Category Archives: Natalie Glasson

Roots of Your Divinity – Archangel Metatron – Natalie Glasson

Channeled through Natalie Glasson โ€“ Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings, and love I extend to all beings present with me today, I am Archangel Metatron. It is a joy to bring forth the vibrations and frequencies of the Angelic Kingdom to embrace you, to support you and assist you in your current stages of ascension. It may feel now that everything is moving, that there is momentum. It may feel that things are uncertain and unstable as if you cannot quite find the right footing to stabilise yourself in your reality or your ascension. It is important to recognise this moment in your ascension journey. To recognise whether it is a moment where you feel fully grounded, fully centred, stabilised, and balanced or whether you feel as if you are walking upon a pathway that is constantly moving, therefore tricky to find your footing, to discover your centre, your balance, and your stability.

Take a moment to recognise what is occurring for you in the current stage of your ascension journey. It is important to recognise that stages pass quickly even if you feel unstable at this moment. You will feel balanced, grounded, and centred once more. You may find that a part of you feels unstable and the rest of you feels grounded, centred, and balanced. Maybe in this current phase, everything feels unstable, or you are not quite sure in which direction you need to travel. You may be concerned about what you should be focusing upon, the next stage of your ascension, or how to heal an aspect of your being or reality. Maybe situations or expectations, dreams or plans have altered, leaving you feeling unsure? Maybe even untrusting and uncertain of the next stage.

It is so important to value and to give attention to each phase of your ascension process, even the phases that are more challenging and more painful. When you sit in the energy of each phase to observe and contemplate the energy being demonstrated, you begin to understand it, release it and allow yourself to gain the insights that are required.

It is often thought of that insights are needed for the next stage of your ascension, to bring forth the clarity and understanding you desire. While this is true, the most important aspect or process is grounding, and discovering your roots. When you allow yourself to discover the roots of your divinity, you allow yourself to re-centre, recalibrate, to heal and to stabilise, or to ground. In doing so, you release the energies that no longer serves you and you returned to an aspect of yourself, which is your truth. As you bring your attention back to this aspect of yourself, your truth, this is when the understanding, you might say the insights and realisations dawn. However, the plan, the understanding, the enlightenment, the insights have always been there because every step of your ascension, you could say is planned. Your soul knows exactly what it is doing, even when it feels as if it is thrown into turmoil, chaos, or instability. It is all part of the journey and so the answer, the next stage of your ascension is already there, waiting for you, waiting for you to discover and to realise it. Therefore, when you root and ground yourself into your divinity this is when you discover the next stage, and the insights you require.

When you ground yourself or root yourself into your divinity, what are you achieving?

We think of roots as extending out as far, or further, than we are aware of, they create a very concrete and secure footing. A sense of being very grounded, centred, and secure. When you allow or imagine roots from your being, maybe from your root chakra, your feet, chakras, or your earth star chakra, you anchor and ground yourself further. When you then add the intention of grounding or rooting yourself into your divinity, this takes you to a new level of grounding, a new level of stability and of the awareness of truth.

You do not necessarily need to know what your divinity is to ground or root yourself into your divinity. We can recognise your divinity is your true self, your soul, your soul group, your expression of the Creator. The expression of truth, the love and peace that you embody and emanate within your divinity is also all that you have collected in knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Your divinity is like a treasure chest of your spiritual and natural nature. When you root yourself into your divinity, you are rooting yourself into a level of your spiritual nature that will serve you in this moment of your ascension. Sometimes it is not necessarily a higher vibration or frequency. It is the energy that serves you in this moment of your ascension.

When you ask to ground and root yourself into your divinity you are grounding yourself, becoming centred, and balanced within your truth. You are allowing your soul and soul group to bring forth and stabilise you in the energies that serve you the most. Maybe it is deep understanding and love, or creativity, strength, confidence, and trust. It is very easy to describe divinity in emotions or feelings. Often, your Divinity is simply a vibration like a thread of light and maybe this thread of light, is a memory from the inner planes, a memory of learning or understanding, remembrance of the Creator. Thus, you ground yourself into this thread of light to serve you in bringing forth new skills and abilities.

It is very important to ground and root yourself into Mother Earth for she is a spiritual being and allows you to further move with the momentum of ascension on the Earth. It is needed to root and ground yourself into your divinity. The less you try to control what your divinity is the more it will surprise you offering insights and greater understandings, bringing forth more tools, more skills, information and enlightenment.

I, Angel Metatron, invite you to take some time to simply contemplate and ask to be grounded and rooted into your divinity especially if there is an area in your reality or within your being that feels chaotic, unstable, or unbalanced. Think of the situation, experience or part of your being and ask to be rooted and grounded into your divinity. Take some time to sit and meditate with it. Even repeating,

I am rooted and grounded in my divinity.

Allow an awakening, opening, and blossoming to take place within your being. Without expectations, allow yourself to recognise, when you feel more stable, balanced, secure in your footing, in your presence and in your actions as well.

When the road ahead is rocky, it is within your being that you turn, not to isolate or to protect yourself, to strengthen your connection with the Creator and step forth securely, even when the ground is rocky.

My presence, my love is with you always.

I am Archangel Metatron.

I thank you.

More Archangel Metatron

You Are The Anchor by Grandmother Anna

You Are The Anchor by Grandmother Anna

Channeled through Natalie Glasson โ€“ Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings, namaste, blessings, I am Grandmother Anna. It is a joy to be in your presence, bringing forth my vibration and truth into your awareness and reality.

Have you ever thought that you are a being of expression? You are a being of receiving; you are a being of flow. One of your main purposes in existence upon the Earth is to be consciously aware of the energy flowing from your being and what you are creating with it. It is to be consciously aware of what you are receiving, what you are bringing and drawing into your body, being, soul, chakras, thoughts, emotions, every aspect of your being and your reality. It is your mission and purpose to be aware of this flow and how you are in the centre of this flow.


You are the anchor of the Creator. You are the anchor of this two-way flow. When you are consciously aware of the energy you express, and the energy you receive you begin to dance with the Creator and with your Creations as you manifest them from within your being and your reality.

I invite you to contemplate what is happening in your reality that maybe is unbalanced, that you are not happy with or are concerned about, you wish to change or shift or alter? When you think of something that could be hindering you or occupying your mind, allow yourself to acknowledge:
What am I anchoring in this situation?โ€™ What energies am I allowing to flow through my being from the Creator or simply from my mind, from my emotions?  What energies am I receiving? What energy am I receiving from the Creator, from the outside world, from my situations, experiences? What am I receiving? What am I expressing?

Therefore, what am I being? What am I anchoring? As you acknowledge this, you begin to understand how you are being present in the world, how you are being present in your physical body, and how you are being present in your reality. Thus, you can create a shift.

You can also ask yourself:

What do I wish to anchor instead? What do I need to anchor to make the necessary change, transformation or shift that I desire? Or what do I need to express from the Creator through my being? What do I need to receive from the outside world, and from the Creator? Therefore, what am I being, what am I anchoring? When you allow yourself to recognise what you need to anchor, what you need to be in that moment, in the situation you begin to acknowledge and create a transform thus, creating yourself as an anchor of a new energy. An anchor of a new aspect of your being thus releasing what is no longer needed. You are being present, grounded, anchored in a new way. You are being present, grounded and anchored in a new way as the Creator This is something I encourage you to explore in the coming days. It is amazingly simple process and yet it can transform your reality and your experiences as well as transforming your embodiment, the way you act and react within your reality and ascension.

As you recognise yourself as an anchor in every given moment of your reality and ascension, receiving energy from the Creator, expressing energy from the Creator, I encourage you to contemplate this. Recognise they are all the same, it is the same process and yet you can feel yourself breathing in, receiving energy from within your being and radiating it outwards thus, expressing and radiating the Creator. Receiving divine energy from the Universe of the Creator, from your guides and bringing it into your being, into your embodiment. Exhaling beaming out the energy of the Creator, inhaling the energy of the Creator. We can see that it is a flow, it is a process and although our perspective is slightly different, the process is the same. When we think of expressing the Creator, and when we think of receiving the Creator, it is still a good idea to recognise these two aspects because we ground two levels of energy. We bring forth a heightened vibration with each expression and with each receiving. We allow our entire being to receive, express, and to anchor. We involve our wholeness and our completeness in this process and that is what is needed in this moment. It is essential and important for us to recognise our wholeness, and completeness, therefore whatever our actions are we are in a space of wholeness and completeness of the Creator. Whatever we may be doing, thinking, or feeling we are coming from that space of entirety, the ultimate whole and complete vibration of the Creator, this is essential on the Earth at this time.

It is important to come to terms with yourself as an anchor, asking yourself in meditation, what does this truly mean for me? What practice, meditation, or thought process will allow me to really embody that I am an anchor of the Creator and anchor into the Earth of the Creator’s energy? This is something entirely personal for you to acknowledge, understand and to explore. What practice, what thought process, what meditation, what technique will allow you to really acknowledge yourself as an anchor of the Creator’s energy? It can be something that comes into your awareness, it may be a technique that you are aware of or a healing process that you are aware of. It may be something that you are doing for yourself, and maybe working or co-creating with another. It could be walking, could be running, could be exercise, whatever it is, it is very important that you recognise this process now and that there is something you can do to really heighten your awareness of yourself as an anchor. There is a need for you to have the perspective in your mind for you to really exist as, embody and walk the Earth as an anchor for the Creator so that everything you do, think, and feel comes from the knowledge and understanding that you are an anchor of the Creator’s light. You then approach everything you are and everything you create from this knowledge of being an anchor. You draw into your body more and more light, more and more vibrations and high frequencies. Like a lotus flower in the physical, your physical body, your chakras, your mind, your energy systems, your emotions all begin to open up and you blossom. You become your ascended master self on the Earth through this anchoring and grounding process because you are saying, not only to yourself, not only to the Creator, to the world that you are an anchor of the Creator’s energy light, truth, and love.

This creates an opportunity for great expansion, a great opening within your being, as a physical being upon the Earth. Therefore, spiritual energies, your spiritual aspect, your spiritual master self will be able to come forth because you are creating this opening, you are creating a very strong and powerful foundation. You are allowing yourself to open and become your truth. In many ways, we can think of it as there is nothing standing in your way, you are an anchor, you are bringing these energies into your being, into the Earth, into your reality. Everything within your being is opening up, your intelligence opens up, your intuition opens up, every part of your being begins to open, to express and receive this flow of the Creator and you anchor further. You become the Creator upon the Earth.  Not only do you recognise this, you really embody it and you experience it.

I am an anchor.

I am a Creator anchor.

I invite you to affirm this to yourself in the coming days:

โ€˜I am a Creator anchor.  I am an anchor of the Divine energies and I co-create with the Creator in the physical.โ€™

This means through your physical being, perceptions, expressions, receiving, attractions, through co-creation, manifestation, everything that I am and the truth of the Creator. Imagine yourself in this way, how will others perceive you now? Not that it matters how others perceive you, but what I am saying is that others will be inspired. You will be a strong foundation of the Creator’s light.  This will be magnetic, it will be inspiring, it will encourage others to be the same in your presence, not that you will awaken anything within them, nor that you will influence them. They will be in your presence experiencing this flow that you are an anchor, that you are so strongly grounded in your spiritual self and in the vibrations of the Creator that they cannot help but open and become their truth. It is not even about directing your energy; it is just about you being present as an anchor. It will transform so much within your world, within your reality, within Mother Earth and the entire world, it is immensely important in this moment.

Recognise yourself now as an anchor and allow yourself to realise that this is your pathway forward. Allow yourself to acknowledge what you become, how you become, in what way do you act and react. Do not try to guess, just allow it to be and you will see yourself transform, you will see yourself becoming something so amazing, beyond your imagination. I trust in you and I am present to support you and assist you in every moment.

You are a Creator anchor.

I love you always.

I am Grandmother Anna

Truth of Chaos – Archangel Metatron

Channeled through Natalie Glasson โ€“ย Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings and love, I amย Archangel Metatron, it is an honour to be present with youย today. Let us be present with the vibration of truth, the truth that flows from the Creator. Let us be present with the vibration of chaos, a chaos that is and can be created even with the vibration of the Creator. As we are present with truth and with chaos, we allow ourselves to exist in a space of balance where we are grounded, centred, balanced, able to receive, to accept, to acknowledge, to know and understand. We are able to exist without reacting, we are able to express from peace, from a centre of calmness within. We can also acknowledge exactly what is occurring on all or many levels of reality. As we are present with truth and with chaos, we enter into a space of acceptance, knowing our inner truth and our inner wisdom.

Every being existing upon the Earth is created from the frequency, light, and the truth of the Creator, every being on the inner planes is the same. You are a being of the Creator, you are an expression of the Creator, you allow the Creator to flow through your being. To some extent, this is not a choice, it is a natural habit of your being and body. When you exist upon the Earth you exist in a reality that you can create, you can create anything and everything if you wish. You have the ability to create, to manifest through your thoughts, through your emotions and your intentions. The energy flowing through your being from the Creator supports and fuels manifestation.

Beings upon the Earth have a choice, they can choose if they wish to accept lower vibrations of energy. They will still except the high vibrations of the Creator, however they will recognise and focused upon lower vibrations. We can recognise lower vibrations as negative emotions or thoughts, maybe even emotions such as anger or frustration. Although it is complicated to really describe what the lower vibration could be because everything is an aspect of the Creator. It is important to remember that even a lower vibration is simply a different stage of development. Each person has a choice if they wish to accept a lower vibration and focus upon this then of course they can, if they wish to express a higher vibration and focus upon this, it is their choice. When you express, receive, and focus upon a negative or lower vibration the manifestation is often chaos, confusion, anger, frustration. The feeling that you are not getting what you want, things are not going the right way, upheaval and so forth. Chaos can manifest in numerous ways and each person who has existed upon the Earth has experienced some sort of chaos whether within their being or outside. When you allow yourself to connect with a negative vibration or a lower vibration, your chakras do not work at their heightened potential and they tend to send energy outwards, therefore you become very depleted and this in turn supports the creation of chaos, as well as the energy going outwards. Due to an outward focus the divinity, the truth of the Creator, and your intuition are somewhat ignored and not allowed to flow. The flow of the divine through your being is hindered. If you are constantly focusing upon negative vibrations, lower vibrations, and expressing these through your emotions and your mind you will become depleted needing to gain energy from somewhere.ย  I will remind you that this way of being is a choice.

If your energy is constantly focusing outwards, you may be drawn to people of higher vibration or a positive loving vibration to receive energy from the outside world.ย  These people express the natural flow of the Creator through their beings. The person of a predominant lower vibration or connections is drawn to a spiritual being, in order to draw energy into their being to sustain themselves, their vibration, frequency, emotions, mind, and their body. It is easy to recognise that someone connecting with negative or lower vibrations is not allowing the flow of the Creator, is focusing outwards, is aligning with, and creating chaos, and therefore becoming depleted within. They are fuelling and using higher vibrations and energy flows to fuel more chaos.

It is important to recognise within your being as a spiritual being that you may enter these cycles at some points during the day, and this is natural. It is a natural and normal part of your existence. There are other beings upon the Earth, those that you may know, those that you may not, that exist in this space always and it is these beings that are creating chaos within the world. It is not their fault and there is no judgment because we recognise that everything is a process of ascension. Therefore, we can recognise that chaos in the world is created in this way and we can also recognise that each person upon the Earth has added to the chaos in the world at some point or other. Again, there is no judgment, we simply seek to understand and create transformations and shifts.

As a spiritual being connecting with higher vibrations, focusing your mind on love, peace, and joy, allowing and encouraging yourself to be the flow of the Creator, to be an expression of the Creator, you may be aware that others try to absorb your energy. This is nothing to worry about because your energy cycle and flow is constant. You have the abundant love energy of the Creator to give to all, you can never be depleted of energy because there is always more Creator energy to flow through your being.

If you find that you have become depleted in energy, maybe after being with another person, in another situation or thinking of a circumstance, then realise simply that the person, situation or circumstance has chosen to connect with the lower vibration and that you have taken this on, you have aligned with that lower vibration. There is no need to disconnect, simply realign yourself as an expression of the Creator with the light, flow, and divinity of the Creator, therefore everything will be erased, and you will be recharged. When you feel depleted, it is important to acknowledge this, it is also important to realise that you have the abundance of energy to give all beings. When you send energy to a person, a situation or circumstance that you believe is connected to a lower vibration, you send it to the purpose of increasing the divine flow, and divine expression through that person, situation, or circumstance. Rather than sending the energy for them to transform or heal, you are sending the energy to awaken once more their remembrance of the divine flow, divine expression of the Creator, because focusing upon the divine expression of the Creator, your true existence is a choice, and it is something that you choose or do not choose in every moment of your reality. Always send energy to the flow of the Creator, within a person, or a situation, this will realign them to a higher vibration thus shifting and transforming their thoughts and their emotions allowing the Creator to come forth and thus in that moment, they stop creating chaos. With the energy flow they become energised and charged. They then receive an energy, vibration, and inspiration within them to make the changes for themselves taking responsibility for their reality and their existence, choosing to remember they are an expression and the divine flow of the Creator. This is a way of transforming another being and bringing forth healing.

When we look at the world, the reality, the Earth, using this technique is a way of transforming situations of chaos in the world. You send energy to open, to awaken the divine flow, the divine expression of the Creator in situations, in countries, whatever, wherever there is chaos upon the Earth. When you achieve this, you recognise that you are being a beacon of truth. Not only are you recognising the truth of chaos. You are recognising chaos as simply an alignment, a creation from an alignment and that you do not need to become involved in the chaos. Rather, you connect with the flow of the Creator for yourself, or for others. Chaos begins to dissolve gradually and easily, the more that other beings focus upon their truth and the divine flow of the Creator the more chaos simply slips away, dissolves, it becomes no more. This is the healing that is required upon the Earth because there is chaos within many beings. There may be chaos within your being that you are ignoring or maybe you are aware of it and there is chaos in the Earth, in the world that is being created. I, Archangel Metatron, simply wished to bring forth this simple message so you may gain a greater understanding of how you can be of service.

As a beacon of light upon the Earth, you are the energy flow. You are the one that energises, you are the one that creates the intention, directs the energy and the light of the Creator. It is now time for you to be a director of the Creator’s energy for yourself and for all. I do hope that my words have inspired you and inspired you to recognise how powerful you are, and how you can make transitions upon this Earth because you have the flow, you are energised and you have the divine flow of the Creator, as well as the intuition, the guidance, the ability to see, sense and acknowledge the Creator’s presence and how to bring forth the Creator.

My love is with you always, I thank you.

I am Archangel Metatron

The Dream of Truth by Saint Germain – Part 2

The Dream of Truth by Saint Germain – Part 2

Channeled through Natalie Glasson โ€“ Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 

Greetings and love I, Saint Germain extend to you now. It is an honour to be in your presence today. I bring forth the magic, the love, and the truth of the Creator to shower down upon you to support you in your current existence upon the Earth. You are embarking through a most beautiful ascension process; everything is blossoming at this time and being embodied deep within your being. It is a time to be consciously aware of everything that is taking place within your being, around you and connected to your spiritual path. We the Ascended Masters wish to assist you in achieving this. In your everyday reality, encourage yourself through your thoughts to be conscious and aware, alert to everything that is occurring within your being and around you.

I Saint Germain wish to speak with you about the energy of truth, truth is such a vast expansive word. Truth is and can describe something that is general and yet as a spiritual being walking your ascension pathway upon the Earth, truth is something that is remarkably close to your heart and soul and very meaningful to you. It is your power and a reminder of your connection with the Creator, supporting you in your expression of the Creator.

Currently in ascension truth is immensely important, it is essential to take some time to contemplate what truth is.  Many beings who have channeled before me have spoken of the energy, the vibration, and the frequency of truth, inviting you to contemplate truth. It has never been so important as it is now to contemplate truth. 

What is truth?

What does truth mean to you?

What do you expect of Truth?

As a spiritual being you are invited to let go of expectations, instead to create intentions. Rather than expecting something to happen, hold the intention that it is already created and already manifested, entering your reality. If you create intentions about truth, about understanding your truth, contemplating, what truth is and your unique expression, this will allow you to connect with the Creator on a deeper level. Your expression and understanding of truth are important, it is unique to you, therefore it is essential to really begin to understand what your truth is. What does this mean? It is not necessarily what you believe in, although it can be. It is more what you wish to feel, what you wish to experience, what you wish to create for yourself in your ascension and upon the Earth.  Rather than trying to understand the meaning of life and the truth of the Creator, or what the Creator wishes you to know becoming a wise being or Guru. Truth is about your own unique expression, and in many ways can only be expressed, if it is not expressed then it becomes something else. It is energy, it is a vibration, it is a flow. Your truth is unique, it is all about what you feel, what you think, what you experience and what you create. This is your truth.

Your truth extends from the vibration of the Creator that you are connected with or put in another way the vibration of the Creator that you hold within your being. If you allow your mind to run away with fearful thoughts, if you allow your emotions to continuously bring up old wounds without approaching them, facing them or healing them then the vibration of your being and the vibration of your connection with the Creator will be different. It may not be so inspiring or enlightening. If you are able to master your mind, to forgive yourself, to love yourself unconditionally, to heal yourself, recognise and want to heal the wounds within you and physical wounds as well, your connection to the Creator will be different. It will be more enlightening and more inspiring, more familiar and more truthful.

Your expression of truth constantly changes as you evolve and progress through your spiritual evolution. As we begin to contemplate what is truth? What does it mean to you? We also let go of expectations and instead create intentions We become conscious of the presence of truth around us, within us and assisting us in our reality, flowing through us from the source of the Creator. Then we are more able to connect to experience the truth.

We have spoken of you expressing your own truth and how this can change, alter and shift, especially as you ascend. Contemplating truth, you will begin to recognise that you wish to know the truth of the Creator, you wish to receive truth or wisdom that will guide you fourth in supporting yourself, others, and the ascension of the Earth. The truth of the Creator is the same as your truth, it flows through your being. The more you heighten your energy vibration, the more you will be an expression of high enlightening inspiring ascension truth bringing this into your reality and into the world. The title of my communication with you today is the Dream of Truth.

What does the Dream of Truth mean?

It is my understanding that within your being you have a dream, a hope, something that you wish to manifest, and it may be that it is a dream of truth. Now it may look like wishing that there was more peace in the world or wishing that you had more abundance or that there was more abundance in the world. Within you there is this dream of truth, something that you want to manifest that you wish and desire to be experienced upon the Earth at this time or in the future. This dream of truth is immensely important because it also supports you in understanding your destiny and your purpose in this ascension process. When you make steps forward to experience your dream of truth, you are experiencing that which your soul wishes you to experience. I wish to encourage you to connect with your dream of truth, to understand what it is, you may have many, it will be something that seems as if it is out of your reach. It will be something that seems as if it is immensely frightening to achieve or impossible. This will be your dream of truth and I encourage you in the coming days in meditation or quiet time to ask within your being what is my dream of truth?

What is My Dream of Truth?

You may have one, or you may have many dreams of truth, write them down so that you can see and feel them with greater ease. I encourage you in the coming days to really explore your dreams of truth. Once you have explored your dreams of truth begin to ask the Creator, your guides, anyone you wish myself, Saint Germain, any being that you wish, any vibration of light to support you. To support you in the manifestation, the expression and embodiment of your dream of truth. In doing so you will bring forth the vibrations of the Creator, the truth of the Creator, the truth of your soul, and your soul group. Everything from your soul that requires to be manifested and experienced in your reality now. You will be downloading energy into your being and into the Earth, into humanity and Mother Earth to support humanity and Mother Earth experiencing truth, as it is so important now. It is a shift in perspective and a shift in understanding that is required upon the Earth. A new connection, a heightened connection with the Creator and a heightened expression of the Creator.

I wish to come forth to you next week to continue this conversation. For now, please encourage yourself to explore your dream of truth. Think big, think expansively, beyond limits because that is the truth of the Creator.

I thank you,

Blessings be with you,

I am Saint-Germain

More Saint-Germain

The Dream of Truth by Saint Germain – Part 1

Channeled through Natalie Glasson โ€“ Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 

Greetings and love I, Saint Germain extend to you now. It is an honour to be in your presence today. I bring forth the magic, the love, and the truth of the Creator to shower down upon you to support you in your current existence upon the Earth. You are embarking through a most beautiful ascension process; everything is blossoming at this time and being embodied deep within your being. It is a time to be consciously aware of everything that is taking place within your being, around you and connected to your spiritual path. We the Ascended Masters wish to assist you in achieving this. In your everyday reality, encourage yourself through your thoughts to be conscious and aware, alert to everything that is occurring within your being and around you.

I Saint Germain wish to speak with you about the energy of truth, truth is such a vast expansive word. Truth is and can describe something that is general and yet as a spiritual being walking your ascension pathway upon the Earth, truth is something that is remarkably close to your heart and soul and very meaningful to you. It is your power and a reminder of your connection with the Creator, supporting you in your expression of the Creator.

Currently in ascension truth is immensely important, it is essential to take some time to contemplate what truth is.  Many beings who have channeled before me have spoken of the energy, the vibration, and the frequency of truth, inviting you to contemplate truth. It has never been so important as it is now to contemplate truth. 

What is truth?

What does truth mean to you?

What do you expect of Truth?

As a spiritual being you are invited to let go of expectations, instead to create intentions. Rather than expecting something to happen, hold the intention that it is already created and already manifested, entering your reality. If you create intentions about truth, about understanding your truth, contemplating, what truth is and your unique expression, this will allow you to connect with the Creator on a deeper level. Your expression and understanding of truth are important, it is unique to you, therefore it is essential to really begin to understand what your truth is. What does this mean? It is not necessarily what you believe in, although it can be. It is more what you wish to feel, what you wish to experience, what you wish to create for yourself in your ascension and upon the Earth.  Rather than trying to understand the meaning of life and the truth of the Creator, or what the Creator wishes you to know becoming a wise being or Guru. Truth is about your own unique expression, and in many ways can only be expressed, if it is not expressed then it becomes something else. It is energy, it is a vibration, it is a flow. Your truth is unique, it is all about what you feel, what you think, what you experience and what you create. This is your truth.

Your truth extends from the vibration of the Creator that you are connected with or put in another way the vibration of the Creator that you hold within your being. If you allow your mind to run away with fearful thoughts, if you allow your emotions to continuously bring up old wounds without approaching them, facing them or healing them then the vibration of your being and the vibration of your connection with the Creator will be different. It may not be so inspiring or enlightening. If you are able to master your mind, to forgive yourself, to love yourself unconditionally, to heal yourself, recognise and want to heal the wounds within you and physical wounds as well, your connection to the Creator will be different. It will be more enlightening and more inspiring, more familiar and more truthful.

Your expression of truth constantly changes as you evolve and progress through your spiritual evolution. As we begin to contemplate what is truth? What does it mean to you? We also let go of expectations and instead create intentions We become conscious of the presence of truth around us, within us and assisting us in our reality, flowing through us from the source of the Creator. Then we are more able to connect to experience the truth.

We have spoken of you expressing your own truth and how this can change, alter and shift, especially as you ascend. Contemplating truth, you will begin to recognise that you wish to know the truth of the Creator, you wish to receive truth or wisdom that will guide you fourth in supporting yourself, others, and the ascension of the Earth. The truth of the Creator is the same as your truth, it flows through your being. The more you heighten your energy vibration, the more you will be an expression of high enlightening inspiring ascension truth bringing this into your reality and into the world. The title of my communication with you today is the Dream of Truth.

What does the Dream of Truth mean?

It is my understanding that within your being you have a dream, a hope, something that you wish to manifest, and it may be that it is a dream of truth. Now it may look like wishing that there was more peace in the world or wishing that you had more abundance or that there was more abundance in the world. Within you there is this dream of truth, something that you want to manifest that you wish and desire to be experienced upon the Earth at this time or in the future. This dream of truth is immensely important because it also supports you in understanding your destiny and your purpose in this ascension process. When you make steps forward to experience your dream of truth, you are experiencing that which your soul wishes you to experience. I wish to encourage you to connect with your dream of truth, to understand what it is, you may have many, it will be something that seems as if it is out of your reach. It will be something that seems as if it is immensely frightening to achieve or impossible. This will be your dream of truth and I encourage you in the coming days in meditation or quiet time to ask within your being what is my dream of truth?

What is My Dream of Truth?

You may have one, or you may have many dreams of truth, write them down so that you can see and feel them with greater ease. I encourage you in the coming days to really explore your dreams of truth. Once you have explored your dreams of truth begin to ask the Creator, your guides, anyone you wish myself, Saint Germain, any being that you wish, any vibration of light to support you. To support you in the manifestation, the expression and embodiment of your dream of truth. In doing so you will bring forth the vibrations of the Creator, the truth of the Creator, the truth of your soul, and your soul group. Everything from your soul that requires to be manifested and experienced in your reality now. You will be downloading energy into your being and into the Earth, into humanity and Mother Earth to support humanity and Mother Earth experiencing truth, as it is so important now. It is a shift in perspective and a shift in understanding that is required upon the Earth. A new connection, a heightened connection with the Creator and a heightened expression of the Creator.

I wish to come forth to you next week to continue this conversation. For now, please encourage yourself to explore your dream of truth. Think big, think expansively, beyond limits because that is the truth of the Creator.

I thank you,

Blessings be with you,

I am Saint-Germain

Swell of Truth by Archangel Metatron

Channeled through Natalie Glasson โ€“ Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 

My love extends from the very depths of my being. It comes forth like a wave and surge of light, embracing you completely to create a foundation beneath you. My love lifts you up so you may bathe in the sunlight, the light of the Creator. When we speak of the light we speak of all vibrations and frequencies of the Creator, every single manifestation of the Creator.

I, Archangel Metatron, bring forth to you a remembrance of your truth. I invite you to recognise within you and upon the inner planes there is a Swell of Truth, a wave, a surge of truth that is coming forth from within your being and from your surroundings. I, Archangel Metatron wish to speak of this Swell of Truth that flows through my being to you, that flows from your being to all and flows from all beings to you. This Swell of Truth is divinely timed. It comes forth at this moment because the veils between the Earth and the inner planes are thin. This also means that the veils between your truth, your essence, who you really are, and your physical reality are thin. There is a great opportunity to recognise now in this moment and this stage of ascension what the truth is and the presence of truth within your being.

Truth is such a general word, it can mean so much and yet it can be the most personal and intimate connection between yourself and the Creator, even realising yourself fully as the Creator, as an embodiment and an expression of the Creator.

When I say the word truth to you, what do you think of?

What does your soul yearn for?

Your soul has a yearning for truth, the truth that is already within you that you already know and yet simply need to be reminded of. The truth that you yearn for is a message, an energy, a vibration that is destined to come through your being. Not only will it support you, it will support those around you and will add to the complete puzzle that is being completed by all of humanity at this time. You have a puzzle piece of truth to bring forth to add to the puzzle to create a larger picture. It is important for you to realise that your thoughts, your words, even your feelings are important, especially when connected to the Divine Essence within your being. Especially when connected to the yearning of your soul for the truth within you and your expression, embodiment, and experience of truth on the Earth. Remember that your truth is your unique puzzle piece, no other being will come forth with the same truth as you, maybe the message will the same, however the vibration will be different.

Everyone is creating a key that will open the door to the Creator, to the heavens, to the inner planes, to the manifestation of love and peace and the Creator upon the Earth. Of course, as you create this key, merging it with the keys of all other beings to open the door, you are also opening the door within yourself. It is so important now that you understand what your truth is, realising that it will be different or the same as other people’s truth, but it will always be unique. This truth needs to come forth whether it is a message, vibration, sound, feeling, manifestation, or a creation. It needs to come forth through you to complete your soul at this time of ascension because your soul is yearning for the truth, your soul is yearning to move to the next stage of ascension. As you bring forth your truth in everyday life and in every moment of your life you are changing the consciousness of humanity.

When you are born unto the Earth, there is a download that anchors into your being that has been created by generations who have existed upon the Earth. It is a combination of thoughts, feelings, understanding, and knowingness. The download allows you to begin to adapt to living upon the Earth as a baby. It allows you to fast track through your development as a human being for you to achieve what is necessary for your soul. However, the consciousness of humanity that is currently downloading, although it is shifting, holds a great deal of fear, negativity, judgment, and reactions to different things, thoughts, even to objects and to foods. You might call them allergies, an irritation that is downloaded. Each human being uses the download to support themselves. It was designed to support a being as they enter on to the Earth. There is a need to transform the consciousness of humanity, in doing so we transform the download that anchors into babies and that has been anchored into your being still influencing you now. We transform the general energy, vibration and frequency of humanity as a collective. It is immensely important as it removes the fogginess, blockages, baggage especially within the mind, perspectives, and thoughts, allowing a clarity to dawn. Thus, a clearness, open-mindedness, and a confidence to think from the soul rather than from the ego is created. Confidence to be the truth, to not only be the truth but to promote the truth of others will emerge. Therefore, it is important for your truth to come forth and is the reason for a surge, a wave of truth to come forth. The beings on the inner planes, the Creator recognises there is a space like a breath present. A breath that allows a space for the truth to come forth.

There is a need for you to recognise this space, this breath, this opening, acknowledging that there is a Swell of Truth coming forth. How can you recognise this? It is first important to ask yourself:

How do you experience the Creator?

Do you feel energy flowing through your being? Do you have sensations? Do you see colours? Do you have words of wisdom? Do you feel healing light? Do you simply have a knowingness and understanding that dawns or inspiration? How you experience the Creator is most probable how you will experience the surge of truth. The more you can recognise, acknowledge, and give space for this surge of truth to come forth the easier it will be for you to embody, express and allow it to work with you to create what you wish upon the Earth.

You have anchored the New Earth Ascension Blueprint within your being, you are capable of anything you wish because of this blueprint. It offers to you new opportunities and possibilities. With this surge of truth coming forth, you have a greater alignment with your truth, with the Creator and what you wish to manifest? All that you are required to do is to create space for the truth.

I, Archangel Metatron invite you to achieve this in the coming days. Simply create space and by space, I mean time, maybe even just one minute, five minutes or an hour in your day devoted to connecting with and allowing the Swell of Truth from the Creator to flow through you. Create the space within your surroundings, you may wish to be on your own or with others, but create the space, let it be a space that you recognised as aligned with you and truthful to who you are. In many ways it is like taking a breath, acknowledging that breath before you continue your breathing cycle. In that breath, you open the door, you allow the swell like a wave, like an ocean of truth to flow through you, igniting new things for you. It will also come forth into the reality of the Earth, transforming the consciousness of humanity and adding your puzzle piece of truth to the larger complete whole picture that is dawning.

Please know that I, Archangel Metatron, I am with you.

If you need any assistance, please call upon me silently or out loud and I will come forth to surround you, my energy supporting you.

I thank you,

I am Archangel Metatron

More Archangel Metatron

Trinity of Archangel Healing by Archangel Michael

Channeled through Natalie Glasson โ€“ Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings and love, I, Archangel Michael, extend to you now. It is an honor to be in your presence and to bring forth the Angelic vibrations.

Today I bring forth the Angelic vibrations of Archangel Raphael and Archangel Gabriel. We create a trinity, a trio of Archangel light and Archangel healing that we wish to share with you.

As we come forth as three, we wish to instigate and provide to you a healing vibration that supports you in your current stage of existence. We each represent a quality of the Creator,

I, Archangel Michael, represent the Divine Will of the Creator,

Archangel Raphael represents the Divine Awareness of the Creator,

Archangel Gabriel represents the Divine Expression of the Creator.

The New Earth Ascension Blueprint has anchored into your being and the Earth. It continues to be activated, manifesting upon the Earth, creating a new earth, a new world and existence for you to embody and experience.

There are so many changes, shifts and transformations taking place that you may find it confusing, unsettling, and may experience yourself lacking in balance. It may occur to you that everyone around you is changing and you are remaining still or maybe you are changing so much and everyone around you is noticing.

There is so much change occurring on the earth now and especially within your being as the New Earth Ascension Blueprint takes place upon the Earth and becomes more physically manifested for all to experience. As this manifestation takes place you may notice your attention being drawn to focus upon the turmoil, the turmoil in the world and the turmoil occurring within your being.

You may discover that old energies which you have buried, confusion which you have long forgotten or simply feelings of being unsettled, unstable or unbalanced may come to the surface, which you have not recognized nor experienced for a while. The New Earth Ascension Blueprint is bringing everything to the surface which is not of the light and the truth of the Creator.

We are all stepping through a doorway now, a doorway into a new world. It is very much as if we are all packing our holiday bags choosing exactly what we want to take with us into the new world and what we want to leave behind.

It is often what we really want to leave behind and know we need to leave behind that is challenging and sometimes difficult to acknowledge. Many energies will come to the surface to be acknowledged and therefore we, the three Archangels, wish to bring our healing vibrations to you in order to support you in feeling more grounded, settled, able to cope with the changes occurring and the shifts in the reality around you and within you while focusing and allowing yourself to understand things that are the truth and things that are not.

We wish to bring forth a healing vibration, that holds the Divine will, the Divine Awareness, and the Divine Expression of the Creator, promoting these within your being.

As you walk through the door into the new world, it is these three energies you will need.

The Divine Will of the Creator, the Divine Awareness, and the Divine Expression, which you could also translate as intuition, awareness of who you are, and expression wish to integrate into your entire being.

This integration wishes to take place within your physical body, your awareness of your emotions, your thoughts, what you wish to create, and how you are acting and reacting with yourself and others.

Divine Awareness is a recognition of the truth and what is not the truth, what you wish to create in the world and an understanding of the New Earth Ascension Blueprint as it activates further.

Divine Expression is the key purpose for your existence upon the Earth, and the important purpose of the New Earth Ascension Blueprint.

The more you can express the Creator the easier you will find it to exist in the world. The easier you will be able to be fulfilled, complete, successful, to be love and peaceful.

Our three energies act as stabilizers to support you as you enter through the doorway into a new world.

The process of walking through the doorway may take time, it may take months even years.

You are an extremely sensitive being composed of multiple levels and dimensions. Such transitions cannot take place instantly because there is a need for your awareness of everything that is taking place to learn how to exist within your body and the reality being created now.

The new earth I, Archangel Michael, speak of is not that you will leave behind others, you will remain upon the Earth. Instead, your vibration will shift the way you see, sense, and acknowledge yourself, reality, and others, as you transform you will become aware of the new earth.

It is important to be aware that shifts are taking place within your being, allowing new experiences and new people to enter your reality. The New Earth Ascension Blueprint is about the transformation and shifts of the collective as well as the individual. It is about the collective shift into a greater expression of the Divine Will, Divine Awareness, and the Divine Expression of the Creator.

I, Archangel Michael come forth with Archangel Raphael and Archangel Gabriel, we hold our hands out to you, our palms facing to you, and our energy encircling you.

As we surround you I, Archangel Michael begin to express the Divine Will energy of the Creator into your being, Archangel Gabriel expresses the Divine Expression of the Creator and Archangel Raphael expresses the Divine Awareness of the Creator.

These energies extend into your being, you may feel them as warm even hot energies. They are burning up all unneeded energies, dissolving that which is not aligned with the Divine Will, Expression and Awareness of the Creator.

It is as if we are encircling you within a flame, a flame of angelic vibrations and healing. A potent flame which is burning up everything that is confusing to you, everything that is causing you to feel unsettled, unstable, and unbalanced. Everything that is causing you to feel alone, separate, unsure of the world around you, unsure of your own energies, your place, and your purpose in the world. Doubt, judgment is all being dissolved with our Trinity of Archangel Healing.

This energy is immensely powerful, there is simply a need for you to exist within it.

We invite you to exist within this energy over the coming seven days, even if only for a few minutes a day. What you will notice is that you are more aware, that you are able to recognize the Divine Will within your being and outside of you, and able to discover new ways of expressing the Creator through your being.

Your healing is personal to you. Your healing will embed and activate the New Earth Ascension Blueprint even further and even more within your being and reality. Your healing will bond your soul, your soul group and your Divine self-aspects with your current reality, allowing you to experience a greater awareness of the Creator. This healing may be subtle, it may be intense, the more you allow yourself to receive the more you will experience.

Call us forth in your meditation or quiet time. Simply say:

โ€˜I ask Archangel Michael to express the healing vibration of the Divine Will of the Creator.

I ask Archangel Raphael to express the healing vibration of the Divine Awareness of the Creator.

I ask Archangel Gabriel to express the healing vibration of the Divine Expression of the Creator.

And so, it is, I receive and embody with ease and joy.โ€™

Simply allow yourself to receive.

Breathe in deeply as if you are breathing everything that we wish to share with you into your being, imagine yourself like a sponge.

You do not necessarily need to understand, the more you can receive into your energy field and your cells, the easier understanding will flow.

We invite you to experience this over the coming seven days.

We thank you, we are with you always,

I am Archangel Michael

Currently the Creator is bringing forth Ascension Gift 7, this is a surge of energy directly from the Creator.

Channeled through Natalie Glasson โ€“ Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 

Greetings dear loving hearts, I am Master Kuthumi. It is an honour to be in your presence today and I bring forth a heart, a soul, a soul group full of love. In fact, I bring forth the vibrations of Creator love to embrace, support, and to lift you up into your true self. I wish to encourage you to gaze within your being acknowledging the truth that is present.

As the world around you alters and shifts due to so many transformations taking place within your being, within others around you and across the world. It can be confusing and difficult to understand the truth of the Creator, it can be challenging to recognise what is true and what is false.

Currently the Creator is bringing forth Ascension Gift 7, this is a surge of energy directly from the Creator. Within this surge of energy is the vibration and frequency of power, pure power born from the essence of the Creator. This power holds two purposes. It is to release the fear of power that can be held within many and promote the truth of the Creator.

When we speak of the truth of the Creator we are not speaking of information or even visions, circumstances, scenarios, or experiences. We are speaking of the vibration, the frequency of truth, you might liken this to a note of music or sound that represents truth. It is important to be aware that the sound or vibration of truth can be interpreted in many ways. It is and can be expressed through your being. It is your purpose to express the vibration and frequency of the truth of the Creator through your being, through your thoughts, emotions, actions, reactions and creations.

We recognise that each person expresses the truth and the power of the Creator in different and diverse ways. For human beings, the personality and the ego are present, this creates a fusion with the vibration of truth. I wish to encourage you to acknowledge your personality and your ego. There may be things that you need to let go of or transform; however, you are born on the Earth to express the vibration of truth with the presence of your ego, personality, and your physical body. There is a need to create a fusion that is harmonious and is a true expression of the Creator through your being. The more you can recognise truth as a vibration that pulsates throughout your being the more you will find your mind, your emotions, your actions and reactions are inspired by the truth of the Creator, recognising the same within others.

I, Master Kuthumi invite you in your own time to place your attention deep within your being, to ask, to discover and connect with the vibration of truth, the truth of the Creator that flows through your being.

I, Master Kuthumi invite you to express this truth of the Creator through your voice, through sound, through singing or humming. As you feel the vibration being expressed through your body and through your sound you will allow it to activate throughout your being, on all levels of your being, both physical and energetic. The more you practice this, the more you will become accustomed to the vibration of truth that flows through your being from the Creator. Thus, you will be able to recognise it in new and diverse ways. Expressing the truth through your sound is the beginning of you becoming familiar with the presence of your truth.

The Creator is expressing a surge of power, the vibration of power. Power is often something that many fears. They fear power, the control of others, they fear themselves in a role of power or maybe they place too much importance upon power. The vibration of power upon the Earth is somewhat unbalanced. With the power surge from the Creator that is now beginning to anchor a new balance will dawn, allowing all to rediscover what the power of the Creator truly is. You may have already within your mind understand what power is and what power is not. You may understand how you accept power and how you reject power. You may also understand how others have power over you and how you give your power to others. These are all insights into the vibration of power. However, in this moment, I, Master Kuthumi, invite you to connect with the simple vibration and frequency of power that the Creator is emanating. It is our wish that you gain a new understanding of power, a new expression, a new experience of power as the vibration of power anchors not only into your being but into the Earth and all of humanity. You may find yourself becoming a magnet to observing power. You may discover yourself observing power struggles or power battles. You may observe areas where there is a lack of power and areas where there is too much power. As you begin to observe the presence of power within your being, your reality, and the world around you, so you begin to unravel your beliefs about power. You allow yourself to come to a new understanding of the frequency of the Creator’s power, understanding what it is, how it moves through you and how you can express it.

This contemplation and understanding of power are immensely important now, it will allow for old beliefs to be discarded. As fear and pain dissolve, it may create chaos within your being or within your outer reality. Realise this is simply power trying to find a balance, as well as a deep cleansing and purification of power within your being and your reality. The vibration of power that comes forth from the Creator is an amplifier, it is an energiser, it emphasises all that is, all that is in being/ manifestation, therefore power does not always manifest truth. It is designed to manifest truth; however, it is an amplifier of all things which are in being, in manifestation. It is important to acknowledge that as this surge of power vibration begins to flow into the Earth, into all beings and humanity it will create upheaval of some sort, maybe small, maybe large, as everything is amplified and magnified. There is a purpose to this, it is to bring balance to the vibration of power, to allow you to act powerfully from your truth in your reality.

There is another purpose, it is to purpose is to allow you and all beings to really see, sense, and acknowledge what you are creating. Everything that is in being will be manifested, everything that is in manifestation and that is about to be created will be emphasised, amplified, energised. It will be as if your life is up on a television screen before you. You will be able to see things that you have created. You will be able to recognise things that you do not wish to experience. You will be able to recognise experiences that allow you to grow and lead you to a place of peace and joy and truth and connection with the Creator. You will be able to recognise what you are creating and if this is from a place of power and truth. It is also important to remember that power is a vibration of action, so everything that is in your thought forms, in creation will be put into action. You may feel as if you are juggling a million balls at the same time, as everything you are aware that you wanted to manifest and everything that you are unaware that you have been manifesting comes into reality. It is for you to balance and juggle these. To achieve this there is a need to examine each of those juggling balls, casting away those that distract you and do not support you. Hold sacred with tenderness, love, and harmony the juggling balls that support you. These are the experiences, and creations that really support and align with your truth, the expression of the truth of the Creator that flows through your being and is aligned with your expression of power. Everything will move into alignment with power and truth as these are expressed through your being, supporting you in further gaining a greater connection and remembrance; an embodiment with all that is the Creator.

I, Master Kuthumi encourage you to contemplate this and to be aware of its presence in your reality.

My love, my healing my truth is with you always,

I thank you,

Master Kuthumi

More  Master Kuthumi

Christmas Special: The Triangle of Peace by Archangel Gabriel

Channeled through Natalie Glasson โ€“ Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 

Greetings beloved beings of light, I am Archangel Gabriel. I come forth with the harmonised balanced frequencies of the Creator, the creativity, and the supreme light of the Creator, which I share with you now.

My First Gift

I invite you in this simple moment to inhale, to inhale the light I am sharing with you and to exhale knowing you are emanating this light in all directions. To inhale and to exhale is such a normal experience for you as a human being and yet it is important to recognise how powerful it can be, especially when you choose that which you breathe in. The light, the frequencies, the consciousness, the wisdom, even the activations and awakenings from the Creator.

Your breath has the ability to activate every aspect of your being from the physical level to the energetic level by simply inhaling and exhaling with purpose and intention. It can be as simple as breathing to create a spiritual awakening within your being. When you come to understand and experience this fully; that one cycle of your breathing can activate your entire being, you begin to realise that ascension can actually take place quite quickly and easily. Often, there is not a need for hard work, dedication or even focus for long periods of time. When your intentions are pure and you believe in your intentions, then ascension can take place very easily and quickly. I, Archangel Gabriel encourage you to practice this in the coming days. You may wish to draw upon my energy, asking me to emanate my light to you, to inhale the light as deeply as possible. You may wish to hold it within your being for a moment and then to exhale the light as deeply and as expansively as possible, knowing the light you have accepted, radiated into your entire being and surroundings, is creating the necessary shifts, transformations and awakening.

Then you can sit for a few moments just to acknowledge the awakening, the transformation taking place within your being. You do not necessarily need to understand it, just acknowledge, accept, be present with the shifts taking place within your being. You can achieve this with any being, with any source of light you feel guided to connect with. I, Archangel Gabriel encourage you in the coming days to explore and experiment. The more you explore this practice, the most sensitive you will become to the transformations taking place. The more you will be able to understand what is truly taking place within your being. This is my simple gift to you, especially at this time. It is a wonderful way to bring completion to a year, to heighten your senses, your spiritual abilities and your intuition in preparation for a new year. I, Archangel Gabriel,  feel that as so many energies anchoring to the Earth now, the practice I have shared with you will allow you to remain balanced and grounded, so you can ride the waves with ease and perfection, knowing you have a tool and an ability to support you.

My Second Gift

The second gift, I, Archangel Gabriel, wish to share with you is known as the Peace Triangle. This gift is to support you in remaining balanced, harmonised, grounded and connected to your inner peace. When you connect with your inner peace you allow your inner truth to blossom and radiate supporting you in ways that you need and require.

I, Archangel Gabriel, wish to guide you to create the Peace Triangle:
Firstly, invite me, Archangel Gabriel, to come forth and exist before you.
Then I invite you to choose two beings of light you wish to work with, that represent to you the vibration and frequency of the Creatorโ€™s Peace. Allow these two beings to settle either side of you, you create a triangle of which you are the centre. Each of these beings sends energy into your being. You are the core of this triangle, allow yourself to receive the light, the peace that is being transmitted to you.

Now we call from the Angelic Kingdom, the Peace Triangle as a template, energetic network, and triangle. It is holographic, and multi-coloured while also being translucent. When you are ready, this Triangle of Peace will be lowered down upon you, so you exist within the Triangle of Peace. This Triangle of Peace almost becomes a pyramid. As it lays down flat at your feet the energies flow upwards to a point above your head. Each of your chosen guides are sitting at one of the points.  The vibration of peace within this Peace Triangle is immensely powerful and pure from the Angelic Kingdom. I, Archangel Gabriel, simply invite you to sit, to breathe with purpose and intention as you exist within the Peace Triangle.

After you have experienced a few cycles of inhalation and exhalation I, Archangel Gabriel encourage you to contemplate peace.

What is peace?

What does it mean to you?

How do you perceive peace will impact your being and your reality as well as your creations?

Contemplate this for a few moments, then begin the cycle once more of breathing with intention.

Take some time in peace and stillness to acknowledge, what is manifesting? What is transforming? What is being created?

You can request peace to assist you in certain areas of your being and your reality. Then at the end when you are complete I, Archangel Gabriel invite you to send down the Triangle of Peace into Mother Earth, gifting this vibration of peace and peace awakening to Mother Earth and all beings.

My practice is simple, when we are working with the vibration of peace it only needs to be simple. I invite you in the coming days to acknowledge where peace may be lacking. Acknowledge whether you emanate peace from your being or even believe that peace is present within you. Acknowledge your inspired actions of peace, acknowledge the actions of others and how they create peace within your being.  As you examine the vibration of peace within your reality and existence, you will notice that you remain balanced, grounded and that your ascension accelerates with ease.

I love you dearly, I thank you,

I am Archangel Gabriel


Channeled through Natalie Glasson

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa,

Greetings to you beloved and benevolent beings. We are the Andromedans, we come forth in love, respect, and to inspire and remind you of the truth existing within your being. We come forth with high vibrations to surround you as this is needed now upon the Earth, and to support your personal Ascension. We invite you to accept our energies, to accept our light, and presence, know we are present to serve you, and support you through these Ascension activations and your Ascension Journey, which is unfolding for you and all upon the Earth.

We wish to speak of living your life fully.

To live a full life can mean, signify, and represent something different for each being. Some believe that to follow a strict spiritual pathway is to live your life fully, others believe that to engage with and experience the physical reality fully, to experience creation and manifestation in the world is to live fully.

While others allow themselves to adopt both pathways, integrating the spiritual nature and the physical nature. To live a life that is full, some believe they require certain things such as waiting for certain objects, situations, and experiences to manifest in their life. Otherโ€™s feel they are living a full life when adopting a simple way of life. It may be that to live fully upon the Earth for you is to manifest your dreams and your desires.

As the New Earth Ascension Blueprint anchors, you have the ability to create and manifest your dreams and desires. There are opportunities and possibilities beyond your imagination available to you. With this in mind, it seems appropriate to contemplate and discover what it is to live fully on the Earth.

The way your life will appear to you as living fully will be different and diverse to every other being on the Earth, this is appropriate and necessary. It is due to your state of mind, your belief systems, your current vibration, and the blockages or stagnant energy you may be holding onto within your being. All of these influence the way you perceive yourself and the way that you perceive the world around you, you manifest from these aspects of yourself.

Therefore, it could be said you manifest and perceive for yourself a limited reality. You may perceive you are living your life with the fullness of the Creator and yet you are perceiving from your state of mind, belief systems, stagnant energy within your being, as well as the positive and loving vibrations of your essence. It is almost appropriate to say that in any given moment you are limiting yourself from living a life that is full, the fullness of the Creator.

It can sometimes be challenging to observe, realise, and to understand when you are living fully. When you are living fully you are living from the highest vibration of light and energy available to you at any given moment.

The more you raise your vibration and connect with higher vibrations of light and energy this will alter and shift your own vibration. Thus, you are constantly opening your mind, your being, your perspective of the world within you and around you.

When you allow yourself to exist from the highest vibration of light available to you in any given moment and every given moment you can be sure you are expressing yourself fully and expressing the energy of the Creator fully. This means the vibrations, blessings, love, and truth of the Creator is allowed to cascade through your being, integrating into your entire being reality and creations. You are existing in a reality that is constantly expanding, your existing in a reality where you are constantly letting go, dissolving limitations and boundaries always allowing yourself the freedom of your soul.

How do you recognise when you are connecting with the highest vibration of light available to you?

And how do you recognise when you are living your life fully? You may believe you are living your life fully now, although this may not be the case.

You know when you are living your life fully because you are in a state of wonder, awe, gratitude, inspiration, and love. When you are experiencing these qualities and energies, you know you are living a full life.

You are living beyond the boundaries and limitations you may set for yourself. You are living from the essence of your being within your spiritual practices, physical reality, experiences, and manifestations.

If you can realise whether or not you are experiencing these qualities daily, it doesnโ€™t have to be all day, simply at some point during the day. Then you can recognise you are living your life fully. If not, then there may be a need to raise your vibration, continuing to focus upon connecting with the highest vibration of light, love, and truth available to you in any and every given moment.

How do you connect with the highest vibration of light love and truth in every given moment?

We, the Andromedans, wish to share with you a very simple exercise that will allow you to raise your vibration connecting with the higher frequency of light that is always available to you. Connecting to higher frequencies is akin to steps, as you step onto one, so you are able to access the next. As you access a vibration of light, so the next vibration of light becomes available to you.

We, the Andromedans, invite you to close your eyes if you wish and take the attention of your mind and your third eye inwards into your being.

First Imagine within your being a star or a sun, whichever feels appropriate, this star or this sun is your soul.

Allow yourself to locate this star or sun, your soul within your being. As you do so, imagine sense or acknowledge that you are traveling towards this sun or star. You are being embraced in the most beautiful and loving light.

As you move into and through this star or sun you enter the Universe of the Creator. You observe and witness vast expansive space where the Creator is present and numerous manifestations of the Creator are in existence.

As you enter the Universe of the Creator there is another star or sun that is attracting your attention. Imagine that you travel forth to this star or sun within the Universe of the Creator. As you get closer and closer the energy, light, love, and truth of this star or sun surrounds and embraces you, it draws you into the core of its energy and presence. Rather than moving through this sun or star, exist in the very centre of the energy and light.  You do not need to understand what the energy is. Where it came from or anything like that. Your task is to simply absorb the light. Breathing it into every aspect of your being. This light has been attracted to you by your soul. It is the next available light frequency that will support a rise in your energy vibration.

Absorb the light for as long as feels appropriate and necessary, be aware that wisdom, symbols, or inspiration may manifest. Focusing upon the light this is of greatest importance.

Feel your own being filling with light. The more you notice your own being filling with light you will discover you will gradually no longer exist within the star or the sun. You are becoming aware of your body being filled with so much light. Becoming aware of your existing upon the Earth. Light frequencies radiate from you. The light may feel familiar or it may feel different.

Take time to breathe deeply as you exist in awareness of your body, being, and your reality. Let this light connect with the Earth, your reality, loved ones, and all beings. You have accessed the next available light frequency. You have supported your energy vibration in shifting and evolving. You have accessed the highest vibration available to you.

This simple practice you can achieve as many times as you wish throughout the day; each time allow the energy to settle before you continue once more with the practice. You may find the influence is very deep and profound, if this is the case achieving the practice once a day maybe sufficient or maybe even once a week.

With this new higher vibration of light within your being, you may find you are inspired, in wonder, experiencing gratitude and love. New insights may dawn, new actions may feel as if they need to be expressed through your being. You can think back to the light throughout the day and allow it to emanate from your being knowing you are filling everything with this light. Therefore, you are participating in living your life fully. The more you practice this, the more you will begin to manifest from that light recognise shifts, alterations and changes occur in your reality. Dreams and desires may manifest with greater ease and your connection, and sensitivity to the Creator may also evolve.

Everything has the potential to live fully, when you live fully everything around you begin to live fully to embody an expression of the Creator.

We are the Andromedans, we love you, and we thank you.