The days and weeks ahead will demand all that you are: your compassion, composure, forgiveness, understanding, empathy and love. When you are overwhelmed, retreat and re-nourish your heart. This is the time.

May 26, 2020,

Jennifer: Xiaera, welcome. I feel you have come forward to communicate. What do you wish to share?

Xiaera: Greetings beloved brothers and sisters of the light. We are very glad to be in your presence again and to have the opportunity to share our perspective, our experience of this stage in the end times, the end games.

Although you may consider this anything but a game, at the highest level, the off-planet level, those who are ‘pulling the strings’ consider this as meaningfully as a game.

They care not for Humanity. They know they can no longer exploit Gaia and her population, and most have left or been dealt with; the events you are experiencing now are the result of those on planet fighting for their very survival.

Some of them will stop at nothing. Others have had second thoughts and have seen the error of their ways. All of them were indoctrinated in the way that you as a population have been programmed and manipulated. Not one of them is unworthy of your compassion and forgiveness.

They have chosen a difficult path, for the karmic weight they carry is not one you would wish to endure. Yet this concentration of darkness had to be played out, so that the light would be revealed and would, eventually, light up even the darkest corners.

Now, to events afoot. There is much change as you know and you will not have to wait for much longer to have the proof that many of you have yearned for, so that those still asleep may awaken. As I mentioned when we last communed, the hologram is rupturing. There are illusions you cannot conceive of that will become clear. Finally, all will make sense.

At this time, we would share some ‘self-care’ suggestions. In the current situation, it is crucial that your vibration remain as high, clear and loving as is possible for you. Focus on all that these new times will bring you, on the deep, nourishing satisfaction that you will feel when love is shared freely among all people, when you are united for the common cause of the upliftment of all.

Be aware of what is going on, but NOT at the cost of your vibration. When you are feeling overwhelmed, saturated, hopeless or even dirty, pull back. Recenter: in whatever way uplifts you.
Begin now. Share seeds with others, but do not overwhelm the sleepers. No one likes to be awakened by a bucket of ice water thrown over them.

Begin now. Live life as you intend to live it, when love is the currency. By this, we mean live now with love, with joy, with kindness, with compassion. Life lived with the values, virtues and qualities of spirit are the scaffolding of the New Earth. Better to raise that scaffolding now, as it will make the transition when the pivot point comes much easier, as you will already be used to living a life of loving service.

Begin now. Gratitude. Whether it is for the sunshine, the breeze, the air you breathe, the joy on the faces of others… a life of gratitude is a life of blessing. It is walking on a velvet carpet, regardless of the terrain you are crossing.

The days and weeks ahead will demand all that you are: your compassion, composure, forgiveness, understanding, empathy and love. When you are overwhelmed, retreat and re-nourish your heart.
This is the time. You are in the Now moment that you have planned and trained for at a soul level for eons. This is the dawn. You are love incarnate.

J: Thank you so much Xiaera.

X: With our love and blessings to you all.

Seeing Tangible Manifestation in our Reality

This is in response to a comment from a friend on FB that i felt it was right to share my perspective with.Up to you to see if this works for you:

My friend,i want to share with you that in my current reality doing an intensive work of deliberate creation,imagining all things that i want and i say what i want,not just what i need,imagining and feeling into the frequency of each thing,small of big as much as often during my days and nights,i can clearly see tangible change in my reality.Alignement with my Higher Self and Allowing more of The God that IAM to flow in,understanding that only God is Love,Abundance,Prosperity and All The Essence of everything i desire to manifest more and more tangible physically in 3D takes place while i know that all things in 4d and 5D have already been taken care of from the moment i asked.And so my work is to focus on the frequency of what i want while also doing my daily meditations that works for the highest good for all.In other words,as i see myself getting exactly what i want i am also sending out the intention for all beings to experience this ability with ease and grace…What i wish for myself ,i wish for you and for each and every person living on the planet to get far more that what you need and exactly what you want…many will share that this ego speaking and i say well,there must be balance in all things,balance in all dimensions.IAM already in 5D and IAM also in 4D and 3D and 2D and 1D and 9D and 10D and beyond.All it takes is just a thought.i feel into it and boom IAM there.And the more IAM there the easier things come to me.In the beginning it is very delicate and one must be careful to not condition it…it’s about remaining in a state of uncondtional beigness.:i love the feeling of clarity,i love the feeling of well being,i like the concept of deliberate creation,i love to know how source feels about me… speaking words for at least 68 seconds,is a very good way to remain there.Happy practice and let us know what manifestations you see from all the subjects you like to see change…focus only on the good signs,delete the rest…and so what you focus on magnifies.LOVE.

To this i am going to share with you here few links that may assist you in your journey :

Pull out your magic wand, which has always been part of you. For your wand is merely your beliefs and expectations…You know what you need and when you need it. You know what kind of life you wish to live – now live it…instead of pretending that others are directing your life as you have for eons, create the life you want now.

The more confidence you show in your ability to create your reality, the less action you feel you need to take.-The Arctrurians via Daniel Scranton-

You experience instant manifestation in a meditative or imaginative state-AA Gabriel-