Monthly Archives: February 2021
Strut your stuff
Dear Ones,
Your options are unlimited. So it is time for you to decide where you wish to be in your new world. Think of new you as having a business or law college degree, which opens you to almost unlimited career options. Do you wish to use your skills in the social service realms, the corporate world, or start your own business? All choices you must sift through before selecting a particular arena. And after selecting that arena, having the option to re-select an arena or even field of work. So it is now.
The media’s political, economic, and health messages do not indicate your flexibility or skills. You must claim yourself for yourself. Perhaps some of you graduated during an economic downturn and discovered difficulties finding employment. But such was not true for 100% of those who graduated at that time. You need to ignore the naysayers, the media, or anyone who indicates you cannot do or be something in these times.
Wait until COVID is over. Or until a new political party is elected. Or until winter or summer. There is no more waiting. Earth beings and the Universes are ready for you to ply your new skills. That is not to say you need to save the world, but instead to negate the 3D stance of waiting until…
That until is now. So find your interests utilizing the skills or tradecraft, if you will, that you honed for eons. Nothing prevents you from discovering your joys, interests, and, therefore, new skills, but you.
You can prolong your wait, as some of you did in your youth, by continuing your college education so you would not have to make a decision about your interests and skills. But the majority of you found your place despite naysayers and your inner fears – for society pushed you into your work-a-day world in numerous ways.
The difference now is that not only is no one pushing you, but you have no idea what your interests and skills are, for you are re-inventing earth as you go along. Just as was true on a much smaller scale with every job you held, including taking care of your home. No two of you approached a job in the same way. Even in 3D, you allowed your individuality to project how best to tackle a job, marriage, school, and other areas of your life. Granted, you used the broad strokes of social shoulds, but you allowed individual choices and actions within those broad strokes.
Now, there are no frameworks – either socially or individually. For you are inventing your new directions minute by minute. So it is you feel uncomfortable, with little or no outer, or at times, even inner-direction. That is why it is so important for you to follow your joys, your interests. For your joys and interests are direct paths to your new life and, therefore, the new direction of the earth.
There are no directives from others, including the Universes. This is your show. For the first time ever while of the earth, you are encouraged to listen to your inner voice, which will direct you to your interests and future. But that inner-voice is a bit frightening, for it negates the messages you were given in 3D. Your new messages such as think for yourself. Act on your needs. Learn to receive. Love yourself as much as others. Messages that are counter-intuitive to your eons of 3D training.
Find your interests does not mean they will be socially acceptable or even something you anticipated. This is a new world, and you are a new being. What was is no more. So allow yourself to expand in ways that interest you. And allow the same for others.
No longer are there rules or needed justifications to be you.
Many of you are frightened that you might become some anti-social monster. Or more to the point, that you might become isolated or alone. Such will not happen. What will happen is that those with similar interests will appear without effort.
You will flit from interest to interest for awhile. Maybe as you did when you began your work-a-day world. Very few of you held one job with one company for your entire work life. So it is now. You might find this interesting for a bit until something more interesting presents itself – or you invent it. But you must start somewhere. So it is, we are pushing you out of your home of origin, your college dorm, or your small abode you barely can pay for and very much dislike.
It is time for you to go into the wider world and strut your stuff. For you most definitely have the stuff to strut. Not as was true in 3D when doing so most often meant harm to humans or the environment. But as a true being of the Universes who has prepared for eons to shift the earth and its inhabitants from meek followers to strong, universal beings creating anew in joy and wonderment. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Or subscribe via
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In God We Trust
Light work is the automatic flow of higher dimensional energy in every ordinary aspect of life from those who have attained a high resonating state of consciousness.
FEBRUARY 14, 2021
Welcome dear readers. Know that we are here to guide and assist, but never to force for only you yourselves can acknowledge and reclaim the innate power that throughout the course of many lifetimes you ignorantly allowed others to take from you.
The time is now to be what you always have been but have not known you were. It is time to stand in your identity as a spiritual being formed of Divine Consciousness no longer subject to the third dimensional nonsense and false claims that feed a sense of inadequacy and prevent you from trusting in your ability to make wise choices and decisions.
You have traveled through many lifetimes and have experienced all skin colors, both genders, and most three dimensional experiences. Because of it, you have reached a place of wisdom and spiritually evolved awareness that in turn has left you at a fork in the road of your evolutionary journey. You have done the work required to bring you to this fork and now you must decide.
Path 1- “Should I continue believing that others (family, friends, experts, newscasters, government, religious doctrine) know what is best for me even when or if it does not resonate with me? Do I believe that I am unable to make wise decisions for myself? Do I believe that I am powerless or that victim-hood serves me by providing comfort and attention?”
Path 2. “I Choose to trust my intuition because I know it is the voice of my real SELF. I choose to stop giving power for good or bad to everything outside of myself. I choose to begin living life from my highest attained awareness of truth in spite of what others may believe”.
Today is a time of indecision and confusion because on one hand you are continually being told what is true and right while at the same time you are feeling that much of what you are being told is not true. We do not speak so much of politics, but rather about the unrecognized duality present within the small and seemingly ordinary aspects of daily living.
Most are accustomed to simply allowing commonly accepted beliefs and habit to guide their decisions and actions. Every day when driving, shopping, simply being at home, answering the phone, at work, or taking care of basic family needs, you are faced with ordinary situations in which you can be loving or not loving.
These daily events offer you opportunities to practice your highest awareness of love which in certain situations may not even seem like love to the three dimensional mind. There may be times when being loving means taking no action at all, allowing another to suffer from their choices in order to learn. Love must be a part of the small everyday activites rather than being reserved for grand gestures that result in praise and adoration.
Small and ordinary expressions of love and kindness that flow from a realization of oneness eventually become an attained and permanent state of consciousness. Because you are consciousness and not just a physical body, love then automatically expresses itself through you without thought or effort because consciousness is who and what you are.
Example: You no longer need to practice or make an effort to be honest because honesty is your attained state of consciousness and is who you are. It is the same for unconditional love. As a realization of oneness becomes the state of consciousness of the majority, it will then become the collective consciousness and you will begin see world peace.
Love is the connecting energy that flows between all individual expressions of the ONE. Everything, all life, is connected by virtue of there being only One omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Divine Consciousness, the only substance–that which is called GOD.
This interconnecting energy between all life is interpreted by every individual according to their attained level of awareness. If this interconnection is interpreted by a mind (the translator of consciousness) that is fully enmeshed in separation and duality, it will interpret it in forms of self service, even rape, abuse, or violence.
In spite of how completely oneness may be misunderstood and falsely interpreted by minds conditioned with beliefs of duality and separation, the Divine interconnecting energy between all within the ONE never changes and the realization of this is the door leading out of the hypnotism of human-hood that has plagued mankind throughout time.
Your job as a spiritually evolved person is to help mankind ascend out of three dimensional energy and into frequencies that are higher and real. In order to do this you must learn to see through the manifestations of duality and separation that have and still are presenting themselves so realistically. The third dimension can be likened to the lower rung of a very high ladder.
This does not mean approval or simply looking the other way. In order to be effective, words or actions must be expressed in a way that the person’s level of awareness allows them to understand. At the same time a Light worker never loses sight of the fact that the individual needing reprimand or guidance is at their core, a Divine Being. This allows the energy of the necessary words or actions to flow on a stream of higher dimensional energy.
Stand back and allow the debris to settle, dear ones. Don’t judge the state of things by staring at cloudy water swirling with hundreds of different substances because it is being shaken. Allow everything to be what it is, not judging by appearances. Hold to the knowledge that floating debris never becomes the water and will at some point settle to the bottom.
Be patient with yourselves and others while continuing to hold your highest awareness of truth in spite any outer circumstances you may find yourself in. . Know that there is light at the end of the tunnel and the energy is quickly moving toward it. You will soon begin to see positive changes.
You came to shine Light on the world’s collective shadows and thus assist in dissolving them. Shadows are simply places without light and as such are never real because they have no substance regardless of how menacing they may appear.
Shadow energies are beginning to manifest everywhere because high dimensional light is exposing them. Rather than being shocked or going into fear in the presence of shadow energy, look at it and laugh for appearances that arise from the nothingness of false beliefs are illusion, having nothing to support, maintain, or sustain them other than belief in them.
We do not say this to diminish the struggles that many are experiencing at this time, but rather to help you to see and detach from continuing to feed them with the energy of belief in them as being reality. This is why you are seeing so much chaos at this time. The shadows are being exposed in order to be recognized and dissolved through mankind’s awakening into a higher state of awareness.
You have attained a consciousness of truth and are able to view the world with awakened and evolved eyesight which is why you are on earth at this particular time. You may think you are doing nothing if you judge by traditional concepts about what light work is, but light work is not and never has been limited to healers, channelers, shamans, and metaphysical teachers.
Light work is the automatic flow of higher dimensional energy in every ordinary aspect of life from those who have attained a high resonating state of consciousness.
Everyone who has attained this high level of spiritual awareness is a Light worker. You are here to silently and secretly be the Light as you live what may appear to others to be an ordinary existence. Your evolved consciousness automatically assists others to awaken to their own light which will eventually lift the balance of truth versus false in the collective.
Divine Consciousness is omnipresent and therefore every bit of Light you attain and carry in your consciousness has the power to effect anyone able to align with it. Someone ready and receptive to truth may shift to a new level of awareness simply by being in the presence of a truth filled consciousness. The receptive person may be far away across the world but because there is only ONE, they can be lifted by your awareness.
ONE is the key word–one Divine Consciousness. The truth you hold in your consciousness allows it to be available to anyone able to align with it. This is how Jesus healed, those seeking help aligned with and became one with his consciousness that held no belief in disease as a reality.
This is the vital work you are doing as Light workers and it is more powerful than protesting, proselytizing, or seeking three dimensional solutions. However, not all are spiritually qualified to work at this level and wise world leaders are needed at this time in all levels of life. Some of you may be guided to work in the “trenches” and if you are, don’t resist, for all work is spiritual work when done from a place of love.
Regardless of what your life may presently look like, never lose sight of who you are.
Cease seeking, and be. You are ready.
We are the Arcturian Group 2/14/21
Light Worker -The Movie
This is a small documentary about Light work that i did back in 2017 which i believe reflects in many ways similar efforts by Light workers across the planet.
I recently received a comment from Carla that says :
I truly believe I was guided to this channel!, learning or remembering what was lost by just watching this movie. In minute 1 hour 22 you speak on Nesara. Well literally last night I had my third dream of President Trump and he said “Gesara is rolled out” he had a very strong military presence around him. This is my second confirmation regarding that dream this morning. Waiting on the third. Thank you light worker 🙂
Allow your service to shift and evolve in whatever ways honour you and your soul agenda, Dear Ones, as that is all part of the beautiful unfoldment of your journey.-AA Gabriel through Shelley Young –
February 14, 2021,
A great many of you have been in service for many years. You have been holding the space for others and your planet. You have been actively caring for so many around you. You have been dedicated to your mission and have been doing the heavy lifting, often feeling misunderstood and unsupported.
You may think of the first phase as a very long phase of giving. Many of you will be shifting how your service looks now that there is another wave of people who are awakening and excited to step into your old roles. This can be challenging for many of you as you have identified yourselves through your service, but this change is necessary. The biggest challenge many of you will face is learning to receive, and coming to peace with the idea that your beingness is more than enough.
When you are always giving it is like trying to thrive with only out breath. You might think of out breath as masculine energy. You have been leaders and wayshowers in whatever ways served your individual soul paths. But after so many years of dedication, it is time to pass the baton and be ready to receive. Receiving is a feminine energy. Is it time for you to take a great big in breath?
You will still honour your service but for many of you it will shift more into being than doing. You will be putting down the burden of the martyred service paradigm and moving into more joyful, supported service. You will be operating from a space of fairness for everyone involved including yourself. You will breathe in and breathe out, which is the ultimate expression of balanced flow. Allow your service to shift and evolve in whatever ways honour you and your soul agenda, Dear Ones, as that is all part of the beautiful unfoldment of your journey.
There are so many clones and body doubles now in Congress, that you would be hard-pressed to find the “real” bodies-JFK through Losha-
Our New World is Coming!
February 12, 2021
Message from John F. Kennedy
To my most beloved Patriots of our “True” history. .. I say, greetings! This is a time in our young world which is brand new…such things as are happening right now have never happened before! You may not feel like it at the moment; however, you are very blessed to be here on Earth, at this time!
All of you, each one of you, are here because you “agreed” to be here…. Now, one might wonder, why would I agree to live through the most tumultuous and chaotic events in the history of our world? What am I to do right now?
I would say to each of you…that you are to do what you were born to do! If you are unsure what that particular “role” or “task” is…then you can begin by listening, and watching, for “signs” that are there to guide you. Each one of us is “guided” by many different beings throughout their lives…many call him Jesus, some call her Mother Mary, some believe in Buddha, or Allah…there are many different beings available to help each of us find our “calling” in this lifetime.
The reason I am going into this so deeply is because “we” are at a very critical time…very critical…where every Patriot, Lightworker, Truth Seeker, and all who are on the Light side, is important, and their particular skill, ability, knowledge base, or intuition, is needed to help those on the “front lines”…because, even though we know the Light has already won in the higher dimensions, it still must “play out” here on Earth, right now.
I realize that I speak a lot about “each” of us, or every “individual”…and that is because, as I have alluded to before, we are all “One”…a collective…and that means that whatever happens to ONE of us, happens to ALL of us! That may sound quite outlandish to some, but I do believe those who are reading this message, already know this fact…so I am just providing a “friendly reminder” to you beautiful souls, is that not so? (smile)
I will briefly address a couple of the “events” which are happening, in your current timeline. First, the impeachment. This is a farce…this shows us just how desperate the Dark Ones are to try and rid themselves of our beloved Donald Trump, and his family.
If you knew all the details of how they have tried to end his life, and the lives of his family members…and how many times they have tried it…you would not believe it. It indicates how dark these ones truly are, and the lengths they will go to to try and keep the Light from shining! Have no fear, dear ones…our beloved Trump’s “Light” will keep on shining! We are not done yet! We WILL be victorious! We will Be the Bright Light for All!
The second topic is the one of “president biden” (I will give him no respect as he has done nothing to deserve it)…that also, is a farce…it is a circus! There are even clowns included for you to enjoy! You know who are the clowns in that “group”! However, they are about at the end of their “rope,” literally for many. There are so many clones and body doubles now in Congress, that you would be hard-pressed to find the “real” bodies! (1)
Many of the Congress men and women are just “acting out” their role, at this point in time…they have already been tried and convicted; it just, as yet, has to be made public. We are in the last “scene” of the “play”…and the “finale” is about to start!
I know this has been hard on so many of you…especially when it has caused rifts in so many relationships. However, the rift will not be there much longer…as many Patriots have said…yes, most especially my beloved Juan O Savin… (2) “it is time to choose a side.” It is my greatest hope that all those who are not quite yet seeing the Light, will “choose” to see it clearly, and very soon, so relationships can be mended, and we may all come together to create a wonderful, brand new world!
I am going to gently remind you of what wonder lies ahead after this last bit of rancor is over…there is to be free energy, so many of you will be able to work less, and even find new jobs in the burgeoning fields of advanced technologies, and quite possibly be able to “create” a job about which you are passionate!
There are going to be unlimited possibilities for new endeavors and occupations! There will be less need to work, and more time will be spent with family and friends. Pollution will be gone. New schools will help each child to find their special skills and passion, instead of just memorizing fake dates and events…and there will be healing for all! This is just the beginning of our adventure! It will seem miraculous when compared to our “old” and very limited world of 2020! Our new world will be limitless!
Yes, I do indeed get very excited about our future…which is almost our present, now…and it is much more interesting and compelling to think about than the last dregs that are happening to clean up the cabal and their ilk! Our minds are best used when we put our thoughts on our positive accomplishments, and the unlimited possibilities that lie ahead of us!
I will tell you this again, my beloved ones…you are so very, very blessed to be a witness to this destruction of the Old, an integral part of creating the New! You are members of a very select group who were “annointed” to be here at this time, to help all to evolve to the higher dimensions, which is the ultimate journey to be taken, and you are being watched by many other species of beings, all of whom have great admiration and love for you!
You also have my very own undying Love and Admiration…and I ask you to keep up the Fight for Good!
I am yours, forever and always.
Your ever-devoted, Jack.
Channeled by Losha
You can grow through joy. You can embrace expansion by eagerly anticipating the fulfillment of your dreams while living each day in love.
Message from the Angels through Ann Albers |
My dear friends, we love you so very much, When you came to earth you knew that you were entering into a world of variety and contrast. You knew that you would encounter people and circumstances that would challenge you to deepen your awareness of who you really, strengthen your ability to love, and motivate you to use your minds in a way that draws a more loving reality into your physical experience. Why would you do this? Consider this analogy. If you wanted to learn a subject, would you take the easiest class you could find – one that gave you a diploma without any challenges and also without any deep understandings? Or would you rather sign up for a class that might challenge you but one in which you’d learn all you wanted to know if you were wiling to do the exercises and apply yourself to the process. Likewise if you were to play a game, how much fun would you have if there were no challenges? You’d start, follow easy steps, and win every time. Would there be greater satisfaction in that, or would you prefer the challenges of a game you’ve not yet mastered, and one that presents opportunities to strengthen your skills and awareness? When you are in heavenly dimensions, the energetic universe is apparent. You think of something and it appears. You have all you ever could desire. You understand that although you have a form, you are united with and never separate from the Source. All of life looks like a beautifully coordinated dance. There are few challenges in heaven. Unlike earth where you are granted free will to embrace or block the Divine love that is always attempting to surface within you, in the heavens, you don’t block this love. Things come easily. You can, in your words, coast for all eternity. You enjoy that for some time… and then, like a tree at the end of winter, you long to grow into something more. You can choose new lives in any number of realities. You can be a guide for others. You can come back into a new life to this planet earth, knowing 100% that its challenges were only meant to be incentives and launching pads from which your will expand your soul’s experience of, and ability to love. The challenges motivate you to align with love and create. Through your willingness to create, you become part of the expansion of love in the universe. Next time you encounter a challenge, breathe. You arrived here because something in your depths wanted to grow. Perhaps you knew your life wasn’t exactly as you wanted it but you fought change until life started to insist on change. Perhaps you were in a dead-end job and got laid off, or maybe you were in a job that was wonderful but not aligned with your heart of hearts. Maybe that relationship you were in needed attention, or keener observation. Suddenly it falls apart to help you love yourself more, learn more compassion, or simply because it is no longer a vibrational match. Sometimes challenges seem to come out of the blue, but if you look back you can see how they caused you to grow in ways you wanted to grow; motivated you to create things you wanted to create; and, inspired you to get out of situations that were merely “OK.” They propelled you into situations that were ultimately so much better… if you were willing to embrace these challenges as opportunities to grow in love. You can grow through joy. You can embrace expansion by eagerly anticipating the fulfillment of your dreams while living each day in love. When you slip out of this vibration of love and unwittingly create challenge, you can quickly recognize it as only an opportunity to find and deepen your vibration of love. When you feel lack you can inwardly tune into abundance by appreciating anything and everything. When you feel unloved you can love yourself of share kindness with others until you feel that flow of love. When you feel abandoned, you can refuse to abandon yourself. When you are sick you can find joy in simple pleasures and practice deepening your connection with peace and relaxation until you receive the guidance as to how to best heal the body. You can love your doctors and health care providers and that love will be reflected right back to you. This dear ones is why you are here – not to suffer, but to love, expand, and create here upon this playground and school called earth. You knew you would have challenges, but like a school, these challenges are only there to motivate you to create and grow. Like challenges in a game, they inspire you to expand your awareness and deepen your ability to love for that is the only game there upon the earth. You are embodiments of the Divine. You wish so dearly to expand, grow, love, and become more, for this is the nature of your very being. God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels |
Speak only about what you want
You already know that with your intent to ascend you are given guidance and help to keep you on the right path.
12th February 2021. Mike Quinsey.
Extract from “KRYON – NEW PLANET EARTH”.
Multi-Dimensional Physics.
Anti-War. Physics create Multi-Dimensional Fields that will not begin to touch consciousness or biology, they will be completely blind to these fields because they are isolated and specifically for one purpose – to keep an explosion from happening through controlling the mass of an object.
It means no more war. End of organised religion. Because you have consciousness you will not need your physical body. You will always have free choice and wisdom. Over 90% of people will take the path to enlightenment. Everyone will think alike. Life span will triple and more. Leaders will create a new doctrine.
* * * * * * *
12th February 2021. Mike Quinsey.
Being given details of what is happening in the broader picture is largely for the need to keep certain activities as secret as possible to protect the Forces of Light. Much is happening that you are unaware of and protecting you from the activities of the dark Ones is a priority. They may have been weakened by your activities to arrest many of them, but they still pose a threat as they have no regard for Universal Law and your lives. In this respect we protect you as far as possible and we are gradually depleting their forces. In the ultimate there will only be one winner as the Forces of Light will reign supreme.
For so long we have been waiting for an opportunity to openly meet you, but as you know for our safety and more so yours we need a situation where we can be confident that our plan will not endanger you. The dark Ones are by no means as powerful as they were largely due to our presence, but even a few can present a danger to great numbers of you. We take no risks and have the patience to wait for the right opportunity to overcome them which is inevitable. It has taken a long time to get this far, and we have no intention of rushing matters when we are so near to a great victory.
You too are on the path to achieving a great success, even though you are presently in a confusing situation wondering if you will ever get back to something like “normal” – yet you will even though it is going to be much different to what you have been used to. Even now you are beginning to see that great opportunities are arising out of the changes forced upon you. When you can go forwards there is no gain in going back to the old ways, they are finished and served their purposes very well.
The future is not clear to you but you may rest assured that it is very bright by bringing you a peaceful future that has no place for wars and similar activities. The Kryon extract you have been given tells you why we can be positive about such matters and how we can ensure peace without using weaponry ourselves, because that is not our way as Keepers of the Peace. So all of your efforts to see this period through will be rewarded much more than you could imagine. Stay calm in the face of many restrictions that are imposed upon you, they will not last too long and if you follow them the pandemic will be over in good time.
What happens in the USA is the key to the future and major changes are imminent that will set the scene for a great leap forward. You will undoubtedly be very surprised but not when you understand the implications of what has happened and also see the potential for making that country great again. There is so much wrong with it at present and the changes have to start somewhere, and our hope is that it will be very soon. So all in all there is much to look forward to even if you are unaware of their nature. Know that there are greater powers than those on Earth who hold the key to your future, it is destined to be a Golden Time in your history.
Can you feel the new energies beginning to bring peace to your planet because they are already starting to make a difference. They will continue to do so and take you all the way to Ascension. Many changes are still to take place and all will be part of the reshaping of your societies to a more manageable size. Big is no longer beautiful or suited to your needs as you have already seen. Dear Ones you will be part of history and people will look back in admiration at that period and wonder how you ever managed to come through it. Unlike the past, this time history will reflect accurately what happened and how you successfully came through it.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel and it shines brightly and is growing all of the time. It couldn’t be any other way as your path has already been laid down. It may twist and turn but whatever happens you are assured of reaching your goal. So think positively about your future regardless of what is still to come, as everything will work out as planned. Yes, you still have freewill and hopefully you will still find your way to the finishing line. You already know that with your intent to ascend you are given guidance and help to keep you on the right path. Indeed as time progresses many friends from other planets will land on Mother Earth when she is at peace and they will be joyful occasions.
You are in times when you have so many people dreading the future because of financial and personal problems, and they need assurance that all will work out well even if it takes a little time. It is worth reminding you that you were aware that this incarnation would be demanding and call upon all of your skills to get through it. Necessity often draws people together and these times are no exception, as many souls volunteered to incarnate at this time because they felt they had a lot to offer those who would be in need. It brings out the best in people and with so many Lightworkers on Earth at this time aid is not far away. Bless you Dear Ones you make such a difference to so many people’s lives.
Go about your daily activities with joy and spread happiness where you can and see the smiles return to their faces. Happiness is catching and helps lift up those who feel overwhelmed by everything that is happening, much of which they find hard to understand and are bewildered.
This message comes through my Higher Self and I leave you with my love and blessings.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.Love, Nancy
You are such a treasure to others and most of all to yourself, for in being a treasure to yourself, you are that to others.
What is for your highest good is the highest good for all.
February 11, 2021,
Each one of you is loved beyond measure. You may forget it, you may not feel it, you may have been programmed by life to think that love is not for you. Nothing is further from the truth.
Now, let me remind you, in the kindest and most loving way you can imagine, you are not alone. You have a team of beings that work with you constantly, every day and every night. They are here to help you remember – and then embody – your divine creator self.
They have different roles: some assist you in your work, some assist you in awakening to your divine creator self; some provide hunches and ideas about how you may deepen your practice of parent, child, partner, friend, colleague; and some assist you in transforming your 3D work into 5D service.
These beings are known as angels, as galactics, as versions of your higher self, as ascended masters and aspects of the divine. Their label does not matter, their service to you does.
As with all things divine, less is more. The less your ego insists on doing, the more surrender happens. As you surrender – blessing any action and inviting the highest outcome – you create space for your creator self to emerge and for your team to assist you.
The less you complain in your thoughts, the quieter your mind becomes and – almost suddenly! – you begin to hear the soft whispers of your team. Small intuitions, intense knowingness… all this is your team working with you and supporting you.
For anything that brings you down, that feels overwhelming, disappointing or confusing: ask for help. Surrender it – offer it for assistance, blessing the obstacle and knowing that a miraculous insight is your birthright, because it is your divine essence.
Expand your understanding of yourself beyond your (physical) self. You are far greater than you imagine. You have untold assistance to create miracles for your highest good, and what aligns with your highest good aligns with the highest good of all.
Become the detective of your greatness. Find clues that show you that you are greater than your programming or even your physical self. Every day, notice things that are beyond what you imagined were possible. They may be small, but they may also be so huge that you have failed to notice them before.
Begin to put in place, one by one, new ideas that support your greatness, evidence that supports your greatness, so that one day you awaken and you no longer have to convince yourself that you are a divine creator, you Know you are a divine creator.
If you do the small daily steps, your team will meet you; they will assist with miracles and clues, insights and inspirations, all created to reflect your divine creative power.
In spaciousness, your divinity becomes apparent; in spaciousness, your divine creator self is allowed the space to emerge.
Creating spaciousness is possible in any life, regardless of how busy you are. Coming into the present moment; letting go of the endless trains of thought; focusing on just what you are doing right now; surrendering doubt, fear and envy, adopting trust and generosity … these are all ways of creating spaciousness in your life and allowing your divine self to dance with you in your daily life.
You have a team, you have a divine creator self. You are infinitely loved, infinitely loved, infinitely loved.
Negative thoughts?
This is the story of a dear friend on my facebook profile that was trapped in negative thinking just for a while.It can maybe help those around you or yourself : “stupid unnecessary worries which caused me to loose my positive thoughts I normally have…
It weren’t doubts, more frustrations, anger,… A spin of madness thoughts witch came creeping in my mind the past 36 hours and created a negative spin that turned into what I was feeling when creating this post. I then saw what Nikos Akrivos replied, turned of my phone, dimmed the lights, drank some water instead of beer, put on some shamanic sounds, took a candle in my hands, closed my eyes, counted to 17 and experienced the images/thoughts that came in to replace the bad ones. And as a few happy tears started rolling over my cheeks when picturing this beautiful thought, and writing it down as Nikos suggested, my head became lighter again. I remembered a saying from a movie : “you have to select your thoughts every day, like you select the clothes you are going to wear. When you clear tu your mind you create a gateway and than the universe can rush in and fill your mind with more love than you could ever imagine”
That’s exactly what happened.
So, now it’s Friday morning and I am ready to start the weekend with renewed energy and good vibes 🙏💜🎶😊
Thank you Wendy De Schutter for sharing this.
100% Forgiveness Releases from The Wheel of Karma
The candle does not worry about protecting itself from the darkness-AA Gabriel-
February 9, 2021,
The candle does not worry about protecting itself from the darkness. It knows that its own luminosity is the only thing it needs to be the light and honour its purpose.
It is the same for you, Dear Ones. All you have ever needed to do is embrace your beingness and allow the beautiful, luminosity of your soul to lead your way forward. Anything that is not supportive of that will naturally be dispelled or transformed through the effectiveness of your own light.
Let’s Come Together in Sweet Harmony.
Uniqueness is now valued instead of negated, as has been true throughout your 3D existence
Dear Ones,
You are rapidly moving away from group-think. So you dare to relish statements contrary to those of others. Simultaneously, you feel the need to fit within society by not straying too far from the center.
You want to be both independent and part of a group. Such will happen. Your radical utterances or thoughts will be savored by those who think similarly about a particular topic. You will not be the outcast you most likely have been in this lifetime or others.
At the same time, you cannot continue to believe you must be like others to maintain certain relationships or friendships. You no longer have to walk emotional/belief tightropes to retain friendship, love, or familial closeness.
Many of you respond you must do so to for employment or a relationship. Believing that is merely a 3D need to be with the right people or lifestyle. You no longer need to play the game of placating others to maintain a certain relationship or lifestyle.
Your fear is that speaking your every thought will cause you to be ostracized, one of the gravest 3D punishments. For such most likely happened to you on more than one occasion throughout your 3D earth history. The emotions tied to that ostracism are easily re-discovered as soon as someone looks at you oddly following a statement or action.
While it is true that it seems easier in 3D to fit in, your new world is turning that concept upside down. It is the rebels, the unique thinkers and actors, who will be valued. Group-think and action are no more.
Even so, you continue to define within yourself what you are willing to risk in outward words and displays. Your inner thoughts are you. Not the words you use to make sure no one’s feelings are hurt, but instead what you are sensing and feeling.
Some of you will respond that this is a time of word correctness. That certain actions and words might be inappropriate in certain groups. Such is true. But if such is true, you are in the wrong group.
In previous messages, we have relayed that you will flit from group to group as your thoughts, interests, and actions change. It is time to start flitting. And the only way you can safely do so emotionally is to tap into your thoughts to find your group or groups.
You will likely not remain within most groups for long periods. Flitting is the correct word for you now and perhaps forever. You are discovering yourself, and to do so, you must test many thoughts and actions.
Your 3D life was about curtailing your actions. Perhaps a 3D model might be someone who wished to become a landscape artist, but his or her family forced them into business because that family believed no one makes money as an artist. Something similar happened to Henry David Thoreau in the 1800s. He could have managed his family’s very lucrative pencil factory. Instead, he opted to create materials that have changed humanity. So it is for you now.
Uniqueness is now valued instead of negated, as has been true throughout your 3D existence. And that uniqueness will be rewarded exactly in the ways you accept and/or anticipate. If you believe and know that you are to be unique and wealthy in whatever monetary system is created, you will be. If you wish to be famous but continue to live a quiet life, you will. And if you wish to live a peaceful life in the country without any notable creations, you will. The difference between 3D and beyond 3D is not only can you create the life you want, but you will do so.
In 3D, many how-to books and materials were available about becoming wealthy, productive, or famous. All based on how someone else succeeded in whatever field you wished to succeed. You followed their dictates, thinking that if you did so, you would achieve your desired goal. Never realizing that they achieved what they wished to achieve because they were called to do so, but you were not.
ThreeD was about following. Beyond 3D is about unique independence.
You will flit from group to group or interactions with one person as you discover your true joys. Something you have yet to discover. That is why during this COVID downtime, you are losing interest in activities that sustained you before this downtime. And why you are feeling restless, even anxious.
You are a new being with new skills and interests. Many of which will not be compatible with the interests of your former or even current friends and relatives.
You are a new being in a new world – discovering who you are minute-by-minute. Allow that to be. Allow yourself the same freedom you allow infants their needs only to watching that same child crawl, walk, run and eventually leave home: a child who has different friends, activities, and food interests with each physical shift.
You are a new being in a new world, discovering new thoughts and actions daily. Allow yourself to revel in your evolution. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Or subscribe via
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When you choose the highest good for all, you signal the available energy in the universe to come to your aid. Miracles will occur naturally all around you, by your willingness to receive them.-AA Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel-
February 7, 2021,
Dear Ones,
This is a universe of free will. The Angels will not step in to assist without being asked. “Ask and you shall receive” was the statement of master Jesus. So it is important to ask for this support in all the choices you make in your life, from moment to moment.
When you make a choice to think in a positive, instead of negative way; when you make a choice to accept, rather than judge, the decisions made by another; when you agree to give instead of waiting to receive; all these choices are examples of opening your heart and mind to receiving your highest good.
When you choose the highest good for all, you signal the available energy in the universe to come to your aid. Miracles will occur naturally all around you, by your willingness to receive them. People will suddenly begin to give to you in a different way. Synchronous events will transpire in ways you never thought possible. This is the natural flow of God’s grace available to all who are willing to work in harmony with Divine Energy and have the forces of the universe align behind them.
There is a Universal Flow of energy awaiting your command. You live in the pure potential of All That Is, a River of All Creation. When you are aligned with what you want to create, and open to receive, that powerful river of creative energy will flow in the direction of your intentions. It is the natural order of life, yet it will feel like a miracle.
These results also come from willingness on your part to have your life be good, and to allow others to love and support you. It has to do with knowing what you want and asking for it directly, as well as having faith to know that there is a greater order and good available to all who believe.
So accept that what is occurring around you in your life is a reflection of what is occurring within you. Begin to make small choices to experience love instead of fear, to forgive the person who has wronged you, even when the action seems unforgivable, to give thanks for what you have instead of complaining about what you don’t have, and to believe that miracles can occur in your life, when you are willing to receive them.
These shifts in attitude bring a return of greater Love, Joy and Fulfillment in your life. It all begins with you and with your sincere willingness to allow the Angels and the Universal Presence to come to your assistance.
Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel for today:
Make choices for greater Life, Peace and Joy, and all the forces of the Universe align themselves behind you.
It is a time of accelerated growth and reconnection to core truth and core knowing.
February 6, 2021,
Recently I met with the Council and they wanted me to share information about energy that is now streaming to earth.
“There is energy coming into earth that will cause a shattering within the psyche. While this may seem devastating, as it will certainly feel that way, we want you to understand that it is a necessary step as you each regain sovereignty. It will cause many to have an identity crisis. They will begin to question all of existence: Who they are, their place in the world, and the very fabric of reality.
There will be some that find the energy severs what little connection they have with their true self. For others it will assist in severing the ties they have to their false self so that they are able to walk in more of their authenticity.
This energy will increase daily for the next 7 moons where it will reach it’s maximum intensity and remain at that steady pace.
(This information was given the day before the full moon in January. I have been so busy with the energy, clients and a new puppy that I didn’t get this out right away. Seven moons including the January moon, is July 24th and the moon will be in Aquarius.)
At this moment the kindest thing one can do is simply observe their unraveling without clinging to who it is they thought they were. Each blast of this frequency will open the doorway within to the highest aspect within the matrix and for those that are ready, to the highest aspect outside of the matrix.
It is a time of accelerated growth and reconnection to core truth and core knowing. It is also a time in which there will be great distraction. Each person is urged to turn away from the outside noise and pressure and instead be the witness to their own transformation.
The more a person is aware of who they are at the heart level and the greater the sense of true self; beyond the roles, the lifetimes and fixed understandings, the easier it will be to navigate these energies. Some will cling to their identities and beliefs so tightly that the energies will create a deeper disconnect from self and Source than was present prior.
The most helpful question one can ask is:
Does holding on to this help me?
Does it bring me joy?
Ask yourselves:
Who am I truly at my deepest core?
Do not hesitate to ask for assistance in the lifting of the veils of illusion that are within. All the spirit guides and angelic realm are available to help ease this transition.
The greatest concern is that many may feel disillusioned and lacking a sense of purpose to the point of being fatalistic. When one feels this hopelessness settling in it is important that they not only center within their heart space but they connect with Source energy to reconnect to their purpose and knowing. This will help to revitalize the form and bring in ease.”
What was shown to me as these words were shared is that this energy will strip away all that is not truth within us. I understood why they use the words shattering as a way to describe the energy. Many times on this process we do shatter and then we choose which pieces to pick up.
The energy will come in and incrementally step up daily in intensity. For those that are deep into their self work this may bring ease because what you’ve been processing and plowing through can be removed more easily in these frequencies. Eventually all the layers of the false self and the false templates will collapse and we will be left with our most authentic version.
It is the layers of the false self that allows us to deceive ourselves (subconsciously) and others. Without these layers, we will all become much more transparent. We will be able to understand the core of what we are feeling and experiencing. Discernment will be much easier as one’s intent will shine through.
They showed all of these energies coming in and cracking a statue slowly but surely as light begins to peek out of the cracks. This process though it may feel brutal, really is one that is going to assist us in regaining our sovereignty. It will help us cut through the illusion within ourselves and that will help us cut through the illusion in our outer world.
Being in the state of observation of self and the world and being open to relearning everything will help ease the psychological parts of this transition. Many are experiencing what feels like a barrage of memories in their waking and sleep moments. It is a life review of sorts that is asking us in each moment if we are ready to heal or are we still wanting to retaliate.
Retaliation towards self and others can look like going into victimhood, shame, blame, and even greater retaliation of wanting an eye for an eye. Even when the emotions are painful, we have to step back and ask ourselves if we are truly ready to heal or do we need to go through another cycle of the blame, shame, and payback.
These energies pounding us are here to help us let it all go. Holding onto so much pain and worthlessness keeps us locked in a war with our true nature. We can not be all that we are if we hold onto the pain, and unworthiness. We have to ask ourselves if we are ready to heal and let go.
This next phase is very physical as well as psychological. It is our physical bodies that hold the template and programming of the false self. In previous incarnations we dropped the body when we reached this phase. That made the transition much easier. Now we are making the transition with the physical body intact. Any type of deep stretching, myofascial release, massage, and Qigong type movements will assist greatly with the physical aspects of this transition.
The council recommended connecting in straight to Source energy and allowing it to come in through you. Allow it to fill the body and permeate any areas where you’re holding density.
Through all of our own internal workings we may also be feeling the collective confusion and unraveling. When you are feeling overwhelmed, check in with yourself to see if what you are feeling is yours. If it is not, thank it for showing you how the collective is feeling. You can then ask it to leave.
Recently the council shared that many are feeling the collective intently because they are being asked to assist. When I asked how one can assist, I was told that the collective needs love, understanding, and hope.
When we feel energies that are not our own, take a moment and visualize the earth, with all of her inhabitants and hold her. Surround her with the energy of love, hope, compassion, or whatever helpful energy comes to your mind. Send it to everyone, everything with no exceptions. Exchange the uncomfortable energies that the collective is feeling for those that hold such incredible promise.
The rule of thumb right now is question everything, love everything, and allow yourself to be exactly who you truly are in all moments. Allow yourself to shatter, allow yourself to pick up only what aligns with your soul. You will know what that is because it will make your heart sing.
Sending you all lots of love as we go through this incredible phase. Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who have supported and shared this work. It really means the world.
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you were created in LOVE to experience infinite and eternal JOY! -Jesus via John-
Fear is not the opposite of Love, it is the sense of its apparent absence.
February 6, 2021 by John Smallman
As you are all now well aware, the human collective, all on Earth presently incarnate, are in the final stages of the awakening process.
As you experience time, when you are in form, it has been a very long time coming, but, as you know in fact, the process commenced only a moment ago, an instant ago, just as soon as you acted on your collective choice and decision to experience separation.
Your infinitely wise and loving Father knew – there is nothing, of course, that He/She does not know – that as soon as you experienced separation from Love, from Source you would want to end it. However, because you – due to the enormous creative abilities bestowed upon you at the moment of your creation – had fabricated the separation experience/experiment so competently and efficiently,
She knew that without Her assistance you would be completely unable to find your way Home to Unity from the maze of unreality that you had built. Thus, your collective awakening process was created in the same instant in which you moved into the experience of separation.
Separation never happened, it couldn’t happen because there is only Unity with Source, and that is NOT in any sense a limitation, it is infinite vastness. Limitation is of the separation experiment, and is also completely unreal. However, you perceive yourselves as limited, separate, alone beings, disconnected from Source, as you even wonder if there is One!
Your task is to awaken, it is the sole meaning of your human lives, and all the lessons with which you are presented during those lives and lifetimes are to assist you in that process. It is a task that you cannot fail to complete because you are divine beings at One with Source, the only Reality.
Unreality can never satisfy you, and you will be satisfied, no other outcome exists or is possible! To reiterate: you were created in LOVE to experience infinite and eternal JOY! That is your changeless and eternal state of Being – One with Source, FOREVER.
What you are experiencing now, as humans in form, is the assignment that you planned, wisely and lovingly assisted by your spiritual support team, before you incarnated to undergo this present human lifetime in order to massively assist humanity during the last stages of the awakening process.
You knew that it would be very demanding because of all the collective trauma and karma that needed to be healed and released in an extremely short period of time. You also knew that you would complete it perfectly, even though you would experience doubt, anxiety, fear, and suffering that at times would seem overwhelming.
Your choice to be incarnate at this moment is most highly honored here in the non-physical realms because we also knew how demanding would be the task that you chose to undertake. It is a task of enormous service to humanity during which, and while enduring it, you would experience the most extreme sense of separation, aloneness, and even abandonment – the most extremely intense experience of that state with which the separation experiment could present you.
You are not separate beings! It just seems that you are. Whatever you think, say, or do affects the whole of humanity. Therefore, to spend time each day quietly relaxing, meditating, contemplating, or just resting without attending to or thinking about your daily human lives (not so easy!), while setting the intent to be a conduit through which Love can flow abundantly to all is the most effective way to assist in the awakening process.
If, personally, you are not physically involved with conceiving, creating, or introducing some of the essential changes that are needed for the well-being of humanity and the planet, then understand that you do have an additional task besides your own awakening, namely that you are here to hold the Light of God’s Love and allow It to flow out through you in every moment to heal humanity and the planet. This isalsoyour task, and it is absolutely essential.
Daily, many times daily, set and reset the intent to be conduits through which Love flows. You are all here to do that, regardless of whether or not you are aware of this.
Remember: EVERY human is a divine being, a being of LOVE. Therefore your nature is Love’s nature, and Love’s nature is to share and extend Itself completely and utterly with All of creation in every moment. By being aware of this, and setting the conscious intent to do so, you intensify and accelerate the awakening process.
Just being aware that you are Love, even if you do not get a felt sense of this but only have an intellectual acceptance of it, is enough for you to most powerfully extend healing to all, thus carrying out your personal part in the awakening process . . . effortlessly.
Being human and living a human life is very demanding and stressful for most people, but extending Love and healing to all demands nothing from you. You just need to let go of any negative judgment of others or of humanity at large, and then Love will flow through you, because you all, all who are presently incarnate, set the intent to do just that prior to incarnating.
The Love flow through you only reduces, or maybe even ceases temporarily, when you choose to engage in attitudes, thoughts, and behaviors that are not in alignment with Love, so let them go.
Try to understand that, in spite of your experience of humanity generally, and of the seemingly insane and vicious behaviors and activities in which so many engage, people are always doing their best!
People behave according to their personal understanding of what is best for them – when people are loving what is best for them is best for all – and that understanding is based on their level of spiritual evolution modified by the effect of trauma that they have experienced in their present lives, plus any accumulated generational karma.
In other words, many are unaware, completely unaware that their true nature is Love, and that unawareness fills them with uncertainty and fear.
Fear is not the opposite of Love – because Love has no opposite, It is everything – it is the apparent absence of Love. Those who feel an absence of Love are always seeking It, and they most frequently seek It outside of themselves, where It can never be found because It can only be found within.
The choice or decision to seek Love outside the self arises because of the traumas experienced while growing from human infancy to adulthood. No human completely escapes the experience of not being good enough, because in infancy and childhood the little ones see that other older ones are stronger and more adept than they are, and quite often they are shamed by others for their inadequacies. Even if the shaming is done with the best of intentions, namely to demonstrate to the little ones that they can and should work harder to become more able, more competent, it almost always leads them to feel unloved and, if done repeatedly, unlovable.
When that occurs it feels to the little ones as though, instead of feeling and experiencing the love of parents, siblings, and care givers, a terrifying and empty space has opened within them from which love has departed, and so they learn to seek love and approval from others because that inner sense of emptiness is intensely painful, and they experience a desperate need to fill it.
So, to remind you yet again, there is only Love. Each one of you is Love, that is your divine and eternal nature.
However, separation is the experience of being separated from Love, and that is an absolutely DEVASTATING experience! Of course you all want to return to Reality, the state of eternal Joy and Love in which you are always eternally enfolded, and from which it seems that you have been separated for eons.
It is indeed a paradox for humans to be told that they are Love, One with Source, and yet to be experiencing separation, aloneness, abandonment. Many feel that they personally are more alone, more abandoned than others, and they try to emulate the apparent success and happiness that they perceive others as enjoying by working extremely hard, and through that work – whatever form it may take – seeking the approval and admiration of others, while at the same time feeling bereft and unworthy. Being a human in form is not easy for anyone!
Whenever you take time out and enter into your holy inner sanctuaries, the first item on your agenda should be to send Love to all others – withholding It from absolutely no one, no matter how bad or evil you may judge them to be.
You are Love, and so is everyone else, it is just that you appear to be separated from that state.
Love is ALL, It accepts and embraces everyone unconditionally because that is Its nature, your nature!
Your awakening process is an awakening to that absolute Truth and knowing it.
I, and all my brothers and sisters in the non-physical realms know and honor that Truth, and soon, so will all of you, and your joy will be immense.
Your loving brother, Jesus.