Universal Mother Mary – You are the Fulfillment of The Promise

Greetings, I am Mary, I am Mare’, Universal Mother, Mother of love. Yes, I can give you a litany of the names I go by, but does it not suffice, beloved ones, to simply say I am the Mother of love, and in that I say I am the Mother of all, and in that I say I am the Mother of each and every one of you.

I welcome you and I gather you into my arms and around me, around us, around all, to have this quiet conversation in what some of you have thought of as in the midst of chaos, and what I would say to thee is in the realm of new existence, in the realm of higher octave, in the realm of new beginnings of new cycles of existence.

I ask you, I open the doorway, I invite you, I guide you to enter through this portal, this doorway and to leave what is old and what is truly non-existent behind. Many times I have spoken to thee about what is non-existent, about what is illusion, and what does not have substance that is in any way useful to you. I speak to you about my infinite ocean of time and the fluidity of time where you may swim backwards and forwards. But in this moment, in this eternal moment of my infinite now, I am suggesting to you, I am requesting of thee…do not look back!

There are times for the contemplation of what has gone beforehand, and you have had such a period of time, and you will have that again. But in this day, in this moment, I ask you to gaze forward and to gaze forward with clear intent and the acuity of your inner vision and knowing.

We have spent years, and indeed we have spent eons sharing and guiding and teaching, retooling, uplifting, attuning, infusing each and every one of you with the energy of love and that which is necessary for you to go forth…each of you…as Nova Beings, as Creator Race, as angels in form, as hybrids in form, as portals and gatekeepers and Earthkeepers. It matters not, beloveds, how you identify yourselves or even how you are identified throughout the multiverse, the omniverse.

What is important as you take this forward thrust is that you know and you embrace the truth of who you are. No more self-sabotage, no more group sabotage, no more embrace of that which is truly illusion and of the old false grids and paradigms, for they do not serve you and you have come to your own realization and a depth of heart knowing that, in fact, those old illusions do not serve you and you embrace the new. And what is the new except the essential that has always been.

There are times when you have said to me or to my beloved archangels, “Well, I work within the old grid. I work with the old paradigms because that is simply the way things are.” What I suggest to thee, beloved, is that is not of truth. That is not how things are! The truth of love, the truth of creation, the truth of your essence, the truth of my essence has never been of disarray, of hatred or greed or selfishness or fear, of lack or limitation, so that is not the way things are. That has been an absolute misconception of reality. And you have grown and you have matured and some of you would say, “Yes, I have seen through the chaos and I have seen through the illusion.”

It is not adequate to simply see through it or recognize it. It is vitally important, essential, to see what is ahead of you, underneath that illusion…inside. And of course the only way to truly discover and embrace that truth, that reality, that love, is through the knowing of your beautiful sweet self, of the immutable self that does not truly shift or change.

Your essence is and always has been love and that everything else in this journey of being in form and of being the truth and the implementers of the Divine Plan is you in form being the love.

Now, I may speak this clearly because you are at the level of existence where you can truly understand, comprehend, integrate, anchor, and bring into action and form that which I speak of. So often when I have said to you, “If it does not look like love, if it does not feel like love, if it does not smell like love, then why would you engage it, why would you proceed?” And you have truly come to a place, yes, through your own growth, might I suggest with a little help from your friends – human and otherwise – to come to a place in your Divine Authority, in your essential truth and right, in your birthright, where you do not want, choose, decide, anything that is abhorrent, that is not of love. You are placing yourself by choice, in alignment with Divine Will beyond choice.

Now, that does not mean that the direction of the human race is to become robotic, mechanical. If anything, sweet ones, you have become far more electrical and your light bodies are shining brightly.

What do you choose to do as you enter and truly begin to anchor this new realm of existence, this new expanded way of being, where you think with your heart and act from your will? What do you choose to do? When I pose this question to you I do not think, my beloveds, there is a single one of you that would say to me, “Well, Mother, what I would like to do is to continue in the path of endurance, in a path of struggle because that has made me so strong.” And, yes, that is in many ways true and it has certainly assisted in your desire and choice to receive the gifts of clarity that I have given you. But you were never intended, indefinitely or infinitely, to struggle, to practice endurance.

Fortitude is not a struggle; it is a strength. It is a way of being. Faith and Trust are not struggles, they are simply a form of existence that are the various reflections of love and joy. And so, in this time of new beginnings, I ask of each of you, in your infinite wisdom which we respect and love and cherish, “What do you choose? What is your intention? What is your heart’s desires?”

When I pose this query to thee I am not suggesting…in fact, I do not truly wish to hear a response that is pat, a response that is “Well, I wish to heal the world; I wish to save the world.” Your world is your inner landscape and the mechanics of such a statement do not speak to the beginning point of your heart, your choices, your decisions, your actions, and your truth. So, let me phrase this in a different way…My beloved children, creations of my heart, what do you hold dear to you?

I am encouraging you, I am guiding you to make this beginning point of your new beginning very personal. What is dear to your heart? What is dear to your life? What is of ultimate importance to you? Your answer is close to you. Yes, for many of you it is to simply feel the divine presence within thee and your connection, your infinite, ultimate connection to us – the Godhead – more clearly, more perfectly, more consistently. It is also to be in divine union, in sacred union, more deeply with yourself, with your partner, with your family, with your friends, with your community.

You do not go about saving the world and have no regard for those you cherish. That is how you express, how you experience love, and what it looks like, what this paradigm of Nova Being in Nova Community on Nova Earth looks like. So, before you jump over the moon, take time to identify what is dear to you, what is the reflection that, in fact, builds upon your quintessential truth? What is the love that, in fact, acts as the catalyst for your quantum leap? It has need to be in that expansion of your heart wisdom, in the expansion of your wisdom vision.

We did not spend years speaking to you about Divine Union, Divine Authority, Divine Knowing, your Inspired Self, the New You, we did not spend years speaking of these things so they could be set aside. No, it is to be integrated and in this integration, the starting point of creation, which you are in this phase – this is the next chapter, is what is dear to you.

What is so precious to yourself, not merely as divine being but as man and woman and human being, what is so dear to you, so precious to you, that you wish to expand upon it and you want that experience of that miraculous sense to be shared far and wide? What are you choosing in the personal realm to build upon, to bring your attention to, to align your will with? That is the intention!

These choices are not merely universal, it is your expression of the universe within your sacred heart, and that is how you carry forth. You have done…even as I have said to you “do not look back”…I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge, praise, commend, celebrate victories of this past year where you have gone forth. And the biggest victory is the ability to expand your discernment. This is why in my tsunami, that I have focused the gifts of clarity and purity…purity of thought, purity of discernment, the purity of grace, the sense of child-like wonder and awe and inspiration…that you have learned to stand back from “that is not of truth” and send the energy of love into the melee.

In this new chapter, this new realm of existence, there are still going to be incidents of chaos but it is not internal; it is not something you are engaging in. You are the participant observer insofar as you send the purity of what is dear to you into those situations and you stand back and you watch them dissolve. This is the power of creation!

Think of it…do you really think, sweet angels of light, that I reached down and engaged the fullness of my energy in what is abomination, that I involve myself in hatred? No. There are times when it has spun around while some have learned very critical lessons. I have always, and always will, send my love, send my emissaries, send my warriors of light, to penetrate that darkness, for that is nothing short of the fulfillment of My Plan, but I do not engage it. Why would I put my Divine energy into something that is not of love?

And so I say to you, these are lessons and approaches to creation that you have very well learned in the past years. That is not where energies are focused as we go forward because you are reaching for what is dear, until such time as the entire planet, not some amorphous idea but the entire planet, every baby, every hair, every blade of grass, every pebble, every drop of water in every ocean, is dear to you. But first, what is personally dear to you.

Creation is not hasty. If you have learned one thing gathered around me, that is it. Creation is instantaneous and immediate but it is never hasty. There is such jubilation at this time, not merely of fulfillment, but of the new. You are the fulfillment of the promise and the promise, the word, the energy, has always been love.

Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.

This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted. [Full terms of copyright at https://counciloflove.com/copyright-notice/

You will find your freedom. Because freedom is what your destiny is, what your right is. Freedom. Freedom to be whoever you are. Freedom to reach to the very stars above you. Freedom to become the highest good within you that you can be in the moment. It is your birthright. It is your destiny. It is The Plan.-Sananda-

SANANDA  (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda.   I am here at this time, and in these moments to continue this awakening process with all of you.  To continue to guide you, assist you wherever that is possible.

You all have a saying, “the times they are a-changing.”  And these times are certainly about that.  It is about change.  It is about awakening.  It is about remembering who you are.

But not only you, the Light-workers and warriors, but the Collective Consciousness as well must come along.  And you are the Way-showers to bring this about.

But you can only do so much.  You can only do what you are able to do in the moment.  Do not feel in any way if you are not making a dent.  If you are not making a difference.  Do not condemn yourself for this.  For you must awaken first, and then assist others in their awakening as they are ready to do so.

But as you are finding out, not all are ready at this time.  Not all come to understand what you have come to understand.  So many are still continuing to sleep.  So many are continuing to be within their slumber, and have been for many, many lifetimes, and continuing in this one.

But do not fear at all that everything is not going to change, because it is.  You are coming out of the storm.  The storm is upon you now, and you have been in the eye of the storm.  Many of you have been very comfortable there.

But the comfort is now leaving for many of you.  You are finding that you can no longer be in that storm and be comfortable in it.  You must go beyond it, now.  You must realize that everything is certainly happening for a reason and being orchestrated.  And that The Plan is continuing to be in the works.  Do not despair, as many of you are tending to do, now.

Many of you find yourselves becoming ensconced again within the three-dimensional illusion at times. But at other times you realize that you can come to your center within you and you can feel the Universal Source of your being fully enveloped within you.  And in those times, you realize that everything is exactly as it needs to be, and you are in the exact place in that moment that you need to be there.

So have heart, people.  Have heart that you are moving ahead exactly as you need to right now.  There is nothing to be concerned about, even though it appears that all around you are bringing concern to the picture.  All around you are continuing to hold fear.

But is up to you, the Light-workers and warriors, to help to extinguish that fear, to help to raise it to be higher vibrational frequencies within you, and to help them as well to come out of that fear.  Not in a way that is detrimental to you.  We would never suggest to take a chance like that to bring anything to you that is not for your better and highest good.  But know that as you are working for your highest good and for the highest good of all around you, that you have everyone’s best interest in mind.

So continue to trust in The Plan because it is exactly The Plan that you have been a part of creating for many thousands of years.  And that plan is coming to a culmination now.  It is not far off at all, where you will find salvation, and all around you will find that salvation as well.

You will find your freedom.  Because freedom is what your destiny is, what your right is.  Freedom.  Freedom to be whoever you are.  Freedom to reach to the very stars above you.  Freedom to become the highest good within you that you can be in the moment.  It is your birthright.  It is your destiny.  It is The Plan.

I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and harmony, and joy.  And ask you each one now to continue to reach out to your brother and sister, to reach out and bring them the Light whenever they ask for it.

How to Strengthen your Mind | El Morya via Sharon Stewart

Yes, I am El Morya, and I am here to speak to you on this question.

How do you strengthen your minds?

You have powerful minds but at the moment, for many, they have not been exercised enough. As you work out your cardio, your legs and your abdominals, so should you work out your minds. Those who practise in the ancient arts of judo, tai-kwan doe and more, understand that the body responds to the mind and the real strength of the fighter is in the mind.

In your western societies, you strengthen your bodies without strengthening your minds. For neither is it likely that you must defend against accost as generally, your world has moved away from that, however to be fit is a goal for all. However, the holistic approach to fitness is to have a keen mind that is the driver of the body. And in the west, you have flabby minds.

Me: LOL. I know he’s going to use me as a subject!

ElM: If you wish.

Me: Why not? Ivo does too.

ElM: When I say that you have a flabby mind, my child, it is because you think as an overweight person would; you believe yourself to be overweight, and so your mind directs your body to comply. It has nothing to do with the food you eat as much as it has to do with the way you think. You understand that in your 20’s you used creative visualization, after having read Shakti Gawain’s book, to help you lose 30 pounds. You were visualizing this weight loss and in so doing, directed your body to comply.

Me: Yes, I remember that. I think I was a size 10 or 12 after that. I wish.

ElM: So, as well with your financial situation. You think as an impovershed victim of your circumstances at times and so you create the circumstances you fear. Your thinking is fear based. You paid this month for a large car appointment and then your feline became ill. So we worked on retrieving the health of your feline and he is back to his cantankerous self, attacking your hand as you go to pet him. He has only sneezed once today so I would say that our healing him was very effective indeed. You were right to call me. I am here to show you your power. I am the chohan of the blue ray and you are a blue ray that has forgotten her way.

Me: Well, please show us all, Father.

ElM: Your minds are very strong, when it comes to creating fear. You have been schooled your entire lives in learning and expressing fear, and now you must turn your minds around and learn to express power. You are on this path, my child, and I am here to help you.

Brother Ivo has gone into much detail about the expressions of fear in your lives: arrogance, manipulation, control, lack of belief in oneself, personalizing life, blaming all on yourself… so many things, however as you clear those from your mind and begin to step into your power, you will find you have flabby mental muscles.

At one point again, my child, you were reading, “Wisdom of the Mystic Masters,” by Joseph Reed, and this Rosicrucian master gave the practise that was necessary to improve your mind. He had you hold numbers in your head and multiply them, he had you focusing on colours in your mind and holding that focus, he had you memorizing paragraphs from books and reciting them. This is practising your lower mind to strengthen it.

To strengthen one’s lower mind is to prepare the proper ground for your soul to manifest itself through you in the physical. With a weak, flabby mind, your soul can not do much. You must prepare the body and the mind to house your higher being, and this is done through physical exercise and proper nutrition, and then through memorization and retention of one’s focus. You say that you cannot hold an image long in your mind’s eye before it changes. Were you able to do so you would be able to portray extraterrestrials you see as your friend Christine does. She is an amazing artist because she can naturally hold an image in her mind. When you paint, you work from a picture or photo. You must paint from your mind, dispense with the photo. Attempt to paint what you see in your mind. You did so yesterday as you were shown as scene of what is above your city. The image of the barracks and the spheric tower containing fluids was there, and you retained the blacktop. You saw the black and the white, however, the colours were not there for you.

Me: Yes.

ElM: So you must continue to use your mind to see what your higher mind sees. In more abundant colour, holding the images longer, keeping your focus. To do this, training by doing simple and then more complicated math exercises in your head, without writing down the numbers, is how you can begin. Hold a colour in your mind. Hold an image from your past. Hold an image of what you would like your world to look like. Hold a fantasy image in your mind, move around within it and describe it in words. This brings it into the mental mind.

Always describe the image in words as you are viewing or creating it. This works the left hemisphere in tandem with the right hemisphere. It makes it harder to hold, but this practise should be done.

Do you see what I am intending?

Me: Yes, I get it. Getting the two hemispheres to work together. Strengthening the left hemisphere.

I think a lot of people could just work to keep thoughts from wandering. I know at times that when I meditate that I’m getting a lot of thought interference.

ElM: That is because you are in the lower dimensions. When you take your meditation into the upper dimensions, you cease to experience “noise” and “head chatter” from your lower mind. This mind has to be silenced. It has to work for you, not against you. So it takes practise at these exercises.

Should you not do so, your lower mind will continue to work against your progress by distracting you, upsetting you and reducing your frequency. It must be put in alignment with your will for it, not its will for you.

ElM: You must learn that much of what your lower mind involves itself with is external to you. You share your lower mind with your controllers who beam waves of energy in to mesmerize the population and so you have many thoughts that do not suit a higher purpose. Why give them heed? Ignore them.

Me: I do.

ElM: They will not stop. You must ignore them. This is mind control, externalized thought control of your minds that is being introduced, and you must learn to control your mind such that you do not hear the thoughts, in the same way that you at one time ignored your higher mind in favour of listening to these internalized transmissions. Do you understand?

Me: Yes, both are possible.

ElM: Exactly. Listen to your god mind. Hold that intention. Train your lower mind to listen to higher thoughts and ignore the transmissions of mind control. It can be done and your people are ready to do this. Especially you.

Me: Yes.

ElM: Any practise where focus is brought to an object, memorization of passages, retention of images within the mind, is good practise for your mind. Be sure that this practise is one of higher awareness, and not a focus on anything degrading to another, pornographic, or of ill will, otherwise this will be released from your mind by your higher self. Focus on the image of a flower, perhaps, a bird, a baby’s face. In doing so, you also open the heart and have practise keeping it open as well.

This is another way you strengthen your mind – your heart mind. You focus on keeping the mind conditioned and the heart loving.

It is time.

I am your father, here for you at your behest.

I AM El Morya


Do you believe that to create new circumstances for yourself that you must move your physical circumstances. But in fact you can spend your entire life where you are and just continue to attract to you that what you wish to have. Physical movement is not required.-El Morya – El Morya via Sharon Stewart-

Overcoming Limitations | El Morya via Sharon Stewart

I am El Morya and I have a message for you of the Light.

You do not recognize your strength. Every day, you put so much effort into strengthening your body but you do not realize that you must strengthen your mind as well.

The strongest part of you is your mind, not your body. Your body was created by your mind. Your mind is the driving force of consciousness upon your planet. Your consciousness is filtered down through your mind and your mind decides what it will perceive and what it will not perceive.

You could realistically change your entire world right now. Many of you have crossed your countries, going ocean to ocean or ocean to land, and you have created an entirely new world for yourself in having made that move. Had you stayed where you were, circumstances would have remained the same unless of course, you change your mind. Your mind is what brings new circumstances to your life.

When you believe that you can alter the weather, you can alter the weather. When you believe you can resist the virus, then you can resist the virus. It is simply what you believe.

What you fear comes through to you for resolution because this is not part of Christ. You are christ and what is not part of you, when you create something that is not a part of your truth, you are resisting yourself. Truth is a part of who you are. Truth is the rule upon which you function in the same way that your world functions with natural laws – you have trees, you have birds, you have water, you have animals, dirt and land…. these are the rules of your world, and your world of your consciousness is truth. There is your world.

You are creatures of God, you are part of God and you must stand in your own Light. To do otherwise is to fail yourself and to fail the world in which you live. There is no choice. You must do so. Now is the time, particularly now, as this world needs you now. You must do whatever you can, but the first thing you must do is to stop believing that you are limited. You are unlimited. Because God is unlimited. Do you see limits in God? No, there are rules but these are not limits, but God is unlimited and so are you.

Anything you desire, you can create. When you desire a world free of viruses, of suffering, of struggling, then you can create that world by focusing on it. You must know with absolute surety that you can create it. You are all being tested to remove your doubts, to remove your fears because doubt comes from fears, and bring God into your life, because you are a god.

You are a powerful being. You must exercise this power now.

It is that simple.

I remain El Morya.

Do you believe that to create new circumstances for yourself that you must move your physical circumstances. But in fact you can spend your entire life where you are and just continue to attract to you that what you wish to have. Physical movement is not required.

But if I want a bigger house?

I ask him and my response is.

Your house is a limitation that you set upon yourself. Your life is about overcoming your limitations so when you set a life of limitation up for yourself, then you must overcome this limitation.

Okay so if I want a bigger house … that’s true, many just create a bigger house all the time. Build onto what you have, or maybe the landlord will sell the apartment building and you can take 2 units.

When you limit yourself, look to see if there is a way that you can change your circumstances using your mind, not your body

Thank you El Morya.

So I have another question for you, Father.

I am here.

I want to get a house but it has to be one where Ivo and other galactics can land their ships. I live in a city with people around me so landing a ship isn’t possible here. How would I deal with that? The galactics don’t want to be seen by the general public and need a place that’s remote, and they also specified near water.

ElM: So there are physical parameters which are specified which requires your moving.

Me: Yes. So there’s no way to create that where I am.

ElM: No. You are creating that right now in knowing that there is a house which is waiting for you to purchase which fits your requirements but now physical movement is necessary.

Me: Ah! So you’re saying that changing things with your mind doesn’t work in all cases.

ElM: You in fact have a time limit.

Me: Yes, like before I die.

ElM: Otherwise you could create that circumstance where you are. However you are limited by your physicality in the respect of time. You only live so long. So this does require physical movement.

My information to you was based on many aspects of your life. I see you have moved many times in your life and this was not all necessary.

Me: Howso?

ElM: Had you used your mind you could have quieted noisy neighbours, so this accounts for the majority of problems you encountered in your places of dwelling, does it not?

Me: It does. There were many noise problems.

ElM: So then, using your mind to still their need to create noise or their stress, anxiety and other such emotions that seek outlet can be done through the power of your mind.

Your people engage in much physical movement and wishful thinking. As it happens, you created a much quieter place of dwelling for yourself now in your last move.

Me: I needed it.

ElM: You could have attracted quieter tenants for the last apartment. Movement was not necessary.

Me: There were laundry soap issues too.

ElM: Ah yes. This could have been dealt with as well at a higher metaphysical level. Yes, perhaps purchasing soap and distributing it to all tenants who used the washing room beneath you would be one solution. As it is, your desire to have the tenants upstairs removed from the building was effective because they did move.

Me: Yes. Took a while.

ElM: To speed up these circumstances, have a more positive mindset. It directs more energy towards the magnetization of the goal.

Me: What are some other examples of this, taking some from my past for example.

ElM: You now desire a washing machine.

Me: Yes, I have a dryer and no washer. LOL

ElM: You can magnetize one for free.

Me: How so?

ElM: They are there. It is possible. Charity is given daily. But you understand your feelings when I said the word “charity” and you see that you would not wish to have a free washer because it is charity. You believe in giving, but not in receiving.

Me: Yes.

ElM: So you would prefer to pay a minimal sum. That is the solution you think best, so you are limiting your choices.

Me: Yes.

ElM: For the advanced student of alchemy, there is the changing of energy into other atomic structures. St Germaine speaks of turning ore into gold and this can be done by all of you. You believe a process of high pressure is the only way to turn coal into gold but that is nonsense. Your science is limited and it makes you believe in limitations. It has been done already by some upon earth – the changing of ore into gold. Water into wine. Pulling a rabbit out of a hat, so to speak. Magic is very possible.

You have shut off your computer with your mind as it has a crystal chip in it. Understand that as all your technology becomes more crystalline, you can effect it yourselves. It is a question of learning to work with it, and that has to do with frequency. When in a bad mood, you find your computer acting up. Even the software changes screens, shuts down, etc. This is due to your mood.

Me: I find my ethernet cable doesn’t work as well as the wifi.

ElM: Because you wake up in a bad mood, my child. You are affecting the chip and the limited connection is more affected than wifi which can work independently of your mood.

Me: LOL Waking up with low blood sugar.

ElM: Try re-inserting the ethernet cable when your mood has improved. It will function better. You have no idea of the impact your fields have on devices around you.

Me: Thanks. This is very interesting. If I can think of any other examples to ask you, may I?

ElM: Of course. I stop at nothing to show you your godly self.

Me: Thank you, Father.

ElM: I AM El Morya.



Today at 18h00 Central European Time,I am joining the world’s largest DJ Live Stream Event Playing a House Set with the intention to raise the frequency for the highest good for all.Take off your shoes and join us in this collective Dance Cercle.

#Covid19Fundraiser :Donations welcome at www.SetforLove.org
