Daily Archives: May 11, 2020
it was years ago… that I found out that Aliens work with electronic dance music-Elisabeth April-
hahahahahahaha sorry i just can’t stop laughing of pure joy when i read more of the transcript of Elisabeth April.Now most of you coming to my website know my passion about electronic dance music,well ladies and gentlemen here lies the reason of all this passion of mine :)))))))))))And thank you Kat of the Golden Age of Gaia for the transcript.
31:40 Question: Can you talk about how music and sympathetic resonance and cinematics affect and heal us? Is it true that the Arcturians tend to be more musical?
Elizabeth: I don’t really know the Arcturians too too much… I do know that they have music on board the space ships… which is really interesting… and most of the music that they have on board the space ships is electronic music… no surprise there…
The reason why is because if you had an acoustic instrument like a guitar on board a space ship… and you have 10 species that all live on board a space ship… they all have different fingers, they all have different body parts, they all have different ways to work with that musical instrument… it would be impossible to have one instrument for all the species… so they typically work with frequencies, sounds, tones… it’s really cool…
32:44 And that’s why like me, as a Starseed in particular, I’m extremely drawn to EDM… electronic dance music… it was years ago… that I found out that Aliens work with electronic dance music… on the other hand if you’re obsessed with acoustic music… Interdimensional beings are very envious of the fact that humans have such a wide range of musical instruments… and we’re very creative with those musical instruments…
So if you’re obsessed with music in a very authentic acoustic way… you most likely are quite Alien as well in some way… and you wanted to come down here to experience the musical expression that we have as human beings… they’re very envious of that… frequencies are everything… we are frequency beings… and it’s really funny because I’m not really into music… I’ve never been able to pick up an instrument and play it… and yet I listen to music 90% of the day, especially with my work… music is a huge part of my life even though I can’t do it…
Transcribed by Kat
when you connect yourself to pure Source through orgasm with no inhibitions and no limitations… and you actually perpetuate that state of orgasm… which literally you connect to Source… bring Source energy in… and you perpetuate that Source energy through your body… it regenerates your cells… it reverses aging… it allows you to be Breatharian… you don’t have to eat because you’re literally feeding off of Source… the reason why it has been so manipulated is because it is our greatest Super Power…-Elizabeth April –
Here is a part of transcript about orgasm and sex,something that i have been speaking on this website for a while now and very happy seeing it coming to surface again:
12:55 Question: What about sex? I feel that desire is a 3D vibration, but during this lockdown many of us crave for connection with others and sex is a part of it. Can you explain or expand anything on that.
Elizabeth: Sex is a tough one… I know in quarantine a lot of people are lonely and craving connection with others… and there’s not much I can talk to about that… that’s something you are going to have to overcome… just like people who are craving their normal 9-to-5 structure… you just kind of have to deal with it… but I do want to talk about sex in a very high vibrational way…
14:00 There are two elements to sex… sex has been a mechanism since the dawning of Humanity that has been deeply manipulated within Humanity to lower our vibration… I cannot stress this enough… the amount of manipulation… abuse, rituals, Catholic guilt, oh my goodness, the shame that we’ve been all put through around sex…
And of course, if you’re a Starseed, if you’re an Alien then sex is weird to you… because… I know as a Gray for me… I feel like I’m more asexual than anything… just because I’m like… what are these body parts… I don’t know… it does not compute for me… it’s just odd… so there’s a lot that goes around sex…
14:50 One aspect is the majority of us… honestly… like 90% of us.. have really deep sexual traumas… I don’t care if you were abused or not in this lifetime… male or female… no matter what culture, race, age, gender you are… you have deep sexual traumas… I can almost guarantee it… and the reason why is because lifetime after lifetime we have gone through sexual manipulation… and this is the #1 thing that has happened in Society… and I should do a whole video about this because it’s so important…
15:23 And the reason why this is #1 most manipulated aspect of being Human (oooo I’m getting chills) is because… are you ready for this… sex and more specifically orgasm, which really, sex is just sex… but orgasm is a place where you let go of all your inhibitions… you let go all of your walls… you literally have to be at a place of full surrender in order to experience orgasm…
16:00 But what orgasm is a very deeply, Spiritually, connected, conscious, soul raising vibrational connection to the Universe.. I cannot stress enough how significant orgasm is…
If you are someone who has a hard time experiencing orgasm then you have deeply buried sexual trauma that is not allowing you… whether it be guilt, or shame or judgment… or just feeling you’re not fully connected to your human… you not allowing yourself to get to that place…
The reason why sex has been manipulated is because, I believe, it is the #1 thing, that will allow us to live much longer… like this is weird… but I’ve done a lot of work in past lifetimes… especially in Ancient Egypt… with Tantra meditation and Tantra sex… and onking (word?) your energy…
But when you connect yourself to pure Source through orgasm with no inhibitions and no limitations… and you actually perpetuate that state of orgasm… which literally you connect to Source… bring Source energy in… and you perpetuate that Source energy through your body… it regenerates your cells… it reverses aging… it allows you to be Breatharian… you don’t have to eat because you’re literally feeding off of Source… the reason why it has been so manipulated is because it is our greatest Super Power…
17:53 So if you’re sitting and home saying, “Wow, I really haven’t experienced what Elizabeth is talking about”… it’s time to dig deep… you deserve not only just a great sex life, not only just a great orgasm… but you deserve to connect to Source in a way where you’re not feeling guilty… and you’re not feeling shameful… you feel delighted and excited… and so when you’re missing that contact with someone else at home…
Maybe the first thing is making that contact… yeah, in a sexual way… to yourself… and if you’re not in full glory with that connection with yourself then you’re never going to be able to get a point of full glory and full connection with someone else… and I’m going to leave it at that…
Transcribed by Kat
Watch full presentation here.
New Earth Vision (Part I)
These images described in words come after doing my meditation practice in the morning and while still in meditation after invoking God’s Light to flow through me remaining an open door in the here and now here are the images of the New Earth coming forward through me and I am sure that you, reading this post, have your own pieces of this tapestry to add, why not sit down and close your eyes and ask for guidance and write down what you see?i will be happy to create for you a blog and share your vision ,you may send me email at here : info@feelmorethanfine.eu
Magda Ehlers
Talking Stick to me And here i go!I see a lot of green parks and trees and all kind of colorful birds, butterflies, happy dogs and cats and all animal kingdom, the lion lying next to the lamb ,i see this not only in remote areas and also in cities, nature returns to the cities, i see green buildings and green roof tops with gardens growing organic foods ,i see modern vehicles all over, some on the ground ,some flying in various levels without making noise ,just the sound of the air, i see beautiful communities where people are dancing, celebrating coming together in meditation and eating vegan dishes, i see balanced relationships between men and women as each is balanced within their divine masculine and divine feminine.I see groups of people coming together finding solution for the highest good in meditation and then action being taken with ease grace and flow. I see a smooth evolution process where peace is at all times respected and where each and everyone is forgiving, loving ,kind & sweet to the self and one another.Children are the ones who show the way, children are respected as equal to equal as they come with new ideas that even very simple never thought of before solutions to anything that needs to change in societies for the highest good for all.I see New Earth educational systems where all children and adults can learn with playful ways and where all information is memorised easily as our brains and bodies are becoming more perfected towards the original state of our original human 12 double stranded DNA.
I see amazing machines that create Free Energy, some small and some bigger ones.I see new games that nourish the soul for all ages, i see Celestial Chambers that each and everyone can use free for extra health boost and rejuvenation.I see anti gravity vehicles where distance is no longer important taking us from Ibiza to Honolulu in 15 minutes.I see new landscapes, i see water speaking and i see our star sisters and brothers being in open contact with each and everyone of us.I see many flying to other staR systems to discover other cultures.I feel excitement and joy in the air all rising as one with Gaia and all life upon her towards higher dimensions.Money is still being used from everybody in lesser ways as replicators and other technologies are eradicating slowly that way of means.I see gardens where people share openly their fruits and vegetables with others.I see all African countries truly in their richness, i see all African sisters and brothers prosperous and abundant in all ways, i see also the rest of the planet being so as well as it is now balanced all across the planet and there is 100% fair-trade in all commerce.
Do no Harm is the law understood and integrated by each and everyone.I see all people being very different from one another and all respecting one another and working as one doing what they love most.I see wonderful communities, super colour-full with fashion and art and music and dance and celebrations!
I feel the love everywhere i go, i feel a perfect world where excitement of living in a human body is even more a delightful experience, i feel expansion in creating creations that my mind can not conceive yet and i see Light Cities hovering above the ground all across the planet.I see beauty and Love all over.
And so be it.
Nikos Akrivos
www.Feel More Than Fine.eu
So it is you are discovering new you with not a little surprise. For it has been decades since you have dared be you…No rules. No shoulds. No shame. No guilt. Just you.
Dear Ones,
Those of you who feel you are right – must make others wrong. So some of you are berating those who feel the need for a facemask or other gear during this COVID-19 time. Others are certain that those without a facemask are placing everyone in danger.
What you have forgotten is you are a Universe within yourself.
It is not your job to change or to make others think and act as you do. Think of that teenage party in which you had to decide what you were willing to do to prove you were one of them – drinking, smoking, sex, drugs. Options you were exposed to but not necessarily wanting to conform to. So it is now. You have choices based on your needs and values. Are you willing to compromise those values because others tell you to do so? Or are you distancing yourself from 3D shoulds?
This phase is more about who you are than danger – or being right or wrong. For indeed, those of you who wish to exit earth will. Those who do not wish to exit will not. And those who wish to experience a health issue because it is easier than reviewing emotional pain, will. And those who do not will not.
You are experiencing the cross-over from 3D shoulds to beyond 3D powers and capabilities. Powers generated by your inner voice. You will function as you need to if you listen to your inner voice. If you do not, you will find yourself flailing as you jump from one action to another whenever the loudest 3D voice proclaims this or that the correct response.
You are you with your needs and interests. Needs and interests that have little to do with any other being.
So it is you have reached the great divide.
Does that mean anyone who does not wear a mask will become ill? No more than everyone who has unprotected sex will become pregnant or diseased. Your choice is your choice for a reason. Even though you might not necessarily understand the reason, you will know it’s right.
If you wear a mask one day because your friend says you should, but not the next because someone tells you it is not necessary, you will know you are continuing 3D actions. But if you feel like wearing a mask one day but not the next without consent or comments from others, you will know you are following your inner voice.
As with any action or thought, there are no rights or wrongs, merely you exploring actions within the framework you want to explore. Maybe you wish to become ill or remain healthy for a reason. No disease is 100% fatal. But then, if you wish to experience the illness without exiting earth, perhaps you would like to discover why.
So it is for any action or reaction, including financial security, interactions with others, freedom to be and on and on.
This is a time of discovering who you are and why. Just as you did at your first significant teen party. And just as testing the waters of whatever action was promoted at that party did not ensure you would experience the same for the remainder of your life, so it is now. The difference is you likely made your decisions at that teen party based on what you had to do to remain part of the “in” group.
You are now making decisions based on your inner voice that has little to do with social acceptance. It is you – unvarnished you. Not who you should be or want to be – but who you are.
COVID-19 is displaying this. For if you find others waver according to this or that media report, they are much like a 3D teen. But if they are doing so because it feels right within them, they are of the new.
There are no overriding rules of rightness or even popularity. There is just you. So it is time for you to function as you want.
As we have stated previously, it is almost as if you are reverting to your infant or toddler days. You are who you are despite who others want you to be. You cry, laugh, giggle, explore, pout, and say what you feel. It is you in the raw.
So it is you are discovering new you with not a little surprise. For it has been decades since you have dared be you.
That thought might be frightening for you have no idea if new you will be acceptable to anyone.
When you were a toddler, you did not care for you knew what you did and said was right for you. So it is now.
Allow yourself to forget your social training and return to the real you. That is what this phase is about. No rules. No shoulds. No shame. No guilt. Just you. So be it. Amen.
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Harmonious Relation of Higher Self & Mind
You need to care for yourselves at least as comprehensively as you take care of small children.- Saul via John Smallman, May 10th, 2020 –
As the global pandemic lock-down continues, be aware that changes of great importance for humanity are also occurring that are not being reported on the mainstream media. What is happening is all part of humanity’s collective choice to awaken, a choice that has been made by vast numbers of you, mostly below the level of your conscious awareness, and which will permanently alter the way you live your human lives as you each come to know who you really are – divine beings temporarily in human form in order to experience separation from Source as apparently real – and to learn some essential and inspiring lessons in the process, before you awaken from that illusory state.
There is only Love, God, Source, in which all of creation has its eternal existence in every moment and without interruption. However, large numbers of sentient beings chose to exchange that perfect environment or state for one that was unreal i.e. not permanent – but continuously increasing in entropy – by arriving there in different shapes and forms which seemed completely real. To do that they had to invent and construct a game, an unreal environment in which to do so, and because God gave you all the power/energy that She has, without in any way diminishing Herself, you were able to do so. Once you entered into that unreal state, your memories of Reality were cloaked or hidden from you – one of the rules of the game.
Separation from Love, from Source, from God, is completely impossible because, if that were to occur, the one who became separated would become non-existent, and the possibility of that happening is utterly unrealizable because you are eternal beings, living in a state of constant joy, just as you were created. And the reason for this is that Love, Source, God, wills only perfect, infinite, and eternal joy for all that is created. The divine Will is the only will, and is always in a state of becoming, without change or interruption.
Nothing that Source creates can ever cease to exist, for Source creates in endless joy, which is the only purpose for existence. The illusory world of form, that appears to be so utterly real while it is being experienced, will be gone when the choice to experience it is completely released. Its existence has been but momentary, even though it appears to have been in existence for eons. But because all sentient life forms have free will, then so as long as even one chooses to remain within it to continue the experience, it will seem to exist.
Because you were created for eternal joy, always present in the divine Presence, there is nothing to fear, EVER! Fear is an aspect of being in form, solely to remind and encourage you to take care of your physical form which is easily damaged if not properly and lovingly cared for. Frequently humans take great care of others who are sick or injured, while neglecting their own bodies. In order to take care of others you need to be in good health yourselves – physically, mentally, and emotionally – but it is common practice for caregivers to expend all their energy looking after others, only to become burned out themselves and with a diminished immune system.
You need to care of yourselves at least as comprehensively as you take care of small children or of the elderly and infirm. When you do this your ability to care for others is far more effective. Of course, as there always seems to be a shortage of caregivers, most are overworked, making it even more important to take care of self first. This is not self-centered or egotistical behavior, it’s practical common sense, but many feel that they cannot afford to take the time to care for themselves. This is an attitude that needs urgent change. As it changes, and it will because it is part of your awakening process, the percentage of people suffering with ill-health, sickness, or physical injury will decrease dramatically.
Truly, by caring properly for yourselves, you improve the health of all with whom you interact in any way at all.And as you are all presently incarnate to heal yourselves and others, because it is an essential part of the awakening process, all your health issues – whether physical, emotional, psychological, or spiritual – are presenting themselves in your conscious awareness for recognition, healing, and release. Do not hold onto them as though they were an essential aspect of who you are –my poor health – just recognize them, thank them for bringing to your attention “stuff” that you need to release, and then, with loving-kindness, invite them to leave because they have served their purpose most beautifully. With a loving invitation like that from your heart center, they will dissolve, and, because they were in fact unreal, you will then very likely find yourselves more at peace with yourselves than you have ever been.
As so many wise ones, saints, mystics, and those in the spiritual realms who have been sending you a plethora of messages through myriad channels over the years, have frequently told you, the divine Will for all sentient beings, whether they are experiencing themselves as physical or non-physical, is that they live in joy. However, the game in which you engaged, by choosing to incarnate as humans, offers you myriad forms of suffering, and your news channels are constantly offering you the “dramatic news” of other people’s pain and suffering, furthering your sense of fear and lack of safety. This is unreal and unnecessary because, by setting the intent daily to be only loving whatever arises, and renewing it throughout the day whenever it occurs to you to do so, you can and will establish within yourselves a place of peace and joy that will most beautifully alter your perception of your life in human form. When you do this others will be drawn to you by the intense light and love that empowers your energy fields, and which is extended out to all with whom you interact, even for the briefest of moments.
This is why you incarnated at this moment in humanity’s spiritual evolution, at this moment in humanity’s awakening process. You were divinely guided to incarnate at this time to assist in the process by extending love to all in form, and the path that each one of you is following as a human in form is absolutely perfect for this divine task. Your loving intentions affect the whole of humanity, because all those seemingly individual energy fields in which each of you are enfolded as humans are One with Source, as are each of you. And the divine Will is for you all to awaken into the Reality from which you have never been separated, even for an instant, the divine Reality of eternal Joy which the veils or cloaks, that are major aspects of the illusion have, most intentionally because they are the rules of the game, hidden from you for so long.
You are all aware that enormous changes are occurring right now on Planet Earth, because the authoritarian lock-down that the powers that be have imposed worldwide on the global population are giving you a much needed time-out in which to come to know yourselves once more as you truly are – divine beings, eternally beloved children of Mother/Father/God. And this knowing is an ENORMOUS change. This knowing is always present within you, and it is now rising into your conscious awareness so that you can recognize and delight in the totally unconditional loving acceptance in which you are embraced by God in every eternal moment of now.
With so very much love, Saul.
‘Mary’s Shield’:This week Mother Mary started talking and referring to it as ‘Mary’s Shield’ and that’s what this diamond around us is. It’s this layer of protection that we’ve really never had before and it’s this level of reinforcement that is absolutely huge. So, as you recall how this shield works is that its’s like a diamond around us, and it’s clear… it’s not her Blue Diamond… it’s an absolutely clear glass, or diamond, a thick storm glass, or plexiglass. And absolutely everything that is not of love is bouncing off.-Universal Mother-
Universal Mother Mary – What It Means To Be A Mother
You have said, “Mother, I will go and I will be a birther. I will be an agent of change and renewal, and I will anchor love, in form, on planet, in my ascended self.”
May is the month of the Mother, whether you think of the Divine Mother, or Mother Mary, or Quan Yin, her presence is really being felt.
If you remember during our last call, I started talking to you about this new form of diamond shield. This week Mother Mary started talking and referring to it as ‘Mary’s Shield’ and that’s what this diamond around us is. It’s this layer of protection that we’ve really never had before and it’s this level of reinforcement that is absolutely huge. So, as you recall how this shield works is that its’s like a diamond around us, and it’s clear… it’s not her Blue Diamond… it’s an absolutely clear glass, or diamond, a thick storm glass, or plexiglass. And absolutely everything that is not of love is bouncing off. And then what I am seeing at the four corners of that diamond is Mi-ka-el, Raphael, Uriel, Jophiel… they are posted, and their wings are full out in terms of this level of new protection. And, of course, Gabrielle is inside with us, as is the Mother, for that matter.
There is one theme front and center right now, and it is support… reach out and support one another… and take care of yourself. Then, always use your discernment front and center… does it feel like love? If not, step back and be the observer.
So, we can’t start the month of Mary without working with the blue…
So, close your eyes and feel yourself drifting, anchoring, zooming into your heart. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re going down, sliding a fire pillar for firemen, or you’re a penny drifting on the water to your heart. And let go, let go of the week, of the month, of the year… heck, let go of the decade… and go deeper.
Today we’re going to go inside. So, feel within the center of your heart that tiny pin-prick of light, and just like Superman or Wonder Woman, fly through that pin-prick of light, that portal to your heart, and go deep within. And as you stand at the entranceway to your sacred vault, which is usually golden, feel how it’s been washed by Blue Diamond, that the interior of your heart is gold and sparkly blue… sapphires, tanzanite, aqua, lapis, blue topaz. The interior of your heart is absolutely beautiful.
And before you go and sit down, take a moment, take a moment to look around to see what you put on those interior walls. What have you etched… what symbols, what phrases, what paintings, or sculpture? What did you put there to remind yourself of who you are and why you’re here?
We know that our job as lightworkers and love-holders is to hold the center, to be the transmitters of the highest frequency and the highest vibration of love. But each of us has a beautiful, unique way in which we’re doing this. So, look around, look around and take a moment to appreciate your sweet self and at how far you’ve come… and how you’ve never given up, how you’ve always returned to your mission and purpose to fulfill your promise to yourself, and to the Mother/Father/One.
Now, go and find your seat. For some of you it’s a beautiful layered bed, a chair, a throne, a cushion, a hassock. Allow yourself to go and sit down and relax. Bring those shoulders down, relax your jaw, your hips, your knees, your ankles. Feel your feet on the floor of your heart.
And let’s take a couple of deep breaths of the beautiful Mary Blue, that dark midnight blue velvet, in through your nose and hold it… and then blow out, blow out anything that doesn’t feel like love, that doesn’t feel like Mother. Again, in through your nose… [and out]… and feel yourself with each breathe going deeper. Again, one more time…
[breathe in]
, hold it, [and let it out].
And from that depth of your sweet heart we call the Mother forward, and our question to Her this day is really simple… “Mother, what else can I do? Mom, what else can I do to help? What can I do?” And stay within and simply listen, open, and receive. You may hear it. You may intuit it, or simply know it. What else can I do?
And when you have that, staying in your heart, declare yourself, declare your intention which is your prayer. If you’re not sure how you’re going to do it, what’s being asked of you, simply ask Her… She always has the answers. And receive. And I’m simply going to step aside and allow Her to address us…
Greetings, I AM Mare’, Universal Mother, Divine Mother, Mother of One, Mother of All, Mother of Change, Mother of Constancy, and yes, sweet angels of light, make no mistake about it… Mother of you, children of my heart, children of my womb, children of my energy birthed from love, children of change.
This is what you have come for, to implement the change and not merely to hold but to be the constancy of love, of truth, of peace, of joy, of One. I wish to speak to you this day about what it means to be a mother. Soon you will have this celebration called Mother’s Day, and I invite each and every one of you, male, female, child, grandparent, to celebrate your sacred self. Of course, to celebrate your mother, if you so choose, your sisters, your brothers, but to celebrate you as mother.
So often this title, this honor of ‘mother’ is couched in gentleness, and kindness, and comfort, and nurturing, and all of this is true. But what does it mean, the totality of being a mother? First and foremost, it means that you are a willing birther, male or female, that you are willing to birth the new. Yes, my plan is ancient, far beyond anything you can conceive of. But you have turned to me as I have turned to you, and you have said, “Mother, I will go and I will be a birther. I will be an agent of change and renewal, and I will anchor love, in form, on planet, in my ascended self.”
You are not the same person, individual, that you were yesterday, or a year ago, or ten years ago. And you most certainly are not the same person you were ten thousand years ago; and that is not, in any way, to diminish this journey that you have been taking back to me. Has it been easy? No. And that is why I speak of what does it mean to be a mother. It is not merely birthing. Yes, it most certainly is the nurturing. But it is also the sternness, the willingness as a parent to course correct. When you see your children veering in one direction or another that is not in keeping, not just with your vision but with theirs, the most difficult task of a mother is to be that voice of redirection.
One of the most difficult experiences of being a mother is to witness your children going awry or turning away from you, not in the way of assuming their path, their divine authority, their right to a life, but even that is sometimes difficult. To birth, to nurture, to feed, to water, and let go knowing that you have instilled within that being the love, the knowing, the trust that is required. And even when it is difficult to stand back and know in your inner self that the detour is not beneficial… you allow because that is what love does. After surrender comes acceptance, and after acceptance comes further surrender.
When I speak to you of unity and connectedness, of unity consciousness, I am not saying replicas are all march in the same line. I am saying the divine honoring of another’s choices, of another’s experiences, even perceptions, and the trusting that their discernment and their divine authority will lead them back to you, to me, to love. If it is not the choice of any being to not chose the love, or be the love in any given moment, this calls for greater, not lesser trust and love. Because as mother, as birther, you know what you have created; you know, and you trust that this is coming to fulfillment.
So, stand back as mother, as birther, and allow the choices, the decisions… knowing that love will win… it always does. And if you are waffling, if you are uncertain, turn to me as your Mother, as one who knows the trials and the triumphs of being the mother.
I am with you always, and in all ways. Go with my love. Go with my trust. And go with my joy. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.
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