Tag Archives: arcturians
New Moon Total Solar Eclipse Manifestation For The Highest Good For All. #444Hz (#528Hz) #432Hz
Those of you who have been able to sort out the different energies, forces, and so on that are present there are able to do some very good creating.
Making Powerful Use of Energies & Forces ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are engaging with so many different forces, so many different energies, all the time that we have found it to be challenging for us to make sense of what we are dealing with. That is the chaos of planet Earth. The chaos is due to the fact that you have so many different energies, so many different forces among you, and you have been charged with the task of sifting through them all, using the ones that are beneficial to you and discarding the rest. You are being asked to discover which energy and which force to employ in any given moment or for a particular desire of yours.
And what makes it more challenging for you than it is for us is that you have the limitations of your mind. You often misuse your mind in an attempt to figure something out. There are also attempts to make sense of why something even exists in the first place by the mind, and with its limited capacity, your minds often come up short. That is why you have your feeling senses, your intuition.
That is why people who talk about energy and vibration usually make good decisions. They usually find themselves in the right place at the right time, because they are going into that power center within, which is located in your heart space and in your solar plexus. These two areas are your power center, and they enable you to feel into a situation, or a person, an opportunity, or even a room, to determine whether it is appropriate for you to engage in that particular energy at this particular time you are in.
Those of you who have been able to sort out the different energies, forces, and so on that are present there are able to do some very good creating. You are able to help yourselves and others because of your willingness to engage at that level, a level that goes beyond what you can think with your mind. And when you are willing to reach for the energy and feel for the vibration, your mind becomes clearer, because you have unburdened it. You have given it the opportunity to relax. This is what meditation is as well.
When you meditate, feel for the energies inside of you, around you, and know that you can make powerful use of them and direct them to be what you want them to be when you simply clear your head and you feel for that force within you that is so powerful, so creative, and so expansive. Those of you who have been at this for a while know exactly what we are talking about, and some of you just need to be reminded from time to time that you exist in a sea of energy and that the only force worth using in any situation is the force of love.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
You have awakened, and now it is time to flex that power to create, and you are so much more powerful when you are united.

New Alliances, Blueprints & Templates to Come ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are ready and willing to partner with any of the other collectives throughout this galaxy of ours for the purpose of assisting humanity there on Earth at this time. We have never felt more dedicated to the cause of assisting you in raising your vibration, and we have already partnered with so many collectives, including Pleiadians, Andromedans, Lyrans, Sirians, and Cassiopeians. We also call upon the Archangels and Ascended Masters on your behalf, as we know we can channel their energy into our collective and then act as a sort of magnifying glass to project that energy down to planet Earth.
The energies upon you right now are intense because you all have gotten very intense, and you have called upon these same collectives and higher-dimensional beings for assistance many times. We understand that partnering up makes us stronger and helps us to realize more of who we really are as Source Energy, as All-That-Is. Right now, our focus is on assisting those like you who are awake, aware, and ready for more, because you are willing to unite with your fellow humans to bring about the great changes that are coming to planet Earth. And the great changes are coming, but it is up to all of you to create that change that you want to see on your world.
Yes, you are there to open up and receive as much as you can, but you are also there to focus on what it is you want to see in society, in the global arena, and sometimes you do need to take certain actions in order to connect the dots between all of the lightworkers, gridworkers, and wayshowers across the planet. You have done so much already for humanity, but you really are just beginning to see how real change is made there on Earth, as the times you are living in have forced many to reach out and form bonds that they would not have otherwise have formed.
This is the time for those of you who are awake to follow our lead and form new alliances, just as we are seeking to form new alliances here from our lofty perch here in the ninth dimension. We will send you the templates and the blueprints, the instruction manual, if you will, on how to work together to maximize your power and strength as a unified whole, as the collective you were always meant to be.
You have awakened, and now it is time to flex that power to create, and you are so much more powerful when you are united. And that is why we always stress that forgiveness, compassion, and unconditional love are far more valuable tools for you to have at the ready right now than finger pointing, and accusing, and looking for those you can lock up. It is time to start to see the world as it truly is, a reflection of everything that is inside of you, and we know you can do this. We have a tremendous amount of faith in you as we see how you respond to our energies all the time.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
the energies upon you right now are all about scrambling your minds so that you will stop going down a negative or divisive train of thought.
Mind Altering Energies to End 2020 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been anticipating this time that humanity is in for a while. We have been eager to see what you would do with the energies that are upon you now, and we are very happy to report that they are having the desired effect. You are beginning to settle down, relax more, and realize that you have to come together as a unified collective if you want to go to the next level of your spiritual evolution. That means putting your beliefs aside and operating from your hearts.
And so, the energies upon you right now are all about scrambling your minds so that you will stop going down a negative or divisive train of thought, and these energies will put your consciousness right smack dab in the middle of your heart if you let them. If you can let go of the need to be right and to know what is happening, you can find that heart-centered place that cares more about your fellow humans who are suffering right now than it does about whether you are on the right side of a topic or an issue.
You are going to see more and more people setting aside their differences to help their fellow humans because that is what puts you on the track of ascension that is easiest and most joyous. It is also the path of ascension that is most inclusive. So you have to set aside the us-versus-them mentality and open your hearts to everyone, regardless of who they are, what they think, what they say, what they believe, and which theories they are spreading around on social media.
You can be the awakened collective that includes all, embraces all, and sees none of your fellow humans as your enemies. That’s what the world needs now and that’s what the energies upon you are going to be nudging you towards. As we have said previously, you are the ones to bring humanity to the next level of your ascension. You are the ones to move past the petty disagreements and to take humanity further than you have been before. You have this ability to tap in to such a huge amount of compassion because of what you have been living there in the year 2020, and you also have the ability to open up to all of the healing energies that are coming in from above.
And you can be the conduits for that healing energy. You can be what humanity needs at this time. When you ground in healing energies for your fellow humans, you are being of service, you are living your purpose, and you are becoming the answer that humanity has been looking for throughout this entire calendar year.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Rejoice even in the midst of dark events for these things reflect earth’s journey out of density and the processes bringing change.-The Arcturian Collective-
Dear readers, welcome to our message.
All is proceeding according to plan although it may not seem that way when observed with three dimensional eyes and through concepts about how a spiritually evolving universe should look.
Over eons of time, dark energies became deeply embedded allowing them to penetrate every aspect of life on earth. Generation after generation has been and still is being taught that duality and separation are the reality. These energies are gradually surfacing in order to be recognized for what they represent and eventually clear as people cease energetically feeding, maintaining, and sustaining them for this is all that holds them in place.
Most people are experiencing high levels of anxiety at this time. Do not resist these feelings in the false belief that as an awakened person you shouldn’t have these types of emotions. Simply acknowledge them, remember that they are always impersonal, and then move on. Worry and anxiety are not qualities of Source and therefore have no law to support them.
As you evolve, your energy changes and begins to vibrate at a higher frequency causing you to automatically be more sensitive to the energy of people, places, and things. This can result in experiencing emotions like fear, anger, anxiety, etc. that are not yours. Be alert not claim them as yours, but simply allow them to pass through and out with out giving them power.
We are aware of what most of you are feeling during these times and we say to you that all is proceeding according to plan. Do not get involved in the energy of outer appearances but rather stand back as an observer, not denying or trying to change, heal, and correct appearances but rather as a watcher watching from a place of detached awareness, conscious of the reality underlying all things.
is a spiritual universe peopled with children of God and governed by
Love. However, the majority are still hypnotized by appearances to the
contrary. Try to remember always that everything you see, hear, taste,
touch, and smell are concepts of a spiritual reality that is being
translated by the hypnotized collective mind as being good or bad
according to current duality and separation belief.
When you find yourself reacting to some thing or some person in a
negative way use the occasion to honestly examine your beliefs.
Accumulated obsolete three dimensional beliefs often remain unknown and
deeply hidden in consciousness until something occurs to activate and
bring awareness to them. It is at this point that you simply and with no
guilt or resistance, ask yourself; “What am I believing that is making
me feel this way?”
There are no pairs of opposites in Reality, good appearances are just as illusory as the bad ones. Reality is spiritual but most have not yet attained a level of energetic resonance capable of aligning with higher resonating frequencies and so believes they do not exist. This is why a great deal of trust is necessary during these present times. Not a continuing trust in government, organized religion, friends, family, or the so called experts, but a trust in truth, that the reality is and always has been One omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent Divine Consciousness manifesting ITself as all that is.
Since God/Divine Consciousness is all that is, IT is and always has been the only cause and therefore the only effect. Ponder this.
Awakening to truth does not mean you suddenly stop living your life. You are on earth at this time to evolve into enlightenment while in physical form, not to deny, hate, or try and avoid humanhood as some religions teach. The days of convents and monasteries with rigid rules and regulations regarding spirituality are long past. Mankind is ready to learn how to be in the world, but not of it.
Enlightenment simply means living each day from your highest attained level of awareness which then allows more truth to unfold. Do what needs to be done–go to work, cook dinner, wash dishes, mow the lawn, perform surgery, teach, repair cars or do absolutely nothing…but do it conscious of the fact that all activity is spiritual, with none being more spiritual than another. Yes, we realize that many activities have become perverted by human minds, but the reality is that activity is how individuals express the innate qualities of Source that lie within them.
There will always be some people you dislike which frequently comes as the result of some past life interaction having nothing to do with the present. Other times it is because certain individuals seem totally out of sync with your belief system. Do not judge yourself or them as bad or un-spiritual but rather bring to mind that no one is good or evil in and of themselves since God is the reality of every individual. Know that they are hypnotized and acting out from impersonal false beliefs based in duality and separation regarding themselves and others.
This does not mean you try to be best friends, or ignore what may be troublesome or hurtful actions on their part but rather means that after you remember the truth about them, you then take whatever human footsteps may be required. Being a loving and spiritually empowered person never means being another’s doormat, nor does it mean “walking on eggs” in order to keep a false sense of peace. Silently greet every person you meet as the Christ, and send Light to those far or near in the realization that they “know not what they do”.
The need for laws and jails will exist for awhile yet, but the collective is becoming increasingly aware that actions and solutions based in unconditional love serve to rehabilitate and heal better than force and aggression.
It is a powerful time to be on earth because the ascension process now taking place is allowing souls to heal and complete issues that they may have been carrying though lifetimes. Many wanted to come but were not permitted for some reason or another. Much is yet to come that will awaken increasingly more individuals and give credence to what we are saying.
Many are and more will yet suffer and even die during this process, but know that most are volunteers who lovingly chose to assist in awakening the people of earth. For some, their experiences were karmic completions chosen to be done publicly for others to see and learn from. For others it is a personal choice as to how they can best serve the ascension process, but all are helping in their way to bring universal consciousness out of the dark ages and into the Light.
Those in the higher dimensions are observing and sending high fives to all even as appearances on earth would testify to total failure. Know that things are not as they appear to be. All is proceeding according to plan. Rejoice even in the midst of dark events for these things reflect earth’s journey out of density and the processes bringing change.
Many continue to awaken out of the hypnotized sleep of erroneous belief in spite of continuing attempts by some to keep mankind locked in old energy. Remain alert and aligned with your intuition when you read channels, watch the news, or observe the actions of others for much of it is not what it seems to be.
Opening to higher levels of awareness is inevitable and cannot be avoided. Put off yes, but never avoided for every person is a Divine Being, an expression of God whether they like it or not. This is a fact that can never change regardless of how many lifetimes a person spends in denial.
Be at peace dear ones, rest in your heart, and meditate often. Meditation need not be the rigid structured process that most of you were taught when learning to meditate. These methods were and are necessary for those unable to relax or allow themselves to be silent without the help of structure. The purpose of meditation is nothing more than to reach a place of silent and secret alignment with the “still small voice” within. The process of getting there is what all the structured guidelines have been about.
Resting in “I and the father are one” can be done anyplace and at any time with eyes open or shut–a pause at your desk, a trip to the bathroom, stopping for a red light, sitting under a tree, walking down a busy street, or being at the bedside of someone who is ill. Every activity of daily living offers an opportunity to center, align with, and silently realize; “I am Divine Consciousness”. Eventually and without conscious effort, you begin to live meditation 24/7 and it becomes no longer something you do, but something you are.
Be not afraid dear ones, for you are exactly where you planned to be before incarnating. The planet is becoming increasingly filled with awakened souls who have chosen to assist in earth’s transition to a higher frequency. What you are witnessing is a world that is experiencing the strong and painful labor pains necessary for birthing a new world consciousness based in love and truth.
Allow the process dear ones. Allow the process and hold your Light in spite of any and all personal or global appearances for Light is the only reality.
We are the Arcturian Group
You are the healers, the lightworkers, and the gridworkers that humanity needs you to be, and you are doing more to help your fellow humans to shift their consciousness than you could possibly know.
Co-Creating a New Grid & Merging Dimensions ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are absolutely loving the new energy that we feel emanating from your hearts as you continue to grow and expand as souls, as beings of consciousness. We have felt the compassion within the average human growing and including more individuals that you hadn’t been thinking about. You are more aware now than ever before of where the compassion needs to go, where you can shine your light, and how you can help your fellow humans. You who have opened your hearts to those who are suffering at this time are the ones to lead humanity into the golden age, the age of shifting consciousness.
You who are awake have expanded yourselves out to include all sorts of people, and all sorts of other beings, because of that knowing that you have within you of who you really are as Source Energy Beings. We are not responsible for what you are doing at this time. No other beings in the universe can claim responsibility for how you have opened your hearts to your fellow humans in need. This feeling of love and compassion that you have within you is the ultimate service. And yes, you can take action based on those feelings, but just by feeling them, you all have created a new grid of energy.
You have assisted so many of your fellow humans in the co-creation of this grid of compassion, and end result of this creation is that you have brought more of the fifth dimension to where you are right now in the fourth. you are merging dimensions. You are making it possible to co-exist with those who are operating as if they were still third-dimensional beings. And that is because of the wonderful work that you have done on yourselves. You are the healers, the lightworkers, and the gridworkers that humanity needs you to be, and you are doing more to help your fellow humans to shift their consciousness than you could possibly know.
You will experience it fully at some point, but for right now you have provided yourselves with a beautiful sneak preview of the shift in consciousness. That is one of the more positive aspects of what you are living right now, and we can feel that you will continue this trend. You will continue to help others feel compassion for their fellow humans. You are the ones doing all the heavy lifting, and beings and collectives like ourselves are just here to support you, to cheer you on, and to love you through the more painful moments of your lives.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
You have awakened and now understand that everyone including yourself, has always been and always will be Divine Consciousness in physical form. -The Arcturian Group-
The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, July 12, 2020
JULY 12, 2020
by email
Dear readers, we bring with our message a great deal of love and respect for we are well aware of how difficult things have become for so many. Remember that present times represent a large part of the journey you yourself chose for helping to create a new and better world. You are right where you are supposed to be at this time even if it doesn’t seem that way according to three dimensional standards.
The silence, the isolation, and the ceasing of what keeps people hypnotized, unaware, and always frantically looking outside of themselves for their good is serving to awaken many who have never before taken time to look within and honestly examine their and the world’s belief system.
The basic structure of most three dimensional creations must first dissolve before reappearing in a higher form. This is what the world is now experiencing. The chaos will not last forever because manifested three dimensional concepts have no law to support or hold them in place without the energy of belief in them. As more and more awaken, these old creations will simply no longer have the substance necessary to keep them in place.
You have awakened and now understand that everyone including yourself, has always been and always will be Divine Consciousness in physical form. However, over time individualized expressions of the One Divine Consciousness became polluted, conditioned, and manipulated through the acceptance of duality and separation as reality and thus creating the “human condition”.
You now know who and what you are and thus it is time to cease judging or criticizing yourselves for actions taken in a previous state of consciousness. Accept the truth of your Divine Nature and stop dragging debris from the past front and center to moan about and regret in the false belief that this is spiritual humility. You are now able to see things from a higher perspective, so you must cease living from familiar but outgrown programming in order to “fit in” or please someone.
Many things taking place seem horrendous when seen with enlightened eyes, but do not allow yourself to get sucked into (align with) the negative and fear based information that constantly bombards you from news and politics. Also, be aware that there are some channels that do not reflect a high level of Light and that, just because they are channels, [maintain that] they are truth. Channels can rise no higher than the consciousness of the one doing the channel. Always trust and be guided by your intuition in these matters. Be informed but not immersed– spiritual observers informed and aware, but able to withhold adding energy to appearances.
Understand that many “victims” chose their experiences as part of their evolutionary journey. Sometimes it is a necessary karmic resolution experience that they are ready to complete. A spiritually evolved soul may plan a life experience that will place him/her exactly where their experience will force others to awaken. These brave souls chose to assist the ascension process in ways they themselves choose but did not personally need for soul growth. Other times these types of experiences are simply on the “bucket list” of an individual who needs the experience for growth and learning.
It is not always the case, but examples could be that of the cruel slave owner who on the other side realized his need for energetic balance and greater understanding chooses to reincarnate in a black body. A person who killed and persecuted Native Americans 200 years ago may choose to experience life as a Native American living on a poor reservation. In spite of appearances, everything is perfect.
Energy is always seeking to align with ITself as the completeness and wholeness of ONE.
Knowing these things does not mean you ignore where there is some human need, but means you remember that there is a bigger picture happening that most as of yet do not know about. Stay centered in the realization that higher dimensional frequencies of Oneness are integrating into the collective at this time, exposing and bringing about the outer events. All is proceeding according to plan.
Chaos will continue to reign for a while as the new collective consciousness struggles to be born. Let go of all programmed fear, dear ones, and accept that you are right where you need to be at this time. Stand back, allow the process, and trust. As Divine Consciousness individualized, you need do nothing but hold to truth and allow IT to guide as you go about the ordinary “human” activities of daily living which then become not so much “do-ing” but rather “be-ing”.
You knew on a deeper level that present times were going to take place but you still chose to be here because you knew that the intense energies would allow you the opportunity to clear any remaining karmic imbalances, old cellular memory, and allow you to shift into a higher state of consciousness while in a physical body.
Look within for any remaining power you may still give to some person, place, or thing. Replace it with the realization nothing in the outer has power because there is only One Power, and that Power is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. This Power is you. Not your humanhood, not the Mary, John, or Bill, you believed yourself to be, but the real YOU. Hold this sacred truth foremost in your head and heart whenever you are tempted to give power to someone or something in the outer.
The reality of you is Divine Consciousness and until you can accept this and allow it to become your state of consciousness you will remain in and continue to experience old energy. It is time to step away from all old programing instilled into you by family, friends, religions, politics, schooling, military, or any authority figures regardless of how fully you may have at one time accepted or even still accept some of it.
This doesn’t mean that every law, rule, and all information at this time is wrong. It simply means to re-examine your current belief system about these things and begin to bring your beliefs into alignment with a higher expression of these things.
Know that forms of duality and separation consciousness can only ever be illusory pictures in the mind, concepts of whatever spiritual reality underlies them for you cannot make something out of nothing. Pictures of sense manifest in alignment with the state of consciousness of the individual and or collective. So called “good” pictures are no more real or better than “bad” ones. This is why things rot and disappear when the reality of them is no longer present.
There is only God and IT is, always has been, and always will continue manifesting ITself in and as all life. There is only ONE LIFE and that ONE LIFE can never be ended, manipulated, changed, or eliminated regardless of appearances to the contrary. This ONE LIFE is forever expressing Itself in and as infinite form and variety.
Protect, love, and honor all life in the realization that because there is only ONE and thus what you do to others you do to yourself. Everyone draws to themselves whatever energies they are in alignment with. Again, ONE automatically seeks alignment with the wholeness of ITself.
This information always brings forth the topic of abortion. We will not get into this today, only to say that a soul doesn’t not fully enter at the time of conception, as so many believe, but rather goes in and out often deciding if this is a right choice or not and frequently not fully integrating until birth.
The energy is allowing those ready and willing to move into a higher dimensional state of consciousness. The choice to accept the process is and always will be an individual free will choice but the choice is now. Now, not down the road, not after you feel a little more holy, not after you read a certain book or take another class, make pilgrimage to some holy site, or no longer curse and get angry.
The time is now dear ones, to know, accept and thus consciously become that which you have always been.
We are the Arcturian Group 7/12/20
if you want to create that beautiful, new, fifth-dimensional Earth, then you must go within. You find that light, that joy, that laughter, and that love, because those are the colors that you want to paint your portrait of the new Earth with. You have the ability to do this right now, and no one and nothing can hold you back.-The Arcturians via Daniel Scranton-

How You Will Get to the New 5D Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very encouraged by the signs that we see of improvement there on your world. We are noticing how many of you are letting go of layers upon layers of distortion and illusion and finally getting to the core of who you are as beings of magic, beings of love, beings of joy, light, and laughter. You are creating the fifth-dimensional Earth with what is inside of you.
When you strip away another layer of that which has no longer served you for quite some time, you get to that core, you get to the heart center, the aspect of you that is so ready to put all of the pieces together and to have that whole self reflected back to you as the world you are living on. We know that it is easier to look outside of yourself and play the blame game. We know that you have done this, and we know that you are getting tired from pointing those fingers and shaking those fists.
We can feel that there are enough of you there on Earth who are willing to do what you know you need to do in order to create and inhabit the fifth-dimensional Earth experience. You will get to that plane of existence because of your willingness to recognize that anything and anyone that is outside of you is also inside of you. And when you can make peace with all of the various energies that are out there and also within you, then you can start to recognize the signs that a new day is upon you.
You are a part of a movement, and that movement is about co-creating a new age, an age of enlightenment, and you are going to get there by focusing inside of yourselves, on that which you know is at your core, that which is beyond all of the illusions. Some people on your world refer to the illusion as ‘The Matrix,’ and we understand why they do so. But we are not talking about science fiction when we talk to you about the mechanics of your universe. There are no villains in your story. There is you as a Source Energy Being, creating experiences for yourselves.
And if you want to create that beautiful, new, fifth-dimensional Earth, then you must go within. You find that light, that joy, that laughter, and that love, because those are the colors that you want to paint your portrait of the new Earth with. You have the ability to do this right now, and no one and nothing can hold you back.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
The PRINCIPLE of RESONANCE in physics states that when two frequencies are brought together, the lower will ALWAYS rise to meet the higher.
The Arcturians ~ Genetic Activation of The Hueman Race & Successful Mission Completion of ALL First Wavers
By LIGHTLOVER1964, 01/01/2016
The Arcturians- The Genetic Activation of the “Hueman” Race and the Successful Mission Completion of ALL First Wave Volunteers.
January 1,2016.
It is with Peace,Love and Boundless Joy that we join YOU in this incredible moment of this NOW of this “New Year”.
The Magnitude of what has been accomplished by ALL on Earth cannot be expressed in words.
The Incoming Source Evolutionary Energies are supporting and assisting in fully anchoring the Christ Consciousness across all grids.
The forerunners,(galactic volunteer souls AND hueman souls),have cleared from Within all necessary grids and have fully stepped into their Christ Avatar Self.
Humanity is beginning to remember that there infinite ways of experiencing this Creation, descension is NOT the only way.
They are remembering WHO THEY ARE.
The Master Angelic Blueprint Race.
High Heart Chakra activations are NOW accessible to ALL who wish it upon Earth.
The cycle of descension has shifted and the cycle of ascension has begun as per the Principle of Rhythm pertaining to the 7 Hermetic Principles which govern this Universe.(http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/kyb/kyb04.htm)
As more begin to Live in their Heart, the frequency(consciousness)of the planet will rise.
Eventually the whole race will ascend out of duality beyond the 3d and 4d.
This happens one soul at a time.
The Hueman race has begun ascension out of the 3d matrix collectively.
The PRINCIPLE of RESONANCE in physics states that when two frequencies are brought together, the lower will ALWAYS rise to meet the higher.
This is why volunteers incarnated on this Earth, to assist, as per this principle.
As ALL the first waver’s inner grids shift and align fully to their Christ Avatar Consciousness, so will outer dimensional grids begin to manifest for the Collective, as they begin awakening the Seed of Divine Love from Within.
This is Divine Source Consciousness made manifest.
This is why volunteers and first wavers didn’t have to DO, they just had to BE.
(Principle of Resonance)
Volunteers experiencing Creation in other dimensions in Heart unity consciousness, incarnated on Earth across different timelines, when The Soul of Earth,Gaia, called for assistance as she awakened and remembered.
Their Galactic Race having ascended from 3d separation dimensions and matrices in other realities, as there are infinite experiences of separation across the Omniverse.
This is why their individual soul energy signature is different that the indigenous signature of the planet and the souls within it.
This energy disparity is why they feel like they were “dropped off at the wrong planet” and never quite fit in from infancy, because energetically they did not.
They do not come from a dual reality.
Volunteers are from across ALL realms and dimensions.
ALL RACES in this reality are represented.
They are souls that chose to incarnate to assist in ascension and descension of planets, galaxies, universes…this is how they walk in service to The Law of One.
They anchor in the EVOLUTIONARY SOURCE ENERGIES, acting as transformers so that the energies can be assimilated into the grids and NOT affect the holographic matrices, causing major geoeffective catastrophic changes.
So ascension can occur without catastrophic results.
This allows for those souls that wish to experience ascension unconsciously to continue to do so without disruption in their reality hologram.
Volunteers follow the Universal Law of Non-Interference, ONLY anchoring the energies into the chosen holographic reality.
Once this is accomplished, it is up to EACH (human and galactic) soul within the matrix to chose to awaken and ascend out of this dimension…or not.
Their frequency carries a stronger “seed” of connection to their home planets.
Just as Humans carry the frequency of the the Divine Blueprint of this Divine World, this Earth.
These are called starseeds yet that itself is an illusion of separation, for ALL are “starseeds”, ALL are “seeded” from the stars.
ALL are Individual Divine Fractals of Source Light as Frequency experiencing separation infinitely.
All Huemans are starseeds.
Assistance and support is only rendered when asked, as it cannot be imposed upon another Being as this is a FREE WILL UNIVERSE of spiritual evolution.
When The Soul of Earth,Gaia, asked for support and assistance, ALL Heard in their Hearts.
First Wavers are souls that chose to walk in service to The Law of One and begin the shifting of the frequency of the Planet by being the first to restore their inner grids, restoring their DNA to THE ORIGINAL HUMAN DIVINE BLUEPRINT.
They are BOTH Human Souls and Galactic Volunteer Souls.
They chose to be the first ones to shift physically.
Volunteers are all first wavers but not all first wavers are volunteers as human souls also are first wavers.
IN THIS NOW ,ALL First Wavers have accomplished their soul mission of anchoring The Christ Consciousness across all inner grids, therefore affecting all outer grids.
Some are exiting this reality and going back to their home planets bringing back a wealth of information to assist their worlds, and many other worlds in ascension.
Many are choosing to remain in physicality and continue to restore their DNA here and assist the grounding of The New Era.
For many that chose to leave this reality, yet their bodies have made the shift, new soul contracts are being made with Walk-Ins.
As the frequency of the planet arises, higher frequency souls are able to incarnate, therefore continuing the cycle of ascension.
As frequency increases, higher vibrational thoughts and solutions are accessed by the collective.
There is always a “solution” to all 3d manifestation in the higher dimensions.
Global issues cannot be solved by the same level of consciousness which created them, they are accessed from a higher level of consciousness.
Solutions are accessed when individual frequency reaches the frequency of said solution.
Second and third wavers will continue to physically assist in the continuation of the planetary awakening and raising of frequency by stepping fully into their Light.
This is as per the principle of resonance.
Earth is, was, and always will be “Heaven”.
The Divine Blue Print of the planet is “written” with The Source Vibration of Unconditional Love.
1d and 2d souls vibrate at the frequency of Oneness with Source and anchor in the Energies of Unconditional Source Love at physical level.
They are the Divine Foundation of the planet.
The Divine Blueprint CANNOT be altered but
It CAN be covered by Illusion.
This is how density is manifested and 3d can be experienced, through matrices of illusion.
The deeper the illusion, the further the ability to experience physicality and separation, the greater the Joy of Remembering.
It is up to each soul to remember, by clearing all illusions which cover it so that they can “see” it again.
They are the GUARDIANS of this CREATION, with all DNA tools available within to carry out said task.
They are supported by ALL Service to Others Races on this Earth from All dimensions.
Within human DNA, there is the Divine Blueprint of ALL the Races in this galaxy.
This is what is called “junk” DNA.
Humanity is able to restore ALL genetic damage done in descension of ALL Galactic Races.
GOLDEN RACES(Christ consciousness frequency), are in all universes as they have the potential to vibrate at the highest frequency and restore DNA damage.
They are the “solution” to 3d consciousness genetic manipulation not for the highest good of all.
The Principle Of Resonance made incarnate.
Humans are able to ascend from WITHIN by connecting to their Hearts FIRST of all conscious 3d races.
By carrying ALL galactic DNA, they assist ascension of ALL Races.
This process cannot be stopped once initiated by the Hueman race as a collective.
Huemans carry the ability to shift the consciousness and assist in ascension of all galactic races.
This makes humanity the most sought after race by those which cannot ascend on their own out of this dimension, cannot repair their own DNA damage, for they cannot rise to a higher dimensional frequency and access the solutions needed to restore their race back to their original blueprint genetically.
Service to Self realities are not able to continue eternally, eventually they are unable to continue and must shift or become extinct.
As a lower consciousness they do not wish for other races to awaken out of duality, no longer within their control.
Their greatest fear is for humanity to awaken to the truth of who they are.
This is why Earth is “fought over” for control, for the human race is a
Created from the Highest frequency of consciousness, Unconditional Source Love.
Humans can manifest without the need for machines, through emotions, which makes us the most powerful, in their “view”.
They fear us for this reason, and do everything to keep us from the Truth.
Races in service to self covet our abilities,and the energy of humanity feeds them as they cannot go within, they take, yet cannot receive, cannot continue without outside “fuel”.
Humanity is the “savior” race, if saving is the chosen “illusion”.
Humanity has been under the illusion of needing to be SAVED, when in truth they ARE the “Saviors”.
****(There is an etheric implant-SAVIOR-“needing to be saved, being a savior”, which is tied to the second etheric implant of “CRUCIXION, ((crucifiction))”.
This is the energy of guilt and shame, power and control, which must be removed in order for the soul to ascend out of 3d.
ALL etheric implants work together to lower the frequency of the soul, making it unable to ascend out of the matrix. They were put in place by service to self races to keep humanity from awakening to the truth of who they ARE. ALL can be removed by multidimensional energy healers or by each individual soul as they step into their sovereignty and command it to be so. Go Within and you will know how to proceed)****
Huemans were created by the oversoul of service to self(creator race that see their creations as resources with no free will), and the oversoul of service to others(creator races with free will to create).
Both needed in a DUALITY experience in a universe of free will as per the 7 Hermetic principle of Duality.
In this dimension, some call the master service to self race the “Draconians”, a divine humanoid reptilian race.
Some call the master service to others race as the “Paa Tal”, a divine humanoid angelic race whose name was given by the Draconians meaning
“Insanely Strong Ones”.
Both come from another duality universe.
Humans are angelic/reptilian genetic hybrids.
The Ascended Reptilian Races are master geneticists who brought forth the Divine Blueprint of all unconscious human body systems which allow for physicality.
Such as breathing and the beating of the Human Heart as examples.
This is why the human fetuses look reptilian during early stages of development.
Within these two oversouls(angelic and draconian) are ALL the Races across all dimensions experiencing creation of free will in this Universe.
They are the original separation from Source which created this duality universe to experience further duality and separation.
All races contributed to the genetic makeup of “Hueman” DNA for this purpose of duality.
Due to this, Huemans in physicality have the ability to express all the Divine Gifts and Abilities of ALL the races and vibrate at the soul signature of the highest frequency.
They can be multidimensional while still incarnated and fully access all dimensions.
It is on this “Living Library”,Earth, upon which walk ALL RACES that choose to experience physicality can beginning at 1d and ascend in a continuous path of expansion.
Humanity holds Within their DNA the Divine Blueprint of ALL, so that races experiencing service to self could alter their DNA as they descended further into physicality, yet have the ability to access their divine blueprint upon ascension.
They are the “key holders” to ascension for ALL the races in 3d physicality.
As the Hueman Race ascends out of 3d, they clear from Within ALL genetic manipulation across ALL grids.
As they clear inner grids, outer grids across all dimensions are cleared.
This begins the DNA restoration of ALL galactic races involved in this reality.
EVERY animal, plant, all the elements and elementals, represent a galactic race genetically involved on this earth.
THIS is also in the DNA of every human being.
We are the Living Library, holding the frequency of all souls upon this incarnation.
Every human has the ability to activate their DNA when connected to their Heart.
Once the process begins, it cannot be stopped.
Unless the physical body cannot make the shift, this is chosen at soul level.
That is HOW many races are experiencing this magnificent Earth.
This is why this planet is called a “Living Library”.
The records every race to ever experience earth in any of its dimensions is kept available for ALL in the Akashic Records of the Planet, and within the human DNA.
This information assists infinite other universes in their ascension out of duality.
“Starseeds” incarnate to assist their planet out of duality while maintaining holographic integrity.
The Hueman race is now able to step into the higher dimensions and continue their ascension and restoration of DNA with no outside interference, as their frequency as a collective has increased and can no longer be altered.
Spiritual and physical evolution continues as per FREE WILL for ALL beings on this planet.
The Golden Era of the Hueman Race has begun.
A new Creation never experienced before.
We are the Arcturians.
We ARE you,for within YOU, YOU carry our divine blueprint DNA.
Just as you carry the divine blueprint of all the Angelic Races.
Our Love for you is infinite as we have been with you, holding the knowledge of sacred geometry and of time/space movement, light/sound healing, since the beginning of “time”.
For YOU as asked to do so by You.
Reach out to us if called from Within to do so.
It is THE greatest joy we can experience when connecting to our beautiful Hueman Family.
We are in awe of all you do.
You are an amazing Miracle of the Universe.
We send you our Unconditional Love Eternally.
*****From the Arcturian Aspect of Myself, Ariam, I bring you ALL Blessings.*****
In deep gratitude and In Service from my Heart.
I share my Heart and Love with ALL.****
Happy New Year to All on this Earth!
May ALL find Peace Within, as we All step into this New Creation Together.
Follow Your HeartShine Your Light