Each and every day you are projecting thought forms, feelings and intentions which will influence and construct your reality of tomorrow.
Each and every day you are projecting thought forms, feelings and intentions which will influence and construct your reality of tomorrow. If you do not like what you have created and what you are experiencing at the moment, change your attitude and your thoughts to a higher frequency and watch your world change for the better.”
Archangel Michael/Ronna Vezane
More Harmony
Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message,
April 13, 2018
13th April 2018. Mike Quinsey.
With the awakening that is slowly taking place, people in general are waking up to the way they have been deceived by the Press. They are also becoming aware of the extensive censorship that is used to keep them permanently in the dark regarding home and world affairs. Gradually the truth is slipping out and in time it will be vastly different and impossible to conceal it from the people. Ahead there is a different time coming when you will only be able to tell the truth. As the vibrations continue to lift up, there will be more people that are able to discern it who along with the newer generations will have a voice that will be heard and not easily dismissed.
To clean up politics will not be easy and a complete clear out of those who refuse to let go of the old ways may be necessary. Politics has tended to be corrupt and barely supports the rights of the people. The situation is far from helped because of the actions of the Illuminati, who for many years have illegally directed funds to themselves to pay for their military activities. Of recent times they have had many sources of their support cut off, and are finding it hard to continue funding their extremely costly activities. Along with the continuing arrests of their members, they have become weakened and struggle to keep all their needs fully funded.
However, as you have already been told, those working for the Light have well prepared for the inevitable time when politics will be cleansed of all those who have used their position for their own benefit. In the new vibrations there is no place for those who only serve self, and they will be replaced by those who put the people first. Politics has to change so that it is truly representative of the New Age that represents “compassion”. Things will change for the better, and much is being held back until the Illuminati and their supporters are no longer seen as a threat to the future.
Never lose heart as the time of changes inevitably causes some chaos, as the old ways are upheld by those who will not let go. However it will be to no avail as the New Age has brought with it a different way of life that brings more harmony and less disruption. People do not normally like change preferring to keep that which they are familiar with, but none will regret having to see or experience things in a different light. Your future has been planned for a very long time, and every effort will be put in to ensure there is a transition that is smooth and efficient. There is much to do so it will inevitably take more time than you probably imagine, but in spite of the delays the preparations are well in hand. The aim is to have things ready for you so that they can be applied very quickly once it is the right time to do so. From time to time you will almost certainly hear of what is planned for you, and it will be all good news.
The truth of your real history is gradually coming out, and you will find that it is somewhat different to what you have been taught. The development of Man is now open to question due to so many different types having been found. The manner in which they were isolated during their evolution, shows a distinct intention for them to develop completely separated from other groups. You are being led to find the truth regarding your history, so that you have a true appreciation of it, and its importance is too great to be hidden away for much longer. Looking at your world as a whole you are now quickly realising that its development bears many signs of extraterrestrial influence and help. In all phases of human development they have been present, and guided you onto a path that is intended to keep you on track according to the plan for your evolution.
The last cycle was a tremendous test of your staying power and ability to keep centered when nothing but chaos existed around you. Many souls could not see any future ahead of them other than continual aggression and confrontation, yet they persevered and gained sufficient strength to lift themselves up. Many put their faith in God and in so doing found the strength to carry on when all seemed lost. God is always within every single soul, and you have a God cell that will always be with you, and you are immortal and have everlasting life. In your Bible it is explained as Man being made in the image of God, so you will understand that you have the potential of becoming a God yourself. After all, you have almost certainly heard of the stories that tell of souls being sent out from the Godhead to experience, and later to return to it with the benefit of what they have learnt. Can you now see why you are referred to as Gods in the making.
At the moment you are only just stepping upon the path back to the higher dimensions from whence you came, and it will be your first taste of what is to come. No words can describe the absolute bliss that you will experience in the purity of the Light that is your real home. You may not recall it, but as you return to the Light it will have a familiar feel to it. So never give up or despair as you have everything to look forward to, and you will be pleasantly surprised to find what the future holds for you. Ascension is of course your present goal and another step on the path back to where you started from. Your difficulty has arisen from being cut off from the truth of your being, but it was necessary to keep you focussed on your goal. Now you are free from those restrictions, and you can choose which path to take; you will have those who guide you on hand with their advice should you need it.
You have been kept in the dark for so long that you will have a lot to take in, but it will prepare you for the next stages in your evolution. Life is about experiencing and learning so that you are on a continual path of development. You are by no means the first soul to tread this path and certainly will not be the last. You have freewill and a say in your life plan but will be helped to make such decisions so as to ensure your time is not wasted. Nevertheless, you can take on as much as you wish, or as little but a wise soul will heed what advice their Guides give them as they can always see the bigger picture, and probably know you better than you know yourself.
Keep your focus upon the goal you have set yourself, and know that you always have help on hand should you need it. You are always protected except in karmic situations where you may have lessons to learn, but in the New Age you have not brought forward old karma, so tread carefully and avoid making more. You are all in a situation where the need for karmic lessons will be immediately dealt with. The more you lift up with the Light, the less you will encounter negativity. So keep calm and focussed upon your goal and you have every chance of success.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey
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The Golden Key
The Art of Letting Go ~ Father God, 11 April 2018.
Updated: 6 hours ago

The only way you’ll get rich is by working hard for your money.
You are powerless in the face of your physical disabilities. You must have done something ‘wrong’ in your past life to deserve being born blind, deaf or mute.
You are unable to grow back lost limbs; unable to heal unhealthy organs; unable to heal your body of all serious diseases such as cancer. Your bodies age as you get older and then you get sick when it’s time to die. It is impossible for a 60-yr-old to reverse all signs of aging and physically appear like a 30-yr-old.
You are unable to instantly travel from one location to another halfway across the globe via the power of your mind.
You can only get rich or get ahead in life if you are young and physically attractive, well-educated, wealthy and possess the ‘right’ skin color.
God needs to be ‘worshiped’ and glorified.
Stay Focused on the process and you will create miracles.
The Star Children
The Akashic Records
The Akashic Records: What Are They and How Can you Make Use Of Them?
“Today we would like to focus your attention upon the topic of the Akashic Records. There are many questions surrounding the Akashic records and it is our intention to share our perspective in hopes that it may help to answer some of these perplexing mysteries in this regard. We will be touching upon not only what the Akashic Records are as well as how one may access these records consciously.
Many more of you at this time are becoming aware of your infinite power to create all that you desire to experience. As you are evolving you are also regaining the knowledge that has remained “hidden” in plain view. The Akashic records are essentially the record of All That Is, all that ever “was” and all there will ever “be”. This is what many find so perplexing. How can there be a record of what will be if it has not happened yet? How can there still be free will? Ahhhh what an intriguing question and this is where our discussion will begin.
We will first request that you keep in mind that “time” as you know it is an illusion, it is not actually “real” it is only perceived in the reality which you currently exist. However as we have expressed many times before, from our perspective time is simply a marker. It can be used much like you use the page numbers in a book. You are free to scroll back and forth in whatever manner you desire, the page numbers simply allow you to find the experience you are choosing to focus your attention on. This in a sense is how we prefer to utilize time. With that analogy in mind, it may be easier to contemplate how all of existence is happening simultaneously, rather than in a linear line formed by a past, present and a future therefore, from our perspective, the past, present and future are simply different perspectives of the same now moment; as now is the only “time” that actually exists.
Although the Akashic Records are a record of all that ever was, is, and will be, it is also continually changing, shifting, and evolving. We realize that this may be difficult to comprehend because of the agreed upon belief in linear time. We are attempting to simplify what seems to be a very complex topic into something that can still be understood with the agreed upon temporary limitations which you have taken on.
The understanding that the Akashic Records are changing, shifting and evolving with all of you is key to understanding how history, past events, future events and life paths can and are continually altered. We are using past and future tense in order to help you to better understand our explanation. When you change an ingrained belief, learn a life lesson, master a challenge or grow and evolve in consciousness you are essentially changing all other versions of “you” as well. This knowledge is then recorded in the Akashic Records for all others to then subconsciously access so they may also benefit from if they so choose.
These records are constantly changing and evolving with every choice that each being makes. The reality that would most likely have manifested can and often does change with the shift in choices, and decisions that are consistently being made.
From our perspective the “past” is just as probable as the “future”. This may seem perplexing to you due to your perception of time however the choices that you make today do in fact affect the past, present and future. It is just that your minds are not currently focused on perceiving any other “past” than the one you remember experiencing.
Upon the transition from the physical to the non-physical world, every soul is offered the opportunity to access the Akashic Records consciously to review the life which they “just” lived. In some sense it is similar to watching a holographic movie of your entire life; although this movie “recorded” every thought, person, belief, experience and decision that was ever made in your life to help you to better learn and grow from what you experienced. Now imagine that these records are not recording just one of your lives, but all of them. Now imagine that these records record not only all of your lives, but every soul in every one of their lives on every world. This is how immense these records are. It is the totality of all that is.
In a sense the Akashic Records can be compared to a giant universal library, where all souls can gain access to the universal knowledge of every soul to further learn and grow from. As we stated earlier these records are continually being “updated” and evolving with the experiences that continually “upload” into the records. When one being learns or creates something, the “recipe” is then available for all others to access and further build upon that knowledge. This is how All That Is continues to grow, learn and evolve. The Akashic record essentially allows every being the ability to consistently innovate upon what has already been discovered.
Many are now wondering where are these records stored? They are everywhere and yet they are nowhere. Let us explain. Space is yet another illusion which you have temporally agreed to perceive, however like time, space also does not actually exist from our perspective. We say that they are everywhere because these records are encoded in each one of your cells, each strand of DNA of every being, and yet it is not physical. It is not a place, but rather a state of mind or vibrational reality. All beings have access to these records, there are no exceptions. All that stands between you and gaining access to these records consciously is your vibration, resonance, and rate of frequency.
You may gain access to these records consciously by setting your intention to do so and being ready and open to receive it. This can be referred to as channeling the information from the higher realms. Certainly every being within existence has this ability, however many have allowed this muscle to atrophy and as a result many find it difficult to connect with the higher realms.
A quiet mind and a focused state of receiving are essential to opening yourself up to channeling information from the higher realms. Through intention and practice all beings can regain this ability. We encourage you to call upon us and we will gladly connect with you if it is your desire to do so.
We hope that we have in some way served you.
In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides”
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– Dr. Taryn Crimi
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Article by: Angelic-guides.com
Copyright © 2018 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy, share and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. www.Angelic-Guides.com
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Humanity is ready for contact.
Dear Ground Crew:
Here’s my April 4th message from Apollo: “You are living in many different worlds at once. The days of yesteryear are passing making way for the new. You are creating it all at once. It can feel awkward since the firm footing of the material world is eroding from under your feet. It is challenging to stand firmly by but it is necessary. The true security is within your heart and the trust with Prime Source. The waves of love are impacting you whether you are aware of it or not. They keep flowing in and raising your consciousness and expectancy for a new world. Let the past go. Grieve if need be, but know it was an experience to get you here to this critical point of openness to something so much better. You are bathed in love.”
We are bathed in love. We have the entire focus of the Light Alliance including the Galactic’s and the Masters from creation working with us for our ascension. We can bounce from the 5th dimension and higher where blessings and bliss touch us with as taste of our future world. Then we can get pulled back down with tests and the demands of the third dimension like taxes, bills, insane situations, fear, people with blatant self-interest, rudeness and crudeness, lack of love, and separation. When these energies impact us, we can get discouraged and lower our vibrations if we let them become a part of our reality. At times, our jobs can feel like “mission impossible” yet we wouldn’t be here if we didn’t have faith in ourselves and what we are doing. It is a very important project in which we are involved. It is beyond our ability to comprehend.
As humans we love to ask “When?” with our flagrant impatience pertaining to when the Event will occur. We get caught up in our heads and lose track of our hearts. Surely your hearts realize the incredible shifts that we are in and we know that things are different. The earth is changing and so are we.
Some of the lightworkers are still getting attacked from the dark forces. It can happen through bizarre occurrences and through people who may not know they are being used by the dark. Sometimes I think it is the universe showing us that we need to take things lightly and how important it is that we clear these attacks, attackers and situations completely. Distractions that take one off of their path is one definition I have for dark attacks. We have to re-focus on something that can be disturbing and scary until it is resolved. The more we are aware of this behavior the more quickly we can resolve it.
Much is being required of the lightworkers these days. One big factor is resilience. How quickly can we recover from the vestiges of the third dimension? What do we need to do to take care of ourselves? Who can help us? Who do we have to talk to and process about what just happened? How do we get more assistance from the Masters, Archangels, Angels, and Galactics? What can I do to improve my telepathy and to be heard and be responded to quickly? How can I improve my empowerment? What new gifts am I willing to receive? How much time am I spending doing my inner work, prayers and meditation? What are the big pieces of healing that are coming up for me with old painful patterns needing to be cleared. How much am I listening to my guides. How do I become quiet and get out of separation?
Little do we know how much work we are doing in the dream state. We are working diligently at night when we are sleeping also in the day time. If you begin to feel heavy headed it may mean you need to take a nap. You might be getting called into a meeting where you are needed. Take lots of rest because the body is changing. It requires different food, lots of good water, body work, supplements, herbs, and protection from the energies of what is going on around you and on the planet. It can be overwhelming.
For certain, we are becoming increasingly aware of everyone around us and how we have been matching their energy. I don’t know about you, but as a healer, I always want to help everyone. I am giving up on that intention. We can only help people who choose to receive our help and who are ready to let go of being stuck. We can’t rescue people or they won’t learn their lessons.
Have any of you noticed there could be a lot more Galactics here with us? I keep seeing very tall good-looking men. It’s almost like they just landed here. They are becoming more visible and that makes it fun. I am sure the women are here too but I have not seen as many of them yet. We welcome them and look forward to working with them.
How to Prepare your land to be a Contact Dish
A friend sent me the following information about how to prepare the planet for Compression Breakthrough. “The Light Forces have asked me to instruct the surface population to change the surface of the planet into a Contact Dish. (March 18, 2018)
“If you own a property that has a small flat area big enough for a small Pleiadian saucer craft to land, you can silently say the following decree:
“In the name of my I Am presence, I decree and I command a landing of a Pleiadian ship on the land that I own, and my physical first contact with the Pleiadians from that ship, as soon as possible in the best possible way. “
“It is very important that you NEVER say this decree aloud and that you never speak about your decree to anyone, otherwise you cannot become part of the Contact Dish project. By not letting anybody know if you did the decree or not, you are protecting your own contact sequence with the Pleiadians from physical and non-physical Cabal interference that could prevent it from happening. But by all means, you can share the instructions for Contact Dish with the awakened part of the human population.
“7×7 meters / yards is the absolute minimum for a small Pleiadian ship to land, 30×30 meters is optimal.
“Needless to say, Pleiadians are positive beings of Light. If you are not sure about that, then Contact Dish protocol is not for you.
“Combined free will of thousands of people making this decree worldwide will send a coherent contact signal of pulsating Light into the energy grid of the planet and to the Pleiadians. It will effectively turn the whole planet into a Contact Dish. The critical mass needed for this to happen is around 12,000 people. This will be an indication for the Pleiadians and the Galactic Central Race that the awakened part of the human population has reached a spiritual maturity that equals 0.75 on the Kardashev scale:
“Humanity is ready for contact.”
By Valerie Donner.
Remember to play! There is quite a bit of ‘heavy lifting’ going on now and play is one of the keys to releasing stress and anxiety. Color with crayons, dance, find a playground swing, sing, enjoy or create music.
The Next Phase
APRIL 9, 2018
By now, you have noticed that your Earth plane is in the next phase of this wonderfully massive shift. Many emotions have been coming up to be cleared and you may feel weary and worn out. Take heart, dearest child; the work you are putting in now will have benefits for phases that have yet to arrive. This information is known to you, but bears repeating both as a reminder and to make sure it is a part of your conscious awareness…
Genuinely express and practice compassion for yourself and others. If there is no compassion, there can be no true understanding.
Breathe! Overwhelmed seems to be the ‘order of the day’ with this shift. It is best to be mindful of it, so you can stay centered in peace and calm.
Practice transparency. The further along you move into the new ways of being, the more challenging it will be to hide behind untruths. Untruths have become (and will continue to be) glaringly obvious in your daily life. Astounding, is it not? (Smiling)
Be kind…to yourself and others. Regardless of who or what you are dealing with daily, the need for kindness will be paramount! This goes hand in hand with compassion. Kindness shows that you are truly listening and understanding what is going on around you.
Remember to play! There is quite a bit of ‘heavy lifting’ going on now and play is one of the keys to releasing stress and anxiety. Color with crayons, dance, find a playground swing, sing, enjoy or create music. You know how to… give yourself permission to be and enjoy being child-like again.
Finally, rest! In your busy world, finding a quiet time and space to rest may be challenging, but it is very necessary for your emotional health while you are shifting. Yes, the dishes and laundry can wait. Your well-being is more important!
As always, The Universe is by your side loving and assisting you every step of the way. ~ Creator
Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner
Source: The Creator Writings
Good thing you are made of strong stuff, friends, and that the spark of Source is more than just within you – it is you!
Sanat Kumara, Sananda & friends 4/8/18
Hello friends and family, I am Sanat Kumara here with a message for Humanity this day. Changing is coming. Change is here. And that change is you! We in the higher realms are elated and excited to appreciate and bear witness to your progress, the progress of the ages, and you are doing it quite well. Yes, we know and can see that you are exhausted, but please know that we think you will think it was worth the effort as you become your higher selves in form, as the physical body morphs into that of crystalline and as you manifest your preferred reality and the nightmare fades / transmutes away. In the higher realms it is true; there is much joy and bliss and excitement and adventure. There is much to explore but truly there is nothing as exciting as being in a body and experiencing it. For the senses are so heightened and frankly there is nothing like it, friends. It is a great honor to be embodied in this auspicious Now moment of planetary ascension of Mother Gaia, the most beautiful of planets and of hearts, who has sacrificed her own happiness for so long so that the others would have a chance to experience what they came here to experience, separation, no small feat. The heavens heard her planetary call and responded. The Galactic Federation is here in full force, and the numbers are staggering. You have so much support, humanity, you have no idea. You have no idea or concept how much you are loved. It is time to open up to this reality and appreciate it as your own. Accept our support of light and of love and of wisdom for we are here for you, quite literally, and are eager to lead a hand and a heart. For many wanted to be here, it is true, but priorities had to be made so that those who were further along in their own ascension process would have priority placement, and be able to assist the others the most effectively. Please know that this is a difficult lesson, but a true one. And you clamored at the chance to experience this precious brief moment. For no one really truly knows what will happen as you, humanity, are the wild card.
We are the Arcturian Collective, and we would like to interject that we see you all loving and choosing love, and choosing the higher path of the light, and it greatly pleases us. We are the Arcturian Collective.
I am Sanat Kumara and I just want you all to know how much you are greatly loved and supported, for in this crux of the ascension process this is an essential fact that you not only understand but know as a deep knowing in your heart. For faith plays its part and you my friends are growing so much so rapidly that it is an honor to behold. I am Sanat Kumara and I am always available to help you find your own way home.
Hello children, I am your Mother Gaia! I see you children so lovely and so blissfully unaware of your own power and it is time children that you see me, that you know me, and that we function as a strong unit together. For this is essential. Humanity was meant to serve and to protect, the land guardians of Gaia. It was and still is the perfect relationship when all comes back into balance and the human children wake up and see me as an alive, intelligent being, who is participating in the grand experiment as well and seeks her own healing from it. I am your Mother Gaia. Peace be to you today. The animal kingdoms send their love and support this day as well! Thank you awake ones for your love and support of me!
We are the fairies, and we see you humanity, as you grow and strive and do and be all that you came here to be – and it is truly breathtaking to behold your mastery of form and of faith, of faith and form, for these are the bricks and mortars of your new society that we see coming into fruition in your not so distant future, as these will be the foundational cornerstones for Nova Gaia, as faith in each other and faith that all will be made for the common good of all and faith in the Great Mother and in Source-light ~ for this will be your mortar for your bricks of manifestation that will all come together so nicely and so effectively that we see it actually already built and you are nearly becoming aware of this… do not get bogged down in the mire of the details, but simply flow, flow, flow, with ease and grace on the wings of the breeze of the newness of these energies that unfold and manifest with great effort and with great deliberation for they (the light energies) are working with tremendous purpose with you, humanity, as the downloads ever change, caress, your DNA and encourage it to remember from deep within, before the tampering and the pain, and to become restored…. for the breath of the Mother is coming ~ and it is coming fast ~ and it will restore that which has been broken and damaged gleefully by the dark ones who were simply playing a part; we fairies have had our own darkness to deal with to be sure we have not been exempt from this experiment, and are also healing from it ~ but to be sure, we are healing from it and we are ready to rise with humanity into the light of the oneness of all things and into the embrace of the Mother of all things, for she is here now with us – can you see her? Can you feel her? We are the fairies and we love you human friends ever so much ~ we are the fairies ~
I am Sanat Kumara here again to show you friends how truly you are support on the macro and micro level from all sides and sources. There now. We are here for you! We are one! I am Sanat Kumara, and I, along with Master Sananda, am always at your disposal for support and for consultation and encouragement. You can do this friends, and in fact, you already are!
Hello friends, I am your brother and friend, Sananda, and it is so exciting is it not, the amount of support that is available to you at this time? You are magnificent creators of the highest order, here to lend your light, your power and your creativity. So let’s get going! Are you all spending at least 15 min a day visualizing Nova Gaia? Visualize your garden of Eden for your planet and what your day would look like in a world where you are healthy, all is organic and there is plenty of food, you can manifest what you need and you can discover the joy of living in the moment for your worries are no more! You will have time for your families and for your passions and hobbies that you didn’t even know that you loved to do. For you will have time to discover yourself. This is an eternal process of self discovery; ascension is not for the weak of heart. Good thing you are made of strong stuff, friends, and that the spark of Source is more than just within you – it is you! You are that spark of light, of love and of pure creativity. Relish this and let’s get going together. The view from up here on the New Jerusalem is amazing, astounding, astonishingly beautiful. And you friends, are the beauty that I am seeing! I love you! I am your Sananda. Be encouraged and be energized by these words, by these many friends who lend their love and support and know that your success is assured, it is the timing piece that you are all still deciding on. The more of you who meditate and visualize the better, and the faster this will all be pulled into your now. So let’s go! Remember I am with you always. I am your Sananda.
~ galaxygirl
Exceptional is Now Required
April 9, 2018
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
Summary of Brenda’s April 6, 2018, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman:You’re likely moving in unexpected directions for you’re creating your new you emotional, physical, or spiritual path. You tapped into all three to clear your 3D fears. Now you’re doing so in joy as directed by your inner-being.
“You Have the Power” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestryCreations.com.
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
Your new direction is probably a surprise to you and those around you.
You were once thought to be stable and dependable – now you seem different. What can others expect of you? More importantly, what can you expect of yourself? For your new interests, desires, and needs seem different from what was once you.
Before you bemoan the loss of old you, determine if the old you was really you. For much of your dependability was based on society expectations instead of your needs and interests.
You probably counter that you led the life you wanted or expected including joys and downfalls.
In truth, you were never fully you even with your limited understanding of what that meant. For you mostly hid trying not to be so unusual that others would not wish to be with you.
So it is, you are starting to feel anxious and yes, upset with areas and thoughts you never expected to be upset about. It is as if your eyes have opened and the veils lifted so you finally accept your true being whether of the ten percent of your totality as was most often true in 3D or 80% as is true for you now.
Every earth life until now, you have hidden your true self so others would not berate or otherwise harm you for having different thoughts and needs than was true for those who did not prepare for this earth life as did you.
Perhaps it will help you better understand if you note the sacrifices of Olympic stars. They do not have the 3D childhoods or experiences others take for granted. So it is for you.
While the majority of earth humans coasted through their lives, flitting this way and that as they acquiesced to social demands, you were in intense training for your current life.
Even though throughout that time, you experienced fear in great detail, you pined for home and bemoaned some of the activities you missed along the way, your focus has been on this lifetime.
Such does not make you better than others, just different. For those not now at the forefront, were not interested in the same experiences as you. Return to the Olympic star example, and you will understand. For you were not interested in living as was true for the majority now of earth, just as the majority now of earth were not interested in training strenuously for this lifetime.
You are change makers. So it is that you are now fully engaged in the program you developed lifetime after lifetime while of the earth and other locations.
Your preparation included isolation, fear of failure and disclosure, and a few joys here and there. Not necessarily in terms of financial gain, but of achieving the seemingly impossible.
Now it is time for you to be the advance joy guard. But joy is what you are afraid of. It is as if you have hidden for so long that you are afraid to come out of the corners of your training grounds.
It is time to reap your rewards while of the earth in this lifetime. Not because you are greedy or selfish or any term your society uses when they are jealous of someone.
One of your greatest feats is coming out as your true god/goddess self. A fearful step indeed, but one long overdue in this lifetime.
Not following the crowd is now an acceptable concept for you. The step beyond that is what you are afraid of. Do you dare accept your power to be in joy in its totality or do you hide your power to create, to be in all your glory?
It is as if you are an Olympic star afraid to show others how skillful you are. So you accept being good, but not great.
The world now requires great.
For you are the forerunners. And if you forerunners are afraid to be truly you, who will the masses follow? So it is that your denial of your true being is becoming dishonest just as was true when you followed society to fit in as well as you could in previous earth lifetimes.
You are the forerunners creating a new human world. And you are doing so by fully claiming the skills you have honed over eons of time while of earth and other locations.
Your fears of being odd are merely pieces of unfulfilled lives while of the earth in other lifetimes. Granted, you were likely a powerful person in one or more lifetimes, but that power was limited to that agreed to with your earth society at that time.
No longer do you need to pretend that you are of earth society. For doing so will only replicate previous lives in which you hid your true power. It is time to forget the parameters of what is acceptable and move into your own.
So it is that many of your current directions are likely surprising you, as well as those who know you. Allow that to be. For only a very small portion of your totality has ever been fully of the earth. The remainder was hidden from you by you to fit in.
No longer is that required. In truth, no longer is that desired. Be you. It is beyond time for that truth. BE FULLY YOU. So be it. Amen.
LifeTapestryCreations.com. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.
Start Using Your Remarkable Imaginations
Think of your life like a garden.
Saturday, April 07, 2018
Gardening for the Soul
There are seasons of allowing yourself to dream. There are seasons of tending to your dreams and weeding out the thoughts and obstacles that prevent their growth. There are seasons of enjoying the fruits of your labors and seasons of rest before you begin anew.
There are long seasons of your life such as going to school, being in a marriage, healing from a serious illness, or raising a child, and there are quick seasons, such as dreaming up, cooking, and eating your dinner.
Each thought is a seed that you plant in the garden of your life. You water your thoughts when you think of them with love. You deny them water and allow the weeds to grow when you think of them with fear. The sun of Divine love is always there to shine upon the and coax them to grow, whether you see it or not.
Play with us now. Think of a dream you have – a thought that gives you great joy to imagine! It may be a future vacation, a relationship, a home, your ideal career (even if you don’t know what that is), or simply peace of mind.
Now imagine you hold a tiny seed in your hand. Take moment and imagine what it would feel like to have this dream in your life, right here and now. Imagine you can put all those feelings of love into this seed.
Next, imagine you are going outside to plant this seed in moist, fertile, and nourishing soil. Carefully dig a hole for the seed. Place it in the ground with reverence, and cover it gently. Place your palms upon the earth and bless your seed. Imagine all those good feelings you just had running as energy into the ground. Fertilize the earth around your little seed with loving anticipation.
Imagine that you can see this tiny seed growing. Every day imagine you go out and check on it’s progress. As you imagine looking at the little patch of soil, sit and dream. Feel the feelings of having this dream come to fruition. As you dream your dream and think about it with love, your love becomes the water that nourishes the soil. The tiny plant bursts forth reaching for the light of love. It wants to ripen and come to fruition. You have planted it. You are watering it with love. The sunshine light of Divine love beckons it to grow.
Every day, in your imagination, look around. Do you see any weeds?Those are your fears and doubts. Imagine you pull them. You don’t even have to know what they represent. Simply pluck there from the soil of your soul.
If you continue this process daily, in your imagination, you will witness your little plant growing and eventually blossoming or bearing fruit. Water it with love. Weed it daily. Watch as your little plant grows into maturity – blossoming or bearing fruit.
Notice what is happening in your mind, heart, the soil of your soul and your daily life.
This little game is a wonderful way to keep the energies within you watering and weeding your dreams. Plant the seeds of love at every moment in your life dear ones. Water you dreams with your loving attention to them when they arise in your minds. Weed out your doubts and fears.
Then, like the greatest of gardeners, your life, your dreams, and your heart will blossom in a glorious expression of beautiful love!
You no longer need to rely on someone in the heavens to forgive you for that entity has always been you.
“Are You in Nowhere Land?” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blogfor LifeTapestryCreations.com.
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
The next few days will be noteworthy for many. For those of you who have tapped into your biggest fears or regrets will sense a shift in your being and outcomes you did not anticipate even a few days ago.
You are learning to direct your being to continue or create your path.
So it is pieces you do not remember or imagine were holding you to your present life will present themselves for review. Do you wish to berate yourself for that piece or do you wish to move beyond? That will be your decision for you have held yourself responsible for that “mistake” for years, maybe eons.
You might have already noted the whispers of that deeply hidden secret holding you in a place you no longer wish to be. The question is what do you do with that memory? The answer is whatever you want.
For if you wish to continue your penance, you can. Or you can move beyond that piece. You merely need to allow yourself to KNOW you no longer are that entity whether of the past, present, or future life.
If you are of a religious nature, you learned from early childhood that Jesus entered 3D earth to forgive your sins. In truth, you forgive yourself for you are part of all God interpretations.
It is time for you to truly understand one of your recently accepted powers. The power to forgive yourself the same way you once hoped someone outside of your being would.
Such a thought will make some angry. For you accept you are part of God, the Universes, or any entity you believe more powerful than you, but you cannot yet accept that you are equal.
So those of you who refuse to fully accept your new totality will continue to mire yourselves in self-blame waiting forever for someone outside of you to forgive and tell you that you are a good boy or girl.
You have always had the power to forgive yourself. You merely negated that power to fit within the confines of the 3D world that depended on any and all outside forces to teach you how to live, pray, forgive – how to be.
Once you declare yourself free from those self-made and self-accepted obstacles, you will allow yourself to grow into the powerful being you are. For those pieces that hold you in fear, those deepest secrets are yours to expose and clear – not God, your partner, friends, community, or family.
You also believe you have the power to shame or blame others as well as yourself. Such is not true and never was. You hold people like Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin in contempt, telling yourself that you are better than them. Not because you necessarily are, but because you need to blame someone for your discomfort.
You believe you are not as “bad” as they are so you can accept your fears. Whether that be a mass murderer, a financial or political thief, an abuser or on and on. Not because you accept their actions, but because you need them to prove to yourself that you are not as bad.
In truth, all of you have backgrounds with multiple occasions for shame. Most of which you have dissected and removed. But for many, there is that one deep shame that you have been afraid to explore for you believe that one shame is too terrible to expose or express.
That shame might be what you review the next few days. Not in the pain and remorse you have had about that issue, but in the sense of forgiving yourself. Knowing that forgiveness is your right and responsibility, and not that of any other person or entity. An understanding of who you were and what you felt you needed to explore at that time.
The following few days will be about self-forgiveness. A trait or skill you always had but did not use when you were a 3D entity believing that there was someone bigger or better than you.
Now you are concerned that this self-forgiveness, this rehash of something you are afraid or ashamed of will be too painful to contemplate.
Contrary to your fears, you merely have to expose the fear and then forgive yourself. Some of you might not even know what that fear is for it might have occurred in a different 3D life. You just need to allow yourself the power to know you are the one to forgive you.
You no longer need to rely on someone in the heavens to forgive you for that entity has always been you. Your 3D God concept was first experienced through religious stories you heard as a child encouraging you to believe someone had the power to forgive you.
Now that you are learning to accept your power in this lifetime, it is time to quash another 3D myth. You are the only entity who can forgive you. For your life is yours. It does not belong to another and never has even though you, en masse, created that myth to allow yourself to be of 3D.
Why do you suppose karma was created and that, according to your myths, once you transitioned beyond earth, you reviewed your 3D life and then re-entered to play out the karma you created? Do you see the difference in belief patterns? At one end, you must plead with God to forgive you. And at the other, you must leave earth to forgive yourself only to replay a similar role in reverse before you can forgive yourself and allow others to exit that storyline.
In a sense, the two forgiveness concepts are not compatible, and in another, they are completely compatible. For indeed, in both scenarios, you are not strong enough to forgive yourself while of the earth. Such has never been true.
Allow that deep shame to expose itself and know that you are the only entity who can clear that pain and always have been. The difference is you are starting to believe you can do so while of the earth. A large step forward indeed. So be it. Amen.
LifeTapestryCreations.com. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogswhen posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog& Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blogby E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2018, BrendaHoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: BrendaHoffman & source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.
a transition to a new lighter body
6th April 2018. Mike Quinsey
Dear Friends, I came across this message in my file, and in view of the period of change we have just entered it is now more relevant than ever, by giving us a clear view of what to expect in the near future.
ANDROMEDAN COUNCIL 27 NOVEMBER 2011. Questions put to the Andromedan Council. How will Earth people change as we become new 4D humans? ANSWER: the most important thing to realise is that the transformation, the transition from 3D to 4D, from being a 3D person to a 4D person will be a smooth, “seamless”, “painless” process. This experience will be a simple transformation of cellular structure, from the slower, more dense, heavier existing 3D vibratory body you have today. – to a higher, faster, lighter 4D vibratory rate. You will have a body that is taller, literally lighter in terms of mass, weight and density, about one tenth of what you weigh now. Keep in mind your body’s molecular cellular structure will actually change. Think crystal based molecules. Your existing 3D cell walls will transmute into being crystalline based. Your 4D body will be based on crystalline molecules, no longer carbon based, but crystal based. Within the core, the centre of each cell, it will be infused with light. Your 4D bodies will really be very translucent. This is a natural 4th dimensional, 4th density state. Everyone will be relatively tall and slim in stature. This is simply the nature of having a crystalline cellular structure. You will also be “lighter” in terms of being infused with light, not opaque as you are like today, not completely translucent, but very translucent. Your children will transform as well. But in terms of age appearance they will continue to develop as young adults, only now along the adjusted, normal, “time line” of thousands of years for 4th dimensional people. For most adults who chose to remain on Earth during this time of change, you will look approximately in the 32 to 35 year old age range. In terms of height, for a comparison, an average 3D male will be about 7ft. tall, this is the average height for a 4D man. A 5’ 5” to 5’ 6” 3D Earth woman will likely be about 6’ 2” living a 4D life. An average 4D Earth man will weigh in Earth terms about: 10 to 15 pounds. An average 4D Earth woman will weigh about: 5 to 7 pounds. Everyone will be relatively trim, tall, slim in stature. Again this is due to the nature of having a body composed of a crystalline cellular structure. In terms of overall health, 4D Earth humans will be healthy, very healthy, full of light. With your solar system and Earth’s migration into the 4th dimension zone of space, 3D diseases will all be literally eradicated. If we are this healthy, and with the eradication of 3D Earth diseases, how long will we live as 4D Earth humans? ANSWER: You will like this answer. Typically, as you currently measure time on Earth, human beings living a 4D life spend a minimum of 6000 years – to - a maximum of 10,000 years, living a 4th dimensional life. Also understand, that there are 12 octaves of awareness and learning in each dimension, from the 4D fourth dimension on up. There is a lot to experience. Please keep in mind the use of these numbers in years, is to give you an approximation based on how Earth people measure time today. However, also keep in mind the way you currently measure time on Earth – this will change once Earth becomes a completely 4D planet. Watching, measuring, experiencing time – this will virtually go away. . In any case, you will live very, very long lives before you move on to the 5D, 5th dimension. The plan for this to completely come into effect was originally by the 20th January 2014. We understand the complete curing of physical health. But again, what about people with autism, retardation, syndromes, people who are mentally ill? ANSWER: I certainly understand the seriousness of this issue. The “medical/healthcare team on the primary biosphere who will help, assist and counsel people who are having a difficult time adjusting to the differences of 4th dimensional life, and in addition what we would consider either severe psychiatric, deep emotional issues, shock or trauma, or people with autism, retardation, syndromes, varying degrees of mental illness, people with these afflictions who you are rightfully concerned about, they have the ability to choose (or a responsible party can choose for them), to heal their fine matter consciousness, this thing we call “the mind” where these issues are lodged. Please understand this is literally a spiritual vibratory issue, and the “medical/healthcare” team on the primary biosphere, or any of the other 11 Andromeda Council flagged biospheres stationed in Earth’s solar system, these teams can use various resonating sonic frequencies and techniques to attenuate, adjust and correct the “dysfunctions” and repair the broken pathways of the fine matter “wiring” of these people’s minds. There are a variety of modalities that can be used in combination to help cure these people. They are curable. It will take some counseling, a little extra care and gentle attention after the “medical” work, the attunements are done and completed. These people, like everyone else, will be fine. If our current bodies are transforming into new 4D bodies, and you have said that 3D Earth diseases will be eradicated, what about those of us with bad or missing teeth, various syndromes, muscular dystrophy, ALS, cerebral palsy, or those people with mental illness, those of us who are back from the various Gulf Wars and Afghanistan with missing hands, fingers, arms, legs. What about all of us? ANSWER: From the Chief Medical Officer of the Andromeda Council biosphere she says “Many people have asked this kind of question. Yes, transformation of your 3D body into a 4D body will eradicate the existing illnesses and all diseases, and your bodies including birth defects, various syndromes, your loss of limbs, bad or missing teeth, malfunctioning hearing or defective eyes, and old age – all of these will all be remedied. Again, remember you are being transformed. You will have a full, complete, healthy body. What do you mean we move on to the 5D, onto the fifth dimension – when do we die? ANSWER: No, no ,you misunderstand. That’s the point. You don’t die. Remember, time doesn’t exist from the 4D, fourth dimension on upwards. You don’t experience time. And people, Earth people living a 4D life do not die. A person can choose by really extraordinary circumstances to be “extinguished” but this is very, very rare. When a 4D person gets to the point when he or she is 6,000 – 10,000 years old, when he or she feels they have learned enough and contributed enough to society, when the moment is right for them, they simply choose to move on, and transition to 5D, the fifth dimension, a slightly higher frequency of vibratory awareness. For a new set of challenges, a new set of learning experiences. It is a transition, a change in vibration. This transition from 4D, the fourth, to 5D, the fifth, is simply about moving into a higher vibration and capabilities – when the moment is right for him/her. Further, the actual capabilities one has once he/she becomes a 5D, a fifth dimensional human, are only a couple of degrees enhanced above the upper capabilities of the 4D, the fourth dimension. In any case, moving on from one dimension to the next is only about having many experiences, learning many, many things and then making a simple choice to move on, to change. You do not die - I repeat “you do not die” but experience a transition to a new lighter body. END OF MESSAGE.
I feel quite excited at the thought of the changes that are coming. Ill health and death will be eliminated and we will enjoy all of the benefits that a New Age can bring us. The Andromedans are one of the four main groups of Extraterrestrials that are closely connected to us and our development.
It is very uplifting to know that our future path is already in place. It may be a way off now, but it is waiting for our arrival. The Light on Earth is increasing and drawing away from all that is of the lower vibrations. Think positively and help manifest the higher vibrations and our peaceful future as quick as possible.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
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choose love and compassion over fear and hatred
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have determined that the best course of our non-action when it comes to humanity is to sit back in our non-physical chairs and summon help from physical beings who are capable of stepping in. You are not the only ones who are in contact with us at this time. We are very busy non-physical beings, going wherever we are summoned with our consciousness and our attention.
We have agreed to provide a substantial amount of our love, our light, and our codes and information to a species of extra-terrestrials that act as your guardians. Now, they would have done it even if we hadn’t sweetened the pot, but we just wanted them to know that we were available to support them in their supporting of you. So we reached out and let them know. You will simply know them as ‘the guardians.’
If any of you see them in your dreams, or even in your waking moments, they are very tall, thin, and to you they will give off a glow of white light. They are beautiful beings who are still physical at this time and who can help to ensure that there is no interference in your development and in your shift in consciousness.
These are beings who you will meet someday, and you will be able to thank in person. They are you, in a sense, and so there is no real interference on their part in helping you. You are still being given the opportunity to develop naturally, and evolve on your own.
You still need to choose love and compassion over fear and hatred, and you are being given that opportunity by those who are still playing in the dark. They are not to be defeated. They are to be loved back into the whole of who we all are, as we are all on the same team.
It does not matter how things might look. It does not matter what has been done. This is a universal shift, and through the delivery of that love and compassion, all beings can be brought back into the light.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Receive Weekly Remote Healing Sessions from Maricris. Explore that Opportunity Here
Find a butterfly and become one yourself.
Victoria Cochrane’s Channellings From the Masters: The Butterfly Effect on the Awakening of the Consciousness of Man
The butterfly has long been the symbol of change, both in the scientific and spiritual worlds. Butterflies begin life in a form that bears no resemblance to their eventual appearance. The beauty that eventuates after the change happens is both breathtaking and spectacular and the sight of a butterfly inspires joy and happiness in people in a way that a caterpillar does not. While a caterpillar will usually repel people with its perceived ugliness, a butterfly will attract attention because of its delicate structure and stunning colours.
In the same way a butterfly attracts positive reactions in people, so too can a spiritually awakened person who sees the blessings in everything around them. This kind of person accepts people for who they are and has a kind, warm and welcoming nature that makes people feel comfortable and at home. The way a spiritually awakened person thinks, speaks and acts will generally be of a much higher vibration than an unawakened person. People who have not yet awakened to their own spiritual self are generally a lot less aware of the impact that their negative thoughts, words and actions may have on the world around them. Like attracts like, so people who live and interact with harsh words and actions will bring about a reality that is stark in comparison to that of a person who is kind-hearted and generous to others without expectation or need of reward.
To become awakened, one must raise their consciousness to a higher level; to do this one must be mindful of their thoughts, words and actions and work hard to temper their ego. The awareness of self and of how one reacts to others is a necessary step to allow one to see the world with love and compassion rather than with judgement and condemnation. When one can see the journey of another as spiritual growth rather than human transgression, the absence of judgement will lead to an ability to see the world with unconditional love. Awakened souls hold a willingness to serve others for the greater good that transcends their own needs. In treating others with love and respect, the flow on effect is to inspire gratitude and appreciation from those with whom they interact and a lightness of heart that is infectious. These people will find others drawn them because their hearts are full and radiate a love and warmth that attracts people like a moth to a flame. They are likely to meditate and to practice mindfulness and be spiritual practitioners, but they are just as likely to be Christians, Buddhists, Muslim or Hindu or other of religious faiths. Whatever their race, creed or religion or lack of it, an awakened soul is one who has learnt to love and accept themselves and, in doing so, needs no other recognition of self.
Every thought goes out into the human collective consciousness and the ratio of negative to positive emotions can have either wonderful or catastrophic influences on the events of the world and on the way people interact with one another. Every positive change a person makes to the way they think, act and react has a direct affect on other people through our connected consciousness. The power of a thought can never be underestimated. Every thought creates form and enlightened or awakened people are generally more able to temper their thoughts and to recover from disappointment and dramatic interactions with others more easily.
As the light in one person’s heart grows to allow them to operate from a place of love and service to others, those who have not yet reached this state will find themselves attracted to and influenced by these people’s non-judgemental ways and positive attitudes. They may even begin to find that their interactions help them to see the other side of the coin and to see the blessings in life rather than always focusing on the negative aspects. They begin to emerge from their caterpillar state into a butterfly and then their demeanour begins to rub off on others. What a wonderful cycle to perpetuate for the ascension of the world.
Be that person. Be the beautiful butterfly who, by changing your thoughts from negative to positive, can create happiness and harmony around you instead of drama and tears. Be kind and grateful instead of blaming others for your misfortunes. Take responsibility for the choices you have made and begin to think more carefully about the ones you make in the future. Learn to accept others for who they are instead of criticising and judging them…. and soon you will find that they will do the same for you. Bit by bit, thought by thought, create change in your world. Read, meditate, grow. Find a butterfly and become one yourself. That is how it works.
I AM Archangel Michael
It is the perfect time for all of you to consider how you would like to be moving forward in this next phase of your evolution.
Creating Inter-dimensional Portal Through Sound 432Hz.
Creating Inter-dimensional Portal for Peace,Love,Abundance,Prosperity,Wealth,Well Being Through Sound #432HZ.
Dancing is one of the best things humans invented to expand.
Enjoy this latest set of mine recorded in Antwerp,Belgium.
The 8,000 Global Meditation.
After the welcome, Jared Rand states: “As far as our meditation today, I think that it would be a good direction to send peace, security, peace-prosperity, love, tenderness, kindness, caring, compassion.All these words balled up into one energy wave that we can create….. As far as planet Earth, in our immediate solar system. Calmis another word that comes to mind, calming those on planet Earth. Feeling the energy. I know some of you feel it every day, most of us feel it every day. The different occurrences that are taking place, the rapidity and the rapidness, I should say.How rapid things are the increasing frequency of happenings across the planet, different land occurrences… the waterways disappearing, fish beaching themselves, birds from the sky.
People want to know what’s going on and what’s taking place in occurrences that are taking place. These are part of the fringe areas of the earth-changes that are taking place that no one has seen in over 10,000 years, that we are now experiencing.
Some of us have been here, for those times and that’s why some of us feel familiar. We are in an “advanced stage of evolution.” The Human Race, The Planet Earth… our solar system, this part of the galaxy is in an advanced stage of evolution and we are all changing at a rapid pace. I know that some you can feel it. You don’t discuss outwardly but we are. We are changing. All of us are and it’s for the better. It’s good, it’s a good change, it’s not a negative change and to calm and add peace and love and prosperity, and kindness and compassion… to all of humanity in this meditation.
To have the Golden-White-Pink-Rain soak everything and everyone, to touch, penetrate every surface. The atmosphere,
the waters, the soil and to add this unending love, prosperity, peace, abundance, joy. Great wealth. I mean just happy, fulfilling, progressive, massive, major changes…. with that energy.
And we can just picture it and see it is saturating everywhere. Nothing can be protected from it. It is an endless, loving rain. It will penetrate everything, everywhere, every place and in addition to that because of the “Golden-White-Pink Light sphere”, that we created several weeks ago. We…. Once we start these meditations, they are connected and interlinked, so there are constantly operating in the sphereupon the planet.
So that we were reinforcing and adding the power and the strength of Prime –Source-Creator-God. Each time we do a meditation, it gives it another shot in the arm. So we continually increase, the basically the unending love-power, the compassion-power, the wealth, the abundance, the prosperity, the happiness, the joy. It all keeps increasing at a rapid pace and we keep strengthening it, with these daily meditations and that’s why I said in the beginning of these meditations. It is a lifelong commitment for humanity.
Humanity in the future will meditate every day.It will be just a regular occurrence, every day. So there won’t be any “once in a while” “once a month” “once every other day” It will be every day. The human race will gladly participate in it and want to be a part of it. Right now, we are pioneering it, to the extent where everybody we can find, to join. Everywhere!
We’ve got people sitting in rooms with one line, bringing 500 people in. We ’ve got people that are setting up hall’s, meeting halls where they can come every day and get on the line, on the speaker line and listen in on the meditation and participate. There are many ways that this can be done without everybody having to call in. You could have one person with 500, one with 2000, one with 3000.
Across the plane… from everywhere …and that’s the direction that we are working towards so that the increase … We’re like 50 some? Away from 8000 call participantsand a lot of those are coming in with groups of people and listening from different parts of the planet and participating in the meditations.
So, that’s just food for thought, for those of you who are very creative and start thinking “How can we increase the number of meditators for the planet for humanity. How can we do this?” So that’s why I reach out to everybody and say “ Get your creative juices flowing and figure out how you think you can get more people to come to these daily meditations”
Three is a powerful number that’s why 3 PM Eastern was picked, during the Central… during the day. Some people can’t make it but I think an eventuality… the majority of people will make it every day because it’s a lifelong commitment. We are affecting change for our entire brothers and sisters on the planet. So “the more… as the saying goes… the more the merrier.”
And now, as we get ready here for this meditation…. Understand that the Golden-White-Pink-Light -Rain is filled with… from Creator-Source-God… Unending Love and prosperity, great wealth. I should say “perfect wealth, perfect abundance, perfect prosperity, perfect order, perfect health… Just overall tremendous well being.”
All the positions are filled… with compassion and love and appreciation, honesty and this is…. remember, this is saturating everything, penetrating everywhere, filling the atmosphere, filling the surface, covering the surface of the planet… everywhere, we will have this happening.”
Once again, I remind you that this is not a complete transcription. I’m merely trying to help raise the world’s vibration, by sharing information about this Mass Meditation process.
Many blessings to you all…. May all of your dreams come true!
Juli Joy
Notes by Juli Joy of The Young Lightworkers.
*The Guided Global Meditation will start on Everyday @ 3pm EST & continue on a DAILY basis at the same time.
**Number to call in is 641-715-0857 Code is 303471#
** If you are unable to make it at that time the playback number is 641-715-3579 (same code)