“You are facing a great change in your lives and loss is part of this change”

Divine Mother God through Dancing Dolphin

Received Thursday, September 27, 2018

Prelude from Dancing Dolphin:  
I’ve been feeling very “down” today, almost brokenhearted for some reason. Can’t seem to shake it. I reallyneeded to feel and hear a message of comfort and hope today!!  So, after I got home from work I sat down and asked Mother God to please speak to me.  ‘What’s going on?  Why am I so sad today?’ Just connecting with her energy helped me release my tears and let it all out .  I hope that you all get something special out of her message also.  Namaste.
* * * Hello, dear heart, this is indeed your Divine Mother answering your call. I feel your downtrodden heart, dear One. Allow these feelings to flow through you. You are sensing the old passing by…your old life ending, to be more accurate. Things will change very quickly and this is your personal process taking place. Endings and new beginnings are difficult as you know. For things do need to end before the new can take place.  This ending includes people as well as “things” such as your jobs, homes, etc. Some people will leave your lives, dear hearts. Try your best to let them go with ease and grace. Everyone has their own path. This may happen by way of an illness, an accident, a death, or them just moving away in various forms.
Thank them for their contribution to your life and let them go. Change is indeed inevitable. Sometimes you love how things are and want everything to stay the same; however, it cannot. Everything is in flux and movement; constant movement. You know all this in your minds, but your hearts have a difficult time in letting go. I understand, dear hearts. Please remember too that Love is forever! Love ties will stay together forever.
So, this is a gentle reminder to you, dear heart and to all my Lightworker Children. You are facing a great change in your lives and loss is part of this change. However, you will gain much more than you have lost! Please remember this. Let people and objects go with your blessing. Let go. Flow with my love. I will wrap you up safe and sound in my pink fuzzy blanket with slippers and a nightcap to keep your head warm and loved.
Ease your instinct to attempt to control a situation that you are not happy about. Let go! I will watch over your loved ones too. That is a lifelong guarantee, my Children! You have no-thing to worry about—ever! Listen to your Mother, your Divine Mother for I know best. (smiles). I am pleased to speak with you today and ask that you continue to call on me when you need guidance, love, support and a gentle but firm “talking to” that only a Mother can provide. I love with you all my heart. I AM your Mother God and wish you all a relaxing evening filled with my love.
Please feel free to share!Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphinhttps://dancingdolphinlove.blogspot.com/

#5 Live Free Forevermore with the Use of the Mighty AND

#5 Live Free Forevermore with the Use of the Mighty AND
Archangel Michael:
Beloved Earth Family, there is no need to force anything. Intend, focus, choose AND allow.Laugh AND relax more. Whenever things get difficult, as they assuredly will during this stage on Earth, be easy. Freedom is and always has been yours.
There’s no need to suffer, earn or wait to achieve Freedom. Accept whatever is. Accept this moment and your experience of it, without analyzing, criticizing, censoring, judging, justifying,deducing, disparaging, rationalising or even explaining. Accept what’s happening around and to you for its reflection, learning and is-ness.
When things are rough, do not not not think or believe it is because you are failing. For instance, do not think that if you are sick or broke that you are not spiritual, good or successful.Every experience has value and leads to expansion, eventually. Feel, see, release, live.
When things are difficult – too painful to endure – do not waste your preciousness trying to force change. Instead use your power of AND. Allow yourself to embrace and experience reality, as it is, AND at the same time…
Choose Peace.Choose Kindness.Choose Service.Choose Humor.Choose Wonder.Choose Harmony.Choose God.
Experience and choose. Allow and choose. Be and choose.You are already Free AND Beloved.
Serving alongside you,Archangel Michael
The next two titles:#6 How New Earth Children Are Raising Their Parents#7 Criticism and Retort: Your Entitled Right or the Choice for War?
(Channeled by Christine Burk, 27 September 2018. WhoNeedsLight, Founder Dr. Kathryn E. May. Please include channel and full message when reprinting. No electronic recordings please. This Story Ends in Glory!)
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Patricia Cota-Robles

SEPTEMBER 27, 2018
 In the United States of America we are moving toward the midterm elections. There are people from all walks of life and associated with all sides of the political spectrum that are saying this will be the most consequential election we have ever had. Due to diverse belief systems and varying perspectives people have different opinions as to why they think this election is so important. Almost all of those opinions are based in fear and reflect the concern that if their particular party does not win the election terrible things are going to happen.

Today the Company of Heaven wants to share information with us that will help us see the bigger picture and inspire us to change our perspective from an opinion based in fear to the realization that this election is a positive opportunity for the USA and the rest of the world.

The Beings of Light are confirming that this is indeed the most consequential election we have ever had. That is because the consciousness codes have been activated within the DNA of the Millennials and the children. They now have access to sacred knowledge that will prompt them to cocreate new archetypes for what the Company of Heaven refers to as Divine Government.
 Divine Government is a government OF the I AM Presence, BY the I AM Presence and FOR the I AM Presence of every person. To fully comprehend just what that means, we must remember that our I AM Presence operates solely from the heart-based space of Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life. This aspect of our own Divinity is focused on our forward movement in the Light and the fulfillment of our Divine Plan. Our I AM Presence always takes into consideration the highest good for all concerned, when we allow it to intervene in the choices and decisions we make.

Just imagine how different this world would be if our politicians were all functioning from the Love-based consciousness of their I AM Presence. Imagine how much better things would be for everyone if the highest good for all concerned was taken into consideration with every decision our politicians make. I know that sounds like a fantasy, but the ways and means of inspiring that kind of heart-based behavior and integrity are exactly the kind of sacred knowledge that has now been activated within the DNA of the Millennials and the children.
 The I AM Presence of every Millennial and every child is gently pushing the sacred knowledge that has been activated within the consciousness codes of their DNA to the surface of their conscious minds and their intuitive knowing. This is occurring in perfect alignment with each one’s Divine Plan.

If you pay attention to what is occurring in the outer world, you will see that there are many reports indicating that high school and college students, many of them not even old enough to vote, are becoming active for the first time in our political system. These young people are registering people to vote and encouraging people in all walks of life to become engaged in their own wellbeing by supporting candidates who are striving to improve the quality of life for everyone. They are seeking people who are smart and well informed and who have a higher level of consciousness, and they are inspiring them to run for office. The Millennials and the children are not easily deceived and they are not buying into the lies and misinformation the politicians are polluting the airwaves with in order to manipulate and control the masses. They are campaigning for candidates who are committed to preserving the Earth and are demonstrating innovative ways to cleanse and purify the water we drink, the air we breathe and the food we eat. The youth are also supporting people who are genuinely working to improve wages, health care, education, energy and every other aspect of life that will lift people up and help them cocreate positive lives for themselves and their families.

The Company of Heaven is standing in readiness to help the Millennials and the children tap into this sacred knowledge so that they can bring the archetypes for Divine Government into tangible manifestation within the hearts and minds of people everywhere. Since the USA is intensely engaged in the midterm elections at the moment, what better time to do this than right here and now? All that the Beings of Light need in order to become actively involved in this process is for you and me and the rest of awakening Humanity to volunteer to be the Open Door for the Light of God that will accomplish this vitally important facet of the Divine Plan. 
The Events of Our Free Seminar in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 
 Our Father-Mother God’s newly initiated Divine Plan is amplifying the Lightwork of every person on Earth one thousand fold every single day through our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love. Because of the urgency of the hour, our Planetary Grid of Love is being infused with archetypes of Divine Government that will assist the Millennials, the children and the rest of Humanity to anchor the Patterns of Divine Government into the physical world of form.

On September 15, 2018 we held our Free Seminar in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. A wonderful group of very dedicated Lightworkers gathered at our Free Seminar and we were joined in consciousness by thousands of Lightworkers around the world who selflessly projected their Light and Love into the Chalice of our Heart Flames in Pittsburgh. This exponentially expanded the amount of Light our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven were able to infuse into our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love. As our Father-Mother God have promised through their newly initiated Divine Plan, that Gift of Light is amplifying the Lightwork of every single person on Earth one thousand fold every day. The next wave of Light will infuse our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love during our Free Seminar in Seattle, Washington, October 14, 2018. Please join us if you or anyone you know in Seattle or the surrounding area has the Heart Call to add to the Light of the world in this powerful way on behalf of Humanity and Mother Earth. We will welcome you with open arms.  Here is a direct link if you would like to register for the Seattle, Washington Free Seminar.

The Second Phase of the Divine Plan Accomplished in Pittsburgh
 Our Free Seminars are multidimensional activities of Light. Each month we not only serve as the Open Door through which our Father-Mother God can infuse our Planetary Grid of Divine Love with enough Light to empower every person’s Lightwork one thousand fold, we are also guided by the Company of Heaven through a second activity of Light that is determined by the greatest need of the hour.

The Company of Heaven revealed to us that pulsating in the Etheric Realms above Pennsylvania is a Portal of Light through which the patterns of perfection for Divine Government flowed into the mental and emotional strata of Mother Earth prior to our fall from Grace. Once we descended into the abyss of separation and duality, the Portal above Pennsylvania became almost dormant for aeons of time. It was partially opened for our Founding Fathers when they wrote the sacred documents for this country. However, when we failed to live up to those Truths written in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States America and the Bill of Rights the Portal above Pennsylvania became dormant once again.
 The Beings of Light serving the evolutions of Earth from the Realms of Illumined Truth were guided to keep the Portal above Pennsylvania dormant until the Sons and Daughters of God on Earth were awake enough to comprehend what Divine Government means. During our Free Seminar, we were informed by the Company of Heaven that with the successful activation of the consciousness codes within the DNA of the Millennials and the children, a critical mass of consciousness had been reached that could comprehend the reality of Divine Government.
 With that knowing the Company of Heaven guided us through an activity of Light that opened the Portal of Light above Pennsylvania to full breadth. Now the patterns of perfection for Divine Government are infusing our Planetary Grid of Divine Love and bathing the Earth daily and hourly.

The Beings of Light have given us an invocation that will help all of us to take full advantage of this amazing Light. Every time we participate in this activity of Light our invocations will be amplified one thousand fold.
 Please listen to your Heart and participate in this activity of Light as often as you are inspired to do so.
 New DNA codes are being activated within every person at this time by his or her I AM Presence. These codes contain not only the unfolding Divine Plan to reestablish Divine Government in the United States of America and the rest of the world, they contain viable solutions for the distorted and corrupt patterns of government that are surfacing to be healed and transmuted into Light.

As we affirm these words, know that we are joining in consciousness with thousands of Lightworkers all over the world who are invoking this Forcefield of Light with us. We have unified our Heart Flames and together, through our collective consciousness and our Divine Intentions, we are cocreating a Chalice of Light, an Open Door through which the Immaculate Concept for the Divine Plan involving the elections taking place in the United States of America and around the world will be brought to God Victorious fruition. 
 I AM my I AM Presence, and I AM One with the I AM Presence of all Humanity. As One Breath, One Voice, One Heartbeat, and One Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love I Invoke…

My Father-Mother God and the great Beings of Light associated with cocreating Divine Government on this blessed Planet. I also invoke the Mighty Archangels and the Ascended Masters guarding the evolutions of Earth. Blessed Ones, blaze the most intensified frequencies of Divine Will, Divine Love and Divine Wisdom from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God in, through and around every person involved with the governments of Earth in any way. I ask that you exponentially expand this Divine Light within the Heart Flame of every man and woman running for office in the USA at national, state and local levels.

Now Beloved Legions of Light, blaze these intensified frequencies of Divine Will, Divine Love and Divine Wisdom in, through and around every single registered voter in the United States of America. Awaken the entire electorate to the profound opportunity at hand and enlighten every person to the profound Truth that it is time for Divine Government to manifest NOW!
 Let each person tangibly feel and experience the Power, Love and Wisdom of our Father-Mother God flowing through their Heart Flame as they vote for each candidate and all of the issues before them.

I now invoke the I AM Presence of every person who will be elected during this election season and all of those who are presently serving at national, state and local levels to take full dominion of that person’s thoughts, feelings, words, actions, beliefs and memories. Help that person to hear and to listen to the “still small voice within” that will guide him or her unerringly toward the fulfillment of the unfolding Divine Plan for this sweet Earth. Now Beloved Ones, seal the activity of Light I have invoked this sacred and holy day in the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame in my heart and the heart of every person on Earth. Expand this activity of Light daily and hourly a thousand fold until Planet Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her have God Victoriously completed our Ascension into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light frequencies of the New Earth. 
Now through all Realms of Consciousness I decree:




And so it is, Beloved I AM That I AM.

 God Bless You,

Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization, Dba
Era of Peace
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717
Phone: 520-885-7909, Fax: 520-750-2981

 This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.

©2018 Patricia Cota-Robles 



#4 Fear Does NOT Equal Permission (Part 1 of 2)

Archangel Michael:
It’s story time…
Once in time on Earth on a playground near a school where a group of children were playing,  a brand new little energy was born.
This little energy did not yet have a name, yet it was good to be alive. After a bit, the little energy bumped into a bigger energy who already had a name. A nasty sound came from an older child as she pointed at a small boy and shouted that name: “You’re-A-Pig.”
Before the little energy could wonder any longer what its name would be, the small boy looked down at his body, and taking his cute, pudgy finger and sticking it into his soft belly, he declared, “I’m-Fat.” Although the little thought didn’t yet understand its name, it was happy to be claimed by the small boy. The little thought stayed close to the boy as the boy said over and over in his head:
It seemed the little thought had found a home as they headed to the small boy’s house to stay. That night at dinner, the little thought was presented to the family. When the small boy was picking at his food, not eating his dinner, his mother kindly asked him if something was wrong?
At first, the small boy refused to say anything. And although it didn’t understand why, the little thought panicked – clinging to the boy until they both burst out together: “I’m-Fat!”
The sister laughed.The brother punched the small boy.The dad ignored.The grandma put more food on the small boy’s plate.The mother cooed and comforted her son.And … the little thought, named I’m-Fat … grew … stronger.
The next day and from then on, the little thought and the growing boy were fast friends. They went everywhere together. They went to gym class at school. They went on the boy’s first date, and gave their first kiss. They grew even closer as the boy became a man, going to parties and the man’s first job interview. They were inseparable.
And the thought was happy, except for one thing.  The thought seemed to have a never-ending hunger. The thought learned that it could get very close to the man by presenting in his mind as a memory or as an idea, and then each and every time, the man would respond with attention and emotions.
And for a moment, the thought would feel better and grow stronger.
As the days went on, the man experienced the usual ups and downs of life. The thought couldn’t help notice that the happier the man was, the more alone and the hungrier the thought was. Eventually, the thought began to seek out and to stick to other thoughts roaming around in the man’s life.
The thought named I’m-Fat began to bond with similar thoughts named “I’m-Ugly,” “I’m-Stupid,” “I’m-Late,” “I’m-A-Failure,” and “I’m-Never-Going-to-Change.” These thoughts realized that whenever they joined together, it was much easier to get the man’s attention.
In fact, it was so satisfying to ruffle the man’s emotions and to claim the man’s attention that – before they knew what was happening – the many thoughts had clustered together, growing so close and dependent that they had turned into a whole new form of existence, called a “thoughtform.”
Of course, the thoughtform had its own name too. It was called “This-Is-Me.” The thoughtform was strangely pleased that the man no longer knew the difference between himself and the thoughtform.  The man had given these thoughts so much power since childhood that he had no idea he had created a group of thought parasites, which had become so powerful it was syphoning off the energy the man could have been using to make his dreams come true.
Just when it seemed it couldn’t get worse, the thoughtform This-Is-Me met… the thoughtforms of society.
To be continued….
Serving alongside you,Archangel Michael
The next two titles:#5 Live FREE Forevermore with the Use of the Mighty AND#6 How New Earth Children Are Raising Their Parents
(Channeled by Christine Burk & Dr. Kathryn E. May, WhoNeedsLight, 26 September 2018. Please include channels and full message when reprinting. This Story Ends in Glory!)

Sign Up for Messages & Showswww.WhoNeedsLight.org

#3 The RV/GCR is a Foregone Conclusion

Saint Germain:
I am most certainly your Saint Germain.  Did you ever notice how, through our messengers and when speaking with you directly, we often say “YOUR Archangel Michael, OUR Sananda or BELOVED Lady Quan Yin? We do not use such terms as possession or flattery, obviously.  We imbue those words with God’s Light to help you know and be in contact with the real US.
The astral plane or 4th dimension of Earth is a place with tears in its fabric, allowing energetic beings of pain to dominate Surface Earth. There are entities imitating every Ascended Master, Angel and high dimensional galactic citizen you can name who reside there. For example, there is an Archon “angel” Michael and such.  They do this trying to get everyone to believe we are distorted versions of deity desiring praise, worship and control.
“They” call themselves The Dark Agenda and have been the temporary behind-the-scenes controllers of Earth. They are the ones who try to trick humanity into diverting contact with us in exchange with them through heavy emotions such as fear and pain. They get their energy by farming it off of the low vibrations generated by humanity. These 111 Messages in 111 Days is part of the vast global Action, ending all of that, for good.
By now you may be asking, Saint Germain, what does this have to do with the RV/GCR? Everything. Through your valiant focus, aware choices and plain old hard work, you have been expanding! Your awareness is increasing. You better perceive the connectedness of all things. For instance, you have really begun to relax the ranking of one area of Ascension as more important than another. You more deeply appreciate the efforts of others while embracing your own vital role.
Let’s get to it…
The RV/GCR is one element of global freedom.The RV/GCR will help abolish the worldwide debt slavery system.The RV/GCR is one way the meek are now inheriting the Earth.You are the meek, the Light and the Life of God.The RV/GCR is in motion now.Together, we move quickly towards the culmination.The culmination of the RV/GCR leads to the beginning.Our role is to respond to the energy you provide.The energy you provide comes from your choices.When you choose qualities of Love/God/Light, energy rises.Your energy rises and Earth’s energy rises.The rising Light is intensified by the Light of God.The tipping point is tip tip tipping.
Shall we hold hands across the dissolving Veil as we decree:
In the name of the Great I AM, I call for the Light of a thousand suns from the Great Central Sun, Angels of Violet Fire and beloved Saint Germain…
In the name of God, I AM That I Am! Saturate the Earth and all of her evolution with limitless waves of Violet Fire. I call for the action of the Violet Transmuting Flame and the action of the Will of God to manifest on Earth, now and forever, an ever increasing spiral of Divine Perfection. I call for all discord and activities on Earth that are not reflecting the highest Light and God’s Holy Purposes to be miraculously swept and transformed, by the power of the Violet Flame, into Divine Love and Harmony for the restoration of Earth and Her people into their original blueprint of perfection that was originally intended.
Violet Flame! Violet Flame! O Violet Flame! In the name of God, flood the Earth, Her people and all Her kingdoms with oceans and oceans of Violet Fire until every particle of Life is restored to Divine Perfection. May Peace and Love be spread throughout the Earth! May Earth abide in Perfect Love!
May Earth abide in Peace, Love and Freedom! I give thanks that it is done now according to God’s Holy Will!And so be it, beloved I AM.
We are doing this, together.I Am THE Saint GermainThe next two titles:
#4 Fear Does NOT Equal Permission#5 Live FREE Forevermore with the Use of the Mighty AND
(Channeled by Christine Burk & Dr. Kathryn E. May, WhoNeedsLight, 25 September 2018. Please include channels and full message when reprinting. This Story Ends in Glory!)

My Morning Detox.

Here are my detox drinks of the moment,firsth thing when i wake up in the morning:

1 glass filtered water with 1/8 of tea spoon Zeolith.(it helps clean all heavy metals from non pure water from the body)

1 glass fresh organic juice with 1 tea spoon Spirulina.

What body needs mostly is minerals, as our carbon based cells become crystalline.It is a long process of many many many years!

And you how many years you want to live? 🙂

we are very excited for all of you who would like to come to Arcturus and visit our little corner of the galaxy.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have accepted invitations from all of you who have reached out to us for more contact, and as non-physical beings, we just want you to realized that you really need to feel for us in order to make that contact. We are always available to you. We are never too busy dealing with something in the Andromedan system or with some Pleiadian crisis. We are able to focus in multiple places at once. You are never taking up our valuable time, as we have no clocks and no calendars to abide by in the ninth dimension.

We love you because we are love, and because you are lovable, even in your folly. So never hesitate to reach out to us, and always expect us to answer. And again, and this is very important, make sure you are feeling for our presence. Feel for our essence, our vibration. We may not be able to hold you in our non-existent arms in your time of need, but we can wrap you in our energy, and we are told that it feels quite nice.

Now, we also want to encourage you to feel for the other helpers that you have around you. We want you to realize that you are never alone, and we also want you to recognize how much there is for you still to receive. We are always going to be answering the call of humanity, even after you shift.

And we are looking forward to the time when more of you have that sensitivity to receive us more fully, to communicate with us in ways that are more satisfying to you, and we are very excited for all of you who would like to come to Arcturus and visit our little corner of the galaxy. It will be easier for you to feel us and our presence when you do. Our doors are always open.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


“The time has come for me to send the final wave of my tsunami of love”

Prelude from Dancing Dolphin:  As I sat down to take a message this evening, I asked my H.S. “Who would like to give me a message for the Lightworkers of Earth?”  Almost instantly, I felt Mother God’s incredible presence!  My stomach started tingling big time with energy, my eyes began watering with joy and so much energy was pulsating through my arms that my hands were shaking.  Wow! 

 * * *Yes, dear heart, this is Mother God and I do have a message for the Lightworkers of Earth and for all my Children of Earth. My children, the time has come for me to send the final wave of my tsunami of love, of what you are now calling “The Event.”  For in truth, I have been sending this wave of brilliant love light for a couple of years now but had to tone it down so I wouldn’t overload your systems. 
I have asked this One to bold the sentence in the above paragraph because that is what I wish to discuss with you tonight, this very night. So again I say, The time is now right for me to send the final wave of my tsunami of love to Earth, to YOU! I am joyful and thrilled that you all have adapted so well to the preliminary waves that I have been sending you. It was vital that you adjust first to these energies before more could be sent. Many other triggers or events had to happen in line also as you can imagine. 
But the careful, meticulous planning by the Company of Heaven and your Galactic Family and implementation by the Alliance of ALL OF YOU combined—the Company of Heaven, Galactics, Lightworkers, StarSeeds, Inner Earth & Hollow Earth families and of course, Gaia and all her Kingdoms have made this final wave of love light possible. You are all doing it together, dear children!
I am pouring forth my love light into the Soul of this One as we speak and let me say—she feels it! The tingling in the stomach, tears of joy, shaking of the hands, the overflowing love in her heart—YES!! My final wave will simply flood your Being with everlasting unconditional love which will wash clean all that no longer serves your highest good.
There is absolutely no reason to fear this wave of love light dear Children! Depending upon where you are when it reaches you, you may or may not see it coming. If you are outside, you may see brilliant colors in the sky flowing towards Earth. It will be a beautiful sight! If others are concerned or become afraid, please comfort them with the knowledge that it is Divine Mother’s love coming to Earth.
If you are inside (and possibly sleeping) when the wave washes over you, you will feel joy, excitement, contentment, ease and my unconditional love. If your family becomes alarmed in any way; again—please do comfort them and reassure them that this wave of love was sent from their Mother God.
Your world and lives will change greatly after the wave passes. Go slow, follow your hearts and you will know which path to take. Of course, many other events will follow in short order. You are always protected and loved, dear Children; and you may call on myself, your Father God and/or all our Angels and Ascended Masters for guidance if you wish.
I will be sending further updates through this One shortly. She has asked to receive Messages of Love for the Lightworkers of Earth and so I am very pleased to have this communication with you, my Children. This is the time that you all have been working towards for millennia. Please relax and enjoy this experience! Your stories will be told for generations to come. Rest now with my love.

Please feel free to share.  My blog is always free.Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin https://dancingdolphinlove.blogspot.com/

#2 What We Mean When We Say: “Ascension,” Free Will,” Lightworker,” “Company of Heaven, “Channeling,” and “The Event”

#2 What We Mean When We Say: “Ascension,” Free Will,” Lightworker,” “Company of Heaven, “Channeling,” and “The Event”
Archangel Michael:
I am Archangel Michael. I’m the host of these messages, although many others will be chiming in to give their heartfelt encouragement along the way. We are excited to reply to your awe-inspiring efforts with insight and reassurance specific to the next phase of your personal and planetary Ascension.
Soon, the global threshold you have worked so devotedly to cross will be spanned, forever. The last scraps of the declining system of control and domination will soon give way to what your inner work is producing: an outer world of harmony, collaboration, wonder and and fun. Your role as a radical eccentric will transform into one who leads through service.
I have often said, “All communication is for union.” So, let’s clarify what we are currently saying when we speak of now-common terms, which have come to hold a wide range of meanings. Words often take on connotations which are not always the original definition. This phenomenon is due both to the creative purpose of words, and the fact that there are those working behind-the-scenes to intentionally skew and even debase the potential of certain creative words.
Ascension: For millenia, the inhabitants of Surface Earth have been caught in a descending spiral of energy and experience. It is now the time for that to be reversed, for Earth and all upon her to return to balance and true reality, which is Love. The transformation occurs within every living soul on the planet. Inwardly, each and every soul transforms from the imbalance of negativity into the balance of peace, one choice at a time. We call this process Ascension.
Free Will: We take this opportunity to reclaim the meaning of Free Will. The current definition was engineered to have you believe that Free Will is your entitled right to do whatever you please, no matter the consequences. This base manipulation resulted in the epidemic of entitlement now engulfing humanity.
Free Will is a gift, a way to experience reality and expand your creativity. In the higher dimensions, we live beyond Free Will, meaning we do not create harm for ourselves or others. The original intention was for you to enjoy Free Will and transcend, not become ever-mired in imbalance / evil.
Lightworker: I barely dare clarify this one.  It has become a word often supercharged with negativity. But why? Many would say that the word inflicts the prison of duality onto the world by creating “sides” to good and evil / balance and imbalance. Again, this word was intentionally distorted.
In the higher realms of the 5th dimension and above, there are groups of souls who gather together to learn and prepare for shared goals of experience and impact. A now well-known example are the Crystal Children. They prepared together in the heavens then they achieved their intentions through their incarnations. For the Crystal Children, their Mission was to raise the vibration of Earth through their loving ways and gifted expressions.
Lightworkers are one such large group. Lightworkers are advanced benevolent souls who gathered in the higher dimensions to prepare for one dissuadable purpose: the liberation of humanity and Surface Earth from a runaway dream of negativity which resulted in the prison Earth has become. These strong system busters have long trained and are now incarnated in every walk of life and in every culture on Earth. They are you, and you are unstoppable in your service to free yourself and thus Earth. We bow.
Company of Heaven and Council of Light: We have a Father-Mother God who created us and who love us, personally and dearly. Earth is one planet in the multiverse of infinite expanding creation. You have a Higher Self and a Twin Soul, together as one, the ever-ascended you along with with the Higher Selves of all your family, friends, co-workers and every other soul on Earth, together make up the Company of Heaven.
And there are more! Billions of benevolent Higher Beings from the Angelic realms and planets and systems you’ve never even heard of, comprise the burgeoning  Company of Heaven. When related to Earth, the Company of Heaven is the colossal band of do-gooders who are assisting you in every way in your Ascension and beyond.
There are many Council’s of Light in the higher realms. Here we are referring to the group of Higher Selves, us, who overLight our mighty incarnated selves, you, to help all to freedom and prosperity, forevermore. It is valuable for you to contemplate that you are not in any way a lesser version of your Higher Self. You are traversing a difficult reality behind the Veil of Forgetfulness.
Channeling: Another hot potato, channeling has also been intentionally convoluted, causing confusion and upset. When we refer to channeling, it is the innate ability of every incarnated soul to feel and to talk directly with and hear God, their Higher Self and the Company of Heaven.
Submerged in the dense and devastating drama of Earth, humans were manipulated physically and spiritually to trade their humanity for the agenda of an oppressive hidden regime by increasingly turning on themselves and each other. No more. That day is done.
You have the ability to feel us and to talk to us and to hear us when we communicate with you. It will restore within you, according to your Lifeplan and your embrace of your Ascension. Do not feel you are remiss or failing in any way if you cannot yet hear us in plain conversation.  You will.
Meanwhile, there are Lightworkers, who made it part of their Lifeplan to – after long lifetimes of extensive training – bring through messages from Home, here in the higher realms to Surface Earth as part of their service to the freedom of all. These messengers have been some of the most targeted and attacked warriors of Light among you. They have persevered to bring through the words, emanations and energetic transmissions helping billions to Awaken.
The EVENT: The famous Event! Father-Mother God have been pouring increasing Light onto Earth through the Great Central Sun to give the children of Earth the necessary sustenance to turn their inner longings and decisions for peace and joy into a worldwide reality.
The return of Earth to a New Golden Era was prophesied long ago, a vow from God to us all that if we embarked upon this dangerous learning of imbalance, no-matter-what, Earth would one day be restored. Today is that day. You are the ones accomplishing this, with the promised help from God.
The increasing pressure of the incoming Light transducing through you out onto the planet is dispersing everywhere, revealing the distorted nature of what has become of Earth. This gives you the opportunity to see and understand what has really been going on. Your true nature is Goodness, so with this understanding comes the impedous of change, for the better.
The Event is made up of many arising events, such as: the neutralization of the dark cabal; the exposure of the previously-hidden Dark Agenda; the release of universal prosperity through the RV/GCR, the release of new healing and energy technologies, the implementation of NESARA/GESARA and much much more. These events form The Event, converging together to meet the incoming wave of Light sent from God.
There will be a moment, when compression breakthrough is reached and the Light so washes through you all and into Life that it will be impossible for the dark agenda to continue to survive, as they are now.
Particular groups often feel passionate that whatever portion of The Event they are holding the Light for, such as the RV/GCR or the spiritual restoration of Earth is THE monumental driving importance of The Event. How wonderful and all true!
Your Faith is moving the mountains and clearing the skies.
In service alongside you,Archangel Michael.

The next two titles:#3 The RV/GCR: A Forgone Conclusion #4 Fear Does NOT Equal Permission
(Channeled by Christine Burk & Dr. Kathryn E. May, WhoNeedsLight, 24 September 2018. Please include channels and full message when reprinting. This Story Ends in Glory!)

No one is stronger or more powerful than you.

Dear Ones,

We urge you to reach for the stars. For indeed, you are the stars. You are both Universal Olympic stars and of the stars.  For the stars were created and inhabited by you more times than you can count.

So it is you feel peaceful and rested when you observe the stars. Not to gloat about your creation skills, but to remember how skilled you were and are.

It is time for you to “hitch your wagon to the stars” in remembrance of all you have achieved and are achieving. For many of you are frustrated and angry about this or that occurrence on earth not remembering that such anger is but a nanosecond in your overall reality.

If you are upset or angry about something, change it. And if you are joyous about anything, magnify it.

For you forgot how magnificent you truly are once you became part of the earth heaviness. Even though the earth is now of 5D, you continue to fight 3D battles that have little to do with you now – displaying your fondness for victimization.

There is no reason for you to feel like a victim. You have created worlds, planets, and stars and yet you allow a few humans to hold you in misery or fear.

Claim yourself! Claim your power to create and move beyond the 3D rules that dictate someone must tell you what to do.

You are bigger and better than 3D rules. Stand tall. You no longer need to hide your true self behind servitude and meekness. You have been playing the role of Clark Kent far too long. It is time for you to claim your Superman and Superwoman status. A status of being in which you can do anything you wish – for who is to stop you?

Many of you clamor that this boss, that parent or friend, or that politician is being mean to you or someone you care about. What are you going to do about that? Are you going to run to your corner crying in anger or fear? Or are you going to put on your big girl and big boy pants and declare your freedom?

You have followed earth messages of weakness, subservience, and victimization for eons. Erase those messages for you are not a servant, nor a prisoner. You are an extremely powerful Universal being who created the very soil you are standing on and yes, the fear element you are now eradicating.

You are a creator not a servant. Do you envision Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha or any you hold in your thought processes as great, victims? Or do you envision them as strong, powerful beings who lived in their society because they wanted to display possibilities?

You en masse are those possibilities. The above forerunners of this transition planted the seeds of love and joy. You are the flowers – strong, capable, flexible, and joyfully bright and colorful. You are the ones turning the gray scape that has been earth for eons into a colorful planet of joy. Much as happens every few years in earth deserts.

The difference is your flowers are not fading, but instead, are blooming and multiplying rapidly.

You are not a victim. No one is stronger or more powerful than you. Stop pretending you cannot do something, or that you must ask permission or wait until this terrible something passes.

You are the power and the glory and the light. So be it. Amen.

LifeTapestryCreations.com. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

The Sun is indeed, a Portal into other Dimensions.

The Galactic Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, Sept. 22, 2018

By email

Good morning! A fine morning indeed in my world. Your tip the other week of taking deep breaths and smiling at the same time is an excellent one. Especially when one is not in the mood to do so … It really makes a difference. Thank you! A burning topic is as to why many Solar Observatories have been shut down all over the world? I haven’t had time to look into it much and also, I don’t like to be influenced by reading about things, when I know I am going to bring it up with you. Your thoughts if you please?

Welcome to you, Dearest Blossom. We can tell immediately that your Vibratory functioning is ‘off the wall’ as you would say.

Yep. I am in an exceptionally good mood this morning.

The topic of the Solar Observatories has allowed your screens to become abuzz with speculation. No one has really given an answer as to why, one in particular, seemed to cause so much ado!

Can you now do so?

Our words will be cautionarily expressed in conjunction with safety factors on, would we say perhaps … a ‘need to know a little bit about’ basis.

Your Sun … as many are aware … is not just a bright bubbly Lantern in your skies. It is far more than that! The Energetic frequencies that are emitted through it … have a vast array of purposes and are an indication of levels of ‘what is taking place’ all around. Not just your Earth yet, many other Planets within your Universe, also. 

The Sun is not called ‘Central’ by chance! It is also one of … in fact we would say… thee largest Portal within your stratosphere … to date.

So, it’s a portal. Yet, used by who/what? As surely, one would fry up getting anywhere near it?

We would correct you here, Blossom. For ‘All is not as it seems’. Yes, the Sun’s rays give sustenance to your Planet in many forms. Yet, it has many layers to it … on many levels … within many frequencies and Dimensions.

I can see this is going to be one of those communications when I wish I was Tesla, in order to understand you.

Not so. Let us give you little bits of information. The Sun is indeed, a Portal into other Dimensions. It is the same Sun that appears on other Planets in other Dimensions, as the one you see in your skies.

How can this be?

Because of its incredible Source of Energy. Because of what it is. Because of its magic! It has a Power Source like no other. It can ‘pop up’ where required, in spaces and places that desire its Energy. 

You have often been told or shown photos/videos of many fleets of ships, along with extraordinarily HUGE craft that have been captured on camera around this system. This is due, for want of a better way of expression … to it being a Universal fuel station! In that … craft are charged by its Energy … just by being within a certain vicinity of it.

Yet, don’t they burn up?

No. They have ‘protection barriers’ that keep them in ‘form’. Yet, also have devices that allow the ‘make up’ of the ships to absorb the extreme Energy / Power that this sphere has to offer. 

To go into further detail regarding ‘refuelling’ would become a little too complicated to explain at this point, Blossom.

Ok. So back to the shut downs of observatories. What was that all about? I think they are now re-opening?

Yes, they are. We would make the suggestion that certain images were captured on screen that put the ‘powers that be’ into panic.

Images of what exactly?

Firstly, a larger than usual gathering of ships … which was enough to be cause for concern as to the reasoning behind this … and also, due to  … how do we put this? … The motion of Radiant Energy that is ‘lifting’ from the surface.

Ok. Being no scientist, I know I need to now inquire about the talk of the Sun sending a Solar Flare out at some point, which many folk derive to be happening in conjunction with THE EVENT that you speak of. Is this what you mean?

It is. The Flare that is to occur derives from within the centre of this ‘station’. It is to be part and parcel of The EVENT … for the Energy that THE EVENT carries HAS to come from deep within this ‘ship’.

Ship? Station? Portal? Anything else?

Oh yes.

I thought you might say that!!

You see, Blossom … the Wave of Love that THE EVENT is to carry through … comes from the Ultimate Divine Source … Your True Home. Therefore, it comes through the Portal of THE SUN.

Even then, it will be filtered, due to its strength. Its fullness would be too much at this time, for your Planet to take.

A bit like when one is out in the sun … it just makes them feel better? Is this due to Source Energy coming through it?

Yes, indeed. Yet, THE EVENT is far beyond that feeling of ‘warmth and Love’ that is received on your, so far, day to day basis. 

So, will this flare ‘contain’ the Energy of Love that will sweep over us?

Yes. It is the carrier of the Energy. It has been ‘traveling’ in a different form … a more compact form … through the star systems … through Dimensions … through just about  … you name it … it’s travelled through it! 

Hold on!  What do you mean by that?

This Energy that will project itself from the Sun … started from Source. Yet, in order to BE what it is … it has had to ‘collect’…  information/status/ … words far too numerous to mention … before it became ready to present itself through the Portal. Since doing so, it then had to ‘mingle’ with the Sun’s Energy and change its form ‘back’ into Light … and ‘hang around’ preparing its changed form … ready for ‘The Off’.

Deep breath … which is when? I know you just ‘aint gonna say!

We cannot. For again, Blossom … this is not a ‘time machine’! It will take place in accordance to/with many other factors … trillions of them … that must be in alignment in order for all to go smoothly.

Yes, I get that we Earthlings cannot possibly imagine what all of this entails. Yet, we DO KNOW that we were chosen to be down here to anchor the Love, to emanate the Love, whilst all of this is on the amber light … waiting for the Go! So, how come the observatories are now reopened?

Because after much investigation, nothing ‘solid’ … (we smile at the ‘anomaly’ we are using,) could be ‘nailed down’. Also, due to all the media hype … too many questions were being asked … and no reasonable answers … at least any satisfactory ones, were able to be given.

Yet, would you say …  just pushing the boat out a bit here … that what was captured on camera … was representative of the fact that the said Solar Flare and all the trimmings that accompany it … were showing signs of ‘lift off’?

We wouldn’t go as far as to say ‘lift off’ … Just yet.  We would say more in line with showing signs of …

I am seeing an image of great big chains being released from a huge circular Light all around the sun.

Would we therefore say … preparations are in the making.

And with respect, I would say … I won’t hold my breath. This could mean ‘any time’ from now to kingdom come!

Yet, it is so much further underway than perhaps you would expect.

There seems to be so many more sightings as you said there would be. So much caught on camera now. It is very exciting. Yet, I have TRULY, TRULY, TRULY come to the understanding within myself that … BEING down here now … is about BEING DOWN HERE NOW! IN/AS/OF/THROUGH our Highest expectations of ourselves. Learning to live within the laws of attraction … Learning to BE LOVE and LIGHT … Learning that this is what we are … this is what we came here to emanate. Because, by doing so, we are showing the way … leading the way … and assisting others in their Awakening. The more that are ready to receive the Wave of Love, when it comes, the better it will be for the whole. So many seem ‘stuck’ in waiting for it to happen … instead of BEING of Light and Love.

You are correct, Blossom. We understand that there are ‘states of affairs’ upon your Planet that bring one down deeply into a ‘humdrum’ existence … yet …












Thanks Guys … as always. So uplifting and encouraging.  In Gratitude, in Loving service … I AM.

Please revisit The Invocation ‘We are the Game Changers’ whenever the mood takes you … to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.

Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAYhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_DDBfwTX1g&feature=youtu.be

The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is http://www.youtube.com/user/isjaabmo

you want to focus on being grounded

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been observing how you are all doing with the equinox energies, and we are pleased to report that we see the vast majority of those of you who are awakened receiving the energies and integrating them for your highest good. Now, just because something is for your highest good doesn’t necessarily mean you are going to reap the benefits right away. The influx of love and higher frequency vibrations can also stir a lot of things up within you that you’ve been holding onto.

We are talking about very core issues coming up to be purged. So even though the energies are very high frequency and very loving, you can feel their impact as having created some unpleasantness in your experience. What this means for all of you is that you have to stay grounded in spite of what you’ve been feeling, physically and emotionally. If you stay grounded, you will stay out of your heads, because let’s face it, your heads are where a lot of these issues are maintained and perpetuated.

You bring a lot more mental energy to something when you focus upon it, and that mental energy can snowball. So instead, you want to focus on being grounded, you want to focus on being in your bodies, and you want to focus on the love that you can feel coming to you from the higher realms and from other parts of your galaxy. There is so much love for humanity, and as we said, you are doing a beautiful job of receiving it, but don’t expect the results to be what you want them to be right away.

Give the energies time to do what they do. Give yourselves time to purge and release, to let go of what is no longer serving you. And as you practice steadying your consciousness in your hearts, you are going to find that this time is the best time that humanity has ever had on planet Earth, and we promise you it will only get better.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


111 Messages in 111 Days: Ignite The Transition!

Archangel Michael for the Council of Light
Archangel Michael:
I am Archangel Michael, speaking for the Council of Light and the Company of Heaven, who support you in the restoration of God’s Light on Earth.  Thank you for your service.
Whether you are aware of it or not, you are giving vital assistance to the rise of Earth and all upon her with your every loving choice, through your every loving act.  You are holding wide and steady a bandwidth of resonance, which is necessary for the fruition of the many events now converging to establish the New Golden Age.
You are our heroes.  You are us, incarnated “on the ground.”  It is you who suffers, endures, strives and thrives in the most difficult of conditions.  We care.  We are here to fulfill our promise to assist you with your inner journey and your vow to serve Earth until all are Home, free.  You are accomplishing this through your inner resurrection.
For the last 100 days of this year and the first 11 days of 2019, I will bring you a fresh message every day.  These messages are Light-encoded, meaning they are imbued to super-boost everything you do for the greatest Good of all. These transmissions are designed especially for you to help with your personal Ascension and planetary liberation.
The transition of Earth from a deeply bound slave planet into a home for souls not limited by economic slavery, social treachery and personal suffering is well underway.  The prophesied victory could not happen without you.  We are here to support you, yet this is happening as a result of your desires and efforts.
In service alongside you,Archangel Michael
The next two titles:#2 What We Mean When We Say: “Ascension,” “Free Will,” “Lightworker,” “Company of Heaven,” “Channelling” and “The Event”#3 The RV/GCR: A Forgone Conclusion
(Channeled by Christine Burk, 23 September 2018. Please include channel and full message when reprinting.)
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The key is the vibrations that you are offering.

Weaving Your Reality

Peggy Black and the ‘team’

We are here offering insights and support as you move more fully into the higher dimensions. You truly are in the process of shifting and increasing your vibrations. You are actually straddling two realities most of the time. You are more focused on your third dimension because it demands your attention. However, you continue to sense or feel something is different.

That something different is the awareness that the Universe is communicating with you.

You are aware of moments that cause you to pause, and marvel at this unfolding mystery. You are stepping out of your restricted mindset and programmed responses frequently, to realize the incredible truth that you are connected to a powerful conscious energy field.

This energy field, this quantum field, this Universal consciousness is responding to you and the vibrations you offer. You interface with this field at all times. It is the water that you swim in, so to speak. Most individuals are totally unaware of this energy or their relationship to it.

We are inviting you to begin a conscious conversation. Begin to observe what you are thinking, speaking and emotionally offering; these actions are your vibrational interaction with this field.

You and all beings are truly divine creators. Remember, this quantum field matches the most consistent or dominant vibrations offered. Most individuals use their creative ability upside down and backwards. They energize and focus on what they don’t have, what they don’t like, what is not working and get more of the same or a similar vibration. What you resist or push against will persist. This is true in your personal as well as global experiences.

So we are inviting you to change the conversation, change the vibrations you are offering. This is important and especially true as your begin to be aware that you are interfacing with a higher dimension of consciousness. Your vibrations, your intentions and emotional offerings will manifest more quickly as you move into the fifth dimension. This is part of the ascension process you are experiencing. You are being invited to refine the energies you are offering.

The Universe is responding to you. It is giving you signs. Begin to notice. These messages, this guidance comes in many forms, in conversations with others, on a broadcast, something you read or overhear, an inspiring idea or solution to a problem, an epiphany or a synchronicity. It might come as a thought, a feeling that feels just right, an inner knowing or instinct, people showing up at just the right moment. We invite you to begin to notice these signs along the way.

The more you notice and acknowledge these messages the more they will become obvious.

Once you begin your partnership with the energy field, once you honor the possibilities that will unfold in this relationship, you will begin to see patterns unfolding, doors opening, problems resolving. You will discover that the Universe, the quantum field will arrange itself to match your vibrations as well as present you with endless opportunities.

The key is the vibrations that you are offering. So make it a practice to increase the coherent uplifting energy vibration and frequency that you offer. Practice feeling appreciation, practice being grateful. These emotional vibrations are the easiest and begin to allow you to integrate and interface with the field in a more powerful positive manner.

We realize there are times in which the idea of being grateful or in appreciation might be the most difficult emotions to call forth. If you are suffering in some way, mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually or in a situation that feels difficult regarding your health or your finances or having problems with family or co-workers, it might feel impossible to be grateful or thankful, it might feel fake or false.

Let us assure you, this is the most important time to begin to engage or call forth even the tiniest shift into gratitude. Find something no matter how small or insignificant for which you can be thankful; continue to observe the situation looking for a reason to be grateful. It might be a stretch, you might find it difficult, however your simple willingness to look or discover a place where you could offer gratitude or appreciation will shift your vibration and your frequency.

When you make this shift the Universe is ready to mirror the slightest change in what you are offering. So pay attention, watch for signs that show this shift in your reality.

We know you will become skilled at raising your vibrations. There are many techniques and practices that can support and assist you. Meditation, being in nature, being with beloved friends or pets, laughter, dance and movement, doing something that you enjoy, all of these actions shift the frequency you are offering to the field.

Now, when you couple that with your words, actions and intentions, you are a powerful creative force. You are powerful beyond measure. Remember you are a magnificent divine being who is playing in this hologame. You are moving consciously from the limited third dimension to the fifth unlimited dimension.

Remember that synchronicities are happening all the time. You just need to trust yourself and the universe, notice and allow for this ongoing conversation. With your energetic thoughts, emotions and intent you become a co-creator with the Universe. Imagine for a moment as you are weaving your reality that the universe is providing the thread.

Your high frequency vibrations of love, joy, gratitude and appreciation will align you with all possibilities. These vibrations invite the best results to any situation; you are connecting to an energetic web of support where things and events unfold with grace and ease.

Also you are energetically stepping out of the limited third dimension and walking into a new energetic reality where your heart’s desire and intentions for life sustaining realities become real.

You are here to anchor this awareness and this consciousness. You are here to transform any and all misqualified or negative emotions, thoughts, patterns or programs. You are here to assist humanity in moving into the fifth dimension where you know that you are truly connected to all.

We continue to empower you and remind you of your true magnificence. We invite you to practice extending more coherent vibrations of love, forgiveness, compassion, joy, gratitude and appreciation. We remind you to transform any discordant, misqualified or negative energies as the true multidimensional alchemist that you are. the ‘team’

©2018 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.comFREE 88 messages available

The countries of Earth are lining up to take their place in line for GESARA and indeed for World Peace

Received Saturday, Sept 22, 2018
Prelude:  Yes, I am ready. I have prepared another message to the Lightworkers of Earth and I am grateful to you for helping me to share my messages. For they are messages of love and have need to be shared.   
Are you ready, dear hearts? Are you ready for your New Earth to be born and realized? You have all worked so hard in creating her with your thought forms and manifesting exactly what you want to see in your New Earth. You have all created this New Earth together and Mother has given her bright blessings on Gaia’s new form. You will all indeed be there shortly for things are progressing very nicely.
The countries of Earth are lining up to take their place in line for GESARA and indeed for World Peace, which is part and parcel of GESARA. The domino’s are falling into place as you might say. We have planned this for many, many years. We lined things up, implemented our plans and now they are actualized. This is a thrill that I am grateful to experience now. We have indeed ALL worked so hard on this plan to bring the Light back to Gaia and we will ALL celebrate when every single atom of darkness has been expunged from Gaia.
Many events are set to come fast and furious now and don’t you dare worry about when or which one will occur first. Just stay in your blessed peace space of Love Work and keep imagining your New Earth and every single detail that you can conjure up for your highest good. Stay in the flow of Mother’s Love and know that you all will be protected and are blessed beyond measure.
I wish to add that it is your continued job duty to remain a Pillar of Light for those around you. Some events, such as Disclosure may upset people. Their lives will be disrupted and their eyes opened to things they never dreamt possible. Be the light that you are, shine your lights and send your love blasts worldwide. Remember that you are on Gaia for this purpose. 
Everyone has their own choice, their own life path and we must honor that. You can light the way with your love, but you are not responsible for another’s actions. Some may choose a different path than yours. You may decide to move into 5D and beyond while others may not wish to awaken and to go back to sleep. That is their choice. They will be taken to another future, another place to live out their days in a 3D world. This will be difficult for some of you to see and understand. Please know that you are doing your best but you may not be able to “save” everyone, possibly even some closest to you. Try to remain neutral if possible. This is the best course of action and will help to maintain your inner peace.
Light prevails, dear hearts! I thank you for your service and I wish you many, many years of bright blessings. You all deserve this experience of victory and the relief and joy on a project well done.
I thank you all for your service. I am your St Germain and wish you a fair and blessed evening. We will meet soon and celebrate together in love.

Please feel free to share!  My blog is always free.Message of Love through Dancing Dolphin http://dancingdolphinlove.blogspot.com/

Feeling Good is Feeling God.