HEALING OUR PAINFUL MISPERCEPTIONS by Patricia Cota-Robles www.eraofpeace.org November 7, 2020 The seemingly miraculous Activities of Light that were God Victoriously accomplished during our Planetary Reboot have moved Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her further up the Spiral of Evolution into New Life-transforming Cosmic Coordinates. The sacred geometry associated with numbers has always been a way that the Company of Heaven has given us outer-world signs confirming the Truth of our various Activities of Light. When the 34th Annual World Congress on Illumination was complete the statistics given to us by YouTube and Facebook confirmed that just during the two hours of the Live Six-day Virtual Event, there was a total of 144,000 views on YouTube and an additional 77,000 views on Facebook. What magical numbers! The Company of Heaven said that the frequencies of Light now bathing the Earth from her new position in the Cosmos are amplifying the affects of the Planetary Reboot in monumental ways for every person, place, condition and thing on the Planet. This, in turn, is beginning to awaken within every Heart Flame a sense of Inner Knowing that something wonderful is taking place on Earth in spite of outer-world appearances. This is happening to some degree within every person no matter how diametrically opposed our various perceptions of the World may be. In the USA we have just completed our Presidential Election. This election was really a reflection of what is happening in one way or another for all of Humanity. More people voted in this election than ever before in the history of America. Amazingly, almost 147,000,000 votes were cast and only about 6,000,000 votes separated the two candidates. The perception of the people supporting each candidate could not possibly have been more different. It seemed like the people supporting one candidate were living in a different reality from the people supporting the other candidate. It was as though half of the people in America lived on one Earth and the other half of the people lived in a completely alternate Universe. The thing that was most amazing to me was the fact that there were powerful Lightworkers supporting both candidates. Lightworkers supporting one candidate felt that you could not possibly be working with the Light if you were supporting the other candidate. The same was true for Lightworkers supporting the other candidate. The Beings of Light said this confusion was the result of the purging process we are all going through and the fact that all of the etheric records and memories from our past miscreations are surfacing to get our attention, so they can be healed and transmuted back into Light. This is a critical facet of our Ascension Process. However, we are not supposed to cling to the surfacing negativity and our distorted misperceptions. No matter what our feelings were about the two candidates, there were distorted misperceptions on both sides that were not based in Truth or the reality we are destined to cocreate on the New Earth. We are multidimensional Beings of Light functioning not only on Planet Earth, but also in the Realms of Illumined Truth. From our higher level of consciousness our I AM Presence is well aware of our distorted misperceptions and the greatly accelerated Transfiguration taking place physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually within each of us day by day. However, for our finite minds this discernment is often less obvious. For this reason our Father-Mother God have given the Company of Heaven permission to assist the I AM Presence of every person in NEW ways that will enable us to more easily discern our misperceptions. This assistance will empower each of us to recognize and comprehend the Truth being revealed through our daily life experiences. This assistance will come through our I AM Presence as a greatly amplified intuitive Inner Guidance. It will also come through the elevated awareness, discernment and perception the masses of Humanity now have available to us as a result of our return to new levels of Christ Consciousness. So pay attention, and be alert to the opportunities that are being brought into your sphere of awareness. As you know, nothing is happening by accident. Respond according to your Heart’s Call and you will greatly assist with Earth’s Ascension into the Heart-based patterns of the New Earth. ASCENDING THROUGH THE 11:11 GATEWAY On November 11th our Father-Mother God are providing Humanity with an opportunity that will assist each and every one of us to Transcend any belief we have in distorted alternate realities. This Divine Intervention will help the I AM Presence of every person to Heal the painful misperceptions that have caused Humanity so much suffering for so very long. Every year on November 11th people around the World commemorate the armistice signed between the Allies of World War 1 and Germany. The signing took place during the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. That focus of Humanity’s attention has created a powerful Matrix of Peace that has been building in momentum for over 100 years. November 11th is also a day that Lightworkers around the World acknowledge because of the Celestial 11:11 Gateway that is opened at that time. The 11:11 Gateway provides an influx of Light and a catalyst that allows the I AM Presence of every person to activate the 11:11 code within our DNA. Eleven is the master number that reflects the Transformation of the physical into the Divine. Encoded within Humanity’s DNA structures is the sacred geometric code known as 11:11. For several decades this geometric code has been awakening within our DNA the archetypes that reflect the Divine Mission we have all volunteered to participate in. This Mission involves Humanity’s Awakening and Earth’s Ascension into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light associated with the New Earth. Every time we see and notice with our conscious mind the number 11:11, this activation is accelerated within our DNA by our I AM Presence. For decades people have been asking me why they see the number 11:11 everywhere they look. They notice the number 11:11 on digital clocks, license plates, phone numbers, cash register receipts, bills, street addresses, etc.. They say that the number clearly gets their attention, but they have no idea why or what it means. Nevertheless, once a person notices the number 11:11 their I AM Presence is able to activate the code in their DNA to the next level. This occurs in alignment with their Divine Plan. Now, we are being told that with the success of the various facets of our Planetary Reboot our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven will lift Humanity into a Higher Octave of Divine Service. This will allow us to Transcend the illusions of our painful misperceptions and our deceptive alternate realities. Through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, this assistance from our God Parents will occur on November 11th as Mother Earth passes through the 11:11 Gateway. Wherever you are on the Planet, beginning at Midnight Local Time, 12:00 a.m. on November 11th, and building in momentum for 24 hours until 11:59 p.m., a wave of Light will encircle the Planet. During this time, our Father-Mother God will assist the I AM Presence of every person to amplify the 11:11 code within our DNA the maximum that Cosmic Law will allow. The Divine Intent of this Gift from On High is to greatly empower what each and every one of us has volunteered to do individually and collectively to add to the Light of the World during this wondrous but also challenging time. The Company of Heaven said it will not matter if we are awake or asleep, quiet or busy, aware or not aware that this amplification of our 11:11 code is taking place within our DNA. Through the collective focus of Humanity’s I AM Presence every person will benefit from this Activity of Light. For Lifetimes our I AM Presence has guided us through myriad experiences designed to strengthen us and to prepare us to be able to stay focused on the Light in the face of all adversity. Each and every one of us has been uniquely prepared for this moment and it is vitally important that we be freed from our painful misperceptions and our belief in deceptive alternate realities. This time on Earth is the moment for which we have all been preparing. It is through our unified efforts that Humanity will Transcend the surfacing negativity. Together we are in the process of assisting this precious Planet and all her Life to Ascend up the Spiral of Evolution into the full embrace of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar frequencies of the New Earth. To help us grasp the critical need for our individual contributions to this facet of Earth’s Divine Plan, the Beings of Light have given us a metaphor to contemplate. They asked us to envision that the myriad Lifetimes we have experienced since we were first Breathed forth from the Heart of our Father-Mother God have been woven into an exquisite Golden Thread. Now it is time for each of us to weave our Golden Thread into the very Fabric of Life that will form the foundation for the New Earth. Every Golden Thread is essential in order to complete the Immaculate Concept of the New Earth in all of her resplendent Glory. What the Company of Heaven wants each and every one of us to clearly understand is that the Fabric of Life for the New Earth will be incomplete without ALL of our Golden Threads. No one’s Golden Thread is any more important than another person’s Golden Thread. It is for this very reason that our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven are intervening at this time with the amplification of the 11:11 codes within Humanity’s DNA. Our Father-Mother God chose us for this Mission, because they felt that our individual and collective experiences had a better chance of succeeding in the unprecedented experiment unfolding on Earth. This has nothing to do with ego or the erroneous impression that we are more special than our Sisters and Brothers who were not chosen. It simply means that our Father-Mother God felt that because of our willingness and our tenacity, we had a better chance of staying focused on the Light and not getting distracted by the negativity during the necessary purging process the Earth is currently going through. No matter what you are experiencing, KNOW that your Golden Thread is critical to the success of this Holy Endeavor involving Earth’s Ascension in the Light. Listen to your Heart and your I AM Presence will intuitively guide you step by step as you fulfill your Divine Plan and add your magnificent Light to Mother Earth’s Ascension process. Dear One, stay in Joy and Revel in the Light that our Father-Mother God will Bless you with on November 11th. God Bless You, Patricia Cota-Robles Era of Peace PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909, Fax: 520-347-5440 www.eraofpeace.org This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Era of Peace a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization ©2020 Patricia Cota-Robles |
Category Archives: Patricia Cota Robles
Day 6 – 34th Annual World Congress on Illumination Day 6(Last Day)
Day 5 – 34th Annual World Congress on Illumination Day 5
Day 4 – 34th Annual World Congress on Illumination Day 4
Day 3 – 34th Annual World Congress on Illumination Day 3
Day 2 – 34th Annual World Congress on Illumination – Planetary Reboot
34th Annual World Congress on Illumination – Planetary Reboot
Affirmation :
i am the hands of god i have come to set right the vibratory action of all energy and substance in my world and in all of the world i am the sacred hands of god moving through this earth i am instantly re-establishing divinity wherever the light of god is applied i invite invoke focus concentrate manifest and sustain the light of god on earth with every breath i take i am a director of god’s light i am humble before its magnificent presence i am grateful to unleash god’s power on earth i am the light of god flowing through my heart flame loving all life free and so it is beloved i am that i am.
Manifesting a Government OF the I AM Presence, BY the I AM Presence, FOR the I AM Presence.
LET’S HOLD THE SACRED SPACE FOR DIVINE GOVERNMENT Patricia Cota-Robles www.eraofpeace.org October 2, 2020 Due to the seemingly miraculous activities of Light that have been God Victoriously accomplished through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth this year, every person’s I AM Presence is now able to intervene in his or her life in incredibly powerful ways. This Divine Intervention is occurring as a unique and individual experience for each of us. That means that every day we need to pay attention and see just how our I AM Presence is intuitively inspiring us to think, feel and act in NEW and Heart-based ways. In the United States of America, we are in the midst of a very tumultuous Presidential election. This is an important event that will have an affect not only in the USA but also on Governments around the World. I know that there is a lot of concern over who the next President of the United States will be. There is also a lot of fear over how the end result of this election will change people’s lives. What the Company of Heaven wants us to remember is that fundamental change never begins at the top. Change of that magnitude begins with a shift of consciousness at a grass-roots level and expands into an unstoppable movement. It is true that people at the top who are in positions of power have the ability to wreak havoc on this Planet and Humanity, but the Light of God and the collective consciousness of Humanity’s Heart-based I AM Presence is infinitely more powerful than any wayward attempts to create chaos. The frequencies of Light we are experiencing now are greatly assisting all of us in unifying the consciousness of our I AM Presence with the mass consciousness of Humanity’s I AM Presence. Day-by-day, this is empowering us in extraordinary ways. In order to change what is happening in the outer world, we do not have to do battle with forces committed to creating chaos. That particular focus of our attention actually interferes with our ability to be the Heart-based Peace Commanding Presence we need to be at this time. Buckminster Fuller once said, “In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete.” That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are ALL being called. What Lightworkers all over the World are being asked to do during the elections in the USA is to be the Open Door for the Light of God. Even though the Company of Heaven is standing in readiness, they cannot intervene without our permission. It is never the intent of these selfless Messengers of God to interfere with our free will, so they will not tell us who to vote for or what the result of the elections will be. However, once we ask for their assistance, the Floodgates of Heaven open in response to our heartfelt pleas. The Beings of Light are encouraging all of us who are able to vote in this election to take advantage of this opportunity. Now that our I AM Presence has fully integrated into our Earthly Bodies, we are being asked to evaluate the candidates through the eyes of our I AM Presence. Which candidates resonate in our Heart-of-Hearts? Which ones will bring about the highest good for Humanity, the USA, the World and Mother Earth? Those are the candidates that deserve our vote. If you have already voted, you can still participate in this process. If the person you voted for is not who you now feel is the best person to be elected, hold him or her in the Light and affirm through your I AM Presence, “Thy Will not mine be done.” The Company of Heaven has given us two invocations that will empower this election process in a very positive way. Please join with me now if you have the Heart Call to do so. This invocation is stated in the 1st person, so that each of us will experience it personally and tangibly in our own lives. We are simultaneously invoking this Light on behalf of ALL Humanity. And we begin. GODDESS OF LIBERTY AND GODDESS OF JUSTICE I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the Divine Heart and Mind of God. I AM also One with the I AM Presence of every person evolving on Earth. As One Breath, One Voice, One Heartbeat and One Consciousness of Pure Divine Love, I invoke my Father-Mother God, the Beings of Light associated with Divine Government to this Planet, and all from the Realms of Illumined Truth who are guarding the evolutions of Earth. I also invoke the august Presence of the Goddess of Liberty and the Goddess of Divine Justice. Beloved Ones, come forth now. As these Mighty Beings of Light take their strategic positions above this Planet, I invoke the All-pervading Light of the Universe, the Supreme Source of all Life—All That Is. I now kneel within my Heart in recognition of the Light of the Cosmos, Beloved Father-Mother God, come now and assert your rightful authority within me and within ALL of Humanity. Show us how to reverently express the perfectly balanced activity of Liberty and Divine Justice in all of the experiences manifesting on Earth. Oh, Supreme Light, I acknowledge you in all Life and I give Gratitude to the Goddess of Liberty and the Goddess of Divine Justice, as I invoke them and their great Angelic Hosts to amplify the Divine Qualities of Liberty and Justice which I AM releasing this day to assist with the cocreation of Divine Government on Planet Earth. This is destined to be a Government OF the I AM Presence, BY the I AM Presence and FOR the I AM Presence of Humanity. I now invoke the I AM Presence of every person that is in any way associated with the Governments on Earth to direct, sustain and expand the portion of the Divine Plan which is that person’s Destiny. I Invoke the Goddess of Liberty and the Goddess of Justice to direct their full-gathered momentum of Liberty and Divine Justice into the feelings, minds and worlds of all Governmental leaders throughout the Earth. Beloved Legions of Light, I ask that you expand this activity of Light a thousand fold every single day with every Breath I take until Divine Government and the patterns of Oneness, Reverence for All Life, Divine Love, Enlightenment and Truth are tangibly manifest in the lives of ALL Humanity, and the Heart-based patterns of Liberty, Divine Justice and Divine Government are the Order of the New Day on Planet Earth. VICTORY IS OURS IN LOVE GOVERNING THIS PLANET! THE ANGEL OF RENEWAL AND RESTORATION Several years ago a plan was set into motion through the unified efforts of the Company of Heaven and Awakened Lightworkers on Earth that would reclaim the USA from the fear-based and fragmented consciousness of separation and duality and set her on the path to fulfill her Divine Destiny. In order to accomplish this Divine Mission, it was critical that the patterns for Divine Government be activated and recalibrated to a frequency that would reach into even the most asleep hearts and minds of Humanity. In order to accomplish this mighty feat, a magnificent Angelic Presence from the Great, Great Silence volunteered to project her luminous Presence into the atmosphere of Earth above Washington, D.C. Once she took her strategic position there, she created a canopy of Divine Light and Love that embraces every facet of Government in the USA at national, state, and local levels. This august Being is known throughout the Realms of Light as the Angel of Renewal and Restoration. Since that Cosmic Moment, her canopy of Light and Love has been gradually recalibrating every particle and wave of Life associated with Government in the USA. This Divine Intervention has been gradually preparing the USA for the time when the masses of Humanity would be Awake enough to manifest a Government OF the I AM Presence, BY the I AM Presence, FOR the I AM Presence. A Government based in Oneness, Divine Love and Reverence for ALL Life. Today, the Divine Intervention of the Angel of Renewal and Restoration is being greatly amplified. Please join me in sending Gratitude to this selfless Messenger of God as we assist her in her service to the Light. Breathe deeply. And we begin. Mighty Angel of Renewal and Restoration, in deep Humility and Gratitude we acknowledge your Presence in the Universe and the tremendous service you are rendering to Planet Earth and her evolutions. Thank you for sustaining a Canopy of Light over Washington, D.C. and expanding this Canopy of Light to embrace every other focus of Government on Earth. On this sacred and holy day, we ask that you envelop every Government on Earth in a constant outpouring of the Crystalline Flame of Renewal and Restoration. Sustain this Gift from On High until every country is manifesting God’s Will for Divine Government and the fulfillment of the Divine Plan for Planet Earth. Through the Presence of God, I AM, in me and in all of Humanity, we ask the Angel of Renewal and Restoration and the Legions of Light associated with God’s First Cause of Perfection to come forth now. Blessed One, traverse the Earth and blaze your exquisite Light through Washington, D.C. and the rest of the USA. Now, expand this activity of Light into every other country in the World. Transmute the human desire to use free will destructively, and replace it with the intense desire to serve the Light through God’s Will for the benefit of Humanity and Mother Earth. Permanently station your Angelic Legions in Washington, D.C. and in all World Government centers on Earth to ensure that all rates of vibration that tie any individual to activities of discord or imbalance will now be quickened to a point where they will be Transmuted back into Light. Protect every person from accepting negative human suggestions, and help each one to be a receiver of the Forces and Inspirational Activities of God. Assist each one to be a willing participant in the fulfillment of the Divine Plan of establishing Divine Government on Earth. Give added protection to those Lifestreams who are already manifesting God’s Will through their Divine Plans, and protect them from all interference that would seek to disrupt the establishment of Divine Government on Earth. I consciously accept this done right now, eternally sustained, ever-expanding and world-encompassing until Divine Government is tangibly manifesting in every country of the World. And so it is, Beloved I AM That I AM. God Bless You, Patricia Cota-Robles Era of Peace PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909, Fax: 520-347-5440 www.eraofpeace.org This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Era of Peace a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization ©2020 Patricia Cota-Robles |
PLANETARY REBOOT 2020 * October 17 -22
Patricia Cota-Robles
This is an unprecedented moment on Earth and YOU have the ability to help Humanity transcend the chaos and to cocreate a far more Heart-based reality. If this resonates in your Heart please watch this short four-minute video and respond according to your intuitive Inner Knowing.
Please share this video with all of the people in your sphere of influence who you feel would be interested in assisting Humanity and Mother Earth in this wondrous way.
YOU WERE BORN FOR THIS MOMENT by Patricia Cota-Robles www.eraofpeace.org September 11, 2020 I AM holding you in my heart and prayers during this incredibly powerful but simultaneously challenging time. We are being told from On High that we have ALL been preparing for Lifetimes for the events that are unfolding on Earth this year, and for the impending Planetary Reboot that we will cocreate with the Company of Heaven October 17-22, 2020. The vehicle that will be used to coordinate this event will be the 34th Annual World Congress on Illumination. For the first time ever, we at Era of Peace are going to cocreate with the Company of Heaven a Live Virtual Online Six-day Event. This event will allow the hundreds of thousands of Lightworkers around the World to join us, who for the past 34 years have been selflessly participating energetically from afar. In order for each and every person to be able to add their magnificent Light and the powerful abilities they have been acquiring for Lifetimes to this monumental phase of the Divine Plan, we are going to offer access to the Live Virtual Online 34th Annual World Congress on Illumination FREE OF CHARGE. This way anyone who has the Heart Call to participate will be able to do so without the limitation of a financial obligation. Our Father-Mother God have assured us that the information about the impending Planetary Reboot which is being shared by the Company of Heaven through the Weekly Vlogs and Newsletters associated with Era of Peace is being given to us for a reason. We are being told that through each of us this information will be magnetized into the conscious awareness of every person whose Divine Mission it is to weave their magnificent Light and their unique Gifts into this essential phase of Earth’s Divine Plan. So please, listen to your Heart and if you feel prompted to share this information with people in your sphere of influence, respond in alignment with that inner Heart Call. This sharing from On High clearly means that you have not received this information by chance. You are one of the precious souls who have been chosen for this Mission because of your tenacity and your ability to stay focused on the Light, even in the face of the mind boggling negativity that is surfacing all over the World at this time. Our Father-Mother God want you to know that this is true no matter how inadequate you may feel or how unprepared you think you are to accomplish this Mission. Those fears are nothing more than an illusion. If you did not have every single bit of the knowledge, skill, courage, strength and TRUST you need pulsating within your Heart Flame, right here and right now, you would not be receiving this information. So, Be at Peace and know All is Well. We were told that the terminology Humanity can most easily relate to is that we will cocreate a PLANETARY REBOOT that will catapult Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her into frequencies of Light beyond anything we have ever been able to safely assimilate. This unfathomable influx of Light will create the sacred space for a quantum shift within the mass consciousness of Humanity that will positively affect every person, place, condition and thing now manifesting in the world of form. This life-transforming shift of consciousness will allow the Awakening masses of Humanity to remember the training each and every one of us has experienced over myriad Lifetimes in preparation for this Cosmic Moment. Everyday from October 17-22, we will have a two-hour Live Online presentation with guided meditations and activities of Light from the Company of Heaven. The Beings of Light will guide us step by step through the critical facet of the unfolding Divine Plan that will be accomplished that day through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth. The REPLAY of each day will be available following the Live event, and will remain available for you to watch On Demand wherever you are on the Planet. These presentations will be encoded by the Company of Heaven in the Eternal Moment of NOW. That means that, whenever you have the Heart Call to watch these videos, your I AM Presence will weave your magnificent Light and Gifts into EARTH’S PLANETARY REBOOT as if you are participating LIVE. If you have the Heart Call to assist with this essential PLANETARY REBOOT just click on this link to register. https://eraofpeace.org/pages/world-congress-on-illumination Please forward this Newsletter to those on your mailing lists and social media connections who you feel would be willing to add their Light to this PLANETARY REBOOT which is an essential facet of Earth’s Ascension process. God Bless You, Patricia Cota-Robles Era of Peace PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446 Phone: 520-885-7909, Fax: 520-347-5440 www.eraofpeace.org This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. |
Patricia Cota-Robles
AUGUST 14, 2020
On January 1, 2020, we Birthed a New Decade in the full embrace of a powerful Eclipse Series that began on Christmas Day 2019 and was brought to fruition the weekend of January 10-12, 2020. With the completion of that powerful influx of Light the Company of Heaven revealed that during the next ten years Humanity will change the course of history for Mother Earth and ALL her Life. They said that during this decade, 2020 to 2030, Humanity will develop our latent abilities through which we will literally TRANSFIGURE our Earthly Bodies and our outer-world Life experiences into the Heart-based patterns of perfection associated with the 5th-Dimensional New Earth.
The Beings of Light said this incomprehensible Transfiguration will be accomplished through a greatly expanded collaboration between the Company of Heaven and an Awakened Humanity. Our Father-Mother God said this degree of collaboration between Heaven and Earth has never before been attempted. At the time, we had no idea just what that meant, but within a few weeks we began hearing about the “Coronavirus” and what the spread of this unfamiliar virus might mean for people everywhere.
In no time the Covid-19 virus, as it was named, exploded into a pandemic of epic proportions. This caused people around the world to stop everything and to just stay at home in an attempt to stop the spread of the virus. This unprecedented forced global time-out created the space for billions of people all over the world to just BE. This planetary pause allowed the I AM Presence of every person to begin Awakening us in new and previously unknown ways. This greatly affected even the essential workers who did not have the luxury of staying home. Their sacrifices drew the attention of the masses of Humanity in shocking ways that we had previously just taken for granted. This awareness opened our hearts and helped us realize that we are all in this together and that we need each other very much. This realization cleared the space for the I Am Presence of every person to remind us that we are One and that there is no separation.
As days and weeks passed, the Company of Heaven revealed to us the awesome Divine Intervention occurring through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth during the forced time-out. They said the mass consciousness of Humanity was being elevated to NEW levels as Lightworkers around the World finally had the time to orchestrate Virtual Online events which were greatly adding to the Light of the World. That quantum influx of Light recalibrated Humanity’s Earthly Bodies and prepared every person on Earth to be able to safely receive the Light from the most powerful Triple Eclipse Series the World has ever experienced.
We at Era of Peace transcribed these Celestial Sharings in detail and distributed them step by step through our Weekly Vlogs, Monthly Newsletters and Online Webinars. This information is all available on our website www.eraofpeace.org FREE of charge, so I will not repeat it here. What I want to share with you today is the miraculous Victory of the events that took place during the apex of the Opening of the Lion’s Gate on August 8, 2020. The victorious accomplishment of all that has occurred so far this year brought us to a Cosmic Moment that the I AM Presence of every person has been preparing for since our fall from Grace aeons ago. That Glorious Moment occurred during the apex of the Opening of the Lion’s Gate on August 8, 2020. On that sacred and holy day, according to the Company of Heaven, literally hundreds of millions of people consciously participated in that facet of the Divine Plan and every other person on Earth participated through their I AM Presence. As One Unified Breath, Humanity focused on the Opening of the Lion’s Gate and the expansion of the strength and courage of our Heart Flames. A lesser degree of this opportunity occurs every year during the Sun cycle of Leo and the alignment of the Star Sirius, but this year it was different. This year, due to the monumental shifts that had taken place since the Birth of the New Decade and the forced global time-out, as the Lion’s Gate reached the apex of its opening on August 8th, our Father-Mother God were able to Breathe Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her through the original Lion’s Gate into the Higher 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Lion’s Gate that pulsates in the atmosphere above the New Earth. As this occurred, for the very first time the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth was able to FULLY integrate at an atomic cellular level into our physical, etheric, mental and emotional Earthly Bodies. Now, this aspect of our own Divinity has far greater access to our conscious mind than ever before. Once that facet of the Earth’s Ascension through the original Lion’s Gate was God Victoriously accomplished, that Gate was permanently sealed. The precious primal Light substance that has served Humanity through these magnificent Lions for aeons of time was released into unformed primal Light and returned to the very Heart of God for future service to the Light. Now, during the remainder of Earth’s Ascension Process, Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her will be held in the full embrace of the majestic 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Lion’s Gate. Every year we will continue to experience the blessings of this exquisite Lion’s Gate during the alignment of the Sun Cycle of Leo and the Star Sirius.
With the life-transforming integration of Humanity’s I AM Presence which has now occurred, every person’s I AM Presence is now able to intuitively guide us in ways that will be difficult for us to ignore. No longer will the communication from our I AM Presence just be a “still small voice within” striving to be heard and to get our attention. This aspect of our Divinity will now be an ever present Inner Knowing and intuitive guide that will not allow us to comfortably act out of obsolete patterns of separation and duality anymore. Now, we will more tangibly feel the discomfort of our thoughts, feelings, words and actions that are not based in Love. The guidance from our I AM Presence will reveal new ways of responding to the challenges in our life and viable solutions that will create win-win situations and the highest good for all concerned in every situation.
Now today, the Company of Heaven is asking us to join them for an activity of Light that will help the masses of Humanity to tangibly sense and know the greatly amplified assistance we are receiving from our I AM Presence. If you have the Heart Call to do so, please join me now for this sacred opportunity. And we begin.
I AM Amplifying the Integration of My I AM Presence
Patricia Cota-Robles
Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her have Ascended through the Portal of the original Lion’s Gate into the Higher 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Lion’s Gate which pulsates in the atmosphere above the New Earth. On a cellular level, my I AM Presence and the I AM Presence of every person on Earth has gently integrated into the Core of Purity in every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of our Earthly Bodies. Now, on the Holy Breath, I go within to the Divinity of my Heart Flame. I now know that I have successfully walked through the challenges of my Earthly experiences into the Glory of a New Day filled with the full-gathered momentum of Heaven on Earth.
Victory is mine! Victory is mine! Victory is mine!
The obsolete patterns of separation and duality from the old Earth have been dismantled and are in the process of being Transfigured back into Light. This has cleared the way for our Father-Mother God to infuse the Earth with brand NEW Patterns of Comprehensive Divine Love which will reclaim this Planet. This unfathomable frequency of Divine Love created the sacred space for Humanity’s I AM Presence to at long last take full dominion of our Earthly Bodies. As I Breathe in and out deeply and rhythmically, the integration of my I AM Presence is being greatly amplified within me. Every electron, every atom, every subatomic particle and wave of my physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies and all the spaces in-between the atoms and molecules of these bodies joyously receives and assimilates this NEW multifaceted 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light from my I AM Presence. As this occurs, my thoughts, feelings, words and actions begin to reflect the Divine Love, Oneness, Harmony, Peace, Abundance and Balance of God. This Transfiguration is changing my physical reality into the Love-based perfection of the New Earth. This is a unique Gift, a sacred opportunity, and it is being presented to every man, woman and child on Earth right here and right now. I contemplate this Truth and as this Sacred Knowledge resonates within me, my Heart Flame begins to expand and expand. Instantaneously, I AM lifted into the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. My feet are planted firmly on Earth. Simultaneously, I AM consciously aware of my Father-Mother God and the entire Company of Heaven, because we are One and there is no separation.
I AM a Being of resplendent Light, now realizing the fullness of that Light on every level of my existence. As I AM lifted up, ALL Life is lifted up with me. Therefore, I know that within my I AM Presence, I AM now ALL of Humanity standing forth and realizing that we are Sons and Daughters of God. This means we are beloved and empowered God Beings in every Realm of Consciousness and that ALL our Father-Mother God have is ours. With the amplified integration of our I AM Presence, we are now able to Liberate our Father-Mother God’s Light in every physical and chemical interaction within our Earthly Bodies. This is Healing and recalibrating all of the energy bonds within atoms and between atoms to the vibrational frequency of God’s Infinite Physical Perfection. This Divine Wisdom contains everything necessary to set straight the orbit, spin and electronic charge of every cell, atom and electron of Life on Earth. ALL energy bonds within the atomic realm are now accelerating in vibration toward the frequency of Infinite Physical Perfection. Every cell of Life is now receiving and assimilating the Sacred Knowledge encoded within our I AM Presence and the newly activated Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Strands of DNA within every person. Every person’s I AM Presence is now Liberating the Sacred Knowledge within our 5th-Dimensional DNA into every interaction within Humanity and all of the energy bonds therein. These interactions include the relationships of all people, all organizations, all races, all religions and all nations. All of these interactions are now being Liberated into the Harmony of a Higher Order of Being, thus greatly expanding the influence of Humanity’s I AM Presence on Earth. Now, through my 5th-Dimensional DNA I AM receiving clearly the Divine Promptings, Ideas and Concepts of my I AM Presence. I know now that I AM a Living, Light-filled Temple of invincible perfection expressing my true state of Enlightened Consciousness as well as Vibrant Health, Infinite Abundance, Eternal Youth, Divine Love, Truth, Peace and Abounding Joy. I AM here and NOW tangibly manifesting my I AM Presence on Earth with every Breath I take. On the Holy Breath, I now gently return my consciousness to the room. I become aware of my Earthly Bodies and as I Breathe in and out slowly and deeply, I allow the amplified Divine Energies from my I AM Presence to be fully assimilated at a cellular level. I revel in the Bliss of this moment on Earth and I AM Grateful, I AM Grateful, I AM Eternally Grateful. Beloved Father-Mother God—All That Is—I AM. And so it is. Dear One, pay attention and your I AM Presence will guide you unerringly to the fulfillment of your Divine Plan and your highest good during this critical moment in Earth’s Ascension process.
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446
Phone: 520-885-7909, Fax: 520-347-5440
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Era of Peace
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
©2020 Patricia Cota-Robles