Category Archives: Nikos Akrivos

The Feel More Than Fine Project.

It begun in a small private party between friends where i downloaded the Feel More Than Fine insight. Nobody took it seriously back then, i remained the weirdo for most of my friends for very long time only to start making new friends that resonated to these words. Little did i know back then how far this will go. Then in 2009 after an intense awakening i had, i decided to create an event that will bring more awareness to all those around me of the importance of finding our connection within while also celebrating and dancing. It was the beginning of Conscious Celebration, we did an event in an underground location where i projected images with intense images of hungry children in Africa that i had recently found out about back then. I was in shock and all my friends got shocked as well from this sudden shift in my ‘celebrating’ ways. It ended up by loosing most of my friends, as they chose to not watch the dark side of life and me continuing in launching Feel More Than Fine events in bigger venues in Belgium and Ibiza in 2010. I was the first back then gathering in one space Reiki therapists and Energy teachers and people willing to celebrate and dance in a conscious grounded and clarity ways far from alcohol and smoke and toxicity…we had few amazing events gathering at times over 1000 people willing to volunteer ,myself included volunteering and supporting everything from my pockets from travel expenses or giving my services year after year and Universe always provided!

And still, little did i know back then how far this will go…Ascension awareness came and i wondered if this fits into the New Earth picture and 5th dimensional reality. Well, it does!!! More than ever!!!

So today here i am still with my Feel More Than Fine flag all over the places , connecting the pieces together and co-creating with my new friends and partners our tapestry and vision and New Earth versions. We have learned so much and we even didn’t begin yet as we eagerly anticipating more support and the financial means to bring more of it in fruition. Did we do it with very little financial resources this far? oh yes, we did!!! and So here are the 5 main categories that we project undertaking and overseeing in the forthcoming years and humanitarian projects vision. Acting Local, thinking Global.

  1. Conscious Celebration
  2. Quantum Holistic Centers and Medbeds.
  3. Eco sustainable communities / Smart cities and towns creation
  4. Feel More Than Fine Africa
  5. ΛΛ Centers for local support mainly in Greece.

And all this always with The Ascension Process and full DNA activation as our GPS guiding us every step along the way.

It takes no patience when we focus on things that feel good. We choose to feel more than fine all along the way no matter how this plays out in our current local or global reality. Change happens from within out. This too will pass and excitement is already here when we intend to Feel More Than Fine every day, every second, every now.

A simple formula that works for everything like Magic.

In Joyful Expansion and Gratitude for Universe/ Mother Father God and entire Company of Heaven along Our Gold Project support team we continue. Ready to be ready. This never ends and it only gets better and better and the happier we feel the better things go and manifest.

And So It is.

Feel More Than Fine. Every Now.

Nikos Akrivos

Valentine’s Ecstatic Dance : A Gift from my heart to yours.

graceful ethnic model with white flower behind back
Photo by Anna Shvets on

If you’ve never heard of ecstatic dance, you’re not alone. Think of ecstatic dance as dance cardio’s more free-spirited cousin. Yes, it’s common in spiritual communities, but don’t worry, it doesn’t require Wild Wild Country levels of commitment. The experience of a ecstatic dance, which has been around for thousands of years, can actually be incredibly beneficial for the mind, body, and spirit. And it happens to be a whole lot of fun. “The first time I experienced ecstatic dance, I felt like a portal of new expression opened up,” says Cara Patton, who does ecstatic dancing once a week in her home city of Eugene, Oregon. “As a kid, I took ballet lessons and I was never quite able to follow the moves, and I sort of wrote off dancing. But the great thing about ecstatic dance is that I have complete freedom to move however I want.” Patton adds that the ecstatic dance community emphasizes consent and ways to nonverbally express boundaries, which she loves. “I enjoy this way of movement so much that I’ll be hosting a special ecstatic dance session at my wedding this summer.” But how does it work, exactly? Let’s take a closer look. Inside an ecstatic dance class Ecstatic dance ceremonies are held regularly all over the US (check out a few of them here), and it’s safe to say that no two are the same. Sunday mornings are an especially popular time to engage in an ecstatic dance ceremony, according to Patton, and they’re sober: No alcohol or drugs. And no cellphones, either—so if you’re looking for a ‘Gram-worthy shot, you won’t be getting it at an ecstatic dance ceremony. Ecstatic dance ceremonies are held in auditoriums, yoga studios, dance halls—really anywhere the organizers want to hold them—and people typically come in, remove their shoes, and form a circle where they all hold hands. It’s all about inclusivity, meaning people of all ages, sizes, and abilities attend these ceremonies. The music is usually electronic, with jungle beats mixed in. Each ceremony usually has 50 or so people, and after the introductions, people are encouraged to move however they feel like moving. In other words, there are no steps to follow: Just a rhythm to surrender yourself to. The dance is entirely improvisational, and the hope is that by the end of the session the dancers feel more spiritually in tune with themselves. Another great thing about ecstatic dance? It’s all about inclusivity, meaning people of all ages, sizes, and abilities attend these ceremonies. According to Patton, it’s not rare to see people in wheelchairs expressing themselves through ecstatic dance. Your body on (dance) ecstasy Since ecstatic dance is a form of movement, it gets the endorphins flowing. And it’s common to experience a bit of a high during an ecstatic dance ceremony (similar to a runner’s high), experts say, especially since the movement is so fast and free-flowing. Another benefit of ecstatic dance is the community aspect. Patton says people often make friends at ecstatic dance ceremonies—especially if they attend them regularly—and studies show that feeling a strong sense of community is beneficial to happiness. It’s common to experience a bit of a high during an ecstatic dance ceremony (similar to a runner’s high). And if you’re looking to get in touch with your spiritual side, ecstatic dance is an excellent way to make that happen. The entire ceremony is spiritual from start to finish, and most people report leaving feeling connected to a higher sense of being. While ecstatic dance isn’t for everyone, don’t let the hippie-ish aspect deter you. It just might fill you with joy and make you feel (at least a skosh) more spiritually enlightened—plus, you may even make some new friends along the way.

A special gift for Valentine’s day for you all here, particularly those who never tried ecstatic dance. this is an invitation to love yourself even more today . It starts at 18h00 Central European Time

article posted originally at

Feel More Than Fine at World Sound Healing Day Feb.14th 2023

Ecstatic Dance (Workshop and DJ SET) on Valentine’s Day for You All going live at 18h00 Central European Time (Ibiza, Spain)

Everything is energy, vibration and frequency, it all comes together while we are doing what we love most and one of the things i am mostly enthusiastic about is playing Music in a 100% Healthy Environment . This is where Our Souls truly connect in Oneness and Unity of Spirit. This is where my gifts are activated to the fullest benefiting my audience to truly raise their vibration in the core of their being through dancing as i channel Pure Love & Light from Mother Father God while I DJ.
I invite you to have a glass of water or fresh organic juice and then start moving freely to the beats i play in the next hour.

I Am The Light.
You Are The Light.
We Are The Light.
Infinite Abundance in Peace, Love, Joy, Freedom, Excellent Health For All That is.

I Love You. Namaste. And High Vibes!!!!

Nikos Akrivos

Short and straight to the point – Nikos Akrivos –

yellow and black wooden cabinet
Photo by cottonbro studio on

High Vibes everyone, a short update for ya all so far through my perspective : 1. There is one main Agenda being played out now, The Agenda of bringing forward New Earth, that’s Divine Mother’s plan and everything follows that lead meaning : there won’t be any nuclear war, NATO in this now is being completely dismantled. 2. More than 200 countries signed GESARA meaning that we are into the peace ERA already. What we witness is the last attempts from cabal remaining factions to low collective’s vibration. They know they have lost and they try all they can still to stop this from taking place. 3. We are at the finish line, it was a marathon not a sprint, a marathon of 1000s of years that now is being reversed in very accelerated ways as we can all witness through the intensity of Light = Solar flares arriving on the planet. The Light has never been stronger. 4. This is why our main work is to absorb light through our breath and open like flowers to receive the light and be ok if at times it feels wired or strange…our DNA is being activated to go from 10% up to 20% and more. (Watch Lucy the movie, which is not a movie but a documentary). 5. The cabal and all light beings across the universe know that we are the most powerful ones once our DNA is activated. Cabal very afraid of this. And they know it is already too late for them. All light being are assisting us every time we request support. We never alone. 6. Remaining in High Vibes is the best service one can offer to whole creation . 7. The passage of a green comet few days ago, that comes through every 50,000 completely destroyed the old 3d matrix. It is done. 8. Cosmic forgiveness, using the violet fire in all circumstances is a most fabulous practice in this now. Free yourselves from all karma once and for all. Much Love and High Vibes, Nikos

woman in white long sleeve shirt standing near white and gray house during daytime
Photo by Julian Jagtenberg on

Full Moon Manifestation Practice 369

What is that you want?
Money? Lover ? A new house ? A new car? Excellent Well Being ? Peace? Travel? All of those. Choose 6 themes.
Ask yourself why? Write down.
Then how does it feel ? each theme, describe it and write doen how it feels in 9 different words.
Do this 3 times every day, one day before, on full moon day and the next day or for 21 days, as you feel.
What you feel, is what you attract and every time you deliberately choose to play this game you are coming closer to your desired reality.
What you asked it is already given. It is Done. Done. Done.
Enjoy the journey appreciating every now in eagerness of what is coming.

Feel More Than Fine

Living in 5D. (in PS: Powerful New Moon Practice for today)

silhouette of trees on an afterglow
Photo by Lisa Fotios on

When i go back in time and watch my life in 3D, it seems from outer appearances that i had more fun than i am having right now. Simply because i was not aware of what i am aware of now. I thought this journey will go from good to better in all ways.
And yet, back then i never felt so good as i feel now no matter the circumstances. Knowing who I AM more and more that is. And from that space the thoughts that are stemming forth are for my and the highest good for all. Conscious Creation.
Did this happen overnight? Can someone else define what is good for me from outer appearances? No. And No.
Back then i wanted something? i go and get it guided by my impulses. A student job? Done. Work from something i really love? as Dancer?as DJ? as Restaurant owner? as Club owner? as Reiki Therapist? as Life Coach? Have multiple lovers and partners in Life? Travel and live a nomad life? Be on the Ascension wave as soon as i heard the call? Choose to be on a holiday for 10 years and only live out of my passion?
Done.Done. Done. Done. Done. Done. All Done.
Now and since the covid times of March 2020 that kind of forced me to remain in one area, while appreciating all the comforts of home and deep rest much needed for my ascending body i am also finding myself often into a place of boredom…because the things i want to see manifest are moving so slowly. I know all about the path of least resistance and allowing the river to take me downtream without pedaling upstream and i apply every moment being in constact state of appreciation for the gift of Life. So many things i took for granted back in my 3D life are now getting my full attention. You see what changed is the way i am guided from within to follow in every now. Back then it was too as joy has always been my guidance but back then i was not in the multidimensional awareness i am now and at the same time not knowing at all what next steps shall i take?
You see, if i try to do things the old way, body will say no.
And so the only choice i have is to be satisfied in the present moment of where i am unconditionally.
Is that it? is this Ascension? is this being a creator of my own reality? are there things that i wish to see manifest? Global Peace and Prosperity for all? Love and Kindness? Travels? Fun? Friends? More Clarity? New Home? Surrounded by like hearted ones that innerstand me telepathically even. How long will it take to get there? what can i do while on the journey to get there? Well my friends, the answer is once again : feel good no matter what is the key (or just the very repeated Feel More Than Fine lol)
Am i feeling tired? have a nap or 2 or more. Rest as much as i can be.
Do the thoughts in my mind speed towards something i don’t want? Go within and observe.
What is the thing that has positively changed in my life these last years that i don’t see? I can go to bed at night and wake up in the morning peacefully without shoulds or have tos. All is Well and I know it.
Is that it? where is my ability to create my own reality to live it in my own terms? where is the tangible manifestation of what i wish to see manifest? Well, i see signs here and there and there every time i focus on a particular subject but not getting to the final result.
Am i blocking my own energy? No, i don’t because i remain aligned on a daily basis for very long time. Yes thoughts may take over at times but i am aware of them.
Am i in a place of resistance without knowing? maybe at times and that’s why i must always focus on feeling good and not beat up on myself for not doing so at times. Incoming energies are disrupting and more sensitivity is a powerful tool to have when more Light comes to Earth (See spikes in Schumann Frequencies)…and so that’s the way it goes from here…can get boring, ears buzzing, sleepiness, procrastination in all its glory because not possible to do anything else, not getting immediately what i desire and being ok to be in the uknown and keep on keeping on : IAM the Love, Light and Truth day in and day out. Thank You God, thank you, thank you. Thank You Higher Self = Me, One with God, One with all creation. I Love You, I Love Me, I AM Magnificent, I AM Healthy, I AM Wealthy, I Am Abundant and I intend to Feel More Than Fine unconditionally at all times.
That’s what changed.
Because before it was the conditions that made me happy. And the need to satisfy other, to entertain others, to serve others ignoring myself completely.
Now it is the happiness before that brings me what i desire after.
3D to Multidimensional.
Celebrating now, brings what i desire.
Self Love. Yes! More please!!!
How easy this is!
And yes at times it can be boring but boredom has also its place in the creative process and expansion. Procrastination too.
This is not the discourse of those who proclaim no pain no gain, this is the discourse More Joy More Gain = More Expansion.
Drop the micro.
Going back to bed for 2nd phase of sleep. Loving it. Ludic dreaming.
Happy Lucid Dreams to all you dreamers too.
Day or night.

Feel More Than Fine


PS.Morning times gratitude journal.

Thank You God and entire company of Heaven, Mother Earth and Elementals for:
-My gift of Life.
-Peace in me and all around me
-Abundance in all forms: Air i breath. Pure Water to drink and take a shower/bath. Pure Organic Food on my table. Power to bliss my foods. Roof over my head. Freedom to feel good. And monies that allow me more freedom to travel, buy things i desire and projects to invest in for the highest good for all coming to me easily and effotlessly.
-Excellente Health.
-Like Hearted Healthy Friends. Fun. Clarity. And to be more precise 🙂 100% sober parties in abundance and DJ Gigs too in such environments.
-Inspiring me , guiding me and supporting me all along the way with ideas that are in tune with my core desires wherever i go, whatever i do with whoever i am.
-Ease Grace and Flow in all things, all my intentions
-Making me genius fine tuned instrument of Love, Peace, Compassion, Forgiveness and All Divine Qualites at all times.
Thank You God, Thank You Universe in through and around me.
I Love You. I Love me.

Now i play this beat and dance in gratitude and celebrate!!!

and this beat too 🙂

Why Feel More Than Fine? Nikos Akrivos

How we feel is everything as how we feel is what we vibrate as how feel is what we attract. So basically how we feel is who we are each moment. When we feel good it means we are aligned with who we really are and hence whatever we desire comes to us effortlessly, less active work to do 🙂 when we don’t feel good it means 2 things: or we are expanding and hence we must find alignement or our environment (social media, some news, people etc.) took us out of our center 🙂either way to take action to feel good brings more results in few minutes (15-20 meditation/visualisation or 68 seconds of positive thinking followed by appreciation all along the rest of the time) than what would take years to accomplish with action. The true action is to deliberately choose to find alignement within which looks like non action but basically is the best of all actions since who we truly are is one with Source/Universe/God. Then from that place inspired action will follow and that inspired action will bring one closer to what they desire almost instanly than active work in struggle for many years.

The New Human 2.0 is here. Sounds Magic and Godly and It Is So.

Nikos Akrivos


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