‘Simply’ remain strong and send out your RAINBOW LIGHT 24/7. This is what you came to do in phase one…Ladies and Gentlemen … THE RAINBOW LIGHT IS YOU….-The Galactic Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild-

9th May

Once again hello. A gentleman who has been looking back into your messages found these quotes … which are very in tune with your last message.

“Out of the ashes … out of the downfall of the entire system that is now in place … shall emerge … A NEW DAWN.
The pieces shall not be put back together, for the fragmented rule is not to be rebuilt. Yet … from such a crash … a NEW SYSTEM shall be put in place.
A system that is FOR THE PEOPLE OF EARTH.
And this system shall be assisted by those from ‘other places.’
As the walls that those of lesser Light hid behind, crumble … so too, shall there be the joining of souls from other worlds.”
Then a short time later …

“May I ask where you come in, within all of this? Other than these messages of assistance. Are you to be actively involved?

Oh yes, indeed! For that which is to be spoken out, will not only be concerning the control and management from the political aspect, yet, there will undoubtedly be outrageous findings regarding ‘Those from other Planets’ and the contact that has already been underway for a great length of time.”

Back to present day.

So, shall we carry on from the last message?

Warmest of Greetings to those who are now in complete agreement with who they are! We are aware that so many are keen to continue from where we left off?

Yes indeed. Many are intrigued about ‘the announcement that will confuse us more’, that you spoke of and also, more please on the ‘face to face’ meetings that are going on between those involved in ‘getting this Planet back on its own two feet!’

As you know and many … know/understand … Blossom, we are unable to divulge ALL THAT WE KNOW. That would not be in keeping with The Plan and how it is to be carried out. Yet, we can feed you tidbits, in order for one to go within and send Love to that ‘not knowing’.
As for ‘The news that will confuse’ … it is soon to be offered and we make no jokes upon the word ‘soon’ at this severe juncture.


Yes … for although for many who are kept in the dark about what is going on … KNOW … when we say that … a great deal is taking place.

I feel this so much these days … just a nervous sort of feeling as if something is about to take place.

It is taking place.

Yet, we can’t know about it?

Not right now. Yet, you shall. The issue being that this entire Plan has to be handled with such precision. It is not that … if it were a game of chess … that one knows for sure the next move of the opponent … so much strategy must be discussed as to the correct counter move.

So then, these discussions … face to face … with whom? Can you tell us who is involved ‘on’ the Planet and ‘not on’ the Planet?

We can only tell you that those who are involved have been ‘meeting’ for far longer than just a few short years ago.

With respect … a bit of a nonplus answer. Surely there is so much more you can ‘share’?

Blossom, YOUR part of the plan and those of you who FEEL/KNOW that they are ‘in on it’ … is to keep oneself alert and aware. To be the ANCHORS OF LIGHT when a large proportion of the human race feels that the Light is going out. So many remain ‘in the dark’ regarding THE TRUTH behind one’s confinement.

So … Enlighten us with YOUR TRUTH … if I may be so bold and meant with respect!

Our Truth? That which is taking place under the guise of illness is the greatest escape* that has ever evolved.

You have said the baddies created the virus so has it backfired on them?

Without question. For ‘we’ were aware of their plans to ‘confine’ and therefore, ‘we’ were able to utilize this ‘gift’ to work around/with it … in order to completely use it for the service of all.
Those who concocted this scenario had not foreseen all that it would ‘bring out’ in souls … and that is just ‘one’ GOOD thing about it … there are many more.
This ‘dis-ease’ that is NOT spreading far and wide as you are being told, is simply the method used to keep everyone under control. The fear … as you know … is far greater an illness than any cough and cold.

Some have lost loved ones … they may not agree.

Dearest Blossom, Dearest Souls … every minute of every day someone ‘loses’ a loved one yet, as you know, there is no loss … just a passing through to ‘somewhere else’.
What we would deliver to you as a message to ponder upon is this. In the Light of who you are … does this make sense? Does this sudden ‘control method’ make sense?

Well to me, absolutely not! Yet, I guess once again our patience runs thin with the waiting for the next piece of news that spurs us on. I KNOW we have to be patient and we are trying our best. We are indeed feeling a bit ‘left in the dark’. Why is this ‘In the dark’ theme running through today?

Because this is how your Planet has been ‘organized’ for eons of your time …. IN THE DARK /Of Darkness.

Yet, there is much talk of more control, especially in some countries. There is still much talk of mandatory vaccines etc.

Yet, there is so much talk also, of those in the know having the courage to speak out and allow others to know that there is a band of Light players that are growing in numbers, minute by minute, that will make sure that this scenario WILL NOT be fulfilled.
Dearest Blossom … for many, many, many years, we have brought forth messages to you regarding THE CHANGE … AN EVENT that is to come.
Have we not?

Yes, you have.

Do you believe us?


Do you Trust us?


If you feel doubt, if you question us … this is fine for you to do so. We do not ask that you follow blindly and if your conclusion is that you ‘still feel in the dark’ … then we ask that you cease following that which we have to say and find your answers through your own KNOWING.
For ultimately, Dearest Souls, our intention has been for you to do just that. To ‘Find you’!
On the other hand, should it be that you FEEL IN TUNE WITH OUR WORDS AND OUR LOVE … and KNOW what we say to be of TRUTH then we suggest this …
TRUST that what we are giving to you, is as much as we are able to give at any one time. If it were to be that we ‘spilled the beans’ too early … we would be going against OUR TRUTH and this we cannot/will not do.
So although, there may be flickering’s of doubts and what ifs’ … TURN STRAIGHT AWAY TO YOUR KNOWING THAT THE REASON WHY YOU CAME HERE TO PLANET EARTH … IS TAKING PLACE NOW.
Do not concern yourselves as to ‘what is coming next’. ‘Simply’ remain strong and send out your RAINBOW LIGHT 24/7. This is what you came to do in phase one.

Rainbows are beaming forth in these clearer skies. I know you spoke of such things I believe in 2008 and perhaps 2012 **. White Cloud is now speaking of Rainbow Light and in the Hawaii retreat we named ourselves the ‘Rainbow Light Pod’. In the UK, they are displayed in windows to bring Joy. What is so significant about Rainbows and why now is the term ‘Rainbow Light’ being used so much by you and White Cloud?

That which you know to appear as a Rainbow … and that it is a reflection of Light … is far greater than that. When one sees a Rainbow, what do they do? They smile and feel their heart beat. They feel instant Joy.
Ladies and Gentlemen … THE RAINBOW LIGHT IS YOU.

Ladies and gentlemen? Yep, I get it is us. Yet, we have been ‘conditioned’ to think of ourselves as ‘White Light’ … the difference being?



Blossom, The colours of the Rainbow are far more intricate than you know. The colours that emanate … in/as/through/of … Love … in this that you call a Rainbow … have so much more significance. In that, Colour and Sound are part of the makeup of your very Planet. They are part of the coding of your Planet.

What is it able to do?


So why both … White and Rainbow? I am getting to look up ‘Rainbow prism’. Ok. As the white light moves through the two faces of the prism, the different colours bend different amounts and in doing so spread out into a rainbow. ….

We feel you are getting a little confused with our point?

You feel correctly.

What we would say … is that now, in this phase … to be aware of the RAINBOW LIGHT … within yourselves and that which is connecting with you within your skies, or in any ‘form’. That which is to come also, presenting as Rainbows, will fill your Beings with Hope, Trust and Knowing.

Thank you. Today we seem to be veering all over the place. Is there any more you could add as to the ‘face to face’ meetings with those ‘Off Planet’?

What we feel appropriate to say is that … Yes, indeed, those ‘Off Planet’ are very much a part of this Movement. The Movement to see your work through into its next phase … into a Higher Vibration … It is what we are all intent on completing.

So … WHO exactly are the ‘Off Planet’ Beings running this show alongside us? Is it you?

Blossom, ‘We are the ‘Overseers of the Overseers’ as you know. So, naturally, we oversee plans. Yet, we are not the ones that meet ‘face to face’. We give of the word ‘Officials’ are in place and they are the ones communicating with those on your Planet.

Ok, so can you tell us then, if the meetings themselves are On or Off Planet?


Really? Good Lord Maud! I thought you were, without doubt, going to say ‘On’.

It is safer that way. That way, there can be no uninvited guests.

Makes sense. Oh! I welcome the day when we are ‘openly presented’ with all that is taking place.

Dearest Souls of Earth at this time … There is no question that this shall happen.

How I wish we could get some glimpses into the future.

You do not need glimpses. You need to FEEL the future and welcome it in. For it is one of such Brightness … and this that is taking place now, shall seem ‘like a dream’.

And you want me to ask … is it?

And we want to answer … what do you think?

And I want to reply … Time for a cuppa. In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM.

* I pondered on this for a while. I feel ‘they’ mean that we are to experience the greatest escape into our Freedom along with perhaps, the rescues of the ‘stolen children’.

“once in a lifetime” opportunity for the first time to be able to actually experience Ascension in your existing body.

There are various opinions out there as to who will be able to ascend within their physical bodies and who will simply leave their physical bodes.Everybody has their own path of learning and by making choices that are aligned with source by continually ‘taking the temperature’ of the vibration of how one feels,once can feel clearly if he/she is aligned or not.In this next article,Mike Quincey’ s higher self speaks of Karma.To my sense and they way i have dealt with karma it is very simple:100% forgiveness to self and all others releases us from the wheel of karma.This is something that was shared by David Wilcock sometime ago that i totally resonate with.To each their own truth and what feels of love.

Here comes the message from Mike Quincey,take what you resonate with and leave the rest(as it should be with all messages i am sharing here for you)

8th May 2020. Mike Quinsey

Do not despair at the seemingly never-ending changes that are taking place but they are necessary to move you from the old ways that have now served their purpose.

There have to be many changes to the way you are living now; some will be far reaching and seem drastic whilst others may pass without causing more than a little ripple.

Whether you like it or not we can assure you that once you see the benefits that the changes will bring, you will be more than satisfied and never wish to go back to the old times. Some changes will of necessity take a long time to complete, but at the stage when your extraterrestrial friends can safely introduce themselves they will be allowed to assist you and speed up your activities to completion.

If you can view the effects upon your life as leading to exciting and uplifting times, you will cope a lot better; otherwise it could lead to dissatisfaction and disappointment. In fact those of you who can expect to go all the way to Ascension are considered to be privileged as many souls were eager to be part of it but were not selected.

It is as you might say a “once in a lifetime” opportunity for the first time to be able to actually experience Ascension in your existing body. It is the time you have been waiting for when your trials and tribulations have come to an end. The changes are inevitable but you shall see that in the long run everything is destined to open up your path to a better life and one that is peaceful and fulfilling.

The Masters who oversee your evolution are pleased that you have passed the marker, and wait with eager expectations and joy that at last you have proved your readiness to ascend. You are a bit like lost sheep who have suddenly found the way home, and are excited that what you have been striving for eons of time has at last arrived.  It is your golden opportunity to move further into the light and leave behind the lower vibrations that have well served their purpose.

It is difficult for us to placate those souls who have not reached the required level to ascend, but there would be no purpose or value in them doing so until they were ready. Your immediate problem is that whilst on Earth you do not have a full memory of your previous lives, and have no way of judging how much spiritual progress you have made.

We understand your concern regarding attachments made during your times on Earth. You wish to feel that somehow you can renew them but we cannot give you that assurance. However, where relationships have been formed out of love for each other, a bond is formed that ensures you will meet again.

Bear in mind that, on the “other side,” time as you understand it is not the same and passes much quicker, and you can go backwards and forwards according to your needs and find that little or no time seems to have elapsed. You can in fact relive events in your earlier lives that have caused you concern.

Life in the higher vibrations is so much more rewarding and exciting and free from the type of worries you experience on Earth. In general terms there is a greater harmony and freedom to travel where you desire, and by thinking of someone providing they are free to answer, you will have made contact.

The power of thought is the key to most things when you are at a level of vibration so high, and it means that unlike living upon Earth you can create virtually anything you want. Realise how much more freedom you will have in a life totally unlike the one you will have left. Assuredly you will never want to return to the old life style which although beautiful at times, could also be a very painful experience. Yet it serves its purpose by helping you evolve.

Experience in any form is essential to spiritual growth and it is why you agreed to take physical incarnations. It is recognised as the fastest way to evolve and prove your ability to be able to successfully live through physical lives.

Naturally as you progress the challenges become harder but when you overcome them it is a great feeling of satisfaction. With help you will eventually succeed as between each Age you carry forward what you have already learnt. The system has been in existence for eons of time so you may rest assured it is perfect for the experiences needed to evolve.

Karma is one of the means by which you evolve as it is necessary to highlight where you are going adrift so that your evolution can proceed unhindered. Life is not a series of accidental events but a series of carefully arranged experiences to ensure you make progress.

You are not however left on your own to cope with them and your Guides are always on hand to guide you if only you will take notice. If you do not, the problem still remains with you and acts as block to your progress, so please take notice of the challenges that come up in your life as they are so important.

The testing times you are going through are going to show whether you can go with the flow, and not allow events to upset you but accept that nothing happens without good reason.

Whatever comes up on your path is vitally necessary, so after the experience carefully consider what lesson can be learnt from it. If you fail you must know by now that the challenge will come around again. It is obviously in your interests to successfully clear your karma so that you can make good progress, knowing that there is no reason why it should come around again. Learn your lessons well and be sure that you are continuing to evolve.

The golden chance is inviting you to ascend so that you will have no necessity to walk the same path again. You would carry the experiences with you, and they will serve you well where any future challenges are concerned

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


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Universal Mother Mary – You are the Fulfillment of The Promise

Greetings, I am Mary, I am Mare’, Universal Mother, Mother of love. Yes, I can give you a litany of the names I go by, but does it not suffice, beloved ones, to simply say I am the Mother of love, and in that I say I am the Mother of all, and in that I say I am the Mother of each and every one of you.

I welcome you and I gather you into my arms and around me, around us, around all, to have this quiet conversation in what some of you have thought of as in the midst of chaos, and what I would say to thee is in the realm of new existence, in the realm of higher octave, in the realm of new beginnings of new cycles of existence.

I ask you, I open the doorway, I invite you, I guide you to enter through this portal, this doorway and to leave what is old and what is truly non-existent behind. Many times I have spoken to thee about what is non-existent, about what is illusion, and what does not have substance that is in any way useful to you. I speak to you about my infinite ocean of time and the fluidity of time where you may swim backwards and forwards. But in this moment, in this eternal moment of my infinite now, I am suggesting to you, I am requesting of thee…do not look back!

There are times for the contemplation of what has gone beforehand, and you have had such a period of time, and you will have that again. But in this day, in this moment, I ask you to gaze forward and to gaze forward with clear intent and the acuity of your inner vision and knowing.

We have spent years, and indeed we have spent eons sharing and guiding and teaching, retooling, uplifting, attuning, infusing each and every one of you with the energy of love and that which is necessary for you to go forth…each of you…as Nova Beings, as Creator Race, as angels in form, as hybrids in form, as portals and gatekeepers and Earthkeepers. It matters not, beloveds, how you identify yourselves or even how you are identified throughout the multiverse, the omniverse.

What is important as you take this forward thrust is that you know and you embrace the truth of who you are. No more self-sabotage, no more group sabotage, no more embrace of that which is truly illusion and of the old false grids and paradigms, for they do not serve you and you have come to your own realization and a depth of heart knowing that, in fact, those old illusions do not serve you and you embrace the new. And what is the new except the essential that has always been.

There are times when you have said to me or to my beloved archangels, “Well, I work within the old grid. I work with the old paradigms because that is simply the way things are.” What I suggest to thee, beloved, is that is not of truth. That is not how things are! The truth of love, the truth of creation, the truth of your essence, the truth of my essence has never been of disarray, of hatred or greed or selfishness or fear, of lack or limitation, so that is not the way things are. That has been an absolute misconception of reality. And you have grown and you have matured and some of you would say, “Yes, I have seen through the chaos and I have seen through the illusion.”

It is not adequate to simply see through it or recognize it. It is vitally important, essential, to see what is ahead of you, underneath that illusion…inside. And of course the only way to truly discover and embrace that truth, that reality, that love, is through the knowing of your beautiful sweet self, of the immutable self that does not truly shift or change.

Your essence is and always has been love and that everything else in this journey of being in form and of being the truth and the implementers of the Divine Plan is you in form being the love.

Now, I may speak this clearly because you are at the level of existence where you can truly understand, comprehend, integrate, anchor, and bring into action and form that which I speak of. So often when I have said to you, “If it does not look like love, if it does not feel like love, if it does not smell like love, then why would you engage it, why would you proceed?” And you have truly come to a place, yes, through your own growth, might I suggest with a little help from your friends – human and otherwise – to come to a place in your Divine Authority, in your essential truth and right, in your birthright, where you do not want, choose, decide, anything that is abhorrent, that is not of love. You are placing yourself by choice, in alignment with Divine Will beyond choice.

Now, that does not mean that the direction of the human race is to become robotic, mechanical. If anything, sweet ones, you have become far more electrical and your light bodies are shining brightly.

What do you choose to do as you enter and truly begin to anchor this new realm of existence, this new expanded way of being, where you think with your heart and act from your will? What do you choose to do? When I pose this question to you I do not think, my beloveds, there is a single one of you that would say to me, “Well, Mother, what I would like to do is to continue in the path of endurance, in a path of struggle because that has made me so strong.” And, yes, that is in many ways true and it has certainly assisted in your desire and choice to receive the gifts of clarity that I have given you. But you were never intended, indefinitely or infinitely, to struggle, to practice endurance.

Fortitude is not a struggle; it is a strength. It is a way of being. Faith and Trust are not struggles, they are simply a form of existence that are the various reflections of love and joy. And so, in this time of new beginnings, I ask of each of you, in your infinite wisdom which we respect and love and cherish, “What do you choose? What is your intention? What is your heart’s desires?”

When I pose this query to thee I am not suggesting…in fact, I do not truly wish to hear a response that is pat, a response that is “Well, I wish to heal the world; I wish to save the world.” Your world is your inner landscape and the mechanics of such a statement do not speak to the beginning point of your heart, your choices, your decisions, your actions, and your truth. So, let me phrase this in a different way…My beloved children, creations of my heart, what do you hold dear to you?

I am encouraging you, I am guiding you to make this beginning point of your new beginning very personal. What is dear to your heart? What is dear to your life? What is of ultimate importance to you? Your answer is close to you. Yes, for many of you it is to simply feel the divine presence within thee and your connection, your infinite, ultimate connection to us – the Godhead – more clearly, more perfectly, more consistently. It is also to be in divine union, in sacred union, more deeply with yourself, with your partner, with your family, with your friends, with your community.

You do not go about saving the world and have no regard for those you cherish. That is how you express, how you experience love, and what it looks like, what this paradigm of Nova Being in Nova Community on Nova Earth looks like. So, before you jump over the moon, take time to identify what is dear to you, what is the reflection that, in fact, builds upon your quintessential truth? What is the love that, in fact, acts as the catalyst for your quantum leap? It has need to be in that expansion of your heart wisdom, in the expansion of your wisdom vision.

We did not spend years speaking to you about Divine Union, Divine Authority, Divine Knowing, your Inspired Self, the New You, we did not spend years speaking of these things so they could be set aside. No, it is to be integrated and in this integration, the starting point of creation, which you are in this phase – this is the next chapter, is what is dear to you.

What is so precious to yourself, not merely as divine being but as man and woman and human being, what is so dear to you, so precious to you, that you wish to expand upon it and you want that experience of that miraculous sense to be shared far and wide? What are you choosing in the personal realm to build upon, to bring your attention to, to align your will with? That is the intention!

These choices are not merely universal, it is your expression of the universe within your sacred heart, and that is how you carry forth. You have done…even as I have said to you “do not look back”…I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge, praise, commend, celebrate victories of this past year where you have gone forth. And the biggest victory is the ability to expand your discernment. This is why in my tsunami, that I have focused the gifts of clarity and purity…purity of thought, purity of discernment, the purity of grace, the sense of child-like wonder and awe and inspiration…that you have learned to stand back from “that is not of truth” and send the energy of love into the melee.

In this new chapter, this new realm of existence, there are still going to be incidents of chaos but it is not internal; it is not something you are engaging in. You are the participant observer insofar as you send the purity of what is dear to you into those situations and you stand back and you watch them dissolve. This is the power of creation!

Think of it…do you really think, sweet angels of light, that I reached down and engaged the fullness of my energy in what is abomination, that I involve myself in hatred? No. There are times when it has spun around while some have learned very critical lessons. I have always, and always will, send my love, send my emissaries, send my warriors of light, to penetrate that darkness, for that is nothing short of the fulfillment of My Plan, but I do not engage it. Why would I put my Divine energy into something that is not of love?

And so I say to you, these are lessons and approaches to creation that you have very well learned in the past years. That is not where energies are focused as we go forward because you are reaching for what is dear, until such time as the entire planet, not some amorphous idea but the entire planet, every baby, every hair, every blade of grass, every pebble, every drop of water in every ocean, is dear to you. But first, what is personally dear to you.

Creation is not hasty. If you have learned one thing gathered around me, that is it. Creation is instantaneous and immediate but it is never hasty. There is such jubilation at this time, not merely of fulfillment, but of the new. You are the fulfillment of the promise and the promise, the word, the energy, has always been love.

Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.

This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted. [Full terms of copyright at https://counciloflove.com/copyright-notice/

You will find your freedom. Because freedom is what your destiny is, what your right is. Freedom. Freedom to be whoever you are. Freedom to reach to the very stars above you. Freedom to become the highest good within you that you can be in the moment. It is your birthright. It is your destiny. It is The Plan.-Sananda-

SANANDA  (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda.   I am here at this time, and in these moments to continue this awakening process with all of you.  To continue to guide you, assist you wherever that is possible.

You all have a saying, “the times they are a-changing.”  And these times are certainly about that.  It is about change.  It is about awakening.  It is about remembering who you are.

But not only you, the Light-workers and warriors, but the Collective Consciousness as well must come along.  And you are the Way-showers to bring this about.

But you can only do so much.  You can only do what you are able to do in the moment.  Do not feel in any way if you are not making a dent.  If you are not making a difference.  Do not condemn yourself for this.  For you must awaken first, and then assist others in their awakening as they are ready to do so.

But as you are finding out, not all are ready at this time.  Not all come to understand what you have come to understand.  So many are still continuing to sleep.  So many are continuing to be within their slumber, and have been for many, many lifetimes, and continuing in this one.

But do not fear at all that everything is not going to change, because it is.  You are coming out of the storm.  The storm is upon you now, and you have been in the eye of the storm.  Many of you have been very comfortable there.

But the comfort is now leaving for many of you.  You are finding that you can no longer be in that storm and be comfortable in it.  You must go beyond it, now.  You must realize that everything is certainly happening for a reason and being orchestrated.  And that The Plan is continuing to be in the works.  Do not despair, as many of you are tending to do, now.

Many of you find yourselves becoming ensconced again within the three-dimensional illusion at times. But at other times you realize that you can come to your center within you and you can feel the Universal Source of your being fully enveloped within you.  And in those times, you realize that everything is exactly as it needs to be, and you are in the exact place in that moment that you need to be there.

So have heart, people.  Have heart that you are moving ahead exactly as you need to right now.  There is nothing to be concerned about, even though it appears that all around you are bringing concern to the picture.  All around you are continuing to hold fear.

But is up to you, the Light-workers and warriors, to help to extinguish that fear, to help to raise it to be higher vibrational frequencies within you, and to help them as well to come out of that fear.  Not in a way that is detrimental to you.  We would never suggest to take a chance like that to bring anything to you that is not for your better and highest good.  But know that as you are working for your highest good and for the highest good of all around you, that you have everyone’s best interest in mind.

So continue to trust in The Plan because it is exactly The Plan that you have been a part of creating for many thousands of years.  And that plan is coming to a culmination now.  It is not far off at all, where you will find salvation, and all around you will find that salvation as well.

You will find your freedom.  Because freedom is what your destiny is, what your right is.  Freedom.  Freedom to be whoever you are.  Freedom to reach to the very stars above you.  Freedom to become the highest good within you that you can be in the moment.  It is your birthright.  It is your destiny.  It is The Plan.

I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and harmony, and joy.  And ask you each one now to continue to reach out to your brother and sister, to reach out and bring them the Light whenever they ask for it.

How to Strengthen your Mind | El Morya via Sharon Stewart

Yes, I am El Morya, and I am here to speak to you on this question.

How do you strengthen your minds?

You have powerful minds but at the moment, for many, they have not been exercised enough. As you work out your cardio, your legs and your abdominals, so should you work out your minds. Those who practise in the ancient arts of judo, tai-kwan doe and more, understand that the body responds to the mind and the real strength of the fighter is in the mind.

In your western societies, you strengthen your bodies without strengthening your minds. For neither is it likely that you must defend against accost as generally, your world has moved away from that, however to be fit is a goal for all. However, the holistic approach to fitness is to have a keen mind that is the driver of the body. And in the west, you have flabby minds.

Me: LOL. I know he’s going to use me as a subject!

ElM: If you wish.

Me: Why not? Ivo does too.

ElM: When I say that you have a flabby mind, my child, it is because you think as an overweight person would; you believe yourself to be overweight, and so your mind directs your body to comply. It has nothing to do with the food you eat as much as it has to do with the way you think. You understand that in your 20’s you used creative visualization, after having read Shakti Gawain’s book, to help you lose 30 pounds. You were visualizing this weight loss and in so doing, directed your body to comply.

Me: Yes, I remember that. I think I was a size 10 or 12 after that. I wish.

ElM: So, as well with your financial situation. You think as an impovershed victim of your circumstances at times and so you create the circumstances you fear. Your thinking is fear based. You paid this month for a large car appointment and then your feline became ill. So we worked on retrieving the health of your feline and he is back to his cantankerous self, attacking your hand as you go to pet him. He has only sneezed once today so I would say that our healing him was very effective indeed. You were right to call me. I am here to show you your power. I am the chohan of the blue ray and you are a blue ray that has forgotten her way.

Me: Well, please show us all, Father.

ElM: Your minds are very strong, when it comes to creating fear. You have been schooled your entire lives in learning and expressing fear, and now you must turn your minds around and learn to express power. You are on this path, my child, and I am here to help you.

Brother Ivo has gone into much detail about the expressions of fear in your lives: arrogance, manipulation, control, lack of belief in oneself, personalizing life, blaming all on yourself… so many things, however as you clear those from your mind and begin to step into your power, you will find you have flabby mental muscles.

At one point again, my child, you were reading, “Wisdom of the Mystic Masters,” by Joseph Reed, and this Rosicrucian master gave the practise that was necessary to improve your mind. He had you hold numbers in your head and multiply them, he had you focusing on colours in your mind and holding that focus, he had you memorizing paragraphs from books and reciting them. This is practising your lower mind to strengthen it.

To strengthen one’s lower mind is to prepare the proper ground for your soul to manifest itself through you in the physical. With a weak, flabby mind, your soul can not do much. You must prepare the body and the mind to house your higher being, and this is done through physical exercise and proper nutrition, and then through memorization and retention of one’s focus. You say that you cannot hold an image long in your mind’s eye before it changes. Were you able to do so you would be able to portray extraterrestrials you see as your friend Christine does. She is an amazing artist because she can naturally hold an image in her mind. When you paint, you work from a picture or photo. You must paint from your mind, dispense with the photo. Attempt to paint what you see in your mind. You did so yesterday as you were shown as scene of what is above your city. The image of the barracks and the spheric tower containing fluids was there, and you retained the blacktop. You saw the black and the white, however, the colours were not there for you.

Me: Yes.

ElM: So you must continue to use your mind to see what your higher mind sees. In more abundant colour, holding the images longer, keeping your focus. To do this, training by doing simple and then more complicated math exercises in your head, without writing down the numbers, is how you can begin. Hold a colour in your mind. Hold an image from your past. Hold an image of what you would like your world to look like. Hold a fantasy image in your mind, move around within it and describe it in words. This brings it into the mental mind.

Always describe the image in words as you are viewing or creating it. This works the left hemisphere in tandem with the right hemisphere. It makes it harder to hold, but this practise should be done.

Do you see what I am intending?

Me: Yes, I get it. Getting the two hemispheres to work together. Strengthening the left hemisphere.

I think a lot of people could just work to keep thoughts from wandering. I know at times that when I meditate that I’m getting a lot of thought interference.

ElM: That is because you are in the lower dimensions. When you take your meditation into the upper dimensions, you cease to experience “noise” and “head chatter” from your lower mind. This mind has to be silenced. It has to work for you, not against you. So it takes practise at these exercises.

Should you not do so, your lower mind will continue to work against your progress by distracting you, upsetting you and reducing your frequency. It must be put in alignment with your will for it, not its will for you.

ElM: You must learn that much of what your lower mind involves itself with is external to you. You share your lower mind with your controllers who beam waves of energy in to mesmerize the population and so you have many thoughts that do not suit a higher purpose. Why give them heed? Ignore them.

Me: I do.

ElM: They will not stop. You must ignore them. This is mind control, externalized thought control of your minds that is being introduced, and you must learn to control your mind such that you do not hear the thoughts, in the same way that you at one time ignored your higher mind in favour of listening to these internalized transmissions. Do you understand?

Me: Yes, both are possible.

ElM: Exactly. Listen to your god mind. Hold that intention. Train your lower mind to listen to higher thoughts and ignore the transmissions of mind control. It can be done and your people are ready to do this. Especially you.

Me: Yes.

ElM: Any practise where focus is brought to an object, memorization of passages, retention of images within the mind, is good practise for your mind. Be sure that this practise is one of higher awareness, and not a focus on anything degrading to another, pornographic, or of ill will, otherwise this will be released from your mind by your higher self. Focus on the image of a flower, perhaps, a bird, a baby’s face. In doing so, you also open the heart and have practise keeping it open as well.

This is another way you strengthen your mind – your heart mind. You focus on keeping the mind conditioned and the heart loving.

It is time.

I am your father, here for you at your behest.

I AM El Morya


Do you believe that to create new circumstances for yourself that you must move your physical circumstances. But in fact you can spend your entire life where you are and just continue to attract to you that what you wish to have. Physical movement is not required.-El Morya – El Morya via Sharon Stewart-

Overcoming Limitations | El Morya via Sharon Stewart

I am El Morya and I have a message for you of the Light.

You do not recognize your strength. Every day, you put so much effort into strengthening your body but you do not realize that you must strengthen your mind as well.

The strongest part of you is your mind, not your body. Your body was created by your mind. Your mind is the driving force of consciousness upon your planet. Your consciousness is filtered down through your mind and your mind decides what it will perceive and what it will not perceive.

You could realistically change your entire world right now. Many of you have crossed your countries, going ocean to ocean or ocean to land, and you have created an entirely new world for yourself in having made that move. Had you stayed where you were, circumstances would have remained the same unless of course, you change your mind. Your mind is what brings new circumstances to your life.

When you believe that you can alter the weather, you can alter the weather. When you believe you can resist the virus, then you can resist the virus. It is simply what you believe.

What you fear comes through to you for resolution because this is not part of Christ. You are christ and what is not part of you, when you create something that is not a part of your truth, you are resisting yourself. Truth is a part of who you are. Truth is the rule upon which you function in the same way that your world functions with natural laws – you have trees, you have birds, you have water, you have animals, dirt and land…. these are the rules of your world, and your world of your consciousness is truth. There is your world.

You are creatures of God, you are part of God and you must stand in your own Light. To do otherwise is to fail yourself and to fail the world in which you live. There is no choice. You must do so. Now is the time, particularly now, as this world needs you now. You must do whatever you can, but the first thing you must do is to stop believing that you are limited. You are unlimited. Because God is unlimited. Do you see limits in God? No, there are rules but these are not limits, but God is unlimited and so are you.

Anything you desire, you can create. When you desire a world free of viruses, of suffering, of struggling, then you can create that world by focusing on it. You must know with absolute surety that you can create it. You are all being tested to remove your doubts, to remove your fears because doubt comes from fears, and bring God into your life, because you are a god.

You are a powerful being. You must exercise this power now.

It is that simple.

I remain El Morya.

Do you believe that to create new circumstances for yourself that you must move your physical circumstances. But in fact you can spend your entire life where you are and just continue to attract to you that what you wish to have. Physical movement is not required.

But if I want a bigger house?

I ask him and my response is.

Your house is a limitation that you set upon yourself. Your life is about overcoming your limitations so when you set a life of limitation up for yourself, then you must overcome this limitation.

Okay so if I want a bigger house … that’s true, many just create a bigger house all the time. Build onto what you have, or maybe the landlord will sell the apartment building and you can take 2 units.

When you limit yourself, look to see if there is a way that you can change your circumstances using your mind, not your body

Thank you El Morya.

So I have another question for you, Father.

I am here.

I want to get a house but it has to be one where Ivo and other galactics can land their ships. I live in a city with people around me so landing a ship isn’t possible here. How would I deal with that? The galactics don’t want to be seen by the general public and need a place that’s remote, and they also specified near water.

ElM: So there are physical parameters which are specified which requires your moving.

Me: Yes. So there’s no way to create that where I am.

ElM: No. You are creating that right now in knowing that there is a house which is waiting for you to purchase which fits your requirements but now physical movement is necessary.

Me: Ah! So you’re saying that changing things with your mind doesn’t work in all cases.

ElM: You in fact have a time limit.

Me: Yes, like before I die.

ElM: Otherwise you could create that circumstance where you are. However you are limited by your physicality in the respect of time. You only live so long. So this does require physical movement.

My information to you was based on many aspects of your life. I see you have moved many times in your life and this was not all necessary.

Me: Howso?

ElM: Had you used your mind you could have quieted noisy neighbours, so this accounts for the majority of problems you encountered in your places of dwelling, does it not?

Me: It does. There were many noise problems.

ElM: So then, using your mind to still their need to create noise or their stress, anxiety and other such emotions that seek outlet can be done through the power of your mind.

Your people engage in much physical movement and wishful thinking. As it happens, you created a much quieter place of dwelling for yourself now in your last move.

Me: I needed it.

ElM: You could have attracted quieter tenants for the last apartment. Movement was not necessary.

Me: There were laundry soap issues too.

ElM: Ah yes. This could have been dealt with as well at a higher metaphysical level. Yes, perhaps purchasing soap and distributing it to all tenants who used the washing room beneath you would be one solution. As it is, your desire to have the tenants upstairs removed from the building was effective because they did move.

Me: Yes. Took a while.

ElM: To speed up these circumstances, have a more positive mindset. It directs more energy towards the magnetization of the goal.

Me: What are some other examples of this, taking some from my past for example.

ElM: You now desire a washing machine.

Me: Yes, I have a dryer and no washer. LOL

ElM: You can magnetize one for free.

Me: How so?

ElM: They are there. It is possible. Charity is given daily. But you understand your feelings when I said the word “charity” and you see that you would not wish to have a free washer because it is charity. You believe in giving, but not in receiving.

Me: Yes.

ElM: So you would prefer to pay a minimal sum. That is the solution you think best, so you are limiting your choices.

Me: Yes.

ElM: For the advanced student of alchemy, there is the changing of energy into other atomic structures. St Germaine speaks of turning ore into gold and this can be done by all of you. You believe a process of high pressure is the only way to turn coal into gold but that is nonsense. Your science is limited and it makes you believe in limitations. It has been done already by some upon earth – the changing of ore into gold. Water into wine. Pulling a rabbit out of a hat, so to speak. Magic is very possible.

You have shut off your computer with your mind as it has a crystal chip in it. Understand that as all your technology becomes more crystalline, you can effect it yourselves. It is a question of learning to work with it, and that has to do with frequency. When in a bad mood, you find your computer acting up. Even the software changes screens, shuts down, etc. This is due to your mood.

Me: I find my ethernet cable doesn’t work as well as the wifi.

ElM: Because you wake up in a bad mood, my child. You are affecting the chip and the limited connection is more affected than wifi which can work independently of your mood.

Me: LOL Waking up with low blood sugar.

ElM: Try re-inserting the ethernet cable when your mood has improved. It will function better. You have no idea of the impact your fields have on devices around you.

Me: Thanks. This is very interesting. If I can think of any other examples to ask you, may I?

ElM: Of course. I stop at nothing to show you your godly self.

Me: Thank you, Father.

ElM: I AM El Morya.



Today at 18h00 Central European Time,I am joining the world’s largest DJ Live Stream Event Playing a House Set with the intention to raise the frequency for the highest good for all.Take off your shoes and join us in this collective Dance Cercle.

#Covid19Fundraiser :Donations welcome at www.SetforLove.org


Help from Yeshua, Archangel Michael & 10D Pleiadians ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

help from yeshua, archangel michael & pleiadians - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of ets aliens hathors

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are the recipients of assistance and high frequency energy ourselves here in the ninth dimension. We receive from Source directly, as well as dimensions ten through twelve in this universe. There are many beautiful collectives who are assisting us in the same ways that we are assisting all of you. Now, you might wonder what we could possibly need help with. We are constantly developing new strategies and ideas regarding how we can better be of service to you and everyone else who needs our assistance. Therefore, we need to get higher perspectives as well, and we are very open to the suggestions of Archangel Michael, Yeshua, tenth dimensional Pleiadian collectives and so on.

We are very pleased to have such beautiful helpers, and of course, you also can benefit from the help that is being given from realms that are even higher than ours. Therefore, it is so important for you all to sit in acknowledgement of the help that is coming in from above, and we also implore you to sit in quiet expectation, as you open yourselves up to the higher frequency energies, the downloads, the upgrades, the activations. They are all coming in because of what you are living, because of your willingness to endure fourth dimensional Earth.

You provide us with so much in your willingness to be there and have challenging experience after challenging experience, because all that you go through there on Earth gives birth to new ideas about what we could create here in the higher realms. And those creations will be experienced by all of you as you continue on in your journeys. You are in this for the long haul, and so whenever things are not going so well for you in the short term, you need to remember that. You need to remember how many beings are supporting and assisting you and that you are creating new worlds, new systems, new galaxies, and new universes because of your willingness to endure dire circumstances and the horrors that you sometimes experience just by living, just by being in a human body there on planet Earth.

It is a difficult place to be, and that’s why only the masters like you were able to incarnate there. There was a knowing inside of each of you that you would awaken and that you would receive help from the higher realms. Sometimes we just need to remind you of how much good will there is for humanity up here in the higher dimensional realms, and we are very happy to remind you that you’ve done enough, you’ve worked enough, and now it’s time to receive all that you’ve asked for in this and every other lifetime.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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Energy Update for 5/5/2020 by Matt Kahn

May this energy update help confirm your experiences and clarify any confusion when living as an empath during the most pivotal shift of human evolution in Earth’s history. These unprecedented times can certainly make it quite challenging for light workers, especially with so many of us still acclimating and adjusting to life in a higher vibrational altitude. The most recent Ascension update sees Mother Earth settling into alignment with 5D consciousness, while a significant percentage of Earth’s inhabitants adjust to life at a higher frequency of consciousness.

It is interesting to notice, from the heart of compassion, a percentage of the world’s population is just now learning how to function in the very climate of uncertainty many spiritual beings have spent years encountering through various healing processes and ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ experiences. Equally so, while light workers have had a small taste of the collective they would help shift through the imprinting of their childhood and adolescent years, many light workers are still adjusting to a greater depth of presence as they embody a higher level of awareness, mindfulness, and heart-centeredness as anchors of Earth’s Ascension.

This means many light workers are experiencing the ups and downs of Empath Fatigue — where the most simple human tasks create waves of exhaustion, and you just can’t do as much as you normally would under these uncertain conditions. While some think self-quarantining or social distancing is to blame, it is actually a process of building up psychic endurance so your vibration can be so fully aware of its unlimited potency and power that it can effortlessly hold space for an entire planet without even having to think about it or micro-manage it in any way. As you engage in the process of building your psychic endurance, it’s normal to feel its effects as the opposite experience which could include fatigue, emptiness, boredom, and exhaustion. If your ego has begun to internalize and identify with this process, it can be sensed as grief, guilt, shame, depression, and various waves of anxiety, loneliness, and fear.

The key to shifting out of the ego’s tendency to internalize each feeling as evidence of being the lowest version of self is by seeing it from the viewpoint of a higher consciousness.

To experience such a shift of relief, please repeat the following words:

“I accept that my most uncomfortable feelings are not proof or evidence of a lower vibrational frequency, no matter what my ego might suggest, conclude, or assume. If there is a lower vibrational frequency, it is the layers of emotional density being cleared out of the collective that slows in resolve whenever I join the ego in interpreting the evolution of life into a judgment towards myself or others. If humanity is clearing large amounts of density, it could only be a sign of a higher vibration emerging. And because I am a light worker already aligned with the light, may I support the healing process of humanity in absolute accordance with the Divine Will of the Akashic Records by acknowledging my experiences and feelings as gateways into greater psychic endurance. No matter what my ego insists, I accept I am building up my psychic endurance by holding space for a world awakening within me. By accepting this interpretation of experience, I allow my psychic endurance to increase while remaining naturally aligned and grounded in the wisdom of my soul’s deepest truth. This is the Ascension and I am helping to lead the way as part of the Ascension’s first wave. I have earned the right to be here just by the grace of being born with nothing more to prove and only my purest light to shine. And so it is!”

May the wisdom of this “Repeat After Me” help you refrain from tendencies of debating with your ego, or trying to help it see a clearer point of view. Instead, it is far more aligned and beneficial to your evolution to allow the ego to have its beliefs, concerns, and viewpoints, while knowing in your heart — the ego cannot see this as an evolutionary benefit because this would mean you are in less need of your ego instead of more hooked into it. To resolve this, simply place your hand on your heart and let the ego know:

I appreciate your help and all that you share. You have an important purpose but it isn’t found in correcting me. I see this sharing as a request for love and so I will love you the way others weren’t able to before. I see you. I accept you. I love you — just as you are.”

As the world gradually adjusts to the climate of awakened consciousness, while empaths build up more psychic endurance to be able to experience the frequency of their own light instead of getting pulled back into the orbit of vibrational co-dependency, you may have noticed some interesting patterning over the past several weeks:

Many light workers have reported an amplification in emotional triggers in themselves and those close to them.

This is because these amplifying times makes the world into a magnifying glass of awareness. Those who are building greater psychic endurance will notice more of the peaceful presence of their soul able to be accessed, even if in short spontaneous waves of experience. Meanwhile, the deepening of this collective healing can cause friends, family members, or even smaller parts of you to act out various levels of ego patterning in what may seem exaggerated or animated from your viewpoint. If established in enough psychic endurance, you will begin noticing such patterns without being pulled into them. If still cultivating greater psychic endurance, your instinct will be to fight, flight, freeze, flee, or fawn as a way of responding to others as a subconscious emotional threat.

While it is important for empaths to know when they have enough energetic and emotional equity to hold space for others, it is also important to know when you need the ‘recharging’ benefits of alone time. This remains a highly important skillset of discernment, no matter whose ego may feel abandoned by your need for greater self-care. If you’re able to notice your difficulty in being around certain characters in your reality, you can always consciously decide to stay in their presence for an extra 30-60 seconds, while slowing your breathing as a way of gradually building your psychic endurance, before creating a boundary– whether in the form of going for a walk, taking a bath, journaling, practicing yoga, ecstatic dancing, meditating or even taking a nap. As always, dare to give yourself extra support and encouragement as you are always doing the best you can, no matter how much ‘better’ you think you should be doing.

When choosing to see yourself as the evolution of consciousness in action versus the lowest most unredeemable version of self, afraid of being alone or left behind, you will always know on an intuitive level exactly what you need for greater emotional nourishment, energetic balance, and overall well-being.

With today’s date being 5/5/2020, we add up the numbers
(10 + 4) to get a prime number of 5.

This lets us know that while you may have felt ‘tossed around’ or exhausted by the healing of repressed emotional patterns on a personal or collective level, the prime number 5 signifies this week’s intention of giving you greater glimpses into 5D consciousness. Whether it is sensed as moments of greater interconnection, feeling or hearing guidance from your angelic guides, deeper inspiration bubbling to the surface, a soothing presence telepathically affirming everything will be okay, or even visitations from deceased loved ones, this will be a week for light workers to experience more of their gifts beyond the super sensitivity to the experiences of others. May you welcome these glimpses with relaxed breaths, more consistent self-love towards the integrating ego, and compassion towards yourself and others.

No matter the experience you are currently having, on behalf of the Universe, it is truly an honor to serve your evolution — every step of the way.

Victory to the light dwelling in all hearts. Victory to the light I AM that you are.

All For Love,

Matt Kahn

Oversoul Collective and Ascended Dragons 5/4/2020

Hello friends, it has been a huge week energetically and I have felt the void energies this week, hence no nudge to channel, or no one who wanted to talk with me! I have instead enjoyed quiet and space when I can and my goal and challenge has been to choose to feel this feeling of peaceful space while in the midst of my work and family routine. I have been instructed to share this, which is out of my comfort zone, because it is time that all light workers find their voice and speak it. It is easier to be the invisible one by far, a channel of light, than to dig deep and find my own words to share, but this is what is being required of us now. These bursts of high Schumann energies are being felt by all, including me, and I notice that it is harder to stay grounded and positive when transmuting and so it is in these times where the quiet work, which is often unpleasant, is being done. Oversoul, I fail to see how this is a constructive addition to your message, please take it from here.

Dear ones, we are the Oversoul Collective. We have asked this little grape on the vine to share her perspective. (I am seeing many grapes find their voice, hearing their whisperings on the vine of both contented and discontented grapes). Children of the light, we are all one. Your voices are all very important. For the others are beginning to seek, search out and dive into the hidden truths that are now much more easily available. Those with the courage to speak will be sought after and heard. It is fine for those of you who wish to remain anonymous to have a pseudonym but know that your voice needs to be heard. Your perspective with this shift is a great treasure to your own universe of individuated experiences and we all benefit when we feel your shared perspective.

We are the Oversoul Collective, joined by the Ascended Dragons today. We are lending our light, our love, our feeling of spaciousness to you, as you experience the void of creativity in the midst of the soup pot of tumultuous energies that are being made available to you in every moment. We are experiencing your struggle and success with choosing love and light in each unique situation. We are feeling your struggle being greater at some times than others. Those who are awakening just now are in need of compassion, of patience, of understanding. They are simply younger forms of you who you can easily relate to. Those of you who have done the inner work must choose compassion for them. They will be angry, there will be rage. We see this is imminent. You, grounded team, are the light holders. There is no job more important than this one. You are anchoring the light, the love, the compassion. Masters do this and know how it is done. That is why you are here in this now. You are masters in your own right, the best aspects of ourselves that have been offered. You have myriads of experiences such as these. It is not easier every time that you volunteer but you do get stronger every time that you offer your own services. You become stronger. You become wiser. You have all of the strength and wisdom being made available to you that you require, for you already have it. (I am seeing grapes on a vine again and the vine is infinite. All of the energy of the vine is being made available to each grape should they tap into it). Yes, dear one.

We are the Oversoul Collective. We offer infinity of love, of resources, of understanding, of fortitude and strength to you, our precious aspects. Can you feel our love? We look upon you in great delight. We are ever so proud of you and your grit, for offering the loving smile, the open hands and hearts, for your simple presence alone is a great and tremendous gift. A great decision is coming for humanity. It will be easier for those of you who have grounded the light. We ask that you participate in each and every worldwide meditation that is being offered, for it is grounding the light grid deeper with every intention. As the light workers unite it further propels the trajectory towards the higher dimensional timelines, making the decision point softer, easier, less severe. Those who choose a dark experience will be able to have it, of course, for that is their reality. Choose the light. The love and bounty of Gaia is being made evident in the hearts of the awakened. As you connect to her so shall your own hearts expand and thrive, so shall your years begin to drip away, and you shall feel like a young vine again, but with mature grapes and deep roots. Such wisdom is to be treasured, and we see that you are treasuring the moments of stillness when you have tapped into them. We wished for galaxygirl to share, for we wish for you all to know that not every moment is ripe for channeling. It is ok to take a break from your duties to recharge. It is ok to enjoy the silence so that you can listen deeply to your own inner voice. We wish for this to be made more evident to those who seek the inner truths. The voices of the guides, ancestors, of the angels is so much more easily accessible now that the veil is lifting and the energies are so much lighter. In these moments of the stillness, you will begin to feel more support. This is our message today. You are loved beyond measure, imminently supported. There is no place for fear. The grapes rest on the vine. They enjoy the stillness of the breezes, of the warm sunshine, of the gentle rains that soothe. We are sending you soothing energies of loving support. We welcome your connection. When you connect with us, you are connecting with other aspects of you, of your ancestors, of an infinite soup pot of wisdom and love. We allow the dragons to speak now and we thank galaxygirl for offering her perspective.

We are the Ascended Dragons. We encircle you with light of the highest order. We are wisdom keepers, gate keepers, some of us. (I am seeing two large dragons, one silver and one gold). We are they who speak now. The gates are open. The cosmic gateways are in alignment. Guardians of the flames, we are. Your inner flames are burning more brightly. This we see. This we feel. This is good. Humans, now is the time for bravery, for strength. Do not let the talons of fear grip. Dissolve them with light. We offer our light. Our own talons are healing, for they are of light. For we have seen the dark and chosen otherwise. We choose the light. Humanity is being called to choose. Every choice you make is decension or ascension. Choose wisely. Much opportunity for growth is being presented these next 6 months. The time is ripe. (I am seeing a banana being peeled). The skins are off. The truth is being revealed. The skins are being removed so that the truth of the being beneath is revealed. They can hide no longer and they are terrified. You will have the difficult choice to chose love or to choose fear. Love heals all woundings. (I am feeling a wave of grief, of pain, I am crying). You are feeling what is to come. Lightworkers, grid workers, unite. For you are one in the same, you are the light holders. We now join the larger whole of the ascended dragons and we speak as one. Visualize this wave of grief that is about to be experienced and place it in a ball of light. (I am seeing an ocean wave that is dark and angry being encased in a sphere of golden light). We surround this sphere with our energies. Lightworkers, join us. (I am seeing thousands of ascended dragons of all colors and sizes in a massive circle around this sphere of light, and many light workers lending their energies standing in this circle as well, arms extended). We send love. We transmute the sadness. We lessen the blow. We fill the grief with light, we surround it with a cushion of healing. (I am seeing a portal open above the sphere and Mother and Father’s energies shine down from above into the sphere. It is crystalline now. I am seeing a crystalline pillar extend from the sphere into Nova Gaia below. It affects the hearts of those who have chosen love. It blesses them and allows further healing more quickly. My forehead hurts as this is occurring. I am seeing the light workers and the grid workers being upgraded. Their eyes are nebulas, their hearts are pulsing with pink light. My chest feels hot, heavy, full. I am exhausted and elated at the same time).

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective with our gatekeeper dragons. Peace, humans. You are mightier than you think. When the news begins to come to the forefront, remember you have chosen love. Remember this, Lightworkers. Remember you have begun the transmutation of grief into healing. Keep sending healing into this sphere and be at peace, be comforted. Be in remembrance of who you are. Dragon riders, lovers and healers of humanity, arise, united in the Christed flame. Shine brightly for the others. They look to you now, masters in form. There is no more fear. The talons no longer grip. We dissolve them into light, together. Humanity is free. Those that have chosen freedom are in awareness. This will make the choice easier for the others who are to follow. We see many choosing light. We see healing for humanity. At long last. The dragons have spoken. Peace.

~ galaxygirl

Like a racehorse at a starting gate that never opens.

This post,like all of Brenda’s posts resonates so much with me,i had a big burst of laughter cause i truly feel this way!!!

Your Gate Has Opened, Run

Dear Ones,

The future likely seems bleak and unrewarding. As if all of your fears are bundled into an image of sacrifice. That there is little more to look forward to than more sacrifice and fear.

Of course, such is not true. But despite the multitude of channeled prophecies to the contrary, you can only envision that which you have known.

That which you have known will not be again. But what will? That is your fear. For you cannot sense or see anything but despair.

Some sense an urge to move forward with new thoughts and beliefs. But they have not yet permeated the majority of the earth’s population. Such will happen – more rapidly than you can imagine, just as was true for this COVID-19 halt to 3D life. But because all that is happening in your world feels surreal, you do not yet have the energy to move beyond that pain.

You will have the need to do so in the near future. In truth, you will initiate that new belief/thought process in the next few days. For the energies permeating your world now are of future plans instead of former needs. It will be as if a switch has been turned on within you that knows, “Yes, that was uncomfortable but necessary for us to achieve this new life.”

In 3D, shifts of that magnitude required decades of processing. Such is no longer true. For just as this virus seemingly happened in an instant, so too will the world shift from 3D beliefs to beyond what is now known.

In a natural disaster, survival is the initial focus. Then the rebuilding begins. So it will be for you in the next few days. The difference is your need to rebuild will be more rapid than you now imagine, and unlike anything, you experienced in 3D.

You are a new being in a new world. So it is that what was is no more, including your thoughts and beliefs. It is the difference between believing an eclipse is the end of the world to a scientific review of why eclipses occur and when. The difference between fear and knowledge.

In the next few days, you will begin to have inklings of interest areas you have not yet imagined. And this virus downtime will seem perfect for your new thoughts and actions.

Until now, you have basically attempted to fit your 3D world into a new normal. Granted, you might have spent more time with family, friends, or work via your electronics or within your household. Time and energy exchanges that made you feel grateful for this new normal. But throughout this time, you have also been preparing to jump forward with no forward to jump to. Like a racehorse at a starting gate that never opens.

Your nervous energy that has been building for the past few weeks will finally feel appropriate as you discover a new dimension of yourself. A dimension that is about change – your new life in your new world. It will be as if a light switch has been turned on.

Indicators that such is so might include wide emotional swings, sleeplessness, overwhelming fear, and anger. For you are now so filled with the new energy that you are about to burst. Because you do not understand what this new energy is, you are reverting to 3D knowingness. Which is similar to a teenager taking their infant rattle on a date for security.

You are no longer the you of even one month ago. For the recent energies pummeling the earth, have shifted all. Perhaps it will help you envision the change that is starting this week if you think of someone in a deep sleep slowly awakening and not entirely certain if they are dreaming or awake. For even though your awakening will happen in the next few days, you will need to remove the sleep from your eyes before you see your new life.

For now, you see a world of masks and fear. By the end of this week, you will have a glimmer of possibilities that do not include anger and fear. Within a couple of weeks, you will be walking tall in your new being, knowing without a doubt that you are a new being in a new world surrounded by millions of like-minded people.

Such does not mean that all will think and act the same. There will be millions of different thoughts and actions. But your thoughts and actions will feel right, safe, and yes, fun. For this is the new world, and you are a new being in that new world.

Perhaps you wonder how those fully of 3D will respond as you move forward in your new world. We do not wish to promote an us and them barrier in your new world. But those, fully of 3D, will experience a great deal of fear as they realize they no longer have a pulse on the fears of the people. So it is those fully of 3D will remain enmeshed in fear as you move into your joy. So be it. Amen.

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Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

“What can lightworkers do other than ‘BE the light’ to help end all darkness on the planet?” Stay positive, calm, balanced and optimistic. Meditation imparts the peace of mind and heart that keeps your energy flowing smoothly and radiating the high vibrations that are manifesting benevolent change.-Matthew’s Message, May 4, 2020-

May 4, 2020

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.

Always the purpose of our messages has been to offer spiritual guidance, enlightenment, and encouragement during this unique era in the universe. You are being pummeled with unsettling information about the coronavirus, so let us look first at the encouraging aspects of this situation.

You are seeing and demonstrating the best qualities of humankind—love, compassion, empathy, cooperation, kindness, thoughtfulness, helpfulness, courage, and perseverance to overcome obstacles.

You are observing and participating in the outpouring of gratitude to all who are caring for the sick and helping others in need.

You are using the slowed-down pace of life for introspection, connecting with your godself, your higher consciousness, and appreciating the abundance of goodness and beauty in your world.

You are innovating ways to work, school children, study training and college courses at home, and, via telephone and computer, you are keeping in closer touch with family and friends.

The unified spirit of people around the world is bridging the chasm of divisiveness and highlighting the need to end systemic prejudice and heal the wound it has caused.

Those collective feelings and actions are generating a massive amount of light, which is evoking heightened awareness along with desire for enlightenment about aspects of the coronavirus that aren’t being reported in “the news.”

The larger society is joining individuals who already were questioning how that virus suddenly popped up in China. Why did speculation that it originated in a bat—and how was it traced to that bat anyway?—switch to an accident in a laboratory in Wuhan province? Why did a virus that can cause such a contagious disease come to be in a laboratory in the first place?

The populace has been programmed to believe that information labeled “conspiracy theory” is worthless, merely ideas springing from addled minds. But this question is logical: Why is the possibility that the coronavirus was made in a laboratory in the United States and taken to China simply dismissed as conspiracy theory instead of being investigated?

Society is questioning why “experts” say most people won’t get COVID-19, most of those who do get it recover, most who die had preexisting health issues, and symptoms of the disease can be so mild that many people aren’t aware they have it or have had it. Yet those same experts claim Earth’s entire population needs to be vaccinated.

That leads to this question: Why isn’t there the same interest in ending preventable deaths due to malnourishment, diseases caused by substandard living conditions, opioid addiction and suicide when the number of those fatalities greatly exceeds the number of deaths due to COVID-19?

Questioning minds also are “following the money.” Who benefits financially when millions of people around the world are being treated for a disease that requires purchasing tests, pharmaceuticals, hospital equipment and protective items for medical personnel?

The extent of that questioning is exactly the opposite of what was intended by the dark ones, who designed and patented AIDS, SARS and all other viruses in a laboratory in the United States and several months ago released in China one called coronavirus.

And its effects aren’t what the dark ones intended, either. They wanted an authentic global pandemic with billions of deaths. They need the energy of survivors’ grief and fear and a world in total chaos to produce the low vibrations they require for their very existence.

The failure to achieve that aim led to Plan B. That is why “experts” have been talking about the likelihood that a second wave of COVID-19 will come after the first ebbs, and that kind of rollercoaster can continue as long as three years or until every person in the world has been tested for antibodies and vaccinated.

Beyond enriching the companies that produce the tests and develop the vaccine, the intention—again—is a vaccine that will be lethal to most of the world’s population. But also, inoculation will insert a programmed microchip that will interact with 5G emissions to cause physical and emotional trauma, damage brain cells and enable the tracking of individuals who survive.

Society is right to question what is underlying this “global pandemic”!

We don’t see mandatory vaccinations materializing, but if they do scientists in extraterrestrial special forces will reduce the vaccine’s potency and erase the chips’ programming. And, as vibratory rates on the planet rise, all viruses will lose viability.

Nevertheless, please loudly protest vaccines until they are destroyed and protest 5G service until devices are modified so their frequencies are compatible with bodies’ electrical systems.

Now then, the economic aftermath of COVID-19 will be somewhat rocky, but far, far from what the dark ones want: a completely collapsed global economy, rampant impoverishment, hunger and desperation. Then they would pull together the fragments of their control and achieve their goal of world domination.

That will not happen. Their long reign is over.

Good will, cooperation, generosity and bartering—trading goods for services and vice versa—will serve you well until an honest global economic system replaces the corruption and greed that created the billionaires who are running and ruining everything on Earth. Dear ones, do not fear what is ahead—once past temporary confusion and brief hardship, the civilization will be on its way to justness and prosperity for all.

We have been asked to comment on the raft of information available on the Internet wherein researchers, medical professionals and other scientists are giving evidence of situations you described as “shocking,” “unconscionable,” “diabolical” or “atrocious.” (1) Those descriptions do indeed fit the activities of the secret society known as the Illuminati, cabal, One World Order, shadow government or, more recently, Deep State.

The coronavirus scourge is their Waterloo. A powerful light force behind the scenes is charging them with crimes against humanity. The people who keep trying to kill billions of you, conduct satanic rituals, control mainstream media and adversely impact all other aspects of life on Earth include widely known and admired individuals. Their arrests will come as a shock to most of the populace.

Those at the peak of darkness conceive heinous plans, others are eagerly complicit, most are minions who participate because of bribes, blackmail or threats against their families. In some cases, charges are based on fabricated information, photos and videos, but the truth about every person indicted will come forth in time.

As for spiritual guidance, dear family, we thank the reader whose question is, “What can lightworkers do other than ‘BE the light’ to help end all darkness on the planet?” Stay positive, calm, balanced and optimistic. Meditation imparts the peace of mind and heart that keeps your energy flowing smoothly and radiating the high vibrations that are manifesting benevolent change.

Visualization is powerful. Envision Earth revolving in golden white light. Envision people of all ages, colors and cultures smiling, laughing, hugging and dancing in the midst of animals, including those you call wild. Visualizing whatever gives you joy or lets you feel loved will send forth the high vibrations that literally are lighting up your world.

This question pertains to NESARA/GESARA. “How can we request help from the heavenly forces if there is no reasonable structure to install in replacement of what we have?” For readers who aren’t familiar with those acronyms, NESARA is the United States legislation National Economic Security and Reformation Act. GESARA is the same, but Global replaces National so the Act is applicable worldwide.

There has been “help from heavenly forces” from the onset. The very concept of NESARA came from the Highest Universal Council planners of Earth’s Golden Age, and St. Germaine was one of the principals who composed the Act, which was signed into law about 20 years ago.

It is a legal document, so its provisions can be only political and economic, but its purpose is no less than world transformation. As an indication of the Act’s vital significance, the Illuminati prevented its scheduled announcement September 12, 2001, by staging the terrorism you know as “9/11.”

Because subsequent efforts to announce NESARA also were futile, its aspects have been implemented incrementally thanks to the perseverance of volunteer lightworkers from other civilizations.

In short, the structure to replace malevolent control of your world has been in place from the beginning, and souls with spiritual and moral integrity will continue moving this divine plan forward. [Many messages archived on www.matthewbooks.com contain comprehensive information about the Act. Typing NESARA in the search blank on the menu will access those messages.]

Beloved brothers and sisters, we honor your steadfastness in helping Earth’s civilization manifest the Golden Age and we support you with the unparalleled power of unconditional love.


(1) Such as what the Illuminati are doing to extract adrenochrome.



Suzanne Ward


NOTE: Thank you one and all for your meaningful notes of appreciation for Matthew’s messages. Please share the messages with everyone who is receptive.

Please send all questions and comments to suzy@matthewbooks.com.

Meals Out Brazil

One my habits is to always give 10% of my monthly income to charity work that i resonate with or donations to light workers that like myself are sharing message or channel messages to uplift the rest of us.It is my way of saying thank you to them allowing the energy called money to flow through me.That is why i have a list of charities on my website to choose from.And so here is the message i got today from Bobby after making my own humble contribution.Remember,money like everything else is love expressing itself and so what one gives out,comes back multiplied.”All the money that i give is blessed and comes back to me multiplied”I just can not express with words what i felt when i got this email from Bobby, a while ago.I hope you can grasp the enormity of what is taking place on our planet right now through this message too.

Bobby D here from Meals Out Brazil.

Just wanted to THANK YOU again for your recent generous contribution. 
You have made it possible effective today to begin delivery of 30 meals per day, five days per week
So amazing considering that on March 28th the very first meal was purchased with my last remaining $2.08 USD.
OUFF.. how humbling the past month has been. And I’m so grateful because you are helping to make a real difference.
You should see the smiles on the faces of the homeless people in the streets of Copacabana. OUFF!

And soon, you’ll be be able to feel the emotion of it all at new levels because a new hands free HD camera is on the way,
donated by a human angel.

Greetings amazing angel.

Other contributions also made it possible for us to order 16 thermo blankets. The homeless pregnant woman and elderles
really need this. We expect them to arrive later this week and will be distributed immediately because temperatures 
are dipping at night in or around 15 Celsius(50 Fahrenheit)- that’s very cold considering that the locals are use to average of 28 Celsius (82 Fahrenheit).

So much to do and yet I’m so grateful for your contribution.

I also realize that MOST of you want to remain anonymous with your contribution. (it is a humble way to do things, no doubt)
However, I wanted to know, IF you would grant me permission to post on our website YOUR initials and country and amount of contribution
as social proof that amazing souls like you are making a real difference by providing contributions. You see, most people are not leader like you.
Very few like to be FIRST in supporting even a  worthwhile initiative such as Meals Out.org Brazil.
But what often happens as a result of social proof that people are getting involved, often this inspires other to follow.

Meals Out requires additional contributions as we grow. (we are ONLY 1 month old)

So, this is how you can further help us…

  1. Please respond to this email and either write.. YES Bobby re: posting the contribution amount on our website along with your Initials
    Or YES Bobby, you can post the amount and country and the word: ANONYMOUS.

  2. Like, follow and share our posts from our Facebook page https://Facebook.com/MealsOutBrazil

  3. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and comment on the various Meals Out Brazil videos https://www.youtube.com/user/magneticbob/

  4. Share our official website on your social media or in any FORUMS along with a personal comment http://MealsOut.org

    And lastly, I included a GRAPHIC to honor you as a Proud Contributor to Meals Out.org BRAZIL.
    FEEL FREE to post it on your social media or even on your website/blog.
    This will create MORE awareness for our Safe Haven to help the homeless here in Brazil. Every simple tiny little actions really helps.

Thank you so much!

I look forward to hearing from you.

Bobby D, foot soldier
MealsOut.org Brazil

The moment when children are respected as wise beings, equal to adults, with voices that speak Truth, is soon to be upon you.-Divine Mother: To all Children-

May 3, 2020, jennifercrokaert.blogspot.com


My beloved children, and when I say this, I speak not to the grown ups, but to the children of the planet. You are truly among the bravest and the purest of souls.

You have ventured into physical birth – a first for very many of you – to help this precious planet ascend and take her rightful place as a spiritually evolved home for spiritually evolved souls.

The barbarism and cruelty that is currently leaching out of all corners of life on earth is extremely difficult for your delicate psyches to endure. The cruelty, thoughtlessness, aggressive and, sometimes, barbarism that you are experiencing in your homes is even more difficult for your to endure.

You are not alone. You are never alone. A condition upon which you were allowed to incarnate was that you would have about you, at all times, a team – not just one guardian angel – but a small team of beings dedicated to you and your mission in this period.

Your sleep is the most valuable, productive time in your day/night cycle. It is then that you are cleared of the energetics of the day, healed, reaffirmed and tutored, so that you can continue to shine your pure light, in the face of almost overwhelming odds.

If you are feeling overwhelmed or underwhelmed, bored, angry, agonised or indifferent, optimistic or excited, all this is the result of your deep inner knowledge of the trajectory of planet. You were born with a blueprint for this time and for your role in it.

You are already creating true and profound energetic differences around you. Why do you think you have barely been affected by the current virus? It is because your energetic frequency is too high for it to affect you.

It is your pure, refined energy that is adding the ignition fuel to the current clearing process. Soon, this quarantine will end, truths will be revealed from which no one on the planet can hide, and it will feel as though the sewers are running through your streets and homes.

My precious children, it is your energy and your infinite love of humanity that will rapidly transform the pain, shock and horror that is to come into acceptance and forgiveness. Because you come from higher planes, compassion, forgiveness and understanding are the natural calibration of your soul’s DNA.

You will teach your parents and elders how to love unconditionally and how to forgive unconditionally, for many of them cannot do it without you. You came to teach, to show by example.

The moment when children are respected as wise beings, equal to adults, with voices that speak Truth, is soon to be upon you.

You are ready for this. This is the time for which you were born. As your loving Mother, I could not be more expansive about my love for each one of you, your teams and the magnificent work you are all undertaking.

it is the mind that creates your physical reality is the knowledge many wish to keep from you.-Saint Germain-

Saint Germain via Sharon Stewart, May 3d, 2020

When you don’t change your thinking, the world stays the same Very good. I am St Germaine, at your service, my loved ones. I wish to speak on this subject that Sharon wishes me to display my dearth of knowledge on, so indeed I will. I responded to her request to channel on this subject, because this is the basis of Alchemy, and as you know I am the Master Alchemist. Ah yes! Sharon admits that she did not make that connection, and yes, I believe that this is a connection that so many of you are not aware of: Your minds are creators. What you think, you create. And you have been taught to believe in and to recreate many life patterns that do not serve you. Imagine, your entire world slaving away at your daily jobs when in fact all you need do is change your collective mindset and another means of surviving your lives would fall into place. Yes, that easy. Had you not bought into the economic system you currently are oppressed by, then perhaps extraterrestrials would have approached your world and bartered and traded with you. Or you may have stayed with your old barter and trading systems of the past and never relinquished this to a financial system. Or perhaps you would have simply had a “take what you need” system where one grows the food and the other takes the necessary amount for the family, and that would be it. I suggest to you that your current system has led to miserliness, greed, insecurity and competition between you. Had such a system not been chosen, then perhaps you would have chosen a system that would allow you to flourish in more benevolent ways. All it takes from this day forward is a collective change of mind, and yes, majority does rule. In order to see progress, 50 percent of those upon earth would have to be of that mindset. This is how collective alchemy works. There have been many systems of exchange upon Planet Earth in the past and some still remain in place. It is generally a question of what the society values. In some native societies, a dance is considered fair exchange for wild boar. In others, sea meat is exchanged for cooking services. It is all about what has value to you. So, now you are in a period of great change for the majority upon your planet. This will require a great change of mind on the part of all of you. Events are being introduced that some of you will begin to examine your current standard of living, question who is running the countries, and what should be disposed of going forward. Large changes will be introduced as a result of the release of your minds from the lower mental planes. It will be possible. You all tend to focus on what benevolence you would like to see introduced upon your lives, yet there is no consensus. There is so much division in your thinking that it is impossible to implement any new structure with strength. So you must begin to align with each other. Yes, timelines falling away, in favour of organic timelines which in fact resonate more with your minds is a great help. You will find that your thinking naturally begins to return to that which was your strength many thousands of years ago before the overtake of your planet and your minds. Your planet is a creation of your collective mindset. It would not exist without your belief in it. So that is the power you have to change it, not those of us who remain outside its boundaries. We can influence, but it is you who must change. This is also alchemy. All earthlings have the right to be self determining. So if you do not believe that this current society is of your benevolence, then change your minds. What do you believe would be benevolent for those of your world? What would you like to see? Focus upon this. Hating what is currently in place is only strengthening it, I’m afraid. It must be allowed to be removed. When you hate the current regime, you are holding it in place that much longer and making the Light’s removal of it that much more difficult. Because as I said, it is your world. We ask that you change your mind. Would you like to see more money for all? The cessation of starvation, poverty, suffering, and sickness? Would you like to see help for the flora and fauna of your world, cessation of pollution and aid for the environment? Would you like to see the oceans cleaned up, the land masses move back to a more natural state, and animal populations thrive? Then focus on these things. Dream. Dream big as you say. It will all be yours. You are the seed sowers of the New Earth. You are the benevolent ones who wish to see love embrace all again, and chaos and suffering end. Nothing is impossible, for you are all alchemists. Use your minds wisely. Sharon is curious about aircraft accidents, for example. She is now aware there are far more than she has realized. However, what she does not realize is that when she continues to watch these videos, she continues to empower the idea of aircraft accidents. And because she believes in them, they continue to happen. You must be wary of your television because it shows you what someone wants you to create. And in this case this is aircraft accidents. If in fact you discontinue believing in aircraft accidents, the perfect solution would be found to resolve that problem. But you believe in them so they continue to exist. In the case of tornado videos, then tornados will continue to plague your world, because you believe in them and believe them to be real, they will continue to happen. Stop believing in them, and they will cease to plague your people. Understand that natural events do not harm – they nurture. I might advise at this point, should you watch the television, or videos, please ensure that what you are watching does not conceptualize harm to another being because in watching this, you increase the likelihood of others suffering these fates, and this in fact incurs energetic imbalance for you – or bad karma as you call it. Yes, you must be very precise with your mind, Sharon! Sharon laments the lack of long haired Pleiadian looking men playing guitars these days. Yes, most people have moved away from that as an acceptable expression for her genre of music. The hair got shorter because people believed in the shorter hair as being acceptable. If they had insisted that all rock and roll musicians should have long hair, it would have remained so. However it did not. It is what you believe is the standard, what is acceptable to you, what you take for granted, and what your society considers to be ordinary. Change your collective mind, then the outcome changes. Should you continue believing in alcoholism, you will continue to have alcoholics. Should one person begin to believe that people should not drink, and this grows to the majority, then more and more people will be able to cease drinking. It will become easier for the general population. Ah! Yes, Sharon. I hear your food-based mind. You, unfortunately, believe yourself to have an eating disorder, and you have joined a very large, if I may apologize for the poor use of wording, group of people who also believe in it. Should your world suddenly realize you are overweight because your mind tells your body to be so, then this group of people would overcome its need to be overweight. That group would decrease in size, and losing weight once that “mind bug” is caught, would become easier. You must understand your plethora of diet doctors, diet books and diet products is a large economy for many, and revealing the truth that it is the mind that creates your physical reality is the knowledge many wish to keep from you. There is no need to be overweight unless this is what you fear as you are meant to face your fears. Your mind is very powerful. Use it judiciously. I am your St Germaine, and I love you all dearly. Call on me when in need. www.sharonandivo.weebly.com Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega