your manifesting abilities have increased ten-fold.

Do you ever wonder why others always say, “Watch your words, watch your thoughts?” Some of you have noticed that your manifesting abilities have increased ten-fold. For those of you not used to it, this may come as a bit of a shock. (Smiling) A thought, any thought, you generate as you move through your existence has the potential to become reality in a very short amount of time. It is important to keep this in mind because the amazing byproduct of this shift will literally bring whatever you choose into your life. Today, you are being gently reminded to keep it sweet, simple and as pure as you can. The Universe is always listening. ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley

Allow yourself to listen to your heart instead of logic. This shift has nothing to do with 3D logic and everything to do with excitement, even an urgency you have not felt for a long time.

Dear Ones,

Many of you are discovering an unexpected shift in your life – most notably in your place of work or home. Something you hoped for but did not expect. Or something not even hoped for. This shift is directly related to your new world.

Where you once lived or worked or who you interacted with was about saving the world and helping those following find their way beyond 3D. Now that you have completed those activities, it is time to focus on your needs and interests. Something many of you have ignored for eons.

This is your time and your life. It is a concept that produces fear within many, for it seems counter-intuitive, unlike who you thought you were or what you needed.

New activities, places to live, and interactions are presenting themselves, some of which seem right, while others are immediately dismissed as not who you are or not that interesting.

You want to pursue those items, activities, jobs, and places that strike your fancy. But we of the Universes prophesized you would flit from activity to activity, so you are concerned that seemingly permanent activities such as a different job or new home will be temporary.

Because of your exhaustion, you do not have the energy for a temporary change. You cannot give up something that feels mostly right for something that may be wrong in a few days or months. Besides, your inner being seems comfortable with this new shift, this significant change in your life.

What will happen if you do not accept this unexpected change. Nothing. Other changes may appear. But if this is your key direction, those changes will be closely connected to this piece. For example, you are offered a dream job in another community, but moving now seems too precarious. So you remain where you are, only to have another nudge in a similar or same direction a few months later and on and on until you claim your base.

When you initiated your transition in this lifetime, your inner directive was to help the earth transition from fear to love. Your second directive was to smooth the way for those waves following you. You completed both of those roles. It is time for you to find your peace and joy. Neither of these is likely if you remain within the format you created to complete your first two inner directives.

You are a new being in a new world with new inner directives. What have you been dreaming of? Can that dream be fulfilled in your current physical environment? If so, you will not have new opportunities that seem counter-intuitive but feel exciting.

Others of you are discovering your dreams are fulfilled in entirely unexpected ways. Not as you would have thought interesting or probable just weeks ago, but exciting – and a bit frightening. As if everything is moving too rapidly and yet, not rapidly enough. As if the opportunity is almost too good to be true, but it feels right, however, you approach your decision.

Some of you will not dare take the leap. Such is to be expected because the adventure seems too much, too soon, or by grasping the adventure, you might give up too much. Such is true to a certain extent, for what you are giving up is many 3D world joys – friends, family, co-workers, or a community that seemed mostly right but not complete because you continued to wish for this or that to expand that mostly right feeling.

You are a new being in a new world with an exciting new challenge that has little to do with your 3D world and everything to do with your new being. This adventure is a key component of your new life.

You may decide to pass on this adventure, but if it is right for you, you will be offered the same or similar adventure in a few days. For this adventure is the skeleton, if you will, of your new life – the key to your new world.

Perhaps you are too frightened to accept it now, but you will not be tomorrow, next month, or even next year. It is a creation process. Once you find your community – which could mean a new job, home, or location, your life will begin sprouting wings offering this joy and this joy and on and on.

This skeleton of your new life will continue to be offered until you accept. An almost amorphous skeleton that is your new life framework. Whether it seems counter-intuitive or impossible, you created this framework to begin your new life outside of 3D.

Allow yourself to listen to your heart instead of logic. This shift has nothing to do with 3D logic and everything to do with excitement, even an urgency you have not felt for a long time.

This is your dream beginning to come to fruition. This is your new framework. Allow that thought to float within your being before you make your decision. And know your decision will be right for you – including not jumping immediately into this new life.

Perhaps you need more time in your current physical or work environment. It does not matter; you must follow your inner voice, including the voice that relays it is too frightening for you to shift now.

But if this action is your new inner framework, the same or similar opportunity will be presented again and again until you finally decide that you need this opportunity more than the security of what was. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2023, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

The Most Important $#!T you’ll Read this Year | Don Spectacularis

grayscale photo of naked woman
Photo by John Rocha on

Greetings, light gang! Your very own (and all time favourite!) Don Spectacularis is BACK! Back with yet another long-ass article (but it’ll be worth it and you know it) about spirituality, galactic roller coasters and sex! Alright alright, I’ll leave the sex talk to Tunia as usual (don’t we all?)

So, straight to the point. I’ve been smelling a fair amount of victim consciousness spreading around these here parts as of late. Ideas such as “the Galactics need to come save us”, and “When will the ascended masters come over and rescue us” and “Jesus take the wheel!”

Jesus didn’t even know the difference between a steering wheel and a pinwheel, folks.

But, that’s besides the point. The point is that, a LOT of people within the spiritual community have lately been getting DEPENDENT. HOPELESS. VICTIMISED.

Well then, reminder reminder! You, dearest sir (or ma’am), are an ETERNAL facet and expression of GOD. Aka the REAL “Top G”. The One Infinite Creator. The Source of all things. The Alpha and the Omega. The One.

In other words, it is YOU who are supposed to take your life by the wheel (and leave Jesus to do them wheelies instead, as and when he sees fit).

Yes, the Galactics and the Ascended Masters and the Inner Earthers and the Angels and the Archangels and the Elohim and the Source Creator are ALL there to ASSIST YOU indeed (as and when you ASK them for it); but they’re not, and I repeat, NOT here to do YOUR JOB for you! Nope. Nada. Nahin. Not happening. Ever.


You are NOT weak.

You are NOT helpless.

You are NOT hopeless.

You are NOT here to be rescued.

You did NOT come here to be spoonfed your own ASCENSION.

You, my friends, are beings of INFINITE POWER.





The first power you have is that of FREE WILL. This isn’t just the power to “do this when you want to” and “do that when you don’t.” It’s also very much so the power to CHOOSE how you feel in any given moment.

So, how do you even USE IT?

One, if you have something fun and exciting to do already, like a hobby or absolutely anything you enjoy spending time on (could literally be watching the telly or sleeping), then you go do THAT and find your joy.

But what if you don’t? Or simply have no access to what you truly desire?

Then, my friends, you dive into your God-gifted IMAGINATION.

That ONE PLACE in which you can experience any and all fantasies and fetishes of yours and find joy (no matter how very wild) 24x7x365.

Alternatively, you can simply be GRATEFUL for anything that you DO HAVE at this moment and find joy there. Have eyes to read this text? Express gratitude for it. Drank a glass of refreshing water? Express gratitude for it. Found the best porn clip ever? Express gratitude for it.

No, the CREATOR of all realities does not judge or condemn you for watching porn or engaging in prostitution or doing absolutely ANY. FUCKING. THING. No matter how “wrong” as per human beings’ standards. One, because the fucking CREATOR has better things to do.

And two, because you’re ITS ASPECT and hence, IT loves you UNCONDITIONALLY and INFINITELY.

You couldn’t piss it off if you tried.

And anyone, absolutely ANYONE telling you otherwise is just manipulating you. (Manipulating you into hating yourself, becoming a victim, feeling guilt etc. is VERY profitable, research suggests).

Which brings me to another VERY IMPORTANT point.

A lot of channelled messages are attempting to guilt trip you into ascending yourself or helping others or whatnot.

That if you “don’t assist others”, or “don’t grow spiritually”, or that if the Earth (or its peoples) don’t ascend because you’re not “committed enough”, something terrible will happen and that YOU will be responsible for it.

My dear friends, the CREATOR of all realities does NOT give a SINGLE FUCK as to whether this project so-called “succeeds” or not.


Because LIFE is ETERNAL.



And there are no such things as “failures” in Source’s vocabulary. Only LEARNINGS.

Don’t get me wrong here. It’s not that the CREATOR (who is YOU) does not “desire” Ascension of all upon this world.

But that’s its DESIRE, and NOT its ATTACHMENT.

SOURCE (and wise/enlightened beings all throughout the cosmos) are NOT attached to outcomes.

Yes, they may “want” something to happen; but they’re fine if it doesn’t.

Because, and let me state this loud and clear, if SOURCE did NOT “want you” to fail, IT could EASILY strip you off of your free will and get it done regardless.

The fact that IT has still not done so should speak volumes.

And above all, and this thing bears repeating, Source is NOT a human.

Again, GOD is NOT a human.

So don’t mistake it for one.

For it is ALL. ALL. THAT. IS.


And will stay such. FOREVER.

And various (“pleasant” and “unpleasant”) experiments will continue throughout the cosmos, likely ETERNALLY.

Because what else is even there to do?

So when I say “no pressure”, I fucking MEAN IT. No sarcasm. No bullshitting.

You’re not here to save the world. You’re only here to live your best life (without intruding upon others’ Free Will unless you or someone innocent is threatened). And you’re here to help others while you’re at it (if you would even LIKE TO, that is — for even THAT’S not a compulsion or anything).




That’s all there even is to it.

And yes, the light is winning. Not with violence or weapons, but with LOVE.


Yeah, all that good shit.

That’s what it takes for the light to win, and the Earth to spin.

Which brings me to the MOST IMPORTANT PART of my message: PLEASE follow your joy. Do what excites you. Go out into nature. Smell flowers. Enjoy hobbies. Or a cup of tea. Or gaming. Or naps. Or porn (no, Jesus isn’t watching you when you whack off). Or helping others. Or smiling. Or laughing. Or making others smile. Or spreading wisdom (as and when such an opportunity presents itself — with respect for others’ Free Will). Or writing articles such as this one. Or SHARING articles such as this one. Or TRANSLATING articles such as this one. Or MAKING VIDEOS of articles such as this one. Or listening to beautiful music whilst playing an HD tourism video of your favourite experience or travel destination and adding in your very own IMAGINATION to it. Or going on exciting journeys and adventures. Or just sitting in silence and peace. Or meditating. Or simply enjoying breathing. Or going on an LSD trip (hopefully, in an informed, way, and only IF it’s your highest excitement — and not like some impulsive psycho). Or hugging trees. Or cuddling cats. Or just having a chat with your loved ones. Or exercising. Or cycling. Or playing sports. Or doing art. Or making music. Or doing whatever the FUCK makes you happy or SPREADS some happiness/light/love around. Even watching a stand-up comedy special will do.

Because when you discover Love, Joy, Bliss, or Peace; the universe simply HAS TO match your vibration by bringing you things that BRING said Love, Joy, Bliss, or Peace back to you. Alternatively, when you express GRATITUDE (for what you already HAVE), all of creation MUST match your vibration by bringing you absolutely EVERYTHING that you’d truly be GRATEFUL FOR (in other words, all of your wildest desires), for the creation/universe knows EXACTLY what you want.

Because you are a CREATOR, and you CREATE the reality that you VIBRATE TO.

For yourself, and for all others in this world of yours.

As a creator, you shall ETERNALLY have the FREE WILL to CHOOSE your emotion – at any given moment – and hence, choose your VIBRATION.

Because every happy (or sad etc.) emotion that you’ve EVER felt, has been generated from WITHIN you, and not from OUTSIDE you.

To know this, imagine being held tight by someone you really love, just for one fleeting moment. Or biting into something you find truly delicious. Or visiting a place that makes you happy, or revisiting a happy memory.

Imagine it AS INTENSELY as you possibly can.

And you’ll feel JOY. Or LOVE. Or HAPPINESS. All over again.

WITHOUT EVEN having had that experience “for reals”, as they put it, upon this world.

See? You generated the happiness that you were seeking from ANOTHER PERSON or PLACE or THING (which is OUTSIDE OF YOU and EXTERNAL to you), entirely, and I repeat, ENTIRELY from WITHIN!

That’s because you are a GENERATOR of your EMOTION – and hence your VIBRATION – and hence your very REALITY itself.

HENCE why you are a CREATOR of your REALITY, through your very own FREE WILL!

So if you are angry, sad, or afraid; all you need to do to get past it is to simply become AWARE of said emotion/energy emanating from you, and be INTENSELY PRESENT with it until it vanishes utterly and COMPLETELY! Yes, this can be somewhat painful, but is it not WORTH IT? Or you can simply FORGIVE that which is causing you anger or pain or sadness or what-else-have-you, and you’re FREE, yet again! And then, simply choose and move to a thought/imagination, memory, or actual life experience that you truly ENJOY, and you’ll be back in BLISS and radiating the vibration of JOY, LOVE, PEACE and PLANETARY TRANSFORMATION to the very highest DENSITY/DIMENSIONS of life!

Please remember, the ON and OFF switches for ALL of your emotions (and hence vibrations), is entirely with YOU and YOU ALONE!

Remember, NOTHING and NO ONE (person, event or thing) that is EXTERNAL to you – that is OUTSIDE of you – can ultimately make you “feel” a THING!

For when you choose your REACTIONS to life, you choose how to VIBRATE to life.

That is ALL there is to it. To being a literal CREATOR of your reality.

This is the reason why some ordinary object, say, a doorknob, elicits no emotional response from you; whereas losing a special gift from a loved one does. Because both are equally illusory; mere configurations of atoms and molecules in specific shapes, sizes, and colours, if you will. But upon one, you, yes YOU placed a negative/neutral emotional value. And upon another, YOU PLACED a positive emotional value.

This is why a MASTER is one who – at ALL TIMES – CHOOSES what emotion to feel (and therefore what VIBRATION to radiate) at ANY GIVEN TIME – CONSCIOUSLY – for a MASTER is also a CREATOR (and not a VICTIM).

The reality matches said vibrations by bringing the master things, people, and experiences (that match their vibration) accordingly.

DO NOT expect this change to happen within a day. For with all things, doing this takes PRACTICE and ENDLESS PERSEVERANCE, DEDICATION, SINCERITY, and HONEST SELF-EXAMINATION.

Also, do not expect the “results” of it to come to you in a day.

Remember, if you have to change the direction in which a fan is rotating, you have to first switch off the fan. Then, eventually its PREVIOUSLY GENERATED MOMENTUM comes to a (slow) halt. And then, and ONLY THEN, is the opportunity for it to go in a different direction, and eventually, gather MOMENTUM towards spinning/moving in said direction.

A MASTER understands that all of what’s “out there” is ultimately illusory. Just a configuration of molecules in one way or another. So they do not place much importance upon any of these things. For they know that regardless of what configuration the molecules of the outer world take — in other words, regardless of what “circumstance” is out there — it is THEM, who, as a CREATOR, has the FREE WILL to choose how to REACT, and thus, how to VIBRATE to it.

And no, this does not mean being naive, helpless, or not defending oneself, a loved one, or someone innocent (using whatever means necessary) as and when the situation calls for it.

Remember – even fear and anger serve their own purposes – when we use them as guiding mechanisms, instead of mechanisms that CONTROL us (aka CREATOR beings).

So if the latest news or conspiracy theory or event is causing you to feel fear or anger or any other pointless negative emotion that you DO NOT wish to experience, or worse, CREATE YOUR REALITY / TIMELINE for you (and your world); then just please, BECOME AWARE as to what is ACTUALLY HAPPENING, see the ILLUSION for what it is, and then, CHOOSE how to REACT/VIBRATE to it!

And THAT’S EXACTLY HOW you (eventually) ascend to the 4th Density (5th Dimension) and MASTER this density/dimension too, while you’re at it.


Become a MASTER.

And finally, one last thing. As a DIVINE CREATOR INCARNATE, you have it in you to literally overcome ANY and ALL ODDS placed against you. If you couldn’t, you wouldn’t be here at this time. So, when you’re stuck, ASK. Ask for ASSISTANCE. Ask God, ask your Guides, ask the Galactics, ask the Angels, ask the Ascended Masters, ask the Archangels, ask the Inner Earthers, ask everyone and their cousin to help you out.

Also, feel free to (also!) ask the Internet, your friends, parents, relatives, colleagues, neighbours, or whoever else is in a position (and even a little bit of willingness) to help you out for ACTUAL. FUCKING. HELP. Don’t be shy. And definitely don’t feel discouraged if one or more doors close upon you. Go knock on some more. And keep knocking until you have a way to bring your truest, deepest desire just that ONE. STEP. closer.

Don’t be afraid to start projects. Whether they are for your own benefit, for this planet’s benefit, for humanity’s benefit, for animals’ benefit, or for what-else-have-you. Don’t be afraid to communicate. Don’t be afraid to CARE.

You have one life (yes, I know you’re eternal; but this exact life won’t come again either). Live it GRAND. And make THE MOST of it all, in every last way imaginable.


In Infinite Love and Light,

Don Spectacularis

Be like a tree

Messages from Ann & the Angels -2023/05/13

brown bench beside tree
Photo by Felix Mittermeier on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

A tree’s ability to weather life’s storms lies in both its rootedness and flexibility. These two seemingly opposite forces actually support one another. The roots allow the tree to stand firm while it bends and sways in the wind, and its flexibility prevents the tree from uprooting. Together these two qualities provide a strength that allows your trees to reach unparalleled heights in the natural world, receive the nutrients they need from soil and sun, and give generously to the ecosystem around them. They live firmly centered in their own truth, which opens them to receive and share the unceasing flow of life itself.

You, too, are strongest when you marry the forces of rootedness and flexibility. If you know who you are and where you stand on a given topic, you can remain rooted firmly in your own truth.

For example, say you have a health issue. You know what types of cures work best for you and resonate naturally with you. Some of you prefer modern medicine. Others will prefer natural remedies. Some work solely with energy. Many of you like a mixture of modalities. Whatever your preferences, you can remain staunchly rooted in your own wisdom about what resonates with you regardless of the variety of helpful opinions others might offer. By all means, you can take others’ ideas as input, but when you are rooted in your own truth and the Divine, you will quickly know which ideas nourish you and which do not, simply by how they feel.

Likewise, you know in your heart and your gut which beliefs, behaviors, and ideologies “ring true” for you. If you remain rooted in your own paradigm, it will work for you. If, instead, you allow others’ beliefs to matter to you more than your own, you can get into trouble. Your guidance is uniquely tailored for you. What feels right to you when you are in a loving vibration is right for you at that moment.

Remaining rooted in your own truth is different from being rigid. If a tree were rooted yet rigid, it would snap in the storm. Instead, the tree remains rooted in its center but is also flexible. It bends and sways when nature’s forces press against it. It doesn’t resist the wind. It allows for the wind. Because of its strong roots, it can be flexible and dance with life without breaking.

You, too, will find that when you are rooted in the Divine and rooted in your own truth, you won’t “snap” when outside forces seem to press against you. When someone insists you should behave as they wish, you will listen and allow them their perspective. You’ll bend and sway but quickly return to your own truth. You’ll remain centered in self without the need to give into the demands of others and without the need to assert your own will upon them.

When you see ideologies, beliefs, or behaviors in the world that differ from your own, you will not let them “uproot you” from love. Instead, you will allow them to exist, then return to your center.

Rooted in the Divine, rooted in love, rooted in your truth, you will not allow the world to change you, nor will you have to change the world. Instead, you will dance with it, remaining true to yourself while allowing others their own truth.

There is great wisdom in your trees, dear ones. They last much longer than most human lives. Their non-resistance to the forces around them frees up tremendous amounts of energy they use to grow and produce seeds or fruit. A tree that bends deeply in the storm remains so rooted that it will pop back up when the winds cease. It will resume its business generously feeding and sheltering other plants and animals in the ecosystem. You can weather the storms of life in such a fashion too.

So, rather than waiting for the world to change, for others to agree, or to start behaving better, focus on your own rootedness and flexibility. Take time to imagine roots of light that flow from your feet and burrow deeply into the earth. When something or something comes at you that feels like a strong force, imagine your energy swaying, bending, but not breaking.

No matter what comes your way, you can return to your center, return to your focus on solutions, and return to your focus on love. No matter who is negative around you, you can choose to feel good.

You don’t have to make anyone agree with you. Instead, remain rooted in your loving truth, and stay faithful to that no matter what or who comes your way. Then, even amidst the storms and challenges of life, you, like the tree, will feel the rootedness and flexibility that give you a true, deep, and abiding strength.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Ask The Arcturian Council for What You Want ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

a person holding a poster
Photo by cottonbro studio on

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are ready for anything that you want to throw at us here in the ninth dimension. We are open to all of your requests, and we seek to give you everything that you need and want because it is important to us that you remain at the very least comfortable, with an eye towards being joyous. We know that we continuously tell you that you create your own reality, but you also get to ask for help, and perhaps you have noticed that in the physical realm, it often works to your advantage as well. If you have the audacity to ask the person at the airline for an upgrade, you might just get it. If you have romantic feelings for someone, it does help for you to express those feelings and ask the person out on a date.

So you see, there is something to be said for the art of asking for what you want and need to continue to be there on Earth and be of service to the collective. All of you who are operating from the light are there in service, regardless of what you do for a living. You are tipping the scales in favor of the positive, and your intentions for everyone to be safe, respected and loved matter. You are needed there on Earth at this time, and there has never been a time in human history where you have been more needed because of the magnitude of what you are going through as you shift your consciousness.

So here is how to ask The Arcturian Council or any other higher-dimensional being or collective for what you want. Say what it is out loud, and then say, ‘Thank you for granting me this request.’ The key is to thank before you receive it, because your faith, your trust, also matter. You don’t have to beg and you don’t have to plead, and you don’t have to explain why you want something, or some condition to change, but you do have to believe, and you have to expect that we answer all of your requests in the affirmative. 

Again, we want you to be happy, peaceful, comfortable, and we want you to want to stay and continue to do the work that you are doing for humanity. We want you to feel worthy of receiving that which you ask for, because you are worthy. And again, we have a desire to fulfill your desires. You give us something to do, something to focus on, something to co-create, because then we have to go to work and find the best ways to deliver all that you have asked us for, while working with your higher selves and your guides. 

It is so much fun for us, and we are always in a giving mood. We don’t have to wait for your birthday or some other holiday to give you the gifts that we so willingly share. We love you and appreciate you, and it is time for you all to be living happier lives there on planet Earth. We just want to be a part of it; we just want to help.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

star seeds and light workers are up-leveling massively. You are stepping into new lives. Big changes will occur for many of you over the next 3 – 6 months in terms of work, home, family, relationships.

woman in white long sleeve shirt standing near white and gray house during daytime
Photo by Julian Jagtenberg on

Ashian: Greetings to all who resonate with these words.

Jennifer: Indeed…

A: We sense you are unimpressed…!

J: You could say that. I don’t want to … oh sod it! What the heck is going on with the energies? I thought it would get easier after the inner death, as you so eloquently termed it.

It’s not. It’s harder. It’s as though our soul essence is being squeezed in a long, protracted inner death. Of course, that’s not everyone. I speak only for the people who are struggling as I am.

A: Blessings to you dear ones. Take a moment to breathe. You are not alone, nor are you lost, nor did you turn a wrong corner or make a mistake.

This is indeed an ‘Inner Squeeze’. Those of you who experienced the inner death last week are now going through your metamorphosis period. As many of you will be aware, your DNA is linked to your Akashic records: every lifetime is encoded in your DNA, so that you will feel ‘pulled’ towards living out your karmic and dharmic paths in each lifetime. It is your DNA that guides you and creates the mental, emotional and physical templates that structure your lives.

Those of you who died to the karmic wheel you embarked upon, as star seeds and light workers, are now experiencing the effect and affect of your DNA being purged of all old information. Your karma has come to resolution, so balance has been experienced and the ‘ledger’, so to speak, is zeroed out. You can no longer continue with the old templates and structures in place, as they do not reflect the truth of you.

You are being updated on every level.

That is not simply a spiritual process. It is mental, emotional and physical. You are experiencing this, are you not?

J: Actually, yes. I’m having a lot of changes on all levels right now. So you might be right.

A: We might be!

J: Funny man!

A: We try! Humour matters. It creates ease where there is awkwardness and discomfort. Do not underestimate the power of laughter in any form.

To return to our – possibly right! – point, star seeds and light workers are up-leveling massively. You are stepping into new lives. Big changes will occur for many of you over the next 3 – 6 months in terms of work, home, family, relationships.

You cannot up-level and expect everything to stay the same. Some elements will remain in your lives, other aspects of your lives must be left behind, because they are not in complete alignment with your truth, your essence, your mission, your vibration.

Indeed, you already know much of what does not align with you. You have heard and felt the nudging of Spirit, the daydreams and ideas, the ‘what-ifs’… those are your signs.

Where you are free and open to follow these nudges, you will experience flow. Where you are not, where you resist, the energy will eject you from the aspect/s of your life that are no longer aligned with your resonance.

J: Great. I mean, I’m all for seeing life as a great adventure rather than a steady decline into old age and death (oops, that’s a bit bleak, sorry). However, we aren’t islands. We have families, responsibilities … many of us can’t just up and go, in whatever aspect of life. What say you in your infinite wisdom?

A: You are feisty today!

J: I may be! I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m not the only one here negotiating difficult changes, with people who have no desire to change.

A: That may well be your finest indication of a required change. There is no getting through the next year without massive change.

Those who resist will have a much harder time on all levels. Those of you who are eager for the flow are the way showers; you are modeling the movement of change. Every community, every family has way showers, people who have always trodden the path less traveled; that will never be more pronounced than in the coming year.

What we would suggest to enhance your comfort is to take time to really tune into the silence within, and allow Truth to bubble up. Notice what dreams come, images… words … song lines … poems … colours … feelings … emerge from within.

Then take time to sit with these insights, this collage from your Higher Self. Allow yourself to feel deeper into the essence of each morsel of inner truth. Ask for synchronicity, for signs and symbols to reassure you of the truth you already know in your heart. You know your path.

Then ask for assistance in implementing these changes: speak with those you trust first. Those in fear will counsel the status quo, but that is not your path. Your path dissolves the status quo.

Trust that you are guided and protected in all ways.

J: I shall try.

A: Ascending to crystalline bodies, from 3D to 5D, is not easy. It was never advertised as being easy. But if you are here now, then you’ve got this. Trust the labour pains of your Aquarian birthing.  It will not last too much longer.

J: Thank you. I shall keep you posted!

A: We look forward to it. We are here in service to you all.

Copyright © 2023 Jennifer Crokaert YouTube

The Wizards of Oz

Dear Ones,

Let us begin at the beginning, for you are in a new place in new times.

You are thinking and acting differently than before your transition in this lifetime. And the same is true for all who decided to shift beyond 3D. It is a glorious yet somewhat frightening time. You are shifting from the inside out, whereas those remaining steadfastly in 3D are shifting minimally or not at all.

You cannot understand those who remain as they have always been in this lifetime – almost as if they are infants refusing to walk and talk. You say what feels like the “right” words only to receive a blank stare or what you now consider jibberish. So you try a different approach with the same results.

Such stubbornness (in your mind) does not compute. Who would wish to remain in fear, anger, and pain if a more pleasant option were available? So you will slowly, in some cases, and rapidly in others, pull away from those who seem to be in a different world. And they will do the same.

Even though this is a confusing time, it is glorious. For you are beginning to sense your new being through your different life approach – and through those who no longer wish to communicate with you.

Of course, you respond that those firmly ensconced in 3D and you can discuss your differences to arrive at a mutually beneficial solution. While such might be possible, it is highly unlikely, for you speak two distinct languages that no longer intersect.

Despite that barrier, some of you will try a variety of techniques because that person was once important to you. Others of you will merely flit to the next action or activity. It does not matter because those firmly of 3D do not wish to shift their thoughts or actions, and neither do you.

This is a decisive phase impacting your relationships and actions. That which was once appropriate, fun, frightening, or interesting will be no longer. And that which once seemed beyond your grasp will become your new life.

At the same time, those firmly enmeshed in 3D will be jealous of your seemingly unstoppable ability to live peacefully. They will wish for you to fail in both words and actions. And when you give little credence to those wishes, they will become angrier.

That last thought might frighten some of you. It need not. For their anger, pouting, rage, and, yes, fear will not last for long. Within a few months, they will deflate, as was true for the Wizard of Oz. Your disinterest in their self-induced misery will shift their lives from world dominance to small pockets of discontent.

Does this mean those fully enmeshed in 3D will lose their money? Possibly. More importantly, they will lose their power, their ability to dominate the thoughts and actions of the masses. Their need to retain their outer-directed power will soon seem as unimportant as the once-held need for chaperones for courting teenagers and young adults.

This is a new world. Those firmly enmeshed in 3D cannot – nor do they want to – acknowledge or act upon that newness. Their ongoing goal in this life will be to reinforce what was, only to discover no one cares, and more importantly, very few will follow. They have become kings and queens without a country and, most often, without means of support for their support was generated by their outer-directed followers.

We of the Universes, have outlined the near future but have neglected to discuss what will happen in the next few days or weeks. You will become more independent and curious, wishing to discover what is around the corner.

Your anger for those fully enmeshed in 3D will disappear as you ponder your new life options, like the shift from the need for courting chaperones to the wild parties of the roaring 20s. The difference is this shift will be from the inside out. With numerous “No, I don’t want to do that” comments and very few altercations.

You have created a new world. A world dominated by self-rule that is no longer directed by any being or group – other than your inner voice. A new world terrifying to those few remaining in 3D and glorious to those of you accepting the new being evolving within you and this new world. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2023, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Loving it all.

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Photo by Natasha Fernandez on

More often than not when i engage into spirituals conversations with friends, i observe a tendency to blame the ego, their so called dark side and somehow to judge it. I came into the inner-standing that we are better far off when we love our ego and treat it as a teacher rather than blaming it because simply the feeling of blaming creates a feeling of guilt and so on and so on. As long we live in our human bodies, the ego will always have its say and we can simply thank it for expressing and tell it that we hear it and that only our Higher Self is in control here and that this will always be the case from now on. And then simply listen our Inner Being/ Higher Self what is the best next thing/action to do and the next and the next…Abraham Hicks calls this ‘segment intention’ and with practice moment by moment we will notice an avalanche of magic every step along the way. Loving it all, Being grateful for it all and following the path of least resistance equals to feeling good equals to being of service to All Life.

Nikos Akrivod

you craved something new, stunning, a little crazy and lot of fun so, you chose your Earth plane…Old Souls.

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Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on

Against all odds, calmer judgement and infinite wisdom, you are here! Your rebellious, old soul ached for a challenge. Yes, your work on the other side was important, it mattered and made a difference. But you craved something new, stunning, a little crazy and lot of fun so, you chose your Earth plane! You did not come here alone, you have friends at home that are looking out for you, calling to you through the ether to check on you from time to time. You have family that shake their heads at you sometimes and laugh along with you. Even though they miss you, they fully understand why you must be there now! Your wisdom, strength and light are helping to usher in huge changes and a higher vibration. Be proud of yourselves, old souls, The Universe and your family most certainly are! ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley

Loving all your emotions

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 05/06/2023

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Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You live lifetimes within each day. Within each day, you can experience the gamut of emotions. You may have predominant feelings that seem to overshadow all else, but in truth, if you pay attention, you will find moments that cover a spectrum of emotions. You may feel happy but temporarily become enraged when you stub your toe. You may be stricken with the most profound grief you have ever felt, but then a memory inspires your joy. You may feel depressed and suddenly take a sip of coffee or feel the comfort of a warm shower, which becomes a saving grace. You may be celebrating but then hear of someone else’s misfortune and feel temporarily sad. Each one of you lives lifetimes on the spectrum of feeling each day.

It is helpful to pay attention to this, especially if you are going through a hard time. There is a tendency to think you can’t feel good when you feel bad, but there are thousands of tiny moments in your day when you feel relief, soothed, or uplifted. If you are predominantly up, you will still have your lower feelings from time to time, and these simply remind you to flex that muscle of choosing something that feels better as quickly as you can.

Your feelings don’t make you a good or a bad person. You already are good dear ones. You are pure light, pure love, formed from the spark of the Divine. You are no more or less holy if you feel good or bad. You are no more or less enlightened (filled with light) because you already are light. You want to reach for better feelings, not to achieve some “level” of spiritual evolution but because your experience on this earth matters, and you get to choose.

Sometimes there is comfort for you in your grief, until one day there is not, and that is when you reach for more. Sometimes there is power in your anger but not for long, so you reach for more. Sometimes there is motivation beneath your jealousy, and as long as you don’t stay stuck within it, it can inspire you to create more for yourself. Your emotions are not bad. They simply help you realize where you don’t yet believe you are loved and where you do. They simply tell you if your thinking is lined up with the Divine and your spirit, or not.

When someone dies, it is human to see the loss. The soul sees eternal relationships.

When someone criticizes you, you feel disrespected. The soul sees the others’ insecurity or pain.

When you witness abominations in your world, you see evil. The soul sees misunderstanding and cries for love.

When you do something that yields undesirable results, you see a mistake, but the soul sees an opportunity for growth.

When you see as your soul sees, you may still grieve the physical presence of a loved one, but you will also take time to receive their love and reach for their presence instead of focusing exclusively on their absence.

When you see as your soul sees those who criticize you are really saying, “This is the standard to which I hold myself, and if I do not meet it, I do not feel good enough. Therefore you must meet it too.”

When your soul sees abominations, it wants to send light with compassion and pray to heal the sad disconnection and misunderstanding that motivates such behaviors.

When your soul sees a so-called mistake, it revels in the opportunity to practice a better, kinder, and more uplifting way to be.

Dear ones, we understand your human feelings. The Divine lives within you and experiences each and every one of them with you without judgment. You are understood more than you will ever know upon your earth. We have great love and compassion for you. We comfort, soothe, and try to inspire you when you are in your pain, and we encourage you and cheer you onward when you are in your joy. We always do everything in our power to steer you towards kinder thoughts, a kinder reality, and a happier life.

When you get angry, we see your power sputtering to the surface.

When you grieve, we see the love in your tears.

When you are jealous ,we see your desire for better.

Always and forever, we remember who you truly are – love in human form. We recognize the love you are seeking to experience. We know the love you truly want to share. Beneath all appearances and all emotions we focus our attention on the love, hoping always to help you draw it nearer to the surface of your life – not for the sake of anything other than your comfort and joy.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

we ask you to not ever doubt the efficacy and the depth or reach of your own vibration, friends!

Greetings, dear ones!

We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you. And in listening to that lovely music [that was just played on the Ashtar Call], we are imaging the rolling mist of gold dust pouring throughout the Earth now! You notice that the song builds as it goes along. Now, it has an interesting title, that song, written by Pueblo Native[-American] composer Robert Mirabal, who also plays the flute in it. It’s titled “Memoir Chaco,”as in Chaco Canyon.

Mirabal, being a Pueblo man from Taos, New Mexico, speaks energetically of Chaco Canyon in that beautiful tune. The build-up in the song draws one very intentionally into the realization that what we see around us is really not all that is there. That there is a new civilization coming forward that will make the ancient civilizations plainer and more understandable to those who are on the Earth now. Because one wanders the ruins, these beautiful centuries-old structures of Chaco Canyon, left by an indigenous people of long ago, and these are considered to be mysterious buildings, because there are small openings into some of the chambers that have no light, other than through that small opening. And one wonders, “Well, how did people survive in this?” Or they notice the alignment of the lines of the structure. There are several structures, but they coincide with not only certain environmental earthly alignments, but with astrological alignments as well.

And they seem to speak to the stars, and relate to the stars. So there was clearly Star Nations assistance in the building of these dwellings. In fact, they were built as a sort of bridge between the stars and the people who lived on the Earth. And, dear ones, you’re coming into the same time now. You are coming into something which is going to recall that Star Nations connection of long ago, and far exceed it. Don’t be surprised if you are visiting a very old structure in the Western US or anywhere, where you are picking up images inwardly of the people who lived there hundreds or thousands of years ago. In those moments, you’re going to see with your heart. This is how babies and children see Angels. It’s how children see the Faery realm and the Elven realm. The spirits of animals, and the spirits of the trees—because they’re seeing with their heart. Your consciousness is dropping down into the heart-space, and coming out of a severe left-brain preoccupation, because you’re realizing it’s time to let that go now. Left-brain reasoning doesn’t answer to everything. It can’t answer to all of human experience! It can’t answer to all of one person’s experience! And it doesn’t make much sense to expect that of it. How can the conscious mind, how can the left-brain, answer that which is beyond the capability of highly rational left-brain reasoning power?

There are things that the heart-space and the spirit will understand, that the mind has not yet developed the ability to grasp. And so you may feel at times that you are in a situation that is difficult for you, in grasping why some people did this or that. If you can just take a moment for yourself in that time, and come down into the heart-space, and pretend you’re looking out at that situation. Close your eyes, and pretend you’re looking out at the situation from the heart-space. And through the heart, see what is truly happening there. It will not appear to you as it did when you were looking at it purely from this highly rational reasoning aspect of not only left-brain, but the trained impulse to make everything make sense according to your mind, and the social structures and the belief structures that humanity has been given over the past 100 years or so, which have grown a bit. They have absolutely grown to include such things as computers, and space travel, and all sorts of exciting new technologies in healing, and new forms of education. Yet really, what you are looking at, dear ones, is the development of the higher self within the human body. And accepting fifth dimensional vibrational reality within how you view your daily reality. This is a huge shift! This is one of the biggest shifts you’ll ever hear of in your life. And certainly, it is the biggest leap humanity has ever undergone. We say this, knowing that there was a very great fall from the higher dimensional awareness in which people lived utterly intuitively. There was no veil before their eyes, and they could see and understand one another and communicate over many miles, telepathically. But we would say you’re coming back into that, to move up into that beautiful time of not only self-healing, but healing one’s planet. And moving back up into the vibration of being spiritually aware that that new consciousness seeks to integrate your daily Earth self with your entire Being.

This is the biggest leap that one could possibly imagine, coming up from a third-dimensional vibration—an environment covering the entire planet as well as human awareness. So now as you’re listening to that song, “Memoir Chaco” by Robert Mirabal, and the music is building, and there’s an ongoing, growing-braver-and-stronger drumbeat in the background, and the volume is growing, as the dramatic sense of expectation is growing— As you listen to it, or to any music that is swelling in intensity and moving toward some higher moment of realization, you can image this beautiful gold dust, spreading out around your entire planet. We strongly encourage that you see this rolling out, particularly to all places in which there is great strife, great struggle, and great loss. And over and through the violence that has taken place this year, and over the past year or more, in the case of the war in Ukraine. And understand that, as much as the people there and elsewhere are suffering, including the natural disasters and the toxic spills upon the environment, such as in Ohio—as much as the people are suffering with this, understand that this is their path. As they plant the Light within this desperate darkness, they are working on a higher level—on a soul level, and within their higher self consciousness. Understand that this is their way of shifting this planet to a higher level.

How beautiful! How incredible that even those who are still children have come forward to do this. Absolutely astounding! And never doubt, dear ones, that your family who are Star Nations, as the indigenous folk will call them—never doubt that they have never ceased to be involved with this planet, and now are ratcheting up and increasing their involvement and their interventions all the more. And as you invite them in, they can do more! Now, our writer was saying recently, on one of the conference calls that the White Knights hold on Friday evenings, “I call in the ETs! I call in the Star Nations, but they don’t show up!” And we have reminded her they show up all the time, but they’re not always obviously visible. One can always speak with them and receive the energy of their reply , if not the actual words inwardly. One can always call them forward for assistance. And the assistance is going to be there! Without question, it’s going to be there. It’s just that, yes, one might look forward to a ship landing in the back garden! But it’s not going to happen that way every time. And there are many reasons for that. And yet the calls are answered, dear ones. Just as these prayers, particularly if you speak them aloud, or call upon Angelic assistance, call upon Ascended Master or Light Being assistance, or just assistance from Source Energy—all of this is going to be answered, because it must be! Vibrationally, when a call is sent out, it always creates a pulling action which then pulls back to one the results of one’s own intention. So we would ask that, even though these times can feel treacherous, feel highly tenuous, feel very uncertain and strange, as you see a lot of human rights being upended and denied after 30, 40, or 50 years of very clear and plain practice of certain human rights, such as a woman’s right to choose what to do with her own body—yes, this can be very difficult. And yet, look at all of the aspects of life that are awakening in response to the—we’re going to say, attempted totalitarian effects! They aren’t really winning. All they’re doing, you’ve noticed, is succeeding in awakening people all the more. All they’re doing is succeeding in drawing people together—to stand together very bravely, and to make a strong stance for whatever area of freedom, or freedom of expression of their choice, or movement, or ideas they have decided they will take a stand for. But the fascist or totalitarian oppression, as it’s termed on your planet, which is simply a very dark, slow, very thick energy—this is not ever going to win—not now! It may have had its day at one time, and obviously there are some trying to bring that through again. But they cannot, because this is not the same planet it was 80 or 90 years ago. So you may feel to be facing in some ways, something very grave, almost insurmountable some days. And you’re wondering “How do we get through this?”

We would say, “You don’t resist. You stay in the moment, and you live out and breathe out your own beautiful higher self, out into the atmosphere.” And believe us, that is transforming everything into your desire to move the planet to a higher level! You won’t be able to avoid the good effects of it, dear ones! You’ll be caught up in the joy of it. No one will be able to stop you. We promise you that. So listen if you can. Listen to beautiful music such as this, which connects you to your own past, as well as your present and your future. Combine them. The only Time that exists is Now. And it is so, when people say “There is only one of us here.” It is true that all of you are One. An ongoing interconnection of consciousness, experience, and Light forms. And when the predominant movement and expectation on the planet is that of Light, that of en-Light-en-ment, and of forward progression into Unity consciousness, into Peace, into Abundance for everyone, and into compassion, empathy, and kindness—when that’s the predominant vibration, you will see the birth of the fifth dimension on Earth! And all of you are working toward that right now. Many who are working toward it have been sparked and encouraged to do so in response to these ridiculous new rules which are handed down, which are called totalitarian on your planet—and they are such. And so, all of these sparks come together, dear ones, and you form your own Sun, your own sight, and your own emanation of higher Light and higher vibration, and that cannot be denied! You tip the scales in favor of Ascension! This is what you’re doing. Anytime you decide to be Joyful. Anytime you decide to go to dance, to sing, to play outside in the garden, or lie in the grass and look at the clouds as you did as a child, or to just be with loved ones and be laughing, as well as the time that you meditate, or listen to inspiring music—anytime you do that, you’re lifting the vibration of the entire planet! Certainly there are “bigger” planets, but this one has weighed heavily on many, many minds and hearts throughout this Universe of Nebadon, because of what she has been through. So we ask you to not ever doubt the efficacy and the depth or reach of your own vibration, friends! Because then, as that vibration goes out, it matches and connects with the vibration of so many others that are turning density back into Light. And this is beyond glorious! Absolutely, when we stand back, we look at how this planet’s vibration has shifted even in the last 3 or 4 months. It’s a glorious thing to see. And almost incalculable, the level of Joy that is being felt and offered in the Angelic realms, and amongst your ET friends and family, who are able with their instruments, or their special sight, to actually see the vibration rising. So as you listen to this or any other inspiring music, dear ones, image that Light pouring out, pouring into those areas of the world that need it, that beautiful sparkling, sentient, healing gold dust. Lighting up the hearts and the outlook of everyone, and disabling all guns and bombs, disabling all the tools of war machinery, and utterly defusing them. Then lifting consciousness to the level of realization that humanity—we. We are in charge now of our own planet! We are no one’s minions! And this old crowd—“It’s time for you to face the Light, and to see who you are. To finally to look in the mirror, and see who you are.” We’ll just allow them that time, dear ones. Many are jumping into the Light that even five years ago, would not have dreamt of doing so. So hold wide open the door! They are coming forward, yes!

And so we send much love, dear ones, and many blessings. Full of thanks for the beauty of your beautiful, powerful presences upon the Earth at this time. Namaste!

Copyright Caroline Oceana Ryan 2023. All Rights Reserved.

From an April 2023 live channeling on the Ashtar Legacy Family Call

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We are in the final stages of the passage way to a New and more Magical Reality on Earth.

Celia Fenn: Wesak Moon, Lunar Eclipse and Taurus Gate Portal on May 5th

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The passage to the Full Moon/Wesak Moon with Lunar Eclipse and the 5/5 Taurus Gate Portal on May 5th

Yes, it is a momentous week and we are in the final stages of the passage way to a New and more Magical Reality on Earth.

As we pass out of old worn out Dualistic modes of thinking, we open out and discover more possibilities.

We discover a Magical world that exists within our world, a world of Elemental energies and Fairies and Elves and Dragons and Unicorns. And they are real! Because we allow them to be and we recognize them in our new way of thinking and being beyond Duality.

We allow for a third option beyond Physical and Spiritual, and that is Magical. So be prepared for some special and sparkly Magic along the way!

The Scorpio Full Moon also has a special meaning in Asia and to Buddhists around the world as it celebrates the awakening of the Buddha!

We can expect that with this focus, there will be lots of Light and Joy around too.

The Eclipse will help us to finally complete the grounding of the Emerald Codes and their connection to the Emerald Star Garden as we celebrate New Earth/New Lemuria.

And of course the Taurus Gate, where together with the Sirians, the Pleiadians, the Royal Star Lions and the Divine Feminine Christos energies, we will raise our consciousness and our frequencies as we transit the portal on Friday!

It all sounds so delicious and something to be celebrated for those of us who love the Earth and are on this journey with her.
So… lets dance and sing and meditate and gather in Circles of Light……whatever we do to celebrate the return of the Sacred and Magical energies to Earth.

Love to you all!

”You came back from the future to change this now moment on the Earth because you did not like what happened to the Earth”-Apollo’s and Mira’s message through Valerie Donner-

Here’s the latest message from Apollo: “Thank you for your latest good work, ground crew. It has helped significantly to raise the consciousness of the planet. You are helping to fasten the grip on the darkness. There is still work to be done. You are now in the process of stepping into your light felt roles that will change the Earth forever. This is a serious choice point, dear beings of light. Most of you are aware, if not consciously, but at least subconsciously, the importance of you acknowledging your work as transducers of light. So much is still needed, yet it is only a breath away. Every time you pay attention to working with the light and feeling the light, you make huge waves in the shift of the ages. This is why you are here at this time. I recommend you make your focus the light. Close your eyes and welcome in the light and, if necessary, cry away the tears. Let your heart be filled with love and release the long-held fears. This will assist you in freeing yourself from the past darkness. Not only are you holding the light but you are becoming the light. The darkness has very little sway over you now. You recognize your power of the light. This makes you solid and steady. Please remember what I’m saying.

Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council still serving full-time on the Earth Council. We appreciate your hard work and we admire you for the excellent jobs that you are doing. Many new projects are already spearheaded, as if you already were/are in the 5th dimension and higher. Your roles are about to change as you step forward into who you really are and what you came to do. You came back from the future to change this now moment on the Earth because you did not like what happened to the Earth. I am sure you can see that there is a reason why you did this because look at what has happened to the Earth. Therefore, now your work is in full play. You need to step forward and emerge more with your future self. You need to call back your gifts and your abilities, to remember who you are. We are excited that you are doing this. We see your beauty, your truth, your strength, your love, and your power. We know so much about you and believe that you are successful in this huge project called the Ascension of the Earth. Please remember that you are not just creating a New Earth but you are also involved in co-creating a whole new universe. Little do you remember every aspect of your mission, but as you step forward to do more it will reveal itself. You will begin to see what great masters, avatars, and powerful beings of light that you are. So believe in yourselves, ground crew. We are getting prepared to celebrate you and all of your good work. We are working along side with you. We have all upped our capabilities and technology to further this process. The Earth is speaking to us and as we observe her. We see the challenges that she is facing. What we are doing together is of the utmost importance. I would even use the word “urgent” because everything is so out of balance and chaotic right now. It’s almost as if these projects need to be accomplished simultaneously. Yet we need to follow the power within these necessities and feel it present. Please know that everything is being done and will be accomplished at the right divine time. This principle also applies to you in your lives. Follow the most pressing issues that you have and learn to clear and heal them. This will free you up to receive the higher frequencies, love and abundance that you so deserve. There is no one right way to do this, however, we do encourage you to shift your focus. The time is now. The rewards will be many. The celebrations will continue. And your hearts will be open and full of happiness and joy for all that has been accomplished. Look to the stars, dear ones, for they have much to tell you. There is a story behind it all and you will remember. You will find with clarity and the truth why you are where you are right now on the planet. You will start receiving more signals from us and all of the galactic’s. So be open looking to the skies and waiting for what we will be showing you. Truth is the truth and the light is the light. The light carries the frequencies and the consciousness together that will lead you home. I am Mira speaking to you with great love and gratitude.

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Feeling Good is Feeling God.