Category Archives: Nikos Akrivos
Remaining Peaceful no matter the circumstances.
Loving it all.

More often than not when i engage into spirituals conversations with friends, i observe a tendency to blame the ego, their so called dark side and somehow to judge it. I came into the inner-standing that we are better far off when we love our ego and treat it as a teacher rather than blaming it because simply the feeling of blaming creates a feeling of guilt and so on and so on. As long we live in our human bodies, the ego will always have its say and we can simply thank it for expressing and tell it that we hear it and that only our Higher Self is in control here and that this will always be the case from now on. And then simply listen our Inner Being/ Higher Self what is the best next thing/action to do and the next and the next…Abraham Hicks calls this ‘segment intention’ and with practice moment by moment we will notice an avalanche of magic every step along the way. Loving it all, Being grateful for it all and following the path of least resistance equals to feeling good equals to being of service to All Life.
Nikos Akrivod
432hz Deep House to Dynamic Meditation
Feeling good is service to all others.
To choose to feel good every now is to choose to feel God every now. When one feels good one is connected to God and one is already in service to all others. As from this space, one is allowing all Divine qualities to flow through infinitely. And the essence of all divine qualities is Love & Light .
So when one shoots for the stars with the intention to feel more than fine, one can be cure that he/she can reach at least for the roof and feel good.

And as we progress into our Ascending bodies journey through the path of least resistance, there is more knowledge being accumulated, not because someone wrote or channeled it (even though we can always choose to read/listen to an abundance of channeled messages today) but because one is having a sense of knowingness from within, a true authentic feeling of knowigness, of alignement with Source, of feeling the gratitude of Source flowing through and that is what matters more than anything else.
And the willigness to be of service through aligning with the ever increasing incoming of energies of Ascension coming from Source in gratitude prayer and meditation brings more and more this now more and more familiar feeling of authentic unconditional Love, Joy, Peace, Abundance, Prosperity, Freedom, Forgiveness, Compassion to be felt every step along the way, wherever one chooses to go, whatever they do with whoever they are. One could say it is magic. And yes it is Alchemical Magic when one knows that this is happening is collaboration with all Light beings across the multiverse, calling upon the ones that one feels the urge to connect with through one’s desire. And at the same time, what we call magic is simple quantum physics applied in the now according to where one chooses to place their focus.
If i look around me and speak to others about all the dark spots feeling angry about those guess what happens? it magnifies. And if i choose to focus on beauty and speak of those guess what happens? it magnifies. The Universe is not our physical mother to give everything we ask for verbally. The Universe responds to our vibration. So if we speak in terms of serving the highest good for all, we speak in terms of being able to see in our minds eye and feel into our guts the highest good in all situations, no matter how this plays out through our physical senses.
“Circumstances do not matter, one our state of beingness matters” – Bashar
So to resume, when we take the time for the self to feel good which translates to being selfish no matter what, we are basically taking the time to be the open door for Source to flow through in all circumstances and hence we are in service to all others. And if inspired action emanates from this space then one can act and do. Only from that space of feeling good one is in real service to all others. And that’s the true meaning of being of service to others.
Feel More Than Fine
Nikos Akrivos
Ascending Life Coach, Lightworker DJ.

Calibrating to New Earth Energies with ease, grace, flow and dance!
Becoming friends with the uknown in silence & allowing the new energies to flow through is to calibrate to New Earth. I invite you to take few moments to go within and then move your feet to this all the way to the end #432hzmusic
Full album on spotify :
Chatting with friend about Antarctica.
Chatting with a friend about the mystery of #Antarctica. Here is a piece of the puzzle that i know is true : Antarctica is one of the doors to Hollow Earth where Agartha city and other cities exist and where beings like Adama or Mikos or Manna communicate with us through telepathy..they can live in physical bodies over 1000 years…that’s why i say we can live 1000’s years…that’s one of the main truths…not that dark just the portal has been closed by those beings because the nazis wanted to go inside and invade it…so they created an energy barrier…a little bit like black panther movie which btw is also true…replace all science fiction movies with science reality movies and you good to go…besides more and more find out now that our imagination is the creator…so if someone imagined it , it is true for them…coming back to Antarctica i know these things because i have been studying ways to travel in hollow earth for quite some time and i discovered why it was not possible to go there through many studies i did…if you go on my website and search hollow earth subject you will find a bunch of subjects on that…over 12 years of my personal research 🙂
Emergency Alert System Test U.K. + Energies Update.
Dynamic meditation.

High vibes every one, let us take few breaths in and out as we invite Mother Father God, AA Michael for protection and safety and entire company of Heaven connecting our hearts with Mother Earth and Source of All Creation.
Now we are inviting you to play this track , listen and move your body along.
Your Days Feel Repetitive ? You feel like nothing changed? You are going to be very surprised soon!
New Earth Vision Created with A.I.
I used AI to create some representations of My New Earth vision tapestry including parts of what The Feel More Than Fine Project will include as we begin the rebuilding and restoring phase for a planet that works for all becoming part of the wider galactic society.
You can do the same by going here

YOUR GOD power to heal any condition. (Diseases are 100% psychosomatic) #feelmorethanfine
Dynamic Meditation Practice
High vibes everyone, my new album is out and i am inviting you today to get into dynamic meditation for the highest good for all and for you creating an atmosphere around you of all things needed always available to you wherever you go whatever you do with who ever you.
We call upon AA Michael for protection and we set the intention for highest good for all activated through our movement.
All you need to do is press play and move to the rhythm of
Lightworker 432hz .
Stellar 432hz – New Album out now.
Yaaay my new album STELLAR is ready. All music attuned on 432hz.
Going From Deep House to Techno with a very special one that can be used as Dynamic Meditation in a slower BPM.
It is coming out on April 13th 2023 and you can pre-order here where you get one track as a gift.
Click on the cover to listen.

10 Day Ecstatic Dance and Wellness Retreat in Ioannina, Epirus, Greece
High Vibes every ONE, this is an invitation to join our June Solstice retreat in Greece, find below all information and program.
10 Day Ecstatic Dance and Wellness Retreat in Ioannina, Epirus
Stellar (New Album 432hz) – Nikos Akrivos Be The first to listen here.
High vibes everyone,
i have been busy in the studio creating some tunes to uplift everyone through dynamic meditation, here is a preview of the first 3 tracks.
Lightworker is a track i created offering a dynamic meditation combined with the rhythm of your breath in a slow bpm. Follow the rhythm of the beats and my voice to expand your Light in through and around you. INjoy.
As we welcome New Earth let us gather again physically , celebrate and share our love for one another and all life in clarity and authenticity!
Keep on dancing!
Now i invite you to rap along this mantra 🙂
press play and keep on moving to the beats 🙂
We are rising rising and we keep on dancing.
No time for Drama, instead sing along this mantra:
I Am peace, I Am Love, I Am Light
on a multidimensional flight
I Am Joy, Freedom and Prosperity
I Am God Being Creator for eternity
Surrencer. Trust . Allow and Receive
What your deepest desires
The Golden Age is here
living young
in a physical body
for a 1000 year
If you like it and want to be so,
your higher self, knows so.
Lyrics : Nikos Akrivos
Play this game to get closer to your desired reality/manifestation. #feelmorethanfine
High vibes every ONE!
These past days have even more been intense with energies from Source cleaning the old debris we no longer need and of course as within so without, we witness even more the destruction of the old structures that includes financial markets and exposure to all those that have used all their mastery to keep their illusion real. We can all collectively witness this now, one way or another and this movie is about to get really really good. So once again, i invite you to take your pop corn and have fun with whatever you observe in the outer world and before anything else make sure to go within for at least 15-20′ to align with your higher self and keep the high vibes juices flowing as much as you can. Playing games to keep vibrations high like writing down every day all things I am grateful for and play a nice tune i like and keep saying thank you and dancing works the miracle for me right after i have breakfast in the morning hours. Did you ever try this ? Here is the feel more than fine tune i produced a while ago. I invite you to do this right now :
- Write down all things you are grateful, make a list of at least 20 things.
- Play this and dance !