Messages from Ann & the Angels – 02/18/2023 • Accepting Where You Are

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Right now, each of the 7.8 billion people on your planet is having a different and very unique experience of life. As we speak to you, we see a woman sitting by the pool behind her expansive home, juggling several charities she runs. She is concerned about the officers of one who doesn’t seem to be in alignment with her vision while simultaneously trying to coordinate dinner reservations with a group she must network with to fund her cause. Meanwhile, we see a young man who feels disempowered trying to figure out how to lie, cheat, and steal from those who care about him because he doesn’t understand yet that he is loved.

We see people waking up, walking to their market stalls before sunrise and firing up the burners beneath their woks, preparing their sauces and dishes to feed hungry customers later that day. We see brave souls rescuing wounded animals and courageous people rescuing children. We see people dressed in expensive suits going to their jobs in skyscrapers to negotiate with large companies that provide irrigation and energy systems for agriculture. We also see laborers toiling in the dirt to pick the lettuce that will feed these executives.

We see designers bent over the drawing board coming up with your future vehicles and artists passionately moving their visions from the invisible to the visible worlds. We see musicians packing and unpacking equipment to offer a few hours of blissful escape to their audience and electricians wiring outlets for their equipment. We see plumbers unclogging toilets, trash collectors and street sweepers keeping your neighborhoods clean, and cooks making food for the few or the masses.

We see mothers and fathers waking up early to take their children to school. We see children laughing in the playgrounds while other children sit huddled in dirty corners, hoping for food. We see the countless souls buried beneath the rubble of the recent earthquake, waiting for rescue or surrendering to their journey home. We see it all, dear ones, and we are with each and every one of you, all the time.

Whether you consider your experience glorious or terrible, we are with you, whispering loving encouragement to your spirit, reminding you of what you wanted to learn, how you wanted to grow, and how, even in the direst of circumstances you are seeking to give and receive love. We even see those buried beneath the rubble praying for their families as they surrender to the inevitability of their own journey to heaven.

Dear ones, you are always exactly where your vibration has placed you. We implore you not to judge yourselves or others by circumstance. You are not lucky if you sit by the pool and are not forsaken by God if you are in an earthquake. Some of those you consider fortunate feel far less love than those fighting for survival. Many souls, born and living in earthquake-shattered areas, are angels upon your earth. Some, before birth, volunteered to come, live shorter lives, and be part of a massive release of love within your planet earth. They knew their life and death would not be in vain but would further awaken the planet to your common humanity, compassion, and love. Even beyond the visible, they knew they would be part of vibrational unleashing of powerful frequencies of love. As they rode the wave of love released by your planet into the heavens, they felt the exhilaration of earth’s evolution and yours.

The majority of people in the earthquake-torn areas are generous souls, compassionate, caring, loving, and kind. Many barely have a loaf of bread for themselves, yet when they receive one, they share. Many have seen buildings crumble yet bravely return to rescue those trapped. Many have seen and felt horrors, yet their hearts remain open. These angels volunteered before birth to live in an area likely to go through such horror and pain, but from heaven, they were willing. Send them love.

If you sit in a comfortable life, do not make yourself wrong for this either. You have different lessons and different choices. You need not feel guilty for being alive, abundant, and well. If you were to give up all you had and die with those who left the planet, you would not do a bit of good. If you do what you can as you are guided, you become part of the collective awakening too – playing an easier role, to be sure, but still a part of this massive release of love.

Unleash your hearts, starting with yourselves. Choose to accept yourself, be kind to yourself, and then ask yourself quietly, “What do I feel called to do?” Maybe you are called to live your life in kindness. That is a vibration that is required right now. Trust that. You may be called to donate precisely one dollar to charity. You have answered the call of one person in need, and although you will not know them on this earth, you will someday learn about how that loaf of bread or first aid supply changed their life, gave them hope, and kept them going. You may be called to sit in spirit and ask to see who you can pray for on a given day. Trust the feeling or the image you see. Support someone in spirit. Perhaps you are called to ignore the world and play. Trust that. Lend your joy to the collective vibration because it is needed to uplift many who are in sorrow.

We are not talking about your actions in the physical world so much as the energy you emit. You would, of course, not “rub in” your well-being around those suffering, but you can quietly emanate peace, joy, love, caring, and compassion because those vibrations will touch them. You would not brag about your abundance to those in dire need. Still, you can instead emanate a vibration that says to the world, “God is generous, and out of the generosity of my soul, I am asking that all feel cared for, loved, supported, and protected.”

In the material world, do as you are guided, but in the spiritual realms, share your love, peace, joy, and compassion as vibrational contributions to humanity.

We don’t want a single one of you to feel guilty for living comfortably, nor do we want a single one of you who is suffering to feel forgotten, abandoned, or unloved. We wish for all of you equally an awareness of the love that flows unceasingly. We wish for all of you, equally, an awareness that you are all part of something so huge upon your planet in the history of humanity’s evolution that it is hard to put into words.

We are with the suffering right now. We are also with those of you who feel you “have it easy.” We are guiding all of you. We are comforting those of you in need. We are showing the way to the living so they can live their path and purpose, and we are holding the dying as they transition into the bliss of Divine love.

You are all, dear ones, despite appearance, or material condition, exactly where your soul has decided to be right here and now. You can of course, change that, but for now, don’t make yourself wrong. Don’t make others wrong. As the saying goes, you cannot judge a book by its cover. You can only know it by living the truth within.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Jeshua: The Teacher Energy

by Pamela Kribbe Frbruary 14,2023

Dear friends,

I am Jeshua. I greet you with love and warmth. You are so welcome here, here in this gathering and, in a broader sense, here on Earth.

There is such a need for you, you are making a difference. You have entered upon an inner path that helps to transform the consciousness on Earth, and that is needed at this time. There is a need for those who prepare the way, pioneers who are necessary to tread new paths of consciousness.

There is a lot of fear and deep suffering in the collective consciousness on Earth. And where this state of consciousness had to stay underground before, there are now movements that are bringing it to the surface, and that brings everything to the surface.

So there is a kind of collective cleansing process going on. The pain of the past, the pain that has piled up in the emotional and physical bodies of people, that pain is now very tangible and obvious.

You, who are here, are forerunners in consciousness. You are busy transforming your pain and increasing your consciousness, and, at the same time, you serve as a midwife and as a leader in this new time, in this transitional time.

I want you to be aware of this role that you play. Also, even when you are not publicly or actively open about your internal work, your lightwork consciousness, you are still contributing to the collective process of change. Being aware of this is important for you, because it enables you to receive help from guides and protective energies that bring you closer to your goal and aid you to move more smoothly along your path.

By being aware of how different you are, of your pioneering role, you are better able to understand yourself and be your own guide in the process you are going through. At the same time, you also become more visible to others, so they can benefit from what you know and what you have to give to this world.

Therefore, I now make a distinction between your personal self, with its personal path, and your transpersonal self, which you can also call your soul. By this transpersonal self or energy, I mean a kind of universal energy that is with you and that you are able to give to other people on Earth. I want to encourage you to feel this transpersonal energy now.

To do this, I ask you to first descend into your abdomen and to fully ground yourself. Sense the Earth current beneath your feet and become open to it so that you feel safe here and welcome. And the very reasons you are welcome on Earth are because of being different, of deviating from the common patterns, and of the inspiration you carry in your heart. Feel that welcome in the earthly stream that wants to come up through your feet and wants to greet you. Breathe quietly and lightly into your abdomen and feel how the gentle energy of Earth can flow up or rise into the area of your pelvis and give you a sense of security and relaxation.

Look throughout your energy field to see if anything stands out, particularly if you can see places of pain or areas of contraction or heaviness in your aura, those which you can feel in your body or those which you can perceive with your inner eye. And if you see something that stands out, then surround that pain with a bright and gentle consciousness. Look at it and send gentle energy to it.

Gentleness is the best remedy for old pain.

If you are in a hurry or you are impatient, you strengthen that pain, because the pain then feels it is not welcome. But when you gently say “yes” to old contractions, healing energy can enter into it all the way.

It is as with a hard stone. If you kick against the stone it remains what it is, it does not change inwardly; it only changes place. But when you gently attune to the hardened energy within yourself, then you can enter into and change those petrified, traumatized parts with gentle waves of warmth and acceptance.

It is the “yes” that opens doors. I ask you to do this now with the contracted, painful part you perceive inside yourself. You do not have to analyze where it comes from, or to know exactly what it is; you merely have to energetically enter into and surround this painful part with gentleness.

Once you have done this, I ask you to now experience the energy field around your body as more expanded, which is, in a sense, your expanded aura. Your energy field extends out from around your body, so go to its outer edge. Sense there the presence of a cosmic energy, a teacher energy; something that is working with you. It is a collaboration between your soul, your greater self, and a teacher energy that is right for you, that suits you.

There is a compatibility between you and this teacher energy. It is an appropriate vibration, therefore it feels natural. And sometimes you do not even know which is you or which is the more universal energy, the teacher energy.

I ask you now to feel or see the colors of this teacher energy. In whatever way you do that, I ask you to now connect with this transpersonal self that is with you and with which you can connect. Maybe you can ask for a name, for something that makes this teacher energy tangible. Or you may just feel or see it as a flow and that is also helpful.

Ask this energy for a form that is visible to you: “What is our task together?” You may also receive images or words about what you are going to do with this energy. Finally, ask to receive a personal message from this teacher energy in you: “What is good for me to know?”

This guide or teacher energy wants to work together with you and wants to personally support you in your transformation process – welcome it warmly. You are making the choice; you are the one who chooses to work together or not; you are not required to do it.

It is a choice you make; a choice that sometimes leads to intense moments and processes, but also deeply gives you more freedom and joy on Earth.

With this I will end.

Thank you so much for your attention.

Come Together

couple lying together on the grass
Photo by cottonbro studio on

Get grounded, dear children of The Universe! During this particular phase it will be very important to remain in your body and fully aware of what is going on with your Earth plane existence. If you see others floundering, reach out a helping hand. If you see a brother or sister untethered and floating away on the energy wave, help them put their feet on the ground and tell them how important being here, now is. This is going to be an all-in experience…each and every one of you is needed because things are going to flip on a dime. It is time to come together in peace/love to change your world and you are the key! ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner

the final frontier of your enlightenment process is finally shifting into the love and acceptance you have been yearning for so deeply from yourself.-Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young-

On this day that celebrates love, we hope you will expand your focus to see the love that exists everywhere for you, if only you have the eyes to see…

  • Mother Earth gives you flowers every day.
  • The sun warms and heals you.
  • Your body serves you tirelessly by offering you a vehicle for your soul.
  • Your guides love you, encourage you, and cheer you on through your earthly adventures.

Whether you have a partner or not, there is so much love to wrap yourself up in if you can shift your focus from lack to abundance.

But more than anything, the love you truly crave is love for yourself. In fact, we would even go so far as to say all the love you can see around you serves the purpose of showing you how worthy you are of love, and to remind you to shift into loving and accepting yourself.

Again we say ~ the final frontier of your enlightenment process is finally shifting into the love and acceptance you have been yearning for so deeply from yourself.

From that space of inclusion, you become the true embodiment of love, allowing it to effortlessly flow to you and through you, becoming one with your truth and your purpose.  Like all other things spiritual ~ unconditional love and unity consciousness cannot be fully experienced from externals. They are the ultimate gifts you must give to yourself, and from there, all the truly wondrous things that you seek become possible.

Valentine’s Ecstatic Dance : A Gift from my heart to yours.

graceful ethnic model with white flower behind back
Photo by Anna Shvets on

If you’ve never heard of ecstatic dance, you’re not alone. Think of ecstatic dance as dance cardio’s more free-spirited cousin. Yes, it’s common in spiritual communities, but don’t worry, it doesn’t require Wild Wild Country levels of commitment. The experience of a ecstatic dance, which has been around for thousands of years, can actually be incredibly beneficial for the mind, body, and spirit. And it happens to be a whole lot of fun. “The first time I experienced ecstatic dance, I felt like a portal of new expression opened up,” says Cara Patton, who does ecstatic dancing once a week in her home city of Eugene, Oregon. “As a kid, I took ballet lessons and I was never quite able to follow the moves, and I sort of wrote off dancing. But the great thing about ecstatic dance is that I have complete freedom to move however I want.” Patton adds that the ecstatic dance community emphasizes consent and ways to nonverbally express boundaries, which she loves. “I enjoy this way of movement so much that I’ll be hosting a special ecstatic dance session at my wedding this summer.” But how does it work, exactly? Let’s take a closer look. Inside an ecstatic dance class Ecstatic dance ceremonies are held regularly all over the US (check out a few of them here), and it’s safe to say that no two are the same. Sunday mornings are an especially popular time to engage in an ecstatic dance ceremony, according to Patton, and they’re sober: No alcohol or drugs. And no cellphones, either—so if you’re looking for a ‘Gram-worthy shot, you won’t be getting it at an ecstatic dance ceremony. Ecstatic dance ceremonies are held in auditoriums, yoga studios, dance halls—really anywhere the organizers want to hold them—and people typically come in, remove their shoes, and form a circle where they all hold hands. It’s all about inclusivity, meaning people of all ages, sizes, and abilities attend these ceremonies. The music is usually electronic, with jungle beats mixed in. Each ceremony usually has 50 or so people, and after the introductions, people are encouraged to move however they feel like moving. In other words, there are no steps to follow: Just a rhythm to surrender yourself to. The dance is entirely improvisational, and the hope is that by the end of the session the dancers feel more spiritually in tune with themselves. Another great thing about ecstatic dance? It’s all about inclusivity, meaning people of all ages, sizes, and abilities attend these ceremonies. According to Patton, it’s not rare to see people in wheelchairs expressing themselves through ecstatic dance. Your body on (dance) ecstasy Since ecstatic dance is a form of movement, it gets the endorphins flowing. And it’s common to experience a bit of a high during an ecstatic dance ceremony (similar to a runner’s high), experts say, especially since the movement is so fast and free-flowing. Another benefit of ecstatic dance is the community aspect. Patton says people often make friends at ecstatic dance ceremonies—especially if they attend them regularly—and studies show that feeling a strong sense of community is beneficial to happiness. It’s common to experience a bit of a high during an ecstatic dance ceremony (similar to a runner’s high). And if you’re looking to get in touch with your spiritual side, ecstatic dance is an excellent way to make that happen. The entire ceremony is spiritual from start to finish, and most people report leaving feeling connected to a higher sense of being. While ecstatic dance isn’t for everyone, don’t let the hippie-ish aspect deter you. It just might fill you with joy and make you feel (at least a skosh) more spiritually enlightened—plus, you may even make some new friends along the way.

A special gift for Valentine’s day for you all here, particularly those who never tried ecstatic dance. this is an invitation to love yourself even more today . It starts at 18h00 Central European Time

article posted originally at

Thoughts of “I’m not going to take it or do it any longer.” Or “This relationship or action is not worth the stress.” Or “I’m done; I’m out of here.” Thoughts and actions that were likely counterproductive in 3D but are exhilarating and expansive now.

woman doing yoga
Photo by KoolShooters on

Dear Ones,

Many of you have inklings of new thoughts or actions, but you are afraid to acknowledge them because they seem odd or not like who you thought you were.

Even though your current phase highlights who you want to be or what you wish to do, it is almost too frightening to contemplate because it is so unlike 3D you.

ThreeD was a time of acceptance, playing it safe, and staying within boxes of rightness. Your new world is exactly the opposite. So your inner thoughts of rebellion seem wrong or frightening. “What if someone I love no longer wants to be with me?” What if I’m picking up false inner signals?” “What if this statement ruins the bridges I’ve built?” And on and on – questioning your right to be you.

This is not a time of quiet acceptance, which was your action mode for eons. It is a time of new thoughts, statements, and actions. None of which might display who you thought you were or even who you wanted to be.

Many of you imagined new you would be action-oriented but gentle and loving. Instead, you discover what you might consider nasty thoughts, words, or actions. Thoughts of “I’m not going to take it or do it any longer.” Or “This relationship or action is not worth the stress.” Or “I’m done; I’m out of here.” Thoughts and actions that were likely counterproductive in 3D but are exhilarating and expansive now.

Your expectations of a new loving you do not seem possible now or ever. You feel as if you are in the midst of a toddler tantrum that is removing layers of stress. And even though you question your need to be so direct, honest, and at times, nasty, it feels as if you are finally being heard.

But not all those hearing your new thoughts are interested in remaining within your circle of special people. So it is that, once again, you are reducing the number in your inner circle, causing you to feel both consternation and self-pride.

It is as if you are up-chucking the fears, angst, and anger you retained within you to maintain that relationship or title. You are done pretending to be 3D. You are done pretending to be who you are no longer. And most of all, you are done pretending you love everyone and everything.

Loving everyone and everything was an initial New Age philosophy. Something you were fearful you could not achieve – because it is not achievable. You cannot be on your path if you do not negate uncomfortable paths.

Love is not bad. But there are degrees of love or acceptance. You can allow someone to disagree with you without harming them, yet you do not need to change your thoughts or beliefs to retain that relationship. Or change yourself unless it feels right to do so.

There are still earth beings who promote 3D fear and anger. You can accept their right to do so without shifting your beliefs or caretaking them.

Perhaps that concept seems counter-intuitive because, in 3D, you were taught to love your neighbor. And some new earth gurus indicate that your love has to include every earth being. Such is a nice thought, but doing so would push you off your path.

Loving everyone negates your need to love yourself.

You can love the idea that others have a right and need for their unique path. But if you force yourself to love everyone despite differences of opinions, actions, and words, you again ignore self-love and force yourself into a box of rightness.

Instead of listening to who you should be – a 3D model – allow yourself to flow into who you are without shoulds, including the should of having to love and therefore support everyone.

You have a different directional compass now. A compass that allows you to know what is right for you. Is loving everyone your true north? Then do so. But we of the Universes venture to guess that your true north does not include those remaining in 3D fear – for that would mean enmeshing yourself in that fear.

You are now a participant observer, which means you no longer need to wallow in the pain of others.

You allow others to find their way beyond 3D if they wish, but you will not stand beside them or hold them as they fight to the end to retain their fears.

Even though you likely care about every living entity now, you are no longer required or want to play the 3D role of removing the fears of others – for you cannot. Those beyond 3D are doing that for themselves. And those remaining in 3D do not wish to change.

Your only role is to be yourself. And that includes shielding yourself from the 3D model of everyone is more important than you.

In this new model, you are the center of your world. You lovingly relate to those who dance in your world but are not that interested in those with different agendas. You are the center and most important element of you. A complete reversal of the 3D role of everyone but you is your center.

Claim yourself without fear, angst, or regret. You are just beginning to understand how different new you and the new world are. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

The Creator Writings ~ Ready Or Not by Jennifer Farley, February 12, 2023.

strong sportsmen ready for running on stadium
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Ready or not, here it comes! With the next big wave arriving, it is best to keep yourself as grounded as possible and to remind yourself, on a moment-to-moment basis if necessary, to not take anything personally. This is where the boundaries you have been practicing will come in handy. The skills and tool you have been given and trying out these past few weeks will be an integral part of moving through the current energy.

You are and have become stronger since this particular journey has begun, but that does not mean you have to go it alone. Reach out to like-minded friends/family, and let them know you will be there if needed. Once this very important phase is concluded, some of the changes you may have been manifesting will take place in your personal world, as well as globally. You are ready for this, it is possible, and you will be amazing throughout!

~ Creator

Opening to Love’s Flow | The Angels via Ann Albers

Message from the Angels 02/11/2023

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

We know many of you are devastated by the massive earthquake that rocked your planet last week. Collectively, once again, the human family is realizing that you are all in this together. You are part of the earth – a living organism in which your souls are cells in her body. You have called for love, and yet there is so much resistance to love in so many individual lives that Mother Earth herself had to create a release for this pressure. She moves, shakes, and settles more deeply into a new skin, in much the same way you move, stretch, and shake when you feel the tension that must be released in your own body.

Each one of you is a microcosm of the whole. So many of you who are sensitive have been feeling this shaking and quaking in your own minds, hearts, and bodies. It is the movement arising from the spark of Divinity within, trying to help you settle into your new “skin,” so to speak. Collectively and individually, you have all changed these past few years, and it is not possible to backward.

You can no longer ignore your feelings without feeling increased emotional pressure. You can no longer ignore your body. You can no longer ignore that still, small voice calling you forward with love. It is becoming increasingly difficult and often painful to ignore your hearts. Imagine standing in a trickle of water. Resistance is no big deal. Now imagine trying to resist the flow of a vast and swiftly moving river. You would exert far more energy and effort to fight that flow.

We have been busy in the heavens welcoming home the countless souls who have transitioned in this recent quake. We have huge celebrations with them. They know that their death looks tragic to those of you here on earth. They also see and feel the love that has been released. They know that humanity is allowing it to flow in a greater measure even as we speak. Religious conflicts and cultural biases are put aside in such a catastrophe. You relate to one another soul-to-soul, ignoring superficial differences. You reach out to those you have never met. You share with those you will never know. You are finding your hearts even more deeply, dear ones, while loving and assisting one another.

You need not wait for disaster to release the love within. You need not ignore your hearts. Whether or not anyone told you how lovable, worthy, deserving, and unique you are, we, in the heavens, want you to accept that this is our view of your incredible souls! It takes courage to come to earth. It takes courage to dive into the contrast, perceived separation, and challenges that inspire such monumental expansions of love. You have only our love, our respect, and our support.

It is time to allow love to flow. Do you feel like resting? Shut your eyes for a few moments and relax. Do you feel like ignoring a phone call? Please do it. You can call back later. Do you feel like finding something that will inspire you? Then sit quietly and imagine feeling inspired. Ask us for help, and then listen to your heart when it guides you in the smallest ways. Tiny steps often lead to big revelations and big changes. Do you want more kindness on your planet? Then be kind, starting by being kind to yourself.

We are here for you. Not one of you is without angels, guidance, love, and support. Call on us. Shut your eyes, breathe, and receive our love. These are tumultuous times, but they are also times when there is great potential for love, expression, and a newly emerging world. Even as you redefine yourselves, embrace your worthiness, and intend for your connections, Mother earth is doing the same. Reach out to your brothers and sisters in need in whatever way you are inspired – with love, prayer, kindness, support, etc. Your world is slowly but surely moving into an understanding of its deep connections with one another and with the cosmos at large.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Even if you feel like you are doing nothing, know that just the presence of your state of consciousness is helping to lift the world collective…Everything I have been seeking, I already am.

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FEBRUARY 12, 2023

Welcome, dear readers. Know that we and the many others presently working with you from this side honor, respect, and appreciate the work you are doing on the front lines. Even if you feel like you are doing nothing, know that just the presence of your state of consciousness is helping to lift the world collective. We are assisting earth’s ascension process from this side but you have the more difficult job of working in it while not of it.

This message is about trust. You came to earth filled with hope and excitement, confident that you were well prepared to play a role in earth’s ascension process but after years of waiting with seemingly no change, many of you are finding that your trust in the process is waning.
Ask yourselves, have you put your trust in three dimensional concepts about the ascension process–how it would or should look, unfold, and when?

Ascension energy is presently being experienced by most as the weakening of trust the majority has always held for government, health care, education, and religious leaders, which indicates collective awakening and personal empowerment. Waning trust in and the questioning of long established authorities however subtle, is a sign of change and awakening–the ascension process.

Even the spiritually awake may be tempted to lose trust when looking out at a world of chaos, war, increasing acts of violence, natural disasters, and “leaders” more focused on getting re-elected and playing “king of the castle” than working for the good of those they were elected to serve. You may ask; “Was I wrong about all this? Is there really a Divine Plan? Is earth really ascending to a higher dimension?”

You are spiritually ready and prepared for the work you came to do which is to live in the three dimensional world but not be of it through a consciousness that understands that the negativity now rampant around the world indicates the presence of high frequency Light breaking down much that has held mankind in bondage.

Temples built on sand must crumble and dissolve both within and without in order for that which is of a new and higher resonance to replace them. The habit of interpreting world issues as being three dimensional problems having nothing to do with the ascension process remains strong. Release any concepts about how things should or should not be because the human mind is unable to see the bigger picture. Stand in the Light of your highest spiritual awareness and simply observe.

High frequency energies pouring to earth at this time as well as those you automatically carry with you in consciousness are serving to break apart that which is out of alignment with them. This means that many traditions, beliefs, and many so called “right” ways are and will continue to collapse. False beliefs are created, held in place, and maintained only through the belief in them and never by God. As increasingly more awaken to oneness and the higher truths, much that has been created from beliefs of duality , separation, and two powers will simply fade away.

You may wonder about so many natural disasters but remember, earth is a living soul who must also clear pockets of lower resonating and dense energy. Gaia’s body and waterways have been mindlessly polluted, built on, used for war, her parts depleted (oil, minerals etc.), used as a dump for garbage and nuclear waste, covered in concrete, de-forested, poisoned, and considered as something to be used selfishly for monetary gain by humans for generations. Gaia is a living soul, a Divine Idea in the Mind of God and she has chosen reclaim herSelf.

A second and important point with regard to natural disasters is that for many they are an introduction to the idea of oneness. They often serve to open the hearts and minds of those who have believed themselves to be separate from the problems or needs of others. For the first time they are beginning to take notice, acknowledge, and even assist the needs and struggles of others. It may well be their first step in opening to oneness.

Everything embodied in Divine Consciousness is held infinitely in place by Divine Law which cannot be broken or changed. If lack, disease, limitation, or discords of any kind were embodied in Divine Consciousness, they would automatically exist forever, held in place by Divine Law, and never able to be changed or be healed. This is why it is foolish and in fact idolatry, to beg, pray, or make sacrifices to some three dimensional concept of God in an attempt to get him to fix, heal, and change something that does not even exist in reality and simply gives more energy to the illusion,

Trust that because there is only ONE, IT is the foundation, law, and substance of all that exists. Where could anything other than this IT come from? Knowing and accepting this automatically begins one’s evolutionary journey toward it becoming a realized state of consciousness where these truths will then begin to express outwardly. Never lose sight of the fact that an intellectual knowledge of some truth is only the first step, it must become one’s consciousness before it can manifest because consciousness is the substance of form.

Spiritual awareness means no longer judging appearances by commonly accepted concepts about how things must or should be in order to be right. Let go of any beliefs about what is right and wrong or good and bad and know that good material appearances are just as illusory as the bad ones. God is…period. Allow yourselves to accept and fully trust that there really is a God infinitely expressing, manifesting ITself as… Beliefs contrary to this constitute mind formed concepts of reality–illusion.

Ask yourself; “Would or could an omnipresent God take pleasure in the suffering and destruction of ITself in expression as people, earth, animals, nature spirits, elementals, and the many other life forms that humans are not aware of? If there is only ONE Life, why does the majority believe itself to be separate from other life forms? How could a self-sustained, self-maintained Source form ITself as something destructive to ITself? What do I believe? What and who is the God of my consciousness?

Respond to the inner doubts that may come floating into your awareness by reminding yourself that abundance already is, safety already is, health already is, harmony already is, completeness already is. There is no need to struggle, pray, do ceremonies and rituals, beg or plead, offer pain and suffering to God in the belief that God loves your suffering, go to church, or refrain from all things human etc. in order to attain that which is already fully present in and as you.

Believe, trust, and live truth and it will become a state of consciousness that knows and experiences–

Everything I have been seeking, I already am.

We are the Arcturian Group 2/12/23

Donations are welcomed

Feel More Than Fine at World Sound Healing Day Feb.14th 2023

Ecstatic Dance (Workshop and DJ SET) on Valentine’s Day for You All going live at 18h00 Central European Time (Ibiza, Spain)

Everything is energy, vibration and frequency, it all comes together while we are doing what we love most and one of the things i am mostly enthusiastic about is playing Music in a 100% Healthy Environment . This is where Our Souls truly connect in Oneness and Unity of Spirit. This is where my gifts are activated to the fullest benefiting my audience to truly raise their vibration in the core of their being through dancing as i channel Pure Love & Light from Mother Father God while I DJ.
I invite you to have a glass of water or fresh organic juice and then start moving freely to the beats i play in the next hour.

I Am The Light.
You Are The Light.
We Are The Light.
Infinite Abundance in Peace, Love, Joy, Freedom, Excellent Health For All That is.

I Love You. Namaste. And High Vibes!!!!

Nikos Akrivos

I, Saint-Germain invite you to take a moment several times a day to focus within your being, to breathe deeply, to ask to receive all that you need at this stage of your reality and your ascension.

Channeled through Natalie Glasson

Greetings, beloved beings of light. I am Saint Germain and come forth with love, truth transformation, and spiritual magic to serve you at this time, I wish to promote within your daily reality, a moment of silence in order to allow yourself to breathe in time with the Universe of the Creator and to breathe in time with your entire being on all the many levels and dimensions of your being.

The purpose of this is to rebalance your being and your energies. Your energy flow and your ability to receive the Creator will be balanced allowing you a moment of what you need.

What do you need to nurture and nourish your being in this stage of your ascension? What do you need to take the next step forward in your ascension?

This means that our moment of silence for you will be completely different from another person, and each time you achieve it you may gain something different. It is important in spiritual growth to receive what you need.

The mind creates beautiful patterns, ideas and limitations, sometimes distracting from the pathway that is needed or the understanding or clarity that is required. With a moment of silence, where you breathe in time with the Universe of the Creator and you breathe in time with your entire being, you allow yourself to balance and receive all that is necessary.

Not necessarily, what you want, but what you need. Can you imagine how powerful it would be if every being on the Earth stopped at the same time and achieve this practice? Every being would receive what they need to support them in ascension and their reality. Therefore, as a collective, everyone would receive what they needed as well. It would be a very powerful transformation.

When an Ascension shift and wave of energy flows from the Universe of the Creator and the core of the Creator, this is what all beings within the universe of the Creator, the inner planes achieve. They have a moment of silence where they breathe in time with the Creator and all that is the Creator and therefore are able to receive everything that they need to nurture and nourish themselves. So, I Saint Germain invite you to achieve the same in your reality.

Firstly, the word silence can be quite misleading. However, there doesn’t seem to be a word that truly describes this moment. Maybe the best description would be a moment of presence, being present with all that is the Creator or a moment of receiving what you need. When we use the word silence, it often dictates that the sound is turned down, there are no thoughts in your mind, and that your surroundings need to be quiet, but this is not the case.

It is easy for people upon the Earth to take a moment of silence, where they reflect within, it is an understanding that is well-known. Please be aware your thoughts do not need to be silent, nor does your outside reality. It is simply a moment of inner reflection and connection.

Secondly, being open to what you need is something that is lacking in humanity upon the Earth.

Many drive forth the thoughts of what they believe they need but very few open to simply accept what the Creator believes is appropriate for them. Sometimes there are numerous blocks even in the process of receiving.

Do you believe yourself capable of receive everything that the Creator wishes to share with you, to really receive it and embody it, taking it into your being and utilizing it in a way that serves you. Simply holding the intention allows you to achieve this process with greater ease.

It doesn’t matter if you are unable to grasp what you are being given. There is essentially no need for understanding with the mind.

The most important aspect is the intention of receiving and embodying, and so I, Saint-Germain invite you to take a moment several times a day to focus within your being, to breathe deeply, to ask to receive all that you need at this stage of your reality and your ascension.

Then to hold the intention or to ask to breathe in the same rhythm as your entire being, your divine self, all the many levels and layers of your being and of course, your physical body as well.

Then when you feel it is appropriate, ask to breathe in time, in rhythm, with the Universe of the Creator. Simply continue to focus on inhaling deeply and exhaling deeply.

As you focus on your breathing, certain inspiration, awareness, vision, symbols, colors, thoughts, or sensations, may come into your awareness, simply observe and bring your attention back to your breathing.

This is an immensely nurturing process. It is a special gift of insight and remembrance that I wish to share with you.

I thank you. I am Saint Germain.

your inner work. That work need not be heavy. You are invited to create as much peace, happiness, contentment, joy and love in your life as you can possibly squeeze into every hour.

Jennifer Crokaert ~ Divine Mother: Your Higher Heart

photo of a woman holding an ipad
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Jennifer: Welcome Divine Mother. I wanted to ask you about an unusual occurrence that I experienced last night.

Divine Mother: Welcome and blessings to you all, it is a joy to have the opportunity to connect with each one of you. When you open to my words, my vibration, and allow that energy flow through you, you flood your nervous system with my vibrations of peace, love and gentleness.

J: That was lovely, I had not thought of it like that before: when we read a channel, we are inviting that being not only to share their wisdom and insight, but the healing of their vibration.

DM: Yes! That is why we value the opportunities offered by meditation, by heart-felt conversations with us (or prayer, if you prefer that) or through channels, whether they are music, art, dance, words…

Now, you wished to discuss what happened last night, and it is important, so let us begin.

J: Yes, I was lying awake in the middle of the night, wondering what I should do next with my life as we go through this great transition. What is my highest calling? What practical steps should I take now? Where am I resisting these? I think you know those answers better than I do!

In the flurry of thoughts, I realised with clarity that all I need do is raise my vibration. I was gifted a Prife wand, and the feeling I have after using that is like the rise in vibration after a deep meditation. As I thought about that vibration, I felt the energies about me change, as though energy streamers were circling through and around me, relaxing me, expanding me.  I became aware of an intense physical sensation (pain would be too strong a word) in the area described as the High Heart chakra, about 4 inches (8 cm) above the Heart chakra.

The energy concentrated there, as if it were drilling, for a long time. It was intense, but my body was so relaxed, I didn’t resist it. After a very long time, the ‘drilling’ sensation reached my back. Having been awake for hours, I soon fell asleep. Care to comment?!

DM: I would be delighted to comment! You, my beloved light workers and love holders, have undertaken to embody love on Gaia in the time of greatest darkness. Part of the distortion of the overarching darkness was a distortion of love.

It was clear that humans are wired for love, a wide, expansive divine love. However, to diminish its potency, love was downgraded to a romantic love that could be short-lived at best, and familial love, for your children, your parents, those close to you. They were distorted by notions of duty, martyrdom, piety and self-sacrfice over milennia, in order to further diminish your Divine Power and creative expression.

The vast expansiveness of Divine Love was watered down so much that the chakra expression of higher, less personalised love, became dormant. As the vibration on Gaia rises rapidly now, that chakra, along with others that are more subtle, are coming back online, re-energised and ready to assist your divine expression as you enter more subtle energies.

As your Ascension moment draws near, your more subtle chakras will become stronger and more powerful, as you access ‘new’ talents, abilities and understandings, all filtered into you through these subtle chakras and anchored within you by these subtle chakras. You see how powerful they are? Why closing down the subtle chakras was so important?

J: I do. So has this only come online now within me? Forgive me, I was hoping it had happened a long time ago ~ says she with no arrogance whatsoever!

DM: Not at all! They have been activated in many, many light workers and love holders. You might like to consider this an upgrade! You are aware of all the third eye / sinus headaches you have been getting, this is the same. A lot of work is carried out when you are sleeping, when you are in expanded states of contentment, bliss, joy ~ another incentive to choose your happiness over obligation and fear! As you take greater leaps of expansion, the reactivation and refinement process goes deeper, so you feel it more. Plus, you are also becoming more sensitive to your own energy fields, increasing how much you perceive as well.

J: Wow! That’s all rather exciting. So, I have to ask, can you tell me anything about solar flashes? Ascension moments? I appreciate dates are a ‘no-go’ on your side…and the word ‘soon’ is a no-go on our side!

DM: Then I revert to our standard response! Time is not the trip-switch; vibration is the trip-switch. Focusing on dates distracts you from the real focus: your inner work. That work need not be heavy. You are invited to create as much peace, happiness, contentment, joy and love in your life as you can possibly squeeze into every hour.

Yes, that is hard. The matrix is formed to keep you small, disempowered and fearful. Becoming optimistic, creating your own moments of happiness…these are acts of revolution. This is how to bring down the system from the inside: you choose love over fear, expansion over contraction, gentleness over pride, anger, stress, impatience…

You are not novices at this. You know what to do. I am just reaffirming your knowing and your commitment. The deeper you go into your own joy, the deeper you go ‘behind enemy lines’ to borrow a war term. And you all know that you are in a war against the darkness right now. It takes courage to move against the crowd, it takes courage to choose the light when everyone else wants to discuss the darkness. I know that. I see each one of you reading these words living courageously every day.

There are no small acts of courage.

There are no small acts of love.

J: Thank you so much, that was wonderful.

DM: I am with you all. All ways.

Copyright © 2023 Jennifer Crokaert YouTube

Short and straight to the point – Nikos Akrivos –

yellow and black wooden cabinet
Photo by cottonbro studio on

High Vibes everyone, a short update for ya all so far through my perspective : 1. There is one main Agenda being played out now, The Agenda of bringing forward New Earth, that’s Divine Mother’s plan and everything follows that lead meaning : there won’t be any nuclear war, NATO in this now is being completely dismantled. 2. More than 200 countries signed GESARA meaning that we are into the peace ERA already. What we witness is the last attempts from cabal remaining factions to low collective’s vibration. They know they have lost and they try all they can still to stop this from taking place. 3. We are at the finish line, it was a marathon not a sprint, a marathon of 1000s of years that now is being reversed in very accelerated ways as we can all witness through the intensity of Light = Solar flares arriving on the planet. The Light has never been stronger. 4. This is why our main work is to absorb light through our breath and open like flowers to receive the light and be ok if at times it feels wired or strange…our DNA is being activated to go from 10% up to 20% and more. (Watch Lucy the movie, which is not a movie but a documentary). 5. The cabal and all light beings across the universe know that we are the most powerful ones once our DNA is activated. Cabal very afraid of this. And they know it is already too late for them. All light being are assisting us every time we request support. We never alone. 6. Remaining in High Vibes is the best service one can offer to whole creation . 7. The passage of a green comet few days ago, that comes through every 50,000 completely destroyed the old 3d matrix. It is done. 8. Cosmic forgiveness, using the violet fire in all circumstances is a most fabulous practice in this now. Free yourselves from all karma once and for all. Much Love and High Vibes, Nikos

woman in white long sleeve shirt standing near white and gray house during daytime
Photo by Julian Jagtenberg on

Constantly evolving, continually maturing, and most definitely always daring. For new and adventuresome are now synonymous with your being and will be forevermore.

Your Ever-Changing Buffet

flatlay of assorted nutritious food
Photo by Vanessa Loring on

Dear Ones,

You likely want to know what will happen tomorrow, next month, next year, and the remainder of your earth life. Perhaps you think you need to know it all so you can make any necessary changes. In truth, you want to control your life and the earth’s existence. For you believe your new world will be entirely controlled by your rightness.

You have forgotten that everyone is or is becoming a powerful, unique individual. So just as you can no longer control others, you cannot control yourself. Believing you can control your life is no different than a toddler assuming they know what is best for themselves now and forever.

You will evolve continuously throughout your current earth life. And as you do, your future, interests, and needs will evolve. So that which was important to you or anyone yesterday might no longer be so tomorrow.

That last statement presents a quandary, for if you cannot determine your future, what is the purpose of your insight and new skills? Why would you have extrasensory perceptions if you are not certain of a move before you take it?

Perhaps you imagined that your ongoing life will be filled with the knowingness of immediately selecting your direction and why you chose it. Instead, you will be offered more options – all of which will be right for you, but all will shift you in different directions. In essence, your life will be more confusing because your interests will shift with the day and the times.

There is no longer a straight line of rightness. Nor is there a fear of selecting the wrong path. Even so, initially, that openness of being and selection will be frightening and confusing. It will seem as if you have a never-ending buffet of choices – all of which seem right for that day or time. And as you select one buffet item, you will hunger for the items you did not choose. As if you placed everything you dreamed of in one location, and you cannot decide which one you should select.

That initial fear is merely a replay of some of your 3D experiences. Your buffet will change constantly as you shift your interests and knowingness. But instead of needing to select one buffet item, thinking you can never return for the other items, you will soon understand that your ever-changing buffet is always available.

An apt 3D analogy of what you expect in your new world is selecting your life career as a young adult via your college degree. Encouraging or sometimes forcing you to maintain a profession despite discovering a disinterest in that profession soon after graduating.

In your new world, you have no parameters encouraging you to think or be in one direction – and never will again.

After your initial concern that you must select and be content with one buffet item, you will understand that you can return to the buffet whenever you wish – and that the buffet items will shift as you evolve or mature.

So neither you nor we of the Universes can ever completely foresee your future, no matter how many new skills you access. For just as love has many dimensions and descriptors, so too will your new life in your new world.

Constantly evolving, continually maturing, and most definitely always daring. For new and adventuresome are now synonymous with your being and will be forevermore. So be it. Amen To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2023, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

I am Source. Please enjoy my presence as I so enjoy yours.

Source via Galaxygirl | February 5, 2023

Source 2/5/2023

I am Source. I am the out-breath and the in-breath and the in-between. I breathe atoms and universes into existence. I am that I am. I breathed you into existence. You are my beloved children, creators in your own right, and I am very proud of your achievements. (I am seeing parents with happy tears in the stands as they watch their children graduate on the field). It is much like that. Gaia has graduated and those upon her made it possible. You are experiencing the great changes and your light is needed to anchor this change deeply into the hearts of men and women whose eyes have yet to see. There is much that has been veiled from humanity, there has been tremendous deception and darkness. There is also tremendous truth and light. The light that I am, that we are, is making a profound difference and has won the war. It is not yet time to celebrate on your realm as you are still in the midst of the changeover but know that whatever is happening I celebrate you, and I support you.

I am Source. You are my children, my flames of light that are carrying the torch for freedom. I am filling you with freedom codes so that you may ignite them with your very presence. You will be protected in the earth changes. Remember those that choose to pass on have soul contracts to do so. And who are you to deny them that? When a soul is on a journey, it is their destiny to succeed but do not pretend to know the intimate thoughts and inner-workings of a multidimensional soul. They may not even be aware of their own need or choice, and in fact they most likely will not. But that does not invalidate it. And so you hold space for them in their choice point. You hold love and light literally for the planet and those upon her. This one has been picturing sending light deep within the planet so that it radiates out and fills all of the planet with calming light and peace. You may try this. Whatever works for you is fine, but visualizing light, visualizing peace, visualize calming of the waters and it will assist Gaia.

There are more than two earths. There are many earths, there are many yous, there are multitudes of realities and dimensions and universes. Just as there are more than one mitochondria in an organism, just as they are too numerous to count, the failsafes for this divine orchestration are too numerous to count. I have personally set my seal of light upon this project. I set my seal of light upon you. Success is the only option. There will be great upheaval but great opportunity for miracles and tremendous faith to blossom. All is well.

Regarding prayer, prayer is communication with me, with your angles and guides, with your team. Do not be flummoxed with who to pray to in that sense. It has been confusing for those who were deep within the church after their awakening to know who to pray to, who to talk to? There has been so much confusion. If you talk with me you are covering all of your bases for I am All that is and I love you as I love myself. I am love. We are all here to help you and to guide you on your way. But sending prayers of light and protection are always a good idea. Wrap yourself in this light and space of peace. Wrap your world in light and see it forever change.

There will be many topographical and dimensional shifts. There will be a crumbling of that which you knew so that a different and better higher dimensional society can thrive and flourish. This project has continued longer than anyone would have wished. I am bringing my children home to me, or at least to the next level of their development. Those that chose to not evolve yet will be still evolving as they are in deep soul rehabilitation while others will be in Summerland to rest and relax and slowly learn the lessons of this lifetime that they were not awake enough to see and process. Others will be on New Earth and traveling back and forth to help those that are on the changing earth and help hold the bridge so that they may traverse it with ease. There will be much trauma to clear from this lifetime as this has been the cumulative lifetime, of all of your lifetimes. This has been the hardest in a away for it is the culmination of lessons learns and traumas to be cleared.

I am Source. I am with you in the pain. I am with you in the journey. I am within you, I walk along side you and I carry you. Think of the Footprints poem. Yes, I carry you but yes I also made the sand, I breathed the ocean an all within it and I am the stability of the rock beneath the sand and the vast space that surrounds the floating planet. I am all of it. I love you so completely. I love us for what we have accomplished. Thank you for helping eachother. You are all of tremendous service to the light. You will find that it will be continuously easier to communicate with me as your cells are higher up in dimension and the communication will be more effortless.

I am Source. Please enjoy my presence as I so enjoy yours. We are a team, you and I and we are unbeatable.

~ galaxygirl

I am the Green Comet.

Green Comet 2/2/2023

Greetings, lighted beings. I too am a being of light. I am many colors within as I embody rainbow light. I bring the harmony of green to this war-torn area of the solar system. I am the green comet. I approach with great abandon and speed and yet on a certain trajectory for my path is carved straight and true. I fly though the breath of Creator. As do you. You too upon your earth are flying through space at an incredible speed. As your bodies morph and change inter-dimensionally. I would argue that you are traveling as fast as I, and yet, you see stagnation for you are within body and within time constraints. I have no constraints. Your scientists say that I will approach again in another 50,000 years. That concept of time means nothing to me. I am light itself traveling within a body of solid and gas, I am light in form. You are light in human body form. We are the same. I am having fun harmonizing your energetics. I show myself as green, the color of love, of life, of new beginnings. The dragons are with me. They fly along side me and try to beat my time. I let them! (I sense teasing friendly banter between her and the dragons. The dragons are laughing which create little smoke rings, and the comet’s laugh rings like a bell.) Such camaraderie as we swish through space!

I am the Green Comet. I am feminine in nature, filled with precious things, precious energies of love, balance and harmony. I am an exclamation point of love that is being sent to your world as a fly by, as a blown kiss. I am feminine. I am balanced. I am fast. I am free. I sent to you great love, great tidings of tremendous hope. All is not lost. Humanity is finding itself again against insurmountable circumstances or so it would appear but you will realize that they are very much surmountable and you are doing it!

I am the Green Comet that you see in your sky for not much longer. Many of you are sad and disappointed that perhaps your city lights and mountains dissuaded a clear view of me. But know that I am harmonizing the heart chakras by bringing green to the skies. Your aurora borealis is much like me, your inner sun shines and emits green love light. There is much love all around. The Great Mother is love. The Great Creator is divine love and laughter. I was born with a laugh and great love. And yet all watch you. All are watching the great ones in this time of planetary metamorphosis. I bring love and the riches of balance, of grace, of harmony to this sector. Peace has come energetically through me and great excitement I bring.

I am the Green Comet. Do not be sad that you did not see me. If you did not, I saw you. I see humanity, I see those of you who work with light like I do and I see you as my comrades. You too blaze a bright trail. Your impact is vast and wide. Your reach is astounding. Your light reaches all things just by your beingness of it.

I am the Green Comet. I send my green love light to you. Peace, friends, peace.

~ galaxygirl

Feeling Good is Feeling God.