Monthly Archives: February 2021
The Truth Is.
The Truth is that we have been asking collectively for a smooth transition.This means that specific dates with specific events may not happen same way as we expect to see them in the physical material world within our minds.The Truth is that Victory of Light is assured.The Truth is that the way to go there happens as smoothly as it can be for each and everyONE.The Truth is that those who know must be patient and forgiving and loving with those who are in the process of getting to know.The Truth is that we are ONE Consciousness and our power lies in our Awareness of this withIN.The more of us KNOW this Truth the faster tangible physical manifestations happen.The truth is that those who are in the know can enjoy our lives and feel good all the time ,when we know we know!And from this knowingness- which is nothing else than the highest vibration of LOVE and Light, of Joy and Peace and Abundance and Clarity and Prosperity – we allow the timelines that work for the highest good for all to be manifest.The Truth is that it is not too bad to feel good, feel more than fine all of the time lol.The Truth is that once One has done the work on a daily basis to be in that state, everything unfolds magically.The Truth is that no one is in control of our lives except from ourselves and how we feel reflects how close we are to this truth.If one feels angry or in fear he/she simply has allowed outside circumstances, call it MSM, politicians etc. to create such distraction that she/he has forgot that the way he/she feels only reflects Source telling her/him :COME BACK TO YOUR TRUTH IN THE HERE AND NOW.If you read this far, it means that you understand what i am sharing here with you and i invite you to just visualise all those who are not in this knowingness to find it and oh how wonderful amazing awesome this will feel.Let us blaze the Violet Flame in through and around the planet for this to be manifest in this now ,so we may all witness the most beautiful outcomes on a planet that works for all.Let’s Make Earth Great Again.God is withIN us and with us.
I Love You All!
No matter what is going on around you, you are the only one who can ever control your own energy field…Perhaps you honestly can’t control the 3D world. But you can breathe. You can flow love. You can breathe again. You can control your vibration.
Message from the Angels |
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Take a long breath in. Now let it out very, very slowly – as if you are a balloon slowly deflating. Do this once again. Breathe in. Exhale very slowly allowing your body to simply release the air. No forcing is necessary. One more time. Breathe in deeply and then allow the body to exhale, slowly, gently, thoroughly. How did you feel when you were doing this? Just notice. Now, pick up something around you. It can be anything, a pen, a pencil, a glass of water. Just pick it up, and examine it carefully. Notice its color and texture. How does it feel in your hands? Is it heavy or light? Just be with this thing and really examine it. Imagine this thing you picked up is living being. Whether out loud, or in your head tell it how much you love it. Point out all the good qualities and characteristics of this thing. Appreciate it. Imagine you can it all the love in your heart. Breathe now. Exhale slowly. Notice how you feel. In these two very simply exercises you took charge of your inner reality. You became intensely present. You chose to flow love forth from within. You became for a few seconds, rooted in the present, and rooted in love. How did that feel? Remember this simple exercise. Breathe. Flow love. Breathe. You can do it any time. When you are rooted in the present moment and rooted in love, you become the peaceful, calm eye at the center of the storm. While chaos whirls around you, you can feel centered, grounded, clear, and calm. This is extremely useful in a world where many are trying to convince you that things are going terribly. Covid is running rampant. Disagreements are at fever pitch. Friends, family, or co-workers have strong biases and suddenly don’t feel you belong in their lives. You feel stuck, stir-crazy, unclear… Breathe. Flow Love. Breathe. Dear ones some of you already practice being as present as possible. Some of you already play with the magic of your breathing. You already experience the benefits. If you’ve never tried it, or if you feel pushed and pulled and buffeted by life and the choices of others, then take charge of your reality, if only for a minute or two. Breathe. Flow love. Breathe. No matter what is going on around you, you are the only one who can ever control your own energy field. The world can trigger you, influence you, push you, and pull you. Others can worship or attack you. Nonetheless, you and only you control your energy field. It is not your fault that so many of you still believe you are controlled by the external world. You have not been taught that your energy attracts your reality. Now, however, you are learning to start taking charge of your inner reality, your thoughts, and therefore your own personal field that will attract your own personal reality. Try it this week when something stresses you and you feel you are not in control. Perhaps you honestly can’t control the 3D world. But you can breathe. You can flow love. You can breathe again. You can control your vibration. And in that simple sequence of actions, wherein you decided to be in charge of your inner reality, suddenly you find yourself at the calm, clear, center of the storms around you. Suddenly you are truly – if only for a few seconds – living in the present, and living in love. God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels |
Mike Lindell: Absolute Proof: Exposing Election Fraud and the Theft of America
Truth can not be hidden any longer.
Major Galactic Federation Intel Drop!
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega
This started out to be a lesson in metaphysics but turned out to be a major GFL intel drop!
Loving something, a thing or situation, doesn’t mean you have to accept it as it is
Me: Ivo, I’d like to explain this to people. I think we have this wrong here on earth.
Ivo: Very well.
Me: If you love somebody, do you have to accept them completely as they are?
Ivo: It would be preferable to do this in the case of someone you love, my dear, otherwise you are subject to conditional love and that falls into the realms of divisiveness and separation consciousness.
People have free will, and with that, they can be whoever they want. To be able to love someone with free will, means that you must in fact use yours to accept them as they are. This is your power. Free will is derived from love, as all is.
Me: So if you’re in a relationship where you’re not using your free will…
Ivo: Then you are in a relationship of control, where you are being controlled. That is not love, that is control.
Me: Okay, that makes sense. Now can we talk about things in the same regard.
Ivo: Very well. It is different when you talk about things. Things do not have free will as they are creations of humanity. So they are what you call objects. You cannot, in fact, love an object. You can only love another creature that has free will. You create objects, you like your objects, but to say you love your car is not love in the same sense as loving a mate, although it has been claimed to be such. That is an exaggeration.
The human being is created to love each other, but to manipulate things. What you do on earth is you love things but manipulate each other.
Me: Okay, now what about a situation? Let’s take some current situations into account now.
One situation: the person acting as POTUS right now, who is demented and has to have instructions whispered to him. Many people don’t love him because they love the real POTUS, Mr T. Can’t you love two people?
Ivo: Of course. If they are in fact both human and have free will. In fact Mr B is not human and so he does not have free will.
Me: Some people love him, I think.
Ivo: Then refer back to what I said about loving objects.
Me: Maybe that’s why they do it. Well, too, because we live in a materialistic society…. that’s why they want us to love our things.
Ivo: Not true love.
Me: So he’s an object, that’s funny.
Ivo: It is a fact, my love.
Me: Clones do have three chakras, maybe four.
Ivo: But they do not have the chakras of the spirit, my love. Only the chakras that relate to the physical world. The love that comes to you comes to you through the higher chakras, which this object does not have.
Me: Okay. I hear clones can have children, though.
Ivo: And what do these clones do to their children?
Me: I rest my case.
Okay, we’ll take another situation then…. what about the desertion of the White House? Mr T is in Florida and Mr B is in a movie set in California. The white house itself is basically deserted and it looks like they’re setting up gallows there, which is kind of freaky.
Ivo: They are doing so because this is the only piece of land that exists within the US that is not actually considered to be American soil. So anything goes there. The corporation of the US is now defunct, and this corporation was headquartered in DC, so it stands to reason now that this piece of land can be used for any act of war or peace. The rest of the U.S. is under constitutional law and must be used to this end.
Me: So if they want to hang somebody they have to do it outside of their country?
Ivo: They can do it inside of the U.S., of course, however if they wish to put to death a person without proper U.S. trial then it has to be done in the District of Columbia. What they are doing is arresting these objects as we discussed and will put them to death on that parcel of land. The real players, the actual humans, have been arrested long ago and will stand public trial and sentencing on constitutional land.
What is going on in DC is being kept from you for this reason. These are not the real trials you are to see.
Me: This must be a clone problem. And I still didn’t get to ask the question I wanted to. I was trying to state what we’ve been talking about all along, and that is that if you don’t like some situation, something, then you have to love its opposite.
So if you want JB to relinquish whatever hold he has over people’s minds, then love seeing Mr T returned to power. Love the opposite of the evil that so many are seeing. That’s how to use the mind.
If you don’t like seeing people wearing masks, then love the opposite: a return to non mask wearing. Bear in mind that because we’re a collective, that you have all the other minds to oppose you while you seek this majority.
Me: So what’s going on in DC isn’t even the real deal? That’ll be down the road?
Ivo: Yes.
Me: Wow. Who knew?
Ivo: I did.
Okay, but that building is empty now, at least we think it is. How do they get them all back there?
Ivo: They were there. And they were arrested.
Me: It must get confusing with about fifteen different Hillaries running around. Holy cow! You’ve got to get rid of the clones and try whatever originals are still alive.
Ivo: Yes. You cannot try an object. The clone is not considered a true human being.
Me: Wouldn’t they try some of them for the sake of our seeing it?
Ivo: Trying a clone in place of a dead human being?
Me: Yes.
Ivo: Perhaps for the sake of visuals, yes. But understand many of these leaders are dead already. Their clones only exist.
Me: No wonder this is complicated.
Ivo: It is.
Me: Oh! I get it. An intuition! Can you imagine they’re trying a clone and the clone yells out, “I’m not really Mrs C, I’m her clone! You can’t try me because I’m not her!” These clones won’t be able to stand trial within our legal system, particularly because they’re not free will humans.
Ivo: Correct, my love. But these clones will stand trial in galactic courts. What happened in DC during the days after Mr T’s walking away and taking up office in Florida will never be known to earthlings until such time that disclosure is underway, because this is an exopolitical issue, not a political issue.
Me: Wow! Except for this message….
….It would be a technicality the clones could evade our court systems with. I’m also intuiting that the courts that are taking up space within the white house are of a more galactic nature since these clones are often negative incarnates, so that’s why all the sneaking around. OMG!
No wonder the pundits who don’t believe in aliens aren’t getting this.
Ivo: Correct my love. We have our own galactic lawyers, if you will, and tribunals to try these beings.
Me: Why not just take them off planet?
Ivo: Do you think we desire that?
Me: Oh yeah. Leave ’em here. Let them die here too. Although other ones have gone.
Ivo: These are the stronger ones, more connected to the AI system.
The bodies must die here but the demonics who possess them must be encapsulated and dispensed with later.
Me: Okay, thank you, Ivo.
Ivo: My love, I bid you good evening.
Me: Wow! Mind blown!
Channeling Prime Creator in Sedona,2021 Energy Forecast
There are now over 55 million surface humans awakening to who they are, with this critical mass achieved, we are now assured of the 10,000 years of peace. It is also this critical mass that allows the Ascended Masters to visibly and physically walk the Earth surface, to openly teach the Universal Laws. So there are great changes ahead, and the changes all point to peace.
Critical Mass Today it is calm in the Hollow Earth, as it is on all days, except for this special day of Sunday, as we wait for you to take our dictation. On these Sundays, there is a special breeze in the air, a breeze of anticipation as we connect with you again. It is as if the whole Hollow Earth stirs, knowing that it is time for us to deliver our dictation to you. It is a knowingness that pervades our air and we are all aware of it. So here you sit, with all our energies surrounding you, as you take our dictations. Our whole library knows of these Sunday channelings, and everyone sends their love to you. You are so surrounded by our love. Our hearts are connected to yours, and we are ready to begin. Greetings from the Library of Porthologos. Today the flowers are in mighty blooms of reds and purples, and their scents are wafting through our nostrils with the most delicious of fragrances. We pass these fragrances on to you, and hope you can capture their scents as you sit above us at your computer. We bring you good tidings and blessings of love from all the people in the Hollow Earth. More and more of us here below, are connecting with more and more of you above. It is indeed a wondrous time, in which all the prophecies are about to be fulfilled in this seventh golden age on earth. All of humanity are desiring peace, and people are waking up now by the thousands. There are now over 55 million surface humans awakening to who they are, with this critical mass achieved, we are now assured of the 10,000 years of peace. It is also this critical mass that allows the Ascended Masters to visibly and physically walk the Earth surface, to openly teach the Universal Laws. So there are great changes ahead, and the changes all point to peace. We in the Hollow Earth are pleased beyond anything we can express. For all these humans awakening, points to our soon being able to emerge from our homes beneath the earth, and physically join with the Lightworkers on the surface, where we too, will be teaching humanity the Universal Laws of life. All life on Earth is preparing to ascend, and help is coming from planets and star systems which you don’t even know exist. When people start questioning, and asking themselves the universal question of “who am I”, then it is a sign of awakening, a sign that their soul is longing to know, longing to remember again. And once this question is asked, even though it is just a whisper, this gives the Ascended Host the opportunity to step in directly and begin teaching on a conscious level. But until people ask this profound question, we cannot directly help them. And once this question is asked, the whole universe jumps in to respond, and this person is added to the “list” of awakening ones. Know that we in the Hollow Earth know everything that transpires on the surface. We know the results of your presidential elections, and we are amazed at how the American people were so easily deceived and lied to, and how little they questioned the election process. Our love for surface humanity goes deep, and we wish we could be on the surface now, giving our love and support to those lightworkers who are in need of us. For down here, we don’t ever work or live alone, we always have our circle of friends, or groups, that we work with. These groups are our main support systems, and we work and travel together. This is what is lacking on the surface. Your families are all splintered and separated, and you have lost your group support system, which is crucial to life. Imagine the joy and fun of working on projects together, and receiving constant support? Our love to you pours forth from the center of the Earth, and spirals into your heart in blazing colors of the rainbow. As you sit at your computer, you can feel these heightened sensations of contact, just as we can feel yours. It’s this stepping up in vibration that happens whenever we connect in consciousness. It is our dream to someday be sitting right here in this room next to you, planning our workshops and talks to the populace. The best way to reach people is by working together, and we look forward to working with you as soon as we are on the surface. I Am Mikos, Head Librarian of the Library of Porthologos |
Copyright © Dianne Robbins If you like these messages, please make a contribution to help me continue my work: |
Divinity is The One & Only Reality.(everything else is illusion)
Time Travelling and The Violet Fire.
New financial system. WEALTH Redistribution!
Behind The Scenes POSSIBLE scenario.
Ok, here is a possible scenario of what happened behind the scenes and soon to be future dates and times while keeping in mind that these timelines may change as the positive military forces aim to confuse the enemy who just like you and me are reading this information.WE TRUST THE PLAN however is unfolds as we know GOD is in control and Victory of Light is assured.
The official announcement of martial law and legitimate military government, in place since 12 a.m. on January 20, 2021, was made on Friday January 29 at 6 p.m. EST (11 p.m. GMT). The official announcement of the arrest of Biden as well as 355 Congressmen and 109 Senators (or 464 elected) on January 24 and 25 was made on Sunday, January 31 at 4:35 p.m. EST (10:35 p.m. GMT).
These announcements were communicated on the above dates and times to all American media (television, radio and national newspapers) as well as to all world press agencies. As expected by the legitimate military government governing America as well as Trump and Qforce this official news has been 100% censored by all of the world’s official media.
The US military government knew it and wanted it. As with Biden’s and his party’s coup, the legitimate US government allows the US media to commit the act of high treason of censoring official communications from the legitimate government regarding measures of national security and immediate danger to the nation. American nation.
The Illuminati media of the 4th Reich all fell into the trap.
From now on the legitimate military government can take (provisional) control of all these media guilty of terrorism whenever it wishes, as provided for by the laws and the American constitution.
The US military government will take control (by force) of ALL of the official media (radio, television, newspapers) on Friday February 5 at 6.30 p.m. EST (11 p.m. GMT or midnight in France) exactly on all American territory.
This includes taking control of all American channels on direct broadcast satellites broadcasting in France and Europe. This also means that all French and Europeans with a satellite reception antenna receiving American channels can no longer be censored and will therefore learn the truth from Friday evening.
Among other things, the American army will broadcast by force on all these American mass media the revelations on Biden’s coup d’état, on his arrest with elected officials on Sunday January 24 and Monday January 25 …
Finally, on February 12, the government American military will officially publish (evidence submitted to all world governments and the international press) all the evidence of the plot perpetrated by the French government and China to create a false global epidemic to overthrow the American government. This by ruining its economy by destroying the entire world economy. It is an act of war which gives among other things the legitimate right to the American government to overthrow the Macron government.
You can read more here
We want you to demonstrate to yourselves that you are in control of how you feel when you focus on how you feel and you make how you feel a priority.
This is the Only Way to Truly Live ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been elevating our consciousness, just as we have been encouraging all of you there on Earth to do the same. We know how valuable the practice is of letting go of what is weighing oneself down and allowing the higher-frequency energies to take over and raise one’s vibration. We so appreciate each and every one of you who is willing to take the time out of your busy day to elevate your consciousness and raise your vibration.
Now, there was a time in your history as awakening souls that you would participate in an activity for the joy of it and not make any connection between the joy that you were feeling while doing the thing you love to do and what would follow in your reality. You had no idea that you were putting out a vibration that would bring you more joyous experiences and people. And now, here you are, with your awakened consciousness, knowing that every time you offer a vibration, you are sending out a signal to the universe, and you know that the universe will bring back to you something that represents the vibration you were emanating.
Now, you could take that knowledge and decide that you’re going to do something that brings you joy, because now you know that there will be even more joy to come if you participate in that activity. And that’s fine; you certainly can live your life in that way. But when you are doing something purely for the joy that you experience while doing it, that’s when you are living as a spiritual master. That’s when you are being completely present in the moment, with no expectation about what will come next and no attachment to whether anything does come next in your experience.
Now that being said, you can sit quietly in a dark room and just activate joy within yourselves. But again if you do it because you simply recognize that you can and you like the way that you feel when you are in a state of joy, that is a much better way to go about living your life than if you are doing it because you hope to attract something or someone into your life that will put you in a state of ‘joy cruise control.’
You see, you are always going to be responsible for your own vibration, regardless of who or what is in your life, regardless of how much money you have in the bank or how many toys you have purchased with that money. It will still be up to you to be joyous for no good reason at all. And that’s why we encourage you to raise your vibration and elevate your consciousness; it is not because we know the universe will reward you if you do. And it is not even because we want you to do it so that you will be of service to the human collective by adding that positive energy to the collective consciousness. We want you to raise your vibration and elevate your consciousness because we love you and we want you to feel good.
We want you to demonstrate to yourselves that you are in control of how you feel when you focus on how you feel and you make how you feel a priority. And all the other good things that come from you sitting in that dark, quiet room, raising your vibration will be like the cherry on top of the sundae. You are joy, love, peace, and all of the other good-feeling vibrations rolled into one, and we are here to invite you to return home to your true selves, because it’s the only way to truly live.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Apollo Update February 1, 2021 through Valerie Donner
“The day of reckoning is here. The dark forces will not be able to get away with anything anymore. The truth is out and they will lose everything. This will become basic knowledge. All of creation is backing up the earth. It has been proclaimed that the earth is free. Watch the dark pieces fall away because they cannot remain in the frequencies of light. Dear enlightened ones, remember this, you are doing the important job of holding the light on the planet at this time. We are with you. You will need a holiday when all of this is over.”
The divine plan is in action. Your job is to trust the plan.-Mira from The Pleiadian High Council-
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council
through Valerie Donner February 2, 2021
Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council. I speak to you today with arms open wide and hearts filled with love. We are here to reassure you that we are with you during these challenging times.
From our vantage point on the Earth Council, which oversees your planet, there is a great awakening occurring with humanity. In speaking with this audience, we know that you are fully aware of this battle between the light in the dark. We want you to realize your power and strength as a collective of light. The light that you bring is sifting out the darkness.
Other members of humanity are awakening increasingly on a daily basis. It is almost as if they are waking up from a deep slumber. This is shocking to many and it will become even more so, as the truth is being revealed.
Please stay grounded, balanced and selective in what you let into your consciousness and who you have around you. These energies that you find yourselves in now are chaotic. When you are not balanced you can be swept up into the current of fear, doubt, anger, depression, confusion, and other dis-empowering feelings. This is when the light ones must breathe and go back to center.
I caution you not to worry about how everything will work out. The divine plan is in action. Your job is to trust the plan. Things are changing rapidly now. Humanity is feeling [thrown about]. This is part of the chaos, as well as, a function of ascension. If everything was smooth and easy you would not appreciate your arrival in the Golden Age. So do not allow yourself to be caught off guard. Play the awakening game just a little bit longer for miracles await you. We await you!
The earth and humanity are beginning to feel lighter and it is becoming easier to breathe. There has been a massive amount of clearing and divine intervention on the earth and inside of the earth. We have all been participating in the rescue and recovery process. A large part of the dark forces have been removed from the planet.
A whole New World is awaiting you. There is glorious beauty, abundance, harmony, joy, freedom and peace on the New Earth. You will be able to relax from your earthly ordeals and heal with new forms of technology that will extend your lives. You will be living as the Creator intended you to live. These are the end times of the old matrix that enslaved you and made your lives so challenging.
You are moving into the rapture and soon we will all be celebrating together. Pay attention to everything occurring around you. Help each other and know that all is proceeding well.
I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. We love you!
Government shakeups and arrests are happening in numerous countries, and the Illuminati in the United States know this is ahead for them during the next few months.
February 3, 2021
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. To all who are disappointed that no major action was taken three weeks ago to rid the United States government of pervasive corruption, we say, please do not be downhearted. The force of lightworkers has not abandoned the mission!
When those in charge received a late-hour threat that could have been a national disaster, they chose a safe course that also will give time for broader public receptivity. Impatience with lockdown and financial hardships could reduce resistance to the new course, which will achieve the same results as a one-fell-swoop event, but in more secure stages.
Government shakeups and arrests are happening in numerous countries, and the Illuminati in the United States know this is ahead for them during the next few months. We don’t know if the truth about the “pandemic” will come out before arrests are publicly known, but assuredly mask madness, covid testing and vaccinations will be meeting their end, and all covid patients will receive simple, effective treatment. In no way are we diminishing the profound loss to families of the persons who died due to the disease by saying that, in most cases, they were abiding by soul contracts’ longevity clause.
Dear ones, when you are moving about freely again, schools and businesses are open, and attendance at churches, sports events and large celebrations has resumed, life will not be back to normal. Nor would you want it to be! Life as you have known it has been controlled by massive deception, greed and societal conditioning. What is quietly moving forward as we speak is the liberation of Earth’s civilization.
We have been asked why we are putting so much emphasis on what happens in the United States. Never does this mean that people in other countries are less valuable to us—all souls on Earth are beloved members of our universal family! Our emphasis is on how the United States is governed.
In previous messages we have said the Illuminati are entrenched in Washington, DC, the seat of the US government, from whence they control not only what happens in that country, but heavily influence what happens everywhere else. They are deeply embedded in the Vatican and a London district as well—the triad of darkness, you could say—but in their global network of dominoes, the first to fall must be the United States, where NESARA—National Economic Security and Reformation Act—can be implemented. The importance of this Act cannot be overstated.
All of that legislation’s provisions have great significance, but the one that has to precede the others is this: Everyone in the government must resign and a new governmental body formed. This has nothing whatsoever to do with partisan politics.
It is not widely known that from 1871 to date, the US government has been running the Corporation of the United States of America, a corporation owned by the Illuminati, and they dictate how it is to be operated. That is far from what was intended by the nation’s founders, who established the newly-united states as a sovereign nation with a republic form of governance.
The Illuminati know the universal law—nothing exists without energy, everything in existence requires energy to grow—and they left no stone unturned to keep NESARA from gaining energy by becoming known.
First was the gag order issued by President Clinton, who signed the legislation in 2000 at the command of the country’s military. The gag order legally prohibited anyone who knew about the Act to ever speak about it, and since it was kept under wraps, there were very few thoughts and feelings to give it growth energy.
But when word about NESARA started coming forth, including that St. Germain and spiritually evolved individuals on the planet authored the Act, energy started building. The Illuminati put out the word that NESARA is a “conspiracy theory.” They concocted that label, which they attach to all information that exposes them and their heinous activities, and they have conditioned the populace to believe that whatever is tagged “conspiracy theory” is the idea of half-witted minds.
For a time that ploy put the Act’s energy in limbo, but as more and more people heard about it, their thoughts and feelings gave it momentum to push forward. To counter that, Congress wrote the National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act. By severely distorting the genuine Act, the new one created a mass of confusion and many fence-sitters became disbelievers.
Illuminati-controlled judges in the International Court of Justice in the Hague devised one delay after another in hearing cases submitted by NESARA’s legal advocates. That inaction and believers’ discouragement slowed the Act’s movement, and corruption, oppression, impoverishment and atrocities continued.
Wise minds decided NESARA could not be further delayed, and a public announcement was scheduled for September 12, 2001. When the Illuminati learned of that, persons at the highest level of the US government aided by outsiders caused the infamous “9/11.” The masterminds of that event were right: A shocked and grief-stricken citizenry would not question the official story, and conspiracy theory was attached to evidence showing that story as false.
The other “democratically-elected” governing bodies also have to be purged of dark control, so G was added to NESARA to expand the Act from national to global. Since the international group working to rid the world of darkness is by means of the Act’s provisions, G/NESARA is appropriate.
During the past year the Illuminati assassinated two of G/NESARA’s leaders, Vladimir Putin and Pope Francis. Putin was replaced with a look-alike and the Pope usually is depicted by holography.
Nevertheless, ever-rising vibrations guarantee the triumph of the light forces and NESARA will succeed in what it is intended to do. A passage in a message Hatonn transmitted to my mother 15 years ago states the intention succinctly:
“Hold within your hearts the vision of the world you want for yourselves and your families, for all the inheritors of Earth:
“A world where peace and love replace war and hatred; where governments are led by just, prudent and spiritual women and men, not power mongers led by darkness; where fair distribution of all resources replaces the extremes of egregious greed and desperate poverty; where universal and planetary truths replace the web of lies that has controlled your lives.
“The concept and intent of NESARA is to help you create that world on Earth.”
Now let us answer your questions about the virus, beginning with the variant virus strain. [It] is more contagious and may be more deadly than its predecessor. As mentioned in a previous message, tests are designed to detect “regular” flu and colds, and those are being called “variants.”
We cannot emphasize too strongly that the purpose of all mainstream media “pandemic”-related reporting is to create fear. That is why lie upon lie is disseminated and the truth from thousands of medical professionals that is published on the Internet is removed as soon as it is discovered.
The energy of fear for self or others for any reason lowers immunity and makes bodies more susceptible to contracting Covid and a number of other illnesses. That is one of the benefits the Illuminati are reaping; the fear energy emitted by everyone in financial straits due to lockdown is another. Remember, dark hearts and minds require fear energy’s low vibrations for their very survival.
Extraterrestrial special forces scientists decreased the virus potency in vaccines to the extent possible; complete elimination would be noticeable. But even greatly reduced toxicity is producing serious adverse effects in people with weak immunity, and the number of deaths following vaccination is growing.
If you and your loved ones are healthy and have no medical issues, you need not be unduly concerned if employment mandates vaccination—people with strong immune systems usually have short-lived mild reactions. However, if you or loved ones have any health issues, it would be wise to get a written statement from your care provider that your condition requires an exemption. If vaccination is voluntary, we recommend that you avoid it.
Vaccines have much less or no effect on bodies with crystalline cells than on bodies with carbon-based cells. We cannot tell you how to discern if your cellular structure is crystalline, but we can tell you the transformation from carbon comes with light absorption, and that comes easily. As God told my mother: “It is as simple as, be kind.” We add that during the past two decades, many souls have come in with crystalline cells and many people who are older have attained the level of light that enabled the cellular change.
Our thought about vaccines that require two inoculations and perhaps booster shots to be effective is, put those in Follow-the-Money category. The individuals who years ago devised the diabolical plan to mutate a virus in a laboratory, release it in a location saturated with damaging 5G emissions, and name it coronavirus-19 expected billions to die quickly. That plan failed and they had to settle for making billions from “pandemic”-related products.
Their greed is as boundless as their desire to rule your world, and in both, they have lost. Light forces are retrieving the illegally and immorally amassed fortunes that helped the Illuminati control life on Earth. And, the curtain of the world stage is rising for the final act of a very, very long play about the darkness that permeated Earth and prevented her civilizations from evolving in conscious and spiritual awareness.
The next play will be a very, very long story about love, peace, joy, prosperity and life in harmony with Nature. We honor you and all other lightworkers for invaluable contributions to Earth’s new story.
Suzanne Ward
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Take heart, give yourself the love, comfort and nurturing that you are so worthy of, and cherish within the knowingness that very soon, the Light will shine for all.
Jennifer Crokaert ~ Xiaera: Soon The Veil Will Fall
February 2, 2021,
Welcome dear hearts.
Many of you are struggling. You are using up what feels like your last ounce of patience, compassion and forgiveness. I am here to remind you that you are greater than your current depleted energy would suggest. This is a battle, if you will, between the Light and the shadow within.
Normally you are exposed to many things, events and people that lift you up, that give you some enthusiasm and energy for life, so that the amount of light coming from within is externally supplemented. You have ‘hooks’ that encourage you, that create enjoyment and anticipation.
Over the past year, almost everything that lifted you up and ‘enlightened’ you within the external world has been stripped from you. You have had to fall back on your own reserves, bolstered by those around you. For many of you, those around you were not able to lift you up, for they were drowning in the shadows they held within.
There has never been a monastery more challenging or difficult than the lockdown of the past year has been. Never. You have been thrown back to almost complete reliance on yourself, but you have lacked the training to know how to nourish and nurture your Light within, how to create emotional resilience in the face of many, many challenges.
Yet: You have learnt. You have dipped and then you have found something, anything to lift you up again. You are developing strength and inner Light in the most difficult situation Humanity has ever been through.
You have done an astounding job, for the Light coming from your planet has never been so bright, so blinding. Even if you think you aren’t ‘good enough’, or you wish you had done better, even if you feel you have failed…you have done brilliantly.
The veil is about to fall and dissolve completely, and you will see many realities layered on top of each other. You have chosen between realities, sometimes dipping lower and often moving higher than you imagined throughout the past year. Since December 21st, the movement towards consolidating your light has grown exponentially. You are magnificent, and soon the gifts of the Spirit, of the Divine will begin to flood your planet.
J: Would you care to be more specific! What does that really mean?
X: At the heart of every Human is a very simple wish, to live in a world that is loving, kind and uplifting, where you have what you need to live an enjoyable life and you also have the space and time to express yourself creatively.
That is Heaven on Earth, and that is what is now in your timeline.
The full manifestation of this deeply-held Human blueprint, for you all carry the codes of this within you, will soon begin to manifest.
J: I know it’s completely Human, but would you like to offer a timeframe?
X: We cannot! There are too many variables in the nuance of time, but what we can say is that the time line you are now on is to manifest this paradise. Between this now and the paradise now moment, you will be called upon to hold your inner Light steady, to help others, because the ride between the layers of reality that currently exist, can be a bumpy one.
The destructive timeline where Gaia was polluted and exploited thoughtlessly requires healing. The same was done to Humans…you, too, were exploited thoughtlessly. Those of you reading this have already made great progress on your healing journeys, therefore you will be called upon to mentor those who are just waking up.
Events will come to a head. There will be no more escaping the selfishness that has driven the few, nor their power over the many. In that explosion of Light, which will show the darkness most clearly, most of your sleeping loved ones will awaken.
![Global consciousness shift](
Be there with compassion. They will be dazed, confused and in shock. This is not the moment to say, ‘I told you so’! It will only drive them deeper into shock and rejection. What they need in that time is what you wish you had received … compassion, support and love; a reassuring voice that comforts them with the knowingness you have earned from traveling their path before them.
You know the way. You know the pain and you know that the inner meaning and certainty that allows you to navigate each day is a prize worth having. You are now the elders, the wise ones, the illumined ones. You see not your Light, but we see it and we know that you are equal to the task.
Take heart, give yourself the love, comfort and nurturing that you are so worthy of, and cherish within the knowingness that very soon, the Light will shine for all.
(c) Jennifer Crokaert 2020
Humanity is awakening, and there are signs and indications of this throughout the world as more and more people choose to be only loving whatever arises in their daily lives.-Saul via John-
Your natural state is “the pure joy of Being”
All is unfolding precisely as divinely planned! Humanity is awakening, and there are signs and indications of this throughout the world as more and more people choose to be only loving whatever arises in their daily lives.
Here in the non-physical realms we have been intensifying our love and support for you as you so powerfully and brilliantly move forward toward your awakening. You are making it happen!
Yes it is God’s divine plan and intent for you to awaken, but you have to bring it to fruition in complete and loving cooperation with one another, as you all planned to do before you incarnated for your present human lifetimes.
This is because Mother/Father/God and You are One in eternal and most loving cooperation. That is what Oneness means! It is All, forever in the most beautiful and harmonious relationship with Itself – Source and All of the divine creation – totally joyful, totally complete. It is Divine Perfection at One with Itself in every moment, delighted and enraptured with the pure joy of BEING!
Your natural state is “the pure joy of Being!” It always has been and it always will be – NOW and FOREVER – because this is the only time that exists. So, as you prepare yourselves for this momentous and miraculous event – and ALL of humanity, without any exceptions, is doing this – CELEBRATE!
There is much in the news that would suggest otherwise, alarming reports of divisive activities and behaviors in many parts of the world.
Be aware that what is being reported is basically the arising of many centuries of collective karmic ‘stuff’ that has to be acknowledged, thanked for the lessons with which it has presented humanity – which humanity has now learned – and lovingly released.
Truly, if you will look, there are signs everywhere of your collective Grand Awakening. This is a time, a moment of enormous possibility and opportunity that will most definitely be fully availed of as the harvest of your tireless endeavors comes to its most glorious fruition right in your own awareness, amazing and delighting you.
You cannot have the slightest concept of the wonder that awaits you all. The divine Plan is achieved, brilliantly, perfectly, and for ALL.
You do of course have free will, and that freedom will never be overridden, so some may choose to delay their awakening. Do not let that concern you if you feel that friends or loved ones are not yet paying attention, are not yet ready to accept that only Love exists, and who appear to continue to feel a need to judge and even condemn those whom they perceive as evil ones, instead of awakening to the Love in which they, and all those they would judge, are enveloped.
These are indeed very confusing times as the collective return to Reality draws very near.
Many will have what you might describe as an instantaneous awakening – a sudden and most unexpected inflowing of Love for all of humanity – something that at present appears to be impossible, inconceivable, beyond all plausibility, and then their whole perspective on life will change, to their absolute amazement, in that instant. Assuredly you have seen nothing yet!
As you have been told so often and by so many, God’s plan for humanity is magnificent, in fact it is transcendent!
You have been waiting longingly and, for the most part, patiently for the awakening process to come to completion. Many of you have studied history and seen how much pain and suffering divisive attitudes, arising from political, ethnic, racial, national, and religious differences, have unleashed on so many, as wars have been fought to diminish or destroy those of differing beliefs.
Well, the time for such divisive activities is over! Worldwide vast numbers have come to the full realization of the insanity of attempting to resolve grievances and differences through conflict, and the will or desire for conflict is diminishing rapidly. Humanity is coming of age!
As you go within daily, to your holy inner sanctuaries, to rest in the peace that is always there, deep within you, open yourselves fully to the infinite field of Love, which is also your own personal energy field, and allow yourselves to feel the Love, the peace, the harmony, the Oneness with All, and with all of humanity, and allow yourselves to know the truth, the Reality that is you, and that is every human.
You can feel the Love when you choose to allow yourselves to do so. But often, you, and so many, many others, have so completely deceived yourselves about yourselves by accepting beliefs and belief systems that tell you that you are unworthy to be in the Presence of God, and so you refuse to allow yourselves to feel God’s Love for you, which is of course also your own Love for yourselves.
You were created in Love from Love, by Mother/Father/God, to rejoice and delight in the sheer joy of just BEING.
Your true nature is Love, it has never changed, and it never will change, because you, like Love, are eternally One with Source.
Choose, NOW, to open yourselves to the divine Embrace, God’s loving Embrace.
Know that you are completely and utterly accepted without reservation of any kind by Mother/Father/God, and that you truly are One with the Love that IS, and that is All.
You are One, you are All, because God created you like unto Herself in an unchanging and eternal relationship of LOVE!
Therefore release your doubts, your anxieties about your worthiness to be in the Presence of your Source, because that is where you always are, inseparably, permanently, and uninterruptedly, and REJOICE in the wonder that you are.
God does, and therefore so should you!
With so very much love, Saul.