Tag Archives: EnergyUpdate

UPDATE 21 Sep.2020.

Dear Feel More Than Fine Tribe,Light Workers,Light Warriors and Starseeds i feel it is good time at this stage to give you small update from my perspective as to where we stand in our Ascension journey as a collective.Individually only you know depending on what you feel mostly resonates with you as your joy and truth of living your life.And a rule one for those of you that come on this website is to always feel good at every now.Can this be always possible?no, because there are always more Love & Light energies pummeling the planet requesting from you and each and everyONE to receive those.So for some, it may feel as resistance while for others is that can read the signs it is much smoother because they are sensitive enough to feel a spike on the schumann resonance (which is of course the result of doing your inner work with discipline and daily :meditation and affirmations and practicing alignment with your higher self which represents the highest form of joy emanating from our being).

And so as withIN so withOUT.

The more of us doing the work the more Light and Love can reach the planet as we affect millions around us through entrainment.

One person connected to source is more powerful than millions who are not-Abraham Hicks-

And at this time there are millions around the planet doing this work which for itself is amazing news.
Here at Feel More Than Fine we have been focusing mainly on 2 global meditations taking place on SUNdays on 3 different times and Daily with Jared Rand at 3PM EAST(Check category on the website) and 4 years now being on this train we can feel our collective power and the shifts that are taking place thanks to our our beautiful dedicated groups of Light Workers.

And in this now what truly works for me to keep me always high in my energies as much as possible during my days&nights is to practice sacred breathing for 7 times as many times as i can remember when i walk or prepare food or even do my yoga:
I Inhale God’s Pure Source Oxygen
I Assimilate God’s Pure Source Oxygen
I Exhale God’s Pure Source Oxygen
I Expand God’s Pure Source Oxygen

-(Patricia Cota Robles)-

Now in the collective level i feel we are reaching a place where the masses are truly waking up and this is the main reason we have been preparing for eons of times to be the eye in the storm, the eye of joy and the eye of peace : AA Gabriel reminds us to not be concerned if for some of us feel detached from outside events.It is ok to be on that place and it is ok to find our joy in every now.This is the category where i belong personally honouring by the same Feel More Than Fine lifestyle, which is not about being selfish but about being selFULL.Full of Love,Full of Light,Full of Joy:holding the space for that for the collective.
And when we observe the outside events, too many of them to mention, you all have your medias and you all have your own filters to perceive reality, the one thing that i want to bring your attention here is the
N.E.S.A.R.A. / G.E.S.A.R.A. Mission Statement :

To assist each and everyone on their Ascension path so it is firmly grounded on planet Earth

The reason is Ascension from Human to Galactic, from Carbon Based to Crystalline Based Cells.
The delivery of funds is to make everyone’s life easy on the planet.
This has been denied to humanity on September 2001,which was the main reason of the collapse of NYC twin towers.And Trump is doing an amazing work in bringing this forward with the support of the Alliance and Galactic Federation of Light by gradually bringing in the Restored Republic in the U.S.A. who’s constitution has been signed by the founding fathers through Divine Intervention with no other than Saint Germain who passed through the walls and convinced the founding fathers with an epic speech to sign the constitution in 1776.And since the time of JFK in the 60’s it has been looking for ways to express and has been opposed with success.But not any longer, we can clearly see the results of our collective unified consciousness now and the more we are in this Knowledge,feeling into it the more it gives us all the signs with Clarity and True Understanding.This is our Collective Vortex Sisters and Brothers.
All this to share with you, that whatever takes place in the coming months, do not allow this to enter your being.Be the observer and further more Observe less and Imagines more as You are the creator of your reality and nobody can take this from you!

You are Source Energy GOD being Creator ,You are GOD and with GOD.


Wherever you stand in your Ascension journey and if you managed to read this far here means that you are doing Stellar Work.Each and everyone on the planet, has been chosen to be in the here and now, as the ones who were the most gifted of all souls with highest possibility to make this journey of Ascension a success.And Victory of Light is already at hand as confirmed by Mother God.Yet the way to go there’s shifting depending on the collective’s energy.
If each and everyONE on the planet did a synchronised sacred breathing for 9 times our reality would shift very rapidly to the higher dimensions of New Earth/Golden Age of Existence –Prime Creator-
And this is the journey that each and everyone is on ,wherever we stand in our Ascension.
If we truly want to make physical contact with our Galactic Families,we must first unite.And when i see, the many not doing their inner work, i keep in mind one last chance for them:The Event if their soul chooses to go through this.Free Will always at hand for all to use for each Soul.
A planet where all children are safe and sound, where all homeless have homes, where no-one needs to do a work they don’t like for a living(Basic Universal Income), where Free Energy is used for all purposes,where One can heal any condition in less than 3’ or rejuvenating from 90 to 25 years through the use of Celestial Chambers, where jobs are being created to serve the true reason of our existence which is Ascension and Joy of existence and expression that do no harm to self and all others, where we travel from London to Mount Shasta in one hour ,where all have abundance of wholesome organic foods,where all life,all animals and all plant kingdom is respected,with much more greener cities and communities,where each and everyONE is aware of their Oneness with GOD, is much closer than we can conceive in our minds.In fact it is in plain sight if we feel for these very things i am mentioning.

Instant Manifestation!Feeling into the frequency of what I/WE Want in the now.Isn’t Life Just Amazing/Awesome/Grant???Hallelujah!!!!
I Love You aaaaaaaaaaaand

Feel More Than Fine Always!!!!

Nikos Akrivos