Category Archives: Patricia Cota Robles


Patricia Cota-Robles

July 1, 2022

This is a powerful moment for the people in the United States of America. We are being called to a higher service, and we are being presented with the opportunity to change the direction in which this country is headed. Time is of the essence, and in order for this country to fulfill her Divine Destiny, we must act now. We must get involved, and we must respond to the inner prompting of our heart which seems to keep repeating the refrain, “Your time is at hand.”

When we watch the news or read the newspaper it appears as though everything on this Planet is spiraling out of control and disintegrating into an abyss of chaos and confusion. It seems as though the people in positions of power who are associated with governments, the courts, corporations, energy, religions, the media, financial institutions, medical and pharmaceutical interests and most of the other institutions that profoundly affect people’s lives have lost their way.

They have succumbed to the paralyzing grip of their fear-based, fragmented human egos even though this aspect of Humanity’s fallen personality is now obsolete. They have bought into the illusion of lack and limitation. Many of them sincerely believe that they must lie, cheat, steal and kill in order to survive. These people are committed to doing whatever they think is necessary in order to maintain their power.

It is difficult for the average person to fathom how we will ever get out of this mess. It looks like an impossible task, and it seems as though our humble efforts are futile in the face of such powerful adversity. Fortunately, our omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Father-Mother God are directing the Company of Heaven and embodied Lightworkers on Earth to help every person on this Planet understand that NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH!!!

We are not worthless sinners or worms in the dust. We are Beloved Sons and Daughters of God, and ALL that our Father-Mother God have is ours. We are in the physical plane of Earth at this time to learn how to use our Creative faculties of thought and feeling to become Cocreators with our God Parents. We were given the gift of free will so that we would voluntarily use our thoughts and feelings to Cocreate new patterns of Divinity in the physical world of form, thus expanding the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. As Children of God, we are powerful beyond our knowing.

No matter how remote that Truth may be from our conscious mind and memory, it is still pulsating in the genetic codings of our Divine Potential. All we have to do in order to bring this Sacred Knowledge to the surface is ask our I AM Presence to reveal to us the Truth of who we are and why we are here.

In order to change what is happening in the outer world, we do NOT have to do battle with the forces of imbalance. That particular focus of our attention would interfere with our ability to be the Peace Commanding Presence we need to be at this time. It would actually distract us from fulfilling the Divine Plan.

Buckminster Fuller once said, “In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete.”

That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called.

We must start by knowing that we are ALL One. There is no “us and them.” Every soul who is acting out adversely is still a Son or Daughter of God, regardless of how far that soul may be from reflecting that Truth in his or her behavior patterns. Consequently, every person on Earth is our Sister or Brother in every sense of the word. We are interrelated, interconnected and interdependent, not only with every person on Earth, but with every facet of Life in the whole of Creation.

It is imperative for us to remember that every man, woman and child has a Spark of Divinity pulsating within their Heart Flame. If that were not true, they could not exist. As we focus our attention on the Divine Spark within every person’s heart, it begins to expand and expand. This allows their I AM Presence to integrate into their physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies.

The I AM Presence, which is our true God Self, always sees the bigger picture. This aspect of our Divinity knows our individual purpose and reason for being. Once our I AM Presence integrates into our Earthly bodies, it is able to influence our thoughts, words, actions and feelings in new and constructive ways. This will result in new behavior patterns that reflect the Oneness of Life and the highest good for all concerned.

In the United States of America we are in the midst of our midterm elections. Due to the Cosmic Moment at hand, this is one of the most important elections we have ever faced. The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have indicated that through this election process, a Divine Plan of monumental proportions is unfolding on Earth. In order for this plan to succeed, the involvement of every Awakened Lightworker is vital and necessary.

The Truth is that fundamental change never begins at the top. Change of this magnitude begins with a shift of Consciousness at the grass-roots level and expands into an unstoppable momentum. People at the top who are in positions of power, however, do have the ability to wreak havoc on this Planet and Humanity. For this reason, it is critical that the people who are elected into office in United States of America be people who understand the Oneness of Life and the Divine Destiny for this country.

America is an anagram for the I AM RACE. This will be a race of God-conscious souls, a race of people comprised of all races, all religions, all nationalities, all cultures and all creeds. America is literally the microcosm of the macrocosm for this Planet. 

The I AM RACE will be a race of people who truly represent the Family of Humanity living together in peace, harmony, joy, mutual respect and abundance. This will be a race of people who revel in the unity of our diversities, people who are learning and growing through our shared experiences, continually working toward the highest good for all concerned, Cocreating win-win situations for all of our interactions with each other. The I AM RACE will be comprised of people who are modeling Humanity’s Divine Potential for all the World to see. That is the Destiny and the Divine Plan for this country.

This archetype for the Family of Humanity will then expand until all of the peoples on this sweet Earth are experiencing Oneness and the Reverence for ALL Life. As the I AM Presence expands through every Heart Flame, Humanity will succeed in Cocreating the wonders of Heaven on Earth.

It may seem as though this reality is a pipe dream or, at most, a remote possibility in the far distant future. But, in Truth, we have the ability to Cocreate this Divine Plan right here and right now. This is not a colossal feat, but it does involve a deliberate shift in Humanity’s Consciousness. 

The Beings of Light in the Realms of Truth have given specific guidance on what Lightworkers can do to assist in Cocreating this vitally important facet of the Divine Plan. It is never the intent of these selfless servants of God to interfere with our free will, so they will not tell us who to vote for or what the result of the elections will be. In fact, they said that there are several variables in these elections that could result in a positive outcome IF the candidates will give their I AM Presence dominion of their thoughts, words, actions and feelings.

What Lightworkers all over the World are being asked to do at this time, is to be the Open Door for the Light of God. Even though the Company of Heaven is standing in readiness, they cannot intervene without our permission. Once we ask for their assistance, however, the floodgates of Heaven will open in response to our invitation.

Because of the miraculous Activities of Light that have been accomplished since the Birth of this Decade 2020-2030, the Earth and all her Life are now vibrating at the highest frequency that we have experienced since our fall from Grace aeons ago. As hard as this may be to believe, this shift of vibration is allowing the Legions of Light from Systems of Worlds beyond our previous experience to assist us.

The Beings of Light are beseeching all of us who are able to vote in these elections to take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity. They have asked us to evaluate the candidates according to our wisdom and our understanding, then we can ask our I AM Presence for guidance and illumination. After listening to our inner guidance, we are being asked to vote for the person who resonates in our heart as the one who will bring about the highest good and the Divine Destiny for this country. Then, after completing the voting process, we can affirm within our hearts: “Thy Will, not mine, be done.”

Since we are One with all Humanity, we have the ability to serve as surrogates on behalf of every voter in the United States of America. That is true regardless of where we reside on the face of the Earth. We have the ability to ask the I AM Presence of each voter to intervene in his or her voting process, just as we have asked our own I AM Presence.

From now until the midterm elections, we have the ability to create the sacred space for the right and perfect outcome of this Divine Plan. The Beings of Light have given us some very powerful affirmations and invocations. This will give the Company of Heaven permission to intervene in powerful ways in this election process in the United States of America.

If we will do these invocations and affirmations knowing that we are joining in consciousness with Lightworkers all over the World who are doing them with us, our efforts will be expanded a thousand fold. This amplification of Light is a gift from both the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Legions of Light assisting us from other Systems of Worlds. I will state these invocations in the 1st person, so that each of us will experience them personally and tangibly in our own lives. Simultaneously, we are invoking this Activity of Light on behalf of ALL Humanity.  And we begin.


As I Breathe in and out deeply and rhythmically, I absorb every Holy Breath into the Divinity of my Heart Flame. With every Inbreath I AM cleansing the cells, molecules, atoms and electrons of my physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies. With every Outbreath I AM expanding my Holy Breath into the physical plane of Earth to bless all Life. As I continue focusing my attention on my Inbreath and Outbreath, I AM lifted into the full embrace of my mighty I AM Presence. Within the radiance of this resplendent Light, I surrender my lower human consciousness to the perfection of my I AM Presence.

In this higher level of Divine Consciousness, I know I AM One with the Divine Heart and Mind of God. I AM also One with every man, woman and child on Earth. Now, within the embrace of Humanity’s unified Heart Flames I affirm as One Voice, One Breath and One Consciousness of pure Divine Love: I AM a Beloved Child of God, and ALL that my Father-Mother God have is mine.

As a surrogate serving on behalf of ALL Humanity, I invoke the I AM Presence of every person to expand the Threefold Flame within their Heart. I kneel in recognition of the Light of the Cosmos, and I draw forth the Flames representing the Threefold Activity of Life, as exemplified by the Holy Trinity in the Threefold Flame pulsating in every person’s Heart.

I invoke the Blue Flame, which represents the Divine Power of my Father God.

I invoke the Pink Flame, which represents the Comprehensive Divine Love of my Mother God, the Holy Spirit.

I invoke the Yellow-Gold Flame, which represents the Divine Enlightenment and Unity Consciousness of the Sons and Daughters of God.

Beloved Father-Mother God, come now and assert your rightful authority within me and within ALL of Humanity. Show us how to reverently and humbly express this perfectly balanced activity of Power, Love, and Unity Consciousness daily and hourly in our lives.

Now, within the Divine Balance of my Heart Flame I decree:

O Supreme Light, I acknowledge you in all Life. I give Gratitude to the glorious Cosmic, Galactic and Ascended Beings as I invoke them and the great Angelic Host to amplify the energy which I AM now releasing to assist with the fulfillment of the Divine Plan for manifesting Divine Government. May that Light expand and expand as it travels throughout the Universe, ever widening the borders of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, in fulfillment of God’s Will.

Beloved Presence of God—the Source of All That Is—I Love and Adore you. I acknowledge you as the owner and giver of my Life, my intelligence, my substance, my all. Seal me in the Power, Love, and Unity Consciousness of my Threefold Flame. Blaze your Light and Love before me so that I may always walk the Path of Light.

Guard and protect me. Guide and direct me. Give me the Illumination of the Truth that will set me FREE. Help me to BE your Divine Love in action at all times.  Sustain your Love through me to bless all Life I contact.

I dedicate this Activity of Light to the manifestation of Divine Government—a Government OF the I AM Presence, BY the I AM Presence, FOR the I AM Presence of every person on Earth.

I now specifically invoke the I AM Presence of every person who is now or ever will be associated with the Governments of the Earth. Dear Ones, I ask that you record in their conscious mind and their Heart Flame the portion of the Divine Plan for which they are or will be responsible. Reveal through the Flame of Illumined Truth the Divine Purpose and Plan for each of the positions they will hold and give each person the Spiritual Courage and Desire to fulfill that plan perfectly.

Now Beloved Legions of Light, Blaze the Cosmic Flame of God’s Will through each of these souls and clear away any destructive activity of their own free will which might rush in to try and impede their conscious desire to do God’s Will. Help them to remain obedient to the Laws of Harmony and to BE God in action at ALL times. Seal all Governmental positions individually and collectively in the radiance of God’s Will.

I now Invoke the Legions of Light throughout Infinity to direct their full-gathered momentum of Loving and Illumined Obedience to God’s Will into the thoughts, words, actions and feelings of all people who are or will be associated with the Governments of the World at national, state and local levels.

Through the Power and Presence of my Father-Mother God, I decree that Divine Government shall manifest NOW and that ALL Humanity shall follow the Will of God in fulfilling the Divine Plan for this blessed Planet and all her Life.

And So It Is, Beloved I AM.
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles



by Patricia Cota-Robles

June 1, 2022
  Our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven are asking you personally to go within to the Divinity of your Heart Flame and to listen to this sharing through the Flame of Illumined Truth in the very depths of your Inner Knowing. This information is being addressed to you specifically. We have never had a request like this before from On High, which indicates the importance of this message regarding your Presence on Earth during this Cosmic Moment.   This sharing has been magnetized into your sphere of awareness by your I AM Presence because of who you are and the Divine Mission you willingly volunteered to participate in many lifetimes ago. The events that have taken place since the birth of this decade in 2020 have successfully prepared Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her for the Divine Mission YOU have personally been in training to accomplish for lifetimes.   For greater clarity, the Company of Heaven has asked me to share a little about the background of our organization Era of Peace, as well as the information we were given about the Sons and Daughters of God who would be drawn to the information being revealed through Era of Peace by the Company of Heaven.   In the 1960’s, in the midst of the various upheavals taking place around the World, the Company of Heaven said it was time to expand the information to the rest of the World that they had been revealing esoterically to a relatively small portion of Humanity through the various Mystery Schools. They said it was time for the Sacred Knowledge from the Realms of Illumined Truth to now be made tangibly available, exoterically, to the masses of Humanity. The Beings of Light said this information would be revealed in waves as Awakening Humanity comprehended it and passed it on to the masses through the various ways and methods of Teaching they would be inspired to initiate.   I was asked at the time if I would be willing to transcribe the information the Company of Heaven was sharing with me and to make it available, without exception, to anyone who might be interested. In deep humility and infinite gratitude I accepted that opportunity.
  The Beings of Light said the information I would be sharing through Era of Peace would never be considered mainstream. They said the people who would be drawn to Era of Peace would be Awakened Teachers who had volunteered to bring this Sacred Knowledge to the masses of Humanity through myriad avenues that they would Cocreate through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth. I was told that as soon as the information I was sharing reached enough of the Awakened Teachers, the next wave of Sacred Knowledge would be revealed as I assimilated this information and stretched my Consciousness into the highest possible Realms of Illumined Truth.
  This is exactly how Era of Peace has evolved in Divine Order for the past 55 years. In all of that time no one has been drawn to the information being shared through Era of Peace by accident. The Beings of Light have confirmed that whether you have connected with this information through our Website, Newsletters, Classes, Free Seminars, Radio Shows, Weekly Vlogs, Social Media, YouTube Presentations, Global Meditations, Online Interviews, Webinars,  our Annual World Congress on Illumination or our Books, Tapes, CDs, Mp3s and Videos, YOU are One of the Awakened Teachers.   You are One of the people our Father-Mother God have confirmed has volunteered to bring the information from the highest Realms of Illumined Truth to the masses of Humanity. This is true whether you have been receiving these sharings from On High since the 1960’s or you are reading this Newsletter and connecting with this information for the very first time. It matters not. 
  The reason the Company of Heaven is specifically reminding YOU of this profound Truth today is because of a Quantum Shift that has now taken place throughout the whole of Creation since the Birth of 2022. Mother Earth has Ascended into Higher Celestial and Cosmic Coordinates than she has ever experienced. This Planet and ALL Life evolving upon her are now able to receive Higher Solar Light Codes from the Portals of the Suns in Earth’s Lineage than we have ever been able to safely assimilate.   These NEW Solar Light Codes are pulsating with Sacred Knowledge from the Highest Realms of Illumined Truth which Transcend anything we have ever known or even had the awareness to contemplate. These Solar Light Codes reverberate with the Life-transforming information and the patterns of perfection contained in the New Contingency Plan now being revealed to Humanity through the 5th-Dimensional Record Keeper Crystals recently placed in Mother Earth’s Crystal Grid System by the Mighty Elohim. These Record Keeper Crystals are identical to and serve the same purpose in the Body of Mother Earth as the newly activated 5th-Dimensional RNA and DNA structures in our own Earthly Bodies.   The great amplification of Light we are experiencing through the Universal Quantum Shift that has now taken place through ALL Creation is allowing our I AM Presence to recalibrate the right and left hemispheres of our brain. This, in turn, is allowing our I AM Presence and our Body Elemental to raise the capacity of our spiritual brain centers to receive higher frequencies of Sacred Knowledge. These centers consist of our pineal, pituitary and hypothalamus glands as well as the ganglionic centers at the base of our brain. As these spiritual centers within our brain are raised in frequency, we will be able to clearly interpret the Sacred Knowledge we are receiving from the NEW Solar Light Codes.   Scientists used to think of our DNA as being stagnant and fixed in a particular pattern. Now we know that our DNA is a shimmering waveform configuration that is now being modified by God’s Light, solar radiation, magnetic fields, sonic impulses, thoughtforms and emotions associated with the newly encoded archetypes and with the Divine Matrix for our 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies and the New Earth.
  The Company of Heaven is revealing to us today that the Universal Quantum Shift that has now taken place within every person on Earth has exponentially expanded the Divine Alchemy taking place within Humanity’s 5th-Dimensional RNA and DNA structures. The Beings of Light said this is particularly significant information for YOU since you are One of the Awakened Teachers who have volunteered to bring this Sacred Knowledge to the masses of Humanity.   The Company of Heaven wants YOU to know that as One of the Awakened Teachers you are already in the midst of Cocreating the next phase of Mother Earth’s greatly accelerated Ascension process. You may be well aware of this. However, even if you are oblivious of this Truth and you may even feel totally unprepared to fulfill this facet of your Divine Mission, that concern is strictly a fear-based illusion. YOU are in your right and perfect place and whatever you are doing in your life, right here and right now, is providing the perfect opportunity for you to reach into a higher level of Sacred Knowledge in the Realms of Illumined Truth.    You have been fully prepared to perceive every single thing you encounter in the outer world through the eyes of Illumined Truth. This means that you are able to instantaneously discern whether the person, place, condition or thing manifesting before you is based in fear or based in Love. Those are the only two evaluations you need to make.   If whatever you encounter is based in fear the Sacred Knowledge being revealed through Mother Earth’s New Contingency Plan and the New Solar Light Codes will give you the answers and the viable solutions you need to assist that person, place, condition or thing to Transfigure that manifestation into the Heart-based patterns of perfection associated with the New Earth.
  Know that the Sacred Knowledge from On High and the viable solutions from the Realms of Illumined Truth will always reflect Oneness, Comprehensive Divine Love and Reverence for ALL Life. All you have to do is ask your I AM Presence and the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth to Guide you. Then, pay attention and listen to that intuitive Inner Guidance.
  You are powerful beyond your knowing. Remember, the Light of God is ALWAYS Victorious and YOU are that Light.  

God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles

Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909
Fax: 520-347-5440
  This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included.
  Era of Peace is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
 ©2022 Patricia Cota-Robles


close up photo of purple clustered flower
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by Patricia Cota-Robles

May 1, 2022

Significant changes have recently taken place within every person’s Earthly Bodies due to the powerful influxes of Light we have all experienced since the beginning of 2022. Our I AM Presence has assisted each of us in assimilating these changes at a cellular level. Now, we are able to safely receive the incredible waves of Light we will be blessed with throughout what the Company of Heaven refers to as “The Mystical Month of May.”   In the Heavenly Realms May is considered a Mystical Month because of all of the special events that occur during May. These events involve Divine Intervention, outer world Celebrations and Celestial Gifts from On High. The Company of Heaven said that this year, following the monumental influx of the Resurrection Flame we have been receiving since the opening of the Equinox Portal on March 20-21, the opportunities we will be blessed with in May will affect us, in positive ways, more profoundly than ever before.   May 1st is celebrated throughout the World as Saint Germain’s Ascension Day. Saint Germain is known through all Creation as the “Keeper of the Violet Flame.” Every year on May 1st, Saint Germain directs his Legions of Violet Flame Archangels to traverse the Planet north, south, east and west blazing in, through and around every particle and wave of Life on Earth the most powerful frequencies of the Violet Flame that Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth are capable of receiving.   This powerful Gift is usually intensified for a 24-hour period. However, this year, because of the need of the hour and the tremendous progress we have all made in our ability to assimilate higher frequencies of Light, this Sacred Fire will build in momentum with every Breath we take for the entire month of May.   In order to help us grasp the magnitude of just what this Gift from On High means, our Father-Mother God are reminding us that throughout the whole of Creation the Violet Flame is the most powerful tool available for Transmuting negative energy back into Light.
  We each have the ability to be an Instrument of God during this Cosmic Moment. Saint Germain has given us an invocation that will allow us to be the Open Door for this amazing Gift of Sacred Fire. If this facet of the Divine Plan resonates in your heart of hearts, please utilize this invocation throughout the Month of May and beyond, following the Guidance of your I AM Presence.  
Violet Flame Invocation
“I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. As One Voice, One Breath, One Heartbeat, and One Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love I invoke the most intensified frequencies of the Violet Flame that Cosmic Law will allow. “Beloved Saint Germain and your Legions of Violet Flame Archangels, I ask that you blaze this Violet Flame with the power and might of a thousand Suns in, through, and around every thought, feeling, word, action, memory and belief that Humanity has ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, both known and unknown, that is reflecting anything less than our Father-Mother God’s Love and the Oneness of ALL Life.“Transmute this energy cause, core, effect, record and memory back into its original perfection and seal it in an invincible Forcefield of God’s Comprehensive Divine Love.“I accept and know that this Activity of Light is being God Victoriously accomplished even as I Call.  And so it is! Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM That I AM.”
A Gift From Mother Mary
  Another wonderful thing that occurs during the Month of May is that Mother Mary opens the doors to her Temple of the Immaculate Heart in the Inner Planes for the entire month. She lovingly invites all of Humanity to visit her in our finer bodies while we sleep at night. In order to take full advantage of this opportunity all we have to do is ask our I AM Presence to take us to Mother Mary’s Temple of the Immaculate Heart when we go to sleep and it will be done.
  Since we are One with all Life, we have the ability to ask the I AM Presence of every person on Earth to do the same for them by simply affirming, “I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. What I ask for myself this night, I ask for every person on Earth in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.”
  Then, in the timeless and spaceless 5th-Dimensional frequencies of her Temple of Light, Mother Mary will communicate with each of us individually, and all of us collectively, to determine what assistance she might provide  that will help us to fulfill our greatest need of the hour.    Mother Mary has told us that her most important responsibility is holding the Immaculate Concept for each and every one of us to ultimately fulfill our full Divine Potential as Beloved Sons and Daughters of God. Due to the progress our I AM Presence has made this year in recalibrating our Earthly Bodies into higher frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light, Mother Mary said she is now able to assist us in ways she could not in the past.   Her assistance this month will be unique for each of us individually as well as what she is able to do for us collectively to raise the mass consciousness of Humanity. Mother Mary is encouraging us to pay attention each morning to the thoughts and feelings we have upon awakening. She said it will help for us to ask our I AM Presence to bring back tangible memories of our experiences with her in her Temple of the Immaculate Heart.  
Acknowledging the Divine Feminine
  Another event that greatly adds to the Light of the World during the month of May is the Celebration of Mother’s Day which takes place in several countries around the World. Mother’s Day in the USA and Canada will be May 8th this year. In Mexico Mother’s Day is always on May 10th and in France Mother’s Day will be celebrated on May 29th.   This year on every Mother’s Day celebrated throughout the World our Mother God and all of the Feminine Aspects of Deity are going to flood the Earth with the highest possible frequencies of God’s Comprehensive Divine Love. The Company of Heaven said this intensified influx of God’s Comprehensive Divine Love will enhance and greatly amplify the tangible results of the Violet Flame that is bathing the Earth for the entire month of May.  
The Full Moon Eclipse and the Golden Buddha of Enlightenment
  All of the events in May will enhance the blessings Humanity and the Earth will receive during another influx of Light that blesses the Earth during the Month of May. This event is the known as the Wesak Festival which takes place during the Full Moon in the Sun Cycle of Taurus. This Festival celebrates the Enlightenment of the Buddha and the unveiling of the Golden Buddha of Enlightenment now pulsating in every person’s Heart Flame. This year the Wesak Full Moon will take place on May 15th-16th. During that Full Moon, we will also be blessed with a powerful Lunar Eclipse.   Enlightenment is a level of Divine Consciousness that allows us to KNOW the true meaning of Christ Consciousness or Unity Consciousness which the masses of Humanity are beginning to realize expresses the very essence of the Oneness of our Father-Mother God. The Beings of Light have revealed that this year during the powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of Wesak, we will each experience through our I AM Presence and our Body Elemental a shift of energy, vibration and consciousness that will begin revealing, in new and profound ways, the Sacred Knowledge now pulsating from the newly unveiled Golden Buddha of Enlightenment in every Heart Flame.
  We are being told that the first way this shift will begin to reveal itself to us is through a gentler and kinder way of perceiving even the most recalcitrant of our Brothers and Sisters in the Family of Humanity. When we recognize the TRUTH of the Divinity in ALL Life, we open our hearts and minds and experience new ways of thinking and feeling that are infused with Divine Love, Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life.   This in turn lifts us into a higher level of Unity Consciousness which allows us to clearly perceive viable solutions for all of the maladies still surfacing around the World to be Healed and Transmuted back into Light. Then, the TRUTH becomes blatantly obvious that we are One and only through cooperation and Reverence for ALL Life will the problems of the day be solved. With this Enlightenment we will realize with great clarity that indeed, “We are the Ones we have been waiting for.”
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles

Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909
Fax: 520-347-5440
  This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included.  
Era of Peace is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
 ©2022 Patricia Cota-Robles


by Patricia Cota-Robles

March 13, 2022
  The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are revealing to us that there is a very positive shift taking place within the hearts and minds of billions of people all over the World as we watch with shock and horror the events unfolding in Ukraine. Humanity’s collective focus of attention on the unconscionable pain and suffering being inflicted on our Sisters and Brothers is cracking open people’s Hearts in previously unknown ways. This is Creating a collective Cup of Consciousness through which Humanity’s overwhelming invocations for Divine Love, Peace, Mercy, Compassion and Cosmic Forgiveness are now being answered.   Every person’s I AM Presence is activating our Inner Knowing and our Remembrance of the Oneness of ALL Life. The accelerated Awakening of the masses is now moving to the next level. This is Creating the sacred space for an influx of Divine Intervention beyond the greatest expectations of Heaven which will take place during the March Equinox. The following is what the Company of Heaven has told us about this Divine Intervention.   Now that we have had a few weeks to assimilate the powerful influx of Cosmic Forgiveness we received during the Olympic Games in February, and the incredible Light we were blessed with as we simultaneously Ascended through the Aquarian Gateway, the way has been cleared for the next step in Mother Earth’s greatly accelerated Ascension process.
  The Company of Heaven is sharing that Mother Earth’s Planetary Grid of Divine Love, which Lightworkers have been Cocreating for over 50 years, is now ready and able to withstand NEW and Infinitely Higher pulsations of our Father-Mother God’s Divine Love.
  Through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth this Planet reached a frequency of vibration in 2001 that allowed our Father-Mother God to Breathe into our Planetary Grid of Divine Love the highest aspect of their Love that Humanity had ever been able to safely receive. That aspect of Divine Love is known throughout all Creation as the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love. For the past 21 years Mother Earth’s Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love has been blessing all Life on this Planet and assisting Humanity in wondrous ways in our Awakening process.   Now, due to the seemingly miraculous shifts that have taken place recently within the Earthly Bodies of Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth, we are vibrating at a frequency of Light that will allow our Father-Mother God to safely Breathe into our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love an Infinitely Higher Frequency of their Love which is known through all Creation as Comprehensive Divine Love.God’s Comprehensive Divine Love not only incorporates Transfiguring Divine Love, it Infinitely Transcends that frequency of Light and lifts Humanity into higher frequencies of God’s Love than we have ever been able to experience. In 2021, Lightworkers Cocreated a Quantum Field of the very gentle, initial frequencies of Comprehensive Divine Love for the very first time. That Forcefield of Light has been softly embracing the Earth preparing every particle and wave of Life at a cellular level for the influx of Light that will bathe the Earth during the upcoming Equinox which will take place March 20-21, 2022.   The Company of Heaven has given us an Activity of Light that will initiate the mighty feat of recalibrating Mother Earth’s Planetary Grid of Divine Love from a frequency of Transfiguring Divine Love into the awesome pulsations of our Father-Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love. This influx of Light will be intensified as we move through the days preceding, during and following the March Equinox.   The Beings of Light asked me to share with you that the PHYSICAL IMAGE of Mother Earth’s Planetary Grid of Divine Love, which is available on our website, will not change in visible form with this powerful energetic upgrade. However, they assure us that very single physical image of this Grid of Light is energetically connected directly to Mother Earth’s Grid of Divine Love. This means that every image of this Planetary Grid no matter where it is on the Planet will be simultaneously elevated and permanently secured in the Transcendent pulsations of God’s Comprehensive Divine Love as we are Guided through this Activity of Light by our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven.
I AM Cocreating Earth’s Planetary Grid of Comprehensive Divine Love
  I AM Breathing in and out deeply and I AM focusing the full power of my attention and my Divine Intentions on this Activity of Light as I go within to the Divinity of my Heart Flame.   I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth. Collectively Humanity’s I AM Presences now merge into One Luminous Being of Light that is cradling Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her within the Divinity of our Unified Heart Flames. As One Voice, One Breath, One Heartbeat and One Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of pure Divine Love I invoke my Father-Mother God and the Legions of Light throughout Infinity. Beloved Ones, come forth NOW!    I AM One with ALL of these magnificent Forces of Light. Through my sincere Heart Call, these selfless Messengers of God have joyously come to help Humanity’s Collective I AM Presence elevate Mother Earth’s Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love into the brand NEW frequencies and Divine Pulsations of our Father-Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love.   This Gift of Divine Love from our God Parents will build in momentum during the days leading up to, during and following the Opening of the Portal of Light that will expand to full breadth during the Equinox on March 20-21, 2022. Because of the life-transforming shifts that have taken place within Humanity’s Earthly Bodies during the past few years, this awesome frequency of God’s Comprehensive Divine Love is now accessible for every man, woman and child on Earth. This powerful influx of Light will be calibrated into Mother Earth’s Planetary Grid through every person’s fully integrated I AM Presence and the newly restored Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame in every Heart.    Beloved Legions of Light, I ask that you gather up every electron of precious Life energy being expended by Humanity during this sacred time. Purify this energy with the power and might of a thousand Suns using the new 5th-Dimensional Solar Frequencies of the Violet Flame of God’s Cosmic Forgiveness. Weave this purified energy into the collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness, so that every electron of precious Life energy released by the Sons and Daughters of God on Earth during this time frame will be used to recalibrate Mother Earth’s Planetary Grid into the highest possible frequencies of our Father-Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love.  
  Beloved Father-Mother God, in order for Humanity to God Victoriously accomplish this Holy Endeavor, I ask that you now Breathe the highest frequencies of Prana and Life Force that Humanity is capable of receiving through every person’s Holy Breath.   Now, as this exquisite Holy Breath bathes the Earth with every Breath Humanity takes, it is releasing NEW greatly expanded patterns of Unity Consciousness, Oneness and Reverence for All Life from Mother Earth’s new contingency plan. With every Holy Breath these new patterns are now being encoded through Humanity’s Collective I AM Presence into the Heart and Conscious Mind of every person on Earth. This is Awakening the masses of Humanity to a new and Infinitely higher level of Consciousness.   Humanity’s Collective I AM Presence now COMMANDS with One Voice:   “I AM the Cup, the Holy Grail, through which the highest possible frequencies of our Father-Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love is now flowing to recalibrate Mother Earth’s Planetary Grid System into a Planetary Grid of Comprehensive Divine Love. With every Holy Breath this NEW and exquisite frequency of God’s Love is being permanently encoded into Mother Earth’s Planetary Grid and will elevate every person’s Lightwork to new levels of God’s Infinite Perfection. This frequency of Divine Love will amplify every person’s Lightwork one thousand fold every single day, thus exponentially empowering Humanity’s ability to add to the Light of the World in ways beyond anything the Sons and Daughters of God have ever experienced. And so it is.”   Now, resonating in every Heart Flame is the profound Truth that Mother Earth’s newly recalibrated Planetary Grid of Comprehensive Divine Love is the Bridge to Freedom over which this blessed Planet and ALL her Life are now Ascending into the highest 5th-Dimensional Realms of Perfection that we have ever known. With every Holy Breath, Humanity’s Collective I AM Presence now Breathes into the Mental and Emotional Strata of Earth the resplendent patterns of perfection for Mother Earth’s new contingency plan as we decree:   I AM the CAUSE of God’s Comprehensive Divine Love now permanently secured in Mother Earth’s Planetary Grid. With every Elevated Holy Breath, I AM activating the basic spiritual forces of God’s Comprehensive Divine Love over which Mother Earth and ALL her Life are now Ascending into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline frequencies of the New Earth. Our Father-Mother God’s Comprehensive Love is now thriving on Earth through Humanity’s Collective I AM Presence.   Through this Activity of Light, Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth are being raised into a higher frequency of Supreme Love Consciousness. I AM now the Master of Love I was always destined to be. I AM a Being of Love, accepting responsibility for Loving this sweet Earth and ALL her Life FREE. I AM One with this Blessed Planet and Mother Earth is One with me.   I AM now being permanently invested with a more powerful Forcefield of God’s Comprehensive Divine Love than I have ever been able to previously receive. This Forcefield of Infinite Light is enabling me to reach a Higher Order of Service as I AM Called now to amplify the Light I AM adding to the World.   Beloved Father-Mother God and the Legions of Light who have assisted the Evolutions of Earth this sacred and holy day, I accept that this Activity of Light has been God Victoriously accomplished and will build in power and might with every Holy Breath I take.  
And so it is!

Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM That I AM.
  Dear One, please hold this powerful Activity of Light in your Heart Flame and empower it with every Holy Breath you take from this moment until it is God Victoriously accomplished following the March Equinox.

  If you are interested in having an image of Mother Earth’s Planetary Grid of Comprehensive Divine Love to bless your home or sacred space they are available on our website.  
POSTER: God’s Planetary Grid of Comprehensive Divine Love

COASTER:  God’s Planetary Grid of Comprehensive Divine Love

God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles

Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909
Fax: 520-347-5440
  This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included.  
Era of Peace is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
 ©2022 Patricia Cota-Robles



Patricia Cota-Robles

February 26, 2022
  The incredible opportunities the masses of Humanity have experienced since the inception of this year 2022 have paved the way for the next Quantum Shift in Mother Earth’s Ascension process. More people than ever before are now able to lift above the chaos manifesting in the outer world effectively enough to hear the Inner Guidance of their now fully integrated I AM Presence.   The Heart Commitment that each and every one of us made prior to our embodiment in this lifetime to assist Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her in our own unique ways during this Ascension process is now beginning to resonate in every person’s conscious mind and feeling world. The Company of Heaven has affirmed that this realization within the hearts and minds of the masses of Humanity will motivate changes in people’s behavior patterns and belief system that will lift them up enough to perceive the opportunities happening on Earth in new ways.   As we assimilate the NEW frequencies of God’s Comprehensive Divine Love and the Violet Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness that are now gently influencing every particle and wave of Life on Mother Earth, you and I have the ability to assist the masses of Humanity to the next level of their Awakening. Everyone has free will of course, so we cannot just do this for them, but you and I and every other willing person have an amazing ability to help in the process.   The Company of Heaven has reiterated time and time again that the Universal Law is: “The call for assistance must come from the Realm where the assistance is needed.” Since we are One with every man, woman, and child on Earth, and since we are indeed embodied on Earth ourselves, we have the ability to invoke assistance from every person’s I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven on their behalf. The Company of Heaven has clearly demonstrated that when we invoke the Light on behalf of our Sisters and Brothers the Floodgates of Heaven open.   Many of the masses of Humanity have been so manipulated and controlled by their own and other people’s fear-based, fragmented human egos that they do not even remember that they have an I AM Presence or that they are a Beloved Child of God. They are oblivious to the wondrous events occurring on the Planet. These are the souls that continue to act out adversely in spite of the pain and suffering their actions are inflicting in their own lives.   The millions of people who are Awakening and making the choice to move into the Light on their own are not the Ones who need us. It is our Sisters and Brothers who have forgotten who they are and the fact that they are One with all Life that need our help at this time. Contrary to what we may think, they are not acting out in the adverse and appalling ways we are witnessing because they are evil. It is due to the fact that they are so trapped in the illusion of separation and duality that they think the only way to survive is to lie, cheat, steal and kill. These are the very people we are being Called to help. These are the people who will make the most positive difference in our lives when they Awaken and choose to stop Creating such pain and suffering for Humanity.   Today, the Company of Heaven will join us to empower an Activity of Light that has been building in momentum for several years. Because of the shifts that have taken place in 2022 so far, this Gift from On High is now able to affect every man, woman and child on Earth in more powerful ways than ever before. If you have the Heart Call to participate in this Holy Endeavor, please know that Lightworkers around the World and the entire Company of Heaven are joining with you.  
I AM Loving My Sisters and Brothers FREE
  I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth. As One Collective I AM Presence, the Sons and Daughters of God on Earth now merge our Unified Heart Flames with the Heart Flames of our Father-Mother God and the Legions of Light throughout Infinity. Together, as we Breathe our newly Elevated Holy Breath, every person on Earth is lifted into a higher frequency of Unity Consciousness. This monumental shift of Consciousness is being accomplished by every person’s I AM Presence in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.   Beloved Father-Mother God, we ask that you now greatly intensify your Comprehensive Divine Love and your Violet Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness within every person’s Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame. As this occurs, we experience this Sacred Fire flowing through every person’s 5th-Dimensional Heart Chakra until God’s Comprehensive Divine Love and Cosmic Forgiveness envelope the entire Planet Earth. As this tremendous influx of Light bathes the Earth, every facet of Life is lifted into a Higher Order of Being.    Each person’s I AM Presence now Creates a sacred space in which they are able to open their 5th-Dimensional Crown Chakra of Enlightenment to full breadth. This allows each person to Ascend ever higher into the Awakened State of Unity Consciousness, Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life.   As this occurs, multidimensional and multifaceted 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light expands from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God into every cell of Humanity’s Earthly Bodies allowing our I AM Presence to take full dominion of our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies in ways we have not previously experienced.   Now, all is in readiness. Through our I AM Presence, every person is participating at both inner and outer levels in this Activity of Light which is raising the Consciousness of the masses of Humanity and assisting every person to now tangibly experience the Enlightened State of Unity Consciousness through his or her newly empowered Creative Faculties of Thought and Feeling.   Through my I AM Presence I now reach up into the Infinity of my own Unity Consciousness. I clearly perceive that as I AM lifted up ALL of Humanity is being lifted up with me. In this frequency of Unity Consciousness, I see that Humanity’s free will is at long last becoming One with God’s Will.   Instantaneously, I see the Truth of every person on Earth. I see ALL of my Sisters and Brothers in the Family of Humanity, even the most recalcitrant or asleep souls, as precious Sons and Daughters of God, no matter how far their behavior patterns or their life experiences may be from reflecting that Truth. I perceive all of the painful human miscreations associated with my Sisters and Brothers as innocent primordial energy entering my awareness now to be Transmuted back into Light and Loved FREE.   I happily greet all of these Sons and Daughters of God and all of their misqualified energy the same way my Father-Mother God would greet them. I greet them with Comprehensive Divine Love from within the embrace of Eternal Peace, Detachment, God Confidence, Supreme Authority and Cosmic Forgiveness.   I AM enveloped in an Invincible Forcefield of God’s Infinite Light, as I invite my Sisters and Brothers into the Kingdom of Heaven within my Heart Flame. I hold them in my arms of Light as I would an injured child. They cannot overwhelm me or control me in any way. I simply hold them and Love them until they surrender to the Love of God, desiring on their own to enter the Kingdom of Heaven within the Divinity of their own Heart Flames.   Now, rather than feeling rejected and thus perpetuating their negative behavior patterns, my Sisters and Brothers feel accepted and Loved as the innate Sons and Daughters of God they are. They voluntarily release themselves into the Light, and they begin to KNOW that they are ONE with ALL Life and that ALL Life is Divine.   I rejoice that every person and their unascended energies are finding their way Home and I release myself into the Peace of KNOWING: “My I AM Presence is handling ALL imperfection perfectly.”   As these Sons and Daughters of God Awaken and surrender to their I AM Presence, they begin to remember who they are and why they are on Earth during this auspicious Cosmic Moment. With this Sacred Knowledge, they once again find their proper place in the Family of Humanity. In perfect Divine Order, they are set FREE to live and Cocreate the patterns of Love, Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life that are now being revealed through Mother Earth’s new contingency plan.  And so it is. Beloved I AM That I AM.   Dear One, as you empower this Activity of Light by envisioning the highest good for all of our Sisters and Brothers during this Cosmic Moment, ask your I AM Presence what you can do to help implement the Heart-based patterns for Mother Earth’s NEW contingency plan on behalf of ALL Life evolving on this sweet Earth.  
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles

Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909
Fax: 520-347-5440
  This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included.  
Era of Peace is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
 ©2022 Patricia Cota-Robles


by Patricia Cota-Robles 
February 4, 2022
  The Winter Olympic Games that are being held in Beijing, China will build in momentum from the Opening Ceremonies on February 4th through the Closing Ceremonies on February 20th.  Numerically February 20th will be a 02-20-2022 = 22222 day. The Divine Intent of the Olympic Games symbolically represents the Family of Humanity setting aside our differences and coming together in Peace with the goal of reaching our highest level of excellence.
  This incredibly powerful thoughtform has been building in momentum since the first known Olympics were held in the summer of 776 B.C. at Olympia, a site in southern Greece. It is estimated that during the 17 days of the modern Olympic Games approximately 5.5 billion people turn their attention to the Olympic Games at one time or another, thus greatly empowering the Divine Intent of this Global event. This positive focus of attention creates a Collective Cup of Humanity’s Unified Consciousness that serves as an Open Door for the Light of God. Due to the incredible shifts that have taken place within Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth since the Birth of the New Decade in 2020, Humanity is being presented with an unprecedented opportunity during these Olympic Games.   During the Summer Olympic Games that were held in Japan in July 2021, the Company of Heaven revealed to us that the Beings of Light from the Violet Flame Temples that pulsate in the Etheric Realms above Mt. Fuji were able to receive for the first time ever a brand NEW frequency of the Violet Flame. This expression of the Violet Flame pulsates from the Core of Creation in the Heart of our Father-Mother God. It is known throughout the Cosmos as the FLAME OF COSMIC FORGIVENESS.   The Company of Heaven said that this frequency of the Violet Flame is a Gift from our Father-Mother God that will assist Humanity in powerful ways as we continue through the process of Transmuting into Light all of the remaining residue from our painful miscreations in the past. During the Summer Olympics, Mighty Solar Archangels Breathed this Sacred Fire through the Collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness to bless all Life on Earth. That Gift of Cosmic Forgiveness has been building in intensity since that time and was instrumental in the success of the 40-day purging process that took place between November 11th and the Solstice on December 20th in 2021. Through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, that purging resulted in permanently dismantling the obsolete paradigms and structures that have been used to manipulate and control Humanity since our fall from Grace.     Now, during the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing and the rare numerical frequencies we are experiencing during the month of February 2022, this assistance from On High is going to be accelerated in powerful ways by the Ascended Lady Master Kwan Yin, the  Solar Archangels of Cosmic Forgiveness and Kwan Yin’s Legions of Mercy and Compassion all of whom abide in the Temples of Light above Beijing. You and I and the rest of Awakening Humanity can help immensely by volunteering to be the Open Door and by Invoking this greatly intensified Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness on behalf of our Sisters and Brothers in the Family of Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth.
  The Company of Heaven has once again given us Light-filled Invocations so that we can amplify God’s Gift of Cosmic Forgiveness on a daily basis through the power of the Spoken Word. If you have the Heart Call to empower the Light of God on Earth in this vitally important way, I have included these Invocations in this Newsletter.  Please share them freely with those in your sphere of awareness that you feel would be willing to help in this Loving way.  
  Before I share the Invocations, I want to mention that in 2021 the Company of Heaven assisted us in Cocreating a powerful tool that would tangibly assist us in preparing our physical bodies to assimilate the frequency of Light that would accomplish the Divine Plan for that year. That facet of the Divine Plan involved the Transmutation of the self-destructive illusions of separation and duality, thus clearing the way for Awakening Humanity to Cocreate the tangible manifestation of a Quantum Field of Comprehensive Divine Love and an Evolutionary Shift into Unity Consciousness. As we at Era of Peace have shared in our Weekly Vlogs and our Newsletters, that facet of the Divine Plan was God Victoriously accomplished.
  Once again, our Earthly Bodies are instrumental in the facet of the Divine Plan we are being Called to accomplish now. Our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies are literally comprised of multidimensional technology. In the new paradigm we are Cocreating with the assistance of God’s Cosmic Forgiveness, it is important that we have the ability to hold space within our bodies for the highest frequencies of vibration.   All we have to do is consistently pay attention to who we are BEING in every moment through our thoughts, words, actions and feelings. Every single one of us already has all of the skill, wisdom, knowledge, strength and courage we need to succeed God Victoriously in the Mission we have volunteered to accomplish. We just have to listen to our Heart and respond according to the intuitive Inner Guidance from our I AM Presence.
  With the shift of Consciousness that has now taken place within each of us, we are capable of withstanding and comprehending higher frequencies of Cosmic Forgiveness which will help us to Transfigure our lives and the physical plane of Earth. Every time our I AM Presence exposes the residue of our human miscreations and floods them with God’s Cosmic Forgiveness, the residue is dissipated and Humanity moves forward in the Light. Light is infinitely more powerful than our human miscreations which are void of Light. Now is the time for ALL of us to be the Creative Forces of Light we are destined to BE.   Our I AM Presence is fully aware of what is occurring at this time in our Earthly Bodies and is fully participating in this Life-transforming process. The next step in the expansion of God’s Cosmic Forgiveness is unfolding in Humanity’s Earthly Bodies. This involves recalibrating our nervous system, our chakras, our acupuncture meridians and our acupuncture pressure points, so that we can safely assimilate the brand NEW frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light that are building in momentum and bathing the Earth day by day.   As we safely assimilate the Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness, the vibratory rate of our Earthly Bodies is being quickened. This quickening is allowing our Body Elemental to cast the mutated substances contaminating our carbon-based cells into the Violet Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness where they are being Transmuted back into their original perfection.
  The brand NEW frequencies of God’s Cosmic Forgiveness that are gradually intensifying within the Core of Purity in every cell of our Earthly Bodies are vitally important in physically preparing Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth for the fulfillment of our individual and collective facets of the Divine Plan for 2022. We have been Blessed with some very powerful tools that will assist us through this process.   Many of you already have these powerful tools and we are being encouraged to use them at this time according to your Heart’s Call. If you do not have them and are being inspired to use them by your I AM Presence, they are available on our website.   We are offering them at a reduced rate for your convenience WHILE THEY LAST.  
  In order for all of us to move through this greatly intensified upgrade and purging of our Earthly Bodies in the most gentle way, we have been Blessed with two very powerful tools that will help immensely. One is a Sacred Light Elixir which Harmonizes our energy field and assists us in Transcending the discordant frequencies surfacing in the outer world. The other is a Sacred Anointing Oil that we place directly on specific acupuncture points to ease any physical stress we may be feeling from the recalibration of our Earthly Bodies.   These powerful tools complement each other. Together, they greatly enhance the Divine Alchemy taking place within our Earthly Bodies. Even if you prefer to use only one of these precious tools, either one will help you immensely. First I will tell you about the Sacred Light Elixir.
  2021 Sacred Light Elixir
  This exquisite Aromatic SACRED LIGHT ELIXIR was Cocreated through a multi-Dimensional Synergy inspired by the Masters of Light. The Harmonic Oils and Crystalline Liquid Light in this beautiful Elixir were encoded with NEW and greatly empowered frequencies of Resurrection, Enlightenment, Clarity, Purification and Transfiguration. This was accomplished through the unified efforts of the Company of Heaven, Lightworkers and the Elemental Kingdom. This delightful Light Elixir has also been Consecrated with powerful energies from the Celestial Alignments and Activities of Light that took place in 2021.   When you use the Sacred Light Elixir it clears the space in, through and around you which Harmonizes your energy field and assists you in Transcending the discordant frequencies surfacing in the outer world. It also paves the way for the unparalleled shift in energy, vibration and consciousness that is taking place at a cellular level within your Earthly Bodies at this time.   This Light Elixir is for external use only. All you have to do is gently spray this beautiful Light Elixir above your head one or two times each day and allow it to gently embrace your energy field and your Earthly Bodies.
2021 Sacred Anointing Oil
  The SACRED ANOINTING OIL was Cocreated through the same process and the same Divine Intervention as the Light Elixir. The Essential Oils and Crystalline Liquid Light in this Anointing Oil have also been encoded with NEW frequencies of Resurrection, Enlightenment, Clarity, Purification and Transfiguration. This Sacred Oil has been Consecrated with powerful energies from the Celestial Alignments and Activities of Light that took place in 2021.  
The Sacred Anointing Oil is for external use only. By placing a drop of this Oil on your Third Eye, the Power Center of your Throat Chakra, your Heart Chakra and the Pulse Point on the inside of both of your wrists, the recalibration of your nervous system is strengthened. As your Body Elemental absorbs this Sacred Anointing Oil it flows through your acupuncture meridians and power points calming and easing any physical stress you may be experiencing at a cellular level as your Earthly Bodies are upgraded. 
  If these powerful tools resonate with you and you have the Heart Call to use them, they are available on our website. Just click on the link below.
  Now, during this rare opportunity, the Company of Heaven is guiding us through Invocations that will take full advantage of the Olympic Games in Beijing and the intensified Gift of God’s Cosmic Forgiveness. If you have the Heart Call to do so, please join with Lightworkers around the World for these Invocations which are stated in the 1st person so that we will each experience them personally. And we begin.   I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth. Collectively Humanity’s I AM Presences now merge into One Luminous Being of Light that is cradling Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her within the Divinity of our Unified Heart Flames. Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth are now Breathing in unison with me as One elevated Holy Breath.   What I invoke for myself this sacred and holy day, I invoke on behalf of every person on this Planet in perfect alignment with each One’s Divine Plan and the Highest Good for all concerned.   I Invoke Ascended Lady Master Kwan Yin, the Legions of Mercy and Compassion from her Temples of Light above Beijing, and the Solar Archangels associated with God’s Violet Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness. Beloved Ones, I ask that you gather up every electron of precious Life energy being expended by Humanity during this sacred and holy time. Purify this energy with the power and might of a thousand Suns using the NEW 5th-Dimensional Solar Frequencies of God’s Violet Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness which are now pouring through the Portal of Light above Beijing, China. Weave this purified energy into the Collective Cup of Humanity’s Unified Consciousness that is now being formed by our collective focus on the Olympic Games.
  I ACCEPT and KNOW that through this Activity of Light every electron of precious Life energy being released by the Sons and Daughters of God on Earth is being used to manifest the Immaculate Concept of the Divine Plan for this Cosmic Moment in Earth’s Evolution.
  Now, Beloved Legions of Light, I ask that you Breathe through the greatly expanded Portal of Light above Beijing, the most intensified frequencies of GOD’S COSMIC FORGIVENESS that Universal Law will allow. Blaze the full Divine Momentum of this incomparable frequency of COSMIC FORGIVENESS in, through and around every electron of precious Life energy that has ever been misqualified by the Sons and Daughters of God in any time frame or dimension both known and unknown. (pause)
  Now, with the full power of my Beloved I AM Presence and the VIOLET FLAME OF COSMIC FORGIVENESS…  
  every person, place, condition or thing that may have wronged me in any way, at any time, for any reason whatsoever, and I LOVE FREE all debts owed to me by Life everywhere.   I now invoke the Violet Flame of God’s Cosmic Forgiveness on behalf of myself and every person on Earth for any misuse of God’s Gift of Life since the beginning of time.  
  and as I AM Forgiven, I send forth a Gift of God’s Comprehensive Divine Love to balance all debts to any facet of Life that I have created which still remains unpaid.   I AM Grateful for God’s Gift of Cosmic Forgiveness.  I AM Loving ALL of my misqualified energy FREE before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained. (pause)   Now, I speak directly to the Heart of the Violet Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness. Sacred Fire, enfold me in your Purifying, Forgiving, Healing substance which will Cause the Consciousness and feeling of GOD’S COSMIC FORGIVENESS to flow forth from me to all Life everywhere.   Let this purifying essence saturate the atmosphere around me. Wherever I live, move, Breathe and have my Being, allow your miracle-working Force of Cosmic Forgiveness to give daily, tangible proof of your reality to all Life.
  Beloved Kwan Yin, send Legions of your Solar Archangels of Cosmic Forgiveness to intensify and guard this frequency of the Violet Flame around me and ALL of Humanity in order that we may use our Life and our Light to their fullest in our service to Life and the Cause of COSMIC FORGIVENESS throughout the Earth. And so it is!  
The Joy of Forgiveness
  Now, I AM flooding my Being and every single etheric record since the beginning of time with the Joyful experience of God’s Cosmic Forgiveness. In Forgiving, I let go of all the effects of misused energy impinging on my life and the lives of all Humanity. I let go of the ignorance, confusion and pain of this World. I now know I have come to Love Life FREE, and through this Gift of God’s Cosmic Forgiveness so I shall.   This is the Heart Center of my existence, the Joy of Forgiving Life as it enters my awareness. From this moment forth, I AM setting all Life FREE into a higher vibration with the Gift of Cosmic Forgiveness that my Father-Mother God, Kwan Yin, the Solar Archangels of Cosmic Forgiveness, and the Legions of Mercy and Compassion from the Temples of Light above Beijing have given so freely into my keeping this sacred and holy day. I AM a Force of the Violet Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness now flooding this sweet Earth!  
I AM the Joy of Cosmic Forgiveness.
I AM the Joy of Cosmic Forgiveness.
I AM the Joy of Cosmic Forgiveness.
And so it is. Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM That I AM.
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909,
Fax: 520-347-5440
  This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included.  
Era of Peace is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
 ©2022 Patricia Cota-Robles