This is your New World my dear human. It is not my doing, it is yours.

Sophia ~ A Message of Love, from One

It is the One.

You are heading directly towards tumult, and what to some will feel like chaos. Know that this is planned. Know that this is necessary and that the outcome favors humanity each and every time.

I come to you today to offer comfort.*

Hear these words, for they echo Truth. Truth is what you have not had access to these many generations.

You are the bravest of the brave.

You are the strongest of the strong.

Your Light! Oh!

Your Light is that of ten thousand brilliant bulbs! It not only emits from your very essence; it radiates throughout your being and is felt viscerally by anyone who is fortunate enough to be within range.

And what a range it is!

My dear, dear humble human. You have trudged and crawled through the murkiest, darkest times, only to emerge unscathed.

For regardless of any attempt made to assault your spirit ~ you remain radiant.

You are not defeated, my dear ones, you are exalted. It is in your exaltation that this/your world is raised up. It is placed among realms of peace, glory and absolute agape.

For above all ~ you are Love.

Despite all ~ you are Love.

Throughout all ~ you are Love.

This Love that you are echoes through each event and every story.

Your Light will not be dimmed.

Your Light has not been dimmed.

Focus now on what you have felt and known always but have not been told by your society’s mechanisms. Focus now on your Truth.

You are Love.

You are Light.

You are Truth.

Your nature is one of loyalty, compassion, joy and abundance.

You desire consensus because you embody Oneness, and anything other than that feels foreign to you.

Consensus is not replication of the details. Consensus is agreement on the highest and best outcome for all concerned. Simply put, consensus is Unconditional Universal Love.

This Love that you are emerges viscerally now in contrast to what is being exposed. Do not despair in what you see exposed. For this is the wound that must see the Light in order to heal.

And heal it will, my dear, beloved human. You would have it no other way.

Such is your Light.

Such is your Love.

Such is your Truth, that what you are capable of exceeds your current imaginings.

Yet, I tell you that you have not imagined the sheer wonder of who it is that you are. Feel this. Your Love resonates throughout your body and emerges in all that you see and do and think and feel and are.

You are magnificent, and it is the raw power of your true Love Essence that makes you so.

Nothing and no one will stop your emergence or limit your radiance. The time for your cohesion is upon you, and you are ready.

Remember who you are.

Feel the Truth of your Essence, and Love will surround and astound you each day.

This is your New World my dear human. It is not my doing, it is yours.


That is all.

Thank you.

*Such emotion came through here! Tears, heartfelt and deep admiration for us. A proclamation of pure love. I cried throughout this transmission. It was so very deeply felt.

You are in a profound flow that is leading you up to the solstice. The solstice leads into the influx of Christed energies that always occurs over Christmas, regardless of what your belief systems may be.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Energetic Adjustments

acorn advent blur bright
Photo by Pixabay on

You are in a period of acceleration that is preparing you to step up into the energies of 2023. Moving through the alignment of the 12/12 has set this process in motion. You might think of it as a tunnel of one activation after another, all designed to take you into the new.

We understand that intense energies can feel daunting to you. What we wish for you to understand is that every wave serves you and moves you forward. The key here is to prioritize your balance, stay present, and breathe.

You are in a profound flow that is leading you up to the solstice. The solstice leads into the influx of Christed energies that always occurs over Christmas, regardless of what your belief systems may be. The integration of those energies lead you up and onto the platform of a brand new year.

You aren’t the only one going through these energetic adjustments. Your beloved planet is also working with these energies, and will continue to adjust to match the energies of the new year. If necessary, the planet will find ways to release energy in order to make that possible.

You continue to assist the earth through your balance and your own shifting. As above so below is a phrase that you often think of in terms of what is energetic being made manifest on the earth. But it also refers to you and the energy you hold affecting the planet itself.

You, as beautiful and intrepid anchors of peace, light, and empowered change, are banding together to assist in the creation of the new earth. These are the times you couldn’t wait to experience! You are doing a magnificent job. You are going through a series of profound shifts as a reflection of your readiness and the solid foundation of preparation work you have done.

This is a time of celebration, Dear Ones, that you have reached this point in your journey, just as a mother celebrates the time for birthing a child has finally arrived. You are ready. The new is ready to be birthed. Keep your focus, trust the process, and simply take it one now moment at a time and you will navigate it all beautifully.

French Government Background Ops | NESARA is Real | Military Alliance on the Move Everywhere

SGAnon discloses information related to European patriot-mil background operations, Turkey, Russia, Saudi Arabia, China, and more, as well as NESARA proofs.

There is nothing that can help them. Game. Over.


The new earth leadership – if it can be labeled leadership – has become an upside-down pyramid. A format in which individuality and uniqueness reign.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you worry that you are not good enough. That even though others are transitioning, you cannot love enough to do so. 

Of course, such is not true, because you would not be reading these words or worrying about your transition if you were not transitioning – on time and in the most correct way for you.

Some claim to have your transition key. That if you follow their dictates, music, chants, or other activities, you will be saved or on the right path. Indicating if you do not follow their lead, your transition will take longer, be more difficult, or not possible. 

Nothing, absolutely nothing, could be further from your truth.

You are transitioning exactly as you wish and need to transition. Granted, there are a few pieces that you could adapt from others. But those pieces are so minimal as not to be of concern.

When following the lead of others, you are giving away your power to find and travel your unique path. Even though this transition is global – touching upon Universal – it is your personal transition. One that does not require 3D leadership from the top down – or in visual terms, a pyramid of leadership.

The new earth leadership – if it can be labeled leadership – has become an upside-down pyramid. A format in which individuality and uniqueness reign.

Others can provide you with a broad direction for finding your unique path, but they cannot inform you of much more. Their input is that you have a path to find – not what that path is or how you will discover it.

Perhaps that last concept is a bit confusing, given you are most comfortable with a 3D someone telling you what to do and when to do it. ThreeD interactions no longer apply to you or anyone else.

If you are concerned that you are not skilled enough to discover your path, it is time for you to reassess new you in this new earth.

You are no longer a follower.

You can access information from others, but how you apply that information, is your passion, your role. There are a number of beings who insinuate that without their knowledge or implementing their ideas, you will not transition. That is absolutely not true.

The power pyramid has flipped, and anyone suggesting they are the leader of anything has not yet internalized that new truth.

You most certainly will share information, just as butterflies might share information about food sources. But butterflies do not interject knowledge of how to obtain nutrients from those food sources or what to do with those sources once they have been tapped. In essence, butterflies share source information without shoulds or have tos, just as you are learning to do now.

How will this topsy-turvy pyramid structure play out in the business world or the family? Such will happen with much initial confusion until comfort is achieved. So instead of an employer telling you how to complete a specific job step-by-intricate-step, that employer might give you an understanding of an acceptable end-product and allow you to determine how to achieve that end-product or something better. 

Even though that much personal freedom seems counter-productive now, such freedom was partially given to the lower classes before the industrial revolution. The upright pyramid was in place before the industrial revolution in Europe, but it was practiced in broader terms. The ruling gentry and religious leaders established the resources they expected to receive from those within their power, but how those crops were harvested, or fabric produced, etc., was the purview of those creating those resources.

So it is humans have successfully experienced a partial upside-down pyramid without dramatic changes to their world.

The difference now is those at the very top of the pyramid are losing control. No or extremely limited leadership is the new piece you are adapting to within new you and your new world. 

Even though you might accept advice, you are becoming averse to answers from others because they cannot feel what you feel, nor do they have similar needs.

You are gloriously your own unique entity with maybe a little help from your friends. Friends who do not dictate, but might provide unique ideas that help you create your best life. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2023, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

The old experiments of the illusion of the third dimension is over.

I am Sananda. It is always a pleasure to be here with you in this way, that I can continue to bring forward messages that pertain to not only you, those of you that are on this call, but all of those that resonate to these words.

And I wish to go back now. I wish to go back to an earlier time when I spoke about the idea of perspective. And how important that is today, as all these things that are happening around you are part of that perspective. Each one has their own perspective on this. But I wish you to understand that as you’re coming to the end of this year now, this 2022, much, much, much this year.

But there are so many out there that look back at this year and think nothing is happening, nothing is changing, it’s the same old, same old, same old. But nothing could be further from the truth. Because as we have said, as you have heard many, many times from many different sources, there are many things that are occurring in the background beyond your eyes to see at this point and your ears to hear. But even though you cannot see it or hear it, does not mean that it’s not happening.

For what is happening now is an undertaking that is thousands of years in planning. Think about that now: thousands of years, not just a few years. For many look at this time period and think it’s taking so long, it’s taking so long. But thousands of years this has been in the works to bring sovereignty back to this planet and to the people of this planet. To bring freedom back to the people.

The old experiments of the illusion of the third dimension is over. And you must come to understand that more and more. Yes, I know, it does not appear that it is over. It appears like it is, indeed the same old, same old. But trust us, as you hear from many different sources on this subject, it is not. There are so many different things that are occurring and are going to continue to happen, so many changes yet to come forward. For this is the old paradigm falling away.

The old third-dimensional paradigm is fading rapidly now. Not as rapidly as some of you would like, certainly. But you must understand again, thousands of years in planning. It’s not going to go away overnight. It is going to take time; but more importantly, take vibration.

As vibrational frequency increases, then the old paradigm falls away more, and more, and more. And the frequency vibration is increasing. And therefore you are finding the chaos now of the third dimension crumbling, and that is purposeful. And you must come to understand that it is on purpose, all part of the plan.

And yes, we hear you saying, “Oh, that plan, they’re really talking about the plan.” Yes, we do, because it is a universal plan. It is something, again, that has been in the works for a long, long time. And you must realize that although you are all part of this plan, you cannot control the plan. You cannot completely bring it forward. You have parts of it, yes. But you are not in control of this plan. Just do your part, whatever that part might be.

You spoke earlier in your discussion of soul contracts. And yes, you all have a soul contract, all of you. And you are working in that soul contract. So just allow it. Allow for the process. Allow for it to continue to move forward. And know that as things continue to move on, as the plan continues to rework itself over, and over, and over to bring about the final result of the end of the third-dimensional illusion, know that you are doing everything that you can within yourself to bring about, again, the final result to this plan.

Continue to trust. Not just in the plan, though. Trust in yourselves. Trust in yourselves to continue to bring your part of this forward. Continue to bring yourself to a point where you know who you are more and more, and reconnect to your Higher-God-Self. For that is for what this is all about. When you speak about the Great Awakening, that is what it is: remembering who you are fully within the ascension process. That is the Great Awakening.

Will all awaken? Certainly not. But they will awaken to their own personal truth as they need to. It is not up to you to change their plan. It is not up to you to change their soul contract, although you cannot do it even if you wanted to. It is up to you to continue to move forward in your own personal life following your own soul contract and along the way assist others which, by the way, is also part of your soul contract.

I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness, and that you would continue to move forward step by step, inch by inch if you have to.

But allow the process to continue to follow through. Because it is happening. It is happening now.

Change is happening. Change will continue to happen.

And the third-dimensional illusionary expression is crumbling all around you, thereby bringing the chaos which you are seeing.

Give yourself a fast from negative thoughts about yourself.

lonely woman embracing body in morning
Photo by Alena Shekhovtcova on

Dear One,

You are being asked to give yourself a fast from negative thoughts about who you think you are. Nothing wears down your sense of self more than this type of negative thinking. It is debilitating in every way. This is a good place to start in order to affect other areas of your life.

A fast is a period in which you refrain from some activity. Most people are familiar with a food fast, which allows the digestive system a period of recovery. The same is true for a mental fast. It gives your mind time to recover so you can begin to see the truth in your life without judgment.

The judgmental mind is relentless, constantly seeking out inadequacies to bring them to your awareness. Although shining light into the dark corners of your mind is beneficial, bombarding yourself with negative thoughts, even if you believe them to be true, serves no good purpose.


So what can you do when incessant thoughts such as, “I should have done better,” “I’m not good enough,” and other negative impressions of your personal character that begin in your mind?

Go to God first. Ask to know the truth clearly within yourself. Call on the Angels to illuminate your mind with Love and Light. Ask for peace in your heart and then offer all your thoughts to the Divine Mind.

During your meditations and prayers, take time to visualize these as limiting thoughts you no longer need. Place them in a box and do something creative with them. Sink them to the bottom of the ocean. Send them to heaven in a colorful balloon. Explode them like a fireworks display or put them on a shelf somewhere in your mind’s attic. Find an image that works for you and purposefully send the negative thoughts out of your conscious mind.

It is a law of nature that empty spaces become quickly filled, so remember to fill your now empty mind with light. Light is love energy from the Source of all life. Light contains the seeds of truth that will stimulate loving thoughts. You can elaborate on this by imagining that your mind is a golden chalice being filled with God’s love.

Repeat this entire process as often as needed until you are no longer willing to tear yourself down and treat yourself unkindly. Instead, see yourself as you truly are — a beloved child of God; a spirit in human form; a clear vessel able to hold the highest possible level of truth; a beautiful, loving being shining Love into the world.

You can also turn these statements of truth into affirmations or statements of “I AM,” and they will become potent reminders, enabling you to strengthen you connection to your divine essence. There is great power in the words “I AM.”  You can substitute these or similar affirmations whenever you notice your mind engaged in negative self-talk. Here are some examples:

  • I AM one with God.
  • I AM peaceful and loving.
  • I AM aligned with my Soul Purpose.
  • I AM inspired with thoughts which serve my highest good.
  • I AM relaxed and at peace.
  • I AM enjoying an abundant lifestyle.
  • I AM offering all my work to the Divine Presence and I AM fulfilled.

Have these or other phrases ready to quickly turn to, as soon as you notice negative thoughts creeping in. Don’t worry if you don’t believe your words at first. This is just the resistance of old habits of thought, and these habits can be changed.

Begin now to treat yourself with kindness and compassion. Remember that you are profoundly loved. Know that Angels embrace you in wings of pure light and see you as a beautiful, radiant spirit here to bring love to the world. This is who you really are, so please remember your guidance from Archangel Gabriel for today:

Give yourself a fast from negative thoughts about yourself.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabrie

Holding Space For Ascension.

I just spent another SUNday meditating 3 sessions of 30′ each to show humanity what can be done with Ascension with the rest of our global tribe…this has been going on since 2016…never stopped…feels like sacrifice…and in some ways it is. But let me tell you…the price to pay is very small in comparison to what i am getting back as Gratitude from Source. I can’t share with anyone what i feel. Each on their journey. And i can share with you that by doing that ‘sacrifice’ i know i am enough and doing enough for highest good for all. So i can relax and enjoy all the magic life offers in this now all the rest of the time😊🙂🥰



14h00/17h00 / 20h00 CET.

Let us intend stronger connection, Divine Light infusions, and Global activations as we unify through the field of Divine Love.)

Message from Ann & the Angels – 12/10/2022 • Moments of Contentment

cute tabby kitten on a sofa
Photo by Tranmautritam on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

If you were to watch a kitty sitting in a sunny spot in the house, a dog taking a nap near a family gathering, or a child playing with something that has captured their full attention, you would witness moments of complete and utter contentment. You would see souls entirely centered in the here and now, appreciating where they are and who is around them. Watching them, you too might sink into a delicious state of contentment, where – if for only a few moments – all is right with your world.

cute puppies resting together on plaid
Photo by Bruno Cervera on

This sort of contentment is within your reach at any time. It does not rely on anything external. You can create it whether the chores are done, the bills are paid, the bank account is full, or the lover is present. It does not rely on having a perfect family, job, home, or even a decent one. It requires only a willingness to pause, look around and appreciate the moment. It is available to those living in peace, and to those who live in areas of conflict and turmoil. It requires only a pause for presence, and a moment of silent appreciation.

Creating such moments of contentment helps you learn to look at “the glass half full” and to notice what is available to appreciate in the here and now. These moments of contentment will help you see the beauty in things right in front of you and enjoy what you would otherwise overlook. They pull you out of your head and plug you back into the present moment. They remind you that life is good in the here and now.

Moments of contentment, especially when created by choice, immediately raise your vibration. They are like waking meditations that open the heart. They remind you that no matter what you want, what you already have can be pleasing. As you experience this sense of completion here and now, you open the door to more – even before taking a single action. In those moments of contentment, impulses for inspired action arise.

We know the holidays can be emotionally charged. Some of you love them. Some of you dread them. For some of you, they are times of deep connection, while for others, the disconnect seems starker than usual. No matter where you find yourself on the emotional spectrum, you can create these moments of contentment, and in so doing, you will feel more loved and connected to yourselves, life, and the Divine.

No matter how busy you are, taking time for contentment creates a peaceful heart, and a peaceful heart allows your life to flow with greater ease. You accomplish more in less time when your energy is at peace. In these quiet moments of contentment, you can hear us more easily.

Don’t wait to find contentment in your lives, dear ones. If you wait for everything to feel perfect, you are chasing a moving target. You will always want more than what you have right now. However, if you can take the time to enjoy, appreciate, and be with what you have now, who you have now, and yourself as you are now, then, in that contentment, you allow more to come.

The holidays you celebrate began in quiet, humble atmospheres, in situations far less than perfect. And yet a single lamp stayed lit, and a baby emanated love in a manger. A star shone in a darkened sky over an earth with many turmoils. Nonetheless, those who took the time to behold the light felt peace, a stillness, and quiet contentment. You, too, can create such moments and, in so doing, know that all is right in your world even as it expands into more.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

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Photo by Pixabay on


SG Anon & Charlie Ward Major Intel – All of the Pieces Are In Place!! (Must Video)

This is what everyone NEEDS TO KNOW!! SG joins Charlie and these 2 are blowing the roof off of the Intel world!! 

2 rumble videos below :

Sandra Walter ~ Celebrating the 12.12.12 Anniversary

photo of body of water
Photo by David Jia on

Blessings Beloveds,

The Sacred Season energies are flowing. Solstice is stepping forth as a transformative Gateway which gives us perspective on the massive letting go of the Old Self, old structures, and ways of Being which occurred for many this year.

Kindwhile … I AM in a state of Divine and profound gratitude as December 12th approaches.

The Assembly of Higher Realms gathered in this season are sending Infinite LoveLight to all who participated in the original 12.12.12 Gateway activations for the birth of New Earth;  a day of honoring our dedication, and beloved Gaia’s revelation of new realms for us to inhabit.

What an experience the 12.12.12 was; witnessing Gaia as she created a brand new platform for our Ascension!

To watch her reveal the New Earth through the veils on that day, feel her glorious accomplishment, and have her confirm that all willing hearts would indeed Ascend to that new expression of Diamond-Crystalline-Solar consciousness was an event that changed us forever ~ across the realms.

This year is the ten-year anniversary of that 12.12.12 event ~ and marks the completion of a bold unified task. That series of unified actions, beginning with the 1.1.1 (January 1, 2001), 2.2.2, 3.3.3 … and culminating twelve years later with the 12.12.12, was the largest unified accomplishment since the 1987 Harmonic Convergence.

Trajectories are now inevitably pointed at Ascension, thanks to these willing hearts in unified Service. Deep bows to all who were involved.

12.12 Unity Meditation: Ten years of a New Gaia

The weather is shifting in Sedona, and rain/snow are predicted for Monday. In the interests of keeping everyone safe and warm (Red rocks get very slippery), we won’t be meeting in person to meditate.

We are connecting in the field of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness on Monday at 8AM PST/11AM EST to honor the ten-year anniversary of the 12-12-12.

Add your Light and Gratitude as these Stargates open! Meditate with us, wherever you are, for 30 minutes, focused on gratitude for Gaia and all she has provided for our Ascension.

Intentional crystal grids assist with generating the intensifying Divine Mother frequencies during this Sacred Season.

Free YouTube Live: Sacred Season Guidance

Unique Stargates open during Sacred Season.

Learn to use these Sacred Season Ascension energies during a free YouTube Live on Saturday December 17 at 9AM-10AM PST.⁠

  • Solstice preparation⁠
  • Unified experience in the Crystalline Zero Point Field⁠
  • Align with the Assembly of Higher Realms⁠

⁠Replay will post to my channel afterward.⁠ Subscribe to my YouTube channel (Ascension Path with Sandra Walter) for reminders and live access.

Sacred Season Flows New Light Intelligence

Gaia is offering clear access to the Master Crystals and Stargate Crystals, which contain the wisdom, methods, and support for utilizing the Ascension energies through the third week of January.

Please add your light, Presence, and pure intent to the Global SUNday Unity Meditations at 5AM, 8AM and 11AM PST.

Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

receiving an energetic download.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Integrating Downloads

scenic view of the forest during sunrise
Photo by Min An on

If you are feeling somewhat isolated, and aren’t feeling the connection of your guides or your loved ones as much as you normally do, it is a sure sign that you are in the midst of receiving an energetic download.

When you are integrating an important download of energy you are held separate from other energies in order for the download to occur in its purest form. This is not unlike needing to stop all other processes from running when you start a download on your computer. It is to prioritize the process at hand.

In no way does it mean you have lost your ability to connect! All your loving supports are there, you just aren’t able to feel them as much as you normally do. There is nothing wrong, in fact, it is wonderful that you are continuing your evolutionary process. Once your download is complete you will go back to feeling just as much as ever before. You may even find your ability to feel your beloved connections enhanced! So trust, Dear Ones, and know that all is well.

The December 7th/8th Full Moon marks the end of a planetary mini-cycle.

Jennifer Crokaert ~ Full Moon Brings New Beginnings and Release

The December 7th/8th Full Moon marks the end of a planetary mini-cycle. 2019 was a significant astrological reset, but astrology is not just one cycle, it is cycles within cycles, and with Venus and Mercury in alignment with the Galactic Centre, we are now receiving Galactic codes from Source, through this full moon, that allow us to release the past and consciously create our future.

Though the Cabal will try to hijack this energy, their efforts will backfire. These energies invite us to release ancient personal and ancestral karma, to free us from all that no longer serves us, and to open the gates for abundance of every kind, from more inspiring work to more rewarding relationships and, of course, greater financial abundance.

The video has a short ‘Executive Summary,’ for those of us who are time-pressed, followed by the full conversation where Narendra explains in detail the impact of this notable full moon. While it is more technical than my understanding stretches to, I found it very insightful and rather exciting to know that we are at an astrological pivot point, as this confirmed what I had got in meditation independently.

Now is the time for us to paint our canvas, to clear the old and dream the new into fruition. Join us!

Our hosting service gave us some extra time.

Our very kind host service gave us some extra time saying to take our time to pay for hosting services for the website. Thank You Peter!

But it won’t be for ever. If you still like to see this website continuing please make your donations here.

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Thank You.


If you could only see your energetics, you would be amazed!

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Your True Divine Nature

Dear Ones,

If you could only see your energetics, you would be amazed!

Your field is a wondrous amalgamation of all your experiences, your current level of attainment and embodiment, your skills, your preferences, your unique vibration, and the love that you are.

The more you allow your connection to Source and to your true divine nature, recognizing yourself as a beloved and essential part of the whole, the more glorious your light becomes. It is a joy and an honour to see you shimmer and shine as you come Home to yourselves through your own individual enlightenment processes.

Feeling Good is Feeling God.