The energies floating about now are creation energies which can only be accessed once you fully accept self-love.

Dear Ones,

Some of you are adjusting easily to the new energies. Others are frightened, angry, or upset. We address those who are upset.

Do you remember how difficult it was for your child or grandchild to roll over the first few times he or she attempted to do so? And how angry some of those infants became during their attempts? So it is for you now.

Even though you are fully capable, those surrounding you do not believe such is possible, or want it to happen. They want you safe and stabilized on your 3D blanket. Whenever you attempt to roll over, they construct some sort of barrier that stops you from doing so. Which continues your belief that nothing other than left-over society fear is possible.

You have a choice you are not accepting – whether or not to believe in your innate abilities as do all infants learning to roll, stand, walk, and run. Even though infants most often fall in their first attempts, they continuously return to their inner-being assignment of the possibilities.

So it is for you now. Ignore everyone despite your connections to them. Continue with your inner directives, and you will soon be running. Follow their fears, and you will continue to lie on your blanket in frustration.

When you arrived on earth in this lifetime, you knew what you wished to accomplish. That mission has softened or been ignored for a very long time. Now, you are beginning to remember in the recesses of your thoughts and actions. The difficulty is that you are surrounded by others who do not or do not wish to understand your evolution.

So you cower a bit as you delicately try to balance between what was and what is. Creating fear within you, for you cannot balance the two any longer. You are new you with new skills and inner directions. Directions that will lead you to your creative and creation goals.

But also directions that seem far-fetched whenever you attempt to voice or act upon them in the presence of those who refuse or are yet unable to understand your needs and yearnings.

Nonbelievers will attempt to dampen your enthusiasm, just as they have for eons.

So how do you break your pattern of listening to others despite your inner needs? That is your choice.

But because you have evolved beyond the need to follow others, your dilemma is self-made. Your decision is whether it is more important for you to retain their love and acceptance or to be yourself.

Many of you believe you will be alone if you follow your inner-being messages – as you might be in the human world. But like the infant who needs to roll over despite the attempts of others to contain him or her, you will not be able to contain yourself for long. For your self-urges are stronger than anything anyone of earth or the ethers can direct.

You are a self-contained being who cannot be altered by others no matter how diligently you try to follow their lead. Your need to be will squeeze out like toothpaste in a tube even if others try to stop you.

So it is time for you claim yourself easily instead of fighting the inevitable. You are no longer of 3D even if you wish to be to save a relationship or to hide from others. You are a sparkling beacon of joy and light.

Your most recent attempts to hide will only create fear within you and anger within others. For as the energies strengthen – which is an ongoing event the next few weeks – more and more will be able to read your frustration, fear, and anger even if it is not voiced.

There is no need for you to be on a soapbox declaring new you. Just as there is no need to pretend you are content in your 3D prison.

“Who am I?” continues to be your quest. A quest to create that which you entered earth in this lifetime to create.

You cannot be joyful and a creator of the new, if you cower in 3D fear. Such does not mean you need to isolate yourself, leave your job or relationship, or battle others to claim yourself. You are only responsible for you. Who are you? And how are you going to get there?

Of course, such questions seem outlandish given your current circumstances, for if you do this, that will happen. The same fear that held you captive for earth eons.

The energies floating about now are creation energies which can only be accessed once you fully accept self-love.

Some of you may need a self-love lesson brush-up. Not because such is necessary, but because you wish to jump to creation without completing your self-love lessons.

Your evolution to new you is a step-by-step process which only moves forward once a phase is completed. This channel is for those who need to return to self-love for a bit before creating that of which you are dreaming.

You cannot wait for someone to tell you to create or love yourself for you control the time and place of doing so. If you trust your inner messages, such will happen easily and effortlessly.

It is impossible for you to walk two paths as the paths have moved too far apart.

Decide. Do you follow your inner messages or outer dictates? If outer dictates reign, it is not yet time for you to create. Instead, return to your self-love lessons.

How you will know? Quite simply by your feelings. If you are angry, sad, melancholy, or any emotion other than light joy, you have a few self-love make-up lessons to complete.

Such words might make you fearful for you are not certain how to complete those make-up lessons. The easiest approach is to follow your inner messages. What do you want to do versus what you feel you should do? And so it is. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

If you don’t agree to play the victim, then the perpetrator has nothing to play with.

You Keep Expanding ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

It is important for you all to recognize that you have come a very long way. It is impossible for you to go backwards in your evolution, and we want to celebrate how far you have come by recognizing that you are bringing so much more of Source Energy into your current dimension. That is why you can never go back.

You are accessing so much more Source Energy because of the harshness of the realities that you have faced, and you are responsible for the expansion that is occurring, not just in your world, but in the universe. Where the biggest challenges are is precisely where the greatest expansion occurs. You see, you must summon Source Energy first, and you do that by living in harsh conditions. And then you must allow that Source Energy to flow, and you do that when you relax and let it in.

And then you get to experience the newly expanded state of your world. You get to experience the newly expanded state of your consciousness. Everything is going smoothly now for you, no matter how it might look. The truth is that you need the beings in power who are in power right now to be doing exactly what they’re doing because they represent that minority, and that minority has to be loud in order to have the desired effect.

You see you still need to pull more of that Source Energy through yourselves, and the only way to summon it is to have the experiences that you are having of the few but powerful who are still wanting to play that third-dimensional game of victim and perpetrator. But as you access more of the Source Energy that you truly are, and you turn your attention to what you want to create, you take your power back.

If you don’t agree to play the victim, then the perpetrator has nothing to play with. And as you continue to allow more of Source Energy to flow into your dimension, you continue to bring yourselves to that doorstep of the fifth dimension, where you will all know your true power, the true power that comes from within, the power of Source.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

You Are The Creator Of You Life.

Time and time again comes this beautiful message that more and more people are hearing about,yet not quite understanding how this is possible,how that An Ordinary Day,Is Not An Ordinary Day if one has the skills and awareness to surf along the day remaining aligned with Higher Self while also Being Compassionate in Action.What is it to Be Compassionate in Action?Kryon explains here with a great example that I am sure most will identify with it and most probably and very hopefully will be able to take it to the next step in creating your realities always keeping in mind to serve The Highest Good For All with Ease and Grace,as this is what your soul wishes at all times.


Picture from our latest Ioannina Lake Retreat.

Credit:Photos by A&V Giotopoulos.



Lyran Lightship: Blessing and Activation

Lyran Lightship: Blessing and Activation

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

The Lyrans are Feline BEings from the Vega star system, where the original experiments for creating a Divine HUman DNA template began. They have been a consistent part of my journey, and were the first to show me  interdimensional stargates. Sometimes they are referred to as white lion BEings, since they have white hair and have a very regal lion-like appearance.

Two pairs of Lyrans presented while doing Gatework on Mount Shasta; two female and two male. They offered a blessing and Divine HUman DNA activation for this transformational passage. After I recorded this, I heard choirs of them singing these tones and words when I went to bed – all night long. My cells quivered with the harmonics, and I felt a deep sense of peace, unity and unconditional love.

They asked to begin with Lightship tones; the sounds we hear when the ships and BEings are near. They work closely with the Sirians, and I feel the language reflects that influence. Light language is not translatable word-by word. In my experience it is tones, sensations or geometry interpreted by the conduit to convey messages, activations, or intentions. ET contacts speak telepathically, and yet this language has flowed through us for decades. It seems to be shifting, taking on a new level with the presence of Source codes. These harmonics are a crystalline bridge of their own kind.

This message contains codes of balance for this powerful phase, embodiment and DNA restoration. The Lyrans remind us to practice toning and harmonics, in order to remember how to alter form with our pure intent and voices. The skill of moving, building, creating reality through sound is returning to us.

Hopefully this transmission captures the harmony which many of us have with this kind of contact. This sound journey is light-encoded to assist your Ascension process.

Download the mp3 below.
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Lyran Lightship

Video version on Youtube:

In Love, Light and Service,



we are seeing that trusting in the unknown is quite beneficial to all of you.

Advanced E.T. Technologies ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have begun to look into a particular timeline that is available to humanity, and this timeline may be of greater service to you and to the rest of the universe as well. In this particular that is available to you, the human collective consciousness would continue on its current rate of evolution, and you would also receive some assistance on the physical level from extra-terrestrial beings.

Now, as many of you are certainly aware, you have already received a tremendous amount of help from extra-terrestrial beings. However, not only is not everyone aware of this help, but the help has not been evenly distributed among you. Some are benefitting more than others, and this was by design. You all needed a great deal of polarity to give yourselves the experiences that you wanted and needed to have.

And now there is great consideration being made around leveling the playing field. So this decision is not up to us, but we are exploring it so that we can make our recommendations to the physical extra-terrestrials who would actually give you all that help on the physical level. You are getting more and more excited all of the time about connecting with your extra-terrestrial brothers and sisters, and yet there is still quite a bit of fear because of the advanced technologies that they possess.

Many humans don’t like the idea of beings they don’t know, and were unaware of, suddenly joining the human collective, and they also don’t like the fact that there would need to be a certain amount of trust to peacefully coexist with these beings. So if this timeline is the one that you all choose, together, collectively, it will be one that forces many individuals to face those fears and to trust in the unknown.

Right now, we are seeing that trusting in the unknown is quite beneficial to all of you. And so, we are leaning toward making that recommendation that you go down that particular timeline. We believe in you, and we believe in your ability to handle the fears, as well as the advanced technologies.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”



the ability to imprint itself and heal itself using its own DNA .

Dear friends there is much in the way of important news coming from Kryon, and we need to awaken our awareness to the changes that herald the commencement of a new cycle that is going to take us far beyond the limitations of the old one. We are heading for a new area in Space that will take us into higher vibrations. It will finally see the end of the dark Ones as they simply cannot exist in them, and will remain in a level that resonates with their present one. Meanwhile you are gradually being introduced to Quantum Energy that you will need to understand as soon as possible. A parting of the ways is coming so play your part in helping the New Age to continue manifesting, and all will be assured as going well and proceeding as expected.

The following message is welcome news where the future is concerned, as it clearly indicates that major changes are coming and in general Mother Earth can handle the bigger ones. All in all, awareness already exists regarding future changes, and they will cause little if any of a catastrophic nature. It may seem that the Human Race is expected to face the changes alone, but help is already on hand to deal with any problems that may arise. There is a plan for Humanity that is destined to succeed and absolutely nothing will prevent its successful completion.


I want to give a fact just to think about, because I was here a long time ago. There was a time before you were here when the Oceans were constantly having oil spills, guess where they came from, they came from oilfields beneath the Ocean’s surface that was ruptured and would spill unbelievable amounts of oil naturally from the Ocean floor, and that’s where you drill for it now, so figure it out and connect the dots. Spill after spill after spill and there were no ships around spilling oil. Where is it today and did it ruin the environment, and the answer is no, and what happened to it. There is a system and there always has been where the Ocean scrubs itself and takes care of this in ways you do not know. Figure it out and connect the dots, you are not the first ones to spill oil in the Oceans it is a natural occurrence, ask a geologist what is down there right now if there are spills bubbling up and there are, it’s a natural occurrence – the Ocean knows about it, recognises it and takes care of it. The planet is fast tracking by cleaning itself up. Gaia is a friend of Humanity and sees what is going on and is working the issue with you.

You are moving into another kind of radiation and it’s going to affect your Sun. You are already starting to see it. Meteorologists are reporting it, it’s part of the shift in the weather, the radiant cycle of the Sun itself will be different, the amount of sunspots will be different because the radiation you are moving into as a Solar System, you have never seen before – not as humans, and you are afraid and you are not looking at it and some are saying this is the end. There are ways of neutralizing and changing it you have no idea about it and it’s already happened one time and can you not see that and figure it out and not be afraid, be circumspect, take a look at what is going on and stay away from the hot areas as measured, but understand the Ocean is going to work it all out.

Others are saying it’s going to be dangerous, and here’s what I am going to tell you, this radiation is going to move right into your magnetic grid, and it’s going to change your DNA and you are going to get another 10% efficiency, its right on time, it’s right on schedule, its benevolent physics that knows what you were doing. What others will fear is going to be your evolution of consciousness, what is going on is a benevolent system. Our clock is not your clock, we see this coming and when it does you might say “Well it took longer than I thought” the timing as you would say, it’s not anything we are aware of – we know about your clock. We see how you are impatient because things do not happen on schedule, that is in three dimensions but what difference is it, it will arrive when it arrives and you are going to be here now.

Some of you may not be the same age or of the same gender, but you will be here. What difference does it make you are going to see its invention. When a planet moves into what we would call a fast track inventions start to even increase beyond what you thought was high technology, but the technology you were about ready to receive is beyond third dimensional technology, and it will be quantum technology, and it starts slow but just like the evolution of so many inventions that you have had in technology that you have had in the past, it has a ramp up that is slow at first then lightning fast in the end.

One thing leads to another and starts to show something else, and I will give it to you one more time. Planets that move into Ascension states, must have an eventuality of understanding quantum energy, and the beginning of understanding quantum energy is the ability to measure it and see it even if you cannot produce it or alter it or work with it, you have got to be able to see it. When you can see quantum energy in any form you start to understand how to see it in a better form. You will see the patterns contained in it, and when you start seeing those you will have a million questions that cannot be answered but it will start a progress of invention as you discover one thing after another of what you are seeing, that you never saw before and the colours will be outstanding, and that is a metaphor for second sight. It is going to bring physics into a brand new perspective and you will see the missing laws.

Get ready for medicine to change forever, get ready for the elimination of one kind of healing and the opening of another. Get ready for intelligent quantum healing to occur. I have no way of describing a healing paradigm that you cannot see, you cannot imagine and that marries you and the Innate intelligence of your body with the ability to imprint itself and heal itself using its own DNA – that’s as far as I can go.


The two big Western Powers play games to manipulate matters to bring a desired outcome, and eventually you will see that progress is being made that will enable countries to move on. Be assured that no matter how highly positioned a person may be, they can still be motivated and inspired by those beings who oversee their progress. Knowing what is expected in the near future they can lead people in such a way, that they are feel prompted to do things that ultimately can be seen as most appropriate for continuation of the plan for Mother Earth and her people.

The outworking in many countries of plans for their future well-being is proceeding well, even if outwardly it appears shambolic now. At the right time a turn of events will lead to a new step forward being taken, that leads along the path to desirable change and a peaceful conclusion. Be assured that all actions are intended to bring about an end to confrontation and the path to endless problems. In the past karma has played a big part in what has taken place, but as the new vibrations take effect so a peaceful end to hostilities is possible. You will gradually see that where leadership changes have taken place, a more settled outlook is achieved. It is time now for peaceful transitions that will ultimately lead to permanent peace. It is your planned destiny, and greater powers than those on Earth will ensure that the bright future ordained for you will manifest in good time when it is appropriate.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Join the World’s Biggest Dance Celebration!

Join the World’s Biggest Dance Celebration!

New Global Event from Gaiafield Project

When: Saturday July 21

World Dance Day is happening this Saturday! It’s an international celebration of our shared humanity, demonstrating how dance can unite the world in a day. Participants vote for their favorite songs to create an epic shared playlist. Then we will dance together in our cities and towns, creating and spreading a global vibe of joy.

In these strange and uncertain times, dancing together is very good medicine.

Sign up to get your groove on and join the global celebration! CLICK HERE

Watch this video to find out more from the founder, Pete Sharp!

Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at 4.30.53 PM

Those experiences and feelings will bring you back to a time where you remembered the truth of who you really are as Source Energy Beings.

I remember many years ago(+/- 15) while i was celebrating with friends at home while also playing music this moment when for us were standing in a circle and where the mind was completely empty where i could hear some voices coming from another dimension.It was not human,yet loving and curious at the same time.I couldn’t understand their message back them.I could feel deeply that everything is one.And today reading this message from The Arcturians ,the memory popped in again,it was them back then,it is an inner knowing that i can’t explain,i just know it.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been sending you some codes that you will unpack from your energy fields when the timing is right, and the timing will be different for each of you, as you are all on different paths. These codes are meant to activate within you the full expression of who you are as Source Energy Beings. This is the ultimate experience of being physical.

Maintaining your physicality, while still being able to access the Source Energy frequency is what you all aspired to do before you incarnated into physical bodies. Now, we are not granting you the ability to do this. You have always had it. You have always been able to connect to that truth of who you really are, while still maintaining physical human bodies, but we, and others like us agreed to be the ones to remind you of who you really are.

And we give you those reminders through the memories that you have of being higher dimensional. If you were able to fully experience us, we would appear to you as gods, and extra-terrestrials have done this throughout your history. They have posed as gods, and even though they had physical form, you believed in them. When you descended through our dimension, you had certain experiences, you felt things that you could only feel as ninth dimensional beings.

And we have access to those feelings and those memories, and that is what we have deposited into your fields. Those experiences and feelings will bring you back to a time where you remembered the truth of who you really are as Source Energy Beings. Now, we can do this without interfering with your process because, as we said, you won’t unpack those codes and have those memories that will elicit those feelings until you are ready.

But just know that they are there, compliments of us, and that there is so much more where they came from. There is so much more for you to discover about who you are and who you have already been.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Photo from Feel More Than Fine event in Wuppertal,Germany 2015.

So how do you do it? How do you prepare yourselves for these waves of energy?

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have sensed the evolution of your consciousness from the moment that you became fourth dimensional beings, and we have tracked your progress. We previously noted, in a transmission, that you are now in the upper echelons of the fourth dimension. So where is there to go from where you are? Is there more evolving that you can do before you shift to the fifth dimension?

The answer is absolutely ‘yes.’ What you are doing at this time is preparing yourselves for the waves of energy that are coming. You are preparing yourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and of course, energetically. Now, many of you wonder what you are supposed to be doing. You wonder what your mission is. But something as simple as readying yourselves for the shift doesn’t seem big enough somehow.

Just know that as you ready yourselves, you also make yourselves better at assisting others. You, who are awakened, are going to be the ones who help the others, the ones who have slept through all of this. And the more prepared you are, the better you will be at helping the others. So how do you do it? How do you prepare yourselves for these waves of energy?

You do it by consciously holding a higher vibration. You do it by grounding yourselves. You do it by connecting with nature. You do it by channeling. You do it by seeking out your fifth dimensional abilities and honing those skills as you find them. You do it by eating a lighter diet, hydrating yourselves, and letting go of things like alcohol.

You do it by opening yourselves up to receive the higher frequency energies and grounding them in your physical bodies. As you prepare yourselves for this massive influx of energy that is coming, you do so more consciously than you think. You are making these changes because of what you know deep down inside you need to do.

This isn’t your first rodeo, and it won’t be your last. And, by the way, you are also learning from beings like us, and your openness to receive our transmissions is serving you very well.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Allow yourself five minutes a day to list all that is right in your world.

Dear Ones,

We propose a challenge for you. Even though our challenge is quite simple, you will likely worry about producing what we request much as you once pondered the difficulty of tying your shoelaces as a young child.

Allow yourself five minutes a day to list all that is right in your world. Some of you believe nothing is right in your world – hence the difficulty. While others will run out of features to list.

This simple challenge trains your mindset to the beauty of your life instead of the dullness and fears many of you now feel. For the media, friends, family, community, country and on and on continue to beat the drum of fear despite the truth that very little of that fear is touching you personally.

Many of you question that statement for you counter that some of your fears are about what might or is happening to others. Such is part of your expanding heart and knowingness that all are one.

At the same time, you must remember you have a unique role to play. You are not your brother’s keeper, but instead, you are your brother’s and sister’s motivator, their enlightenment.

So it is you must put aside your fears of what might happen to you or others as you claim your joy. That is your role.

What should you do if you are part of those being mistreated or harmed by the chaos? What does your heart tell you to do? That is your role. Protest, vote, move, stay. Your heart knows the way.  As you follow your heart, no matter your circumstances, all will fall into place as needed.

New Earth is not about fighting, but instead encouraging movement from fear, flight, and fight to love and joy. Such will not happen if you continue the 3D earth patterns with which you are most comfortable. You cannot continue the same patterns and expect different results.

So it is we request that you start with small pieces of joy during this tumultuous time. That you direct your movement to that which gives you joy instead of fear.

A piece you perhaps cannot yet understand is that your joy is not dependent on the movements or actions others are taking. For you have been trained to believe you must care for everyone but yourself.

Even though you are starting to incorporate your personal being into your nurturing arms, you continue to expect others will welcome your invasion of their privacy and joy with what you feel is right for them.

Allow others to find their role, their joy without your instruction – or more to the point, “shoulds.”

Your role and only role is to access your joy for by doing so, you will be performing a much greater service for all than stopping to help someone who has yet to discover their joy.

Such a statement appears counter-intuitive for you feel that once you have claimed your joy the only way others will discover the same is by you telling them how to do so. Indicating you feel as if you are more powerful, more knowing than others. Such is not a loving stance, but instead a 3D power play.

Allow others to find themselves. They will do so much more rapidly if you stand tall in your joy and your being.

Instead of a leader, your role is more of a beacon for any who wish to follow.

Of course, many will want you to tell them how to live a joyful life from your perspective and joy. What they have not yet discovered is that your joy is not their joy. So no matter what you tell them about achieving their joy, their role, your information will be counter-productive. For they are not you and will never be. Much as a hair cell has a different role and coding than does a skin cell.

Of course, that last concept leads to the question of how you are all one if your joy is not applicable for anyone else? Quite simply, once you find your joy and stand tall in that joy others will discover that they too can climb out of the depths of fear into their personal joys. That they are no longer sheep following someone, but instead strong light beacons of their own.

Each of you is equally powerful which cannot be ascertained by others if you or someone like you continues to tell them how they should be. They will find their way if they wish, just as you have.

Some of you are concerned because we have told you over and over that you are Olympic stars meaning that not every one of the earth is an Olympic star. Such is true, but that thought negates the power of your beacon of the freedom to be. For until everyone who wishes to claim that freedom does, the earth will remain immersed in 3D fears.

Now you are concerned it will be eons until all claim their freedom to be. Such is not true for your joys combined with the pummeling Universal energies of the next few weeks will automatically shift earth from fear to joy for those wishing to experience New Earth.

And the number of humans who wish to do so is multiplying by millions daily. Followers no more, but instead strong capable cells, if you will, creating a new earth body of joy and love. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

you can do less and accomplish more.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have an extensive inventory of experiences from our past that gives us the ability to sense when something big is happening for all of you there on planet Earth, and we have that sense now. We recognize that the energies that you have been receiving are impacting your lives in a much more positive way than they have in the past. When you receive an enormous influx of energy, oftentimes what you get is a great deal of triggered emotions coming up.

But what we are seeing instead, this time around, is that you are utilizing the energy that you are able to download, and you are making strides forward in your lives as individuals and as a collective whole. The way that you process this energy that you receive is an indication of how well you are doing, and we see the excitement within those of you who are awakened as a very, very good sign.

You are starting to really get that you are here to create something brand new, something that has never been experienced before, and it is sinking in that the way to create those experiences is through the utilization of these high frequency energies that are coming to you from all angles. What this means is that you can do less and accomplish more. It means that you can allow things to come to you. You can relax and receive, and you can let go of the trying and struggling that has been such a part of the human experience for so long.

The beautiful thing for us about all of this is that we see you realizing that you have become that which you’ve been seeking to become, and you’re acknowledging yourselves more as the creators of this entire experience. You’re looking within more for the power that you have once given away, and you are seeing yourselves as empowered by these energies that you and you alone have summoned. And that is a tremendous leap forward.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


Photo Credit:Moving Cities London by Jevan Chowdhury

This is your story, the story of every man, woman, and child from the beginning.  You are the Sun Beam that forever remains pure, intact, and perfect regardless of how much illusion  is draped over IT.  Evolution is the gradual removal of all debris.

JULY 15, 2018

We of the Arcturian Group wish to say that much change is on the horizon.  You are witnessing the death throes of world beliefs that have held mankind in bondage through lifetimes.  These dense miscreations can only dissolve as higher frequencies of truth begin to replace the energy that formed them in the first place.
A sense of discord comes when everything  familiar begins to change but intense fears and confusion will not come to those who understand that nothing real ever ends,  but rather transmutes into higher levels of expression as consciousness becomes more enlightened.  Because third dimensional energy is so dense, this process is  gradual and involves many twists and turns of resistance.
Focus your attention and efforts on being the highest level of truth you know in every moment and situation, rather than on the  illusions of material sense around you.  Your Light, the Light of awakened consciousness, is serving to open the pathways that allow more Light to flow to earth.  These high frequency energies are affecting all life. Everyone is  feeling them, the un-awakened, the awakened, and the animal kingdom as well.
These high frequency energies are causing many of you to experience times when emotions,  physical aches and pains, or extreme physical exhaustion seems to take over.  If you are not alert, it can easily lead you to believe that something is seriously wrong, but then within a day or two things seem back to normal and you feel fine–until the next time.  These experiences are related to the process of clearing,  translating and integrating new and higher frequencies into the physical,  and the mind’s interpretation of the process.
It takes energy to do these energetic upgrades  leaving you with less for your usual everyday chores. Ascension energies are replacing the denser in physical  cells.  Allow the process to take place without immediately concluding that something is wrong, but rather know that  something is right.  Your physical expression is unfamiliar with what is taking place because serious energetic upgrades while remaining in the physical has never happened before.
As you integrate these new energies  and your resonance changes, you will no longer be in alignment with many things that up to now have been a part of ordinary living.  Heavy foods, alcohol, sugars, and processed foods that you may of  previously enjoyed with no problem, now either don’t appeal to you or make you feel sick when you eat them.
Because everything is energy, energetic alignment is necessary if there is to be  harmony of anything–   marriage relationships, friendships, foods, entertainment, employment, ideas, beliefs, etc.  You are no longer in alignment with many of the seemingly ordinary things  you were once  aligned with.  Your evolving state of consciousness is resonating with new and higher frequencies and attempts to make something spiritually outgrown continue as it once was, will not work.
Free will allows everyone to ignore truth as long as they wish, but truth can never go away because it is the reality. Only those things created from illusory concepts can dissolve permanently.  Try to see change as a graduation, dear ones.  Many believe that they are open to change, but when something familiar begins to change or disappear, even the very awake will often respond with  resistance because there is a sense of security in what is familiar.
You are no longer evolutionary beginners and are well prepared to withdraw your sense of security from the outer  through the realization that  safety and security are already fully present within, facets of  your own Divine Consciousness.  Learn to go with the flow while giving no power to events and situations that may affect your sense of security.  Stay in the now moment, trusting that all is proceeding according to a Divine plan individually and globally regardless of whether or not anyone believes it.
This does NOT mean that you never take precautions in situations where they may be required.  It means that you take the practical actions you are guided to take for living in a third dimensional world, but you do these things without surrendering to fear concepts regarding certain people, places, or things  secure in the realization that one with God is a majority.
We wish to speak of suffering which is a general term describing the feelings that follow great loss or simply living day to day in  physical, emotional, or mental pain.   Many ( awakened and  un-awakened) are suffering as the result of the intense clearings of old energy now taking place in Gaia,  individuals, and within the third dimensional belief system as a whole.
In previous  lifetimes, most individuals incarnated  with one lesson they wanted to concentrate on. Because of the powerful ascension process taking place now,  you came into this life with the intention of resolving and moving beyond any remaining issues with people, places, groups, or belief systems–anything in  need of completion or that might act as a barrier to your ascension.
Intense experiences of good or bad remain stored in cellular memory and are carried from lifetime to lifetime until cleared.  Cellular memories you are ready to to clear are surfacing through experiences that alert you to their presence but do not need to be identified or “figured out”.
As you live from a higher state of consciousness,  frequencies of Light automatically dissolve the lower resonating energies.   It is a waste time to dwell on or try to figure out everything that may be clearing because this just focuses on old energy.  If it is necessary for you to know something for your spiritual growth, you will somehow get that information  through dreams,  intuition, or actual memory.  At this time many of you are clearing for the world and not always personally.  Remember there is only ONE.
For those  of you experiencing  depression, sadness, and sorrow we say to you, allow these emotions to flow through without resistance.  Suffering is created by holding on to unfulfilled expectations of how things should look or be in order to be right which always reflects one’s personal belief system.
In the three dimensional world, most suffering is caused by seemingly uncontrollable forces–nature, laws, religious beliefs etc.  This is how a dimension based in duality and separation, works.  This is what you are evolving out of.  Duality and separation does not exist in the higher dimensions.  The three dimensional belief system represents the lowest rung of a very high dimensional ladder although most as of yet do not realize this.
Suffering remains and will continue to remain alive and well as long as world consciousness continues to create through beliefs of duality and separation.  Never forget that as expressions of the Divine, everyone is a creator, forming their world out of the substance of their state of consciousness.  Help those who suffer in whatever practical ways you are guided to, but never believe that it is your duty to save anyone for all are learning  lessons they themselves chose with the help of their Higher Self and Guides.
Mind  interprets one’s attained state of consciousness and  manifests it as physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual form.   Suffering is resistance, a yearning for things to be the way a person believes they must  be in order for them  to be happy.  Nothing will or can change globally or individually  until consciousness changes because consciousness is the substance of all that is.   You have reached that place of readiness that will enable you to move into the realization and experiences of who and what you really are.
Visualize  a bright sun with many beams of intense light shining outward.   As these beams of light get further away from the sun source, they start to become less bright, change appearance, and accumulate colors and  shadow.  Each light beam begins to look different from the other, absorbing different colors and accumulating layers of energy that take on the appearance of various fabric textures and color that change and increase as each ray passes has different experiences.  The ray of Light never disappears, but is now completely obliterated by the layers of debris.
This is your story, the story of every man, woman, and child from the beginning.  You are the Sun Beam that forever remains pure, intact, and perfect regardless of how much illusion  is draped over IT.  Evolution is the gradual removal of all debris.
Accept that you are already awake and that there is no longer any need to seek and search outwardly for what is already fully present within you.
Allow the process and trust that everything  is proceeding according to plan.
We are the Arcturian Group                                                                        7/15/18
Dear readers of the Arcturian Group Messages,  due to family and summer commitments, there will be no Arcturian messages for about a month.

You are not the ones who have to make everything happen.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been conducting a survey amongst the various councils and collectives that we have here in the ninth dimension, and the results indicate that you are all doing a very good job at receiving what we have been offering to you. For many years, the majority of humans, even the awakened ones, had a type of shielding around you. The shielding prevented you from receiving all that you were being offered from the higher realms.

There has been, however, a collective giving up on the part of the awakened ones, and this has resulted in a lowering of those defenses. Many of you have had to give up the struggle at some point in your lives. You have been faced with adversities, like ascension symptoms. You have been faced with tragedies, like the loss of a loved one, and you have sought to make connections with individuals, and have felt abandoned by them.

You have felt the trauma of being human at this time so often in this lifetime that the vast majority of you have given up at some point. And in that surrender, you have received all that we up here have been offering. And now you’re beginning to unpack all of it, bits and pieces at a time. Now, you don’t have to go through a traumatic experience in order to give up the struggle. You don’t have to be crippled by anxiety, fear and physical exhaustion to be in a state of surrender.

You can let in more by consciously deciding that you want to let in more of what we are offering. You can also decide, once and for all, that you are not the ones who have to do everything. You are not the ones who have to make everything happen. You can rely on those of us who are non-physical, and quite frankly, have nothing better to do.

We are here to assist you. We are here to serve you. We are here to provide you with whatever you need and most of what you want. We are loving you unconditionally, whether you receive what we offer or not, and that is the greatest gift that we give you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

We want to remind all of you that in spite of the shifts that occur in your solar system with the other planets, and the moon, none of that is as powerful as you all are as individuals and as a collective.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been excited for all of you for quite some time, and we have noticed that you all have been getting excited. You’ve been getting excited because you feel yourselves getting closer to some very big changes in your world. We want to remind all of you that in spite of the shifts that occur in your solar system with the other planets, and the moon, none of that is as powerful as you all are as individuals and as a collective.

Don’t look for confirmation for your excitement with a full moon, a super moon, a blood moon, or an eclipse. Don’t look for where Venus is relative to any other planet to affirm what you know at the very core of your being-ness. You are the ones making the changes, and you can always find yourself jumping to another timeline, a better timeline. You can always find yourself creating a new reality and then living that reality.

You don’t have to wait for someone else’s prediction, and you don’t have to wait for the planets to align for you to align your own energy with that which you want to experience in this world, and for the entire solar system, and galaxy. You are a part of something very big, but you are also at the center of it.

Because there are so many different energies from all across the galaxy, and even the universe, there on planet Earth, you are at the heart of this shift in consciousness. And the excitement that you feel is warranted, but you also get to create the journey that you want to be on. You don’t have to wait for something big to happen outside of you to create something big inside of you and for you and the rest of humanity.

Practice exercising the power that you feel within you. Practice using that power because you are on the verge of releasing so many limitations, and now is the time to hone your skills as conscious creators.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


there is only one way for you to mess things up for yourselves. And that is to limit how much you enjoy yourselves.

The Creators via Daniel Scranton, July 13th, 2018

Enjoy Right Where You Are ∞The Creators

“Relax. Know that there is only one way for you to mess things up for yourselves. And that is to limit how much you enjoy yourselves. You cannot really go astray from the path that you have set before yourselves. But you can limit how much you enjoy taking that journey. We want you to understand that this is a journey that you have created for yourselves. So, you are never going to be in a place that you have not put yourselves.

And we know this can seem a bit scary to some of you, as you do not trust yourselves. You do not necessarily believe that you have your best interest at heart. And what is your best interest? What is your ultimate goal? Is it simply to live comfortably in the world? Or is there a bigger picture? You know you are here to have an experience. And in order to have an experience, sometimes you will create a state of discomfort for yourselves. But they allow you to experience what comfort feels like.

So there is no getting it wrong. You cannot mess this game up. We are telling you this because we see so many of you wanting to get to where you are going, wanting to move to the next experience and to realize all of the goals and fantasies and prophecies, without fully experiencing where it is you are right now. There is no part of this journey that is better or more important than any other.

So where you are was once a destination. Remember that. This experience of your life that you are having is filled with things that you once yearned for. And now that you have them we wish that you would spend some time savoring the creations, giving yourselves a pat on the back for having arrived at where you are, and letting go of any struggle or striving to become or to get to something more. Where you are is as perfect as it could possibly be.”

Rest in Peace, as is shown on many tombstones, is something of a humorous misunderstanding

You have noted for some considerable period that time has speeded up and continues to do so. It is a positive indication of a continuing change upon Earth, and as the vibrations increase you enter further into a new area of Spaced it will continue to be your ongoing experience. With the uplifting of vibrations also comes a more peaceful existence with less negativity and much more harmony between all living creatures. You have already seen examples amongst animals with the most unlikely friendships, and it is truly an example of the biblical story of the “Lion lying down with the Lamb”. So what does it signify, as surely it must be a lifting up of the vibrations bringing about more harmony and peace upon Earth.


Many of you know that you are ready to take your place within the higher vibrations, and are already ones who radiate love to all life forms, regardless of their historical place with Humanity. Furthermore, you are also aware that you have the power to bring peace to situations where confrontation is taking place, as even your very presence can help bring peace to them. Slowly others will find that stillness from inside and become a calming influence when all around may be in a state of turmoil. It is already happening and still growing, and as it becomes more far reaching there will be a greater emphasis on creating peaceful relationships and situations at all levels.


At long last belief systems are coming around to believing that life abounds in the Universe, and even at your lower vibrational level. Earth has been considered as something of a nursery where life can be experienced and grow with little outside help. Nevertheless, your activities have still been closely monitored so that the plan for your evolution can be carried forward, without interference from other sources. Having been given freewill to experience according to your desires, apart from guiding you along a preordained path you have had absolute freedom. It has been known that eventually you would find your way home, and your success in connection with the last cycle has entitled you to move into an area of higher vibrations, which is what you are doing now. It is difficult to leave old habits behind but that you must do and focus your attention upon all that is new as much is being offered to you that will hasten your full arrival into the New Age. There is much that awaits you, but first you must bring peace to Mother Earth and all upon her. Be assured it is breaking out in the animal kingdom, resulting in the most unusual friendships that could not have come about just a short time ago. Can you now see how powerful the new vibrations are and yet the new beginnings have only just commenced.


Regardless of what other groups do to hold onto the old ways of service to self, it will become difficult to maintain, and eventually becomes impossible. Their future will lay with the continuation of their path on another Earth that has been prepared for them, with a level of vibrations that will be suitable for their continued evolution. As has been previously indicated, you cannot reside in a particular level of vibration unless you are of a similar one yourself, as you would feel uncomfortable in a higher level than your own vibrations, and in any event you need to progress through uplifting yourselves from experience. Many ask “how can that be” and the simple answer will always be through learning how to spread Universal Love through your thoughts, actions and speech until it becomes your way of life.


The transition from life on Earth to leaving it in your ethereal body has intrigued people as they are not sure as to what actually happens. So having found the following extract from a Metraton message, I feel it would be of immense interest:


“What Happens When You Die”

‘Death is not a fearful experience to dread. What you term as ‘Death’ is a rebirth into your greater reality and in many ways is quite an exquisite beautiful awakening. In truth, birth into the physical realm is far more traumatic than the return to the ‘angelic realm’. Indeed the passing from physical may be appropriately described as ‘coming home’.


‘Dear Human, death can, in many cases, occur in a graduated process. For those that pass over at the end of an illness, the passing process will often occur in an intermittent lapsing, a fragmented, staged transfer of consciousness, in which transits out of and back into the physical body may ensue for a period of a few days before the final exit. In these graduated processes of passing the person is in a heightened state and will often see angels, guides and loved ones who have already passed over. ‘


‘There is nothing to fear. The only fear of death is with the living. Most of you will immediately realize the transition of your passing. You will be quite delighted to realize you are still conscious, even though dead in physical terms. Many of you will be overjoyed to comprehend that you are still ‘you’. Your inner narrator and observer of experience will be the same one you had in the recently completed physical sojourn. You will retain the full cognizance of your lifetime, and these memories will be focal and immediately accessible for a period of time. You will be able to communicate with others that were important in the completed lifetime.’


‘Now, there are rare circumstances in which one may die in a sudden unexpected circumstance such as an accident in which death occurs so abruptly that there is a very brief period of confusion. However this is infrequent and there are ‘guides’ on the other side, specialized in this service, and available to assist you in understanding what is occurring.’


‘So Masters, be aware that there are indeed guides to help each of you fully understand your situation in passing. Most of you will enter into the afterlife realm in clarity. And when one enters without disorientation, they are very often greeted by family and friends who have passed over before you. There is a sense of comfort and a euphoric recognition of this realm that exudes a sense of wellbeing.’


‘Rest in Peace, as is shown on many tombstones, is something of a humorous misunderstanding. The ‘other side’ is extremely active ! You will be able to rest, if rest is desired or required. The resting phase is one of great expansion in which an ambience of ecstasy occurs. Often there is a feeling of floating in a field of bright white light lined with extraordinary vivid colours. In this phase you will be in a blissful state and adapt more easily into the understanding of the separation that has occurred. But you will still be able to focus thought to the Earth plane. You will discover that thought takes you quickly to whomever and wherever you focus. ‘


‘You may visit with friends and relatives, revisit the past, greet childhood friends and travel seamlessly through space and time. You may revisit your childhood; view yourself as a young child surrounded by family at Christmas, or walk down the halls of your high school as it existed decades earlier. You will realize that there is no ‘time-lag’ between the manifestation of any idea or thought and its initial conception, as there is in physical life. You will delightfully explore these ‘dream-like’ phenomena, but in a very real validity in extremely clear lucidity.’


‘There are ways to become familiar with the realities and dimensions of the afterlife while you are living on the earth-plane. There are also advanced ‘trainings’ available on the ‘other -side’ as you grow in light quotient and complete the ‘Earth-Cycle’.



I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.


In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.



You are such a treasure to others and most of all to yourself,

for in being a treasure to yourself, you are that to others.

Feeling Good is Feeling God.