I have released recently the information that many starseeds need to hear: Your highest timeline is now available to you…You are the wayshowers. You are the ones who will anchor to higher timelines first and you will show the way for others.

Archangel Michael Group
Week 84 Message
November 27, 2022
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.

I have released recently the information that many starseeds need to hear: Your highest timeline is now available to you.

This week’s exercise will be an attempt to develop that connection as it is you who must go there first. You are the ones capable of reaching the higher timeline and it is possible only through an open heart. The heart is the portal to the 5D and it must be open.

How does one open the heart? By eliminating fear. Focus on my blue sword of flaming power in an attempt to raise your connection to higher realms. Allow yourself life’s pleasantries: a beautiful landscape, some seasonal cheer, everything which you love allow yourself to have. If it makes you happy then allow it. With this you will spread that happiness to others and that is the point – this is why you came to earth.

You are the wayshowers. You are the ones who will anchor to higher timelines first and you will show the way for others.

Allow yourself a rest from our usual proceedings this week and raise your vibration to the 5D level.

I am Michael. I am your guide, I am your host, we are Legion.


How to Create your Own Reality, a Handy Guide | Don Spectacularis

Have you ever wondered what exactly you need to actually DO to create your own reality? Or how exactly you too can shift yourself (and everyone upon this planet) into the New Earth? Or help stop wars, hatred, poverty, disease, division, exploitation, corruption, and child abuse? Or to simply GET everything that you’d always wanted? Or simply find health, wealth, relationships, abundance, or healing? Or even heal your body of unwanted substances (vaccines, chemtrail toxins, food poisons etc.)?

So linked right below, is a truly interesting, useful and helpful 10 minute video (that I came across just yesterday), that will show you the way. For not only does this message resonate 100% with me personally, but I have both – past life as well as present life – memories and very-much-PHYSICAL experiences, to account for its legitimacy and authenticity. But you don’t have to take MY word for it. Experiment with its teaching/s for yourself and see what comes of it!

Watch it. Save it. Learn it. Memorize it. And, above all, get to PRACTICING it NONSTOP.

After all, practice makes perfect. Be it learning how to play a guitar, how to skateboard, or how to be a God-in-a-human-suit!

So get practicing! It’s how you change and UPLIFT your world – both individual, as well as collective!

You can view the video by clicking here: 

Enjoy! 🙂

Don Spectacularis

P.S. :: If the video resonates with you, please don’t forget to SHARE (or help TRANSLATE it if you can) for more and more and more people around the world to truly BENEFIT from! Cheers!! And enjoy creating a better reality for us ALL! 🙂 Adios.

If your holiday activities activate joyful feelings, enjoy them! If they activate painful feelings, then it is time for a change.

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 11/26/2022 • Have An Authentic Holiday Season

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

As you move into your holiday season, breathe. Remind yourself to relax, slow down, and enjoy the moment. It is better to do less with more love than more with less love. It is better to fully engage in the activities you choose rather than rush through them and, in so doing, miss the moments of your life.

The universe responds to you as you are now. No matter what you have or haven’t done for lifetimes, decades, or even in the past five minutes, now is all that matters. You are who you are because you are thinking thoughts now. You are experiencing what you experience because the universe is responding to your vibration now. Often what you are vibrating to is the result of many thoughts you have thought in the past. You develop patterns, momentum, and, therefore, vibrations that are well-practiced. Nonetheless, the universe is responding to you now and only now.

Suppose you were a musician. Imagine you practiced a song until you could play it by rote, only to discover a little later, that a few notes were off. You would have to re-learn the song. Teaching yourself the new notes might take a great deal of practice and perseverance since the old ones were so well-practiced. You could do it, of course. It would just take some effort.

Likewise, you have many practiced patterns of thought. Some are “on key” because they create feelings of love in your life. Some are off the key of love because they don’t make you happy. Some are complex notes – a little love mixed with a little less. It may take some work to practice new thoughts that feel like love. It may take some diligence and compassion for yourself to develop new habits. You can do it, however, and the rewards are well worth the effort.

The holidays, especially, have many practiced patterns of thought. Some activate beautiful feelings within you. A song, a smell, a particular food, the twinkling of lights, or the lighting of a candle can activate vibrations of warmth, joy, and comfort. For others of you, these can activate very painful memories.

If your holiday activities activate joyful feelings, enjoy them! If they activate painful feelings, then it is time for a change. Create new traditions, new beliefs, and new activities that please you more. Do this, whether or not the new is related to the old. You don’t have to celebrate just because everyone else is. You don’t have to mail cards, go to gatherings, or play special music if it doesn’t give you joy. You may prefer a quiet retreat or a simple gathering of friends. Do what makes your heart sing. Bring a new you to the present moment. Be like a child. Look for what is interesting, pleasing, and fun – wherever you are. A child may cry one moment but then quickly look for what is more enjoyable the next. So can you.

Dear ones, your holidays are meant to be a season of light. Emotions are running high this year, yet you can embrace the light and the love within you more dearly than ever before. Permit yourselves to slow down, savor the moments, and live in a state of love. What you do or who you are with, who understands, approves or not, is infinitely less important than whether or not you choose to honor your own heart.

As your world struggles to recreate itself, let the light of the season be born within you once again – in this moment and the next, with honesty, authenticity, and a commitment to your own good-feeling season.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Your Choice! | The Creator via Jennifer Farley

donuts and bagel display
Photo by Igor Ovsyannykov on Pexels.com

Your Choice!

NOVEMBER 23, 2022

(The Creator Writings)

Your earth plane existence has never been about The Universe’s will, choice or decision. It always has been and always will be about what YOU choose. Any path, any direction travelled, and any decision made is blessed, celebrated and joyously assisted by The Universe. ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner

Guided Ecstatic Dance on 432hz.

High Vibes everyone!

I have prepared a almost one hour guided ecstatic dance session for you so you can try it and experience it in the comfort of your house by yourself or with your loved ones as many times you like.

Make a donation from 10$ or higher on my paypal and send me a message through paypal described “Guided Ecstatic Dance” along with your email and you will receive the file in the next 24 hours.

Here is the link to my paypal account.

Thank You.

blond woman in dress standing in green meadow with arms raised in ecstasy
Photo by Евгений Горман on Pexels.com

if you complete tasks that you find interesting and fun, you will be energized. A simple formula for who you are now…Self-comfort is your word and action of the week.

Dear Ones,

You are beginning to note the difference between what is expected of you and who you are. It is a confusing time, for if you do not do something, who will? Yet, you do not necessarily want to do it. So you ponder your options and your needs. “Should I continue doing this because I want to or I feel I should?”

These new options were not expected for you are used to doing what you believe is your household, family, friendship, or work roles. “I’m doing this because I’m supposed to.” But for whom? You or others?

Perhaps you have expectations of yourself or your environment that others do not. So how do you decide if those expectations are outside your needs if that something is not completed to your satisfaction? How indeed?

When are your self-expectations part of your social world instead of what you hold deep within? And if you do not wish to complete something, how do you feel about yourself?

Many of your activities are tied to shoulds instead of personal needs or interests. Maintaining a clean home, repairing items, or activating work tasks that others ignore or refuse to do is not wrong. But if you are completing those items for accolades from others, you are acting on 3D shoulds. If you find yourself uncomfortable with a task not completed even though others could care less, it is a function of your new being.

Everything you do, think, or say is now spun through your inner being. So if you complete tasks for others, you will be exhausted or angry. And if you complete tasks that are unreasonable for your energy or skills, you will be exhausted or angry. But if you complete tasks that you find interesting and fun, you will be energized. A simple formula for who you are now.

Your formula was more complicated in the past because your central core of knowingness was limited. Numerous activities were completed for others – jobs, children, marriage, schooling, and holiday celebrations. Event after event to please others and deny yourself.

Separating yourself from the needs and interests of others as you are doing now can be frightening and self-anger-producing. “Where is my energy? Where is my interest?” “Why do I have to take care of everything?”

Your self-examination of shoulds contrasted with new interests will continue throughout this holiday season and likely a bit beyond. Your actions and shoulds are so deeply tied into your earth life that it will take some time to separate who you are from your 3D self-expectations.

That is not to say you are of 3D, but instead, that you are breaking many 3D habits you were unaware of before.

Why would you not want a clean house or a complete work project? If those actions are part of new you, you will not become angry, miffed, or sad if they are not held in esteem by others, for you will know they are your projects. And if others do not meet your childcare, employment, or home care standards, you might ask yourself why it is important for those duties to be completed to your standards? Are those standards new you or holdovers from 3D?

Even though many of you may be angry that something has not been completed according to your criteria, your criteria may not produce the end product you want. For is a clean house or completed repairs not a call for comfort? Anger, because something is not done to your standards, is not comfortable.

Before you do anything that feels exhausting or otherwise uncomfortable, go within to determine if that action is inner-directed or a 3D holdover. For 3D shoulds now create exhaustion, anger, or frustration.

Shoulds are never complete and never have been, for they are generated from outside your being. It is only those pieces, thoughts, and actions from within that will provide you the comfort you so need at this time.

A comfort that is essential as you eliminate what you were comfortable with in 3D. Self-comfort is your word and action of the week. So be it. Amen.

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The release of fear is a small price to pay for the ecstasy of full merging with the Divine.

Dear One,

Having come to a time of decision, you want to make the right one. You know that what you decide will carry on and you are concerned and even fearful of the “what ifs.” The only way you can truly make decisions that will best serve you now and in your future is to come to a place of peace and calm within. And this means being in harmony with your Higher Self.

It is from this place that you will make decisions that are for the highest good of all concerned. When you bring fear into your decision-making process, it limits you by preventing the full expansiveness of the Divine Mind from working within your conscious mind. It is this merging with God which enables you to feel free, whole and open enough to receive that which is right and true for your life at this time.

No matter how difficult it seems, it is very important that you learn to release the fear that constricts your thinking and actions. Where your attention goes, energy flows. When you focus on the fears, problems and the “what ifs” of your future life, this focused energy magnifies your fearful state. It becomes ever more powerful and can even take over your world — if you allow it to do so. Instead, put your energy into the creation of that wondrous state of being that will best serve you.

The first step in doing this is to breathe deeply and know in your heart that you are being divinely guided at this moment and at every moment in your life. Prayer is also helpful in adjusting your attitude and opening yourself to truth.

You can say, “I surrender this fear to God, and I allow the Divine Mind to work in all my decisions.” Even if you still have the feeling of fear in the pit of your stomach, the simple act of praying for release will start you on the path to right action and thoughts that will open you to your highest good. Yet often it takes a short while for the physical body to catch up with the mental processes, so it is important to give yourself sufficient time to come to a point of relaxation and expansion before actually making your decisions.


Take several relaxing, balanced breaths. As you sit in this peaceful moment, allow your exhaled breath to drop heavily like a stone, down below your feet, into the depths of the earth. This will take the frantic energy from your mind and give you greater clarity.

As you inhale, see yourself expanding with the pure light of God. See it clearing your mind and calming your heart as you connect with your divine nature. Now replace the fearful thoughts that so pervade your worldly consciousness with images of what you really want in your personal and professional life — images of radiant health, harmony in relationships, abundant cash flow, peace within your own heart. Allow these images of your greater good to permeate your being. Then give thanks for receiving them into your life.

Because you have been trained to be fearful and to worry, even though it is not productive, it takes practice to release the fear and to merge with your true divine nature. The Angels are here to help you do this, enfolding you in wings of pure light and guiding your way to peaceful living.

So ask and you will receive. Allow yourself to be open to the Divine Goodness within all things, and be receptive to all the beauty and truth within and around you, so that this good can begin to manifest and work throughout your world. If the bounty of the universe is what you want in your life, all you have to do is to let go of the fear that limits you, and allow the grace of God to work for you. After all:

The release of fear is a small price to pay for the ecstasy of full merging with the Divine.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel

My dear child, The Universe no longer needs a burning bush to get your attention. You ARE that burning bush.

by Jennifer Farley

Take some time and think about this; there is an accumulation of miracles in your life so subtle, so minute that you barely take notice. Then, at the precise moment you are ready to experience the full force of these miracles, there is a shift in your awareness, and you will often stand in awe in how you missed this before.

My dear child, The Universe no longer needs a burning bush to get your attention. You ARE that burning bush.

Archangel Michael Week 83 Message

I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.

World activities are such that they are coming to a head. Reveals are being made at an astounding rate. New energies are coming in to strengthen the light and to weaken the darkness on earth.

However the dark still have their cards to play. It was just revealed that the reluctance to delve in more aggressively has to do with bombs that have been planted in major U.S. cities. If you live in such a city, you might consider moving. It matters not whether the city is blue or red, many have been targeted because of their propensity for damage to its citizens.

For this reason then we ask you this week to target those of the darkness, no matter who they might be. It might be someone in your personal community or one of the Bilderberg group or the hidden dark families that give orders at the top. We need to take this menace off the planet and with your help this can be accomplished anonymously by you.

I am Archangel Michael, the archangel of war. We are a group, we are a family, we are legion.



Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 11/19/2022 • Living in Appreciation

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Those of you who are soon to celebrate your holiday of Thanksgiving know that the holiday centers around appreciation. You take time to appreciate family, friends, or some quiet time for yourself. You take time to appreciate a diversity of food, fun, activities, or rest. You take time to put the world’s problems aside so you can enjoy the things that truly matter in your lives – love, laughter, relaxation, sharing, & caring. Even if you spend the holiday alone in peace, you take time to commune with that which is peaceful and beautiful inside yourself. Dear ones, every day can be a day of giving thanks. Every moment offers opportunities for appreciation.

In traffic, you can appreciate your car, the songs on the radio, the person you love the most or the sky overhead. If you are ill, you can appreciate the warmth of a cozy blanket and a cup of tea. If you are feeling scared, you can appreciate a moment of laughter with a friend or perhaps a song that gives you a few moments of peace. You can step outside, pluck a blade of grass, and appreciate the miracle beneath your feet.

While the world rants and raves about its problems, you can see its miracles. While those around you might try to convince you of all that is wrong with life, you can seek out and appreciate what is right. While the doomsayers tell you the economy is failing, the world is coming to an end, and that your climate is going to hell in a handbasket, you can smile and choose to live in God’s economy. You can appreciate the moment in front of you – right here, right now. You can take a moment and marvel at nature’s miraculous ability to regenerate, sometimes without the slightest bit of help.

Dear ones, make every day a day of Thanksgiving. Make every day a day of seeking out things and people to appreciate. In the meanest of individuals – if you were to look hard enough – you could find something to appreciate. Perhaps they have a passion that comes out in unpleasant ways but is nonetheless still a passion. Maybe they are angry because they feel helpless, because in their depth they care strongly about an ideal. Perhaps the person who just cut you off in traffic is afraid of being late, but at least they care about meeting their commitments. We are not saying you should stick around for bad behavior if you can avoid it. We are not saying you should pretend it doesn’t exist, or give it another second of your focus. However, when bad behavior is unavoidably in front of you, you can still look around for something to appreciate.

When you don’t like something on the news, you can appreciate your remote control and switch the station! When the relative you try to avoid starts lecturing you, you can point out something about them that you can appreciate and then change the topic. “I love that you care about me so much. I love that you want the best for me. Thank you.” then change the topic or walk away. Or maybe you’re around someone ranting about their beliefs and trying to impose them upon you. You can easily say, “Isn’t it wonderful to be alive and to care about something so passionately! Better than being apathetic!” then switch the topic or walk away! You have the power to find something to appreciate in any given situation, and while some are certainly harder than others, you have the choice to align with the love that you are and feel good – or not. Your choice to focus on appreciation is for you first.

Dear ones, you are the lightworkers More accurately you are the light-focusers. You are the lights that can choose to shine your love upon the areas which you can appreciate, and in so doing amplify those vibrations upon your earth. Look for peace. Notice peace. Be peaceful, and more and more examples of piece will come into your field and awareness. Look for levity. Be lighthearted. Appreciate those who are and more and more of that energy will come into your awareness. “Seek and ye shall find,” dear ones. Seek things to appreciate, and you will find more and more wonderful things in your world to appreciate.

Spending your life seeking out things to appreciate enables you to open the windows of your perception to all that is good, loving, and beautiful. In so doing, you will see the light amidst the darkness, harmony despite the chaos, beauty, love, and grace, even in a world that is certainly stirred up at the moment.

You are the light workers, the light focusers, the appreciators, and the ones attuning your world into a higher, happier, more beautiful space… one moment, one soul at a time.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

You have the ability to bring yourself closer to Source, all day, every day.

This Homecoming is Coming ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are destined to experience that homecoming, that return to Source, that is inevitable for all beings in all times and all places throughout this universe. This is what ascension is essentially about. It is about getting closer to home. You have the ability to bring yourself closer to Source, all day, every day. You do not have to wait for anything to happen that would make it easier for you to experience Source as your true self, as an aspect of you that exists within your very being-ness. In fact, for some humans the path has been to go as far away from Source as they possibly could with their consciousness so that the snapping back would feel so much more exciting and life-affirming. 

To give oneself the experience of complete ecstasy, sometimes, in some universes, like ours, great pain and suffering is a part of that journey. Everything that you feel consciously brings you to a place where you can feel everything, and that includes the heights of ecstasy. You can get there without the help of anyone or anything. You don’t have to wait for some beautiful person, or beautiful e.t., to come into your life to assist you with getting there. You just have to acknowledge that everything exists inside of you, and as you put your attention on your inner realm, you can feel for the potential that exists within you to be in a state of complete alignment with Source. Nothing and no one is stopping you from that.

We know that people talk about the bad ones out there who are trying to prevent ascension from occurring, but we wonder if those same people are going within to feel for what ascension is all about right now in their very bodies. All of that you can read about online is a distraction from what exists inside each and every one of us. The Source Energy portal is there within every being and every collective, and you can tap in to it right now by focusing on the center of your heart and focusing on your breathing. Sometimes there are blockages there; we know this. And many of you have felt those blockages as well, but the only way to get past those blockages is to go right through them, and you can do it with your focus, with your intention, with directing your consciousness to the very center of your heart.

It’s all there, everything you could ever want and everything you could ever have that also exists outside of you, including every experience with every other being. Give yourselves the experience of ascension right now, and then you will be waiting for nothing. You will be in a timeless realm where everything is possible, where you are everything. 

There is so much more for you to tap in to, and sometimes you just need the right nudging at the right time to go to the right place, and the right place, right now, for all of you, is within. Go to the center of your heart; feel for the love that is there. Know that it is the true you, and see how much of it you can feel and expand out to all corners of this beautiful universe of ours.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Feeling Good is Feeling God.