I am Yeshua. I am here to be with you at this time, in this momentous time, in this time of great reunion, of great renewal, where everything now is beginning to come together, beginning to coalesce together.
For these are those times, those times that you have been waiting for, longing for. This is a special time. A special time of your Spring where life begins to renew itself once again.
That is what this is all about: renewal of life. For there is no death. There never has been. That is all just part of the illusion, part of the programming. Death is nonexistent. Because life never ends.
That is what I came here to show those 2000+ years ago, that life is never-ending, even though your various religions, your various ones that taught the programming of death. There is no death. Even I did not die on that cross. I lived. I lived to show the world that there is life everlasting.
It was those that would hold control and power that changed the message. The message that I died on the cross in agony.
That is so far from the truth. For the truth is love and light. And how could I have had that suffering and that pain and sorrow all around me when there was nothing but love, the Christ within me at that time.
Think about that. And think about in all of your years of life here on this planet that there will never truly be a death. Even those that do pass on, pass on to a new life, a new existence, a changeover, if you will.
For life, indeed, is everlasting. And I AM, the I AM Presence is the way, the truth, and the life, or the light. Trust in that. Trust in that I AM Presence within you. Trust in the Father God Source within you, your Higher God Self, the connection that you have to your Higher God Self, to your Father. As I said, “I and my Father are one.” And how could I be one with my Father and you not be one with yours, with your Higher God Self?
For we are all truly one together. And as one together, we are showing the way. Showing the way to all of those that need to find their way yet. The light is lit in front of them, as you are that light. You are those Way-showers, just as I was a Way-shower. And yes, I was a System Buster as well. For I came to bust that system wide open and, in many ways, I did. Just as you, in these times now moving ahead, are doing the same.
You are showing the way. The way forward is light. The way forward is love. The way forward is higher vibrational frequency and yes, ascension. Not death and resurrection, but indeed ascension. Ascension into the higher realms of consciousness that you all came here to show. And show it, you are.
As always, my friends, trust in yourselves to move through this continued illusionary process, and move through to the end of it to see it falling down everywhere. The house of cards crashing. For indeed it is crashing. Just as the waves crash upon the shore. The house of the cabal, or the dark forces, is crashing down.
I am Yeshua, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness.
But know that I am always with you. I, as the Christ Consciousness.
And the Christ Consciousness is within all of you, if you would but allow it to show itself.
I am Sananda. It is always a pleasure to be here with you in this way, that I can continue to bring forward messages that pertain to not only you, those of you that are on this call, but all of those that resonate to these words.
And I wish to go back now. I wish to go back to an earlier time when I spoke about the idea of perspective. And how important that is today, as all these things that are happening around you are part of that perspective. Each one has their own perspective on this. But I wish you to understand that as you’re coming to the end of this year now, this 2022, much, much, much this year.
But there are so many out there that look back at this year and think nothing is happening, nothing is changing, it’s the same old, same old, same old. But nothing could be further from the truth. Because as we have said, as you have heard many, many times from many different sources, there are many things that are occurring in the background beyond your eyes to see at this point and your ears to hear. But even though you cannot see it or hear it, does not mean that it’s not happening.
For what is happening now is an undertaking that is thousands of years in planning. Think about that now: thousands of years, not just a few years. For many look at this time period and think it’s taking so long, it’s taking so long. But thousands of years this has been in the works to bring sovereignty back to this planet and to the people of this planet. To bring freedom back to the people.
The old experiments of the illusion of the third dimension is over. And you must come to understand that more and more. Yes, I know, it does not appear that it is over. It appears like it is, indeed the same old, same old. But trust us, as you hear from many different sources on this subject, it is not. There are so many different things that are occurring and are going to continue to happen, so many changes yet to come forward. For this is the old paradigm falling away.
The old third-dimensional paradigm is fading rapidly now. Not as rapidly as some of you would like, certainly. But you must understand again, thousands of years in planning. It’s not going to go away overnight. It is going to take time; but more importantly, take vibration.
As vibrational frequency increases, then the old paradigm falls away more, and more, and more. And the frequency vibration is increasing. And therefore you are finding the chaos now of the third dimension crumbling, and that is purposeful. And you must come to understand that it is on purpose, all part of the plan.
And yes, we hear you saying, “Oh, that plan, they’re really talking about the plan.” Yes, we do, because it is a universal plan. It is something, again, that has been in the works for a long, long time. And you must realize that although you are all part of this plan, you cannot control the plan. You cannot completely bring it forward. You have parts of it, yes. But you are not in control of this plan. Just do your part, whatever that part might be.
You spoke earlier in your discussion of soul contracts. And yes, you all have a soul contract, all of you. And you are working in that soul contract. So just allow it. Allow for the process. Allow for it to continue to move forward. And know that as things continue to move on, as the plan continues to rework itself over, and over, and over to bring about the final result of the end of the third-dimensional illusion, know that you are doing everything that you can within yourself to bring about, again, the final result to this plan.
Continue to trust. Not just in the plan, though. Trust in yourselves. Trust in yourselves to continue to bring your part of this forward. Continue to bring yourself to a point where you know who you are more and more, and reconnect to your Higher-God-Self. For that is for what this is all about. When you speak about the Great Awakening, that is what it is: remembering who you are fully within the ascension process. That is the Great Awakening.
Will all awaken? Certainly not. But they will awaken to their own personal truth as they need to. It is not up to you to change their plan. It is not up to you to change their soul contract, although you cannot do it even if you wanted to. It is up to you to continue to move forward in your own personal life following your own soul contract and along the way assist others which, by the way, is also part of your soul contract.
I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness, and that you would continue to move forward step by step, inch by inch if you have to.
But allow the process to continue to follow through. Because it is happening. It is happening now.
Change is happening. Change will continue to happen.
And the third-dimensional illusionary expression is crumbling all around you, thereby bringing the chaos which you are seeing.
You are all dearly loved – infinitely loved by our loving Father. You always have been and you always will be because the Love of God is eternal and unchanging.
Therefore there is nothing you can do to alter this divine truth. As you live your human lives you frequently experience doubts about God’s love for you because, from early infancy, you have all experienced some, or maybe much, shaming and punishment by those who were responsible for your well-being, and having naturally assumed that those who are caring for you are good, you therefore concluded (in very early life!) that there must be something wrong with you.
This sense of not being good enough, of being unworthy, is very deeply ingrained, and I want to help you to dissolve every aspect of it so that you can come to a deep understanding of its total invalidity, as you awaken to the realization of God’s infinite and eternal Love for you, Love without bounds or conditions of any kind. What God creates is unchangeably perfect. He created you and He wants you to know this eternal truth about yourselves.
In fact, deep within yourselves you do know this, and your awakening is about coming to full and constant awareness of this divine and unalterable truth, thus constantly feeling, experiencing, and delighting in the supreme joy of knowing yourselves as you truly are – eternally, inseparably, and most deeply in LOVE with God. Knowing yourselves as God knows you! And knowing that this is His Will and yours. You and M/F/G are in complete harmony in every moment, aware and fully engaged in the endless expansion of the Vastness that is Love. That state of being, your natural and original state, is eternal and unchanging, and you are awakening into full awareness of it.
To be fully aware, fully conscious, fully alive is God’s Will for you, and as you are eternally One with God it is also your will. You cannot not awaken, sleep is a very temporary and unreal break away from your natural state of being, a state of forgetting your true divine nature, it does not serve you, and so you will let it go.
Before you incarnated for this present lifetime you were fully aware and fully enjoying the oneness of Love that you are within the Presence that is God. And you also knew, having most courageously and enthusiastically volunteered to be physically present as humans in form to assist in humanity’s grand awakening, that this present human life experience would be very demanding and might also involve much pain and suffering. And yet you incarnated – most willingly! Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms you are most highly honored . . . and rightly so! Please start honoring yourselves, it is the Will of God that you do so, that you honor Her divine creation.
Call on us – me, saints, loved ones, who are always watching over you – for help and comfort whenever you doubt yourselves. As a well-known saying states: “When the going gets tough, the tough get going!” And you are far tougher and more powerful than you can possibly conceive of when you use only your human intellects to understand what life as a human is all about. Just remember that you are never alone!
When you take your daily quiet time to commune with us, allow yourselves to just relax into your holy inner sanctuaries without expectations. Allowing is essential. Allowing is surrendering to the energy field of Love within which you are always present, even though you can hardly feel its Presence embracing you.
When you do this you will find your worries and anxieties reducing in intensity or even evaporating while you rest there. You do need to do this at least once daily, more often if you can spare the time, because doing so refuels your human energy fields, and then you find within yourselves the intuitive sense, the inner knowing that all is as it should be, and that you are where you are meant to be, doing and being the energy field of Love that is enthusiastically encouraging humanity’s awakening and bringing it to fruition.
Yes, humanity is awakening, and you are doing enormously important work in ensuring that it comes to its most wonderful fruition. Do NOT doubt yourselves, or your purpose. You are all – absolutely NO exceptions – making a massive contribution to this divine plan. It could not be happening without even one of you. You are each essential and unbreakable links in the divine chain of the awakening process.
Doing is a human activity that has been very helpful for you as you have been living your lives in the illusory state you constructed to experience separation. It has enormously expedited your spiritual evolution as you have evolved in form and thus come to a greater understanding of what your purpose is as a human – remembering who you really are.
Being is your natural state where your thoughts are instantly implemented. Thought is what creates, there is no doing – no hard work – involved. Thoughts are choices you make to share and extend the infinite energy field of Love in which you all participate in every moment of your eternal existence. They are harmonious cooperative events that bring intense joy to all involved as they burst into bloom.
They are not extremely difficult intellectual exercises like those that humans work with to concoct new consumer devices, or that help scientists, through reasoning, to more fully understand your material environment, and, perhaps, attempt to control it. Thoughts flow beautifully for the greater glory of God.
So I confirm, humanity is awakening, and all of you are making it happen. Keep resetting your amazing and most powerful intent to bring that awakening into being by . . . Being! Being is totally natural, and as you become more accustomed to just allowing yourselves to be, your peace and contentment will effervesce.
I am Sananda, and I am grateful to connect today to all of you from my ship New Jerusalem, which has been stationary around Earth planet for months waiting for the events occur in your reality.
Humankind has been expressing concerns, why is 3D Matrix still exist. My Beloved Souls, the reason it still has a life, because you believe in the illusion created by Dark Entities. All your memories were deleted. You are powerful beings with temporarily amnesia for the moment, who don’t remember your origins, past lives and etc. Stop believing that enforced mirage is real, otherwise you will keep reinforcing it existence.
The awaken ones start to notice that they are like watching a movie or play. Eventually they are going to leave the Matrix and evolve into the next step of evolution Ascension, which represents transformation of human body in multidimensional one and moving into higher dimensions. This reality you lived for so long, it needs to cease to exist. Otherwise, the same mistakes could be made again like trusting the leaders that they care for humanity.
Now, it’s the time to start to take own responsibilities for your own life and not to have any expectations to be rescued or blame others for your own misfortunes. You are more than just a physical body. You are spiritual being with soul. You are using a human vessel as vehicle to move around. Dark Entities convince you with their tricks and games to believe the reality you see it’s real. They made a holographic world for humanity to follow their script.
The healing energies from Cosmos are unveiling the deception and showing the truth. We are aware that this process of civilization’s evolution has been very slow, and we understand your frustration. Many of you are very tired and ready to move to the next step. It’s going to take place, just a little more patience. No one can’t intervene with Divine process, it needs to happen naturally. Only in extreme situations, we can intervene. Everything, what represents old world, it will be left behind, you can’t build New Earth on old Earth.
First, you set yourself free from 3D by not accepting it anymore. You will be very pleasantly surprised, how surroundings and people around you change, and happy events will enter your life. Please, remember my Beloved Souls, Light attracts more Light and Love attracts more Love. We are All One. We are never separated by time or space. We All are One Consciousness. Thank you Universal Channel. Sending many Blessings and Love.
Sananda Through James McConnell: In the Midst of the Great Changeover
I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, these times that are changing rapidly.
For you are in the midst right now of a great changeover. Not quite the Great Changeover that will accompany The Event, or the Great Solar Flash, but the changeover that is leading to all of that which is taking you out of the old third-dimensional expression, or that illusionary expression, and taking you into the higher fourth dimension and fifth-dimensional expression of your creation.
For you are the Creator, just as you have created. As a collective, you have created the third-dimensional expression sometimes as the Light Workers, and sometimes as the dark workers in times past. But together you have created this illusionary expression of the third dimension: created the cities, created the villages, created all of the land around you, created everything here within this illusion. But just as you have created that, you are now creating the new expression of the Golden Age of Gaia.
You are creating that.
And all is coming together as it needs to. Because as you continue to create the new expression, you are leaving the old behind. And more and more, Gaia is letting go of the old, making way, making room for those to expand beyond the old third dimension, expand into the fourth and fifth dimension, and even beyond that, still holding a place for those that are yet asleep, those that are yet to awaken.
But awaken they shall. Just as you have awakened, so too shall they. In their time, whatever their time frame is, they will awaken as well. Whether it is in this lifetime or lifetimes to come beyond, even on other planets, other systems. They will find their way, just as you have found your way.
But you were always destined, you, being the Light-workers and the Light-warriors, You were always destined to be here now in these moments. You, the Chosen Ones, the ones that chose to be here, and then were given that opportunity. And an opportunity it is.
Even though you look around yourselves and wish you weren’t here any longer. We know that many of you do that from time to time: “Why am I still here? Why do I have to go through this?” But the answer is always the same: you are here to go through this. You are here to be a part of this, to bring this into fruition. For without you, there could be no fruition. There could be no crescendo. There could be no finish line. But because of you, you have created the opportunity for all of this to come forward, all of the truth to come forward and be revealed.
And it is now in these moments being revealed. For those in the shadows are being brought out of the shadows and being shown for what they are, that they do not hold the truth, that they have kept the truth from the collective consciousness of man. But no longer can they do that. Their time is up.
The experiment is over. It has been over for some time. But they, those of the dark forces’ expression here on the planet, have done all they could to keep the experiment going so that they could be the ones in control. But no longer are they in control. Because those of the White Hats, or your Alliance, or whatever you want to call them, the Forces of Light, are fully in charge.
Even if it may not show that to be as you look at it from your physical eyes, but if you open up your third eye and are able to see what those around you cannot see or are not ready to see, but you see it. You see it for what it is. You see it for the Light having already won this battle, and even the war.
For the war is over here. They only continue to hold that illusion of war and battle. But if you do not see the battles, if you do not see the war, then it is not there! That is all you need to know.
For you are creating the new expression. You are creating the new world without wars, without battles. As long as you, the collective you, continue to see it, the New Earth, in that way, then those that attempt to hold on to the Old Earth are not able to do so.
For your mind that has held you in that illusion is now being replaced by the heart openings within all of you. And as the heart opens up and lets love come forth, love conquers all. There is nothing that can hold back love. Not fear, not hate. Nothing that can hold back love. Just as there is nothing that can hold back the light. The light of love.
This is your expression, my friends. This is your life. This is your time. And together, all of us together, we can move forward into the higher expression here that was destined for this planet as you are fully moving through your ascension process. And as a collective consciousness, you are moving together in this ascension. Together, ascending as man within the light of love.
I am Sananda. And I lave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. That you would continue to go forth and share and spread the light of love within you to all corners of the planet as you are able to.
I am Sananda. I am here to be with you in these times as yes, indeed, you are moving through the various vibrational frequencies, the various dimensions. You are traversing them, as one gave earlier in your discussion. You are moving freely through them because you have the awareness to do so.
How many across the planet do not have that awareness? Do not even know that they are in third dimension, or that there are dimensions beyond. So they would not know that they are traversing, just as you are. But it is awareness that is enabling you to do so, awareness as you have moved already from the third dimension, and the illusion within that third dimension, into the fourth and beyond into the fifth.
Many times you find yourselves in the fifth dimension, and even beyond that. Because you have those moments, those moments of immense joy and bliss within you, even if you do not know where that is coming from. But it is there. And in those moments you are in that fifth dimension and beyond.
The only thing that draws you back is the programming, the programming that continues to hold you back. The memories. The memories that encompass the programming. Can you just let go of those memories and that programming? It is difficult, but yes you can. But there are many tools that you have been given to work through this. But understand that nothing is holding you back except for yourself, except for your mind that continues to hold you back in at times within that illusion. Even though you know at this time that there is no illusion. That you have moved beyond it.
More, and more, and more, you need to continue to trust yourselves. Trust in your knowing, your inner knowing. Not the knowing that the ego or the mind continues to hold you to. Not that knowing, but the inner knowing. The inner voice that speaks to all if they would but listen. And when you listen, when you listen to that wee, small voice within you, you are fully aware of who you are. Then you find yourself free and freely within the higher dimensional frequencies of the higher fourth and fifth dimension.
Most of the time now, as one said earlier, you do reside within the fourth dimension and are traversing through it, no longer in the third dimension. But that is only for those that do not have the awareness. But you know, you know that you are free, free to move about as you wish. As long as you continue to understand that and believe that, and fully know that, then there is nothing, and no thing, that can hold you back any longer.
For you are remembering who you are. You have traversed these difficulties before in other times, other places. This is why all of you, all of you the Lightworkers and Warriors, the Light Community, this is why all of you have awakened and are ready to move on, ready to fully move beyond the illusion or the veil that is, indeed, no longer there.
So trust, trust in yourselves, trust in the plan, the Great Universal Plan, that you are all bringing about in every moment.
I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you would continue to believe and trust in yourselves fully.
I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time to continue the process.
The program that we began some time ago with each and every one of you, both within this group on this call, but even far before this, lifetimes before this, bringing you all together once again as lost souls coming together, as gathering my flock together again. For that is what you are. You all belong to me. To me as Sananda, as Yeshua. You are my flock. You are the ones that I tend to.
Know that as each and every day, each and every moment moves forward, you are on the path. You are on the path to freedom. Freedom within you, within each of you. And as you find that freedom within you, you will recognize the freedom outside of yourself as well. Because you are creating that freedom. That freedom to make your own choices. To live your life as it was meant to be, and as you want it to be. And knowing that there is nothing that can stop you from this. There is no government. There are no politicians. There are no kings and queens. No rulers that can keep you from your chosen life path. Because it is your life path. No one has the right to stand in front of you and create obstacles, unless you allow them to.
Each of you know now and are remembering now to a point that you are remembering who you are, the deepest levels of your being you are remembering. When you have those a-ha moments in your life, when you have those moments of pure ecstasy within your life, pure euphoria within your life. That sense of bliss within each moment. When you have that, you are remembering. And gone are all those things that are happening within the external illusion, the third-dimensional illusion.
Because when you are in that blissful state, even for a moment, you are indeed connecting to the crystalline grid, The Christ consciousness grid. You are connecting to that. And when you are connected to that, then there is only bliss. There is only euphoria. There is only the rising of the dopamine, that chemical within you that brings the joy within you. Yes, you can manufacture that any time you want. It is within you to do so. You do not need pills. You do not need drugs. You only need yourself, your inner self, to rise up within you, as it is doing right now in this moment! Each of you are feeling this within you.
Because it is time. It is time for the illusion that is all around you to collapse, to fall. You are seeing the signs of this.
Yes, it is true, you want to remain in the fifth-dimensional expression as much as possible. But you are human. You have human bodies. You have human feelings and thoughts. This at times does pull you back into the illusion, but know that as you are pulled back into the illusion, the illusion is indeed collapsing. When you have heard that nothing can stop what is coming, this is what is happening. The connection to this grid is happening once again, just as in Atlantis and Lemuria and other civilizations and, of course, in other planets and other systems. You have all experienced this before.
The times that you have come here for to lead the way to be those Pathfinders and those Wayshowers is here now. Yes, indeed, there are various events that are going to manifest. They are in process. They are in momentum right now, and they are coming. The truth shall be revealed.
But it is because of each and every one of you that are once again connecting to this grid. And not only connecting to this grid, but building this grid. Building it more and more. Bringing the vibration higher and higher so that the grid is reverberating down onto the planet and raising the vibration. And of course, we cannot forget of the Great Event that is also making its way here. The Great Solar Flash is coming.
You are all preparing for that. We have been doing everything that we can to prepare your astral, your etheric, and your physical bodies to be able to withstand the energies coming in. Slowly at first, but also gaining momentum. More and more energies coming into the planet.
More and more you are able to take those energies in. Take that light in, anchor it within yourself, and then shoot it out from yourselves. Spread it to all corners of the planet. You are doing it consciously, but you are also doing it unconsciously.
Because you are the light. You are the love. You are the truth. You are the I AM that I AM. The consciousness within you. The Source consciousness within you. The Christ Consciousness within you. It is remembering itself within you.
I am Sananda.
All of my peace and love be with all of you, my dear friends, my brothers, my sisters, all of you. We are here as one together to make it through this transition and to come fully into our ascension process.
To awaken is your destiny because, being One with Source – being fully aware in complete conscious wakefulness in every moment – is your constant state.
As humans in form it is difficult for you to conceive of such a state, because you are almost constantly being distracted by your worldly concerns and interests. They are, of course, totally appropriate while you are in form as they assist you in maintaining your physical well-being. However, you do not need to spend almost all your waking hours focused on those concerns and issues, whereas you do need to spend quiet time every day connecting with Source, by sitting peacefully as you invite Love into your hearts to embrace you and reinvigorate your energy fields.
There is still a lot of ‘stuff’ arising planet-wide that takes a heavy toll on everyone in form, so resting and recuperating deep within yourselves daily is essential, otherwise it becomes very difficult for you to share and extend to humanity the love that each one of you is, and which is your reason for being incarnate at this moment in humanity’s spiritual evolution – TO AWAKEN!
We are watching over you with intense Love as your awakening process approaches its most magnificent conclusion, and it will indeed be most dramatic and uplifting for you all, way beyond your wildest dreams. You incarnated to be present in form at this moment and not one of you will be disappointed.
Nevertheless, this short period of time remaining before the miracle occurs, is proving to be very stressful for everyone, so be aware of this and intensify your intent to be only loving whatever arises.
You know that you are Love, One with Mother/Father/God. You know this divine truth deep within yourselves, and yet you allow your egoic doubts to hide this from you with distractions – I am unworthy, I am a guilty sinner, I am not good enough, God couldn’t love me – all of which are utterly and completely invalid. Because you are in every moment One with God none of these doubts or beliefs could ever be true because the One – YOU – is eternally perfect in every way.
The best way you can honor Mother/Father/God is by honoring and respecting yourselves. Until you do that you will continue to find yourselves projecting those judgments on to others and condemning them – Self-Condemnation – as you attempt to relieve or disown your own sense of inadequacy.
How could you be inadequate when you are divine creations, the eternally beloved children of God? Yes, as humans in form, you are different from one another, you are, each and every one of you without any exceptions, individuals with different skills and creative abilities. Therefore, do not compare yourselves to others, to do so is meaningless, because you need to work together, harmoniously and lovingly, using your own individual skills and abilities, and thus awaken into the Reality of your Oneness, your inseparability from Source, and therefore from one another.
Source is Creation, and so, therefore, are you. Your nature is continuously conjoined with and cooperating with M/F/G creating beauty in an infinite expression of Love. You all love beauty – beautiful flowers, blossoms, gardens, trees, sunsets, animals, and people – and that is what you are unceasingly creating in myriad magnificent variations for the joy of All.
You are all beings of eternal joy, and yet that is what you spend much of your lives in form seeking outside yourselves, as for most of your lives it does not appear to be present or accessible. But it is! It is within you and is instantly attainable for you when you allow yourselves to release your grasp on judgment of the world and its people, especially those close to you with whom you interact regularly.
Judgment is a ‘skill’ that you begin to learn in infancy as you are regularly judged as not good enough for whatever reason – mostly very minor – and your learning of this skill never ceases because as you grow you feel an intense need to defend yourselves against the judgments of others, and you do this by judging and blaming those others.
For most people this also leads to judging and blaming the worldly environment itself – it’s cold, it’s raining, it’s too hot, there are too many people, there are too many wars, people cannot be trusted, it’s not fair – for your dissatisfaction and unhappiness with your lives. But, the world is, and people are people, so instead of judging and complaining, extend and share Love with everyone because, as you know deep within yourselves, even if you do not wish to accept it, everyone is always doing their best. The fact that you do not think this is true is an invalid judgment and personal belief. And you can just let it go.
M/F/G is Love and Compassion, therefore so are you. Instead of blaming and judging extend love to all.
Yes, some do need to be restrained from harming others, but thoughtfully, wisely, and compassionately, as closely as you can manage to the divine way – remember M/F/G never blames, judges, or condemns – She embraces all most lovingly. She knows that all in form are desperately seeking Love, and the more desperate a person is the more unloving their behavior tends to be.
ANYTHING that is not in alignment with Love is a very desperate call for Love. Honor that call and help people to awaken to the deep inner knowing that they are LOVE!
No one needs to seek Love, because your nature – LOVE – is with you in every moment waiting patiently to be discovered as you let go of the egoic distractions that hide your true nature from yourselves.
When you finally find Love within yourselves, and you WILL, all judgment has fallen away and, miraculously, you are most happily at peace with yourselves in complete self-acceptance, and in loving and compassionate acceptance of all others.
Sananda Through James McConnell: Allow the Process
I am Sananda. I come at this time to be with you in these special times that you are in. These times of great change that is coming based on the energies that are coming into the planet. And we know that many of you have been feeling these greater higher energies coming in and having an effect on you.
In the past, these effects would have wrecked havoc with your central nervous system. But not any longer. For most of you are able to withstand or take these energies in because you have been acclimating to these energies. And you can take more and more stronger levels of these energies coming in and be able to work with the energies, and know that the energies, although very strong, and even may bring some difficult times as far as your physical body is concerned, but you know that it is something that will pass. And it always passes. So know that each time as these energies become stronger, and stronger, and stronger.
And again, you have been acclimating more and more to these energies, so they are not able to have the effect that they once did or that they are having on many, many more people across the planet that are experiencing dizziness, are experiencing a sense of not belonging within their body. Even those of you may be feeling that particular expression now. Not being out of your body, but your body being somewhat foreign to you. You will experience this more and more if you have not already. Somewhat of feeling of disassociation.
Because you are disassociating more and more with the physical body as you know it now. Your physical body is becoming lighter and lighter. And therefore, you will not feel the denseness within that physical body as much as you did in the past. And this will become stronger and stronger, but the effects of this will become lesser and lesser. So allow for the process to continue to happen just as it needs to. Just as it needs to for each and every one of you as an individual.
Wherever you are in the moment, this is how you will be affected by these energies. Some will feel it again as dizziness. Some will feel it as disassociation. Some will feel it as their heart is racing. And other different kinds of symptoms as well that many of you have been feeling over a period of time here and there. Not all of the time certainly, because you would not be able to handle that. But here and there, different times of the day, of the week, of the month you are feeling this.
And it is also associated with the planet, and the stars, and the way they are aligning at this point. So you are feeling this expression at various levels because of all that is happening, both outside of yourself, and certainly within yourself as well. All of this is a part of the process, or a part of the plan, as you are saying.
And yes, indeed, the plan is your plan, or you are a part of the greater plan here. But there is certainly a greater plan at work. Way beyond your individual conscious knowing at this point. But it is coming together more and more, and you are beginning to find that, as you use the term ‘connecting the dots.’ And many of you are beginning to do that more and more based on those things you are hearing and seeing. But even more importantly, those things that you are feeling within yourself. The knowing that comes over you, and various points within your body express this knowing, that it is indeed a knowing. So again, allow the process to continue to evolve within you. And it is an evolvement, and even a revolution within you that is happening. The revolution is not just happening outside of yourself—it is happening within.
And the heart expression within you, your higher heart, is beginning more and more to feel all of this. And you are hearing more and more of those wee whispers within you, telling you to do this, to do that. And when you have those whispers, when you have those deep feelings, or those deep knowings within you, trust it! Trust that you are being guided by your team.
And yes, each and every one of you have a Team, a Spiritual Team of Guides that are working with you, from your Higher God-Self to your Twin Flame, to those that are here to work with you, various teammates, you might call them. And they are all here working together to bring this entire process about. Not only for you as an individual, but as a collective you throughout the planet.
And just let it continue on. And do not, in any way begin to feel like you are being forsaken, or that everything you have been hearing is not true, that you are indeed headed toward disaster, and all of these things that your cabal, the dark forces, want to foster upon you. That is in the past. That is their old programming that they continue to work on continuing to bring fear every opportunity they can. Because that is all they know to be able to stay in control.
But the more you realize you are not to be controlled, that you are free, and that you will not comply, you can say no to anything that they come forward with, and many of you are, all of you are now, as we find it that are on this call, and all that will resonate to these words. You are free beings! Let yourself be free, and know that you are free from now and forevermore. Never to be put in this position again to be controlled, unless you allow yourself for it to happen.
I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you would continue to follow along the path that is before you. Because this path that you are on is taking you forward into the higher extremities, the higher dimensions that are available to you even now in this moment.
Dear people, I am Jeshua, and I am happy being with you.
You are building a new path for the Earth, which is an inner path, a path of consciousness.
Along the paths and tracks you create in your mind, others will follow, because it is easier to walk along beaten paths. You are the ones who conquer unexplored territory, create new paths, and so make tracks for others to follow. This is your work, your so-called mission; something you took on at the level of the soul before you started this life on Earth.
Through doing this, you become truly happy, and you are not satisfied with anything less than that. Only when you feel you have that new path beneath your feet, and that you are creating what you wanted from your soul, only then do you feel really fulfilled from within and deeply connected with the Earth.
For you, there is no easy-fit existence possible, no middle way, and no conformity. You have chosen to be different, which is something that has also been mentioned here today. Being different has caused you to experience the pain of rejection by others. But remember, also, the joys and triumphs of the experience of breakthroughs in your consciousness , and the experience of love which rises above fear. Those are moments of deep joy for the soul, when you remember who you are from your soul, while you live here on Earth amidst thought forms that are often fed by fear. Those moments of triumph are times when your soul touches the Earth, and when you fulfill your destiny.
What happens at those moments when you are filled with the essence of your soul, and with the mission here on Earth you intended to do? What really happens in those moments of the coming together of your soul with your humanity? There is no fear, there is openness. The voice of fear is replaced by a deep trust and a knowing inside you of what is good. And how you desire to experience that feeling at all times, for you suffer when you live in fear! Fear feels bad, uncomfortable, and your body and soul are not nourished by fearful thoughts and feelings. It is like a poison that sneaks up on you, or a kind of quicksand in which you get mired, and once you are halfway in it, it becomes even more difficult for you to get out of its grip.
You have to realize that the energy of fear, and the kind of thinking that results, has lingered on the Earth for centuries upon centuries. It has permeated human societies as a cloud or a fog around people, and this has made it difficult for them to break free from this fearful energy.
People sought community and safety by being together, but without knowing they did so, they also fed on each other’s patterns of fear. It requires a courageous decision by an individual to disconnect and free oneself from this addiction, and to say “no” to this collective pattern that has been passed from generation to generation. Even now you can be overcome by the fog of fear, that poison of fear-filled thoughts. You have all made positive choices in your life, where you have followed the voice of your heart, the voice of your soul. But even so, the way forward on that path is not obvious or clear, because there is always the voice of the past, the voice of fear that can overtake you at times.
The fear tries to convince you that you are being irresponsible, that what you would like to do cannot be done, that you can not be different, and that you will be punished for it. And punishments have often come from parents, teachers, employers, and others in your lives, and in earlier times these punishments were often quite brutal. Look how dissenters were persecuted in the past as heretics or gentiles. You carry this pain-filled past with you.
How do you get rid of the influence of that cloud, that fog of fear-based thinking? You need first to learn to recognize when you are thinking and acting from fear. Only then can you let go, and only then is there created some distance or space between you and the anxiety.
You now are actually very much accustomed to being caught up in fear. From your birth, you inherit ideas from your social environment that are laden with fear and mistrust, so in the beginning you do not realize you are in that cloud or fog – it is your ordinary reality. And when those moments of self-remembrance and waking up do occur, you can also experience an initial reaction from fear. You feel you are going against everything you have been taught to believe in if you follow the voice of your soul and differ from the norm.
Let us now see what can be done about the way you make choices between fear and love, fear and the soul. Imagine for a moment that fog which is loaded with the voices of fear, worry, fretting, and all kinds of negative beliefs about yourself and what is possible in life. Let it happen spontaneously, and look to where you might still be engaged with the fog. Simply look into your body to see if there are places where the fog still manifests itself. This is where you put labels on yourself that are not consistent with your soul; those ideas you think are correct to believe in.
Realize that fear can sometimes wear a mask and appear as very wise, virtuous, and responsible, while actually it is still fear-based. In this way, you have been taught all kinds of things under the guise of “virtue” – you must control yourself; you must love others; you must do your duty; you must be obedient. Also, you must not deviate too much from the normal and not be different or act wild, because doing those things would be selfish, strange, and weird – and certainly not nice! There is a taboo in society about being different, and this taboo is assumed by people who continually live with emotions that feel anxious and whose thinking reflects that fear.
You can also imagine the fog of fear as an actual living entity; an energy that has begun to lead its own existence. Imagine that such an entity appears and that you see it before you as a dark and gloomy fog, a fog that wants to continue to exist and refuses to dissolve. So when someone gets up and says: “I don’t believe in this un-reality any more; there is a blue sky above the fog, and there is another way of thinking”, at that moment that person experiences a dark reaction from the fog. The light that radiates from such a person calls up a kind of dark response from that entity, an intensification of the fog. That person immediately feels alone, an outsider. Other people hide away, cling to the fog, and do not want to hear about it, because leaving the fog is the most frightening thing they can do. That is what the fog tells you. In a sense, the fog is a kind of hypnotist that holds people under its spell, and breaking free from that spell calls for courage. I wish you would praise yourself every day for your bravery when you dare to break free! A lot happens when you do.
Look again in and around you, to where there are patches of this fog. It can manifest itself in certain parts of your aura or body. Ask those parts what is bothering you there, or what is the message of the fog, and let that fear speak. What does the voice of fear say to you? Give this fog a form, an outline, yet realize how strange a phenomenon it is! Fog is actually nothing; you can pass your hand through it, and so it is not substantial, yet this fog has such an influence on you: your consciousness and your vision of the world. Now allow the Sun to shine gently on those places where fog is still holding on to your energy. A warm, soft sunshine spreads around your energy field, causing the fog to dissolve gradually. Imagine a Sun hanging above your head: an intense, warm, radiant Sun that reflects the Light of your soul. Let that Sun Light fall on you: on to your head, your shoulders, your aura, and through your entire being. If there are still places that offer some resistance, that is okay, let it be. Doing so is acceptable as long as you are aware of it.
There are now more and more people who want to break away from that old field of consciousness of fear and oppression. There is change going on in the collective consciousness on Earth. Yet it is that each of you goes through this process in his or her own way. It is always so; that getting free from the field of fear, the fog of the past, is a personal journey you travel alone. There are times in your life when you come eye to eye with that oppressive energy of fear, and the negative judgments about yourself and about your strengths and abilities. The challenge of that confrontation with the anxiety in yourself is one that you face, one on one; you and that darkness which has become a part of you.
It is liberating and joyful when you meet like-minded people in your life, those who travel the same path as you, and in the future there will be forms of cooperation possible between you pioneers of consciousness. But realize that this confrontation you have with fear in your life – with the old and with the fog – is something you have to face alone. It is by your own “solar power” – the contact with your own soul, and the leap you dare make into the new – that causes you to arrive inside a new world, a new level of consciousness. It is when all those individuals do this for themselves that a new field of consciousness arises, which is increasingly free from fear, and increasingly filled with joy and possibilities and respect for each other.
The result is that more and more Sun Light is created on Earth. Do not seek it from another; you travel through your own narrow, dark tunnel toward your own personal liberation.
I would here like to give you a bit of a helping hand. How do you recognize the voice of fear inside yourself, and how do you distinguish what is fear, from what is the voice of the soul and of love?
The voice of fear is noisy and jerky and restless, and often also works through thinking, by way of the mind. You can perceive fear in your body as a tension, a lack of relaxation and surrender. Your muscles are tense, your breath is not deep and quiet, and many panicky thoughts, which pose as very clever and responsible, occur in your head: “should I not do it like this or like that, because otherwise accidents might happen?”; “watch out, because this or that can go wrong”; “be careful, keep yourself back, control yourself”. All sorts of opinions are given under the guise of virtue, but this is actually the voice of fear. Fear paralyzes you, and if you are caught in fear, you are continually bombarded by something that seems to come from outside. Fearful impulses act on your body, and begin to master your thinking.
Thinking is a valuable tool, but when it becomes governed by fear, it creates a kind of electric current that starts in your head and then courses down through your entire body, pulling you off balance and bringing tension and unrest; a sense of nervousness that is continuous, and that you begin to find normal. In many people, there is unremitting stress. People search for release from this stress in alcohol, or drugs, or anything else that gives a feeling of relief from this pressure, such as sleep, or infatuation, or being a workaholic. You want to get away from those troubled, tense feelings and you search for release or distraction in exterior things. You search for something to give you a sense of ease or peace, even though it is an illusion and only temporary, so strongly do you suffer under that current of fear.
You can recognize in yourself when you get to the point that your life is lived through fear. Your body indicates fear by the electrical current in your head that continually fires rapid thoughts, and by the wanting to take control of life with thoughts, worry, and fretting. At the moment you realize this is happening, you can awaken yourself.
Remember, even when you are inside the fog, that it wants to maintain itself. Otherwise, before you know it, you can spend days and days inside the current of fear and you do not even realize that you are caught up in anxiety. The moment you realize this is a very important moment. It is about going against that fearful flow and not believing in it, and not allowing it to hypnotize you. It is about maintaining focus on the Light of the Sun within yourself – that quiet, still knowing that belongs to your soul.
Realize that the energy of your soul, of your heart, feels very different from the energy of fear. As I said, you can recognize fear by its particular noisiness and unrest. Love, the voice of your soul, comes through silence, and is quiet and not busy. You can feel that voice emerge from deep within your essence, from a quiet place in your belly: a deeply felt knowing that comes to you free of pressure; a soft whisper that is never panicky, or demanding, or nagging. It is more like an invitation for you to feel and see things differently, and to have confidence to let go. You might see the voice of your soul before you as an image: for example, as a butterfly that flits through your body, through your energy field, your aura, with its very refined colors and delicate wings. Or you might see it as a fairy, or simply as very soft colors. You can also hear it as angels singing, or just feel it as a sense of trust, hope, and optimism, even though the voice of fear itself, or the voices of persons around you, tell you something quite different. And the rule of thumb is: follow your feeling for peace to where you feel the most peace.
You sometimes think it is easier to cling to fear and the ego, and doing that can give you a temporary feeling of security. But actually, you are still very cramped and stifled. True rest and peace creates much openness around you. You simply trust and stay in the Now, even though you know you have no certainties and can predict nothing. You do not run ahead into the future; you live your life step by step. I ask you to hold that feeling for awhile. Do not even think of what you have to do in the future; be totally present in the Now. Feel the energy of your soul, and feel you are good and beautiful and brave, just as you are. Invite your soul to come to you, and know your soul never has a judgment about you and the choices you have made. Everything is always acceptable for your soul. She always wants to help and encourage you.
I am Sananda. I am here at this time. In this quite opportune time, I will add, as things are rapidly changing, both internally and externally, within all that you are coming to understand your lives, as things more and more are coming to the surface.
It has been said, those in the shadows cannot stand within the light, so they are coming out of those shadows and being shown for what they are, what they represent, as they do not represent love and Light. They represent fear and darkness, attempting to hold onto the unknown. Keeping you, rather, in the unknown. Keeping you in the shadow within yourself.
But no longer. For it has been destined that the Light shall prevail. And the Light, indeed, has prevailed. It is only those small pockets of darkness that still remain.
For largely, the collective consciousness of man is now enlightened.
Not all, of course. But the majority of the population of this world, of this planet, are now within the Light.
It is only a small percentage that continues to attempt to hold control over the larger populationof the planet, but not for much longer.
For a great announcement is about to come forward. You’ve heard this before, and for various reasons it has been curtailed, held back, postponed. But not for much longer now.
When this announcement comes forward, all will be revealed to this yet sleeping population. Whether it awakens them or not is up to their life plan.
But I tell you this now that this great announcement is going to shake many, many across the planet.
Not only here in this country, but across the planet, will be shaken out of their doldrums. They will be shaken out of their sleepiness.
Many will awaken as a result of this. Many that have been wondering and ‘on the fence,’ you might say, will wonder no longer, and will step onto the other side along with you.
But as yet, many will also tend to hold onto everything that they have known, for they will not be ready to relinquish those things that are being brought forth or relinquish the comfort zone that has held them, to keep them from knowing these things as they come forth.
As always, continue to trust.
Trust in yourselves.
Trust in those that work alongside of you.
Trust in the Great Plan. Because it cannot be held back much longer.
Forces are at work, Forces of Light are at work. And you’ll find then, as you open up to the possibilities, you will find them not in the shadows, but more and more in the light: the light of truth, the light of oneness, the light of love.
Believe in yourselves, my friends.
Believe in who you are.
Trust in who you are.
Trust that you are the ones, the ones that are stepping forth, moving ahead.
Because you cannot be held back, as a collective, much longer. It will not be possible.
For the Light has won, the plan is set and cannot be undone.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
All of my peace and love be with all of you.
I am Sananda.
I love you all deeply, beyond what many of you can even come to understand, as many of you have a strong connection with myself and with all of those that are alongside of me in working in this plan within this planet.
I am Sananda, and I am happy to communicate with my beloved humanity about a few important matters. I daily observe Mother Earth from my ship New Jerusalem, and I also receive briefing all the time about what’s going on your planet Earth.
It saddens me that many of you still listen and follow the news and information, which caries negative energies and full of different types of implants. The news sources and some individuals under the command of Negative Entities continue to spread their propaganda about the possibilities of big scale catastrophic events like the creation of a Black Hole, which can swallow this planet, allow the Luciferians and others to come through it, or make exact copy of Earth with negative polarities.
Let me explain and assure you, dear ones, that this is not going to happen, Ashtar with his fleet together with Alliances are monitoring your world 24/7, and Galactic fleets are not going to allow to transpire any catastrophic incidents, which could destroy the whole Milky Galaxy. Many disastrous occurrences were already prevented by the Galactic Federation of Light with the help from many friendly civilizations.
Your only concern at this moment needs to be on how to stay in high vibrations, which is extremely important in your transition to New Earth. The Light Workers Communities quite often create meditation events, please, when you can participate in them. The Collective Consciousness has been on the rise for a while, and more people are getting awake with each day.
These are deciding and influential times for the transformation of the human civilization. Please, be more selective, on what you are watching, listening and reading, as some sources can be indoctrinated with negativity or implants. The desperation of the Darkness is very high now, because they know very well that their battle is lost.
The Light represents freedom and happiness, and the Darkness is all about destruction and suffering. Always remind yourself that you are not alone, there are millions of beings, who are supporting the success of this Ascension Event. You can invite them to participate in your group during meditations. They keep sending positive vibrations to help you in the transformation of this beautiful planet.
You are stronger then you think, look back and see all of the difficulties you overcame during the countless lifetimes you lived. When your DNA is going to be restored to the original 12 strands, you will stay in these physical bodies for thousands of years without even any need for healing technologies.
After your Ascension, all of you will able to be on Mother Gaia as long as you want without leaving your bodies or you can move around the Universes, Galaxies and Star Systems. The power of being immortal is coming back, which was taken away from humanity by the corrupted souls.
This is not a fairytale, it’s the real truth, just imagine for a second, how wonderful it will be for you living your life without any worries about your health, money and etc. The Golden Age is finally approaching to this planet, which suffered too long. Especially, the Light Community that went through a lot of hardships.
Please, never forget, who you are, the Light, and you came here to save this world from being destroyed. I am Sananda, and it was my pleasure to speak to all of you today. Thank you.
Message from Sananda through Dancing DolphinSTAY THE COURSE
Disclosure, Releasing Trauma, Ascension, Call on Us!
Monday, May 17, 2021
Dear Lightworkers, you are so loved and so treasured! You are not alone on your journey, all you need do is ask for help. Angels will come to your aid, I will come to your aid! You will not see us most likely, but you will feel our energy, our powerful energies and our love, just as this one is feeling my love now.
I want to tell you that as the chaos level rises on your world, it seems that more and more things will be coming to your attention daily that will be a shock to you. Things are going to be disclosed that were previously held in back rooms and underground; things that were secret are going to be disclosed very shortly. So, some of you may be in for a big shock as the world has not been what you were told it was. I wish to say to you STAY THE COURSE. Although things will be revealed that you did not know about, it does not change your MISSION, it does not change WHY you came here. You came here to help. You came here to help both Gaia and your fellow Gaians. You came to be of Service. The specifics of your mission are up to you and your own dharma. But, because the playing field changes, because things in your reality may look different to you in the future, it doesn’t mean that you should give up on your mission. And this may seem unsympathetic to some, but right now what we all need is to stay true to our missions, stay true, stay on track, keep going!
The reason that these things are being released is that the dark cannot hold them down any longer. The dark (those serving the dark) are not in control anymore and they cannot keep them hidden. So, if you can, see this in a good light! It’s actually cause for celebration, dear hearts. It’s cause for celebration that the truth is being set free! The truth sometimes is hard to take—in some subjects more than others—the truth is hard to take. But, the fact that these things are coming to light is cause for celebration!
There’s always more than one way to look at things. So, although you may be upset or dismayed or angered by what you learn, don’t let it take you away from why you came here. You ALL are so precious, Lightworkers! You raised your hand when Mother and Father asked for volunteers and you said “I’ll go!” and that was millions of years ago. Millions of years ago for Gaia. So you have all been in this “Gaia Game” working on this project for millions of years (and believe me when I say, it has been millions of years) in the time frame that those on Gaia keep time; which is nothing to a Soul! So, the reason I bring up the time element is to show you how long and hard you all have been working on this. You’ve been helping Gaia for millions of years. We are all working together and we all signed up for this journey! This long journey. And now, we’re at the end of this experiment which was to see if we all could work together to bring her back to the Light from the deep, deep darkness. We can and we have!! We have brought her back to the Light.
You are all grouped into various Teams. It’s not just one big group of Lightworkers, well, you are a big group, but you are divided into Teams based on your skills. For example, you may be a Healer, or a Warrior, there are many different types of Lightworkers. Your Teams have been working together here for millions of years and now we’re at the end. We’re past the “cusp.” Sometimes we’ve heard people use the phrase “we’re on the cusp” of something; well, we’re past the “cusp!” We are seconds away from the finish line! Not feet, not inches, we’re seconds away!
And so I remind you again, the fact that things that were hidden are being brought to light is an awesome thing, it’s a fabulous thing (I’m using this channel’s vocabulary)!! It is a cause for celebration!
When you receive news of disclosure, and if the news is about children and women who have been harmed, please know that that these people have been rescued by your military. They have been rescued all over Gaia, not just in the USA. They have been rescued, they are now being healed in healing chambers and are being taken care of. They may or may not return to Gaia, it is up to each Soul after they are healed to decide which path to take. Of course you may send prayers of love and healing, if you wish as we know that your hearts will ache for them. Just talking about this subject is bringing down the vibration of this channel. Just like you, she is very sensitive. All Lightworkers are extremely sensitive. I understand as I AM that way too. This is the subject that will upset everyone. I brought up this difficult and upsetting topic so that you may know that the survivors are in good hands now. The ones who passed on during their ordeal were tended to at the time of their transition; their Souls will be healed from the trauma they experienced.
Please do not let it dismay you. Feel your feelings of betrayal or sadness or anger and feel them and please release them. Ask the Angels to help you release them or the Violet Flame to help transmute these feelings. I AM asking you this so that you don’t begin to revel or stay immersed in those feelings for an extended period of time. Because we need you! We need you right now, we need you here, we need you focused on accomplishing your missions! We are all doing the same! The Company of Heaven and your Galactic families are all PUSHING, pushing for the last finish line, even though we’re exhausted. Even though some of us are in spirit body, we also get exhausted and drained. We have forgone our normal revitalization procedures; basically we have given up our sleep or healing time to keep pushing. So, I applaud you! So many of you are facing great hurdles in how your bodies are exhausted and you feel beat up. This one (channel) feels many times like she’s been run over by a truck as her body hurts so badly. It’s from all the battles, spiritual warfare that you are doing. Even though you’re not literally being stabbed with a sword, it takes its toll on your physical body when your spiritual body is battling, fighting for the light!
We must STAY THE COURSE. We must COMPLETE OUR MISSIONS. We must KEEP GOING. The energies that are being sent to you by your Galactic Family and your Sun is Divine intervention as Mother and Father have called for this to happen. Mother and Father wish that HUmanity on Gaia continue to raise their vibration so that they can move onto the next level and ASCEND! So, this is what we’re all working on (in addition to clearing Gaia of the dark). Your bodies are continually being bombarded by these energies, these vibrations to shake you loose! If I may use an example, it’s turning your bodies from physical to crystalline. These energies that come in, that many of you are very sensitive to, are hitting each and every one of your cells and it’s causing your bodies to react, to vibrate faster, to raise up; it’s shaking loose anything that doesn’t fit in with the higher vibrations. Your bodies store trauma and painful emotions in your cells. So when these energies hit you, the vibrations help bring up these things that need to be cleared. As a result, some of you are re-living traumas that you’ve experienced before; old emotional wounds are being brought up for clearing and it could be from this life or twenty lifetimes ago.
When these emotions overcome you, when grief or trauma is being brought up, please allow it to come up and ask for the Angels to help you release it; or ask AA Michael to cut the cord so it is released from your body. You may also utilize the Violet Flame to transmute it. The opposite of allowing it to come up is to bury it again. We know it is difficult. Try not to hold onto it, or re-live or ruminate in the memory or feeling, just try to let it go if you are able. That is the whole purpose of what you’re going through. The more that you can let go, the lighter that you are and the easier that the Ascension will be for you! You will become lighter and lighter and will be able to Ascend!
Also, please do take care of yourselves. Please listen to your body when it needs to rest. Take sea salt or epsom salt baths, they help to bring up and bring out things that were long buried in your bodies. I ask that you continue to eat live, whole foods. Fruits, vegetables, healthy food, clean water. Your body really needs these things now more than ever. Light foods if you can. Easily digested to give your body a break. OK?
In closing, I would like to remind you, please do call on us for help! Call on me, Mother and Father, the Angels, your favorite Ascended Master, anyone—please call! I know that you’re all suffering and having a tough time physically and emotionally you’re drained. Try to remember that we’re all going through this together. It won’t last forever. We are very, very close to being finished. Please just remember to call on us for help, when you need to talk, need a love blast, please contact us!
Thank you, Sananda!
Of course, it was my pleasure to give you this message for Lightworkers on Gaia. We love you with all of our hearts. You are loved, you are treasured. Be well.
Channeled by Dancing Dolphin – May 17, 2021 __________
NOTE: Sananda thought it would be a good idea to share his Heart Protection Technique again with all of you! He gave it to me last Spring and it has worked fantastically for me! I AM very sensitive and empathetic as most Lightworkers are, and this protection mantra protects me from absorbing the world’s fear and pain.
Sananda’s Heart Protection Technique Here is the link: https://dancingdolphinlove.blogspot.com/2020/04/sananda-heart-protection-technique.html
Feel my presence with you; I’m not a stranger. We are deeply connected to each other. The fact that you inhabit an earthly body and I do not, does not create a great distance between us. Feel it in your heart. The distance that arises between people stems much more from fear and distrust than from whether or not to be physically present together. Feel the inner connection you have with the Christ consciousness, the consciousness of love and connectedness to each other.
A step back, one step inward, is most often preparing for something new that is to come. This is now playing out on a global level. It is a necessity that also plays out in your individual lives when a step is taken inward, whether or not it is enforced by a crisis, a situation that seems to come from the outside. That situation fills a function, is not a hindrance, but a door that opens to the inside world.
Just feel your own inner world for a moment. Go inside. Imagine that inside you is a living, transparent space. It runs throughout your body; it is much larger than your body. It’s your energy field. It’s like a large house that you live in, only it is in continuous movement. There are flowing currents, moods, vibrations, that surround you. This is your house, your energetic home. Your body is included in it. In fact, the state of your energy is the foundation, the basis of it. The body responds to this, flows and moves with it. It is in a way secondary in that it follows the laws of energy. Matter follows energy.
Descend with your consciousness into your own energy field. Go inside. Close yourself off for a moment from the many outside stimuli. Take your attention to your spine, but start a little higher, at the back of your head and something even higher, where there is a kind of channel that connects you to a higher sphere, the sphere of your soul. It connects you to your inner knowledge, which extends beyond time and space, beyond the physical. You simply become aware of that place there, just outside your body, but intimately connected to it. Then slowly travel down your body with your attention. Feel the energy behind your neck, and between your shoulder blades. Draw your attention down your spine as it were. Feel the area behind your stomach, also called the solar plexus, and behind your lower back, to your tailbone. Feel this channel, this energy field, all the way to Earth.
Feel that you are connected to the Earth. Feel the power of the Earth. You’re here to bring something to Earth. You feel an inner urge to share something, give something, or express yourself. That urge comes from your soul, it belongs to your being. Feel equally strongly the channel that runs through you connecting Heaven and Earth. You are a bridge between the two worlds. Sense what you have to give.
To envision this, imagine being on a stage. You sit or stand on a stage and you feel calm and strong. You are not afraid. You’re in touch with that channel in you, you are connected. You are safe. Feel that security. You are in your own interior space and there you are safe and at ease. Then look at who’s in front of you. It is a space, a type of room that has people present who have come there for you. That doesn’t make you scared or nervous. No, you sense deeply that it is meaningful. You’re not there to perform or be recognized. You’re there to share something essential with them. You’re not higher or lower than them either. You’re there in your natural role or function.
Look then at what it is you are doing. What do you have in mind? What do you have to do or say there? Maybe there are people who spontaneously come to you and ask you something. What are they asking you? What do you give them? What do you share with them if you follow your inner urgings? Look especially at the feeling in it. Do you share knowledge, wisdom, gentleness, understanding or encouragement? Feel what’s naturally flowing out of you. Feel how natural this is for you, as easy as breathing.
You are all here to share something of your unique soul quality with others. This means that you stand out, that you no longer follow the beaten path, but follow the voice of your heart. This can incite fears. But at the same time, listening to that inner current brings you closest to yourself and to a sense of fulfillment and joy. The fear that you may experience here is a fear of exclusion. As soon as you start living from your soul, you start acting and thinking and feeling from a flow that is no longer based on the old collective thinking, old habits and fears. You’re introducing a new sound, so to speak.
I call on you to believe in that. There is a need for a new sound. It is a necessity, because only from the contact with the soul, the inner space, can the consciousness on Earth change and grow.
I thank you for being on Earth here and now.
You are brave. It requires courage to stand out and follow the voice of your own heart. But you’re supported in this. If not because of the collective energy, which is still stuck at certain points in ancient energy, the support comes from the field of lightness and readiness, which is now in the process of landing on Earth.
You can call it Christ consciousness or simply light, clarity, connectedness, love. This field is getting hands and feet partly because of you.
There is a new birth happening in this day and age. Don’t be fooled by the negative sounds you hear. Feel the candle flame of the new and let it burn in your own heart.
Greetings divine beings upon the Earth, I am Master Yeshua, I greet you with love and peace. I bring into your energy being the vibration of the Creator’s harmony. May this enthuse all aspects of your being bringing everything that you are and are creating into harmony and balance.
I come forth to discuss with you the divinity within and I ask myself what is it that you need to know about the divinity within?
Each of you holds the sacred vibration of the Creator within your being. Imagine sitting with this knowledge each day, even if only for a few moments, I wonder what awareness and knowingness would awaken within your being.
This is to some extent what Lord Buddha experienced as did I, Master Yeshua as a child upon the Earth. We contemplated and recognized that there is an essence of the divine within our beings. This is something we all know and recognize and yet to acknowledge this fully within every aspect of your being, with every cell, and with every thought form creates such a magical transformation within your being. It is as if a new aspect of yourself dawns.
Saint Germain was known for his magic. He recognized the divine, the divinity within his being and used this completely in every thought, in every action. Therefore, he was in oneness, in truth, in complete harmony and the divine flow with the Creator, thus everything and anything was possible.
Master Lanto recognized this as well. He appreciated the light within his being, with every thought, emotion, his attention and his entire being. He delved down deep into the divinity within his being, the aspect of the Creator within, swimming in and enjoying the energy. So much so that when people gazed upon Master Lanto it was as if he was glowing, glowing with light through his skin. He was so in tune with the divinity within his being, so connected to and an expression of the divinity within his being that anything was possible. He also recognized the light glowing within others; therefore, they would glow as well in return.
All the Ascended Masters have moved through this Ascension process. Yes, you recognize within your mind, you know within your mind that the divine is within you, and the Creator is within you. However, there is a need to recognize this fully with every aspect of your being, the more you give your attention to this the more you believe and trust in the divinity within your being, become that divinity.
You are already that divinity. Every cell of your being, every energy molecule radiates this knowingness and truth. It is something that every Ascended Master has moved through, it is a journey that I, Master Yeshua invite you to experience and acknowledged now in this time.
It is your time to shine, what I mean is it is your time to recognize the divinity within your being. When you recognize the divinity within your being, with your whole being, you recognize yourself as whole and complete now.
This is a tremendous and dramatic healing process. If you are whole and complete you will think, feel, act, react and create from a space of being whole and complete, which completely transforms your being and your reality.
If this is recognized, then something else dawns and it is an experience rather than a knowingness in the mind. This experience is that you recognize that the divinity within you is also whole and complete therefore, when you recognize the divine, you are not recognizing an aspect of the divine you are recognizing the whole and complete source of the divine.
You are recognizing everything of the Creator, every form, everything that is formless, every label, everything that is label less. You remember the divine within your being and that you create from this space. Thus, you realize that everything outside of you is also within your being.
This is an especially important transition, again what I am speaking of is not new to you. You understand that you create everything in your reality. You understand that the Creator is within you, you understand that everything outside of you is also within you but to really grasp this understanding, to really feel it, to sense it, to acknowledge it within your thoughts, within your emotions. within your body, your energy bodies, your actions, your reactions, your creations. It means that you have a newfound connection with everything outside of yourself as well as everything within you.
As you recognize that a tree or a rainbow is a product of the divinity within you, you recognize that a person you are speaking to is a reflection of the divinity within your being thus you become so connected to everything that loneliness, separation, anxiety and fear dissolve.
Fear will always be there to some extent as it is a protection, but it will dissolve as well, in doing so you transform your reality, becoming an Ascended Master. You transform everything, not only for yourself and your reality you impact and influence the vibration of all, the experiences of all, the creation of all beings and entire Universe of the Creator.
You become everything and in doing so you enter deeper and deeper into that knowingness and acknowledgement of everything. A new transformation dawns from within your being, allowing you to become both formless and label-less. You are everything and yet you are the nothingness of the Creator.
It is incredibly challenging to describe the nothingness of the Creator when you live in a world where everything has form and labels. However, the more you can connect with this nothingness, which is a journey as I have described, you will find freedom, truth, and understanding for everything that is taking place in your reality and the world now.
You will trust in yourself and learn to trust in others. Thus, beginning and embarking upon a journey of co-creation. We, Ascended Masters are now achieving a journey of co-creation, we are co-creating with you now, it is our mission and our purpose.
How do you recognize the divinity within? How do you begin this journey as I have described?
In truth it is a unique process for you. I can share with you how I achieved it; however, you are unique, you may wish to find your own way. When I began this journey, I would meditate, and I would often imagine myself with my back against a tree or I would find a tree that was favourable and sit with my back against it. I would recognise the grounding of the Earth or my energies grounding into the Earth realising my connection to the divine. The tree would offer stability, stillness, a foundation, grounding and a connection with the Creator. In this space I would say to myself:
‘I seek the divinity within.’
I would repeat this to myself within my mind over and over. Then giving time for focus upon my breathing to allow space for an answer to form. I would practice this often and new answers would appear allowing me to feel a connection with the divinity within, maybe through a feeling of happiness or bliss erupting from my being. Sometimes my body would shake, other times I would enter a space of nothingness, it would be different each time.
I invite you to begin this process, there is so much to discover and we the Ascended Masters are present to support you. It is time for a new awakening, a new dawning within your being.
I, Master Yeshua, am present to love and to support you.
Dear friends, I am Jeshua, your brother and equal, who has lived as a human being among humans. I am with you, although not physically, but in and through your hearts. You are connected to me as a bearer of the Christ energy.
The Christ energy is one of connection, of being one on a level outside time and space. I am not the individual I was on Earth, that incarnation of Jesus or Jeshua. I am in you, and who you are speaks through me. I speak from a level of unity that lies outside earthly time and space, beyond the physical, the corporeal. Therefore, do not look up to me as a teacher, guru, or guide. I am one of you – in fact, I am one with you.
When I am here and speaking through someone, at the same time I am in you. I feel what you need in this moment to incarnate more deeply, to express your light, your soul flame, your unique divinity, and to establish it on the Earth. Doing that is the only thing that will make you feel fulfilled.
You all have come so far in the development of your consciousness that you no longer care about the worldly images of success, victory, power, or prestige. These images still affect you, although not so much their actual attainment: the success or power so you can become acknowledged or famous. But you sometimes long to participate, to belong, and to feel a connection with the people around you.
However, these images of success and accomplishment in your society profoundly affect you during your childhood and as you grow up. Those are the times in your life when you are very sensitive to belonging or to feeling different. Belonging to a group is so important to people, especially to children, because humans are by nature a social animal. A part of being human is that you want to connect with others, or at least with one other.
But it is when you are in connection with the world and the people around you, or even with one other person, that you receive input that does not really match the impulses from your soul – your natural state – and you get confused.
This happens often when you are young: you get misinformation, as it were, that is not consistent with your being, and as a result, you become confused. You want to be a part of the community and to be loved: first by your parents and later by your friends and peers. You want to experience social success, but because of the confusion that occurs within you, you become, to a certain extent, separated from yourself.
You can not continually live outside yourself, without regard for your inner self, because this will eventually lead to an inner split and living a false life, and that is when things begin to go wrong.
This inner split is expressed through your emotions: dissatisfaction, uncertainty, fear, doubt about yourself, lack of creativity. Eventually, you become lifeless or even depressed. This split can also manifest at the physical level, because your emotions have a direct influence on your body.
The split that arises in you, as you grow up, is experienced by almost everyone and is very painful, because your real purpose for being here is to pay heed to your soul, your unique light. You are here not to adapt, but to shape a new world, so you are almost destined to be different from others and to not be aligned with outside expectations.
I want to ask you to feel, right now, how you are different.
Go back in time and realize how, as a young child, you experienced that: “Something is not right – I can’t fit into this – I can’t really go along with the existing standards or ideas of what’s good, exciting, and worthwhile.” Feel your hesitation as a child. See if there are such moments from the past which are now bubbling up within you; times when you looked at the world, at the people around you, and thought: “There’s something wrong; I feel different. Other people seem to know what’s going on and what’s going to happen, but I don’t experience that.” Try to bring as much clarity as you can to this sense that you can not join in with the world around you; the feeling that you are different, but that you do not know how and why.
Yet you are very aware that: “I think and feel differently”. Feel your originality in that knowing.
You have been trying, for a long time, to push away this part of yourself because you wanted to connect so badly with other people in order to be loved. Have compassion for this part of yourself that longs to connect, to be seen, and to share your light with others. Have compassion for it, but step out of it, too. And feel how you have suppressed, ignored, and denied what you really are by trying too much to conform.
To help you feel clearer about this suppressed part, which is so original, I ask you to imagine the following. You are on a large empty plain in nature, open and vast – you can see the wide sky above you. You feel the earthly elements, wherever it is: a desert, a beach, a grassy field. There are no people there, no traces of human society. You are there in the wild, and you feel at home there; you feel that you are part of the Earth and nature. Touch the ground with your hands and feel the firmness of the Earth; feel the wind, the plants around you.
Now you see an animal appear, or maybe several. There is an animal out there that belongs to you and wants to come to you. It has come now to stand by you or to lie down beside you, and it is not afraid of you. This animal feels completely at home with your original natural energy, because it is at home in nature. See if you can see or feel this animal and look into its eyes. See the beauty of this animal, so pure and unspoiled. It is not interested in images of success, of conforming, of how it should be, of having to do your best. This animal is very free and independent. It has no sense of social pressure, or of the social boxes or cages in which you lock yourself. See if you can name this animal, a name that feels good to you.
This animal represents your original self, the part of you that does not fit in.
Feel the wildness of it and the pride, because an animal has a natural pride and dignity. It does not suffer from all the human concepts, and so it does not drive itself crazy trying to fit into them. Take an everyday situation in your life: a situation at home, at work, or with people where you often feel uncomfortable because you feel pressured, or feel small, or are forced to conform. Imagine that you are in that situation as this animal; that you get into the skin of this animal and look at the situation from its eyes. Do not be afraid of what you will see. An animal is acute in its perception and does not respond to illusions – it looks through things. To change this world – and that is part of your soul task or mission – you need this animal.
Dare to be different! Dare to again recognize your original self and take good care of yourself.
Trying to conform, and overly absorbing the images of the world, goes against taking good care of yourself. Taking care of yourself means establishing and guarding your own space, quite naturally and with certainty. It also means leaving if something does not nourish you or inspire you, saying “no” when someone intrudes into your space, protecting yourself in obvious and natural ways. However, doing this is challenging for you, because you are replete with images of how things should be and how things ought to be. Throwing off these images requires of you to make an effort, where for an animal, what they are comes very naturally and does not cost it any effort.
Essentially, doing this is very simple. But the problem is, it is hard for you to do because you are afraid of being criticized or that it is even dangerous to do so.
However, that is now not the case, and it is especially so in this day and age, because there is a great need for people who do not conform, who are different and original, and who have something to say from their originality.
This opportunity is, in a sense, unique to this time. There have been times when it has been barely possible to raise your voice and be different, and there are still places on Earth where that would be very difficult. But a turning point has been reached; there is movement for a reversal going on. In doing so, the voices of the original, the natural – the soul desires of people – can be more and more seen and heard. There is an urge for originality in humanity, especially in the younger generation.
It is important that adults take the lead to make sure that voice is heard in order to break through the old structures.
The guidance of adults is necessary, because many young children are now being sold on these images, structures, and judgments of the past, and they are too sensitive to adjust themselves, even a little. So we need leaders, spiritually mature people, who understand the importance of breaking through all those compulsive images and norms; who dare to show their originality, first of all for themselves, but also to prepare the way for the new generations to come who are bringing in something new. Preparing the way is necessary, because the new can only grow if it enters into a fertile environment.
That is why I am asking you to take yourself seriously, and in a very conscious way, to feel how you are different.
Take it from me that this will not break your connection with other people. In this day and age, especially, it is quite possible to be yourself, as it is called.
By that I mean to be your original self, from which you overthrow things that have been held sacrosanct. At this time, doing this is not only possible, but is also desperately needed, because a wave of new energy is entering the Earth, and it can only be born through individuals. It will never happen through organizations, through political institutions and hierarchical structures. Something like this can only be born from the bottom up, and that means through large numbers of individuals.
Your individual path is important for you, of course, but through your individual path you simultaneously transfer a spark to the collective consciousness. And all these sparks of all the individuals together bring about something new: a wave of new energy. Embrace the animal within yourself that you just saw – it is a creative key. You can use your imagination to pave the way for your own soul energy.
Thank you so much for your attention. I am with you – you are not alone.
There is a field of energy, here and now on Earth, that lifts you up.
It is already so strong that you can readily connect with it, and you can tune in to it for your everyday choices.
Love yourself! This is the first step anyone should take who is complaining about the lack of love in the world!
Only once you’re filled with self-love, you are able to give love and radiate love. Only someone who loves is able to truly help others. Receiving help from people who don’t love themselves is like a meal without spice that fills your stomach but has no flavor.
Beloved humans,
Practice this: Stand in front of a mirror, look yourself in the eyes and say: “I love myself.”
Keep doing this until you enjoy it, until you notice an inner shift and develop new feelings about yourself. A deep-seated sense of worthlessness, or deep-seated self-hatred, can now be released – this simple exercise sets everything in motion.
Consequently, the door of healing will open for you, and while you are sleeping, you will be liberated from a lot of debilitating imprinting.
Nowadays, healing can happen quickly – you just have to be completely ready for it.
Waiting for enlightenment doesn’t get you anywhere. Take your fate into your own hands and consciously create your own destiny.
In doing so, love is the most essential tool to bring the utmost joy to yourself and others.
However, it must not be an illusion, a concept or imagination. “ I love myself” or “I love all of creation” can be empty phrases. No, It should never get to that. Therefore, consciously face your issues of self-worth and self-worthlessness. Can you love yourself just the way you are? Do you feel inferior to others? Really get to the bottom of these questions.
Dig inside yourself for love. Search for love just like a gold-digger is looking for gold by sieving and discarding all that is not gold. Discard what is lesser and keep what corresponds with love.
Until you are full of love, don’t do anything and let everything be.
Concentrate on yourself until you have found self-love and are capable of complete self-acceptance as the one you are: love and endless divine beauty.
Dear friends, dear attendees, I am Jeshua, your brother and kindred spirit.
I was a human being on Earth – do not forget that. I was a human being among people who came to bring something new, a spark of consciousness that touched people’s hearts. In my humanity, I was often tormented and filled with despair, because I felt as if I was bringing water to a desert, a desert that I also suffered under. Energetically, there was a collective consciousness that was veiled or closed by fear and thoughts of power. In the time when I lived, there was a strong hierarchy. That hierarchy kept everything and everyone – rich and poor, powerful and powerless, man and woman – separate and in their place. As a result, the energy of the soul, which is one of freedom and creativity, had difficulty flowing. I came to bring innovation, often feeling trapped in the reality of the time.
I am telling you this because you are going through something very similar. In your hearts, a consciousness has awakened in which there is something new. You feel the call of your heart, while at the same time you feel you cannot adapt and fit in with the existing traditional consciousness, and this creates a split within you. You really want to follow the call of your heart by living with passion and inspiration, and to give shape to the new, yet you feel the opposition, resistance, and inertia of the existing power structures. These structures are based on fear, and want to hold on to the past; they are rigid, want to maintain control, and resist the free flow of the soul.
You are in the same dilemma as I was; your road is not that different from mine. Which is why I address you as a brother and kindred spirit, so you can see and understand who you are. You are a messenger. Yet, at the same time, you are also a human being who wants to experience a connection with others, in a human way. So, the question is: How are you to bring in the new and be a leader of the new age, yet stand up for yourself and protect yourself sufficiently in a reality that does not suit you at the soul level?
Many lightworkers experience the same problem. They are sensitive, highly complex persons who experience the resistance in the society around them and are touched by the pain, the suffering of others, and also by the pain in nature from the violence inflicted upon the Earth. Humanity is facing a global crisis in nature, as well as human disasters and suffering, so there are more and more indications of the need for fundamental change. You already feel that call within yourselves: the urge to open to another consciousness. But when you experience that call, the call of a heart-borne consciousness, you also become aware that you are an outsider, an outcast. You look at reality and you see and feel that you do not fit in.
I ask you to first realize that the isolation and loneliness which you experience have a strong connection to who you are and to what you bring from your soul. Therefore, feel your greatness – feel the light of your soul. You often feel abandoned or disowned, and that you cannot participate in this world, but know that it is not because you have failed or waiver. You distance yourself precisely because you can not live the accepted way from your developed heart and sensitivity.
Your response is also a result of all the images of success in your world, of the things you are supposed to achieve. These images have penetrated into your consciousness and make you feel like you are an outsider, that you are failing if you do not achieve these false images of success, and the result is that they can make you feel insecure. So it is very important that you see through these images, that you really understand what your role is in this day and age: that you are a precursor for the new. That is the first step: to understand who you are, to understand why you need space for yourself, why you are different, and why you often can not be yourself in the existing ways of thinking and doing. And it is importatnt to not just understand this with your head, but to feel it in your heart and to remember your calling.
Now go with your attention to your heart. Welcome yourself there. Feel like you are a pioneer. Feel that you remember something significant, that you have a depth and wisdom within you which are of great importance to this world, even though the world does not yet recognize and acknowledge this wisdom. However, more and more things are beginning to change, especially because of the current crises on Earth. Holes are being punched in the old consciousness. Images of traditional leadership are being increasingly seen through, especially images of dogmatic, rigid, male leadership. It is precisely this form of leadership that is now very much present in many sectors of the world. This mode of leadership undermines its own validity because it makes visible to more and more people how power and control work in all areas of life. The structures of the old are becoming more and more exposed.
You are playing a role in this process by embodying an awareness that deviates from the existing structures. However, you still have old representations of how best to change things as a lightworker, and you often respond by going into an action-oriented mode. But things around you change mainly because of the quality of your consciousness, and that hasa huge influence. Fueled by the images of your society, you often are still focused on tangible results: “What am I supposed to do? What kind of work? What’s my role?” The emphasis on “doing” often throws you off balance and also makes you impatient, because you see too few tangible results in the outside world.
However, a real change of consciousness takes place internally and only has external consequences over time, and this also applies to you individually, in your own life. When you look back on your life, you can sense the profound emotional transformations that only later bear fruit. Often, that happens much later than you think or expect because inner transformative changes occur at a deep level. It is not as if a button in your head is turned on or off; it is not so much a mental process, as an emotional process. Each of you has emotional habits and patterns which require a lot of strength, silent self-reflection, and feeling in order to break through. And this applies not only individually, but also worldwide.
Your greatest strength lies in the internal work that you all do, and that work has external consequences. Do not fixate too much on what you see when you look at the condition of the world around you, because internal change is the key. Especially in this life that you lead, in this day and age, it is very important to focus on your inner selves, because that is where miracles happen. Facing yourself with love and openness of mind, not judging yourself, and breaking through the depictions and images of society by which you have been conditioned. This is where your greatest mission lies, and you radiate that out to others without knowing it.
Focus, for a moment, on the judgments you have within yourself about your life, or about being you. Focus on something you do not think is going well in your life and whether you think this is your fault or that of others. There is always a certain pointedness in judgment. Condemnation carries aggression, which can also be directed against yourself. See if you can see in yourself how you do that. And feel how the energy of judgment blocks you. Judgments close the door, which is the opposite of openness and flowing along with your soul.
Ask your body, “Where am I blocking myself by judging?” Find out which part of your body reacts to that judgement and is connected to it. Maybe there is a part that feels constricted or contracted because you are shutting yourself off from life because of disappointment and disillusionment. Open that door again! Feel the constricted part of yourself and imagine water flowing toward it, a kind of energetic water that is gentle, and feels warm and pleasant. Feel that the water wants to transport you to a new life, a new consciousness. Feel that you can let go of judgment.
Give yourself space. Be open to the new that you can not yet grasp with your thinking mind. Be aware that you are in a transformation of your consciousness and that a real transformation always takes you beyond the boundaries of the known. And that means you do not yet know exactly what is going to happen. Try not to look or understand or predict from the old, the known, but be open to the new – a new consciousness. That is the most important thing. The rest, the outward events, will follow by themselves.
Thank you so much for your attention. You are never alone. You are connected to a field of kindred spirits, of like-minded souls. You are always being held.
Today,i asked my Higher Self how can i best be of service right now?And the answer was :Just Be.So this message from Sananda/Jesus,once again,confirms what i always get from source.And i must share with you that about 99,99% of what i share on this website,is first confirmed within me and that is how i know it is true.The 0,01% is for all the sharings i do on disclosure and political aspects sharings i do where i must confess might be wrong as they are written by human minds and not higher intelligence channelings.I share those mostly to confirm how the collective vortex works and how timelines may shift depending on where the vibration of the collective stands.
Jesus Through John: The Necessity of just Being
January 15, 2021 by
Being is your most important task right now – there is no doing involved! Being is to accept yourselves in this moment . . . and this moment . . . and this moment, without judgment or negative self-assessment of any kind.
The vast majority of humans have learned during their formative years that they must do or not do certain things in order to be accepted and loved by their parents, siblings, families, and teachers or caregivers. Just being is discouraged because it appears that there is so much that needs to be done, and that hard work is an essential aspect of a successful life, while doing nothing is seen as a waste of time, as laziness.
To a certain extent this is a valid concept. However, and for vast numbers of people, work has become life’s purpose – even though they may often dream of being free, of having holidays away from the stress of normal daily living – thus separating them from the fullness of their being! Being is who you are, and if you do not allow yourselves to spend plenty of time just being – and most of humanity does not – you cannot know yourselves.
When you were born into human life, the life of form, your memory of who you really are was lost to you. This is because of that long ago choice to experience separation from Source. If you retained your memory you would not experience separation. However, Source knows that not only is separation impossible, and that therefore the experience of separation is harmless, She also knows that that experience is something you would – eventually – choose to terminate, and so your collective awakening process was established at the precise instant that you chose to experience separation, in order that it would be there for you to avail of as soon as you chose to do so.
Now vast numbers of you are making the choice to terminate the experience of separation, and in that choice you are finding or uncovering within yourselves the awakening process.
It has always been there.
God did not choose to have you spend millennia incarnating and incarnating and incarnating as you sought the way Home. He placed it within you, clearly marked and labeled, so that when you chose to awaken the means was there.
Because you had chosen the separation experience that too was there for you, and although it presented you with a multitude of lessons to learn which seemed to insist that you undergo many incarnations to complete the learning process, there was and is no requirement for you to do so.
Over the eons humanity became addicted to the distractions and excitements of the separation experience – duality, right versus wrong, good versus evil, love versus fear – that being in form made possible, and you came to believe that one life in form was all that you would get, so you had better make the most of it.
Yes, many cultures established myths and religions that spoke of an afterlife, and of the karmic necessity for many reincarnations, but those too were distractions.
You are, each and every one of you – in every moment of your existence – One with Source, Love, Mother/Father/God in your own unique and individual way, and so youwilleach find or uncover your own unique way Home to that state of eternal knowing.
The myths and religions were helpful at times, they were like incompleted maps which offered some directions, but which needed to be individualized as each of you was on a different spot on that map. But over time many of them they became power structures, which some used to control others with judgments of what was right and wrong, and with severe punishments imposed by the ‘authorities’ on this who refused to conform.
Now, as you move along through the awakening process toward Home, you are rediscovering your God-given sovereignty, your divine right to choose your own unique path. Only your path will work for you.
People are, therefore, breaking away from the bonds and restrictions of organized religions, with their idea of one path for all, and the judgments they have established to validate the truth of that, and of what is right or wrong. They are coming to the realization that, yes, there is only Love, and that the only rule is to be loving at all times.
As you have been told so often, Love never judges or condemns, Love always accepts. Those who live lovingly never intentionally harm or seek to harm or offend anyone.
When someone judges you or offers you uncalled for advice or guidance they are not offering you Love. However, when someone listens to you compassionately without offering advice or guidance, she allows you to find yourself within yourself, if you choose to listen to yourself, hear yourself, understand what you have said, and then truly look within.
Looking within is the key to finding your awakening process, but many have been so traumatized, and have buried so much pain and suffering deep within themselves, that they are constantly seeking distraction from that insistent but very quiet call to go within.
They are terrified of what they will find there. Yes, they will uncover shame, blame, unworthiness, and memories of unloving behaviors that have hurt them badly and with which they have harmed or hurt others. But then, with the loving assistance of their individual support teams in the spiritual realms, they will be able to come to an understanding of why all this occurred, and through that understanding will be able to see the invalidity of those negative self-judgments, allowing them to forgive themselves, and any others who have harmed or shamed them. The knowing that they are God’s beloved children will arise and confirm itself, and then they will be able to release their hold on the buried guilt and shame that they have been carrying for so long.
By releasing these burdens they allow and invite Love to embrace them, which It does instantly, and the result is an intense sense of inner peace, self-acceptance, and love for all. It is the dropping or discarding of an enormously heavy and energy-draining burden or load, that serves neither them nor anyone else, and a marvelous experience of lightness and peace replaces it, as all the shoulds and musts, or shouldn’ts or mustn’ts just fall away, and, often for the very first time, the person feels FREE, ALIVE and filled with joy for life.
This is your natural state as a human, but it has been hidden, buried, unavailable because of all those invalid negative beliefs about yourselves that the various traumas you have undergone have ingrained deep within you. Self-acceptance is essential, it is your path Home, and it is also, of course, the wonderful realization that Mother/Father/God, Source, Love is your nature, that you are One with That, and that THAT is YOU!
Humanity is awakening, and the realization of that ONENESS is dawning every day on more and more of you. The evidence of this is available for all to see because of the ability that each has to cruise the world-wide-web and meet others who, like themselves, are enthusiastically choosing to awaken.
Do not engage with the ongoing dramas with which the mainstream and social media flood the airwaves in order to distract you.
Choose not to spend inordinate amounts of time checking phones, emails, and your favorite news sources, because doing so is extremely addictive. Instead set a precise and very brief time period no more than twice daily – morning and evening, perhaps – to learn what you feel you need to know about local or world affairs, and then get on with LIFE.
The miracle that is life reveals itself to you in every moment if you pay attention by being mindful, instead of engaging with the negative thought patterns that flow automatically and uninvited through your minds whenever you let your awareness stop being aware.
You are awakening, it is the divine Will that you do so, and the divine Will is always perfectly achieved.
Therefore let go of or release your tight and fearful grip on doubts and ‘what if’ thoughts that do not serve you, and allow the Love, that you and every conscious entity truly is, to embrace you, inspiring and uplifting you as you go about your daily lives in form.
You live inseparably in the Presence of the One, loved and cherished beyond your ability to fully understand.
Emotional STUFF is arising for everyone everywhere that is unsettling, disturbing, even frightening for many.
Too many distractions – COVID-19, US Presidential election, Brexit, among other things – are pulling you, and many, many others, away from your inner work.
That work is essential, and it is to be loving whatever arises either in your personal lives or as reported in the world news. Distraction from that work must not be allowed to prevent you from going within when you awaken in the morning, whenever you have a free moment during the day, and before sleeping at night, to relax in the peace and Love of your holy inner sanctuaries.
Yes, of course you have to attend to your daily human lives, however, do not let those daily chores and duties cause you to forget to do that inner work. You incarnated to be here now doing this work to assist in humanity’s awakening. You chose to be here at this time because you fully understood how important the work you would be doing was going to be. That sense of knowing, of purpose has been diluted or is less than clearly apparent to many of you because of the limitations that being human imposes on you, veiling off much of your awareness both of your earthly task, and of your heavenly nature.
Many people have an ingrained sense that they are not good enough, that they are not worthy, that they are unlovable, but this is completely invalid.
Yes, as humans in form you could live your lives more lovingly and compassionately, and many of you have set and reset the intent to do this, but then you tend to judge yourselves very harshly and negatively when you see yourselves as having made an error, or failed. As humans you have chosen to learn the lesson that you are Love incarnate, and opportunities to learn this are frequently presented to you, and sometimes you do not realize this at the time, or even shortly afterwards.
When, finally, you do realize, you often berate yourselves for not being aware in the moment that they happened. When you dwell on these kinds of self-judgments, wondering how it was possible that you could have allowed yourselves to say or do what you said or did, you drain your energy and intensify the sense of not being good enough. And doing that is depressing, is draining you of energy, because it is a shutting out of Love.
Remember, you are perfect divine beings, it is just that the Truth of that is hidden from you because of the limitations of being in human form. And in remembering, also remember that you were created perfect by God Who Loves you utterly and completely without for even a moment judging you.
In that knowing forgive yourselves, stop clinging to and revisiting your mistakes and failings, which are, in any case, over and finished with, and move forward in the knowledge you are always and eternally loved as you live inseparably in the Presence of the One, loved and cherished beyond your ability to fully understand while you are still in form.
It is your destiny to awaken, because the awakening process was established in the precise moment in which you chose to experience separation – just a moment ago.
The environment of separation that you collectively established is extremely convincing in its presentation of unreality to you as Real. What is Real is utterly beautiful, peaceful, joyful, accepting, loving and honoring of you, in every moment of your eternal existence. Reality is where you are in every moment – there is nowhere else!
This is confusing for you because you all want only to be loved, and yet everywhere you look you can see the opposite – fear, anger, hatred, bitterness, and despair – thus life can seem hopeless. It is not!You are all making enormous progress along your individual, and most beautifully designed and unique paths Home.
Very frequently this is not at all apparent as you experience stuff, situations, and relationship difficulties that seem totally removed from any evolutionary or spiritual purpose. The experience of human life for each individual is individual. That was the intention with which the collective encounter with separation was designed. You each experience life in your own unique way; your experience is different from that of everyone else.
You cannot know what another’s path is, and therefore it is not helpful to try and put someone on the ‘right path,’ because there is no way you can know what or where it is, or where it may lead them.
What you can do is to support someone who is in trouble, in pain, or suffering by being present with them and seeing them, loving them, and listening to them. As you all know, when someone focuses their attention on you – obviously ‘sees’ you, and listens to you – you feel much better in yourself, you feel that you ‘matter’ to that person, you feel accepted. Everyone wishes to be accepted, and Love is acceptance, It always accepts unconditionally because that is what Love is, It never sets conditions because there are none.
Over the last year people have become more disconnected, more separated from others than had come to be accepted as normal, and this has been extremely unsettling and disturbing for them.
Therefore, those of you who are reading or listening to this or to other loving messages need to intensify your intent to be only loving whatever arises. You are all undoubtedly finding that much more is arising for you yourselves, as well as for the human collective, and the reasons that this is so are quite clear, as you deal with your own stuff intensifying as it arises to be acknowledged, thanked – you pre-established it all as part of your individual life paths to nudge or shove you toward awakening – and released.
As you release it instead of reacting to it, focus on giving thanks for what it has taught you, because, in doing so, you will find within yourselves the strength and an intensified desire to interact only lovingly with all others. And that is why you are presently incarnate in human form.
Your individual task is to be loving. This does not mean that you surrender your sovereignty or agree with opinions or beliefs that are unloving, instead you just behave and speak in ways that are in alignment with Love, while not engaging in judgment of others. Every human has experienced more than enough judgment and shaming as they have lived their human lives, and, as you can see very clearly, this is extremely divisive –SEPARATING!
All are One, so to awaken is to cease engaging in divisiveness.
Allow others their different opinions without feeling a need either to correct them or agree with them. Disagreement can be very inspiring if you can fully listen to the other’s position or perception, because it can peacefully and lovingly show you any flaws that may exist in your own. Disagreement is normal – I like cookies, you like cake – and does not have to be divisive, instead honor those with whom you disagree, and you will find very often that they will honor you.
This will allow you both to move forward freely and happily, accepting each other’s individuality, instead of judging their disagreement with you as wrong, and then bearing resentments or grudges against each other, which, of course, just drains your energy, leaving you feeling tired, angry, and depressed – DRAINED!
When you feel like this, it is because you have chosen to be upset by the other person’s beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors, and then dwell on how unfair or unreasonable they are.
But why would you focus on ‘stuff’ that drains you?
It makes absolutely no sense.
If you need others to agree with you, it means that you are not accepting yourselves.
And why don’t you?
God accepts you completely and utterly just as you are, so honor Her by accepting yourselves.
Self-judgment is not in alignment with Love, so let it go, it is invalid, and enjoy the peace that then replaces it.
Note:the picture is from Linda Dillon’s recent Book :The Jesus Book that i read a year or so ago,i vividely invite you to read it,it is filled with so many gems,always speaking about the favorite subject of Jesus :LOVE.
Beloveds, I give you the gift of ignition, I give you the gift of awakening, I give you the gift of lift-off. Do not look back!
Greetings, I am Jesus Sananda, I am Jesus, I am Yeshua, I am your beloved brother and friend, Yeshi, and I bring you greetings at this time of winter solstice, of grand conjunction, of Hanukkah, of Christmas.
It is not coincidence, beloveds, that literally in this time of the darkest time and the brightest time, that you prepare to shift into a new realm of existence. I do not tether you or anchor you, restrict you to the 7th dimension – the dimension of love, of Christ Consciousness, of awakened awareness, might I say of joy, of peace, of love.
You see, there is no differentiation when some say “I seek the deepest peace,” which I have done as man. What they are truly saying is “I wish for a sense where conflict and the deep knowing of connection, of security, of Oneness exists.” And when they say “I seek joy,” they are truly saying “I seek to feel secure, that my heart is aglow, regardless of news feeds,” because what you truly value is your friends and family, your community.
And when you say you seek love, you are truly saying “I wish to be the love, I wish to be in the full connection with the Mother/Father/One, to be in the unity, yes, with sacred self and with All.” There can be no delineation.
My brothers and sisters whom I have travelled with many times and do so again, you have grown up in a world where there have been these false delineations, these false constructs, these walls, these impenetrable veils that have done nothing other than create a sense of separation, of isolation, of loneliness and yearning. But you did not come to this incarnation in service to our beloved Mother to accept those walls or to reinforce those walls, to honour those walls, or even to acknowledge those walls.
You are the rebel angels, just like me, just as I have been seen as a rebel when I have walked the Earth and some despised me for it. But my circle loved me because in claiming my freedom, they saw and they did claim their own. That is what this completion is about. It is about tidying up, completing what has not been completely finished up, and this stepping into the pristine New.
You are the creators and the co-creators of Nova Earth and, yes, we most certainly do accompany you. But you are not stepping into a new realm where everything has already been constructed because that was not your request to the Mother – and that most certainly was not her request to you.
Often – and yes, sweet Margaret, we have heard your plea for divine intervention – and there are many times unbeknownst to most when divine intervention does take place. But you did not want to simply wake up in 2021 and see a world that had been recreated and polished. You wished to create it, to build it based on your divine qualities, your favourites, your dreams, and your dreams that are shared by billions.
Yes, there are some that don’t even know quite yet that they share this dream, but they do. And how that is manifesting, as the exhaustion and the soul exhaustion passes – and that is what you are in the midst of – as it passes, they look around, emerging from the darkness, emerging from the sleep, emerging from the illusion, and then they look and they say “What is in alignment with what my heart and my very soul desires?” And that is when they turn to you, they seek you out.
They may not say to you “Let me go to a City of Light,” but that does not mean they won’t go. They did not say to me “Take me to Jerusalem or Nazareth,” but they did show up. And they continue to show up to build, in tangible reality, this world, this community of humans that is inclusive, that is generous, that is kind and compassionate.
That is my dream, and it has been my dream when I have walked the Earth as man, and it has been my dream in and out of form forever. It does not change, just as the deep authentic dream of your heart, your mind, your soul does not change. It is not about the material. The material follows the dream, not the other way around. This has been a miscomprehension of many humans. First you work the dream, you live the dream, you enunciate the dream, you expand the dream.
Now why do I talk to you of this now at this solstice switch? Because that is what it is. It is a switch, it is a green light, yes, sometimes flickering yellow, but it is not stop, it is not halt, it is full bore ahead!
Each in your own way, you have chosen to be leaders in the new sense of stewardship, of guardianship, of gardeners of peace, and you gather unto you those of like mind and heart to create ethical governance, to create food that sustains, to create communities – and communities that welcome not only the Star brothers and sisters that are already here on your planet but those that hover and those that are galaxies away. The word goes out!
The monoliths are activators. They are codes brought from afar, encoded with information, energy, light, sound. You will learn. This is part of the gift.
What I ask of you in this time quite literally of new beginning is to stop looking back. Don’t even look back for me because I am right next to you. Don’t look back at the mis-history of what has occurred on your planet, the descension into cruelty and abuse and control, fear, guilt, shame, blame. Don’t look back.
You have been given, you have been honoured, as has Gaia, with a new grid and it is a grid of love, it is a grid of potential. So think of it in this way. You would not look back and use a rock as a tool to fix these computers or even to hammer a nail. It is antiquated. In and of itself, it is a beautiful mineral specimen that has its own life and its own vibratory rate so if you wish to hold it, do so, but do not think that that is the tool you will use. Look ahead and look at what is being given to you as the light tools.
The Council has given you, we have given you, many tools but you came equipped, beloveds, with the most precious tool of all: your heart. It is not only a muscle that keeps you alive, that exchanges blood, etc. It is the seat of your consciousness. It is the seat of your soul. But in addition to that, you have been given the brilliance of your mind – no, not the illusions – the true brilliance of your head, your brain, intelligence. That is not to be denied. You have what it takes.
So what do I give you as my gift, as my offering at this time of giving and receiving? Beloveds, I give you the gift of ignition, I give you the gift of awakening, I give you the gift of lift-off. Do not look back!
You are the leaders, the wayshowers, the pathfinders. If you are hovering with your head over your shoulder or looking down at your feet, you cannot lead – and that is what you are here to do, not in ways of control, quite the contrary; in ways that are so generous, so heart-open that all seek to be with you because that is the place of home. They find the energy of the Mother, the Father, of all of us in you – and when you hold that and when you know that, when you claim your ignition, there is nothing that can stop you!
You are amongst the most determined angels, beings, throughout the Multiverse. That is why you are here. And you will not settle, you will not compromise for half-light, half-dark. That time is over. The time of division and of divisiveness comes to a close, to which all of you and all of us say “Hallelujah!”
We are One and you are One with us, with All. So let us celebrate! Let us light and illuminate this entire planet. Let us shine the glee and share the warmth of this new beginning.
Go with my love and go, sweet angels, in peace, in joy, in laughter and celebration. Farewell.
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Jesus Through John: Your Awakening is Happening Now
Life is Good!
However, if you focus on what you do not like in your own individual lives this does not appear to be the case. I would therefore remind you . . . AGAIN, that Life is eternal.
Life manifests unmistakably and completely palpably, constantly and eternally, in the Presence of Source, with Whom each individual conscious living entity is One in every moment without interruption. Because there is only Source, Mother/Father/God, Love, THERE IS, AND CAN BE, NO SEPARATION . . . EVER!
Where you are mainly focusing your attention – on being a human on a small planet in a VAST universe – distracts you from allowing yourselves to know yourselves as you truly are, divine Beings infinitely loved by God, Who never judges you.
There is NO judgment! Judgment is an aspect of the illusion that you invented and use to divide one another into good, mediocre, and bad, depending on your own individual, and mostly horribly confused perceptions of another, or many others. This has caused such enormous suffering throughout human history that the collective has finally decided and set the collective intent to awaken from the dream/nightmare that you seem to have been undergoing as reality since the beginning of time.
Your awakening is happening now, and consequently all that is not in alignment with Reality, with Love, to which humanity has been clinging in fear, and then expressing in anger, judgment, and condemnation of one or many others, is arising in the collective consciousness to be acknowledged, thanked for the lessons with which it has presented you, forgiven for the suffering it has caused you, and released, thus making an enormous amount of ‘space’ available in the collective dream/nightmare for Love to flow in and awaken you into the Joy that is Life, that is Reality.
So, to reiterate, yet again, you are divine beings, always infinitely and eternally loved by God, having a brief and unreal experience as a human in form.
That form appears to you to be totally real – the senses with which your bodies are furnished are intensely sensitive – because you wished to experience separation as fully and completely as possible, and, consequently, that is how you do experience it.
Nevertheless, you do have to differentiate between what is good and what is not good, namely between what it means to be loving and what it means not to be loving.
At the deepest level of your being you do know this, you can most clearly differentiate between these two states – even though there is truly only one state . . . LOVE – but, because of the fear that the sense of being separated from Source instills within you, you actually find yourselves cognizant of myriad differences – myriad forms of goodness and myriad forms of evil – and spend inordinate amounts of time discussing these apparent differences, and then making judgments about them.
And the reason for this? It is because the sense of separation that you are each experiencing individually makes you appear to be quite different from one another, while at the same time showing you that you are indeed all human.
You then pay attention to the evil that is so evident all over the world, and come to the conclusion that you need to gather in families, groups, tribes, and even nations to fight and destroy the evil that you so clearly recognize in other families, groups, tribes, and nations.
However, humanity has, as your history makes abundantly clear, been doing this for much longer than is recorded in your ancient annals, and it has never worked!
Conflict always leads to further conflict, because those who are defeated know that they are in the right, and therefore, when they rebuild their strength, they will engage again with those who defeated them, seeking to avenge themselves for the wrongs and suffering inflicted upon them . . . and so it has been going, on and on.
Now, humanity has finally decided collectively that “Enough is enough!” And the results of that decision can be seen most clearly in the world around you as seemingly more and more divisiveness arises between people planet-wide.
This divisiveness is clearly visible for all to see, and can be seen to be accentuating and intensifying the differences between you, and accentuating and intensifying the need to destroy and conquer all that is evil in the world. And that realization – the need to conquer and destroy evil – is finally being seen for what it is . . . Humanity’s death knell!
People are coming to the realization, on a MASSIVE scale, that major changes in the way in which you interact with one another worldwide are vital and essential NOW!
So, in spite of what is being reported on the mainstream media, and in many other places, the present chaos, confusion, and seemingly increasingly divisive behaviors and actions demonstrate very clearly indeed that humanity is waking up massively, and becoming aware in this now moment that change is essential now.
And, although it is not yet being generally reported, the effects of this globalchange of heart by humanity is leading rapidly to a cessation of unloving behaviors in many areas where such a concept was, until very recently, thought to be impossible.
Therefore, CELEBRATE!
As I have told you before, celebrating raises your frequency, because in celebrating you honor one another, and when you do that you offer love to one another, further raising your frequency toward full alignment with Love.
Full alignment with Love is the aim of your spiritual evolution, but, because there is only Love, which is utterly non-judgmental and unconditionally accepting of every one of God’s beloved children – and ALL are God’s beloved children – your awakening will occurbefore you are fully aligned with Love.
On awakening you will then be led Home into full alignment with Love, your true and natural state, by your support teams in the spiritual realms who are most eagerly awaiting that magnificent moment, and who have prepared a most wonderfully welcoming Homecoming for you all.