Category Archives: Nikos Akrivos

What is Happening is not against you,it is happening For You!

What is happening is not against you, it is happening FOR YOU!Because we can not continue living on an ignoring planet where children and women and men are hungry or homeless , where lying politicians are having a say in our lives, where we are using prehistoric technologies instead of existing free energy machines that can give us abundant clean energy that respect the environment , where doctors are operating surgeries cutting bodies open instead of using existing healing technologies that are not invasive, where people live lives in deep sleep as to who we really are instead of all of us being aware of our existence as Divine Souls in a costume called human body and our power as Source Energy Beings in alignment with our Higher Selves.We can not keep on living on a planet where power over others entities are allowed to manipulate things in their favor, ignoring the consequences for everyone else.We can not live on a planet where there is still sex slavery or where one is manipulated with money to bring their talents for plans that work for the few that exist in a different dimension than ours.The prostitution of humanity labor in all its forms ends here.We can not live on a planet where old patriarchic models are still trying to enslave the Divine Feminine.We can not live on a planet where toxicity is sold in super markets or kiosks in the form of cigarettes or alcohol or drugs and other or events where people are pretending to celebrate when they are intoxicated. No, no and no!!!This will not be allowed.This all ends here.This is New You and Me in a New World.It may sound like dictatorship but it is not.This is Mother Father God’s Plan for me and for You.Free Will becomes Divine Will. THE WILL OF GOD IS LIGHT. THE WILL OF GOD IS LOVE. THE WILL OF GOD IS GOOD. THE WILL OF GOD IS GRACE. THE WILL OF GOD IS PEACE. THE WILL OF GOD IS PURITY. THE WILL OF GOD IS BALANCE. THE WILL OF GOD IS HEALTH. THE WILL OF GOD IS ABUNDANCE. THE WILL OF GOD IS KINDNESS. THE WILL OF GOD IS UNITY. THE WILL OF GOD IS HAPPINESS. THE WILL OF GOD IS HARMONY. THE WILL OF GOD IS PERFECTION. What is about to happen in the coming days, weeks and months, if you are not aware yet, will reveal to you that all this is now changing for The Highest Good For All.And by all, i don’t mean just Human Beings, i mean Mother Earth and The Animal and Plant Kingdom and all our Loving Galactic Families from outer space that are here patiently supporting us in our Collective Great Awakening and eagerly waiting to meet with us when we finally decide to UNITE ALL as ONE HUMANITY.The infinite possibilities world is beginning tangibly to open right in front of us, we can feel it when we take the time to imagine it or dream about it in our sleeping times and even for some of us see it being tangibly manifest in front of our eyes.I am inviting you to once again dive deeper into yourself, love yourself enough till you know yourself as the center of your Universe and Cosmos and as a potent creator of Unlimited Love and Light .Of course we can not agree with one another because we all have different aspirations and desires in life and yes, we can do the work to accept one another and to work in Unity making peace with that wherever we stand in our evolution journey.So this message ends again to Self Love.Only with dedicated daily intention to love the self and all others, we will be able to move forward as a United collective.You might not like what you see on the many others and you can choose to see each and everyONE as Divine Beings having a human experience even during their arrogance to you and others.As by doing that, you uplift yourself and attract to you what you imagine and feel for yourself and all others.It is Universal Law.Like attracts Like.What you feel is your magnetic power and how you choose to feel right now creates your future experience.All OF The Time.It has always been like this, only you didn’t know then, what you know now.Make good use of it and be amazed by your Magic and MagnificenceChoose For Love Alaways!Enjoy your pop corn and don’t forget to dedicate time daily to go within in sacred partnership to Your God within, to imagine what you want in life taking in consideration to what your Higher Self has to say.Because if you really listen you feel good and if you feel good you allow more of what you want to come to you.Nothing is more important than to feel good.And if you are dealing with pain, be easy on yourself.Be easy at all times.You are always loved and supported by The Angelic Beings and Ascended Masters.Ask what you want and it is given.And let’s make it clear:You will not always immediately receive in the material world.You need to reach mastery before you get to that.Mastery is to be and loving with the self and all others at all times.And yes,You can be ,do or have everything you want.And so does everyone else too.And you must learn to work it to get there with your self with Self Love.That’s your true work.And when things begin to manifest, this is your test that you are reaching mastery. Nobody but you can find the way in your life.And as life on Earth becomes easier and with more freedoms you will have more time to discover your power. If you want it and if you allow this to happen.Ascension within your physical body or without?Divine Will or Free Will?And so it is.I Love You.


Nikos Akrivos

Donations Are Welcome


If you wonder why world’s situation gets more chaotic than it was,let me give you an explanation so you may understand wherever you stand in your evolution journey.All that is taking place is part of a Divine Plan orchestrated in such a way that even those are in deep sleep will awaken.There is no other way to do this.There are many stages.Currently we still in stage one till one big announcement comes which means we go in stage 2.All this needs to happen in order for the foundations to be solid and the new to come in.Do not despair,instead take action in proclaiming at all times wherever you are on the planet :IAM the LOVE,IAM the Light,IAM the Truth.A United Humanity where we all make peace with one another accepting our differences is what the dark agenda don’t want.Change is happening my friends and yes,it looks like the way it looks.And this does not need to affect you within.You each have the power to activate the Love and The Light you are at all times.The Universe’s contrasting forces witnessed at this time show the level of the energy we can hold within.Any given time by going within for at least 15-20′ finding the peace within one can feel this power.And to feel is the key here.As the more one can prolong this feeling within the more it manifests in,through and all around.So make peace with the chaos you see and use it as a reminder to go within.And when you use these words :”IAM my IAM Presence and IAM one with the IAM presence of All Humanity” you are also assisting all 7.5 billion souls on the planet.Truly as Within so Without.You are not small,you are huge,you are one with the Universe and you can get to that knowingness by being consistent with doing this sacred work.The more of us do this,the more chaos will be shown till at some point we reach the climax and the fog dissipates and we witness a New Earth where everything is changed for the better.Things take time to manifest in the physical and The Light Beings keep on telling us that It is already Victory of Light.Keep the faith,hold Gratitude in your hearts and Celebrate every moment because we are receiving huge support from all Light Beings across the Cosmos ,support,ask for it and it is given!!!Our Collective Light is doing the work,otherwise there wouldn’t be chaos out there.God has decreed that enough is enough and all needs to come to the light to be seen by all.So,if you are already awaken you know what to do and if you are not,you must wake up to the power that you are as Source Energy Being with the power to create your reality through your thoughts and most important through your feelings at all times.Feel appreciation of what is and eagerness for what is coming.Imagines more,observe less.Much Love #FeelMoreThanFine

Your Support is Welcome.

Hello everyone,i hope you enjoy the content of this website and that is serves you really well in your evolution journey.While i try to limit as much as possible the requests ,this is a time that i must ask for donations,small or big, if you wish this website to continue and to show your appreciation for using this service.

Namaste and Thank you.


Celebration tomorrow:Classic House Music Anthems DJ SET on 432Hz.

A friendly reminder : tomorrow i will play live classic house music anthems set attuned on 432Hz starting at 14h00 (Ibiza Time) on this plattform.

Join us in this daytime celebration where our intention is to simply be in joy for the Highest Good For all.




I feel i am reaching momentum in many differents areas and subjects in life and i feel that this momentum is also happening collectively,otherwise we wouldn’t have experienced what we we have experienced in 2020.I feel full appreciation for what this past year brought in my life personally and collectively.I do not subscribe with those who feel that this past year was the worst ever.One has always the choice to choose and see the GOodness in all things any given moment.And let’s speak about Momentum.Momentum towards a positive outcome is felt more intensely after being in alignement with Higher Self.In other words after doing the inner work in meditation for about 20′ we can deliberately choose the thoughts we like most and feel ourselves into this,into each and every moment.Do i want a new car?i feel myself driving it right and i am thankful right now for it.Do i want a new house?i feel myself living into and i am thankful for it right now.Do i want a new lover?i feel myself being with this lover and i am thankful right now.Do i want a loving and forgiving planet that works for all?i feel myself into it and i am thankful right now about it.Do i want laughter?joy?ease?grace?flow?abundance?prosperity?clarity?safety?security?love?fun?What is that i want?i feel into what i want and i am thankful for it right now and by doing that i build more momentum towards each subject.Does this mean that it will manifest right now?it could i have reached the vibrational state to do so.And if it doesn’t it is by the way i feel any given moment that i am guided towards attracting more of what i want.It does not matter how big or small that is,what matters is what i feel in relation to it.If i feel resistance,then i need to allow and allowing happens with taking it ease,relaxing,taking a nap or meditate.So to come back to momentum,i feel that right now,since we have been calling the energies with intention for the highest good for all and on behalf of all,these energies are building the collective’s momentum to be ready to receive more of what we have been asking for.Ok,not everyone is ready for it,yet those who are in this deep knowing, are blessed to enjoy the fruits of their work as a feeling that builds up and builds up within.Every day more and more.Every day feeling more joy and more love and more momentum to live happily aver after.

So my wish is for each and everyone of you is to appreciate more what is and be eager more of what is coming every moment so we build even more momentum towards a planet that works for all.

Much Love!


Our Purpose on Our Ascension Ride.

Our purpose on our Ascension Ride is to Build New Earth.Each and everyone has a specific role to play according to what makes his/hear heart sing.Our main tool is Alignement with Source to receive guidance as to what is our heart’s song any given moment.A constant play of surrendering,trusting,allowing,receiving which i call being in a S.T.A.R mode and expanding.A S.T.A.R expanding through inspiration as an individual soul living in a costume called Human Body which in turn is also ascending and gets all upgrades that makes me more sensitive in making choices any given moment.Individual and Yet ONE with the whole :IAM GOD and with GOD,IAM.IAM The ONE,IAM.WWG1WGA.Shifting and Sorting.Choosing from a puzzle of infinite potential of possibilities the one piece and then then next one and next one following my inner compass called emotional scale to guide me.There is no wrong or right.There is only expansion and experiences to choose from.Do i choose to make same experience all over again or do i choose something different that i have never tried before?My mind has an idea of what is that i like and want.My Heart is constantly checking in if my mind is not overtaken by my ego and that is very easy to check.If i don’t feel good,it means or that i am aligned with what truly is my Heart’s call or that i need to do some extra work in order to allow the expansion energies to flow through me or that my ego is trying to boycott this operation.In this 2020 year,those of us who took advantage of this pause,have been doing the work to constantly allow and expand without being able to see tangible and physical material results , yet having our inner compass confirming that all is well, since every time we do the work to allow Love/Light to flow in a meditative/creative/relaxed state,we feel better,we feel good,we feel more than fine.And having The Light Beings confirming through many different channels that all is well indeed makes this ride easier than expected every now.As all we have is NOW.And with appreciation of what is and eagerness of what is coming (thank you Abraham Hicks!) our suitcase has even more tools to do this journey even smoother and easier!!!If i have a wish for each and everyONE on the planet right now, it is to discover what Alignement to Source means and do be able to use the many tools that are being equipied with as we Ascend in our Physical Bodies,from Carbon Based to Crystal (Christ Consciousness) Based Bodies,to become aware of our Existence as Source Energy Beings.

It is about understanding that this ride is about feeling good all of the time, making the best of it any moment to stay on the high vibrational disc of creation , magnetizing to our being what we think and feel for.From something ‘small’ to something very ‘big’,there is no difference!The difference is being created by an old program running in our mind for all kind of reasons,that we can choose to flash away by saying simply:”I pull back all the energy i gave into this life or past lives for all things that did not work for my and the highest good for all.I blaze the violet fire to all timelines,dimensions and realities,i breath in and bring all this energy in the here and now.And breathing out i feel rejuvenated and ready to continue my ride in the higher dimensions of 5D,6D,7D and beyond,appreciating what is and eager of what is coming.In Knowing what i don’t want,I know what i want.I Intend to Feel Good.I intend to Feel More Than Fine!And for that i am eternally Grateful for the constant support i am getting from The Source of All Creation, Mother Father God.IAM THAT, IAM.I don’t need to push for it, Divine Mother is doing this for me.I only ALLOW.And that includes all specific desires i have,be it a relationship,job,home,travel,travelling means,hobby,financial abundance etc i feel into the frequency of it and I ALLOW Divine Mother to flow through me!And So It Is.

Magic right?

Intention is the plan.Frequency(Feeling into specific outcome) is the plan executing itself!– Pleiadians Insight-

And do you know how i best do this lately?

I have written down what is that i want exactly in life including a planet that works for all and the highest good for all ,i read it twice a day and i am thankful in the now as it already happened!And btw dancing and making the #21daysdancechallenge is part of this game too!As when i dance I ALLOW.


Nikos Akrivos

Donations are welcome.

Future Self Story on Basic Universal Income.

Hi everyone,i wrote a small story from my Future Self,described in the simplest way to participate on this contest about Basic Income.(UBIE).

(if you wish to participate i repost their newsletter below my story)

Original message posted on my FB main page.

Year 2222 :

More than 200 years ago, we remember these biblical times in Humanity’s evolution history where due to a pandemic everything was forced to stop.People across the planet were obliged to wear masks, to be in lockdown mode in their homes for long periods of time and many businesses had to stop operating the way they were used to and make the shift towards a new way in attunement for the highest good for all.But people also had finally more time for self love, for spending time with their children and loved ones or for concentrating deeper in their favourite project.This allowed a deeper introspection of what was really needed and a better understanding and clarity as to what it means to Be A Sovereign Living Being on Planet Earth.There was this period where many had to do as many as 3 different jobs on the same day in order to pay for life’s cost.And you are wondering life’s cost?yes, life’s cost!After thousands of years of so many lessons, humanity as whole has forgotten the very fundamental truth that God loves all his sons and daughters and what belongs to God belongs to all his sons and his daughter.Fortunately there were few among the many that started remembering and understanding the value of this truth.They started writing and expressing themselves about the basic human right of having a monthly income because simply one is born and existing on the planet in ways that nobody has ever heard before.Many, those who had the power to speak up would be called with all kind of names and the most popular one :You are a Communist!!!People need to work to make money!!!And unfortunately since the slave mentality was embedded in the biggest part of the collective of humans, there was not real progress into this important aspect of Life.The vast majority of the Human collective needed something stronger to be able to see with more clarity.Many efforts needed to happen behind the scenes from the few that truly knew the value of being a Sovereign Living Being.Efforts that took hundreds of years of preparation in order to create a blueprint of a Planet that works for all.And that blueprint had a name, it was called NESARA :National Economic Security and Reformation Act that became GESARA shifting from National To Global.The plan was to begin in The U.S.A. in 2001 with the distribution of Prosperity Funds that would assist in rebuilding a system respecting all living creature.A tragic event happened that blew off the 2 first floors containing the plans and blueprint for this to occur which was named 9/11.Humanity was in shock collectively.And that shock along the C_o_vid_19 shock created the contrasting conditions of a collective desire fo a loving and forgiving planet that works for all.People started to come together in communities looking for ways to exchange goods that made money obsolete.A system worked pretty well locally and for those that managed to live their lives off grid close to nature proving that it is possible to live without using the means called money.Yet at the general scheme of how the world operated, money was deeply embedded in people’s consciousness and for the many, it was unthinkable of having to live without money.
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller .
And so with many trials and errors and efforts there were those that put their efforts into creating a system that benefits all.And from those efforts came the idea of Basic Universal Income.
At first the many resisted this idea but then slowly due to the circumstances with everything being automatised (pandemic being the excuse) there were many jobs that disappeared.Of course this happened because the planet was in desperate need to be rebuild in ways that operate according to the Universal Law of :Do No Harm.And that includes nature and all animal and planet life.The planetary infrastructure needed to change using new technologies that make life simpler, easier ,holistic and sustainable.With the arrival of C_o_vid_19 all systems had to be cleared for the arrival of the new giving this time the opportunity for the NESARA GESARA implementation behind the scenes.So the year 2020 has been pivotal in this shift while the next decade huge changes happened in the way that the world operates and one of them was Basic Universal Income for each and everyone.A natural consequence that allowed all to be free to live life as they wish to live.Freedom in people’s life shifted everything in the way the world operated.Every human at their core as a soul is loving and kind and generous.And the freedom to be, to do and to have everything that one desires created the self loving atmosphere that works for the highest good for all.When one had the time to be as they please in life, one wanted also to see all their sisters and brothers experience the same joy understanding that true joy is the one that is shared with all.As with all things.Creativity and Inspiration were now at the forefront.Everyone doing what they love to do, many chose to do ethical jobs serving the highest good for all and many chose to just travel and explore the planet, the world, the solar system and other planetary systems and planets and many others preferred just getting immersed in The New Earth study.
New technologies in all areas of life catapulted Humanity in officially becoming aware of it’s Galactic Multidimensional Nature and process of evolution named Ascension.

Nikos Akrivos


Contest description :

UBIE is running a story contest on Basic Income! We’re looking for creatives who can write a fictional story on how we have achieved making Basic Income a reality in Europe.
If you can write a story from the perspective of a future (2030; 2050; 2525; your choice!) in which we have managed to make Basic Income happen and describe how life changed as a result, then you’re the author we’re looking for!
How can you participate?
• Write your story (between 1000-2000 words)
• Publish it anywhere where it can be publicly visible (your own blog, on Medium, a Story on your Facebook profile, or anywhere you can share a link to)
• Share it with a post on your most active social media channel using the hashtag #HowWeMadeBasicIncomeHappen, also tagging UBIE (find us on facebook, twitter and instagram)
• Send us the link to that post on so we can keep track and you’re good to go!

The story that gets the most interactions (likes, comments, reshares) until the end of the year (Thursday, 31 December, 2020 by midnight CET) will win a signed copy of Philippe Van Parijs’ and Yannick Vanderborght’s book “Basic Income. A Radical Proposal for a Free Society and a Sane Economy”!!!

Guided Meditation For For The Highest Good For All.21st-23rd December 2020.

This guided meditation that i prepared for you will help you raise your vibration and keep it high all day long.It is very practical to use,especially if you can’t sleep because energies are very strong.It will help you receive the energies with more ease.You will feel more peaceful and at ease and relaxed with yourself and also help manifest your desired outcome for 2021



Global 21 Days Dance Challenge.Spreading Joy.#FeelMoreThanFine

IAM my IAM Presence and IAM ONE with The IAM Presence of All Humanity.IAM JOY and i spread it all around through multidimensional DANCE for the Highest Good For All.And So It Is.

Spreading Joy dancing few seconds and posting a video every day for 21 days.Tag and post your own video anywhere you can.


Day 1!