Manchester’s homeless reveal how lockdown has changed their lives

Some sleep in luxury hotels, others beg at traffic lights – Manchester’s homeless reveal how lockdown has changed their lives

While a £5m scheme has given hundreds of homeless people a once in a lifetime opportunity – and a glimpse of how the rough sleeping crisis might be solved – others are struggling to adjust

Salvatore Raimo’s lived-in face suddenly cracks into a brilliant smile, exposing yellowing crooked teeth that hint at a life that has gone wrong.

I’m sitting in the reception of Innside hotel, in city centre Manchester, where rooms can cost up to £245 per night and visitors, in normal circumstances, can enjoy a gym, a spa, a restaurant and fantastic views of town.

But the hotel, like so many businesses, is closed to paying customers.

For now, the only occupants are about 40 homeless people who have been plucked from the streets or hostels around the city to save them from the coronavirus pandemic. They get three meals a day here and access to council services to address drug and alcohol problems.

Salvatore, 37, a chef from Naples, has been here four weeks now and I’ve just asked him what he thinks of his new surroundings.

“Amazing,” he says, that face suddenly transformed by that infectious, semi-toothless grin.

In broken English, he enthuses about his room with its flat screen TV, power shower with a dinner plate-sized shower head, fridge and a double bed.

“We don’t share nothing with somebody else,” Salvatore tells me.

read more here

To hold the light, help others awaken, and to bear witness to a new and higher reality is why you are on earth at this time.-Arcturian Group Message 5/3/20 via Marilyn Raffaele-


MAY 3, 2020

Dear readers, welcome to our message during these times of chaos and confusion. These messages are meant to inform, comfort, and assist those who resonate with them into more deeply understanding what life on earth is really about.

To hold the light, help others awaken, and to bear witness to a new and higher reality is why you are on earth at this time. It is what you came to do and you are doing it dear ones, you are doing it. You may think you are doing nothing but do not judge by appearances based in concepts of the third dimensional belief system because a large part of your mission has been to clear remaining dense cellular memory and any present false beliefs both of which only serve to perpetuate experiences of duality and separation.

Many commonly accepted beliefs are starting to feel unimportant and even silly for an increasing number of people because individually and collectively mankind is shifting into a state of consciousness no longer is in alignment with them.

Ascension is simply the process of evolving into a higher state of consciousness through the experiences of every lifetime. The Higher Self of every individual determines when they are ready for their next level of awareness. This is why proselytizing is a useless and ego based activity. Individuals cannot be forced into someone else’s consciousness of truth.

You cannot make something out of nothing and thus everything seen, heard, tasted, touched, or smelled whether seemingly good or bad is a Divine reality being interpreted by individual and/or the collective mind according to the state of consciousness.

Look deeply into every appearance, both the good and the bad, for good appearances are just as illusory as the bad ones. By not judging according to three dimensional standards but rather seeking to understand the underlying reality of all appearances, you are living truth and opening yourself for more to unfold.
Example; When in the presence of a sick person, know that in reality they are Divine Consciousness and because Divine Consciousness knows nothing of disease, you then realize that you are witnessing a manifestation of the belief in disease (separation).

You are Divine Consciousness utilizing the material body you formed for yourself in order to function in the denser energies of the third dimension. You have reached a point of spiritual readiness in which you must begin to identify with your real SELF rather than with the limited person you believed yourself to be. If you were not ready you would not even understand these messages.

The physical body is like a car that you use while on earth. You utilize it as needed while keeping it clean and well maintained as best you can. Occasionally the car may crash or get damaged for some reason but you never have been or ever will become the car.

Once you can accept that you are Consciousness and not simply a material body subject to every belief floating about in the collective, you can begin to use your mind as it was intended, as an avenue of awareness rather than the “boss”. The mind draws and then feeds information through one’s state of consciousness and as you begin to accept yourself as Divine Consciousness, allowing IT to express, everything in the outer begins to change.

Imagine Divine Consciousness as an omnipresent Light so brilliant it is unable to be directly looked at with the human eye. Over time and through ignorance this Light was covered over with hundreds of varied and colorful veils eventually blocking it from being seen or even known about. Some of these veils are bright, colorful, and welcome while others are dark and dense but all are accepted as reality because they are familiar and known.

Some of the veils become tattered over time and simply drop away if allowed to. Others develop small holes allowing tiny bits of Light to shine through. Most remain firmly in place until the individual carrying the Light begins to feel that there must be more to life than what he has known and begins to search for whatever that might be.

At first he seeks outside of himself because it is what he knows and this usually becomes the focus of several lifetimes. After much stepping and falling, hundreds of attempts to find what he does not yet know he is looking for, and many paths followed, he simply gives up. It is at this point the veils of begin to separate and reveal themselves and a deeper spiritual journey begins. You are here now.

You have been removing veils for a very long time through many many lifetimes. The intense high frequency energies of today are serving to speed up the process depending upon each one’s readiness and how thick and dense their veils. As some intense long standing veils surface, their energy is frequently re-experienced physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. If or when this happens, do not resist but rather allow these energies/experiences to flow through and out without claiming them back in as your very own personal “problem”.

Individuals are often tempted to hold on to or reclaim some comfortable old veil in the belief that it is who they are and that they will lose their identity without it. The only self that can ever be lost is the personalized false sense of self because your real SELF is infinite.

As each veil of false belief lifts from individual consciousness more of the already present Light Consciousness is able to shine without the need for prayers, candles, crystals, chants, ceremonies, or anything else meant to attract some separate God. All that is or ever has been required is an intention for more Light and the ability and willingness to get out of the way. Divine Consciousness needs no help from concepts of spirituality in order to express ITSELF.


Release the belief that spirituality must be or look a certain way in order to be authentic. Clear your mind of images of saints with folded hands and ascended masters bestowing light and blessings on adoring crowds. These as well as most metaphysical “tools” are valid in earlier and less awakened states of consciousness but relying on anything in the outer after once realizing that everything already exists fully present within will simply hold the person in an outgrown state and perpetuate the experiences of separation.

Continuing with groups–family, friends, those with like minded causes, or even military after they have begun to feel old and finished does continue to bring the some sense of the oneness that groups provide but only until a person realizes that they have never been or ever could be separate from the love and sense of oneness they sought from the group. The present form of many groups, clubs, and gatherings will dissolve in the new energy but will reappear once again in higher form.

Know that the one Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent Divine Consciousness is and always has been manifesting ITself as infinite form and variety. Know that every rock, every bird, every blade of grass, and every tree is just as much an expression of IT as are human beings.

Every different form holds a unique pattern of wholeness and completeness representing the Divine plan for that particular expression/form of ITself. Different, but not less than… EVERYTHING is Divine Consciousness and to judge certain life forms as being better or of more value than another is three dimensional ego unawareness.

Be aware that with every breath you breathe in the omnipresent Light of Divine Consciousness.

Rest in the realty of your own soul’s perfection.

Trust that all is as it needs to be at this time while releasing once and for all the belief that you need to do, do, do, in order to be.

You will never be more spiritual than you already are. It is time to accept and allow…

We are the Arcturian Group 5/3/20

Donations are welcomed


Whatever you are sharing on social media, more of it will be created. When you are sharing all the positive things that are coming out of this current situation, the more your vibrational frequencies will rise and you will draw to you more good things.-AA Michael-

Archangel Michael:

“Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart to our message for you…

At this time, the grand restructuring of your planet has begun to accommodate the higher vibrational frequencies that have been established now.

Many things are changing now and the more open you are to change, the easier this transition will become.

Remember, that all is in Divine Order.

It might not look like it, but when you continue to hold the vision for the New Earth, all will fall into place in Divine Order.

Old structures are falling away to make room for a new way of life.

This new way of life is going to propel you forward in your Ascension process.

It is a new way to live in this world in regards to how to eat, work, socialize, love, uplift, collaborate and create.

The more you become an uplifter for others, the more you allow all good things to flow to you.

What do you perpetuate on your social media and in your conversations?

Whatever you are sharing on social media, more of it will be created.

When you are sharing all the positive things that are coming out of this current situation, the more your vibrational frequencies will rise and you will draw to you more good things.

When you are sharing negative things, it lowers your vibrational frequencies and you will draw to you more negative things.

This is your opportunity to take a determined stand to create your new reality with every moment.

Tend to your energy field when you get up, when you go to sleep and anytime in between.

Your energy field becomes more and more sensitive and when you have the determination to be of a high vibrational frequency, you will accelerate your well being on all levels.

Tend to your inner peace and calmness as much as you can.

As this restructuring is taking place, choose the world you wish to live in.

Choose it with your focus and your energy.

Choose it with Love.

Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.

Welcome Home.

We are walking beside you, every step of the way.

Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.

I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.


Thank you, Archangel Michael!

~Asara~ Adams
Founder of The Telos Channel
Trance-channel for
Adama of Telos
Archangel Michael and
The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light

Eternal joy awaits your awakening-Saul via John Smallman-

To start with, a metaphor: humanity is out surfing, an enormous wave is approaching, therefore . . .relax, but be ready and allow this magnificent wave to carry you along for an exhilarating ride into the new era which you have all been working so assiduously to bring into being for a very long time.  You will not fail to rise up on it, because you have great expertise and you have been practising with powerfully focused intent to be ready for this precise moment, and you are ready, and you will rise to the occasion.  You will be filled you with joy and wonder as you finally come to know yourselves, the true You, at One with all of God’s divine Creation.  Your awakening is to be spectacular, way beyond anything you could possibly imagine, in fact way beyond anything that even someone who has had the most uplifting and inspiring Near Death Experience could possibly imagine.  Your divine inheritance – infinite Joy – awaits your awakening.

To awaken is your only purpose, but within the game, within the illusion myriad distractions are constantly dragging your attention away, as, in moments of lucidity, you attempt to remember that purpose.  You know that there is a much greater meaning to life than the materialistic and competitive cultures – in which you find yourselves experiencing life as a human – would have you believe.  At some stage in their human lives absolutely everyone wonders if life has a higher purpose, but the vast majority believe that they cannot afford to waste time thinking about it because they have work to do, bills to pay, and families to take care of.  They may be members of religious or spiritual organizations, and they may spend a few moments each week, or even daily, saying a brief prayer in order not to offend the divine being that the organization tells them they should honor.  They may even pray strenuously and desperately for help if some catastrophe befalls them, but mostly they just focus on daily living, while seeking moments of pleasure by engaging with some of the distractions available solely for that purpose.  Living like that does not provide satisfaction, even for those who are without any financial burdens, because you each have a deeply buried knowing that you do have a purpose, and that knowing will continue to nudge you towards wakefulness throughout your lives, unless you totally refuse to pay it any attention by choosing to block it out of your conscious awareness.  Whatever you do you cannot totally remove it or separate yourselves from it, because it is an essential aspect of who you are — a divine being having a temporary experience in form.

Now the nudges that all are constantly receiving are intensifying and can no longer be ignored or denied, because it is apparent to all that something untoward is going on, is occurring right now that demands your urgent attention.  And it is, of course, humanity’s collective awakening process.  This process has been ongoing for eons, and it has been, and is, leading to a precise moment in time when your awakening will occur whether or not you are ready for it.  Humanity’s collective awakening is inevitable!  It cannot be delayed, and it will not be delayed, and so the nudges for your attention are becoming ever more insistent in their demands for your attention, for your undivided attention.

The major nudges that all are receiving and experiencing are the realization, the growing awareness of the need for major changes in the way that humans interact with each other and with the Earth, Gaia, whose ongoing support is absolutely essential for your survival in human form.  It is the growing awareness that attitudes and behaviors that are not in alignment with Love are, in truth, and without doubt, completely insane.  To awaken is to come to full awareness that there is only the ONE, Mother/Father/God, Source from which there is no separation.  All sentient beings are, by their nature, divine and One with Source.  And even in their experience of individuality there is still no separation.  What one individual thinks, says, or does affects all the countless others . . . instantly.  How could that not be the case when all are One?

To realize this divine truth, and to know it is to awaken.  Many millions are aware of this truth intellectually, and this is a major step forward on the path to awakening.  Knowing it is so, and feeling the truth of it in one’s heart without any doubt whatsoever is to be awakened.  Some have arrived at this state, and, in so doing they are powerfully– even though they are not consciously aware of this – assisting others to join them in that magnificent state, a state of Grace, leaving conflict and disagreement behind in the illusion, the unreal environment that seems so real to those who have not yet awoken.

To think with the Mind of God and have individual thoughts and ideas that are never in disagreement with the thoughts and ideas of others, but that only add to them, making them greater and more beautiful, is a wondrous state to experience.  It is to be fully awake, fully conscious, fully aware, and fully alive!  That is LOVE, It encompasses ALL, because It is All.  There is nothing else, in fact there is NO nothing!

If you are having difficulty believing in the truth of this, in believing that Reality is a state of being in which there are no needs, no disappointments, no suffering, and no catastrophes, it means that you are listening to and believing in the unreal but fear-filled ideas that your egos offer to you as you take note of the intense pain and suffering that many are experiencing because they believe the illusion is real.  But pain and suffering, although it often seems interminable while it is being experienced, is temporary and does pass.  Reality, on the other hand, is eternal!

To relieve and dissolve your doubts, anxieties, and fears, go within at least once daily and surrender to Love by opening your hearts.  Yes, the pain and suffering will still be there because you are still choosing to experience the illusory state of separation from Source, but the Love within you will comfort and reassure you, reminding you that you are divine beings who are awakening into the magnificence of Reality, into awareness of your eternal state at One with Source.  Eternal joy awaits your awakening, and the wonder of it will fill you with delight.

With so very much love, Saul.

It has taken the best of you to make it possible for the ascension to occur. Please do not give up! You are nearly at the finish line. Do not succumb to the fear the dark forces are spreading. You are a part of the divine plan not the dark plan. They are acting out right now because they know they have already lost. Therefore, they are behaving badly and should be sent to their rooms but not on the earth.-Mira from the Pleiadian High Council-

A Channeling from Mira and the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner May 1, 2020

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am serving full-time on the Earth Council to assist the earth with the Ascension process. We are masters of this process and help many other planets.

As you have discovered, the earth is full scale on with her ascension. Right now, she is treasuring some of the silence and the quiet as a result of the lockdown. I call it the lockdown because what you are living in right now is typical of a Quarantined planet. We are sorry to say that this is the situation, however, it is what is necessary to awaken humanity and to free the earth.

Ascension is a painful process of birthing and releasing the old. There is simply no point of hanging onto a cocoon of familiarity when there is a golden opportunity of transformation and transfiguration. This applies individually and collectively. These opportunities only present themselves at the right divine timing and the right divine perfect moment.

Of course, the cast of characters is long and complex. One has to see and understand what is occurring on multiple levels and dimensions. The obstacles need to be removed so that the way can be cleared for the truth and revelations.

We understand what you are going through, the pain, the suffering, the stress, and anxiety. We bless every one of you and wish that we could alleviate your challenging experiences right now. We are watching over you along with many from the Light Alliance and all of creation. We are your greatest cheerleaders and are energetically assisting you to reach the destination.

You are loved, respected, protected and admired beyond measure.

It has taken the best of you to make it possible for the ascension to occur. Please do not give up! You are nearly at the finish line. Do not succumb to the fear the dark forces are spreading. You are a part of the divine plan not the dark plan. They are acting out right now because they know they have already lost. Therefore, they are behaving badly and should be sent to their rooms but not on the earth.

Soon the day will come, and you will be uplifted into the light of the Golden Age. You will be free to love each other, touch, hug, kiss, and live heart to heart as you were intended to live. You will be free from fear and darkness. You will help heal each other and the earth in peace, love, joy, and freedom. We are aligned with you for this to happen.

And so it is!

I am Mira and I love and bless you all.

Celestial Chambers

In the not so distant future and without making any prophecy here because it is always about when the collective of humanity is ready, i have strong reasons to believe this taking place before the end of 2021, we will be able to eradicate any disease from the body in less than 3 minutes.Imagines that X has diabetes or parkinson or being affected by a virus.
X will go to one of our Centers located worldwide where advanced light technology is used for healing without need to make any open surgery.This technology called Med-beds or Celestial Chambers has been one of our main focuses for over 3 years and i am happy to announce that very soon we will be able to begin with the manufacturing and distribution of this technology.When i speak of those things there are some who reply that we do indeed have this technology and it is first and foremost our body, we are born perfect and it is up to each and everyone to do their work and evolve smoothly.Belonging myself in this category, it is very true.And what i am speaking of here is of all the elder people that are the ones that had the most difficult lives from my perspective and who are in the process of awakening right now for example.Or for all those who never practiced meditation and who are also evolving and who also want to ascend within their physical bodies and live longer lives or for any younger generations who also are not aware of the inner path of discovery.They are our sisters and brothers that need an extra push to make it through the eye of the needle.And those of us who are already awake are here to take them on the other side of the bridge.
And so to come back to the Celestial Chambers among many other technologies that are coming to the forefront as we speak ,such as for example Free Energy Inventions in all kind and shapes from numerous genius minds working in their garage for many many years, when X wants to receive a healing, X goes for a scanning into it(celestial chamber) ,it will balance and bring harmony to all organs, it will create new organs if some are missing and if X wants to be rejuvenated and go back from 89 to say 29 years, they have free will to do so.
Now, can you imagines the possibilities of only this technology in the way our society functions?It is not invasive and it works with nature.There is no nano-technology involved here,no vaccins etc.,we just the use of pure Light for creating Excellent Health.
Now, imagines that each and everyone will be able to have one of those in their homes,through the use of replicator technology.

And now you will ask, why we don’t already have this?because this technology can be available only when the collective is ready and decided to comply with the Universal law ‘’do no harm to self, others or a thing’’.
How can the collective get ready?by more of us going within in our sacred space and ask and envision that taking place.
WE envision as many as possible sisters and brothers living on the planet right now connected to their God within and receiving the answers to be of service for their highest good and the highest good for all.We allow, we allow, we allow.

If you are in joyous anticipation of a more beautiful, higher dimensional world, stay in that space! You are creating it, not only for the world, but for yourselves as well.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Breathe. Be patient with yourselves and one another. You are in a state of re-birthing upon your planet earth and birth is not a process that can be easily rushed. It must come in its own time. The human race is going through intense contractions right now – one moment feeling very hopeful that things are progressing and that you can see the light at the tunnel, and in the next feeling stuck, frustrated, and stagnant.

We celebrate the joyous anticipation so many of you feel. You are indeed moving into a kinder and more connected world, a world in which more people acknowledge the value of every human being, a world in which you crave touch, kindness, and where you have learned that you can indeed “hug” one’s soul even if not hugging a body. So many of you are focused upon this reality and even better. That is a blessing to your entire human race.

We also understand and are sending love to so very many of you who are feeling the very human frustrations that are arise from feeling stuck – stuck at home, stuck out of work, stuck with people you’d rather not be stuck with, stuck without a solution as to how you might manage your present conditions. The feelings of stagnation are as prevalent now as the feelings of peace, love, and kindness. Thus, the contractions.

If you are in joyous anticipation of a more beautiful, higher dimensional world, stay in that space! You are creating it, not only for the world, but for yourselves as well.

If you are feeling irate, stagnant, or stuck, start by giving yourself a hug and speaking to the child within that feels helpless, afraid, or is just simply throwing a tantrum. Love this part of your soul that is irate or fearful. Talk to this inner self as if they are very real, for in truth their energy is affecting you, and not in a way that feels comfortable or happy. Remind this inner child that there is always growth, even if there is no movement. There are always solutions even if you can’t see them yet. There is always a Divine Presence and angels available to assist you if you sit, breath, receive, and believe. You are where you are for a reason. You are there to love some part of you that requires your attention now.

Rather than shifting blame, or running to addictive behaviors, whatever they might be – busy-ness, anger, sugar… sit with your unhappy feelings and be with them and love them as you would love an unhappy child. For in truth the child within you does want love, and has most likely for some time. Now is your opportunity to heal.

Dear ones, you may feel a combination of both sets of emotions – hopeful one moment, and impatient or discouraged the next. It is OK! Birth is not always an easy process. Birth involves a bit of struggle for most… but birth can also be the greatest teacher of surrender.

Surrender to your own feelings, and love yourself. Surrender to the world at large, because there are some things you cannot change by force. In surrendering to self and world however, you will find your heart, you will begin to change your inner world… and in so doing, you will imagine the “newborn” human race, and your “newborn” life into being.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Get quiet, ask for a vision of what is unfolding, and what it is you have come to do. Then prepare to receive it, for you shall. No need for timidity, fear, or unsureness now.

A Message to Lightworkers – May 1, 2020

by Caroline Oceana Ryan

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this opportunity to speak with you today.

We wish to say that you have, as they say, “the best seats in the house” for witnessing the ongoing spectacle of powerful Light data flowing into your planet now, such as it has not flowed in many, many centuries.

You may yourselves feel a lift some days in your outlook on life, even though many are finding that their work and income feel uncertain or seem to have disappeared, while so many become ill, and hospital staff work relentlessly under difficult circumstances.

It may appear outwardly to be a time of pain and shock, and yet—there is a greater reality, and you are witnessing it, and perhaps in quiet moments, feeling the Joy and beauty of it.

That is your inner Spirit, rising to greet the Sunlight and fresh air of the New Day that Earth Herself is experiencing now.

That is your love of adventure, and your memory, though tucked deep inside your consciousness, of what you knew you would witness, and had to contribute to, at this unprecedented time.

  • Photo by Sheila Fitzgerald

Our writer is asking us now, Is that why this outbreak was planned for this time—did someone see this time of higher Light coming, so they decided to rig outer circumstances against humanity, even if they couldn’t stop the astrological alignments, and the start of the new era, the Satya Yuga?

Most assuredly, we would answer, there was a small minority upon the Earth—some, as they say, having chosen to wear the white hats, and some having chosen to wear the dark hats in this great drama you have been living—who saw what was coming, and who have shaped their plans accordingly.

And none of you are mere witnesses to that narrative; you have all been deeply involved, and knew what was to occur well before incarnating, seeing the potentials of this particular Earth timeline.

You know it now as well—you’re simply awakening to the significance of the moment more slowly some days than others.

We ask that you remind yourself of that Waking Up moment often, even in the midst of what feels to be a chaotic time of uncertainty, whether you feel stress for your family, your finances, your health and mental/emotional outlook, your country, or all of that.

We do not encourage a kind of “Well, I knew it would be this way before I came in” defeatist moment, but a moment of “Great change is afoot, and my presence is anchoring the Light needed to empower that, every moment I am alive.”

Are we celebrating now because we do not feel the stress, worry, and discomfort of many millions?

Most assuredly not. We are aware of the broad range of human emotion, as ever, and feel such deeply.

And yet, your job is separate and different from those who reincarnated with only their own growth and progress in mind, as vital as that is.

The role you chose has to do with assisting all of humanity to rise in consciousness to where not only will it understand the many traps you have all been subjected to for millennia, but to help it see and powerfully feel a New Reality dawning now, that heralds the sovereignty and emancipation of more than 8 billion people.

This is done through the vibration you radiate, not by mere words or outer action.

  • Photo by Sheila Fitzgerald

Yet in a higher sense, you are finding your voice, finding your note.

It is never the same note that all of you sing, yet all tones ring together in perfect form, in perfect rhythm, as each Earth culture and Earth being who dares to join in the realization of what is occurring now willingly adds their note.

It will take some daring, and some bravery, to be at Peace now, or in Joy.

You have been systematically trained to believe that only what is visibly before you actually exists. This has hidden from you your own co-Creative powers, till now.

We would say, draw them out of the shadows, and out of the depths of your spirit and psyche, and place them before you.

These abilities are yours—claim them!

Use your visioning power; put it to work for you.

If you desire a steady income, more Love, greater health and well-being, more Peace of mind, time in Nature, NESARA enacted—envision that!

Do not wait for outer circumstances to shift to assist you. That time is over, dear ones.

You are co-Creators, and must act as such now.

Take your reality into your own hands, and decide what circumstances would make you Joyful, if your current ones have not.

Take time every single day, and particularly as you are falling asleep, to picture yourself already living that life.

Your physical self, your income, your home, your relationships, your daily comings and goings, your Earth mission—all of this is subject not only to a vibrational upgrade now, but a complete transformation into higher form, based on the far higher frequencies now flowing into your very body and energy systems.

We will not linger on this point, for we wish you to absorb the immense power of it, and to realize the reality of it, whether you see or feel it yet present in your own life, home, and community.

We assure you, it is here, and pouring forth more and more brilliantly at every moment.

  • Photo by Sheila Fitzgerald

You have heard that many billions of starships wait just outside and within Earth’s atmosphere and on the planet Herself now, to witness exactly that which you yourselves are experiencing firsthand.

Find every form of motivation, inspiration, and thankfulness you can possibly find now, if you feel to be missing these in your emotional life, for you do not want to remain closed in your energies to where an Earth-shaking moment is the only thing that will awaken you.

This is your day, dear ones!—the moment you have come in for.

Get quiet, ask for a vision of what is unfolding, and what it is you have come to do.

Then prepare to receive it, for you shall. No need for timidity, fear, or unsureness now.

You are our example of the very finest, most luminous Light Beings who have ever led a planet into an Ascension.

Namaste, dear family!

For every day you are on this planet and beyond, you are never alone.

Copyright 2020, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post.

Feel Mooooore Than Fine:)

In the past,25 years ago or so when i wanted a material possession such as a car or a house to live in or simply buying myself clothes ,food or going on holidays i had to always think in 3dimensional ways such as: ok ,so i want to buy myself a car.How much does it cost?ok.I am going to find a job that allows me to bring in this money so i can get this car.But ,i am not going to get any job, i am going to get a job i really like.And since i love dancing i chose to become a dancing performer.And so even back then, i was already using without knowing it my creative abilities to have the most pleasurable life experience perceived from my 5 senses.Like Obelix that fell into the magic potion when born ,i must have fell into the Feel More Than Fine Potion too hahaha.
Nowadays, things have changed.If i want to get myself something , all i have to do is 1.Ask in state of Gratitude The Universe/Mother Father God,The Angels and Ascended Masters. 2.Visualise and Feel into the frequency of the outcome as much as possible during the course of my day . 3 Surrender & Trust 4. Allow & Receive.
Are there things that i am asking for quite some time and did not yet receive?oh yes, there are plenty!
Did i receive anything from what i have asked?yes, every day there is always something making its way to me ,not necessary the big obvious things i desire -which btw seem big from my human perspective – and yet even for those obvious things there are signs showing up daily in very magical unexpected ways.Focus is the key.
I understand that this a ride where i am here to show myself that i can do this into this 5D reality that i know IAM.
This is why i came on the planet ,to experience through contrast what is that i want and manifest it through my creative abilities.And most certainly, you reading this, are also here for that same reason.
We are here for the purpose of joy.
We are here to focus on the very things we desire in our individual life for our highest good which is one and the same for the highest good for all.SELF LOVE brings BEING IN SERVICE FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD FOR ALL.
We are here to show the way of how truly magnificent we are to manifest instantly through the power of the word.
IAM a Golden Sun of God’s eternal peace and abundance NOW manifest and permanently sustained by divine grace,IAM.(Quote fromPatricia Cota Robles)
IAM allowing now GOD within to take me there from an unconditional state of existence flowing with ease, grace and flow:I Love the feeling of clarity,I love to know how source feels about me,I love to feel the gratitude that God feels about me, i like the concert of deliberate creation, i love the awesomeness of non resistant thought, i love the feeling of well being ,i love the feeling of expansion and i love and i am thankful for contrast as it allows me to create more of what i wish to manifest.(Quote from Abraham Hicks)
Now, practically speaking :Do i want to help others in their lives during their Ascension journey? i see and feel myself doing this being involved in projects that are in relation to any problem i wish to be of support in society.Do i want to help the homeless or the refugees to have safe and sound life style and homes?i see and feel myself doing that.Do i want Free Energy to be used everywhere ?i see myself doing that, feeling into that.Do i want to go on holiday ,get myself the newest Electric vehicle and a beautiful home in the woods with Sunrise and Sunset, i feel myself into that.Do i want a lover to come into my life?How does she feel & look like ?Do i wish to make galactic contact?Do i wish to connect with the Ascende Masters?do i wish to receive inspiration?All different frequencies.The work to ask is done.The next work is to separate each manifestation and feel into each one of them for as long as possible.No ,i do not look for ways to achieve that.All i do, is focus on feeling the frequency of the desired outcome with power, with intention with divine will :
If you ask me, that is a full time job 24/7.Add to this all daily prayers and participations in global meditations for the highest good for all since many years, preparing my own raw vegan foods ,exercising, doing yoga ,pilates, dancing ,creating music and taking walks in the sunshine and in nature and there you have it in front of you how my days look like these days, ‘’lockdown’’ or not, ‘’sacred isolation’’ is crucial in one’s evolution in order to have our unified consciousness working for the highest good for all.And so can you see now that actually all that took place in these past months is actually a BLESSING for the sky for our collective’s highest good?
For me, it all begun first by achieving first the abundance of time:enough time to do anything i want anytime.Done.
Second achieving Excellent Health.Done. 3rd: a monthly income, even small amounts to cover basic needs while also using my creative abilities to travel.Done.
What comes next for me, i have already shared with you here.
I hope this helps you in your journey.

Feel More Than Fine can have as many ‘o’ s as you wish ,more ‘o’s means more Love ,more Love means a different frequency such as Feel Mooooore Than fine or Feel Moooooooooooooore Than Fine, endless possibilities ?

And so it is.And So Be it!

Thank you,Much Love


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Michael’s Message
Beloved masters, during these times of accelerated transformation and chaotic change, two major, distinctive groups have formed among the races, religions and cultures of the world.  These two factions are very distinguishable from our vantage point in the higher realms.  Those who have faith in the future, and are striving in every way possible to make a better world for themselves and others have auric fields gleaming with Light, which extend outward in ever-widening circles, thereby affecting everything and everyone around them in a positive way. Many of you have become power transformers and sentinels  for the influx of Divine Light that is seeking an anchoring source upon the Earth.  As we have said many times, the powerful, transforming, full-spectrum Light is the Sacred Fire energy needed by the Earth and humanity to successfully transition from the dense, broad-spectrum duality of the lower dimensions into the Lightness and expanded freedom of the higher Fourth and Fifth Dimensions.         Miraculously for you, the faithful Souls who have your eyes and hearts focused on a bright, new future, your visions and dreams are coming true more quickly than you could ever imagine. Your intuitive abilities are becoming stronger and more accurate, and you are swiftly becoming proficient at mind-to-mind communication with your guides and teachers in the higher realms.  Your manifestation skills are improving, for you know that you must faithfully adhere to the universal laws of supply. First, you must have a concise, clear seed thought of what you desire to manifest (this is accomplished by using the attributes of Divine Will, the First Ray from God, the Father). Second, you must solicit the assistance of your Higher Self and angelic helpers by stating, “I ask for this or something better for my greatest good and the most beneficial outcome for all.” You must also add the emotional, heart-felt fuel to your seed thoughts (this activity draws upon the attributes of the Second Ray, love and wisdom from our Mother God). Third, you must take the action needed to bring your dreams to fruition (this is applying the dynamic attributes of the Third Ray), thereby taking advantage of all the qualities, attributes and virtues of God Consciousness of the Third through Seventh Rays.              Fear is the predominant emotion within the second, more predominant group, who are still  stuck in the maelstrom of negativity within the mass consciousness belief structure. Fear of the future, fear of scarcity, the government, corporations, religious beliefs, different cultures, racial dogma, and even fear of God’s wrath. There is dislike and fear of those who look, think and act differently. And, most of all, there is fear of change.  People fear; therefore, they criticize, judge and lash out in anger and frustration, thereby creating an even greater, stronger thought form of negativity and fear around them.  These poor, disillusioned Souls are creating a stronger, ever-expanding vortex of negativity around themselves and their loved ones, thereby drawing to them those things they fear the most.  They are caught in a web of self-fulfilling prophecy that reinforces their beliefs, which keeps them shackled to their illusionary world of suffering, scarcity and chaos.             One day, they too will lift their eyes and hearts to the heavens, and they will answer the whisperings of Spirit as they turn inward for the comfort and guidance of their Soul Self.  However, as you are aware, a grand cosmic cycle is swiftly coming to a close; and the Earth is spiraling into a new position within the solar system regardless of who is ready to ascend with it or who is not. And so, my beloved Light Bearers, this is where you come in. This is your grand opportunity to SHINE YOUR LIGHT and SHARE YOUR VISION.             Yes, we hear and understand your protests. You think you are not good enough or wise enough to be an Light Worker who shows the Way. It frightens some of you so much that you want to withdraw and no longer make an effort to expand your awareness and claim your mastery.              This message is to assure you, beloveds, that you are already a teacher for those around you.  You are teaching by example.  You are teaching through your words and actions.  You are teaching with every word you speak and every thought form you send out into the ethers.  Your auric field affects the people around you in either a positive or negative way.              Are you radiating Love, faith, hope and freedom?  Perhaps you are not adding to the fear and negativity; however, let us assure you, you cannot remain at a status quo or in the inertia of non-action.  Universal Law demands that in order to maintain a constant influx of Creator Love/Light, it must flow into your physical vessel, through you as you take what you need, and then you are to radiate the remainder out to humanity and the Earth.  This is an immutable, infallible law.             In past messages, we have explained to you how the Avatars, Ascended Masters, the Angelic Kingdom and the great Beings of Light, along with a swiftly expanding number of earthly Initiates on the Path, will be working together under the guidance of the Cosmic Council of Light to bring forth the advanced wisdom teachings for these unprecedented times of transformation and ascension. Make no mistake, all of you who are on the Path are teachers, whether in a formal manner or just by example, and what is needed most of all is your radiance and pure intention.             Remember, you magnetize energy to you, and you radiate energy from your Solar Power Center (front and back). As your Energetic Signature becomes more refined and is attuned to the higher frequencies of Light, you will still draw forth a portion of the half-spectrum, Primal Life Force substance as long as you are still in a Third- and Fourth-Dimensional environment.  However, it will mix and meld with the higher frequency Adamantine Particles of Light, and it will be automatically transformed by your loving intention into higher frequency energy as you align your free will with the Will of our Father/Mother God.             You are the ones who must be the receptacles and transformers of the Divine Light from the Supreme Creator, which is filtered down to you from our Father/Mother God. Just as our beloved Universal Parents reduce and filter the Creator Light out into the galactic suns, which is then transduced out into and through the sun of your solar system, you are designed to filter the Light through yourselves. You must activate it with your unconditional love, and then radiate it out into the world. The only way you can become pure receptacles of the Light is to become Self-masters, and the only way you can do that is to become “en-Lighten-ed” via the wisdom teachings you have been offered.  This requires that you integrate the upgraded cosmic principles into your lives so that you may become living examples and guiding Lights.             In order to become a living tributary for the River of Life, you must prepare yourselves to allow the Essence of Life to flow into and through you. You must use what you need, and then allow the remainder to flow forth, ready and available to be molded into wondrous new creations. In this way, you will become Bearers and Servers of the Light.             This is the ultimate message of all the teachings we have given you over these past years.  This is the goal of Self-mastery.  This is the way of Ascension. Allow us to give you more thoughts to contemplate as you go about your daily life: >> The enlightenment process begins when you shift your ego personality and outward-focused,  left brain consciousness to incorporate your right brain, inward-focused, intuitive consciousness and you begin to listen to your Soul Self. >>  New pathways in the brain are opened as you begin to unlock the Light Packets of wisdom and your history stored in the higher-dimensional levels of your Sacred Mind. The old pathways and painful memories of your Third- and Fourth-Dimensional past begin to fade, and you will find that it becomes more and more difficult to remember the failures and suffering of your past lives.  Have we not told you that you are healing the past as you spiral into the future? You will remember who you are and your history, but only the positive, harmonious events. >>  The moment of awakening is when the Kundalini Fire ignites in the root chakra, and begins to move up the spinal column through the chakra system, thereby opening the Seven Seals of Higher Consciousness. The Medulla Oblongata or the Ascension Chakra, which is sometimes called the Mouth of God, is activated and the Pineal Gland begins to pulsate and function as it was originally designed to do. This in turn opens the crown chakra or the lotus of en-Lighten-ment at the top of the head, thereby connecting with the shining column of Light, which ultimately leads to a reunion with  your God Self or I Am Presence. Once you make this connection you are forever changed. The empowerment of Spirit begins to flow through you as you begin to reclaim your mastery of Self along with the Godly gifts of your Divine heritage.  >> You are returning to your natural state of Being, and you are reclaiming your cosmic consciousness as you refine and prepare to be the new prototype “Adams and Eves” of the new Golden Galaxy of the future. >> You must seek to align with the many Facets of your Higher Self and always strive for the greatest good.  You are no longer just an individual focused on your own welfare as you move deeper into the Oneness of Spirit.  As you move into a state of harmlessness, you also move into a State of Grace, and this is when the magic begins.  There will be a neurobiological restructuring of the brain, and you will eventually achieve an irreversible state of Cosmic Consciousness. >> Be assured that enlightenment of the masses is possible in this lifetime, and each of you has an integral part to play in this grand drama. >> The Age of the Seventh Ray and the Violet Flame is a pivotal point within the process of evolution, whereby the Threefold Flame of God Consciousness dramatically accelerates its direct influence upon the Earth and humanity. As it accelerates, it spins or spirals downward via the Seventh Ray, and also upward from the great, ageless Violet Fires within the Earth. The refined frequency patterns of the five higher galactic Rays will then flow outward from within the heart centers of you, the en-Lighten-ed Light Bearers, encompassing the world, and affecting the consciousness of all humanity. This Divine Elixir of Cosmic Fire is created by the merging into oneness of the Blue Flame of Divine Will of the Father with the Pink Flame of Divine Love of the Goddess, along with the radiant Golden Flame of Divine Wisdom.  This spiraling action brings a blending of the Pink and Blue Flames with a core of Golden Fire, thus creating the Sacred Violet Flame. This creates a Divine alchemy whereby all discordant or inharmonious energies can and will be transmuted or transformed into positive Life Force substance. It contains all the gifts and blessings of our Father/Mother God and makes them available to you, their Solar sons and daughters or “Suns of Light,” which were born of their sacred union. Beloveds, in the future it will be normal to live within the auric field of a master, a distinguished Being of Light, or on rare occasions, an Archangel. Some of the advanced Souls on the Path are already doing so. You, the aspirants on the Path, are building a bridge between the material world and the world of Spirit. The Light of the intellect and the Light of reason bring wisdom and understanding, for they supply the mental nature with the fuel that enables you to comprehend and master the world of form. Before you incarnated, you agreed to Light the path and to show the way for those following behind. You must be diligent in your search for the truth, and you must have an intense desire and willingness to serve if you are to join the ranks of the masters. You are now in the process of adjusting to higher frequencies of electromagnetic Light currents. The Soul Self encourages you to become consciously aware of the upgraded Universal Laws so that you may take full advantage of your God-given creative abilities.              Brave hearts, we enfold you within our auric field of protection, and we radiate to you the eternal love and gratitude of the Cosmic Council of Light and our Mother/Father God. We are with you always.  I AM Archangel Michael.                             Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included.

Urgent Manifesting Refresher – Quan Yin

through Dancing Dolphin

Received April 30, 2020

Dear Lightworkers, this is your Quan Yin, I AM Quan Yin. I AM full of compassion and love for you today. Today is the now of your life. This is your life right now. Are you happy with it? Are you joyful? Are you wishing it would change? I am here to tell you that there is always room for change. There is always room to make adjustments and create the life that you would love to have. There’s always room for change, dear hearts!
Now, I want you to think about this: how can you go about getting what you want? In your 3D world, it seems that you must be practical. For example, if you would like a boat to fish on, you must get a job where you can make enough money to eventually purchase the boat. Is that accurate? That seems to be the way it works in your 3D reality, doesn’t it?
I am not down-playing or judging anything that anybody wants. It can be a guitar, a new puppy, a new heater for your home, a new stereo system for your apartment or anything. There is no shame in wanting or needing things. But there are ways to get what you want without having to worry about the money that is needed to purchase such a thing.
I’m talking about manifestation; this is what I want to share with you today. Some of you already know about manifesting and how to create what you want in your life. But I’m here to give you a refresher course and to stress the importance of becoming proficient at manifesting.
Step 1 is Visualization. This is where many people make ‘wish boards’ or manifesting boards. Get yourself pictures of what it is that you want, post them on a board and become very familiar with that object. Become so familiar with it that you can close your eyes and see it in front of you in great detail. Make it “real” in your mind.
Step 2 is…Combine your desired object and yourself. Close your eyes, see the object you desire and see yourself with the object. If it is a new car, see yourself driving your new car. If it is a puppy, see yourself walking your puppy. If it is a new bike, see yourself riding your bike. It’s best if you are interacting with the item in some fashion, not just standing next to it.
Step 3 is…Add your powerful emotions to the mix. Allow yourself to dig deep and feel the feelings that you will have with that object. Experience your feelings of joy as you play with your new puppy. If it is a new home, see yourself living in it and really feel the comfort and security it brings to you. See what I mean? It is very simple.
But it’s not only the visualizing yourself with your item but also the emotions that you get from this item. For example; it brings you joy, it brings you comfort, it brings you happiness, it brings you strength or many forms of pleasure. So, really feel those feelings and hold onto those feelings as long as you can. This is the KEY in bringing this item to you! With the changes that have been going on in the energy vibrations of Gaia, you will bring these things to you quicker and quicker and quicker than ever before!
So, these are the basic tenants of manifesting something into your life that you want. Now, if you want a job, it is the same process. If you want a new home, it is the same process. If you want a mate, it is the same process. #1. Visualize the object. #2. See yourself with that object and play out in your mind what you look like as you interact that object; for example, riding a motorcycle. #3. Add your emotions. That is the key! Joy! Inspiration! Love! Abundance!
These are the very basic principals of manifestation and I hope that you all enjoy your lives. In short–match yourself with the vibration of how you will feel when you are using this item or when this item is in your life. See what I mean? This is what brings the item into your now. There is really no end to what you can do with this manifestation technique; there is no end to what you can do! This is how you change your life! This is how you change your world!
This process is also the same for objects that you want to share with other people. So, if you are one who would like to help other people and you may lack the funds to do that work, imagine yourself doing it anyway. Imagine purchasing the necessary tools or supplies or equipment or whatever it is that you need to help other people…maybe to build wells or have enough food whatever it is you need to help people, imagine yourself doing it with an over-abundance of supplies, more than you will ever need—imagine yourself with that and the happiness and joy that you will bring to other people.
So, I encourage you to practice this! Practice manifesting. If you want to test it out, you can do it without even using a visualization board. You can manifest, for instance, a sighting of a monarch butterfly, or a hummingbird—anything that you don’t normally see all the time; even a 4 leaf clover! You can start with something small, but just practice your manifesting skills.
This skill will become increasingly useful for you in Nova Gaia where you will be manifesting all the time. And when you do it there (as opposed to your 3D almost 4D dimension) things will come almost instantly to you. So, you must practice on focusing on what you want because you don’t want to bring into your reality something that you do not want. Focus on the Do’s and just have fun with it! Play with it! I think you’ll all enjoy this.
This is Quan Yin and this is my message for today.  I love you all more than you can know. I AM Quan Yin.
___________Message from Dancing Dolphin: Lightworkers, this message is related to a message from Sananda from December called “You are all Powerful Creators!” He was encouraging us to practice our manifesting also. It’s pretty obvious that we need to be doing this! Please refer to his message here:
________________Please feel free to share!Message of Love through Dancing Dolphin