We too look forward to the disclosures, the landings, but mostly we look forward to sharing with you and helping you remember what you have forgotten.

Greetings friends! It is I Ashtar with the Galactic Federation and we are hovering in your orbit in this ever present now, watching and being of service to your evolution as a collective. The individual part of it is up to you, and we see our ground team performing as professional athletes, who, even thought they thought they were beyond exhausted, found the inner knowing and motivation to push through the final entropy burst that would allow their successful victory.

The light is well on its way. The light is here in many respects. 6/6/18 was a big energetic day for humanity, and many of you felt the upgrades, for they were many. Be gentle on yourselves and nurture your healing. Allow these energetic bursts to heal and accept it deep into your heart of hearts, that part of you that perhaps needs the greatest healing of all. For being embodied on Gaia, who was a lower dimensional world, is no small feat. It is for the bravest of us, and we thank you for your self sacrifice.

Much is zooming ahead despite the current news casts, best to pay them no heed for they are fluff designed to conflict and confuse. Use these moments of cosmic energies and power to develop your own inner knowing, your own internal compass and you will never waiver from once you have found it. For you will know it is your own blessed higher self who is guiding you, who has been your voice of reason and conscience since you were but a child.

It has been the nature of humanity to forget. And now it is your nature to remember. For a new way of doing things is evolving here on Nova Gaia, and it is the pathway of love, of bliss and of reunion with all aspects of yourself that need healing so that you can find your own wholeness. It is this oneness that we Galactic Federation members try to exemplify with everything that we do. For a united front in perfect unity of cohesive action is quite the formidable force to the dark-lings who are in the process of fleeing or trying to, and we are simply in the clean up stages of this process.

We too look forward to the disclosures, the landings, but mostly we look forward to sharing with you and helping you remember what you have forgotten. For it is the time of the great awakening from slumber, humanity, and you have been asleep many of you for quite some time. It is time to wake up wrapped in Source light, in love, and blink away the cobwebs and nightmares and awaken into a new reality of sunlight that doesn’t burn, of moonbeams from a real moon, surrounded by your soul family and ‘mythical’ friends who I assure you are quite real.

I am Ashtar. It has been my pleasure to connect with you this day. Salut!

~ galaxygirl

And so, we have been working with you on co-creating fifth-dimensional experiences that you can tap into vibrationally while you are still there in the fourth dimension.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have begun the process of taking your desires for what you would like to experience in the fifth dimension, and using that information we have created a vibrational experience that you can tap into now. We know that many of you are excited about stepping into the fifth dimensional framework and experiencing the fifth dimensional Earth. We also know that you are feeling impatient, but you are in a very important phase now as you create the experience of the fifth dimension that you want to have.

And so, we have been working with you on co-creating fifth-dimensional experiences that you can tap into vibrationally while you are still there in the fourth dimension. We want you to know that you do not need to fully shift in order to start experiencing some of what you have created. We want to give you hope, and also experience. Those of you who are ready to tap into what you have already created will be able to use that information to refine your desires.

You will always be building and re-building, and this is one of the ways you can start to experience what it will be like to be fully fifth dimensional. There are others, of course, and we are not the only ones working with you and for you. But we want you to know that everything that you’re doing now is helping to create that reality that you want to experience.

And you are all doing a beautiful job of accessing, in your own way, that which you need in order to continue this process of growth and creation. And we are so thrilled and honored to be co-creators with you of the new Earth, of the fifth-dimensional human experience.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”



Do you realise that you have a soul, are immortal and have already lived many, many lives, even before you took on the human attributes.

Your patience is remarkable and to be commended as you have known that important events are affecting you and your world. They have been near to being revealed for quite a long time, and you will be rewarded in more ways than one and will know by now that nothing can prevent the changes from taking place. The planet itself is also going through critical changes, and has been so for quite some considerable time, and is responsible for the indifferent and unusual weather patterns you have been experiencing. The final outcome will be to your satisfaction and joy as the extremes you experience, will no longer take place. As you no doubt realise, the weather plays an important part in many of your experiences perhaps more than you realise, and one of its most important roles is where your food production is concerned. Again be reassured that any problems will only be temporary and looking into the far future, you will have food replicators and able to draw water that can be used for drinking from the air around you. Those who are responsible for pointing you in the right direction are always preparing new innovations or systems that will lead you into a future where life becomes more pleasant and much easier. Dust has always been a problem, but again that will eventually be taken care of by units that will remove it and purify the air around you.

As you might expect, being in a New Age brings with it many new inventions and different ways to what you have always done in the past, that are less expensive and less time consuming. In fact you will progressively find that as a result you will have much more time for yourselves. That will be very useful inasmuch that you will ample time for your hobbies or interests that you follow. You might for example be one who likes to travel the world and see how others live, and the methods of travel will be quite different to now. There will be ultra-speedy links to all parts of the world and much through underground travel, independent of the track system you currently use. Travelling the Oceans by ship will become a thing of the past except for leisure pursuits, and shipping generally will be considered outdated and too expensive. Traditional Air travel will be overtaken by Flying Craft that use the Earths magnetism as a power source, as many Extraterrestrials already do.

In the course of all of these changes Humanity itself will experience an expanded consciousness, and things such as telepathy will be commonplace. Generally much to do with the human experience will change, and with your love of gadgets most functions connected with day to day needs will be automatic. Robots are starting to carry out some simple functions, and will come more into the picture as time passes. They will carry out tasks presently done manually, and there is no limit to how far their usefulness can be programmed. Television will eventually give out a 3D picture that will be projected In front of you.

All of these advancements are already known, even if only as ideas that can lead to projects that will benefit you. From the higher realms we place ideas upon those people who are in a position to use and develop them for the benefit of humanity. We ensure that a number of suitable people are “programmed” so that the ideas do not become dormant. Our purpose is not to lead you onto a particular path unless you have first grasped an idea and need help in developing it. In general terms, it is you who have ideas as to what may be needed and how to provide it, and it is at that stage that we prompt you with some guidance as to how it can best be used. The emphasis has always been upon encouraging you to map out your own future needs, and we will oversee your development if needed.

Remember that at no time are you left entirely to your own devices, and there are always your Guides on hand to help. However, there is no interference in your life except that there are points in your development that call for change, and we will try to guide you towards the path that you need to be on to fulfil your life contract. There is sometimes a compromise between your freewill intentions and your dedicated pathway. The key word is to follow your intuition and if you feel prompted to take a certain action, do so knowing that it is most likely from your Guides who can see the bigger picture. They would certainly not mislead you or go against your decisions. The likelihood is that they have often impressed upon you the best action to be taken, but would nevertheless never impose those ideas upon you.

As time passes your friends and helpers from the higher realms will come nearer to you and there will be a time when they will make themselves known to you and speak openly. Naturally there will also be the opportunity for you to speak with your departed friends and family. After all, there is no such thing as death except with your understanding of what it means, which in most instances is permanent death. Do you realise that you have a soul, are immortal and have already lived many, many lives, even before you took on the human attributes.

You are already very experienced but take on a new persona each time you leave the Godhead for further experiences, and you continually grow through them and each time take them back to the Godhead. Prior to your Earth incarnations your memory is “erased” so as to ensure you are not distracted from the tasks at hand. Your challenge has been to rise up above the lower vibrations and find your way back to the Light, when success makes you a more powerful and stronger being. As you have also been told before, your evolution will still continue with the object of making you a Galactic Being, in readiness for the next series of experiences to increase your spiritual growth even further.

Dear Ones it may seem incredible that out the chaos and disruption that is taking place on Earth, you will move onto a path that will change everything, and finally lead you back to a high level that in reality you are most familiar with. Growth comes through experience, and you are given opportunities that will achieve that goal. At all times you are guided so as to achieve the maximum success and make progress where your life plan is concerned. As I have told you previously, it is planned with such objectives in mind but if you choose a different pathway it is honoured because of your freewill. Invariably you will eventually find your way back to the one agreed, that is normally proved to be best for you.

Incredible times await you in the near future, so hold your place in the Light and you will be helping to bring the changes closer to manifestation. I will leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

We are continuing to evaluate the necessity of a bigger presence of extra-terrestrials on your planet.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are continuing to evaluate the necessity of a bigger presence of extra-terrestrials on your planet. We are in contact with many extra-terrestrial beings who want to help and who want to become members of the ground crew with all of you, and we are weighing the help versus hindrance of their presence. You don’t want to get into a situation with extra-terrestrial beings where you see them as your saviors.

For those of you who are unaware, we are non-physical. We are consciousness, so we are not coming, but we are in contact with fifth-dimensional Arcturians, fourth-dimensional Arcturians, and other beings from other star systems who want very much to assist all of you. They see it as part of their role to help. Their presence can help by their ability receive higher-frequency energies and ground them for you.

They can even blend in enough to be teachers and guides, and the advantage of their being on planet Earth with you is that they are incorruptible and beyond any scope of manipulation. Again, the downside is that they can interfere with your evolution of consciousness.

If you become fifth dimensional without doing what you need to do there, you could end up hurting yourselves, especially those who are still unawake at this point. There’s a much greater likelihood that they would in fact create some serious problems.

And so we are looking down many different timelines and seeking the best possible scenarios for all of you. The E.T.s that we are in contact with will of course heed our guidance, and they will always be there supporting you in other ways, even if they are not all on the ground floor with you. And of course you have help from up here as well, in our dimension, not to mention all of the other helpers who are lending their energy, their compassion, their love, and their support.

We all know how long a journey this has been for you and how challenging, but to not worry because your ascension is guaranteed.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”



Think about how contagious laughter can be, or dancing, or singing.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We know that you are all doing very well, and yet we also know that it takes quite a bit of convincing to get you to believe that you are on the right track. Almost all of you believe that you should be doing more, that you should have more abilities, that you should feel more connected, or in some way that we have not mentioned, you should be better.

This is causing most of you to not really enjoy the journey that you’re on, and so we want you to value joy. We want you to place a high priority on feeling it, on doing things for the sake of it, and on spreading it around. This has been a challenging lifetime to say the least, and you have many more challenges ahead of you. But why would you want to focus on the hard part when there’s plenty for you to enjoy about this journey that you’re on?

Here is why it is so important for you to seek out the joy vibration. You are all conduits of high-frequency energy. You are the ground crew for those like us who are sending the waves of energy, and we need you to be grounded, interested in your life, and open to receiving that which we are sending. The times when you are joyous are those times when you let down your guard and you let in more of the high-frequency energy that is coming to you from all parts of the galaxy and all dimensions.

When you ground that high-frequency energy, you are immediately of service to your fellow humans. You not only send out a template for others to live joyously, but you also give permission to the rest of humankind to seek out joy. The more joy there is around, the more likely you are to activate it in someone else. Think about how contagious laughter can be, or dancing, or singing.

Let yourselves experience the joy of life as it is right now so that you can let everything else that needs to unfold happen effortlessly, so that you can be those conduits of high-frequency energy that you volunteered to be.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




Do not underestimate the uplifting power of your loving presence by merely being on earth at this time.

Greetings dear hearts. It is me, Jesus Sananda, your brother, friend, and constant traveling companion with you on this journey that you are undergoing, this journey of love and discovery or, better said, rediscovery of that wonderful New You.

“And what does this mean, dear brother?” you are asking me. It means that you expand and stretch constantly, it means that you grow and continue to adjust to that high vibration and ask your physical self to graciously embody the different frequencies of your multidimensional selves right here and now.

It means that you learn to flow seamlessly and without any effort between all the beautiful parts of yourselves, high and low and in-between. It means that you trust that innate knowing of your heart to take you wherever you need to be in every moment and in the right divine timing.

It means that you do not self-judge or critically analyze for too long whenever less than pleasant events manifest in your reality. But rather, you balance yourselves and align with the wisdom and the knowing of your heart, and look deeper into situations and into the soul’s eyes and hearts to see the truth that lies beyond the appearances. And only from that standpoint should you attempt to understand what needs more loving attention, and through that seek and find the proper solutions.

Being aware in every moment of where you are, where parts of your sweet self are coming to you to be recognized, accepted and lovingly incorporated into your heart. This is the best approach to this empowered New You.

And if you don’t seem to be quite sure why and who is coming your way, then just love them anyway, because love will never fail you, love will never mislead or drag you down. On the contrary, it will open new and wonderful ways for you, it will assist you to feel and become whole and complete in an instant.

Dear hearts, I am here with you when you feel great and optimistic, full of vim and vigor, with great inspiration and excitement regarding your life and future. But I am here with thee and even closer when you travel deeper into your shadows feeling less than happy and joyful.

For I want you to remember that this is only a part and facet of yourself with whom you have chosen purposefully to travel along at this time of massive earthly changes, so you can better assist humanity and everyone else with your love and light. Do not underestimate the uplifting power of your loving presence by merely being on earth at this time.

Know that you are loved and cherished and appreciated for your valor and fortitude.

Stay in peace, stay with my love! Farewell.

By permission.

© 2018 Council of Love, Inc.


This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted.

Picture a clean earth. Feel into the abundance that is coming to all of you. See a planet free in all ways. Stay centered and calm. Find new power and strength. Move into the oneness of life with every being on the planet.

Greetings, I am Mira. I am in full service to the earth on the Earth Council, to assist with the ascension of the planet.

I greet you today in a new gateway that was just opened for the ascension process. It will allow more expeditious travel between planetary systems, by giving us more access to strategic locations where our help is needed. We will be installing some more of these as time progresses. We are coming from a place of strength and competency, and so are you. There are increasing numbers of us, because we are on a rapid trajectory to assist the earth’s ascension.

There has been too much outside interference with dark ones going where they do not belong. This is being remedied and will soon be complete. We have numerous ways to purge what needs to be taken care of. We have them running. We are making huge progress and there is still much that we cannot tell you. In the end, you will be made aware of all of it. Right now is not the appropriate time. We have to keep certain information to ourselves.

I can tell you there is a lot going on with your governments. It is behind the scenes. It is election time in the United States. Much change is afoot. Many new people have been called to action. The old system of service to self will be slipping away. You will have better cross representation of the populace. Make the best of the choices at hand. You need to be heard.

It is important that you take a stand on what is most important to you. This is the main way that you will be able to change the planet. Follow your heart and put your energy in to projects of great value. Begin to envision your future. Picture a clean earth. Feel into the abundance that is coming to all of you. See a planet free in all ways. Stay centered and calm. Find new power and strength. Move into the oneness of life with every being on the planet.

We are finding our way to be with you again. Many of us are on the planet already. The truth about us cannot be suppressed. Right now your U.S. government is clearing the deck for full disclosure because they have been told by us that it cannot be stopped. They are trying to save face from anger and distrust when you all know the truth. It could happen sooner than you think. It could shake up many people but it needs to happen. We do not have time for spoon feeding the populace or your government’s control. It is nearly over.

We know that for some of you it brightens your day (or your night) when you see us in the skies. We delight in these maneuvers. We communicate telepathically and enjoy your excitement when we connect. You will begin to see much more of us. Welcome us and this makes it even more favorable.

These are exciting time for all of us. We love and support you.  I am Mira.

A track i made about the message of Mira back in 2015 ,it was shooted in Germany in a  Studio where we were having a Raw Vegan Gathering with friends and family.

my DNA and Christed light energy work has done the trick in creating a seed .

Greetings friends! It is I, your Sananda. As I look upon my beloved friends and family from the bridge of the New Jerusalem, I am delighted and astonished at the rate of acceleration of both personal and collective growth of you all in such a short amount of time. It is truly exhilarating to witness and it is may privilege and honor to be of service at this most critical juncture of your ascension and your evolution.

2000 years ago Earth was a dark void. That is why I was born into it, to seed the consciousness of humanity with the Christed light codes that had been wiped out and genetically eliminated from your DNA. But that has been long resolved. For my DNA and Christed light energy work has done the trick in creating a seed and now a full tree has grown and multiplied so that now the dark void that I used to call my home is verdant and green energetically with the Christed light codes glowing from within, a pulsing verdant green of light.

Green is healing you know. It is the color of the heart, just as dear Mother Gaia’s name Earth is an anagram for Heart. It is all the same. She is the planet of love, of life and of hard lessons learned and learned most brilliantly! Look! See how you have grown, expanded into the angels of love light and mercy that you were destined to be! My friends, you have fulfilled your promises to yourself and to to me and to the collective and oh, I am so proud of you! I am tearing up right now through this one as I see through misty eyes of love that dims the hard edges and blurs all out into light and love – this is how I see you. Glowing, verdant, green, healed.

I am your Sananda! I am so in love with humanity this day and every day. I am love, as are you, you are only in the midst of remembering. And some of you now have risen through your own exquisite trials and tribulations that you had designed for yourselves to experience (hard to understand and accept I know) and you are growing now, thriving and these lessons cracked you open like a geode as this one likes to say, and has exposed your beautiful crystalline codes within that are growing, increasing, and becoming you, your new you; your crystalline you that is so stunningly beautiful and strong, so much stronger. You are becoming your superhero self! Ha! This is so tremendously exciting, it is better than any movie that could have been dreamed up.

You the human collective is a mighty creative force. Your potential and your understandings for such things have been walled off from your grasp but for no longer. Intention is the key. Meditation is the key. Talking with your higher self, with me if you so choose, is the key. You have all the tools needed. Your crystal friends are becoming so much stronger as well with the new glorious energy codes that are blasting through the darkness that once enshrouded you. No more! The light is blasting through, has cleared – and you transmuters have cleansed and cleared the energetic dross that had suffocated you and the mother Gaia for far too long!

It is finished. And you friends, are the finishers of this mighty intense marathon, and oh, we are all so very proud of you. Can you hear the applause and the cheers from behind me? Yes, we are all here, and yes, we love you so much. You will begin to see more of our ships in the sky dancing and cheering you on. For we are here, just cloaked, most of us. But we are here none the less. As humanity begins to ask the questions we will begin to provide more clues and answers.

But you my friends, the relentlessly patient ground team are the leaders of this, the way showers, gently seeding the consciousness so that new questions are pondered and then asked. It is how it should be, that you who have worked so tirelessly should have the most exciting job at the end. Ha! No eye rolling. You’ve got this. Only the best qualified who applied got the job and well, here you are, my friends! Reading this means that you have all the feathers in your cap and badges on your uniform required to do these things. Just wrap everything in love and you’re be fine. Love is the answer. It is the key that unlocks the miracles of life and of the mysteries of the world around you.

I love you. I am your Sananda! Now be encouraged! You have won the race! Now is the process of cleaning up and explaining to the others that they were in a race to begin with. No problem, right? I am always here for you. I love you. I am always available for consultation. It is my joy to talk with you this day and everyday. Blessings upon you this day and everyday.

~ galaxygirl


one of your new skills is time bending.

Dear Ones,

Even though we, of the Universes, request that you rest, many of you believe a day or even an hour of rest is not possible within your 3D environments.

Because you are adjusting internally to the many shifts that occurred the past few days, you feel exhausted, energized, mopey or just different from what you expected when you were of 3D.

Allow your rest needs to overcome your daily objectives, as you might after a medical procedure. Granted, you may feel as if you could conquer the world, but in truth, you do not yet have the strength to do so.

Your sense of conquering the world is similar to a drug high for you are feeling different and you cannot explain why to yourself or others. So you return to 3D feeling definitions to explain your new sensations.

Allow your body to adjust to your new sensations. For within a few days, the energies will once again ramp-up creating more new sensations within your being.

For some such a thought is fearful, but to others – especially those on their new physical high – that thought is exhilarating. For many of you are so ready to shift, you do not wish to rest.

So it is, we are setting aside a time of rest and nurturing for you. Again, many of you are clamoring that you must care for children, work or the thousands of other reasons you give yourself why you cannot nurture yourself in a 3D world.

Therefore, we will relay a Universal trick you can perform at home, in the subway, during your workday or any place that feels right. Request five or so minutes of blank time from the Universes.

Even though you have progressed beyond 3D, you have not acknowledged to yourself that you have. Blank time is your internal nap that no 3D entity senses or sees. Those around you will continue their life, but you will step out of 3D life for a bit to rest. You are stopping your clock – not anyone else’s.

Some of you claim that you sleep long hours. Such is true. But because you are also working, dreaming, traveling, creating, etc. during that sleep time, you are not resting.

Your five-minute rest can be before you sleep at night, in the office, during your commute or any time you feel comfortable doing so.

This rest technique is a two-fold project. One, you need to rest so that your physicality resets before the next energy burst. And two, for you to test one of your new skills. For even as you read this, you are thinking that it MIGHT work, but you need to test it in a safe place like your restroom or bedroom before sleep.

You cannot yet conceive that you can step out of the 3D world with no 3D entity being the wiser. A simple task that those of other frequencies do throughout the Universes. For indeed, you know that those of the Universes often give you indications they are following you, but you do not expect them to be visually available to you 24 hours a day. Instead, you expect that they will flit in and out of your life and vision.

You can now do the same. And no one of 3D will notice. Only those with similar skills will know that you are “dropping out” for a bit.

So it is we challenge you to care for yourself during this “quiet” time by resting.

You create the resting environment. Not those outside of you as you have always believed, but you from inside yourself.

You may try a five-minutes Universal rest now but will likely expand the time to that which feels comfortable. Doing so, you will discover that you might be in a business meeting and feel the need to rest for a few minutes. When you return your focus to the meeting, not one syllable of wording will be lost to you. To the 3D world, you were completely attentive.

We are teaching you to bend time.

It is time – said with laughter – for you to practice this new skill while of the earth. A skill that will not impact 3D actions, but will change your current life.

You are not alone and never have been. Time travel is now also true for you as you jump from frequency to frequency and dimension to dimension just as your Universal guardians have done throughout your earth lives.

Rest and practice away. The only request is that you do not become so dedicated to our practice discussion that you neglect to rest. Your key job the next few days is resting. Your new skill is merely a way of resting if you so choose.

There are no shoulds. Just know that with your new software, one of your new skills is time bending with no one of 3D the wiser. So be it. Amen.

LifeTapestryCreations.com. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

You reach your potential when you reach for love within you. When you feel love flowing through you, everything else falls into place. You recognize that the lack of separation means that you are the universe that you previously thought you wanted to create within. And as you co-create with this universe, coming from a place of love, you reach that potential, and you might even exceed it. In fact, we know you will.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have an awareness of your abilities, your potential, your true nature as Beings of Source Energy, and we hold that knowing for you. We ask that you do the same for one another. It might be easier for you at times to believe in someone else than it is for you to believe in yourself, and it is alright if that is where you are in the current moment. You can still come to a place where you see yourself as Divine and you actualize your potential and abilities.

Believing in someone else can be that step that brings you closer to the full knowing of who you really are and what you can do. Now, when you offer that space for someone else, and he or she lives up to your expectations, there is a great likelihood that the person will then return the favor. And in holding that space for you, they will reciprocate what is coming to you.

What you put out energetically will come back to you, because there is no real separation between you and anyone else. There is no real separation between you and your universe, and we know that you understand this. But we are eager for you to experience it. We are eager for you to experience the truths that you are Source Energy Beings, eternal, infinite, and ever-expanding consciousness. You are unconditional love in the flesh, and when you feel that love flowing through you, you are at your most powerful.

You reach your potential when you reach for love within you. When you feel love flowing through you, everything else falls into place. You recognize that the lack of separation means that you are the universe that you previously thought you wanted to create within. And as you co-create with this universe, coming from a place of love, you reach that potential, and you might even exceed it. In fact, we know you will.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


Your job as a spiritually evolved person is to recognize that in spite of all appearances every individual is in reality, a Divine Being. Surround the person with Light and then move on for the more you hold them in consciousness according to their human appearance, you add to the illusion. You are creators. Know that it is often more loving to allow these dear ones to fall flat on their face or even leave this life than to continue enabling them in their illusion. In their next lifetime they will make different choices based on the learned experiences of this one. This is true for most addictions–drugs, alcohol , sex, rituals, or anything else an individual believes will give them the sense of wholeness, happiness, and peace they crave.

The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, June 3d, 2018.

Dear ones, with love and great respect we offer assistance to your evolutionary journey with the intention of bringing hope and enlightenment to all who seek it.

We see a  great deal of change taking place on earth although you are unable to see it as we do.  Energies of Light continue to intensify as more individuals awaken and begin to comprehend truths previously unavailable to them simply because they were not open or receptive.  There is a great deal of assistance available to anyone requesting it, but you must ask.
Many  previously closed to change or new ways of seeing and believing are now opening to the idea that there may be better ways of doing things as many accepted beliefs, concepts, laws, simply no longer work as they once did.  This realization is the birth of awakening.  At the same time, those already spiritually  aware are expanding into increasingly higher levels of awareness.
Those already spiritually awake simply need validation of what they are experiencing at this time rather than increasing amounts of new information.  The temptation is to seek answers through the mind when things are not fully understood because the three dimensional belief system teaches that study, learning, doing, on a mental level is necessary to understanding which is true in the beginning stages of awakening.
You have learned in this fashion through many lifetimes, and have arrived  at a place where the human mind is no longer an effective tool for your inner journey.  The human mind is  limited to what is already known and cannot access the deeper realms of Divine Consciousness within.
This shift can be a huge and troubling leap for those who have devoted their lives to one particular spiritual path for many years or even through lifetimes.  This is especially true for the teachers of those paths who have dedicated themselves, taught classes, written books, and put all their energy and trust into some one particular  modality.
Real spiritual  paths and modalities (those that have truth at their foundation) will not disappear but rather their core ideas will expand to new and higher levels.   Often it is the un-awakened consciousness of followers who fear change that hold the evolutionary expansion of some spiritual modality back in energies that have become obsolete.   Nothing real is or can ever be lost, only the illusions of it disappear.
Every organized religion, teaching, or spiritual modality originally come about as truth from a highly evolved teacher,  but over generations  original teachings are always lost when the teacher passes on and the teachings become organized as a religion.  The truths revealed by the original teacher then quickly become ms-interpreted by followers not of the original teacher’s state of consciousness.  Some then declare themselves to be the teachers and  present the original teachings from a lower and often very three dimensional level.  This is why truth should never be organized.
Placing  faith, trust, or hope (personal power)  in a path, guru, or modality is not meant to continue forever.  These things are important tools for awakening, but only work up to a certain point because the nature of evolution determines that a  person will eventually evolve beyond a need for them.  There comes a time when the seeker is no longer in alignment with some of the very tools and modalities that served to get him to his new level of awareness–he has graduated.
Truths learned through an illumined path or teacher can only be fully accessed and become one’s state of consciousness when they flow from within where all Divine Ideas exist in the fullness of their pure form.  Before that, they are simply intellectual knowledge.
Meditation  helps to open the  door. The silent inner listening of meditation indicates to one’s Higher Self that they are ready and receptive for more.   Once accessed, Divine Ideas continue to unfold and reveal themselves  as each new level of consciousness is attained where there is alignment with the new truth.
Enjoy life.  The ascetic practices of the past that came about as the result of believing spirituality to be separate from ordinary living are no longer a part of the world’s belief system as they once were.  Contrary to what many still believe, pain and suffering does not please God in any way and never could because the harmonious perfection of ONE is all there is.  Pain and suffering do not exist in Divine Consciousness, if it did it would be universally permanent, held forever in place by Divine Law.
Living as an awakened individual is a matter of being in the world but not of it–living and enjoying life without attachment.  Go to work, go to school, have relationships or not, do what you are guided to do but do it from your highest level of awareness in the realization that you are whole and complete with or without these things.
Spiritual living is the experiencing of ordinary activities from a place of love, one that is able to look through appearances of  “good” or “bad” with no attachment to their outcome in the realization that everything is spiritual and what is being seen is a three dimensional mind interpretation of it.
You come to understand that your wholeness and completeness is is not dependent upon your education, money, body shape, or anything else three dimensional thinking defines as  success. You are comfortable wherever you are and in all situations because you know who you are.
At this point you can  go to church or not, because you know that God is only in church if you bring “Him”  with you.  You begin to have more patience and love for those around you knowing that they have a soul contract and lessons they are learning.  You begin to accept the  idiosyncrasies of family, friends, and strangers  instead of giving them power over you for good or bad. You are able to watch news or not from a level of detachment rather than fear and worry because you now realize that in spite of appearances, all is well.  Living  becomes a being in the world but not of it.
Allowing the evolutionary progress of self and others is love.  It is the realization that everything proceeds according to plan without the need for mental plotting and scheming because in reality,  the earth is a spiritual universe peopled by Sons of God.   Gaia, who is a living soul and not a piece of dirt,  is  ready for her next evolutionary step and human thinking cannot stop it because there is a much bigger picture happening than what third dimensional thinking can know or even imagine.
Spiritual consciousness allows others to live their personal journey without the interference that so often happens when well meaning “do-gooders” and many groups  ms-interpret love.  The belief that anyone who does not believe the same must be saved from their ignorance is a perfect example of how the belief in separation manifests in the world–“others” are separate from  real truth and need those who have it, to save them.
Concepts of separation are basic to most organized religions who in turn send out missionaries in a false sense of duty to convert and  save anyone who does not believe as they do.  Efforts to save and convert others however well intended are always ego based (My way is the only “right” way) and more often than not bring  pain and suffering to the recipients while  destroying any spiritual practices already in place that are often more evolved than those of the missionary.
Every individual can only save themselves.  No church, guru, saint, teacher, or practice can do it for you although these things can open the door for those ready and receptive.  Everyone has  Divine Source Consciousness already fully present within ready to speak and guide the moment they choose to listen.
Sincerely seeking help or guidance  aligns an individual with the help and guidance needed. The common belief that it is love and duty to save every so called floundering person is often just interference, for in spite of appearances no one really needs saving and those that seem to need it are usually learning some difficult lesson they themselves chose for their evolution. Their choice could of simply been to live fully in and experience third dimensional energy.
Allowing is the gift of stepping back while at the same time having your hand ready to grasp the other’s should they reach out.   It is NOT a reaching down and pulling someone up out of their personal and chosen gutter.  There is a fine line here that can only be accessed through intuition because the world in general continues to promote the “saving” of everyone whether or not the person desires saving.
Intuition, your inner radar or gut feeling,  is always the best  guide as to whether  or not someone appearing to be in need of rescue really needs and wants it or is just seeking someone to assist them to continue in their chosen lifestyle.  Always remember that there is a bigger picture going on. This will  allow you to make sense of the seeming discord another may be struggling with.
Again, we iterate that there is a fine line in these situations where often intuition is your only guide.  Some may seem not to want help, but your intuition may be telling you that they really do want help.  Others may seem to want help, but only do it because it was forced upon them and soon return to their chosen lifestyle.  Not everyone is ready to be “saved” physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually and to presume otherwise is very human.
Free will allows everyone  to choose the gutter of their choice and it is not the responsibility of you or  angels or even their Guides to interfere with their choice. Always hold yourselves in the energy of compassion and not sympathy, for in sympathy you align with the the person’s lower resonating energy. Your own personal choice may be that it is time to remove yourself from the person or situation which can be difficult when it is a family member, partner, or child.
This is not to say that a parent does not take action, doing whatever they feel is necessary in the case of a child, but when that child becomes an adult who in spite of all the help  still chooses self destructive behavior, the parent or guardian must step back into the love of allowing.
Your job as a spiritually evolved person is to recognize that in spite of  all appearances every individual  is in reality, a Divine Being.  Surround the person with  Light and then move on for the more you hold them in consciousness according to their human appearance, you add to the illusion.  You are creators.
Know that it is often more loving to allow these dear ones to fall flat on their face or even leave this life than to continue enabling them in their illusion.  In their next lifetime they will make different choices based on the learned experiences of this one.  This is true for most addictions–drugs, alcohol , sex, rituals, or anything else an individual believes will give them the sense of wholeness, happiness, and peace they crave.
The divide between those awakening and those choosing not to awaken grows wider every day and
powerful frequencies of Light are forcing those spiritually ready to live their truth,  which can and often does mean leaving behind some person, place, or thing–physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually.
Now is a time of many choices that only you can make.
We are the Arcturian Group          

You have so much support from all across the galaxy and from every imaginable dimension, but if you do not receive that support, acknowledge it, and do something with it, then you don’t get the full benefit of the support that is being offered.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have continued to offer you the support that you have been requiring, and we are very happy to see how you utilize that support to take you to the next step on your evolutionary journey. You have so much support from all across the galaxy and from every imaginable dimension, but if you do not receive that support, acknowledge it, and do something with it, then you don’t get the full benefit of the support that is being offered.

There is a spectrum on which every single person falls, and that spectrum runs from the extreme of very egoically doing everything yourself so that you can get all of the credit and praise to the being who says ‘I cannot do anything at all, and I need you to do it all for me.’ The reason why we point this out is because we want you to fall somewhere in the middle of those two extremes, where you are openly and actively receiving our help and support, but also relying upon your own initiative.

If you take the support that you are receiving and run with it, you can go much further than if you simply wait for some other being to come along and do everything. This is that integration of Divine Masculine and Feminine Energies that so many are talking about and seeking on planet Earth. You need to receive, and then you also need to act. But you are never doing it all alone, no matter how it might look to you, and no one can do everything for you, no matter how much you plead for that particular outcome.

So we, and so many like us, are here co-creating with you because we like it, and because you are asking for it. We will continue on this path with you, and you will get better at receiving our support. We will also get better at knowing when and how to offer it, as we continue to study you and chat with you whenever we get the opportunity. This dance that we have going together started a very long time ago, and it will never end.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Get a Private Session with The Arcturian Council (or any of the other beings I channel) for 50% Off. Enter Discount Code LOVE at Checkout

Listen to the audio here

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Daily Global Mass Meditation


“Jared Rand’s Daily Global Mass Meditation Call”


Friday June 1, 2018 #110

Notes by Juli Joy

Jarad Rand states: I’d like to welcome everyone, all the new people and the people that have been coming from the beginning and in between. Today, on our meditation… We think a lot about… All of us I know, think a lot about what we would like to do, for our fellow brothers and sisters of humanity. What we would like to do for the planet. There is a constant and the constant is: To give a Deep Love, an Unconditional Love, to all that there is, and all that there ever will, and all that there has been… on this planet and with the human race, all living, all life.

I think that when we concentrate on a deep love, an unconditional love, which means there’s no stipulations, no requirements, no pressure, no control factors. It’s just freely, openly, deeply, sincerely, and honestly given, to all. To all that there is. And when we look at humanity, and we look at the entertainment, so to speak, that’s on the front and all the chaos and the fear and the stress and the worry is a good time to pull back all humanity, to know and be in love. A great, deep, unconditional and unending Love. And not just for a period, not just for a short thought, or a short distance, but into a perpetual, in motion, in a perpetual thought process and heart feeling process that keeps us there. That’s a key.

So in today’s meditation, we talk about Unconditional Love, of course with Prime Source Creator God and Unending Love but we wanna apply that, as strong as we can, in communication with all of everybody’s Higher Selves, so that we can saturate all of humanity, in that unconditional unending love. To just absolutely soak, in complete repetitiveness, over and over and over again. To eliminate and disintegrate and transmute and vacuum off,all of the ill feelings. And I know a lot of you know, that the feelings that we have, the thoughts and emotions are creating a field around us and that field is lower vibration. Whether you like it or not, whether you argue it, it’s true…. That the more we stay in a lower thought-emotional area, the stronger the field around us becomes. It becomes stronger and stronger and stronger. So, therefore, it is a magnet to attract particles of the same nature.

So of more anger, more frustration, more fear, more ‘upsettedness,’ a more worry, more anxiety, and it builds. That’s so important, because humanity, all of us…. Were meant to enjoy and be at peace. Love creates peace. Love creates compassion, contentment. It eliminates greed, it eliminates deception, it eliminates anger and aggression. It eliminates lies. It totally wipes out all of these energies, that play so much havoc with humanity. We all know that, we deal with it every day. All of us do, from one time or another. We could get upset at the littlest things. We’re feeling each other and a lot (of folks) don’t know that. We feel sorrow, pain, anger, sorrow. We feel happiness, we feel joy.

So all of these energies, all of these Vibrational Frequencies, that we are either emitting or creating and emitting. We should be aware, cognizant to that, we should be in control of that. So when we do get bent or wrinkled, to speak. We step back and we say to ourselves, ‘Wait a minute, my energy is going in the wrong direction’ ‘ I’ve got to get myself back up. What can I think of or feel about, that will put me back in a Higher Vibrational Frequency?’

We all have moments in our lives, that are blissful, they’re joyous and happy. All of us have, at one time or another. There’s a depiction of time, that we can pull and have that vibration, and build on that vibration to take us from lower vibrational frequencies to the higher ones of Unconditional Love and Deep Love and Unending Love. For each other, for this planet Earth Gaia, for our solar system, for our galaxy, for the universe. For all life.

We concentrate here on planet Earth, because so many… There are so many people that, if they only knew? That they are an emotion and a thought away, from being in bliss. They are one emotion, one thought away from being in bliss. That’s how close humanity is, from being in bliss. So many people are so ‘garbaged up’ with all of this goop, that keeps them weighted down. Keeps them in a place of discomfort, in a place that keeps them unhealthy, unhealed, discombobulated and confused. Misguided, misdirected. And it’s a continual process, that keeps that frequency low.

All of us, are working on the increasing, increasing, increasing, and rising that energy field, so that everyone is happy. Everyone is blissful. And people can argue that, but the point of fact is, is that, that’s the only way to go. That’s the only way we are going to create a Higher Vibrational Frequency, is by emitting our love, our emotions, our thoughts, of higher vibrational thoughts and feelings and frequencies to increase the entire field of humanity, in this planet. Planet Earth-Gaia…”

Once again, I remind you that this is not a complete transcription. I’m merely trying to help raise the world’s vibration, by sharing information about this Mass Meditation process.

Many blessings to you all…. May all of your dreams come true!

Juli Joy

*The Guided Global Meditation will start on Everyday @ 3 pm EST & continue on a DAILY basis at the same time.

**Number to call in is 641-715-0857 Code is 303471#

** If you are unable to make it at that time the playback number is 641-715-3579 (same code)

Or online at:

Follow instructions on the site.


Higher Trajectory Attained: This is Huge.

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe~

After an intense focus during the last half of May, our June higher trajectory has been attained. Infinite gratitude for all Gatekeepers, Gridworkers and beloved ones in Service who diligently ushered in these higher frequencies on behalf of all.

I AM bathing in these new frequencies at the moment, so this is a brief update. Our key shift points were May 17 evening when the Creator Gates opened, May 19 as the Cosmic Trigger opened the stargate system to flood us with Solar activations, massive fields of Source-encoded crystalline plasma rushed in on May 26, and then the purifying Full Moon which transitioned collective lower timelines.

Our intention was to ensure the higher trajectory of June Solstice, and that is accomplished. We are now on track for the June migration of realities, already in progress.

Most of you are already experiencing the beautifully intense consciousness-shifting influxes which will be consistent all throughout June. Our beloved SUN is also adjusting; this acceleration into crystalline embodiment happens on a quantum level. As within, so without. Alignment with pure Creator dynamics is key. This is affecting all realities; the opening of the Creator Gates is changing the way in which global HUmanity creates in the Now.

New Earth Now Experience: Free workshop replay

The intention of these New Earth Nowevents is multidimensional, I AM sure most of you realize the impact of unifying the Light Tribe to Divine Co-creation in the Now. Yes, it assists in the accelerated timeline shifts. It also aligns more hearts with the higher realities, which speeds up the migration of the collective. We assist everyone in catching up to what is occurring. Shed the illusion of density, it’s already gone.

Gratitude for the beautiful feedback about the heart-cleansing and healing effects of this experience. The more awakened ones who can align with their Creator State in the Now, the easier it is for all. Embrace this Service, follow along, pause the video when you need to, write down your creations and grid them, tone out loud, speak out loud … be with us in the no-time zone of Now.

If you are attending Part II on June 9, your prerequisite is to go through the experience at least once. Note it is different, more expansive, every time you engage.

New Earth Now Part IIwill be presented online June 9. Part IIdives into applying Creator State dynamics and timeline resonation to your service work and personal lifestream. Unity consciousness has so much to offer us, and our collective consciousness becomes more coherent, there is Divine opportunity to accelerate freedom for all willing hearts.

Watch and participate with the New Earth Now Part One video HERE

SUNdayUnity meditations will be strong this week.
We are sending out these new Creator Gate codes to upgrade the collective to the Now. All willing hearts desiring this new level of Light and Peace for all, join us. Details and guided meditation available HERE.


Infinite blessings to all of Creation!

In Love, Light and Service,


Things are beginning to change very rapidly on several different levels.

The space around you seems empty yet because there are many levels of existence it is in fact alive with many different forms of life. You talk in terms of dimensions for easy understanding, but in reality one vibration smoothly runs into another without any clear division. Each of you is at your own level that is consistent with your present vibration. You reach the higher levels of vibration as a result of your ability to project energy of love that is of the same higher vibrations. By maintaining a constant high level you can evolve even further, to the point where they are so high that you are no longer affected by the lower vibrations around you. It is because the more you can raise your vibrations, the more you are protected by your Light that is all powerful. At your present levels you would be unable to stand in front of highly evolved souls of Light unless they lowered their vibrations.

For humans their greatest challenge is to come to terms with their ego. Many do not even realise how much their actions are dictated by it. Ego can in fact be in control and acts on behalf of Self to the extent that it puts you first in all circumstances. It can be called being “selfish” without consideration of other people’s needs. You could say that as your ego puts you first in all things, you have no objection to being put in that position. However, putting Self first sometimes denies others of their right to that experience, so if you are to change the circumstances you must also consider others when making your decisions. When you can truly love others as yourself, you will have gone a long way towards being able to practise Universal Love. Can you now see that true love for your fellow companions overrides the need to have an active ego that puts self first.

As the vibrations upon Earth continue to lift up, it will give more strength to those who work in Love and Light. Conversely the dark Ones will be losing their power, and no longer able to interfere with the progress of humanity towards the Light. Many other Beings from the higher dimensions are waiting their opportunity to help you progress and bring the New Age fully into being. Evolutionary progress is your entitlement that you have earned and it shall be yours sooner than you think possible. Much is lined up to propel you further into the New Age, and it is an exciting time to be on Earth. Looking around you it may not appear so, but from a higher level it is all seen to be waiting the right opportunity to be introduced. It is important that you keep steadfast and focussed upon your goal thereby helping to speed up its manifestation.

In the long run you will have lost nothing by having been held back, as progress can only be delayed. In the near future you will start to enjoy a series of new inventions that are in course of being made ready for their introduction. As a result life will become easier and more freedom given to pursue your own desires. Perhaps most welcome of all, illness and disease as such will lessen until they will no longer afflict the Human Race. Already some are enjoying better health in old age, and the expectation of old age problems should gradually be left in the past. It is noticeable with some older people that they do not appear to be aging as quickly as others. It can be put down to healthy living and a belief that illness and aging do not necessarily go together. Be aware that your power of thought is growing stronger and you have much more control over your life than you realise.

You are now evolving much faster than previously, and in time you will become a much greater soul than you have ever been before. It is planned that way and has always been your destiny, and many higher Beings are helping you achieve success. The dark Ones have held you back and have tried to keep you “in the dark” as to your true capabilities. Older souls are as you might say, feeling their way forwards but have the experience that helps them lift up their vibrations. The young ones are in actual fact souls that are bringing in a greater experience with them, and soon to be very active in speeding up the advancements that will truly introduce you to some wonderful new inventions. Nothing can stand in the way of progress anymore and the truth cannot be hidden. Be ready for some astonishing advancements that are ready to be introduced.

Things are beginning to change very rapidly on several different levels. It is all part of the onward march that is taking you into new areas of understanding that are necessary to prepare you for what is coming. The struggles and strife of finding your way through the muddle and contradictions that have carried through from the previous Age are soon to be cleared away. It will allow many acceptable changes to take place that will lift up the quality of your lives. You are on the verge of benefitting from your wonderful achievement in passing the marker, whereas initially you did not notice any specific changes. It has taken time for things to filter through but many advancements are at the ready and well worth waiting for.

Remember Dear Ones that all of you discussed your life plan before you incarnated, and were aware of the challenges you faced. You agreed that they were well within your ability to withstand the outcome, even if at first you failed to succeed. Be assured however that you will always have another opportunity to do better, and there is always help on hand to see you through it. Karma is in no way a punishment but simply a chance to overcome failed challenges, so that having done so you can still make progress with your evolution. The immediate benefit is that when you have cleared your karma, you can continue evolving as you make your way to the higher dimensions. When you have broken free from the lower vibrations, you will dwell at a level where you no longer have karma to clear.

The future is beckoning and will release you from all of the negativity you have become involved in. As experience it has helped your evolution and is most welcome, and it enables you to help others that follow in your footsteps. You should never have to go back to the lower dimension, and will find peace and happiness in the higher ones. Soon you would forget the hard times you experienced and eventually they would fade into the distance. As intimated previously some souls gladly go back to the lower dimensions, to help struggling souls to overcome their dilemma and find the Light. In the extreme it means entering those levels where Light barely exists, so much so that the task is often passed to Angelic Beings.

On the one hand time seems to be passing slowly where progress is concerned, yet behind the scenes so much is happening that is bringing the future into being. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Feeling Good is Feeling God.