Category Archives: Saul

people are changing as they evolve spiritually; they are growing in their awareness that everyone without exception has an intrinsic right to the necessities of life, and all over the world they are demanding that these necessities be provided by the governments that are supposed to be representing them.The old ways of governing a subservient population are no longer acceptable and are being dismantled.

The time for egoic power struggles is coming to an end.

John Smallman, Nov. 17, 2019

Changes of great magnitude are occurring all across the world as the human collective moves at an ever accelerating pace towards awakening. There is hardly anyone on Earth at present who is unaware that something of enormous significance is happening.

The mainstream media is reporting, as usual, on chaos, confusion, and catastrophe in various areas of the world, or more locally on dramatic neighborhood events that encourage fear, but these are not the changes to which I am referring. All over the world people are being nudged and prodded by their spiritual guides to remind them of the intentions they set before incarnating to take up human form in their present lifetimes.

The state of spiritual amnesia that occurs when a soul chooses to take human form causes intense confusion because, while realizing that life as a human must have a purpose, for most people that sense of purpose appears to be non-existent, missing, or cannot be accessed because it is so deeply hidden within them.

Until very recently the majority of humans, mainly due to this state of amnesia, believed that their survival as humans and their ability to obtain pleasure through their human senses was the sole purpose of life.

However, in the last few decades, more and more people have been seeking a deeper meaning to life, a loving and compassionate meaning, and there is abundant evidence for this change in attitudes all across the planet where groups have been forming to raise awareness about issues that concern them – for instance, ongoing industrial processes causing immense damage to the environment, health concerns, the poverty in which so many are forced to live, and the elimination of so many animal and insect species due to insensitive application of commercial fertilizers and pesticides. This is a very positive indication of the acceleration of humanity’s awakening process. Your awakening is happening right now!

Yes, there is chaos and confusion on an unprecedented scale, but this is because people are changing as they evolve spiritually; they are growing in their awareness that everyone without exception has an intrinsic right to the necessities of life, and all over the world they are demanding that these necessities be provided by the governments that are supposed to be representing them.

The old ways of governing a subservient population are no longer acceptable and are being dismantled. The new ways that will replace them have not yet been fully developed, but much intelligent and wise discussion is producing some very effective ideas that will be most fruitful in resolving these basic social problems that have been ignored or dismissed by governments for a very long time.

As the saying goes: “Change is in the air!” And this is wonderful news. This is the news that so many have been waiting for, it is ongoing and unstoppable: humanity is awakening, NOW! Trust your intuition to guide you with integrity safely and honestly forward. You need to move forward, you want to move forward, and it is your human destiny to move forward. It is what you incarnated to do.

The time for egoic power struggles is coming to an end, and even those with the most egotistical intentions are being nudged toward awakening, and are beginning to come to an awareness that the manner in which they have been living, while striving to control and manipulate others, is not only no longer acceptable, but that it is a way of life that they no longer wish to engage in.

Many who have held political positions and ambitions for many years are stepping down, and this is being reported in the mainstream news media. Much more of an extremely uplifting nature is also occurring, as humanity’s spiritual evolutionary intent strengthens and intensifies.

Wherever you are living and whatever you are doing, you are on your spiritual path, every human is on their spiritual path, even though it may seem to you that you yourself, or others, are just stumbling blindly along; this is not the case. It only seems like that because so much is arising for you that needs to be acknowledged and released, stuff that has lain dormant, buried, hidden, denied, or ignored for many lifetimes, and which, as it comes into your awareness, shocks and horrifies you.

Thoughts are occurring to you that you imagined were only present in the minds of those who were utterly insane. How could they be arising in your minds when you believe that your purpose and intent is to be only loving, you ask yourselves in horror? Well, you are all part of the human collective, and so the thoughts that one encourages or engages with affects everyone else. That is why the awakening process is so necessary and so intense.

There is only One Consciousness, Awareness, Mother/Father/God, Source, and It is You, and within It all thoughts arise. Therefore all can and do access them, very frequently quite unintentionally, and the results in your individual thought patterns can be very shocking and alarming.

Just let them go! Do not engage with them or try to correct them because there is no need to, they are unreal and will just dissolve or disintegrate when you release them by refusing to focus on them with intent to change or eradicate them.

Your task in the awakening process remains the same; namely, set and hold the intent to be only loving whatever arises. Do not engage in conflict because doing so only strengthens and intensifies it. If you do not engage with it, it remains contained within the originators, waiting for them, when they are ready, to release it.

Conflict has never been used successfully to resolve conflict. It just replicates itself, leading to further conflict. Therefore be only peaceful and loving, and do not attempt to show others how right you are or how wrong they are. No one is wholly right or wrong, ever. People are just misguided, and they can only move out from that condition when they themselves are ready, and when they are, you can lovingly and peacefully support them.

You incarnated to offer and provide that loving and peaceful support, and as you do so you are never alone, because you have us, a wonderful support team in the spiritual realms, that is constantly available and on call to assist you in every moment.

When you feel overloaded, overwhelmed, fearful, anxious, or doubt-filled, call on us and we will respond instantly because that is our task in the awakening process. We want to help you, we love to help you, and you can help us to help you by allowing yourselves to listen to us, your intuitive inner guidance, your higher Self, instead of listening to and acting on the fearful panic responses of your egos.

Going daily within, to your holy inner sanctuaries, is essential for your well-being so that you have the strength and motivation to live as you planned before incarnating, by being loving, accepting, and peaceful in every situation. You do that by being true to your true and divine nature.

You, every sentient being without any exception, are beings of pure Love, but, as humans, your access to that state absolutely requires that you take time out daily to be alone and at One with your divinity, strengthening and intensifying the flow of Love into your human hearts by opening to It and inviting It in.

Unless you invite It in, It cannot enter because you are sovereign beings, and Love always honors your individual sovereignty, It will never impose Itself upon you. When you set the daily intent to allow It entrance to your hearts you will feel Its Presence, and this will give you the strength and motivation to do what you incarnated to do: Support the awakening process by Demonstrating Love In Action.

With so very much love, Saul.

know, as you do deep within yourselves, that all is well, that all is always well, and that you just have not been paying enough attention.

Saul via John Smallman, May 19th, 2019

You have never been separated from Love.


Saul Audio Blog for Sunday May 19th

We all – Father/Mother/God, supreme Intelligence, divine Wisdom, all of creation that is not in form (an unimaginably vast number!) – are watching with delighted and enthusiastic excitement as your moment of awakening draws ever closer. And yes, I hear you as you again express your doubts and your irritation because we have been telling you for a seemingly very long time that your awakening is about to happen. And to many of you it appears that nothing is going on. Your doubts and irritation, even intense anger, increase. This is completely understandable because, as humans in form, it is extremely difficult for you to access the divine field of information where announcements and bulletins relating to this most magnificent event are posted regularly. You, therefore, are reliant on the channeled messages received and shared by those tuned in to receive them, and naturally you find that less than totally satisfactory. Your trust is being divinely tested, as you knew it would be, and you all agreed to this because you absolutely knew that all would be well, and you will not be disappointed.

Here in the non physical realms we do understand your impatience, and your disillusionment, and your awakening is all about this latter experience – disillusioning you! i.e releasing you from the illusion. You are, each and every one of you, divine beings having an experience in form as humans. You all chose to do this, knowing full well how deeply hidden your memories of Reality would be as you underwent life as a human, and although you had chosen to incarnate at this point in human history to participate in this most marvelous awakening event, it is, nevertheless, very unsettling for you, as it is for all of humanity, to observe and even be involved in the chaos, conflicts, and confusion presently arising worldwide.

However, deep within you all, your faith remains firm and unshaken in spite of your doubts. It is this incredible faith that persuaded you to incarnate at this point in the awakening process – it has been ongoing for a long time in human terms – to mightily assist those who seemingly have absolutely no idea of what is going on, nor any idea of the unutterable joy that awaits you all.

Your faith and your strength, and the love that fills your hearts, and which you so willingly share, is essential to the awakening, and supports so very many, of whom you remain totally unaware, in ways that would astonish you. Truly, you are enormously honored and respected here in Reality, the state or place from which none of you has ever departed. You are unaware that you are constantly and lovingly enveloped by Reality because of the limitations being human imposes upon you.

However, by holding firmly to your own most powerful intent to awaken – a most powerful intent that all hold but are mostly unaware of or cannot access – even if you do not verbally communicate that intent to anyone else, I assure you that it is getting communicated and shared on very deep levels, which is why so much unsettling “stuff” is arising for so many right now. And many of you, I know, feel very alone because it seems that there is no one, or that there is practically no one, with whom you can share even a small part of your vision of the awakening.

The expression “the end times” has been much quoted as people become increasingly concerned and anxious about the state of the world and the direction in which it appears to be heading. But it would be far more appropriate to refer to “the darkness before the glorious light of dawn.” The awakening is a “dawning,” a knowing arriving in people’s conscious awareness that there is only Love, followed by the joyful recognition of this divine truth. The power of Love to melt or dissolve anything that is not in perfect alignment with It will amaze you, as the dawn breaks and the most brilliant light pours into your awareness leaving nowhere for darkness to abide, and showing you what beautiful divine beings you all are.

Bitterness, hatred, judgment, blame, and the intense egoic need to see punishment ordered and delivered, which unfailingly lead to endless conflict, will just fall away and disintegrate as people open their hearts to the immense power of Love. You have never been separated from Love, but Love does not impose, it does not force, it does not direct, it does not control, It just is, and when It is no longer refused or shut out, rejected because you feel unworthy of Its Presence within you, and instead is openly welcomed into all your hearts, then It will fill you with a sense of awe and wonder that you cannot possibly imagine. The joy of unconditional acceptance that Love offers to everyone – both saints and sinners alike, for you are all both saints and sinners – will absolutely blow your minds.

I ask you therefore to OPEN your hearts FULLY – they have for eons been closed in fear and have shrunk due to lack of sustenance – and allow them to expand limitlessly and endlessly as Love fills them once more with all of creation. Within each one of you is All, you have just temporarily forgotten and lost sight of this fact, and of Reality. There is only ONE, You are One, and in the Presence of the One there is only infinite joy. So, celebrate the inevitability of your awakening, release your doubts and anxieties, and know, as you do deep within yourselves, that all is well, that all is always well, and that you just have not been paying enough attention.

With so very much love, Saul.

Source: John Smallman