Category Archives: PRIME CREATOR
Channeling Prime Creator, Part 169, New AEarth Portal
Channeling Prime Creator in Sedona, Part 164, February Forecast
FRESH START. Channeling Prime Creator in Sedona, 2023 Forecast.
Channeling Prime Creator in Sedona, Part 161, December Forecast
Channeling Prime Creator in Sedona
Channeling Prime Creator, Part 156, Sexual Energy
Channeling Prime Creator
Channeling Prime Creator, Part 149 April Forecast
Channeling Prime Creator, Part 148, March Forecast
This will not escalate into global conflict. This will end quickly.(Update on the Ukraine Situation by The ONE via Sophia Love)
February 24, 2022, via email
Sophia, it is the One.
As I mentioned the last time we spoke, the eye of the storm surrounds you. It is where you find yourself now.
During a time such as this, amidst the turning and churning of the storm around you, it will be near impossible to discern from the items moving past you – which you’ll keep and which you’ll let go.
Everything is moving too quickly, and discernment becomes a challenge.
This is due to your engagement with your life, and with “time”. The time it takes to decide about the truth or worth of an item just won’t be available to you. You are virtually along for the ride now.
Things have come to a head and all central players are fully absorbed in their roles.
This has to play out.
Regardless of play-by-play action, always remember this – humanity will benefit in the final analysis.
This is not the final card, yet you are just about there.
This move was done to thwart the controllers, make no mistake about that. War is an extreme move and it will force their hand.
It is having many unfortunate effects as well. Yet ultimately, what this move does, is to remove many of their moves from the playing field. In some cases, it stops them completely, and in others, it exposes them. Know that all is not lost, and you are closer now to the final card being played, and their eventual defeat.
Now that this move has been made, the true face of each player is shown. Watch who objects to the move. Watch who responds with the most force.
This will not escalate into global conflict.
This will end quickly.
You are not in danger of annihilation or a deeper level of control and capture. It is the opposite. By playing this card, the fight has moved into the very public realm, and you will quickly discern who is on which side:
Humanity’s (side) or the controllers/Freedom for the race or capture of the race.
It will be crystal clear now so pay attention.
Events will occur rapidly and it will appear as if they are unrelated.
Nothing could be further from the truth. This is War, and it has now been moved to the headlines. Everything that is done or sanctioned or mandated or announced is a move in this War Game. The conflict on the ground is one part of it. There are many.
You’ll witness unusual and previously unknown people come into the public view. These will be some who’ve been active behind the scenes for a long time, and who can now be “uncloaked” as it were.
This one act forces many others, not the least of which is the outing of your mainstream media coverage. War has a way of putting the fear of God into people, and you’ll see changes and reversals, and even admissions, on the larger networks. This is worldwide.
There are casualties already and there will be more before it’s over.
Remember that those individuals leaving now, for any reason, have chosen to do so. They have completed their purpose in this physical life, and will offer more assistance from elsewhere. This should help to ease the sadness and pain over what looks to be needless loss.
The conflict in the Ukraine will end quickly. Nothing is as it seems.
The active portion of your journey is in full throttle now, so hang on. When things appear dire or doubtful, remember that there are multiple steps and moves. You will know when the final card is played.
Go within.
Emblazon your world with your light.
Saturate your field with love.
You were born for this part, my dear, dear, humans. Trust.
That is all.
Thank you.
You are the Winners. I am sending my Love and Support.
Prime Creator via Erena Velazquez | February 19, 2022

February 19, 2022
My Beloved Children,
I am Father, Prime Creator, coming through Universal Channel to help to see what really happened on Mother Earth.
The dark ones created a holographic reality, which was imposed on humanity for thousands and thousands of years. The rulers created it to enslave you and keep you living in an illusion, so everybody got stock and was not capable to see that is a false world.
It was done with intentions to destroy the Light on the planet. Nobody could leave, even after a physical death, your souls got trapped here and were forced to reincarnate over and over again. Only Buddha, Lao Tzu and a few others Masters were able to leave this illusion by Ascending.
Your planet became like a video game, where all events are preplanned and manipulated. To move from one scene to another scene you were paying your way emotionally and physically. Every celestial being was born with a right to be free, have a shelter and food for free.
The illusionary world made you to believe that you live a real life, which was was built on lies and deceptions. You were living a bad dream, which is going to end soon, and you are going to wake up from it. The Darkness didn’t expect the interventions from the Ascended Masters, the Galactics or me to help to save humankind.
The Negative Entities continuously brainwashed humans and purposely deleted memories from previous lives. They are going to be removed one by one from this planet. This is My Command as the Prime Creator. They are destined to loose their souls for all violations and crimes against humanity.
The powerful energies and assistance from the Masters and Galactics are going to turn around the outcome of the war between Light and Darkness. Their plans of eliminating most of Earth population failed. My Beloved Children are standing up for themselves and their families against tyrannical governments. The spark of the Light is becoming a fire, which can’t be stopped.
You are Me, and I am You. We are all in this together. Everyone carries the essence of God and connected to the wisdom of Universal Consciousness. The illusion is broken, and humankind is moving to the Golden Era. The power of Light right now is shifting the foundation of your planet, and it’s going to dissolve this holographic realm. Mother Earth also assisting in this transition. Your memories, special powers are going to come back, and your bodies transform to handle 5D density.
You are here on a Rescue Mission. You are the Winners. I am sending my Love and Support. Thank you Universal Channel
We All are One
You are always Light and Love.
Prime Creator
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Elections & Disclosure -Prime Creator via Susie Beiler-
An amazing channeling that confirms information i have been sharing here about the elections,Trump being the one who is continuing with the presidency of USA along so more information that may be shocking for some to hear.Oh and if i share here it means it resonates with me.
To watch the full transmission, go to to create your free subscription.You’ll find episode 121 at“
Channeling Prime Creator in Sedona, Part 120:U.S. Elections
Sedona, Part 120, U.S. Elections Prime Creator speaks politics and about our power to create. We are given a warning and issued a strong invitation to be in our choice and stand up for our freedoms. We vote with ballots and with our energy, so even those not in the U.S. can cast their vote. Prime Creator issues a UNIQUE energy forecast for November! There is also a transmission regarding the end of November moon eclipse. PC speaks of the polarity and understanding your role in contributing to the balance. PC also addresses the phenomenon of walk-ins and the variety of ways in which this can take place. A Creation Temple member receives a visit from her Star Family in the form of a DNA Activation! . Create your free membership at to access this episode!
The times are changing, a new world is just around the corner.-Prime Creator-

July 31, 2020
My Dear Ones, I am here your Father, God
and your Prime Creator. You noticed that the world you used to know
about six months ago is now gone. In this moment, you are confused and
uncertain on what is happening on your planet. Everything around you is
collapsing and changing rapidly, you are moving now to a new 5D
existence. The system of enslavement is getting dissolved like it never
existed before here on Earth. Yes, the 3D matrix is going to be removed
and you are advancing towards a new phase of your life.
I am here to assist and guide you during
your Ascension Process to The Golden Age. I am available 24/7 through
this channel and I work closely with the group called Galactic
Federation Brotherhood. Your world is changing at accelerating pace with
each day you are moving more and more away from the reality you knew,
which was forced on you for many thousand of years. Your liberation is
coming now. You are here to ascend for the first time ever with the
physical bodies on Earth and millions of beings are observing your
Ascension. You chose to come here on assignment and see this mission
through. Right now, Mother Gaia is bombarded by high energies from Space
and the timelines are shifting and moving much faster to speed up this
We are here, including me, Prime Creator
to help you with this amazing development of your awakening and
evolution to become a Galactic Human by ascending first to fifth
dimension and then later on to even higher dimensions. I am happy to be
here and lead you to your new life. The Coronavirus once again was
injected into your society after three months of being locked up. The
only news you ever hear now on TV are on how many people died or got
effected by this virus, and I need to tell you these numbers are not
accurate. You are under attack by The Dark Forces who are using all
their power that they have left trying to keep this 3D reality going.
Unfortunately for them, it’s not working anymore, they keep loosing
their forces everyday. We are making sure that you are staying safe and
sound. We are eliminating them one by one on a daily basis.
We need to heal this planet from abuse,
pain and suffering by bringing all of the living beings to a better
place by uplifting their energies to higher realms, so we can trigger
the healing process for the whole planet and it’s inhabitants on Mother
Earth. Yes, lets heal Earth and humanity together by doing daily
meditations, either by yourself or in groups by sending love and light
to all of the souls here and by being compassionate to each other.
You were always curious and wondering
how long it’s going to take for you to get to a new reality.
Unfortunately, you were asleep and not aware what was going on, because
The Negative Forces made sure that you didn’t know who you are and kept
you in the dark by not letting you see and understand the world you are
living in. Their whole purpose was to make sure that you would be stuck
in this 3D matrix by making you reincarnate life after life and never be
able to leave this planet. They even implemented a special system of
artificial intelligence, you call it here AI, to keep you here on Earth,
so you would not be able to leave and go to back to your Galactic
Family or to your home planet, where you came from.
The human civilization stayed in the
darkness for a long time, and now I am here personally overlooking the
whole process, and I am working with the group Galactic Federation
Brotherhood to help to accelerate this Ascension Process, and move
everyone to a more happy and prosperous life that all of you deserve.
Since, I have been on Mother Earth, I made time adjustments. Your time
is now going much faster, I am trying to speed everything up in your
reality to a faster pace, so your Ascension Process would move more
quickly. Your ascension was suppose to happen a long time ago, and it
was stretched out by all of these negative entities, who came here to
this planet only to destroy, torture and keep everything and everyone in
the darkness by not letting anyone to evolve. These times are coming to
an end, me, personally and the rest of Galactic Federation of Light,
Ascended Masters, Grand Counsel, High Counsel and etc. are diligently
working on that.
Please, understand that it’s very
important for you to do your daily meditation, express your gratitude
for the things you have and by being kind to yourself and nature. You
need to find the time to connect with me and other higher beings, so we
can assist you and guide you through this process to The Golden Age of
Gaia. Yes, I have been emphasizing on meditation and all other beings
have been repeating on how important it is. The meditation connects you
to 5D energies, it speeds up the Process of Ascension and it keeps your
life essence safe from The Dark Forces. Also, telepathic communications
happens during meditation, you can connect to anyone here or on other
planets on a conscious or subconscious level.
Remember all of us are One and we are
One Universal Mind. The Universe doesn’t have a beginning or end. The
time zones are going to be dissolved on Earth, and time it’s going to
become unimportant, you are going to live your life without ever looking
at the clock. Everything you know now it’s going to go away. It was
created only for one reason to control you, not to let you be free and
be able to think for yourselves. It was a clever and long term plan by
all of these negative beings, who even used artificial intelligence,
which destroyed many planets, galaxies and universes. It becomes very
dangerous to have this technology without keeping a close eye on the
their development by making sure it doesn’t get modified. If you loose
control over it, AI develops on its own, and then it takes over planets,
galaxies and universes. This becomes a very dangerous weapon, which can
be unstoppable.
The Negative forces implemented some of
artificial intelligence on Terra Christa to put everybody down to their
knees, so that you couldn’t even be able to have a second to breath
without being watched and manipulated by them. Perfect example of this
is the Coronavirus, look how quickly they put you under their control in
every aspect of your life. It was done without any consideration of
your well being or helping you to stay safe. The Negative Side just
pushed their selfish and very dangerous agenda to keep you under their
absolute control and to kill you with their vaccine plan, which was
suppose to help you to deal with the virus, the Coronavirus is only life
threatening on TV and in front of the cameras.
This virus cannot harm you the way they
describe it to you. You can create anything with your mind, so be
careful what you wish for, because that can become your reality. If you
start believing that this Coronavirus is real, then it can become real.
Please, be aware that you are a powerful multi dimensional being, who
doesn’t even know yet how powerful you really are. The mystery about you
is that you have more than 15 strands of DNA from other Galactic
Civilizations in you. You were manipulated and your DNA was altered and
forced to be here forever. I am happy to announce to you that it’s
ending now and that we are almost there.
I am here myself overlooking this
process with the help from the Galactics in higher realms. I decided to
come here to Earth, because I saw that this process here has been
dragged forever. I want this to be done as soon as we can and move to
other projects. I would like for all of you to be able to enjoy your
life for the first time, and have the life that you deserve by not to
being always controlled and told what to do. I can’t wait to see these
happy smiles on humanity faces, when they are going to have new
crystalline bodies in 5D reality. Yes, your body is going to change,
what you have now at this moment cannot go to the 5th dimension, the
light is going to burn the physical body. You are slowly changing
without noticing to a new crystalline light body.
I am happy to help and guide human
beings through this Ascension Process. I appreciate my times with all of
you here on Mother Gaia and I send to all of you my blessings, light
and love. Stay strong and be kind to each other and lets heal this
planet together and make Terra Christa bloom by being happy and nurtured
with no more pain or suffering ever again, only happy and amazing
experiences for all of you. Your lives are going to change to the point
that you will never experience disease or sickness and you will stay
young forever. If you decide to leave this planet, you will be able to
change your form, but you are not going to be forced out of your
physical body.
The times are changing, a new world is
just around the corner. I came here to greet you and to give my love,
light and my blessings to all of you. Thank you, I am Prime Creator and I
enjoyed being here with you today for these few moments and I am
sending high energies to all of you. Stay in light and love.
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
We together as One Universal Consciousness will bring a new world with new Nesara Gesara Republic and life here on Mother Earth will never be same, it’s going to be amazing, everyone will be happy, prosperous and everyone will have a peaceful and harmonious life. There will be no more fear, suffering, and no more hunger, only joy and happiness.-Prime Creator through Erena Velazquez-
June 10, 2020
I am Prime Creator, you call me God or Father, you give me different names. I am here to deliver a message to all of you. As I spoke to you last time, a lot of things have changed in this world, where you are now.
First of all, you had experienced two in a half months lockout at your home. You lost your income, your freedom and you have been told and forced to stay at your place. Today, I would like to talk about it, what’s going on right now here on Mother Earth, as I mentioned before, she is in 5th dimension and she left behind only her shadow, this is what you see right now in this 3D reality.
I want to bring to your attention that a lot of events are happening in the world and in your neighborhood at this moment. Please, understand and be careful on how you express yourself about the way you feel and stand up for your violated rights. I ask for you to do this in a peaceful way, I know many of you are doing this without violence. While the Dark Ones as usual trying to attack you and your neighbors by creating riots and destroying other people’s property, so please be aware of that and stay away from the ones, who are trying create more problems in this world right now.
What is starting to happen now is the timelines are separating, what does that mean, it means the 3D timeline is separating from 5D timeline, so the people on Earth who are not awake, they are going to be left behind and the ones who are awake they are in transition to 5D and they will be moving forward. I would like to let you know that my original plan was to bring to Ascension all of the Humanity at the same time. Me and the rest of my crew, The Galactic Federation, Counselors and etc., we came to understanding that this is not possible now to ascend all of the beings on the planet Earth at the same time. Many of you are still asleep or half asleep and some of you are awake, it would be unfair to the ones, who are awake to keep them here on this planet in 3D reality by waiting for the other ones to catch up. We send a lot of energies to Earth to speed up this Ascension Process, but unfortunately even that didn’t help to wake up certain ones, their preferences on a subconscious level is to stay asleep, because of your free will, we can’t force on you the Ascension Process. We need to give you a chance to come and ascend in your own time, when you are ready to ascend.
In the meantime, I want to tell you that I put together a plan, which consists of 5 stages of ascending. The first stage as you know are light workers, light warriors, starseeds and etc., who are the first ones in line for Ascension. They are the ones who are doing most of the work at this moment, they are trying to help and bring this world to Ascension to fifth dimension. You would like to know what are they doing, they are preparing the foundation on this planet by doing spiritual cleansing by removing all of the negative energies and negative entities, what are here right now on Mother Gaia. A lot of work has been done, but the Negative Ones still sneak themselves in and are trying to disturb our work.
As I mentioned, there will be 5 stages of Ascension. The first one you know now who it will be, then there will be second, third, fourth and fifth stage, so each of you will have fives chances to ascend, if you are ready to ascend, if not, then you are going to go and repeat your life either on the same or on a different planet, but it’s going to be 3D density planet. We can’t and we are not suppose to enforce on you against your free will this process, unless you did the work by raising your vibration with meditation and are ready to go through with this process by advancing forward to Ascension.
I am Prime Creator and I would like to express my gratitude to all of the light warriors, who are working so hard and preparing the foundation for us to step in. Many of them are doing all this work and are not even aware that they are the only ones doing the work at this present moment on Gaia. These light workers are removing and cleaning all of the energies that carry negativity, which are preventing you and the rest humanity from reaching Ascension. They are like little bees, who are flying from flower to flower and bringing their light and cleansing all of the impurities in their way, so please be patient and understand.
I know you heard many times and are tired of hearing about the process that we are moving to Ascension and that we are going to have soon the Nesara Gesara Republic without seeing results. Please, look at the whole picture now and see that to make changes here is so difficult and you would say, why is it so difficult, because everything in this 3D density is hard and has a lot of resistance to bringing the light to this 3D reality, so please acknowledge and help each other. When you see someone in your surroundings, who is trying to reach out for the light, help them, just give them the light and unify with them by being on the same path, on the path to freedom, joy, happiness and prosperity, which have been promised to you a long time ago, believe me, it’s coming, it has been coming for a while now.
The year 2020, it showing to you how much things are changing around you and around the world. In these couple months, just look how many events took place. I understand your frustration, especially in the United States, where the Dark Forces started riots by violating the first law and the most important law in the Universe by taking away somebody’s life, which is not acceptable and will never be acceptable by the Universal Law. We are not pleased that this happened and we are staying together with the family, who lost their loved one and we are expressing our sadness that the Dark Side once again attacked Humanity. Please be careful and understand that they are trying to manipulate the situation in America and continue this reality by creating chaos around you.
The best way for you is just be aware and stay in the now and connect to me through your meditation, you will be safe under my divine grace. I am Prime Creator, I have been protecting you and everyone here on Earth and in the Galaxy for a long time, my job is to preserve your life, and to bring you joy, harmony and peace, which has been taken away from you many years ago by Negative Civilizations, the Reptilians, Dracos and etc., who enslaved you. Now, it’s time for you to regain your memories of who you are and take your freedom back one step at a time, even if at first it may seem that things are moving very slowly, but it’s moving forward. The Galactic Federation has been doing a lot of work secretly and out of sight for now, until the right moment arrives and then everything will be revealed to you. They are going to pick up and continue the work what is assigned for them to do from you, the ground crew, when you will finish cleaning up the negative entities from this reality.
I am always here and available to you, if you want to talk or reach out to me, just go to meditation state and ask for my presence, and I will be there, I am always there, because you and I are One Universal Consciousness. You, me and the rest the world are one and we are never apart from each other, we are always together. The only time you got separated from me is by this 3D reality, you think your not connected to me, it feels like it in this low density dimension, but you still are, just trust yourself and don’t be afraid to go ahead with everything you have to do to continue with your spiritual journey here on Terra Christa. Just stay connected to the center of your being, to your soul with meditation, and your soul will guide you on what to do and where to go.
I am very sad that you and the rest of the humanity need to go through all of this suffering and pain. I gave you free will and it was used against you by the Negative Groups, who used it to torture you, enslaved you, abuse you and to kill you, especially the young children. More than 8 million children disappear every year in the world. They have been kidnapped, tortured, killed and used as a sacrifice by the Satanic Pedophilia Groups. The end is coming for them, and I am happy that it’s going to be the end for them. It has been mentioned in other messages that a lot of children had been rescued and help was given to them, so they can recover and go back to a normal life, even if at this moment nothing feels normal for them, but with love and patience, we will heal and bring them back their life they lost and give them back all they missed in their life.
I am Prime Creator, I love all of you and I am always supporting you and carrying you on my shoulders. You would ask me how I am carrying you on my shoulders, it is very simple, when your going through hard times, you never see me in front of you or behind you or next to you, but I am always there with you. A lot of times, I help you get through the tough times in your life and help you to move to the next moment in your life, even if you don’t see me. We are always together and nothing will ever separate you from my love that I have for you, we will continue marching together as One Consciousness of Love to your new life and reality. Your going to leave behind this third dimension and your not going to need to look back ever again and remember all this pain and difficult times you went through.
I would like to ask you please, stay and do your work here as expected, because right now a lot is at stake, the whole Galaxy is watching and waiting to see, if Ascension on Earth is going to happen. It’s very important that Ascension Process to fifth dimension is going to be completed on this planet or otherwise the Galaxy is in danger, if something happens to Earth, and the planet is not going to be able to go through the Ascension Process, it’s going to effect the rest of the Galaxy in a very negative way.
I am grateful to be here today to deliver my message to you and I have faith in you, that all of you are going to help me and help yourself to move to a new stage in your life. We together as One Universal Consciousness will bring a new world with new Nesara Gesara Republic and life here on Mother Earth will never be same, it’s going to be amazing, everyone will be happy, prosperous and everyone will have a peaceful and harmonious life. There will be no more fear, suffering, and no more hunger, only joy and happiness.
I am your Prime Creator and I was happy to be here today to assist and guide you to your new life and a New Age on this planet. Thank you, I send to all of you all my love.
Channeled by Erena Velazquez