we have determined that the best way for us to be of service is to provide you all with a download of the akashic records from the times of all humanoid life experiences in our star system, right up until the current moment.-The Arcturians-

Arcturian Akashic Records to Go with the Solstice Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been doing our best to monitor what is going on there on planet Earth, and we have been looking into the energy fields of each and every one of you in humanoid form to determine what our contribution will be for the upcoming solstice. We have already indicated to you that the energies coming in from your sun will be quite intense, loving, and transformative, and we have been conversing with your sun about what type of contribution would be best coming from the ninth dimension and the Arcturian star system.

We carry that energy for the galaxy of spiritual awakening, growth, evolution, as well as the accessing of spiritual gifts and abilities. Those are the themes of our star system and what we have always been about. And so, after these conversations with your sun, we have determined that the best way for us to be of service is to provide you all with a download of the akashic records from the times of all humanoid life experiences in our star system, right up until the current moment.

You will have access to these records, even though most of them will not have been a part of your experiences in our star system. You will receive the benefit of the spiritual growth and evolution of so many beings who have taken on physical form here. It is quite a download, quite the gift, if we do say so ourselves. Now, many of you will be unpacking this gift while you are asleep, while you are dreaming, and while you are meditating. Others are beginning to unwrap this gift right now, as the transmission has already begun.

Those of you who have a very easy time of tuning in to us and our energetic transmissions are capable of getting exactly what you need right now, in this very moment, as we transmit through this channel. We know that all of you are eager to receive your gifts, but we encourage those of you who don’t receive the downloads right away to be patient with yourselves. Be patient with the process. These are very high-vibrational experiences, and the beings who had them enjoyed the journey immensely. We encourage you to enjoy the journey of unpacking what you will be receiving.

You are on the verge of giant leaps forward because of all the help you are getting at this time. We are not the only ones who want to piggyback on your sun’s energies. There will be more gifts to unpack. There will be more downloads than you could ever receive in a single moment, but now you know that they are coming, and now you can open yourselves up even more to the energies of the solstice and to all that you have been summoning consciously and subconsciously. Now is a beautiful time to be there on Earth because you have so much further to go, and we are so happy to play a part in that journey.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Remember that this is no longer a linear process, it is quantum. Enormous changes can happen very quickly…The inner work is everything, because it dramatically changes the external landscape for individuals and the collective. Love is the building block of ascension.

June 18, 2020, jennifercrokaert.blogspot.com


J: How can we help speed up the ascension process?

X: This my dearest, is the question of the ages, and it goes for us as much as for you. Right now, humanity is in the final stages of labour. The pain is intense, there are more waves of pain to come, but you know the outcome will be good so, even though you want to stop, you continue.

Continuing with your service to the light, that is how you can serve.

J: Could you be more specific please?

X: it really depends from person to person. There is no one way, but there are general principles: underlying all of these, is love.

Whenever you are unsure of how to react, of what to do or say, return to love. Focus within, on your open heart. The very moment you do that, you align with the Legions of Heaven and the Galactic Forces; then, everything becomes possible. Aligned with love, miracles are invited in and can occur in front of your eyes.

What may be hard to see yet, is that the collaboration between all the awakened ones on Gaia, the Legions of Heaven and the Galactic Forces, has changed substantially. When you are aligned with love, the help we are able to give you is much greater than before.

We are now allowed to assist you in a far more active manner; we are allowed to inspire you; to drop ideas into your minds; and to melt hearts that are just about open to the power of love.

We are now in a position to work with you – as long as you are completely aligned with love. Your vibration calls us in and opens portals or channels through which we can collaborate with you, to speed the resurrection of the light, the rebirth of humanity and Gaia.

The distance that used to separate us is no longer, we have been given the go-ahead to assist and our assistance will only increase.

J: I know what you’re going to add!

X: Yes! It is all about alignment, it is all about the service to the light, holding a vibration of pure love that seeks neither revenge nor power.

You are the physicalised humans. The ideas and actions must come through you, for the core of this ascension process is mass ascension in physical form. We may assist, but we are only ever the midwives, not the mother giving birth. Our role is to support all that is in alignment with the highest good.

J: So, what happened to allow you to interact more closely with us?

X: The final battle was won. Now, there are those on the dark side playing their last cards, hoping that they can somehow win a decisive victory. They cannot. The war has been won, consequently we may assist you, so that change comes with greater speed and ease.

J: And yet, it’s not going to happen tomorrow, is it?

X: No, my beloved, it shall not. There is much preparation to be done yet; while you are sweeping away the old, you are also imagining and planning for the new. This takes time.

If humanity as a whole, were to be transported to the time of completion, you could not sustain it at present. There is still too much unresolved within your hearts, your institutions, your ancestry lineages.  All this is being cleared and, even if you don’t see us, we are actively helping with this process.

Our love for you is as great as our love for our children. We would not put you on a trajectory you could not sustain. By doing it this way, you free yourselves, you gain the skills and competence you need to truly be divine creators of the highest light.

J: Is there anything more you would like to add?

X: Only to remind you that the best is yet to come. There is an incremental journey. The longer you are able to sit in love and hold love, regardless of what is happening around you, the further along the path of mastery you progress. At what you might call milestones, certain events are … triggered … new opportunities for clearing and progressing – individually and collectively – are presented to you.

You are making unimaginable progress. Remember that this is no longer a linear process, it is quantum. Enormous changes can happen very quickly.

You are shining, all of you are playing your roles magnificently. Judge no one, simply offer everything to light, and watch the miracles unfold around you.

J: Ok, so I try to hold the light myself all the time. Often, I forget, or I slip, then I refocus and yet I don’t see miracles happening around me. I don’t mean to challenge you, but more to understand what you mean more clearly.

X: Miracles are not just burning bushes, or winning the lottery! Consider the process of ascension like building a town. Previously, you had to lay every brick yourselves, you had to make the cement and buy the bricks…

Now, every time you notice a wobble and recenter yourself, or you forgive someone who judges or blames you, or… or… or… Every act where you move from the shadow to love, we are empowered to lay bricks for you.

Your ‘town’ is taking shape much faster than you realize. Soon, at the rate you are developing the ability to stay in love regardless of what happens around you, it is not bricks we shall be adding, but buildings, parks, waterways and concert halls.

The inner work is everything, because it dramatically changes the external landscape for individuals and the collective. Love is the building block of ascension. Miracles are healing the shadows that blind you to love. Mastery is moving beyond emotional awareness, into Higher Self-awareness; the space where solutions appear and innovations burst forth effortlessly.
Now, have you noticed miracles?

J: Yes, I have!

X: Wonderful. Humanity is on the brink of mastery; it takes far fewer than you may imagine to tip the balance, then miracles even more evident will emerge.

J: Thank you

if you can see joy, peace and Unconditional Love growing around and encompassing your entire world then it will become your reality.-Creator-

June 18, 2020, thecreatorwritings.wordpress.com


If you believe a war is going on or that a separateness exists between yourself and other humans, then that is what will be created especially for you.

However, if you can see joy, peace and Unconditional Love growing around and encompassing your entire world then it will become your reality.

Remember dear one, darkness thrives and lives on division, anger and fear. Keep shining your beautiful light and acknowledging the Divine Spark in those around you. You have the abilities, knowledge and wisdom, use it!

~ Creator

Self Care : What do you think, either in the immediate moment or in the longer moment, will bring you joy?

by Linda Dillon


We are so glad, first of all, that this query is even being raised because it is akin and related to this whole issue of surrender and acceptance.

This beautiful gem is lovingly shared by Kirsten from her personal reading with Linda Dillon.

Christianna ~ The Importance of Self-Care

Christianna: Greetings, I am Christianna, sister, mother, brother, ally, welcome! Welcome, sweet angel of light, every hue, every ray, many that are not even known upon the planet in terms of physical visibility with human eyes. …

Kirsten: Why do I struggle so much with self-care? How can I shift this to provide myself with loving care with regards to my health and wellbeing?

C: We are so glad, first of all, that this query is even being raised because it is akin and related to this whole issue of surrender and acceptance.

Too often, you simply look at yourself and think: “Oh, I’m okay, I just need to keep going.” But inside of that there is even… has been, past tense… has been a very subtle judgment – though it has never been as conscious as a mental process – of “I don’t really need that, I don’t really deserve that.” And that is like saying that someone never needs a treat or a hug or praise. Of course, you do!

Self-care is so important!

Now think of what I say to thee. A massive part of your attention, of your process, of your mission, is the self-care of the planet, of your beloved sister, Gaia. And it is… well, it may be feasible, if you wished to have that argument… but it is not really practical or sustainable to take care of an entire planet, or even a quarter-mile of planet, if you are not taking care of your sweet self.

And this is the thing. Before you have thought of yourself… think of it as an automobile “oh, I put gas in and change the oil” but you don’t take time to shine the body, wash the car, wax the car, sit in it, and tell it how much you love it! And now you are beginning to see how essential this is. So congratulations and thank you!

You do not tend… and yes, this is your answer… you do not tend to say to your sweet self: “What do I want? What do I need? What would I enjoy? What would I like?”

Because, yes, you need water and fuel – and of course you want, in terms of very practical self-care, water and fuel – but self-care is so much more than that. It is the nurturing of self in the physical reality. And when I say that, I am not simply saying that it is about attending to yourself physically; I mean attending in your dimensional physical reality, which is interdimensional, always. But it means treating yourself with gentle sweetness, with kindness.

So, self-care would begin… no, not end… it would begin by saying: “What would I enjoy? What would I like? What is my being, not just my body but my being, not just longing for but what would I like?” And we are not talking about 10 steps down the road; we are talking about a very immediate caretaking of yourself.

And sometimes it is the caressing… touch!… attendance to your absolutely beautiful self, whether it is hair care or creams or oils. Yes, of course, it helps the skin, but it is also about touch. It is you touching your own skin, your own body, not in a way of maintenance – you are pretty good at maintenance – but of truly, consciously, taking your hands and applying.

And while you are doing that, yes, of course, receiving it… and receiving it in a way that literally begins to marvel – we want you to remember that word – that marvels at the fact that you have skin… and pores…. and slight hair… and texture… and colour. It is such a basic thing, this container for the flesh and blood – and it is so basic that it is too often overlooked.

So you say to yourself: “What would I like? What would I enjoy?” And when I say to you “enjoy”, I mean in the very immediate sense of gratification, and I mean in the sense of… hmmm… not delayed, but procession. So you work your muscles, you work your carriage, you work your core, so that your self-care involves nurturing your structure.

But yes, it is more than that as well. It is giving to yourself – and not just here and there. Yes, it can be as little as 2 minutes or 5 minutes, but self-care should not simply be an appointment with yourself. Self-care has need to be the ongoing relationship of how you care and treat yourself.

So, “Do I long for more time simply listening to a sonata, or birdsong, or the movement of the wind through the grass?” It is giving yourself what you want and then, through that practice, anchoring more deeply… yes, that ‘surrendering’ word… giving yourself what you deserve.

When the Mother has spoken, She has said that She came for you to be in you and with you, as you do with Herin Her. That is self-care.

So the short answer in what self-care is, rather than a list of prescriptions, is: What do you think, either in the immediate moment or in the longer moment, will bring you joy?

And it is also giving yourself permission to “not do what you don’t want to do”! No, sweet one, we do not mean the easy things; they can be taken care of. But sometimes you have a tendency to force yourself to do things because you think you must. We would like you to really take a deeper look at that and consider re-direction in that.

We love you. We adore you. This question is a joy to our heart because it means you are treating yourself the way that we desire not only to treat you but to have you treat you.

So take this self-care that you have often thought of as being self-absorbed or selfish and truly proceed.

Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.

This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted. [Full terms of copyright at https://counciloflove.com/copyright-notice/]

The process of awakening is the process of releasing the divine within.

June 17, 2020, jennifercrokaert.blogspot.com


Welcome beloved hearts. I hope that the channels I share here leave you feeling loved, appreciated, uplifted and en-lightened. Only ever take what serves you, leave everything else. You are an incredible being of light and love, who chose to be here in this Now, to assist in the birthing of the Ascension physicalisation. Thank you so much. The divine in me salutes the divine in you.

The awakening process works on different levels: there are those who have slumbered long, who now have a feeling that things have changed, but they are unable to express why.

Of course, they see the changes after the global lock down, but they sense that something deeper has changed, even if they are not able to put into words what this may be. This group is experiencing a gentle nudging from the inside, a feeling that is sometimes hopeful, sometimes fearful.

Then there are those who are awakening to the lies that have been forced upon humanity, and this group can experience despair for some, anger and rage for others. This is proper, it is a stage of the bereavement process through which they must pass. Experiencing it and acting it out are, however, very different.

There is another group, who have passed through this process and have moved to understanding that all is love. If you find that, on some days, you drop from loving forgiveness into rage and perhaps even despair, this too is part of the process. Be gentle with yourself, then you can hold that vibration for others.

This group is currently focusing on light and love within, as well as sending love and light to those whose hearts lack this divine food, where divine love and light has been squashed, brutalised or suppressed.

Finally, there is yet another group of light workers, who not only know that all is love, but they are experiencing this directly, as their hearts open to direct experience of their Higher Self, so that the love that has lain hidden within them for so many lifetimes erupts within them.

All groups are necessary, just as all stages on the journey are necessary. You cannot jump from discovery to heart expansion directly, you do have to pass through the stages.

To create heaven on earth right now would result in disaster, because the majority of humanity would not be able to comprehend the leap and they would seek to recreate situations and behaviours that resonated with them, creating more chaos and pain.

The past needs to be cleared, the pain needs to be healed.

I am not saying that we are waiting for 100% healing, 100% clearing: we are awaiting the vibrational tipping point. And you are so very, very close.

All those who predominantly hold the vibration of love, hold a higher vibration than those predominantly living in fear; therefore, the energy they exude has greater power, due to its higher vibration. Fewer people, but greater light power.

The less you seek worldly power, the more you seek forgiveness and love. Paradoxically, through this process, your inner power grows. It is then that you have begun to surrender the ego, allowing the power of the divine to flow through you in the service of the highest good.

You are all, without exception, channels of divine love, some of you are more open to that love than others.

Wherever you are on your journey, know that your space and vibration is sacred. It is a part of the whole and it is serving its purpose in freeing humanity.

The process of awakening is the process of releasing the divine within. The Divine Mother Father One is an energy of complete love and acceptance. The journey to this vibration is the reason for all incarnations: the journey.

Where ever you are, whoever you are, you are of Me; you are sacred and welcome, forgiven and received within Me, no matter what.


This channeling from Saint Germain feels like all the things i have been expressing these past 5 years,i feel one with it ,all of it!


Saint Germain, channeledBy Ngari′′ Beloved brothers and dear friends “.I haven’t spoken directly to you in a while, through this channel. But today I was asked by our Ngari, to tell them exactly and much truth, what is going on right now on Earth.As you know, PRESIDENT TRUMP is doing everything possible to implement NESARA AT THE INTERNAL LEVEL IN THE UNITED STATES, AND GESARA AT THE GLOBAL LEVEL, in the 209 nations that have signed that law.It is also largely achieving ′′ DRAIN THE SWAMP ′′ in which America became, with the discrete help of:

The Galaxy Federation of the Free Worlds,The Ascended Teachers, The Alliance – composed of BRICS countries: (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).North American troops are already in several countries to arrest elite members of the ′′ deep state ′′ living in those countries.US military has also rescued more than 500 thousand children slaving those sick people from the world’s satanic elite.It has also restored the Republic in the United States, which thus ceases to be a private corporation, in the hands of a few Cabal families.Likewise it is proving the return to the pristine, original U.S. Constitution, in wind and tide. HAS CREATED A NEW COIN, THE UST, which can only be EMITED BY THE UNITED STATES Treasure.For this reason, TRUMP HAS CREATED AMERICAN TREASURE, WITH RENO HEADS IN RENO, CASTING THE POWER OF THE FED, which federal had nothing, since IT WAS PRIVATE PROPERTY, nor reserve, either, and HIS TABLE OF DIRECTORS WAS appointed by LOS ROTSCHILD as well as issuing money as they please. All that will no longer be allowed, under no circumstances. And the new currency is fully backed by real wealth.Soon the other countries will be deploying Gesara and then there will be a single currency, backed by real wealth. And it will be digital, because it will be part of the Quantum Financial System (QFS), which is already working, although it has not been disclosed yet.Although their evil plans are being disclosed with the intention of fearing them, don’t consider it. QUANTIC COMPUTERS already being used are equipped with an ALIENIGEN TECHNOLOGY, UNKNOWN ON EARTH, moved by plasma and tachionic energy, as well as possessing Artificial Intelligence.THE CABAL CAN NEVER HACK THAT SYSTEM, nor promote money laundering operations, or steal from citizens.YOU ALL WILL HAVE YOUR OWN ACCOUNT, AND YOU CAN MANIPULATE THAT ACCOUNT FREELY. Because the quantum computer detects immediately and in real time, any attempted fraud, theft or whatever and automatically blocks the requested transaction. I ask you, my friends, not to be afraid or afraid.I assure you both you and your families are safe. NOBODY WILL BE LEFT WITHOUT MONEY FOR THEIR SUPERVIVENCE AND FAMILY.THE CABAL IS TRYING TO SAVE ITS POWER AND IS GIVING ITS LAST COLLETS, adapting a global ′′ BURNED LAND ′′ policy. OR BE IT, IF THE PLANET IS NOT UNDER OUR YUGO, NO ONE CAN HAVE IT. But their strength is running out, and they know it. Every day there is a new victory of Light. There are more arrests every day.Most of that planetary elite is already behind bars at Guantanamo. Or under house arrests. We will no longer allow them their onslaught against humans, and we have eliminated any attempt at a third world war.Galactics have neutralized all of Earth’s atomic arsenal. Plus, BE PART OF NESARA and GESARA, THE END OF EVERYTHING AND ANY WAR ON THAT PLANET. Includes an international armistice. From now on all the peoples of that planet will live in peace and harmony with each other.In short, there will be no more wars. Every citizen will have more than enough to have a roof, food on the table and health for everyone. Whether or not you have a job, there will always be money in your account.The role of banks will be another completely different. With the new financial system, there will be the forgiveness of all bank debts. They already started cancelling the debt of the poorest countries.Mortgage and credit or debit card debts will be forgiven anyway. It’ll be a way to give people back at least part of what they’ve been robbed of all their lives.Water, light, and heating accounts will be removed due to opening free energy patents, for example. Energy becomes free and free to all, no matter where in the world you live. Plus, income tax is being eliminated.There will be a single tax of 14 % on consumer goods, excluding medicines, food, homes or secondhand cars, and especially whatever is first needed for life on Earth.EVERYONE WILL HAVE REPLICATING MACHINES THAT INSTANT CAN REPLICATE EVERYTHING, BE IT FOOD, CLOTHES OR WHATEVER. In fact, life is going to be very different from everything they’ve known.Earth will have a full-fledged galaxy society. There will no longer be people going hungry, violence, or anything that represents a low vibration, because the planet, which is a living being, is moving on to the Fifth Dimension, and you with it.THERE WILL BE NO HOSPITALS, NO VACCINES, NO EVEN SICKNESS. Almost there until MEDBED’S, or medical beds are released to the public, which in a matter of minutes, will heal all and any pre-future illness.Every human being will regain their freedom and live a prosperous, rich and happy life. And all of it is just around the corner.So pay no attention to the catastrophic view of Cabal’s plans. They won’t be fulfilled, I assure you. I ASK YOU ALL TO START CELEBRATING THE FREEDOM OF ′′ BEING ′′ AND THE VICTORY OF THE STRENGTH OF LIGHT, FROM NOW!!!WAKE UP FOR THAT NEW AND WONDERFUL LIFE OF FREEDOM TO BE, THAT WAITS FOR YOU. AND BE HAPPY!!! GIVE UP FEAR AND REPLACE THAT FEELING FOR LOVE. I leave you with all my love for each of you. YOU ARE NOT ALONE AND YOU WILL NEVER BE.I AM YOUR BROTHER AND FRIEND ADAMUS SAINT GERMAIN.[](https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=961747074279812&set=a.341986529589206&type=3&eid=ARBEzlRLPRbu_VFyTHyOUIYjyKBhKp-Hvs7Q8sg3nEIH7lFyaRftFzzsduhBdjBt6KJu2dQeQgVKJr9H)

Mass Meditations Summary

Accordingly to the Light Beings this is the first time we are going through such tremendous opportunity for change for the highest good for all.Personally I have been handling the energies by doing as many as possible mass meditations daily and also working on visualisations and feeling into the frequency of desired outcomes for my highest good and the highest good for all.It feels now like IAM on automatic pilot,at times i choose not to sit and do the meditation,i choose to walk or play music or dance or simply being active physically while in my mind IAM focusing to share Light.It is something in me that always requests to find ways to make my Light Work more fun and I know for sure that when i look for the fun then of course the meditations are much more effective because i find myself in Higher Frequencies closer to The Angels and Company of Heaven.I do practise a lot of laughter too,even if i don’t feel like laughing or being in gratitude for things i don’t understand,it is also very effective.

My current program is like this:

I go to bed around 22h00 and if the energies are strong then i will do meditation.At times the energies coming from Central Galactic Sun are so powerful that it is impossible to sleep even if i do 1 hour meditation.So at the times i am normally at bed,i find myself doing some Yoga or Chi Gong,it allows energy to be grounded and used for something instead of remaining still.At times i will choose to have a good night sleep and at times when i feel i don’t need that much sleep i wake up around 3-4 am and go within and meditate for about 45′ to 1 hour.Then if i feel still ok i will write something or read something.And after that going back to bed.I do my best to have one or 2 short cat naps a day,it helps to release resistance and i feel super energized when i do this.And then i have a scheduled program,specific times in the day that i participate in mass meditations with a specific intention.

You can find and choose those that fit your schedule here:


We have Every Day at 3PM EST the mass meditations with Jared Rand that you can find all about here :


Also we do 8 at 8(am & pm your local time):

Our focus and intentions:
race riots, the bigotry,
the coronavirus, the media,
women’s rights around the world,
aboriginal issues around the world,
the poverty and distress in Zimbabwe
drought in California, calling for more rain,
staggering 35,588* murders in Mexico,
domestic violence, murder in Mexico,
human trafficking around the world
the unconscionable WAR in Yemen
900,000 people displaced in Syria
violent messages in music & film
other issues on beautiful Gaia.


Please join with us at 8AM and/or 8PM

And the we do every Sunday at at 14h11/17h11 and 20h11 Central European Time remaining still for 33′ radiating out Peace,Love,Joy.

You can find all about here:


This particular weekend with The New Moon Solar Eclipse and Solstice Energies we do 2 extra meditations that you can find here :

So,if you ask me,there are vast opportunities out there to assist from the comfort of your house,the result is always a feeling that is uplifting and true joy emanating from within which is the true definition of joy allowing more of The God that we are to flow through our beings and of course also the benefit or being able to be more compassionate and have amazing stamina on day to day issues that may arise when we observe around us those that are not aware yet of their oneness with God and All That Is.

Make your own schedule and see and feel for yourself how uplifting and fulfilling this experience is.



by Patricia Cota-Robles
June 17, 2020
  We are in the midst of a truly Cosmic Moment during which we have the opportunity to greatly accelerate Humanity’s awareness of the Oneness of ALL Life. The Company of Heaven has encouraged us for decades to pay attention, because, as they say, “Cosmic Moments come and Cosmic Moments go.” What they mean by that is that throughout the Universe there are myriad celestial alignments and cycles within cycles within cycles that greatly amplify the frequencies of Divine Light that Humanity can benefit from IF we take advantage of the opportunity.   This is one of those opportunities! We are currently being held in the embrace of a Triple Eclipse Series. This weekend, June 20th and 21st, we will experience not only the June Solstice for 2020, but also an extremely powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse.   On January 10th, during the Eclipse Series that Birthed 2020, we experienced a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse which the Company of Heaven revealed assisted Mother Earth to cross the threshold of the “13th Gateway” into the Crystalline fields of the 5th-Dimensional New Earth. This monumental facet in our Ascension process shifted the Cosmic coordinates of Mother Earth to a brand new frequency in our Solar System. This is allowing the Solar Logos from Suns beyond Suns to greatly amplify the Light that is bathing the Earth now due to Lunar Cycles, Sun Cycles, Eclipses, Solstices, Equinoxes and Planetary Alignments.  We are also receiving greatly intensified frequencies of Light from Galactic Solar Waves, Plasma Solar Storms, Solar Winds, Photonic Light Streams, Solar Radiation, Magnetic Fields, Sonic Impulses and various other Cosmic events.   Even though these events present the opportunity for Humanity and the Earth to benefit in seemingly miraculous ways, if you and I and the rest of Awakening Humanity do not deliberately volunteer to be the Open Door for this Light on behalf of ourselves, Humanity and the rest of Life on Mother Earth, this unfathomable Divine Light will not be tangibly available in the physical world of form on this Planet.   The Universal Law is, “The Call for assistance MUST come from the Realm where the assistance is needed.” In order for Humanity to benefit from the powerful Light Waves now bathing the Earth, we must Invoke that Divine Light through our I AM Presence and Breathe it through the Divinity within our Heart Flame into the physical world of form. Once we do that, the benefit from that influx of Light is then available for every person, place, condition and thing evolving in the physical plane of Earth. The more people invoking this Divine Light, the more obvious and life-transforming the effects will be in the individual and collective lives of ALL Humanity.   Our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven want us to KNOW that the events unfolding on Earth during this Cosmic Moment have never before happened. This is providing all of us with an unprecedented opportunity and WE ARE BEING CALLED TO RESPOND!  This means your magnificent Light is needed NOW.   Since Mother Earth crossed the threshold of the “13th Gateway”, there have been magnetic shifts taking place within her atmosphere. These magnetic shifts are altering Humanity’s personal energy fields and dramatically affecting our Mental Bodies and our physical brain structures. This is causing the residue of the obsolete crystallized patterns in our Physical, Etheric, Mental and Emotional Bodies to be shattered and pushed to the surface. The remaining records and memories recorded in our Etheric Bodies that have been hidden from us are now available to be cleared. This is allowing our I AM Presence and our Body Elemental to remove the blocks that have been preventing us from moving forward in the Light for aeons of time.   The global time-out and the Planetary Reboot now unfolding on Earth has created a sacred space that is allowing the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child to intervene in his or her Awakening process in ways that have never been attempted before. The consciousness codes of the Millennials and the Children were activated by their I AM Presence in 2018. The Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Strands of DNA within the masses of Humanity were activated by every person’s I AM Presence in 2019. So far, in 2020, NEW Transfiguration Codes have been activated within every person’s 5th-Dimensional DNA and a NEW Divine Body Template has been secured within the Core of Purity in every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Humanity’s Earthly Bodies. Now all is in readiness.   The global events occurring in the outer world at this time have opened the Hearts of the masses of Humanity to higher frequencies of GOD’S COMPREHENSIVE DIVINE LOVE than we have ever been able to safely assimilate. This is true, regardless of the scattered negative events being reported by the media. The reality is that Light is infinitely more powerful than the fear-based responses of those being motivated by their resistance to changing the status quo based in separation and duality.   Due to the overwhelming success of the newly opened Hearts within the masses of Humanity, we are being Called by our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven to respond to a multi-dimensional and multi-faceted activity of Light that will lift the Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her into brand NEW expressions of Oneness through GOD’S COMPREHENSIVE DIVINE LOVE.   During the June 20th-21st Solstice and the New Moon Solar Eclipse, the Solar Logos and Cosmic Beings in our Solar System will work with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth to accelerate the activation of Humanity’s 5th-Dimensional Spiritual Brain Centers which will Awaken our Crown Chakras to receive higher levels of Divine Enlightenment than we have experienced since prior to our fall from Grace.   During this Cosmic Moment which will be sustained in the Eternal Moment of NOW, the I AM Presence of every person on Earth will calibrate the right and left hemispheres of our brain to the highest level that Cosmic Law will allow. This will permit our I AM Presence to reconnect the fragmented pathways within our physical brain structures that have prevented us from communicating with our I AM Presence and remembering the Oneness of ALL Life.   Once these pathways are permanently reconnected, our spiritual brain centers which consist of our pineal, pituitary and hypothalamus glands and the ganglionic centers at the base of our brain will be activated to the next level of their full Divine Potential by our I AM Presence. When these centers within our brain are activated to brand NEW levels of GOD’S COMPREHENSIVE DIVINE LOVE, our I AM Presence will use the amplified Light that is flowing from this Eclipse Series through our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love to accelerate the Awakening to the Oneness and Reverence of ALL Life that the masses of Humanity are experiencing during this unprecedented Cosmic Moment.   Our Father-Mother God have asked that the Invocation we use to accomplish this vitally important facet of the Divine Plan be: “I AM LOVING ALL LIFE FREE.”   This Gift from On High has been building in momentum for several decades and every time it is invoked Humanity en masse is lifted to a higher level of consciousness. Please respond to this Clarion Call from our Father-Mother God and the Realms of Illumined Truth by participating in this activity of Light as often you are inspired to do so.  
  I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth. As One Unified Heart, we invoke our Father-Mother God and the entire Company of Heaven to help us raise every person on Earth from a consciousness of separation and duality into a consciousness of Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life. This is being accomplished by every person’s I AM Presence in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.   Beloved Father-Mother God, we ask that you now expand your Divine Love which is pulsating within the Divinity of every person’s newly calibrated Spiritual Brain Centers and Heart Flame. Allow your COMPREHENSIVE DIVINE LOVE to flow through each person’s 5th-Dimensional Heart Chakra until it envelops the entire Planet Earth, greatly intensifying our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love. As this unfathomable influx of Light bathes the Earth, every facet of Life is lifted into a Higher Order of Being.    Each person’s I AM Presence now creates a sacred space in which they are able to open their 5th-Dimensional Crown Chakra of Enlightenment to full breadth. This allows each person to Ascend ever higher into the Awakened state of Christ Consciousness.   As this occurs, multidimensional and multifaceted 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light expands from the Heart of our Father-Mother God into every cell of Humanity’s Earthly Bodies allowing the I AM Presence of every person to take full dominion of their Physical, Etheric, Mental and Emotional Bodies.   Now, all is in readiness. Through their I AM Presence, every person on Earth is participating at both inner and outer levels in this activity of Light which is raising the consciousness of the masses of Humanity and assisting every person to shift from the illusion of separation and duality into the Reality of Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life.   I now reach up into the Infinity of my own Divine Consciousness. As I AM lifted up, all of Humanity is lifted up with me. In this frequency of Divine Consciousness, I see that Humanity’s free will is becoming One with God’s Will and the I AM Presence of each person affirms, “I AM ready to Love ALL Life FREE!”      Instantaneously, I see the Truth of every person on Earth. I see ALL of my Sisters and Brothers in the Family of Humanity, even the most recalcitrant souls, as precious Sons and Daughters of God, no matter how far their behavior patterns or their life experiences may be from reflecting that Truth. I perceive all of the painful human miscreations associated with my Sisters and Brothers as innocent primordial energy entering my awareness now to be transmuted back into Light and Loved FREE.   I happily greet all of these Children of God and all of their misqualified energy the same way my Father-Mother God would greet them. I greet them with Love from within the embrace of Eternal Peace, Detachment, God Confidence, and Supreme Authority.   Within an Invincible Forcefield of God’s Infinite Love, I take my Sisters and Brothers into the Kingdom of Heaven within my Heart Flame, and I hold them in my arms of Light as I would an injured child. They cannot overwhelm me or control me in any way, nor do I need to fear them or shun them. I simply hold them and Love them until they surrender to the Love of God, desiring on their own to enter the Kingdom of Heaven within the Divinity of their own Heart Flame.   Now, rather than feeling rejected and thus perpetuating their negative behavior patterns, my Sisters and Brothers feel accepted and Loved as the innate Sons and Daughters of God they are. They voluntarily release themselves into the Light, and they begin to KNOW that they are ONE with ALL Life.   I rejoice that every person and their unascended energies are at long last finding their way Home and I release myself into the Peace of KNOWING:  
My I AM Presence is handling ALL imperfection perfectly.”
  As these precious Ones surrender to the Light, they remember that they are Beloved Sons and Daughters of God. With this sacred knowledge, they once again find their proper place in the Family of Humanity. In perfect Divine Order, they are set FREE to live and cocreate the Heart-based patterns of Love, Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life on the New Earth.  And so it is.     
Dear One, I wish you a Glorious Solstice and Solar Eclipse.
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446
Phone: 520-885-7909, Fax: 520-347-5440
  This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included.  
Era of Peace
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
 ©2020 Patricia Cota-Robles

You no longer need verification of rightness…Your current physical being is much more sophisticated than your former body. A sophistication that requires beliefs and actions tied to your inner-being.What does your inner-being tell you? That is your map, your direction, and your new life.

Dear Ones,

Slowly in your mind and rapidly in ours, your beliefs have transitioned from ego, and society shoulds to heart uniqueness. That which once seemed foreign or difficult is now part of you.

Such is not to say you have become a Pollyanna, but instead that you can sense when something is not right for you. Even if you attempt to negate that intuitive feeling, you discover physically that such actions or thoughts are not correct. Maybe your stomach aches, your eyes burn, or you feel tired.

Your physical body is now more aligned with your being than has been true in any 3D life.

You feel more and are beginning to respond accordingly.

Not that you jump off ‘the cliff’ with every decision or action, but instead that you are beginning to unite your inner-being with your physical body and actions. A long hoped for phase by most of you.

This new-found action mode is not as difficult as you once thought it would be. It merely requires your attention.

Even though your physical being has always attempted to unite with your intuition, your need to retain fear and social approval negated much of that interaction. So it was many did not listen to their inner-being until they received significant notice from their physical being.

Without shoulds or have tos, your life expands exponentially – not in terms of what is right for society, but for you. So it is each time you deny control to your 3D being, you inch closer to new you.

You no longer need verification of rightness. Even so, you will try outer-control once in a while – just as is true for any change. Your transition did not happen in a day, and so too is it true for this self-motivated phase. You will likely take two steps forward and one step back.

You will know when you have taken a step back by your physical indicators. Such is not a threat as much as a reality. Which is little different than a teen crawling instead of walking. Crawling may be appropriate in small spaces, but to fully function, that teen needs to walk or run to the activities he or she participates in. So it is for you. You can follow the 3D rules you have lived with until recently. Or you can pick yourself up and run.

So it is we are congratulating you for daring to run despite all indications from those enmeshed in 3D that you are wrong. This is new you in your new physical body. A body more attuned to your actions and thoughts than your 3D physical body ever was.

Your current physical being is much more sophisticated than your former body. A sophistication that requires beliefs and actions tied to your inner-being.

Your physicality is always the last to incorporate Universal energies. In this case, such was so to give you time to attune your inner-being to new you. For if your new physical being had been complete before now, you likely could not have remained of the earth in this lifetime. The need for you to follow 3D guidelines, as was once true, would have incurred illnesses that would eventually have destroyed your physical being. As if part of your being were yelling a loud yes and the other, an emphatic no. Such a combination would have devastated your being both mentally and physically.

Now you are in tune. Your physical being has become sensitive to the point of almost instant reaction when you are not following your inner voice from watery eyes to an upset stomach, a headache, toothache, a sore toe, and on and on. Minor ailments that cause your attention to return to you instead of what you were concerned about or acting upon that which was wrong for you.

When such happens, you merely need to stop your thought or action and request information from your inner-self about a different direction. If you believe such a concept is silly, you will not with time. Before your world can become one – which it will in short order – you must accept that you are one. That your emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental beings are all moving in one direction.

You have negated most, if not all, of your fears. You understand this new world from an observer instead of a participant viewpoint. And you are beginning to receive clarification of your road ahead.

Many of you clamor that our last statement is not what you sense or feel. We beg to differ. Even though you might not believe you have changed, try following someone’s guidelines, and negating your own. Just as is true for a toddler, your new being has slipped into your new life without a great deal of fanfare. A toddler progresses daily without expecting or receiving accolades. It just is. So it is for you now. You are a new being with new skills, not the least of which is your body is an immediate indicator of your rightness of action as pronounced by your inner voice.

Perhaps a better example would be that infants are expected to know when it is time to smile or turn-over. Activities that cannot be taught – they are innate. So it is for you now. Like an infant, you are discovering you want or need something over there, so your physical being accommodates accordingly. If you decide not to comply, your physical being also accommodates accordingly.

You are complying with yourself on almost automatic pilot. Which until now, you often denied yourself access to. So it is we congratulate you on becoming you despite your initial fears and social naysayers.

What does your inner-being tell you? That is your map, your direction, and your new life. So be it. Amen.

LifeTapestryCreations.com. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

Trust that everything is proceeding according to plan-Arcturian Group Message via Marilyn Raffaele-

JUNE 14, 2020

Welcome to our message, dear readers.

You are doing a fine job of holding the Light in spite of how things look when judged by concepts of how they “should” be. Outwardly it may seem as if nothing of a higher level is taking place, but the outer scene is a three dimensional expression of the awakening that is taking place in the hearts and minds of increasingly more individuals.

High resonating frequencies of Light are bursting ancient dams of ignorance in both personal and global consciousness allowing long repressed emotions to finally flow out and take form in individual ways.

Emotions (energy in motion) that are now expressing outwardly have been alive and well throughout lifetimes but kept hidden often even from the one holding them, through fear. Those receptive are beginning to feel a sense of empowerment not experienced before. This in turn is causing increasingly more individuals to realize that much of what they have been led to believe is false and based in concepts of separation. Hearts and minds are opening to realize that every person is entitled to freedom, equality, and respect regardless of skin color, gender, or station in life.

You who are already spiritually awake are doing the same work as those on the streets but are doing it through your spiritual realization of truth and by being examples of loving action and words. Both ways reflect the surfacing of old energy ready and needing to be recognized and cleared which will serve to bring a new level of awareness to the collective.

There will be less fear and more unity as efforts to bring about change continue to unfold. Those filled with hate and violence and who cause wanton destruction are not promoting a higher cause but are simply using the movement as an excuse to act out their own negative personal agenda. Their actions do not help to lift world consciousness, but also cannot stop the expansion of it for the Light is power and reality whereas concepts have nothing to sustain or maintain them other than the belief in them.

Varying pockets of dense energy formed over time will surface as mankind is ready. At this time it is the energy of slavery and entitlement based in beliefs of separation that is surfacing. Other long held belief systems waiting to be cleared are abundance/finance, gender inequality, health /drugs, food, separation, and organized religion. As these things begin to be seen from a higher level, many will choose to no longer align with them in their present state, bringing about change.

Judging by appearances, it may seem as if the world is devolving rather than evolving, but that would not be possible dear ones. What you are witnessing is the collective consciousness opening to new levels of awareness by virtue of the people themselves who are making it happen whether consciously aware of it or not.

This is why you are where you are right now at this time. You are the ETs you have hoped would land and save you and you are the Ascended Masters you have cried out to for guidance but in the density of third dimensional energy you have forgotten who you were. You are personally and globally experiencing exactly what you came to be a part of. Trust that everything is proceeding according to plan.

Attempting to understand everything with the human mind will always result in half truths, because the human mind is only able to access what is already in the collective. Instead seek answers from within, from Divine Mind and they will come as needed through others, from intuition, from a direct inner voice, or any number of other ways. However, you must understand there are no answers for many of the things you wish to know because energy is forming itself in each now moment which is why we say that you, the people, are creating the world you wish to see.

Live your awareness by aligning with truth rather than with the fear based speculation and propaganda being promoted by media and some “leaders”. Rest in your heart center as an observer seeing through outer appearances to the reality taking place behind the scenes. When you do this you bring your energy to higher solutions and change rather than to appearances that consist of what is old and finished.

You may not agree with all change simply because it is difficult to see the finished product while it is still in the process of being created. Change unfolds and evolves as the consciousness forming them unfolds and evolves. Do not expect the changes you hope to see immediately manifest fully formed but know that the process has begun. The energy of earth is becoming increasingly higher and change has begun.

Many think of change only as it applies to government, religion, health services, education etc. but larger change can only follow individual change so be prepared for change in your personal life as well. When even one person awakens to truth, it adds awareness to the collective for there is only One Consciousness. As the collective evolves, it automatically creates new and higher ways of understanding and doing things.

Individuals become empowered as they awaken to their Oneness with Source, other people, and all life forms. The result is that as increasingly more people reclaim their power and refuse to accept or align with the disempowering ego actions of others, they begin loving and respecting themselves in a new way. Empowerment is the finger that pushes the first domino of the long ancient line of dominoes that every person accumulates over lifetimes. It has begun.

Everyone will eventually stand powerfully in their identity as a Divine Being for it is Reality. However, not all are at a point of readiness for this realization and you may experience situations where firm words and actions on your part are needed. Empowerment means doing what needs to be done in ways the other can relate to (which can seem harsh if that is what is needed) but always from a consciousness of Oneness.

When words and actions are carried on an energy stream of love (the recognition of the other’s true Divine nature) they may seem harsh but will carry a much higher frequency than if the same words and actions were sent out on energy streams of hate or anger. Empowerment never means being another’s doormat or allowing family, friend, church, or organization to have control over your thoughts and decisions. This does not mean you never listen to or ponder the well meaning ideas of others, but does mean that after giving them honest consideration the bottom line remains yours and yours alone.

Empowerment affects all relationships–marriage, family, church , co-workers, etc. Everyone is feeling or at least beginning to be aware of personal empowerment but how they interpret and act upon it is determined by the state of their consciousness. This is why you are witnessing peaceful protesters attempting to bring about positive change while at the same time you see looters and destroyers seeking only self gratification.

Women in general have had a more difficult time accepting empowerment because of having lived many lifetimes as both men and women during times that gave no credibility, power, respect, or equality to females. Some parts of the world still live this way, and continue to feed this obsolete energy into the collective. Many men and women still carry this energy in cellular memory. Some who have lived lives as abusive men have chosen a female body in this life in order to experience the other side of it.

The high frequencies of the Divine Feminine are quickly integrating and balancing with the Divine Masculine because mankind is now spiritually ready. More and more women are choosing to live empowered lives free from fear and intimidation and more and more men are feeling free to express their emotions without feeling “unmanly”. Occasionally the pendulum may swing too far one way or the other, but will eventually center because the equal balance of both masculine and feminine energy is Reality.

It is not always women who need to bring in their masculine or men who need to integrate their feminine because everyone has lived many lives as both male and female and frequently one energy will remain dominant which is why some experience gender confusion. Never forget that you are consciousness utilizing a physical body and not a physical body with a little pocket of consciousness tucked in somewhere.

A woman does not need to act masculine nor does a man need to act feminine in order to be balanced and fully integrated with both. It is only within third dimensional energy that the masculine and feminine are seen as separate for in reality they are simply the two halves of One Divine Whole.

Personal and global situations based in, built on, and maintained by force and dominance will crumble and the rights of all, not just a select few, will begin to be acknowledged. Active, be-er, do-er masculine/mind energy will become balanced and supported by the receptive, intuitive, loving feminine/heart energy and vice versa.

Men are opening to and acknowledging the feminine energies already present within them which is allowing them to be more open, intuitive, and able to express unconditional love. Women are integrating their already present masculine energy allowing them to be more active, make decisions, and supportive of their feminine qualities. Most of you who read these messages have already done this work and are well balanced and live both qualities naturally and without thought.

It is a new time personally and globally. The “pandemic” will run its course. Do not allow the fear being promoted by media, some leaders, and those who benefit from other’s fears to suck you into some fear based agenda. Do what you must, obey the rules, but remember always–God alone is power.

We are the Arcturian Group 6/14/20

Donations are welcomed

Only when we have Justice and Equality for all races, can we begin to evolve as human beings -Adama From Telos-

Q: How did your Justice System evolve?

  A: I am Adama, High Priest and Ascended Master of Telos, here with you today.  We are here with you in great numbers, over 25 million in all, from all the Subterranean Cities of Light. We are all unified into one great network of Light, called the Agartha Network. This network is vast in its scope, and is responsible for our safety under the Earth. 
We attend great conferences, convening under the Earth, where our laws are discussed and weighed in the Light of God’s Divine Code of Ethics for the Earth.  We are a self-regulating “government”, formed on the basis of Justice and Equality for all life, whether under or upon the Earth’s surface. All cases are weighed individually according to their specific circumstances, and all are judged by God’s Light and God’s Divine Code of Ethics so that all parties receive the greatest justice, and so that all parties benefit.   Our justice system is millions of years old, based on the original Lemurian system that was used when we lived on the surface in homes and communities similar to yours. We took this form of democracy with us when we decided to go underground 12,000 years ago. Our knowledge is vast, since our lives are long. We still have people alive who are 20,000–30,000 years old, and who, because of their lengthy age spans, remember “all that was” when we lived on the surface. These souls are wise indeed, for they have conscious access to all accumulated knowledge from that time forward. This is one of the ways we keep our laws pure, for we have the Divine Standard of God to base them on from the past. This was a time when we had reached glorious heights of evolvement.
  Fortunately for us, we have been undisturbed beneath the Earth to carry on our evolution in peace and prosperity. Because of this, our evolution on all levels keeps increasing as the years go on. Someday soon, you, too, will be in the position of experiencing life in the peaceful and prosperous way it was meant to be lived. Then you, too, can gain in strength and wisdom, and evolve into the God Beings that you are.
  All life needs peace for evolvement to take place. Without peace, species just struggle for survival, and never have “time” to add to the strength and wisdom that they have accumulated. So peace is a necessary factor for evolvement, and evolvement is a necessary factor for the continuation of a species.

All your brothers and sisters are here with you now; albeit, they are still in the higher dimensions, but they are here monitoring and protecting your planet. They are here to guide you on your path of evolvement to the Stars. So look to us, all of us who are here with you, whether from above or below, and call to us for strength and guidance. For we are all here for you, so that all of us, together, will find our way back home into the higher dimensions of Light.
Copyright © Dianne Robbins 
  If you like these messages, please make a contribution to help me continue my work: http://paypal.me/TelosMtShasta I have dedicated the last 30 years of my life to bring through transmissions directly from the Inner Earth Realms and Nature Kingdoms, to help us understand the Interconnection of all Life on Earth – which is a Key to our Ascension. 

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Your support is greatly appreciated, and I thank you in advance! 

~ Dianne Robbins


The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild, June 14, 2020

14th June

Hello, my friends and welcome. Well, the question on everyone’s lips is ‘Are we in Phase 2?’ Some are adamant we are and some think not.

Firstly, we welcome each one, each one upon your Planet Earth that is open to receiving our words that we bring forth with the intent to advise and uplift.

Thank you. So … are we in phase 2?

We categorically state that Phase 2 has not yet moved into position.

So, the riots are part of Phase 1?

Correct and although you are nearing the end of Phase 1 (from our perspective) there is yet another ‘portion’ of it to be fulfilled before Phase 2 can come into play.

We stated that Phase 2 will come in with a ‘BAM’ and this is so.

Ok. Thanks for clarifying that. So, this next ‘portion’ of Phase 1 … any clues?

It will derive from this last portion. Remember always ‘ALL IS NOT AS IT SEEMS’. Even that which you think you know has fallen into place, may not necessarily be the case.

Well, that’s just it! I am at the stage of not … trusting /believing fully … anything that passes my way at the moment. It is all so up in the air and nothing makes sense. So, I feel it best to wait patiently until something REALLY OBVIOUS is identified as Truth.

This would be an advisable and sensible state to ‘play with,’ Blossom.

I am aware some would call me a conspiracy theorist and yet, I am a TRUTH SEEKER! That is all any of us want, Guys … to seek the TRUTH and yet, I feel like a minted pea, drowning in a bowl of soup … of a thousand vegetables!

An interesting perception, Blossom.

Yes! I don’t know why I came out with that!

Because we would say it aptly describes the state of play at the moment.
So many ‘ingredients’ have been thrown into the mix now. So much confusion presented to do just that … ‘confuse’ … so that no one really knows or can understand.
Yet, this is, therefore, the reason to stay centered … to hold steadfastly to the ONE TRUTH THAT YOU DO KNOW.
When you are exposed to something that ‘hurts’ your Being … Remember LOVE.
When you are feeling lost, lonely and afraid … Remember LOVE.
When your spirit feels so depleted from the onslaught of lies that surround you … Remember LOVE.
When you feel you are …

Drowning in a bowl of vegetable soup?

When you remember LOVE in everything you do … Your days will feel easier.
For in doing so, you are allowing yourself to be connected with Higher Energies that can encourage and uplift you.
REMEMBER there are so many ‘Lights’ from all sorts of ‘places’ that are with you … right by your side … right behind you … right there with you … to offer their service of LOVE to you.
You, each one who resides in human form upon the Earth plane …
You may FEEL you have been forgotten or perhaps wandered off track … NO!
Become aware of ALL who choose to ‘have your back’.
Of ALL who infuse Light into your Energy fields.
Do not refuse them by not acknowledging them.
Let them know … you know they are there with you.
Your Allies. Your friends. Your comrades … Your TRUTH SEEKERS!
There are scenarios being played out. This has to be done in order to move forward.
There is so much more to come. We have made sure you understand this.

Yes. You are quite clear that the situation is to become far worse … i.e., a lot more Topsy Turvy than now. Many are upset and fearful of this, as they do not feel they are coping very well NOW, let alone when it gets worse. Do you mean worse in ways of confusion?

Blossom. The entirety of the situation that is presenting itself NOW is to become much deeper and severely more intense.

See! Those are strong words!

Because you are in a situation that cannot be … brushed over/ brushed under … the carpet. The changeover has begun and it is not going to eventually all disappear and return to normal.
That which you knew as normal shall never return. It cannot.

Yet, the ‘new normal’ at the moment, when out and about, already seems quite controlled. Yesterday, some man thrust a thermometer laser in my forehead without even asking … I wasn’t a happy bunny! Things that make me feel we are moving into a much more controlled society … not one of freedom.

Yet, this is how things are presenting now.
That which is to come … that which is to be ANNOUNCED will change this way that appears to seem controlled.
Such a HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT shall be made that will take you into Phase 2!

Whoa! So … the BAM will be the ‘announcement?’

Correct. The first announcement of its kind.

And after that announcement … we will shift into phase 2?


Ok. So, to boldly go where no man has gone before … who will make this announcement?

We cannot go that far. Yet, we will say that the ‘wording is already on paper’.
In fact, we would tell you that the wording for the following three announcements is already ‘marked down’.
The preparations that have been long underway/undercover are beyond the capabilities of some of the most intelligent of Beings.
We ask that you allow this TRUTH to be absorbed into the ‘human sector’ of your BEINGS.
For that which you are … THE LOVE/LOVED … BEING OF LIGHT THAT YOU KNOW YOURSELF TO BE … KNOWS THIS TRUTH … and encourages the human element that is …

… drowning in a bowl of vegetable broth?

Thank you for your input. We could not put it better ourselves …
and encourages the human element that is … drowning in a bowl of vegetable broth … to wake up to this Truth.
To allow the little ‘minted pea’ to see itself for what it is … amongst all that is mixed up within that bowl and COME INTO ITS OWN KNOWING … to find the Courage because of that Truth to swim to the surface and CLAIM ITS SOVEREIGNTY.

That has been coming up a lot lately from others, it seems. Asking one to claim their sovereignty. ‘I AM A MINTED PEA!’

Dearest Blossom, although you jest, this is exactly what you must do.

From a bowl of mushy soup into a bowl of consommé?

We feel you have understood perfectly.

We all know this deep inside. We just ‘tire’ now and then … WE KNOW WE HAVE GOT THIS. WE ALL KNOW IT.

Because you have.

I am so intrigued to know what the first announcement will be!?

As indeed, we are so intrigued to see the reaction it creates!

In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM.

You cannot create food that does not have the energy of those who have planted, harvested, and tended to it; of course, it is there! That is the reason why organic food is so popular. -AA Michael via Linda Dillon-

by Linda Dillon


The concept of what the Mother is saying “to be reborn when you are already alive” … is not understood, and for most people is not understandable. How could such a phenomenon take place?

This wonderful channelled gem is lovingly shared from a personal reading with Linda Dillon.

Archangel Michael ~ The Mother’s Plan of Rebirth: The Bigger Picture

Greetings, I am Michael, Archangel of Peace, Warrior of Love, Bringer of News. Welcome, bright angel of lurion, blue and mauve and pink, daughter of the Mother, anchor of the love, bringer and anchor of the peace.

Welcome to this Council and to this Circle of One, to this Circle of All.

Bright angel, you are in the time of rebirth, you are in the time of reconstitution, of resurrection, of ascension in form upon this glorious planet where you, in the deepest connection and commitment to our beloved Divine Mother, have chosen to be.

And, yes, you are in her Pause and this is intended to be the time of silence, the time of the in-breath, the time of re-examination of what is truly important, valuable… not in the esoteric sense or in the physical sense… but in the combination of what makes your life rich – not only tolerable, but rich and profound – and, yes, sweet one, joyful.

You, like many, are an agent and an angel of change and you have come to this planet … not only to bear witness, and yes, to find the joy at this redirection, rebirth, of not only humanity, the planet, the kingdoms, the elements, [but] everything.

But one of the things that this is actually catalysing is the challenge of being in form – the challenge not only of merely accepting that you are in form, but revelling and glorifying and ecstatically embracing the fact of being in form as the Mother’s, yes, Templar, representative, agent… but also, essentially, in the joy for yourself. …

You are the beloved of my soul and you are cherished and valued. So now I teach you, I guide you, I hold you to not only answer these questions but also to fully engage you in the reconstruction, because part… and not just in a philosophical or spiritual or any kind of way… a physical part of being reborn, of the Mother’s engagement… think of this… is a foreign concept to humans.

You are far enough along that you will understand, but I want to walk you through it. And you will share this because it is important for people to know.

In the human realm there is this structure, this paradigm within which you have operated, that you are born and that you live for a given number of years – again, decided by you, and the Mother, and all of us – and then you die and you leave your form behind.

The concept of what the Mother is saying – “to be reborn when you are already alive” and not merely in a spiritual sense – is not understood, and for most people is not understandable. How could such a phenomenon take place? And yet, here we are.

The Mother is an Infinite Source of Creation. That is who She is. It is what She does. The Mother/Father One seeded from the stillness into silence, into action, the Word made flesh. (1)

Now the reason I am emphasising this for you – and for many – is that I want you to think about this: that you are literally, and we with you, are literally reconstructing your body… not merely your soul which is in fine shape, nor your spirit which is ascended. So we are ‘rehabbing’ you quite literally… think of it that way… for the next adventure.

And the reason that you and I are having this conversation is not only my desire to engage with you but the necessity in this sacred partnership that we are doing this reconstruction together. The magnitude and the nature of what the Mother has meant by “rebirth” have been significantly, severely, not only misunderstood but underestimated by the humans.

So, in this reconstruction, let us reconstruct [for example] your entire digestive system so that you can pretty much eat what you want, what you choose, and what nourishes your body, mind and soul, reactivating different markers in your DNA and turning off markers that in fact do not contribute to your wellbeing.

Now, one of the reasons, the background to that, as you well know, is that you couldn’t digest what the human race was offering for supper, breakfast, or lunch… that you found the chaos in the food… the hatred and the greed… you of all people who knows how energy works and travels. You cannot create food that does not have the energy of those who have planted, harvested, and tended to it; of course, it is there!

That is the reason why organic food is so popular. People think “oh, it is pure, it is the taste” but that is not it. Well, that is part of it, but that is not really it. It is those that are caring for the food and tending the food in a sacred way.

So, first of all, we reconstruct your digestive tract – yes, we can do that! – and we make it so that during this transition, when the purity of sustenance is going to come to the forefront, you will be able to handle it in the meantime. So that is number one.

Let us now talk about your beautiful visage – and, sweet one, this is also, again, engaged in with you, not for you. This is also part of your rebirth and reconstruction.

First of all, you have seen in the collective of humanity that far too often the attention, the credibility, has been given to those who are young and beautiful. And that is not to say that those who are young and beautiful, middle-aged and beautiful, old and beautiful do not deserve the credibility, but the credibility comes from within.

Now one of the reasons you rejected that beauty is you said, “I’m sick of this and I don’t want to be judged on my external appearance.” And this has been partly because you have been… we will not say fearful… but certainly a little leery and resistant towards physical intimacy.

So this was one of your insurance policies, but now you are saying, “No, no, no, I don’t want that. I want the outer reflection to really be the inner reflection of who I truly am,” and who you truly are, sweet one! So let us reconstruct that as well. It comes from the inside out.

And as you are not in the constant battle with food… and air, by the way… we will talk about that as well: air and toxins and chaos. Think about it. Chaos in the air of society is like a constant assault on the senses and, again, humans, because they have become so desensitised, have not realised this. It is like a constant abrasion, a mud pie in the face – and it is not organic mud; it is the sludge of hatred and greed.

So let us reconstruct this, and I give you this little exercise that I want you to do and share at will.

You take your hands and you run some chi (no, not the Violet Flame). Then you bring your hands around your face, not touching but with the tops of your fingers resting on your hairline and/or on the sides of your cheeks, and simply feel the Blue Flame. It is the soft blue, the summer-sky blue, and it is penetrating into your skin, your muscles, and it is meeting and drawing out the beauty that is still and always has been within you.

You can do this looking in the mirror as well. It will help you because you will start to see the change in the construction, the texture of your skin, your hair, your attitude. But this can be a part, a literal part, of the rebirth that the Mother talks about.

Now let us be clear – not because we wish to in any way continue the false grid of praise for the young and beautiful [chuckles], shall we say, and, yes, that is a generalisation – but because this Planet of Love was intended for the angels in form. I have never encountered an angel who is ugly, or harried, or haggard, or worn out!

You also allowed this to take place because you wanted to emphasise to human beings that beauty really is from within, that it emanates from the soul. And, sweet angel of light, your soul is magnificent… magnificent… and it is time for you to let that shine so that as you step out… and I do not only mean, let me be clear, as your brother at arms, your brother at peace, I do not only mean into healing circles, in person or virtual; I do not only mean in sacred undertakings; I do not only mean family affairs; I mean into the world! I mean what you would think of as casual socialisation, whether it is a smile or a beaming of this highest frequency in the Co-op, the supermarket, wherever you go.

The Mother created and Gaia volunteered to be this magnificent planet, to be a place of beauty, a place of love. That is why I say to you: “You have left the overpopulated, polluted, dirty, impoverished, paved streets because somehow humans thought, “Oh, if they are paved, everything is fine,” and nothing has been fine for a very long time.

So yes, now you are on the rougher path, but it is the path of beauty; it is the path of resurrection; it is the path of truth; and sweet one, it is the path of beauty and peace.

So let us begin with you participating in this rebirth, this reconstruction, this day. …

This is part of our sacred partnership. Partnership isn’t simply doing for… yes, often doing on behalf of the Mother… but it is also counting on one another. And this is what the Mother and we are counting on you for.

You are rising up from the ashes not only of despondency but of disgust – disgust in what the world has done energetically, actually, philosophically. But out of this rebirth, this literal rebirth, comes the New.

So yes, much of the old is being torn away, and I do not mean by malevolent forces, by cabals or Illuminati; I simply mean by human choice, free will. The resurrection is the rebirth of human, free-will decision making on how they determine their pathways, individually and collectively, in the divine right that they have been granted by the Mother/Father One.

This is the gift. And this is the gift that will reverberate throughout the galaxies, throughout the universes. And you, sweet one, are part of that. So, in choosing and understanding… even though it is something to wrap your head around, we know!… you are choosing rebirth.

Everything… everything… is possible!

So you have this body at a time when the physical, true physical nature, of the vessel is being resurrected, more deeply understood – not simply like a car or even a spacecraft that you jump in and out of, but as this beautiful temple.

You are ready, sweet one. You are ready! …

This is a new world, and beloved one, this is a New You!

Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.

This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted. [Full terms of copyright at https://counciloflove.com/copyright-notice/]

The Solstice-Eclipse alignment begins this Saturday, a full week before the eclipse influx. (Gate & Gridkeepers, hearts up.) The stronger flashing/rainbow lightbody activations this week prepared our fields to handle this brand new frequency.

Content is light-encoded to assist your journey.
Blessings Beloveds ~ Many of you have been receiving the full-body activations this week; part of the Brotherhood-Sisterhood dispensations. I AM grateful for these experiences with the Crystalline realms, initiating us into the next phase of Embodiment in such a physical way.

The Solstice-Eclipse alignment begins this Saturday, a full week before the eclipse influx. (Gate & Gridkeepers, hearts up.) The stronger flashing/rainbow lightbody activations this week prepared our fields to handle this brand new frequency.

This is the organic stargate system at work; we are becoming part of the anicent stargate system which is our starseed lineage. By unifying with Gaia’s ascended trajectory, we physicalize the Ascension timelines and Crystalline experiences for all.

I described these activations in last week’s youtube video (below.) Personally, I have spent several hours each day this week interacting with these plasma-rainbow realms, where the Diamond-Solar DNA is reconnecting. More strands, more awareness. And a lot of integration (rest) needed.

Remember this is collective, and everyone’s experience is unique. Bliss and sleepiness seem to be the normal side-effects. As always, ask for the highest level activations, use your decrees, and get good sleep. There is a lot happening in dreamstate.

Much intel and recommendations for the eclipses have been shared. Revisit the articles, webinar or the latest youtube for extra support.

This is a profound moment for higher choices, honoring your experiences, and unifying in peaceful meditation. Our quantum, telepathic connections are amplified; be sure to participate in the Solstice-Eclipse meditations and SUNday Unity Meditations to assist in co-creating the highest experience for all concerned. (Details below.)

Pre-Solstice Wave Update: Replay on YouTube

I notice my own evolution in recent conversations, as well as stronger light codes. Our becoming is ON. Visit the link below for perspective on the Eclipse Gateways, Solstice waves, current events, eclipses, the Solar flash, Embodiment, Timeline Division, and more.

Guidance came through for maintaining calm, clarity, centeredness and opening to the consistent activations of 2020.

With the Solstice Eclipse just a week away, this is a perfect NOW moment to receive these words, light codes and quantum realignments. Click below to watch.
Additional Support

Read the full Triple-Eclipse article HERE
The 2-hour Eclipse Embodiment webinar replay is HERE.

Let us show HUmanity what is possible with !

In Love, Light and Service,

Join us for the Global Eclipse and SUNday Unity Meditations.

Invite all willing hearts to participate! Activations are shared through this field with your permission.

Solstice-Eclipse meditations are below.
Meditations at 2:30 – 3pm PDT & 11:30 – 12 midnight PDT Solstice peak at 2:43 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Ring of Fire Annular Solar Eclipse at 11:40 PM Pacific Daylight Time
(New Moon at 11:40PM PDT) Major Galactic Convergence, alignment with the Galactic Ecliptic, and a Superwave of Crystalline Light. Ancient Stargates and celestial pathways are opened. SATURDAY JULY 4
Meditation from 9 pm – 9:44pm PDT
Prenumbral Lunar Eclipse at 9:29 PM Pacific Daylight Time
(Full Moon at 9:44 PM PDT)

Unlocking our Sovereign choice to Ascend, right through the Caves of Creation, Living Library of Gaia and our Divine DNA. The next layer of Freedom codes are released through the American crystal beds.