Daily Archives: October 25, 2020
Trust that there is indeed a Divine Plan unfolding that cannot be stopped by those who do not want the world to awaken.
Arcturian Group Message 10/25/20
OCTOBER 25,2020
We see your suffering dear ones, and we witness the struggle of so many to remain objective in the midst of a world that seems to have gone mad with people acting out in ways never seen or experienced before. Trust dear ones, trust that there is indeed a Divine Plan unfolding that cannot be stopped by those who do not want the world to awaken.
All is proceeding according to plan but to three dimensional thinking there is no plan. Most are as of yet unable to see or understand that there is a Divine plan underlying outer appearances. Human minds steeped in beliefs of duality and separation are unable to grasp anything outside of the limiting belief system they live in and so act in the only ways they know.
You do know what is going on and this why your job is to hold the Light as an observer, doing what needs to be done but in ways that reflect spiritual awareness. It is time to actually embrace being “In the world, but not of it” and because the third dimension functions in time and space, the Divine plan must unfold as a process.
Do not accept everything you read and hear though news media sources for they are often misinformed themselves, passing on information that has been skewed with falsehoods. Always let your intuition guide you in these matters, even with regard to “spiritual messages” for some of these are not on the highest level as well because a channel flows through the consciousness of the channeler.
Anything that promotes fear and negativity is not reflective of the Light. However, be alert to whether you are reacting to something from your present human mind level, or are being intuitively guided. It is easy to be fooled when something you simply do not wish to hear about or deal with in yourself is presented in a channel.
Stay informed, while not aligning with the energy of that which you are being informed about unless you are guided to become involved. Some are guided to be a part of the chaos, but they are those who have attained a consciousness that allows them to work from a detached level and bring Light into situations. Never doubt that there are many Light workers in the trenches at this time but this work is not for most. Trust your intuition on this.
Our message today is about Trust. Not ordinary trust based in ideas, concepts, and beliefs reflective of the third dimensional belief system but a higher trust, one that springs from the realization that omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient Divinity is the reality of who you are. This trust understands that the qualities of Source are already fully present within, available to express and be experienced as truth becomes an attained state of consciousness.
As the reality of Oneness is understood, accepted, and becomes the consciousness of increasingly more individuals, many three dimensional creations will dissolve simply because the energy that formed them in the first place is no longer present to sustain and maintain them. This is beginning to happen now. Many obsolete belief structures are beginning to crumble and much more is to come which is very frightening for those who have placed hope and trust, safety and security in concepts.
Allow everything that feels finished in your life to drop away regardless of how well it once worked for you in spite of the opposition you may get from those around you. Try not to mourn the loss of certain comfortable ways of living if they have begun to feel “old”, but rather rejoice in the knowledge that a spiritual idea underlies every outer manifestation because you cannot make something out of nothing.
When the energy that formed and has sustained many facets of three dimensional living like health, education, government,religion, relationships, etc. begins to dissolve, always know that only the lower resonating form/concept of the Divine idea dissolves, never the reality. Divine Ideas, permanently held in place by Divine Law will always re-manifest in a new and higher resonating form if allowed.
Evolution is and always has been an ongoing process but these times represent a particularly giant step of evolution. Everything, on all levels automatically changes as the substance of it (consciousness) changes. Recycling is simply a higher form of waste disposal, cars have replaced horses, the printing press replaced hand written books, respect for nature is growing, and people are becoming increasingly aware of how unloving and unfair much that was previously considered acceptable, is.
God being the only cause, can therefore be the only effect. Ask yourself; “Do I really believe in One omnipresent God, or do I continue to have many gods in my consciousness?” The third dimensional belief system has promoted gods of money, power, religious beliefs, fashion, physical appearance, employment, relationships, family, traditions, and much more. Anything a person deems to be necessary for happiness and success represents belief in a false god. Utilize these present “down times” to seriously reflect on this.
A person cannot continue to worship one or more three dimensional gods while at the same time believing that they accept the truth of ONE God. Ancient belief systems of many Gods were about invisible beings and creatures that had power over everyone and needed to be appeased, often in some violent way. Now replace images of these ancient gods with whatever you have allowed to become a personal god.
Take time to go within and honestly ask; “What am I worshipping in the outer scene? What have I made into a god? What do I continually dedicate my thought and action to attaining in the belief that I must have it in order to be happy?” Examine your beliefs honestly, sincerely, and without judgement dear ones, for this is the purpose of the present down times. Go within and discover what you may still hold as being true, real, necessary, unchangeable, and important etc . and then decide if you wish to continue making it a part of your consciousness.
Never allow self judgement to interfere with your journey of self examination for it is a sacred process, a necessary part of evolution. You were taught throughout lifetimes to put your dependence and value in outer things and you sincerely believed in the correctness of these teachings. However, those of you who read and understand these messages, have attained a level of awareness that now makes these three dimensional teachings obsolete.
Many three dimensional ideas have served well and continue to serve some, but because you have shifted into a deeper awareness these same things will no longer function for you as they once did. For awhile the mind will continue to express what it is familiar with–judgement and criticism, fear and negativity, longing and desires. Simply allow the old programming to flow through , aware of what is happening, and giving it no power. There is a bible statement that says; “Let the heathen rage”.
If I am truly one with Source, Divine consciousness in expression, then I am self-sustained , complete, and whole. So why do I continue to seek that which I already am outside of myself? You have been on this journey of enlightenment for a very very long time dear ones, and have reached a fork in the road. “Do I stay on a path that has worked pretty well for many lifetimes and brought me some success and happiness, or do I take a chance on this unfamiliar path that seems to be drawing me toward it?”
It is a frightening time for the world, a time in which much that has worked in the past, is no longer working and everything seems to be getting worse. The dense energy creations now surfacing and shocking many have always been present, well sustained and maintained but out of majority awareness and those that did became aware were often silenced.
You have not failed, for you cannot fail. Let go of all remaining concepts about spirituality and what you must do or not do in order to be “spiritual”. These teachings were valid steps along your evolutionary but are now simply part of that which you are ready to let go of. You have moved on and no longer need former tools once so important to your awakening process.
Use these present times to discover and release concepts you may still hold about what constitutes failure or success on the physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual level. Acknowledge your talents, your reality, your gifts, the truth of your being, and accept what you discover, dear ones. Denying one’s talents and Divine Light never represents humility as many have been taught, but rather is its opposite, a rejection of one’s true nature as ONE.
Let go, let go, let go and allow the Divine Consciousness that you are to live and express ITself through and as you. These times are the reason you came and why you have devoted so much of your life to spiritual study, growth, and awareness. The world needs your Light NOW and you are fully capable of doing this work.
We are the Arcturian Group 10/25/20
There is so much good to come you cannot imagine. There are healing beds, called med beds, which measure the frequency of the human organs and make adjustments by applying the appropriate vibration.There are replicator machines that, from the air, can produce food, or any needed artifact. A whole new banking system without usury is being unfolded.Great abundance in all things is in your future.
Aita Channeling Her Higher Self. October 2020
It is, as always, wonderful to connect with you dear Brethren. We are watching with great interest and compassion as you maneuver your way through the ascension process.
We are your Higher Selves, we are your Soul and your Soul family. We are your Galactic Brethren, and we are your God, your Consciousness, for we are all one in the flow of God.
The difference between us is that we are love and nothing else, you are also love, but that love has been hidden, in abeyance, in hiding from the loud and raucous sound of your indoctrinated ego.
You ego that is now dissipating. Your ego that you are now seeing with all its false precepts and ideas. You see there is not really a you. The you that you thought you were does not exist.
The you that you thought you were is your ego. Your ego that was given you as a gift that you might experience what was not love. And thereby grow in love, compassion and understanding for your fellow brethren.
As we have often said, your ego consists of your thoughts about yourself and about people and the world around you. These thoughts and ideas are not your own. They were given to you by your parents and culture, who repeated the ideas of their parents and culture.
So, the you that you thought you were, the you with prejudices, harsh judgements and fear filled ideas about life, is an entrainment, an indoctrination into false perceptions and ideas.
This is the perception deception in which humans, in their third dimensional journey, live. They believe they are their thoughts. And so they are very reluctant to give up these thoughts, to relinquish the fear and the criticism and the negativity. For who are they without these familiar and well worn thinking tracks in their brain.
Like a railway train going round and round in a circle, so are we with our entrained thoughts. We wear a groove in our mind that, however negative, is comfortable.
The old, the familiar, is cozy. The new, the loving, the kind, the possibility of living calmly and peacefully, in the knowledge of the profound love of God and of our brethren, is threatening.
For who are we if we are not our thoughts? What do our inherited thoughts cover up. They hide our Divinity from us. They allow us to live the human life in the illusional delusion that we are all separate and at war with each other.
That we need to defend ourselves from our brethren for humanity is cruel and our family and so called friends are out to harm us.
Human life is ironic indeed. We are born without an ego. The first baby years of our life we are spontaneous, happy, gurgling with joy, creative, full of sparkle.
Then begins the ego entrainment. Slowly but surely the joy is trained out of us. The spontaneity disappears. The happy, gurgling with joy, creativity and sparkling child becomes disillusioned.
He/she hears his parents, teachers, societies ideas about the dangers of life, the hurtfulness of people, the prejudices of their social morality. These thoughts are adopted as his own. These thoughts that others press on us become our ego.
Yes, our ego, what we believe to be ourselves, is only a hallucination, a projection of the thoughts and ideas of those around us, adopted by us – that then becomes our reality. And we protect this reality with our very life.
How painful it is to give up these indoctrinated ideas. How we resist losing them. How we viscerally fight those who would intrude upon our reality, who wish to change our perceptions.
Perception, which is the ability to see, hear or become aware of something through the senses, is our major tool for understanding our earthly life.
And those around us feed our senses with their ideas. Whether it be our parents, our children, our friends, our newspapers, or television, all of these information sources feed our perceptions and thus create our reality.
The last person we hear is usually the most influential. We can only know what we have been told. And that which we have been told then becomes the persona that we have here on this earth.
In actuality we are much more than that. In fact we are very powerful.
We are Divine Souls. We, your higher selves are fragments of God love, drops of water in the ocean of God consciousness. We wait in abeyance as you journey through the third dimensional fear-filled human experience.
You are very important to your Soul family, your Angels and your Galactic brethren. You are living the planet earth journey and thus experiencing the dark in very deep and painful ways, you are experiencing that dark for all of us.
We, behind the veil, learn as you are learning. We learn from you. We hear every sigh, every plaintive cry, every sad murmur that comes from you. We know how much you have suffered and we truly appreciate and honor you for your sacrifice.
In the oneness of God, all we do is for the good of all. You, great ones, have given much for the expansion of Spirit, for the expansion of love and wisdom and knowledge.
And, in so doing you have individuated your personality. In the fifth dimension you will know what you prefer, you will know what you want, for you have experienced the opposite.
So, you will unreservedly claim your joy, follow your bliss, live in your holy creativity. Yes, life is good, dear friends, dear brethren. You are clearing up your third dimensional entrainment and moving up the frequency ladder of ascension to great and wonderful times.
There is so much good to come you cannot imagine. There are healing beds, called med beds, which measure the frequency of the human organs and make adjustments by applying the appropriate vibration.
There are replicator machines that, from the air, can produce food, or any needed artifact. A whole new banking system without usury is being unfolded. Great abundance in all things is in your future.
The bloated bureaucracy, the corruption, the professional politicians out for power, the nepotism – will be removed. Government jobs will go to those of an appropriate frequency, who will make a minimum of laws. All the befuddling and confusing rules and regulations will be removed.
For we will be telepathic, there will be no more lying, no more scams. We will be able to read each others minds. Degrees and diplomas will no longer count, people will naturally, organically take the job, the position that is most suited to their frequency and talents.
Oh indeed, what a wonderful world we are moving into. Keep your eyes on the prize. Go within, meditate on your wonderful new world, on love, on what part you will take in that new world, on the immense and grand wonder of God and of the love that permeates the new world. The love that is God, that is you.
Aita Channeling Her Higher Self. We Are Blessed Beings Indeed.
Queen An-Ra -Erena Velazquez-
October 24, 2020
I am Queen An-Ra and I am pleased to be here today. It has been a while since my last message, it seems like centuries ago. The time for us doesn’t have the same meaning like here on Earth, we are always living in the moment and in the now.
I come from Egyptian Civilization and from Andromeda Galaxy, I was here on Mother Earth 10,000 years ago and my civilization was helping humanity with their advancement. We were teaching you on how to use our technology and we were enlightening you on the spiritual laws of the Universe. Unfortunately, we decided to leave and take our knowledge and science with us as your Human Civilization stopped listening to us and our teachings, and started to move towards the negative direction by being influenced by the Dark Ones.
Since the last time I spoke to you, I became in charge of the main council group called The Grand Council, and I let go of the old members as it was necessary to make the changes for the better. The rules that were created a long time ago became an obstacle for the whole Ascension Process on Gaia, and they were actually benefiting more the Negative Ones than humanity.
After having a few briefings with Prime Creator, it was decided that I am going to be running The Grand Council, this needed to happen, because the Ascension Process on Earth was moving too slow. I am changing a lot of rules to make things easier for us to work directly with the humans and not being constantly overly concerned, if we are breaking any of the rules, which at times feels like millions of them.
I am very serious about my responsibilities, and I already removed some of the Alliance members, who were stopping the progress in the preparation for RV and the redistribution of Saint Germain Fund to humanity. The process is long overdue, the rest of the Galactics and I are done waiting, so a time frame was given for the Alliance by when the money is needed to be given out to the people on Earth.
We are tired of hearing about thousands of excuses, on why the funds are not in the hands of human beings now. I want to see results and not being constantly stopped by obstacles, which are delaying this important step. Me and the rest of the members involved in this Process spend lifetimes here around Mother Gaia working to help all of you to achieve this transformation of ascending from this 3D duality to 5D.
The Ascension Process here is like a jigsaw puzzle where each piece needs to fit perfectly together. I come across daily with new and unexpected challenges that appear on your planet. One of the latest complications that I am dealing with is a Key Twin Flame Couple. The male runaway from his responsibilities and that put the breaks on big parts of the Ascension Process. This Twin Flame reunion is important as it’s the first big piece of the puzzle that will have a domino effect on the other Twin Flame Pairs by activating them and it will also start many other missions, which will get this Process moving again.
I am working with Prime Creator and with Ascended Masters on bringing him back to his Twin Flame. We are not going to allow for this male Twin Flame to jeopardize this Ascension Process with his ego and his selfishness.
The transformation in your reality is very slow, so a slight change on Gaia is almost invisible for the human eye. I am asking for all of you to stay in the present moment and meditate to help accelerate the high energies, which are essential for Ascension.
The world you knew is disappearing right in front of your eyes, it’s collapsing each day more and more, and nobody not even the Dark Ones can’t prevent the deterioration of this Matrix. It’s falling down like an old building, no matter how much effort the Negative Ones will put to keep it together, it’s still falling apart. The old system first needs to collapse and then it’s going to be replaced with a new one. This will restore the divine balance in your world and everyone will be happy and harmonious again.
I just want to remind to everyone about their responsibilities especially for the ones, who know their duties, please follow them through as your progress in this transition depends on your actions. Before coming to this planet, all of you took an oath to help and fulfill your tasks here on Terra Christa.
We the Galactics including me, Queen An-Ra are following up on our promise to bring this civilization to their next step of evolution to 5D existence. Please, also don’t forget the fact that you are the first ones ever in the history of the Galaxy, who are going through this transformation into Ascension by taking with you, your physical bodies.
I am monitoring very closely all of the operations that are going on this planet, especially activities by the Negative Side. My Egyptian fleet and Ashtar fleet, we are always ready to jump in and rescue Mother Earth from an unexpected dangers. Most of the disasters on your planet are man made by the corrupted souls, who serve their Dark Masters.
Their ruling and control of the humankind is coming to the end, they are so desperate now to stop the Ascension Process that the Negative Forces are going after the awakens ones by attacking them. Please, don’t get intimidated by their actions, because you are winning the battle as the Light always brings down the Darkness. Their days are numbered on Mother Gaia.
I am Queen An-Ra and I was glad to be here today to give you on update on the situation around your planet Earth and your Ascension Process. Thank you.
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Announcement to come within the next 10 days…GOD SPEED.-The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild-
Before posting this channeling i want to add :Divine Mother Give Gas!!!Thank You!!!
Hi chaps. So, I am going to keep this as bright and sunny as I can. A month ago, you said the Announcement you have been speaking of would be before the US elections. You are down to your last week now and of course, my buttons are being pushed as to whether or not this will take place, at all?
Welcome to you, Blossom, and to those confident in our words to KNOW THAT WE ARE WHO WE SAY WE ARE … AND WE MEAN WHAT WE SAY.
Ok. Then for today, I will neither hinder nor hamper and allow you the benefit of the doubt, as we do have ten days and, well, anything could happen!
Indeed Blossom. In a nutshell, it is to be that those who confide in us … those, who like you, are ‘hoping’ for the change … will not be disappointed.
Oh, I have no doubt the change is happening. I just question your timing because let’s face it, you’ve thrown me some real spinners in the past. Yet, here I am … still!
So, shall we then, look at this?
I’m all eyes!
In terms of that which we have offered over the last 15 years in which we have engaged in conversation … it is less than the digits on one hand that you have questioned … is that correct?
A lot more, yet, other matters got sorted [out] for me.
Do you not consider that to be acceptable?
Nope! Because the two things in question were HUGE! The 2008 incident and the Pillars of Light in 2011. Now, folk can say all they like … and so can you yet, for me, if the Announcement isn’t revealed before the elections … well … let’s walk in my shoes for a moment … what would you do?
Dearest Blossom, we do not feel it appropriate to answer that. Maybe ask the same question should that scenario occur?
So, by that, you are saying that the Announcement is to come within the next 10 days?
We are.
How can you be so sure?
Because we know what it entails and what it involves and it is necessary to take place BEFORE decisions are made.
Ok. I shall keep going on this. You see, our time and you, with no time, doesn’t always seem to tally regarding particular events and TRUST is a very delicate issue amongst the closest of friends, which after 15 years and all we have been through, I consider us to be.
So, do you TRUST us, Blossom?
As Divine Beings of Light, yes. Regarding your accuracy on time frames … not so sure. I was so bold when you said about an announcement and the 2nd lockdown and the Five Phases. I told myself to TRUST and TRUST I did.
And in Truth … I TRUST WHITE CLOUD deeply, so if it was that you were a bit of a ‘diversion from the Truth’ as many over the years have suggested, I feel sure he would have ‘warned me’.
So, shall we just wait and see then?
What else is there to do?
Trust a little deeper in order to relieve your anxiety?
Let us ask you this … if we were there in the room with you right now … would you Trust us more?
Because you would be speaking words out of your mouth, not working with me in this telepathic form.
Yet what would make you believe that what we say is the TRUTH … just because words were coming out of our mouths?
Because I would have you there, first hand … and pick up on your Energy. There you see … I knew what we were leading up to!
Indeed Blossom … Our Energy. Our Energy of Truth and Love. Do you not feel this when we are ‘thoughtfully’ speaking with you now?
Yes. Yes, I do. Like White Cloud, you have only ever shown Love. Never once have I ‘felt’ one iota of anything other than compassion and understanding and giving of your wisdom to assist us.
So why is it different if we were in the flesh?
You really want me to answer that?
Yes … please.
Because … it just is.
And now we shall play ball with you as you do with us. We would say … not a good enough answer.
Ok … because if you were sitting here telling me all this …
Yes …
I would know it was coming from you and not … me … or … some mind-controlled microwaves making channeller’s out to be ‘oddballs’ and totally full of ‘air’.
So, is it then that you are questioning who we are?
I will be if there is no announcement before 3rd Nov!!
Blossom, our beloved and mystifying soul who we know only desires to make sure the TRUTH is given, as White Cloud has also said … we are not fortune-tellers.
Then why give us a time frame for an Announcement, etc?
Would you find it hard to take if we said because you pushed us to do so?
Nope. I can take that. It’s True. We down here are so desperate to know what the **** is going on … underneath it all, behind the scenes. We need the hope to continue on. I know you know, how many write in saying they are on the verge of giving up because they are so tired?
Yes. We know of this and those in other realms do much to try and assist on an individual routine to help such souls.
So, you see … yes … we have spoken of a HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT TO COME and of a 2nd lockdown … and of Five Phases … because it is on the cards. We are not making this up out of thin air to satisfy you.
We are succeeding in many ways of Enlightenment and Encouraging so many to awaken, which after all, is ‘Our’ particular mission.
Yet, you DO KNOW of what lies ahead in terms of changes and what is to come about? Because it is part of the Divine Plan … Correct?
Blossom … we thank you for your inquiries and perseverance for we know many feel as you and have questions that are so similar to yours.
WE … THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT are not in form … unless required. We do not use words for they are inadequate … WE USE ENERGY AND FEELING.
Isn’t it who we all are?
Excellent observation! Indeed, it is. Yet, as you know … there are many, many levels, frequencies, and Vibrations in which LOVE AND ITS ENERGY can reside.
And it ‘aint Vibrating too high down here right now, that’s for sure!
Yet, Each One of you are changing that … that’s why you are ‘there’!
Yep. My heart can get that. So, back to the ‘not’ being fortune-tellers yet, knowing what’s going on?
We KNOW the outcome of this ‘Drama’. We do not question it for it is not questionable.
YOU KNOW THAT … do you not?
With respect, only because You and White Cloud have told us. One wouldn’t have an inkling going by the state of affairs down here.
Do you believe us on that particular matter?
Yes … eh … maybe … eh … yes … perhaps. Yet, is it because I WANT THAT HOPE … because if we didn’t have that … we are certainly doomed!
Where does your hope lie?
Am I supposed to say ‘ in your words?’
Say what is TRUE for you. Where does your hope lie?
In the strangest KNOWING, deep within. In the weirdest acceptance of BEING HERE for a reason. Yes, you have said this, yet, there is a KNOWING that is inexplicable. It’s like a sort of secret within me, and the recognizing of such ‘somewhere’ in my Being.
And so, if the announcement was not to happen in the following week … and we are not back-peddling … we are speaking hypothetically … would that KNOWING of your mission disappear?
Probably not. Yet, I would not be a happy bunny! Let me prepare you for that right now!
We come to guide you … because we Love you.
We understand you want us to return to the matter in hand.
Yep. Let’s go for it, shall we? Like Big time? At this stage in The Game … are you still happy to say that a Huge Announcement will be given out before the US elections?
We will repeat … It is on the cards.
Yet, not written in the stars? Don’t even know what that means, really.
We are also unsure, yet take it to believe ‘not concrete?’
Yes, I guess so.
Let us say then … the road has been prepared, and the tar poured. All is in place yet, awaiting it to set.
*!^+? OK!
What parting words would be most appropriate today?
Eh … try… … … Nope! I have none either.
Far out! That’s unusual! Yet, came through so clearly. Meaning, I believe … ‘God’s blessing on your journey/ new adventure’ … type thing.
Correct … WE LOVE YOU.
And I/we love you … In Gratitude In Loving service. I AM .