Category Archives: Nikos Akrivos
On the road again : Mastering Alignement to Source, Hiking in special locations in North Europe and Ibiza & Vegan Bliss.

High vibes everyone, just to share that these upcoming months from tomorrow i am back into my nomadic life, travelling to Belgium, Netherlands and then back to Spain, Ibiza mid october. So if you happen to be around and you maybe wish to combine mastery alignement sharings with your travels, feel free to send me email at : info@feelmorethanfine.eu to organize a meet up. I know my way around pretty good in these countries and Ibiza and we will be hosting many events and workshops on the fly as we move around organically. So maybe this an opportunity for you to be part of our communities and experience something different in your Europe Journey 🙂
So i invite you to also share this with anyone you know is traveling around in Europe that is willing to combine meditation, traveling and amazing vegan bliss along the way.
Compliance with who we really are.

To comply with our true nature of Oneness with God means to choose to feel good. And the more we sustain that inner talk, after doing our daily inner work in meditation for at least 15-20′, the more we realize that the purpose of Life is joyful expansion.
Practicing gratitude all day long for all things allows to sustain that flow with ease and grace. In fact just a minute or 2 being in the present moment, appreciating the smell of coffee in the morning or the breeze of fresh air in a hot summer etc. all these ‘small’ things makes the big difference in allowing all the well being, awesome relations and supply of money to come easily because simply Oneness with God becomes integrated as we keep on playing and having fun in life…because the child wants to play and our inner child is one and the same. So it is up to you and me to listen that inner voice and pay attention on what gives excitement in the now. And then the next and the next moment. If you have specific times you must work, it is also about the ability of appreciating all these small things in between and the ability to listen that voice within and play. Yes play at work! More efficiency in less time will follow and colleagues and coworkers and friends will comply to our inner compliance with our God within. We will rendez-vous only with those that in the same vibe so to speak. There is so much excitement to witness our days enfolding in such way, each and every day once we find the sweet spot within and do the playful fun work to sustain that inner talk. So i wish and all humanity today and every day to comply to your Higher Self/IAM Presence and God within so you can witness The Magic Gift of Life that i like to call Feel More Than Fine 🙂

Nikos Akrivos
Creating Abundance in Ascension times.

Inner-standing that we are here in a co-creation process with all Light Beings across the multiverse makes Abundance creation a very easy process.
When we ask something it is given. And the time it takes to show up in our experience is only a question of aligning with Source that we really are and be in Joy and appreciation all along the way, all along the journey.
And in the accelerating times of Ascension there are 2 powerful streams where we can choose from. One is the stream of not believing the self as one with Source and the other is the stream of knowing the self as Source.
And when i know i am source, i also know that everything source has, is also mine. So the practice is to first align for about 15-20′ in meditation on a daily basis while asking entire company of Heaven to assist in our magic creation and the trust and have faith that it is already given.
The Golden White Unicorns and Saint Germain are 2 of the many Light beings that can bring incredible magic in our intentions and abundance creation.
So i am inviting you to work with them directly, ask for their support and feel in the depths of your being how the connections are being established more and more. And then witness the miracle unfolding, moment by moment.
Make sure to send the intention for abundance for all humanity and practice this creation exercise every time you feel in lack and limitation in your money supply. It works!!! and it also works with anything else you need support.
Trust, Believe and Be in Joy and Appreciation 24/7.
Feel More Than Fine
Mission Impossible Completed. (+ some more great news!)
Infinite Supply of Money (Powerful Meditation)
I AM the Creator of my own reality. yes, IAM.
Hopium vs logic thinking vs 5D creation magic. (RV/NESARA Frequency) + Ok to not agree.
Ecstatic Dance Festival Aftermath. (At Farm of Consciousness, Hunedoara, Romania)
Avoid Confusion at All Times.
Summer Solstice Ecstatic Festival

The Summer Solstice Ecstatic Festival offers a holistic experience that integrates physical, emotional, and spiritual practices to provide a transformative and enriching experience for the participants. This week-long experience allows attendees to connect with themselves, others, and nature in a supportive and inclusive community – Farm of Consciousness
Through various workshops, discussions, and activities, participants will have the opportunity to engage in practices that promote overall well-being, including yoga, ecstatic dance, meditation, and breathwork. These practices aim to help individuals connect with their bodies, release stress and tension, and cultivate inner peace.
In addition to physical practices, the festival also offers workshops and discussions on topics related to emotional and spiritual wellness. These include discussions on body positivity, self-care, and holistic health, as well as workshops on mindfulness, shamanic practices, and energy healing.
One of the key features of the festival is the opportunity to connect with nature and the natural world. Attendees will have the chance to explore the natural surroundings, participate in outdoor activities, and learn about the importance of sustainable living practices.
The festival is inspired by the ancient Greek traditions of worshiping Helios, the god of the sun, and aims to help individuals tap into the power and magic of the summer solstice. By reconnecting with nature and each other, participants can find a deeper sense of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment.
Services & Activities
Food & Stay
We are preparing fresh plant-based meals every day and everything is included in the price.
You can book your spot in the Dome, Yurt, Glamping or come with your own Tent.
– Silent Day Fasting
– Women Circle / Men Circle
– Sound Meditation
– Cold Exploration
– Voice Activation
– Vision Quest at Night
– Art Flow
– Open Mic
– 5 DJ’s
– 4 Ecstatic Dances
– 3 Cacao Ceremonies
– 2 Live Music Sessions
– 1 Drumming Fire Circle
– Infinite Posibilities to Co-Create
Early Bird – 333 euros – 33 spots only
Late Bird – 444 euros
Ticket Per Day – 66.6 euros
More details here -> https://farmofconsciousness.com/ecstatic-solstice/
Ascension Prosperity (Guidance 1:1)
We will take the time together to tune into the frequency of prosperity and i will share with you very practical tools to sustain that frequency with ease and grace no matter your circumstances. Contact me at : info@feelmorethanfine and we take it from there. Namaste. Nikos.
Your Tools to Raise and Sustain High Vibrational Frequency of Body,Mind AND Spirit.
What about the landings of our galactic families? RV/GCR/EBS update.
Is this website helping you in your spiritual journey?
Everything i share here is to assist each and everyone on their spiritual journey and yes, once in a while, it is very much appreciated when you, the reader is showing your appreciation. I do inner-stand that there are many amongst you do not have the financial means to do so in this now and in that case, your love is appreciated. And i also know there are quite many amongst you that have the means to show your appreciation through a monthly or one time donation. The circle of life is about giving and receiving at all times. It is the very definition of currency. When we give, we receive and when we are able to receive, we can give. And when we are able to open our channel to receive more as soon as we give then more is coming back.
Opulence portal is here.
Thank you.
Feel More Than Fine.