Category Archives: Total Disclosure
David Wilcock: The Great Pyramid is an ET Monument, Post-Disclosure
Mike Lindell’s Absolute Interference
Military Tribunals Have Already Begun!
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Finally we have some in-depth reporting of the military tribunals going on at GITMO from citizen journalists Linda Forsythe and Leonard Bacani. They have also released PDF transcripts approved by the Department Of Defense (DOD) for release to the public. We The People are bypassing #FAKENEWS main stream media. Hopefully we will see higher echelon political names covered in these military tribunal reports and not low level minions. This may be a testing ground to see how the public reacts to alternative media reporting on the tribunals. It could also be a diversion while the big names are tried in secret, kind of like giving us breadcrumbs until GESARA is announced publicly. Interesting on how this plays out.
See below for the video update from C-Vine News.
C-Vine News
Military Tribunal Process for C-VINE News Reporters – The Saga Begins
ANNOUNCEMENT: During the next many months and years, C-VINE News will bring information to the public about the various Military Tribunal trials and pre-trials that are happening in GTMO – Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
The interesting process for reporting on these trials will be covered by Alternative Media. Mainstream Media was not invited. Is this a new trend to come? We shall see.
On 1/28/19 – 2/1/19; C-VINE News citizen journalists will be at Fort George G. Meade Military Base in Maryland to observe the military commission pre-trial proceedings through LIVE Stream cctv scheduled for United States v. Khalid Shaikh Mohammad et al in GTMO.
This will be the first of many proceedings we will attend and is scheduled. Volunteer Citizen Journalists from C-VINE will be doing their very best to make our country proud to know that “We the People” have taken charge of how the News is reported.
This rapidly growing, grass-roots effort is exciting to watch as Patriots join together to MAGA.
All this and future Military Tribunal information will be released to the public after Department of Defense final approval & posted on the website.
More at …..
Surprising information was revealed when Leonard Bacani and Linda Forsythe (who are both Citizen Journalists with the C-VINE International News Network) reported on the Military Tribunals Live Streamed CCTV out of GITMO to Ft. Meade In Maryland. This was Part 1 of 2 covering the first day on 1/28/2019.
Critical To Watch! Part 2 of the GITMO Military Tribunal’s Are Revealing Games Are Underway to Take Away Our Constitutional Rights for Public Viewing by Trying to Set a Precedent of Closed Hearings Utilizing the Pre-Trial Hearings of Khalid Shaikh Mohammad et al.
Leonard Bacani and Linda Forsythe as Citizen Journalists of C-VINE News were able to view and report on these proceedings LIVE Streamed at Fort Meade Base via CCTV from GITMO.
Military Tribunal Transcript PDF’s of proceedings available at C-VINE.COMand citizens are highly encouraged to download and closely scrutinize.
For more updated info and transcripts of the military tribunals from GITMO
”advanced technologies(free energy, anti-gravity)will now have an avenue to be released publicly”on mainstream media.
We already have the technology to take salt out of Ocean water, and pump the clean water back into the reservoir’s, and create free energy and any element in the Periodic Table, all at the same time. We also have the technology to 3D print whatever we need, for example any meal that we desire.
14th December 2018. Mike Quinsey.
David Wilcock is without doubt the most reliable source of information, as is his video that lasted 3hr.01min.30sec.covering quite a few of the changes that lay ahead, and I believe they will be of much interest now to many of you. The extracts have been condensed, but if you wish to hear/read the full version it is mainly from the section commencing 1hr.51m .54sec.to2hr.30min.00sec.
David Wilcock 2016.12.12. New Living Expo.
Forty ET groups have bases on the Moon and inside the Earth and they call the Earth – the experiment. The Sphere Beings first showed up in the 1980’s, when a gigantic Orb the size of Neptune was found in our Solar System heading towards our planet, and it circled all of them in turn. Around 1999-2001we had a number of Spheres coming into our Solar System that have remained ever since. In November 2015 in Australia aboard the new Aircraft Carrier “Aegis” they had a massive Draco Super Beam Weapon and they fired upon a Sphere causing it to glow bright red, and it then re-directed the particle beam back to the Aircraft Carrier, and it blew up the whole base in Pine Gap. After that a “no fly” zone was created around the Earth.
The Illuminati planned the Twin Tower attacks to take place on the 9th November 2001 because it was the date of the birth of Christ exactly 2000 years earlier. The Twin Towers came down within a ten minute window of it. The Illuminati thought the Spheres were the return of the Annunaki Gods who would save them. So they were trying to offset the power of the message in the Bible, as it stated that Jesus would return after 2000 years. The Russians can prove that the 9/11 destruction of the Twin Towers was brought about by the use of a small nuclear bomb placed by the Cabal. Putin is ready if necessary to reveal details of false flag operations. The Russian’s have an advanced missile system called the “Annexe” that cannot be tracked by radar making military technology useless. David Wilcock commented that because of it there would never be another war.
The Mayan Calendar End Date of 2012 was when 100 very large Spheres with advanced technology entered our Solar System – they were of three different sizes, as big as the Moon, Neptune and Jupiter. The Sphere Beings are the Blue Avians of the Alliance, and would not respond to signals for contact to be made. They are 8 feet tall and have a human body covered with blue feathers, some of which are violet and purple. The face resembles a bird but the eyes are closer to the front, and they have a beak that has flexible movement and they speak telepathically. They appear to be the same group as identified in “The Law of the One” as Ra, and in it they describe themselves as Brothers and Sisters of Soros and have come here to help us out. The Blue Avians made a deal or treaty with the Solar Warden people to clear up the mess that they created. They have the technology to make metal expand to stop armaments being used, and when turned off they go back to the original size and are reformed. They gave this advanced technology and power to Solar Warden including, an ENT indestructible device that is so small that it can be put into a Drone and used for example, to fly over and around a ship and power it down and shut off all of the back-up systems. The Blue Avians built a barrier around the Solar System including Stargates, and the dark Fleet were locked out when it was set up. So no one can now get in or out, not even communications.
We already have the technology to take salt out of Ocean water, and pump the clean water back into the reservoir’s, and create free energy and any element in the Periodic Table, all at the same time. We also have the technology to 3D print whatever we need, for example any meal that we desire.
The energetic “Event” that is Ascension is our destiny and still to come, it will transform what it means to be human and will be a spiritual experience. Our reality is going into the 4th Density and a new Earth, and all we have now will still be there. However, those souls on a separate negative time line will experience Armageddon, and through it gain spiritual growth.
The Global Galactic League of Nations of all the major races on Earth is
represented, and they meet on a planet outside of our Solar System. Amazingly,
ET’s have been on the Moon for thousands of years.
This being my last message for this year I would say the high point has been the impact the Blue Avians have had upon the Cabal, who have effectively been stopped from starting World War Three that has been their aim all along. The Illuminati have tried many times to start it but each time they have failed, due to Solar Warden having been given superior technology by the Blue Avians. It must be pointed out that it would not be used by them in a first attack, as those working for the Light only use their weapons for self – defence, and in no circumstances would start an offensive. Not only that, they have given us greater independence and protection by keeping their Spacecraft in positions that enable them to monitor our Solar System, ensuring that no interference is allowed that would affect our freewill choices.
The New Year is looking like one that will bring many changes, and the long overdue revaluation of the currencies should at last take place. Somewhere in between these happenings political changes seem to be held in abeyance in many countries. There seems to be a genuine attempt to raise the level of those appointed, and replace those who do not have the people’s interests at heart. There certainly seems to be movement for changes of this nature, and even big business is being forced to review its policies. No longer can the needs of the people be set aside, and by their sheer numbers they will demand and be successful for what they want.
I wish you all an enjoyable Christmas and a Happy New Year, and to keep faith in those who are silently setting in motion the changes that will beneficial to all people. Everyone can contribute by lifting up the vibrations and thinking positively, and not allowing negative thoughts or actions to enter their minds. Remember that just a few people working together create a great amount of positive energy in this way. The battle is nearly won as the dark Ones can no longer dictate what takes place.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
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Interview with an Alien.
”Interview with an Alien” in 1947,gives a good version of our Galactic Story & more!
Full Book shared here for the next 7 days,you can always send me email if link is finished at
Q Confirms ET’s and Secret Space Programs
UFOs: The Uncontrolled Narrative
Only Our Galactic Family Was Present at Putin-Trump Meeting at Helsinki
The future will be unbelievable complete with Cards for our own Personal Credit, Replicators (suppressed) that can make everything and ‘a new awareness’ of the ‘power of our minds’ to ‘manifest’ our needs.
INTEL Update (Real News) via email – “CURRENT SITUATION UPDATE” 3/14/18
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 14-Mar-2018 20:13:41
Ascension in Simple Words.
Ascension in simple words
This blog is not intended to fill you with too much information,there are tones of information out there depending on how far you like to dig in the rabbit hole and what talks to you more.
I always thought :why write since what is given today as truth is changing tomorrow when seen by a higher perspective?
This blog,is more an invitation to read and meditate in a very simple way.
Humanity’s history is much different than what most historians and education would like us to believe.
Humanity is coming out of a 13,000 year cycle of deep sleep and enslavement(mainly for Gold)
to a an alien race called Annunaki ,life after life incarnating into Karmic cycles.
2018 is the 6th year of Our New Earth realities,which has begun on December 21st 2012 according to the Mayan Calendar.
Jesus Christ and Maria Magdalena came on planet Earth more than 2,000 years ago to anchor the codes for the Liberation of Humanity through activation of our DNA codes.
This was the 1st coming:They have achieved their Resurrection from Death and their Ascension into their Human bodies.
There are 7 main masters of Ascension:Lord El Morya,Lord Lando,Paul The Venetian,Serapis Bey,Hilarion,Lady Nada and Saint Germain who is also the Hierarche of the Golden age of Aquarius of Abundance and Prosperity.(For more information about Ascended Masters,please go here:
Saint Germain offers Humanity the gift of his powerful ray of Violet Fire to release all traumas and memories from this or past life times.
Violet Fire and Unconditional Love are our main tools to achieve Ascension.
To Master Ascension,we need to ask the support to the rest of Ascended Masters family.
The 2nd coming is happening right now in our bodies,it is the transformation of our carbon based bodies to crystalline base bodies,allowing those that have chosen this path before they came to this life to ‘Ascend’ within their bodies and live longer lives (up to 1000 years) without having to go through the cycle of dying and being born again.There are those that are very aware of this fact called The 1st Wave of Ascension,that i am part of.
Our agreement into this life is through our presence and example as Deliberate Creators in Joy to wake up those that are asleep still and have chosen to walk the path of Ascension within their bodies which is also is the 2nd coming of the presence of Crystal/Christ energy in our bodies.
There are also those that will Ascend by leaving their bodies.
We all have agreed to play our roles as in each life and Ascension is what defines this lifetime.
And of course Free Will is always available as one can choose which path they desire till eventually allowing and trusting their Higher Self, Soul ,I Am Presence show the way.
All beings are children of God,no matter which roles they agreed to play,all are equally loved and all realise their Ascension with or without their human bodies.(if you want to know more please go here:
Ascension is also the end of Carmic cycles,Total Forgiveness in Unconditional Love stops the wheel of Karma.
This is an amazing period in the history of creation as our young specie called Humanity goes through the process of becoming Luminous Beings within our physical bodies.
It is an experiment that is proving that Light and Love is always victorious.Another specie has been through the process about 200,000 years ago ,our star family,galactic brothers and sisters:
The Pleiadians.
In fact the entire Cosmos is right now observing what is happening and for those of us that ask for help to be supported in our Ascension,help is only a thought away as our teams of Galactic Families:Arcturians,Pleiadians,Syrians,Andromedans and many more,Angels and Archangels,Ascended Masters,our Mother Father God and Mother Earth are all with us instantly to support us.
All we need to do is Ask and it is Given.
Our Meditations and everything in our lives become easier when we ask for support.
Ease and Grace is what defines our timeline.
Ascension is also called the transition from Human to Galactic, going from a 3Dimensional reality to a 5th Dimensional reality and beyond.
5th Dimensional Reality is not a place,it is a feeling and the more one feels into it,the easier things manifest in our lives till we will reach a state where we instantly manifest whatever we desire after extensive work in controlling our thoughts and feelings as what we feel and think we manifest.
There is nothing we can not be,do or have.
The more we feel ourselves into our desire,this manifests faster in our reality.
This is to learn to become a deliberate creator of Joy as this is the main purpose of our existence on the planet.
If this is completely new to you i invite you to relax and do a 15’ meditation in silence to allow yourself to adjust to this information,your soul knows already.
If this is not new to you,i invite you to go below and make the invocation on a daily basis for the activation of your 24 strand DNA given by Saint Germain.
Highly recommended to implement on a daily basis :
I call upon Mother Earth and Archangel Uriel, the Fire of God the Light of God, the Archangel of Divine Wisdom in the North, and the Ruler of Elements of Earth. I project gratitude, light and love, I project my being, my energies, my thoughts deep into the magma of Mother Earth, yellow, purple, orange in color, asking for the assistance in bringing the energy of the creative magma up through my feet, up to my root chakra or coccygeal Plexus, into my second sexual and sacral chakra, the Plexus of Creation. I call on Divine Creative Source and Archangel Jophiel the Beauty of God, the Archangel of Creative Power and Illumination, The Guardian of the Tree of Knowledge with Archangel Uriel. I reach and project gratitude, light and love, high into the heavens, calling forth the golden-white light from Source Energy, bringing down the golden-white light through my cerebral chakras, down through my heart chakra adding love from my heart, and down to my sacral Plexus or creative center just above the pelvic bone. I call forth Archangel Zaphkiel, Keeper of the Orange Flame of Creation, the Angel of Ecstasy and Compassion to bring the creative energy of the orange flame into my sacral Plexus, with the intent of creating 24 strands of perfected DNA. For the Celebration of our Existence I call in the Star Children, Keepers of the perfected 24 strands of perfected human DNA, with the intent to manifest the 24 strands of DNA in my Sacral plexus, the second sexual creative chakra and in every cell in my body. As I place the 24 strands of DNA into every cell in my body, I intend to perfect my body, bones, blood, lymphatic system, nerves, organs, hormones, glands, proteins, telomeres, organelles, carbohydrates, arteries, veins, immune system, adipose tissues, cell membranes, mitochondria and every other cell in my body at a quantum level, manifesting the perfection of the original humans. I reform the 24 strands into 12 double-helix, connecting 2 strands each, into rotated, connected, perfected, spiral, double-stranded DNA, with perfected telomeres at the ends acting as little antennae, transmitting perfection from the quantum field and Source Energy, into each and every cell of my body to rejuvenate and revitalize my body to a perfected, eternal state of health and fitness. I braid these 12 double helixes into 24-stranded rope DNA in every cell in my body, making me strong, invincible, indestructible and impenetrable to all the toxins, petrochemicals, nanobots and radiation and all forms of low vibrational energy. My 12 double helixes connect me to the quantum energies of all other celestial realms. I am now connected and integrated to all my Divine Interdimensional Beings in the Multiverse. I AM now an enlightened Being of Light and Love!
So BE IT! So It IS! I AM!
I also vividly invite you to join our :
**To Send Love and Light To Mother Earth and
all Beings Upon Her!
EVERYDAY @ 3 PM Eastern
Call: 1-641-715-0857 Code: 30347#
Replay: 1-641-715-3579
Blessings & Feel More Than Fine Always!
Nikos Akrivos
In Infinite Gratitude and Love
For :
Abraham Hicks,
David Wilcock,
Wayne Dyer
Lee Carol (Kryon)
Sisters and Brothers Light Workers-Channellers,
Sananda,Mary Magdalene,Saint Germain,AA Michael,Ascended Masters,
Mother Father God,Company of Heaven and all of Creation.
Family,friends and people in my life supporting my work even though not understanding everything,thank you for making my life easier in this 3dimensional physical world.
Credit for the Hologram of Joy to:
Just because you can’t see what is really happening…doesn’t mean that it’s not going on behind the scenes
Mr. Ed’s Intel Update via Email – “Intel Black Out” – January 21, 2018
Posted: 21 Jan 2018 07:51 AM PST Received via email from Mr. Ed…..
Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
INTEL Update (Real News) via email – “Intel Black Out” 1/21/18 Posted By: Mr.Ed Date: Sunday, 21-Jan-2018 04:44:44
![]() INTEL Update (Real News) via email – “Intel Black Out” 1/21/18Just because you can’t see what is really happening…doesn’t mean that it’s not going on behind the scenes. The Main Stream Media ‘Fake News’ sure won’t tell you about things like ‘Gitmo Prison’ being filled up with Cabal for ‘Military Tribunals’. They won’t tell you about bad guys trying to escape earth and being shot down over Michigan by the Secret Space Program (SSP) Alliance ships. They won’t tell you that 87,000 Pedophiles have been arrested so far. They won’t tell you there are another 45,000 ‘Arrest Warrants’ waiting…plus 10,000 ‘Sealed Indictments’. Reports of Nuclear Warhead Missiles in Hawaii & Japan “were real”…and were taken out by Pleiadian craft working with SSP Alliance. It has been decided that this year (2018) people will be introduced to some extraterrestrials…which will be Pleiadians that closely resemble us. This Government Shutdown is a distraction while the Military arrest the high profile cabal. What they don’t know is…this shut down is the end for the corporate government and it will never return while all the criminals go to jail now. (the republic will take it’s rightful place) Delays in the RV / GCR are to allow time to make sure it is safe for your money and protect your new accounts. We are waiting on the United States Treasury to push the button for the RV / GCR to start and it is very close now. Announcements will be made soon about NESARA / GESARA…the Restored Republic…new gold backed currency…new banking…prosperity and more. Common Law will be restored when the New Restored Republic is announced to the public. (which is already in place behind the scenes and has been in control for some time) Trump is not going anywhere…and he will be reelected for a 2nd term. (as he continues to drain the swamp) Look for new technology to soon appear like ‘Med Beds’…’Free Energy Units’ and ‘Replicators’. This will be the end for death based hospitals and big pharma pushing poison…as Med Beds will cure all diseases…repair any injury…replace any limb or organ and give you perfect health. (in minutes and free) This same technology will make you young again to remain that way for the next 1000 years. (so you can spend all that money) 🙂 A transformational wave of high frequency energy from the galactic central sun (not to be confused with our sun) is to hit us in the next few days…which is said to cause the shift from 3rd to 5th dimension…which has been termed “The Event” by Cobra of the Pleiadian Resistance Movement. This Event will be nothing to fear at all…but will mark the beginning of the ‘Golden Age’ of 1000 years of ‘Heaven on Earth’. Soon you will be able to travel the universe and meet other forms of life which is never ending… |