Michael’s Message
WISDOM TEACHINGS FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL * JUNE 2020  TRANSMITTED THROUGH RONNA * SACRED SCRIBE YOU, THE WAYSHOWERS,  ARE THE HOPE OF THE FUTURE.        Beloved masters, it is imperative that you understand the critical nature of the dramatic, accelerated and swiftly changing times you are now experiencing. You are in the final stages of a specific unit of time, and you all have been subject to a unique system of rules. Total free will was deemed to be a great gift; however, it became a great burden as humanity sank into the broad spectrum of duality, which has resulted in great pain and suffering.          There was a non-interference clause written in the rules, and the specified time for this particular phase of Creation had to be played out before our Father/Mother God could declare:            “It is enough! It is time to intercede! There will be a Divine Dispensation for those who are striving to  attain Self-mastery, and the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Angelic Kingdom are authorized to give assistance in whatever way is appropriate within the framework of Cosmic Law.”          The Law of Grace exists as the higher frequencies of Karmic Law, and it will, henceforth, apply to the emerging group of World Servers as well as the aspirants and disciples on the path of ascension.          As this particular era comes to a close, there will be a new system of rules and laws which will apply to all emerging Spiritual-Human Beings. A new expanded cycle of Creation is in progress, and all of you who are striving to attain a unified state consciousnesswill be designated as cocreators of the future. As a Ray of God Light, your Divine Mission is to expand the borders of God-consciousness. Your goal is to become a master of manifestation, drawing forth the Essence of Creation, activating it within your Sacred Heart, and via specific thoughts from within your Sacred Mind, molding the God Substance into an endless variety of forms. Thus, you become a true extension of our Father/Mother God.          You, the wayshowers,  are the hope of the future. You are laying the foundation for a new social order. It is vitally important that you walk the middle path. A Self-master does not take sides, neither for nor against the conflicts that are presently raging around the world. Your personal power is most effective when you stay centered within your Sacred Heart and you are guided by the wisdom of your Sacred Mind. Your stance should always be that of good will, and your platform should be for the greatest good of all. As you actively seek en-Lighten-ment and strive to return to balance and harmony within, it is important that you become aware of certain karmic limitations which your Soul has accepted as a learning experience in this lifetime. There are specific limitations and conditions that cannot be changed, and the lesson is to accept them gracefully and to strive for excellence within the framework of the boundaries that have been imposed upon you –  not as a punishment but as an opportunity to balance discordant energy and thought patterns. However, we wish to emphasize, this lifetime is unique for every Soul on Earth, and no matter what circumstances you were born into, there is an opportunity for greatness and a reservoir of knowledge and talents needed to attain Self-mastery. You were designed to be a master of manifestation, a cocreator with God-given abilities.           The first step is realizing that you have programmed within your DNA Genius Potential and a broad spectrum of talents and abilities. You chose, before you incarnated, a set of circumstances with specific abilities which are more readily available than others.  However, even though the full range of your gifts and talents is held in reserve, you have the ability to bring them to the fore so that you may begin to actualize, integrate and use them.          You must have access to the higher Dimensional levels of the brain in order to make contact with your Soul-Self and the Beings of the higher realms. Your brain is composed of multiple levels of consciousness. The lower brain and the three lower chakras are the realm of humanity’s animal-human consciousness. It is mostly instinctive, drawing much of its information from the collective  consciousness of the astral plane as well as from the Earth’s consciousness. Survival and the ego desire body are in control of the masses’ thoughts and desires, and thus form the prevalent picture of reality. The focus is on the external, material world and on service to Self.          As your consciousness moves into the mid-level brain activity, you begin the process of becoming  a Spiritual-human Being, and your feeling nature will gradually move upward to incorporate the heart and the throat chakra. A gradual awakening process begins as your Soul nudges you onto the path of awareness, and the journey of Ascension begins. An aspirant on the path must traverse the astral plane and gain control of the emotional and astral body – the lower nature (the three lower chakra centers) –   which will open the pathway  to the refined frequencies of cosmic truth via your Higher Self, guides, teachers and angelic helpers. Harmlessness in thought, word and deed with focused observation abilities are important traits of a Self-master. You must clear the mind of distorted, negative, defeating thoughts before you can become a transmitter of Light into the darkness and distortion of the lower Dimensions.          It is important that you understand: as your frequency patterns or Soul Song become more refined, your attitudes and comprehension will attune to higher and higher levels of consciousness. Your Etheric Body will gradually change as well, and it will begin to respond to the higher frequency energies. Service to Self gradually evolves into a desire to fulfill your Divine Mission and to undertake group service.          As an en-Lighten-ed Being, you begin to build a bridge of consciousness back into the higher realms of this Sub-universe. This pathway was called the Antakarana in ancient, esoteric teachings, and is sometimes known as the Rainbow Bridge currently.           In order to return to Self-mastery, you must learn to use the three aspects of your mental nature: the brain, the mind and the Soul.  You must also clear the negative distortions of the subconscious mind, and attune the conscious mind to your Soul-Self, so that the wisdom of your Soul and Higher Self can begin to flow throughout your four lower-bodily systems.          Remember, every atom and all your physical Being have consciousness; they must be en-Lighten-ed and attuned to the higher frequency patterns of Ascension. You are made of Divine Essence.  You are a Spark –  a Fragment –  of the Supreme Creator. You have latent powers that must be acknowledged and developed.  There is a great need for humanity to refresh its Spiritual memory and to develop the powers of a Master of Light.          The Antakarana is composed of many sub-tributaries or streams of Light, which will ultimately strengthen and magnify the connections between the many Facets of Self and your OverSoul Higher Self, and ultimately your Sacred Triad that awaits you in the lowest sub-level of the Fifth Dimension. These streams of Light have consciousness, and they contain the intelligence of your multiple levels of Self which reside in the higher Realms. As we have told you, your subconscious mind is becoming conscious, and your conscious mind is opening up to the wisdom of your Superconscious mind, which contains the mysteries of this Sub-universe.          You, the aspirants on the Path, are becoming proficient at building and using multiple Pyramids of Light and Power in the Fifth Dimension as you slowly but surely become acclimated to a lower Fifth-Dimensional environment. Many of you have opened the pathways to the Cities of Light so that you may gradually incorporate higher and more refined frequencies of Light.  You are also preparing yourselves to interact on a regular basis with the many Facets of your Higher Self and the great Beings of Light.          It is time for the next step in the Ascension process to begin, and many of the advanced aspirants on the Path are already becoming proficient and  engrossed in the procedures.  At this time, there is no question that those who are in any way advanced in spiritual consciousness are having their awakening and evolution process hastened as never before in the history of the Earth. This step is imperative so that more and more of you may act as transmitters and interpreters of Universal Law and Cosmic Truth.          The call for reunification is beginning for many of you, whereby your refined Soul Song is reaching various members of your OverSoul-Higher Self. As you refine your vibrational patterns and your Energetic Signature reaches a certain level of harmony, your Soul Song will begin to reverberate out into and through the Fourth, into the Fifth, and for some of you, possibly even into the Sixth Dimension. As a result, via Streams of Light, you will begin to connect with the auric fields of some of the Soul Fragments of your Higher Self.           Slowly, these blessed Facets of your Self are becoming aware of you, and gradually, they will begin the process of exchanging Memory Seed Atoms of higher consciousness with you. Those whose resonance is lower than yours will fall into line within the appropriate Dimensional level below you, while those who are on the Path ahead of you will slowly move closer within  the column of Light above you. You will also be moving laterally, as well as higher, into the refined realms as all of the Fragments of your Higher OverSoul Self gradually begin the process of moving closer and closer to your central column of Divine Light.           For some of you this information will be confusing; however, many of you are experiencing this process in varying degrees during your nightly sojourns or in meditation. Therefore, we wish  to give you a basic understanding of what is taking place at the various levels of the Ascension process.  We will discuss this further and in more depth in the near future.          As you study and delve into the mysteries of Cosmic Truth, you will begin to build a reservoir of knowledge which you can draw upon when needed.  Also, as you gain further access to your Sacred Mind, it will seem as if you have tapped into a Cosmic source of information. However, in the beginning, it will be your own ancient, extensive past that has been made available to you. You will become increasingly sensitive to ideas, concepts and complex information, and you will gain the ability to tap into this rich storehouse of information at will.           As you evolve and become skillful at sharing your wisdom with others, you will become increasingly sensitive to the subtle messages, concepts and ideas from your guides, teachers, angelic helpers and the en-Lighten-ed Beings from the higher realms. When you have turned the information you have garnered into wisdom, and you have become a living example of each new, advanced level of consciousness, you will then be qualified to teach the concepts to others. You must experience that which you teach and become a shining example, which is the most effective way to get the attention of others.          Remember, my brave ones, in every era and major cycle, Cosmic Wisdom and Divine Truthare made available to those with open minds and loving hearts. Submission to the Will of our Father/Mother God means adherence to the Universal Laws as they are revealed to you.  A Self-master always strives to make the highest choices, has a burning desire to serve others, and is always responsible for their own actions. We see the Light expanding and gaining strength in many places around the world.          We also see your radiance and influence growing, and you are making a positive impact on more lives than ever before. You must remain heart-centered and Soul-focused as the chaos and fear grow and spread throughout the planet. We have now joined forces and we are and ever will be invincible, for we are fulfilling a Divine mandate from our Father/Mother God. Eternal love, protection and blessings are yours, now and forever more.  I AM Archangel Michael. Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included.   Read Messages Online English: Japanese/日本語  Spanish/Español: Swedish/svenska: 

You are the Higher Power that so many speak of and pray to and it is time to fully accept this. There is nor has there ever been a Power somewhere manipulating the strings of human puppets. The days of praying to some faraway male God in the sky, attending church or performing actions and ceremonies in order to please or get God’s attention, must end once a person knows the true nature of God.-The Arcturians via Marily Raffaele, May 31st, 2020-

MAY 31,2020
    Welcome to our message, dear readers.
  Many at this time are in need of support and comfort as they experience situations seemingly generated by world conditions but which in fact are expressions of their own consciousness–experiences chosen as necessary for growth or simply the presence of three dimensional energy. Trust that all experiences are facets of a person’s spiritual awakening process.  In the bigger picture, there are no accidents.
  Most suffering  arises from fear, the belief that everything in ones life must follow certain concepts of how things must be, and if they aren’t “bad” things will happen.  Concepts of “rightness” effect relationships, employment, health, and all facets of daily living.  Your media and leaders continue to promote these things not always to cause fear, but because they themselves fear and believe these concepts.  Most of them are completely unaware of the evolutionary process that is  taking place in the world.
  Fear locks individuals to a mindset in which they are unable to see, comprehend, or even imagine expanded ideas.  Fear arises from the belief that one is separate from one’s good whether that good is needed or wanted.  Those who live from a consciousness of fear are unable to see any way out of personal problems and often turn to crime or violence as a solution.  Fear also may feed a person’s thinking and decision making with so many possible negative outcomes that they become frozen, unable to make any move.
  It is a normal to experience fear occasionally.  You have all lived many lives where your survival depended upon fear.  These things remain in cellular memory until cleared.  When you experience fear do not deny, resist, or try and make it go away with various techniques, spiritual or otherwise.  Rather acknowledge it as an  important tool but one that you no longer need  in the Light of your new awareness.
  You are the Higher Power that so many speak of and pray to and it is time to fully accept this. There is nor has there ever been a  Power somewhere manipulating the strings of human puppets. The days of praying to some faraway male God in the sky,  attending  church or performing  actions and ceremonies in order to please or get God’s attention, must end once a person knows the true nature of God.
  We are not saying you must never attend some ceremony or go to church if you enjoy these things.  We are saying only to do them with full awareness that they will not nor can they bring you any closer to God than you already are and  in fact your evolved state of consciousness  will add more Light to them.

Most are not yet  spiritually prepared to understand this, but you who are drawn to these messages are. You have moved beyond the religious and metaphysical steps that brought you to where you are spiritually at this time. You have done the work and are prepared to understand that you and all who attain a consciousness of truth are the ones creating the new world, one that resonates on a higher dimensional level.
  This is what  ascension is all about, the evolution of world consciousness through the evolution of personal consciousness and never the result of finding the “perfect” politician, guru, friend, teacher, extraterrestrial, prayer, location, or ceremony.
  Nothing is going to be exactly as it was before because consciousness is evolving.  You are being told by three dimensional thinkers and those who dislike change that everything must return to the way it was before but this cannot happen because consciousness which forms itself as the outer,  is rapidly integrating higher dimensional frequencies.  People are waking up and beginning to see that indeed the Emperor has no clothes.
  Some jobs are going to change or simply disappear.  Try not to see this as a negative thing but rather as  necessary in order for new and better ways to manifest.  Be open to the new in all aspects of life but do not expect changes to come in a moment, for new ideas can only manifest as the consciousness of humanity opens to them. There will be resistance, but  higher and better ways of functioning can and will take place in business, health, politics, religion, education etc. as allowed.
  The human mind  is an avenue of awareness  interpreting everything  according to the conditioning  present in individual or collective consciousness. This is why several people may witness the same thing but each will interpret it differently.  Divine Mind contains no conditioning.  IT is infinitely aware only of the Self sustained, Self maintained completeness of ITSELF because nothing else exists.
  At some point of every person’s evolutionary journey there comes a time at which they must really accept the truth of ONE and that that ONE is the reality of their own being.  They must cease considering truth to be “airy fairy”, impractical, and un-attainable, otherwise they can and will not move beyond their present level of awareness by virtue of the fact that they are keeping themselves locked in outgrown state of consciousness.
  It is time to fully, completely, and honestly examine your life, your decisions, your choices, and your belief system not with judgement and criticism but rather with the love and understanding that comes from knowing that every person is only capable of living out from their highest attained level of consciousness.
  Remember this as actions you may have taken in the past fill you with shame, guilt, or remorse when seen with new insight.  Know that everyone, self included,  is doing the best they can with where they are at. This is how you learn to love yourself which is imperative if you are to accept the reality of  ONEness.  Even the murderer thinks he is somehow making things better.
  Examine what you learned, still need to learn, and how you grew from the most painful experiences of your life.  Ask yourself; “What was I believing at that time that made me feel, respond, or act this way?  Do I still believe the same?  In the light of what I now know, are these beliefs true?”  These questions are important tools that only you can use and which can help you become more aware of what you still hold in consciousness.
  Nothing you ever do, say, or think can make you more loveable and worthy of good than you already are.  You are expressions of the one Divine Consciousness and nothing can or will ever change that.  If or when emotions of judgement, criticism, and self loathing surface as old energy surfaces, know that it is a sign you are graduating and moving beyond the old concepts and beliefs that created them in the first place and which you have carried in cellular memory for centuries.

Bless all emotions as they arise for they are your teachers and  bless the fact that you understand what is taking place for there remain many going through clearings who do not.  Be grateful as you realize that you are spiritually ready to rid yourself of all that no longer serves your highest good regardless of how physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually uncomfortable the process may be.
  There is so much taking place that you are not aware of and are not being told about by the media.  Stop attempting to find answers to everything taking place for the human mind simply cannot give you the answers you seek.  Begin to live out from your true nature, relying upon the fact that completeness lies within and will manifest outwardly as what is needed if allowed.
  Take frequent breaks to be silent and rest in the Divinity of your own Being as you go about your day regardless of where you are.  This can be just a moment that only you know about.  Allow your Divine Self to live your life in all the seemingly ordinary activities for all activity is spiritual. There is no such thing as the “profane” versus the “spiritual” as many religions teach.  There is only One Infinite Divine Consciousness expressing ITSELF as infinite form and variety.
  We are not saying to throw up your hands while declaring “God is all!” when situations arise that need addressing on a three dimensional level for that would simply be pretending to a state of consciousness not yet attained. We are saying that in these intense times of confusion and fear for so many,  do not lose sight of the fact that the one Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient Divine Consciousness is and always has been the only power and reality.
  Many believe that earth and everything on it is illusion.  Earth, its people, and all forms of life are not and never have been illusion.   It is the false  interpretations of minds conditioned by beliefs of duality and separation that constitute illusion.
  Begin to look deeper and see everything through eyes of truth rather than judging by appearances.  Begin to trust that the I of you knows what you need, when you need it,  and how to get it to you.  Some of what you  need may not be pleasant according to three dimensional standards but may be  necessary for spiritual growth.  This is where  trust comes in.
  Once you seriously begin a spiritual journey (this choice is often made on a subconscious level)  the journey intensifies and the  “train leaves the station” often going in directions you did not expect or even want.
  You are in physical form at this time because you chose to be here.  You were well aware of the difficulties you would encounter when living in the lower frequencies of the third dimension but you chose to come anyway in order to complete your own journey as well as to add light and assistance to others in a world struggling through the powerful energies of dimensional ascension.
  Your moment has arrived and if things are not what you expected personally or globally, allow these concepts to drop away and simply allow, trust, and acknowledge  I AM.
    We are the Arcturian Group                                                                                     5/31/20

Message from Ann Albers ~ More on Dealing with Intense Emotion

May 30, 2020,

Hi Everyone,

I saw the proverbial “writing on the wall” in mid-March. The US was just beginning to acknowledge the spread of the virus, but after hearing first-hand from clients in countries where the virus was already causing chaos, I knew I didn’t want to participate in the fear-fest that was to come.

I stocked up on TP and groceries the week before things go sparse, got all my necessities for the next several months, and – unmasked at the time – went store to store spreading joy, hope, inspiration, and love to people who were becoming increasingly uneasy. The virus was spreading silently and I could feel the fear around me building, but in a space of love and service, determined to be only a blessing, I felt no fear whatsoever in my waking life.

Instead the nasty vibe tried to get me in my sleep. I woke up after a dream in which I was vehemently spraying a room filled with huge bugs. In the dream most ran for the door, but one – a giant scorpion – stood its ground and stared at me, curling its stinger up over its back and aiming at me in an attempt to bully me into fear. In the dream I stood my ground, stared it down, and turned to pure light. As I beamed the light towards it, it ran away.

I woke up shaking and plastered in a vibration that felt like hot and cold pin pricks. I know this parasitic vibe. It used to attack me and drive me to fear, but now I know it and it doesn’t sway me. I laid there in bed and sent pure love to the nasty vibration until I elevated my awareness into a light so beautiful I couldn’t even feel the fearful, unpleasant energy.

In the morning I asked the angels exactly what that was. “That was the energy of the Covid virus trying to get you,” they replied. “You’re a big target.” Lovely. I determined to love even more strongly!

In spite of having no fear of the virus, I did feel a deep sadness arising as I watched the suffering in the world. From time to time, as the dramas unfolded, I broke down into sobbing fits of anguish that seemed to have no logical reason. One moment I was happy and fine, and all of the sudden a wracking grief would overcome me when I read a story about someone sick, alone, and scared, or a medical worker who was tirelessly facing a tidal wave of pain.

While we could all agree these things are sad, the sadness arising within me was mine – not caused by the world, but rather revealed and triggered within me. It was time to feel and heal.

I went deep into it. I heard myself crying like a newborn and determined to feel my way down to the bottom of this. I sat with the feeling, and asked quietly, “Who am I? Where am I? Who is sad within me?” Immediately my perspective shifted. I was a baby in a dark, air conditioned nursery at a hospital, the night after I was born, ejected from the warmth of the womb, ripped from my mother’s arms, and laid in what felt like a hard container.

I felt the crinkly plastic pad under a thin cotton blanket and the thin blanket on top of me. I sensed the fear of other babies in the nursery that I couldn’t see. I heard their cries in the dark. I was alone, terrified, devoid of warmth, unloved… and as deeply immersed in the core illusion of separation as one could be. I couldn’t stop crying.

I heard the wracking sobs of the baby coming out of my adult mouth but couldn’t escape from the baby’s body and mind. I had enough presence of mind to dial a friend just to hear a voice that would snap me back and re-anchor my consciousness in present day reality.

As “me-the-adult” I traveled went back in time, in my mind, to hold “me-the-baby” and assure her that God was everywhere, even if invisible, and that there was no such thing as separation from love. I held the baby in my mind, turned to light and showed her the invisible worlds that connect us all. I promised her I’d be with her, her whole life until one moment, in my present-now, when we’d integrate.

She stopped sobbing. I stopped sobbing. I remembered all the sad times in childhood when I felt aloneness, and the feeling of a presence around me that always comforted me. I realized that, with the angels, I had always been my own comforter and my own healer.

Suddenly the baby in my vision turned to light and merged with me-in-the-present. I felt a glorious release of loving energy course throughout my entire body. I felt bliss, a home-coming, a sense of euphoric joy that happens when a long forgotten and unloved part of the soul comes home. I’ve had no sadness ever since.

I think this first feeling of separation was what some call a “core wound” – a point in which we make a decision that affects our entire lives. Once felt and healed it releases tremendous power – a power that can now be used for creation of our dreams.

I have shifted deeply. I’m enjoying delicious amazing meditations. I’m craving and enjoying time in silence. I’m going into ecstatic spaces in the gazes and even the simple acts of life feel like a connection to the Divine, for in truth they are.

What is the moral of the story – the part that might be useful for you? Simple and difficult – Don’t run from your feelings. If you’re feeling afraid, sit with it and feel your fear down to the core. If that feels too intimidating, schedule an appointment with a healer or psychologist, or at least a friend who can hold space.

If you’re feeling anger, go beyond the obvious blame of others and ask, “Why am I angry with myself?” The angels remind me often that all anger at others comes from anger at self – knowing we must change.

If you’re feeling stir crazy, sit with it and find the feelings beneath it – the feelings of confusion, worthlessness, fear of never moving forward, the fact that you don’t really know what you want with your life, and the list goes on.

Instead of focusing on blaming the external person or event that triggered the feeling, dive in and search for the roots within yourself. This is where your real power can be found. This is where we find freedom.

While the angels and I constantly encourage positive thinking, there are times when the gravitational pull of other feelings will overcome you and demand acknowledgment. At these times it may feel impossible to be positive. Instead, bring your light and your love into your own darkness and then the darkness and illusions of separation will dissolve.

There is great opportunity being given us at this time, when the world’s intensity is bringing deep feelings to the surface. Take advantage of the triggers. Don’t run from yourself. Dive in with courage, and as the saying goes, be the change you want to see in the world. Love it all, starting with yourself first.

Here are some pointers to help you feel and heal when you just can’t “be positive” and you realize that a feeling is coming up for transformation.

1. Bless – don’t blame – the triggers

When an old painful feeling arises, you will find yourself wanting to blame who or what triggered it. “I wouldn’t be this way if xyz hadn’t happened. I wouldn’t be angry if that jerk hadn’t cut me off in traffic. I wouldn’t be scared if I had money in the bank.” Those statements might be true, but the external events and people just trigger a vibration within us. As hard as it may be, bless them for revealing the parts of your soul that need healing.

No one can make us feel anything we do not already have within us. The external world can only push the buttons that run programs within us. If we had no program of anger inside no one would make us feel it. If we had no fear inside, no circumstance would make us fearful.

If we could truly live and abide in a sense of connection to the Divine at all times, we would truly be in the world, but not of it. However, we’re not there yet at all times, so bless, don’t blame, the triggers.

2. Recognize Resistance & Dive in Courageously

As soon as you start feeling something deeply unpleasant or uncomfortable within you, you will likely notice massive amounts of resistance coming up – things that attempt to keep you from feeling… and healing.

You might have a sudden pain arise to distract. It might suddenly seem extremely important to clean the junk drawer in the kitchen that has been the same way for five years. You might feel an urgency to check emails, scan social media, do errands, turn on the TV, talk to anyone, get angry… anything to distract yourself from feeling! You might find yourself unconsciously reaching for a glass of wine, something sugary, salty, crunchy… You might suddenly feel like running, exercising, having sex, cooking, Online shopping… addicting in any way possible…

While these things are wonderful when done for joy, as we reach for them as unconscious distractions, that is a sure sign of running from your feelings.

This is the juncture in the road. This is where you do what you’ve always done and get what you’ve always got, or you make a choice to stop, feel, and dive courageously inward.

3. Be with, and love, the feeling / Get Help if needed

If you are afraid to feel so deeply, seek out help. The feelings won’t kill you but if they are too intimidating don’t go it alone. You can stand in the energy of those who transmit love like Braco or me in my gazes, or countless others who elevate and love the soul with a divine love that transforms the lost and lonely parts. You can seek out therapists, healers, friends, a compassionate listener or a help line.

If you’re doing this by yourself, when you’re ready, sit with the feeling. Feel it deeply. Remind yourself it may hurt but it won’t kill you and not feeling will always feel worse.

Ask, “Who or what inside me feels this way?” Trust the answer that arises.

Imagine you can see this part of yourself as a separate person. Talk to them lovingly, Tell them you are in the future, empowered, strong and wise. Imagine you are being the parent, teacher, healer, or partner, they never had. You are now your own healer. After a while of loving and talking sweetly to this sad, angry, or upset part of self you will feel relief. If not seek out further help.

You, every part of you, deserves your own love.

This isn’t easy work. When we can switch our thoughts to love and positivity by all means, we should. But when we honestly cannot, the time has come to free a trapped and wounded parts of self.

As the angels say, it is a perfect time to reveal, feel, heal, see and be free!

We are at a fork in the road where we can free ourselves from the pain of the past and unleash huge amounts of energy with which we create a more glorious future – not only for ourselves but for the entire human race.

Love you all!

Comments about Basic Universal Income in Europe on my FB wall.

It is quite interesting the level of resistance coming out there when i post messages about Basic Universal Income, i can only share here the conversation and you can be the observer and decide for yourselves.


Ximena i dont know if ppl want that

Nikos AkrivosX IAM just dropping the seeds that know they lead to . Don’t shoot the messenger!I can only thank you for dropping your comment so I can now express this through my Higher Self : BUI is a basic human right,for some it may not be desirable ,just ask the many who don’t have an income at all.Not just here in Europe(check all the homeless all across to begin) but also around the planet.Go check in Zimbambwe to see how people live,go check in Senegal and see there are children and artists in the streets begging for money.Go to Ibiza and you will see that too:how many peopel have been homeless in ibiza?can you tell me that?IAM speaking in the name of those.They are not on FB and they have no voices.The collective has free will to decide and i can tell you already in the end of the day Divine Will is in control here.Not me,not you and not any governments out there.God has the final word acting through our Higher Selves for the highest good for all.If some are aligned or not with their truth,well that is just creating resistance which is the prime reason of disease.The hard or easy way one has free will to choose.And yes i do understand the fear of some for having their lives being controlled by AI…that is low dimensional thinking.The financial systems are changing as we speak to serve all.There is purging on all levels whether you see it or not,it is happening.This is about facilatating our collective’s Ascension process ,check NESARA and GESARA that supposed to happen in 2001. 3d world war begun then and 20 years after we are witnessing all truths come out.Be the observer,enjoy your organic pop corn and do your best to send your love and compassion to those who don’t have as much as you do.I can not fix anything by myself and i did not come to the planet for that.Together we can with intention #ChristCentered in #SelfLove for #TheHighestgoodforall#FeelMoreThanFine.

Ximena i agrée as a momentary solving for now, do you think or do you like to b a permanent solution ?

Nikos it is not a just solution to me.It is basic human right.It is about making people’s lives easy so no-one needs to work for a living.Instead do what one really likes to do and that includes working if one desires.It covers basic needs and one is free to choose what is their next level of service they want to be on.All Humans are here to serve one another.One does not need to worry about making a living then they are also able to take more time for self love and do their spiritual work to KNOW how to align with source and from there everything will flow.So yes it is coming and it will stay till money is no longer needed when we have all technologies that can create all we desire or even when we by ourselves can manifest and precipitate all we desire.We incarnated here for the purpose of joy and camaraderie and unity and love that’s all it matters in the end.When we used to make our parties at homes in Ibiza did anyone care about how much has or not Ximena? no we did not,all were equal because the vibe was abundant…and yet toxic at many levels…so the goal is to create the same vibe globally in a 100% eco sustainable regenerative environment (Mother Earth) and World that works for all ,being aware of our power as God Being Creators.And So Be It.


Ralph Casper Why not look into creating this for yourself? No government needed as they will create a lot of rules again in order for people to be granted this freedom’..

Nikos because that can be seen only from a selfish point of view from one perspective…I co-create and speak of something that works for .It is not about me or about you.Me IAM creating already all the time all that I WANT.It is about facilitating the lives of those who don’t know how to do that because they did not do yet the inner work.AS everything else it comes first from within.From another perspective yes,serving the self first is what matters.We can not help another if we don’t learn to help ourself first.And because I know how to do that I now think of ALL others.

Marco This is how to attract stupid people to the NWO NEVER accept this you will accept slavery

be independent be free

Nikos that is what ‘they’ are trying to convince people about…i always say to each to use your own discernment ,there is vast abundance and prosperity of all that is needed to help each and everyone and the financial systems are changing.Check what they don’t want you to see : GESARA / is happening.This is the awakening process.It is not about the money,it is about Smoothing our Ascension process.

Europe Accepts the Legislative Initiative of Citizens Demanding a Universal Basic Income for All Its Residents.

The European Citizen Initiative (ECI), which calls for the establishment of a Universal and Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) for all people residing in the European Union , was accepted by the European Commission on Friday May 15, 2020 .

The General Secretariat of the European Citizen Initiative Team (which belongs to the European Commission) has communicated to the organizers the registration of the ECI proposal, entitled “Establishment of an unconditional basic income, throughout the European Union »


This ECI was presented by Unconditional Basic Income Europe (UBIE), the unconditional basic European network, to which individuals and groups at European level belong, among others the  Humanists for Universal Basic Income (HBI).Although the deadline given by the European Commission to start collecting signatures ends on 15/11/2020, representatives of the UBIE network note that “this will probably start during Basic Income Week, between September 14 and 20 of this year”(

Until then, work will focus on forming a collection platform. And that is why people and groups of all kinds are encouraged to participate, whether local, cultural, political, etc. Anyone wishing to participate in this initiative, whether an individual or an organization, can notify it by sending an email to:

An ECI is a kind of popular legislative initiative which is presented to the European Parliament for discussion and possible approval. It involves collecting a million signatures and identity documents from European citizens who support the initiative, in at least 7 countries of the European Union (EU). In these countries, the signatures must reach a minimum number which depends of the respective population. The period for collecting signatures and documents is one year. Signature collection will be possible on paper, but especially online, thanks to the web platform which will be provided by the EU.

This ECI  offers us an excellent opportunity to put the issue of  the UBI at the forefront of the social debate, by showing that it is the best vaccine against precariousness and social exclusion and by obtaining greater dissemination and more information. specific on this issue, which is often silenced or distorted.

The process of this ECI was not without vicissitudes, since it was presented in January 2020, but its text was rejected by the European Commission, because it did not strictly respect the European legislation, and corrections had to be made so that it could be recorded, which was finally done on May 15.

Translated from French by Lulith Van

Angel Bravo is the ECI coordinator for Spain.
