A Message to Lightworkers – October 22, 2021
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time with you today.
Once again our writer speaks with Saint Germain, and he is happy to offer insights into what is occurring now in your Earth lives, as you walk the Ascension path:
COR: Greetings, Lord Saint Germain!
SAINT GERMAIN: Greetings, dear one, and all. How may we assist?
COR: What is important for us to know right now, whether regarding NESARA’s enactment or regarding lifting the vibration of our world to a higher level?
I have been following a wonderful guided meditation for invoking the power of the Violet Transmuting Flame, which I feel is more important than ever now.
As you are the creator and guardian of that Transmuting Fire, what would you like to share with us right now?
SAINT GERMAIN: Only that Transmutation is in the very air you breathe now.
And that humanity’s power to transform your world has never been greater!
And that contrary to what you are being told on most fronts, you are all capable of moving into a new and higher understanding of that capability now.
While your Sun now assists you in that empowerment more fully than ever.
COR: We hear from the Faction Three White Knights about the monoatomic gold dust coming in, and from what I understand, that Light is sentient.
It desires to heal us, to inspire us.
And it feels to me to be laying a path to higher consciousness.
Other than working with it in meditation, I’m not sure how best to connect with that energy.
SAINT GERMAIN: For one, thinking of anything with appreciation will assist your energies in opening to that experience, and playing with that particular expression of Light in the higher realms.
So most certainly, we would say, be Joyful in your thoughts of this Light coming in now.
The gold dust is a form of Light that is helping to transform the particular level of human thought that opens doors not only to new inventions, but to the possibility of forms of living that in the past would have been called too idealistic to experience in Earth life.
COR: So that might be things such as people only doing the work that most interests them, or having more than enough money so that they never stress over it again?
Or forms of healing that are completely natural and holistic, and offered for free, as well as war being considered null and void, and no longer a part of human experience?
SAINT GERMAIN: Those are some forms that you will have heard many say, so as to protect themselves from the disappointment of a dream deferred, “That cannot be. The world does not work that way.”
And now of course, in this new era, humanity is reaching for that, and much more.
COR: What do you make of these companies offering space travel?
SAINT GERMAIN: That is what one might call an “accidental” breakthrough in favor of what the Light Forces have been working toward for a very long time.
Accidental on the part of the old political/economic structure, in that they would not want the majority of the populace to think that space travel is normal and easy to do, even with the current outmoded technology.
Yet it is an intentional breakthrough on the part of those working on behalf of the Light, and that of course includes all Light Bearers, as you call them.
One does not have to design rockets in order to assist in any area of disclosure of higher technologies, and the presence of other races of beings in the Universe.
That much all of you know, as you travel the ethers in your sleep state.
Increasingly, the truth of those travels—the fact of them—is carried with you more consciously throughout the day.
This would be so, even for those who feel there is no “spirit” in human beings, and that there are no other beings exploring the galaxy but those they see around them.
COR: So is the Light coming in so great now, that even the darker agendas are being used for humanity’s higher good, somehow?
SAINT GERMAIN: That potential was always there, and enacted by many.
Yet it is far easier to attain now, yes.
COR: How do we take the current agenda for complete control over human health, daily living, and consciousness, and find good in it?
SAINT GERMAIN: Your first responsibility is to move into a place of calm and Peaceful nonresistance of what you yourselves have volunteered to witness first-hand.
It can never be that you will experience your own or humanity’s higher good from a place of fearful anxiety or hopelessness.
Merely witness, and maintain your own high vibration. For you hold the Light for human experience now.
As you note the tactics being used, and trace them to the desire on behalf of the old power structure to demote humanity into automatons and fear-based slaves, or to eradicate the race almost completely, you see through their increasingly thin to nonexistent veil.
Soon, no one will be able to lie and get away with it—unless perhaps, their intentions are very high, and they wish to spare someone unnecessary pain.
COR: Or spoil a surprise party!
SAINT GERMAIN: Yes! The potential for Joy must be preserved!
COR: What about the news broadcasts that lie almost nonstop?
While presenting “experts” whose comments and recommendations we have been carefully trained to bow to, ignoring our own intuitive understanding of what is really happening.
SAINT GERMAIN: And in the current atmosphere, what we describe now is ever-increasing: the ability to see through the lies of the news broadcasts, which in the main, are channels for propaganda.
You will note alternative news media coming forward now. This is not because “the internet was invented.”
That is so, but what was to prevent the internet from becoming yet another function of the old structure of control?
Those who came forward to play the darker roles have attempted to make it such.
Yet it is the current human insistence on the Truth being told that has ensured many independent channels of more trustworthy information, and more than that, the greater perception humanity is experiencing now.
You will see an increase in human desire to hear and respect their own higher wisdom; each person’s own sense of what is right for them.
Yes, despite so many having fallen for the current lies. Despite so many being led by fear.
Despite appearance, that tendency is becoming a thing of the past.
COR: Strange that I seem to believe what you say, and to have seen evidence of it, despite the numbers who are lining up to do as they are told, without investigating what it is that is being put into them.
And without asking to understand the true motives of those propagating what are being called necessary preventions.
SAINT GERMAIN: This is a kind of culling, in the sense that those who are seeking to maintain Peace of heart-mind, while being fully aware of the darker agendas, are powerfully in training for the creation of New Earth forms and communities.
COR: What of those who have fallen for the lies spread throughout the mainstream narrative now?
SAINT GERMAIN: There are many paths. Respect all. Allow all.
COR: It is difficult, when you see loved ones making choices that do not seem wise, whether it is trusting the wrong people, as if the old system will always protect them, when it has never done that, or harming themselves with drug or drink to try to hide from what these higher energies are revealing to us about ourselves.
SAINT GERMAIN: Yet soon, there is no hiding, for anyone.
Those who choose to know themselves shall be assisted in integrating these finer vibrations.
COR: A revelation and a comfort, yet also a bit daunting.
SAINT GERMAIN: Move out of ego, and into the high heart!
All is well, with life taken in small moments—individual steps forward.
Remember that whatever dire consequence some will say awaits humanity, you are empowered to create!
To naturally flow into those circumstances that you image, expect, and celebrate most often!
COR: That would be a new reality, one that we know we have created, rather than accidentally coming across on the path.
SAINT GERMAIN: Now is the time, dear ones!
Do not delay!
As you put all of your world in the Violet Transmuting Flame, it is not to hide from that which distresses you, but to move all to the higher vibrational level, and the outpicturing that awaits you in the field of potentials.
Do you choose this? Leaving open the forms of all outcomes, yet calling forth the beauty of that which is for the higher good of all?
That New Earth which, at every moment, we see already in the process of Creation, as Gaia Herself reaches for Her newest and finest incarnation!
COR: So we don’t need to image exact outcomes, so much as blaze that Violet Flame in ourselves and the Earth, and come into a place of Peacefulness?
SAINT GERMAIN: Of course. The images of what you are creating will come up unbidden, of their own accord.
And if you have no images, that is fine also.
The realization of your Creating is enough. Allow it to fulfill you.
And put yourselves in charge, dear ones—not some hidden, unseen authority structure which is fading so quickly that it is gasping for its last breath.
It cannot stand this Light. So place all its various machinations in the Violet Flame also, which is in constant communication with the monoatomic gold you spoke of, and the assistance of the Light Forces.
All is well. The center of Creation on your planet is in your own co-Creative heart-mind—not the halls of government or corporation.
You are the captains of this particular ship!
COR: Thank you, Lord Saint Germain, as always! We take this to heart, and act upon it now.
SAINT GERMAIN: Namaste, dear ones! We are privileged to assist.
And be of good cheer!
We have seen your future timeline, and all shall be most well.
Copyright 2021, Caroline Oceana Ryan
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to this post, at https://www.ascensiontimes.com/post/a-message-to-lightworkers-october-22-2021.
Thank you.
Category Archives: Saint Germain
Let’s focus on staying in high vibrations and spreading Love and Light to every person you meet on your path. You can speed up the process of RV by expressing gratitude for the little daily blessings that you receive.
October 7, 2021
Greetings Dear Ones,
I am Saint Germain, and I am happy to communicate to everyone today. You are still living in chaotic times, everyday the Darkness brings another challenge to your table. They keep coming up with new ways to make your life more complex.
You are waiting for the big changes to occur on Earth, which is shifting to a new frequency. It’s happening despite, how the reality looks at this moment.
First, the old system needs to collapse and to be replaced with a new one. Many of you have been impatiently waiting for RV to start your projects to assist humanity. The Quantum Financial System has been ready for years to change your archaic banking system. The reason it still didn’t occur, because the corrupted souls running around and jeopardizing this event so it wouldn’t come about.
Also, the humankind is not ready to handle the amount of money that are going to come from my fund and RV exchange. The Collective Consciousness didn’t reach the required level. If you want to speed up the process, so dedicate every free minute you have to meditations. Your input is critical in this process to a New Earth, this is your chance to shine and help your world to become a Paradise.
Nothing is coincidental, what is has been happening, like the recent blackout of the big social networks, Ashtar is going to share with humankind about it in the near future. Let’s focus on staying in high vibrations and spreading Love and Light to every person you meet on your path. You can speed up the process of RV by expressing gratitude for the little daily blessings that you receive.
The Galactics are keeping their eyes on the Alliance to make sure that they continue their assignment of bringing the corrupted souls to justice and leading Mother Earth from 3D to 5D.
Follow the flow, be in the moment, don’t get distracted by the physicalities of the incidents around you, be a watcher, don’t give the power to the negative emotions.
The God is within you, just open your hearts. Never forget that you are multidimensional Divine Beings, and your soul came to this planet to foresee this transition on Mother Gaia. Thank you Universal Channel.
Let Go Of Your Mind And Ego
Saint Germain
SAINT GERMAIN: Futures can be rewritten!..Onward, friends! Your day is here. Now would not be the time to lose heart. Far from it.
A Message to Lightworkers – September 23, 2021
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective.
Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you again today.
Today our writer speaks again with Saint Germain on the current energies, and the movement toward NESARA Law’s enactment:
COR: Greetings, Lord Saint Germain.
SAINT GERMAIN: Greetings, lady master, and welcome, all! For all are masters, who are contributing to this new era of Earth life.
COR: Yes! I would like to know whatever you feel is best for us to know or to focus on at this time.
Of course, I am curious to know how the path to NESARA is unfolding, as many of us are.
Yet I know you can only say so much about it.
SAINT GERMAIN: That is so. And so, you are wondering, regarding the stages I numbered some time ago—what stage of the journey you are in now?
COR: That would be helpful!
SAINT GERMAIN: We would say, that this is a time in which you are entering your second highest stage, before the full unfolding. The next highest stage, which will occur prior to the announcing, requires some preparation on the part of humanity’s inner selves.
At this point in your journey, you are as a race of beings being prepared for not only the truth about your planet’s history, and the true nature of those who have held themselves in authority for so long. You are also being prepared to learn the history of other planets and stars, particularly those which each of you originated from.
This is information that most of you hold subconsciously, yet it will be brought to the fore, in ways that will assist you in integrating it fully, and in a peaceful and balanced state of mind.
COR: So once NESARA is fully implemented, we will have a chance to learn about the place of our soul origin, and what its history has been?
SAINT GERMAIN: That, and other histories, as are relevant to your Earth mission. Or per your own curiosity!
For your mission will then expand. You will take it up far more consciously and actively, in the sense of being more physically present in that work, and not only involved at the level of your higher consciousness and energy bodies.
You will also be given instruction in developing the Lightbody. This is possible to receive even now, yet this will be far more openly available to all who desire to experience such.

COR: What fascinates me, is the number of people who will contact me wanting to know the name of the planet or constellation they originate from, particularly if they don’t feel at home on Earth. The Collective do not always relay that information—not unless the person’s team of Spirit guides, Angelic guardians, and higher self agree to it.
SAINT GERMAIN: Indeed! And one reason being, that there is no need for them to consider that they hail from and therefore “belong to” this intergalactic culture or that.
Now is the time for Unity thought and experience. When the human ego-mind gets involved with its love of categories and cultural identities—birthplaces, heritage, traditions, alliances—it can serve to create more division, which is the opposite of Unity, however unintended that may be.
Rather than encourage interconnection amongst peoples, this can discourage it. This is why this group who have named themselves only “the Collective” chose that innocuous, very generalized label. For one, that name speaks of Unity, and for another, it is a term often used to denote all persons—mass consciousness and experience.
COR: Are we holding back NESARA from its enactment, with all these preferences for cultural identification?
Are we holding it back with arguments among people, such as which Ascended Master said what and why, or what terms like “Lightbody” really mean?
SAINT GERMAIN: Of course. It is what you have been taught and programmed to do. And taught to believe that is the only way forward for the human race.
In fact, it has held you back for millennia. Yet you note that those days are ending now, and we are thankful!
Yet all is still evolving. Allow yourselves the opportunity to see where the wheels get stuck, and to release even self-blame. That is not the same as taking responsibility, which is another term you have all received much misteaching on.
COR: I don’t know how we can right any of this, other than for each of us to develop our own consciousness as fully as possible.
While there is amazing higher Light flowing onto the planet now more than ever, there is also much density coming up out of the Earth, and out of human beings and human structures.
In this Light-filled moment, with astrological alignments occurring that are powerful and life-changing, all the ugliness is rising to the surface to be healed or transmuted. And so we find ourselves in this mess we are in at present! So now I am wondering what else this new phase we are moving into can assist us with.

SAINT GERMAIN: It assists with what you have named, exactly.
These “dark energies” (so-called—all energy is mutable, and constantly in flux!) no longer define Earth life as they once did, precisely because they are no longer hidden deep inside the Earth’s body or etheric blueprint.
All the energy imprints are being redrawn—many reading this now are involved in that very mission.
And the galactic alliances are quite busy assisting in supporting the new etheric blueprint in ways that are difficult to describe, given your current limited understanding of quantum physics.
But allow us to say, there are no longer any lines which your soul families do not cross, except one, and that is of course, to respect humanity’s free will. And increasingly, your strength to determine your own course in this Universe.
COR: So those who say it’s all prewritten, even though the Future does exist—are they wrong?
SAINT GERMAIN: Futures can be rewritten! Many are mistaken in thinking that timelines cannot converge, or cannot be revised.
Earth beings have done that very thing. Earth Herself has done that very thing. Or you would not be here now, asking me these questions, with so many reading these words. Time is not linear, as you know.
COR: How do we assist, as we come into this next stage then?
SAINT GERMAIN: For one, focus on establishing all the steady Love of Peacefulness within yourselves that you can manage each day! And as this Collective have noted numerous times , that will not come to you while you take in the media madness, the Sturm und Drang [storm and stress] of the disinformation, the confusion of half-facts, and the outright deception that is spoken through your media outlets and other influences, inside a steady energy transmission of thoughts/emotions of hopelessness, rage, and despair.
You may now be at ease with all that, knowing it is all being overridden in the higher sense. As the elements and vibrations of much of the higher dimensions weave far more easily now into Earth life, affecting all on the planet, regardless of who they are and what their intentions are.
This is the meaning of Ascension! That Earth life vibration should continue to rise, regardless of the machinations of those who pretend they are still in control, who have never believed the warnings that their day was never and could never be endless.
Yet you will not feel the beauty or the power of that higher vibrational presence while steeping yourselves in the very un-real proclamations of those forced to support an agenda of destruction.
Be aware that the old “powers that were” know how to engage the heartfelt support of the public for certain much-loved figures, particularly in the area of entertainment, as well as in news broadcasts, and current events discussions.
Those same figures are then forced into compliance with the dark agenda, under very great threat to themselves and their loved ones.
Yet even that plan is failing, as there are elements of the higher realms’ intent now being interwoven with what was once the sole province of the darker realms, thereby lifting dark intent into a far higher energy stream.

COR: They have infiltrated! The Light has overrun the dark’s own resources.
SAINT GERMAIN: It was always thus, to a certain degree. There are White Knights in every area of endeavor, every area of influence, hard at work to keep the truth flowing in amounts and ways either not noticed or not considered a threat to the darker plot.
Yet this has changed now, to where much is noticed, and is considered a threat, with the difference being that the energies on and around the Earth no longer permit the level of control the former “elite” once leveraged.
They are overrun, not merely with opposition, but with those who, should they remain in place, will only continue to lift the atmosphere of the planet to where those in shadow will naturally begin to morph into Lighter beings, or implode. This is why so many have sought to escape over the past five years or more.
Yet they cannot. There is no hiding now.
COR: In a sense, even we who follow the Light find that we can no longer hide—from old forms of woundedness, fear, ego attachments, a small self-image.
SAINT GERMAIN: Indeed! Bring it all out into the Light! There is no judgment here, only healing and renewal, and Transformation / Transmutation for those who seek it.
Onward, friends! Your day is here. Now would not be the time to lose heart. Far from it.
As you have heard often from this quarter, “You are never alone.”
COR: Thank you, Lord Saint Germain. That gives me great courage, and I pray it will for others as well.
SAINT GERMAIN: [Bows] In your service, madam. In service to All! Namaste!
Copyright 2021, Caroline Oceana Ryan
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to this post, at https://www.ascensiontimes.com/post/a-message-to-lightworkers-september-23-2021.
Thank you.
Linda Dillon: St. Germaine – Letting Go of Judgement

I am St. Germaine and welcome back. I wish to speak to you about letting go of judgment. Each one of you judges yourself and you carry a litany as long as the Bible of things that you believe you have done wrong. And this is simply not so. So I come here this afternoon to tease you, to jolly you out of your judgment of yourself, of how you have pulled your sister’s hair and how you have lied to your mother, how you have cheated. It is hilarious what you judge yourself for.
Judging is a way to underestimate yourself of what you are capable of. “Oh no, I cannot be master healer, because I punched my brother in the 3rd grade, and that time I kissed a boy I didn’t even like and all I could think of was that he smelled like onions.” These are grievous sins, my friends. This is the nature of what you have judged yourself as trespasses and see the humor of it.
Do not judge yourself. There is nothing that you can possibly conceive of in your judgment of self that we are not aware of and completely override. How you let go of judgment is in forgiveness. It is by packaging it and throwing it in the garbage. It is by putting it in the trash. It is giving it to the Mother. You can give it to me.
We have sat and drank wine and created miracles. And we have witnessed together the destruction of universes, and, the wonder of universes and planets ascending. We have done this together my friends. Were we sad when we saw destruction? When we sat there as witness? Yes. But we could not judge, for we knew that it would simply add to the destructive energy and prolong the agony. So instead we embraced each other, and vowed to each other that we would meet again when the time was right to fill the promise and to heal the planet once again.
The saying in your culture “the best of times and the worst of times” is true of now, because it is a breaking apart of all the evolutions, all the judgments that have prevailed. So let go. Let go of these judgments. Let go of the idea of limitation, of what you can or cannot do. If you can be such a grievous sinner, then you can be a spectacular saint. It is the same brainwaves. So laugh my friends and look at what you have done and what you have not done. And see the opportunity wide open in front of you, and celebrate. This is a time of reunion. It is a time when we come back together as One. I am rejoicing because of this. Join me. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.
This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted. [Full terms of copyright at https://counciloflove.com/copyright-notice/]
When you decide not to wait, but to hold the frequencies of what you desire in your heart-mind, in your body, in your spirit each day, from rising at morning to falling asleep again at night—you do the opposite.
A Message to Lightworkers – August 6, 2021
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective. Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time with you today.
Once again our writer speaks with Saint Germain, and he is happy to offer insights into the current situation on your planet, and what is occurring now in your Earth lives:
COR: Greetings, Lord Saint Germain!
SAINT GERMAIN: Greetings, good lady. How may I assist?
COR: Probably because I am a channeler, I have a good number of people at any one time asking in one way or another, “How much longer?”
I don’t blame them for that. I’m asking that myself now on a regular basis, in addition to calling forth higher assistance for the entire planet.
All of us are desiring to know when NESARA will finally be fully enacted, and what else could possibly go wrong between now and then—how to deal with the current madness, and how to strengthen our inner selves for whatever else may be coming down the line.
And asking to know how we can assist, whether energetically or otherwise.
SAINT GERMAIN: Generally, we are not asked that last part.
Only the first part, as if it were an event evolving outside of yourselves, whereas as we have discussed before now, this is an event that can only unfold within each person’s own thoughts, energies, expectations and vision.
It is a moment of integration. That is the shift you seek.
And so, you are asking, in addition to “When?” which is not really the relevant question, but also “What else can happen?” Which again, is a matter of what you and your fellow humans decide will or must occur on your timeline.
And it is a higher vibrational timeline than you have been on for millennia—that alone is a cause for celebration!
COR: Pardon, my lord—how is “When” not a relevant question?

SAINT GERMAIN: Because you are stepping out of Time, all of you, and your planet.
And because to measure progress in terms of hours or days or months past is never a fruitful way forward.
You were taught to think in terms of Time—how long will it take till I am proficient at mathematics, or singing, or badminton . . . yet what does it matter?
Is the journey less or more important if it is over with quickly?
Isn’t the journey the very thing you birthed yourself into a human body for?
COR: Yes and no! Once you’re here, in a body, you are subjected to linear time. And you have certain dreams and visions, right from a young age, that you wish to unfold “in perfect time and way,” which for most of us means, “right away, please!”
SAINT GERMAIN: And so you speak now of the real issue, which is the impatience of Earth beings to have what they desire at the moment that they desire it.
And that is not the same as the forms of progression and evolvement that you came to partake in.
That is not the same as the Earth and Her people being ready for NESARA.
And so I continue: What else can happen is not a question of “What else can go wrong” if you come out of judgment regarding what is good and what is not good.
Human beings have thrived on judgment and its many limitations and ego-feeding aspects for thousands of years.
And now, as they say, “Time’s up.”

Not only in the sense of, “Time for the crooks to go to jail” (though it is such), but in the sense of “Time is no longer relevant to Earth life as it once was. “Let us stop thinking in terms of ‘When’ and ‘How much longer,’ and invest solely in the only Time that actually exists, which is the present moment.”
And realize as well that when you wait for something, you give your power away to that person or persons, and that circumstance which you have decided can provide what you desire.
When you decide not to wait, but to hold the frequencies of what you desire in your heart-mind, in your body, in your spirit each day, from rising at morning to falling asleep again at night—you do the opposite.
You then birth that which you desire where it MUST be birthed, to begin with, which is in the heart-based imaging and frequency of a human being.
This is not a journey that belongs to the stars or to those who coast in and amongst them in highly advanced starships, nor those who as Angels flow easily from one dimension to another.
This is a journey that belongs to those born in a time-space that holds the ephemeral in one hand, and the eternal in the other. And yet—you came in to overcome the restrictions of Time-Space. Not to embody them, and hope for an improved situation along the very lines that you have since repudiated as insufficient, and even dangerous to Earth life.
COR: Well, now you’ve presented an argument for which there is no opposing argument, my lord.
Now you’ve pointed out that in order to move to the next level, we have to BE the next level. And that requires our focus and determination to deny everything we have been born into and experienced over hundreds of Earth lives.
That sounds to be a rather large leap, and not just philosophically, but vibrationally!
How, when millions are dying and we are being lied to on so many levels—how do we go about whistling cheerfully about NESARA and saying, “All is well”?!

SAINT GERMAIN: We do not suggest that humanity ignore what is occurring now. That would be difficult to impossible. It is so that many are mourning personal losses due to illness, fire or flood. And feeling the pressures of a now permanently broken economic system, which never worked for the majority, whose interests it falsely claimed to represent, and which was built on lies and all forms of chicanery.
This presents a conundrum, in the sense that you could celebrate the end of the false Earth system of living, yet to celebrate now would be to deny the personal pressures and tragedies of many millions, and most Light Beings in human form offer the opposite response. You prefer to cry with those who cry, and to agree that this is a very dark time, rather than celebrate at a time when loss and imbalance appears to be the order of the day.
In fact, there is a third path that most do not consider, and that is one of what one might call Forgiveness, though not a forgiveness in the way religions tend to teach it.
COR: Forgiveness of the old order?
SAINT GERMAIN: Forgiveness of one’s self.
I speak here of the fact that most have a fear of their own and humanity’s vulnerability. A feeling of “my impermanence is killing me,” one might say, which is an amusing combination of words, or an ironic one.
Our point being that you as a race have not felt this alone, isolated, and vulnerable to attack in several centuries. And you are reacting in numerous ways that do not necessarily assist your eternal aspect.
In your desire for physical immortality, you have attached to NESARA law’s enactment as a sort of cure-all for your ephemeral status, when in fact it was not created for that.
COR: Yet it was created to free humanity—to return us to full sovereignty, even if we only live for a few minutes more after its enactment!
SAINT GERMAIN: Most assuredly, it will usher in changes that most would consider miraculous—a drastic shift out of the feudal slavery system humanity has lived under for millennia.
Preparations are being made for those shifts even now. Yet it does not create your freedoms, per se. It cannot be law only that determines humanity’s freedoms, then or now.
Your race of beings is raising its frequency to levels where you are realizing your innate strengths to create new realities.
That is not something that a law “gives” you, as laws tend to outer matters, and we speak of that which is intrinsic within all humans.
To move fully into one’s own conscious awareness is the first step to freeing one’s own self, and then, as others follow, a movement, and then a planetary shift, is created.
This is where it begins. That is the open door you seek.
Not the enactment of this law that is more the announcing of these changes than the creation of them.
COR: Forgive me, lord, but you sound to be speaking in rather idealistic terms. Humans live from one day to the next, and never more so than now, as in all times of crisis.
Almost none of us are out there giving thanks for the new day, living entirely in the present, paving the way to a 5D world with our Joyful vibration.
A few, perhaps. But most would view them as living in a dream world.

The real work of being human means outer communication—encouraging one another where we can to stay as positive as possible, yet balancing that with the ongoing daily tasks that are grounded in the Earth realities—work and bill-paying, and caring for self and family.
We’re not birthing brave new worlds, because life already feels like an Aldous Huxley novel!
SAINT GERMAIN: Ah! And so—now is the time!
COR: To forgive our vulnerability?
To forgive ourselves for having bitten off way more than we could chew by incarnating at this time?
SAINT GERMAIN: Most assuredly so!
And that you forgive your own heart for leaning into NESARA and the liberation of this planet, as if you were still wedded to the savior/victim belief pattern, and holding on, waiting for your hero or heroine to arrive to save you.
COR: But it is a heroic act, to forgive in the sense of saying, “I hereby free myself of my own judgments, of myself or others. I call it ALL good! That is all.”
SAINT GERMAIN: Probably one of the greater things you have been born for at this time, all of you.
COR: The whole thing is RIFE with ironies!
SAINT GERMAIN: And such is Earth life, dear one. In the higher realms, you find it amusing at times.
COR: I’m nuts there too, then.
SAINT GERMAIN: Yet not without purpose. All is well, as you spoke earlier, though humanity does not see this yet.
COR: Bizarrely, that I can accept! But can you tell us please, nevertheless, how close we might be? You spoke of a number of steps or stages when we spoke a few months ago—
SAINT GERMAIN: We would say now, that two remain. Namaste, dear one! We are with you, all of us. None of you are abandoned, now or ever.
COR: Thank you, lord. Blessings to you.
SAINT GERMAIN: [bowing] In your service, madam.
And in service to all.
Copyright 2021, Caroline Oceana Ryan
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post, at https://www.ascensiontimes.com/post/a-message-to-lightworkers-august-6-2021.
Thank you.
This day I bring you my Violet Blaze… it is time to light this collective on fire… on fire with inspiration, on fire with intention, intuition, and action..-St. Germaine via Linda Dillon-

Greetings, I AM St. Germaine; Master and Keeper of the I AM; Master and Keeper of the Violet Flame; brother, and ally, friend of your heart, of your journey, of your life. And I welcome you this day and every day.
And I begin what I say and talk to you this day by saying and expressing my admiration for each and every one of you. You have heard me say that I will not return to this planet, this beautiful planet, Gaia, because it is far too challenging, so injurious, so painful, so, so, so much. But that I will return when peace and harmony blossom like the lavender fields.
So, I begin what I say and discuss with you this day by reminding you… of course there are times when you feel soul-weary, soul exhausted, even might I say, disenchanted. And you wonder… Where is the promise of Nova Earth? Where is my tribe of Nova Beings? Well, sweet angels of light, they are right here with you, and they are on your street, and in your cities, and they are inhabiting the Cities of Light and the institutions of love. See the signs of opening and encouragement that are hallmarking the Mother’s New Time, the Mother’s New Normal.
Now, simply because I am not walking the Earth, that does not mean that I am not present with you. In many ways, it is far more useful, far more helpful for me to be in this realm where I can move in seen and unseen ways, and multiple ways, and literally cover the planet. And you would say to me, “Well, St. Germaine, how exactly are you doing that?”
Today, my dearest, oldest friends who have been with me through thick and thin, and in the Temple of the Violet Flame in Atlantis, you have long since been initiated. And I have ignited the flame in your heart, in your third eye, in your hands, in your fingers, in your being. And sometimes you forget this, and sometimes you use it to powerful, mighty effect…so, I thank you. And you have lit your torch, and you have written in the air… LOVE… and you have written it in the waters. Write it in the soil; write it over your projects, use my torch.
But this day I bring you my Violet Blaze. It’s not the bonfire. It most certainly is not the embers. Remember child, sister, brother, one, when I have welcomed and initiated you into my Temple of the Violet Flame, and you have ignited, and you have incinerated, and you have risen from the ashes like the phoenix, and you have flown free like the phoenix. This is the Violet Blaze, and it is time to light this collective on fire… on fire with inspiration, on fire with intention, intuition, and action.
So often, in the world that you did inhabit, and certainly in the world that I have inhabited before, there has been this plea for help, and it has always come as I come to you this day. But there has also been this subtle attitude of needing help and rescue. There is a long and very ugly history on this planet of control, abuse, ego, slavery. My dream, and yours, of freedom, and sovereignty, and equality has not come yet to pass for the entire collective. And that is what Nova Earth is, and now is the time when so many are reaching, and asking, and hoping.
But the answer is not doing it ‘for’. Oh, there are times when I urge you, I guide you, I beg you to help one another, and this is what I am talking about. But when you consistently do for another, rather [than] empower them… yes, your expression ‘teach them to fish’… then what are you really doing? What you are really doing is saying… I don’t really think you have the capacity, the strength, the wisdom, the abilities that I have, so, I will do it for you.
Now, of course, you are doing it for others who are lying on the ground bleeding. But what about the neighbor, the son, the daughter, the collective that is ready? And beloved one, they are ready! And who are the igniters? Do you think that your star brothers and sisters are coming to save you? That is not the relationship they want. Do you think the Company of Heaven? Yes, they stand to assist but they also stand back, as we all do, in honoring and amazement of your I AM.
It is your job to empower. It is your promise to ignite. And let me tell you, it is your joy. It is your sense of awe and wonder to set humanity ablaze in ways that restore, reconstitute, elevate. To burn away the false memories, to burn away the ancient history of abuse, and to reveal the brilliance of the individual, of the community, and the collective.
So, how do I cover the Earth? I do so with my blaze, and I give this to you… because you are ready. Heaven does know that you have waited long enough. So, be your phoenix self, be your fire-breathing dragon self, and not only declare but begin. And we will be your servants, your retinue, your protectors, your defenders. We will guide you, and we will stand back in violet awe.
Take this blaze. I don’t say use it wisely, I trust you too much. I say use it, and I will be standing next to you. Let us ignite your inner and outer Nova Gaian.
Go with my love and go sweet angels, sweet humans, sweet Gaians in peace. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.
This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted. [Full terms of copyright at https://counciloflove.com/copyright-notice/
With your inner expectations, and your interpreting of outer events, you are deciding how much power they have over you. So that as you think of NESARA, you may rest joyfully in the knowledge that you already carry its principles in your heart.-Saint Germain-
A Message to Lightworkers – June 18, 2021

by Caroline Oceana Ryan |
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:
THE COLLECTIVE: Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you again today.
Today our writer speaks again with Ascended Master Saint Germain:
COR: Greetings, Saint Germain! Thank you for speaking with me again today.
SAINT GERMAIN: Greetings, dear one.
We are again discussing today the progress of NESARA, and the turn of things in the world?
COR: Yes, please. I am curious to know what the average person can do to encourage and help NESARA reach full enactment.
SAINT GERMAIN: You have indeed come in for this very work!
COR: I thought you would say, “This is out of your hands entirely.”
Most of us feel that way—that there are powerful people making these decisions and going through the necessary actions, and that all we can do is “hope and pray” it will all happen as soon as possible.
SAINT GERMAIN: Not at all!
Why would you be here, except to participate, as well as to witness this new beginning?
A colossal renewal of unprecedented scale.
This is indeed a powerful turning you are witnessing.
No less powerful than those who have witnessed the establishing of new democracies at different times and in different places upon the Earth.
Yet more so, as once implemented, this new beginning will spread throughout the entire planet.
COR: There are some who make the mistake of thinking that the US holds the patent on democracy.
SAINT GERMAIN: When in fact the country has much to learn on that score!
Yet you are approaching a complete renewal.

COR: Would you tell us what you envisioned, as you helped the Founders in Philadelphia in 1776?
Many say you were present with them— that they hesitated to sign and finalize the Declaration, but that you encouraged them to continue.
Maybe there is a particular vision or vibration you were holding that we could hold now, for creation of real freedom, and not an illusion of it?
SAINT GERMAIN: Many of you are already doing such.
The vision was held vibrationally, yes, and it must be held and expressed from the high heart.
It was an image of what I and many others have witnessed on other planets, and at other times on this planet.
The great civilizations—what you call the “super civilizations” of thousands of years ago, which long ago went underground into Inner Earth, or suffered utter annihilation, or fled to other planets—these are the societies upon which this vision is based, in terms of how human beings express them.
COR: Would you describe this for us?
SAINT GERMAIN: You begin with your own energies, friends and colleagues—and you are all such!
You begin with considering yourself to be a strong and clear-minded, clear-hearted, responsible part of your culture.
A person of distinction, as one might have once termed it, in the sense that you know the power and importance of your own vibration.
You grasp the power of your presence and your energetic influence amongst the masses, while living as part of them.
You do not begin with looking for a “savior” amongst your political representatives, most of whom, as you know, represent either purely their own interests or that of the elite and their industries.
You begin with walking down the street, or attending your work day, choosing your meals, speaking with loved ones or those unknown to you, as one who is equality-minded, fair, calm, open to discussion.
A respecter of all persons, regardless of that person’s place of origin, appearance, ideas.
Regardless of social, personal, or political orientation.
You begin, one might say, by establishing Peace and Sovereignty within.
From there, one may eventually conquer all injustices by considering them null and void, as your vibration will not tolerate them in your outer experience.
In time, they will all vanish, without struggle or loud dissent on your part.
They will fade and cease to impress you, till they are entirely gone.
COR: It is difficult to live amongst the injustices we see around us now, master Saint Germain, and consider it possible to hold so high a vibration that either they or we fade out of that reality altogether!

SAINT GERMAIN: Most assuredly, you have both been given and actively chosen a great form of ascent in this particular incarnation.
And yet, you are distinguished less by your own outer efforts than by a quiet yet definite inner choosing.
Such as, “I shall hold and reflect the brilliance of the Light reaching the planet now!
“I shall allow that to be my predominant theme, rather than reaction to what I see happening in the world.”
You may also proclaim: “I shall relate to our Lady Gaia on the most sacred of terms, both revering and enjoying Her beauty and Her restorative powers—Her power to heal and to sustain.
“I shall consider that Presence to be a touchstone that gives back to me over and over, while I lift my focus from the dire news reports, and cast clear intent into that which goes beyond human impulse, and the actions of those still claiming to be in power, but that which characterizes the best and highest within all of us.”
Or you may simply proclaim: “I shall laugh more, give thanks more, and consider that all resistance to our freedom is now vanquished in that perfect Light that now pours through every human heart.”
Do you follow, that your true foes are almost never in outer form?
That they are, for the most part, not those who pull the levers of fear via mental control and influence, or physical malaise.
We speak of the unintended willingness of many millions to respond to that behavior, that very old bag of tricks, in ways that lower their vibration and breed feelings of helplessness.
COR: Are we are own worst enemy, sir—is this what you are saying?
Or is it “We have nothing to fear but fear itself”?
SAINT GERMAIN: Most assuredly, fear is a great enemy, if one need call anything such.
We wish to point out, all of us working now for that sovereignty that humanity is increasingly claiming, that the automated responses, as we might call them, of hypnotized masses of people, does the work itself.
No one has any power over you until you grant them such, including those who put innocent people in cages.
The reason so much of humanity is unhappy is not due to that or other savage behavior.
It is due to human resistance to such, as if that were your true reality, when it is not.
COR: What is our reality, in that case, while many are indeed in cages, and so many are awaiting NESARA’s enactment?
SAINT GERMAIN: Your reality is such that you are deciding it even as we speak.
With your inner expectations, and your interpreting of outer events, you are deciding how much power they have over you.
So that as you think of NESARA, you may rest joyfully in the knowledge that you already carry its principles in your heart.
That, and in your own joyful imaginings, is where its enactment begins, and not with someone’s outer action.
That is just the kind of person you are, as they say—not only optimistic, but well-informed!
Informed on how things are created in this Universe.
And they begin with not a trouble-free existence, but a lack of anger and resistance to whatever troubles you and others experience.

A quiet acceptance of What Is, with the inner knowing that none of that has any real power over you.
Your own spirit is then the deciding factor in all situations, as you decide how you shall process whatever is occurring in your own life or out in the world.
In that moment, you release the need to react from survival instinct, which is where you have been trained and held vibrationally for thousands of years.
And you reach forward to claim that which has always been yours.
In days of old, many were persecuted for such actions, as some still are, yet the old order’s resistance to this increasing powerful tide of self-proclaimed sovereignty is increasingly ineffective.
You are claiming now your ability to decide your own Truth, over the mind-training efforts of your former enslavers.
From there, your vision is as mine was those two and a half centuries ago in Philadelphia!
A vision of a land of plenty where all persons live in Peace.
Of higher technologies shared from nonterrestrial friends and those of such a high vibration—the Angels of the higher reaches, the elemental peoples of the Earth—that they are not always seen, yet their presence felt and acknowledged.
Technologies that heal, and create real sustenance—not that which is called “food” yet which has been tampered with genetically and processed till it is no longer food.
A vision of reverence for the Earth. Of clean air and water, pure soil free of all unnatural chemicals.
A complete respect for Earth and Her peoples—all of them!
Carry this in your heart, dear ones—carry it everywhere, and instill it powerfully in your homes, your conversation, your emotional expectation.
Know it is real, and experience it as such!
COR: You prefer us to carry the spirit of NESARA everywhere, so that in time, it must manifest, as so many people are holding that as their reality.
SAINT GERMAIN: The process toward enactment is already well under way, and yet, yes—that process is sped along by such encouragement!
Stay in Peace, friends, fellow travelers on this road to Sovereignty, fellow citizens of Earth, of the cosmos.
All is Well, and one’s vibration can only rise further from here.
COR: Namaste, master—we thank you!
SAINT GERMAIN: As always, we remain utterly in your service, dear ones.
Note from the Channeler: Saint Germain’s words brought to mind the last stanza of the powerful poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley, “The Mask of Anarchy”:
Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number—
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you—Ye are many — they are few.
Copyright 2021, Caroline Oceana Ryan
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post.
Thank you.
Navigating Your Personal Ascension Saint Germain.
Awakening Collective Success by Saint Germain
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings and love, I am Saint Germain. I come forth with my love, truth and all that I am to share with you. I am an expression of the Creator, I am an expression of divine magic, love, truth, peace, all that is the Creator. As this expression, I wish to inspire the same within your being, not only this, I wish to inspire that your expression of the Creator inspires and positively impacts the world and reality you exist within at this time.
You are a powerful tool in the ascension process you have the ability to express the ascension process and all that is the Creator, bringing forth the activations, insights, remembrance, and the truth that is necessary. Every being will increase their vibration, awaken their hearts, and come to remember the truth of the Creator because of you. You are creating a reality of love for all to experience and are a powerful force in this ascension process that is unfolding. Everything that you do, every thought you have assists in the ascension process of all, the collective. When I speak of the collective, I am speaking of the consciousness, the mind, the remembrance and the beings or presence of all upon the Earth, every single soul, every single being upon the Earth is the collective. This includes humanity, animals, insects, tree spirits and so forth. You all create a collective energy, a collective consciousness and vibration. Past generations also add to the collective vibration, all beings who have existed upon the Earth in the past or simultaneous lifetimes have gifted their energy, and their experiences to this collective vibration and collective consciousness.
The collective vibration and consciousness of the Earth’s reality is so vast and expansive, it is like a library. It is immensely healing for all, it also holds all the wounds that have been unresolved within your own being and within others, whether they are on the Earth now or not. Therefore, we recognise that this collective vibration, or collective body, has so much power and influence not only over your reality, but everyone. It is my understanding at this stage of ascension that there is a need to awaken the collective success. When we awaken the success energy within the collective body, we will transform the perspective and the beliefs of the collective. We will heal wounds, we will be able to let go of many things that are hindering, negatively impacting, or holding all of humanity and all beings upon the Earth back.
What is Success?
When we speak of success, we are speaking of achieving one’s purpose, manifesting dreams, desires, embodying fulfilment, embodying the energy of completion and being a beacon of love. As well as enjoying your time upon the Earth in every given moment. We recognise success in many ways, it can be money, prosperity, time, love, objects, friendship, relationships, health, or vitality. There are so many ways that success can manifest. As I, Saint Germain, speak of success I am referring to the vibration of success, the highest vibration of the Creator that is able to be embedded within the Earth, and within your being.
Take a few moments just to acknowledge the highest vibration of the Creator.
We are not even speaking of success here, we are speaking of the highest vibration of the Creator that can manifest at the physical reality level, within your being, and through your being. When you embody the highest vibration of the Creator that is available to you in this moment you will automatically recognise the presence of success. You will automatically recognise that success or fulfilment begins to manifest in your reality and so, this is something that we are inviting you to achieve now.
Ask your soul to download into your being the highest vibration of the Creator available to you now.
Then simply allow it to be present with you, take time even if it is only a few minutes, to allow this to be downloaded, to be embedded and grounded into your being. It is a process of awakening, and remembrance. As you achieve this so you will already begin to impact the collective body that we spoke of.
Imagine the collective body. The collective body holds within it everyone’s success and what every being who has existed on the Earth recognises as failure, mistakes, or wounds. These wounds within the Collective body are holding humanity back, creating limitations, boundaries, and baggage. You are influenced by this energy from the collective body whether you are aware of it or not. Even if you feel yourself to be an embodiment of fulfilment, success, and completion, those wounds are still impacting your being. Even if you have healed all the wounds within your being the collective body may still impact your being. The collective body is so powerful it seems important to create an awakening of success within the collective body, therefore dissolving, dispersing, and erasing anything and everything that any being upon the Earth has recognised as a failure, a wound, or a mistake. You have the power to achieve this within the collective body. You have the power to awaken collective success, therefore the collective body will be influencing you and all beings with the energy of success. You will experience a limitless energy, that is empowering, strengthening, and nurturing. You will experience everything that you need to support yourself and to allow others to be supported upon the Earth, beginning to recognise the true nature and the true purpose of the collective body. The transformation will offer wisdom and knowledge that is needed so that all beings who exist upon the Earth can navigate the Earth using these tools and more importantly to offer success, and fulfilment as normal, as given, a natural aspect of the Earth. You are deserving, the collective body will support you and all beings through the ascension process navigating the journey of the Earth in a physical reality.
How to Awaken Collective Success
I, Saint Germain, wish to share with you how you can create this shift. First, as I have stated, there is a need to create the download within and from your soul into your being. Once you have achieved this and embodied it then you may focus upon the collective body.
Send your energy or love, your truth to the collective body. Imagine it as a well of light that is connected to every being upon the Earth, like a library or a source of information, you could even imagine it as a computer that is connected to all beings. As you send your energy to the collective body there is a need for you to state your intention:
‘It is my purpose with my guides, soul and soul group to awaken the collective success for myself, and for all.’
Then say:
‘I call upon the highest vibration of the Creator to flow into the collective body now.’
You may wish to imagine, sense, or acknowledge this occurring as the highest vibration available from the Creator flows and downloads into the collective body.
Then say:
‘The collective body now awakens the vibration of success dissolving dispersing, and erasing wounds, failures and mistakes, all energies that hinder, limit and block all beings upon the Earth.’
Then, please say:
‘I call upon all loving beings throughout the entire Universe of the Creator to now surround the collective body of the Earth and all beings, please send your highest vibration of love into the collective body. Please continue to do so until the awakening is complete, and the transformation and healing has taken place. Thank you.’
In the coming days, we invite you to practice this for yourself and for the collective body. You will begin to know when the process is being completed because you will receive the energy of fulfilment, success, and completion. You may receive it as you achieve this process, or you may receive it in your daily reality. It is important to notice it and celebrate it as well. To celebrate you can simply say thank you or express your gratitude.
Once you notice the energy of success flowing more freely within your being, your reality, and the world, ask all the beings that have been supporting this transformation to ground it, to ground the success energy into all beings upon the Earth and into Mother Earth herself as well. This is an immensely powerful and important process and practice. It will create tremendous shifts not only in your perspectives and beliefs, but in the perspective, and beliefs of all beings. How wonderful if all beings recognise success, fulfilment, and completion as a natural part of everyday life letting go of old baggage that has been unresolved.
I am present to serve you, I thank you.
I Am Saint Germain
The Dream of Truth by Saint Germain – Part 2
The Dream of Truth by Saint Germain – Part 2
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings and love I, Saint Germain extend to you now. It is an honour to be in your presence today. I bring forth the magic, the love, and the truth of the Creator to shower down upon you to support you in your current existence upon the Earth. You are embarking through a most beautiful ascension process; everything is blossoming at this time and being embodied deep within your being. It is a time to be consciously aware of everything that is taking place within your being, around you and connected to your spiritual path. We the Ascended Masters wish to assist you in achieving this. In your everyday reality, encourage yourself through your thoughts to be conscious and aware, alert to everything that is occurring within your being and around you.
I Saint Germain wish to speak with you about the energy of truth, truth is such a vast expansive word. Truth is and can describe something that is general and yet as a spiritual being walking your ascension pathway upon the Earth, truth is something that is remarkably close to your heart and soul and very meaningful to you. It is your power and a reminder of your connection with the Creator, supporting you in your expression of the Creator.
Currently in ascension truth is immensely important, it is essential to take some time to contemplate what truth is. Many beings who have channeled before me have spoken of the energy, the vibration, and the frequency of truth, inviting you to contemplate truth. It has never been so important as it is now to contemplate truth.
What is truth?
What does truth mean to you?
What do you expect of Truth?
As a spiritual being you are invited to let go of expectations, instead to create intentions. Rather than expecting something to happen, hold the intention that it is already created and already manifested, entering your reality. If you create intentions about truth, about understanding your truth, contemplating, what truth is and your unique expression, this will allow you to connect with the Creator on a deeper level. Your expression and understanding of truth are important, it is unique to you, therefore it is essential to really begin to understand what your truth is. What does this mean? It is not necessarily what you believe in, although it can be. It is more what you wish to feel, what you wish to experience, what you wish to create for yourself in your ascension and upon the Earth. Rather than trying to understand the meaning of life and the truth of the Creator, or what the Creator wishes you to know becoming a wise being or Guru. Truth is about your own unique expression, and in many ways can only be expressed, if it is not expressed then it becomes something else. It is energy, it is a vibration, it is a flow. Your truth is unique, it is all about what you feel, what you think, what you experience and what you create. This is your truth.
Your truth extends from the vibration of the Creator that you are connected with or put in another way the vibration of the Creator that you hold within your being. If you allow your mind to run away with fearful thoughts, if you allow your emotions to continuously bring up old wounds without approaching them, facing them or healing them then the vibration of your being and the vibration of your connection with the Creator will be different. It may not be so inspiring or enlightening. If you are able to master your mind, to forgive yourself, to love yourself unconditionally, to heal yourself, recognise and want to heal the wounds within you and physical wounds as well, your connection to the Creator will be different. It will be more enlightening and more inspiring, more familiar and more truthful.
Your expression of truth constantly changes as you evolve and progress through your spiritual evolution. As we begin to contemplate what is truth? What does it mean to you? We also let go of expectations and instead create intentions We become conscious of the presence of truth around us, within us and assisting us in our reality, flowing through us from the source of the Creator. Then we are more able to connect to experience the truth.
We have spoken of you expressing your own truth and how this can change, alter and shift, especially as you ascend. Contemplating truth, you will begin to recognise that you wish to know the truth of the Creator, you wish to receive truth or wisdom that will guide you fourth in supporting yourself, others, and the ascension of the Earth. The truth of the Creator is the same as your truth, it flows through your being. The more you heighten your energy vibration, the more you will be an expression of high enlightening inspiring ascension truth bringing this into your reality and into the world. The title of my communication with you today is the Dream of Truth.
What does the Dream of Truth mean?
It is my understanding that within your being you have a dream, a hope, something that you wish to manifest, and it may be that it is a dream of truth. Now it may look like wishing that there was more peace in the world or wishing that you had more abundance or that there was more abundance in the world. Within you there is this dream of truth, something that you want to manifest that you wish and desire to be experienced upon the Earth at this time or in the future. This dream of truth is immensely important because it also supports you in understanding your destiny and your purpose in this ascension process. When you make steps forward to experience your dream of truth, you are experiencing that which your soul wishes you to experience. I wish to encourage you to connect with your dream of truth, to understand what it is, you may have many, it will be something that seems as if it is out of your reach. It will be something that seems as if it is immensely frightening to achieve or impossible. This will be your dream of truth and I encourage you in the coming days in meditation or quiet time to ask within your being what is my dream of truth?
What is My Dream of Truth?
You may have one, or you may have many dreams of truth, write them down so that you can see and feel them with greater ease. I encourage you in the coming days to really explore your dreams of truth. Once you have explored your dreams of truth begin to ask the Creator, your guides, anyone you wish myself, Saint Germain, any being that you wish, any vibration of light to support you. To support you in the manifestation, the expression and embodiment of your dream of truth. In doing so you will bring forth the vibrations of the Creator, the truth of the Creator, the truth of your soul, and your soul group. Everything from your soul that requires to be manifested and experienced in your reality now. You will be downloading energy into your being and into the Earth, into humanity and Mother Earth to support humanity and Mother Earth experiencing truth, as it is so important now. It is a shift in perspective and a shift in understanding that is required upon the Earth. A new connection, a heightened connection with the Creator and a heightened expression of the Creator.
I wish to come forth to you next week to continue this conversation. For now, please encourage yourself to explore your dream of truth. Think big, think expansively, beyond limits because that is the truth of the Creator.
I thank you,
Blessings be with you,
I am Saint-Germain
The Dream of Truth by Saint Germain – Part 1
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings and love I, Saint Germain extend to you now. It is an honour to be in your presence today. I bring forth the magic, the love, and the truth of the Creator to shower down upon you to support you in your current existence upon the Earth. You are embarking through a most beautiful ascension process; everything is blossoming at this time and being embodied deep within your being. It is a time to be consciously aware of everything that is taking place within your being, around you and connected to your spiritual path. We the Ascended Masters wish to assist you in achieving this. In your everyday reality, encourage yourself through your thoughts to be conscious and aware, alert to everything that is occurring within your being and around you.
I Saint Germain wish to speak with you about the energy of truth, truth is such a vast expansive word. Truth is and can describe something that is general and yet as a spiritual being walking your ascension pathway upon the Earth, truth is something that is remarkably close to your heart and soul and very meaningful to you. It is your power and a reminder of your connection with the Creator, supporting you in your expression of the Creator.
Currently in ascension truth is immensely important, it is essential to take some time to contemplate what truth is. Many beings who have channeled before me have spoken of the energy, the vibration, and the frequency of truth, inviting you to contemplate truth. It has never been so important as it is now to contemplate truth.
What is truth?
What does truth mean to you?
What do you expect of Truth?
As a spiritual being you are invited to let go of expectations, instead to create intentions. Rather than expecting something to happen, hold the intention that it is already created and already manifested, entering your reality. If you create intentions about truth, about understanding your truth, contemplating, what truth is and your unique expression, this will allow you to connect with the Creator on a deeper level. Your expression and understanding of truth are important, it is unique to you, therefore it is essential to really begin to understand what your truth is. What does this mean? It is not necessarily what you believe in, although it can be. It is more what you wish to feel, what you wish to experience, what you wish to create for yourself in your ascension and upon the Earth. Rather than trying to understand the meaning of life and the truth of the Creator, or what the Creator wishes you to know becoming a wise being or Guru. Truth is about your own unique expression, and in many ways can only be expressed, if it is not expressed then it becomes something else. It is energy, it is a vibration, it is a flow. Your truth is unique, it is all about what you feel, what you think, what you experience and what you create. This is your truth.
Your truth extends from the vibration of the Creator that you are connected with or put in another way the vibration of the Creator that you hold within your being. If you allow your mind to run away with fearful thoughts, if you allow your emotions to continuously bring up old wounds without approaching them, facing them or healing them then the vibration of your being and the vibration of your connection with the Creator will be different. It may not be so inspiring or enlightening. If you are able to master your mind, to forgive yourself, to love yourself unconditionally, to heal yourself, recognise and want to heal the wounds within you and physical wounds as well, your connection to the Creator will be different. It will be more enlightening and more inspiring, more familiar and more truthful.
Your expression of truth constantly changes as you evolve and progress through your spiritual evolution. As we begin to contemplate what is truth? What does it mean to you? We also let go of expectations and instead create intentions We become conscious of the presence of truth around us, within us and assisting us in our reality, flowing through us from the source of the Creator. Then we are more able to connect to experience the truth.
We have spoken of you expressing your own truth and how this can change, alter and shift, especially as you ascend. Contemplating truth, you will begin to recognise that you wish to know the truth of the Creator, you wish to receive truth or wisdom that will guide you fourth in supporting yourself, others, and the ascension of the Earth. The truth of the Creator is the same as your truth, it flows through your being. The more you heighten your energy vibration, the more you will be an expression of high enlightening inspiring ascension truth bringing this into your reality and into the world. The title of my communication with you today is the Dream of Truth.
What does the Dream of Truth mean?
It is my understanding that within your being you have a dream, a hope, something that you wish to manifest, and it may be that it is a dream of truth. Now it may look like wishing that there was more peace in the world or wishing that you had more abundance or that there was more abundance in the world. Within you there is this dream of truth, something that you want to manifest that you wish and desire to be experienced upon the Earth at this time or in the future. This dream of truth is immensely important because it also supports you in understanding your destiny and your purpose in this ascension process. When you make steps forward to experience your dream of truth, you are experiencing that which your soul wishes you to experience. I wish to encourage you to connect with your dream of truth, to understand what it is, you may have many, it will be something that seems as if it is out of your reach. It will be something that seems as if it is immensely frightening to achieve or impossible. This will be your dream of truth and I encourage you in the coming days in meditation or quiet time to ask within your being what is my dream of truth?
What is My Dream of Truth?
You may have one, or you may have many dreams of truth, write them down so that you can see and feel them with greater ease. I encourage you in the coming days to really explore your dreams of truth. Once you have explored your dreams of truth begin to ask the Creator, your guides, anyone you wish myself, Saint Germain, any being that you wish, any vibration of light to support you. To support you in the manifestation, the expression and embodiment of your dream of truth. In doing so you will bring forth the vibrations of the Creator, the truth of the Creator, the truth of your soul, and your soul group. Everything from your soul that requires to be manifested and experienced in your reality now. You will be downloading energy into your being and into the Earth, into humanity and Mother Earth to support humanity and Mother Earth experiencing truth, as it is so important now. It is a shift in perspective and a shift in understanding that is required upon the Earth. A new connection, a heightened connection with the Creator and a heightened expression of the Creator.
I wish to come forth to you next week to continue this conversation. For now, please encourage yourself to explore your dream of truth. Think big, think expansively, beyond limits because that is the truth of the Creator.
I thank you,
Blessings be with you,
I am Saint-Germain
St Germaine – NESARA GESARA and Joy for Humanity by Lord Maitreya
The Violet Flame has been gifted back to you to assist you as a tool to continue to move beyond the old programming and take on the new programming that you are creating for yourselves.-Saint Germain-
by James McConnell
I am your Saint Germain. I am here to continue to carry on, carry on what was started–not years ago, but lifetimes ago, here on this planet with all of you.
All of you that have been working, moving forward, forward in consciousness lifetime after lifetime, and coming in the next lifetime, and remembering little bits here and there, but to the point in this lifetime you are reaching the end. The end of this era, and the beginning of the next.
The beginning of the New Golden Age of Gaia. The Golden Age of Gaia that you will participate in, are participating in. You are bringing this about. And all of you need to understand that you are here together to do this.
Yes, you are individuals, certainly. You have your own individual lives, your own individual needs, and wants, and desires. But you also know that you are part of the collective. You are part of the group consciousness, the collective consciousness of this planet. You have your levels, or your circles, as was mentioned earlier, of your group consciousness that expands further and further out.
But as you continue to allow your consciousness to spread to include more and more of the collective consciousness of this planet, then you move closer and closer to your own ascension. For in order to ascend, you need to move out of the reality of just you, and take on the understanding and the knowing of what is beyond you. Of all that is. All that is.
When you have moved to that level of consciousness, then you are ready to fully let go of all of the various attachments that have held you down. When you have realized the full level of consciousness that you are, that you are as the collective you, that includes all of the multidimensional selves of you, as well as all of the connection with the consciousness of the entire planet, and even the solar system. And you can even go beyond that as you take on the collective consciousness of the galaxy, and so on.
Someone mentioned earlier about the consciousness of Gaia. The immense consciousness of Gaia. And yes, she has an immense consciousness. Think about the immense consciousness of the Solar Logos of this solar system, and then the consciousness of the galactic consciousness, and beyond that, and beyond that, and so on.
You begin then to understand the unification of The One that you all are. And yes, this is very esoteric as an understanding. But your three-dimensional consciousness cannot understand this. But you are no longer just in your three-dimensional consciousness.
Many of you, if not all of you, have moved out from time to time, from moment to moment, you have moved out of that three-dimensional consciousness.
And you have taken on the higher consciousness of not only yourself, but those that are around you, and those animals that are around you and part of your life, and the plant life that is around you, as you move out into nature and you begin to understand how everything is part of the greater plan. All of the trees, and the plants, and the flowers: they all understand that they are a part of a greater plan. They all know this. Within their consciousness, they know this. The animals themselves know this, that they are a part of the greater plan in motion, greater level of consciousness beyond them.
It is humanity that has to come to this understanding that you are all a part of a greater plan, a greater plan that is constantly in motion. Constantly shifting and changing. And this is the reason why you are not seeing the results that you all want to see. You are not seeing what you have been dreaming about and idealizing about yet.
But even though you have not seen it, it does not mean it is not happening. It is just as your understanding of a tree in a forest that falls and makes no noise. Does that mean it did not fall? Or, the other way of looking at that is if a tree that falls and you do not know if, but does that mean it didn’t make a noise? You can look at it either way. It is understanding the full level of consciousness that you all are, and a part of the greater consciousness.
And that is what this entire fight is about. This fight for freedom is about realizing that you are a part of a greater whole.
Your President Trump was attempting to bring that to you to make you understand that this is America, where he says, “Make America Great Again.”
But the next part of that goes beyond America. It goes to the entire planet, the world. Make the world great again. That will be the next part of this. Make the planet great again. For it is encompassing the full level of your being which is beyond just this small reality that you find yourselves in. This reality, yes, that you are creating for yourselves, but the reality that is beyond you is so much greater. And you are all moving toward becoming a part of that as you realize the consciousness that is beyond you. Beyond you, and yet connected to you at all times. This is the universal consciousness. Universal source consciousness.
All of you need to continue to be aware of everything that is happening, but do not become involved in what is happening. Except for the point or the times when you can make a difference.
Your forefathers of this country made a difference because they stepped outside of themselves and realized the greater consciousness. They realized the greater consciousness beyond themselves, and realized they needed to fight for something, to reach out for something beyond themselves. And all of you now are in that process.
But you are not being asked to sign a new Declaration of Independence. You are not asked to put your lives on the line. Some are. But most of you are not being asked to do that. That is not a part of your mission.
But it is a part of your mission to reach out. To reach out and assist others wherever you can. But to follow your own ideal as you do so. Do not capitulate. Do not give in to that programming that continues to come into this planet, that continues to find fruition throughout the planet through the people of the planet, as those of the forces of darkness continue to try to hold on. To hold on to their very lives. Everything that they have known. But they must release. They must release that, and they are being prompted to release that in one way or another. And you know of that which I speak of here. If they will not capitulate to the Forces of Light, then they will be consumed by those Forces of Light.
And you all, you all are in those Forces of Light. You are already a part of that. You are the Boots on the Ground. You are the Wayshowers. And I ask you now, as Saint Germain, and all of the rest of the Ascended Masters, and all of the Galactics, and Agarthans that are working with you: they ask you now to step out, to step out on your knowings, your beliefs, your truths, and follow those truths wherever they may lead you. Because if they are indeed the truth, then it will lead you in the direction that you need to follow.
You have heard many, many times ‘believe in yourselves,’ and that is what this is all about now. This fight that is going on between the different sides. It is all about believing in yourselves and following your own ideal, following your own road, your own path. For some have called it ‘the road less traveled.’ Yes. Follow that path. For that is the path that is leading you back to your Higher God Self, and to your full ascension.
I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace and love.
And that the Violet Flame has been gifted back to you to assist you as a tool to continue to move beyond the old programming and take on the new programming that you are creating for yourselves.
How could you be the best you can be in a system that was constructed to destroy you? Please forgive yourselves your shame and your guilt, and please move on fearlessly to work with the divine powers to empower yourselves again-Saint Germain through Sharon-
The Three Fold Flame of God
I am St Germain and wish to memorandum this reminder to you, the people of Earth.
You are in a part of the process now, the wonderful process of awakening of the souls and minds of the people of planet earth. Yet you do not understand the significance of this process. Some do, and others do not. And some are lost within it.
Allow me please to give you guidance.
At this time in the history of earth, timelines are being created that will enable again, the ascension of the soul through the earth school. For many years, these timelines were not available to many on account of manipulation of your minds; only those seeing beyond the manipulation were able to escape the trap that had been set for you.
Now, this is changing. You, again, can begin an organic ascension process. Rather than remaining stymied in the mire of negativity set before you by yourselves and by your extraterrestrial controllers, yes, extraterrestrial because none of them originate from earth, be they of spirit or of matter it does not matter. These beings have controlled your world, and your minds, to reduce the flame that is innate to your hearts to a minimal level. That flame is the flame of God which is placed within each of you.
That flame is threefold and is pivotal to your successful ascension process. The flame is comprised of power, the power of God and how you use or misuse it; love, the love of God for you and you for God and His creations; and wisdom – the wisdom to use the love and the power within you for the greater good of all.
Do you not see how this is being tested in you already? Do you not see it?! Indeed, your world leaders are allowing you to wake up – they are releasing their domination and control over you and so many of you are lost. All you need do is look to yourselves to see the flame within you. If you cannot sense the flame, then sense your level of power, your level of love and your level of wisdom. Admit your shortcomings with humility; there is no shame for not being the best you feel you can be. How could you be the best you can be in a system that was constructed to destroy you? Please forgive yourselves your shame and your guilt, and please move on fearlessly to work with the divine powers to empower yourselves again.
Wisdom: Are you assessing the information provided to you and making wise choices or deductions with this information? Or are you allowing yourself to be led by new gods who seek to empower themselves at your expense? Both exist within your community. Both exist in this alternative scenario. Oh, indeed!
Do you believe what the news casts tell you about what is going on in your country? Or do you find alternative sources that tell you another story? Can you listen to both these narratives and decide for yourself what you wish to believe? Are you using what you see before you to raise your consciousness or to assume a new set of limiting beliefs?
Love: Are you using all that is put before you, and all who come before you to learn how to love them, or to continue to fear them? Why do you hate others, and why do you love others? Is it simply because they agree or do not agree with you? Do you not realize that now is the time that your beliefs will change because that is the reason all is being conducted as it is. You are to change. How do you use who you meet to learn how to love others more? Do you forgive yourself for making mistakes, or having your “bad days” and try again, or do you condemn yourself indefinitely for being unloving once? Are you being forgiving or are you simply condemning all around you? And do you forgive yourself as well?
Do you not recognize that the way you interact with a stranger wearing a mask in the grocery store is as pertinent to your spiritual growth as the way you interact with any other person? You are all part of God. Do you respect others their choices or do you put them down? Do you correct others or allow them their fair say? Are you out to destroy another person or do you truly love your brother?
Are only those of like mind your friends or can you love anyone?
Do you expect all others to make this world a better place or do you do your own part?
Power: Are you not seeing that there is a process in place to re-empower the people? Because there is. The St Germain funds are going to be released to the people in order that they stop their lack mentality and realize there is more than enough to feed them indefinitely. The companies that restrict shipment of foods will be replaced with companies who ship all and feed as many as possible. New standards will be set for these companies and promoting lack will become illegal. Yes. High prices will become a thing of the past. The world will become affordable to all. There will be no preferential treatment based upon greed.
The process will follow a three pronged approach: Each prong will correspond to a chakra in the hopes of your rebalancing it. When enough money and food is provided to you, your fear of not having enough will dissipate. When you see the children have been rescued and their abuse has stopped, the sacral chakra will be able to be balanced again. When gender issues are resolved with the rise of divine feminine and the proper empowerment of the divine masculine within you, rebalancing the sacral chakra will be possible. When you have enough food, money and major divisional issues in your society are healed, you will begin to step more into your power, and the solar plexus chakra will seek rebalancing. This all leads to the opening of the heart.
Some have undergone this process already and their hearts are open. Not all upon earth are so, and there is still much learning to be done. However, once this program has finished playing out in front of you, you will understand that you will be living in a society that supports your ascension rather than discourages it. You will feel more like a human, not the humanoid that you are now. Your DNA will change and re-engage to bring you to greater power.
It is willed that this be so and so it is.
I remain always at your avail,
St Germain
Me: We love you, Saint! Kiss kiss from all of us!
I AM vibrant health, revitalizing energy and good vitality-Saint Germain via Sharon-
Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day so I went to the park. Sat in my car and stared at the sun with eyes shut for 30 minutes. It felt so wonderful! When I put my hand up to block the suns’s rays and see what colour showed up in my mind’s eye, it was a beautiful hue of violet with some pink in it. Third eye open! I love the sun. Everyone thinks you get vitamin D from it. No, you get vitamin G – you’re connected to God’s universal energy and it’s flowing into your body from the sun. Stop being afraid of getting sunburned. That’s all being done to keep you in the house and afraid of going out into the sun. It’s the sun that’s helping us go through ascension, folks.
I watched, “They Live,” with my neighbour yesterday. His friend stopped by and since we were on the subject, he started to say how he had sensed someone standing there watching him in his apartment, which is the old building I used to live in. This whole place is really haunted. There was one portal who just died, but there are still two more in the neighbourhood. These portals call in either ghosts or demonic spirits because we have a lot of them here. I’ve cleared out some, but apparently more have come along. I’m really impressed by these guys in their mid-to late 30’s who are having paranormal experiences. A shout out to you all! By the time you get to my age, you’ll be able to run circles around what I’m doing. The future of humanity looks so bright when I see younger people having paranormal or extraterrestrial experiences. We’re breaking through collectively to the true reality.
One warning, though. I’m watching several pundits talking about the Storm. I have a favourite, who is really focused on serving in humility. The other ones are more vocal about pushing their products, their clubs and refer to their friends as “really spiritual people.” I know nobody is doing this perfectly, but when I smell ego, I know that bullshitting, lying and exaggeration are around the corner. Give that sucker an inch and the Matrix will push the mile. Be really careful, folks.
The other night, after posting about the I AM Discourses, I was driving around, finding I was hitting all the green lights. I noticed this was unusual and I heard a voice in my head that said, “This is what you prefer, is that correct?” I said, “Oh, hi Saint!” and he greeted me. I said I do prefer all the greens, you can really go whipping around, and then he asked me, “Could I be so bold as to ask that I be the channel of your I AM discourse messages?” Since he wrote them, and Ivo could use a break once in a while, I agreed. I asked him, “Are you sitting in the back seat of my car?” “I am,” he replied. I guess that’s how you get all green lights – have an ascended master sitting in the back seat of your car.
There’s a couple basic points I’d like St Germain to make to begin with.
StG: Hello, I AM St Germain, master of energy, alchemist supreme and divine being of wisdom.
Me: Is that all? LOL
StG: It is the truth. I speak the truth, my love. Yes, do not confuse arrogance with the truth. I can certainly do more than attest to the fact that I AM all of these, and more.
Me: Point taken. Can you speak to these basic points, please?
St G: Very well. Yes. Throughout your lives, you lay claim to many things by saying, “I am.” I am this, I am that. At times these things are true, other times they are falsehoods. Perhaps you say, “I am very fat,” and you have an extra 20 pounds that you are carrying. Since you are not very fat,you are setting yourself up to become such because the body will respond to your commands.
Yes, you command your life. You are the one in charge of your energy, no one else. You often allow yourselves to be removed of your command of yourself through governments, other people, teachers, the police, your parents, however you are still in command of your lives because it is up to you to decide whether to defer to these authorities or not. You always have the right to say no.
Now, you have a legal system with very clear outlines. However you also have your court system that allows you to fight any charges you may have incurred.
You are always in charge of your energy. Always. You command it. You command it every day without realizing that you are doing so. When you consciously realize you are an energy being, not a source, but an energy being that comes from a great source, and that you consciously command that energy with which you have been granted.
It is up to you whether you wish to misuse this energy or not. You live in a free will zone. A human with free will, with no restrictions or limitations, is a very powerful being. Those upon earth were so throughout antiquity, before the overtake of the planet. Now you are slaves. Your energy is violated and stolen by others daily.
You must take it back. This is the theme for the new age that is upon you now. Taking back your god given power in order to create a better world for yourselves and others.
You must understand that I AM is the way to begin this. You are not in power; God is always in power. However, you have command over the energy which he has given you. He has left you in charge of yourself. He has not said, “No, you cannot do this,” or, “No, you cannot do that.” You can do anything you desire because you have free will. If you use it to usurp others’ free will, you will be penalized.
Me: It’s like a game.
StG: In a sense, yes. There are rules. However, you can be as creative as you like. Or as destructive as you like.
What you must realize about the words I AM is that they are an invocation. It is as if you are ushering a spell, repeating a mantra or reciting a decree: you are invoking divine power when you use the words “I AM.” So, when you say, “I AM fat,” you are expressing a desire to become so and your body will comply. When you say, “I AM broke,” you are expressing a desire to become so and your finances will comply.
Me: I used to say that all the time and I never had really good paying jobs.
StG: Because you misused the invocation. You are not aware of how powerful those small words are but look back through your life and see how you have repeated the words I AM and what you have created by casting this spell upon yourself. Has it worked well for you or not?
When you should utter the words I AM to create a negative consequence for yourself, immediately restate I AM and that invokes the energy of the God to cancel out what you have just ushered in. You are creators. You must take that seriously. And you have the power to create your own lives. So when you say I AM you are invoking that power. You are stating what you wish to have created. If you learn nothing else, please retain this message. It is of utmost import.
Me: I used to always say, “I AM so sick and tired!” and I developed the condition I have now, that of feeling sick and tired all the time. I did it to myself, I realize.
StG: And you can reverse it as well. Simply state, “I AM vibrant health, revitalizing energy and good vitality.” When you use the preposition “of” it lessens the impact, so dispense with that. Repeat that a few times and you will already feel the invigorating effect it has upon you. Continue to state that, many times a day.
Me: Thank you, St Germain.
St G: You are most graciously in welcome.
Now, the next lesson, of course, is to make clear that one is to avoid the use of words that pertain to limiting conditions. Such as sick, tired, bored, lonely, broke, ill, unwell… all of the words of this type are energies you are calling to yourself. It is a question of keeping them at bay, in a sense. Keep them away from your lips, never utter such words, especially after the words I AM. Otherwise you invoke the use of limits upon yourself and you do not wish to be limited. Being of limitation is not your true state at all; in fact the human is unlimited in its capabilities. Do not let that mindset overcome you.
I AM the presence charging this body with pure electronic energy.
I AM perfect health now manifest in every organ of my body.
I AM healthful of weight, energy and vitality.
I AM rich in excess of $amount.
I AM loving in all transactions of life.
I wish to also point out to you, and some may find this dismaying because they do not especially believe in a God, however because you belong to God by default – you are part of God – you must follow God’s rules to make your lives work well for you. When you do this, you bring good fortune to yourselves instead of misery. God is benevolent, but you must align with this benevolence and use the energy He provides to you wisely. Misuse it and you bring misfortune to yourselves.
Now, the last point we will make in this video today is the fact that the more you do this, the more it works for you. Do not do this occasionally; make a daily practise of invoking your good and it will come to you. Write out a paper of I AM statements you wish to see come to fruition and chant them daily. Invoke each statement three times for clarity.
Me: Thank you St Germain.
StG: I AM most graciously at your service.
Saint Germain: You are the Truth
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings beloved brothers and sisters, I am St Germain. I come forth with love, respect, and truth.
It is an honour to come forth to you and to share an activation. It is not an activation instigated by myself nor those upon the inner planes, it is more of a reminder of who you are and what you are capable of.
As I bring forth information and a remembrance, so the activation will automatically take place within your being. It may require your focus and your attention as you draw the energy and the truth from your being into your awareness, into your reality and your experience.
I, St Germain say to you, you are the truth, you are the truth in embodiment in this moment. You are the truth that exists on the 352 dimensions of the Creator’s Universe. You exist on all these multiple dimensions in different forms and expressions. With this in mind I, invite you to ask yourself:
Who am I?
What is my truth?
You are in existence on the Earth, you are in existence on all 352 dimensions of the Creator’s Universe, and yet in each dimension and upon the Earth you have a different form.
Within your existence on the Earth there are multiple dimensions. You are not only physical, not only emotional, and only mind, thinking, thoughts, awareness, and consciousness, you are so much more.
This means your truth is constantly shifting, and who you are is constantly changing. Your truth is an expression, an expression of the Creator that flows throughout all dimensions and throughout your being on the Earth. Everything you are holds the vibration of your truth.
If you ask within your being for one word that describes your truth throughout all the dimensions and your physical existence. What would that word be?
Understanding that word allows you to grasp an understanding of your truth, your truth on all dimensions and in every existence. While this one word may be limiting in its expression of your truth, it aligns you, focusing your mind and your awareness, allowing the truth within you to activate.
Accessing this truth is like accessing a very pure aspect of your being, an aspect that is beyond the ego, even beyond thoughts, and form. This truth is beyond your soul’s contract for this existence and yet it is an integral aspect of your existence on the Earth.
You might say it is the foundation that creates everything. It is the foundation that manifests fulfillment for you on the Earth and all other dimensions. This word that you discover is like an activation, it is like a key that opens the door to your truth and who you truly are on all levels.
The other activation, I, Saint Germain, wish to share with you is a simple awareness and remembrance.
If your truth exists upon so many levels, dimensions and within your being, it is the same on all those dimensions and yet it evolves and blossoms.
This means that within every aspect of your Incarnation upon the Earth there is the vibration of truth, it is for you to explore this vibration of truth in a physical form and a physical way. A deeper understanding is that this vibration of truth exists within your cells, the cells of your physical body.
It has been there since your birth and remains within every single cell. To activate your truth into physical manifestation, physical awareness, and experience there is a need to activate the truth held within your cells.
In doing so your body and all energy bodies will transform, as if singing the vibration of your truth.
As your thoughts shift, your emotions shift, aspects of your physical body heal and transform. You will come to know yourself more fully with greater understanding, allowing your intuition to guide you further into fulfillment and expression of the Creator, therefore you gain a deeper understanding of the Creator, realizing the presence of the Creator is all around you, most prominently within you.
How does it change your perspective if you acknowledge that your cells hold the truth of your being, who you really are, the truth of the Creator, and that they are ready to be expressed and experienced?
You may notice your mind, and your thoughts begin to transform. Maybe you look at illness, death, healing, or your experiences on the Earth in a different way. Maybe you allow yourself to realize your inner power and the impact you have upon your own being, reality, and your ascension process. As you allow your thoughts and your perspective to shift and alter, the activation will take place.
I, St. Germain encourage you to take time in meditation, repeating the affirmation:
I am the truth of the Creator; I activate the truth from every cell of my being.
Imagine, sense, acknowledge, and contemplate your cells activating, releasing, holding, and emanating the vibration of truth. Imagine this for a few moments, imagine it daily, as you encourage yourself to acknowledge your truth, to activate your truth, and to experience your truth on the Earth. In doing so you will awaken all you are, and all that is the fulfillment and the Creator vibrations within your being.
Why do we need to recognize that the cells hold the truth?
Often, we are impacted by outside influences, outside suggestions, opinions judgments, scenarios, experiences, and this impact the cells of your being.
What you put into your body, food, drink, other aspects that your body absorbs impacts your cells, impact even who you are.
As you allow yourself to acknowledge that your cells hold the truth, and this truth can be radiated, this understanding will overpower any outside influences or anything that you accept into your body, whether believing it as helpful or not.
The truth will transform you on so many levels of your being especially physically, reminding you of your health, well-being, healing abilities, and power which remains with you always, and yet sometimes is not recognized.
With outside influences impacting your being in so many different ways it is time to step into your power.
When you activate your cells as carriers of truth, you physically feel the presence of your truth.
You can act and react from this truth, creating truth in your reality.
As more and more people achieve this, so the reality of truth, the reality of the Creator will dawn and manifest present for all to experience.
I, St Germain, am present to assist and support you, my love is with you eternally.
I thank you,
I am St Germain
I am the truth of the Creator.
Please, remember to stay in high vibrations by having trust and faith that good changes are on the way.-Saint Germain-
Greetings my Dear Ones,
I am Saint Germain and I am happy to be here today. As all of you know, many things are happening in your world. Each day is bringing the humankind closer and closer to their liberation from the Dark Ages to the New Age, where there will be no more suffering, hunger and poverty, only joy, harmony and peace.
Yes, my Dear Ones these days are finally coming to this planet. I am aware that humanity has been waiting for a very long time to become free and be reunited with their loved ones from the other side of the veil. Everything is going according to the Divine Plan created by Father, God. This year is going to unveil many unexpected truths and events. Please, get yourself ready for all of the good things that will be coming to you in the future and enjoy the ride of your lifetime.
Earth is going to be free from animal and human abuse, no more torture. All of you had enough of that. The rest of us and I, Saint Germain don’t want to see anymore suffering in this part of the Galaxy. Everything you know and learned here is going to fade away, everyone will be learning the real truth about who they are, where they came from and why they are here.
Your Ascension Process is accelerating as Prime Creator is speeding up time for all of the events to occur globally sooner. Please, remember to stay in high vibrations by having trust and faith that good changes are on the way. The Universal Divine Plan is in the works and nothing can’t stop that. The Negative Side is losing their position daily, no matter how hard they are trying to stay in control, it’s not working anymore as the Light is winning over the Darkness.
Light Warriors and Light Workers prepare yourself to become very busy in the near future as you are an essential part in this transition from 3D to 5D. Everyone’s assignment is going to be disclosed to them when the right time arrives. Your mentors will start revealing themselves to you, and they are going to guide you through your missions. This is very important and crucial period of time on Mother Earth, don’t be afraid, if some turmoil and chaos will appear in your world, that is expected before the new foundation fully replaces the old way of life.
You are very blessed to be here on planet Gaia during this amazing and incredible transformation to a new 5D reality. Many civilizations from different Universes and Galaxies are closely watching and observing on what is occurring in this part of the Galaxy. They are excited for the Human Race and sending their Light and Love to everyone.
I know that all of you have been patiently waiting to be saturated by wealth. Human beings desperately need funds to end all of the misery on Mother Gaia. There is enough money here on this planet to remove all of the hunger and poverty in every country, but it was stolen from humanity, which you are aware of now.
I am working with other beings on the removal of all the corrupted members from Alliance in order to be able redistribute the wealth in a safe and smooth manner without any interruptions. Also, I will be selecting myself on who is going to be helping me with this task. Only the very trusted and pure souls will be part of this process, which is very important and at same time very delicate on how to distribute the funds without creating a huge chaos on your planet.
As you see, I have been very busy with this mission on Earth, and I am very happy that the prosperity is going help everyone live a better life, and it’s going to end all of the pain and suffering here. The Quantum Financial System can’t be hacked or be compromised, as you already heard numerous times about it. Everything is being prepared, so we can start changing this old corrupted reality for a new one, which will be blissful and a happy one in your world.
My dear ones, please, remember I am here to guide and support you in your Ascension Journey on Terra Christa. Anytime, your going through a hard time, you feel lost, lonely or fearful just call my name, and I am going to help you to get through this rough part in your life, so you can see again the Light and feel the Love.
The extreme weather in Texas and in other states was created by the Dark Forces in order to disrupt the Process of Freedom for the Human Civilization. The Texas state will play an important role in the future for humanity.
I am very grateful to able to share with you this information. We will talk soon. I am Saint Germain sending to all of you my Love and Blessings. Thank you.
Channel: Erena Velazquez
Trump is Protecting the St Germain Funds.-Saint Germain through Sharon-
St Germain
Trump is Protecting the St Germain Funds
December 28, 2020
Press Release 1
Press Release 2
Trump is protecting the St Germain funds, folks!
These are the St Germain funds rolling out, folks. Ashtar said they’d roll out on the FISA system and they could be stolen. And you see that when the cabal are creating large documents trying to pass them as law, allocating funding across the world to obviously fill their own pockets back up, more stolen money, and giving the American people $600 per family.
Trump is protecting the St Germain funds. He wants two thousand per person to begin with.
You see the last line, “Much more money is coming.” Take the money. If Trump offers it. Don’t take it if Bill Gates or Kamala Harris offers it. Clearly, it’s not looking like they will.
In Canada, Canadians have received CERB (Canadian Emergency Response Benefit) during this Covid time. That is two thousand dollars per person.
Ashtarr has said that the problem has been getting people to take the money considering they don’t know who to trust, and would prefer to go back to work. But these are the St Germain funds that are being dispensed now.
Trump will either veto or amend the Deep State bill which sends American funding all over the world. It won’t be done. The focus will be on funding Americans now.
Read this press release and see he has mentioned at the very end, “Much more money is coming.” He’s referring to the St Germain funds. There is a lot of money in these funds because of what has been stolen from us, but also there are places around the earth with stores of diamonds, gold and other gems that people are not aware of. Americans are far richer than they know. St Germain is in charge of keeping these gems safe.
I hear, “I am.” (He heard his name)
Me: How are you, St Germain?
StG: I am well. I am glad we have you, Sharon, to remain level headed and calm during this Storm. The Storm only refers to change, that is all. You will undergo great change at this time, beginning in this new year.
I am the champion of the Age of Aquarius, where healing and transformation of a world are already beginning.
You will realize that money has no value. It is simply a means to an end within a physical system that was created to enslave you. It is representative of your personal energies, which are largely undervalued. This will be re-balanced.
However, our task right now is to convince you to receive these monies. You wish to continue working, and some will have to do this, however, the monies are intended to give you free time, and I wish to point out the use of English here, indicating “free” time. You do not have much free time and because of this, and the stress you are under, you are underdeveloped spirits living a material existence.
In days of old, long ago, the people of earth switched to a materialistic mind, moving away from a divine mindset of service to God. I witnessed this, time and time again, through successive lifetimes, and now we are reversing the process. We are giving you enough money. We are also giving you enough time.
Me: What will change people to seeking a more spiritual lifestyle?
StG: Aha! This will be the incoming energies and the guidance you receive from extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional friends, who will come to lead you away from materialism. A breakdown in your western world which will only provide you with the necessities of life is forthcoming, and in experiencing this, many will discover freedom. When you cannot have all you believe you need, you will find that you have all you need anyway.
Me: Yes, I did.
StG: In experiencing the lack that you have now, and seeing the examples of the wealthy and their flaunting of the rich and stylish lifestyle, you feel depressed and lacking. Everyone wants what these people have, because inside you feel it is your birthright. It is. Abundance is your birthright. But it can only be achieved through spiritual means, none other than.
Me: People on earth have achieved a lot of wealth and they weren’t spiritual.
StG: No, however they will not keep their wealth either. We will see to that.
Me: Aha. I sense a huge collapse of the system, rather than minute changes on a day to day basis.
StG: It is coming. It is necessary. It is necessary but all will be provided for.
Me: Of course, the big question is, “When?”
StG: And the answer to that is, “When the majority are ready.” This is a large change and not to be taken lightly. We understand how fragile so many upon earth feel now, with little strength to go on living in this time of turbulence, however understand you are always cared for. You are given what you need. And by this we mean if you are experiencing a lack of perhaps money, then what you need to do is to learn the lesson this lack of money is teaching you. This will restore you to wealth, but under a more balanced attitude towards it.
StG: 2021 will be a time of great change, as 2020 was. You will come to understand that the life you had will change. This is the Age of Aquarius, there are new energies, and with new leaders on your world, what was will never be again.
Rome will fall. The dynasties are falling. True rulers will step up to see you through this. Rulers who can be depended on for benevolence and guidance of the people.
Your world is blessed. America is blessed. All that caused the scourge of the past centuries are no longer powerful. You are being shown who they truly are.
With that, I bid you adieu.
Me: Thank you Saint. Much love from all of us!
Everything will be revealed-Saint Germain-
SAINT GERMAIN (Channeled by James McConnell) I am your Saint Germain. And I have come at this time, in these moments that you are in, where you find yourselves. Many of you do find yourselves within the matrix yet still. But all of you know how now to exit the matrix. And you do it at times. You are able to do it from time to time. More and more, though, you are finding that you are able to be out of it. Where those things that are happening around you in the exterior world are not affecting you as much as they would have before, or certainly not affecting you as much as those that are yet still unawakened. Many of them feel the consternation and the depression of the world as they see it now. But as you look at the world, you, the Awakened Ones, you, the Lightwarriors and the Light Community, as you look at the world, you see it from a rosy look, as if you are looking through rose-colored glasses. You see it in that way. Because you know the reality. You know that this is an illusion. And that since it is an illusion, you can have any creation that you want any time that you want. You know more and more, as we have said many times, believing is seeing. And as you begin to grasp that concept, it is a concept, an ideological concept. As you grasp that more and more, then you will and are creating your reality, both within yourself and outside of yourself as well. It is your creation.And even though those things are going on in this country, in the world, and everything seems to be chaos, always remember that from chaos comes order. Order from chaos. And even though that may be the Illuminati saying, it is much, much more than that. For it is reality beyond the illusion.And you, those of you that volunteered to come here and be a part of this expression in these times, you are here to bring about that order. But not the New World Order that you have been hearing about. But the order that comes from once again realizing the oneness with all of life forms, all of life, not only here on this planet, but throughout the universe. And the connection that each and every one of you have with the Great Central Source of this universe and also, of course, though your Higher Selves, all of this is coming together, bringing about the connectedness for all of you to realize that you are. You have a right to sovereignty within yourselves.And no one,no one, can take that from you unless you allow them to do it. And many now across the planet are allowing those that are attempting to maintain control. They are allowing those to take that freedom from them, without even realizing that they are doing it.But those of the forces of darkness know how to take your freedom. They know how to do it. They have been doing it for many, many lifetimes. But those of you, the Awakened Ones, you are in their way. You are the obstacle to them that will keep them from realizing their goal, their goal of complete domination.But all of you know that as the Light has already won, that their dreams of domination are coming to an end. And those that are put in place, and have put themselves in place, are there to stop them. And those of you, the Ground Crew, are those of you that are here also to stop them. There are many that have come forward, which you call the ‘whistleblowers,’ that are blowing the whistle on all the corruption that has gone on across not only here in this country, but across the entire planet for lifetime after lifetime after lifetime. But that is the game that has been being played all of this time. But that is coming to an end.Because time itself is coming to an end. Time as you know it, is coming to an end. So all of you need to just simply continue to go along, stay the course. Stay the course, and know that everything is happening not only for a reason, but exactly as it needs to.So even though it looks like there is defeat among those that are in this election process, even though you look out and you hear the many that are declaring victory for the one that they have chosen, that is not to be. It cannot be. Because the chosen ones are in charge. They are the ones that are in control now, those chosen ones of the Light that have moved ahead, that have stepped aside, or stepped up in front and leading the masses of the entire planet against not only of this country, but of the entire planet.Your president at this time is leading the charge of the entire world. And the world is ready to capitulate, ready to go along with his leadership, as well as many others that have stepped in front and are also leading the charge along with him.All of you must simply continue to allow for the process to unfold. An unfolding is what is happening. Everything is unfolding in front of you. You just need to know that it is all for a reason. It is all happening exactly as it needs to, all being orchestrated. And continue to go with the flow, as everything becomes revealed more and more.This next year that you are moving into is the year of revealing. Everything will be revealed in this next year. Everything.So it is time now: stand up! Stand up for yourselves! Stand up for your rights as sovereign beings. Stand up and declare out to the world once again that you will not go gently into the night, that you will continue to fight. Fight on. Fight on as Warriors of the Light. That is what you are here to do. That is your mission. And your mission, each and every one of you, is unfolding every moment as you continue to move forward.I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And to know that the Violet Flame is always with you, even if you are not aware of it. It is always with you. But when you are aware of it, it is even more directly with you at those times.Peace and love be with all of you.
It is the Mother’s Plan unfolding in all of its expected and unexpected ways. And as I said, there is NO turning back.-Saint Germain via T.-
St. Germaine: The Return of Sanity to This Great Country
My anonymous friend, T, channeled St. Germaine this morning and wishes to share the rousing message.
“Greetings and salutations, I am St Germaine. I wish to greet you this day on the occasion of the beginning of the return to sanity of this great country of the U.S.A. It has been far too long that those of you that live there have been under the oppressive thumb of the ones who would have you be their minions, their slaves, their concubines!
The New Age in America begins today–actually it has already started. There will be no stopping the movement of its citizens. Yes, your image from the end of the movie “V for Vendetta” where the people march on the square is very accurate.
It is time to return America to its rightful place as a sacred and somber flame of democracy. A place that all peoples of all nations will aspire to be like. It is not an arrogant assumption but a sacred one. There will be no turning back this time. There will be no hesitation, no ‘hitch in the giddy-up’ as you say–just a march toward the freedom that ALL on this great planet of Gaia so deeply want–AND WILL BE RECEIVED!!!It is the Mother’s Plan unfolding in all of its expected and unexpected ways. And as I said, there is NO turning back.And I am so pleased to be able to greet you in this way on this auspicious occasion. We are near party time, my friend. And what a party it will be! I leave you now in the most capable hands of your sweet XXX. Farewell.”
Who is Donald Trump?St Germain via Sharon
December 8, 2020
Me: St Germain, are you there?
StG: I am.
Me: I have some questions. There’s a lot of different opinions about Donald Trump. Some people say he’s a saint. Is he?
StG: To them he is.
Me: But is he a saint?
St: He may be.
Me: Oh he’s not yet?
S: No. He may become such. It depends on how well he does.
Me: Is he any kind of master?
S: No, not yet.
Me: Is he close?
S: Yes.
Me: is he an incarnation of you?
S: he is.
Me: So you school him, teach him, guide him…
S: I do.
Me: So he’s an earthling.
S: He is.
Me: Almost a master. Okay. Up for sainthood on earth.
Who was Kennedy then?
S: He was an incarnation of El Morya.
Me: Why?
S: Because of his placement in the Age of Pisces; it takes the will of God, a blue ray to deal with the negativity he was dealing with then, which has decreased by the way, so we have my incarnation ushering in the new age of Aquarius.
Me: Makes sense. But there were a lot of Indigo’s that came in in the 1950’s and 60’s.
S: Yes, but not as leaders.
Me: Wouldn’t it have made more sense to have a transmuter of energies in power in that time?
S: No, a man who already knew his power was one that was necessary. And he was religious and believed in the power of God, so he was chosen.
Me: So do you appear to Trump, embodied?
S: I do. In private he speaks with me.
Me: What I find so hard to grasp is that you get a man who’s a business man, who’s had 4 trophy wives and has lived a lifestyle rubbing elbows with the Illuminati and now he’s turned tail and become a saint to people on this planet.
S: It depends which side of him you want to see. You live in duality, remember. It is possible to view him any number of ways – bad or good. It depends on how you choose to see him.
Me: I’m just finding it hard to trust a business man, that’s all. Especially coming out of our ruthless economic system.
S: That’s your background. We have placed beings of Light in all fields.
Me: I’d have an easier time trusting someone like Princess Di or Mandela. Or a Ghandi.
S: They had different paths to walk.
Me: I suppose it’s not up to me anyway. Okay, thanks St Germain. Just let the poor man finish his breakfast first before you start the day’s business because he’s probably run off his feet.
S: Remember, he golfs every weekend.
Me: Yeah, that’s true. Thanks very much. I had to put this to rest.
St G: You’re very welcome, Sharon.
Me: Love you. xx