Category Archives: Ronna
YOU ARE A “WHITE FIRE SEED ATOM” OF ALL THAT IS AA Michael via Ronna – April 2023
The Goddess: The Feminine Aspect of the Creator – Archangel Michael’s Message for October 2022
Downloading your New Divine Blueprint – September 2022-AA MICHAEL through Ronna-
Beloved masters, never forget, your nearest and dearest friend should be yourself—your own Soul-consciousness. Within your Sacred Heart center you will find wisdom, compassion, patience, and most important of all, unlimited Sacred Love. From the beginning of the creative experience into density, all human life forms have been subjected to an ongoing, continuous series of revelations. A curious, inquiring mind was a built-in, intrinsic facet of human nature. The Earth is, once again, being prepared for a new, higher-evolutionary species of humanity. All of you, as StarSeed and world-servers, are encoded with Memory Seed Atoms giving you a burning desire to participate in the manifestation of this incredible dream of the future. Your personal goal is to become a Self-directed, Soul-inspired entity in the midst of the chaos and turmoil of the current, Third- / Fourth-Dimensional reality of today.
A new Divine Blueprint filled with advanced creative ideas beyond the wildest dreams of even the most brilliant, advanced minds of today is being beamed down via the powerful Rays of God-consciousness upon Earth and humanity from the Great Central Sun of this Sub-Universe. An advanced Soul, treading the narrow path of ascension, must learn how to absorb and integrate the three major God Rays of the coming Age, THESPIRITUALTRINITY, consisting of: DIVINEWILL/POWER*LOVE/INTUITION*INTELLIGENT,PURPOSEFULACTION.
Why not move into the center of the spiral of ascending consciousness, into the eye of duality and polarity ─ where all is calm and peaceful ─ filled with pure cosmic life force substance, Adamantine Particles, just waiting to be molded into your vision of the future? This very moment, as you move into your Sacred Heart Center, you can experience the profound love and compassion of our Father/Mother God and the Supreme Creator. Please accept this immutable truth: youareatreasuredsonordaughteronanimportantmission, and nothing you can say or do can diminish that love. It is time to dissolve the membranes of Light protecting your Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart which will give you access to the higher frequency Memory Seed Atoms of your Over Soul-Higher Self.
Too many of you are still carrying great burdens from the past. Mistakes you have made in this lifetime, and also many from past conditioning and buried memories of painful events or actions from all your previous lifetimes. Holding onto these memories or carrying the burdensofinequity no longer serves you. It is time for you to allow us to help you heal the painful memories stored within your physical vessel and auric field. Just as we are clearing the distortions of the Third- /Fourth- Dimensional, collective-consciousness belief patterns; thereby bringing those dimensions back into their originally designed spectrum of duality. Fear is a primitive fightorflight emotion, which will hinder the expansion of your consciousness awareness. It is time to clear and reprogram the base, instinctual components of your lower-human nature.
It is important that you understand: even though you no longer remember your past errors or the thoughts and deeds that threw you off balance; until these negative thought forms are acknowledged and transmuted, those energies are still present within your cellular structure waiting to be rectified and returned to harmony within. Through your conscious awareness and by aligning your will with the Will of your Higher Self and our Mother/Father God, all that is not in harmony with the frequencies of the higher Fourth/Fifth Dimensions is roiling up within to be healed and returned to the harmonics of peaceful coexistence, joy, and loving intention. This is the source of so much of the inner turmoil, challenges, and tests that you, the Self-aware seekers of Light, are experiencing.
We have stressed over and over again, one of the greatest challenges, yet one of the most important tasks to be accomplished in order to step onto the spiral of ascension, is to maintain a focusedpointofawareness within your Solar Power Center. In doing so, you will maintain an open passageway into the Sacred Heart; thereby allowing the Creator Light to flow freely to and from you. This, in turn, assists you to enhance and perfect your uniquely beautiful, harmonious SoulSong.
During these wondrous, yet trying, times, you are being given a grand opportunity to tap into the cosmic library, which holds the mysteries of this Sub-Universe. You, the StarSeed Souls, are gradually becoming equipped to tap into those sacred storehouses, Pyramids of Light, where the universal laws and wisdom of the ages are stored. In doing so, you will learn that you can traverse any height, surmount any obstacle, and your path of ascension will be revealed with certainty. You have never lost your divinity or your godly intelligence. It has only been in safe-keeping, awaiting the time when you would, once again, awaken to claim your birthright as a Divine child of our Mother/Father God.
Beloveds, we are asking you to focus on yourselves so you may become clear vessels for the refined frequencies of Light. You have the ability to become a conduit for the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light, which will permeate your physical vessel and flow out into the world of form. However, you must liberate the power of the Sacred Fire from within your physical vessel, the Kundalini Fire stored within your Root Chakra, while drawing forth a new supply via the great Sixth-Dimensional Cities of Light. The breath is the conductor of this vital Life Force energy.
You must learn to use and perfect the perfect rhythm of Sacred Breathing. The Infinity Breath is a vital component of the transformation process. Over the past years, we have added more important elements to the advanced techniques ─ which you must incorporate in order to develop and claim Self-mastery. It is vital information you are to integrate and then share with those on the Path behind you.
We ask you to envision the Violet Flame radiating up from beneath your feet and completely enfolding you in this vital energy of transmutation, which will speed up the process of transforming all impure substance within and around you, as well as giving you protection from outside, negative influences. As you evolve into a spiritual/human Being, you will become capable of more profound thought and complex concepts. You will also develop a greater capacity for deeper, more intense love.
Remember, in order to manifest your spiritual vision, you must define what you wish to create, and then clearly envision it. First of all, as a conscious cocreator, you should focus on manifesting a refined,evolvedstateofBeing, and a harmonious quality of life. Therefore, you should seek an abundance of love, joy, peace, creativity, good health, compatible satisfying relationships, and so on. Seeking to incorporate the qualities, attributes and virtues of God Consciousness will assure success in creating all the material objects you require to live in comfort. You are learning to become one with the infinite flow of abundance, as you traverse the many levels and Dimensions of Creation. Oneofthemostimportantconceptsthatyoumustacceptasyourtruthisacrystal-clearawarenessthatyouarethecreatoroftherealityinwhichyouwilllivenowandinthefuture.
Many of you ask what your mission is in this lifetime, and we tell you, ‘YourSoul’sgreatestdesireisthatyoureclaimthemanyFacetsofyourselfsothatyoumay,onceagain,bethewondrousmasterofcocreationthatyouwerewhenyoufirstembodiedwithinthematerialplanes.Theascensionprocessisanon-goingjourney,notadestination.Eachday,endeavortomakethehighestchoices−stayinthemoment,forthatistheonlytimeyoucanaccessyourGod-power−notfocusingonthepastandnotprojectingintothefuturebutseekingyourhighestpotentialineachandeverymoment.Seethechallengesinyourlifeasopportunitiesasyoulearntoletgoofoldself-limitingways.Theseareinalienabletruthsthatyoushouldinstillwithinuntiltheybecomeanintrinsicpartofyourhuman-nature.’
This is a balancing lifetime for you, the StarSeed, whereby you are seeking to bring into harmony all the Facets of your Being. Deep within, you are aware of how important it is for you to honor and integrate your feminine nature, the gentle, intuitive, creative, and inward focused energies, as well as developing and using your masculine attributes. Strive to be strong, yet gentle, outward focused as you tap into the treasure house of wisdom within. Your Divine nature will grow in strength and conscious expression as you learn to draw forth the wisdom of your Sacred Mind, OverLighted with the compassion of your Sacred Heart. You must learn to speak concisely, constructively, and confidently. Know that if you stay centered and focused within your Sacred Heart, the Universe must respond in a positive manner, and your success will be assured.
As you become attuned to the intuition of your Higher Self, you will begin to feel the God Light pulsating within your Sacred Heart, and you will begin to focus on the Spark of Creation within the Sacred Heart Center of every person you meet. It may be dim in many dear Souls, but it is still burning within, or they would not be alive. When you do so, you will automatically strive to practice non-judgment, and you will begin to see the positive nature within everyone.
We ask you to use discernment before taking anyone’s teachings as your truth. Do not get hung up on theory or complex information. Take only that which resonates deep within, that which is loving, enlightening and expands your awareness. There are many half-truths in the teachings that are now being brought forth to humanity. Remember, you are the one who must create freedom, abundance, and empowerment in your life. No one else can do that for you. Discernment is a vital attribute for those on the path of ascension and enlightenment. Whatever you choose as your truth, you must integrate and apply in your life through focused intention and action. DISCERNMENT/HEART-CENTEREDINTENTION/SOUL-FOCUSEDACTION result in positive manifestation.
No matter what station, circumstances, or level of awareness you assumed for this incarnation, deep within your Soul-self was a burning desire to integrate the multiple-level Facets of your Beingness. However, first they must be healed and harmonized so that they may be filled with the rarified Light of the higher realms. As you allow your Higher-Self to OverLight and guide you, more and more inspired thought will come to you. There are many ways to allow Spirit to manifest through you; just let it happen naturally, dear ones. What makes your heart smile and brings you a deep sense of satisfaction? How do you wish to serve? There are many ways, and you have many talents (more than you will acknowledge) however, the choice is always yours.
The mighty forces of the Angelic Kingdom, as well as a vast number of wondrous Beings of Light, are here to help you move through these times of evolution and great change with ease and grace. However, you must ask for our assistance, for we cannot infringe upon your free will. It is time to reclaim your rightful place as a Master of Light, and remember, as you integrate the knowledge of Spirit and illumined truth, it is vitally important that you to go forth and share your wisdom.
Know that the tests and opportunities before you will bring rewards beyond anything you can imagine, so do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone as you reach for the stars. Accept your cloak of radiant Light, for you have earned it. Follow your own path and do not fear being different from those around you. We will leave you with a few en-Lighten-ing thoughts to assist you to stay focused upon the higher mental plane of awareness, with an overlay of loving intention. YourgoalistobecomeHeart-centeredandSoul-focused.
Mastering the Dense World of Duality and Polarity – July 2022-AA Michael via Ronna
AA Michael Message: The Law of Positive Return April 2022

Beloved masters, allow us to return to some basic but vitally important concepts and teachings: Once more, it is time for you to answer the new Clarion Call. It is time for you to step to the fore and say, “I AM READY”. It is time for you to discard the remaining remnants of the disguises you assumed for the earthly drama you chose to play out in this lifetime.
You have been playing with the concept of empowerment of Self long enough. It is time to reach out and take the Cloak of Light that is waiting for you, a garment that contains all the knowledge, attributes and qualities of mastership that you left behind when you embodied in your denser physical vessel.
You encumbered yourselves with overlays of negative, self-limiting concepts and thought forms from a multitude of past lives in order to face and conquer your greatest enemy, FEAR. We have explained many times before, ‘fear is the absence of love in some measure’. All negative emotions, impulses and beliefs such as anger, guilt, shame, unworthiness, low self-esteem, resentment and so on, stem from a sense of being cut-off from the life-giving love/Light of our Father/Mother God.
You learned to project these feelings outward to those around you in an effort to recapture that feeling of warmth, joy, safety and empowerment that the pure love of the Creator instilled within your heart center. Over the many past Ages, you gradually forgot that all the emotional sustenance you will ever need is supplied via that vertical shaft of Light that connects you to your Divine God Seed Atom and ultimately the Creator.
You began to project emotional cords of attachment toward those around you, which have resulted in a tug-of-war battle in many forms between individuals, male and female, families, cultures and nations. This has created an emotional war in which there are no winners, only losers, for no one can derive from another that which will conquer the debilitating enemy called fear.
You are in the process of finding your way back to the love of the Sacred Heart, which is unconditional love. Love with conditions became the norm as humanity sank into the density. From these negative thought patterns all other self-limiting concepts sprang forth and became your truth. Any wonder you have been at war with those around you, for you have been fighting a losing battle within yourself for such a long time.
Now is the time to reverse, release and restructure your present reality ─ a new reality that encompasses all the lessons in mastery we have given you over these past years. We have given you effective ways to monitor your thoughts and still the mind in order to reprogram your sub-conscious and conscious minds with higher wisdom from your Divine Self. We have taught you how to balance the multiple-minds of your chakra system so that, once again, they are working harmoniously, one with another.
As you experience peace within the mind, you will also begin to experience joy and bliss within the heart, for they are inexorably connected. It is time for you to release all those concepts that do not support your highest, most-empowering vision for the future, for whether you believe it to be so or not, each and every day you are becoming more powerful cocreators.
Just as in the drama that is being played out on your planet today, there was a time in your ancient past when you, too, stepped forward, saying, “I am ready to serve.” You left the beauty, safety and comfort of your homeland and journeyed out into the unknown. You spent many thousands of years, as you count time, in preparing yourself for your mission and you were tested over and over again to see if, indeed, you were ready.
You took an oath and agreed to allow yourselves to be diminished in Light, wisdom and power to whatever degree was necessary by fragmenting your wondrous Self, over and over again, in order to fulfill your assigned task. Your loved ones wished you well and watched you go with great sadness but also with pride welling up within, for they knew that you were going forth on a great mission; a mission mandated by our Father/Mother God. They knew that you would be away for a very long time, and they also knew that you would forget them; however, they would never forget you. Now the members of your spiritual family are sending you beams of Love/Light from home − loving messages telling you how much you are missed and that it is time to return. Indeed, it is time for a spiritual reunion of monumental proportions.
The cosmic trumpet call for the battle of extreme duality to end has sounded, and it is time for you to return to your true estate as a full-fledged Emissary of Light for the Creator. A new assignment is being offered to you, an assignment that requires that you reclaim a grand portion of what you left along the way on your descent into the material realm of reality. Remember, as you spiral forward and upward into the higher realms of Light, you are also being reunited with your Spiritual family.
The battle between the Light and shadow-side has really been a battle amongst yourselves. As the many Fragments of expression were brought forth into physical embodiment, you all began to believe and affirm that yours was the right or true way; that your customs and traditions were the best; or your religion and rituals were the ones favored by God. Humanity created the broad spectrum of Light and shadow in which the pendulum of truth and power would broadly swing back and forth over these many past Ages.
In reviewing your past, it is obvious that there are never any true winners in a war, only shifting power and different kinds of problems or inequities. Humanity has not yet learned the art of empowerment through positive, assertive action, which seeks justice for all. The wars you are fighting now are a result of seeds of hate and fear that were planted thousands of years ago. And, until humankind accepts the truth that you are all brothers and sisters in Spirit, there will be no true peace on the Earth ─ an Earth that is steeped in and hindered by Third- and Fourth-Dimensional vibrational patterns of fear and limitation. When the Earth and humanity ultimately are lifted into the refined frequencies of the higher Fourth- and Fifth-Dimensional frequencies, there will be peace on Earth ─ war will be a vague, distant memory of the past.
That is why it is so important for you to join the Legions of Light who are endeavoring to create a new Earth where peace and harmony will prevail. Each of you is much more powerful than you can ever imagine, especially if you have integrated and are using the tools of mastery we have offered you. Each time you visit your Pyramid of Light and Power, thereby filling yourselves with the Divine elixir of Love/Light from the Creator, you bring back with you into the physical realm more of that wondrous energy. You radiate it forth from you and it filters out as a gift to all those around you. Slowly but surely, you are magnetizing to yourself and into the Earth the building blocks of Light, which you will use to recreate the dreams and projects you have envisioned in the higher realms.
Beloveds, will you surrender your emotional pain to us and allow us to show you how to return to emotional peace and harmony within? Will you allow us to help you replace old limiting thoughts with new empowering concepts of mastery? Are you brave enough to script your vision for the future and place it in your Pyramid of Light, asking for the highest outcome for all? Are you willing to release any attachment to the outcome? As you align your will with the Creator’s Will, you will be amazed at the sense of freedom and the assurance of rightness you will feel, for the desire of our Father/Mother God is always for your highest good.
Mental harmony comes with reprogramming old negative, limiting thoughts which are judgmental, rigid and controlling. Mental detachment comes with wisdom ─ an understanding and faith in the Universal Laws. As an Emissary of Light, you will seek to live by the highest moral standards through virtuous conduct, and with a burning desire to see justice for all. Emotional and mental health and physical well-being are a result of learning to live in the sacred space of the heart while staying attuned to the wisdom of your Higher Self.
As you learn to function within the stillness of the sacred moment of Infinity or the Still Point of Creation, magical things begin to happen to you and around you. You begin to create an energetic force field around you that is impenetrable. Your body is constantly renewing itself via the thought forms and energetic patterns you radiate. Change the self-limiting patterns and negative thought forms to those of positive, expansive vibrations, and you will change your body, your reality, and ultimately your world.
Are you willing to expand your thoughts to encompass a new reality? Are you willing to expand your boundaries as to what is possible to create and enjoy in your new reality? Are you willing to claim the prosperity and abundance in all those things that you so desire? Are you willing to expand your mind and your vision, as you reach upward and outward, to incorporate all the wondrous new concepts and inventions just waiting for someone to claim, integrate and create them?
Look back at the progress of humanity over the last 100 years or so. You have made astounding progress in all areas of physical existence. We tell you, dear friends, it is nothing compared to what is waiting for you in the here and now. A quantum leap in evolution and human consciousness is taking place, and those who are preparing themselves for this advancement are the ones who will set the pace for what is to come during these next important years on Earth.
We have told you that our Father/Mother God is now taking an active part in the process of reunification. There are wondrous new colors beyond anything you can conceive that are redefining the Rays as you know them. This is because new frequencies patterns are being added, as well as new qualities and attributes as they become Rays of refined Universal consciousness.
The First Ray of Divine Will/Power to Create has become the Royal Ray of the new creative process now in progress. It blends the esoteric (spiritual plane) color of blue for truth and valor with the exoteric (material plane) color of red for power and forward thrusting action, making it magenta in color with a sparkling, luminescent overlay of Creator Light.
Some time ago, we told you about the new Rays or Sub-rays of individualized expression from the Creator Mind. You are truly becoming Builders of Form, along with the mighty Elohim, as you learn to wield the cosmic tools of Creation. As you claim the gifts of the First Ray, you have the ability to integrate into that Ray, for your use, those attributes you feel you most need, in their highest and best form. As you claim the gift of the Royal Ray of Divine Will, please infuse it with compassion, benevolence, clear vision and purpose, with a desire to create harmony, peace and abundance for all people on Earth, not just the few.
That is why we have spent so much time teaching you about the aspects, attributes, qualities and virtues of each Ray in both their positive and negative forms. How will you know what needs to be changed if you are not cognizant of what is available, and to also become aware of how you are presently using the energies? The wondrous energy of new Creation is swirling and spiraling all around you. All you have to do is turn inward and reach out to take the new cells of God Light that are being showered down upon you.
If you are daring enough and willing to do the work, you may tap into the higher frequencies within your column of Light in order to bring down the more refined and powerful Memory Seed Atoms of pure cosmic unmanifested potential. These gifts are waiting for you in your Pyramid of Light and Power. All you have to do is stay centered within your Sacred Heart with pure loving intention, and a desire to assist in returning the Earth to the paradise it was in the beginning. You must also be willing to state, “I AM READY to, once more, become an Emissary of Light.”
We promise to Light the way and clear the path for you as we come ever closer together on our journey into the bold, new future of tomorrow. May you bask in the knowledge that you are a beloved child, a White Fire Memory Seed Atom of our Father/Mother God, and you are eternally loved. I AM Archangel Michael.
Transmitted through Ronna * Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included.
Read Messages Online English:
Michael’s Message |
WISDOM TEACHINGS FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL * FEBRUARY 2022 RONNA VEZANE / SACRED SCRIBE ACTIVATING THE CRYSTALLINE MEMORY SEED ATOMS OF THE FUTURE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: Beloved masters, you are now in the process of reuniting with yourSTARSEED SOUL FAMILIES. You are ready to begin to form some of your many TRINITY SOUL UNITS − consisting of those Souls who have activated and are consciously using all three God Rays of Divine Will, Divine Love, Wisdom and Divine active Intelligence – units composed of 3, 9, 12, 24 and 144 beloved Souls. Many of these Soul groups are in the formation stages on the physical plane. You, the vanguard, are now in the process of creating these wondrously empowered Spiritual units. You are the brave spiritual pioneers who will become inspiring examples for humanity. You are also the ones who will provide the initial MEMORY SEED ATOM CODES of Creator Light – the new Divine Blueprints for the emerging CITIES OF LIGHT on the Earth Plane. In addition, there will also be many Soul Groups, comprised of people who have never met on the material plane, formed within the new FIFTH-DIMENSIONAL, UNITY SACRED-TRIAD PYRAMIDS. These reunions and joint missions will be even more powerful and meaningful than the ones formed in person. Yes, my brave Warriors of Light, the long foretold era that you have all yearned and striven for is upon you. We of the Realms of Light rejoice in your victory. We stand steadfastly beside you as we all journey forth together to assure that the Divine Plan for the New Age is fulfilled. You are loved most profoundly, I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL. RONNA: Dear friends, the time we have been waiting for is finally upon us. The “null zone” we have been in for some time now is over. It is TIME FOR ACTION.We are strongly and clearly being given an important part of our new Divine Mission for the Age of Aquarius. I have never felt Archangel Michael’s loving energy so forcefully. He is emphasizing that during these critical times of transformation, we must take action now in order to ease some of the tremendous stress upon our Mother Earth, the Devic Kingdom, and the elements of nature. It is vitally important that you understand why our actions and participation are so critical. We are the ones who must bring in and anchor the Creator Light that will activate the new Divine Blueprint — beginning with the activation of the CRYSTALLINE STRUCTURES DEEP WITHIN THE EARTH, WHICH CONTAIN THE WHITE FIRE SEED ATOMS OF THE FIVE HIGHER GALACTIC RAYS OF CONSCIOUSNESS. Also, we must consciously begin to work with the great Devic and Elemental Kingdoms to transmute and clear all of the powerful, destructive negativity that humanity has been spewing out into the ethers. If we do not, there will be even more destruction via powerful fires. hurricanes, floods and earthquakes. Universal Law states that we must experience that which we create, and it is humanity that has created these powerful “weapons of destruction.” Archangel Michael has told us much over the years about how great crystalline structures were strategically placed deep within the Earth’s surface when it was first formed. These great clustered spires contain the Divine Blueprint programmed by our Father/Mother God for each sub-cycle of the seven great Cosmic Ages for humanity’s sojourn within this Sub-Dimension. Our Earth, humanity and all sentient Beings are now integrating and processing the refined frequencies of the Five Higher Rays of galactic consciousness. The blueprints for Seven Rays of God Consciousness for our solar system have also been upgraded to incorporate the first three sub-levels of our Fifth-Dimensional consciousness. Just as we, the STARSEED Light workers, have been consciously activating the semi-dormant crystalline structures and the Violet Flames within the great earthly caverns for many years, it is now time for us to begin the process of activating the CRYSTALLINE MEMORY SEED ATOM programming for galactic consciousness, which is contained within these great sentient crystal structures. We also have programmed MEMORY SEED ATOMS within our SACRED HEART and our SACRED MIND. Without even being aware of it, over time, some of us have gradually been activating these precious Seed Atoms. We have also been performing the service of assisting in the activation of the MEMORY SEED ATOMS within those dear Souls who are ready for this precious gift, as well as for our blessed Earth. However, as active Champions of Light and bearers of the new Divine Blueprint, it is now time for this process to be understood and actively used, with intention, by all of us. MEMORY SEED ATOM CRYSTALS AND ADAMANTINE PARTICLES WITHIN THE EARTH RONNA: While in deep meditation, Archangel Michael told me that there are historical and scientific MEMORY SEED CRYSTALS stored within great subterranean caverns in strategic places around the world. These etheric SEED CRYSTALSare in the same caverns as the Eternal Violet Flames, and both have an integral part to play in our present ascension process. The various Sacred Sites and holy places around the world have, most often, been built over or near one of these great caverns – or where there is one of the great crystal clusters and spires. You will also find portals to the inner Earth near some of these special Sacred Sites. When we are guided to visit one these special places, we may experience a most wondrous event of which we are not even aware of at the time. If your intentions are pure, and your Energetic Signature and Soul Song resonate at a higher Fourth-Dimensional level or above, you will automatically activate the appropriate Memory Seed Crystals stored within the cavern below the Sacred Site you are visiting – for quite possibly, you have performed this service before; perhaps, many Ages ago or quite possibly in a more recent past life. In turn, you will be gifted with an activation of some of the White Fire Seed Atoms stored within your Sacred Mind. These will most likely be Memory Seed Atoms, some of which hold advanced information that you will need in the future; or Memory Seed Activation Atoms, which will trigger the activation of a particular talent; or perhaps Healing Memory Seed Atom, which will help you overcome some affliction or release a troublesome, addictive habit. Throughout the Earth’s history there are stories of masters and great Beings who accomplished amazing feats, won great battles, created many magnificent edifices and performed amazing miracles through their own, seemingly, super-human efforts. What has not been known, heretofore, is that these great Ones knew how to draw forth some of the Memory Seed Atoms from the great caverns within the Earth. They had the capacity to draw forth a full measure of the First Ray of Divine Will Power, along with an added measure of Creator Particles of Light, and also Life from within the storehouse caverns deep within the Earth. It is important that you understand that a good portion of the Adamantine Particles of Light allotted to the planet were stored within these great caverns when it was first created. The balance was stored within the Earth’s Sacred Heart Core. Every planet, galaxy, sun, star system, Sub-Universe, and Universe within the Omniverse have repositories of Adamantine Particles of Life/Light – and so has every Soul ever created. Just as we must activate the Adamantine Particles we carry within, and the ones we draw forth from the unlimited supply of Creator Light, we must also activate the Adamantine Particles stored within the Earth through our loving intention and action. We are now moving into the vibrational patterns of mastership, and we are being offered special gifts, talents and specific dispensations to assist us in assuming our role as World Servers. A NEW CLARION CALL has gone forth for those of us who came to Earth as members of ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S LEGIONS OF LIGHT. We are being called together once more in order to complete our current earthly mission. We have spent many lifetimes and endured tremendous trials and tests ─ in order heal our past and harmonize our physical vessels − so that the MEMORY SEED ATOMS that were encoded, so very long ago within our Sacred Hearts and Sacred Minds, could be activated. These were keys and codes that have assisted us to complete the GROUP DIVINE MISSION we were assigned by our Father/Mother God of this Sub-Universe. SHINE ON, dear friends. Love and Angel Blessings, Ronna Transmitted through Ronna * Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included. Read Messages Online English: Japanese/日本語: Spanish/Español: Swedish/svenska: |
Archangel Michael January 2022 Message (text and video).Ronna Vezane
Michael’s Message |
WISDOM TEACHINGS FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL * JANUARY 2022 RONNA VEZANE / SACRED SCRIBE ACCESSING THE WISDOM OF YOUR HIGHER SELF Beloved masters, Ascension means attaining a clearer awareness of Self, and accepting the fact that you are a White Fire Seed Atom Facet of our Mother/Father God. As you delve deeper and deeper within yourself, you come to realize your intimate connection with the ALL THAT IS. Once you have felt the exquisite bliss of a heart-to-heart connection with our Mother/Father God, and you are able to draw fully on the Adamantine Particles of Love/Light, your yearning for love is gradually fulfilled. Your hunger for sustenance will also be satisfied, and you will be given the strength, will and determination you require to joyfully complete your earthly mission. Energy is generated via the frequency patterns of attraction, rather than patterns of resistance or friction. Thoughts, words and emotions have either a helpful, or a detrimental effect on the physical vessel, and they also create a certain band of frequencies within your auric field and beyond. Thereby, your reality on the physical plane is created. The laws of the Universe state that “you must always experience that which you create.” REMEMBER: THE SPOKEN WORD IS THE LANGUAGE OF THE PHYSICAL WORLD. THE LANGUAGE OF SPIRIT IS COMPOSED OF LIGHT, SACRED GEOMETRY, IMAGERY, SOUND AND COLOR. WHEN YOU ARE RADIATING THE REFINED FREQUENCIES OF LOVE ALL AROUND YOU, THE NEGATIVE FORCES WILL NOT AFFECT YOU. My brave Ones, you must become a tributary of the River of Life, a channel for the Divine force of Creation. Stagnation begins immediately when you stop the flow of Adamantine Particles into and through your Sacred Heart. As you become a Sentinel of Light, your aura will grow and glow as you become illumined by the radiance of Spirit. You, your home, your neighborhood, city, state, province and country all have an auric field, whether it is bright or dim. The heart and Soul of each country must be revived. When unity consciousness is lost, the Spiritual life force of a country begins to wane. Remember, everything that exists has an aura. The divinity and awesome power of the Creator is in everything! Many Souls are what could be termed spiritually bankrupt, for they have either used up their allotment of Adamantine Particles of Life / Light and are now so steeped in the lower frequencies of the Third and Fourth-Dimensional world that they can no longer tap into the cosmic river of Life and draw forth the full-spectrum Light of the Creator. Or since early childhood, they have not been able to attain the required level of harmonious frequency patterns to ignite their allotment of Adamantine Particles stored within their Sacred Heart. Unfortunately, many dear Souls take with them into death the greater portion of their allotment of Creator Light. These are the tormented Souls who feel unloved and have led a life of suffering and often isolation or violence, which was created by a sense of hopelessness, feelings of self-hatred and inferiority. They often focus their hatred and frustration outwardly, blaming others and fate for their failures, while all the time being unaware that they are the source of their own pain and suffering. Many of these precious ones choose to come forth on what could be called the lower spectrum of Shadow and Light. At a Soul level, they chose the overlay for the life’s drama they would experience because they wished to overcome certain imbalanced frequency patterns from the past. However, many times the path they chose is too much of a challenge and they fall back into the negative patterns of many fruitless lifetimes. Those who have the least freedom of choice are driven by obsession, addictions and unconscious impulses. They are controlled by past negative influences that are very difficult to correct. Remember, dear hearts, you are not judged by anyone but yourself, and you will always be given an opportunity to overcome past transgressions. Self-forgiveness is the first step in healing the past and reconnecting to the power within. It may seem heartless and uncaring; however, a Self-master will gradually end relationships with people they are no longer in harmony with. There should be no judgment, just a gradual letting go and a withdrawal or severance of any energy cords of attachment. It is usually the other person who ends the relationship, for they can no longer receive the “emotional energy’” they require from the enlightened person. So many lonely Souls are seeking their Soul mates, and this is taking place around the world as more and more Souls reach a certain level of harmony within. For millions of you, this is the time when your Soul has reached the furthermost point of Its journey of separation, and you are now in the midst of the journey of “reunion and integration”. Your Soul has gradually been infused with a Divine discontent which is slowly filtering into your consciousness, and you have turned inward in order to tame the ego and reconnect with the Soul, the OverSoul, and the multiple facets of your greater Self. You now have the potential to connect with the many Facets of your Soul family, your Higher Self, your many OverSouls and your God Ray (I AM Presence). On the other hand, many Soulmates have similar Soul vibrational patterns but do not necessarily have similar physical auric patterns. Soul frequencies are stronger than physical frequency patterns, and they are stronger when you are in an emotional, heart-felt state. If the radiance is strong enough, the beauty of Soul shines through; however, it may not be strong enough to overcome the physical, emotional and mental traits that are not in harmony, one with another, in order to create a lasting, satisfying relationship. Physical relationships are difficult at best on the earthly plane, and especially when you are striving for Self-mastery, and you are in the process of “knowing thyself,” which leads to constant, transformational changes within and without. My brave ones, never forget, you are eternal and immortal. Your physical body is a temporary temple in which God dwells. The Sacred Heart is the temple of the Soul; therein is the Essence of life where true love resides, and where your awareness of Infinity begins. The Diamond Core God Cell within the Sacred Heart contains the Twelve Rays of God Consciousness which are etheric crystal prisms of refracted Light called Rays that beam forth the Essence of Creation. Death is a metamorphosis, a changing of the cloak of flesh for a cloak of Light. You have but one life and that is eternal. You have assumed many roles while on your journey throughout eternity; however, you are as you were in the beginning within your Sacred Heart: a Divine child of the Supreme Creator. To become “Christed” is to realize your Divinity within, and then following unerringly the guidance of your God Self. In the higher realms your vessel of Light is pure, perfect and indestructible. Envision a wholeness that has never been altered and has no imperfections. Staying centered within the Sacred Heart maintains your connection to the higher levels of God Consciousness, and assures a steady flow of Creator Light, Love, and Life. The Superconscious mind is a magnet for higher, godly truth. The desire body is a generating force within each person. You are dominated by either the ego desire body, which is controlled by the physical senses or the spiritual “righteous” desire body, which is controlled by the Higher Self. The subconscious, subjective mind is ruled by the conscious mind and past conditioning. It is programmed and reprogrammed through vibratory influences, whereby the lower, negative thought forms of the past have convinced you that you are sinful, weak, imperfect and inferior. Throughout your many past life experiences, you have created a powerful vortex of doubt, depression, fear, scarcity and debilitating disease, which leads to premature death. These harmful thought forms have been repeated over and over again until they are firmly entrenched within each individual’s subconscious mind, as well as within the collective conscious belief structure, until they become the accepted reality of the masses. Your Sacred Mind always knows the truth and it will eventually override the misconceptions of the conscious mind which can be reprogrammed as you strive to clear the subconscious mind of negative influences. Your Sacred Mind is the direct connection to the God Mind. Moderation in all things results in equilibrium, balance and a sense of well-being. Self-mastery leads to control of the physical emotions and the thought processes of the lower mind. A Self-master stands firmly centered within the Sacred Heart in the midst of chaos and change, holding fast to the wisdom of the Sacred Mind ─ as it gathers strength and guidance from our Father/Mother God ─ always an observer of the process as all illusion slowly fades away. Ascension means attaining a clearer awareness of Self and accepting the fact that you are an extension of our Mother/Father God. As you delve deeper and deeper within Self, you come to realize your intimate connection with the Creator. Once you have felt the exquisite bliss of a heart-to-heart connection with our Mother/Father God, and you are able to draw fully on the Adamantine Particles of Love/Light, your yearning for love is gradually fulfilled. Your hunger for sustenance will also be satisfied and you will be given the strength, will and determination you require to joyfully complete your earthly mission. Energy is generated through frequency patterns of attraction, rather than patterns of resistance or friction. Thoughts, words and emotions have a helpful or detrimental effect on the physical vessel, and they also create a certain band of frequencies within your auric field and beyond. Thereby, your reality on the physical plane is created. The laws of the Universe state that you must always experience that which you create. As you begin the process of integrating the many Facets of your Higher Self, you will also tap into your higher creative abilities. You must learn to perfect a state of alert relaxation, whereby you are the cocreator as well as an observer of the process. You must be patient, for there is a preparatory stage that must be followed in the process of activating your higher consciousness powers and attributes. The language of the unconscious and subconscious minds is primarily imagery. The activation and integration process of the subconscious, conscious and Superconscious minds is greatly accelerated by the deliberate practice of perfecting your imagery and visualization skills. Perfecting your Tele-thought skills requires an intense will to succeed, along with determination and concentration. Your progression into the higher realms of consciousness is a gradual awakening process, whereby you awaken to the nudgings and wisdom of your Soul Self, and your Higher Self-OverSoul. As you step onto the Path of en-Lighten-ment, you initiate the process of developing a conscious, mindful awareness. You must first focus on the physical aspects of your Being: your physical vessel, the chakra system, your emotional nature and your mental capabilities. Gradually, over time, as you balance, harmonize, and integrate a certain degree of unity consciousness within your physical State of Being, you are ready to access the vibrational patterns, wisdom, attributes, and abilities of the higher Fourth- and lower Fifth-Dimensional realities. This is the basic transformational process called Ascension in Consciousness. This procedure includes joining, balancing and integrating the right and left hemispheres of the brain, gaining and access to your Sacred Mind, as well as balancing and harmonizing the seven etheric mind centers within the physical body called the Chakra system. As you ignite the Kundalini Fire that is stored within the Root Chakra and your reserve of Adamantine Particles of Light (which were stored there at birth for future use), you begin the process of opening and activating the Seven Seals of higher consciousness. You will gradually gain access to you Sacred Heart center, and your Diamond Core God cell begins to blaze forth, thereby magnifying and radiating in greater force the dynamic Rays of God Consciousness. This is your own special formula, your Soul Song, which was encoded within your crystalline structure before your journey into physicality. Your task is to magnify, increase and add to this Soul Signature of Light as you move deeper and deeper into expanded God Consciousness. You must realize that you exist in a whirlwind of vibrational frequencies created through your own forceful thoughts, actions and intention. While existing in the lower frequency environment of a Third- and Fourth-Dimensional reality, you only have access to energy forces composed of Primal Life Force Substance, the half-spectrum Light of the inharmonious material planes of existence. These vibrational frequencies will respond to your thoughts and actions, whether positive or negative, eventually manifesting materially depending upon the force and repetition of your thoughts. Your mental state of mind determines the outcome of your creative endeavors. Universal Law assures that you will experience the resulting manifested expressions of your thoughts and actions, whether positive or negative. Are you willing to strive to maintain a balanced forceful nature so that the frequency patterns you radiate forth into the world are loving, kind and beneficial to all? If you are truly serious about developing your latent skills of telepathic communication, it is important that you devote some time each day to study and practice. Create a sacred space where you won’t be disturbed and ask your guides and teachers to join you there. As you gradually attune to the higher realms and clear the distortions of the past from your personal column of Light, which connects you with your I AM Presence (God Self) and our Father/Mother God, you will slowly develop your ability to maintain a constant Alpha State level. Thereafter, you will enjoy an ongoing relationship with your Higher Self/Selves, your guides, teachers, the Cosmic Council of Light and the angelic realm. That is your ultimate goal. My brave ones, we know there can be much pain, discomfort and fear as you move through these accelerated processes. Know that, together, we will overcome all adversity. Our mission is to open the way for any dear Soul who expresses a desire to return to harmony. When you doubt, need inspiration or strength, come into your Pyramid of Light and we will give you courage, lift you up and inspire you. When you feel lonely or unloved, move into your Sacred Heart center, and we will be waiting there to fill you with the radiant love of our Mother/Father God. I AM Archangel Michael. Transmitted through Ronna * Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included. Read Messages Online English: Japanese/日本語: Spanish/Español: Swedish/svenska: |
Michael’s Message |
WISDOM TEACHINGS FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL * SEPTEMBER 2021 RONNA VEZANE / SACRED SCRIBEYOUR SPARK OF DIVINITY IS IMMORTAL AND ETERNAL Beloved masters, never forget, your reason for Being is to become a conscious cocreator and that our Father/Mother God is the Life-Giving Force of your existence. You must let go of the straight line, linear time concept whereby your choices are limited and influenced by the past. A Self-master functions within the Law of the Circle, the concept of the Infinity Loop (a horizontal figure 8). The Infinity Loop that continually flows forth from you is filled with Divine potential; however, the Infinity Loops around you in your personal Creator Wheel must contain the thought forms of harmonious frequencies to support your vision. You are assured that your desires and visions will manifest in the perfect way and perfect time, if you stay centered in your Sacred Heart, and maintain clarity of thought and action. Remember, the human Spirit cannot be defeated, for it is composed of God-stuff and is therefore indestructible. The Spark of Divinity that has been allotted to each of you is immortal and eternal. The world you now live in is not a reflection of the world that was planned for you. Stored within your DNA are etheric time atoms which hold the memory Essence of all your past lives. You have separated and refracted yourself thousands of times; however, you have memory cells of your Divinity waiting to be accessed and incorporated into your Being. These memory cells are the building blocks of your Light Body. It is a time of attuning to the consciousness of your body elemental, and you must make time for introspection in order to develop spiritual sensitivity. You must make a habit of continually monitoring and controlling your STATE OF MIND as you move deeper and deeper into the process of ascension and the expansion of your conscious awareness. Gradually, a good portion of your memory of past events will begin to fade as you move out of the realm of the instinctual brain and conscious mind into the realm of the higher mind. Over time, humankind became sense-conscious instead of remaining God-conscious, thereby gradually losing the opportunity for Self-expression. The inspiration and guidance of the Higher Self and the Soul were gradually replaced by the nudgings of the ego desire body. Original thought became a thing of the past as humanity became stuck in the illusional, collective consciousness realm of thought. Your beliefs and concepts of truth became rigid, structured and often distorted. As you gradually lost the connection to your internal guidance, you began to focus on the outer world, and you became mostly a reactor rather than an initiator.Those who are functioning within the frequency environment of the discordant Third and Fourth Dimensions rely on their subconscious and conscious minds to store information and knowledge. Some are better at retaining and retrieving information than others; however, it is ineffectual or distorted in many instances. Remember, knowledge must be integrated and used in an appropriate, efficient way in order to be retained as wisdom. The chakras are subconscious mind centers. In the beginning, these centers worked in perfect harmony; however, gradually over time the spectrum of duality became stronger and more prevalent, and your vibrational patterns became more discordant. As the chakra system is balanced and harmonized, the power centers of the chakras begin to work in unison for the greatest good of the host instead of warring with each other for supremacy. When you exist in the first four inner-dimensional levels of the brain, you are in an Earth-bound state of consciousness. Your focus is on “self,” your personal interests and the bodily sensations of the five outer senses: sight, sound, smell, taste and feeling. This is the realm of the ego desire body and the personal self since the greater portion of your Soul Consciousnesshas withdrawn into your Soul Star within the Eighth Chakra, approximately six to ten inches above the crown of your head. There is a strong, narrow-minded focus on others and the world, with rigid, self-serving opinions. In order to effect change, you must consciously choose a positive alternative to negative, habitual responses. You must diligently strive to release and clear old, impacted thought forms that are keeping you stuck in limitation. Many of you have made great progress in the process of balancing or clearing the imperfections within your auric field. It is imperative that you clear the destructive or distorted thought patterns of the past so that you can create the new, empowering blueprint of the future. During your nightly review of your day, envision a positive alternative to negative situations in your life, and then focus on that vision unerringly. You must keep the channel of communication open between the Soul and the brain via the mind. This initiates the slow reactivation process of the Pineal Gland and the opening of the portal to the Sacred Mind, which is located at the back portion of the brain, close to the crown of the head. Gradually, as you progress into the higher, semi-balanced Third Dimension and lower, sub-levels of the Fourth Dimension, awareness begins to expand to include select others – those who fit into your accepted realm of thinking and being. Your acceptance and love for others have conditions, for your personal needs and desires are still foremost. However, your love and compassion quotient begins to expand to include those who fit comfortably into your picture of reality. You begin to listen to the small voice of your consciousness or your Soul Self; however, you do not always follow its guidance. Some of your deep-seated habits become burdens, and you begin the process of attempting to change or release them. Thus, the battle between the ego and the Higher Self begins. Gradually, the ego takes a secondary position as the servant of the Soul. Your personality slowly begins to change, for the ego no longer controls your emotions and your desire impulses. Your viewpoint of others gradually changes also, and you begin to see situations from a higher, broader point of view. Ascension is mind-expanding, a process of passing from one state of consciousness into another. Your awareness gradually expands to include all humanity, the Earth, the solar system and the higher universal laws. No longer is your focus on the little self. The ultimate goal is to become a Galactic Being and to eventually attain a Universal consciousness. When you attain and maintain some of the frequency patterns of the higher Fourth Dimension and the entry level vibrational patterns of the Fifth Dimension, a Soul merge download of the Facet of your Higher Self that resides within your Soul Star begins. The Higher Soul Self gradually sends down the Essence (Memory Seed Atoms) of your Higher Self into your Sacred Heart Center. In turn, this action will ignite more of the Three-Fold Flame (Divine Love, Divine Wisdom, Divine Will/Power) within your Solar Power Center, which encompasses the heart, thymus and throat area. When this process is completed, you will have integrated the attributes, qualities and virtues of that portion of your Soul Self. Thereafter, the next higher level of your etheric Higher Self will descend and take up residency with your Soul Star, awaiting ITS turn to merge with you. This process will repeat itself over and over again, as you merge with greater and greater Facets of your Divine Self. The earlier in life you begin to listen to the nudgings of your Soul and Higher Self, the easier it is to bring the ego andthe personality self under control. Your Soul-self, whichhasan inborn sense of right and wrong, will grow stronger and stronger if you take heed. Or it will gradually become silent if you do not. As the power of the Soul expands, sensitivity increases, and your thoughts, desires and actions become more refined and loving. The Light of the intellect and the Light of reason bring wisdom and understanding, for it supplies the mental nature with the fuel that enables you to comprehend and master the world of form. Be aware that forgiveness means to release or resolve imbalanced frequency patterns you have created between yourself and others as you strive to return to center. Forgiveness means freeing yourself from negative emotions so that you may continue to receive the Adamantine Particles of Divine Light. Remember, the pure Essence of the Creator that you draw forth into your Sacred Heart must be ignited and activated via the frequencies of unconditional love. The 2,000-year Piscean Age was ruled by the emotional nature and the Astral planes of the Fourth Dimension. The next 2,000 years, the Age of Aquarius, will now focus on the science of spirituality and the mental nature as humanity gradually moves into and becomes acclimated to the highest levels of the Fourth Dimension, and the lower entry level frequencies of the Fifth Dimension. With you, the Star Seed, leading the way, humanity will gradually adjust to a new, expanded Self-awareness, which will gradually become the accepted norm. An aspirant on the Path must traverse the sub-planes of the Astral Plane and gain control of the emotional / astral body – the lower nature – thereby balancing the three lower chakra centers and initiating the activation of the Sacred Fire of the Kundalini stored within the Root Chakra. In the future, it will also be normal to live within the aura of a Master, a distinguished Being of Light or, on rare occasions, an archangel. You, the aspirants on the Path, are building a bridge between the material world and the world of Spirit. You must be diligent in your search for the truth, and you must have an intense desire and willingness to serve if you are to join the ranks of the Masters. You are now in the process of adjusting to the higher frequencies of electromagnetic Light currents. The Soul Self encourages you to become consciously aware of the Universal Laws so that you may take full advantage of your God-given creative abilities. All Facets of manifestation begin internally, and ANY concept or abstract idea to be birthed must go through an incubation stage before it can become a reality in the world of form. You must reclaim the personal power you have given to others. Also, consciously releasing the energy everyone else has placed in your auric field or attached to your Solar Plexus is a primary phase of returning to balance and harmony within, which is required in order to once more become a master of Self. The path to higher consciousness will eventually result in directly experiencing your God Self / I AM Presence and the splendor and majesty of the Creator in some of ITS many forms. ALLOW US TO GIVE YOU A FEW MORE THOUGHTS TO CONTEMPLATE UNTIL WE COME TOGETHER AGAIN.THE LIGHT FREQUENCIES OF KNOWLEDGE BECOME THE LIGHT OF WISDOM: KNOWLEDGE = PERSONALITY LIGHT ** WISDOM = SOUL LIGHT ** INTUITION = HEART LIGHT You may deny the SOURCE of all but our Father/Mother God will never deny you.Remember, just because you believe something to be true does not make it so.Loneliness is an illusion. Turn inward and you will find the loving companionship you seek. It is vital that you remain in the protective custody of a golden-white sphere of God Light, where you are assured security, inspiration and guidance. You qualify your breath with the energy of your intentions. Your Sacred Breath and intentions add fuel to your visions. The human Spirit cannot be defeated, for it is composed of “God Light,” and, therefore, it is indestructible. You must build your own Light center in order to claim your Sun-Ship. <<THE TRIAD OF SUN-SHIP: THE BRILLIANCE OF YOUR DIAMOND CORE GOD CELL, PLUS THE LIGHT OF YOUR SOUL, AND THE GLOW OF YOUR SACRED HEARTCREATE THE RADIANCE OF YOUR AURIC FIELD OF LIGHT>> We emphasize again, there is an urgent need for trained, dedicated WORLD SERVERS. Initiation is now a group event – not simply an individual attainment. As you strive for Self-mastery, you must be willing to assist those on the Path behind you in some way so that as you are lifted up, so is all humanity. The Soul has a natural inclination toward group-consciousness. It is your Soul which is seeking reunification, not the personality. My brave ones, be very sure that your primary focus at your present stage of life is on that which you desire to experience in the future years of dramatic expansion of consciousness and the monumental world changes which are now in progress. Be mindful and aware of every moment so that your focus becomes one-pointed and clear, for you are creating your new world of tomorrow, one thought at a time. We are ever near to guide and direct you. You are loved most profoundly. I AM Archangel Michael. Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included. |
Beloved masters, let us pause for a moment before we begin our discourse. Close your eyes and allow the sense of time and space to fall away. Envision streams of Love/Light radiating from within the wellspring of your heart center, and then flowing out in concentric circles to encompass everyone and everything on Earth. Now see them continue upward and outward toward all the planets and star systems within your solar system. Via your inner vision, watch as billions of minuscule streams of Light radiate back to you from every sentient Being on Earth.
It is important that you set aside the hate, fear, judgment and your different beliefs so you may connect with the core Love Essence of your brothers and sisters around the world. You are unique and yet you are the same, for within every Soul there is a White Fire Memory Seed Atom of pure Divine Light. Allow yourself to be lifted to a rarified place where you are a soaring, radiant Being of Light connecting to every other Being of Light within this Sub-Universe.
There is no separation. There can be no separation, no matter how far you journey forth from the heart center of the Creator. It does not matter what assignment you have accepted down through the ages or the appearance of the cloaks of flesh you have assumed. It does not matter how many times you have divided your White Fire Seed Atom into smaller and smaller fragments; you have always been connected to the Supreme Creator, our Father/Mother God, and to one another as well. THE CONNECTION HAS NEVER BEEN BROKEN AND IT NEVER WILL BE!
Breathe deeply and slowly as you sense multicolored, luminescent, billowing waves of Light filled with the Love/Light and the virtues of our Father/Mother God surround you. Within these rarified waves of Light are all the energy and programmed Memory Seed Atoms you will ever need to build your field of dreams, to lay the foundation for the New Age, and to reclaim your masterhood.
Know that the barriers of the astral planes between us no longer exist. Even though we were never truly parted, know that we now have permission to strengthen our connection with you, moment by moment, day by day. No longer are you children stumbling through the dark on a path to nowhere. No longer will you feel as though you are pawns of fate. You are awakening and you are remembering that it has all been a grand experiment; however, the experiment is swiftly coming to a close
As you realize your God-given rights as a cocreator, no longer will you create that which brings pain and suffering. Why would you, when just as easily you can create joy, peace and abundance? All you have to do is to strive to stay heart-centered and Soul-focused. Will you give us permission to be an integral part of your life, and open your mind to the possibility that we are real? When you do so, you will move into the magic realm of harmlessness, whereby you no longer feed the negative energy mass consciousness force field of the astral planes. Instead, you will add your vibrant, loving energy to the etheric field of Love/Light that surrounds the Earth – the Golden Cosmic Grid of Illumination.
Can you not sense your old world and reality gradually slipping away? The negative thought forms of the mass consciousness belief structure that were captured in the lower astral (emotional) planes are being swiftly dissolved. The frequencies of extreme duality and polarity consciousness are gradually losing their hold on you. Multitudes of you are slowly returning to balance and harmony, thereby loosening the grip of your shadow-self as you project more and more Light into the darkness. The rules of the game are also changing as you move upward on the Path of en-LIGHTEN-ment. It is often called the narrow path, and this is true. Each of you is held accountable − not judged − according to your level of awareness. Your guardian angels and Higher Self are constantly presenting you with opportunities or challenges to assist you in your awakening process.
A great percent of the masses are still swayed by various primitive, religious, dogmatic teachings. It is most difficult to release and move beyond the established ideas and belief which most people have been subjected to from a very early age. Racial, cultural and religious beliefs create strong emotional boundaries. As you become an observer and begin to operate within the Universal Laws of Creation and the rules of cause and effect, you begin to see the wisdom and justice of all that occurs within your life. If you are to gain mastery of yourself and your world, you must begin to fine-tune your Spiritual awareness.
Remember, you must agree to and submit to a particular authority before it has any power over you. It is also important that you understand, whatever realm of consciousness you are currently attuned to and functioning within, whether dense or refined, that it is your reality for the present time. If you do not like what is happening in your personal world, change your beliefs and your actions, and your personal reality will quickly follow suit. Only the brave and courageous ones have the strength, will and determination to break the restrictive bonds of the lower dimensions, and to step forward to join the ranks of the seekers of wisdom. It is vitally important that you clear your mind of superstition and dogma and seek your own higher wisdom and truth.
Only when you attune to the realms of the highest Fourth and the entry levels of the Fifth Dimension will you attain a greater sense of “Self” so that you may begin to merge with greater and more expansive Facets of your Higher Self. You are in the process of developing your Sixth Sense – the intuitive mind, whereby you will have direct communication with your Soul Self and certain Facets of your OverSoul–Higher Self. It is the beginning phase of creating a direct line to the Cosmic storehouse of Divine Wisdom.
Through trial and error, you are learning to become proficient in the use of the Universal Laws of Manifestation. The results of your choices are quickly brought into your awareness so that you will know that the Laws of Cause and Effect are immutable and you really are the creator of your reality and the world around you. Greater awareness begets greater opportunities but also more responsibility. The spiral journey homeward can be a gradual climb or a swift one. However, it entails making the right choices within your level of en-LIGHTEN-ment, and also striving to use your abilities to their highest potential.
My brave ones, do not seek God in the heavens or some far away, unattainable place, for the Essence of the Creator, a Spark of Divinity, resides within your Sacred Heart. Many of you are becoming aware of your Divine origins; however, you have only a slight inkling of your vast potential as a bearer of Cosmic Love/Light. It is vitally important that you become attuned to the ever-increasing frequencies of the New Divine Blueprint for the Aquarian Age, for they will assist you in attaining the status of a Self-master, which is necessary if you wish to move forward gracefully on the Ascension Path into the radiant new world of the future.
Beloved ones, when you allow the shackles of time, space and the density of the lower dimensions to fall away, your visions will become sharp and clear. Your resolve will strengthen, and you will confidently move forward with ease and grace, for your constant mantra will be: “For the greatest and best good of all.” Remember, you should place no expectations or restrictions on how or when your visions will manifest.
As more and more of your cosmic origins become available, many of you have become uncomfortable and fearful when you read some of the stories of your ancient history and the messages which describe the great diversity of Creation. It is up to you to accept or discard what you will claim as your truth. We have told you that there is much truth woven within the myths and stories of your past – probably more than you would like to believe. Since the question has been asked of our messenger, allow us to give you an example. Down through the Ages, humans have always had a great fascination with dragons, both good and evil, and they are one of your most enduring myths.
Dragons are depicted as great Beings with wings and long sweeping tails, often with colored scales for skin, and always breathing fire from their mouths and nostrils. Some people have a great affinity for these creatures; however, mostly they are feared and depicted as dangerous or evil. Some years ago, when this question was posed to our messenger, we took her on an inner journey out into the galaxy so that she could experience the true origins of the “dragon myth.”
Many, many eons ago, as this Sub-Universe was being “Seeded” with its Divine Blueprint, envision yourselves as God-Conscious Beings of great radiance. You were magnificent, expansive and flowing Beings who contained within all of the Rays, colors, virtues and attributes of the Creator. Some of you chose to display the rippling, iridescent colors of what might appear to be scales, while others experimented with many other forms. As a cocreator SUN, you soared and experimented, leaving great trails of Light that could be described as wings and a sweeping tail. And as you used your powers of Creation, you breathed forth great beams of God’s First Ray of Divine Will and Power, or the Fire of Creation. Oh, what wondrous Beings you were, and what wondrous deeds you wrought as you soared throughout the great Void of this new, unmanifested Sub-Universe. All of this was in preparation for your eventual descent down through the multi-dimensions and into the physical worlds. However, many brave Souls agreed to remain in the Dragon Brigade in service under the Great Builders of Form and Archangels. The Dragon Brigade is active throughout this Sub-Universe at every level in which the programmed Divine Blueprint is to be made available for manifestation within the material realms of existence.
Only those of you who have been able to move out of the confines of your physical vessel and soar in Spirit to the higher realms have an inkling of what those wondrous realms are really like. We have told you that the visions and explanations we give you are of the most simplistic nature and are only a minuscule portion of how it truly is where we reside. So you see, in order to bring forth these wondrous visions of how it was in the beginning and the multitude of forms you have assumed, you have had to filter them through your physical mental faculties. The dragons and many of your monsters are only your version or vision of some of God’s greatest Creations, and your concepts could not be further from the truth.
Each and every one of you is responsible for the energy you draw forth from the cosmic bank of Primal Life Substance. How are you spending your spiritual inheritance? As we embark on this important phase of evolution together, please take time to define your commitment to yourselves and to your Universal spiritual family.
Know that we, the angelic forces, under the direction of our Father/Mother God stand steadfastly beside you. When you sense we are near, trust your feelings, for in truth we are beaming our Love/Light into your auric field. Listen to the whisperings of your Soul, for it will, unerringly, assist you in following the best course of action and help you to make the wisest choices. You are loved most profoundly. I AM Archangel Michael.
Transmitted through Ronna / Sacred Scribe ** STAR*QUEST **
Our Father God receives the White Fire Seed Atoms (Adamantine Particles of Creator Light) directly from the Supreme Creator. He then infuses the Particles of Divine Light with his Divine Blueprint Seed Atoms for a new Creation. This new Creation could be anything from a star system, a Sub-Universe, a galaxy, a solar system, a planet, or a new en-Souled Race of Human Beings. However, the particular new Blueprint we will focus on at this time has been created for our Earth, and the transition process that we are now experiencing: balancing and harmonizing the final sub-levels of our Fourth-Dimensional world and preparing for the entry level of our new Fifth-Dimensional environment. This process includes the integration of the Five Higher Rays of Galactic Consciousness.
After our Father God has completed Seeding the great White Fire Seed Atoms with a new Divine Plan for the Earth, they are then implanted within our Mother God’s cosmic womb. At which time she activates the Seed Atoms of the new creation with her Holy Spirit frequencies of Life/Love/Wisdom. She then radiates them into another SUN of Light where the Paradise Suns (the individualized Paradise Creator Son and Daughter will reside). They will become the bearers of the primary duality/polarity Divine Blueprint for our Sub-Universe. The Paradise Suns are already encoded with the Divine Blueprint for the entire cycle of humanity’s sojourn on planet Earth. However, the new components for the first phase of the Aquarian Age, the upgraded Divine Blueprint, must be modified and activated before they are sent forth to the Archangelic Kingdom for further distribution.
The enhanced Divine Blueprint is then radiated forth into the twelve Great Rays embodied by the twelve Archangels of our Sub-Universe. These wondrous Beings integrate and expand to accommodate the new frequencies of Creator Light. This Divine Blueprint is a specific one for our Earth, humanity and the Devic and Elemental kingdoms. The Archangels radiate all of the attributes, qualities and virtues of the twelve Rays, within the Divine Schematic, into three great Pyramids of Lights. The one on the left contains the new mandate for humanity’s final passage through the seven sub-levels of the Fourth Dimension. The center Pyramid is the largest and contains the data for the transition of Gaia/planet Earth into a higher Fourth and lower Fifth-Dimensional environment. The Pyramid on the right contains the higher vibrational frequencies of Light that the Devic / Elemental Kingdom will now radiate forth to the Elements and to all of “non-enSouled” Creation on the Earth Plane.
At this stage, the great Lords of Light / the Elohim / the Builders of Form take over the process. Within those three Pyramids of Light, the new activated Blueprint is encoded, along with the great White Fire Memory Seed Atoms containing the Frequency Patterns for each of the expanded twelve Ray attributes, qualities and virtues for the Aquarian Age. The Elohim then refine, step-down, and add all the details to the Blueprint for the new creative project. The Lords of Light, within each Light Pyramid, then call forth the great Dragon Brigade. (Archangel Michael is the Commander-in-Chief of the Dragon Brigade.)
The Dragon Kingdom come in multiple sizes, colors and configurations, depending on which Sub-Dimension they serve: the lower the electromagnetic energy patterns of the Dimensional environment, the smaller the dragons. Also, their size depends on what is their particular creative specialty (of which there is an endless variety.)
Each dragon has been assigned to a particular Archangel, and embodies the attributes, qualities and virtues of the Ray which each Archangel “Ray-diates”. The colors of the Rays change periodically, depending on many things (which we will not address at this time). Suffice it to say, a Dragon will assume the Ray colors of his “Guiding Archangel,” which applies to the particular Dimensional-frequency levels, and the time frame within which they are performing their duty. (In the higher dimensions there are many more than twelve Archangels who perform their Lords of Light directed duties.)
Members of the Dragon Brigade then goes forth to the level in which the programmed Divine Blueprint is to be made available for manifestation, within the material realms of existence. In this case, within the Fifth Dimension, for access by the StarSeed Souls on Earth within the higher Fourth-Dimensional planes. The number of Dragons required depends on the size and scope of the project to be Seeded or how many megawatts of God Seed Atom Light Power are needed.
Another duty the Dragon Brigade performs is to supply the Love/Life energy from our Father/Mother God to the great Devic and Elemental Kingdom and all of Creation that is not enSouled with an I AM consciousness. Their Life/Line to the God Source is supplied by the great Dragon Brigade. The Dragon Brigade, for each Sub-Dimension, radiates forth the vibrational patterns for that level. The Seed Atoms are then gathered into Pyramids of Light, which have been placed all around the world, where the Devic Angels go to replenish their supply of God Light. They then radiate the Seed Atoms into innumerable formulas, which are sent forth to the vast Elemental Kingdom. Those faithful servants of our Father/Mother God then supply the Life Force energy for all godly creations which are not enSouled.
Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included.
Make no mistake, you ARE playing an important role in attaining a peaceful solution to a very unsettling world situation.
Michael’s Message |
WISDOM TEACHINGS FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL ** JULY 2021 RONNA VEZANE / SACRED SCRIBE SEEKING PEACE AND SERENITY FROM WITHIN Beloved masters, it is time to take an inventory of what you are habitually thinking and the emotional energy you are projecting during these critical days of conflict, turmoil, and stress on your planet. Are you diluting or distorting the aura of harmony you have created around you by allowing yourself to be caught up in the chaos of miscreation and destruction that is taking place on Earth at this time? Are you engrossed in the scenarios that are being presented over and over again via the television, radio and newspaper media? Have you once more allowed yourself to be drawn back into the density of the negative environment of misinformation and illusion? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, you are adding fuel to the chaotic vibrations of the negative mass consciousness belief system with your energy instead of adding your Love, Light, and Power to that of other emissaries of harmony and serenity throughout the world. Will you stand on the side of those whose greatest desire is to bring about a peaceful solution for the greatest benefit of all ─ or are you unintentionally aligning with those who wish to perpetuate separation, suffering and domination? We do not mean that you should not stay informed as to what is taking place around the world; however, we are saying that now, as never before, you must rise above what is occurring and join us as observers from a higher vantage point: a vantage point where there is no right or wrong way, only different shades of truth and different motives; a vantage point where no race, country or religion is totally righteous or blameless, nor totally in the wrong. Remember, each and every Soul on Earth carries a Spark of the Divine within. You must stay heart-centered and Soul-focused as you attune to your Higher Self with a Spirit-inspired consciousness so that your actions and decisions are always in alignment with the Divine Plan. Then, beloveds, you will stand among the ranks of the righteous ones whose greatest desire is to return the Earth and humanity to a true state of peaceful co-existence in an environment where our Father/Mother God reign supreme. Granted, there are those who have agreed to play the devil’s advocate, those who are presenting your shadow-side to you in its most destructive way. There are others who self-righteously claim to have only the highest, most altruistic motives; however, we see and know the ulterior motives behind the decisions that are being made, as well as the actions that are being initiated in the name of peace and justice. The game of duality is being played out on Earth in its most dramatic form right at this moment, and it is up to you whether or not you will be drawn into the swirling, downward spiral of mass karmic action that is currently taking place. We have spoken many times before about the laws of cause and effect or “for every action there is a reaction,” which results in what is known as negative or positive karma. For many Ages, you, as the en-Light-ened ones, have been working diligently to bring into balance your personal karma, ancestral karma and race karmic influences. That was a major part of the game of duality and polarity – returning to balance and harmony in all Facets of your Beingness. There is much conjecture about what will happen now as the winds of war, conflict and destruction swirl like a dark and heavy cloud around the Earth, touching and affecting everything and “everyone.” Dear ones, it depends on what you are feeling and thinking. What is on your mind and in your heart? Are you standing firmly in the Light or are you adding to the negative karmic thought forms that are being created each and every moment? Many of you have succeeded admirably in balancing your karmic ledger of life. Symbolically, imagine that you have a plus and a minus column, and your goal is to turn the minuses into pluses or positive energy patterns. We are not asking you to passively sit by the wayside and do nothing. You are being asked to stand up and be counted, for your dynamic Life Force energy is needed now as never before. You are much more powerful than you can imagine, my brave friends. Make no mistake, you ARE playing an important role in attaining a peaceful solution to a very unsettling world situation. The collective energy you and other Light Workers are radiating forth from your heart centers has just as much an influence on the outcome of this great conflict as those who are on the “front lines.” You, too, are on the front lines, so to speak, for you have the ability to tap into the pure, unmanifested Adamantine Particles of Creator Light, so that you may mold them into powerful positive thought forms and actions that can overcome any adversity. It has disturbed many of you that we use the terms “Warriors of Peace” and “Warriors of Light” or what might be construed as militant terminology. Here again, there are many different interpretations and different Facets of truth. Ever since the Earth’s and humanity’s fall into the density of separation and pain, we have fought diligently for you and with you. We have fought the shadows of illusion and the negativity, which were created by your collective consciousness beliefs of fear, guilt and unworthiness. We have endeavored to assist you to reconnect with your Divinity and to help you remember how magnificent you truly are. We have also diligently carried out the orders and directives handed down from our Father/Mother God and the Creator, “Assist our children to return to the Light and to reclaim their Divine Heritage.” Yes, we have been involved for eons of time in a war between the Light of the Creator and the shadows of humanity; however, our weapons have been love, compassion, understanding and support as you traverse the valleys of despair and seek to soar to the mountain tops of hope and illumination. If you will join us in our efforts to bring Light unto the shadow world and hearts of humanity; if you will stand firmly in your convictions that ultimately right will prevail (knowing that only our Father/Mother God are aware of the total picture and what is truly the best outcome); if you can maintain a sense of peace and joy within and radiate the expansive love of the Creator to ALL humanity, then you are truly a warrior in our Legions of Light. Those who protest, shout and march for peace are adding their energy to the melting pot of chaos. They are not offering solutions or taking positive action, but laying blame and protesting the actions of others, declaring that non-action is the only way to achieve peace and harmony. It is another form of fence-sitting or not taking a stand. We have told you many times before, it is time to get off the fence of inertia and indecision, it is time to declare which side you will serve ─ the Light or the shadow side. It is time to declare that you are an Emissary of the Light, a blazing Spark of the Divine, and a cocreator of love, joy, abundance and harmony. Or a human being who is willing to take the easy way by following the dictates of others, thereby, for the time being, putting aside your Divine Birthright. Peace and serenity are not the same. Peace refers to the Third- and lower Fourth-Dimensional fields of consciousness, which are primarily dominated by the emotional nature of humanity. Every step forward on the Path of Light is marked by conditions or challenge and chaos, interspersed with periods of integration and a sense of peace. Serenity of mind and emotions creates a deep calmness within, which is free of any emotional disturbance, and therefore, the emotional nature is focused within a very slim spectrum of duality. The highest choices are the rule, and a detached view of all circumstances is maintained. Peace is a lower density state of consciousness, whereas serenity is a Fifth-Dimensional, emotional quality. Peace” is an often-used word in these unsettling times and can be interpreted in a multitude of ways. You use the term “peace of mind,” which means having a calm, tranquil state of mind, which is free of discord, inharmonious thoughts, or mental conflict. Peace can mean a mutual agreement between two people, a family, a group, neighborhood, city or nation which benefits all who are involved, and brings about a calm, serene and secure atmosphere, as well as lawful order. It can also mean a treaty or agreement to prevent or stop a conflict between two dissenting factions. You may be called a peaceable person or a pacifist because you are inclined toward or you seek to promote a peaceful environment. You may “seek peace” or endeavor to “keep the peace” through conciliatory actions or by settling disagreements through compromise. Peace is the end result of achieving harmony and balance in any situation. Peace is never attained via the emotional nature or mind of the ego, but through the higher vibrational energies of Spirit, which always seeks the greatest and best outcome for ALL concerned. In your world of duality and polarity, the optimum goal is to seek harmony and balance in all things; however, this harmony must begin from within. It must blossom within the heart as you allow Spirit to descend and once more take dominion within your physical vessel. Then you will begin to see through eyes filtered with love, and you will listen with ears tempered by compassion. You will know that all you ever require is yours for the asking, and you no longer seek to take that which belongs to another. You will always strive for a win/win solution, and you know that when one loses, everyone loses as well. You become champions of Light, and you walk softly but courageously as you carry the blazing etheric sword of Divine will, honor, truth and justice. You affirm what is your truth, and you live your truth steadfastly with integrity and humility, teaching by example, and allowing all others the same right. You must first seek peace from within, beloveds, and when you find what you are seeking, you will radiate an aura of serenity out into the world where it will be joined and magnified by that of others with a peaceful and harmonious nature. Together and in force, you can overcome any adversity, and you can create and enhance the cells or areas of Light that you are building on Earth, as well as within your new Fifth-Dimensional environment. And when those thought forms of Light reach a certain level of magnification, they will miraculously begin to manifest on the earthly plane. Many of your visions are nearing that point, and they will manifest seemingly without effort. The final touches are being made, and the preparations are almost complete, beloveds. Now watch for the wondrous results of all your steadfast efforts. Humankind’s inhumanity toward one another has been an ongoing, never-ceasing process since the fall into density. Peaceful co-existence has hardly ever been the ultimate outcome of a conflict. The underlying intent has most often been to conquer, seize, and force others into submission, without any consideration for the welfare of those caught in the middle or forced to fight. We explained some time ago how the chasm between the Light and the shadows has been increasing for some time. However, gradually, the vibrational patterns of Light are being superimposed over the Third- / lower Fourth-Dimensional world of illusion and shadows. This condition is becoming more dramatically defined every day. It is imperative that you stay vigilant, heart-centered and Spirit-inspired each and every moment. You must learn to set assertive boundaries, and constantly reinforce your shield or column of protective Creator Light. You must listen to the whisperings of your heart, for that is where that your angelic guides and teachers will leave gems of wisdom for you to access and use. Go within, my faithful companions, and remember how, so many eons ago, we soared the Universe together as we created new galaxies, worlds and civilizations beyond your wildest dreams. Remember how you had available to you all the Divine substance of Creation, and all you had to do was envision something and it miraculously appeared before you. Try to recall the many forms you have taken – some human – however, also many different forms in a variety of compositions, textures and features, but all beautiful and perfect in the eyes of our Father/Mother God. It is important that you remember that you have experienced every Root Race that has ever populated the Earth, meaning that you have been every color, and you have borne the characteristics of every Race now embodied on the Earth Plane. We are telling you that you, the StarSeed Souls, are multi-faceted Beings who have experienced all the richness and diversity that this Earth, this solar system, galaxy and Universe have to offer. And so how can you judge your brothers and sisters who are following on the Path behind you, because in this lifetime they have different colored skin than you, and they have different customs, beliefs and worship differently or call their God by a different name? It has been said, but it bears saying over and over again, “YOU ARE ONLY JUDGING YOURSELVES!” Remember, brave hearts, during these times of great change, you can make a difference. Shine your Love/Light for all to see. Allow us to assist you to fulfill your earthly mission and nurture you with our love. Together, we shall prevail. I AM Archangel Michael. Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included. |
Michael’s Message |
WISDOM TEACHINGS FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL * JUNE 2021TRANSMITTED THROUGH RONNA / SACRED SCRIBE AN OVERVIEW OF THE “STATE OF THE EARTH AND HUMANITY” Beloved masters, allow us to give you a brief overview as to the “current state of humanity and the Earth” from our perspective. Imagine that you are viewing your planet with our visual capabilities from one of the great Light Cities high above the Earth. We see the greatest and the most minuscule solid forms and structures, but we also see and sense the vibrational patterns and colors radiated forth from every animate and inanimate object on Earth. We constantly observe and monitor the changing patterns within the Earth, the oceans, the atmosphere and Auric Field of the Earth, as well as the activities of your sun and the Elements of nature. We see the areas, both large and small, that are beginning to radiate the brighter, harmonious colors and vibrations of the Archetypal Planes of Consciousness of the Fifth Dimension and the new Divine Blueprint for the Age of Aquarius. These are the places which are beginning to firmly anchor the radiant gifts of Love/Light from the Celestial Cities of Light and will eventually be the Sacred Sites of the future. When you come together in common purpose with your Soul families to reaffirm your commitment to fulfill your Divine Mission, we watch as a beautiful column of Light pours forth and fills your group Pyramid of Light, as well as your personal pyramids, and then connects with the City of Light nearest you. If you could only see the magnificent geometric patterns of Light that begin to flow forth into your personal pyramids of Light, as you activate the trickle-down process of anchoring this magnificent gift within yourself, with the remainder flowing down into the core of the Earth, and then out your Solar Power Center (both front and back). This rarified energy infusion creates a sacred space around you, and it gradually radiates forth in greater and greater concentric circles, connecting eventually with the compatible energy of other Light Bearers. The darkness and the shadowlands are becoming more pronounced and apparent as the Lightness of Spirit begins to create greater and greater pockets of contrasting vibrational patterns. We see the maelstrom of chaotic, hate-filled energy as it creates vortices of death and destruction. Just as the Adamantine Particles of Light, activated by your loving intention, send forth vibrational patterns of joy, peace, abundance and harmonious interactions – the darkness, devoid of the major portion of Spirit’s Light, creates and radiates forth pain, suffering, fear and devastation. There is a great drama being played out on Earth during this epical time of change, and you must remember, both the innocent and the not-so-innocent made an agreement at a higher level of awareness to be participants in the chaotic battle of evolution and transformation. It is part of your basic human nature to resist change and to fear the unknown, until you are well on your way to becoming en-Lighten-ed Spiritual/human Beings who view events from a higher vantage and a non-judgmental point of view. To help ease your suffering and sorrow at the loss of your beloved ones, please know that they are in vibrant good health and more alive than ever. They are basking in the limelight of love and devotion of their Soul families and many wondrous angels and Beings of Light in the higher realms. Their deaths are not in vain. They will return, if they so desire, fully empowered to help create and enjoy the new peace, prosperity and unity consciousness of the future. Through the heightened abilities of your mind and heart, remember them and send them love, and then sit quietly as they radiate love and joy back to you. You may not be able to see them but they are not lost to you. The best and the worst of each and every country are being brought into the limelight so that all citizens of the world can see the fallacies, short-sightedness and deception – or the wisdom, truth and integrity of their leaders. When you, the Light Bearers, become focused, pro-active and wise enough, you will demand and insist on leaders who serve the highest and best interests of all the people. You will empower leaders who are not afraid to go against popular opinion in order to make drastic, fair and much-needed changes, leaders who will be Spirit-inspired and dedicated to equality, peace and prosperity for all people and not just the select few. Remember, when you are infused with the Light of Spirit, it affects everything and everyone around you. As your radiance grows and expands, you will draw more and more like-minded people into your sphere of awareness. The spiritual trumpet to awaken is growing louder, and it is reverberating throughout the land into the most sparsely populated places of the Earth, as well as the most densely populated areas. The Light has no favorites; it will infuse and bless anyone or anything that is receptive to and in harmony with its transforming, invigorating energies. You must also be aware that some dear Souls will not be able to stand in the aura of your Lightness, for it will be too uncomfortable. Whether intentional or not, they will try to throw you off Center and re-establish the status quo – or keep things as they were in the past – no matter how chaotic or unsatisfying. It is more important than ever that you, as the transducers and transformers of the refined Creator Light, stay focused and steadfast as you strive to incorporate and radiate more and more of the refined Light of Creation out into the world. Many around you will wonder and ask why you have changed so much, and why you are no longer willing to participate in the old games of drama and lower-frequency entertainment. As you move further up the path toward Self-mastery, the energies and actions of others will affect you less and less. As we have often told you, first you must teach by example, via your intentions and actions, and finally through words of wisdom offered at the appropriate time. However, if those around you are not willing to learn to act and react in a more positive, harmonious way through observation or to listen when you offer loving suggestions and moral support, it is important that you withdraw from the drama they are creating and assume the stance of an impartial observer. Seekers of wisdom and Self-transformation learn from their own actions and reactions, whether positive or negative. From a Spiritual point of view, negative events offer an opportunity to learn which course of action brings forth the most positive results. Your Higher Self always tests you, over and over again, until you reject those things that are not in your best interest and authenticate that which is your truth. As you move forward on the path of evolution, you will transcend the astrological influences that you brought forth to experience in this lifetime. You are also being offered a golden opportunity to activate, incorporate and use a full measure of the qualities, attributes, virtues and aspects of all three God Rays, as well as the wondrous qualities of all the five higher Galactic Rays for a total of twelve Rays of God Consciousness for this Sub-Universe. Heretofore, humanity has been limited to the Seven Rays of Solar Consciousness. You may call upon any Avatar, ascended master, archangel or Celestial Being to OverLight you and assist you to attain your highest potential. As you balance and harmonize your entire chakra system, you will have more vitality, and you will radiate more of the life-giving elixir of life down into the Earth and to humanity. You will become a microcosm of Light within the Cities of Light that you are endeavoring to create on Earth. We must also inform you that along with these wondrous gifts comes a great responsibility: YOU MUST WALK YOUR TALK AND FLY YOUR VISION FOR ALL TO SEE,AND YOU MUST ALWAYS SHARE YOUR LOVE/LIGHT.Allow us to give you some further guidelines of how to live each day as a Self-master: >> Always align with your highest truth. Trust your Higher Self’s inspirational nudgings, which are usually the first impulses or answers you receive to a question or situation. >> Your response to any situation, whether positive or negative, should always be projected enfolded in loving energy. >> Unhappiness and discontentment always come from not living your truth at whatever level of awareness you are currently functioning within. Your lessons of life are always presented to you at your present level of understanding. >> As you evolve toward mastery of Self, your lessons and challenges become more subtle and are usually not as dramatic or as far off “Center.” >> Do not always express or project your emotions toward others. Allow yourself to feel and express whatever emotions you are experiencing but analyze and resolve them within your own sacred space. Speak and share only to clarify or clear up a misunderstanding, and always share your thoughts through a filter of love and compassion. That is the way of a master. >> You must learn to receive with as much love and enthusiasm as when you give to others. >> The more love and respect you feel for yourself, the more you will radiate love and respect to others. See love radiating forth from your Solar Power Center in an infinity sign, and feel it magnetize loving energy back to you in many wondrous ways. >> You must learn to identify the source and deal with your own negative thought forms. Often your negative feelings are picked up from those around you, especially if you are a very empathetic person. Learn to surround yourself in a sphere of Golden/White Light in which nothing of a lesser vibration can enter and disturb your tranquility. >> Everyone on Earth is in the process of clearing ancient memories and thought forms of the past. Be a passive observer when these feelings roil up within. Do not claim them; just observe and state to yourself, “This is anger I am experiencing,” or fear, depression, guilt, or any other dis-empowering emotion. Envision a blazing ball of Light descending from your Higher Self and bursting into a million tiny crystalline diamonds and rippling throughout your body, transforming and balancing all discordant energies within. Do this as often as necessary.>> Be an observer of the process, so that you are not sending forth any negative vibrational patterns into your auric field, as you learn to constantly stay within your “Center of Love and Power.”>> Shut off your Mental Auto Pilot and become the director of your journey and your experiences. Tune into your own mental radio station, and seek thoughts, vibrational patterns and sounds that are uplifting and empowering. Negative, critical thinking is composed of lower, disruptive frequency patterns. If you don’t like what is happening in your world, lift your thoughts and change your mind so that you are projecting balanced, uplifting frequency patterns of thought and intentions.>> Learn to think with your whole brain, meaning use both your linear, analytical, outward- focused left brain along with your intuitive, creative, inward-focused right brain. Tap into your genius potential, or the Light Packets of wisdom stored within your brain in membranes of Light, which are attuned to higher dimensional intelligence or the “cosmic storehouse” of knowledge. Beloved Bearers of Light, as you integrate more of the plasma of renewal, and become harmonious purveyors of Light, we are now able to interact with you and work through you to create wondrous new things, and miracles beyond your greatest imagining will abound. We enfold you in the Light of Life from the heart core of our Father/Mother God and the Supreme Creator. I am ever near to guide and protect you. I AM Archangel Michael. Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included. |
The Incoming Souls Of The New Species
the never-ending cycle of Ascension in consciousness.-AA Michael via Ronna-
WISDOM TEACHINGS FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL * MAY 2021 TRANSMITTED THROUGH RONNA / SACRED SCRIBEBECOMING A SOUL-INFUSED PERSONALITY Beloved masters, your WHITE FIRE GOD-SEED ATOM / I AM Presence is your original Core Intelligence, your first individualized identity within a Universal or Sub-Universal experience. In this Sub-Universal experience, your first twelve God-Sparks / Soul Fragments contained all the virtues, aspects, talents and knowledge you would need to traverse the multiple levels (Dimensions) within this Sub-Universe. Since that time, your God-Seed Atom Essence has refracted and separated innumerable times. You are now in the process of reclaiming all the multiple Facets of your Soul Self within the Third and Fourth Dimensions so that you may move forward to a greater, more dynamic and expansive version of your Higher Self within a Fifth-Dimensional environment. To assist you in accomplishing this, your Diamond Core God Cell and your personal Flower of Life Creator Wheel contain a full measure of the Twelve Rays of God Consciousness for this Sub-Universal experience. They were designed so that when you were ready to begin the return journey into the higher levels of consciousness, you would have access to your own FULL SPECTRUM DIVINITY. Your task is to activate these Rays, to incorporate the God qualities and attributes they contain, and then to use these talents and attributes for the greatest good. There is still much confusion as to what the Soul is, how it functions, and where it resides. It is vital that you understand the intricate process of reconnecting with the many Facets of your Higher Self. It is also important that you gain clarity about the more in-depth teachings we have given you regarding the multiple Higher Self Fragments. You have many of these, not just one. Incorporating these multiple Facets of Self is a process which will take much time and contemplation. Therefore, we feel it is time for an advanced explanation of this most important process – the EVOLUTION OF THE SOUL. In order to evolve, you must expand your capacity for Love/Light so that it includes all Facets of Creation upon the Earth: love of nature, love of the animal kingdom, love for humanity, love for your perceived enemies, and most important, love of Self. For in essence, all of Creation is a part of you, and you are a precious White Fire Seed Atom of the Supreme Creator. The expansion of God Consciousness results in an expansion of your auric field – your Light Essence. Over time, more of you will develop a radiance so powerful and expansive that it will begin to have a positive effect on those around you, and eventually, on the Earth and all humanity. Quite a large number of the more advanced Souls have already gained that ability. However, you must remember, you cannot convey that which you have not claimed as your own. Also, remember this, an important part of your mission on Earth is to intensify the Light of the lower Dimensions. Expansion of Soul consciousness results in an expansion of the auric field, both in intensity and scope of influence. An aspirant on the Path must focus on both outer and inner world training. You must strive to become a conscious observer of what is taking place around you. Training yourself to become fully engaged with focused awareness of the physical events in everyday life is vitally important, as well as learning to process the harmonious and the discordant frequency patterns to which you are subjected. You must then take the appropriate action. Practicing emotional and mental discipline is also very important as you seek to become a master of Self. You must not turn your back on the world and life’s experiences but face them head-on. However, it is vital that you learn to view life from a higher vantage point. Endeavor to see the bigger picture and not get entangled in the small story dramas. Logic is a function of the physical mental body and your conscious mind. Remember, the knowledge or theories you accept as your own truth must be experienced in order to gain the wisdom from the disclosed information. Inspiration is supplied by the Higher Self and your Sacred Mind. You must learn to pay attention to the impulses of your Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart or to the input of the prevailing Facet of your Higher Self, for that is how you will gradually learn to communicate with the Beings of the higher realms and gain cosmic wisdom. In the beginning, there was communication with and amongst specialized, group spiritual guides and guardians; however, over time this gift or ability was lost. As humanity sank deeper into material world consciousness, they became submerged in the sensations of the five senses. Also, they gradually stopped turning inward for the sense of connection with the higher realms of consciousness. The lower Third and Fourth Dimensions are not bright and clear. There is a misty or foggy overlay. Those Souls existing in this environment do not realize this, for it is the state of awareness they are accustomed to. The reality of the lower Third/Fourth Dimensions could be likened to existing within a murky labyrinth where you are forever seeking the path that will lead you back into the pure Light of awareness. This fog gradually begins to dissipate as you move into the mid-sub-levels of the Fourth Dimension, and your world becomes Lighter and brighter as you traverse each higher sub-level. In order to receive the lessons of Light, you must lift your consciousness to attune to, at least, the Fifth sub-level of the Fourth Dimension. In this Sub-Universal experience, there are seven sub-levels to each Dimension, with the first sub-level being the lowest and densest, while the seventh sub-level is the highest and most refined. The masters and your guides are willing to meet you halfway; however, only on very rare occasions will they lower their frequencies into the density of extreme duality, for it is too uncomfortable for them. The ego is a Facet of the physical ego-personality self. It was designed to assist you in developing a sense of identity and individuality over time. An outward-focused mind is guided by the ego. The misdirected ego-self was instrumental in creating the illusional belief system of the material plane, a reality based on separation, fear, selfishness and scarcity. As you expand your mental horizons, you begin to break down the barriers of self-limiting perception. Mind expansion includes activating dormant cells of the upper Dimensional levels of the brain and tapping into the wisdom of your Sacred Mind. Blind obedience is not a requisite for en-Lighten-ment, for you are striving to become a master of Self and to live your personal truths as they have been revealed to you and validated by your heart monitor. Humanity is in the midst of a Soul and cellular awakening. As you move into the vibrational patterns of the higher Fourth and lower Fifth Dimensions, your cells, etheric body and auric field will begin an accelerated purification process. This process will facilitate and ultimately result in the downloading of the many Facets of your Higher Self, and also the gradual reclamation of your etheric Body of Light. Be mindful and aware every moment so that your focus becomes one-pointed and clear. You will gradually develop a sense of self-assurance and security, a knowing that all is well and that it will remain so. The Soul is a many-times refracted extension of your GOD-SEED ATOM / I AM Presence. The Soul uses the right brain consciousness of intuition, which is connected to the higher Sacred Mind and Spiritual Will. An inner-focused mind is guided by the Soul Self. Humanity is in the process of developing the subtle, refined senses which have become dulled from misuse. You must move past the basic, often distorted physical senses, while diligently endeavoring to develop the higher mental senses of intuition and Divine wisdom. It is of vital importance that you learn to control your emotional nature and to hold your thoughts steadily on the refined frequencies of Light. You carry within your Diamond Core God Cell a crystalline, Memory Seed Atom of full Self-realization from your point of origin. It contains a very brief overview of the highlights of every life you have ever lived ─ the major lessons you have learned, and the talents you have perfected as you journeyed throughout this Universe. The Soul is neither Spirit nor matter. It is a crystalline, SACRED FIRE, MEMORY SEED ATOM, aFragment of pure Light Essence that is programmed to record your journey throughout this Sub-Universal experience. It is the link between you and our Father/Mother God, and ultimately, to the Supreme Creator. Your personal Soul Self for this lifetime resides within your Sacred Heart as a Facet of your Diamond Core God Cell. Each higher-frequency Facet of your Soul has its own Memory Seed Atom. When a given Facet takes up residency within your Soul Star as your OverSoul/Higher Self, it will periodically relay its personal vibrational pattern memories to the Memory Seed Atom within your Diamond Core God Cell and also to yourembodied Soul Self. First, it will activate the appropriate Memory SeedCrystals within your Sacred Mind. If your frequencies and consciousness expand to accommodate them, the Memory Seed Crystals held in reserve within your Diamond Core God Cell will be activated. In this way, as youincorporate all of your Soul fragments, you will eventually gain the ability to access all of the wisdom, talents, positive memories and experiences of the next phase of evolution – the journey of the Soul Self through the multi-levels of the Fifth Dimension. This process repeats itself over and over again as you traverse the multi-Dimensional levels of God Consciousness and incorporate more and more Facets of your Divine Self. THIS IS A SIMPLIFIED EXPLANATION OF THE PROCESS OF ASCENSION.You were programmed to forever seek the Sacred Heart of your Essence, your Diamond Core God Cell, and your White Fire Seed Atom of Creator Essence. At specifically timed intervals, there have always been small groups of advanced, unique Beings who incarnated into the different races and sub-races, in order to bring forth fresh ideas and instill new qualities and attributes. These advanced Beings interjected their wisdom, higher consciousness, and special talents by example, and they also merged physically with select members of the human species in order to advance the DNA encodings of humanity. YOU ARE LIVING IN ONE OF THOSE SPECIAL TIMES.The Fourth Dimension could be called a “transitional reality,” for this is where you begin to let go of all the preconditioning of the past.The Fourth-Dimensional realm is more emotional in nature, and therefore, the heart and feeling nature are the major focus. The ancients called the Fourth Dimension the realm of Maya or illusion, or the astral planes of consciousness. The collective mass consciousness of humanity fills the lower three levels of the Fourth Dimension. This is where most of humanity exists mentally until they gradually begin to turn inward and listen to the nudging of their Soul Self. The personality/ego desire-body is the master manipulator of this realm, and it constantly urges you to seek more satisfaction and happiness via sensation and external means of gratification. You begin to tap into your inner power potential as you move into the higher sub-levels of the Fourth Dimension. Matter becomes more fluid, and therefore, it becomes easier to manifest what you desire. That is why you must learn to be decisive and to focus your thoughts with clear intention. A disciplined mind links the chains of thought together in proper order. It is vitally important for you to understand that scattered thoughts are detrimental to your progress. Living in the present moment – in the “Still-Point Power of the NOW moment” – is a critical component in attaining Self-mastery. Mental effort is required in order to successfully traverse the path of illumination. Gradually, a good portion of your memory of past events will begin to fade as you move out of the realm of the instinctual brain / mindinto the realm of the higher mind. Important traits of a Self-master are focused observational abilities and harmlessness in thought, word, and deed. As an aspirant on the Path, greater and greater cosmic truths will be revealed to you. However, you should be aware that the lesser principles of ageless wisdom will constantly be expanded to incorporate the unique rules, laws and truths of the next level of existence in the never-ending cycle of Ascension in consciousness. You must keep the channel of communication open between the Soul and the brain via the mind. This initiates the slow reactivation process of the Pineal Gland, and the opening of the portal to the Sacred Mind, which is located at the upper, back portion of the brain, close to the crown of the head. The Sacred Mind resonates to the highest Fourth-Dimensional sub-levels as well as all of the Fifth- and Sixth-Dimensional levels ─ with a small portion of Seventh-Dimensional frequencies and data, which is reserved for future use when you have gained the ability to traverse the highest levels possible for humanity in this Sub-Universal experience. However, you must gradually increase your own vibrational patterns in order to tap into this storehouse of cosmic wisdom. The Sacred Mind and the Sacred Heart are not made of material world matter; they consist of gossamer, ethereal Light substance that cannot be detected via scientific means. However, they are more real than any part of your physical body. For once you reestablish the connection between your Sacred Mind, your Sacred Heart, and your Diamond Core God Cell, there will be a constant flow of Adamantine Particles, as well as pertinent, advanced information coming from within your Memory Seed Atom and also from your OverSoul/Higher Self. That is why it is so critical that you reconnect the Spiritual Triad of God Consciousness: the Sacred Mind, the Sacred Heart, and the many Facets of your Diamond Core God Cell. As you move into the vibrational patterns of the Fifth Dimension, your cells, etheric body and auric field will begin an accelerated purification process. Tranquility begins in the lowest level of the Fifth Dimension and strengthens exponentially. Gaining godly power and wisdom requires that you move beyond themassive belief patterns of the collective consciousness of humanity into attunement with your cosmic consciousness via the many Facets of your Higher Self. Emotional stability and mental effort are required in order to successfully traverse the Path of illumination. There is a law of EQUILIBRIUM that applies to the Fifth Dimension and above.Briefly, the Sixth Dimension is the Dimension of immortality and a greatly expanded Soul consciousness as you reconnect with the highest levels of your Soul potential within this Sub-Universe. The Seventh Dimension is the final evolutionary boundary for humanity within this round of Sub-Universal experience. The first sub-level (the lowest in frequency) of the Eighth Dimension is the INFINITY GATEWAY, which you will be able to tap into as you gain the ability to integrate more and more of the higher frequencies of Divine Light. A trickle-down effect is initiated as you gain the ability to access each higher frequency level, whereby minuscule amounts of more refined God Light begin to flow into your personal column of Light, thus adding Light to your auric field and to the vibrancy of your Soul Song. REMEMBER, MY BRAVE ONES, YOU ARE LIVING IN THE MIDST OF ETERNITY. The wisdom messages we bring you are not to set more rules or create new dogma. Our intention is to set your hearts afire with love and to give you a glimpse of the glorious future before you. I will guide, direct, inspire and protect you, and I radiate the eternal love of our Father/Mother God to each of you. I AM Archangel Michael. Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included. |
Michael’s Message |
WISDOM TEACHINGS FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL * APRIL 2021TRANSMITTED THROUGH RONNA/SACRED SCRIBEYOU ARE A “WHITE FIRE SEED ATOM” OF ALL THAT IS Beloved masters, in the very beginning, each of you were one of the Holy Innocent Ones, a brilliant Spark of the Supreme Creator. When it came your turn to externalize and awaken, you suddenly were aware of your godliness as a White Fire Seed Atom of the ALL THAT IS.Then came a startling awareness of your own conscious “I AM Presence” as an individualized Facet of the Creator. This awakening of Souls has continued at every level, in every Dimension of Creation, throughout this Universe – it continues today as Great Beings of Light are brought forth to create new galaxies, solar systems, planets and worlds without end. In these extraordinary times, to one degree or another, there is a major internal, transformational process occurring within every Soul on Earth. Individually, you are experiencing a clearing and cleansing process, as well as modification and expansion in various areas of your physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies. Changes that are necessary if you are to hold up under and integrate the ever-increasing vibrational frequencies which are bombarding your Earth at this time. As an awakening StarSeed, there are an ever-increasing number of energy fields of consciousness available to you. Just as the Creator Light pours forth from the Cosmic Treasury of Light to be used by the Elohim and Builders of Form, this rarified Light is available to those of you who are now attuned to at least the higher Fourth- and lower Fifth-Dimensional frequency patterns. Each star in the galaxy is a node of vibrational energy frequencies. Each person functions as a living star capable of receiving and conveying harmonious frequency patterns according to his or her level of consciousness. These frequencies are called your Soul Song. The Universe is composed of one gigantic Celestial Soul Song. Your seven major chakra centers could be likened to seven electrical batteries or seven dynamic force centers within the physical vessel. You draw forth into these seven power centers the specific qualities, attributes and virtues of the seven Rays of God-consciousness via the RAY-diance of the Seven great archangels who OverLight humanity. The manner in which you qualify and use these energies determines your Energetic Signature and your Soul Song. Your supersensitive, awakened fellow human Beings feel your resonance and can discern whether it is benevolent or discordant. The Devic Kingdom Angels are bearers of Cosmic Sacred Fire and could be called Sacred Fire Beings. They function within the Etheric Planes of existence, and they, along with other great Fire Beings you have named “Dragons,” are the transmitters of the Metatronic Light Substance of this Universe. This rarified Life Essence is constantly radiated forth from the heart core of our Father / Mother God into great storage units – Pyramids of Light – which are strategically placed throughout the vast Dimensional and Sub-Dimensional realms of Creation. Under the direction of the Elohim, the great Devic Angelic Kingdom OverLight the mountains, oceans, great forests and lakes, to the tiniest Elementals, as they radiate Life-giving sustenance of God Essence to the waters, earth, trees, flowers and every blade of grass. These wondrous Beings also supply the cosmic streams of Life Force energy for every Facet of Creation that is not blessed with an individual God Seed Atom (a Soul) and the I AM consciousness of Being. A Spark of the Supreme Creator’s Essence is in All things, from the greatest to the smallest. Each and every one of you had to undergo what could be called an apprenticeship under those Master Builders so that you could become proficient at molding and creating a great variety of things of a corporeal nature. While in the higher levels of Universal Light, it seemed to be a fairly simple process to mold and create that which you wished to manifest. That was because you were functioning in the realm of pure thought where there were no distortions or negativity to contaminate the Seed Thoughts sent forth from within your Sacred Mind, and because you were drawing forth the maximum amount of Creator Light available to you at that time within this Universal experience. It becomes increasingly more difficult to hold the pure Seed Thoughts of manifestation in each stepped-down level or Dimension as you refract yourself into more and more Sparks or Fragments of God Consciousness. Therefore, is it any wonder that humanity has had to struggle for so long to manifest that which is needed and desired while existing in the restrictive, distorted Third- / Fourth-Dimensional world of reality? You must release old restrictive, out-moded, fear-based frequencies, and replace them with the appropriate level of God Consciousness and Universal Laws, which will assist you on your current path of illumination. It is a step-by-step process and it cannot be rushed. It is the ego that constantly desires more information, especially dramatic and sensational news or revelations, even though, most often, there is no desire to integrate or make use of the information. However, during these critical times of accelerated change and evolution, a Divine dispensation has been given to somewhat relax the requirements, and to speed up the process of divulging the more-advanced Universal Laws and Cosmic wisdom in order to assist humanity on the Path of Ascension. It has always been a slow process of learning the rules, guidelines and requirements for each step on the Path. Qualities, abilities and knowledge must be integrated and perfected so that the higher truths become a part of who you are. When you are living your new truths as a natural part of your Beingness, the wisdom garnered from the information is stored for future use within a Facet of your Higher Self that resides on the Causal Plane of existence. This wisdom becomes a permanent part of your I AM consciousness. You must understand that your I AM Presence is a vast source of Light and Creator Wisdom. However, you and the multiple Fragments of your Higher Self within this Universe contain all the wisdom and experience you have gathered during your many sojourns and vast experiences throughout time and space. All of the positive experiences, successes and wisdom gained during all your lifetimes within this Universal experience are stored in White Fire Memory Seed Atoms within your Sacred Mind. When your Energetic Signature reaches a certain frequency level, you automatically begin to tap into the gifts, information and wisdom that are stored within your Sacred Mind, and also within the mind of your Higher Self residing on the Mental-Causal Plane. Remember, it is vitally important that you filter all new information and knowledge through your own Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind centers before you accept it as your truth. It has taken many Ages for you to incorporate the distorted energy you now carry. However, this is a time of miracles, and there was another special, Divine dispensation given by our Father/ Mother God, whereby every effort you make to return to Self-mastery will be magnified and accelerated during these wondrous evolutionary times of Ascension. Self-mastery is always gained through the process of upgrading your consciousness and increasing your capacity to integrate and radiate more Divine Light substance. In the process, you will become a Pathfinder, a Wayshower and a World Server filled with goodwill for all Beings as you radiate unconditional Love/Light out into the world. Your awareness will gradually expand to include all humanity and the Earth, as well as the solar system, galaxy and Universe. No longer can your primary focus be on the little self alone. Your ultimate goal is to become a galactic citizen and eventually a Universal Being of Light. Expansion of consciousness results in the wherewithal to tap into higher, more complex information. This will result in the ability to integrate more and more of the virtues, qualities and talents of our Father / Mother God. In the Third- / Fourth-Dimensional environment, the human emotions rule.In the higher levels of the Fourth- and lower-levels of the Fifth Dimensions, the mental nature and more refined abilities are predominant because they are OverLighted by the purity and illumination of the Sacred Mind, Sacred Heart and Higher Self. Dear hearts, do not just read the profound statements we give you, such as the ones below. Rather, study them and commit them to memory, for within these words of wisdom are critical factors you will wish to draw upon when you are perfecting your mastery of Self, and also when you are called upon to share your hard-earned wisdom with others. ** A master seeks his or her highest truth and then live it to the best of his or her ability. You must allow all others the same right. ** A master learns to view the world and its great drama from a loftier vantage point. ** A master is adept at manipulating energy, always for the greatest good. He or she exists in a vortex of harmonious Spiritual forces. ** Ascension is mind and Soul-expanding, forever passing from one state of heightened consciousness to another. Time becomes malleable as you move out of the linear time-line into the spiraling, undulating vibrational waves of the higher Dimensions. ** You have entered into an Age of conscious awareness. A conscious awareness of and awakening to the nudgings of your Soul Self are steps in attaining Self-Mastery. ** A master knows when to speak and when to be silent. A master is deliberate in his or her speech. Constant mind chatter and senseless gossip disturb the tranquility of your Auric Field. You are to seek the harmonious, higher wave frequencies of Light in all things. ** KNOWLEDGE ALONE DIVIDES. WISDOM AND SOUL AWARENESS UNITE. ** As an initiate on the Path, you are constantly increasing your capacity for integrating Creator Light. When you deny any Facet of your Divinity, you are denying your Divine wholeness. ** The Universe is constantly remaking and redefining Itself via the impulses and desires of the Supreme Creator and our Mother/Father God. The Supreme Creator’s desire is to experience individuality by refracting Itself into an unimaginable number of various-sized Sparks of Creator Consciousness. ** The Omniverse is filled with dancing, flowing, merging and separating White Fire Memory Seed Atoms of Divine Light. The Creator is alive and conscious in each and every one of these Fragments, no matter how large or how small. ** Space is an Entity within itself, waiting to be programmed or molded into infinite possibilities. QUESTION: How do we know if we have any etheric tears? If so, how do we know where they are located, and how do we heal them? ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: Healing etheric tears in the Auric Field is a process that is initiated as soon as you begin the Integration of more of your Higher Soul Self. As you begin to integrate more high frequency energy into your physical vessel, which initiates the process of balancing and harmonizing your chakra system, one of the major benefits is that any etheric tears you may have will gradually begin to heal. Often, you will have physical discomfort in areas where there are tears or etheric scar tissue in your Auric Field. The most prevalent etheric tears are in the areas of the three lower chakras, across the heart area / solar plexus or in the back of the body, between the shoulder blades. You can speed up the process by going into your personal Pyramid. Lie on the crystal table and ask your angelic helpers to scan your body and to let you know where – or if – there are any etheric tears in your Auric Field. If you get an indication that there are some tears, State to me: “I ask that you seal those tears with your blazing Sword of Light,” and it will be done. This procedure may take a while; however, the healing process will begin. It will accelerate as you access the higher vibrational patterns of Light. Bringing in more Adamantine Particles of Light via the Infinity Breath and toning the vowel sounds are also a great benefit, for it will assist in the healing and harmonizing of your Auric Field, as well as your four lower bodily systems.My brave ones, no matter where you live or the conditions you are presently living in, there is a grand opportunity for you to begin the process of attaining Self-mastery. You are urgently needed as a Bearer of Light and a World Server. This applies to every one of you reading this message. I surround and enfold you in an Auric Field of protection. I am forever your guardian and faithful companion. I AM Archangel Michael. Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included. |
You are in the process of accessing the Light of your future, while leaving the shadows of the past behind. You are in the midst of a cosmic reunion process, my brave friends, and you will evolve in due time, in one way or another.-AA Michael via Ronna-
Michael’s Message |
WISDOM TEACHINGS FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL * MARCH 2021RONNA ** SACRED SCRIBE A COSMIC MOMENT OF OPPORTUNITY Beloved masters, humanity is in the midst of a cosmic moment of opportunity. The Seventh Ray of Divine Light, the Violet Flame of transformation and purification, through the radiance of beloved Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, is being showered down upon the Earth and humanity to assist in these unprecedented times of evolution and Ascension. The purifying vibrational patterns of the Violet Flame will greatly increase in strength over the coming years as more and more advanced Souls learn how to harness and project its magical, transformative properties.The incoming Souls of the new Sub-Root Races − species of humanity − are highly evolved and spiritually attuned, and they are strongly influenced by the SEVENTH RAY of transformation, freedom, redemption, purification, ritual and Unity Consciousness. Everyone and everything on Earth are being affected by the radiance of the Seventh Ray, the Violet Transmuting Flame. As a result, many of the old, outmoded teachings are being discarded as humanity evolves in wisdom and raises their frequency patterns. Much of the inspired, true religious beliefs will be retained, and the religions that survive will be those that expand their philosophy to incorporate the higher Creator truths which are now being revealed.The Violet Flame of the Seventh Ray will accelerate the transformation process by returning discordant vibrational patterns to neutral Light substance. This transformation is facilitated through your loving, conscious intention and actions, so that you may return to balance and harmony within your physical, emotional, mental and etheric bodies. Once this is accomplished, you will more easily become true cocreators of beauty, abundance, joy and peaceful coexistence on Earth. You are to seek personal Ascension; however, you must also assist your brothers and sisters, and also the Earth to evolve and return to a harmonious state of consciousness.Never before have you had such an opportunity to serve humanity and the Creator. You are at a crossroads in your evolutionary process, for the world as you have known it is slowly fading away. As Divine Sparks of the Creator, you were given a great gift, a treasure chest of Creator Essence to use in any way you desired. You began this lifetime with a portion of Adamantine Particles of Light stored within your Sacred Heart. Another reserve White Fire Sacred Fire Seed Atom was tucked away in your Root Chakra. In ancient teachings it was called the Kundalini, and it was portrayed as a coiled serpent. You have always had access to the Sacred Fire stored within your heart; however, you have to remember how to use your Keys to the Kingdom in order to ignite and effectively use this power source of Divine Light. The Kundalini or Serpent Fire is a different matter, for you must clear 51% of the distorted energy you have created in the past in order to tap into this reservoir of Metatronic Full Spectrum Light.There is great concern that the devastation around the world is accelerating. We acknowledge that this is true, and it will continue for some time as the Earth releases the negative patterns and constrictive energies – for your Earth Mother must endeavor to repair the damage that has been done to the planet over the eons of time through humanity’s negative thoughts and actions. Humanity is responsible for the present state of the Earth, and it is up to all of you – the StarSeed Souls, along with the assistance of the Beings of the Higher Realms − to strive to correct as much of the damage as possible. You are being supplied with the tools, along with the Sacred Fire energy necessary to accomplish this task. However, you must incorporate and direct this powerful energy appropriately. Your Ascension and the Earth’s Ascension are inexorably tied together and we are committed to assist you in every way possible.This Universe, and especially the Sub-Universe in which you currently exist, is in the midst of a monumental transformational process. Planets are shifting places and moving closer to the sun of the solar system of which they are a part. Galaxies and Sub-Universes are expanding and moving upward, outward or downward depending on the viewpoint of the observer. New galaxies are in the formation stages as the impetus for expansion is ignited by a great infusion of Creator Particles of Light and Life, and the Seed Thoughts for new Creation are permeating the consciousness of all sentient Beings.During this shifting of the Ages cycle, you are experiencing a great variety of transformative changes. You are reclaiming all the personal Fragments of energy and thought forms that you created during your long journey into the physical expression. You are reuniting with the many Sparks of consciousness that make up your Divine Soul Self and your Soul family. You are also striving to become a Spiritual/human adult while existing in an ever-expanding, multidimensional realm of physicality. The different colored luminescent Rays will assist in integrating and balancing the higher frequency patterns of galactic consciousness. The more you balance, harmonize and strengthen your chakra system, the more Divine Light you can absorb. The spinal column will eventually become a “Rod of Light” through which the streams of Creator Light can flow freely and unimpeded, whereby the process of Ascension will be greatly accelerated.The Holy Spirit or your Higher Mental Self is your discerning higher intelligence that monitors and regulates the Light infusions and the gifts of Spirit, which are allotted to you according to your level of spiritual awareness and your current needs. Special dispensations are also monitored and dispersed by your Holy Mental Self, which is the intermediary between you and your Fifth -Dimensional Sacred Triad. However, any special dispensations that are bestowed upon you require that you diligently endeavor to do your part. You must make the maximum effort to use the special gifts of Divine Creator Light for the greatest good. Remember, you are a designated cocreative partner with our Father/Mother God.As you become more proficient as cocreators on the Earthly Plane, you should endeavor to constantly monitor your energy patterns and seek to upgrade them, as you strive for sustained harmony and refined godly expression. You must liberate the power of the Sacred Fire which has lain dormant for many thousands of years, and diligently strive to direct and focus your energy into the areas of your life you wish to change. By establishing and constantly upgrading your Creator Wheel of Life, you are planting the Seeds of focused change, and you are supplying the Sacred Fire of Creation needed to manifest what you have envisioned. When you can do this proficiently, your personal world will become a wonderland. You will become a Beacon of Light for all to see.We cannot emphasize enough how important the breath is in reclaiming your Divine nature. Not the shallow breathing the majority of people on Earth have accepted as the proper way to breathe. This type of ineffective breathing has resulted in many debilitating symptoms and dis-eases. It has also limited your intake of Divine Essence, which is critical to your well-being and the reclamation of your vessel of Light. We have explained and emphasized the Infinity Breath, the Accordion Breath and how important is the practice of breathing with intention. The Infinity Breath could be called the Ascension Breath, for it aligns your galactic chakras with your physical vessel, and it opens the return passageways to the higher Dimensions via the Binary Sequencing Technique. It speeds up the process of building your ascending vehicle of Light, and it also facilitates the opening of the portal to your Sacred Mind and the front and back portals to your Sacred Heart. The Accordion Breath facilitates a double benefit: it draws forth the Adamantine Particles stored within the root chakra and also the Adamantine Particles stored within your Etheric Replica, which is located within your Fifth-Dimensional personal Pyramid of Light. Your SOUL SONG is composed of mid-Fourth- and higher-Dimensional vibrational patterns of unconditional love, wisdom, balance and harmony. As a Self-master, your Energetic Signature and your Soul Song will merge into a Celestial Mandala of Light, sound and color, by which you will be identified in the higher realms. You are recognized by the brilliance of your inner Light. The more Light Essence you incorporate into your physical vessel, the more brilliantly your aura will glow.There is a Sacred path open for each of you to follow, no matter at what station or in what circumstances you may find yourselves – a golden opportunity waiting to enable you to assume your power, tap into your creativity, bring to the fore those many latent abilities you have stored deep within your memory banks. Now, as never before, we are close by, observing, waiting to assist, encourage, create the miracles, and smooth the way as you strive to evolve onward and upward. If you can view all that is presently in your life as transitory, except the Love/Light and Spiritual Fire within your Sacred Heart and Soul, then you will know what we are trying to convey to you. Release your fear of the past and future, eliminate the emotional and mental controls others have over you so that you may become the free Spirit you were meant to be.When the Infinity Loop and the timeline of your past have been harmonized and the major portion of your discordant energies have been transmuted, you will step into the Infinity Loop of your future. You are in the process of accessing the Light of your future, while leaving the shadows of the past behind. You are in the midst of a cosmic reunion process, my brave friends, and you will evolve in due time, in one way or another.You should be aware that this transformation process is a long and complex cycle; however, it can be a grand journey if you will take advantage of the wisdom teachings and the tools we are offering you. The Law of the Circle states that every new creative endeavor must begin from within the Still Point of Will Power of the Core Essence of the Creator and also the cocreator. Remember, one person who is centered within their Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind can convey Cosmic truths and inspired thoughts to millions of people, while the loving vibrations of their auric field blesses everyone with whom they come in contact. It is time for each of you to step to the fore, to take a stand and be heard. Begin where you are, at your highest level of understanding, seeing through eyes filtered by love, feeling with a heart filled with compassion, and functioning with a mind that is not clouded by guilt, fear or judgment. That is the way you will validate your truth and gain your wisdom, beloved ones. That is the way that your world and reality will be filled to overflowing with love, joy and abundance. That is the way of the master, the way of Living truth, the way back home.You are always your own judge, and with the assistance of your Guardian Council, you decide what the major details of your next life experience will be. When in the environment of the higher Dimensions, a Soul is always eager to rectify past mistakes so the auric field may be cleared of any inharmonious vibrational patterns, and the journey toward en-Lighten-ment may continue.It matters not if people deny the truth in what we are conveying to you. Nevertheless, it is the Living truth and Universal Law, and every Soul is affected and ruled by the tenets of the Divine Plane, whether they believe or not. Here again, the inner veil that allows you access to your greater wisdom applies, and you must break through the limitations of the negative Third- / Fourth-Dimensional environment in order to gain access to an expanded, wondrous reconnection to Cosmic Consciousness. You always have been and always will be connected to the ALL THAT IS. The sense of disconnection is all within your mind, and the way to “unlock the door” to the River of Life is within the SACRED HEART. As you refine your resonance, you are gradually becoming multi-Dimensional, which means that you are tapping into the frequency patterns of several Dimensions at once. In order to make room for the refined frequencies of the multiple levels of the Fourth, Fifth and higher Dimensions, there must be a clearing and cleansing process. Via the lessons and instructions we have given you over the years, we are endeavoring to give you the knowledge and the tools needed to traverse the Path of Ascension with ease and grace. In order to become a living tributary for the River of Life, you must prepare yourselves to allow the Essence of Life to flow into and through you. You are to use what you need and then allow the remainder to flow forth, ready and available to be molded into wondrous new creations. In this way, you will become bearers and servers of the Light. This is the ultimate message of all the teachings we have given you over these past years. This is the goal of Self-Mastery. This is the way of Ascension. You are at a grand crossroads, beloved ones. As you move through the process of clearing and cleansing the multiple Facets of yourself, you are leaving behind the energies that created all the pain, suffering and distress. Step back for a moment, and view these past months as an observer — are you beginning to get the picture of what the grand plan and Ascension are all about? Being aware and in control are important Facets of mastery. If you have diligently worked with the lessons we have given you, you should be well on your way to reclaiming the many gifts you brought to Earth so many Ages ago.Each of you live within a personal Holographic Sphere of Light and Shadow which you alone created. You, as a cocreator, send out Seed thoughts, energy and intention, which create patterns of a certain Frequency. Those Frequency vibrations go forth from you as Rays of energy in an Infinity Sign, creating powerful wave forms, which are a reflection of your conscious thoughts, intent and actions. As you learn to stay heart-centered and Soul-focused, thereby always radiating unconditional love and balanced, harmonious vibrational patterns, your world and reality will gradually change for the better. For you are slowly learning to function as an empowered master of cocreation – a true Divine Emissary of our Father/Mother God and the Supreme Creator. During these times of uncertainty and great change, remember, my beloved Champions of Light, you have nothing to fear, and there is so very much to be gained. Feel the warmth of our Sacred Breath as it brushes your cheek, sense the aura of love in which we surround you. We are near, reach out and touch us. We will respond. You are loved most profoundly. I AM Archangel Michael.Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included. Read Messages OnlineEnglish:日本語: Spanish/Español: |