Monthly Archives: January 2021
It is time to review those pieces that altered your self-love in this lifetime. Some of you are even extending that review to before this lifetime.
Dear Ones,
Perhaps you fear that yesterday is still part of your being. That despite all your transition work, nothing ever changes in your life.
Change is inevitable. Nothing is static, or stationery for the Universes are constantly evolving. And even though it might seem as if the earth was static throughout the ages, historians can point out how 3D humanity evolved from cave-dwellers to the modern home filled with technology. In addition, humanity constantly evolves from infant to old age.
The difference now is you have so many unknowns. Your body is changing, as are your thoughts and actions. At the same time, you expect a sudden shift from fear to love, like turning on a lightswitch. What you have not noticed is how you shifted already in your thoughts and actions. Such is neither here nor there, merely a reminder you have changed.
In this new phase, you may feel as if you have reverted to the fears of yesterday. You might catch visual glimpses of past actions or fears. The difference is you are filled with enough self-love to experience those glimpses or sensations with a new approach, a new feeling. For you are not reverting, instead you are changing those images within your being.
Even though you may not have yet acknowledged those fear pieces within this 3D life that added to your current fears, you are likely revisiting those times or places. This is the first stage of time travel, if you will, to relabel, reimprint those frightening times and places into a neutral or even loving environment.
Perhaps you declare such is not possible – that it is what it is. We remind you that you are a powerful being fully capable of changing your perceptions if you wish. It is time to review those pieces that altered your self-love in this lifetime. Some of you are even extending that review to before this lifetime.
It does not matter what you wish to address or why merely that you are clearing those pieces you have hidden from yourself. Even though some of you reviewed those lives or events through a regression process, you did so for a different reason. Most likely, you explored those pieces to understand why you functioned as you did. This phase is to change your perceptions of that action or time. So it is you will be addressing those times through new self-love lens.
This phase is to change your lens to what you might label as rose-colored glasses. Such is not to say your 3D fears were not valid when you were living in and creating fear, but that you are now in a love-based time addressing those actions and fears differently.
Perhaps you will better understand if you remember your history books. The victors most often wrote those books. The same actions or times appear different from those who lost the battle or war. So it is you can read two histories about one event and obtain two different perspectives.
You are now doing the same – changing your perspective from fear to love. Perhaps you will discover you did this to someone before they did that to you. Or not. From whatever perspective you decide to view those times, it will be with love instead of fear or hate.
Your first forays into your fears of this life might be frightening, enlightening, or fun. It does not matter. All that matters is that you revisit those deeply hidden fears impacting your ability to accept or love yourself. Once your self-love dominates, others in your fear places will shift in your perspective also.
Revisiting the past with a different perspective is not about you forgiving others. It is about you forgiving you. For little patches of fear have accumulated within your psyche for eons and continue to affect you. At this moment, many of you cannot understand how you can forgive or forget something that someone of a political party, co-workers, employers, neighbors, family members, or others said or did.
Such feelings will be forgiven when you forgive yourself.
Many of you contend you have cleared and cleared and cleared throughout this transition. So you have. But these hidden fear pieces are those you collected throughout your earth lifetimes that do not seem justified by your memories. Why do you immediately dislike or like someone? Why are you afraid of water, fire, dogs, knives, or whatever?
This first foray into shifting your perspective will most likely be hidden fears from this lifetime. Once you change those perspectives, others will probably fall into place almost automatically. Of course, some of you overachievers are acting on this phase 24 hours a day via day time memories and dream actions.
Whatever your process, this phase will change your personal perspectives in ways you cannot now imagine. What was terrible or frightening will be neutralized. And what was joyful will become more so. For those joyful memories were often surrounded by the fears of “What if?” Not because “What if?” was your reality at even that time, but your fears from similar past experiences always negated some of your joys.
If you like, you can imagine you are rewriting your entire earth history as a victor instead of the victim. Or better yet, that you have just purchased a beautiful set of rose-colored glasses that will remove your “What ifs” forever. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Or subscribe via
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everything I love raises my vibrational frequency. That is really fun, because these empowered frequencies include really simple things like music, nature and beauty.
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel ~ Your Path in Life
January 17, 2021,
The Gabriel Message Card for this Week ~ Praise God and Praise Yourself for the Path You Have Chosen.
I usually receive this card when I am questioning how my life is going. It is always a message that encourages me to step back from the immersion into what is happening in front of my physical eyes and take a more neutral view of my reality.
Obviously it is easier to break into hallelujahs and exuberant praise when our lives are moving in ways that evoke our happy place.
The challenge is to know that our life has power and merit when we are looking at appearances that may not please us. But that’s when we start flexing our spiritual muscles — to balance our emotional states and to see beyond appearances to know that there is a blessing in every situation. It’s not only a blessing, it’s a call from our souls to notice that we have an opportunity to create something wonderful that really works much better for us.
Sometimes it is only this one step back into neutrality that helps me to be more present to the Creative Solutions available to me. First I need to recognize that whatever I am experiencing is a part of the work I am here to do for my soul, and then I can use the situation as a stepping stone to higher-frequency living.
When I make new choices from a higher perspective, from a place of multidimensionality, the path takes on a more enhanced aspect, with many more opportunities for the kind of creativity and expansion that I love. I have found that everything I love raises my vibrational frequency. That is really fun, because these empowered frequencies include really simple things like music, nature and beauty.
All the things I love become qualities of consciousness that uplift and inspire me, thus changing my vibrations and making it possible for me to have more of what I want to experience in life. This very basic Law of Attraction principle is always valuable to remember.
When we celebrate life in all its myriad forms, it honors the Presence that lives in and through us blessing our path. The uplifting of our thoughts and feelings to the ultimate truth of our existence is a substantial step forward to the recognition that our life is a true gift. We need to show up for our path in life with all the support and intention that we can muster, as well as all the resources we have within us.
We have had many attitude adjustments and learned many new skills and spiritual tools in this life that we can apply to creation of the most beautiful world we can imagine. Our imagination helps keep us expanded and inspired so we can incorporate the support from the Angelic Dimensions and all the help we have around us.
When we keep our intentions clear and our focus strong, we are walking as blended beings in a greater world that has yet to recognize this imperative. Our Souls know that this is what we are here to do, and our path is celebrated in the heavenly realms. We are being gifted with so much love at this time. This real and practical multidimensional support is a blessed gift that we are here to experience right now.
When we honor the Infinite Intelligence that guides us and use the maturity and commitment to our spiritual path that hones our spirit, we are lifted into the enchanted realms of the higher dimensions. It is here that we can see the greater truths under the surface and join in an exalted co-creation of an empowered life.
All of us exploring together, using our most Divine resources combined with our diligent human selves, this is the enchanted and empowered collaboration that can create Peace on Earth, Love in every heart, and allow Nature and all Life to thrive.
Divine Presence,
I am calling forward my Soul Community in order to empower and share this special time on Earth. Together may we know that we hold the key to the Awakening within all humanity through our intentions and focus in life. Working together brings out the gifts and allows us to create more than we could by ourselves.
Thank you for this beautiful path I have chosen. Help me to bring more of my most divine and authentic self forward to be a blessing for the world.
May all beings know in their hearts the experience of true Freedom, Peace and Harmony on all levels. And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel
Dear One,
Your path in life in many ways is decided upon before you take birth in human form. Your soul reviews the lessons necessary for highest growth, and then chooses those life experiences that will provide them. From a human perspective, this choice is often difficult to comprehend. Many outwardly horrendous lifetimes have powerful lessons and seem beyond human understanding.
To truly understand the soul’s growth, it is necessary to have an expanded perspective that sees an overall picture. When situations occur in life which seem very difficult to handle, a certain balance is provided in knowing that, on a soul level, a great learning experience is occurring and that you are given all you need to handle the situation, for the highest good of all concerned.
This does not mean that your emotions do not exist, or that somehow you should not feel upset, because in human terms your experience is very real and your feelings valid. Within the power of your soul, however, there is a great gift in your situation. No matter how senseless a condition may appear to your human eyes, a greater truth is available. It can assist you to remember this and to pray to see it. It can also help to remember that you live in a benevolent universe where the grace of God is available at all times.
From a human perspective, it is also often difficult to experience incredible joy and happiness. There are many in your world who say, “it’s too good to be true, watch out when things get too good,” etc. etc. The Angels say to you that you are a beloved child of God who deserves to be happy and to have incredible blessings in your life. If this is what you are experiencing right now, enjoy it. Live this blessed moment to the fullest. Never doubt that good things happen, and that joy and miracles are the natural state of being.
Do not doubt the path you have chosen. If there is something in your world that you want to change, pray that it be transformed for the highest good of all concerned. Trust in your Angelic teachers and in God’s presence, which is eternally within you. Be grateful for your life and most of all:
Praise God and praise yourself for the path you have chosen.
Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel
Prophecy, Peril and Peace
Hold your Light, stand in truth, and simply watch the movie. All is proceeding according to plan. Do not doubt.
Arcturian Group Message 1/17/21 via Marilyn Rafaelle
JANUARY 17, 2021
Dear readers, once again we bring to you a message in these times of confusion and chaos. Know that you are witnessing a Divine plan unfold, and remember that this is why you chose to be on earth at this time. Today’s chaos is serving to expose underlying beliefs and energies that have remained hidden but active for centuries.
Dense pockets of energy are surfacing for all to see and examine. Increasingly more individuals are beginning to question and ask themselves; “Is this how I choose to live? Is this how I wish the world to be? Is there a better, higher way of doing things, one that serves all and not just a select few?”
All is proceeding according to plan, the unstoppable plan of spiritual evolution. Many uncomfortable revelations will occur during this coming year so be spiritually prepared. You are watching the tip of an ancient iceberg begin to melt but is what you have been preparing for. Observe and be informed but do not with align what you observe.
Imagine yourself sitting in a movie theater watching an engrossing story unfold on the screen. The story has a lot of twists and turns and many players are involved. It holds your attention and you realize that both the “bad” and the “good” characters are necessary to the wholeness of the main story. You watch without judgement fully aware that you are sitting in a theater watching a captivating story. You experience emotions as the story unfolds, but never to the extent of forgetting that you are not the movie.
What you are witnessing now the unfolding story of earth’s history in order that the new story can begin.
We see many suffering confusion, doubt, and anger. Simply allow emotions to express without resistance or guilt. Emotions indicate what you consciously or unconsciously still believe about yourself or others and frequently arise from pockets of old shadow energy active in cellular memory.
Emotions are valuable tools that can help you understand your beliefs and as you learn to love and accept yourself, warts and all, you become a person of compassion, insight, and forgiveness able to help others do the same.
This is why you are here. Every new insight adds Light to the world’s consciousness. Without the higher frequencies of Light that so many evolved souls brought with them and others continue bringing to earth, the evolution of mankind would take much longer. Present times represent a graduation dear ones, but are not the finale. There is much to come.
Because the reality of every person is Divine Consciousness which is always expressing ITself, no one can remain frozen in time forever. Just because some concept, belief, idea, worked well at a certain level of awareness, does not mean it will work forever in the same way.
The moment even one person shifts out of alignment with some old falsehood and into truth it will affect and change the entire collective because there is only ONE. This is the work that spiritual masters throughout all time have done. Their teachings “seeded” the collective with truth even when very few at the time were listening, thus making truth available for all to access.
Unconditional love during these difficult times means remembering that the essence of every person is Divine Consciousness regardless of their words and actions. It does not mean approval or sticking your head in the sand. It means that you acknowledge the spiritual reality that underlies all appearances. Love is the conscious realization of Oneness–ONE infinite God expressing Itself in, as, and through infinite form and variety.
Duality and separation energy expresses in all facets of living as the pairs of opposites. This can easily be observed in organized religions, cultures, countries, science, laws, traditions, and policing as well as in politics. Some always believe that they are right and everyone else is wrong. A person can live for many years with everything going perfectly, but if they are living from a three dimensional state of consciousness, everything can and probably will change at some point when least expected.
As increasingly more Light flows to earth, many commonly accepted beliefs based in duality and separation are for the first time being seen with new eyes. As more and more individuals awaken into a sense of oneness, many long standing, rigid, unfair, judgemental, and often cruel rules of “correctness” will begin to be rejected.
Do not fear these present times dear ones, but rather rejoice in the realization that that which you have prayed, hoped, and longed for is finally happening even though it may not match many three dimensional concepts about earth’s ascension. Because you know what is going on, you can be an observer. Send to and hold Light for the USA throughout this coming week for the energy is going to become increasingly intense.
High resonating frequencies always dissolve the lower. The false carries no Light because it is simply an illusory mind form, a concept accepted into one’s consciousness having no law to support or maintain it other than the person’s belief in it. However, since consciousness is the substance of form, any old belief can and will manifest itself in the outer scene.
The dark is not reality but is simply the absence of Light. Those heavily invested in the “dark” make it into something through their belief in it, but you who have awakened to truth need not fear these things for it is only the belief in them that gives them their “life”.
Spring will come, but severe winter storms must first be experienced. Chaos will continue to rule for a while because this transition cannot occur without first uprooting the energy of centuries or rather eons of time during which mankind was programmed to believe in and be controlled by individuals and beliefs based wholly in duality and separation. Those times of darkness actually assisted earth’s evolution by pushing mankind to seek something more and better.
Many intellectually know, but most have not yet fully realized that they are a living expression of Source/Divine Consciousness/God which is true even for those with no awareness or interest in knowing it.
You are not a body that has consciousness but are consciousness with a body. Every person’s state of consciousness expresses through their actions and experiences. It is imperative that every evolving soul at some point begin to accept that in reality they are Divine Consciousness embodying all the qualities of Source rather than continuing to believe that they are simply a vulnerable physical being.
Ask yourselves often; “What am I holding as truth in my consciousness?” because this is what you will create. “Am I continuing to wait for something outside of myself, the “event”, ET ships landing, a particular message, to make me into what I already am?”
As Divine consciousness everyone is a creator but because most do not know this they continue to believe that they must protect themselves at all costs from every false concept and belief floating about in the three dimensional collective. There is no unexpressed consciousness
Every time a “war” on something is launched, it simply establishes the issue more firmly into the collective.
The issues of chaos taking place at this time are exposing the contents of a universal consciousness that has for eons consisted almost completely of error . The erroneous concepts and beliefs that formed this three dimensional collective mind must first be recognized as being false by the majority which in turn gives birth to a new more evolved collective that will
consist of ideas, solutions, and creations based in love/oneness accessible to all.
Evolution is simply the journey involved in awakening personal and collective consciousness to remember the reality of their true being. Attaining the consciousness ONEness (not the intellectual knowledge of it) allows the qualities embodied within Divine Consciousness to flow and express through you in practical ways personal to your needs.
Hold your Light, stand in truth, and simply watch the movie. All is proceeding according to plan. Do not doubt.
Many of you are discovering that without effort you are suddenly understanding some deep truth that previously confused you. This is because you have shifted into alignment with that particular truth whereas before you were not. This indicates that even though you may think nothing is happening for you, it is. Release all remaining concepts about what spirituality should look or feel like. Once you intend to spiritually grow, the train leaves the station.
Do not attempt to restore those things that you have spiritually outgrown be it a relationship, spiritual practice, or something material like a favorite food or entertainment. The dissolving of something familiar may cause you to feel sadness, but know that everything real will manifest again in new and higher form which may or may not reflect your concept of how it should look.
Most of you are beginning to honestly examine facets of yourselves that that you previously avoided and stuffed deep down inside through shame, guilt, pride, regret, pain etc. You are learning to love all parts of your self and by doing so, love others without judgement and criticism.
As the Light becomes increasingly dominant, it will shine into the shadows which are nothing more than pockets of old energy that became “something” simply by being accepted as reality in personal and global consciousness.
Without fear, allow the Light of your own Divine Self-hood to shine into your hidden places and reveal to you their nothingness because you will find nothing there.
Allow, Allow, Allow.
We are the Arcturian Group 1/17/21
Donations are welcomed
Patricia Cota-Robles, January 16, 2021
This is a critical moment in the United States of America and we at Era of Peace are joining with the Company of Heaven in sending our heartfelt plea for assistance on behalf of ALL of the Sons and Daughters of God abiding in this country.
There is a Divine Plan unfolding that may not be obvious to our finite minds; however, our I AM Presence and the Legions of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are well aware of this plan and are orchestrating it in Divine Order.
The Company of Heaven is asking ALL of us to intervene at this time by empowering the Activities of Light in the following Invocations. This is the assistance that our I AM Presence has been training us for lifetimes to invoke when the time is right. THAT TIME IS NOW!
Archangel Michael and the Legions of Power and Protection
I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth. In the Name, Love, Wisdom, Power and Authority of the Beloved Presence of God, I AM, blazing in my Heart, and by the power of Light’s Victory now made manifest on Earth, I invoke Archangel Michael and his Legions of Power and Protection to come forth NOW!
Beloved Ones, descend into Washington, D.C. and the surrounding suburban areas. With your Sword of Blue Flame, CUT FREE (3X) every force that is not of the Light.
Encapsulate these energies in your Cosmic Circle of White Lightning. Lift every electron of this negativity into the arms of Divine Grace and instantly Transmute it cause, core, effect, record and memory back into Light. (pause)
Beloved Archangel Michael, I ask that you now direct your Legions of Power and Protection to expand this Divine Service into every state, city, town and homestead in the United States of America. With your Sword of Blue Flame, CUT FREE (3X) every force that is not of the Light.
Encapsulate these energies in your Cosmic Circle of White Lightning. Lift every electron of this negativity into the arms of Divine Grace and instantly Transmute it cause, core, effect, record and memory back into Light. (pause)
Beloved Ones, expand this Divine Service now into every country, nation, city, province, town and hamlet on Earth. With your Sword of Blue Flame, CUT FREE (3X) every force that is not of the Light.
Encapsulate these energies in your Cosmic Circle of White Lightning. Lift every electron of this negativity into the arms of Divine Grace and instantly Transmute it cause, core, effect, record and memory back into the Light. (pause)
Beloved Legions of Light, in the full Authority of God’s Will on Earth, I COMMAND that in every location where negativity was removed the patterns of perfection for Divine Government shall be established NOW and FOREVER.
Through the Presence of God I AM, I ask for a special Cosmic Dispensation. Beloved Father-Mother God and the Legions of Light throughout Infinity, envelop Washington, D.C., the United States of America and every country on Earth in the full embrace of God’s Will and the Sacred Flames of Divine Love, Enlightenment, Wisdom, Truth, Eternal Peace, Justice, Freedom, Compassion and all of the infinite patterns of perfection associated with Divine Government.
I make this invocation, this command and this decree through the Power of God, I AM. And so it is, Beloved I AM.
Invocation to the Elohim of God’s First Cause of Perfection
Through the Presence of God, I AM, in me and in all of Humanity, I invoke the Mighty Elohim and the Legions of Light associated with the Sapphire-Blue Flame of God’s First Cause of Perfection.
Blessed One, come forth now and blaze your sacred Flame into the cause and core of all human miscreation in Washington, D.C., and thence, through every government capital in the World. Go forth now with your invincible Angelic Legions, and sweep through every government building, every office and every home in the city of Washington, D.C. and every state in the USA. Expand this purifying Activity of Light into every country in the World. Transmute the human desire to use free will destructively, and replace it with the intense desire to serve God and Humanity with Reverence for ALL Life.
I ask that you permanently station your Angelic Legions in Washington, D.C., and in all Government Centers on Earth to ensure that all rates of vibration that tie any individual to activities of discord or imbalance be quickened to a point where they are set FREE in the Light.
Protect every soul from accepting negative human suggestions, and help each one to be a receiver of the Forces and Inspirational Activities of God. Assist each one to be a willing participant in the fulfillment of the Divine Plan of establishing Divine Government on Earth: A Government OF the I AM Presence, BY the I AM Presence, FOR the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity.
Give added protection to those people who are already manifesting God’s Will through their Divine Plans, and protect them from all interference that would seek to disrupt the establishment of Divine Government on Earth.
I consciously accept this done right now, eternally sustained, and all-powerfully active, ever-expanding and world-encompassing until Divine Government is manifest in every country of the World. And so it is, Beloved I AM.
The Goddesses of Liberty, Justice, Freedom, Victory, Glory and Oneness
In the Name of the Almighty Presence of God, I AM, and through the Creative Fire pulsating in every Heart Flame, I invoke the Goddess of Liberty, the Goddess of Justice, the Goddess of Freedom, the Goddess of Victory, the Goddess of Glory and the Goddess of Oneness. I also invoke the Silent Watcher for Washington, D.C., Beloved Columbia, and all of the Mighty Guardians and Cosmic Beings who dwell in the Etheric Complex over Washington, D.C.
Blessed Ones come forth now, and assist me with the most powerful cleansing activity Humanity and the Earth are capable of receiving during this Cosmic Moment. As One Unified Heart, we now invoke the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection.
Blaze, blaze, blaze this Sacred Violet Fire in, through and around all inharmonious actions, all lower human consciousness and all obstructions of the Light, that I or any part of Life have ever placed on the Pathway of Life’s Perfection.
Through the Divine Power of God’s Infinite Perfection, Transmute this discordant energy cause, core, effect, record and memory—NOW and FOREVER.
BLAZE and SUSTAIN the Violet Flame of a thousand Suns and the Cosmic Blue Lightning of Divine Will, Power, Faith and Authority from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God in, through and around:
The President of the United States of America and his Cabinet—now and forever.
The Senate and the House of Representatives for the United States of America—now and forever.
The Supreme Court and ALL Courts of Law, and ALL legal procedures—now and forever.
The United Nations and ALL of its members—now and forever.
Through ALL World leaders and those associated with the Governments of Earth at national, state and local levels—now and forever.
I accept this Victoriously accomplished through the power of God, I AM. And so it is.
The Decree For The Earth And Her Nations
In the Full Power and Authority of the Beloved Presence of God, I AM, we, the Children of Earth, humbly come to the Heart of our Father-Mother God to invoke into the physical plane of Earth the most intensified Activity of God’s Will ever manifested in the history of time.
We invoke the Legions of Light serving this blessed Earth to absorb this Divine Essence into every fiber of their Beings and project it into the Heart Flame and conscious mind of every person associated with the Governments of this Planet in any way, shape or form.
Blaze the Cosmic Flame of God’s Will through every one of these people and clear away any destructive activity of their own free will which might rush in to try and impede their conscious desire to do God’s Will. Help them to become and remain obedient to the Law of Harmony and to BE God in action at ALL times.
Seal all Governmental positions, individually and collectively, in the radiance of God’s Will. Reveal through Illumination’s Flame, the Divine Purpose and Divine Plan for each office and each individual, and give to each person the Spiritual Courage to fulfill that plan perfectly.
Let the Will of God be manifest in, through and around ALL of the Governments of the World—NOW and FOREVER! Let the LIGHT OF GOD THAT IS ETERNALLY VICTORIOUS Enlighten and lead ALL Humanity everywhere!
We accept this manifesting NOW, even as we call. And so it is, Beloved I AM.
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909
Fax: 520-347-5440
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included.
Era of Peace is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
©2021 Patricia Cota-Robles
What is Happening is not against you,it is happening For You!
What is happening is not against you, it is happening FOR YOU!Because we can not continue living on an ignoring planet where children and women and men are hungry or homeless , where lying politicians are having a say in our lives, where we are using prehistoric technologies instead of existing free energy machines that can give us abundant clean energy that respect the environment , where doctors are operating surgeries cutting bodies open instead of using existing healing technologies that are not invasive, where people live lives in deep sleep as to who we really are instead of all of us being aware of our existence as Divine Souls in a costume called human body and our power as Source Energy Beings in alignment with our Higher Selves.We can not keep on living on a planet where power over others entities are allowed to manipulate things in their favor, ignoring the consequences for everyone else.We can not live on a planet where there is still sex slavery or where one is manipulated with money to bring their talents for plans that work for the few that exist in a different dimension than ours.The prostitution of humanity labor in all its forms ends here.We can not live on a planet where old patriarchic models are still trying to enslave the Divine Feminine.We can not live on a planet where toxicity is sold in super markets or kiosks in the form of cigarettes or alcohol or drugs and other or events where people are pretending to celebrate when they are intoxicated. No, no and no!!!This will not be allowed.This all ends here.This is New You and Me in a New World.It may sound like dictatorship but it is not.This is Mother Father God’s Plan for me and for You.Free Will becomes Divine Will. THE WILL OF GOD IS LIGHT. THE WILL OF GOD IS LOVE. THE WILL OF GOD IS GOOD. THE WILL OF GOD IS GRACE. THE WILL OF GOD IS PEACE. THE WILL OF GOD IS PURITY. THE WILL OF GOD IS BALANCE. THE WILL OF GOD IS HEALTH. THE WILL OF GOD IS ABUNDANCE. THE WILL OF GOD IS KINDNESS. THE WILL OF GOD IS UNITY. THE WILL OF GOD IS HAPPINESS. THE WILL OF GOD IS HARMONY. THE WILL OF GOD IS PERFECTION. What is about to happen in the coming days, weeks and months, if you are not aware yet, will reveal to you that all this is now changing for The Highest Good For All.And by all, i don’t mean just Human Beings, i mean Mother Earth and The Animal and Plant Kingdom and all our Loving Galactic Families from outer space that are here patiently supporting us in our Collective Great Awakening and eagerly waiting to meet with us when we finally decide to UNITE ALL as ONE HUMANITY.The infinite possibilities world is beginning tangibly to open right in front of us, we can feel it when we take the time to imagine it or dream about it in our sleeping times and even for some of us see it being tangibly manifest in front of our eyes.I am inviting you to once again dive deeper into yourself, love yourself enough till you know yourself as the center of your Universe and Cosmos and as a potent creator of Unlimited Love and Light .Of course we can not agree with one another because we all have different aspirations and desires in life and yes, we can do the work to accept one another and to work in Unity making peace with that wherever we stand in our evolution journey.So this message ends again to Self Love.Only with dedicated daily intention to love the self and all others, we will be able to move forward as a United collective.You might not like what you see on the many others and you can choose to see each and everyONE as Divine Beings having a human experience even during their arrogance to you and others.As by doing that, you uplift yourself and attract to you what you imagine and feel for yourself and all others.It is Universal Law.Like attracts Like.What you feel is your magnetic power and how you choose to feel right now creates your future experience.All OF The Time.It has always been like this, only you didn’t know then, what you know now.Make good use of it and be amazed by your Magic and MagnificenceChoose For Love Alaways!Enjoy your pop corn and don’t forget to dedicate time daily to go within in sacred partnership to Your God within, to imagine what you want in life taking in consideration to what your Higher Self has to say.Because if you really listen you feel good and if you feel good you allow more of what you want to come to you.Nothing is more important than to feel good.And if you are dealing with pain, be easy on yourself.Be easy at all times.You are always loved and supported by The Angelic Beings and Ascended Masters.Ask what you want and it is given.And let’s make it clear:You will not always immediately receive in the material world.You need to reach mastery before you get to that.Mastery is to be and loving with the self and all others at all times.And yes,You can be ,do or have everything you want.And so does everyone else too.And you must learn to work it to get there with your self with Self Love.That’s your true work.And when things begin to manifest, this is your test that you are reaching mastery. Nobody but you can find the way in your life.And as life on Earth becomes easier and with more freedoms you will have more time to discover your power. If you want it and if you allow this to happen.Ascension within your physical body or without?Divine Will or Free Will?And so it is.I Love You.
Nikos Akrivos
we recommend that you create a reality that matches the vibration that you want to be the dominant vibration within you
What You’re Attracted to & Why ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been noticing the way in which humans tend to be attracted to that which is reflective of their most commonly offered vibration. Here is what we mean by that. If you are offering a lot of anger, then you are naturally drawn towards other angry people. You are more likely to listen to a talk show hosted by an angry person. You are more likely to listen to music that expresses anger in the sound, in the lyrics, and even in the way that the musicians play their instruments.
The same is true for all vibrations; not only do you attract to you what you are vibrating, but you are also attracted to what matches your vibration because it validates you. Most people want to have their feelings validated. Most people can hardly even dream of moving beyond that dominant vibration that they are offering. Now, part of being an awakened soul is recognizing when something doesn’t feel right. Once you tap into the unconditional love that you really are, you are more likely to detect when something is not that, and you are more likely to care about how you feel much more than you care about getting something right or having the right information or perspective.
When you sense something is off inside of you as an awakened soul, you therefore are more likely to do something about the discord that you feel between the truth of who you are and the vibration that you are temporarily entertaining as some sort of truth. You get to decide what you vibrate, but first you have to realize that you are offering a vibration at all.
Now, what usually makes the average person realize that they are in fact offering a vibration is when they hit rock bottom. The circumstances around them become so terrible that they cannot help but become aware of what they’ve been vibrating all along. But it is our suggestion that you don’t let it get to that point. It is our suggestion that you tune in to the feeling of unconditional love that exists at the center of your heart so that you become more sensitive to the anxiety, the fear, the anger, and the despair that is all around you.
Where you put your attention matters. So do ask yourself why you are putting your attention on something that doesn’t feel good to you when you focus on it. What do you believe you are gaining from doing that, and what is the reality? These are the questions a person who is awake is likely to ask themselves, and we are merely suggesting that you do it more often, that you check in more often to see how you are feeling, and that you place how you feel above being right or having the right information.
You are living in the information age, and it is very seductive. But hopefully, those of you who are awake enough to receive these transmissions realize that you don’t need someone else’s version of reality to be a good citizen of the world. In fact, we recommend that you create a reality that matches the vibration that you want to be the dominant vibration within you. And do that by focusing, intending, and caring about how you feel. Let the forces within this powerful universe do the rest.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Eating Habits & Cravings
A great channeling from Brenda for this weekend that once again i agree 100% as i currently go through the same journey she is describing and it feels just wow!
The overview of Brenda’s January 15, 2021, Creation Energies channel: Many, if not all of you, are returning to unpleasant 3D memories throughout the day and in your dreams to prove to yourself that you’re an observer instead of a participant. Before you cleared those pieces, you hid them deep within you – expanding your fears with each 3D life without knowing why. As you time travel through those memories, you’ll discover they’re no longer hidden in your secret fear places,.
The loving truth of each soul is rising up from within.
Messages from Ann & the Angels – 01/16/2021 • Peace Amidst Diverse Perspectives
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
You are living in exciting times upon your planet earth. Never before has the opportunity to explore other perspectives been so easy or so accessible. Never before have you been able to sample from the abundant diversity of life while sitting in your own homes. Never before have the contrasts been so vividly played out in the theater of human existence.
For some of you that is frightening. Most of you were raised to feel safe around sameness. Most of you were raised to feel right in worlds and with words that were passed down throughout generations. Many of you were raised to “keep the peace” by never disagreeing.
Now things are different. It seems that few are interested in “keeping the peace” as you once did. You’re faced – in your media, your news, in your families, and on your streets – with people whose perspectives differ widely from the ones you may have been raised with. You are living in times when you’re encouraged to own your truth, to speak up, to share your perspectives, and most importantly of all to seek understanding of perspectives different from your own.
As a result your world appears to be in chaos right now. There are so many perspectives! Some people present their ideas and beliefs with decency, kindness, and a respect for one another. Other people feel a need to bully, manipulate, shout, and push their perspectives upon one another. Whether in an evolved way or not, everybody’s personal truth is coming to the surface.
You feel your own personal truths emerging from within. You feel the things you once tolerated but can no longer. You feel the thoughts you once pushed under the rug becoming important to you. You feel the emotions you’ve stuffed for decades. You see the possessions that no longer serve you and want the things you once refused to admit you wanted. It is no longer possible to avoid feeling your personal truths. The energy is just too strong.
The loving truth of each soul is rising up from within. Given an unblocked path it emerges in a loving desire to be more authentic. Given a blocked path from within, it finds unkind expression. Pray for the souls trying to express their truths in violence and anger. They are hurting and don’t yet feel mature enough to share their perspectives with love. Pray for yourself to express your truth with love. In this fashion you become the light houses and beacons of hope and peace in a world where many do not yet know how to express themselves in a higher, happier, and more loving way.
This movement towards becoming more authentic – awkward, unpleasant, and scary as it might be at times – is a sign of spiritual evolution. One must go through the teenage years and find one’s voice, however awkwardly, before one can reach maturity. No matter how old a person, many now are going through a phase wherein they find their truth, feel the discomfort of speaking up, and as a result, share their perspectives in an unloving way.
You need not fear. You need only stay in a vibration of love and you will be safe, secure, and protected, for in love all things are made right. In love you are guided. In love you can express your truth with only a desire to share ideas, to understand and to be understood. In love you can be you and allow others to be who they wish to be. In love you will attract light and repel the darkness of misunderstanding.
You are facing times of great growth here upon your earth. There is no need to despair. There is no need to fall into fear. It isn’t the end of the world. It is, instead, a time of re birthing, a time when you stop sweeping issues that never worked to begin with, “under the rug,” a time when humanity is crying for truth and integrity, freedom and justice, and all those qualities that a soul craves in their experience.
Be the ones who understand that self-expression is an expression of the True Self only when voiced with love. Be the ones who understand that truth and integrity begin within the self. Be the ones who know that the universe is completely just already, in that like vibration attracts like. Be the ones who know that you are, and always have been, free to emanate whatever energy you like.
Chaotic though it may be the players in the theater of human existence are just that. You are a beautiful being of light, as are they. You know this. Embrace this truth. You are loved. You are pure light. You are a tuner in a world of vibration and you can pick and choose the vibrations which you wish to tune into.
Dear ones, we are working with your earth very closely right now. There are countless beings of light sending love to each and every one of you. We don’t judge any soul. We simply send our love, for that ultimately is the greatest expression of any being, whether on the earth or in the heavens. Receive our love daily and know you are all perfect and precious in our eyes. Do your best to realize that good will ultimately arise from the chaos. Be patient. Pray for all. You are all so very beautiful and so very loved.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
Celebrating 5 years of SUNday Unity Meditation.
Join our tribe.
Blessings Beloveds ~
Our Revelation Wave delivered a massive plasma influx this week with geomagnetic storms, Schumann spikes and reality-shaking energies.
Gratitude to all staying as balanced, harmonious and compassionate as possible in this Now. The Revelation Wave peaks next week (January 22) and sets a new energy in motion. I spoke with Todd Medina on Soulogy last Wednesday about the current state of consciousness. Video link lower in this update.
SUNday Unity Meditation Changes
Our start times are now at 5AM, 8AM and 11AM Pacific Standard Time (UTC – 8), just 11 minutes earlier. We meditate for 30 minutes.
As a collective dedicated to Peace and Unity – in a period where disharmony can be challenging – I AM inviting everyone to share the meditation announcements, or reach out to a group, or comment/share the posts on social media.
We are stepping into a unique revelation of Unity Consciousness. The ability to tap into the field and co-create balance, healing and Ascension simply by opening as ONE with our Divine Hearts during these sessions will be powerful.
Details, new graphics for sharing and moreHERE
Just Be.
Today,i asked my Higher Self how can i best be of service right now?And the answer was :Just Be.So this message from Sananda/Jesus,once again,confirms what i always get from source.And i must share with you that about 99,99% of what i share on this website,is first confirmed within me and that is how i know it is true.The 0,01% is for all the sharings i do on disclosure and political aspects sharings i do where i must confess might be wrong as they are written by human minds and not higher intelligence channelings.I share those mostly to confirm how the collective vortex works and how timelines may shift depending on where the vibration of the collective stands.
Jesus Through John: The Necessity of just Being
January 15, 2021 by
Being is your most important task right now – there is no doing involved! Being is to accept yourselves in this moment . . . and this moment . . . and this moment, without judgment or negative self-assessment of any kind.
The vast majority of humans have learned during their formative years that they must do or not do certain things in order to be accepted and loved by their parents, siblings, families, and teachers or caregivers. Just being is discouraged because it appears that there is so much that needs to be done, and that hard work is an essential aspect of a successful life, while doing nothing is seen as a waste of time, as laziness.
To a certain extent this is a valid concept. However, and for vast numbers of people, work has become life’s purpose – even though they may often dream of being free, of having holidays away from the stress of normal daily living – thus separating them from the fullness of their being! Being is who you are, and if you do not allow yourselves to spend plenty of time just being – and most of humanity does not – you cannot know yourselves.
When you were born into human life, the life of form, your memory of who you really are was lost to you. This is because of that long ago choice to experience separation from Source. If you retained your memory you would not experience separation. However, Source knows that not only is separation impossible, and that therefore the experience of separation is harmless, She also knows that that experience is something you would – eventually – choose to terminate, and so your collective awakening process was established at the precise instant that you chose to experience separation, in order that it would be there for you to avail of as soon as you chose to do so.
Now vast numbers of you are making the choice to terminate the experience of separation, and in that choice you are finding or uncovering within yourselves the awakening process.
It has always been there.
God did not choose to have you spend millennia incarnating and incarnating and incarnating as you sought the way Home. He placed it within you, clearly marked and labeled, so that when you chose to awaken the means was there.
Because you had chosen the separation experience that too was there for you, and although it presented you with a multitude of lessons to learn which seemed to insist that you undergo many incarnations to complete the learning process, there was and is no requirement for you to do so.
Over the eons humanity became addicted to the distractions and excitements of the separation experience – duality, right versus wrong, good versus evil, love versus fear – that being in form made possible, and you came to believe that one life in form was all that you would get, so you had better make the most of it.
Yes, many cultures established myths and religions that spoke of an afterlife, and of the karmic necessity for many reincarnations, but those too were distractions.
You are, each and every one of you – in every moment of your existence – One with Source, Love, Mother/Father/God in your own unique and individual way, and so youwilleach find or uncover your own unique way Home to that state of eternal knowing.
The myths and religions were helpful at times, they were like incompleted maps which offered some directions, but which needed to be individualized as each of you was on a different spot on that map. But over time many of them they became power structures, which some used to control others with judgments of what was right and wrong, and with severe punishments imposed by the ‘authorities’ on this who refused to conform.
Now, as you move along through the awakening process toward Home, you are rediscovering your God-given sovereignty, your divine right to choose your own unique path. Only your path will work for you.
People are, therefore, breaking away from the bonds and restrictions of organized religions, with their idea of one path for all, and the judgments they have established to validate the truth of that, and of what is right or wrong. They are coming to the realization that, yes, there is only Love, and that the only rule is to be loving at all times.
As you have been told so often, Love never judges or condemns, Love always accepts. Those who live lovingly never intentionally harm or seek to harm or offend anyone.
When someone judges you or offers you uncalled for advice or guidance they are not offering you Love. However, when someone listens to you compassionately without offering advice or guidance, she allows you to find yourself within yourself, if you choose to listen to yourself, hear yourself, understand what you have said, and then truly look within.
Looking within is the key to finding your awakening process, but many have been so traumatized, and have buried so much pain and suffering deep within themselves, that they are constantly seeking distraction from that insistent but very quiet call to go within.
They are terrified of what they will find there. Yes, they will uncover shame, blame, unworthiness, and memories of unloving behaviors that have hurt them badly and with which they have harmed or hurt others. But then, with the loving assistance of their individual support teams in the spiritual realms, they will be able to come to an understanding of why all this occurred, and through that understanding will be able to see the invalidity of those negative self-judgments, allowing them to forgive themselves, and any others who have harmed or shamed them. The knowing that they are God’s beloved children will arise and confirm itself, and then they will be able to release their hold on the buried guilt and shame that they have been carrying for so long.
By releasing these burdens they allow and invite Love to embrace them, which It does instantly, and the result is an intense sense of inner peace, self-acceptance, and love for all. It is the dropping or discarding of an enormously heavy and energy-draining burden or load, that serves neither them nor anyone else, and a marvelous experience of lightness and peace replaces it, as all the shoulds and musts, or shouldn’ts or mustn’ts just fall away, and, often for the very first time, the person feels FREE, ALIVE and filled with joy for life.
This is your natural state as a human, but it has been hidden, buried, unavailable because of all those invalid negative beliefs about yourselves that the various traumas you have undergone have ingrained deep within you. Self-acceptance is essential, it is your path Home, and it is also, of course, the wonderful realization that Mother/Father/God, Source, Love is your nature, that you are One with That, and that THAT is YOU!
Humanity is awakening, and the realization of that ONENESS is dawning every day on more and more of you. The evidence of this is available for all to see because of the ability that each has to cruise the world-wide-web and meet others who, like themselves, are enthusiastically choosing to awaken.
Do not engage with the ongoing dramas with which the mainstream and social media flood the airwaves in order to distract you.
Choose not to spend inordinate amounts of time checking phones, emails, and your favorite news sources, because doing so is extremely addictive. Instead set a precise and very brief time period no more than twice daily – morning and evening, perhaps – to learn what you feel you need to know about local or world affairs, and then get on with LIFE.
The miracle that is life reveals itself to you in every moment if you pay attention by being mindful, instead of engaging with the negative thought patterns that flow automatically and uninvited through your minds whenever you let your awareness stop being aware.
You are awakening, it is the divine Will that you do so, and the divine Will is always perfectly achieved.
Therefore let go of or release your tight and fearful grip on doubts and ‘what if’ thoughts that do not serve you, and allow the Love, that you and every conscious entity truly is, to embrace you, inspiring and uplifting you as you go about your daily lives in form.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
Return to the Republic End of US INC
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👉𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐢𝐨
it is your willingness to feel that makes you the leaders in this consciousness evolution movement that is afoot there on Earth.
Explosions of Emotional Energy ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are beginning to sense the feelings within you that are no longer going to be held back from the surface, from your awareness, and your feeling of those emotions. Humankind has been on the verge for a very long time of an explosion of emotions. Now, as these emotions come rushing to the surface level, the awareness level, you all need to take care of yourselves and each other.
Those of you who have been aware of your emotions and willing to process them are going to have a much easier time than those who have been suppressing, ignoring, and numbing themselves to those emotions. That’s why you are the ones to lead humankind. It’s not because of what you know. It’s not because of what you believe in as truth; it is your willingness to feel that makes you the leaders in this consciousness evolution movement that is afoot there on Earth.
So we are speaking to the segment of the human population that is already better equipped to deal with the coming explosion of emotions and emotional energy, but you are still going to be doing your own clearing. You are still going to have your own moments where you forget what it is that you really need to do in order to heal, in order to release the energies that are popping up within you. But really, the reason you need to be aware of the explosiveness that is imminent on your world is because of that leadership role
You will be called into action by your fellow humans, especially the ones who have not been able or willing to feel what they need to feel in order to heal themselves, in order to heal their traumas. So we are encouraging you to ready yourselves because this is something that not only needs to happen, but is ultimately beneficial for all of humankind, and you are needed on the frontlines.
All of the pain that people have been avoiding in their lives cannot be avoided forever, and the energies that are upon you right now are there to encourage the emotional explosion. They are there to purge, to push out, what is no longer serving you and what hasn’t been serving you for a very long time.
And as you can see from just observing your fellow humans at this time, most of humanity is reaching a boiling point, and most people don’t know what to do about the explosive emotions that they have inside of themselves. They will need soothing, comforting, and healing, and you, as the awakened collective, are the perfect ones to give all of that to them and so much more. Trust us when we say this is a very good thing and that you’ve been training your whole lives for it.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
GESARA-Constitutional Everything! 1/11 -What Happened?
A Message from Trump.
The Good Fight-JFK via Losha-
The Good Fight
January 11, 2021
Message from John F. Kennedy
Note from Losha: The same day that President Trump got banned from Twitter (then subsequently Facebook, Instagram, etc), I was also banned from Twitter. I had only 292 followers…lol! However, ever since that event happened, I have been feeling that JFK wants to give another message…and I think he is pretty frustrated! We shall see what he has to say, right now. Thank you.
Greetings to all my fair weather friends and Patriots!
Yes, my muse was correct with her interpretation as to why I was wanting to provide another message at this time.
As you all know, based upon the latest “intel” that you regularly follow, this is a very critical moment in our American history. In fact, it is a critical moment in our world’s history…and I am not exaggerating at all.
For those who have a good understanding of our United States of America history, you know that our beloved Founders of our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill Of Rights were known for their independence of thought and actions. They were the first Patriots! They were unified by their desire to break away from the old regime, the British Monarchy. They believed they were being oppressed economically, socially and ideologically. They believed that they could do better than their “masters”, and wanted a chance to prove it.
Well, the hope of breaking free from their oppressors and showing they could govern themselves better than the others, didn’t last long. Even though the colonists fought valiantly, and ultimately won the fight, and with it the separation from the British they had long sought after, it wasn’t very long after that war, that a group of “elites” began to lean heavily on the new U.S. lawmakers, and obtained more and more power, by either blackmailing or bribing those in such lawful positions to do their bidding.
So, even though we had won our sovereignty once early on, it did not last very long, unfortunately. Subsequently, here we are again…valiantly fighting to regain our independence and sovereignty…only this time we are attempting to take it back from our very own “government”. Hence, it is much harder to convince some of the “conditioned” population that this is the true situation, as many cannot believe that their own government officials, whom they have admired and trusted for many years, would indeed commit such treasonous acts against us, their own “electors” (the ones who elected them). I will not even discuss the elections themselves as to their veracity a second time, but suffice it to say, it has been many, many years since the United States (and many other countries) have had a true, authentic election, without some form of cheating being utilized by the infamous cabal.
So, that brings us to our current, critical situation. I am so very proud of all you Patriots and Lightworkers, who have understood how very important it is for you to keep contributing to the greater good, in whatever way is unique, and passionate, for you. Each of you has a very special role to fill during these challenging, and ultimately liberating, times.
I will tell you that I was very surprised as to the extreme lengths the dark ones have gone to recently, especially when they banned Patriots such as my muse from social media, who had very small followings. I believe however, that such extreme reactions by these ones, who have devolved over time into a “shell” of what a human truly is, indicates how truly terrified they are about getting “caught” and having to deal with all that will go with it…such as prison for the rest of their lives, and for some others, the ultimate “penalty”. Now, I have never been an advocate of capital punishment in the past, however, after the general population finally sees “proof” of the many treasonous and truly terrible crimes the dark ones have comitted, they might end up agreeing with capital punishment for some, just as I ended up doing.
I know I don’t have to even ask this of you, my beloved Patriots and Lightworkers, but I will do so anyway…and that is just to keep praying for our President Trump and family to be protected as he continues to face the most cunning, fraudulent, and evil group of people who would like nothing better than to take him out, permanently. In fact, they have tried to do so many times, and I am so very glad that our President is surrounded by a multitude of angels and protectors, who have worked to keep him safe at all times.
We also need to pray for all those in the Alliance who are on the front lines of this epic battle. They are sacrificing much because they believe so fervently in regaining our Sovereignty, and we thank them, and bless them all. Last, we need to pray that the Highest Good for All be made manifest during this ultimate test of wills…and that our devotion to God and His will, be kept at the forefront of our thoughts and prayers.
I am with you in this challenging moment, and I love you always. Keep up the Good Fight!
Your ever-devoted, Jack.
Thank You!(and Short update)
Chaos & Calamity Helped Create New Timelines ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited to bring you this transmission because it should serve as a beacon of hope to those of you who are struggling at this time. You all have been given an opportunity to get very creative at this time, and those of you who are creative and who do work with energy have been leading the collective of humanity, and most of them are unaware of the fact that you have been guiding them into newly created timelines. These timelines are about bringing humanity to a higher level of consciousness and to a more unified state.
And those of you who are a part of the awakened collective have seized the opportunity to bring this set of timelines into the physical realm. You have done it with the help of beings and collectives in the higher realms, but you had to be the ones to live through all of the chaos and all of the calamity, all of the heartbreak, all of the fear, and all of the sadness, as well as the rage and the anger that is present there on Earth in order to be inspired to create something new, something better, something more inclusive.
You know, as we do, that humanity’s ascension is going to be a group effort and that you are the ones who are going to be doing the majority of the creating, of the leading, of the offering of higher vibrational thoughts, ideas, and concepts. You have been inspired by the lack of leadership that you have gotten from those who have been in leadership positions, and you are getting better and better at creating and living the example of those who are awake. You are going to feel like a warm, comfortable blanket on a very cold day to those who have not been able to access the higher-frequency energies and do something positive with them.
You are going to find that the people around you who were never interested in anything spiritual will be coming to you and asking you for your thoughts, your assistance, and even your comfort as they go through their own awakening experiences. And you will be there not only to comfort them in their time of need, but you will also have these beautiful realities, that strung together, form wonderful new timelines. And you can invite your fellow humans to join you in the light, and that is how it is done, that is how you are doing it, and that is how you will continue to do it, because that’s why you are there on Earth at this time.
And when you have enough people looking for a purpose, looking for a mission, looking to be of service, eventually enough of those people find the way to help humankind that is perfect for them, and they light up to all who have any ability to sense that light.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
You are ready to create your new role with your new personality and needs…Your role or job is merely to be…Job one is finding and following your interests.
Your 3D fears and fights are Over
Dear Ones,
Your world might appear upside down. What you once thought is no more, and you cannot yet feel or sometimes even see the future. Will governments fall? Will illness dominate the world forever? Has your world become so small you cannot remember how you once felt about much of anything?
Such is so because you are in a void of sorts. You are between two worlds, neither of which has fully claimed you. Your outer world is in chaos, and your inner world is confused, “Who am I?” “What are my new interests?” “Why don’t I have any interests?”
So it is you attempt to grasp your 3D feelings, but they are not comfortable. Then you try to meditate, exercise or talk your way into your new life – with few notable changes. You are betwixt and between.
Your feelings or actions will not always be as they are now. You are merely trying to dance between two worlds – neither of which seems completely comfortable. You are irate with yourself when you become too enmeshed in your old 3D thoughts or actions. Yet, you cannot seem to contact or interact with your new being.
Such has happened before in your other transition phases, but likely never to the extent occurring now. For your former go-to meditations, actions, or thoughts do not provide the same sense of peace and security. You then resort to 3D fear with 3D companions only to discover that doing so is difficult for your physical being.
Your overriding question is, “When will I feel comfortable in my being again?” For you feel lost, alone, frightened – all pieces you thought you had negated months or years ago.
Your reactions are to be expected. The same happened in 3D whenever you shifted major parts of your life. Leaving your home of origin, marriage, or a stable relationship, a new job, parenthood, aging – all phases you eventually adjusted to. What is happening now is very similar. You have been saying good-bye to 3D (your earth home of origin) for some time now. The difference is you are discovering you need to move outside your inner-being to do so. For this transition phase is about shifting your outer actions instead of addressing your new being from within.
You have been softly buffeted from needing to display your new actions throughout much of this COVID-19 time. You were “allowed” to hunker down at home doing, feeling, and acting as you wish instead of having to project certain images to the world. Of course, many of you did so while enmeshed in the 3D world despite COVID-19. You are truly the bravest of the brave.
All of you have completed your cocooning, your inner-world work. It is time to pick up your building blocks and create your new outer-being. The outer-being that emphasizes the growth you experienced within throughout much of 2020.
Such is similar to your first professional job after college. Even though you were proud of obtaining that job, you were also terrified you could not perform as expected by you or your employer. So you likely did not sleep well the first days of your new job, wondering if you could master the expectations that seemed foreign after spending years in coursework assisted by professors and books. You had to perform – often with minimal instruction – as you discovered how your personality meshed with the job requirements. For just as you studied differently than others in college, you discovered you performed the job differently than someone else might or did.
So it is now. You are worried that you do not have enough skills to perform your new beyond 3D actions, that you must have more time or more information. You need neither more time nor information. You are ready to create your new role with your new personality and needs.
In truth, you are beyond ready. An indication such is so is that you can not participate in 3D chaos as was true before 2020. You are no longer a fence walker – jumping between 3D and beyond 3D. You are beyond 3D in skills and interests. So it is your physical body probably informs you of that truth whenever you attempt to return to 3D.
Of course, your need to return to 3D chaos seems relevant now. Surely, you are skilled enough to see the earth through one more or a few more chaotic months. But as your physical body likely indicates, such is not true. You are no longer needed in the 3D world. Your role is to point the light to the future instead of drowning your light in the chaos of the past. Your 3D fears and fights are over.
If or when you attempt to return to 3D, your physical body loudly proclaims you are on the wrong path. In 3D, something similar happened but likely not to the same degree. The wrong 3D school, job, relationship, or community often displayed itself in depression, physical difficulties, or fear. But you had books, videos, and people to help you understand what you were feeling and why. Such is no longer true for those of you of the forefront are, in essence, writing the books about your new beings.
The fear you are now feeling is likely more about your new future than 3D misgivings. And the only way through that fear is to move through and to your new world. The 3D chaos will be addressed by those in waves following those of you at the forefront. Your role or job is merely to be.
You have no need to look back or correct that which is no longer part of you. Anymore than was true after leaving any 3D job. Most likely, you hoped for the best outcome for your 3D successor or those co-workers who were part of your heart. But you never contemplated moving to a new job while continuing to perform your former job tasks. That job was over. So it is for you now.
Job one is finding and following your interests. The job you have moved beyond is caretaking 3D chaos. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
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