The Gift of Resting | The Creator via Jennifer Farley

high angle view of lying down on grass
Photo by Pixabay on

During this time of resting, it is very important to release any judgement you may have about yourself and/or others. You may be saying to yourself,“I should be doing ____” or “I have to do _____!” Actually, you do not! One of the most challenging things for you to do is allow time for self-care. In your world of doing, just being is judged as lazy. Give yourself the gift of resting and know that it is fully supported and encouraged by The Universe. You are worthy and deserving of it. ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley

Freeing Your Soul

shallow focus photography of railway during sunset
Photo by Albin Berlin on

Breathe deeply. The inactivity around you is signaling a deep shift coming. You can hear it…like a train’s whistle in the night. You sit and contemplate how far away it is, when it will arrive and what it will bring. Now, in the quiet, it is time to think upon what you choose to release, manifest, change or discard from your existence. Please do not view this task as daunting…see it as a freeing of your soul for the new and brilliant things on their way to you. ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley

Should or can someone tell you what to do? “NO!”

Dear Ones,

You likely need your thoughts and actions justified. But because you are shifting daily, such is not possible. The same was true during your beyond 3D transition and will continue during this initial phase of your new being.

You are eradicating 3D emotions, actions, and thoughts you once held dear. As 3D shoulds fade away, so do the corresponding actions tied to those shoulds. So you do not necessarily yet know what thoughts or actions apply to your new being.

You are similar to a 3D newborn testing your skills with an inner knowing that more is necessary. As a newborn being, you knew before you attempted to do so that you would propel yourself beyond the space allotted to you.

So it is now. You know future actions and thoughts before being completely ready to execute them. Creating the feeling that you are not doing enough, that you are a new you failure. Such is not at all true.

You will eventually claim your whole being. In the meantime, you will have inner glimpses of your future skills and interests. Allow yourself to develop those skills.

As was true during your early transition phases, you probably assume you will wake up with your entire bag of new you skills intact and ready to utilize. Instead, you now sense glimmers of who you will be eventually.

The difference between a 3D newborn and you is that your skills development is expedited. Instead of months or years to fully develop, you will do so in moments, days, or perhaps a few weeks.

You are developing at an expedited rate.

So your thoughts, needs, and emotions are in constant flux. What was essential or frightening yesterday will not be today. What seems impossible today will be forgotten or easily achieved tomorrow. And no time frames need to be adhered to, unlike 3D.

A 3D infant typically performs certain functions around the same time as other infants. Your new you shift does not have expectations, nor may ever. One being might initiate a Universal healing program, while their friend will not. Yet another will start dimension-hopping in the waking state. All activities required to fulfill personal interests developed through eons of Universal exploration.

Expectations of who might do this or that will become nonexistent. Someone who dimension hops is no more or less skilled than someone who heals others emotionally or claims skills that were seemingly beyond most, if not all, 3D humans.

ThreeD beings limited their skill set to areas that helped them live within 3D-limited parameters. Those who flitted outside those parameters were labeled odd or not in their right mind. Everyone was pushed to fit within the 3D box of rightness.

Such is no longer true. Your new being is adventuresome and all-inclusive. In a sense, like a 3D child in a candy store. What do you wish to explore? You do not even need to understand why you want to explore that arena, for that question limits your adventures.

Your new world is wide open.

It is normal, even expected, that your thoughts, beliefs, needs, and explorations will be of wide-ranging interest to you. And you will not be deterred if others do not need to explore similar areas.

In a sense, your new life is a free for all. What seems interesting? What do you want to explore? Those questions are no longer prefaced by what society labels possible or normal. There are no expectations from within or without.

Just as others cannot label you, neither can you label yourself. For one minute, you will wish to do or be that – and the next, something completely different.

You are now adjusting to this seemingly haphazard way of being. One moment you will be content, and the next, angry about your life or an experience. There are no longer personal givens, including Universal aspects you wish to explore while of the earth in this lifetime or the amount of time you will devote to those explorations.

You might feel or act flighty at first. It will seem to others and yourself that you cannot devote yourself to anything. Until you do – for ten minutes or ten years.

The 3D boxes of shoulds are gone, only to be replaced with new thoughts, actions, developments, and creations.

You are so entirely new that no rules or even thoughts apply.

This wide-open venue of being might seem frightening for a time. For you are used to formulas of rightness – none of which now apply.

Allow yourself to flow. Allow yourself to discover yourself without fear, shoulds, or angst. You are a new being in a new world who has negated personal or societal formulas of who you should be and what you should do.

An exhilarating time with touches of fear about your new personal freedom.

Should or can someone tell you what to do? “NO!”

You are not your brother’s keeper or a novice in a new world. You have prepared for this time more thoroughly than any previous earth life. Including incorporating the appropriate segments into your being, allowing you to fully explore this new world in ways, you envisioned for eons.

Allow yourself to be without parameters, shoulds, and rules of right and wrong. Those aspects were explored throughout the eons of your preparations for now.

Allow yourself to be from moment to moment and year to year. All is wonderfully, gloriously, beautifully well in your new personal world. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2023, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

This current quiet time may be perceived as boring to you. It is, my lovely one, the exact opposite.

The Creator Writings ~ The Next Wave by Jennifer Farley, April 16, 2023

This current quiet time may be perceived as boring to you. It is, my lovely one, the exact opposite.

The Universe is, again, giving you a moment to rest, regroup and reset. The next wave of change is coming, and you will need all your spiritual/physical/mental/emotional strength to move through it. The climb and plateau way of doing things definitely applies here.

Use the time wisely; rest, feed your body, mind and soul what it is craving. The next climb will be here soon enough.

~ Creator

Many of you are spiritually prepared to move into and live the mystical level which is not as a monk in a robe meditating 24/7 but rather is living an ordinary life from the consciousness of oneness -Arcturian Group Message 4/16/23-

APRIL 16, 2023

Welcome dear readers

In spite of outer appearances, a great deal of clarity continues to unfold in the minds and hearts of many. Every day “ordinary” people living “ordinary” lives are waking up to the fact that the world is much more than what they were taught and have believed.

Incoming high frequency Light energies are guiding those receptive toward honest and ego-less examinations of personal and universally accepted world beliefs. This in turn is allowing them for the first time to recognize that much of what the world has taken for granted as true and right, is not.

As increasingly more individuals awaken to a consciousness of oneness, the universal collective automatically begins to resonate at a higher level which in turn then allows those receptive to more easily access ideas of truth. Increasingly more people are beginning to recognize the error underlying rules, laws, teachings, etc. that are based in separation and have ruled world consciousness for eons. This is causing panic to those who thrive and have benefited from concepts of separation causing them to increasingly promote activities and information that cause fear.

Belief in separation from God, people, animals, plants, and all seen and unseen life is a state of hypnotism. Earth is a spiritual universe peopled with sons and daughters of God but when interpreted through minds conditioned with beliefs of duality, two powers, and separation it manifests experiences of good and evil both of which represent concepts.

Earth is the perfect expression of a Divine idea in the Mind of God just as every individual is, but when earth is interpreted through three dimensional consciousness it is seen and experienced by most through a state of universal illusion.

Often an evolved student of truth comfortable in their spirituality finds everything changing and nothing feels the same. “Tried and true” techniques for centering no longer seem to work. Guides do not seem to be responding as readily. Mediation may feel different–empty. Familiar spiritual practices are recognized as being based in separation and the clearing of old energy seems to have become one’s primary spiritual practice.

This is not failure but rather indicates graduation to a new state of consciousness, one no longer in alignment with what previously worked so well. Spiritual evolution is a journey through many lifetimes and states of consciousness that usually begin with idolatry, then atheism, then to organized religions of both East and West, then to metaphysics, and finally to mysticism–each lasting a few or many lifetimes.

Metaphysics is a facet of almost every spiritual journey but like those that came before it is based in the need to fix, heal, or change a bad picture into a good one in the belief that you are separate and must do a certain chant, carry this or that crystal, use this oil, or engage in some ceremony in order to become closer to God.

These things cannot give you what you seek because they are outside of you. They can and do assist because their energy can resonate with and awaken these same energies already present within you. Many students of truth get stuck in the metaphysical phase of awakening because the techniques often work and provide a sense of spiritual completion.

There comes a point at which all serious seekers of truth must leave behind those practices believed necessary for contacting God and actually accept the reality of oneness. Many study and understand that the real self, soul, is God Consciousness individualized, but their ego self convinces them to set this information aside in the belief that living truth was and is OK for “saints” but is impractical and unattainable for everyday folks.

Many of you are spiritually prepared to move into and live the mystical level which is not as a monk in a robe meditating 24/7 but rather is living an ordinary life from the consciousness of oneness. It can be done, many have done it, and many others are now practicing. One of the reasons you wanted to be on earth at this time is that the high frequency energies present as part of earth’s ascension process offer an opportunity for individuals to spiritually ascend while remaining in physical body.

Many of you have attained a state of consciousness prepared to move beyond ego and allow the Divine consciousness you know you are to live IT’s life in, as, and through you. It is letting go of continually attempting to fix, change, heal, clear, or remove personal or global appearances through a state of consciousness that realizes anything requiring fixing or healing is not reality/God ordained or sustained but is rather a manifestation of the belief in separation from God.

It is having the courage to surrender into what you ALREADY ARE and allowing IT to be your supplier, guide, protector, and teacher. You cannot and will never hear the ever present still small voice within you if you are plugged in to media, technology, or outer activity 24/7.

Ego (that sense of self that feels separate from God) will always be there to tell you what to do, when, and how to do it in a voice that overrides the silent voice within. This is why it is important to have quiet time/mediation each day until it becomes your state of consciousness regardless of where you are or what you are doing.

Spiritual evolution is a process, it is not easy to shift from the familiar guidance of ego, to listening and trusting within. You have lived as a human experiencing both good and bad through hundreds of lifetimes in which the ego was a necessary component of survival. Ego served well in earlier states of awareness and continues to serve today on earth but the three dimensional ego continually seeks to be the primary force guiding and keeping you well through solutions, ideas, spiritual practices etc. that worked well in earlier states of consciousness.

Spiritual evolution can be delayed, ignored, denied, and resisted but never stopped because reality is One God expressing ITself as infinite form and variety. Period. Nothing else is. You who have worked hard, studied, practiced, and sought God through practices, beliefs, and religions over lifetimes have evolved and are now ready to move into mysticism–the realization and acceptance of your ONEness, that you are Divine Consciousness individualized.

Begin to listen for the still small voice within rather than constantly questioning and seeking outside of yourself. Your Guides are always present to assist, but seeking their input in every situation rather than doing your own spiritual work is actually a form of looking outside of Self. You have done the work and are ready to trust, rest in, and rely on the Reality of your own Divine Consciousness, your Higher Self, the you that has never left ONEness and already embodies infinite knowledge, harmony, abundance, protection, creativity, peace, health, etc.

Because God is the only reality, nothing in the physical realm holds power in and of itself. Words spoken or actions taken do not in and of themselves just happen. An arm by itself cannot just suddenly punch or pet . Everything is governed by consciousness because Consciousness is all that is.

We are not telling you to throw out your medication, stop eating, or attempt to live absolute truth before you have attained that state of consciousness because doing so would be nothing more than an ego activity. We are saying that many of you are ready, more than ready to begin practicing and living from the level of truth you have sought and attained, while detaching from the tools you gave power to– religions, traditions, rites and rituals, laws, societal beliefs etc etc.

Living ONEness is not ignoring, resisting, or denying appearances, but rather is; “Yes, I see you, feel you, acknowledge you, and like or don’t like you, but I know that God is omnipresent therefore can only manifest ITself relegating appearances of duality, separation, and two powers as being nothing more than manifestations of collective and personal beliefs in separation.” Then go about doing what needs to be done, you have done the work and eventually this truth becomes your state of consciousness.

Begin to seriously , yes seriously believe, act, and live from your highest level of awareness because like it or not, you are and always have been Divine Consciousness individualized.

We are the Arcturian Group 4/16/23

Donations are welcomed

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 04/15/2023 • What to trust…

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You are living in exciting times! So many of you are concerned about the state of the world, and yet from our eternal perspective, your world offers so many beautiful possibilities right now. You can connect with one another as never before. You can share information as never before. You can interact, witness, and experience more than ever before. The world has become your family and the entire earth your home.

Part of this is due to your modern technology. Your Internet opened up the gateways of connection for your entire world. Before this technology, most individuals grew up in relatively closed systems. They were influenced by friends, family, church, community, and maybe some carefully controlled news, but not much more. Now you can access ideas, inspiration, innovation, and just about anything you desire. You can make a recipe from a country you will never visit and encourage or assist a stranger you will never meet. More than ever before in human history, you are able to experience your connection with one another.

Likewise, your emerging technologies will give you access to whole new ways to combine information and bring your creative ideas into form. We celebrate your expansion and exploration. Technology does not control you, for you are the creators. You are the ones who choose how you will use it. It is neither good nor bad. It is simply a tool that obeys vibrational law in the same fashion as the rest of the created universe.

Use your technology with love, and you will find love. Use it with fear, and you will find the fearsome. Use it in anger, and you’ll connect with the angry. Nothing is outside of the laws of vibration. This is simply how your universe works.

In truth, the world is no better or worse than it was in ancient times. You simply didn’t have social media back then! You couldn’t see what others didn’t want you to see. Now you can. Now you witness the best and the worst of humanity. Now you can see things as they occur. However, what is revealed can be healed, and although some of the things you witness are horrific, the good news is that you – collectively – are doing something about them. You have taken those you will never meet into your hearts and prayers. Some of you have sent money or resources to your human family at one time or another in your life. Some of you have adopted children, signed petitions, or quietly sat in the comfort of your own home and focused all your love upon those less fortunate. Your connection is good.

With greater exposure to the world, however, greater discernment is required. More than ever before, it is important for you to manage your vibration so you can trust your feelings. When you are in a high and loving vibration, what feels good to you is good, and what feels bad is not what you want to focus upon.

This is especially important now because you cannot always trust what you see and hear. This is not a new phenomenon. There have always been “snake oil salesmen” who would put poison (or water) in pretty packages and sell it as a tonic. There have always been those who can tell a convincing lie or paint a false picture. With your social media, the Internet, and new technologies, the capacity to falsify information is even grander than ever! Then again, so is the ability to share wonderful ideas and information, connect in new ways, and embrace the fact that you are a human family.

So dear ones, keep reaching for better thoughts and feelings because you can trust yourselves in the energy of a high vibration. Don’t worry about who is telling the truth and who is not. Tell the truth to yourselves – that you live in a loving and magnificent universe that is always guiding you toward what you wish to experience. You are not at the mercy of technology, systems, or other human beings, no matter how imposing they appear. You are only, and always, at the mercy of your own vibration.

In a loving vibration, you align with the truth of the Divine within, and this Presence will always guide you in love.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Being Informed by Our Sensitivities

As we study waves of energy and how the universe creates balance by action phases and lulls, we see this in action as the tide goes in and the tide goes out, the sun comes up, the sun goes down, and so on. We wish to take this discussion one step further into the experience of the energetically sensitive human being.

Some human beings are born with extra sensitivities, while others work hard to develop those sensitivities. A common experience, no matter how they got there, is that the sensitive human being finds themselves in receiving mode all the time. They feel powerless in the face of energies and haven’t been able to turn it off.

In reality, it isn’t a matter of being able to turn it off, per se, but rather of being able to transition into also being a giver of energy rather than just a receiver of energy.

Your energetic sensitivities are giving you information on how to proceed. If you are feeling overwhelmed, it is time to create space for yourself to simply be. But it may also be a time for you to switch from being a receiver of energy to a giver of energy. Let us give you an example.

Suppose you are drawn to go to a certain area, but when you get there it feels awful. That has given you valuable information. It is a sign that you definitely do not want to be in receiving mode while you are there, because the energy is not supportive to you.

You have a choice. You can either avoid that place completely, or you can switch to being a giver of energy rather than a catcher of energy. Which do you think someone stepping into their energetic mastery would do?

If you find yourself in such a situation, we invite you to try this ~ Remove yourself from the challenging energy for a moment. With your intention, connect with your inner light, let it expand until it extends beyond your body in all directions, and then allow it to lead the way. Let it shine brightly and gloriously, then step back into the energies that you found challenging just a moment ago. Not only will they not affect you, you will be being of service to help lift the density of that space.

Do you see? You cannot breathe in and breathe out at the same time. You either receive or you give. The choice is up to you. You are not at the mercy of your energetic sensitivities. Not at all! The key is to understand that your sensitivities serve you well, you are just learning how to have mastery over them and to use them as the tool they are meant to be.

Learning that you can easily switch from receiving to giving is a part of that, and it is the key to being far more comfortable, and of simple service, wherever you may be.

You are a manifesting machine…get those gears moving!

Dearest one, what are you waiting for? Are you waiting for a sign, word or voice from the ether to point you in the right direction? It is part of the human experience to crave news of the future or a possible life that is waiting for you. What you do not realize is that you already know but may lack the initiative to create. (Smiling) You always have and always will be in co-creation with The Universe. Rather than waiting for someone else to tell you what to do, think, feel or say, it is time to do that for yourself. You are a manifesting machine…get those gears moving! ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner

When it seems like there is wave after wave of intensity, it is not a sign of trouble or failure. It is a sign of success!

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ The Power and Purpose of the Intensity

yellow and white smoke during night time
Photo by Rostislav Uzunov on

Dear Ones,

When it seems like there is wave after wave of intensity, it is not a sign of trouble or failure. It is a sign of success! It means that you have been systematically making progress over a long enough period that something new is ready to be birthed.

Intensity is a sign of big movement and breakthroughs. It is a time to keep your focus, stay committed to the job at hand, and provide whatever care you need for yourself to assure your success.

The intensity is the acceleration of waves of energy that are designed to push your next profound phase out of the gestation period and into tangible form. Great intensity is always followed by a space of tenderness, discovery, and recuperation. The purpose of the intensity is to create openings for you to complete one phase and step fully into your next highest expression of self.

Do you see? There is predictability in each phase and in their purpose which, with your wisdom, you can use to help you navigate the waves with greater understanding and much less fear and doubt.

In fact, we’d even go so far as to say that as you start to observe the workings of the universe through this new level of understanding, you will get to the point where you can truly embrace the gifts of whatever phase you are in, and start to truly enjoy the unfoldment of your journey.

What you are experiencing is beyond 3D intuition. Almost as if you have an inner camera with voice activation.

So It Begins

Dear Ones,

Even though you ended your 3D dance, you might not yet feel beyond 3D, for some pieces continue to impact your moods and interactions. Such is to be expected. You did not shift from a 3D infant to a toddler in one day. It was a process, as it is for you now.

Past actions are no longer appropriate, and future actions are just beginning, so you feel discombobulated and a bit raw. Allow those feelings to pass through you as you adjust to your new being.

You are also likely not yet fully aware of a deepening sensation of knowing something without needing words. What you are experiencing is beyond 3D intuition. Almost as if you have an inner camera with voice activation.

You might describe these new sensations to others only to discover your information angers them. Much like 3D babies innocently exploring light sockets only to be redirected with a loud “No!”

You are feeling/sensing images, words, and pieces that others may not wish to expose. Yet, you are excited about the information because it expands your capabilities.

Some of you are so frightened by this new skill that you successfully block the information. A blocking maneuver that might work for a few days. But just as you needed to learn how to walk, you need to know how to access this information.

Perhaps you are concerned that you are sensing, feeling, or hearing information that invades the privacy of others. So you may be – at the beginning. Until others learn to pull down their inner window shade. There is no reason to know what others do not wish you to know. But by accessing the information of others, you will better understand your skills.

What you are now likely experiencing is similar to a 3D toddler saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. For you will offend some beings without meaning to.

Perhaps you wonder why you are accessing information that might offend others. Such is so because you do not yet trust your personal information. Maybe you sense that you want to do something, that a being is not suitable for you, or that you must travel to a particular place. All concerns that could be addressed if you trusted your inner voice. But in this beginning stage, you ponder your inner wisdom. So the only way to test if your messages are accurate is if others acknowledge that they are.

This phase of invading the privacy of others to confirm the accuracy of your inner messages seems like a convoluted, perhaps even mean, exercise. But then, others will be reading/seeing you as diligently as you do them.

The information you gather will not necessarily be life-altering but more of an insight into their preferences at a particular moment.

Most of you reading this message are horrified because in 3D, you were not encouraged to know much about your internal thoughts, much less the thoughts of others. This is a primary exercise in expelling that 3D attribute.

Do not fear. You will not harm others with the information you gather and likely relay. It is more about practicing a skill you have always had but did not dare acknowledge in 3D. Eventually, words will not be a necessary earthly communication tool. This is lesson one in that essential skill.

You will relay information others may not wish you to know because they are determined to hide that piece from themselves. At the same time, others will read you. As you practice acknowledging these often ignored sensations, feelings, and inner workings of others – a skill you have honed through eons of interactions in places other than 3D earth – you will acknowledge the reality of your inner voice.

Languages, slang, and accents have created earth barriers for eons.

Now that you have become one with yourself, you are beginning to acknowledge the same with others. Living in different parts of the world no longer means you cannot communicate with one another.

Your new world does not have the same communication barriers as was true in 3D. But, like a 3D toddler, you might express something someone does not want to acknowledge. That information will not destroy their life, nor yours. It is information that will encourage others to look within – the object of this skill – and to pull the curtains when privacy is important.

You will not access information that could not be shared any more than is true for a 3D toddler. You will merely make observations that others may not wish to address – but they will likely do so once you have shocked them with that piece. For example, a toddler might ask someone why they have big teeth, or their arm is missing. Information that is fully available to all but never or seldom reviewed by adults or older children because “It isn’t nice to do so.”

So it will be for the information you access about others – and they about you. “Why do you live here if you dislike it so much?” “Why aren’t you looking for a job that better suits your being?” Not necessarily intimate details but pieces others are afraid to address within themselves.

In this phase, you will take the first steps to communicate without the spoken word. Skill one in your new bag of tricks that is now part of your new world. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2023, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Self Acceptance and Resurrection

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 04/08/2023

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You are in a season of renewal upon your earth. You are collectively and individually re-creating yourselves. As a result of the tremendous upheaval these past few years, you are discovering your hearts in whole new ways. You want to live more authentic lives, worry less about pleasing others, and be more concerned with pleasing the Divine within. This is why so many of you are exhausted. You can no longer push yourself in directions that do not appeal. You can no longer pretend you want to do things you do not. You can no longer spend your energy trying to change anyone else – for better or worse – without feeling frustrated if they do not want to change. You will find, however, that when you pursue your passions – anything that calls to you, interests you, or makes your spirit sing – you will find incredible resources of time, energy, money, and support flowing into your reality for in your truth, in your love, you tap into the fast-moving currents of love that are flowing upon your planet. We say this often, but it bears repeating. If you are tired, rest. Stop fighting yourselves. Self-Acceptance is the easiest way to allow your spirit to take charge and fix nearly any situation in your mind, heart, body, or life. Your body knows what it needs. Your soul knows what it needs. Your mind knows what it needs. In your times of rest, you are incubating new life. In allowing yourself to feel your feelings, you allow love to wash in after their release. In allowing yourself to pursue a passion, you are allowing love to carry you in its flow. In allowing yourself to dream, you are allowing spirit to share ideas. In watching movies, you give your overactive mind a rest. In spending time alone, you learn to relate more intimately with yourself. In spending time with others, you see yourself in the mirror. Whatever it is you feel drawn to in a given moment, accept it. As you accept yourself as you are in this moment, no matter whether you would traditionally judge the situation or not, you are shining the unconditional love of the Divine upon yourself. As you accept yourself as you are, at this moment, you are saying to the universe, I am worthy of love as I am. “I am who I am,” dear ones, is the name God gave to Moses when asked. “I am who I am.” repeat that often, or better, “I accept myself as I am… even as I expand into more.” As you accept your heart in a given moment, you open to new guidance in the next. As you accept your so-called negative feelings, they will be granted release, then settle. As you accept your joyous feelings, they will guide you on the path of passion. As you accept your boredom, you stop fighting yourself and allow creativity to arise. As you accept your desire to get in motion, you allow yourself to ride the waves of inspiration. As you accept your desire to overeat, you will learn that you’d rather be more comfortable. As you accept yourself without judgment or criticism, your inner teenager will no longer have to rebel, throw tantrums, or stubbornly insist on its right to “be.” As you accept yourself without judgment or criticism, your inner child will no longer have to justify, explain, or defend their desires. As you accept yourself without judgment you are admitting a glorious truth, “You ARE perfect as you are, even as you expand into more.” An acorn wants to expand into an oak. An oak wants to make acorns. The green acorns sit in the dirt until their little shells crack open in perfection, and they once again reach and stretch to become oaks. You, too, have many cycles upon your earth and in your personal lives. Honor them. You are in a cycle of recreation so it is particularly important to honor your own personal cycles. In this fashion, the very force of life itself that lives and breathes within you will be allowed to rise up, guide you in grace, and inspire you to the life of your dreams.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

You have prepared well for the times you are in, so trust in your capability, and know that you are doing a truly remarkable job.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Moving with the Waves

Dear Ones, the best way to soothe yourself during times of energetic intensity is to allow yourself to move with the waves. Trust the rhythm of the universe and the purpose of each part of the process.

The most discomfort comes from resisting any phase you are currently in. You are not getting it wrong. You cannot get it wrong! You can simply make the process more taxing and uncomfortable than it needs to be by falling into fear, doubt, resistance, or denying yourself what would make it easier to move with the waves.

We understand it is easier to embrace periods that feel calmer but just like a washing machine some energetic agitation can help dispel density and ultimately leave things cleansed and clearer. Just because the waters are choppy doesn’t mean you aren’t making progress.

So be the expert on you. Trust. Move with what is being supported at any given time and know that every single wave has purpose. Remember it is designed to be an overall system of balance, so no phase will last one second longer than it needs to, and it is all designed to serve both you and the planet. You have prepared well for the times you are in, so trust in your capability, and know that you are doing a truly remarkable job.

Dynamic Meditation Practice

High vibes everyone, my new album is out and i am inviting you today to get into dynamic meditation for the highest good for all and for you creating an atmosphere around you of all things needed always available to you wherever you go whatever you do with who ever you.

We call upon AA Michael for protection and we set the intention for highest good for all activated through our movement.

All you need to do is press play and move to the rhythm of

Lightworker 432hz .

Stellar 432hz – New Album out now.

Yaaay my new album STELLAR is ready. All music attuned on 432hz.

Going From Deep House to Techno with a very special one that can be used as Dynamic Meditation in a slower BPM.

It is coming out on April 13th 2023 and you can pre-order here where you get one track as a gift.

Click on the cover to listen.

There are no more presets, no more to-do lists. You navigate your way forward by simply following your heart and honouring whatever way you would like to express yourself. Giving yourself the freedom to do this is an essential aspect of the new energies.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Consciously Pioneering Into the New

young woman in warm sweater looking outside
Photo by Tim Samuel on

The biggest challenge many of you are facing is learning how to navigate your life moving forward based on what you would like to do vs what you have to do. The first chapter of your incarnation had many ‘presets’ if you will ~ things on your soul’s to-do list that you wanted to experience.

These might include soul contracts to connect and interact with others, a desire to balance karma, service contracts to assist in certain ways, and themes you wished to expand on while you were in the body in your desire to heal them once and for all. For many of you it was all about having a 3D experience.

But you have now wrapped up that phase and are in the process of stepping fully into the new. There are no more presets, no more to-do lists. You navigate your way forward by simply following your heart and honouring whatever way you would like to express yourself. Giving yourself the freedom to do this is an essential aspect of the new energies.

It can feel odd to live your life through preference and self expression. It is not selfish, it is exactly the phase you have worked hard to evolve into. All of your choices will be conscious, because you are a conscious being. It is through your preferences that you will pioneer into the new; creating possibilities and pathways for others to follow whenever the time is right for them.

Because this phase is rather unquantifiable, it is common to fear that you are not doing enough. If you hear one thing from us, hear this: your presence is more than enough. Your beingness is more than enough, because you are anchoring higher vibrational energies on the planet.

Your growth and expansion is your service, and is what has been driving the shift on your planet. There has never been a time, since you have been in a body, when you haven’t been in service through your energetics. So rest easy in that truth, and know that anything that you choose to do on top of that is, as they say, gravy.

You are in a time that is ripe for manifestation, for expansion, new discoveries, and taking quantum leaps.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ What You’ve Been Waiting for All Along

buildings surrounded by trees
Photo by Reynaldo #brigworkz Brigantty on

Dear Ones, you are in a time of rebirth. You are leaving the old chapter behind and in the process of stepping fully into the new. Be patient with yourselves! It takes time to get used to completely new energies and the ways that work best for you to navigate them.

You are in a time that is ripe for manifestation, for expansion, new discoveries, and taking quantum leaps. If you have been putting off things you know you need to do for your own comfort and wellness, now is the time to do them. It’s time to get clear and honest with yourself.

What are you ready to let go of? What old habit is a priority for you to evolve beyond? Now is the ideal time to tackle it, because you are in a period that is incredibly supportive of doing that work. Once you are done, what are you ready to receive that will have room to appear in your life due to releasing what was no longer working or honouring you?

When we speak of getting clear about what you would like to manifest, we urge you not to constrain it through the old habits of micro-managing, fear or doubt. This is about next level manifestation, which is done as a co-creative process. Identify with the core elements that mean the most to you and feel good energetically when you think of them. These might be freedom, satisfaction, purpose, wonder, connection, or any other core element that your soul is craving and beckoning you towards.

By focusing on those elements, you demonstrate your willingness to be led with complete faith and trust from a universe that adores you, knows your highest potentials, and can’t wait to lead you down the path of discovery of what truly exists for you that you could never imagine from where you are now.

After all, if you are in unprecedented energies, it also means unprecedented possibilities, opportunities, and experiences to replace the old. This is what you’ve been waiting for all along ~ to play in the magic and wonder of the previously undiscovered as an embodied soul on an ascending planet!

The massive shifts of the past week changed your approach to earth life. Even though you experienced many lives in other locations, you are of the earth now. Your focus shifted the past few days from spiritual – out there somewhere – interactions to your earthly life.

Your Personal Dawn

Dear Ones,

In past messages, we of the Universes adjusted our information to compliment your new being and your former self – a no longer required dance. So we are eliminating some of the pieces we inserted to reassure your former being that you were not odd or losing your mind.

The massive shifts of the past week changed your approach to earth life. Even though you experienced many lives in other locations, you are of the earth now. Your focus shifted the past few days from spiritual – out there somewhere – interactions to your earthly life.

While you were of 3D and throughout your now completed transition, you needed reassurance that you were not alone, that your family in various ethers, if you will, supported and cared for you.

Even though your families of the ethers continue to care for you, you have left that Universal security nest to create new security while of the earth in this lifetime. No longer will you need to travel to other Universal locations for pep talks or love because you are now creating that while of the earth.

This is a new dawn with a new action plan.

You are strong enough to create a new life without the expertise or hand-holding once required as you transitioned from 3D to the strong, capable, loving being you have become.

Most likely, you cannot yet sense what we are speaking of, for you seem much as you did yesterday or last week. Yet you do not feel at all as you did last month. Slowly, in your mind and rapidly in ours, you have shifted from requiring Universal assistance to becoming part of that Universal assistance.

Perhaps some of you feel the Universes have deserted you. You no longer require our hand-holding or reassurances that you are moving in the correct direction for you have arrived. Our future messages will be about your strengthening capabilities instead of how you can cope with loss, fear, and anger.

It is over. Your old life is gone.

You are busily creating a new life with new strengths and capabilities.

Perhaps you are horrified that we are deserting you. You have become part of the Universal team instead of requiring help from your Universal team. In a 3D sense, you left your home of origin to create a new home with complete control of your life and interests.

Some of you will bemoan or fear that independence. Such is to be expected until you realize your skill set is much deeper than you believe. You can manifest, love, and direct your life without our assistance.

In the future, you will be an important part of the Universes. What you achieved on the earth in this life will be emulated repeatedly as other Universal beings transition their locations in ways that best suit their beings.

Earth shifted from fear to love. Other locations wish to change in different ways. Your shifting expertise in a short amount of time will be emulated repeatedly – with your assistance.

You will seldom require our assistance. And if or when you do, that assistance will be provided as a friendly suggestion instead of parental oversite. You have left the nest only to return as a capable Universal adult if or when you feel like doing so.

Your life is now your own. No longer do you need to be concerned about what the Universes expect. Or providing energy throughout the earth. Or the caretaking/victim positions you were comfortable with as a 3D being.

You are new, strong, and capable. And so is the earth. Allow yourself to believe and know that with every fiber of your being. And then allow yourself to live the personal life you prepared for eons.

You had three streams of expansion throughout the eons. One was to help shift the earth from fear to love – which you completed. The second was to become a beacon of change for those now of the earth – which you have been for years. And last, and now most important, for you to experience the life you longed for throughout your shifts and traumas.

Your personal rewards have come to fruition. You will finally reap the loving benefits of your eons of sacrifice and fear. Enjoy the life you have been creating for yourself for eons. A life of joy, peace, and fun while of earth in this lifetime. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

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Feeling Good is Feeling God.