Message from Saint Germain
by Ngari

Message from Saint Germain
by Ngari

Everything is going well!

My beloved. I know that yesterday you felt disappointed by Trump’s speech. In fact, he has not lived up to the lofty expectations of all of you who are awake.

Trump was expected to give them – in code or openly – an overview of what is actually happening.

It was hoped that he could calm the anxiety for the redemption that in your the vision and feeling is taking a long time.

But backwards, Trump has made a political speech. He did not mention the events. He didn’t utter any words to encourage them.

Well, I tell you that all this has been another theater. A war tactic. “Whenever you feel strong, appear fragile.”

Surely, Mr. Trump has had his reasons for acting like this. And it is not up to me to reveal them now.

We are living through a very delicate moment in that war, which in reality has already ended. There are only a few stumbling blocks that must be eliminated.

I recommend that you firmly follow the path outlined. Victory awaits you just around the corner. That I can assure you. We never leave you alone.

I am your older brother Saint Germain, responding to a request from our beloved Ngari.

Thank you Saint Germain.

My pleasure!

Do you doubt? Surrender. The more you can surrender, the easier your life will become

November 16, 2022,

light fashion people woman
Photo by imustbedead on

Ashian: Well! You have been away a while!

Jennifer: Hello to you too! I have. For the past six weeks, I have felt as though every week has brought one massive emotional blow after another. Each week I think, ‘well, that must be the final one.’  Each week, I’m wrong!

A: There is no ‘final,’ you know that, Dear One, but there is what you would experience as an ‘easing,’ where it is less about clearing the past, and more about embodying the skills and talents of past lives, combined with your higher dimensional skills and talents. These are the codes, the energetics, the super powers you were all born to share.

You are at the tipping point. Remember, for us, a tipping point is not a date, it’s a vibration. It’s the vibration at which humanity, as a whole, are able to hold the vast increase of light, purge the darkness of the past, and embrace the authenticity of who they truly are.

You light workers, have worked long and hard to reach this point. If it were a battle to take a hill, you are just at the top, about to plant your flag. Don’t give up. The view is one you will never forget. Ever. Legions of souls have wished to be here for these moments: You were chosen.

We know so many light workers are annoyed, exhausted, confused. It was meant to be this way. It cannot be otherwise: you had to reach empty so you could be refilled. What happens here has implications for the entire galaxy and far beyond. It was not an easy choice to come here, and an even harder choice to live with, once you realised what the reality of it was. And yet… against almost insurmountable odds, you have vanquished the forces of darkness.

What now? Endure. Prepare yourself for wonderful surprises. Yes, there is darkness that must emerge, but … your magic is about to be reignited. You are on the brink of embodying superhuman skills and knowingness.

Stories of superhumans, superheroes, they are not fantasy. They are priming you, creating synaptic pathways to access unconscious knowingness, when the moment is right, these pathways will illuminate, and you will remember what you had not realised that you had forgotten.

This is the truth of you: Every single one of you is Extraordinary. Each one of you is a specialist, you each have a unique skill set, and you were paired with the location in which you find yourself.

Do you doubt? Surrender. The more you can surrender, the easier your life will become; if you flow with your life rather than forcing yourself, you will allow the Divine spark within you the space to expand and to recreate your life. If you choose to live out of fear, obligation, anger or resentment, you constrict and limit the flow of the Divine spark within you.

It can be terrifying, as if you are jumping without a safety net. Perhaps people will not understand, they will be annoyed… Explorers are never understood by those who will not leave the shores of comfort.

J: Care to tell us more about superhumans?

A: We would be delighted. A superhuman doesn’t have to climb buildings using three fingers, or fly, or move through walls, or sense danger. Superhuman skills begin subtly enough: the intuition to do this or that, to leave a job or take a trip, to call a person or to avoid a confrontation.

Then, as the neural transmitters get used to expanding into 5D consciousness new skills become apparent. Play with, experiment and integrate these skills. Notice how your super skills are enhanced, upgraded versions of your current skills. Then notice that they progress in jump-steps: expand, integrate, expand, integrate… And then they jump again. You get big leaps at certain vibration thresholds.

J: Ah, I had a lot of those when you were co-existing with me.*  For me, they were very hard to integrate: it was disconcerting to have speed I never had before, or to suddenly see energies and beings, or to walk between worlds. They sound cool, but it took me years to integrate those experiences.

A: You were an early explorer! You were on your own. Now, there will be groups and clubs where people can meet and learn, share and support each other through these expansions. Light workers will lead the way because they have come with advanced skills, and the global environment will be increasingly supportive of expansion. It will become the focus of social evolution; people’s skills will be valued and honoured, not mocked or trivialised.

J: That’s good to hear. So will it just be healing skills, artistic skills, intuition…

A: It will be all that and so much more. It will evolve in phases that correspond to individual and collective readiness for each level of remembering. That is what you are doing, remembering the completeness, the immensity, the glory of All That Is expressed through Who You Are. You are the ocean in a drop. There are no limits.

J: Thank you

A: It is always our pleasure and our honour to cheer on our sisters and brothers who have their boots on the ground.

Copyright © 2022 Jennifer Crokaert YouTube

*I spent two weeks where Ashian’s consciousness fused with mine, which I recorded in Living with Ashian. You can download the free ebook at

Mother Earth: Abundance Lies Within

by Pamela Kribbe

Dear friends,

I am Mother Earth. I am so happy to join with you on this day. I am the spirit that inhabits your planet, that pervades all nature, including your body and you. Please become aware of my energy, the Earth energy in your own body, and know that your body has a natural rhythm and wisdom.

If you want to know the answers to your life’s questions, than please be aware that you can not truly receive them without connecting to your body.

So now relax your body. Become aware of your hands, your feet, the way you breathe, and be aware that your body stores a lot of emotions, even if you are not aware of that happening.

The more relaxed you are, the more these hidden emotions can come to the surface where they can be expressed. Often your thinking keeps these feelings hidden behind locked doors, and from my perspective, the perspective of nature, you are far too much inside your heads, and it is not natural to be that way.

Just imagine that your awareness descends down through your jaw and throat and into your chest, very softly like a gentle breeze. Say “hello” to your body, and with your awareness go into your abdomen and down into your thighs, your knees, your feet.

Remember that you are part of nature, a creature of the Earth, and that there is a flow of life running through you that can not be controlled by the mind. This natural flow of life, to which your body is so attuned, is in accordance with your soul. The soul and the body are good friends; it is often the mind and the judgments that interfere in that relationship.

I invite you to explore the issue of work and abundance from the level of your body and soul.

Imagine that you are walking in a beautiful place in nature. Your feet are bare and you are aware of the Earth beneath your feet. You feel the sunshine on your skin and hear the sounds of nature. You feel that you do not have to prove anything, that you can truly relax and focus on the light of the Sun.

Feel that there is an inner dimension to the Sun, just as there is an inner dimension to the Earth. And feel the sunshine in your heart; it wakes you up and reminds you of the abundance that is present in your own heart.

Remember what it is like to be joyful, carefree, and playful. It is similar to how nature feels: the animals, the plants, the flowers. They do not know the heavy energy of worry nor the dividing energy of judgement. They are very present in the now and that is an important part of abundance: being carefree, being joyful, and not being worried.

Please remember that true abundance is an inner quality, not something outside you. You can have all the money in the world and many material goods, but if you are still a prisoner in your mind, and you worry a lot, you will not enjoy your wealth. Real abundance lies within, and you can give it to yourself, now.

The first thing is not to limit yourself in your own dreams. Ask yourself in a carefree way: “What gives me the most joy in life? What makes me feel excited, happy, most like a child?” Let that energy of joy go through your body and know that this is your true purpose in life: to find this energy of joy.

That is what true abundance is about. You can only find that joy, and allow yourself to have it, if you really believe in yourself: “I am allowed to have this joy, to feel this way.” Can you sense how far removed this idea is from your ordinary thinking?

It makes me sad to see how many of you feel that you are not really good enough and that you have to work so hard, and to try your best to be worthy.

Look at yourself and see if you can find inside yourself the voice that is telling you: “Be good, work hard, perform”. Please know that this is not the voice of nature, and not the voice of your soul. It is the voice of society with its traditions.

This is why it is often difficult to find work that really resonates with you. To do that asks of you to break away from society and many of society’s standards. Society will tell you: “You can’t do that; you can’t be like a child again; you have to grow up; you cannot be a dreamer.” Do you feel how sad this is and how it goes against the rhythm of nature?

So I ask you to change this attitude and to bring a new energy into society by being different and by listening to the voice of your heart.

You can do this in your everyday life by not continually asking: “What does society expect of me and what do other people want from me?”, but by turning your questions around and asking yourself: “What do I want; what really gives joy to me?”

At first glance, you may think: “This is selfish! How can I focus just on me and what I like?!” But saying that shows you do not understand the truth of what I am asking you to do.

The truth is that if you listen to your heart’s joy, you will bless other people with your joy; and you will be an example to other people. They may be afraid when they see someone who dares to break free and who pursues their own path, but in the end, it is every person’s mission to find their own heart’s voice.

So trust the language of your body and your emotions; trust the voice of joy.

Thank you for your presence.

One day you’ll look back on this time and say, “This is when the fun started.”

Sophia ~ The New Humans

by Sophia Love, November 15, 2022, via email

It is the One.

There are things scheduled to come to pass that you need to be aware of. These things will infiltrate your regularly scheduled activities and become predominant in your minds.

It will be a major mind-shift, as your thoughts become pre-occupied with larger and life-altering changes on a regular basis.

You are not accustomed to proceeding through your days this way, and it will be an adjustment.

You are about to experience the intensity of global alteration in your lifetime. This is not something you are witnessing from a distance.
This is something you are participating in, as well as creating
Because of your level of participation, it will occupy your conscious mind.

The switch then, of which is spoken here, is from a part-time hobby of focus on Ascension – to full-time engagement.

Not only will you be told the truth of what is going on and its impact on your daily life, but, along with a remembering of your purpose and your truth, you’ll also immediately grasp your role.

Your life is about to feel a great deal more engaged than it does now. One day you’ll look back on this time and say, “This is when the fun started.”

For you are each here with a mission, and your life has been taking place in preparation for that mission. Without conscious awareness of specifics, you’ve placed yourselves in the precise locations with the correct people in order for you to be successful. A part of you always knew the truth, and a part of you operated from that knowing.

You have talents and experience both, to carry out a successful transference for and with the occupants of planet earth.

The change will be of massive proportions. Earth’s occupants are not used to considering how their actions impact the population on a larger scale. This is the sort of thinking that will be thrust upon them.

Once truth emerges, it will be evident that everything has been a lie and all of society has been co-opted to generate submission, obedience, slavery, and in a word – FEAR. These are not attributes of a healthy society but a sick one.

Earth’s society has been manipulated to become and remain sick and complacent. The institutions that have been set-up “supposedly” for your benefit, such as medical and educational, in fact do just the opposite. They are geared towards dependence rather than independence, illness rather than vitality, and compliance rather than intelligence.

What you will learn, and quickly now, is that you were born with the capacity for brilliance and joy. These things have been beaten to dullness through repetition, competition, slavery and debt.

As the depth of Earth’s capture sinks in, and your purpose is once again activated, your life will drastically change. Your mind will never be bored or dulled. Instead, you will utilize that unused portion of your brain to contemplate possible solutions and invent new alternatives.

In every area these are needed – food, commerce, transportation, medicine, mental health, finances, construction, faith, education, child-care, etc. This is a partial list that merely scratches the surface of what will be changing.

Your entire society will transform while you are living in it, and the process will take decades to be complete.

You are the New Humans, and you’re here to begin the process now. It will not be burdensome, but joyful. The capacity you hold is unknown to you, and once you access it, you will experience ease and satisfaction in the use of your abilities. You have come to change the world and the time to begin is upon you.

You are in for such a treat. It will be worth every step taken.

That is all.

Thank you.

You now need to explore that freedom. Similar to living in poverty for decades only to inherit billions of dollars. What will you do with your new resources? Will you explore the possibilities or continue a poverty mentality?

silhouette of man standing on mountain during night
Photo by Stefan Stefancik on

Dear Ones,

You have transitioned beyond 3D. Indicators of that are your new interests and needs. That which once was interesting or acceptable is likely no longer. And that which was seemingly impossible or difficult is becoming your norm.

Even though you have always known who you would become, you hid that knowledge from yourself and others until your inner being shouted to your consciousness that it was time to shift to your new being.

It is as if your former being has died, and your new being is fresh with ideas and thoughts. You have become a young adult whatever age your physical being is.

You cannot jump between 3D and beyond any longer. Nor can you hold yourself back from the light of your new being as you have done earth life after life. Pretending you are not as powerful as you are. Covering your power with submission, omission, and fear.

Throughout your 3D journey, you had the ability to be new you, to explore differently than you allowed yourself in your 3D world.

But to fully understand 3D, you needed to experience it – not as an observer, but as a full participant. And so you did, earth life after earth life. Sometimes in the persona of outer-directed power and at other times submissive to outer-directed power. You played every role possible in 3D – and you are tired. Not of the earth, but of the roles you felt you needed to explore before you could shift your being and the earth beyond 3D.

You no longer need to hide your Universal power. Nor do you need to pretend you are someone you are not – or that fear is your dominant life direction. You are free.

You now need to explore that freedom. Similar to living in poverty for decades only to inherit billions of dollars. What will you do with your new resources? Will you explore the possibilities or continue a poverty mentality?

You are determining who you are as a complete Universal being instead of a partial 3D human. A shift that requires a bit of study and personal research – your current phase.

You might feel that holiday celebrations are almost an intrusion of your new being. While those yet of 3D expect you to perform as you have in the past. That which was is no longer. And that which you now are is demanding more of your energy than you can understand.

This personal research phase just happens to coinside with the upcoming holidays – confusing your thoughts and actions. Not because you need to be confused, but because you will likely be inundated with shoulds and have tos that are no longer fulfilling.

What will you do?

Your new being is such a strong pull that you will disappoint those wanting you to return to 3D. As a result, you might be upset with yourself despite an inner knowing that you can no longer play your 3D role. So initially, you might feel wrong returning to your 3D role, as well as claiming your new being.

Your 3D life is over. And if you attempt to return to your former 3D interests and skills, you will find yourself waylaid with minor ailments or discomforts – perhaps a head cold, an untimely car repair, a canceled flight, or similar unexpected life turns. Nothing life-altering, but most certainly activity-altering.

You are, in a sense, forcing yourself to be new you. Something that might feel frightening as you read these words but so affirming once you realize you have pined for this personal freedom in every previous earth life.

You are home within yourself. You are finally free to be Universal you. And free to claim your new interests and directions.

There is no need to worry about others. There is no need to slow down or retrace your steps so others know how and when to move forward. There is no need to be less or more than you are.

You are a new being in a new world, as are millions of others. You are no longer alone on a strange planet adapting to that planet’s heavy dictates. You are a free agent in a free world, ready to experience a new life of joy. And all that is required to do so is to listen and follow your inner voice of freedom. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

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St. Germain – The New Republic

by James McConnell

I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you at this time, in these special times of great change that is upon you now. Change that has been foretold for may ions of time within your many works: your bible, your Tora, all of the different works that have expressed these changes that are to come and preparing you for these changes. Just as we, those that mentor to you, have been preparing you for these great changes.

And you are on the cusp of those changes now, in these next days! And you can expect much to be revealed coming forward. Watch, as you literally go through a resurrection. A resurrection to move from the democracy that you have now, that those that have been in control have attempted to hold onto, thinking, making you think, making all think, that this was what was needed. But a democracy is corruptible, just as it has been corrupted.

But you are moving and resurrecting now to a new republic. The republic that was meant for this country. And not only this country, but the entire planet, the world itself! All of the countries of the world coming together as one. People speaking for themselves as one, no longer being controlled by another. For how can you control the God Source within you? It is not possible, if you are aware that you are that God Source.

So “as a republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” That is the creed that was stated by your forefathers. Those that came before you, that prepared this nation. This nation to lead a world. This nation to work an entire world. That is what it was meant for.

But, of course, those of the forces of darkness stepped in and put their mark on things to change it, to make it the way they wanted it to be. But no longer can that hold sway.

For everything is about to change. And many will call this a miraculous change. Many will not see this coming, as you, those of you that are the Awakened Ones, the Chosen Ones, have known for some time that this is coming. These great changes are upon you.

It is up to each and every one of you now to be those Warriors of Light. Many of you will have to step out of your comfort zones. It is destined that you do so when the time is right. When you feel the calling. And not before. If you feel that calling now? Yes, respond. If you’ve already felt it, you have already responded. And for those of you that have not yet felt the calling, it is coming. It is guaranteed that you will hear the calling. You will hear the messages coming to you to now reach out and help a brother, a sister, in whatever way that you feel called to do so.

Some of you were there at that time of the signing of the Declaration and the establishment of the Constitution of this nation. Some of you were there with me, either in body or in spirit, and were a part of this Great Changeover that is coming now. The Changeover that was prepared 200-plus years ago and is now being readied once again to find the true and the complete fruition of this, and the spreading of the Light. One nation spreading Light to the world and beyond. A Republic. A Republic by, and for, and of the people.

Your President Trump attempted to show that, to share that with all of you. And it was a return to the people. From the government to the people. This is what is in process of happening now.

You are all in a position now where you can observe what you started long ago—many, many lifetimes ago. Many thousands of years ago you started this. You came here to begin this process to awaken a world. And awaken it, you have!

I am Saint Germain. And I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness.

And that the Violet Flame continues to purge out all of the old programming that is no longer needed or necessary within you.

Those times have passed.

It is time now for the new you to be born from the old.

Arcturian Group Message 11/13/22

NOVEMBER 13, 2022

Dear readers, we come with a message of hope, love, information, and support for you who are so courageously holding Light in these times of change and energetic density. Never doubt that all is proceeding according to plan because a Divine plan can never be interfered with, changed, or stopped through human thinking or the strategies. One with God is always a majority.

World consciousness is now more open to change which in turn is allowing much of the old belief system to collapse of its own nothingness. Many are ready to or have already moved into a state of consciousness that allows them to see a bigger picture whereas before they only saw what they were told they were seeing.

The universal hypnotism of earth’s duality/separation consciousness has governed for so long that a sense of separation from God and all life continues to be the reality for most. However, collective consciousness is now expanding through the presence of increasingly more Light now flowing from the many highly evolved states of consciousness now present and continuing to incarnate on earth.

Try not to become discouraged by personal and global appearances but keep in mind that you are where are, doing what you chose to do, and being guided under the watchful eye of your Higher Self. Remember that an important part of why you chose to be on earth during these times was because you knew they would hold many opportunities to fully and finally clear old energy remaining from previous lifetimes.

The christian bible speaks of man’s dominion, but the true meaning of dominion has been misinterpreted as being the right to do whatever one pleases to others, animals, nature, and anyone considered to be “less than”. Dominion in it’s real sense means dominion over self and not others, because there are no others. Everything is Divine Consciousness expressing in and as infinite form and variety. Everything material is in fact is a spiritual Idea in Divine Consciousness appearing as material in the density of third dimensional energy.

Dominion is dominion over self. What do I believe and hold as truth about myself and others? Have I surrendered my God given dominion to some person or concepts about success, work, money, health, love, relationships, etc.? Honestly ask yourselves; “What or who do I now or continue to give my dominion to?”

The misinterpretation of dominion has led to the killing, maiming, destruction, and selfish actions of every sort based in the false ego based idea that human beings are the highest of creation, better than all others, and can therefore do whatever they want to whatever they believe to be “less than”– because the “bible says so”.

God is the underlying essence of everything otherwise it could not exist because you cannot make something out of nothing. Because three dimensional energy is so dense, human eyes are only able align with and see the material– concepts being interpreted through personal and collective minds conditioned and hypnotized by beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers. All see the same, because there is only one, leaving the un-awakened majority to believe that only the material is reality.

When a tree is cut down its material form is removed but it’s essence as the Divine idea of tree remains. This is not to say that the tree is happy about being removed when it chose to experience life on earth. Trees communicate, have intelligence, and do not simply consist of their material expression. Third dimensional beliefs about the body often result in futile attempts to keep a person alive and functioning after their Divine essence has left.

A soul does not immediately enter the physical concept of body in pregnancy but often comes and goes before deciding if the choice is right for them. Often the soul does not enter permanently until birth. A fetus is not a human being until the soul or Divine essence enters and stays. Up to that point it is a material concept of a human. This is not to say decisions regarding these issues should be taken lightly or without honest introspection regarding intent and purpose.

I have dominion over my body which in reality is a perfect spiritual body of Light but which in the lower resonating denser frequencies of the third dimension appears material. I have dominion over my finances because I am Self sustained and Self maintained. I have dominion over the weather because God knows nothing about and has never formed ITself as discord and destruction. However, three dimensional consciousness knows a great deal about all of these things.

I have dominion over every aspect of my life, but this realization must become a realized state of consciousness before it can manifest because consciousness the creative substance of all that is.

Practice dominion in every situation because the intellectual knowledge of a truth is the first step toward it becoming one’s state of consciousness. With every temptation to see yourself as sick, lacking, subservient, or “less than” say to yourself; ” I am no longer accepting these beliefs because I now know that I am Divine Consciousness individualized and the things I previously believed about myself were nothing more than well established third dimensional concepts with nothing more than belief to maintain and sustain them.”

Never in any circumstance or situation believe that you are nothing more than temporary physicality for if you were for even one second actually separated from God you simply would not exist.

I am Divine Consciousness individualized which automatically constitutes oneness with all other forms of Divine Consciousnesses as well as with every Divine Idea in and quality of Divine Consciousness.

We are the Arcturian Group 11/13/22

Donations are welcomed

Due to Thanksgiving commitments, the next Arcturian Group Message will be in three weeks rather than two. (Dec. 4th)

we ask you to infuse the grids with your love – AA Michael via Sharon –

Archangel Michael Group

Week 82 Message

November 13, 2022

I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.

As play tightens around the world for domination, every corner of this globe is being utilized for war and strife. It is our intention to diffuse these hot spots which have been created, either slowly or in the last few months to retain the ability to scare people and to threaten them with the thing they fear most: a horrible death.

For this reason we ask you to infuse the grids with your love. This helps to reverse the polarities of what they have created and helps to ease the intention of what they are planning. Remember there are more of you and with your positive intentions we can win this.

I am Archangel Michael. I am your leader in Light. I am your soul. We are legion.


Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega

The Spirit of Freedom | Isis via Pamela Kribbe

by Pamela Kribbe

I am Isis. I am the free spirit in you all. You can see me in the movement of a bird, flying through the sky, or in water running through a river channel. I am always flowing and moving. My energy cannot get stuck in limitations based on fear and the need for control. I am a female energy, free of limitation.

I am here today because the female energy on Earth is awakening to a higher level of itself. The female energy has been suppressed for a long time, but there was a reason for this happening. There are big cycles of development in your human history and the male and the female energies are both developing themselves, trying to get to a point of balance within human beings.

You are neither male nor female, you are both. And you are not dependent on either of them; you are a free spirit with no limitations. If you get caught up in the idea that you are only male or only female, you get imprisoned by limiting thought-forms which have been passed on to you by the traditions of your society. To be a free spirit, you need the element of play in your life: playfulness, joy, freedom from limiting structures, as well as both the male and the female energies available to you, whether you are a man or a woman. Tradition has forced you into limited images of what it is like to be male or female and you are all suffering from those images.

Now, as a start, if you are a man, I would like you to imagine that you have a female body, or if you are a woman, imagine that you have a male body. Travel with your awareness into your body, into your heart, and feel that you are free inside yourself. Imagine, just for fun, what it would be like to have a body of the opposite sex. You have actually lived lives as the opposite gender, so it is not as hard as you might think. Notice the difference in energies when you are in the body of the opposite sex. What would change for you if you were in this body? Would you do things differently; would some things feel easier for you? Just play with this image and welcome the energy of the opposite sex – it is part of you.

The energy of sexuality has been completely perverted by human traditions of fear and limitation. Sexuality and the soul, the free spirit, belong together, but most religions tell you otherwise. They state that the human passions, such as sexual desire, are of a “lower” nature, whereas the energy of discipline and rules, and focus on the “higher” nature, is supposed to be good and pure. However, when you make a division such as that, you sever yourself. The energy of sexuality is not just about sex, it is really about life. All life comes forth from the sexual energy in humans and in nature, and the dance of male and female energies is at the core of life itself. The energy of sexuality is badly in need of healing and of a different perspective.

Now, I ask that you connect to your second chakra which is in the middle of your abdomen. Sense how the source of creativity inside you is located there. True creativity comes from the soul and is free of limitation, and although it is also sexual in nature, it is not limited by the narrow definition of sexuality. True creativity is vibrant and alive; it wants to explore and express itself in a passionate way, and this is what happens when the soul connects to the physical plane. When the soul gets embodied as a human, the body can provide you with joy and pleasure, and there is nothing wrong with that.

The reason why sexuality was considered suspect, and was suppressed by religious traditions, was that there was a great fear of the female energy. In male-dominated societies or communities, the female energy became a threat because it breaks down rigid power structures and opens up to feelings. There is a paradox inside the male energy: at some level it yearns for sexual union, but at the same time it has an immense fear of sexuality in the wider sense of the word. The fear is not so much of the physical act, but sexuality as aliveness, creativity, exploration, going beyond limits.

For example, when you fall in love with someone, you lose your sense of boundaries and you enter into unknown territory, and this feels magical to you. But the energy of falling in love is not just about the relationship between a particular man and woman, it is more universal than that. It is about the joy of exploration, of moving beyond the known into the unknown, of feeling the magic and the miracle of life. This very free energy of moving beyond yourself, of transcending your boundaries, is at the heart of the female energy, but it was a threat to the ruling powers, and especially to the male power structures.

When you suppress and make suspect the true meaning and vitality of sexual energy, you create many problems for yourself; you become neurotic by suppressing a vital part of yourself. You miss the freedom of living life joyfully, of feeling whole unto yourself. You become divided against yourself and you think you need to obey rules and disciplines that do not come from within yourself, but are imposed from without. You alienate yourself from the source of life and this is what has actually happened in human society. Because the powers of life and true creativity were feared, the energy of control and suppression took over and it killed the human spirit.

Things are changing now but you can still see the effects everywhere around you. Most people are depressed, perhaps not in the clinical sense, but they use only a small part of their true potential and only have a limited connection with their free spirit, their soul. They are blocked by judgments and rules and principles which they think they should obey in order to feel alright, but these laws are not coming from a true spiritual source.

I now ask that you invite my energy into the whole of your body, to welcome back the spirit of joy and freedom and lust for life. You are whole, you are not divided into good and bad parts. This idea is nonsense; every part of you is alive, and the life inside you is looking for a heartfelt expression. All parts of you can and do desire to participate in this expression. Even the dark emotions or passions have a core of light inside them; they just need to be transformed by a spirit of kindness and understanding, and not be held captive by fear and suppression.

So invite my spirit into your heart and feel that it is your own. I am not outside you, I am present in every cell of your body – I am life itself. I am the part of your soul’s energy that loves life, that wants to enjoy it and to have adventures. I am the part of you that is not afraid of change, of moving on, and of accepting the new. Allow me to flow into your body and regard me as your friend – you can fly with me.

Imagine that you have wings and fly upward, and, for awhile, you leave the heavy energy of Earth below you. You see the suffering on Earth, the physical suffering, but most of all you see the emotional pain. Most people on Earth feel very imprisoned inside themselves. They cannot get out of themselves because their thoughts limit and restrict them. And as you look down upon this suffering when you are up in the sky, you feel free because you know youdo not have to change anything; you do not have to do anything to save humanity. You know that when you embody your own free spirit – when your trust your own desires, your passions, your true creativity – you then become your own best friend and you start to radiate an energy that is helpful to the people around you.

It is important to realize that when you express this energy of freedom, it might be frightening to some people because you are knocking on the doors of their prison cell, and doing this can sometimes feel as a threat to them. They may think you are too wild, too different, too free; but just let them be and do not argue with them, do not waste your energy by doing that. You need all your awareness and energy to stay focused on yourself, to preserve that energy of freedom, and to hear your own soul’s guidance.

When you embody the spirit of freedom, of love, life, and joy, you also need to be very perceptive of the energies around you. Feel from your heart where your unique soul’s energy is welcome and can flow easily. Whenever you feel exhausted around someone or in a particular situation – when you feel drained – just leave. Do not exert yourself trying to change things because change happens in ways you cannot predict. So you do not have to focus your attention on creating change or working for it, and you do not need to convince other people of what to do. If you keep attuned to your own heart and to the source of life in your abdomen, then you will know what to do: you simply follow the flow of joy. What makes you feel alive and vibrant and inspired is where you are meant to go.

There may be times in your life when you feel you cannot go anywhere with this energy. It seems there is a lack of people or situations which allow you to fully express yourself, but this is just a part of your journey. In order to learn to respect yourself, even when you feel alone and misunderstood, go out into nature. Feel the energies of nature in places where it is wild and free, and you will feel at home there. You must respect yourself and, to some extent, you need to be solitary to do this.

You are here to create a new kind of consciousness and you do this by staying true to yourself by not trying to change anything outside yourself, by listening to the voice of your heart, and by not getting too upset by people or energies that might resist you. Just leave them be; you do not need to be involved with them. Fly up high in the sky, again and again, to remember who you truly are: a being free of limitations, and your energy will change and affect the people around you. However, changing others should not be your primary concern, it will just happen. You are here to find joy in life, even in the midst of heavy and dense energy. And by preserving the spirit of joy, you will give hope to other people.

Take good care of yourself; you are much more cherished than you think. There are angels around you all the time; you are never alone, even in the midst of darkness. You are always connected to the source of life, the life that transcends all boundaries.

Thank you for receiving my spirit within you.

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 11/12/2022 • Keep the Magnet On!

brown wooden love is lover decor
Photo by Shamia Casiano on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Breathe deeply. Exhale. The vibrations of all creation just flowed through you in that single breath. The energies of all you love and all you hate just flowed into you. Your intelligent body, connected to the Source, attempted to take in all of the frequencies that support its health, happiness, and well-being. Your mind selected and filtered the frequencies that match the vibration of your thoughts and the emotional charge around them.

You are in charge of what you take in and what you release. Your feelings tell you in a given moment precisely what vibrations you are resonating with and which ones you are not.

Suppose you are angry. You go about your day dwelling on frustrations. As you breathe, you resonate with all the frustrated people on earth. You resonate with things that will frustrate you. God and your angels emit only love, help, joy, kindness, and beautiful frequencies, but in your upset space, you selectively filter out the kinder energies and tune yourself into the not-so-pleasant ones ones. You turn on the TV and see an ad that upsets you. You get stuck behind people in traffic. Memories arise. Fears and feelings of helplessness arise. At some point, you may realize that you’re spinning into a very unpleasant and chaotic state of being and, there, a chaotic experience of life.

Perhaps you have a moment of awareness. You want to feel better and don’t want to feel like things are spinning out of control. You take a deep, slow breath and relax into it. As you breathe, even if only for a moment, you are a vibrational match to love. You chose to honor your desire to feel better. That is self-love. You decided to stop yourself from spinning into chaos. That is self-love. You chose to focus on something simple that you knew would help you calm down. That is self-love.

In that moment of self-love, you began to resonate with love. In that vibration, you are resonating with all that is good, beautiful, healthy, and happy. You are allowing the cells of your body, which are always calling for love to receive a healthy vibration. In this breath, you are unblocked, experiencing a greater connection to the Source, and beginning to turn towards a kinder reality. It is that simple.

Suppose you proceed with your day more relaxed, with a more objective perspective. You start to choose better-feeling thoughts. “That’s more like it,” you tell yourself. “There are things to be happy about. There are things to appreciate. I can acknowledge myself in this moment!” Now you are creating more positive momentum, and, like a snowball rolling, your day begins to improve until you feel loved and peaceful once again. It really is this simple.

Dear ones, if you truly understood the vibrational nature of your reality, choosing better-feeling thoughts would become your single highest priority.

As you feel yourself moving closer and closer to feeling love, you come closer to feeling the Source within. As you choose better-feeling thoughts, your system sifts through the soup of frequencies in each breath and resonates more clearly with those of love. As you appreciate a sunset and have a moment of appreciation, in that breath you are resonating with all who appreciate, all who feel life’s abundance, and all that is beautiful and there to appreciate. In that vibration, you draw more abundance to you, more beauty, more peace, and so much more love. All of this occurs in that one breathe during a moment of appreciation.

Some of you don’t feel you can manifest, but you can. You may think you’ve tried, but you may not realize that you oscillate between high and low frequencies so frequently. You don’t always stay tuned into a loving reality consistently enough to have your magnet draw the loving person, thing, or situation that you wish to you.

For example, suppose you want a lover. One moment you focus on the delicious thought of one. You are moving towards your lover. One moment you focus with appreciation on your sandwich. In that moment of loving your sandwich, you are attracting a lover. Another moment you are feeling pretty good about an accomplishment. You are moving towards your lover in that vibration of love. However, you get to the end of the day and get frustrated. “Where’s my lover? They’ll never come.” Now you’re not in a vibration of love. Temporarily the magnet is off. You get to the weekend, “I’m lonely. I’m miserable. I’m bored. I’m tired or doing things on my own. Those thoughts may all be true, but they don’t feel like love. You’ve temporarily switched your magnet off. Most of you go through life like this – on again, off again, on again, off again. Hence, it can take a while to attract what you want.

However, here’s the good news. You don’t have to focus on what you want at all. You just have to focus on anything that feels better. Love is love whether you are loving the thought of the future you want to create or loving your sandwich. Love is love whether you are loving feelings of being on vacation in your future or enjoying your chair. Love is love whether you are thinking of the partner you wish for with delightful anticipation or enjoying a moment listening to a beautiful bird singing outside your window. Love is love whether you are focusing on having a lot of money in your future and how fun that would be, enjoying a penny you found on the sidewalk, or opening the door for a stranger.

Maybe you can’t think positively about the lover that isn’t here yet, but you can still attune yourself to love! You can enjoy the day, the weather, your couch, your sandwich, and all the other good people, things, and animals in your life. In that fairly consistent vibration of love, you’ll still attract your lover.

Maybe you can’t think positively about the future of your world at the moment, but you can enjoy your tea, your coffee, the good people in your life, the folks that think positively and do good. As you maintain a fairly consistent vibration of love, you are helping to create the better world you want to see.

You can avoid focusing on a highly charged topic and focus on anything that feels like love, and in that vibration of love, you’ll begin to attract so much more of what you would love to see.

Love is love, dear ones, and no matter how you find it, focus on it, and most importantly, choose it, it is the highest, most beautiful, most magnetic vibration on the planet. Even if you are grieving, you can focus on the love and attract a connection with your dear one beyond your wildest dreams. Love is love.

Choose better-feeling thoughts –thoughts that feel more loving – as often as possible. In so doing, you allow yourself to experience a beautiful, happy, healthy, abundant life no matter what the rest of the world is doing. You can, one breath at a time, keep your magnet for love on and live a life that reflects that love right back to you.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

realize that your higher good wants you every bit as much as you desire it!

The Collective: More on Transformation

A Message to Lightworkers – November 8, 2022

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, Archangels, and other Divine Beings known as the Collective.

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you again today.

And so, as we are sitting by this by this beautiful flow of water, which is really just energy, think again on that subject that we have been speaking on lately, which is Transformation.

And not only Transformation from where you are physically, or what you are experiencing outwardly, but who you feel yourself to be—a greater source of empowering for you, in other words.

So again, we will just ask you to give yourself this moment, when you are imaging what you would really love to experience, or to have, or to heal.

And put yourself in that situation fully.

So we’ve walked forward from envisioning what would be wonderful to experience, and calling out to it energetically, and now the next step is to embody it.

To claim full ownership of this beautiful shift in your life.

And this can be many things, dear ones.

Yes, most people want to heal bodily issues, and improve their income, and to be with the right partner, or to recreate or rebirth the relationship they’re in now.

And most people would like to know what their life purpose is, if they don’t already know that.

They would love to experience knowing, “Why did I come onto the Earth at this time?”

And many have other issues. It might be something in your family, or your community. Or you just want NESARA to happen!

Whatever it is, bring that forward now.

Close your eyes, or just stare at the water flowing by . . .

And begin to claim this, not as something [off in the future] that you desire, but something that already exists, and that is calling out to you every bit as much as you are calling out to it.

This is an absolutely beautiful way to realize that your higher good wants you every bit as much as you desire it!

And be open to receiving this wonderful thing or situation—a new beginning, inner or outer healing—be ready and open to receive it in whatever ways are for your higher good.

We want you to call in your Spirit team right now. Just say, “My Angels, my Spirit guides, my higher self, I know you are always with me, but sit down with me now, because this is important, and I require your assistance.

“Now, here’s my vision,” and show them your vision of what you want to create.

And then you want to say, “I expect real movement on this! If I need to do something outwardly to claim it, then show me what that is. “If I need to tap into some wisdom, some realization and understanding I just don’t have yet—lead me to it! “You brought me in for growth, and I brought me in for growth, and so, here we are! I am going to embody this Transformation—I’m not only going to desire it.”

So, with your eyes closed right now, envision that this has already taken place, whatever it is.

Look down at yourself [in this vision]—see what you’re wearing. See where you are, outwardly. In a room or outside in Nature, such as our writer is right now.

Envision this and be glad for it! Put yourself fully in the picture! Remember, you’re not seeing yourself from afar. You’re in yourself. You’re in your own body, in that image.

And yet, something’s changed; something’s moved to a higher level.

Can you accept the growth and the inner Transformation required in order for you to, have it?

Often, that will be healing or release of energetic influences that simply are not you.

And we agree it can be difficult some days to know exactly where it is that you need to shift and change and heal.

So, this is why you bring in your higher self, dear ones. And we are able to assist, if that is difficult for you.

We’re flowing energies to you right now to assist you in letting your beautiful Spirit team know, “I require to move forward in this area, and I don’t require struggle to get there!

“What I am calling out to you for—what I’m calling forth from the Universe—is growing through Joy, and through calm acceptance, and through releasing all struggle in this area.

“I wasn’t meant to struggle. I didn’t come here to struggle! There’s no need for that now. Not now that all this beautiful Light is pouring onto the planet and transforming everything and everyone.”

So, get that feeling in your body, dear ones, that it’s already here! Very important.

You do this time all the time in your sleep state. You travel constantly in your sleep state.

Sometimes you move up and down the timeline, and you’re resolving things. Healing things, ending old contracts.

And if there’s an old contract now that is stopping you from accepting this beautiful new change in your life, let’s just draw it out!

So, see that flying out of you, going into the Violet Transmuting Flame of Saint Germain—this is a lovely, practical tool that we use quite often, because it’s quite powerful.

Image that contract, that vow or oath, promise, agreement—it’s just flying out of your heart-space, out of your energies, into the Violet Transmuting Flame of Saint Germain, and it’s returning to pure energy. It can’t hold you back anymore.

And we would love for you to say, “I’m free now! I’m free of this.”

And say to all groups you have ever known, all individuals you have ever known in any life, “All contracts, agreements, vows, commitments between us—all of that—dissolved now, unless they are still in place as being for my higher good and yours.”

And what you’re doing, dear ones, is freeing yourself from the grasp of the old, and the pitfalls—the old stuck patterns of the past.

We have many people emailing us, and asking, “How do I get past this stuck feeling I’m experiencing in this area of life or another?”

They absolutely have it right, that this is what holds many people back. It’s a pattern of stuckness, one might say.

Let’s work with that as well . . . [offering energy work]

Open your hands and let go of whatever you’re unconsciously grasping. Maybe you’re thinking that it will protect you in some way.

Maybe your subconscious is feeling that, “Well, it’s just always been that way. It’s an old habit. I’ll keep it in place.” Open your hands and let go, while we work with you energetically. We’re just drawing out those old influences that are holding you back.

Drawing out the narrow-mindedness you were raised with in many lives—the victimhood, the fear of survival—bring that up right now.

Anything you’re fearing—bring that up. Bring up those emotions . . . we’re going to disengage them from your spirit, and send them into the Light . . .

Wonderful! Just breathe out . . . breathe out all that old energy.

Breathe in the new energy—the higher Light that’s visiting the planet, and that is so vital for your Ascension and your evolvement now.

Wonderful, dear ones! We do offer this kind of energy work on the Abundant Living podcast every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month.

If you go to our writer’s YouTube Channel, you should be able to find it. And if you get on the Abundant Living signup form, which you’ll find on that page at, you’ll get the link, and you’ll be well-informed ahead time, each time before there’s a [podcast].

[Note: That page will be available again on Thursday, November 10.]

And the Abundant Living program exists as well, dear ones, if you would like more personalized assistance and support.

So we’ll bring our writer back now, and we thank you for the power of your presence in these days when so much is being determined!

COR: Hi everyone! (Sorry about the crazy camera work!) This is Caroline, and I just want you to know that the Abundant Living program is there for you.

If you don’t want to become a subscribing member, the community is there for you, as the Collective were saying, every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month [via the YouTube Live Abundant Living podcast].

And I will be opening the doors to a new Abundant Living program—previously, the Abundance Group—on Thursday—that’s November 10th.

So I hope that you will have a look, and I’ll be sending out emails about that.

The prices will be lower, and the bonuses will be really wonderful [for five days starting Thursday, November 10th]. But you have to sign up by midnight Monday night, November 14th [to take advantage of lower pricing and the bonuses].

I send much Love and many blessings— I’ll just briefly say, that it was the teachings of inner healing and Transformation that completely remade my life, starting in the ‘90s, going back 30 years.

I was in a bad place on many levels, and when I found out that there are beautiful higher beings ready to assist us, and to work with us in every way, and that we were never alone, and that we absolutely deserved and can allow Abundance, and break up these old energetic patterns that hold us back from it—I was thrilled!

Because it meant [we have the opportunity to create] fulfillment in every area of life.

Not only financial Abundance, not only physical healing, but the kind of inner healing that returns you to your [authentic] Self.

So I send much Love and many blessings—I know that there’s so much happening that’s demanding right now. But a group like this program presents can turn a lot around for you, with a lot of specialized support, for as long as you wish.

And so, much Love, and namaste!

by Caroline Oceana Ryan

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Realization of Your Mastery

Dear Ones, you are far more masterful than you realize. That is why the enlightenment process is often referred to as realization. It is realizing the full extent of your mastery. So trust the process of your own evolution. Trust the inherent wisdom of your own soul to help you navigate your life expression.

We often talk about getting into alignment with your inner wise one or your higher self and this can, to some of you, feel like an elaborate process or one that is beyond your capabilities. We wish to assure you it is not. It is a simple as asking yourself, “What does my human self think?” and “What does my soul self think?” and following the advice that seems most empowering and expansive.

You and your soul are one and the same, so there is never a time when you don’t have access to it.

The November 11th (11/11/22) Energies ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We are very happy for humanity, as you have this wonderful time to exist there on Earth. You are now at a time where you can already feel the opening of the November 11th portal, and we want to tell you a little more about the energies that are coming in through that portal that are coming in to support you in your spiritual evolution. These energies are for connecting you to both higher-dimensional planes and higher-vibrational beings and collectives, and they are for connecting you more to yourself, connecting you within your own self to who and what you really are as a Source Energy Being. 

These are incredibly powerful energies that you are in the midst of already and that will reach their peak on November 11th. And as every opening of every portal now is significant, we would like to give you some pointers on what you can do to better receive the energies of this 11/11 event. First of all, we always recommend that you ground in your physical bodies, and feel for your consciousness all the way down into the soles of your feet. Also, we are always reminding you of the importance of being hydrated, and we want you to know that drinking water in its purest form is always going to give you optimal hydration, but we also recommend more fruit, vegetables, and if you can get your hands on it, coconut water. 

We recommend that you rest, that you meditate, and that you get enough sleep. We also recommend that you state out loud exactly who or what you would like to connect to with your consciousness. You are going to connect your consciousness with extra-terrestrials before you connect with them physically. But you can always connect to those of us who are in the nonphysical realm, and know that we are always offering something for you. On the date of November 11th, make sure you set aside some time to be quiet and to focus on being one giant receptor. You want to make yourselves available to these energies. 

You want to feel yourself opening up like a flower does to receive sunlight and rain, and you want to know that you have these connections already to all of these beings. The connections are already there, and the energies are to assist you in recognizing the connections that you already have. They are to strengthen those connections so that you can feel them more powerfully, and these energies will help you to know exactly what it is that you are receiving from higher-dimensional beings and collectives when you are connected more consciously and with a wider bandwidth. 

You all continue to make such tremendous progress, and that is why these connections are more available to you than ever before there on planet Earth. We are so happy to be able to make you more aware of what is happening throughout this universe of ours, and we are happy to assist you in actualizing all of your desires, including those desires for deeper and more meaningful connections with those in the higher realms, like ourselves. We look forward to connecting with more of you in the very near future.  

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel ~ Be Willing to Face Fear

Be willing to face the fears of the past and move into new dimensions of Love.

Dear One,

You have come to a time when you know that the way you have always perceived your world may seem like it is no longer working. It may even feel as though your childhood traumas or other things from your past that you are not proud of are crowding into your present awareness.

This is a very good sign, because all memories come into your mind to be released, so that you can live in the present. We encourage this release of past memories and fear so you will be able to move on with your life. Whether you do this through prayer, personal journaling, talking to a friend or going through counseling, the important thing is to be willing to face the fears of the past, hold them in the light of loving awareness, and then let them go.

When the healing light of Love, Compassion and Acceptance shines on old patterns and fears, they lose their power and are easier to release. Once you let go of old habits of thoughts and feelings, you become free to turn your attention away from the past and to focus on creating the future you would like for yourself and for your world.

The veils between heaven and earth are thinner now. This means that the desires of your heart and the focus of your mind can bring about the manifestation of that which is in your highest good. Your thoughts are now creating your present and future reality.

Whatever you focus on increases in energy, so it becomes the dominant force in your world. You can choose to focus on the good, the beautiful and the love inherent in all things. Or you can choose to focus on the old which may increase the levels of fear inside you. If you begin to look for good, you will find it. And the more you look for the good in your world, the more it will increase because you are giving it energy by your focus.

You will also begin to notice that you feel more loving, more peaceful and more optimistic. People will seem much nicer to you. Your daily struggle will become less. All this is possible because you begin to look for and focus on the good, and are willing to have more Love and Harmony in your life. It will seem like a miracle, but miracles are available to all who will receive them.

The Angels are also available to you now in a way that was not possible before. We will assist this entire process of changing the way you perceive your world, if you but ask us. Your thoughts are prayers flowing out into the ethers and bring to you that which you focus on.

What do you have to lose by calling on your guardian Angel and asking for more Love, Peace and Harmony in your life? What could it hurt to ask to see that which is good, instead of that which causes pain?

There is an incredible simplicity in the truth of universal law. You do not have to be alone in your struggle. Angelic assistance is always available to you, here to bring Divine Love and Light to the world. Our message is always one of Peace and Harmony. We seek to bring only Good into your life.

Entertain the possibility that what we are saying may actually be true; that what you focus on can create your future reality. Notice your thought patterns throughout the day. Is this what you want in your future? Begin to focus your thoughts only on that which you want in your life.

When you notice negativity in your mind, say “That is not an acceptable reality, this is what I do want…more Love, greater Abundance, Harmony in my relationships and Beauty in my world.” Before long you will notice the changes in your life, as that which you ask for manifests. These changes are the new dimensions of love promised to you. You are the one that holds the key to your future by what you are harmonizing with today.

Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today is:

Be willing to face the fears of the past and move into new dimensions of Love.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel

Any NO is appropriate for this time of change.

black man with index finger pointing up

Photo by Monstera on

Dear Ones,

New images, sensations, feelings, and actions are coming to the forefront for you and millions of other earth beings. For maybe the first time ever, NO is the word for millions – as if the veil of fear has been lifted.

Of course, you might feel that NO and all it represents is an aberration that is short-lived, inconsistent, wrong, or bad.

Any NO is appropriate for this time of change.

NO was most often only fully available to those in 3D power. Even though those of you who were not part of a power group in this life or other lives could voice or act on NO, the effect was minimal.

NO is the word and action of the week.

“No, I won’t do or say that.” “No, I won’t follow your lead.” “No, I’m no longer the fearful person I once was.” With an overall effect of confusion, anger, pleasure, or any emotion you can imagine, including your inner smile of contentment and joy

What was is no more, including compliance without question. Those currently in outer-directed power are confused and angry – as are those suddenly finding the need to claim their personal power.

The power structure that was is faltering. And those who maintain outer-directed power are terrified. So those who have outer-directed power are fighting back with more power dictates. Which only encourages those of you with inner-directed power to claim your selfhood in ways that cannot be touched by outer-directed power.

You are in the midst of a fight to the death – the death of outer-directed power. It is as if the prison cells are open, and prison guards are trying to return prisoners to their cells without enough guards to do so.

You are free!

Your freedom might not agree with the freedom of others, but it does not matter because freedom is the word and action of the week. It is like having your first complete multi-flavored ice cream cone after experiencing life after life of being allowed one small spoonful of vanilla ice cream.

This freedom is exhilarating and filled with unknowns. So you and others may jump from one distinct, exciting flavor or freedom to another or select random flavors and freedoms just because.

It is a time of excitement and fear. Not because you are encased in fear as you have been for eons. But because initially, you will be fearful you selected the wrong freedom/flavor. Only after you understand your flavor/freedom choices are endless will you settle into the path or place that is right for you.

You may be frightened in the next week as you and others create actions related to new or expected freedoms. Do not worry. That fear will dissipate as you realize you will no longer be punished for claiming your freedom or that you need others to fortify the freedoms you claim.

Outer-directed power is never possible in an isolated environment – others are necessary to maintain outer-directed power.

Inner-directed power is the opposite of outer-directed power.

Initially, you will probably encourage others to follow your lead. Not because you have to or doing so promotes your new life of personal freedom, but because that is how earthlings are used to achieving power while of the earth. At the same time, others will likely attempt to shift your direction.

This week, you will observe your new inner-directed love in action – contrary to what many of you may believe. The result will be independent freedom devoid of pandering, pushing, forcing, or fear. But first, most of you will test this new love with pieces of outer-directed power.

Even though this week will likely be confusing and a bit fearful, it will offer you an overall sense of completion and freedom. The freedom to be despite what others want or need. The freedom to be with new adventures, words, and actions.

Freedom is the word of the day, week, and the remainder of your current life on earth. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

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Message from my Higher Self (7 Nov.2022) -Nikos Akrivos-

You came into your physical body as a soul wanting to explore a human experience, knowing fully that by doing that you will expand and serve the whole by choosing to follow the path of joy in all circumstances however your perception would be in every now. Along the way you explored all emotional states from fear, hate, shame to anger to love to peace and abundance and all states in between. In other words Source through you has had and is having experiences that no one ever experienced before and through this exploration you as having a human experience become a Master in the emotional states all across The Universes. This is why everyone, no matter what emotional state she/he experiences, every time she/he allows more expansion of Source and more knowledge through a particular experience that no matter how it looks, it is always serving the whole. That is why everyone no matter where they stand in their awareness is of service to All The Universes.

And once one realizes and knows how deep within how true authentic joy and appreciation and peace feels, one knows that she/he is one with Source. And the more one practices to get into this state by choosing deliberately to go within and calm the mind for at least 15′ the more one becomes aware of The Oneness with Source , with The One and True Love that is without conditions. And the more one knows that, the more one frees the self by choosing deliberately to feel good. That is why the message remains the same: Your purpose in life is to be in joy. And if today it seems like the same day like yesterday, listen carefully to your inner guidance, keep the valve of your heart open, it will guide you to walk in another street maybe today or take a hike or do something that you didn’t do for quite some time. Decide now to have a lovely day. Intend now to choose the action that feels more than fine and see what this day and the next and the next bring to you.

I Love You.

Your Higher Self.

Nikos Akrivos

Feeling Good is Feeling God.