Global 21 Days Dance Challenge.Spreading Joy.#FeelMoreThanFine

IAM my IAM Presence and IAM ONE with The IAM Presence of All Humanity.IAM JOY and i spread it all around through multidimensional DANCE for the Highest Good For All.And So It Is.

Spreading Joy dancing few seconds and posting a video every day for 21 days.Tag and post your own video anywhere you can.


Day 1!

Christmas Special: The Triangle of Peace by Archangel Gabriel

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 

Greetings beloved beings of light, I am Archangel Gabriel. I come forth with the harmonised balanced frequencies of the Creator, the creativity, and the supreme light of the Creator, which I share with you now.

My First Gift

I invite you in this simple moment to inhale, to inhale the light I am sharing with you and to exhale knowing you are emanating this light in all directions. To inhale and to exhale is such a normal experience for you as a human being and yet it is important to recognise how powerful it can be, especially when you choose that which you breathe in. The light, the frequencies, the consciousness, the wisdom, even the activations and awakenings from the Creator.

Your breath has the ability to activate every aspect of your being from the physical level to the energetic level by simply inhaling and exhaling with purpose and intention. It can be as simple as breathing to create a spiritual awakening within your being. When you come to understand and experience this fully; that one cycle of your breathing can activate your entire being, you begin to realise that ascension can actually take place quite quickly and easily. Often, there is not a need for hard work, dedication or even focus for long periods of time. When your intentions are pure and you believe in your intentions, then ascension can take place very easily and quickly. I, Archangel Gabriel encourage you to practice this in the coming days. You may wish to draw upon my energy, asking me to emanate my light to you, to inhale the light as deeply as possible. You may wish to hold it within your being for a moment and then to exhale the light as deeply and as expansively as possible, knowing the light you have accepted, radiated into your entire being and surroundings, is creating the necessary shifts, transformations and awakening.

Then you can sit for a few moments just to acknowledge the awakening, the transformation taking place within your being. You do not necessarily need to understand it, just acknowledge, accept, be present with the shifts taking place within your being. You can achieve this with any being, with any source of light you feel guided to connect with. I, Archangel Gabriel encourage you in the coming days to explore and experiment. The more you explore this practice, the most sensitive you will become to the transformations taking place. The more you will be able to understand what is truly taking place within your being. This is my simple gift to you, especially at this time. It is a wonderful way to bring completion to a year, to heighten your senses, your spiritual abilities and your intuition in preparation for a new year. I, Archangel Gabriel,  feel that as so many energies anchoring to the Earth now, the practice I have shared with you will allow you to remain balanced and grounded, so you can ride the waves with ease and perfection, knowing you have a tool and an ability to support you.

My Second Gift

The second gift, I, Archangel Gabriel, wish to share with you is known as the Peace Triangle. This gift is to support you in remaining balanced, harmonised, grounded and connected to your inner peace. When you connect with your inner peace you allow your inner truth to blossom and radiate supporting you in ways that you need and require.

I, Archangel Gabriel, wish to guide you to create the Peace Triangle:
Firstly, invite me, Archangel Gabriel, to come forth and exist before you.
Then I invite you to choose two beings of light you wish to work with, that represent to you the vibration and frequency of the Creator’s Peace. Allow these two beings to settle either side of you, you create a triangle of which you are the centre. Each of these beings sends energy into your being. You are the core of this triangle, allow yourself to receive the light, the peace that is being transmitted to you.

Now we call from the Angelic Kingdom, the Peace Triangle as a template, energetic network, and triangle. It is holographic, and multi-coloured while also being translucent. When you are ready, this Triangle of Peace will be lowered down upon you, so you exist within the Triangle of Peace. This Triangle of Peace almost becomes a pyramid. As it lays down flat at your feet the energies flow upwards to a point above your head. Each of your chosen guides are sitting at one of the points.  The vibration of peace within this Peace Triangle is immensely powerful and pure from the Angelic Kingdom. I, Archangel Gabriel, simply invite you to sit, to breathe with purpose and intention as you exist within the Peace Triangle.

After you have experienced a few cycles of inhalation and exhalation I, Archangel Gabriel encourage you to contemplate peace.

What is peace?

What does it mean to you?

How do you perceive peace will impact your being and your reality as well as your creations?

Contemplate this for a few moments, then begin the cycle once more of breathing with intention.

Take some time in peace and stillness to acknowledge, what is manifesting? What is transforming? What is being created?

You can request peace to assist you in certain areas of your being and your reality. Then at the end when you are complete I, Archangel Gabriel invite you to send down the Triangle of Peace into Mother Earth, gifting this vibration of peace and peace awakening to Mother Earth and all beings.

My practice is simple, when we are working with the vibration of peace it only needs to be simple. I invite you in the coming days to acknowledge where peace may be lacking. Acknowledge whether you emanate peace from your being or even believe that peace is present within you. Acknowledge your inspired actions of peace, acknowledge the actions of others and how they create peace within your being.  As you examine the vibration of peace within your reality and existence, you will notice that you remain balanced, grounded and that your ascension accelerates with ease.

I love you dearly, I thank you,

I am Archangel Gabriel

I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth:What is this invocation of unlimited value?

December 17, 2020

We have just completed one of the most powerful Eclipse Series we have ever experienced. That is due to the fact that truly life-transforming events have taken place since January 1, 2020 which Birthed this New Decade. Humanity and Mother Earth are now able to safely receive higher frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light from the Celestial alignments occurring throughout the Universe than ever before. This is allowing us to greatly accelerate our Ascension process.

When this New Decade was Birthed in January, we were told by our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven that during the next ten years Humanity will change the course of history for Mother Earth and ALL her Life. They said that during this time Humanity will develop latent abilities through which we will literally TRANSFIGURE our Earthly Bodies and our outer-world Life experiences into the Heart-based patterns of perfection associated with the New Earth.

The Beings of Light said that this seemingly miraculous Transfiguration will be accomplished through a greatly expanded collaboration between the Company of Heaven and an Awakened Humanity. Our Father-Mother God revealed that this degree of collaboration between Heaven and Earth has never before been attempted.

If you have been following the information from the Realms of Illumined Truth that Era of Peace has been sharing this year through our Weekly Vlogs, our monthly Newsletters, and the events from the Planetary Reboot which took place during the 34th Annual World Congress on Illumination, then you are aware of the profound Truth contained within that revelation from our Father-Mother God.

Now, as this unprecedented year comes to a close we have the opportunity to participate in two final Activities of Light that will assist Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her to transcend the painful vestiges of manipulation, oppression and control from the old Earth that are now being dismantled and crumbling away.

The Company of Heaven has affirmed that through the unified efforts of Awakening Humanity and the Divine Intervention we will receive from these Celestial events Mother Earth and ALL her Life will Ascend a quantum leap forward into the NEW patterns of the Heart-based Template for the New Earth.

The final two Activities of Light for 2020 involve the December 21st Solstice and a rare alignment between the Planets Jupiter and Saturn known as the Grand Conjunction. The conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn takes place every 20 years, but this year the closeness of the two Planets and certain other aspects of this conjunction will make it a very rare event.

This particular Grand Conjunction is being heralded as a “once in a lifetime” show in the December sky. With only about one 10th of a degree separating the two Planets they will almost look like a single Planet shining in the sky. This will be the closest Grand Conjunction in nearly 400 years. The last time this occurred was in 1623. Jupiter and Saturn will appear closest together on December 21st which is the Solstice. Many astrologers say that this conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn, the two largest Planets in our Solar System, is the “Star of Bethlehem” seen by the shepherds at the inception of the Piscean Age.

The Grand Conjunction occurs when Jupiter and Saturn align at the same degree of the Zodiac. For the past 200 years this Grand Conjunction has been occurring in Earth Signs. In 2020, during the Solstice on December 21st, Jupiter and Saturn will align in the Air Sign of Aquarius. This alignment will take place at zero degrees of Aquarius which represents infinite potential and limitless possibilities.

The Beings of Light said that the Solstice and the Grand Conjunction taking place at the same time during this life-transforming year of 2020 will create an extraordinary opportunity for Humanity en masse to cocreate a tremendous shift in our collective World view and our individual and collective visions for the New Earth.

The Earth is now in the full embrace of the Age of Aquarius. The Grand Conjunction aligning at zero degrees in the Air Sign of Aquarius is creating the sacred space for the I AM Presence of every Son and Daughter of God evolving on Earth to elevate our Holy Breath. This will allow each of us to receive higher frequencies of Prana and our Life Force with every Breath we take. The Company of Heaven said there are not words to describe how effectively this will empower our efforts as we unify our Hearts and Minds in the process of cocreating the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.

The Seventh Solar Aspect of Deity which is the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection is the predominant Aspect of Deity that will influence the Earth during the 2,000-year Cycle of the Aquarian Age. As the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn takes place during the December 21st Solstice, the I AM Presence of every person will elevate our Holy Breath allowing each of us to receive higher frequencies of Prana and our Life Force.

With higher frequencies of Prana and our Life Force being inhaled and exhaled with every Breath, the Violet Flame will be amplified exponentially through all time frames and dimensions. Every thought, feeling, word, action, memory and belief that yet remains to be Transmuted back into Light will be enveloped in the Violet Flame and Transfigured back into its original perfection. We are being told by the Company of Heaven that this influx of the Violet Flame will clear the path in unfathomable ways for the Birth of 2021.


2020 has been a very challenging year for millions of people in many ways. I know that there are those who cannot wait for this year to be over and they are praying that 2021 will be a much less traumatic year for everyone. Well, because of the incredible Activities of Light that were God Victoriously accomplished in 2020, even in the midst of the pain and suffering people were experiencing, the Company of Heaven has assured us that the Divine Potential for 2021 is very positive. They want us to know, however, that the key to releasing that Divine Potential is up to you and me and the rest of Awakening Humanity.

In spite of the challenges, and in many instances because of the challenges in 2020, millions of people were able to raise their heads above the quagmire of surfacing negativity manifesting in the outer world. This allowed them to see the Light and their own Divine Potential in life-transforming ways. They connected with the Divinity of their I AM Presence in ways they had not previously experienced. And at long last, they began remembering that they are Sons and Daughters of God empowered with the gift of free will and the creative faculties of thought and feeling.

This means that through our thoughts, feelings, words and actions we are actually creating the circumstances in our lives. We are not just victims being buffeted about by random events. We have a purpose and a reason for being. We embodied on Earth with a mission and a Divine Destiny to become cocreators of the New Earth with our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth.

Now, as we cross the threshold into 2021 some predominant questions are arising in the hearts and minds of the newly Awakened souls, such as “Do I really have a mission? Can I possibly make a difference? How can my humble efforts create a New Earth?”

The answer to the first question is YES, we all absolutely have a mission. In Richard Bach’s book “Illusions” he has a wonderful test to help us determine whether or not our mission on Earth is complete. The test is…IF YOU ARE ALIVE, IT ISN’T!

So as we Birth the second year of this New Decade, one of the key factors in helping us release the Divine Potential for 2021 is for us to accept and acknowledge that each and every one of us is already what we seek and what we desire to Be from our highest level of consciousness. All we have to do is claim that Truth and then live, move and Breathe out of that knowing.

Our Earthly Bodies are literally multidimensional technology. In the new paradigm we are cocreating, we have the ability to hold space within our bodies for the highest frequencies of vibration. All we have to do is consistently pay attention to who we are Being in every moment through our thoughts, words, actions and feelings. Every single one of us has all of the skill, wisdom, knowledge, strength and courage we need to succeed God Victoriously in our mission. We just need to listen to our Heart and respond according to our intuitive Inner Guidance.

During the December 21st Solstice and the simultaneous Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, every person’s I AM Presence will elevate our Holy Breath to new levels. We will then begin Breathing higher frequencies of Prana and our Life Force with every Breath we take. In the physical world of form our Breath is our connection to Source, our Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, ALL that Is. That is why we take our first Breath at Birth and our last Breath as we leave the physical plane through the process we refer to as Death.

There will be some challenging things happening on the Planet in 2021, but if we stay focused on the Light and understand that these events are necessary in order to clear the way for the New Earth, we will experience being “in the world but not of the world.” This precious Planet is going through an energetic collapse in order to dismantle and clear the toxic patterns and paradigms from the past. These destructive patterns are not coming back and it will be up to you and me and the rest of Awakening Humanity to replace them with the Heart-based patterns of the New Earth.

The I AM Presence of every person abiding on Earth and the entire Company of Heaven are standing in readiness, awaiting the opportunity to assist us in this holy endeavor. But remember, not even our I AM Presence or the Company of Heaven can intervene to help us without us asking them to do so. No one is allowed to interfere with our free will.

The Beings of Light have told us there is a Universal Law that decrees, “The call for assistance must come from the Realm where the assistance is needed!”  This means quite literally that those of us abiding on Earth must invoke the Light of God and ask for the assistance we desire from our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven in order for these Divine Beings to have permission to intervene in our lives and to respond to our Heart’s Call.

The good news is that we are One with all Life. Consequently, as the Beings of Light have revealed, if those of us abiding in the physical plane affirm our Oneness with the I AM Presence of our Sisters and Brothers abiding on Earth, then we can invoke the Light of God on their behalf. This is easily accomplished by merely affirming before our invocations, “I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth.”

There is a school of thought that believes if we invoke the Light on behalf of another person without them specifically asking for our help we are interfering with the learning experiences they need to go through. Whether that is true or not depends on how our request for assistance is made.

If we invoke our I AM Presence and the I AM Presence of the person involved before we invoke the Light of God on their behalf, that changes everything. When we take this important first step, it gives our I AM Presence and the I AM Presence of the person we want to help permission to receive the Light and to control how the Light is used.

Our I AM Presence works solely toward our highest good and the highest good of all concerned. It knows exactly what our unfolding Divine Plan is and it perpetually strives to help us expedite the fulfillment of that plan. Our I AM Presence knows why we are going through the particular challenge we are experiencing. It knows what we are going to learn by transmuting that experience back into Light and it knows how close we are to completing that process.

Our I AM Presence also knows precisely how to utilize the Light it is receiving for our highest good. That is true whether it is Light that we have invoked for our self or Light that has been invoked by another person on our behalf.

When we begin our Lightwork with the affirmation “I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth”, instantaneously, the I AM Presence of every man, women and child on Earth receives a signal from our I AM Presence and stands in readiness to receive the Light we are invoking on their behalf. Then, every person’s I AM Presence assimilates that Light and uses it in perfect alignment with the person’s Divine Plan and their highest good. This happens no matter who is making the invocation.

This is what the Company of Heaven means when they tell us “You are powerful beyond your knowing.” We literally have the ability to invoke the Light of God through the I AM Presence of every person on Earth simultaneously. Just contemplate what that really means for a moment.

Instead of spending our time and energy invoking the Light just for our self, with the same expenditure of time and energy we can invoke the Light on behalf of the 7,500,000.000 people evolving on this Planet.

So, as we prepare for the Birth of 2021, let’s develop the habit of setting aside some time every day to invoke the Light of God on behalf of our self, our Loved Ones and all Humanity. Together, let’s make the Heart commitment to be instrumental in releasing the Divine Potential for this New Year.

Dear One, this is a powerful and Light-filled time. Stay focused on the Light and BE the Miracle you are capable of Being. Just Breathe and Be here NOW. I wish you a Glorious Solstice, Grand Conjunction, Holiday and New Year. Please KNOW you are not alone and you are Loved more than you can comprehend at this moment.

God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles

Era of Peace
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
©2020 Patricia Cota-Robles

Allow your dreams to get as big and beautiful as they want to be.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Creating Beyond Imagination

December 16, 2020,

Dear Ones, you do not need to know all the precise details of exactly what your dream will look like or the steps required in order to create it. In fact, trying to do so can be constraining to its creation, because you are only able to imagine details within what you already have experienced or think is possible and your highest creations often contain much more than that!

Leave room for the joy of wonder of discovery beyond what you could have possibly imagined. Use broad intentions. Allow your dreams to get as big and beautiful as they want to be. All you ever need to do is connect with the core essence of what you would like to experience and allow the universe to do what it does best – fill in the details for you in ways that are divinely perfect and can only surprise and delight you.

Now is the ideal time to decide what energetic desires mean the most to you before the solstice which will herald in the new energies that will carry you into 2021 and beyond.


Presented by New Earth One Network
Sat. Dec 19, 2020 – Tue. Dec 22, 2020

Free Online Marathon Livestream | Access to Replays 24/7

Free Registration:

Featuring Activations and Meditations for Unity Consciousness & New Earth Light Anchoring – FREE Livestream with Instant Replays 24/7.

9th Annual Online Event Marathon to Raise Your Vibration for 
New Earth Creations in 2021!

Dear Ones, please join with me and many other Wisdom Teachers for this powerful opportunity. I AM Patricia Cota-Robles and my presentation with Lauren Galey will air on December 19th at 12:00 p.m. Pacific time or 3:00 p.m. Eastern time.We will discuss the Life-transforming opportunity to ELEVATE OUR HOLY BREATH and AMPLIFY OUR LIFE FORCE which will occur during the December Solstice and the simultaneous Grand Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn.
  From December 12 thru December 21, our planet makes an annual alignment with the Great Central Sun, opening a Cosmic Gateway for Higher Consciousness, or Christed Light, to stream into the hearts of all Humankind.
  This Solstice, the alignment with the Galactic Center occurs at zero degrees Aquarius and Earth herself will be anchored fully in Unity Consciousness. 

Shall we join her? 
  This is a potent and powerful manifesting opportunity and this online event marathon offers 14 hours of Meditations and Activations for Unity Consciousness.   
  Join in this High Vibrational Event and Radiate Your Love to your Self and the World.

  Free Registration:

6 Easy Ways to Detox at Home.

6 Easy Ways to Detox at Home

Image Source

Now is the perfect time to detox at home. All the excuses you’ve had in the past are gone: there are no business dinners, happy hours, networking events, weddings. Whatever got in the way of committing to a cleanse has been #cancelled. Why not take this time to take your vibration higher with a cleanse?

A detox can help you feel refreshed, boost your energy, and reset your body for the fall. And, luckily, detoxing at home can take many different forms. Here are some easy ways you can remove toxins from your body at home. 


Our HigherDOSE Infrared Sauna Blanket is the perfect way to get your blood flowing and get glowing. Our Blankets increase the body’s thermal energy and promote a temporary increase in blood flow. You’ll sweat like you’re doing some hard cardio – without all the heavy breathing. 

Relax in the soothing, yet stimulating heat and let the infrared take over. You’ll feel rejuvenated and calmer as a result of this heat-based cleanse. Infrared light detoxes you seven times more than traditional sweating and pulls deeply-stored toxins from your fat cells. It’s the most effective detoxify tool out there, as it pulls heavy metals, environmental pollutants, and chemicals that are otherwise trapped and hard to get out from your standard detoxes.

Bonus: our blankets leave you with a healthy glow and soothe sore muscles and joints. You’ll feel like a whole new person. It’s basically like having an in-home spa. 


Detox diets have been used in Native American, Indian, and even ancient Roman culture. But, today, we’re exposed to sooo many more toxins than our ancestors. There are toxins in food, air pollution, water, household cleansers, and cosmetic products.

A detox diet is a great way to reset your body and support your health. There are many detox diets out there. Try one of these three types of food-based cleanses

  • An elimination diet: figure out what your body is sensitive to, and what may be dragging down your energy. This diet can help identify common food sensitivities. “Experiment with taking the top common food sensitivities out of your diet for 21 to 30 days and then systematically add them back in. The foods that are eliminated include gluten, dairy, corn, soy, sugar, eggs, and/or alcohol,” explains one expert.  
  • A sugar detox: we’ve all reached for that cookie or slice of cake when we’re feeling stressed. A sugar detox is a great idea for anyone struggling with inflammation or low energy. Eliminate all “high glycemic carbohydrates” (read: bread and cookies) as well as fruit that’s high in sugar, artificial sweeteners, and even natural sweeteners like agave. 
  • A whole foods cleanse: this detox diet is intense, but it will leave you feeling sharper than ever! Eliminate all processed foods and stick to fresh, home-cooked meals. Focus on vegetables, fruit, whole grains, all that good stuff. Most experts recommend adding in cleansing ingredients:  water with fresh lemon juice, bitter greens, ginger, and turmeric. 

These are just a few examples, there are tons of detox diet options out there. Check out GOOP’s 5-Day Detox Meal Plan For January 2020 & Beyond, for instance. 


A digital detox is one where you step away from those addictive digital devices: smartphones, televisions, computers, tablets, and social media sites. It’s a good way to focus on real-life, social interactions and cutting down on distractions. Research shows that the average American adult spends around 11 hours each day listening to, watching, reading, or interacting with media. How crazy is that?!

There are many health benefits to doing a digital detox: better sleep, better productivity, and healthier eating habits, just to name a few. If the thought of stepping away from social media and texting fills you with anxiety, try doing it for just an hour a day. You can build up to two hours or go a full weekend only using your phone for emergencies. 


A cleanse is a great way to kick up your motivation and tap into your drive. “Maybe the best thing that can be said about cleanses is they’re a good psychological tool for helping to cut back or eliminate unhealthy components of your diet, like sugar or alcohol,” said Everyday Health. With summer winding down, now is a great time to prove to yourself how strong you are in body and willpower. 

These cleanses are a great way to reset for the fall:

  • Liquid cleanses: also known as a juice cleanse, try limiting your meals toonly the extract squeezed from fruits and vegetables.
  • Liver cleanses: build your body’s defense against harmful substances with a cleanse for your liver and kidneys! Add apple cider vinegar, green tea, and lemon water into your regular diet. 
  • Colon cleanses: clean out your digestive tract and promote a healthy gut by adding a probiotic like kefir to your diet. 

Consult a professional before you take on any cleanse that could negatively impact your health. 


Celebrities like Miranda Kerr and Gwenyth Paltrow love dry-brushing. It’s a great way to get glowing skin while shedding toxins! To try dry-brushing, take a brush with coarse bristles and use it against the surface of your skin to promote blood flow and get rid of dry skin. 

Dry brushing can leave your skin healthier and help you reduce the appearance of cellulite.“It may even stimulate lymphatic drainage, according to board-certified dermatologist Mona Gohara,” reports Allure


Last but not least, try a mental detox. Meditation and breathwork are shown to have detoxifying effects. Apps like Headspace and Calm are beloved by users who say just adding 10 minutes of meditation a day helps them feel less anxious, stressed, and depressed. 

GOOP also recommends trying a “feelings cleanse.” The occasional emotional decluttering can have an effect on your mind and body. “Think of your mind as you would your kitchen drawers. There’s your junk drawer. It’s irritatingly hectic in there. It’s hard to even shut with so many miscellaneous items accumulating. How much easier is it to cook and clean and get around when all the measuring spoons and spatulas are in their rightful place?” explains GOOP Wellness 

Check out our #HackAtHome series for more ideas to feel hot and high, even while you’re at home.

“This article is originally posted on

Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety.

Download PDF here and let sign any physician before allowing them to do anything :

Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine SafetyI (Physician’s name, degree)_________________________, _____ am a physician licensed to practice medicine in the State/Province of ________________, in the country of _________________. My State/Province license number is _______________ , and (if the USA) my DEA number is _______________. My medical specialty is ________________________ I have a thorough understanding of the risks and benefits of all the medications that I prescribe for or administer to my patients. In the case of (Patient’s name) ___________________________ , age _________ , whom I have examined, I find that certain risk factors exist that justify the recommended vaccinations. The following is a list of said risk factors and the vaccinations that will protect against them: Risk Factor ____________________________________________ Vaccination ___________________________________________ Risk Factor ____________________________________________ Vaccination ___________________________________________ Risk Factor ____________________________________________ Vaccination ___________________________________________ Risk Factor ____________________________________________ Vaccination ___________________________________________ Risk Factor ____________________________________________ Vaccination ___________________________________________ Risk Factor ____________________________________________ Vaccination ___________________________________________ I am aware that vaccines typically contain many of the following fillers: * aluminum hydroxide * aluminum phosphate * ammonium sulfate * amphotericin B * animal tissues: pig blood, horse blood, rabbit brain, * dog kidney, monkey kidney, * chick embryo, chicken egg, duck egg * calf (bovine) serum * betapropiolactone * fetal bovine serum * formaldehyde * formalin * gelatin * glycerol * human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue) * hydrolized gelatin * mercury thimerosol (thimerosal, Merthiolate(r)) * monosodium glutamate (MSG) * neomycin * neomycin sulfate * phenol red indicator * phenoxyethanol (antifreeze) * potassium diphosphate * potassium monophosphate * polymyxin B * polysorbate 20 * polysorbate 80 * porcine (pig) pancreatic hydrolysate of casein * residual MRC5 proteins * sorbitol * tri(n)butylphosphate, * VERO cells, a continuous line of monkey kidney cells, and * washed sheep red blood and, hereby, warrant that these ingredients are safe for injection into the body of my patient. I have researched reports to the contrary, such as reports that mercury thimerosol causes severe neurological and immunological damage, and find that they are not credible. I am aware that some vaccines have been found to have been contaminated with Simian Virus 40 (SV 40) and that SV 40 is causally linked by some researchers to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and mesotheliomas in humans as well as in experimental animals. I hereby warrant that the vaccines I employ in my practice do not contain SV 40 or any other live viruses. (Alternately, I hereby warrant that said SV-40 virus or other viruses pose no substantive risk to my patient.) I hereby warrant that the vaccines I am recommending for the care of (Patient’s name) _______________ _______________________ do not contain any tissue from aborted human babies (also known as “fetuses”). In order to protect my patient’s well being, I have taken the following steps to guarantee that the vaccines I will use will contain no damaging contaminants. STEPS TAKEN: ______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ I have personally investigated the reports made to the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) and state that it is my professional opinion that the vaccines I am recommending are safe for administration to a child under the age of 5 years. The bases for my opinion are itemized on Exhibit A, attached hereto, — “Physician’s Bases for Professional Opinion of Vaccine Safety.” (Please itemize each recommended vaccine separately along with the bases for arriving at the conclusion that the vaccine is safe for administration to a child under the age of 5 years.) The professional journal articles I have relied upon in the issuance of this Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety are itemized on Exhibit B , attached hereto, — “Scientific Articles in Support of Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety.” The professional journal articles that I have read which contain opinions adverse to my opinion are itemized on Exhibit C , attached hereto, — “Scientific Articles Contrary to Physician’s Opinion of Vaccine Safety” The reasons for my determining that the articles in Exhibit C were invalid are delineated in Attachment D , attached hereto, — “Physician’s Reasons for Determining the Invalidity of Adverse Scientific Opinions.” Hepatitis B I understand that 60 percent of patients who are vaccinated for Hepatitis B will lose detectable antibodies to Hepatitis B within 12 years. I understand that in 1996 only 54 cases of Hepatitis B were reported to the CDC in the 0-1 year age group. I understand that in the VAERS, there were 1,080 total reports of adverse reactions from Hepatitis B vaccine in 1996 in the 0-1 year age group, with 47 deaths reported. I understand that 50 percent of patients who contract Hepatitis B develop no symptoms after exposure. I understand that 30 percent will develop only flu-like symptoms and will have lifetime immunity. I understand that 20 percent will develop the symptoms of the disease, but that 95 percent will fully recover and have lifetime immunity. I understand that 5 percent of the patients who are exposed to Hepatitis B will become chronic carriers of the disease. I understand that 75 percent of the chronic carriers will live with an asymptomatic infection and that only 25 percent of the chronic carriers will develop chronic liver disease or liver cancer, 10-30 years after the acute infection. The following scientific studies have been performed to demonstrate the safety of the Hepatitis B vaccine in children under the age of 5 years. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ In addition to the recommended vaccinations as protections against the above cited risk factors, I have recommended other non-vaccine measures to protect the health of my patient and haveenumerated said non-vaccine measures on Exhibit D , attached hereto, “Non-vaccine Measures to Protect Against Risk Factors” I am issuing this Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety in my professional capacity as the attending physician to (Patient’s name) _________________________. Regardless of the legal entity under which I normally practice medicine, I am issuing this statement in both my business and individual capacities and hereby waive any statutory, Common Law, Constitutional, UCC, international treaty, and any other legal immunities from liability lawsuits in the instant case. I issue this document of my own free will after consultation with competent legal counsel whose name is _________________________, an attorney admitted to the Bar in the State/Province of __________________. __________________________________ (Name of Attending Physician) __________________________________ L.S. (Signature of Attending Physician) Signed on this _______ day of ______________ A.D. ________ Witness: _______________________________ Date: _____________________ Notary Public: ___________________________Date: ______________

Celebrate your bodies for the many ways they serve you, for they are incredible tools that allow you to have the most tangible experiences of love.-AA Gabriel-

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ The Remarkable Physical Vehicle

December 14, 2020,

We understand that the energies you are experiencing on your planet may lead you to believe that being in the body is a challenge with few rewards. But we wish for you to know that your body is an outstanding tool that has many wonderful advantages. The greatest is that it allows you to experience the full spectrum of feeling. It is through that feeling that you are able to have the full experience of love.

Whether it be feeling a baby kick for the first time during pregnancy, holding a child tenderly in your arms, affectionately caressing another with care, giving a compassionate touch of encouragement, a hug of comfort, the excitement and wonder of a first kiss, or the complete intimacy and bliss of your sexual relations, your body allows you to experience love in a way that can’t be replicated anywhere else. The social distancing you have had to adopt this year has made this more clear to you than ever before.

Your physical bodies are remarkable vehicles for the full and glorious expression of love, Dear Ones, and that is worth every bit of discomfort you may experience during these transformative times. The intensity will eventually wane, but the love will continue in more expanded and profound ways than ever before. Celebrate your bodies for the many ways they serve you, for they are incredible tools that allow you to have the most tangible experiences of love. Do you see? You are on the planet as embodied explorers of love, and that is one of the greatest gifts of all.

Everything will be revealed-Saint Germain-

SAINT GERMAIN (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am your Saint Germain.  And I have come at this time, in these moments that you are in, where you find yourselves.
Many of you do find yourselves within the matrix yet still.  But all of you know how now to exit the matrix.  And you do it at times.  You are able to do it from time to time.  More and more, though, you are finding that you are able to be out of it.
Where those things that are happening around you in the exterior world are not affecting you as much as they would have before, or certainly not affecting you as much as those that are yet still unawakened.  Many of them feel the consternation and the depression of the world as they see it now.  But as you look at the world, you, the Awakened Ones, you, the Lightwarriors and the Light Community, as you look at the world, you see it from a rosy look, as if you are looking through rose-colored glasses.  You see it in that way.  Because you know the reality.  You know that this is an illusion.  And that since it is an illusion, you can have any creation that you want any time that you want.
You know more and more, as we have said many times, believing is seeing.  And as you begin to grasp that concept, it is a concept, an ideological concept.  As you grasp that more and more, then you will and are creating your reality, both within yourself and outside of yourself as well.  It is your creation.And even though those things are going on in this country, in the world, and everything seems to be chaos, always remember that from chaos comes order.  Order from chaos.  And even though that may be the Illuminati saying, it is much, much more than that.  For it is reality beyond the illusion.And you, those of you that volunteered to come here and be a part of this expression in these times, you are here to bring about that order.  But not the New World Order that you have been hearing about.  But the order that comes from once again realizing the oneness with all of life forms, all of life, not only here on this planet, but throughout the universe.  And the connection that each and every one of you have with the Great Central Source of this universe and also, of course, though your Higher Selves, all of this is coming together, bringing about the connectedness for all of you to realize that you are.  You have a right to sovereignty within yourselves.And no one,no one, can take that from you unless you allow them to do it.  And many now across the planet are allowing those that are attempting to maintain control.  They are allowing those to take that freedom from them, without even realizing that they are doing it.But those of the forces of darkness know how to take your freedom.  They know how to do it.  They have been doing it for many, many lifetimes.  But those of you, the Awakened Ones, you are in their way.  You are the obstacle to them that will keep them from realizing their goal, their goal of complete domination.But all of you know that as the Light has already won, that their dreams of domination are coming to an end.  And those that are put in place, and have put themselves in place, are there to stop them.  And those of you, the Ground Crew, are those of you that are here also to stop them.  There are many that have come forward, which you call the ‘whistleblowers,’ that are blowing the whistle on all the corruption that has gone on across not only here in this country, but across the entire planet for lifetime after lifetime after lifetime.  But that is the game that has been being played all of this time.  But that is coming to an end.Because time itself is coming to an end.  Time as you know it, is coming to an end.  So all of you need to just simply continue to go along, stay the course.  Stay the course, and know that everything is happening not only for a reason, but exactly as it needs to.So even though it looks like there is defeat among those that are in this election process, even though you look out and you hear the many that are declaring victory for the one that they have chosen, that is not to be.  It cannot be.  Because the chosen ones are in charge.  They are the ones that are in control now, those chosen ones of the Light that have moved ahead, that have stepped aside, or stepped up in front and leading the masses of the entire planet against not only of this country, but of the entire planet.Your president at this time is leading the charge of the entire world.  And the world is ready to capitulate, ready to go along with his leadership, as well as many others that have stepped in front and are also leading the charge along with him.All of you must simply continue to allow for the process to unfold.  An unfolding is what is happening.  Everything is unfolding in front of you.  You just need to know that it is all for a reason.  It is all happening exactly as it needs to, all being orchestrated.  And continue to go with the flow, as everything becomes revealed more and more.This next year that you are moving into is the year of revealing.  Everything will be revealed in this next year.  Everything.So it is time now:  stand up!  Stand up for yourselves!  Stand up for your rights as sovereign beings.  Stand up and declare out to the world once again that you will not go gently into the night, that you will continue to fight.  Fight on.  Fight on as Warriors of the Light.  That is what you are here to do.  That is your mission.  And your mission, each and every one of you, is unfolding every moment as you continue to move forward.I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness.  And to know that the Violet Flame is always with you, even if you are not aware of it.  It is always with you.  But when you are aware of it, it is even more directly with you at those times.Peace and love be with all of you.

the energies upon you right now are all about scrambling your minds so that you will stop going down a negative or divisive train of thought.

Mind Altering Energies to End 2020 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been anticipating this time that humanity is in for a while. We have been eager to see what you would do with the energies that are upon you now, and we are very happy to report that they are having the desired effect. You are beginning to settle down, relax more, and realize that you have to come together as a unified collective if you want to go to the next level of your spiritual evolution. That means putting your beliefs aside and operating from your hearts.
And so, the energies upon you right now are all about scrambling your minds so that you will stop going down a negative or divisive train of thought, and these energies will put your consciousness right smack dab in the middle of your heart if you let them. If you can let go of the need to be right and to know what is happening, you can find that heart-centered place that cares more about your fellow humans who are suffering right now than it does about whether you are on the right side of a topic or an issue.
You are going to see more and more people setting aside their differences to help their fellow humans because that is what puts you on the track of ascension that is easiest and most joyous. It is also the path of ascension that is most inclusive. So you have to set aside the us-versus-them mentality and open your hearts to everyone, regardless of who they are, what they think, what they say, what they believe, and which theories they are spreading around on social media.
You can be the awakened collective that includes all, embraces all, and sees none of your fellow humans as your enemies. That’s what the world needs now and that’s what the energies upon you are going to be nudging you towards. As we have said previously, you are the ones to bring humanity to the next level of your ascension. You are the ones to move past the petty disagreements and to take humanity further than you have been before. You have this ability to tap in to such a huge amount of compassion because of what you have been living there in the year 2020, and you also have the ability to open up to all of the healing energies that are coming in from above.
And you can be the conduits for that healing energy. You can be what humanity needs at this time. When you ground in healing energies for your fellow humans, you are being of service, you are living your purpose, and you are becoming the answer that humanity has been looking for throughout this entire calendar year.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Even though it might feel counter-intuitive, your basic responsibility now is rest.

Dear Ones,

You are exhausted and perhaps a bit angry. This is not how you anticipated you would feel now or ever again. Even though you are prepared for your new life, you are experiencing a time between.

You are neither of 3D or fully beyond 3D. So your thoughts flow between “I should” to “I don’t want to” to “But if I don’t, will I be alone?” Frightening thoughts for many. Encouraging, even forcing you to make decisions you feel too tired to make.

You have the energy to perform a few tasks around the house or maybe greet a few friends, but not much more. Yet, you push yourself to do more, to be as you once were filled with energy and ideas.

Even though it might feel counter-intuitive, your basic responsibility now is rest. The energies floating about for the next few days will take more of your energy than you thought possible. This last month of your calendar year is a culmination of all that has happened throughout the year. The same has been true in past years – especially since you initiated your transition – but the energies of this December are more forceful and dramatic than any you have experienced while of the earth in any lifetime.

That is not to say you will become ill or leave earth because of these dramatic December energies, but instead that you will not have the energy you expect every year at this time.

Others, not awakening or awake, will pooh-pooh your need for rest. You, the party person, wanting to be home and drinking hot chocolate. You, the giving person, not having the energy to host anyone this year. So, those yet of 3D will try to force you and others into a 3D routine that is comfortable for them – but exhausting for you.

It is time to listen to your heart. Do you have the energy or the need to be the life of the party, the caretaker, the shoulder to cry on, the shopper, the food preparer, the decorator, or money giver as you have in the past? If so, that is wonderful. But if not, honor yourself. Most of all, trust yourself. 

You have transitioned beyond group think UNTIL that group think includes holiday expectations and guilt. For indeed, those used to your holiday preparations and concerns will expect you to comply this year with the added guilt of “We need you to create the bond we are used to because this year has been so uncomfortable.” Many of you will comply. Not because you want to or have the energy to do so, but because those shoulds outweigh your sovereignty, your trust in yourself.

The fear that no one will like you if you do not comply with their needs will reign supreme for many of you. Buying love through the financial or physical draining of your resources will continue until you say, “NO” to yourself and others. You can no longer be partially 3D.

This year, 2020, was your year of discovering you and what you need despite temptations to create what others need as you have done for 3D eons. 

If you continue to fulfill others’ needs before doing so for yourself, you will create emotional and physical barriers for yourself. Catering to others’ needs before yours is now similar to touching a hot stove. You will burn yourself either physically or emotionally. 

Many of you dislike that last paragraph because you believe it means taking away your freedom to be. Instead, it is creating your freedom to be. If it is your role to serve others, you will feel joyous doing so. But if the very thought feels heavy and carrying it out is exhausting or creates some physical ailment, you are, in a sense, touching a hot stove. 

You are different. Allow that thought to be. Then allow that others may also be different. So informing those with expectations of you being the caretaker or party maker may create a divide – or be completely acceptable.

It is your choice. Do you wish to sacrifice your emotional or physical health for others, or do you wish to claim yourself? The last few days of 2020 will clarify that concept for you as 3D expectations clash with your new being. Who are you? Or better yet, who do you wish to be? For this is the dividing line, many thought they would never have to cross.

Some of you are declaring to yourself that you can do holiday preparations a bit at a time and so continue to meet your rest needs and others’ expectations. So you might. But at what cost to you? That is your decision. And this is most definitely decision time. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

Do This Meditation at 12:12 for the Next 24 Days starting on 12/12/2020.

The title of this global meditation changed from 12 to 24 days as :This past Tuesday 22 Dec. Our Lady of Guadalupe came once again to speak of the re-opening or the 12:12 portal of completion and miraculous new beginnings.The 12:12 meditation was originally designed to end today December 24th. However, the Lady is asking us to extend our meditation with Her for an additional 12 days – which bring us to January 7th. This would cover Epiphany and the receipt of the gifts of the Magi. The purpose of the extension of our global meditation is to reach out and include all those who may not have had the full opportunity to extend themselves in this new Nova Gaian manner.

Linda Dillon: Our Lady of Guadalupe – The Re-Opening of 12:12 Meditation & Activation

So often you have prayed to have a miracle, so we give you this. But at the same time, beloveds, sons and daughters of my heart, Juan Diego’s of my heart, I remind you that you are my miracle. 

Merry Christmas My Friends – from my heart to yours, all my love, Linda


Greetings, I AM Maria. Yes, I AM Mary of Guadalupe, Mother – your Mother, bringer of change, bringer of completion, bringer of transformation, and yes, sweet angels of light, new beginnings.

So, we begin this day, yes, with the reopening of the floodgates of 12-12. This is a gift from my being to yours. Not all had managed to go through the gateways to the completion of 12-12… yes, like this channel. And so, as a gift of my infinite love, in addition to my roses, I reopen this just as we have reopened the floodgates of the 13th Octave so that the billions can flow through. We reopen, with you, in tandem with you, the gateways the 12-12. But in this, yes, she has spoken of Juan Diego and you are my Juan Diegos, and this is the undertaking I ask of thee, and it is an exercise of faith, of trust, and of action.

And so, we will do this meditation, and I am asking of you, I am requesting of you, that you will do this meditation at noon, or 12:12, for the next 12 days, through the 24th of December. Because what you are doing… think of it in this way… you are latching the doorway open. You are locking it down in a human/divine partnership for the completion of the completion, and for the beginning of the new.

When I have said to you, through one of my many voices, that this way a year of rebirth, did you really think that rebirth would be indefinite and that you would be in the throes of labor forever? No! That is not my way and it is time for you, each of you, and for all of humanity to also realize you do not need to be stuck in elongated labor pain. You do not need, there is no requirement, to be stuck in the waiting game.

Yes, there is completion but there is only completion… that began, by the way, eons ago… you have completion so that the fresh, the new, can start. Not merely for each of you, but of course, including you. Not merely for humanity, or Gaia, or the kingdoms, for this opening occurs and has impact throughout the galaxies. There are no mistakes and I assure you that when one opening, and closing, completion, occurs, and if it has not been sufficient, or it has not been in my timing and in yours, I bring it again. And that is what we do.

So, you will do this meditation with me, with Gabrielle, and with your golden filaments. And you will do this for 12 days, and then you will hold this energy and you will begin to note, yes, around January 12th, how the synchronicities, what humans tend to think of as coincidences, begin to open.

I open my heart, my gown, my veil to you. I heal the sick. I heal the despondent. I heal those who sit alone in the dark, praying for help. And I bring home many to my side who simply wish to continue from here. This is the choice; it is the balance. Now, during this phase, as I say, many return to me… but let me be extraordinarily clear so there can be no confusion, that does not include any of you. You have already committed to this undertaking when you have said yes to this circle. You are necessary, and you are my partners in this… not merely angels, although you most certainly are, but beautiful humans in form, on the planet, heralds of the new. So, let us begin. I will do this meditation. Continue, sweet angels, to be in your heart.


I want you to allow… this is not about trying, this is not about questioning whether you can or not, you are simply going to allow my white light of love. Tone it however you wish. Perhaps it is tinged with blue or teal. Perhaps it is brilliant. Perhaps it is winter snow-light… it matters not. Allow my white light to simply cover you head to toe externally. Now feel, beloveds, that this white light is quite literally penetrating your skin, seeping in through your pores, into your flesh, your bone, your blood, your organs, your being, from head to toe, and far beyond. We are expanding the definition of you and New You. Allow this to happen.

Now, feel the brilliant golden spiral ascend from the heart of Gaia, coming through your feet, your root. And at the same time, I wish you to engage and feel, allow, my golden spiral, the Father’s golden spiral… we are spiraling down through your crown igniting neural pathways… which you are definitely needing, that is part of my gift to you. Feel, see, imagine, allow these golden spirals coming down and meeting, conjoining, integrating, in your heart. It is not a drill effect; it is a spiral. It is golden filaments and part of the essence of who you are.

Let it happen.

As this is occurring your gateways are opening. What you think of as chakras, or portals, these are gateways and far more than simply inter or multi-dimensional gateways… these are your freedom centers. Feel them fall away as if the ancient bridges that defended the castles have finally simply disintegrated.

From the center of your heart allow the implosion/explosion of your golden filaments as if they are exploding, not only through you but certainly through you, and outside into your expanded field and far beyond. But, let’s start there because we are opening your DNA… these are simply luminous golden fibers. You don’t try, simply allow… I am doing this. Now, allow this to expand further out. Send your golden, luminous, spiraling fibers out, out past your planet, out into the universe. Claim who you really are. Allow who you are, child, to come forth.

Now, locate your favorite City of Light. This does not need to be anywhere near you but, coincidentally, you will find your temple there. Go to your temple, your sacred place where we all await you. And pay attention… who is guarding the door because these are your best friends and protectors. These are the defenders of truth and the bringers of joy. Come within your temple, child. Come to the feast that we have prepared for you. Take your seat at the table. I am there with you. Glance around your table; see who assists you in this journey of opening and securing the 12-12 portal. Yes, through the great conjunction so that all may see and view and be part of the rebirth.

Feel and allow your hands to be held by those sitting next to you around this sacred circle, around this table. Everyone is holding hands, and you are massive, and you are a spark of light in my infinite universe. Open your crown a little wider, and your chakras above your head. Come to me as one. Perceive it as levitating out of your body, shooting out like a meteorite or a shooting star, golden filaments up, up to us, all of you. No one is left behind… none. And join, not merely with us, but with all.

I am not guiding you to re-anchor… not yet. You will be conscious enough to undertake this sacred work that you do today, and that you do every day, and that you will do for the rest of your life, on my behalf, and on behalf of the Father, on behalf of All. But not yet. I want you to attune or adjust to being everywhere in the consciousness and being what you think of as humanly conscious.

You’re the blessed wayshowers of my heart. You are building the temple and it is called Nova Earth. Go with my love.

Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.

This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted. [Full terms of copyright at]

There are a lot of ETs in your political systems, doctors, you name it. They’ll become more and more prominent now. It’s time for them to come out and lead the way for the rest of you.

Soren of the Pleaidian Delta Forces: We’re in China via Sharon


FEEL FREE to take this image to use to repost channeling on social media or your website. Please be sure to give Sharon Stewart credit, preferably along with my web address. If this image is nicked to go along with anything else but a Soren channeling, this is use without permission and is considered theft. 

​Me: Hi, Soren, sorry to keep you waiting so long.
Soren: LOL It wasn’t long.
Me: Yeah, you’re 5D. It was hours for me. I put out for a channeling on the Storm and you responded, saying, “We’re in China,” so, do tell, what are you doing there? Who is there? What are you doing?
Soren: We are in China. We’re in the bases underneath, we’ve got the Resistance, some Alliance military and militia from other friendly countries.
Me: Are you still rescuing people from the bases?
Soren: That’s pretty much over with, thankfully. That took a while.
Me: Yes, didn’t we say that the population in the bases could actually have surpassed the population on the surface?
Soren: It was pretty close. We’re shutting the bases down, of course, but we’re accessing Chinese military bases from beneath.
Me: LOL Yeah, they’re fighting with the U.S. Military because they came through Canada. I’m so embarrassed to be a Canadian right now, but it wasn’t my doing. It was Justin’s.
Soren: Not to worry, Sharon. We have this in hand. The deep state will not win. They can fight all they want. As for China, we’re attacking them from underneath. They are putting up a fight but when we come out, they don’t really expect us. So we have at least a moment’s advantage. We take captive as many as possible, but some are killed. We try to smokescreen them and let off gas bombs, things like that, your militaries have them, but we Pleiadians like to put them in suspended animation and just take them and put them on a ship. We have ships that are like your paddy wagons.
Soren: How do we put them in suspended animation? We can change time on them, or we can use sound to paralyze them. We do both. Your troops have ear guards so they’re not bothered by this. We try to do this with as little harm to human life as possible.
We’ve been able to capture some of their military commanders, but they’re getting wise to us and are moving around the country.
Me: They’re not over here?
Soren: Some are. Not all, though. The Chinese have a huge military, a lot of people in it. Many commanders.
Me: It is the most populated country in the world.
Soren: So we’re taking the bases and then overtaking their military installations as well, and then they do us the honour of coming to fight our occupation. We don’t even have to go and find them – they come right to us!
Me: I remember someone saying that before. They were happy because this made their winning even sweeter. You didn’t have to go and find them. What about Switzerland? I hear a lot of this has to do with Klaus Scwab and Davos, Switzerland. He seems to be king pin of sorts.
Soren: We’re still after him. They hide in the Alps and we can’t always get at them because their barracades are so extensive. But we’re still there as well. The other thing is they use clones a lot and the real ones, whoever is still alive, go into hiding. There are mountains in Russia as well where they hide. They’re fortified there as well.
Me: What about their going off planet?
Soren: Not as likely because we have the planet surrounded. All ships coming and going are checked, even boarded. Anyone carrying wanted members of the Illuminati or the Draco commander group are arrested.
Me: Could you do the same thing in Switzerland? Go through the bases?
Soren: There aren’t so many in Switzerland, but yes. We’ve been doing that.
Me: So how does your being in China affect the U.S. and the impending war there between the dark and the Light?
Soren: We’re weakening the Chinese army. You know from your warfare that eventually recruits are not as well trained when you have overtaken the bulk of the army. They get less training and are frankly, less likely to want to fight you because they are usually conscripts.
Me: So that still applies. I thought that went out with the Vietnam War. Conscription and such.
Soren: They still fight with guns. Some military operations have more advanced weaponry, but many just use guns.
Me: We’ve got to stop this nonsense. Nobody on this planet deserves war!
Soren: No, it’s unfortunate that that’s the nature of the beings who run this world. They’ll have to be overtaken by force; it’s the only way.
Me: Why do you say that?
Soren: Obviously because they don’t care about the law. They don’t care about the American Constitution and they’re not playing by the rules anymore. They created the rules that you lived by in order to ultimately break them. They know what’s going on on earth now, they know they’re done for unless they do something desperate and they’re doing it now. They’re fighting to keep people brainwashed and under their black magic.
They’re fighting to have you kill each other off. They know this will lower your frequency. The collective will incur a lot of negativity again. Just like world war 1 and 2 created so much for the 20th century. They knew what was coming; they knew we were here. They knew we were getting allies together to work to overthrow them. It was a matter of when. As it turns out, it took this long because they were onto our other efforts and managed to stop us.
Me: Yes.
Soren: A war will work wonders for their frequency. It will create enough loosh for them to live on, eve with earth going into the fifth dimension. They have artificial timelines that don’t respond to universal law. When earth goes 5D, the artificial timelines will still remain because they’re managing to fortify them now with this war. There’s a lot of negative energy to clear up.
Me: Yes. People need to keep transmuting. I know I do this at night time and wake up feeling rough. We’re eliminating a lot of the negative energy that will keep the 3D timelines alive.
Soren: You’ve noticed that people are dying. The one man you know has been a portal for dark energies, and now he’ll go and no longer will he contribute to dark energy on earth. These people will start to go in numbers. It has to be.
Me: So how does the average person deal with this?
Soren: Yes, hold your light. Stay positive. You’re switching timelines all the time and you want to be on the highest one possible anytime something happens, otherwise you suffer consequences you wouldn’t otherwise have. Stay positive.
Me: So there’s a lot of connection between China, the U.S. and Switzerland right now?
Soren: Yes, Switzerland tends to be where the Deep State is headquartered, it’s the site of all the globalist meetings and so forth. Good place for us to set out our spies, as a matter of fact.
Me: Yes, maybe you can disguise a seven foot tall Pleaidian in Switzerland. LOL
Soren: They’re not all that tall. But yeah, we are Nordics, a lot of us. Some are darker. You know because you’ve spoken to Pleiadians of all different appearance.
Me: Yeah. How about that German doctor, Heiko Schoening?
Soren: No comment. LOL
Me: I can tell he’s not from earth.
Soren: There are a lot of ETs in your political systems, doctors, you name it. They’ll become more and more prominent now. It’s time for them to come out and lead the way for the rest of you.
Me: Thanks Soren. Keep safe.
Soren: I will, Sharon. You too.

Monoliths-Galactic Federation of Light Via Blossom Goodchild-

Good morning. I am of course, going to start with the topic of the Monoliths. Since we last ‘spoke’ many more ‘valid’ ones have been revealed in the strangest of places around the Globe. There is naturally much speculation and intrigue. Many are pranks it seems … yet, some have no explanation. So, perhaps I should just let you flow with it.

Good morning/evening/afternoon, depending on where one may be when they receive these words. Have these great Pillars not left you a little aghast, Blossom? Maybe for once, you are starting to believe us. We jest of course, yet, you know what we mean?

Yes, I do. I am trying to ‘accept’ them as coming from off-world, so, going along that thought pattern and not letting any doubts interfere during this session … I feel we should just go for it.

Knowing that we cannot reveal every purpose and intricacy, for that would ‘ruin the surprise’ and perhaps be too much of a give-away to those who should not interfere with the Plan.

So, you say they are monitors? Monitoring what exactly?

Monitoring frequencies, Energetic magnetics within a large area around each one. Monitoring the surroundings and keeping a balance energetically in those places where they are set … in order to make sure they are in alignment for their ‘duty’.

Which is?

That, Blossom, must be kept under wraps for obvious reasons. Yet, you can feel something afoot can you not?

Only a feeling, yes. Accompanied by a vague image that is difficult to describe, of these structures being activated at a certain time, all together, reflecting Light from the Sun. Hold on a minute … I think it is you that should be saying this, as it is coming clearer as I write.

You were indeed, doing our job very well.

What we can tell you is that what you say is correct. They shall be … activated/switched on … at a certain point in time and create … within themselves/yet, all together as one … an Energy as never before known.

Yes, the Sun is very much involved. We would say, that the Sun at a certain height and Power … at a certain given time … is ‘Their Key’.

We would say, that all needs to be in place by then as they work together. They are designed to be a team, would we say.

When you said there shall be many, I was surprised to see others turn up so soon.

They shall ‘arrive’ in stages. Settling their Energy in, a few at a time … in order to get established and ‘set in stone’ in position.

Are they connected with the HUGE announcement?

Not directly. That is still ongoing … and all we have said about it shall come to pass.

Ok. You say they are activators. Activating what exactly?

We would say ‘Everything’ as a general answer. Yet, there are many targeted missions that these structures are to reboot.

Reboot? That is interesting. How so?

Dearest Blossom, these monument (al) structures are to be set in certain lay lines and grid webs that can send their … ‘Electricity/Energy … flowing through the entire system.

You know of ‘Stone Henge and other connected stones placed long ago within the Earth’s boundaries … in order for ‘Star alignments’ to work with them.

In these times, these ‘StarBeams’ are essentially in place to ‘change the course’ from that which has been so deeply buried in darkness, to that which brings in such magnificent Light in order to assist the transformation from the old to the new.

StarBeams? Do you mean the Monoliths? Or the stars that are coming into alignment?

We mean the Monoliths. For they shall indeed, appear as such when activated. Their Energy of Light will not be of your strongest lighting system … yet, beyond anything you have known.

So, are they acting as activators for much, as well as they themselves, are to BE activated?

Yes. The Energy that shall be produced from them, when combined with certain star/planetary alignments shall activate within the entire solar system … as a sort of ‘all systems go’.

And yes, as you are thinking, Blossom, they shall activate the human Soul Light, also.

The envelopes … the thought just came into my head … will that be the opening of the envelopes*?

Indeed, it shall.

WOW! Can I make it clear though, as a personal choice, I am not going to ask when this may happen.

This we understand. There are many more to come over a short period of time.

One was found in the middle of a shopping mall?

The shopping mall was built long after positionings were set in place for this to take place.

You say they are connectors. Connectors to what?

Connectors to a number of things … that would roll off our tongue.

Connectors to Stars systems.

Connectors to Star families.

Connectors to that which is outside of your Planetary limitations, to open up to that which lies beyond.

The entire Energy of this occurrence connects the Soul Being with the Truth of who they are.

Yet, many will not be able to take the Energy and as we have said regarding other matters, choose to take their leave.

That would be a shame … to leave just before the party really gets started.

Not for those who could not ‘manage’ the Energy.

You say they are Receptors. Receptors to/for what?



Is this where the Pillars of Light take their cue?

They are indeed ‘connected’ very much with this ‘encounter’.

You say they are reflectors. Reflecting what?

Reflecting Light and Power from Source!

Oh, My Goodness! I just got goosebumps all over and my heart went thump! So, you have said before that the Sun is a portal to Source Energy … so would you say reflecting Light and Power from the Sun?

Some would consider it the same thing. Where did the knowing of ‘Sun Gods’ derive from within the ancients?

So, I just have to ask … heart in mouth, once again … are these StarBeams, and the Pillars of Light, all connected … to/with … THE GREAT EVENT that has been spoken about forever? It certainly feels like there has to be a connection here.

Blossom … it is all connected.

You are moving into a Higher Vibration.

PLANS … ARE/HAVE … ALWAYS BEEN IN PLACE and as your time moves through … more of this likelihood is becoming apparent now.

Yes. Yet, although I am going along with all this as we connect today … there is still that nagging possibility of it all being surreal/unreal.



YES SIR! Well, I have to say, this is all very exciting. Yet … I am not going to hold my breath for this to take place tomorrow or any time quite soon. So much else going on in the world at the moment.




Exciting times, indeed, Blossom Goodchild.

Why do you sometimes use my surname and others not?

We like to!

Oh, Ok. Just need to pick up on something. You used the word ‘reboot’.  Meaning what?

Meaning the starting up of an old system put in place long ago … likened to, if we may, when a computer starts off clean and with good intention to serve and remain so. Yet, as time goes on … it gets cluttered up with all sorts of ‘stuff’ that takes over and clogs the system until it crashes and breaks down.

To reboot your Planet … to deprogram and replace with LIGHT INTENTION shall be the planned route.

This is all for today … We feel enough to be absorbed and pondered upon.

Indeed. Indeed. Indeed. In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM  … Very excited … I think … perhaps … maybe!

It is the Mother’s Plan unfolding in all of its expected and unexpected ways. And as I said, there is NO turning back.-Saint Germain via T.-

St. Germaine: The Return of Sanity to This Great Country

My anonymous friend, T, channeled St. Germaine this morning and wishes to share the rousing message.

“Greetings and salutations, I am St Germaine. I wish to greet you this day on the occasion of the beginning of the return to sanity of this great country of the U.S.A. It has been far too long that those of you that live there have been under the oppressive thumb of the ones who would have you be their minions, their slaves, their concubines!

The New Age in America begins today–actually it has already started. There will be no stopping the movement of its citizens. Yes, your image from the end of the movie “V for Vendetta” where the people march on the square is very accurate.

It is time to return America to its rightful place as a sacred and somber flame of democracy. A place that all peoples of all nations will aspire to be like. It is not an arrogant assumption but a sacred one. There will be no turning back this time. There will be no hesitation, no ‘hitch in the giddy-up’ as you say–just a march toward the freedom that ALL on this great planet of Gaia so deeply want–AND WILL BE RECEIVED!!!It is the Mother’s Plan unfolding in all of its expected and unexpected ways. And as I said, there is NO turning back.And I am so pleased to be able to greet you in this way on this auspicious occasion. We are near party time, my friend. And what a party it will be! I leave you now in the most capable hands of your sweet XXX. Farewell.”