Category Archives: Nikos Akrivos

The Best Has Already Come! 💫💖🥳

All those born after 1987 are the ones who will come up with 100% pure ideas and concepts and solutions that none amongst us thought of possible in our lives so far. Those will be implemented as we progress and even if today it does not look like that the younger generations are aware , they are shifting into higher consciousness day by day faster and faster.
I invite you to listen what Patricia has to share about it.

As with everyone else, we must accept their journey and own speed of evolution including mistakes as this is the fastest way for one to learn. And yet also keep this thought in our heart minds because what is about to happen in the next 10 years goes beyong what our minds can conceive right now. Already in 2022, massive change will be witnessed and the more one looks for these signs all around, the more one attracts them and the more one can report and speak about them. Everything right now at all levels has been infiltrated with The Light forces and however negative or positive is appears to be in the end it serves A Planet That Works For All and The Highest Good For All in Peace and Prosperity for All. The best has already come! Feel it in your heart mind as IAM sending you infinite Bliss infusing your being with the qualities of Comprehensive Divine Love, Enthusiasm, Joy, Laughter, Playfulness, Compassion, Cosmic Forgiveness, Transformation, Transmutation, Confidence, Harmony, Balance, Protection, Safety, Security, Divine Will, Infinite Abundance, Victory, Freedom, Discernment and Manifestation of Unity Consciousness through my Heart to Yours for 2022 and beyond.And So It Is.



”Christmas is not one man’s story but is every person’s story as interpreted through human thinking as Christmas.

The Birth of the Christ (Light Consciousness) is the story of every soul’s spiritual awakening which usually manifests in times of duress or loss of material good (stable) because the the birth of individual Christ consciousness cannot take place in a consciousness already filled with ego and false beliefs (no room at the Inn). The birth of Christ consciousness is easily recognized by those of higher spiritual consciousness who at this point step in to assist the fragile new awakened state of consciousness with gifts of support, strength, understanding, and knowledge–(the three kings).

Those of a lower resonance (Herod) always fear and feel threatened in the presence of Christ Light and seek to kill or eliminate it any way they can (law, propaganda, societal pressure) and so the newly born and not yet fully developed state of consciousness must for a period of time be kept secret and hidden in order for it be safe as it grows into a strong and highly evolved state of consciousness–the Christ.

Those seeking to eliminate truth can only eternally fail for Truth is a Reality that can be hidden, ignored, and denied but never changed, removed, or effected in any way.”

Arcturian Group Message 12/12/21 | FEEL MORE THAN FINE

Starlink, Coaching 1:1, Violet Fire application.

Hi everyone, if you wish support for your Ascension Journey or/and Manifestation Coaching or/and Healing, i invite you to connect directly with me by email : .

Skype invitation only if you are interested.

Join conversation (

Price 55$/hour prepaid on paypal.

Thank you and Namaste.

Make it a priority in your life today, and tomorrow when you wake up, check in to see where your vibration is before your feet hit the floor. Usually, you can shift your vibration pretty easily when you catch it early on

Note : Been always proclaiming through this website, make it your priority to feel good at all times, as feeling good is feeling God, make it your priority to feel more than fine and everything will reflect that in your reality, this is what matters most in this Universe of ours, confirmed by The Arcturians in this blog : )

What Matters Most in this Universe ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very clear about what it is we are putting out vibrationally and energetically at all times, and we are this clear because we have practiced doing it consciously for so long. It has become second nature to us, and we also have nothing else to do. We don’t have physical bodies, so we don’t have to go to work to get money to pay the bills, the rent, the mortgage, and we don’t have to go get food and eat it, and cleanse our bodies and our homes. We don’t have to drive anywhere. These are all things that you do, and so it is quite understandable that you aren’t always paying attention to what vibration you are offering in any given moment.

Your moments are filled with activity, and because you have so much to do, you often think about the things you have to do while you are doing something else. This is the opposite of mindfulness. Now, we are not here to convince you that you should be like us and just pretend that you don’t still live in a world where things do have to get done, but we do want to attempt to convince you that what you are putting out vibrationally, what you are feeling, and what you are thinking about are more important than whether you get that pile of laundry done today.

Sometimes when you feel overwhelmed, you just need to take a deep breath and say something to yourself to the effect of, ‘That could be put off a little bit longer so that I can tend to my vibration right now.’ Do it, and see how it goes for you to take that approach to life and let go of the programming that tells you that you are only as good as what you accomplish in a given a timeframe. Whether that’s an hour, a day, or a year doesn’t matter; it is still the same type of program. Realize that you accomplish a lot while you are sleeping, and you can accomplish a lot while you are offering a higher vibration, because you are shifting yourself to a different reality, one where there will be less for you to do.

But let’s say you have gotten very good at getting things done. You are very efficient; you take a lot of pride in your work, in your accomplishments, because you can point to them and say, ‘Look what I did!’ People will give you a plaque or erect a statue in your honor someday because of all the things that you did, and that’s fine if you want to live your life in that way, but we just want to point out that there is another approach. We want to point out that you are good because you exist. You are Source, and if you consider Source to be good, then you must be good.

You don’t have to prove to anyone, not even yourself, that you are good with your actions and your accomplishments. You can just be, and you can exude a good vibration, and while not as many people will notice you for that particular accomplishment, you will feel better all the time. The person who is on the hamster wheel has to keep it up in order to continue to feel good about themselves. And what happens when they retire from that work that they took all that pride in for all those years? It’s probably not going to go very well.

Our point is this: your vibration matters. Your vibration will materialize in the physical that which is a match to it. Make it a priority in your life today, and tomorrow when you wake up, check in to see where your vibration is before your feet hit the floor. Usually, you can shift your vibration pretty easily when you catch it early on. Before you get into your conversations and your actions of the day, take care of what matters, and everything else in your world will reflect it to you. That’s the type of world you want to be living in, and you have to power to put yourself in it right now.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

12:12 Portal DNA Activation and Quantum Shift for Well Being, Peace and Prosperity for all (#432Hz)

I am inviting you to push play and do this activation anytime this weekend and if you wish to join us in our mass meditation you can do so tomorrow and every Sunday at 14h/17h/20h00 Central European Time.

Transitionning into the New Financial System.

I decided to write something exclusively about our New Financial System (also called Quantum Financial System) seen from my perspective because the old Financial system (fiat) is one that has played a very significant role in our lives for so many years and generations. And maybe you find that the way i express myself is a little funny/strange since i speak of it in the past, witnessing currently so much of it collapsing in all levels. (Archangel Michael : When the system finally does collapse the new one will already be up and running, so there will be little work in order to create a transition. The ones who are going to crash the economic system are you. Not the Alliance, not God – You will do so. | FEEL MORE THAN FINE)

But, you coming on this website, know very well, i am not about speaking of what is rather about creating the new.

Yes, i am in full appreciation of what is and live in the now and enjoy every moment in my life however this may appear and also feeling so much eagerness of what is to come. Usually in the early morning hours i feel more about going into meditation, yet this morning a voice guided and inspired me to write specifically about the financial system. In a flash moment everything that i and we have been through individually and collectively because of luck of financial means strack me all at once. I thought to myself, wow! a world where this burden is lifted and money is available like the air we breath for all, how much will our lives change just because of that? In this moment i have again pictures and memories from all the suffering we have been through in our lives, all the wars, all the sicknesses, all the losses, all the negativity, all the separations with partners, lovers and loved ones generations after generations. Yes, it is very painful. Luck of financial means was a huge limiting factor of our freedom and freedom of expressions in so many levels. And indeed this has all been created by a Consciousness of separation from God Source Creator as an experiment in order to witness what does not work as souls living in our costumes called human bodies. I am sure you reading this right now , unless you were born into extreme riches, can feel the heavy weight and extend of traumatic experiences we have been through both individually and collectively. Very possibly it is something that still is present in your subconscious acting without you even know anything about it and governing your thoughts and day to day actions. And so now i want us to do something together as we are guided and supported by Saint Germain, Archangel Zadkiel, The Dragons of the Unlimited Unconditional Love and The Amethyst Crystals across Earth that invite us to cast all these memories and all causes into the violet flamme of Transmutation and Tranfiguration : Transmute Transmute by the Violet Fire All Causes and Cores not of God’s Desire x 3.
See and feel all these memories vanishing for ever asking that all subconscious memories be also cast away for ever in this now.
Breath In Deeply, Breath Out Completely x 3.
Allow the Violet Flamme do the work, it may take a few moments, it may take a few days or weeks, depending on where you stand in your journey.
Every time that a bad memory of luck and limitation comes into your mind Blaze the Violet Flamme and cast it away, thanking it for the lesson.
Thank You Memories for your lesson and Thank You All Light Beings for assisting me and all Humanity.
Breath In Deeply, Breath Out Completely x 3.
Feel The Power of Gratitude in this now. Feel it within all your cells and in through and around all your protons and electrons , radiating out to all Life. Breath it In and Out. Feel It. Be It. Let your Gratitude be heard out out loud if you like: THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU GOD CREATOR SOURCE! I LOVE YOU. YOU ARE ME, I AM YOU! IT IS JUST WOW!WOW!WOW!
And as we move through these next weeks entering 2022, allow the new to shape itself without trying to control, just feeling into the joy of A world where money will be available for all like the air we breath in order to create The New, in order to support what one loves to do loving what one does guided by Higher Self in aligment with God Source Creator that is ONE and The Same for All.
I invite you to feel into what freedom will do in people’s lives, to feel into the extend of release of technologies like Free Energy and Healing and Rejuvenation Medbeds/Celestial chambers and Hover / Flying Cars and Abundance of Fresh Organic Food and Water for all and Homes of their likes to live in for all and everything else that your beautiful minds can conceive. Feel into these images ,into these visions, drawning and writting them down and writting next to it : THIS OR BETTER! Because Truth be told, the world that is about to unfold shortly and i am speaking of months here will be unrecognizable and for much much much better that our minds can not conceive yet. (Do you remember how personal computers changed your world? Multiply those changes by 10,000, and you will barely conceive of how different your world will be within months. | FEEL MORE THAN FINE)

Our best tool is to feel into those and attract those. Feel into a Financial System that is available for all : You want to create something that makes your heart sing? here you go, as Quantum Technology reads your thoughts and intentions calculating all factors to check if your intention serves The Highest Good for All Doing No Harm.
Feel into the new and let it be magnetized in your reality in this now as New Earth is already here.
Feel into all that.
Feel More Than Fine.

Nikos Akrivos

PS. i made this dance track on 432hz a while ago, this is perfect creation/manifestation tool to dance it all out once you read this post 🙂

Happy thanksgiving

Thank You for being here in this body witnessing the unfolding of evolution and expansion on an individual and collective path serving the highest good for all. Thank You for my breath and the air i breath, thank you for abundance in all ways, always everywhere, thank you for excellent Well Being, thank you for the contrast showing me what i don’t want so i know what i want. Thank you for all my family, soul family and friends. Thank you for creating me in such way that whatever i do that gives me pure authentic joy also benefits all life. Thank You God Creator Source, We are One, You are me and IAM You. Thank you for knowing how alignement to Source feels.
Thank You, I Love You.
And Happy Thanks giving to All.

If showing your appreciation feels good to you , donations small or big are welcome here, reminding you that all the money that you give/spend is blessed and comes to you multiplied.