Monthly Archives: May 2021
Kryon Prepares The Earth For a Massive Exposure of Darkness in 2021
The Shift | Movie
Let us, of the Universes, begin today’s message with a cheer…You are a Universal being of the earth.
Dear Ones,
Let us, of the Universes, begin today’s message with a cheer. Most of you have moved beyond the need for 3D thoughts or actions. You have internalized the energies that empower you to be you. Even though perhaps not fully, enough of your new personality is shining through to negate who you once were in 3D.
This is a new time in a new age, and you have reacted accordingly. You no longer feel the need to pretend to be someone you are not to placate others or even yourself. You are you in all your glory.
Of course, you expected such to happen. But let us take it one step further. Now that you have claimed most of new you, you will discover everything about you is different. Such is not necessarily new information, but it is key to today’s message for some of you are wondering about your sanity, your hold on reality.
Those of you who floated about spending more time in the ethers through your dream state or various waking states, including meditation, will discover a need to be more grounded, to be more of the earth.
And those of you who were firmly grounded will discover a need to meditate or participate in a long dream state in whatever form that takes.
This last energy burst has fulfilled your need to be a Universal being of the earth.
Before this last shift, you were of the earth, but neither a Universal being of the earth nor true earth being. You flitted here and there, pretending to be of the earth but escaping to the ethers whenever you could. Or, you denied your Universal being in an attempt to be fully of the earth.
You can no longer deny who or where you are. You are a Universal being of the earth. Such is so for several reasons – not the least of which you helped earth transition beyond 3D before you did the same for yourself.
Before your transition, you were in hiding. Pretending to be an earth being living in fear while hiding your true Universal being. Some of you pretended to be in full fear. Others adorned yourself with the cloak of Universal savvy without understanding that you were also an earth being. Still, others of you tip-toed into Universal knowledge only to declare that knowledge and your being unworthy of you at this time.
Those disguises are no longer valid. Take off your cloaks of despair, disbelief, shame, unknowingness, or any disguise you created to hide your true being.
You are a Universal earth being – as you were every time you explored an earth life.
Many of you are in wonderment about the Arcturians, Pleiadians, or beings from other planets you believe are better or wiser than you. Once again, you are giving away your power. All of you reading this channel have inhabited those planets and more.
You would not be of the earth now if you had only experienced life on the earth or even in the ethers and the earth. In your desire to shift the earth from fear to love, you lived in many environments and planets, or however you wish to label them. You also attended various Universal schools learning all you could about your transition interests.
You have studied your interests for eons. So anything interesting to new you is not new or foreign, even though it may feel as such now.
Many of you are attempting to erase DNA knowledge passed to you by your earth ancestors, believing future knowledge is not accessible. Your 3D ancestral knowledge pales in comparison to your eons of Universal knowledge – including that of the future.
It is time for you to move forward. Forget the feelings, information, and actions of the past. Acknowledge and accept your Universal inner knowingness, that your new interests and actions will display.
Continuing to devote attention to past wrongs or thoughts closes the door to your new being. Past guilts, and actions are of 3D earth. You are a Universal being and always have been, even while attempting to fit within the small parameters of 3D earth.
It is as if you are Superman or Wonder Woman deciding to negate your 3D disguise.
Perhaps your greatest fear is that you will be different – you will be. You can no longer pretend to be Clark Kent or Diana Prince – you are a super person.
Perhaps you wonder if all earth beings have similar superpowers. Most do. Because this is a notable earth transition, the majority of those now of the earth are part of the transition team.
Those not part of the transition team are the original earthlings who chose to experience earth lifetime after lifetime with a few sprinklings of Universal experiences that did not include life on other planets. They are fully earth grounded, which is neither good nor bad, merely their choice – just as you chose to experience earth plus many other venues.
Perhaps an apt analogy would be those of the earth who remain in a small, isolated community their entire lives versus those who leave that community and travel the world. Neither is a better nor worse person, merely a being with different experiences.
The majority of those now of the earth completed experiences from the other places and lands required to shift the earth and its inhabitants from fear to love. A project eons in the making by you and your cohorts. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Or subscribe via
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You want to help the new reality on Earth, which is what you are called to do. You are being encouraged from within, because it is your soul that demands it of you.-Jeshua-
By Pamela Keibbe
Dear friends,
I am Jeshua. I greet you all in love and friendship. We are the equals of one another.
You are part of a group of souls who are on Earth to help with a change of consciousness that spans the entire world. It is a fundamental change of perspective in the ways of looking, feeling, and acting. This change is necessary because life on Earth is changing. Conscious-ness wants to grow further, and not only among humans, but also in nature: the animal and plant kingdoms, the whole of the Earth. There is an urge for innovation, a new birth.
You have heard the call of the Earth and heard the call of humanity. You want to be part of this consciousness transformation and you are pioneers and leaders; sometimes against your own wishes. You carry something in your heart: a budding heart consciousness that makes you suitable for this role as forerunner, as innovator. Feel this in your heart.
Connect with your heart. Feel the expansion and the silence in your heart and know that you are waiting for something – for renewal. You want to help the new reality on Earth, which is what you are called to do. You are being encouraged from within, because it is your soul that demands it of you.
There is love in you for life on Earth. In a way, you are a parent, a mother and a father, for life on Earth, for consciousness here. You want to help it, as well as your own uniqueness, to flourish; you want to realize your true nature. Feel the nurturing, loving energy in your heart and that it is an expression of what you are. Feel the warmth and love you want to share with the Earth and all beings. You have matured as a soul. You have experienced much and lived through much, through all kinds of lives on Earth and elsewhere.
This is a lifetime of integration, of becoming whole, where you are again bringing back all the lost parts of yourself and surrounding them with light so that the flower that you are can open and bloom, so that its radiance, its light and sweet smell, can spread. Feel that flower in your heart. See if there is something that symbolizes it: a color, a form. See or feel the flower in your heart and now ask how this flower can become rooted in the Earth and, especially, in your daily reality. Imagine this flower in its most radiant form, pure and pristine, and refined by so many experiences. Feel how precious is this gift you have to share on Earth. Then ask the question: “Is there room for this flower in my daily life, in the work I do, in the environment where I am?”.
Take a situation in which you often find yourself, whether it is work, or a relationship in which you have doubts or feel something is missing or does not flow well. Imagine that you are in the midst of that situation and then see how the situation affects the flower in your heart, how it reacts. The flower is a living being; it is either nurtured or smothered by a certain influence or situation. Look at what you can do to feel good in this environment, or with these people, or in this work. What does this flower need to be itself, to be inspired, and to be able to radiate?
Sometimes that flower in your heart needs more protection. Sometimes you absorb too much of your surroundings, of the people around you: energies which can deplete your energy, because they do not suit you well. If you absorb too much or give too much – and taking on too much of the energy of others is a form of giving – your flower withers, gets exhausted. In order to remain vital, it is necessary to restrict what comes in and to protect yourself.
See what you need in that situation, and what kind of boundaries can best serve you – then give that to yourself, energetically. Imagine that you surround the flower in your heart with either a color or a force that completely protects the flower. Or it is possible that you see something completely different; for example, a symbol, such as a knight or a sword, or some kind of clear boundary. Allow yourself to set firm limits for an open heart.
This is a problem for many of you, a thorny issue. Your heart is open and should remain so, because that is who you are now on your evolutionary journey as a soul. Your heart is consciously open and well-developed – this is who you are. At the same time, you move in a world, in an energetic environment, where the heart consciousness of many situations is still only dormant, not fully awakened. There is a lot of fear and hostility and misunderstanding, in other words, negativity, and against that you need to protect yourself.
How do you do that? By being aware of what the energy outside you does to you and not giving what is impossible for you to give and in where it is not well received. Thus, to discern very accurately where your energy is valued, where it flows, and where it does not. Where it is not flowing, where there is resistance, it rebounds on to you. And this can be painful, because sometimes you are very committed to another, especially to those you hold dear, or when it is your neighbor. If that person cannot receive your energy, because their heart is not open in the way that yours is, then it means that there is distance between you. If you know how to protect yourself, a certain feeling of withdrawal happens, and that can be experienced as painful. But if you do not, if you give too much of yourself, you do harm to yourself and it deprives the flower in your heart of its radiance and energy. So realize that the love in your heart must be disciplined, strict, and take good care of itself.
You often fear solitude and loneliness. Precisely because you are developed, and often cannot vibrate with the energies outside you, you distance yourself from others or you do not feel at home in the world. This is part of your path. You are different; you bring something new. Do not fear the loneliness. If you are to remain who you are and to really allow yourself sufficient protection, you need to connect only where you feel you are received, where you are appreciated. When you allow this strict discipline, which is actually a form of standing up for yourself, and you learn to adopt this rigor, you will attract connections with the world that will nourish and inspire you.
If you choose very consciously what feels good, what is truly inspiring for you, then it seems that in the beginning everything falls away that you once held dear, but you open the way for something new: for more spaciousness for yourself, for true self-realization. Learn to receive; you are not here only to give. Only by both giving and receiving will the flower of your heart develop.
The developed heart consciousness takes root in the daily, earthly reality. To take good care of yourself is to respect your heart energy; to respect the love that wants to be born on Earth. The heart consciousness in you is not separate from the heart consciousness in other people: heart consciousness is by definition not separate. The more you know that the heart consciousness within yourself is protected, and the more you move consciously and freely in this world, the stronger will be your connection with the overall heart consciousness on Earth.
There is a connection between you and like-minded people on Earth that you can not always see or feel, but it is there just the same – also with friends and guides on our side. The more you dare to really be yourself and to express yourself on Earth, the more that inner bond, that inner connection to your soul family – those kindred spirits – is enhanced and becomes stronger.
To conclude, I ask you to open your heart to the kindred energies on Earth and on the other side, on our side. Feel that you are supported. You are not alone, even though it sometimes seems so. There is present an overwhelming amount of love and gentleness, humor and support. Receive it; receive this energy. Allow yourself to be nourished and inspired. Allow yourself to get what you need. You are valuable, and to give form to the new energy on Earth, you have to take care of yourself so you can become the channel you are meant to be. In this way, you are connected.
I greet you all with reverence and respect.
Your essential contribution and achievement in this life is, first of all, an inner one, namely, that of your soul’s plan.
Mary Magdalene: The Forbidden Female Energy
by Pamela Kribbe
Dear friends,
I am Mary Magdalene, your sister, your equal and kindred spirit.
I am here with both joy and sadness. I love you as my sisters. I see your struggle and I see the flame in your hearts: the flame of love, passion, and deep connection with life on Earth and with your fellow humans. That deep enthusiasm and compassion in your hearts, I know from within. You are sensitive women, who at the same time have much power: an inner strength that you have accumulated and built up over the centuries, through many lives.
In this lifetime, there has been an accelerated maturation and integration, which is how you reap the benefits of many lives. Fragments of your soul want to merge with you and to reveal their gifts and talents. In the history of your soul, this is a moment of harvesting. But that harvest is sometimes different in character than you perceive from your human mind. What you reap from the lives you have led on Earth – the pain, the joy, the peaks and the valleys – is first of all an inner harvest, an inner coming to fruition, that is the result of your lived wisdom sounding through you as an earthly human, as a woman or a man.
You have come for this alive, flesh and blood, human wisdom. You have come to experience this wisdom in this lifetime, which is the completion of a cycle of lives. Based on your socially determined view, however, you have the tendency to overemphasize outer results. You often look at what you have done in the world and its efffect on others, and that leads you to judge how successful or effective you are, including the mission of your soul. There is too much of a tendency to look at outer results, even in the spiritual world, because that is what you have been taught. This is the result of an overly external, and essentially materialistic, worldview.
Your essential contribution and achievement in this life is, first of all, an inner one, namely, that of your soul’s plan. You are completing something you have been working on during many lives on Earth; something you do in a human body with complete soul consciousness. Therefore, your personality is not to be transcended by a higher consciousness that you will develop. Rather, your personality is a precious instrument that has gradually become steeped in your own soul’s knowledge that has developed over many lives and now wants to manifest and be known in this life in a subtle way.
This will, of course, affect everything you do. It touches the people around you, whether in your personal relationships or in your work. When your soul consciousness descends that deeply, it touches the Earth and your daily life, and then you spread a special light. But it is not a light of: “I know better, so I’m going to tell you what’s going on”. No, it is a light of love, of shared humanity and the wordless understanding of another.
That energy you carry with you has a great non-verbal component. You could think of it as the aura of an old soul, of a richly lived, wise soul who understands the art of conveying energy in a simple way. The more you embody your soul’s knowing, the more you also remove yourself from the existing ways of thinking and doing, from the many habitual thoughts and worries which you have been taught. You are more “into the flow”, as it has been called. This current of being is, in fact, a very earthly stream. It has to do with sinking deeply into your abdomen and connecting with your body, and not with a mere material shell, but with a sacred instrument whose living, flowing energy preserves its connection with the Earth.
I would ask you to first connect with your body and to approach it as a living river: a flowing, dynamic energy field full of colors, movements, energies, and feel it as such at this moment. Imagine your body as a river and feel the flow of its water from head to toe and back again from toe to head. See if there is a place in that stream where the water moves wildly and is turbulent; a place in your energy field where the water – your energy – moves irregularly or restlessly. Then send light to that place: the light of bright vision and clear knowledge.
Ask yourself, “What does this place need energetically to come into balance and be peaceful?” You may see it in the form of a color, a feeling, or a symbol, to giive to that place. Ask yourself, “Is there anything I can do to bring peace there – a calmness and composure?” Let the answer come in the form of an intuitive knowing – it does not have to be in words. Connect with that inner knowing that is so near to you, because you actually do know.
Do you sense the consciousness of your body? You will get answers there more quickly than through your thinking. The more you are in this flow, the more you just know. And that is a very good feeling, because the noise of many thoughts and also of restless emotions then disappears. So, feel that point within yourself where you just know – where silence and knowledge are linked. In your body field is a quiet, inner knowing that is connected to the Earth, which is why it is very well-grounded and not shaky or impulsive – it has a solid foundation underfoot.
It is very important that wisdom or knowledge is grounded. In many spiritual circles or theories there may be wisdom, but what is really needed are people who radiate embodied wisdom so as to convey that wisdom. They may be able to discuss spiritual theories or knowledge from their head, but that knowledge does not have the intended effect, or any effect at all, and can also create confusion. It is always about the quality of the underlying current, the flow, that can be found in the depth below the mental.
First, you went to a place in the flowing water of your energy field where the water was turbulent and restless, and brought peace there. Now, I ask you to go to a place in your energy field where the energy is just dead, dammed up so the water is stagnant and where more movement is needed. See if you can feel somewhere in your energy field a rather dead place where there is too little movement. Take your time. Sink into your abdomen and take a deep breath. See if that place calls to you: a place in the shadows that falls a little outside your daily field of vision. Maybe there is sadness there, too, because it is a neglected place, a part of you that has not been seen and recognized. Who or what is there? You can imagine a woman there, a part of you who could not fully show herself, a part that has been hidden or forbidden – a forbidden woman within you. Who is she? Can you see her? Her eyes, her body, her stature?
You all live under the pressure of a ban on the original, authentic, female energy. It is an energy of deepening, of connection, of intuition and it is linked to the third eye, of being able to see through things. The energy of the third eye belongs to the forbidden woman. It is the energy of a pervasive wisdom that exposes things. It is also the energy of deep connection, of one’s feeling for that of another. And it is the energy of leadership through connection. This energy has to do with the qualities of being a visionary, of connection through intuition with the future and with the possible realities that want to come to Earth, and not through thought, but through inner imagination. Those are all feminine qualities that have fallen by the wayside.
You all long for your own depth. Both men and women yearn for a greater inner depth, and that has to do with the forbidden female energy. That is the depth you are looking for, both in your work and in your relationships. You look for it not only in intimacy, in a sexual encounter, but also in your work, in your creativity. They are not separate from each other. What you are looking for, essenially, is yourself, so that you may experience and show that “self” on the Earth in all aspects of your life.
There is also a deep wound there, because that energy and the ability to experience and show yourself on Earth is forbidden. But instead of you thinking about that, I am asking you to make an energetic connection with that forbidden woman within yourself, to feel her in certain places in your body, and to recognize her and to welcome her. Because remember: it is your inner mission to welcome her into your life; to reconcile with her, to bring her to life in your life. You do not have to change the world, it is about you. It is about your calling, which is to redeem yourself and to make yourself whole.
What does she need from you? How can life, the water, flow through to her? See what color, energy, feeling, or quality is needed in that place. Often it has to do with daring, and the courage to integrate, to fully experience that part of yourself, to stand up in life from that quality. This is a time of change, so in that sense you have the “wind at your back” in this life. Feel the power of Mother Earth. In the end, her power is much greater and more resilient than that of humanity as a whole. Know nature is on your side – feel safe on Earth.
I salute you all and I am connected to you – you are never alone.
You are connected to kindred spirits, and you are very much loved.
Thank you very much.
The truth is that there is an increase in the frequencies of the Earth. Because of this, people are experiencing a shift in consciousness that encourages their search for meaning in all that they do.
May 9, 2021,
The Inner Spirit working outward in your life is the only place to find stability in these changing times.
Dear One,
You have found that your world is speeding up. You may even have a sense of frantic activity without a sense of accomplishment. You have found yourself searching for meaning in all that you are doing when it does not feel like enough.
The truth is that there is an increase in the frequencies of the Earth. Because of this, people are experiencing a shift in consciousness that encourages their search for meaning in all that they do. And Universal Consciousness is now more easily available to all who seek than ever before. This increase in energy is also creating great and rapid change in the world around you.
Information is more available, tremendous earth changes, such as earthquakes, tornadoes, fires and hurricanes, seem to be occurring with more frequency, and the very fabric of social, political and family life seems to have shifted into unknown areas.
All these occurrences are in the world of appearance, the world outside yourself. They point out the fact that you can no longer look to your outside world to bring you a sense of stability. You must come back to yourself and find that still point of peace, harmony and wisdom within. This is the only place of stability in these changing times.
Within you there is a place of such Peace that you can totally relax there and allow it to permeate your being. Within you is found the Truth and Joy and meaning which you have sought in vain from the world outside yourself.
Come now and allow yourself to experience this place within, where you can be free just to be. It is as close as your breath. And it is with your breath, and the power of your thoughts and imagination, that you can begin to experience your Higher Self and your connection to the Divine.
Take a few deep and centering breaths. Bring your attention to the place just below your navel, and imagine that you have found yourself in a very peaceful garden. You can make this garden the most beautiful place you have ever seen. Create flowing brooks and peaceful ponds, flowers and shady trees. Make it a place that you will long to come back to again and again. Allow yourself to relax and absorb the peace and beauty of this garden. Give yourself time to meet with your guardian Angel and with your Higher Self to receive all the wisdom, guidance and love that you need.
It may take a little practice to find this peaceful place within yourself, but after only a few balanced breaths, it won’t be long before you will be able to go there without effort. When you give yourself this time of quiet, you will notice that your outer world will not have the power to pull you away from this still place of Peace.
This is true stability. It is from this still point within that you will be able to live in this time of change and not feel alone or abandoned. You will be able to connect deeply with the support you need.
Like a wheel whose spokes appear to revolve very quickly, but whose center has quiet movement connecting all the links around it, this revolution of stillness within you will transform your outer world into one of Harmony, Love and Peace.
Remember to ask for this stillness. If you feel attracted to it, ask for the experience of a peaceful garden. Most of all, ask for your personal connection to the Source of all life. It all begins with you, with your thoughts, and with the balanced breath that is your connecting link. It is all there for you if you but give yourself the time.
Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:
The Inner Spirit working outward in your life is the only place to find stability in these changing times.
Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
An Unconditional Basic Income for Every Inhabitant of the Planet Is Necessary and Possible
An unconditional basic income for every inhabitant of the planet is both necessary and possible. This intervention took place within the panel “Is an unconditional basic income necessary and possible for every inhabitant of the planet?“, during the 8th Symposium of the World Centre for Humanist Studies and within the framework of the thematic axis Economy for Freedom. After thanking the organisers (Humanists for Basic Income), fellow panelists, etc., we would like to share the following considerations.
Regarding the first part of the question Is an unconditional basic income necessary? The answer is obvious: Yes, of course. More than necessary, it is urgent. It was a year ago, and now it is even more so.
I will point out some reasons to say yes.
It would eliminate poverty, and the stigmatization it produces, as well as the physical and mental illnesses associated with it.
It would eliminate – with it – the fear of poverty, one of the great fears of human beings and one that conditions their decisions.
It would free us from employment as an enslaving element and give us the freedom to choose one job or another.
It would free us from child labor, from child marriage, from forced prostitution, from having to live with an abuser… To live and have relationships with those we want.
It would be a way of recognizing care work, which is fundamental to life and carried out especially by women and girls, as well as artistic and solidarity work, which are key to personal development and the development of societies.
It would avoid a lot of forced migration.
It would be a way of including all members of a society, and no one would be left out.
It would be a way to begin to redress the historical violence against the majority of the population.
It would lay a good foundation for progress in reconciliation between individuals and peoples.
It would give us a plus that could translate into better physical, intellectual, emotional development – it would speak of us being kinder and more compassionate -, greater moral and spiritual development, and, of course, free energy to raise our level of consciousness….
Because we would be a less unequal, fairer and more caring society.
Because we would be moving towards a non-violent culture, a desire of almost all of humanity.
Friends, if we are capable of thinking that we all have the right to a secure livelihood; if we are capable of feeling that what happens to others has something to do with me… and of acting accordingly, defending measures that make it possible to ensure this right for all humanity… We will then be taking a fundamental step in the direction of humanizing this world, in the direction of eliminating pain and suffering, in the transformation of individual consciences and the collective conscience.
We will be in a position to say that we are embodying the universal principle, to which various schools and philosophies allude and which in Universalist Humanism – launched by the thinker Mario Rodríguez Cobos, Silo – has been concretized as follows: “When you treat others as you want to be treated, you liberate yourself”. Yes, it means that when you liberate yourself, I liberate myself. And if you are in pain or suffering, that also affects me.
And this may sound strange talking about economics… but I dare say that it is the kindness and compassion that nest in our hearts, the solidarity and coherence with ourselves, the desire to treat others as we want to be treated – however we like to phrase it – that leads us to defend an unconditional basic income for all humanity.
And we have come to the second part of the question: Is it possible to implement a basic income for all humanity?
It is possible, of course, but we have a path of resistance that we will have to overcome, as human beings have always done, driven by their intention and guided by the search for freedom… despite the many crooked “lines” that they have also written and continue to write.
In order to do so, it will be interesting to build on the idea of internationalism, which was so strong in the last century, and to take a further step towards universalism. It is essential to deepen universal rights so that they benefit the whole of humanity, even to the point of questioning borders, which are only for the poor.
However, to move forward we need to question certain beliefs and resolve certain challenges.
We need to keep questioning:
That employment – which will become increasingly scarce due to technological advances, Artificial Intelligence… – continues to be the way to ensure subsistence. Together with the belief that employment is what dignifies us. From humanism, by the way, we affirm that every human being is worthy just for having been born.
The acceptance and resignation that there are poor people, when there is so much wealth.
And this leads us to question whose tangible and intangible wealth today is in fewer and fewer hands. And the answer is simple: wealth is the result of the work of generations and generations, plus the current contribution of all humanity, and therefore, it must be returned to everyone. And one way to start giving it back is through a basic income.
We also need further clarification on the confusion between basic income and minimum income. Many people want to sign up to the novelty of defending a basic income, but they do it with an old head. So, they make a mixture that we know very well. They propose an income for the poor that ends up becoming a basic income, when these are different issues, one is conditional and the other unconditional. They also start from different conceptions, the first is based on charity and the UBI is based on Human Rights, the most elementary one, the one that ensures subsistence.
On the other hand, how can we make UBI a cross-cutting demand that is taken up by movements of all kinds, feminists, indigenous peoples, students, etc., to generate a critical number of defenders who demand that governments go to the root of the problem and stop betting on policies that benefit a few at the expense of the impoverishment of the majority?
How can we deal with countries that do not have sufficient economic activity, neither mechanisms and public policies to generate funds to implement them? Countries with great resources, but plundered by big ‘companies’ with the indispensable help of corrupt dictators, but whose populations remain impoverished… How can we help economists, specialists and activists in these countries to find solutions to implement a basic income?
How can we in the North build fair relationships that open up the future for all, and begin to repair the past, in which we have done so much damage to the South?
How can we ensure that, in the future, there is the same basic income for the whole planet?
Overcoming these many challenges is not easy, but if we build on the progress we have made and begin to deploy images that speak of universality, we will be bringing closer the possibility of ensuring subsistence for all humanity and, with it, laying a pillar of that new planetary civilization to which many of us aspire.
Thank you very much!
Divine Feminine Rising Meditation
Be very intentional, and also be patient, because even though things are speeding up, there is still a time lag, and you still have to wait for your creations to come to fruition.
Be a Creator, Not a Cult Member ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very particular about what we place our focus upon, because we only want to lend more of our energy to something that we would like to see more of in our experience. We only mention darker timelines and world wars because we know that others are talking about these things, and we want you to know that you don’t have to experience them. You don’t have to experience anything that you do not want to experience from now on, but in order to make that leap, you must be willing to take your attention off of what is not wanted and present in your experience and what is not wanted but has been predicted to be something that will happen in the future.
We don’t think we need to explain to you at this point that there is not one future, but we do want to explain a bit about the mechanics of reality creation. We mentioned that when something is focused upon, the being who is doing the focusing is lending their energy to that which they are focused upon. You are co-creating everything with some of your energy and some of the energy of something or someone else. You combine to co-create an experience together. In this way, you can co-create mass events. You can co-create weather. You can co-create so much that is good and wanted with your energy, the energy that is you.
You just have to train yourselves to put your attention on that which you want to become one with. You can always tell when you are putting your attention on something that you don’t want to become one with, because you feel that your energy is drained as a result. You feel weaker; you feel more tired; you have a headache. All of that is going to get more intense because you have to be more precise as the energies continue to speed up and as the time lag between creation and manifestation gets shorter and shorter. You become what you focus on; you don’t just get more of it. You are getting more of a creation that has you in it, because you are energy, and when you focus, you expend energy. You put energy towards that which you are focusing upon.
Again, be selective about what you are focusing upon, because you are creating it, and you are using you to create it. In your reality right now, you can look around and see the things that you are creating. Most of what you are creating in this now moment has nothing to do with what you are spending a lot of your time thinking about throughout your day. That means you are splitting your energy, because some of your energy is being spent on creating a reality for you to experience in the now moment, and some of it is off creating realities that you may or may not ever experience in the flesh.
If you want to experience something else, something different than what is in your immediate surroundings, then by all means, think about it. Put your attention, your focus upon it, and feel how good you feel when you become one with something that is wanted in your reality, in your experience.
Play around with this, because it is a good opportunity for you to feel into what some of your creations vibrate as when they vibrate. You want to get familiar with the vibration of your desires, not the vibration of what you are afraid of, what you think might happen based on what someone else is telling you. That’s not you creating your reality. That’s you getting sucked into someone else’s version of reality and agreeing to it because they’re more creative than you.
This is how cults are formed on your world. The cult leader isn’t just charismatic; they’re also creative. You all want to be creating on purpose from now on, because the stakes are getting higher, as you can see on your world right now. Be very intentional, and also be patient, because even though things are speeding up, there is still a time lag, and you still have to wait for your creations to come to fruition. And we also want you to know that the positive creations come more quickly than the negative ones, because the positive creations have positive energy, and that always moves faster.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Your job is to allow the process dear ones, trusting that much is happening that you are not yet aware of.
Arcturian Group Message 5/9/21
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MAY 9, 2021
Welcome dear readers of the Arcturian Group Messages. We see your light and that of many others around the world expanding as you traverse your way through personal and global debris and into new levels of awareness.
The world is changing but you are not yet able to see it as densities of the past continue to surface and overshadow everything. Your job is to allow the process dear ones, trusting that much is happening that you are not yet aware of. All is proceeding according to plan.
We know that some of you are beginning to feel that these messages and others that you have loved and relied on for guidance, no longer speak to you as they once did. Rejoice, for the end goal of any real spiritual teaching is to bring the student to where they no longer need the outer teacher because they have reached a level of consciousness able to access information, guidance, and spiritual instruction from within, where it exists in infinite pure form.
Teachings, traditions, and religions that do not allow followers to grow beyond further need for them are not true teachings. High resonating truth teachings will always offer freedom and empowerment, never bondage. Allow yourselves to move and grow beyond what may have once been your highest reality even if you meet with resistance from those still in alignment with that which you have now grown beyond. Evolution is an ongoing infinite process.
When a spiritual truth jumps out at you from an article, channel, book, or simply presents itself in thought and deeply resonates with you, it means you are prepared to integrate it into consciousness. Take the Divine Idea into meditation, pondering it, chewing it, and exploring three dimensional concepts versus the reality. Ponder how it influences the world on all levels. You will discover that when your intention is to more deeply understand some truth, it will unfold and reveal ITself to you. This is how you are taught from within.
If parts of these or other messages have begun to feel old to you, it probably means that you have integrated the teachings into your consciousness and they have become you. If you haven’t already, you will soon find that many favorite channelings, books, groups, classes etc., that you loved and looked to for spiritual information and guidance have begun to feel boring.
This is how spiritual growth is supposed to work. It means that you have reached a level of awareness capable of receiving directly rather than through another person or thing outside of self. Rejoice when this happens, for it is what you have been seeking.
Occasionally this level is resisted by a truth student because it frightens them. They enjoy being a seekers and want to continue doing all the things they familiar with. There is a camaraderie with other seekers and is what they are used to. It is comfortable because as a seeker, the responsibility is on others. As a finder it is on self.
Most who are awakened at this time are a combination of seeker and finder which is the way it usually works, but it is important to allow the finder part of self to grow and mature. Accepting that you are a finder enables you to love yourself more fully and reclaim the power you innocently gave away and may still be giving away to others. Finders live in the world but are not of it.
The energy of transformation has arrived and all is proceeding according to plan. The energy that you are presently witnessing as violence and pain represent the exposure and dissolution of outer effects formed from energies of duality, separation, and the belief in two powers.
All that exists is Divine Consciousness, pure Light. Everything is in and of this Light. Your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies are not separate parts of you but are rather facets of your one and only body which is pure Light. Begin to see yourself and others as Light. Let go of the need, obligation, and struggle to heal, change, and correct everything and everybody and begin to acknowledge the presence of their Light instead.
You are frequently told to “send light” to someone in need. Now take this to the next level and instead of sending Light, “see” and acknowledge IT as already present. Greet every stranger, answer every phone call, observe those you see on television or in the news with an awareness of their ever present Light hidden to human eyes.
Living from this level does not mean you cannot offer practical guidance if asked nor does it mean you must never again seek help of some sort like going to a doctor. Becoming intellectually aware of absolute truth does not mean that from then on you must rigidly cling to it. Many serious spiritual students make the mistake of trying to live some absolute truth they have learned before it has become their state of consciousness.
Because earth is a planet of time and space, intellectually known truth needs time to grow and strengthen through contemplation and practice before a full integration of it can take place. The spiritual evolutionary process begins as gradual awareness and intellectual knowledge but must be lived and fully integrated before becoming one’s attained state of consciousness. When the world was very dense, this process took many lifetimes but in the higher resonance of today, it is happening more quickly.
It is important that you allow your evolutionary process to unfold without trying to define, guide, or influence it other than with trust. Most of you were trained to govern your spiritual life with guidelines and rules learned in other lifetimes, in convents, monasteries, and ashrams etc. Many of you were serious students in the ancient Egyptian schools and still carry the influences of those lives. Now let it all go allowing each day to bring what you need on whatever level is necessary in order to awaken more fully.
Do not feel guilty if you are guided to see a doctor or spiritual teacher/adviser. Help is provided on all levels of awareness and none is lesser than another if done with love and service. Like everything else, it is a matter of energetic alignment. If your consciousness is more in alignment with standard medicine, then go with it. If you are in alignment with holistic medicine, go with that. If you have attained a level of conscious awareness of oneness with completeness, allow that to unfold as your health and well being.
Resistance that is based in the belief that you must hold fast to some absolute truth in spite of not yet having attained the consciousness of it, will actually act as a block because it gives reality and power to the very issue you are seeking to move beyond. Go within and seek guidance on these issues and never believe that you have spiritually failed if you decide to seek some assistance that resonates with you.
It is impossible to go spiritually backward to levels you have outgrown for evolution is an ongoing journey of awakening not governed or influenced by concepts of human thinking. Allow your intuition to guide you toward those things that are in alignment with your present state of consciousness.
Pretending a state of consciousness not yet attained, is a three dimensional activity and does not serve or fool those around the person doing it. This is easily observed in many world “leaders”, politicians hoping to be elected, those seeking to be famous, and many who are desperate for the recognition and love they believe to be outside of them.
Truth is a seed that must silently and secretly rest and be allowed to grow strong in the safety of your heart where it is protected from doubters and those who would take it from you until it can germinate and express in, as, and through you. You will know when a truth has become your state of consciousness for it simply becomes you, your automatic awareness and response in all situations.
Allow yourselves to grow and expand in ways that are highest and best for you never doubting that you are always being guided and directed by your Higher Self that knows where you need to be, how to get you there, and when. This is how you unfold into knowing and loving self as SELF.
Accept that your journey may be nothing like that of others in the realization that all paths, regardless of how bizarre or twisted they may appear to human thinking, eventually lead to the spiritual realization of ONE. (Ascension) It cannot be otherwise because it is what you already are — Divine Beings in disguise.
We are the Arcturian Group 5/9/21
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Anxiety or Excitement?
May 8, 2021,
Anxiety is a common ascension symptom for many enlightening human beings. Most of you consider anxiety to be a negative experience, and we do understand it can be quite uncomfortable for you. But today we wish to give you another perspective about anxiety for you to explore.
There is a very fine line between anxiety and excitement. Is it possible some of what you are feeling is excitement? Excitement for being part of this profound shift on your planet? Excitement for the fact that you are in the throes of transformation? Excitement for what is opening for you, and what can become possible as you move forward into the new?
Think of being the lead character in a play. You know it is a great honour to be the star of the show. You know it is something you absolutely want. And you also know it is your destiny to play this role. But even though it is something you want and can’t wait to experience, your excitement can get mixed up with anxiety of wanting to give a great performance and bring your best to the role.
It is the same with the times you are in now. Your soul is so excited to be experiencing the shift on the planet. It is a tremendous success that you have made it this far! But you are also concerned about how it will go and experiencing the new. This is a very normal response. The fact that you are approaching it with such care and diligence is complete assurance that you will do a magnificent job.
Chemtrails:Using our power to clean the skies
It is time to drop into your hearts and listen deeply to what feels right, good, and loving to you in a given moment, then do that, focus on that, marinate in those thoughts and actions.
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
It is time to let go of your expectations for yourselves, your future, and one another. It is time to create instead, to dream. It is time to drop into your hearts and listen deeply to what feels right, good, and loving to you in a given moment, then do that, focus on that, marinate in those thoughts and actions.
The world, and everyone else in it, is quick to offer you a multitude of ideas, opinions, and suggestions for how you should live your life, solve your problems, and manifest your dreams. The problem is that no one else lives in your body. No one else has your exact mind, nor do they know the deepest desires of your own soul. No one else can dictate to you what is best for you. People can offer suggestions and ideas with which you may resonate. They can also offer many with which you don’t. What you do, how you choose to think, and how you feel as a result, is all up to you.
There are so many streams of thought upon your planet. Some people are happily seeing the end of your pandemic. Others are seeing the potential for it to go on forever. Some people are truly done with the fearful energy of the pandemic, while others will hold onto it forever. Does this mean the world will have a pandemic forever? Absolutely not. Does this mean covid will be around forever in one mutated form or another? Absolutely yes. So, what to do dear ones?
There is only one answer… Do what feels right, authentic, and loving inside of you. Do what feels uplifting and inspiring, safe, comfortable, healthy, and happy. Do you feel like staying home and ordering in? Then do it. Do you feel like going to gatherings and hugging people? When you are inspired, guided, and permitted, do it. Choose. Learn from your choices. Make new ones. In this fashion, you find yourself in the stream of life that you, yourself, have directed.
The Divine offers an endless stream of love to every aspect of creation from the smallest components of your cells to entire galaxies and universes. The Divine coordinates the dreams and desires of all creation. All beings, from the smallest components in your cells to the vast galaxies are consciousness and have needs for their continued existence. You have the free will to express your desires as well. If you can imagine, the Source weaves all dreams and desires into streams of grace for every particle of consciousness on the planet, for every system, and for every being.
You, dear ones have called forth a very unique stream of love and grace from the Source – one that you can either float with or struggle against. With your desires – both explicit expressed and those subtly wished for as a result of seeing the things you don’t care for – you have directed the unconditional love of God in a stream that will guide you, if you line up with its currents, towards all that you’ve asked for.
You do indeed have to go with a flow, but not just any flow… your flow, your unique, perfect, individually designed, and constantly updated flow!
It is easy to tell if you are aligned with your very own stream of grace. When your energy is flowing with your stream, you feel good. When your energy is resisting your stream, you feel bad.
Imagine yourself in a river. If you are floating unimpeded, the ride is exhilarating or gentle and peaceful. You are carried easily downstream. If the river is blocked with boulders, or if you try to cling to the trees on the banks, you’re fighting a mighty current. You’ll wear yourself out, bang yourself up and maybe even feel as if you are drowning. You know these feelings in your own life. You know the exhilaration of being “at one” with the flow of love. You know the pain of hanging on to something that was once a part of your life but needs to be let go. You know the frustrating feeling of obstacles created by fear and doubt. And you know the drowning sensation that ensues when you focus on what is not working in an endless eddy of frustration. Dear ones you can feel your relationship to the stream that you, yourself, called forth.
So how do you get back in the flow that leads to all you seek, when you feel you’ve strayed? The answer is simpler than you might imagine. Right in the moment when you notice you are feeling bad, frustrated, angry, upset, sad, worried, doubtful, or any other unpleasant emotion, imagine yourself in that stream. Try out thoughts that feel better. Flow love towards anything you see in front of you. Do something that you enjoy as soon as possible. Relax. Release the obsession with the problem by focusing on something that feels better. Give yourself permission, as you would do with an upset child, to distract yourself with something better for the time being. You’ll know when you are aligned with the stream again because you’ll feel relief. You’ll start to feel energy moving through you. Maybe you won’t yet feel positive, but you’ll feel better.
Dear ones, surrender to your natural desire to feel better. Surrender to your natural desire to focus on more pleasant things. If reality “sucks” as you might say, stop facing reality. Focus forward. Find the stream, by searching for better thoughts. If you can’t pay a bill and you’ve done what you know to do, focus on a better thought, “The universe has access to infinite possibility. I am still here, alive, and have paid many bills I didn’t know how to pay.” Or “Wow, look at that sunset. Gorgeous. For just a moment I think I’ll sit here and give thanks for all the beauty around me.” Worry might try to grab you again. People might tell you to be “more responsible,” but dear ones, respond to your own hearts first! The stream wishes to carry you to your solutions.
There are many streams of thought in your world now. There will never ever be one right one. The common denominator in all of them however is love. Choose to love yourself enough to do what feels best now, to think the thought that feels best now, to take the actions that feel inspired and joyful. Free yourself from the bondage of pleasing others and floating down their streams, and instead find and align with your own, one better feeling thought and action at a time.
Many small currents join to make a stream. Many small streams join to make a river. Then, dear ones, many rivers travel, as you travel, back to the Ocean of Love.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
You have evolved to the point where you are becoming immortal, and when you can demonstrate to others how good it feels to not be afraid of dying and to not be afraid of what others think, you can lead society into a new age, into an entirely new dimension.
Note from Nikos:hahahaha ,just as i wrote the earlier note on Mike Quincey’s message The Arcturians drop this channeling about immortality.There is no coincidence,we create our own reality with our belief systems.
Leading Society into the Fifth Dimension ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have a very good picture of what it looks like for a human being to try to fit in to society, and we also have a very picture of what it looks like when someone is making a statement that is counter to societal norms. We also notice when one of you is willing to just be yourself and when being yourself is not an act of resistance to the societal norms that you’ve been made aware of. You find yourself in a sweet spot. The sweet spot is a place where you give yourself permission to be who you want to be and you don’t really care what anyone thinks. You are neither a conformist nor a rebel. You are just you.
And most people get there at some point in their lives, one way or another. There is a shedding of the skin of who you thought you were supposed to be or who your parents wanted you to be. There are even many adults who are single who are running around trying to be what their preferred gender wants them to be. Or at least they’re doing what they think the gender they prefer wants them to do, looking like they think they need to look in order to attract someone.
Now, there also comes a time in a person’s life when it’s time to examine whether you are operating as the part of yourself that lives in fear, or whether you are operating as that part of yourself that seeks out joy. You also have a survival instinct, in addition to this desire to fit in or stand out as someone who is purposefully not fitting in. The survival instinct means that you have to compete with others. It means you have to have more than enough, just in case. It’s the part of you that never really feels relaxed because something bad could happen. You could get a disease, or the economy could tank. Any number of things could happen that would potentially put your survival at risk.
We are speaking to those of you who recognized that survival instinct a long time ago and have shed that skin as well so that you could simply pursue your joy. You are meant to live in bliss and to be eager and enthusiastic when you wake up in the morning, but you still see people around you who are living in fear, and it’s very hard for you. It’s even harder to convince them that they no longer need to be afraid. And so, what can you do? You can live your life fully, shine your light brightly, and invite anyone and everyone who wants to come along with you on the joy parade to march.
You can be an example to others of how to live proudly as you are and to not fear your mortal nature. You have evolved to the put where you needn’t worry so much about survival. You have evolved to the point where you are becoming immortal, and when you can demonstrate to others how good it feels to not be afraid of dying and to not be afraid of what others think, you can lead society into a new age, into an entirely new dimension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
In Europe the Covid19 virus seems to be in decline and relaxation of the measures to end its effect, are beginning to take place
Note from Nikos:i resonate with mostly everything at this channeling except from the fact that one should be happy because doing the work in this life means there will live in future lives no longer in lower vibrations. For some of us,we are taking our bodies with us,we are ascending within our physical bodies and can and will live hundreds if not at least thousand years. Mebdeds are going to be here and so much more. I want to clarify this as message coming from My Higher Self.Namaste.
7th May 2021. Mike Quinsey.
In Europe the Covid19 virus seems to be in decline and relaxation of the measures to end its effect, are beginning to take place. Freewill and karma are in play so that some souls will have a totally different experience to others. Even a soul’s life plan is involved so you cannot say for certain how things will work out. However, on a greater scale for humanity in general, all will be affected in one way or another as things cannot return to the way they were before the lockdowns.
Many changes are envisaged that in the long run will prove beneficial to everyone. It may not seem so at the moment but given time you will see the making of a new society that cares for each other and brings more equality into being. For too long a privileged group of people have used their position and wealth to try and create a system that makes all of you subservient to them. Their last attempt has failed and whilst it will take time to create a fairer society the intention is present and it will succeed.
There is a plan for humanity that will eventually right the wrongs of recent times, and the promise of a happy and satisfying life. It cannot happen overnight but the mould has been cast and you will see the signs of the changes mentioned. For too long you have been held back and not allowed to develop in a way that would have lifted up your quality of life. The dark Ones have purposefully placed obstacles in your way and created friction between nations sometimes resulting in wars. You can imagine the harm they cause and not least of all the cost of human life, the damage to your dwellings and facilities.
Matters are changing for the better but give it time as centuries of war and the destruction that comes with it, cannot be put right over night. Know that happier times are coming along with peace and answers to your problems. Eventually all will live in peace and friendship whilst accepting the difference in views and opinions that add to the great variety and spice of life. Long standing customs will not change overnight and should be welcomed as part of the character of those involved. Much hinges upon how quickly you can accept each other’s differences, and come together as a community whilst welcoming them as an equal part of the Human Race.
For you who know the future will bring peace to all nations, lays the task of uniting those who are your neighbours regardless of their colour or creed. At heart every soul seeks peace and happiness, and it is destined to come within many of your lives. It is planned and is being helped by the desires of the people, who desperately want to see a permanent end to disputes and differences that in the past have led to confrontation and hostilities. The mood of the people will enable them to stand up to those who are warmongers and stop their activities. In the past they have played one side against the other and profited from backing the war machine. The people have “spoken” and will not tolerate those who believe that “might is right”. Permanent peace will come for certain as the level of consciousness rises and rejects warlike actions or words.
In the midst of chaos we are of the Light that will lift people up and bring peace about for everyone. Those of the lower vibrations will have no place in such a future, and will have their own path to follow that will give them another opportunity to rise up through a greater understanding and appreciation of how a harmonious life should be. Those dear souls who oversee your lives have never ending patience and love for you and are always ready to assist when you call for their help. There are many unseen helpers who help you follow your life plan and arrange opportunities accordingly.
Many of you have reached a level of evolution that enables you to rise up with the increasing vibrations and continue to do so all of the way to Ascension. In doing so you are also helping those who follow you and can learn from your example. We salute and bless those of you who hold your heads up high, and with determination march ever onwards prepared to face whatever obstacles are placed in your way. You are the ones creating a path that others can follow and are to be thanked for your resolute intentions to drive ever forward. It should be comforting to know that you will not have to spend any future lives in the lower vibrations.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
It is time for a European Basic Income scheme.
When EU leaders meet for the Porto Social Summit this weekend, they should show real commitment to the needs of European citizens facing hardship and precarious situations. Rather than expecting wonders from the failed workfare paradigm, they should embrace a new concept of social citizenship. It is time to move towards an unconditional guarantee of economic existence and dignity for all.
Unconditional Basic Income Europe (UBIE) welcomes the Portuguese EU presidency’s focus on EU citizens’ social rights and protection across the Union. We appreciate the ambition of the European Commission to go beyond symbolic declarations and set measurable targets for the proposed Action Plan. The scope of the planned measures, however, is regrettably weak. The poverty reduction proposals are shamefully unambitious, especially since the Union failed to meet its poverty reduction goals for 2020.
Rather than giving millions of Europeans in precarious situations new hope with ambitious new ideas, the draft Plan merely contains a summary of ongoing policies as well as adding a few that are already “under construction”. Worst of all, it is locked in the failed and discredited workfare logic, as it expects significant improvements on all areas of social protection from a moderate five percentage point increase of the employment rate.
“I must wonder where the EU Commission and Member States governments have spent the last year, if all their answers to the existential fears of millions of Europeans consist of the old ‘jobs, jobs, jobs’ mantra,” says Alessandra Bianchi, Chair of UBIE. “For a sustainable recovery path from the pandemic that guarantees everyone’s economic security and human dignity, and in order to make society resilient against similar shocks in the future, we need a paradigm shift towards a social citizenship for all.”
Improving working conditions for those in employment is a policy objective that certainly deserves support. However, access to social protection in the 21st century should not solely rest on people’s ability to access the labor market. The “job avenue” as the only way out of poverty has proven to be a delusion, and ignores the huge amount of unpaid work people need to do for their families, their communities and even just to find a job themselves. We need a reliable social safety net based on rights – and not on more conditionality – for all citizens, regardless of their individual skills and personal situations.
The introduction of Unconditional Basic Income throughout the European Union could form the base for a much needed guaranteed security for all. A representative poll carried out by UBIE, WeMove Europe and YouGov at the end of 2020 showed that around two-thirds of Europeans (in the six major EU member states surveyed) want governments to put in place a Universal Basic Income (UBI).
European institutions have shown in the past that they can be capable of coming up with historic solutions to face unprecedented challenges. The European Union is one of the wealthiest regions of the world. The Social Pillar Action Plan should therefore aim at ending poverty in Europe rather than just managing it. It is now time to support the people, and to support them directly. It is time for a European Basic Income scheme.
Linda Dillon: Archangel Jophiel asks, “What Are the Keys to Nova Earth?”
Let us start with compassion, and let us take this quality and this concept, this belief system, and expand it one hundred, one thousand-fold.
Greetings, I AM Jophiel, angel of the future, Archangel of Completion, Archangel of New Beginnings, and in many ways, Archangel of Structure, of Sacred Geometry, of Repositioning. Welcome. You may call me Jophiel, you may call me Jophie, as you recall the dust that I have given you for transformation eons and ages ago. You may call me Yo, you may call me YoYo. All I am saying, my invitation to your heart and to your head is to call upon me, my beloveds, as I now call upon you, as I call upon you and every single being upon this beautiful planet to step forward in the wonder, in the delight, in the bliss, and in the truth of who you truly are.
You are not some misguided, distracted, lost lamb… you are the Mother’s ground crew. The extraordinary nature of that honor is not always known, or accepted, or realized, and so I bring this to your attention yet again.
Long ago you have asked my sister, Gabrielle, what the keys to heaven are. And that has not changed… it is love, trust, forgiveness, unity, connectedness, and whole-hearted balance. But there is a next question, is there not? What are the keys to Nova Earth? It is not just the keys to your heart… think of it as the combination to open the portals to full capacity, to step forward in the creation… and yes, I am going to be talking to you about this time, and time, and time again… but this day, let us begin. Yes, your keys are love, trust, forgiveness, unity, connectedness, and balance… and unity consciousness is the state of being in the higher realms and in this time of new normal.
Now, you say to me, this channel says to me, “And Jophiel, how exactly do we go about achieving this?” So, I am bringing you back to your Blessings and Virtues, and in many ways to the laws of One, the laws of love.
Let us start with compassion, and let us take this quality and this concept, this belief system, and expand it one hundred, one thousand-fold. Because in unity consciousness there can be no unity consciousness, there can be no connectedness, there can be no balance unless phenomenal, extraordinary compassion is fully integrated… not just present but so deeply integrated into your sacred self, and into the fibers, the existence, not of this or that society, this or that religion or belief system, but into the very fiber of the air you breathe.
Now, very often compassion is thought of as the quality of saints, or that it is a stand-back quality. The reason we call this a blessing and a virtue, is that it is a virtue that you hold, and it is a blessing that you bestow, and you bestow upon everybody equally… and that includes yourself. We have been saying, this entire Council has been saying, that it is a time… yes, you will call me a very plain-spoken archangel, even more so than Gabrielle… it is a time to rise above what you think of as petty differences into the glory of truth. Not that you have truth and somebody else doesn’t… but into the truth of love, into the truth of compassion.
An aspect of compassion is the deep profound honoring of another’s journey, of the path that they choose, of the incredible qualities unique to that person that they bring forth, whether they are earth-keeper, or gatekeeper, angelic, star-being… it matters not… you admire them. Inside compassion is the honoring and admiration.
Now, where does this begin? Well, first of all, it begins with a balance of head and heart, of your brilliant, intelligent self. This life is not about dumbing down… it is taking extraordinary leaps into the full brilliance of what you are fully capable of, and that only occurs in the balance of head and heart. Too often, the heart had been completely forgotten, ignored, ruptured, tortured. Now you have learned to be in the truth of your heart… but it does not mean ignoring your brain… the same way you wouldn’t ignore your hands, or your fingers, or your feet. You do not wish to atrophy any part of your sacred self. And so, you have compassion for your sweet self, for that totality of who you are. And in seeing, in every meaning of that word, in seeing and accepting with heart-compassion this truth, then you are able… you enable, you activate yourself… to be able to give, receive, work with, play with compassion for all beings. Not in the quality of mercy… which is very important, and we will talk about that as well… but in the honoring, the admiration, of each being. Not that they are in or out, above or below, they are sacred.
So, I begin, my beloved family, I begin my work with you, my play with you. I bring you compassion, and I bring you the balance of compassion. Go with my magenta love. Go with my joy… my joy… as I see you, I see who you are, and I invite you to do the same. Go in peace, and go, go play, unpack those presents for they are waiting.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.
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How do i destroy chemtrails?
As soon as i see a plane flying by, i am having first a good laugh thinking : oh there you are again, you are so afraid of Humanity waking up that you now are trying once again to hide the sunrays even though you know you already lost the game and that Love has won. Then i am sending love to the pilot and then i call upon The Violet Flame of Saint Germain, The Angels of the Violet Flame and The Crystals and The Ascended Golden Eyed Dragons(only those are of the light) and Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst asking them to support the expansion of these clearing energies to transmute all and to raise the frequency for all.A few minutes staying in these energies and voila the work is done.
I Speak Only of What I Want.
One can choose to speak for ever about what doesn’t go well at any level personal or global. And one can choose to notice and speak of only of the GOod stuff he/she notices and only of what she/he wants. Both are right in their perspectives, with the first the big majority or part of the world agrees while the 2nd is called a happy dreamer. Only one of the 2 is a Master Creator. Can the Master Creator demonstrate this to the rest of world ?
yes, at some point when enough momentum is reached and when this happens, the world will say : what a lucky guy/gal. But a true creator knows that he/she had to work on it from their depths of their being feeling GOod to the very deepest of their guts, he/she has practised for so long feeling good that at the end all projects and manifestations happen like a domino falling at geometric speed and when this happens the whole world is uplifted, simply because the Master Creator has focused enough to make what he/she wants TRUE.
Nikos Akrivos
Awakening Collective Success by Saint Germain
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings and love, I am Saint Germain. I come forth with my love, truth and all that I am to share with you. I am an expression of the Creator, I am an expression of divine magic, love, truth, peace, all that is the Creator. As this expression, I wish to inspire the same within your being, not only this, I wish to inspire that your expression of the Creator inspires and positively impacts the world and reality you exist within at this time.
You are a powerful tool in the ascension process you have the ability to express the ascension process and all that is the Creator, bringing forth the activations, insights, remembrance, and the truth that is necessary. Every being will increase their vibration, awaken their hearts, and come to remember the truth of the Creator because of you. You are creating a reality of love for all to experience and are a powerful force in this ascension process that is unfolding. Everything that you do, every thought you have assists in the ascension process of all, the collective. When I speak of the collective, I am speaking of the consciousness, the mind, the remembrance and the beings or presence of all upon the Earth, every single soul, every single being upon the Earth is the collective. This includes humanity, animals, insects, tree spirits and so forth. You all create a collective energy, a collective consciousness and vibration. Past generations also add to the collective vibration, all beings who have existed upon the Earth in the past or simultaneous lifetimes have gifted their energy, and their experiences to this collective vibration and collective consciousness.
The collective vibration and consciousness of the Earth’s reality is so vast and expansive, it is like a library. It is immensely healing for all, it also holds all the wounds that have been unresolved within your own being and within others, whether they are on the Earth now or not. Therefore, we recognise that this collective vibration, or collective body, has so much power and influence not only over your reality, but everyone. It is my understanding at this stage of ascension that there is a need to awaken the collective success. When we awaken the success energy within the collective body, we will transform the perspective and the beliefs of the collective. We will heal wounds, we will be able to let go of many things that are hindering, negatively impacting, or holding all of humanity and all beings upon the Earth back.
What is Success?
When we speak of success, we are speaking of achieving one’s purpose, manifesting dreams, desires, embodying fulfilment, embodying the energy of completion and being a beacon of love. As well as enjoying your time upon the Earth in every given moment. We recognise success in many ways, it can be money, prosperity, time, love, objects, friendship, relationships, health, or vitality. There are so many ways that success can manifest. As I, Saint Germain, speak of success I am referring to the vibration of success, the highest vibration of the Creator that is able to be embedded within the Earth, and within your being.
Take a few moments just to acknowledge the highest vibration of the Creator.
We are not even speaking of success here, we are speaking of the highest vibration of the Creator that can manifest at the physical reality level, within your being, and through your being. When you embody the highest vibration of the Creator that is available to you in this moment you will automatically recognise the presence of success. You will automatically recognise that success or fulfilment begins to manifest in your reality and so, this is something that we are inviting you to achieve now.
Ask your soul to download into your being the highest vibration of the Creator available to you now.
Then simply allow it to be present with you, take time even if it is only a few minutes, to allow this to be downloaded, to be embedded and grounded into your being. It is a process of awakening, and remembrance. As you achieve this so you will already begin to impact the collective body that we spoke of.
Imagine the collective body. The collective body holds within it everyone’s success and what every being who has existed on the Earth recognises as failure, mistakes, or wounds. These wounds within the Collective body are holding humanity back, creating limitations, boundaries, and baggage. You are influenced by this energy from the collective body whether you are aware of it or not. Even if you feel yourself to be an embodiment of fulfilment, success, and completion, those wounds are still impacting your being. Even if you have healed all the wounds within your being the collective body may still impact your being. The collective body is so powerful it seems important to create an awakening of success within the collective body, therefore dissolving, dispersing, and erasing anything and everything that any being upon the Earth has recognised as a failure, a wound, or a mistake. You have the power to achieve this within the collective body. You have the power to awaken collective success, therefore the collective body will be influencing you and all beings with the energy of success. You will experience a limitless energy, that is empowering, strengthening, and nurturing. You will experience everything that you need to support yourself and to allow others to be supported upon the Earth, beginning to recognise the true nature and the true purpose of the collective body. The transformation will offer wisdom and knowledge that is needed so that all beings who exist upon the Earth can navigate the Earth using these tools and more importantly to offer success, and fulfilment as normal, as given, a natural aspect of the Earth. You are deserving, the collective body will support you and all beings through the ascension process navigating the journey of the Earth in a physical reality.
How to Awaken Collective Success
I, Saint Germain, wish to share with you how you can create this shift. First, as I have stated, there is a need to create the download within and from your soul into your being. Once you have achieved this and embodied it then you may focus upon the collective body.
Send your energy or love, your truth to the collective body. Imagine it as a well of light that is connected to every being upon the Earth, like a library or a source of information, you could even imagine it as a computer that is connected to all beings. As you send your energy to the collective body there is a need for you to state your intention:
‘It is my purpose with my guides, soul and soul group to awaken the collective success for myself, and for all.’
Then say:
‘I call upon the highest vibration of the Creator to flow into the collective body now.’
You may wish to imagine, sense, or acknowledge this occurring as the highest vibration available from the Creator flows and downloads into the collective body.
Then say:
‘The collective body now awakens the vibration of success dissolving dispersing, and erasing wounds, failures and mistakes, all energies that hinder, limit and block all beings upon the Earth.’
Then, please say:
‘I call upon all loving beings throughout the entire Universe of the Creator to now surround the collective body of the Earth and all beings, please send your highest vibration of love into the collective body. Please continue to do so until the awakening is complete, and the transformation and healing has taken place. Thank you.’
In the coming days, we invite you to practice this for yourself and for the collective body. You will begin to know when the process is being completed because you will receive the energy of fulfilment, success, and completion. You may receive it as you achieve this process, or you may receive it in your daily reality. It is important to notice it and celebrate it as well. To celebrate you can simply say thank you or express your gratitude.
Once you notice the energy of success flowing more freely within your being, your reality, and the world, ask all the beings that have been supporting this transformation to ground it, to ground the success energy into all beings upon the Earth and into Mother Earth herself as well. This is an immensely powerful and important process and practice. It will create tremendous shifts not only in your perspectives and beliefs, but in the perspective, and beliefs of all beings. How wonderful if all beings recognise success, fulfilment, and completion as a natural part of everyday life letting go of old baggage that has been unresolved.
I am present to serve you, I thank you.
I Am Saint Germain