Category Archives: Mike Quinsey

All is prepared and ready to go and has been for some time. Homes for the Homeless, clean water, abundant food, replicators and healing technologies, free energy and more.

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 25 January 2019

Following the interest shown in the “Event” extract in a recent message, I am now including a longer extract that is very informative and well detailed. It certainly reads better in the present day, bearing in mind that the original messageas per the extract below went out on the 22nd November 2013.

“THE EVENT” a Lord Sananda message extract through ElizabethTrutwin.

Aout 2000 years ago Sananda Kumara was incarnate on Earth as Jesus with the Master Plan in place to Ascend Earth. The Plan failed then as Caesar of Rome created Maritime Law making slavery the Law of the Land. A new Plan had to be made because the dark cabal had taken the Grand experiment beyond intentions. About 500 years ago the Rothchild’s in England hid the fact that Sir Francis Bacon was St. Germain incarnate on Earth. They had dark dealings with money and crimes which denied Sir Francis Bacon the throne. He would have been next in line as King of England and from that position able to make changes to heal the Planet and end Duality. In recent years the dark Cabal continued to wage worldwide war for their benefit, and have attempted multiple times to create World War III and have failed. Mass starvation, nuclear threats, land grabs, insider trading, mass psychological attacks like 9/11 and Banks too big to fail have led to a moment when the Galactic’s could intervene, because the one caveat in the Prime Directive has been violated beyond what is allowed.

What is new is that the Archangels led by Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron, initiated a Super Portal on 11.11.13. This is a special dispensation that will allow for the requirements to be met to bring on the “Event.’ Earth is a Trinary Star System with Sirius A, Sirius B and Sol our Sun. Jupiter will be the next Sun in our Solar System. Earth is in the Photon Belt and moving into the Pleiades through the Central Sun Alcyone. A Super Portal has opened near Jupiter and it is a portal which operates like a wormhole and opens into the Light Matter Universe of On. This Multidimensional Portal allows in Super Charged Magnetic Light from On to enter into this Solar System and to Earth. Earth has raised an entire Octave since the Equinox in September 2013, and the new energy will make it possible for Earth to enter Zero Point.

What is new about this Portal is a decision was made by the Council of Gods that Earth required this special dispensation as the best way to bring in changes. It carries with it a heavy reality. All has been done to allow as many Souls as possible to go on to New Earth. Since Earth is a Planet with Free Will, some have refused to make the necessary changes to remain on Earth beyond Earth’s Ascension into the Higher Realms. More Souls will be leaving than was anticipated. This is what Ashtar spoke of in a channel. The Super Portal is pouring in Higher Vibrational energies that act to buoy Earth into the Higher Dimensions. In these Higher Dimensions all living on Earth are able to access their Etheric Bodies and travel in their Merkaba Bodies and truly live multidimensional lives. In this High Energy the Light Cities will be accessible. Those not moving on to the New Earth will experience it as a vibration they cannot sustain within their 3D body.These darker denser energies will remain on 3D Earth and continue there. Their physical body will be projected on to 3D Earth and as far as they know no change has taken place. They will continue to deny the Higher Teachings and in their perception nothing will change. Those timelines will continue for now in duality.

Meanwhile 5D Earth will be raised by the Cosmic Builders as a Space Ship rises away from its take off point and flies out of its atmosphere into deep space. Each of the Planets are firmly anchored in place by their energy Grids in orbit and relation to the Planets around them. This Super Portal will have the effect of Earth moving Higher in the Dimensions in the same way we move a bead up a string. It will drop the old Timelines and become Lighter and will exist Higher in the Cosmic Grid, it will bubble up.

Much has been said by us about right timing. Divine Timing for the Event is one of the requirements. Ashtar always says No Dates, No Nukes, No Flukes. The truth is that there are windows of opportunity which come up only a couple of times a year in which the “Event’ can take place. This Super Portal speeds the changes in energy to make it possible for the “Event’ to take place. The likelihood that it will happen soon have been greatly raised since 11.11.13 with the Super Portal. If you are reading this and you repeatedly chosen to not take action and return to love, we will have to draw the line. If you have not been successful in raising your vibration to the minimum needed to sustain love you are invited to remain in duality awhile longer and rejoin Higher Dimensional Earth when you have prepared accordingly. There are no short cuts. Still there are No Dates, No Nukes, No Flukes. Nothing can stop Earth from Ascending.

All of the minimum needed requirements for survival will be freely given to all on Earth. All is prepared and ready to go and has been for some time. Homes for the Homeless, clean water, abundant food, replicators and healing technologies, free energy and more. This will be accomplished by millions of Galactic’s, and by their ships and the technologies they have brought here. This has been planned a very long time.


I feel that as more information comes out it will need circulating to reach as many people as possible. In accordance with the Prime Directive because Earth is a planet of freewill, each soul will have to make a choice as to whether they are ready to incorporate the new energies to ascend, and enter the Golden Age. It would seem that there is ample time to make up your minds, but if you have chosen to ascend the sooner you concentrate on your evolution the better it will be.

This message comes with the guidance of my Higher Self. Let your Light shine out and touch the hearts of those around you. Your presence has a much greater effect than you could possibly imagine.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

By your example you will attract others and be able to help them on their way. They will ask “what do I have to do to be as successful” and the simple answer is live your life in Universal Love for all life treating them equally regardless of their beliefs.

18th January 2019. Mike Quinsey.

Time is passing by quicker than ever and that fact alone is proof that you are well on the way to Ascension. Much help is being given to you who have already set your path on ascending, and short of changing your mind you are assured of success. As your Guides can now come closer to you, they will be able to directly influence you thus helping to keep you to your life plan. In the midst of all of the turmoil occurring on Earth, it is necessary if not vital that you keep looking straight ahead never losing sight of your goal. At your level there are still hurdles to overcome, but they should be relatively easy for you to deal with at your advanced stage of evolution. Temptations still abound but you will have successfully handled it so far and there is no reason why you should not continue to do so in the future.

The changes taking place on Earth are necessary to move on those who are unable to lift themselves up, or who are sometimes held back by the dark Ones. As enlightened souls move into positions of power and importance, you shall begin to see the changes have a positive effect. With the authority bestowed upon them and the intent to bring all into the Light, they will make important changes that will be noticed and felt. Many of them are to get the right people into power so that there can be a collective move to bring Humanity out of the dark realms and into the Light. However, many people are of good heart, and seek a way to express their willingness to help other souls looking for a way forward, but find difficulty in locating an outlet for their desires. They need not worry as their Guides will be well aware of their intentions and will lead them forward so that the opportunities come their way.

Understand that your Guides know you better than you know yourself, and are also aware of your life plan and intentions. So if you feel urged to take a certain path give it serious consideration as they may be trying to “push” you in the right direction to serve your needs. Unless you are in a karmic situation where a certain experience is due, you have total freewill but use it wisely. In fact, as so many have moved with the changes you are finding that life is running more smoothly and that is to be expected. Some karma may have been held over but in principle it is now dealt with straight away. In fact, now that you have long passed the marker progress should be exciting and fulfilling. The “pot of gold” at the end of the rainbow may be elusive but you are getting nearer to the peace and calm that awaits you.

Peace is being enforced where possible and necessary because many still harbour visions of “blood and glory” although modern warfare and weaponry is becoming so deadly it is a path to a quick death. The realisation has come to many that wars are pointless and heart breaking, often causing immense trauma for those that survive who suffer mentally for a long time afterwards. Humans are becoming more sensitive to the taking of life of another human Being, and their reluctance to do so is starting to show. These are the beginnings of a great change with regards to how others are viewed, who are in essence exactly the same as you and simply want a good happy life where all can live in complete harmony. It is not a pipe dream and will happen and must come, and bring peace to Mother Earth and all life that lives upon her.

Peace starts with the people who only want to express love for each other, and you could say that it is catching as when others see your calmness and happiness in all circumstances, they want to know your secret. It is happening now but like all major changes takes time to really impose itself upon the people. Does anyone really want to live with the uncertainty of life that war and strife cause, of course not, and in times of war people are conscripted into the services and are given no other choice. Be assured it will change, it has to as there will be no place for such energies in the near future. Those that maintain such urges for war and all connected with it will eventually find themselves with like kind, whilst those who are at peace will ascend.

Many of you have a reasonable idea of the changes that are coming and since they bring peace are eager for them to come into being. On Earth how quickly it happens is largely down to the people themselves, so we encourage you to move yourselves into the higher vibrations and live your life accordingly. Such changes are coming as you enter deeper into a new area of Space. It is all associated with the upliftment that will eventually lead to Ascension. You live in a society where people are at all different levels of evolution and some are totally unprepared for the changes. Nevertheless there is time for them to lift up, but they must have the desire to do so and many literally have no such interest in the future. Their position and desire to stay in their present situation is respected, as when they feel the urge to move on they will seek the knowledge that will enable them to do so.

You who we call the “old souls” have been through many cycles to reach this turning point, and you are to be congratulated in having done so. We know that through the experiences you have had you will not fail to reach the ultimate change – that of Ascension. By your example you will attract others and be able to help them on their way. They will ask “what do I have to do to be as successful” and the simple answer is live your life in Universal Love for all life treating them equally regardless of their beliefs. If some are still held by older beliefs they will learn from you and the way you conduct your life. However, you cannot be all things to all people but you can help them to express themselves with a love that knows no boundaries. For example Jesus was one who treated all with love and kindness and showed absolutely no bias at all with anyone. There are of course others, but he is one whose life is recorded in much detail as an example of the power of Unconditional Love.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. It is certainly needed to uplift you in such difficult times.


The Grand Experiment is coming to an end and all participating are due great praise and love for their undying resolve, to prove that souls can rise up even when subjected to the most severe tests. You knew in advance that you were going to be tried in the most extreme circumstances, with the assurance that Spirit would always be on hand to see you through the more difficult times. It has been a most lonely experience far removed from the higher realms where you normally reside, and have enjoyed a most harmonious existence, without the presence of lifeforms of the lower vibrations. Be assured that you have never been given or undertaken responsibilities that have been beyond your capabilities. Your gain has been to grow more experienced so that you can help others that follow in your footsteps.


This message comes through my Higher Self. 

In Love and Light. 
Mike Quinsey.

We already have the technology to take salt out of Ocean water, and pump the clean water back into the reservoir’s, and create free energy and any element in the Periodic Table, all at the same time. We also have the technology to 3D print whatever we need, for example any meal that we desire.

14th December 2018. Mike Quinsey.

David Wilcock is without doubt the most reliable source of information, as is his video that lasted 3hr.01min.30sec.covering quite a few of the changes that lay ahead, and I believe they will be of much interest now to many of you. The extracts have been condensed, but if you wish to hear/read the full version it is mainly from the section commencing 1hr.51m .54sec.to2hr.30min.00sec.

David Wilcock 2016.12.12. New Living Expo.
Forty ET groups have bases on the Moon and inside the Earth and they call the Earth – the experiment. The Sphere Beings first showed up in the 1980’s, when a gigantic Orb the size of Neptune was found in our Solar System heading towards our planet, and it circled all of them in turn. Around 1999-2001we had a number of Spheres coming into our Solar System that have remained ever since. In November 2015 in Australia aboard the new Aircraft Carrier “Aegis” they had a massive Draco Super Beam Weapon and they fired upon a Sphere causing it to glow bright red, and it then re-directed the particle beam back to the Aircraft Carrier, and it blew up the whole base in Pine Gap. After that a “no fly” zone was created around the Earth. 
The Illuminati planned the Twin Tower attacks to take place on the 9th November 2001 because it was the date of the birth of Christ exactly 2000 years earlier. The Twin Towers came down within a ten minute window of it. The Illuminati thought the Spheres were the return of the Annunaki Gods who would save them. So they were trying to offset the power of the message in the Bible, as it stated that Jesus would return after 2000 years. The Russians can prove that the 9/11 destruction of the Twin Towers was brought about by the use of a small nuclear bomb placed by the Cabal. Putin is ready if necessary to reveal details of false flag operations. The Russian’s have an advanced missile system called the “Annexe” that cannot be tracked by radar making military technology useless. David Wilcock commented that because of it there would never be another war.

The Mayan Calendar End Date of 2012 was when 100 very large Spheres with advanced technology entered our Solar System – they were of three different sizes, as big as the Moon, Neptune and Jupiter. The Sphere Beings are the Blue Avians of the Alliance, and would not respond to signals for contact to be made. They are 8 feet tall and have a human body covered with blue feathers, some of which are violet and purple. The face resembles a bird but the eyes are closer to the front, and they have a beak that has flexible movement and they speak telepathically. They appear to be the same group as identified in “The Law of the One” as Ra, and in it they describe themselves as Brothers and Sisters of Soros and have come here to help us out. The Blue Avians made a deal or treaty with the Solar Warden people to clear up the mess that they created. They have the technology to make metal expand to stop armaments being used, and when turned off they go back to the original size and are reformed. They gave this advanced technology and power to Solar Warden including, an ENT indestructible device that is so small that it can be put into a Drone and used for example, to fly over and around a ship and power it down and shut off all of the back-up systems. The Blue Avians built a barrier around the Solar System including Stargates, and the dark Fleet were locked out when it was set up. So no one can now get in or out, not even communications.

We already have the technology to take salt out of Ocean water, and pump the clean water back into the reservoir’s, and create free energy and any element in the Periodic Table, all at the same time. We also have the technology to 3D print whatever we need, for example any meal that we desire. 

The energetic “Event” that is Ascension is our destiny and still to come, it will transform what it means to be human and will be a spiritual experience. Our reality is going into the 4th Density and a new Earth, and all we have now will still be there. However, those souls on a separate negative time line will experience Armageddon, and through it gain spiritual growth.

The Global Galactic League of Nations of all the major races on Earth is
represented, and they meet on a planet outside of our Solar System. Amazingly, 
ET’s have been on the Moon for thousands of years.


This being my last message for this year I would say the high point has been the impact the Blue Avians have had upon the Cabal, who have effectively been stopped from starting World War Three that has been their aim all along. The Illuminati have tried many times to start it but each time they have failed, due to Solar Warden having been given superior technology by the Blue Avians. It must be pointed out that it would not be used by them in a first attack, as those working for the Light only use their weapons for self – defence, and in no circumstances would start an offensive. Not only that, they have given us greater independence and protection by keeping their Spacecraft in positions that enable them to monitor our Solar System, ensuring that no interference is allowed that would affect our freewill choices.

The New Year is looking like one that will bring many changes, and the long overdue revaluation of the currencies should at last take place. Somewhere in between these happenings political changes seem to be held in abeyance in many countries. There seems to be a genuine attempt to raise the level of those appointed, and replace those who do not have the people’s interests at heart. There certainly seems to be movement for changes of this nature, and even big business is being forced to review its policies. No longer can the needs of the people be set aside, and by their sheer numbers they will demand and be successful for what they want. 

I wish you all an enjoyable Christmas and a Happy New Year, and to keep faith in those who are silently setting in motion the changes that will beneficial to all people. Everyone can contribute by lifting up the vibrations and thinking positively, and not allowing negative thoughts or actions to enter their minds. Remember that just a few people working together create a great amount of positive energy in this way. The battle is nearly won as the dark Ones can no longer dictate what takes place. 

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

You can subscribe to the mailing list for these messages by going to:  Left click on the heading “Subscribe to the Tree of the Golden Light Weekly Messages” and it will take you to the Subscribe page – go to the bottom and under the heading “etfirstcontact” enter your Email address twice as requested. You will receive a confirmation if you are successful. You can also “unsubscribe” from the same page

Dear Ones whatever situation you find yourselves in it is more than likely you have attracted it to yourselves. It does not mean you are necessarily going to be involved, but your experience may be from the point of view of an observer.

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, 

November 30, 2018 

30th November 2018. Mike Quinsey. 

As the level of consciousness increases people will become more intuitive and less likely to accept what they are expected to believe. For ages they have been fed with news that has not given them the full truth and at times have been outright lies. Now the situation is changing as people are becoming more aware and they are beginning to demand the truth. Their voices will be heard and at one end of the scale there will be demonstrations until they get what they want. It is regretful that violence has been used but it does nevertheless show the passion that people feel about such issues. The same energy must be channeled into peaceful protests, as otherwise it will give the authorities an excuse to use greater force to control the protesters. The authorities have no wish to fight the people, but if order is to be maintained it sometimes becomes necessary to act when violence is used. It is unfortunate that unscrupulous people use demonstrations as a cover for it as it is not necessarily connected with the aims of the protesters. 

The people of Earth have much more power than they realise, and when their collective thought forms focus upon the same things it brings results, and it is why group meditation is so powerful. For the same reason prayer is powerful but not the degree of repetition that is often associated with religion. The message must come from the heart and be filled with love. When you call upon the greater powers such as God for help, be assured that your prayer is received. Sometimes it will be responded to in such a way that you would not necessarily link it with your request. Those who make negative requests are likely to find that it rebounds upon them through the Law of Attraction. 

If you consider that there has been no apparent let up to the changes occurring on Earth, it should be obvious that there is no going back to the old ways or conditions. A new era has already begun and with it the old ways have been overtaken by new ideas, and the New Age is slowly but surely becoming firmly established. The time has long past when changes that should have been introduced can be held up by the actions of those who continue to support the old ways. In your present time new inventions and ideas to bring in better ways of doing things are prevented from benefitting you, by those who profit from progress being held back. It is prompted by the desire to maintain the old ways of doing things that are often more profitable. However, progress will ensure that the changes will come and be introduced, and those Beings of Light helping to bring it about will succeed.

Dear Ones whatever situation you find yourselves in it is more than likely you have attracted it to yourselves. It does not mean you are necessarily going to be involved, but your experience may be from the point of view of an observer. You are in effect learning all of the time whatever situation you find yourself in. for example if you think upon it, you may see an accident and would your first thought be to give assistance, or not get involved as some people choose. Many such situations crop up quite frequently and they are in a sense a test of your reactions. Clearly you cannot be all things to everyone, but if your first thoughts are for the wellbeing of others you are raising your vibrations. 

The Earth is a tough place to gain your experiences, through which you learn what is right or wrong from a spiritual point of view. Bear in mind that what you reap comes back to you, and when you believe an experience has been unjust it may not necessarily relate to your present life. Karma can be held until an appropriate time comes up when it can be cleared, so be assured there are no mistakes where it is concerned. Take it all seriously and accept what you perceive the lesson to be, and it is almost certain you will not have to experience it again. Karma is not a punishment but a learning curve that evolving souls have to go through. The system is absolutely fair and we have often told you that as a result of lessons once learnt, you will never have to go through the same experience again. 

If you find the experiences of life overpowering know that you always agree to them before you incarnate, and no one is expected to accept more than they can cope with. After all, your Guides are ever present and help you through the difficult times if you listen to them. Then again you have your Higher Self, your ever present aspect that knows you better than yourself who also gives you guidance, but it is never forced upon you. Freewill is respected even if you use it incorrectly but it will incur karma. So accept your lessons with grace and goodwill as they are your stepping stones to evolution. If you knew exactly how much your Guides have helped you, it would surprise you as they influence you to take the right action when your thoughts may take a different path. 

In your loneliest or saddest moments your Guides try to lift you up, they are always by your side. They send you loving energies all of the time and are ecstatic when you in turn give your love and blessings to another soul. Every kind deed is noted and goes a long way towards increasing your vibrations. Other people that come in contact with you will experience them without knowing what they are, and feel very good in your company because the higher energies are healing in nature. At the other end of the scale negative energies make people feel uncomfortable as they are clearly unpleasant. In the near future such souls will find themselves with like-kind, whilst the souls that are ready will ascend. 

Life can seem unfair if you do not understand the system of karma, and what you need to do to move on and create your own opportunity to evolve, is leave the lower vibrations behind. You should concentrate on your own progress as no one soul is favoured over another, and all are given equal opportunity to learn and evolve. It is up to you when you consider you are ready to advance, and as soon as you wish to do so help will be on hand. Those who have already evolved to the higher dimensions will help you along your chosen path. At many different levels you are helped through your lives, as it is in every ones interests to help as many souls as possible to ascend. It releases them from the wheel of karma and frees them from the necessity to have to keep reincarnating into the lower dimensions to evolve. 

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. It is certainly needed in the middle of so much confusion.

This message comes through my Higher Self. 

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

There is an increase in vibrations that is taking place now and leads to The Event and Ascension

Everyone loves to look into the likely future, and in 2013 a message “The Event” from Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin gave a detailed view of it. There is an increase in vibrations that is taking place now and leads to The Event and Ascension. The information given is more relevant now and it describes in much detail the various changes we can expect. 

The Event

About 2000 years ago Sananda Kumara was incarnate on Earth as Jesus with the Master plan to put in place, and to Ascend Earth. The plan failed then as Caesar of Rome created Maritime Law making slavery the Law of the Land. A new plan had to be made because the dark Cabal had taken the grand experiment beyond anyone’s intentions. About 500 years ago the Rothchilds in England hid the fact that Sir Francis Bacon was St. Germain incarnate on Earth. They had dark dealings with money and crimes which denied Sir Francis Bacon the throne. He would have been next in line as King of England, and from that position able to make changes to heal the Planet and end Duality, and he promised to return. In recent years the dark Cabal continued to wage worldwide war for their benefit. They attempted multiple times to create World War Three and have failed, mass starvation, nuclear threats, land grabs, insider trading, mass psychological attacks like 9/11 and banks too big to fail, have led to a moment when the Galactic’s could intervene, because the one caveat in the Prime Directive has been violated beyond what is allowed. 

What is new is that the Archangels led by Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron initiated a Super Portal on 11.11.13. it was a special dispensation which would have allowed for the requirements to be met to bring on The Event. Earth is a Trinary Star System with Sirius A, Sirius B and Sol our Sun. Jupiter will be the next Sun in this Solar System. Earth is in the Photon Belt and moving into the Pleiades through the Central Sun, Alcyone. The super portal has opened near Jupiter and is a portal that operates like a wormhole and opens into the Light Matter Universe of On. This Multidimensional Portal allows in Super Charged Magnetic Light from On to enter into this Solar System and to Earth. Earth has raised an entire Octave just since the Equinox in September 2013, and Ashtar recently spoke about the ten Octaves between each dimension in another message. This new energy will make it possible for Earth to enter Zero Point. 

What is new about this portal is that a decision was made by the Council of Gods that Earth required this special dispensation, as the best way to bring in changes. It carries with it a heavy reality. All is being done to allow as many souls as possible to go on to the new Earth. Since Earth is a planet with freewill some have refused to make the necessary changes to remain on Earth beyond Earth’s Ascension into the Higher Realms. More souls will be leaving than was anticipated. The Super Portal is pouring in Higher Vibrational energies which act to buoy Earth into the Higher Dimensions. In these all living on Earth are able to access their Etheric Bodies and travel in their Merkaba Bodies, and truly live multidimensional lives. In this High Energy the Light Cities will be accessible. Those not moving onto the New Earth will experience it as a vibration they cannot sustain within their 3D body. These darker, denser energies will remain on 3D Earth and continue there. Their physical body will be projected onto 3D Earth and they will continue to deny the Higher Teachings, and in their perception nothing will have changed and those timelines will continue for now in duality.

Meantime 5D Earth will be raised by Cosmic Builders as a Space Ship rises away from its take off point and flies out of its atmosphere into deep space. Each of the planets are firmly anchored in place by their energy grids, in orbit and relation to the planets around them. This super portal will have the effect of Earth moving higher in the dimensions in the same way we move a bead up a string. It will drop the old timelines and become lighter. It will exist higher in the Cosmic Grid, it will bubble up. Divine Timing for The Event is one of the requirements and Ashtar always says, No Dates, No Nukes, No Flukes. The truth is that there are windows of opportunity, which come up only a couple of times per year in which The Event can take place.

If you have not been successful in raising your vibrations to the minimum needed to sustain love, you are invited to remain in duality awhile longer and rejoin higher dimensional Earth when you have prepared accordingly – there are no shortcuts. Nothing can stop Earth from ascending. 

The Event is Disclosure, announcements and the enactment of NESARA Law. Seven to ten days after Disclosure there will be landings of Extraterrestrial Ships on Earth. It is the establishment of Divine Government on Earth – it brings in the Golden Age, and the announcement and enactment of NESARA Law as a simulcast on live computer streaming, television and radio around the World. It will be controlled by Ashtar’s technologies and cannot be duplicated any other way. When the broadcast goes out it will be heard in local areas translated to the language of that region, and heard by all on Earth, and Ships will de-cloak and appear over multiple major cities at the same time. No one on Earth has the ability to fake The Event, and when it happens everybody will be very clear that it is happening in the real. There will be such a great outpouring of love from the Galactic Family that every soul on Earth will experience it as pure bliss, and at this time Ashtar will initiate ZeroPoint. 


There are various changes taking place within the Human Race, and they are becoming noticeable such as the taller Humans, and those of young age who have an almost entirely new outlook enabling them to deal with Earth’s problems. They are very spiritually aware and are more than ready to give of their knowledge to aid us. They have a different way of looking at life and find it easy to advance our understanding with ideas that are often futuristic. They came into life with full awareness and are eager to help us overcome the obstacles that stand in our way. Some have already been called the Indigo children and have shared with us their ability to solve problem much quicker than normally. They can grasp the answers very easily and are here to help us as much as possible. 

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. It is certainly needed in the middle of so much confusion and uncertainty. This message comes through my Higher Self. 

In Love and Light. 

Mike Quinsey.

You can subscribe to the mailing list for these messages by going to:  Left click on the heading “Subscribe to the Tree of the Golden Light Weekly Messages” and it will take you to the Subscribe page – go to the bottom and under the heading “etfirstcontact” enter your Email address twice as requested. You will receive a confirmation if you are successful. You can also “unsubscribe” from the same page

Please send any questions and/or comments to Mike at 

allow events to outwork themselves naturally

As the new cycle continues to impose itself upon the old one, great conflict has occurred between the two as new ideas are emerging whilst there are those who are prepared to hold onto the old ones at any cost. In consequence progress is very slow and sorting out the entanglement of the old and the new is proving a difficult task. However, the new must be established to move mankind forwards, and introduce new ideas that will completely change the way of life. The changes are going to be pronounced and there are already moves to change the fabric of Humanity so that they are prepared for them. As one might expect, the changes are going to alter your very way of life, making it much easier and bringing you new ways of living that place minimal demands upon your time, leaving you with so much more for your personal leisure. As a result people will become more independent, and the long term future will see them coming together in much smaller groups.

Be assured that out of the apparent chaos a way forward will become apparent, and as the vibrations continue to increase will bring you a greater peace than you have previously experienced. Harmony will grow and happiness taken for granted as you all work for the benefit of everyone rather than the individual. Gone will be the spectre of homelessness and everyone will have a suitable dwelling. Everyone will have exactly what they need to live a comfortable and healthy life. These things will take time to manifest but you will find the results well worth waiting for. More and more you will find that your ability to “think” things into being will increase, and eventually it will become quite automatic. In the same way you will also dispose of that which no longer serves you, and the land and seas will cease to be blighted by rubbish. There will also be a point reached where you will be able to “talk” to animals and also understand them too.

Humans need to have a goal in mind and it is the way of working that they are used to, so planning well in advance will be with you for quite some time to come. One of the most welcome changes will be when you are able to have what you need instantly through the power of thought. Amassing things will become a thing of the past and the acquisition of wealth totally unnecessary when you can just “think” what you want into being. These developments must sound a very long way off to you just now, yet changes that will propel you into the future are beginning to happen so quickly. It is your younger generations that are full of new ideas and are so eager to bring them into being, and they should be given every encouragement to do so. Their approach and ways of looking at things is vastly different to your old ways, as they can see answers to problems in a much quicker time, and have a greater perception as to what needs to be done and how to do it.

You have crossed the bridge and in new territory where you can manifest much more easily than previously, plus the fact that your own power is increasing all of the time. Forget the past that has served its purpose and take that leap forward into all that is new and challenging. After all it is your choices that will pave the way forward, although there is always a central plan and goal to be reached – called Ascension. Humanity as a collective obviously has an influence on the future, but at all times will be directed onto the path that fulfils your needs whilst at the same time keeping you pointed in the right direction. Of course you have freewill but would be ill-advised to divert from the path laid out before you. Since you passed the 2012 Marker you have gained the entitlement to greater help and upliftment into the higher vibrations.

Returning to current problems the revaluation of the currencies looms large, but the overriding factor is still to ensure that all countries are poised ready to take part. However, there will come a point when the changes will have to go ahead, as there is a limit to how long it can be waited for. To make the playing field level some will go up and some need to come down, and it will soon be seen as creating a fairer deal for all concerned. Peace on Earth is not just a dream but a necessity if you are to experience a smooth transition to the New Age, so you may rest assured that many people are working hard to achieve the necessary changes to bring it about. Revaluation will prove to be one of the most important steps you have ever taken, so the decision to go ahead must be well supported by all concerned. The result will be the kick starting of a world-wide boost that will see the market place come alive.

At our level in the “now” we see all things happening at the same time, making it difficult to put them in chronological order. We see where difficulties may arise and try to use our influence to help you overcome them. We can do much to help you but in the final reckoning it is you who have to do it. You have done very well so far to pass the Marker and we have every faith in your ability to overcome the present difficulties. There seem to be dire warnings all over the world as the changes are causing problems, yet all are possible to overcome if decisions are made in the interests of all rather than some powerful individuals. It is surely dawning upon people that if you work together you will get far more done in a lot less time. Competition is a feature of capitalism but even that will fade into the background as co-operation between people becomes more the normal.

You have been waiting quite a long time for a positive outcome to all of the experiences you have been through lately, but be assured your patience will be rewarded. Try to sit back and relax and allow events to outwork themselves naturally, as all things will come to you in good time. Indeed, you may be pleasantly surprised at how things work out, possibly much better than you may have thought. The extreme karma experienced through the last Age is over, but as individuals you will still collect some if you put a foot wrong. As you have already been told, instant karma is taking place for immediate clearance, unlike earlier periods of time. Understand that when you incur karma your vibrations are momentarily affected when in fact you should be doing everything to maintain your higher level. It is even more important if you are one who is set on achieving Ascension. However, having come this far it is unlikely that you will lose your level of vibrations.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to the God inside.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Keeping calm at all times takes practise but you can do it, and will find that your confidence and demeanour will carry you through.

Progress may seem slow but in reality so much is taking place. You are looking at worldwide events that are slowly but surely pushing the dark Ones back, and preventing them from being able to prevent good progress being made. What only few of you will know is that the Lightworkers operate at a high level, where they have the influence and power to set moves in position that will further advance matters to the benefit of the Light. There has always been a plan to oust the dark Ones who had reached a stage where they were lulled into false confidence into believing that they were close to taking over control of the Earth and its people. The plan has always been to see that once Humanity passed the marker, those souls who were ready would in any circumstances successfully reach Ascension.

If you could see the many souls overseeing your activities, ensuring your success and protecting you from the negative forces you would have no doubts whatsoever where Ascension was concerned. It is a very special time in your history as although few have recollections if any of previous lives, you have spent many thousands of years trying to lift the vibrations sufficiently so that you could pass the marker, and continue moving towards Ascension. Can you imagine the joy that rippled through this Universe, as you have yet to realise what a magnificent achievement your progress has been. It matters not that you have been helped along the way and that has largely been to ensure you were not interfered with, although for karmic reasons you have had to face many challenges on the way. Your friends from outer Space are drawing nearer and nearer to you and as you have already informed, are eagerly waiting to greet you on the Earth and welcome you to the higher dimensions.

Where in the past the dark Ones have infiltrated many aspects of industry and financial companies, they have in many instances been replaced with those who are of the Light and slowly but surely the balance is changing in their favour. It obviously takes time to undo what has been built up over a very long period of time, but success is taking place and it will continue until they are back and completely in charge. You will probably know that nothing of importance happens by chance, as all happenings are planned to help those involved to experience according to their needs. It may seem an impossible task to get the appropriate people together for such occasions and indeed it takes quite some planning. You are “persuaded” by your Guides to take certain actions that bring together those needed to play out the karma involved. Believe it or not, we can assert such control over you that you will do our bidding, but that is only in special circumstances.

Now that Lightworkers have been given a clean sheet where karma is concerned providing as you would say “keep your nose clean” – there is no reason why you should not continue to keep it that way. Certainly anyone who has lifted up their awareness, and is doing their best to live a positive life and avoiding being drawn into situations that are of the lower vibrations, will experience a trouble free life. You will still be tested but because of your understanding and awareness, you are very unlikely to drop your guard. Perhaps one of the more difficult challenges is to keep your cool when confronted by situations where you may lose it. Keeping calm at all times takes practise but you can do it, and will find that your confidence and demeanour will carry you through.

You are a great soul masquerading as a human Being, and you have limited consciousness mainly due to the low vibrational level you reside in. However, as the vibrations lift up higher and higher you will find that you have an increased level of consciousness, and gradually you begin to recall more about your true self. The changes are preparing you for Ascension when you will begin to know your true self. You are already a multi-dimensional Being as your Higher Self resides on the other side of the veil. Hitherto you have been unaware of your true potential but the time will soon come to merge with your Higher Self. You are a God in the making and that is your destiny, but for the meantime you will be bound by the happenings on Earth. Through it all you will undoubtedly evolve very quickly and as you do will get immense help all along the way.

By now those of you who have lifted your vibrations up will find that you can be in ones that are unsettling, yet can overcome them through your sheer power of concentration and control. Eventually it will be second nature to you and in any event the negative energies will weaken and have less affect upon you. You may find that as you progress that people like to be around you as they may not realise why, but they are comfortable and reassured by your gentle and loving vibrations. It would not take a lot of imagination to realise that your auric emanations are such that people can enjoy your presence, and feel the calmness and love that you project. Not just people but even animals can sense the upliftment from the energy that you give out. At some stage it will even have a healing quality and certainly make people feel good by being around you.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

Dear Friends, time flies by once again I am preparing to go on my annual trip to see my two sons who both live in Devon, Kent. So please note I shall be away from Friday the 14th September and taking a break until my next message that will go out on the 5th October. A few weeks in politics can see many changes so who knows what may happen in the meantime. The fact that the Light is now more powerful than the dark Ones, who have had their power curtailed should lead to a quicker end to their ability to interfere with the progress of Humanity towards the time of Ascension. We are not normally given much information as to the progress that is being made, but earlier signs suggest matters are developing in a positive way.

Various updates particularly those from David Wilcock are able to bring us the latest developments, and I recommend his video “On Ascension”. Personally I do not feel anyone can yet pin down the year that Ascension will take place, but in general terms it seems that it could be as early as the late 2020’s to the early 2030’s. If correct, that is encouraging as in reality it is so near to happening. I know Lightworkers will keep spreading the Light, and collectively they do have a big influence on what is taking place. So well done everyone, it has been a long arduous path to follow, but the prize at the end of the rainbow is well worth waiting for a little longer.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Fortunately you have started to awaken in recent times and are beginning to remember who you really are.

The dark Ones have spent many, many years establishing a set up in high places that gave them a solid grip on events that enabled them to dictate the course of humankind’s progress for their own purposes. It may be difficult for people to accept that they were behind both World Wars, inasmuch that they perpetuated the violence and carnage for their own ambitions. Through them they had a target to drastically reduce the human population, and disrupt any attempts to bring an end to wars. They have been successful except that in recent times their dominance has been broken, and they no longer have the power to dictate how events progress that are now providing the means to bring peace to the world. A massive cleansing is taking place and many key Illuminati members have been removed from power, and that has broken their hold on it and the Light is becoming the dominant force.

To say that you have been kept in the dark is not an overstatement by any means, and for many years you have lived a life where many people have been in constant need of the basic things, that ensure a reasonable standard of living. Lack of food and medical attention has resulted in thousands upon thousands of premature deaths, in spite of worldwide help from groups that specialise in helping such people. Slowly but surely the position is changing but as soon as one problem is overcome another takes its place. It paints a dreadful picture of wanton hunger and lack that is not helped by constant problems that arise from insufficient funds to fight them. It is time to address the problems so that the wealth of the world is not wasted, and directed to those most in need. As wars cease the monies that would have been spent for perpetuating them can then be directed to those most in need, and ultimately raise the standard of life. It is a daunting task but you have the means to win the battle providing you set about it the right way.

The gloom and doom is not a pretty subject to discuss so let us change the subject to one that will gladden the hearts of people. St. Germain waits for the appropriate time to use the enormous funds he has accumulated whilst in his charge, and kept for the upliftment and advancement of Mankind. So the future is very bright and there will be unlimited funds to ensure that it is, so to say “money is no object”. Man however has first to show his intent to turn to the Light and that means permanently putting away all weapons of war. The first unsteady steps are being taken now, and beneficial changes are occurring much to peoples delight and astonishment. Know that you can build upon it because Humanity senses it is time for change to peaceful ways and cooperation with each other. The dark Ones who will not or cannot give up their evil ways are now contributing to their demise, and their time will soon be up. The parting of the ways has already commenced with the inevitable outcome as the vibrations continue to rise up.

Much has been planned for your upliftment and you have a lot of ground to make up because of the large degree to which you have been kept behind. You are still using technologies that are now outdated, although some advancements have been passed on such as fibre optics and micro-engineering. They are only the tip of the iceberg, and you must make good the loss of opportunity and time lost to accommodate changes that will give you a great leap forward.

To ensure that your progress into the Light was the result of your own ability, those who would have gladly helped you have been held back. There is no gain for you if others even with good intentions interfere with you evolution, and particularly if you were fed too much information without sufficient time to absorb it. Evolution as the Human Race must progress according to your ability to digest that which is new to you, and incorporate it into your history. However, help can be given once you start to awaken to the greater truths so that they can be spread amongst you. Never lose sight of the fact that you are all One, and you affect each other to a greater or lesser degree according to your ability to spread the new information.

There is a plan that allows for help to be given when you become “stuck” so that you can move on. Even so it is you who have to do the work connected with it, as you will not learn if everything is handed to you on a plate. Evolution consists of experiencing that which is new to you so that it becomes embedded in your memory. In this way you in turn can help others to evolve, and clearly it becomes easier for all concerned. It is possible to speed up matters and such steps are taken so as to ensure you evolve as intended. There are markers along the way and mankind is both expected and helped to reach certain key points on time. In fact much attention is given to ensuring progress is made according to the plan for your evolution.

You could be forgiven for thinking that the chaos on Earth does not lend itself to thoughts of organised progress, but in spite of the outer impression given it is happening. It has to be so otherwise Humanity as a whole would remain in chaotic conditions for much longer. It is not helped by the last desperate attempts of the dark Ones to hold things up, and they can momentarily delay matters. However, their cause is all but lost but they will not admit defeat and fight to the last. In fact, the Light is becoming more powerful than ever as Mother Earth travels deeper into the new energies. The path for your future has already been written and total success is to be yours.

Lightworkers can help others through this period by calming their fears, and giving assurances that the underlying positives are destined to see Mankind rise again. It will be a return to that exalted position that was held before dropping down into the lower vibrations. Bear in mind that when you did so, you were effectively cut off from your Higher Self, setting you adrift without the knowledge and understanding you previously had. Fortunately you have started to awaken in recent times and are beginning to remember who you really are. Your potential is so big that you could hardly imagine what a great soul you were prior to dropping your vibrations to take your place in the lower dimension.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Travel will become almost instantaneous, much like stepping into a cabinet that you program with your destination, and when you step out you will have arrived

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message,

August 10, 2018 



10th August 2018. Mike Quinsey.


You have so much to look forward to and we have given you ample indication with a picture of where you are heading. Time and time again we have informed you that the old energy is dead and you are no longer bound by its dictates, and have relative freedom to choose your own path to Ascension. It therefore follows that matters develop according to the activities taking place on Earth, although encouragement is given to keep you pointed in the right direction. Out of the apparent chaos and uncertainty that presently exists, there are changes taking place to create a basis for a new way of looking at things with a view to achieving permanent peace on Earth.


You cannot achieve total peace overnight as there was and still is much that needs uplifting. Be assured however, that although it has been difficult to dislodge the dark Ones and their minions, good progress is being made and things should really start to slot into place from the time of a revaluation of the currencies. It remains the key to the commencement of many advantageous and welcome changes that are ready to be introduced. Much happens out of sight, and for many reasons is kept secret for safety reasons as the dark Ones are everywhere but not all of them present a danger to the plans for your freedom.


To many peoples surprise President Trump is still in office, and that is because he is making changes that are necessary for the future of not just the USA but the world. It may not seem apparent on the face of it and some of his decisions have caused much concern. But come a time when people look back at his term in office, they will agree that he helped bring in necessary changes that have benefitted the world. Some have not been well received but you have to give sufficient time for the benefits to be appreciated. Major changes nearly always cause much objection and that will always be the case, until the full effects can be fairly judged.


Understand that the appointments of those who handle immense power and wealth are now “helped” by the unseen who have a complete picture of the future, and use their influence to guide mankind. As always the final decision is yours, so ensure that the right people are in power that have your wellbeing at heart and not self-aggrandisement. In the last Age many recent appointments were made simply to promote self-greed and personal power. That time has now passed and the best people will be the ones in office that are able to lead you into a new era of joy and happiness. The future is bright and planned to give you a way of life that you are entitled to without the threat of war.


Be assured that every soul has a certain degree of influence where the future is concerned. There is a collective energy that has an effect far greater than you can possibly imagine, and it is becoming more positive as time passes. Already it has moved beyond the “war” influence, although those with vested interests in selling weaponry, normally to both sides are still hoping for World War Three. Be assured dear Ones that it has been decreed by the Ancient Ones who oversee your progress, that it will not be allowed. You only have to go back a short time to know that when the silos were on red alert and ready to release their nuclear weapons, they were all made inoperative. That has happened more than once and hopefully the message has now sunk in, that nuclear war will not be allowed – never again.

Humans have a habit of looking outside of themselves when things go wrong, and clearly not all problems are necessarily related to their actions. However, some are brought upon them through earlier actions that have incurred a karmic response. So when you question what you have done to deserve problems, realise that nothing of any importance to you happens by chance. The circumstances may appear so, but those who organise karma have to take opportunities as they come up. Often it involves other people and it is not always easy to get them to come together for that purpose. Some situations are so involved that you find it hard to believe that it is pre-arranged.


Yet they are to the extent that even the outcome is intended to comply with the lessons to be learnt. You could say that your Guides work overtime to ensure karma is cleared. Your evolution depends on lessons being learnt, that are repeated if you fail the first time around until you do. Realise that karma can be carried forward from one life to another and sometimes it is because you are more able to cope with it. A sensitive issue would be the break-up of a relationship, and even that is planned in advance where lessons are learnt by all involved. So the message is to take your life experiences seriously and do your best to learn from them, and you will not have to go through such experiences again.


Although you have been seriously held back, in the long run you will not miss out as once the dark Ones can no longer interfere with your evolution, withheld inventions and advancements will be released. It will be done in such a way that you are not overpowered and are allowed to become familiar with the changes that are more personal. Clearly you will soon take to easier and faster forms of travel, and the constant availability of all the things you need for day to day survival. Furthermore there will come a time when you will be sufficiently powerful and knowledgeable, to create all of your needs by the power of your thought.


Travel will become almost instantaneous, much like stepping into a cabinet that you program with your destination, and when you step out you will have arrived. Mention of these advancements is to let you know that the old problems will eventually be put behind you. With extended life and the ability to keep your body in its youthfulness, you will have ample time to fully enjoy it in the higher vibrations. Not least of all travel outside of the Solar System will also be possible. All things come in good time and nothing will be allowed to interfere with your progress and development.


By keeping your focus on what the future will bring, you are helping to draw it nearer to fruition. It will also move your attention away from the last Age, and able to forget the difficulties and problems you faced for millennia of time. There is no point or advantage in holding on to your previous experiences. The important thing is that you will have learnt from them and have no further need of them.


I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.


In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


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the ability to imprint itself and heal itself using its own DNA .

Dear friends there is much in the way of important news coming from Kryon, and we need to awaken our awareness to the changes that herald the commencement of a new cycle that is going to take us far beyond the limitations of the old one. We are heading for a new area in Space that will take us into higher vibrations. It will finally see the end of the dark Ones as they simply cannot exist in them, and will remain in a level that resonates with their present one. Meanwhile you are gradually being introduced to Quantum Energy that you will need to understand as soon as possible. A parting of the ways is coming so play your part in helping the New Age to continue manifesting, and all will be assured as going well and proceeding as expected.

The following message is welcome news where the future is concerned, as it clearly indicates that major changes are coming and in general Mother Earth can handle the bigger ones. All in all, awareness already exists regarding future changes, and they will cause little if any of a catastrophic nature. It may seem that the Human Race is expected to face the changes alone, but help is already on hand to deal with any problems that may arise. There is a plan for Humanity that is destined to succeed and absolutely nothing will prevent its successful completion.


I want to give a fact just to think about, because I was here a long time ago. There was a time before you were here when the Oceans were constantly having oil spills, guess where they came from, they came from oilfields beneath the Ocean’s surface that was ruptured and would spill unbelievable amounts of oil naturally from the Ocean floor, and that’s where you drill for it now, so figure it out and connect the dots. Spill after spill after spill and there were no ships around spilling oil. Where is it today and did it ruin the environment, and the answer is no, and what happened to it. There is a system and there always has been where the Ocean scrubs itself and takes care of this in ways you do not know. Figure it out and connect the dots, you are not the first ones to spill oil in the Oceans it is a natural occurrence, ask a geologist what is down there right now if there are spills bubbling up and there are, it’s a natural occurrence – the Ocean knows about it, recognises it and takes care of it. The planet is fast tracking by cleaning itself up. Gaia is a friend of Humanity and sees what is going on and is working the issue with you.

You are moving into another kind of radiation and it’s going to affect your Sun. You are already starting to see it. Meteorologists are reporting it, it’s part of the shift in the weather, the radiant cycle of the Sun itself will be different, the amount of sunspots will be different because the radiation you are moving into as a Solar System, you have never seen before – not as humans, and you are afraid and you are not looking at it and some are saying this is the end. There are ways of neutralizing and changing it you have no idea about it and it’s already happened one time and can you not see that and figure it out and not be afraid, be circumspect, take a look at what is going on and stay away from the hot areas as measured, but understand the Ocean is going to work it all out.

Others are saying it’s going to be dangerous, and here’s what I am going to tell you, this radiation is going to move right into your magnetic grid, and it’s going to change your DNA and you are going to get another 10% efficiency, its right on time, it’s right on schedule, its benevolent physics that knows what you were doing. What others will fear is going to be your evolution of consciousness, what is going on is a benevolent system. Our clock is not your clock, we see this coming and when it does you might say “Well it took longer than I thought” the timing as you would say, it’s not anything we are aware of – we know about your clock. We see how you are impatient because things do not happen on schedule, that is in three dimensions but what difference is it, it will arrive when it arrives and you are going to be here now.

Some of you may not be the same age or of the same gender, but you will be here. What difference does it make you are going to see its invention. When a planet moves into what we would call a fast track inventions start to even increase beyond what you thought was high technology, but the technology you were about ready to receive is beyond third dimensional technology, and it will be quantum technology, and it starts slow but just like the evolution of so many inventions that you have had in technology that you have had in the past, it has a ramp up that is slow at first then lightning fast in the end.

One thing leads to another and starts to show something else, and I will give it to you one more time. Planets that move into Ascension states, must have an eventuality of understanding quantum energy, and the beginning of understanding quantum energy is the ability to measure it and see it even if you cannot produce it or alter it or work with it, you have got to be able to see it. When you can see quantum energy in any form you start to understand how to see it in a better form. You will see the patterns contained in it, and when you start seeing those you will have a million questions that cannot be answered but it will start a progress of invention as you discover one thing after another of what you are seeing, that you never saw before and the colours will be outstanding, and that is a metaphor for second sight. It is going to bring physics into a brand new perspective and you will see the missing laws.

Get ready for medicine to change forever, get ready for the elimination of one kind of healing and the opening of another. Get ready for intelligent quantum healing to occur. I have no way of describing a healing paradigm that you cannot see, you cannot imagine and that marries you and the Innate intelligence of your body with the ability to imprint itself and heal itself using its own DNA – that’s as far as I can go.


The two big Western Powers play games to manipulate matters to bring a desired outcome, and eventually you will see that progress is being made that will enable countries to move on. Be assured that no matter how highly positioned a person may be, they can still be motivated and inspired by those beings who oversee their progress. Knowing what is expected in the near future they can lead people in such a way, that they are feel prompted to do things that ultimately can be seen as most appropriate for continuation of the plan for Mother Earth and her people.

The outworking in many countries of plans for their future well-being is proceeding well, even if outwardly it appears shambolic now. At the right time a turn of events will lead to a new step forward being taken, that leads along the path to desirable change and a peaceful conclusion. Be assured that all actions are intended to bring about an end to confrontation and the path to endless problems. In the past karma has played a big part in what has taken place, but as the new vibrations take effect so a peaceful end to hostilities is possible. You will gradually see that where leadership changes have taken place, a more settled outlook is achieved. It is time now for peaceful transitions that will ultimately lead to permanent peace. It is your planned destiny, and greater powers than those on Earth will ensure that the bright future ordained for you will manifest in good time when it is appropriate.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Rest in Peace, as is shown on many tombstones, is something of a humorous misunderstanding

You have noted for some considerable period that time has speeded up and continues to do so. It is a positive indication of a continuing change upon Earth, and as the vibrations increase you enter further into a new area of Spaced it will continue to be your ongoing experience. With the uplifting of vibrations also comes a more peaceful existence with less negativity and much more harmony between all living creatures. You have already seen examples amongst animals with the most unlikely friendships, and it is truly an example of the biblical story of the “Lion lying down with the Lamb”. So what does it signify, as surely it must be a lifting up of the vibrations bringing about more harmony and peace upon Earth.


Many of you know that you are ready to take your place within the higher vibrations, and are already ones who radiate love to all life forms, regardless of their historical place with Humanity. Furthermore, you are also aware that you have the power to bring peace to situations where confrontation is taking place, as even your very presence can help bring peace to them. Slowly others will find that stillness from inside and become a calming influence when all around may be in a state of turmoil. It is already happening and still growing, and as it becomes more far reaching there will be a greater emphasis on creating peaceful relationships and situations at all levels.


At long last belief systems are coming around to believing that life abounds in the Universe, and even at your lower vibrational level. Earth has been considered as something of a nursery where life can be experienced and grow with little outside help. Nevertheless, your activities have still been closely monitored so that the plan for your evolution can be carried forward, without interference from other sources. Having been given freewill to experience according to your desires, apart from guiding you along a preordained path you have had absolute freedom. It has been known that eventually you would find your way home, and your success in connection with the last cycle has entitled you to move into an area of higher vibrations, which is what you are doing now. It is difficult to leave old habits behind but that you must do and focus your attention upon all that is new as much is being offered to you that will hasten your full arrival into the New Age. There is much that awaits you, but first you must bring peace to Mother Earth and all upon her. Be assured it is breaking out in the animal kingdom, resulting in the most unusual friendships that could not have come about just a short time ago. Can you now see how powerful the new vibrations are and yet the new beginnings have only just commenced.


Regardless of what other groups do to hold onto the old ways of service to self, it will become difficult to maintain, and eventually becomes impossible. Their future will lay with the continuation of their path on another Earth that has been prepared for them, with a level of vibrations that will be suitable for their continued evolution. As has been previously indicated, you cannot reside in a particular level of vibration unless you are of a similar one yourself, as you would feel uncomfortable in a higher level than your own vibrations, and in any event you need to progress through uplifting yourselves from experience. Many ask “how can that be” and the simple answer will always be through learning how to spread Universal Love through your thoughts, actions and speech until it becomes your way of life.


The transition from life on Earth to leaving it in your ethereal body has intrigued people as they are not sure as to what actually happens. So having found the following extract from a Metraton message, I feel it would be of immense interest:


“What Happens When You Die”

‘Death is not a fearful experience to dread. What you term as ‘Death’ is a rebirth into your greater reality and in many ways is quite an exquisite beautiful awakening. In truth, birth into the physical realm is far more traumatic than the return to the ‘angelic realm’. Indeed the passing from physical may be appropriately described as ‘coming home’.


‘Dear Human, death can, in many cases, occur in a graduated process. For those that pass over at the end of an illness, the passing process will often occur in an intermittent lapsing, a fragmented, staged transfer of consciousness, in which transits out of and back into the physical body may ensue for a period of a few days before the final exit. In these graduated processes of passing the person is in a heightened state and will often see angels, guides and loved ones who have already passed over. ‘


‘There is nothing to fear. The only fear of death is with the living. Most of you will immediately realize the transition of your passing. You will be quite delighted to realize you are still conscious, even though dead in physical terms. Many of you will be overjoyed to comprehend that you are still ‘you’. Your inner narrator and observer of experience will be the same one you had in the recently completed physical sojourn. You will retain the full cognizance of your lifetime, and these memories will be focal and immediately accessible for a period of time. You will be able to communicate with others that were important in the completed lifetime.’


‘Now, there are rare circumstances in which one may die in a sudden unexpected circumstance such as an accident in which death occurs so abruptly that there is a very brief period of confusion. However this is infrequent and there are ‘guides’ on the other side, specialized in this service, and available to assist you in understanding what is occurring.’


‘So Masters, be aware that there are indeed guides to help each of you fully understand your situation in passing. Most of you will enter into the afterlife realm in clarity. And when one enters without disorientation, they are very often greeted by family and friends who have passed over before you. There is a sense of comfort and a euphoric recognition of this realm that exudes a sense of wellbeing.’


‘Rest in Peace, as is shown on many tombstones, is something of a humorous misunderstanding. The ‘other side’ is extremely active ! You will be able to rest, if rest is desired or required. The resting phase is one of great expansion in which an ambience of ecstasy occurs. Often there is a feeling of floating in a field of bright white light lined with extraordinary vivid colours. In this phase you will be in a blissful state and adapt more easily into the understanding of the separation that has occurred. But you will still be able to focus thought to the Earth plane. You will discover that thought takes you quickly to whomever and wherever you focus. ‘


‘You may visit with friends and relatives, revisit the past, greet childhood friends and travel seamlessly through space and time. You may revisit your childhood; view yourself as a young child surrounded by family at Christmas, or walk down the halls of your high school as it existed decades earlier. You will realize that there is no ‘time-lag’ between the manifestation of any idea or thought and its initial conception, as there is in physical life. You will delightfully explore these ‘dream-like’ phenomena, but in a very real validity in extremely clear lucidity.’


‘There are ways to become familiar with the realities and dimensions of the afterlife while you are living on the earth-plane. There are also advanced ‘trainings’ available on the ‘other -side’ as you grow in light quotient and complete the ‘Earth-Cycle’.



I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.


In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.



You are such a treasure to others and most of all to yourself,

for in being a treasure to yourself, you are that to others.

would you wish to feel like 35 years until you are 298 years old

15th June 2018. Mike Quinsey.

Once again I have found a message from Kryon “Trump will change the World” a title that bears no relationship at all to the message. It is the best one I have read so far, as the whole content is about the changes that Humanity can expect in the near future. I have copied those sections I feel would be considered the most Important. I would recommend reading it in full for more about our DNA and the coming shift. If you would like a full copy I will Email it to you.





The biology starts to cooperate, you live longer, a lot longer up to three times longer, not only that, the elimination of disease by itself, because the body is able to fight it, where something called Innate in your body talks to you on a regular basis intuitively, a self-diagnostic that is intuitive and is about time. Can you imagine what that might do to your medical industry, it is actually going to help them, because when you show up on their doorstep you will know what you need and they will be able to help you far better, and in your country (U.S.A.) they are keeping people sick for money, and all that is going to fall over, get ready for the demise as you know it. A big Pharma – it is not going to continue, it cannot any more than tobacco did for the same reason, any more than Banks can continue doing what they did, for the reasons they did and you took care of it and it hurts, it still hurts.


Dear Ones, because the planet needs your Light, could it be any clearer all of the things given to you can be used appropriately in combination. Biology is going to change, life expectancy will become longer, and then there is a Human Being who says “I do not think I want to live that long that long – my goodness I know what it feels like at 70 years, why would anyone live to 300 years”. We would say to you how 3D of you, would you wish to feel like 35 years until you are 298 years old, and that is what is at hand. Dear Ones the body rejuvenates itself much better than it does now. Can you conceive of this where the stem cell blueprints are picked up over and over and you do not make a copy of a copy, you make the original over and over last a long time, and you last fresh and young, this is what is possible. This is where it is eventually going and the potentials. Kryon you mean that is no, an absolute no. Humanity is a free choice, you can turn it around if you want to but the steam roller is fired up and moving, it is hard to stop it. The ball of snow is rolling down the hill, it is hard then to make it smaller. 



Finally there are those who are going to say alright how about the big one, what are we going to do about religion. There are those who would sit well with the mind set of what you would call metaphysicians or New Agers who would say it is all going to have to go away, because they will realise the truth – No it will not! Why should something go away that has the seeds of love of God. For those he saw the Master in all his glory and wrote about him, did they throw that away, one of the only Human Beings on the planet known to have met with an Angel face to face in a cave and had dialogue and instructions, and became a prophet – would you throw that away “No” – let me tell you what is going to happen with that which is being developed in your DNA, which is the same thing that will keep Humans from warring, and is also going to give them a different opinion as to how they should look at various belief systems on the planet, and they will continue to have those organisations under certain names that you even know now. But there will be big differences and what I will call as “allowance of compassion”. One will look at the other and see it as a branch of the same tree, coming from the same source and they will respect one another. Just like you eat different foods for your different ways of worship, respect for the other, not anger, not war and that is not what some of you expect either, and you are going to see the seeds of it. Sometime in your generation you may even see the seeds of it, it starts to appear as a gentleness between belief systems. Do you really think you are going to have a planet where all those thousands of years of reading will simply vanish. It is not practical is it, no instead expect them to morph into something that is cooperative, that is beautiful and the differences are celebrated, instead of warring over them and it is about time, this is the practical. The Human Being will change in attitude in the conceptualness of what is correct and not correct, and what creates survival will be that which is compassionate. This is the new Human Being, this is the future, you are starting to turn the corner. I have just given you a snapshot of what can be and what we say will take place. 



There are two things you should celebrate. Some of you will have an Akashic remembrance because firstly inheritance will start to surface, and you will come into the planet absolutely knowing that you have been here before, that even the religious that do not believe that will see this, acknowledge it and see it as a part of a grand system that fits into their belief system, that gives credibility to the divine in you, that is taught by all the religions. A monotheistic God is here on the planet and that is the belief and that is the first thing and it should be part of it, and the second thing Dear Ones even for those of you who do not believe this, that the children of your children are going to see a better Earth, not a worse one. I want you to know this and that is worth celebrating. You sit in the cusp, you sit right where the seeds are being planted, not even harvested. Seed planters who may not see the harvest in their lifetime can now celebrate the harvest which will be good. 



The Love of God, that is why I Kryon am here, it is why the channellers are here. If you hear a message that is not like this I want you to examine it carefully, because there are more of us giving you this one than the other. The chances are that if you hear those who would warn you of the upcoming doom they have an agenda, take a look because it is not the potential that is actually there. Old energy dies hard, it may be more difficult to come because it is that way. My worker, old soul do not fear the change you have brought, there are hundreds of lives that you have lived. It is about time that this occurs. Flow with it, understand and celebrate it daily and thank God you are part of it, for it is the fruition of everything you have done, the very reason we are here, it is no wonder we wash your feet, ponder these things for they are the things you created – and so it is. Kryon the Magnetic Master. 



Back to Earth and amidst the chaos and uncertainty, progress is nevertheless slowly being made, and peace rather than war is top of the agenda. Trump and Kim are making an historic change that not long ago would have been thought impossible. There is no doubt in my mind that the new energies are bringing world peace about.


I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message has been prompted by my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God. 



In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


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Do you realise that you have a soul, are immortal and have already lived many, many lives, even before you took on the human attributes.

Your patience is remarkable and to be commended as you have known that important events are affecting you and your world. They have been near to being revealed for quite a long time, and you will be rewarded in more ways than one and will know by now that nothing can prevent the changes from taking place. The planet itself is also going through critical changes, and has been so for quite some considerable time, and is responsible for the indifferent and unusual weather patterns you have been experiencing. The final outcome will be to your satisfaction and joy as the extremes you experience, will no longer take place. As you no doubt realise, the weather plays an important part in many of your experiences perhaps more than you realise, and one of its most important roles is where your food production is concerned. Again be reassured that any problems will only be temporary and looking into the far future, you will have food replicators and able to draw water that can be used for drinking from the air around you. Those who are responsible for pointing you in the right direction are always preparing new innovations or systems that will lead you into a future where life becomes more pleasant and much easier. Dust has always been a problem, but again that will eventually be taken care of by units that will remove it and purify the air around you.

As you might expect, being in a New Age brings with it many new inventions and different ways to what you have always done in the past, that are less expensive and less time consuming. In fact you will progressively find that as a result you will have much more time for yourselves. That will be very useful inasmuch that you will ample time for your hobbies or interests that you follow. You might for example be one who likes to travel the world and see how others live, and the methods of travel will be quite different to now. There will be ultra-speedy links to all parts of the world and much through underground travel, independent of the track system you currently use. Travelling the Oceans by ship will become a thing of the past except for leisure pursuits, and shipping generally will be considered outdated and too expensive. Traditional Air travel will be overtaken by Flying Craft that use the Earths magnetism as a power source, as many Extraterrestrials already do.

In the course of all of these changes Humanity itself will experience an expanded consciousness, and things such as telepathy will be commonplace. Generally much to do with the human experience will change, and with your love of gadgets most functions connected with day to day needs will be automatic. Robots are starting to carry out some simple functions, and will come more into the picture as time passes. They will carry out tasks presently done manually, and there is no limit to how far their usefulness can be programmed. Television will eventually give out a 3D picture that will be projected In front of you.

All of these advancements are already known, even if only as ideas that can lead to projects that will benefit you. From the higher realms we place ideas upon those people who are in a position to use and develop them for the benefit of humanity. We ensure that a number of suitable people are “programmed” so that the ideas do not become dormant. Our purpose is not to lead you onto a particular path unless you have first grasped an idea and need help in developing it. In general terms, it is you who have ideas as to what may be needed and how to provide it, and it is at that stage that we prompt you with some guidance as to how it can best be used. The emphasis has always been upon encouraging you to map out your own future needs, and we will oversee your development if needed.

Remember that at no time are you left entirely to your own devices, and there are always your Guides on hand to help. However, there is no interference in your life except that there are points in your development that call for change, and we will try to guide you towards the path that you need to be on to fulfil your life contract. There is sometimes a compromise between your freewill intentions and your dedicated pathway. The key word is to follow your intuition and if you feel prompted to take a certain action, do so knowing that it is most likely from your Guides who can see the bigger picture. They would certainly not mislead you or go against your decisions. The likelihood is that they have often impressed upon you the best action to be taken, but would nevertheless never impose those ideas upon you.

As time passes your friends and helpers from the higher realms will come nearer to you and there will be a time when they will make themselves known to you and speak openly. Naturally there will also be the opportunity for you to speak with your departed friends and family. After all, there is no such thing as death except with your understanding of what it means, which in most instances is permanent death. Do you realise that you have a soul, are immortal and have already lived many, many lives, even before you took on the human attributes.

You are already very experienced but take on a new persona each time you leave the Godhead for further experiences, and you continually grow through them and each time take them back to the Godhead. Prior to your Earth incarnations your memory is “erased” so as to ensure you are not distracted from the tasks at hand. Your challenge has been to rise up above the lower vibrations and find your way back to the Light, when success makes you a more powerful and stronger being. As you have also been told before, your evolution will still continue with the object of making you a Galactic Being, in readiness for the next series of experiences to increase your spiritual growth even further.

Dear Ones it may seem incredible that out the chaos and disruption that is taking place on Earth, you will move onto a path that will change everything, and finally lead you back to a high level that in reality you are most familiar with. Growth comes through experience, and you are given opportunities that will achieve that goal. At all times you are guided so as to achieve the maximum success and make progress where your life plan is concerned. As I have told you previously, it is planned with such objectives in mind but if you choose a different pathway it is honoured because of your freewill. Invariably you will eventually find your way back to the one agreed, that is normally proved to be best for you.

Incredible times await you in the near future, so hold your place in the Light and you will be helping to bring the changes closer to manifestation. I will leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Things are beginning to change very rapidly on several different levels.

The space around you seems empty yet because there are many levels of existence it is in fact alive with many different forms of life. You talk in terms of dimensions for easy understanding, but in reality one vibration smoothly runs into another without any clear division. Each of you is at your own level that is consistent with your present vibration. You reach the higher levels of vibration as a result of your ability to project energy of love that is of the same higher vibrations. By maintaining a constant high level you can evolve even further, to the point where they are so high that you are no longer affected by the lower vibrations around you. It is because the more you can raise your vibrations, the more you are protected by your Light that is all powerful. At your present levels you would be unable to stand in front of highly evolved souls of Light unless they lowered their vibrations.

For humans their greatest challenge is to come to terms with their ego. Many do not even realise how much their actions are dictated by it. Ego can in fact be in control and acts on behalf of Self to the extent that it puts you first in all circumstances. It can be called being “selfish” without consideration of other people’s needs. You could say that as your ego puts you first in all things, you have no objection to being put in that position. However, putting Self first sometimes denies others of their right to that experience, so if you are to change the circumstances you must also consider others when making your decisions. When you can truly love others as yourself, you will have gone a long way towards being able to practise Universal Love. Can you now see that true love for your fellow companions overrides the need to have an active ego that puts self first.

As the vibrations upon Earth continue to lift up, it will give more strength to those who work in Love and Light. Conversely the dark Ones will be losing their power, and no longer able to interfere with the progress of humanity towards the Light. Many other Beings from the higher dimensions are waiting their opportunity to help you progress and bring the New Age fully into being. Evolutionary progress is your entitlement that you have earned and it shall be yours sooner than you think possible. Much is lined up to propel you further into the New Age, and it is an exciting time to be on Earth. Looking around you it may not appear so, but from a higher level it is all seen to be waiting the right opportunity to be introduced. It is important that you keep steadfast and focussed upon your goal thereby helping to speed up its manifestation.

In the long run you will have lost nothing by having been held back, as progress can only be delayed. In the near future you will start to enjoy a series of new inventions that are in course of being made ready for their introduction. As a result life will become easier and more freedom given to pursue your own desires. Perhaps most welcome of all, illness and disease as such will lessen until they will no longer afflict the Human Race. Already some are enjoying better health in old age, and the expectation of old age problems should gradually be left in the past. It is noticeable with some older people that they do not appear to be aging as quickly as others. It can be put down to healthy living and a belief that illness and aging do not necessarily go together. Be aware that your power of thought is growing stronger and you have much more control over your life than you realise.

You are now evolving much faster than previously, and in time you will become a much greater soul than you have ever been before. It is planned that way and has always been your destiny, and many higher Beings are helping you achieve success. The dark Ones have held you back and have tried to keep you “in the dark” as to your true capabilities. Older souls are as you might say, feeling their way forwards but have the experience that helps them lift up their vibrations. The young ones are in actual fact souls that are bringing in a greater experience with them, and soon to be very active in speeding up the advancements that will truly introduce you to some wonderful new inventions. Nothing can stand in the way of progress anymore and the truth cannot be hidden. Be ready for some astonishing advancements that are ready to be introduced.

Things are beginning to change very rapidly on several different levels. It is all part of the onward march that is taking you into new areas of understanding that are necessary to prepare you for what is coming. The struggles and strife of finding your way through the muddle and contradictions that have carried through from the previous Age are soon to be cleared away. It will allow many acceptable changes to take place that will lift up the quality of your lives. You are on the verge of benefitting from your wonderful achievement in passing the marker, whereas initially you did not notice any specific changes. It has taken time for things to filter through but many advancements are at the ready and well worth waiting for.

Remember Dear Ones that all of you discussed your life plan before you incarnated, and were aware of the challenges you faced. You agreed that they were well within your ability to withstand the outcome, even if at first you failed to succeed. Be assured however that you will always have another opportunity to do better, and there is always help on hand to see you through it. Karma is in no way a punishment but simply a chance to overcome failed challenges, so that having done so you can still make progress with your evolution. The immediate benefit is that when you have cleared your karma, you can continue evolving as you make your way to the higher dimensions. When you have broken free from the lower vibrations, you will dwell at a level where you no longer have karma to clear.

The future is beckoning and will release you from all of the negativity you have become involved in. As experience it has helped your evolution and is most welcome, and it enables you to help others that follow in your footsteps. You should never have to go back to the lower dimension, and will find peace and happiness in the higher ones. Soon you would forget the hard times you experienced and eventually they would fade into the distance. As intimated previously some souls gladly go back to the lower dimensions, to help struggling souls to overcome their dilemma and find the Light. In the extreme it means entering those levels where Light barely exists, so much so that the task is often passed to Angelic Beings.

On the one hand time seems to be passing slowly where progress is concerned, yet behind the scenes so much is happening that is bringing the future into being. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Humans are by nature loving

Time is beginning to pass even faster than previously and it is a definite sign that the changes are speeding up. Much is waiting to be revealed that will bring into being changes that are very desirable and will be welcomed by all. The old is slowly being replaced by the new that shall make it clear that the New Age is underway. Humanity is beginning to understand how their presence on Earth is affecting the planet, and is looking to move away from those things that continue to support the negative vibrations. In this respect much progress has been made through the creation of smaller groups of dedicated people that are doing their best to bring harmony to everyone. It is also attracting more people who seek to bring more Light to the Earth. The positive effects will snowball and help raise the vibrations even further, and it is all being achieved in very arduous and trying circumstances.

The division between those of the Light and those of the negative vibrations is increasing all of the time, and it will reach a point where it will result in a great upliftment in consciousness. Over a period of time there has been a move to create more harmony upon Earth, and it is succeeding to the point where not just the threat of war has been eliminated, but peaceful co-existence is being pursued that will bring the peoples of different countries together. The futility of war resulting in the deaths of millions of souls is seen as repugnant, when co-operation can be achieved with friendly exchanges and a determination to make wars a thing of the past. It shows that the willingness of many countries to join together in a common pursuit of freedom and happiness can now be achieved.

The people are being encouraged to think New Age and being given ideas that should hasten their advancement that will bring into being life and time saving inventions. The knowledge has already been given to those in a position to act upon them, but there will continue to be opposition from those who like to keep the “status quo”. Be assured that nothing will be allowed to prevent the advancements that the new inventions will give you. Those who stand in the way of their introduction will be removed, and none will be able to block such advancements.

The younger generations have a different kind of mind set, and the ability to see ways of bringing peace about where the older generations have failed. It is no criticism of their attempts to solve the problem, but sometimes you can be so involved in it that you cannot see a way out. Clearly the people have had enough of warfare and the consequent loss of life, and yearn for a solution to stop the carnage and waste of human life. Karmic lessons have been learned and there remains nothing to be gained by prolonging pointless death and destruction. It is time to put all differences aside and learn to live together as one, in happiness and loving cooperation.

Humans are by nature loving and considerate, but have a persona that often makes them appear as very cold and unable to express their feelings. With the upliftment in the vibrations they will inevitably change as people become more open in showing their love for each other. You are one Human Race regardless of colour or religious beliefs, and there is no reason why you should not come together while at the same time respecting the differences that occur between you. It is time to set aside those things that are in the way of peace and appreciate that it is the differences that maintains your special place in history.

As you have been informed a number of times when the vibrations have reached a certain high point, those souls who have been unable to reach the same level will of necessity move to a different path to continue their evolution and those who can continue lifting up, will then go all of the way to Ascension. It is a natural progression that enables you to enjoy complete freedom in a vibration that is so pure that only the truth can exist. Meantime you will gradually change at each stage of upliftment, and progress will be unhindered as previously when you had to experience the presence of those of lower vibrations.

You represent only one aspect of your Higher Self and it is so that you can concentrate on your life experiences. Few have knowledge of their life plan, and this is so that you respond to it in a natural way according to your level of intuition and experience. Each life plan is tailored exactly for your needs and if successful represents another step forward, as a lesson well learnt never has to be repeated again. Naturally you have had a say as to the degree of difficulty your life plan may represent, and in this way you will not take on more than you can manage. By now you will also be aware that your Guides keep a watchful eye on you, and will give their help if it is needed. They have ways and means of ensuring you keep to your agreed path, and are as eager as you are to ensure your whole life is successful. That will include any form of karma that you still have not cleared, although it must be said that it will be that which you may have incurred since the New Age commenced in 2012.

In your minds you will need to be prepared for the time that approaches when visitors from other planets will openly come to Earth. It will be by arrangement and symbolise the first official visit of extraterrestrial’s who desire peaceful contact and friendly cooperation. It will not happen overnight as circumstances upon Earth must be such that there is no risk whatsoever of interference. Various matters will clearly have to sorted out in advance to ensure a peaceful meeting, that should result in an exchange of information that will be of benefit to both sides. Your future is Galactic although it is way ahead of where you are at the present moment. However, it is your destiny to be Space travellers and explore the great beyond. As the vibrations lift up you will also benefit from a longer life, as aging will dramatically slow down.

Change is everywhere around you as the old is breaking up to make way for the new, that is long overdue. All over the world many people are working on new devices and systems that will quickly move you into the New Age. Life will become more tolerable and enjoyable as you will have more time for your own pursuits. The lost years will quickly be made up to you with all of the benefits of advancements that have long been held back. It will take quite a time for them to reach every part of the world, but with new technologies it will be less than you can probably imagine. Good times are beckoning and will materialise in accordance with the plan for Humanity’s advancement, which opportunity has been planned for a very long time. You will welcome the changes so get yourselves ready to enjoy them.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

God is in you and the higher the consciousness the more you meld into God.

Kryon continues to give revelations of the intended future for us. Gradually we are learning more about the Pleiadians our forefathers and obviously it is sensible to ensure we know what part they will play in our future evolution. We have had little knowledge of our history, but slowly and surely we are now being made aware of it.


We are beginning to open the door to remarkable information that makes you so big, and yet at the same time you realise what is going on and we will start this way. The Universe is old and the Galaxy the same age. This Galaxy has been finished for over 4 billon years, and in some places the solar systems around the stars completed, and while this Earth was still forming there was life elsewhere. All of it was designed for you, it was designed for today. When the Pleiadians showed up they had been through thousands of years of evolution after they had passed their own marker, in their own way, on their own planet. They used the physics of consciousness to be able to make what they needed literally from the consciousness of their minds, to shape that which you would call the reality of travel. There were three Pleiadian planets by the time you were seated around the same set of Suns, and before them they had their “seed parents” who went through similar things, and before them they also had their seed parents. Billions of years of Humanity on their planet knowing God before humans ever showed up. There is a lineage in this Galaxy which is remarkable. The Galaxy is old – and you are not, yet human beings had to come from somewhere. What you brought to this planet was a Star Akash, because you had participated in so much of this life.

You human Beings represent the lowest spiritual consciousness in the Galaxy. The Pleiadians came here without craft and seeded you and you cannot go back. God is in you and the higher the consciousness the more you meld into God. The Pleiadians are not Gods and represent the Great Central Source for a task they have performed for you, and with free choice if you survive what is coming, the task will be on you some day to do the same for someone else. You are protected and the ones who have the highest consciousness in the Galaxy are still here, and it is enough to scare away anything that would visit you. As you grow you help others and the Pleiadians left time capsules that have caused you to look for God. The new template calls for peace, and the awareness that peace is the strength of humanity and not war. The old template gave you free choice, whereas the new template starts to rearrange what is important to the psyche of human beings, and goes beyond survival. Here are some potentials for what happens next. In some countries there are some old energies on the planet, and there is old leadership doing their best to pull you backwards. There will be a consciousness of Humanity that understands that putting things together and all growing countries will bring peace. Start thinking of the future with the eyes of a Galactic citizen, not an Earth citizen – you have been through it before, old soul.

There is one way to get all of the resources together and is not war, it is to put all of the countries together and share them. Inventions are coming your way for energy that will cost very little, not on a grid system but individual neighbourhoods, water for everyone through inventions, some of them without pipes. These are things to look forward to – pulling moisture and heat from places you do not pull it from now, and having it free. The curing of disease through processes that were hidden from you before, that are natural and have no side effects. The Pleiadians went through it, they are just like you and there will come to you some science from former Pleiadians who will pop in as “walk ins” and do the work, and give you the inventions. One of them is a Pleiadian coming back and his name is Tesla, he will give you the Quantum when you are ready. Say “Goodbye” to the old energy that will keep you in the dark lifetime after lifetime, say “Hello” to an energy you do not expect, it allows you to call upon your Akash for what you deserve, and have learned a mine of knowledge, wisdom and experience that you can now call upon like the Masters.


In general terms much information is given by Kryon from time to time, informing us as to what we may expect in the near future. The weather is slowly changing and in most people’s time it will get colder. Kryon points out that we will need more energy – free thermal energy that is available from the Earth itself. We are told how to extract it and heat our homes, and you have to build an extractor to get it. With it you can drive turbines and create electricity that will create heat.

Global warming is part of the cycle that always was. It is the waxing and waning of the Water Cycle, evaporation that has been here before.

There is a mandate to change your energy as what you put into the air is significant, before it is a hazard to your health and hurts Humanity.

Information is given of a new way of desalination that is nanotechnology, using it as “robotic” technology, in a way that unlike our present expensive methods is very cheap and also enables the salt extracted to be used for other purposes.

Kryon points out the need to be ready for big changes in our lives, and the need for new integrity in business.

Life continues as ever with uncertainty all around, yet underlying it is a progressive move to bring about the changes that are needed and have been expected for quite a long time. Many go unreported but when the time is considered right the truth will eventually come out. Regardless of how events are reported and at times they are far from the truth, as those who work for the Light continue to make advancements for the long awaited changes. It will have been worthwhile as it will mean the dark Ones have lost their power to dictate the future of mankind. The new Republic is waiting in the wings to announce the changes and all seems set for the first stages of them that will show beyond doubt that a new phase has commenced. It will mean that there is no going back to the old ways of deceit and suppression of the truth.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

You are all Angelic beings that have allowed your vibrations to drop so that you could experience duality.

Many things are happening on many different levels and some are so secret that the facts may never be revealed. These situations come about through the competitive nature of the different countries who try to lead the way, particularly in respect of technological advancements. So the race to get their hands on advanced technologies that are buried in the Antartica sites that are under the ice is causing a great deal of secrecy as to their findings. However, the whole matter is so big it is beyond any one country to keep it secret for very long. You learnt in the early days of discoveries that bodies of very tall humanlike beings were found frozen just as they were when they were overtaken by a “quick freeze”. They were exceptionally tall, more so than the tallest humans are now and are a race apart from any that now exist. For you the finds are not disclosed and details are deliberately kept secret. However, in time the facts will be revealed, as the whole subject is far too big to keep absolutely secret for any length of time.

Rumours abound in respect of the end times that are coming along with Ascension, and some are expecting “doomsday” signalling the end of everything. Changes are coming but they will follow a logical sequence of events that will ensure progress for all of you. There are of necessity some major changes coming that allow those who have lifted up their vibrations to ascend. They are ready and would no longer benefit from remaining in the lower vibrations of the present Earth. Ascension is an automatic process that is open to those who are ready. Those souls who are not ready will also experience changes, and continue their evolution at an appropriate level suited to their needs. They will experience another cycle and in time they will again be given the opportunity to ascend. It is a fair and just system that ensures you find the right level of experience that will further your evolution.

You are all Angelic beings that have allowed your vibrations to drop so that you could experience duality. It is by no means the first time you have done so, as periodically you are sent out from the Godhead to experience form in many different ways, and take your knowledge back to the Godhead. The cycles continue and the Godhead continues to expand yet is already “All that Is” and at your level that is a difficult to understand. You are immortal and a seed of God that basks in the energy that is the Supreme Love of God. Therefore you are capable of so much more than you can imagine, and at present a pale reflection of your true potential. As you now grow and move forward your capabilities will gradually surface and used in many ways on a very grand scale. Try not to deny yourselves the greatness that you really have and in time perhaps way into the future, you will become the Masters that you truly are.

In general terms things are progressing as expected, and on track to bring about changes so that the whole matter of re-valuation can take place. It is the ages old problem of being able to ensure the right time is selected, as it is a major change from which many more will proceed. Importantly, it will bring stability and ensure that there is an equal opportunity for all countries to benefit. So patience continues to be needed and worth the waiting, as it will be a major turning point for the whole population. Naturally there will be quite a lot of work to be carried out, but once you are on the right path there will be no stopping progress that should go speeding ahead. Your future is in safe hands and be assured that events are being monitored by the higher Forces of Light to ensure a successful conclusion.

Without a doubt you live in chaotic times, but people are awakening to the truth and demand changes and opportunities in their lives to live them to the full. Very few are aware that behind the scenes much is happening to bring beneficial changes into being, that will be the commencement of a new era. The old will be replaced and it will leave you in no doubt that major changes are beginning that will bring you opportunities that have so far been denied you. The changes are so close to manifesting and be assured that in the meantime many sources of Light have been working for your release from the dark influences. The unstoppable increase in the vibrations is already being felt and it will bring a more peaceful society into manifestation.

Be patient and firm in your resolution to walk in the Light unperturbed by the chaos around you. Your future depends very much on your ability to maintain a calm and peaceful countenance at all times. You will lift yourself beyond any attempts of the dark Ones to hold you back. At present they are losing their power very rapidly and with the loss of funding to back their projects are in dire straits. This has largely happened as a direct result of the actions of the Forces of Light who are now in greater command. Go about your work with full confidence knowing that you are stronger than ever and well protected.

With the benefit of new understanding of your history, you are able to re-examine parts that have proved unreliable in the past, and can be reviewed in the face of new interpretations. For example for a long time evidence of giants having existed on Earth has been largely ignored or disputed. However, the finding of so many giant skeletons over the last hundred years has now been revealed, and their existence can no longer be denied. They have a place in your past that shows man had gone through many phases of physical growth. By your reckoning you are looking at periods of time at least some 10,000 years ago, and certainly a lot longer. It seems that there has been a reluctance to admit to the existence of giants, but the evidence for them is now undeniable. The truth of your past allows for a greater understanding of your history that in turn is important for understanding your future.

You have already been told that a time would come when only the truth would exist. It has not yet arrived but there are amongst you the first signs of it with souls who desire to be truthful. They find it hard to be anything but truthful at all times, as anything less goes against their natural nature. It will gradually come to all souls as the vibrations increase, but not fully until some considerable time has elapsed. However, it would help your development if you tried, from which you would learn that it is not as hard as it may first seem. As a child you may have been scolded about something and felt that by concealing the truth you could have experienced a better outcome. Changes in humans are slowly taking place that will lead to a more compassionate and loving outlook.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

More Harmony

 Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message,

April 13, 2018 



13th April 2018. Mike Quinsey. 



With the awakening that is slowly taking place, people in general are waking up to the way they have been deceived by the Press. They are also becoming aware of the extensive censorship that is used to keep them permanently in the dark regarding home and world affairs. Gradually the truth is slipping out and in time it will be vastly different and impossible to conceal it from the people. Ahead there is a different time coming when you will only be able to tell the truth. As the vibrations continue to lift up, there will be more people that are able to discern it who along with the newer generations will have a voice that will be heard and not easily dismissed. 



To clean up politics will not be easy and a complete clear out of those who refuse to let go of the old ways may be necessary. Politics has tended to be corrupt and barely supports the rights of the people. The situation is far from helped because of the actions of the Illuminati, who for many years have illegally directed funds to themselves to pay for their military activities. Of recent times they have had many sources of their support cut off, and are finding it hard to continue funding their extremely costly activities. Along with the continuing arrests of their members, they have become weakened and struggle to keep all their needs fully funded. 



However, as you have already been told, those working for the Light have well prepared for the inevitable time when politics will be cleansed of all those who have used their position for their own benefit. In the new vibrations there is no place for those who only serve self, and they will be replaced by those who put the people first. Politics has to change so that it is truly representative of the New Age that represents “compassion”. Things will change for the better, and much is being held back until the Illuminati and their supporters are no longer seen as a threat to the future. 



Never lose heart as the time of changes inevitably causes some chaos, as the old ways are upheld by those who will not let go. However it will be to no avail as the New Age has brought with it a different way of life that brings more harmony and less disruption. People do not normally like change preferring to keep that which they are familiar with, but none will regret having to see or experience things in a different light. Your future has been planned for a very long time, and every effort will be put in to ensure there is a transition that is smooth and efficient. There is much to do so it will inevitably take more time than you probably imagine, but in spite of the delays the preparations are well in hand. The aim is to have things ready for you so that they can be applied very quickly once it is the right time to do so. From time to time you will almost certainly hear of what is planned for you, and it will be all good news. 



The truth of your real history is gradually coming out, and you will find that it is somewhat different to what you have been taught. The development of Man is now open to question due to so many different types having been found. The manner in which they were isolated during their evolution, shows a distinct intention for them to develop completely separated from other groups. You are being led to find the truth regarding your history, so that you have a true appreciation of it, and its importance is too great to be hidden away for much longer. Looking at your world as a whole you are now quickly realising that its development bears many signs of extraterrestrial influence and help. In all phases of human development they have been present, and guided you onto a path that is intended to keep you on track according to the plan for your evolution. 



The last cycle was a tremendous test of your staying power and ability to keep centered when nothing but chaos existed around you. Many souls could not see any future ahead of them other than continual aggression and confrontation, yet they persevered and gained sufficient strength to lift themselves up. Many put their faith in God and in so doing found the strength to carry on when all seemed lost. God is always within every single soul, and you have a God cell that will always be with you, and you are immortal and have everlasting life. In your Bible it is explained as Man being made in the image of God, so you will understand that you have the potential of becoming a God yourself. After all, you have almost certainly heard of the stories that tell of souls being sent out from the Godhead to experience, and later to return to it with the benefit of what they have learnt. Can you now see why you are referred to as Gods in the making. 



At the moment you are only just stepping upon the path back to the higher dimensions from whence you came, and it will be your first taste of what is to come. No words can describe the absolute bliss that you will experience in the purity of the Light that is your real home. You may not recall it, but as you return to the Light it will have a familiar feel to it. So never give up or despair as you have everything to look forward to, and you will be pleasantly surprised to find what the future holds for you. Ascension is of course your present goal and another step on the path back to where you started from. Your difficulty has arisen from being cut off from the truth of your being, but it was necessary to keep you focussed on your goal. Now you are free from those restrictions, and you can choose which path to take; you will have those who guide you on hand with their advice should you need it. 



You have been kept in the dark for so long that you will have a lot to take in, but it will prepare you for the next stages in your evolution. Life is about experiencing and learning so that you are on a continual path of development. You are by no means the first soul to tread this path and certainly will not be the last. You have freewill and a say in your life plan but will be helped to make such decisions so as to ensure your time is not wasted. Nevertheless, you can take on as much as you wish, or as little but a wise soul will heed what advice their Guides give them as they can always see the bigger picture, and probably know you better than you know yourself. 



Keep your focus upon the goal you have set yourself, and know that you always have help on hand should you need it. You are always protected except in karmic situations where you may have lessons to learn, but in the New Age you have not brought forward old karma, so tread carefully and avoid making more. You are all in a situation where the need for karmic lessons will be immediately dealt with. The more you lift up with the Light, the less you will encounter negativity. So keep calm and focussed upon your goal and you have every chance of success.



I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.


In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey




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Every soul that is of the Light is contributing to the progress being made, by keeping positive and spreading the Light and Love. It is the most powerful force in the Universe and cannot be stopped or delayed any longer

It seems apparent that the battle by the dark Ones to retain some kind of power on the Earth reached new levels when they attempted to destroy Hawaii and Japan. However, their nuclear devices were stopped from operating in accordance with orders from the Forces of Light that control events on and off the Earth. Certainly great numbers of people who have been working against those of Earth, have been arrested and placed where they can no longer cause trouble. It is a mopping up exercise that will eventually make the dark Ones incapable of interfering with the changes that have placed the Earth on a path of Light, to freedom and abundance. Much is in place ready to go ahead once the orders are given and even now the activities of the dark Ones are being curtailed to lessen their ability to cause delay.

Matters cannot revert to events as they were prior to the marker of 2012, those times have now passed and it can no longer go back to what was normal in that old cycle. You are well into the new cycle and now have the full backing of the Forces of Light, and matters will continue to progress for the betterment of all. Outwardly the world is in turmoil but as you will begin to see, much that is being done behind the scenes is preparing the way for a giant step forward into the New Age. Your patience will be well rewarded, and before long you should see the first signs of welcome changes that are associated with the establishment of a peaceful nation, that has the wellbeing of the people at heart. It has been planned well in advance and all over the world new innovations wait for the opportunity to be introduced. It will be a time when the negative forces have been subdued and unable to stop the intended changes taking place.

Every soul that is of the Light is contributing to the progress being made, by keeping positive and spreading the Light and Love. It is the most powerful force in the Universe and cannot be stopped or delayed any longer. Already the vibrations have started to noticeably increase and as they so, it has the effect of lessening the power of the negative energies. There is clearly much of it that is remaining in those countries that have been the centre of war, but with the help of your ET friends it can be cleansed and replaced with tranquillity and peaceful energies. Since you passed 2012 such help is now permissible, and you will be surprised at how quickly beneficial changes can be brought about.

Although you may not yet see the many obvious changes in conditions, be assured that help has already been given such as the end to chemtrails. The pollution of the Seas and Oceans are another big challenge, but you must first show your positive intent to take responsible action by starting your own cleansing. Once started we can then assist you and have technologies that far surpass those that you have, and that will take no real time at all to restore the quality and cleanliness of your waters. Marine life and vegetation will quickly return in the ideal conditions, and from thereon Man will be expected to put a stop to any actions that have previously been the cause of excessive pollution and damage. Restoration will become the order of the day both at sea and on land, that have been ravaged over many years of disregard for the consequences of your actions.

Mother Earth can deal with much that needs to be done to eventually restore her to the original pristine condition. However, you could say that everything must start with you, as you take back your responsibility for the upkeep of the Earth and the welfare of all lifeforms. Certainly as time elapses you will be expected to demonstrate your intent to help restore the Earth to its pristine condition. Meantime focus on how you visualise the changes will take place and what the results will be. Do not worry about the size of the task as you will be helped, and with goodwill will achieve remarkable results much quicker than you now realise or anticipate. The times of needing to struggle to achieve results are over, and help awaits you in whatever changes you propose that are in the interests of Mother Earth and its people. As you must know much awaits you that has been held back by the dark Ones, but can now start to be released.

Much responsibility now lies with those of you that are Lightworkers, you could say that your time has come to use the talents and knowledge you have to lift up the people of Earth. The old energies still have some effects but are slowly losing their power to stop continuing progress into the New Age. The stage is set and throughout the Earth many souls are answering the wake up call to use their knowledge and ability to start bringing the “new” into being. If only you had our panoramic view of what was taking place, you would know that great things were on the way to manifesting that you have long awaited.

Patience has long been called for as a number of promised changes are still waiting to manifest. You the people of Earth are living in a time warp deliberately intended to keep you in a state of need, having been denied the benefit of changes that would have greatly uplifted your quality of life. However, you will not be denied and many innovations are ready to be introduced at short notice. There is so much lined up that will immediately overcome the many problems you have to deal with on a daily basis. In time your quality of life will change beyond recognition, and already the old restrictions are beginning to be removed. Mankind must be restructured so that there is more equality between you all, and that does mean a fair sharing of the greatest wealth that is enjoyed by such a small percentage of the people. Be assured that your needs are well known and the disproportionate distribution of wealth will be changed in due course.

There are many advanced civilisations that follow your progress, but until now have not been allowed to “interfere” with your freewill, but since you passed the marker matters have changed. Help for you is to be allowed within certain boundaries, as and when circumstances permit. Changes will not be allowed to overwhelm you and will be fed in sensibly at an appropriate time. However, the changes will come, and no interference will be tolerated and each time the whole operation will be monitored by those who oversee activities upon the Earth. Your freewill is still paramount but even so it will not be allowed to delay or prevent that which has already been agreed as necessary for the advancement of Humankind.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light