of cumulative experiences in multiple lifetimes.

Beloved family, all light beings in this universe honor you for helping Earth’s peoples manifest a true heaven on the planet.



Suzanne Ward

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Ashtar Sheran – Update May 2 2021

I am Ashtar Sheran with a message to those of the planet Earth.

Reviewing your round table discussions, reviewing the news put forth by those in the know in your alternative communities, we must say to you that you are all doing a wonderful job in informing the public. News is being passed on despite large levels of censorship, and the message is getting through to many, not all, but many.

Of course on the planet, you are not privy to all of the Light, and this is as I have stated before: because your collective can only carry so much Light as a collective. To provide information to those who cannot hold it is a futile effort. Some have access to more information than others, and that is because these pockets can hold that Light quotient.

And this is the reason that the dark system has not yet been dissolved: because many are still upholding it. There are delays as we wait for more to wake up, as you say, and as has been noted, this is a slow process. However, focusing on and lamenting the time it takes only increases the delay. Focus on what you wish to see manifest instead and be grateful for every day that has gone by revealing to you the progress that has been made. With this month’s increasing frequencies on the 5th, more will join the Light and that is the case with each successive month.

This is a process that you would describe as being “fragile”. It is something we are spearheading and being very careful about so that we achieve the correct reaction from the people of your planet. Obviously the evil ones are trying to create war. In doing so, this would distract the people who are still asleep, using your terminology, that there is no other war going on, and there is no reason to listen to the alternative news community as they are simply theorizing. Yes, despite all of the evidence to the contrary. Wars always draw energy, especially since they are displayed in vivid colour on your television sets, the more energy that is drawn from the viewers, the more the viewers remain hypnotized and the more energy is put into the war. The DS knows that to start a war anywhere on earth can create a global war soon enough. They have started that way before. We are putting our efforts into calming these war zones and finding peace. We do not wish another physical world war for the people of Earth.

The first milestone in the journey was the Quantum Financial System (QFS), which has already been implemented. Disruption and dissolution of the old Fiat monetary system is underway, and will progress as it is allowed to do so. The more people realize that their money is coming from this new source, the QFS, the more the old system will collapse. If one believes that it is what it always was and no change has been made, then the old system will prevail for them. Believe it. Change your thinking to align with this Truth. Which system do you wish to provide your income to you? You have a choice now.

Implementation of the QFS program for the peoples will continue this year, and project monies will be dispensed on the provision that your frequency aligns with a fifth dimensional frequency. If you are not so aligned, you will not receive your project funding.

Supplemental income is forthcoming for the people of earth. The exact date remains undeclared.

Your world leaders are largely on board. Many of the evil rulers have been arrested and replaced with substitutes or they are cooperating with the Light forces. This has been well noted by your alternative news community.

There is still a DS population at large, who are fighting to retain their power. They are still the culprits behind the sabotage, extortion and bribery, and these people must be brought to Light. They remain out of the mainstream but there are still others who know who they are and these others must come forward to declare them as enemies of the public. You still rely too much upon your mainstream news. Other sources must come forward to blow the whistle on those still working dark magic upon Earth.

As for your vee’s, all is your choice. Unfortunately, some make the wrong choice. We are mobilizing med beds for public use however at this time they are being used for those doing service in the deep underground bases.

We of the Light forces approach your planet ever more. Look up to see us in the skies at night. We are there. We are so close now. Your frequency brings us ever closer. It is the frequency of love for us and for all that journey upon earth now, that moves our ships to you. This is a journey of love and the wider your hearts open, the more you connect with us and with others upon the planet.

Be at peace, all is progressing well. Remember we love you all.



Channeled by Sharon Stewart

you are on a unique trajectory that has little to do with others… If you do not feel you are of the 5D or beyond cohort, you might wish to ignore this channel…As you accept that “you are you in all your glory,” you will start youthing in ways you cannot yet imagine.

Your Choir’s Harmony

Dear Ones,

This is not a time to worry about what will happen next or when for you are on a unique trajectory that has little to do with others.

Of course, there will be shifts that affect all or most of those in your cohort, for you are in a similar action zone. Much as puberty affects a certain age grouping and has little to do with those, not of that age.

We, of the Universes, are now going to address those beyond 4D. If you do not feel you are of the 5D or beyond cohort, you might wish to ignore this channel.

Those of you of 5D are youthing. For as you relax and explore your interests, most of your stresses will fade away. Allowing you to be the center of your world for the first time while of the earth.

That last statement might appear self-centered or egotistical. Instead, it is your new reality. For you no longer need to pass your thoughts, interests, or actions through the filter of others or your society. You are you in all your glory.

Perhaps it is difficult for you to understand why such actions will cause you to feel and act more youthful. Once you fully become you, you do not have to waste – and waste is the correct word – energy worrying or even thinking about how this action or that word will impact someone else.

In 3D, you utilized less than half your totality for your earth experiences – so you aged quickly in mind and body. Before claiming your body’s health, you focused on how a situation might impact your life and others. You were not free to explore personal healing options, for what-ifs and what will happen to you and others pushed your self-healing thoughts aside. And the same was true for your emotional and spiritual healing.

Much of your 3D energy was devoted to “how will this play in main street?” Only after processing those thoughts and fears were you able to devote attention to healing. That fearful 3D energy is disappearing or has disappeared.

You are a new being in a new land.

Even though you will remain in earth communities, those communities will encourage, perhaps even demand that you devote as much attention to yourself as you do to the needs or concerns of others.

No longer do you need to ask permission to care for or love yourself. For even though you might not have noted such 3D needs, they permeated your every thought and move.

Even though you have heard the phrase, “We are one,” over and over, it is likely you do not fully understand what that phrase means now. Yes, you are part of the earth community. But that community no longer limits your being. Your new earth community encourages all to be who they are.

In 3D earth, everyone wanted to sing soprano – it was a one-part choir. In 5D and beyond, your choir is full range from the highest to the lowest voices – just as is true for the birds who harmonize outside your windows.

You are part of a beautifully harmonizing choir. To create that choir, each entity must sing their unique musical part.

Your 3D choir was flat and lifeless – as if there was one bird species in your area. Even though that bird species might have a beautiful chirp, the same one-note chirp day after day would become monotonous.

Your new 5D choir has so many more options of joy, sound, and fun.

So it is, “We are one” has a different meaning than believed by most of you. You likely believe that phrase means you will all think and act similarly. The opposite is true.

But then, the new concept for that phrase should not surprise you, for in your new world up has become down, and this way is now that way. This is a new world, and you are a new being in this new world. Nothing is as it was and will never be again.

Allow yourself to accept that and then relax, decompress, or do whatever you need to ensure that you are you. You are not Amy down the street or the president of a corporation you might admire. You are you in all your glory.

As you accept that “you are you in all your glory,” you will start youthing in ways you cannot yet imagine.

You are you. And they are they: no more or no less. You are a new being in a new world. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Or subscribe via

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:

Raise Your Frequency (Touch and Play Special DJ SET)

⭐⭐The infamous duo ‘Touch & Play’ returns! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐This time We Are Unlimited! ⭐⭐⭐We’re bringing you a very special co-creative interactive online experience that expands from Greece to Spain and beyond! 🔉😎Kicking off with DJ Nikos Akrivos spontaneously playing a set on either Sunday and sharing through Facebook Live on both our FB walls 🙂 This will then be recorded and later this week, I’ll do a Facebook Live session of Aura Painting to Nikos Akrivos recorded DJ set, of the energy of the beautiful people present, and watching! 🙂 So keep an eye-out on our walls 🤩🧐and join in the joy!Be in the Flow and You’ll Catch the Vibe! 🙂#FacebookLive#shining#touchandplay#collaberations#techno#highvibes#joy#love#bliss

The Grand Finale is very close.

May 1, 2021 by John Smallman

We are approaching the Grand Finale of this stage in your awakening process.  It is not the Magnificent and most Wondrous Event of the Great Awakening in all its glory, but it will be the most exciting and uplifting event that humanity has ever experienced.

You may be wondering what I mean here, because we have for quite a long time been talking of Humanity’s Great Awakening, and I have not previously mentioned that it is happening in stages.

Initially, in order to encourage and uplift you all, as the awakening process commenced a number of decades ago, those of us communicating with you from the spiritual realms did not mention that there would be stages in that process.  This was because you were only starting to come out of an extremely deep and eons long sleep, where the dream reality, the game of separation in which you had been engaged, still seemed very real, and so a very major event that was to occur very soon was necessary to start you enthusiastically on your awakening path.  NOTHING has changed!

The Great Awakening is moving forward beautifully, just as divinely planned, and will be the last stage in humanity’s awakening process, when all make the final choice to terminate the human separation game which has led to so much pain and suffering for all who chose to undergo it.

To fully awaken to Reality, your complete and full knowing, understanding, and experiencing of what it is to be One – knowing and experiencing the Oneness of being Mother/Father/God – requires much preparation because your choice to be human was a choice to experience the most intense form of separation that you were able to conceive of, and it has at times, as you will doubtless agree, been extremely intense.

The choice to experience separation by seemingly moving away from that divine state, even though actual separation is totally impossible and did not occur, was a choice that is so completely alien to Reality that it could not possibly be reversed until all that it entailed – the ‘stuff’ that so many of you are now experiencing, acknowledging, thanking, and releasing – was utterly dissolved so that not even the slightest memory of that experience was retained.

That is what karma is all about – an acknowledgment of an unreal but extremely intense alienation from Source, and from one another, which is then completely dissolved from your memories, leaving absolutely no trace whatsoever.  Karma has been part of the separation experience from the beginning, and in each life time the karma that you have built up over numerous previous lifetimes is presented to you for recognition, acknowledgment, and release.

Unfortunately, frequently recognition does not happen because your egos are not very fond of having their failings brought to their attention for rectification, which is why you have undergone so many incarnations as humans.

The Grand Finale is humanity’s much longed for move into heart-centered conscious awareness, and out of the mindless state that your egos have been dreaming for you in an unreal environment of form and matter that has lasted for eons.

The joy of realizing that it was only a dream and unreal will be far greater than anything – while cloaked in this dream state – that you might have imagined possible, when you perhaps attempted to conceive what it might be like to be in Heaven, in the Presence God and all the Heavenly Hosts.

Heart-centered consciousness is the state in which, as humans, you feel only love for all life, knowing that you are one with all life, and in which you love and accept yourselves in your human forms without any reservations whatever, knowing, as you most definitely will, that you are following your divinely guided path Home to Reality, and that all that occurs is part of the grand design you planned for yourselves before incarnating into form.

Knowing this, and also knowing that you are constantly being sustained and assisted by your support team in the spiritual realms, with whom you can communicate clearly and easily at all times, dissolves all the fears and anxieties that being in human form had previously involved.

The Grand Finale is very close.  

Time is unreal, but seems extremely real to you as you live life in your human forms, even though you have all experienced it as moving sometimes at great speed, and at other times as though it was not moving at all.

This, if you chose to be aware, would indicate to you very clearly that time is what you make it, what you imagine it to be.  In fact you do manipulate it regularly, you just choose to believe that it maintains a constant linear flow that you can measure extremely accurately with your atomic clocks, that it is completely irreversible, and this is what the vast majority of you experience, thus proving to your satisfaction that you do understand it and its inevitable constant rate of flow in only one direction.

Knowing this, you can understand how difficult it is for us to offer you time-lines, accurate points of reference in time by which you can know when the Grand Finale will occur.

Very soon, very close, sooner than you can imagine, are all, from our perspective, very accurate and true statements.  And of course, as we have told you so often, in truth There is only Now!  However, to tell you that the Grand Finale is occurring NOW would not be very helpful, so we choose to say ‘soon,’ or ‘very close,’ or ‘in a little while,’ so that at a deep level of your being its imminence registers very positively and encourages you to continue setting the intent daily to be only loving whatever may arise in your daily human lives.

We keep reminding you to do this because Love is your nature, but, living as humans in form with egos that would like you to believe that they are your sole source of intellectual brilliance, wisdom, and knowledge, it is difficult for you hold that truth in your hearts with complete certainty.

You do need encouragement, and so whenever you call on us – whoever in the spiritual realms you personally feel a close affinity with and choose to address – answers immediately so that you know that you are not alone, can never be alone, and in that knowing find the continuing motivation to lovingly maintain the intent to be constantly on your path to awakening.  By doing this you are, of course, assisting all of humanity to awaken, which is why you each chose to be incarnate at this point in the awakening process.

Know that you are most highly honored in the spiritual realms for the work that you are doing, even though it may frequently, or even most of the time seem that you are doing nothing at all, as you get very little positive feedback.

So I want to assure you that your loving intent, even if you seem to lose it at times and move briefly into fear, anger, or judgment, is powerfully assisting humanity toward its divinely promised and ordained awakening.

You cannot fail in this task that you set yourselves with divine guidance before you incarnated, so trust yourselves, knowing as you do that you are at all times divinely guided.

Intend to enjoy the life that you are presently experiencing, by focusing most of your attention on the fact that you are always precisely where you are meant to be in every moment, and by refraining from placing too much attention on those aspects that you dislike, the ‘stuff’ that is arising for you to release.

Remember, All will awaken because it is God’s Will, and nothing can forestall or circumvent the divine Will.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Listen to what you truly feel like doing in a given moment. Be authentic.

Message from the Angels
Messages from the Angels
My dear friends, we love you so very much,

So many of you are feeling that you want to create change, but not all of you know exactly what changes you want to create. It is OK! You are feeling the stirrings of new life moving and growing within you as surely as a pregnant woman feels the stirrings of life as her baby matures from within. You are all giving birth.

You are birthing a new reality here upon your planet earth – one in which the unity of life is recognized, and the diversity celebrated. You are birthing a new relationship with your Mother Earth, a new respect for her needs, and how you can more wisely and kindly use her resources for your own benefit and joy. You are re-birthing your relationships with one another – being more authentic about who you are, what you wish to do, and who you want to dance with.

Most importantly of all, each one of you is re-birthing your relationship with yourself.

While you were confined in quarantine you had time to dream. You had time to really look at what you missed and what you were happy to release. You had time to be very honest with yourself about what you want to experience. You dressed more comfortably. You relaxed your need to meet social expectations. You listened, when you wanted to be out in the world, and when you wanted to withdraw.

You rearranged your homes to better suit your lives. You discovered new hobbies. You turned to meditation, education, and prayer. Many of you allowed yourselves the freedom to explore questions such as, “What do I like to do? What do I want to learn? What do I want to create?

Who do I wish to be when the world can’t see? Can you be that person when the world can?

As a result of these times, you have changed. You have grown. You know more clearly how you want to feel, what type of environment you want to work in, whether you love staying at home or if you miss travel, whether you love time alone or miss your social life. You know better who you want to spend time with and who you don’t. You have new hobbies you enjoy. You have discovered new talents within.

You have fundamentally changed your relationship with yourself.

If you aren’t sure yet how to integrate all these changes in your life mas you move forward, just take life one day at a time. Trust yourself. Listen to what you truly feel like doing in a given moment. Be authentic.

Let go of the need to please others, and instead please the spark of the Divine within by accepting yourself in each moment.

Make your joy in the present moment a priority. A full cup spilleth over. It is time to give from your abundance, to uplift from your joy, to spread peace from your own peaceful heart. It is time to take care of yourself and your own happiness first. In that space, you tend to the spark of the Divine that IS you, and you become a light to the world.

When you can’t find joy, find healthy comfort. When you can’t find comfort, seek healthy relief. When you can’t find relief, seek healthy release. Be kind to yourselves.

During this incredible re-birthing, you don’t have to figure out your entire future. All you have to do is live authentically, one moment at a time.

Do you want to rest? Love yourself and do it soon as you can. Do you want to pick up or ignore a phone call? Do it. Do you want to travel? Dream of it till you can do it. You are re-birthing a new and beautiful relationship with Self – one based on self-acceptance, self-love, and an honoring of the light and beauty within every single experience you desire to have.There is no need to worry about the details of how your lives are going to work out. A mother giving birth has dreams, but no clue how her child will grow, nor what he/she will become.

Birth involves a commitment to the journey, and you are all on a glorious journey of expansion right now.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

the never-ending cycle of Ascension in consciousness.-AA Michael via Ronna-


      Beloved masters, your WHITE FIRE GOD-SEED ATOM / I AM Presence is your original Core Intelligence, your first individualized identity within a Universal or Sub-Universal experience. In this Sub-Universal experience, your first twelve God-Sparks / Soul Fragments contained all the virtues, aspects, talents and knowledge you would need to traverse the multiple levels (Dimensions) within this Sub-Universe. Since that time, your God-Seed Atom Essence has refracted and separated innumerable times.  You are now in the process of reclaiming all the multiple Facets of your Soul Self within the Third and Fourth Dimensions so that you may move forward to a greater, more dynamic and expansive version of your Higher Self within a Fifth-Dimensional environment. To assist you in accomplishing this, your Diamond Core God Cell and your personal Flower of Life Creator Wheel contain a full measure of the Twelve Rays of God Consciousness for this Sub-Universal experience. They were designed so that when you were ready to begin the return journey into the higher levels of consciousness, you would have access to your own FULL SPECTRUM DIVINITY. Your task is to activate these Rays, to incorporate the God qualities and attributes they contain, and then to use these talents and attributes for the greatest good.             There is still much confusion as to what the Soul is, how it functions, and where it resides. It is vital that you understand the intricate process of reconnecting with the many Facets of your Higher Self.  It is also important that you gain clarity about the more in-depth teachings we have given you regarding the multiple Higher Self Fragments. You have many of these, not just one. Incorporating these multiple Facets of Self is a process which will take much time and contemplation.   Therefore, we feel it is time for an advanced explanation of this most important process  – the EVOLUTION OF THE SOUL.             In order to evolve, you must expand your capacity for Love/Light so that it includes all Facets of Creation upon the Earth: love of nature, love of the animal kingdom, love for humanity, love for your perceived enemies, and most important, love of Self. For in essence, all of Creation is a part of you, and you are a precious White Fire Seed Atom of the Supreme Creator. The expansion of God Consciousness results in an expansion of your auric field – your Light Essence. Over time, more of you will develop a radiance so powerful and expansive that it will begin to have a positive effect on those around you,  and eventually, on the Earth and all humanity. Quite a large number of the more advanced Souls have already gained that ability.  However, you must remember, you cannot convey that which you have not claimed as your own. Also, remember this, an important part of your mission on Earth is to intensify the Light of the lower Dimensions. Expansion of Soul consciousness results in an expansion of the auric field, both in intensity and scope of influence.            An aspirant on the Path must focus on both outer and inner world training. You must strive to become a conscious observer of what is taking place around you. Training yourself to become fully engaged with focused awareness of the physical events in everyday life is vitally important, as well as learning to process the harmonious and the discordant frequency patterns to which you are subjected. You must then take the appropriate action. Practicing emotional and mental discipline is also very important as you seek to become a master of Self.  You must not turn your back on the world and life’s experiences but face them head-on. However, it is vital that you learn to view life from a higher vantage point. Endeavor to see the bigger picture and not get entangled in the small story dramas.            Logic is a function of the physical mental body and your conscious mind.  Remember, the knowledge or theories you accept as your own truth must be experienced in order to gain the wisdom from the disclosed information.  Inspiration is supplied by the Higher Self and your Sacred Mind.  You must learn to pay attention to the impulses of your Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart or to the input of the prevailing Facet of your Higher Self, for that is how you will gradually learn to communicate with the Beings of the higher realms and gain cosmic wisdom.            In the beginning, there was communication with and amongst specialized, group spiritual guides and guardians; however, over time this gift or ability was lost. As humanity sank deeper into material world consciousness, they became submerged in the sensations of the five senses. Also, they gradually stopped turning inward for the sense of connection with the higher realms of consciousness. The lower Third and Fourth Dimensions are not bright and clear.  There is a misty or foggy overlay. Those Souls existing in this environment do not realize this, for it is the state of awareness they are accustomed to. The reality of the lower Third/Fourth Dimensions could be likened to existing within a murky labyrinth where you are forever seeking the path that will lead you back into the pure Light of awareness. This fog gradually begins to dissipate as you move into the mid-sub-levels of the Fourth Dimension, and your world becomes Lighter and brighter as you traverse each higher sub-level. In order to receive the lessons of Light, you must lift your consciousness to attune to, at least, the Fifth sub-level of the Fourth Dimension. In this Sub-Universal experience, there are seven sub-levels to each Dimension, with the first sub-level being the lowest and densest, while the seventh sub-level is the highest and most refined.  The masters and your guides are willing to meet you halfway; however, only on very rare occasions will they lower their frequencies into the density of extreme duality, for it is too uncomfortable for them.            The ego is a Facet of the physical ego-personality self. It was designed to assist you in developing a sense of identity and individuality over time. An outward-focused mind is guided by the ego. The misdirected ego-self was instrumental in creating the illusional belief system of the material plane, a reality based on separation, fear, selfishness and scarcity.  As you expand your mental horizons, you begin to break down the barriers of self-limiting perception. Mind expansion includes activating dormant cells of the upper Dimensional levels of the brain and tapping into the wisdom of your Sacred Mind. Blind obedience is not a requisite for en-Lighten-ment, for you are striving to become a master of Self and to live your personal truths as they have been revealed to you and validated by your heart monitor.            Humanity is in the midst of a Soul and cellular awakening. As you move into the vibrational patterns of the higher Fourth and lower Fifth Dimensions, your cells, etheric body and auric field will begin an accelerated purification process. This process will facilitate and ultimately result in the downloading of the many Facets of your Higher Self, and also the gradual reclamation of your etheric Body of Light. Be mindful and aware every moment so that your focus becomes one-pointed and clear.  You will gradually develop a sense of self-assurance and security, a knowing that all is well and that it will remain so.            The Soul is a many-times refracted extension of your GOD-SEED ATOM / I AM Presence. The Soul uses the right brain consciousness of intuition, which is connected to the higher Sacred Mind and Spiritual Will. An inner-focused mind is guided by the Soul Self. Humanity is in the process of developing the subtle, refined senses which have become dulled from misuse.  You must move past the basic, often distorted physical senses, while diligently endeavoring to develop the higher mental senses of intuition and Divine wisdom. It is of vital importance that you learn to control your emotional nature and to hold your thoughts steadily on the refined frequencies of Light.            You carry within your Diamond Core God Cell a crystalline, Memory Seed Atom of full Self-realization from your point of origin.  It contains a very brief overview of the highlights of every life you have ever lived ─ the major lessons you have learned, and the talents you have perfected as you journeyed throughout this Universe.            The Soul is neither Spirit nor matter. It is a crystalline, SACRED FIRE, MEMORY SEED ATOM, aFragment of pure Light Essence that is programmed to record your journey throughout this Sub-Universal experience. It is the link between you and our Father/Mother God, and ultimately, to the Supreme Creator.  Your personal Soul Self for this lifetime resides within your Sacred Heart as a Facet of your Diamond Core God Cell.  Each higher-frequency Facet of your Soul has its own Memory Seed Atom. When a given Facet takes up residency within your Soul Star as your OverSoul/Higher Self, it will periodically relay its personal vibrational pattern memories to the Memory Seed Atom within your Diamond Core God Cell and also to yourembodied Soul Self              First, it will activate the appropriate Memory SeedCrystals within your Sacred Mind. If your frequencies and consciousness expand to accommodate them, the Memory Seed Crystals held in reserve within your Diamond Core God Cell will be activated. In this way, as youincorporate all of your Soul fragments, you will eventually gain the ability to access all of the wisdom, talents, positive memories and experiences of the next phase of evolution – the journey of the Soul Self through the multi-levels of the Fifth Dimension. This process repeats itself over and over again as you traverse the multi-Dimensional levels of God Consciousness and incorporate more and more Facets of your Divine Self.  THIS IS A SIMPLIFIED EXPLANATION OF THE PROCESS OF ASCENSION.You were programmed to forever seek the Sacred Heart of your Essence, your Diamond Core God Cell, and your White Fire Seed Atom of Creator Essence.  At specifically timed intervals, there have always been small groups of advanced, unique Beings who incarnated into the different races and sub-races, in order to bring forth fresh ideas and instill new qualities and attributes.  These advanced Beings interjected their wisdom, higher consciousness, and special talents by example, and they also merged physically with select members of the human species in order to advance the DNA encodings of humanity.  YOU ARE LIVING IN ONE OF THOSE SPECIAL TIMES.The Fourth Dimension could be called a “transitional reality,” for this is where you begin to let go of all the preconditioning of the past.The Fourth-Dimensional realm is more emotional in nature, and therefore, the heart and feeling nature are the major focus. The ancients called the Fourth Dimension the realm of Maya or illusion, or the astral planes of consciousness. The collective mass consciousness of humanity fills the lower three levels of the Fourth Dimension. This is where most of humanity exists mentally until they gradually begin to turn inward and listen to the nudging of their Soul Self. The personality/ego desire-body is the master manipulator of this realm, and it constantly urges you to seek more satisfaction and happiness via sensation and external means of gratification.            You begin to tap into your inner power potential as you move into the higher sub-levels of the Fourth Dimension. Matter becomes more fluid, and therefore, it becomes easier to manifest what you desire. That is why you must learn to be decisive and to focus your thoughts with clear intention. A disciplined mind links the chains of thought together in proper order. It is vitally important for you to understand that scattered thoughts are detrimental to your progress.  Living in the present moment – in the “Still-Point Power of the NOW moment” – is a critical component in attaining Self-mastery. Mental effort is required in order to successfully traverse the path of illumination. Gradually, a good portion of your memory of past events will begin to fade as you move out of the realm of the instinctual brain / mindinto the realm of the higher mind. Important traits of a Self-master are focused observational abilities and harmlessness in thought, word, and deed. As an aspirant on the Path, greater and greater cosmic truths will be revealed to you.  However, you should be aware that the lesser principles of ageless wisdom will constantly be expanded to incorporate the unique rules, laws and truths of the next level of existence in the never-ending cycle of Ascension in consciousness.            You must keep the channel of communication open between the Soul and the brain via the mind. This initiates the slow reactivation process of the Pineal Gland, and the opening of the portal to the Sacred Mind, which is located at the upper, back portion of the brain, close to the crown of the head. The Sacred Mind resonates to the highest Fourth-Dimensional sub-levels as well as all of the Fifth- and Sixth-Dimensional levels ─ with a small portion of Seventh-Dimensional frequencies and data, which is reserved for future use when you have gained the ability to traverse the highest levels possible for humanity in this Sub-Universal experience.  However, you must gradually increase your own vibrational patterns in order to tap into this storehouse of cosmic wisdom.                      The Sacred Mind and the Sacred Heart are not made of material world matter; they consist of gossamer, ethereal Light substance that cannot be detected via scientific means.  However, they are more real than any part of your physical body. For once you reestablish the connection between your Sacred Mind, your Sacred Heart, and your Diamond Core God Cell, there will be a constant flow of Adamantine Particles, as well as pertinent, advanced information coming from within your Memory Seed Atom and also from your OverSoul/Higher Self. That is why it is so critical that you reconnect the Spiritual Triad of God Consciousness: the Sacred Mind, the Sacred Heart, and the many Facets of your Diamond Core God Cell.           As you move into the vibrational patterns of the Fifth Dimension, your cells, etheric body and auric field will begin an accelerated purification process. Tranquility begins in the lowest level of the Fifth Dimension and strengthens exponentially. Gaining godly power and wisdom requires that you move beyond themassive belief patterns of the collective consciousness of humanity into attunement with your cosmic consciousness via the many Facets of your Higher Self. Emotional stability and mental effort are required in order to successfully traverse the Path of illuminationThere is a law of EQUILIBRIUM that applies to the Fifth Dimension and above.Briefly, the Sixth Dimension is the Dimension of immortality and a greatly expanded Soul consciousness as you reconnect with the highest levels of your Soul potential within this Sub-Universe. The Seventh Dimension is the final evolutionary boundary for humanity within this round of Sub-Universal experience.  The first sub-level (the lowest in frequency) of the Eighth Dimension is the INFINITY GATEWAY, which you will be able to tap into as you gain the ability to integrate more and more of the higher frequencies of Divine Light.  A trickle-down effect is initiated as you gain the ability to access each higher frequency level, whereby minuscule amounts of more refined God Light begin to flow into your personal column of Light, thus adding Light to your auric field and to the vibrancy of your Soul Song.            REMEMBER, MY BRAVE ONES, YOU ARE LIVING IN THE MIDST OF ETERNITY. The wisdom messages we bring you are not to set more rules or create new dogma.  Our intention is to set your hearts afire with love and to give you a glimpse of the glorious future before you.  I will guide, direct, inspire and protect you, and I radiate the eternal love of our Father/Mother God to each of you.  I AM Archangel Michael.       Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included.

IAM the Future Self of Humanity.

Hi, this is the Future Self of Humanity speaking in the here and now.

Do no harm is my law.

I am in service for a planet that works for all.

I am working on a fair financial system that assists each and everyone to have all they need so they don’t have to worry about working for a living and instead do what they really love and through that be in service for the highest good for all. Basic Universal Income for all will be the manifestation of this.

I am working to make sure that all children worldwide are safe and sound.

I am working on bringing forward the celestial chambers/medbeds that are able to heal any disease in less than 3 minutes.

I am working on bringing forward free energy to be used all over the planet, exactly as my brother Nicola Tesla dreamed of with a few tweaks here and there as many other inventors are waiting for their inventions to be recognized and supported.

I am working on creating eco sustainable communities that are self sustained in harmony with Mother Earth and the use of Technologies that respect this harmony.

I Am the Future Self of Humanity.

I am working on finding new ways to clean the oceans and the rivers.

I am working on Holistic Care and Ascension Centers for all Humanity and Animal Kingdom.

I am working on creating more plant based restaurants in balance with The Ascension of humanity.

I am working on creating Conscious celebration with art, music, meditation and dance in nature.

I am working on bringing humanity to immortality awareness as a collective.

I am working on creating new infrastructure for amazing mobility and intergalactic connection

I am working on making sure that every human has the roof of their liking of their head in the area,city,town of place they want to live.

I Am the Future Self of Humanity.

I Love You Humanity.

I am here with you right now.

I am Ascended.

I am 5D.

Joy is guiding my existence.

Authentic Joy from Alignement with The Supreme Creator, Mother Father God and Source of All Creation.

I am The Future Self of Humanity.

My biggest strength is compassion and forgiveness. My Light Armor is assisted by The Archangelic ,Angelic and Elementals and Elohim and Crystals Kingdom.

My Light Armor consists of the 12 Solar Aspects of Deity :

I AM safety,security,protection,Divine Will,Divine Order and Resolve I AM

I AM Divine Wisdom and Illumination I AM.

I AM Love, Light ,Truth and Humility I AM.

I AM Ascension and Purity ,The Ressurection and The Life I AM.

I AM Excellent Well Being and A Master Healer IAM.

I AM Divine Grace and Harmony and The Pure Christed Light Radiating out infinitely I AM

I AM Forgiveness,Freedom,Receptivity,Balance of Divine Feminine and Masculin,Transmutation I AM

I AM Clarity I AM

I AM Balance and Understanding I AM

I AM Peace, Abundance and Prosperity I AM

I AM Joy, Enthusiasm , Passion , Fun , Laughter and Playfulness I AM

I AM Transfiguration and Transformation I AM.


I AM The Future Self of Humanity here and now , I AM.

And So It Is.

Nikos Akrivos