Category Archives: Johnsmallman

the Tsunami of Love continues to create miracles all over the world. Humanity is READY for change, and it is happening right now. So set the intent daily, as you wake up, to be only loving whatever arises, repeat the intent whenever it occurs to you throughout the day, and again as you settle down to sleep at night. You are all beginning to realize that it really is extremely effective, and I would confirm that this is so.

Humanity is on the verge of an enormous breakthrough in consciousness, in awareness, that will release untold new information into every heart that chooses to open to it about your ongoing spiritual evolution.

This moment was instantly and divinely planned when you chose to undergo the experience of separation, because God, in His infinite Love for you, immediately willed that you have the perfect route out of the experience of separation and back to full awareness of your Oneness with Him. As you have so often been told it is your natural state, and it is a state from which you have never departed, despite all the apparent evidence to the contrary.

There is only the One. Anything seemingly separated from the One is a dream or a nightmare, an unreal state that you invented and built in order to experience separation. In your excitement to build it you forgot to provide yourselves with a way out! But your ever loving Mother/Father/God, realizing that you had forgotten to provide this essential element in the game you chose to engage in, immediately did so for you to ensure that you did not become lost.

Therefore you are not lost or abandoned in a vast universe that is completely unaware of you. You are just temporarily dreaming that this is the case, that this is reality. Taking time out daily to go within, to your holy inner sanctuary where Love resides awaiting your acceptance of It, is essential for your well-being, and for your spiritual evolution, which is leading you on towards your awakening.

The physical environment, in which you experience life in form as humans, is also evolving spiritually because it is, needless to say, one with you.

As your loving intent strengthens and intensifies, your non- physical interactions with your physical environment also intensify – when you spend time in meditation or contemplation with the intent to allow Love into your hearts – bringing healing, peace, and love to the area or energy field enfolded around your human form which affects all sentient life forms that move through it, as well as the planet herself.

Your loving presence on Earth at this moment in her evolution is not an accident or a fortunate coincidence, it was carefully and lovingly planned before you actually severely restricted and moved your eternal being, your consciousness, into the physical organisms that you now recognize as your human bodies.

All humans presently incarnate on Planet Earth, and there are no exceptions, all humans presently incarnate are on Earth by their own choice to assist in the awakening process. As humans, in limited consciousness, who are most of the time operating through their self-centered egos, you are evolving spiritually, even if this does not seem to be the case.

And, as you attend to the needs of being human, and observe so many people in pain and suffering inflicting pain and suffering on others, it is very difficult for you to accept that absolutely everyone is truly doing their best! Your egos love to judge, blame, and condemn, and you are all learning to disengage from your ego-driven attitudes and behaviors as you continue to strengthen your daily intent to be only loving whatever arises.

Your egos will be integrated within you, so that inner conflicts dissolve, as you increasingly engage with life from love instead of from fear. All around you you see ego-driven attitudes and behaviors, and because you are aware of them you are able to be aware of them within yourselves and choose not to engage with them.

As your intent to be only loving continues to intensify there is less and less energy available for your egos to make use of. Your egos need fear and anxiety to operate, and when you choose not to engage with fear and anxiety their energy is depleted.  You then find yourselves more at peace and able to accept whatever arises without judgment or egoic engagement, instead just observing and sending love to deal peacefully and patiently with whatever has arisen.

In this way your lives begin to flow far more sweetly and easily, as do the lives of those with whom you interact.

You are on Earth to interact with one another – lovingly – but you have forgotten this, and your egos have done a very good job of convincing you that you have to be cautious and fearful because you never know what disaster might befall you. You have to be prepared for the worst because it normally happens.

Of course it does not normally happen, although, because of your human beliefs – instilled into you by your ethnicities, cultures, religions, politics, and general philosophical outlook – that encourage distrust of those who appear to be different from you, when disaster does strike unexpectedly you either judge yourselves negatively for not being prepared, or you play the victim and blame others, or God.

Your egos are incredibly competent at justifying themselves and blaming others. And as most of humanity is ego-driven instead of Love-guided, there is an enormous amount of blame and shame to share.

Now, however, that blame game has been generally recognized as severely damaging for relationships, and thus many are attempting to disengage from it, as they realize that doing so is the only way to find peace within themselves and, from there, to start establishing it all across the world.

Nearly everyone agrees that there has to be a better way to live harmoniously on Planet Earth, all want peace so that they and their loved ones can enjoy life – life is meant to be enjoyed – without forever being on the alert in case a dangerous situation arises. The main difficulty – which is now being resolved nearly everywhere – is that everyone thinks that their way is the only rational way to move forward.

People are now beginning to meet all across the world to discuss meaningful and non threatening ways to deal with the myriad problems and issues that seem to be plaguing humanity.

When people come together intending to have meaningful, thoughtful, and rational discussions, while leaving judgment and personal agendas behind at the door, amazing results occur as opportunities arise that could not have been preconceived. People see one another as people – as people basically like themselves with similar needs and desires – and not as protagonists who cannot be trusted let alone believed.

This is happening more and more frequently as the Tsunami of Love continues to create miracles all over the world. Humanity is READY for change, and it is happening right now. So set the intent daily, as you wake up, to be only loving whatever arises, repeat the intent whenever it occurs to you throughout the day, and again as you settle down to sleep at night. You are all beginning to realize that it really is extremely effective, and I would confirm that this is so.

THERE IS ONLY LOVE, THEREFORE IT IS THE ONLY WAY FORWARD. Therefore engage with It daily, and allow It to work the miracles you need to resolve your issues and conflicts, and so that It may also heal the Planet and all the life forms that she supports.

With so very much love, Saul.

The more you seek outside yourselves for what lies only within, the more extreme will be your eventual disappointment.

Audio version.

Saul via John Smallman: 

The Tsunami of Love continues to strengthen and intensify as more and more of you set and hold the intention daily to be only loving, whatever arises. You all incarnated to do just this, and you aredoing it, and it ishaving a most wondrous effect.

Do not doubt the efficacy of your intentions! Without them the awakening would be moving a lot less rapidly, so your intentions truly are a most essential aspect of humanity’s collective awakening.

When you come into awareness of what you have achieved you will be amazed, and filled with untold joy. In fact, you will have become fully awake, you will have returned to your natural and most holy state, that of knowingthat you areOne with and inseparable from God.

Separation is what You chose to experience when You invented the game that allows You to seemingly be separate, alone, abandoned, and utterly disconnected from Source. So much so that You became unaware that there was a Source from which you were separated, and so you believed yourself to be a small, separate, and insignificant being in an environment full of others, also separate and alone like yourself.

And being apparently separate, and therefore unloved, unwanted, and unappreciated caused you, and still causes you, enormous pain and suffering. You seek relief in relationships, but those with whom you seek relationships are also experiencing separation and abandonment, and so they are seeking from you what you are seeking from them.

What you seek is Love, and Love is what you are, but you have totally lost awareness of this, forgotten that It is what you are – although It is within you – and that you and Love can never be separated.

Not knowing this, unable to remember this or be aware of it, you seek what is eternally within you elsewhere, where it can never be found. It is like the story of someone searching for something at night on the ground in the vicinity of a streetlamp. A passerby asks the searcher if he lost what he is looking for near where he is seeking it. To which the searcher replies “No.” The passerby then asks him why he is searching there, to which the searcher responds “because the light is better here.”

And, within the dream or illusory world, where you are experiencing life as a human, the light does appear to be much brighter and there appear to be many wise or helpful ones who can assist you in your search.

Whereas, when you go within, because of the veil or cloak of separation you have drawn between yourself and Yourself, it seems to be a very dark and empty place in which most of what you experience are nightmares of guilt, shame, and worthlessness, as your ego judges the empty space in those terms because there are no “delightful distractions” – other people – telling it how wonderful it is.

Those can only be found outside yourself where, if you have achieved or obtained some worldly recognition, you will find appreciation and acceptance . . . temporarily.

Praise and acceptance from without is always temporary, because, as time flows by, others forget or resent your achievements, and withdraw their acceptance and appreciation, and then you have to start your search all over again.

However, if you will go within and sit patiently, in a state in which you have quietened your mind, allowing the “alluring and almost irresistible outside distractions” of the outside world to fall away, you will increasingly find yourselves at peace and in a state of self-acceptance.

Realization or awareness will dawn that you are who you are, that you cannot, and in fact do not want to change that, you just want to alleviate or dispel those nightmares of personal unacceptability, which you also see reflected back to you at times from others.

By spending time quietly within you will come to a state of self-acceptance and peace which cannot be found in the world outside, where you are almost continuously experiencing and engaging in judgment and blame with and of others who are also fleeing their sense of shame, unworthiness, or unacceptability. And those senses are, of course, invalid because you were created unchangeably perfect by God, and therefore remain so.

As unawakened humans, living in and experiencing the dream/nightmare of life in form, that does not seem to be the case. In this state your egos apparently rule supreme, and the stronger they appear to be the more they seem to achieve materially in worldly success.

And yet you are all aware of manywho have fallen from grace, and who are no longer celebrated or appreciated but are instead despised. The more you seek outside yourselves for what lies only within, the more extreme will be your eventual disappointment.

Living in the world of form you are constantly presented with its apparent reality, and with all the issues and problems of that state. Life seems to be a constant and ongoing struggle for survival and approval, but even those who have achieved fame and fortune still seek further approval, because egos have insatiable appetites that can never be satisfied.

And of course, you do need to keep reminding yourselves that you are notyour egos. You are divine beings, created perfect like unto God, and forever unchanging.

Your ego is like a self apart from yourself, the part that experiences fear and anxiety, and it is always attempting to alleviate it. When the ego is experiencing fear or anxiety it is constantly judging, self or others, to assess if some words or actions need be used to express to others its brilliance or to protect it from attack, and in that state it is always expecting to be attacked.  It is therefore very much on the alert, watching out for threats to its safety, and this is a very stressful and energy draining way to live.

However, when you are totally focused on an activity, hobby, or pastime (which could be just thinking creatively, without actual physical action) that you enjoy doing and in which you know you are competent, your ego is relaxed and non-judgmental. This is very similar to being in a meditative or contemplative state.

That is why meditation and contemplation are so beneficial. In that relaxed state of self-acceptance the ego is silent, enabling you to hear the Voice for God which is always with you, able and most willing to offer you the help and guidance you need to maintain a sense of self-acceptance at all times.

Self-acceptance is essential for your well-being. It is your natural state, in which you have no need to seek approval from anyone, and in which you are able, and intend, to be only loving whatever arises. In that state you recognize that if someone attacks you it is a very clear indication that that person is suffering and is engaging with you out of a sense of fear or inadequacy.

Then, from your place of peace, you are able to silently offer compassion and love – the healing energy that will flow through you abundantly if you just allow it. Whereas your ego will judge and condemn anyone who attacks, thus encouraging conflict instead of peace, because it loves drama and attention of anykind.

Daily periods spent quietly alone, free from the distractions with which your busy human lives are forever presenting you, are absolutely essential for your well-being, especially now, as all the issues that have been ignored or denied by the human collective arise into your awareness – seemingly threatening your sanity and safety – and that need to be released. That is all that is needed – RELEASE.

To spend lots of time attempting to uncover the reason for them, their source, is unnecessary and distracting. Just acknowledge whatever arises, thank it for coming into your awareness so that it can be released, and then release it lovingly, knowing that its purpose, which is now completed, has been part of your awakening process.

As you release these issues, some of which may cause painful memories to arise, forgive them and forgive those who apparently caused them, including yourselves. Life as a human brings to you a series of lessons, some of which you see and learn, some of which you ignore or refuse, while others do not enter your awareness at all. They are all steps on your path Home, your awakening to awareness of your oneness with God, and therefore with all sentient life.

They are not intended to fill you with guilt or shame as you remember actions taken or words spoken that were not loving, those were all part of the gameof separation. Yes, they seemed very real, some of them still do – and they were often very painful. However, you no longer have any need of them because you have all chosen– even though you may presently be unaware of this – to awaken from the game, the dream, into Reality, Oneness, Love.

Here there is no judgment, guilt, blame, or requirement for restitution, there is only complete and utterly unconditional acceptance of each one of you, by everyother, as you recognize one another as the One beloved Child of God.

Just to remind you: There is only Love. Love is Real, and there is nothingbeyond the infinite field of creation that is Love, because It includes and embraces everything, and of course there is no beyond. You are loved way beyond your ability – as humans – to imagine or envision.

Therefore relax in the certainty of your absolute and eternal perfection, worthiness, and lovableness and know that you will knowthat you are one with, and eternally inseparable from Source, therefore rejoice and celebrate.

With so very much love, Saul.

Fully conscious awareness of who you truly are will bring you infinite and eternal joy….The tipping point has been reached, and there are now enough people holding that intent, and holding the intent to be loving whatever arises, to ensure that your awakening process will rapidly come to completion, just as divinely planned. So, as you have been told a number of times already: CELEBRATE!

February 3, 2019 by John Smallman

Jesus Audio Blog for Sunday February 3rd

We are ALL.  That is: all sentient life is one Consciousness that is infinitely aware and all-knowing in every moment.  However, since the apparent separation occurred, those in human form have lost this awareness of the one Consciousness which is who they truly are in every moment of their existence.  This is what separation is about – loss of knowingwho you are.  Every sentient being is permanently and inseparably connected to and one with Source, and no other state is remotely possible!

All can access this knowing by allowing it into their awareness.  Nothing else is required.  However, part of experiencing the unreal state of separation involves focusing solelyon your human form which carries a label,the name given to you by your parents when you were born, and believingthis to be your true identity.  This is notwho you are!  But, because you have been addressed by this label or name for as long as you can remember, it appearsto be your true identity, and when people use it to address you, you have been conditioned to respond to it automatically.

By going within to meditate, relax, contemplate, or reflect – and, as you well know if you have been following these messages regularly, I keep on reminding you that you do needto do this daily – you quieten the endless flow of thoughts through your mind sufficiently to enable you to become awareof the space between thoughts, and therefore, aware that you are not your thoughts but that you are the awareness that is awareof those thoughts, and of your body, and of all the physical sensory perceptions with which your body provides you.

When that awareness arises into your consciousness, as the distractions of the input with which your bodies constantly supply youare quietened, or even completely silenced, the vastnessof who you truly are becomes strikingly apparent.  When that first occurs it can be stunning!  Or it may come about gently over a period of time, as you learn ever more effectively to release or not cling to the identity that your name – attached as a label to your human form – provides, in the misleading belief that it is the totality of who you are.  Nothing could be further from the truth!

Who you are contains allthat exists, from the smallest particles to the multiverse.  That obviously sounds impossible, but that is only because your perception of who you are is enormously limited.  There is only One, Source, Mother/Father/God, and You are that!  Source is creating from Itself, with Itself, like unto Itself, eternally.  Creation is ongoing, unceasing, and, therefore, so are you.  There is no separation,there is onlythe One.  You all get intimations of this from time to time when you sense or intuit something that there is no way you could have known from the information available to you through your physical human form.  That is Oneness at work, as It always is, with you having temporary awareness of It.  You truly are far, far greater than anything of which you, as a human, severely limited by your human form, could possible conceive.

Your awakening, the collectiveawakening of humanity, is nothing but your return to full awareness of who you are, and, as such, it will be a mind-blowing experience that will dissolve all your doubts, fears, and suffering in an instant.  Over the eons a few have enjoyed this experience and have reported on it to those who would listen, consequently there is a large amount of significantly pertinent information available to those who wish to know more, especially since modern communications technology has made so much information on myriad subjects easily accessible to all who choose to seek it out.

But of course reading about the experiences of others, while helpful and interesting, is rather like having the flavor of ice-cream described, because it is basically meaningless until you taste it for yourselves.  You have to experience awakening for yourselves, individually.  And that is a paradox because, as One, you are All.  Nevertheless, the awakening will be experienced by each individual with each also being aware of and knowing the experience of All.  Thus all will be in joy because all will knowthat all are awake.

At present you can have no idea of what to expect, apart from having been told that it will absolutely blow your minds.  Therefore, let go ofall expectations,because noneof them will in anyway prepare you for the wonders that are about to envelop you.  Fully conscious awareness of who you truly are will bring you infinite and eternal joy.  That is the divine Will for you, it always has been, and it is also your will, therefore it is inevitable.

This awakening has been divinely planned since the moment that the thought of separation occurred, placing humanity into an unreal or dream-like state that has left it confused and fear-filled ever since.  What you think of or consider your history is but a selection of memories of your ongoing dreams and nightmares which have convinced you of the reality of the state of separation that you are seemingly experiencing.  This conviction or belief strongly encourages you to focus on it because, through your human bodies, you doexperience physical sensations that can be pleasurable or painful, and because your human bodies are so vulnerable to illness and damage, you live with almost constant anxiety about adequately maintaining them due to their need for regular food and shelter.  They are both a responsibility and a gift, and they demand inordinate amounts of your energy and attention to keep them operating smoothly and efficiently.

Since the industrial revolution more and more humans have been given the opportunity to live with their basic survival needs easily available, giving them the time and the opportunity to contemplate the meaning of life.  Not too many initially used this opportunity to their advantage, choosing instead to spend their lives seeking pleasure and satisfaction outside themselves, from others and from material things.  This was unfortunate because you already had everythingyou needed within the energy field, the life force, the field of Love that ensures your eternal existence.

However, within the last few decades, more and more people have finally chosen to engage in contemplation about the meaning of life, and have communicated on the subject with other like-minded individuals.  This started your awakening process, or rather, more powerfully strengthened your collective motivation and intent to awaken.  The tipping point has been reached, and there are now enough people holding that intent, and holding the intent to be loving whatever arises, to ensure that your awakening process will rapidly come to completion, just as divinely planned.  So, as you have been told a number of times already: CELEBRATE!

Celebrating intensifies your energy fields by flooding them with enthusiasm for life, and when you are filled with that enthusiasm it becomes increasingly difficult to remain asleep, unconscious, lost in the unreal world of dreams.  Truly, humanity isawakening.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

CELEBRATE, utter Joy is at hand!

Saul via John Smallman, January 18th, 2019

Saul (channeled messages)

Fear is unreal, a figment of unreality.

01/18/2019 by John Smallman

Saul Audio Blog for Friday January 18th.The New Age hasarrived!  Yes, there appears to be increasing chaos and confusion, with some major catastrophes occurring across the world at present, but that is just a sign that life on earth is changing for humanity.  The ongoing changes are enormous,never before, in all of human history, have such major changes happened.  This is a First,and it is a VERY GOOD SIGN!  Nearly everyone is going through very unsettling emotional and or psychological issues as they make room to fully accept the Love that has been waiting patiently for this moment in order to enter into and completely infuse your hearts.

As I have said before, and quite recently, this is truly a time for CELEBRATION.  The old order, which has never really served you at all well, is collapsing as its foundations crumble, because humanity is no longer willing to accept the authoritarian dogma that it has used – in the service of a few powerful but very misguided ones – to control and subdue you.  You have become FREE – in truth you have always been free – but you are only just beginning to understand what this means.  It is indeed a vast learning curve, as you move from bitterly held resentments for pain and suffering imposed upon you over the eons, to a place where you can understand why it happened, and then lovingly forgive yourselves – remember, there is no separation, You are all One – and the perpetrators who are themselves in intense pain.

Everyone has lived in fear for a very long time, and although you are discarding it very rapidly indeed, the scar tissue, the psychological and emotional damage that you have undergone needs to be healed.  And that is what Love is doing right now as you write down this communication that I offer you, and asothers read it, listen to it, or in anyway become aware of it.  This is about your awakening, about (figuratively) rubbing the sleepy dust from your eyes, splashing cold water onto your faces, and leaving behind the world of dreams and nightmares.

Fear has, for far too long, been an intensely damaging emotion that has caused humanity to deceive and distrust one another, leading to disagreements, harsh judgments, blaming, and, then, wars.  War has been endemic on Earth for eons because so many humans are fear-driven and seek to strike others preemptively before they themselves can be attacked.  When this attitude is present in and encouraged by people of prominence in society – politicians, business leaders, religious leaders, and governmental leaders – trust is destroyed, devalued, dismissed, and presented as gullibility, further intensifying the sense of fear with which so many live, who then spend their lives justifying to themselves and to others the validity of their fear, and the dangerous vulnerability to which they expose themselves by trusting others.

The truth is that Love is completely vulnerable, and herein lies Its infinite and eternal strength.

Love can never be defeated, It can only be denied and ignored by people closing their hearts in fear.  But doing that changes It not at all, because It isALL!  Love is the life force, the field of consciousness in which all that God has created has its eternal existence.  Without Love, which is impossible, there would be nothing.  But God is,therefore there is no place, no space, no room for nothing!  God, Love, Source IS ALL that existsand is, therefore, every sentient being, every conscious being ever created.

What Father/Mother/God creates is eternal, exists forever.  There is no end point, there is not the slightest possibility of anything Source creates, or has ever or will ever create, being terminated, destroyed, removed, obliterated.  Only what is unreal can be terminated, dissolved, and that is purely because it is unreal and has neverexisted.

All sentient beings, all life forms, all that is in any way conscious, are eternal divine creations, created in Love for eternal joy.  Fear is unreal, a figment of unreality that has arisen becauseyou have forgotten who you are, as you apparently live in the dream of separation.  Ifit was possible to be separate from Source there would be reason for fear, but there is absolutely no such possibility.  However, as humans in form, this truth escapes you becauseyou are in a state of amnesia, not knowing who or what you are, and that state of seemingly total ignorance of what is real isterrifying.

God, Source, is All.  Every life form is lovingly and eternally held in the divine embrace – safe, warm, whole, and joy filled.  That state can never and will never change, because Love, Source, supreme Intelligence, divine Wisdom, the Will of God is eternal and unchanging.

Truly, I cannot stress for you sufficiently, make real in your extremely limited human minds, the fact that fear,and all else that, like it, is not in complete alignment with Love, is but a figment of your unreal human minds.  When you awaken, as you inevitably will, and far sooner than you can conceive of, all that is unreal will just fall away as you become fully and utterly aware of the overwhelming JOY that is your divine right, that isGod’s Will for you, and that is your permanent state of existence.

Therefore, CELEBRATE, utter Joy is at hand!

With so very much love, Saul.

Picture credit:Morning Gloryville (healthy dance celebration London)

All that you have to do is to accept whatever arises.

Jesus Audio Blog for Christmas Day

As humanity prepares for the grand awakening – and everyone on Earth at present is preparing,even if unaware of doing so – Christmas is an excellent time to report on the progress already made, and on what you can do to increase the power and intensity of the already made collective decision to awaken.  This will assist others, who are still deeply asleep, to feel or become aware of the nudges they have been receiving to move them forward toward awakening.

Truly, your awakening is to be an absolutely amazing and exhilarating event.  Nothing like it has ever before occurred on Planet Earth.  The vast majority of humans on Earth at present, even those who are spiritually inclined and are holding the intent to live loving and compassionate lives, have no idea that an awakening of such enormous significance is shortly to uplift them into a state of joyful astonishment.  And even those who have been consciously working for it as light-workers, star-seeds, spiritual teachers, and way-showers for most of their lives, have lingering doubts and anxieties about the validity of the divine promise that humanity’s awakening is to occur “very soon.”  They want it, and deep within themselves they know it will come about, and yetthey doubt.  And their doubts are sometimes strengthened by their conversations with others who are also waiting expectantly.

The word “soon” has been mightily overused during the last couple of decades in order to encourage people to trust that it is about to happen, and because, there being no time as such, it has in fact already happened.  Therefore, for all of you living within the limitations of physical form and linear time, and although you continue to remain unaware of it, it is a done deal that has already occurred!  Nevertheless, the persistent use of that word has at times caused anger and resentment to arise.  And this is, of course, because it seemsthat the awakening is no nearer than it was maybe thirty years ago, and it most certainly has not happened for humanity in form.  But enormous progress has occurred during the last thirty years, purely because those of you working so diligently to bring it to fruition have neverceased to hold and maintain the intent to bring it on.

So, although the word “soon” has been much overused to motivate you and ensure that everything unfolds as divinely planned, it has been most effective,and your awakening is preciselywhat is happening now!  The news of economic, political, and geophysical events unfolding, and that are disturbing and upsetting so many, is a clear sign for you all of the incredible changes that are occurring, changes that needto occur in order for you to surrender to the Will of Love, of Source, of Mother/Father/God, as you realize that your human intelligence lacks the wisdom and ability to resolve the issues that seemingly threaten to bring you to a state of self-destruction, in which you also further severely damage Planet Earth.  Issues that have arisen purely because of that ineptitude, and because of humanity’s fear-driven egoic self-centeredness, and which you have been attempting to solve through the eons-old game of “blame and shame” which has always led to conflict, and neverto lasting resolution.

The light of pure unconditional Love, that so many have been demonstrating, and which the ongoing flow of the Tsunami of Love has intensified, is dispelling the darkness in many places, while brieflyintensifying it in a few areas where it is being gathered up for final dissolution.  There is only Love/Light/Source/God/ Consciousness/Reality, and all that is not in alignment with this is unreal and will not last, and cannot last.  Love, Reality is, to use an analogy, like the sky, permanently there always, and without interruption, and the darkness is like storm clouds that hide it briefly until the storm blows itself out.  Storms are like the disagreements or conflicts between individuals, groups of people, or, on a larger scale, nations.  Sometimes they are small and minor, and sometimes they are enormously powerful and destructive.  But they never last, they pass.  The sky, like Reality is always there, and it is against the backdrop of the sky that storms arise, intensify, and then dissipate.

The illusory game in which you are currently all engaged will dissipate when you awaken, and you will find yourselves under sunny skies, shining brilliantly upon you and your environment, and amplifying the beautiful colors of the heavenly environment into which you find that you have awoken.

You all chose to be here now to assist in this wonderful process, and you all have all the support and all the tools that you need to do so.  You are continuously and lovingly watched over by those in the spiritual realms who are, in every moment, available to provide you with the guidance and energy you need in each moment as it arises.  All that you have to do is to acceptwhatever arises.  Because whatever arises has already arisenwhen you become aware of it, there is no point in regretting it, or attempting to undo it.  You can only move forward by dealing with it, without anger or negative judgment, which only distract you from what you need to do in the moment, even sometimes persuading you notto do what needs to be done.

So, to strengthen your sense of purpose to assist in humanity’s awakening process in whatever way you have chosen to assist – you all chose,prior to incarnating, the way in which you could best assist in this most wonderful process – make sure to go within regularly to realign with your real Self.  And you strengthen that sense of purpose to continue with your holy task by means of your daily, or more frequent visits to your inner sanctuary where you can relax into the Love residing there permanently, and actuallyfeelthe Love as it embraces you when you allow It to.  It is the strength, the power, the infinite field of energy that flows through you in every moment, unless you block it by allowing yourselves to be distracted by fear, the weak negative energy which can only very slightly divert you from the path of Love you have chosen to follow.

And remember: Call on me!  I am always available and always answer those who call on me.  I love you to call on me and I love to support you because you are all my beloved sisters and brothers.  Let go of any and every sense of unworthiness that might arise when you think of calling on me, because I am there for everyone of you, and I can assure you that no oneis unworthy.  You are alldivine beings created in the perfect likeness of our heavenly Father, so unworthiness is utterly impossible.

Wishing you all a most glorious Christmas celebration, your loving and devoted brother, Jesus.

Prepare to be AMAZED!

Saul via John Smallman, December 18th, 2018

12/18/2018 by John SmallmanSaul Audio Blog for Tuesday December 18th

Humanity is on the verge of a breakthrough in its awakening process!  Yes, on the mainstream news everything seems politically chaotic wherever you look, but that is as a result of the vast increase in loving energies flooding the planet to help you take a massive leap forward on your spiritual evolutionary path.  The conflicts, made known in the news, are occurring because the underlying fear and anger that is causing them needs to be released not only at the personal level, but also at the planetary level.  For eons divisive and damaging beliefs and belief systems have caused enormous rifts between people, leading to the extremely painful severance of relationships at either a personal or an international level, and frequently resulting in violent and vicious conflicts.  Their arising now demonstrates very clearly indeed to all of you the essential need for enormous change in the ways in which you choose to relate to one another.

Prepare to be AMAZED!  It is a leap that was planned as soon as the apparent separation occurred, with the timing set to coincide with humanity’s choice to become aware that the only way to resolve issues from the smallest to the largest was with Love.  This has happened – although many people still remain asleep, unaware – and the tipping point has been reached so that Love and meaningful dialogue will increasingly replace acrimonious disagreement as people meet to resolve issues that are in danger of leading to conflict or further planetary damage.

This is the moment when many creative opportunities to look at major world issues in a totally new light will arise.  Those who can offer meaningful guidance that will lead to solutions that will be for the benefit of all will appear and lead the necessary discussions in a harmonious, respectful, and cooperative fashion.  You may most certainly expect the unexpected in 2019.  Wondrous events will occur that will delight and uplift you, as you come to realize that humanity’s route Home is studded with events which will spark much new spiritual awareness, events that will affect everyone on the planet, encouraging all to let go of any sense of personal unworthiness, and to fully engage creatively with whatever their hearts desire.

A feeling of intensefreedom will arise in everyone, allowing unrestrained enthusiasm to guide and direct them in every moment.  The joy that such intense feelings will produce cannot be preconceived of or described in any meaningful way.  Nevertheless, they will arise in each individual, creating a feeling of unrestrained and indescribable wonder.  And of course there will be no need to describe them, because everyone will be experiencing them together, and thus knowingthat they are One with everyone in this wondrous celebration that IS Life and that IS Love.  Truly those two states are inseparable, but for eons you have believed that this not the case.  You have believed that life can be filled with pain and suffering, that it often is, and you have experienced that.

Beliefs are opinions with which people engage, wanting them to be true, but which in fact are just forms of limited vision that you impose upon yourselves, and which you attempt to impose on others in order to strengthen and validate them and yourselves.  Many people identify themselves with their beliefs, and get very upset when others refuse to accept or validate them.  However, you have started to change your most severely limiting beliefs, letting go of the dogmas and authoritarian sentiments that have kept you seemingly enslaved since the beginning of time, and you are now allowingyourselves to seethat you are notyour beliefs.  You are in fact discarding self-serving and damaging beliefs in order to make room in your hearts for information or knowledge from the infinite field of divine Wisdom that is available to everyone, and that is of particular interest to you as an individual, to flow into your awareness.

For eons strongly held and promulgated beliefs and belief systems have prevented you from fully accessing and engaging with your vast creative abilities.  That is now changing rapidly, and the fruits of those abilities are being displayed and shared with increasing openness and enthusiasm, as people come to the realization that being open and sharing their creative ideas freely leads to major improvements for all of humanity in the way that your daily lives can be lived and enjoyed.

You were created in Love for eternal happiness, and life is meant to be fun, to be enjoyable, to provide you with satisfaction, contentment, and peace.  However, when you chose to experience the unreal state of separation, you also chose to experience fear and all that goes with it.  For eons that is what you have been experiencing, but you have finally reached the point at which you have collectively decided that enough is enough.  In other words you have chosen to awaken from the unreal dream of separation, and you have set the collective intent for this to happen.

Many are unaware that eons ago, at the beginning of time as you know it, the choice was made collectively to experience separation from Source by engaging with unreality, and they are also unaware that the choice to wake up was always available and that it has now been made.  Consequently many are still experiencing separation, and all its woes, even more intensely than ever before as all their unaddressed issues rise up to be acknowledged and released.  That is what is going on now, and the evidence is being constantly and enthusiastically portrayed on the major news channels, as they continue to encourage people to be fearful and engage with and pursue anger, seemingly justifiableanger, at the injustice and suffering that is being reported.

I cannot emphasize strongly enough the need for you all to go within daily – two or three times if possible – to rest, contemplate, and meditate at your holy altar where Love is always in residence.  While there, open your hearts to accept Its warm embrace, listen to the wisdom and inspiration It offers you, and then come forth knowing,as you do at the depths of your being, that all is divinely taken care of, because you are all divine beings and you areresolving the issues that arise because you have made the collective choice to do so.  In that decision you are being monumentally supported and assisted by your team members in the spiritual realms.  Remember there is only the One!  And you are the One, experiencing individuality, differences of culture, nationality, ethnicity, and creativity, amidst all the sentient beings through which the One expresses Itself. Therefore Be in Joy!

With so very much love, Saul.

Life is truly far more wonderful than you, as humans, can possibly imagine.

09/12/2018 by John Smallman

Humanity’s spiritual evolution is now progressing very rapidly, as it most certainly needs to do.  There is an enormous amount of evidence available on-line confirming this.  Be of good cheer, your awakening is imminent!

Yes, there is much chaos and confusion across the world, as “stuff” that needs to be addressed arises into everyone’s awareness, and this can be quite alarming, especially for those – and there are many of them – who have, until now, been solely concerned with their daily lives as humans.  This presents as the daily grind of going to work, struggling to survive, and paying the bills that are the price of a basic human survival state for most people incarnate at this moment.  Consequently that “stuff arising” seems to vastly increase the burdens which people are already finding almost too heavy to bear. 

This is a temporary situation, and it will ease.  So make sure to go within daily, or even more frequently if you can, and rest there in the divine field of Love to which you are all essentially and inseparably connected – One with Source – and open yourselves, open your hearts, with the intent to feel the Source of Love with which you are indeed One. 

Life is truly far more wonderful than you, as humans, can possibly imagine.  You were created in Love from Love to experience eternal Joy.  Joy is not a static state, a state of inactivity, but a state through which creation flows endlessly, manifesting astonishing innovations to please and delight the One, the All, all Consciousness.  Some have had glimpses through near death experiences, but when you awaken, as you all will, those glimpses, which the NDErs have spoken of, will become your constant state, forever thrilling and delighting you. 

Truly this, as you have been told before, is a time for CELEBRATION!

As you read, watch, or listen to the news, it does appear that disasters and catastrophes are arising all over the planet, and indeed much is arising to be collectively released.  This enormous collective releasing is an absolutely essential part of your awakening process, and those of you who are reading messages of this nature or following alternate and uplifting news channels do understand this.  However, many of you still feel very alone in your awareness, seemingly without friends or contacts with whom you can discuss these happenings, and this does make it difficult for you to deal with your own “stuff,” let alone believe that you are actually helping the whole human collective in its massive awakening process.

Therefore I am here now to confirm you in your knowing that you are, each and everyone of you, doing a wonderful job.  Without even one of you this enormous event could not be happening.  And that is undoubtedly extremely hard for you to believe.  But, as you are being so frequently reminded :  You are all divine beings of infinite power!

A major part or aspect of being human is your amnesiac state.  You all know this, and yet you have difficulty much of the time in believing this.  I want to assure you that it is true, that you have, as humans, forgotten who you reallyare, and I want to reassure you and reassure you and reassure you that, YES, you trulyare, always have been, and always will be, Divine Beings, permanently One with and in the Presence of Source, the creative field of Love in which all existence is lovingly, safely, and enthusiastically embraced without interruption or disengagement of any kind, ever.

At the deep center of yourselves you knowthis, and that is how you have the strength to persist and continue on your varied and demanding human life paths.  Whenever it seems to you that your strength or intent appears to be weakening or failing – and I assure you that there is NEVEReven the remotest possibility of this – go within, to that holy inner sanctuary where you can experience the safety, the acceptance, and the love, in which you are held at every moment. 

A meditation practice of some kind is most helpful, although it is not essential.  It assists you to quieten the ego mind that is constantly demanding your undivided attention to deal with issues and problems, mostly of a very minor nature, immediately.  That is what your egos believe are their reason for existence, and when you choose not to give them your full attention they become very vociferous.  By engaging with a regular meditation or relaxation practice you learn to quieten or slow down that constant flow of thoughts, enabling you to sit at peace, without any sense of urgency or need to be doing something else, even for a few minutes, or longer if you choose, and this is very healing for you.

You are all dearly loved in every moment, and here in the spiritual realms we continue to be amazed at your strength and determination to follow the paths you so carefully planned before incarnating.  Those paths were personally planned by each individual, with clear insight and foreknowledge, in order to be in a position to successfully complete your preordained tasks perfectly.  And that is precisely what you are doing.  Your self-doubts are utterly invalid, so knowthat where you are, whatever relationships you are experiencing, and every event and situation that unfolds in your life is meant to be occurring for the lessons you have personally chosen to learn, and in order that you can assist in the collective awakening of humanity at this critical juncture in its spiritual evolution.

You are all highly honored souls doing a marvelous job at precisely the right moment.  Because of your sterling efforts the awakening process is proceeding precisely as divinely planned.

With hearty congratulations, and limitless love, Saul. 

Saul Audio Blog for Wednesday September 12th

What can be most helpful when you sit to start your meditation practice is to set the intention to commune with and clearly hear the guidance from your support team in the spiritual realms.

Humanity’s progress along the path to awakening is moving rapidly forward, and there is evidence of this all across the world as more and more of you set the intent daily to be only loving whatever arises.  This is the most powerful intent that you can set, and when you do you are enormously assisted by the unseen ones who watch over you lovingly and support you in every moment of your earthly existence.  You are never alone, you are always fully supported as you follow the paths to awakening that you set up for yourselves before you incarnated.  As a direct result your success is divinely assured.  Indeed the tipping point for humanity’s awakening has already passed, and many of you are now feeling the certainty of this.

Continue to set your intent daily.  The best time for this is when you make your daily visit to your holy inner sanctuary and open your hearts to allow the Love enveloping you to fill you with peace, compassion for all who are suffering, and also to flow out in an abundant stream of healing that will impact and uplift all who are presently incarnate as humans to assist in the awakening.  Also, at any time that you think or observe that you have left your intent undone, or have forgotten to set it, then reset it in that moment.  You are all doing wonderful work, even if you are unaware of it, because that is your life path.

There are no accidents or coincidences, every thing that arises is part of the awakening process, even the seemingly most catastrophic events that appear to befall people for no reason, and that make no sense to you as humans with your very limited capabilities to understand the big picture.  You are all intensely loved and honored for what you are doing to awaken one another in the most loving and effective ways possible.  Trust your intuition, your inner knowing, thus allowing the full power of your unbreakable connection to Source to flow through you freely and abundantly, because that is what you set as your life-long intent prior to your incarnation.

You are here – on Earth at this moment – to awaken and to create a state of Heaven on Earth.  This has always been your plan because you wanted a physical environment in which to enjoy and delight in the experience of being in form and using the senses that the human body provides.  It has far more senses than you are currently aware of, and you will discover them when you awaken and find that your human forms are not nearly as limited as they presently appear to be.  Limitation happened because you chose to attempt to live separated from Source, which is of course impossible, but by embracing the intent to experience that unreal state you set yourselves up to experience extreme limitation, and that is what occurred.  To be in human form should be joyful, exciting, intriguing, and inspiring, but the limitations that arose as a result of your attempt to be separate, independent, alone, have prevented that from being the case.

Your bodies, unlimited by the sense of separation, have the ability to live indefinitely in perfect health, and when you awaken you will have the ability and the option to regain that state and remain in form for as long as you choose, or you may choose to relinquish human form and return to formless existence as pure spirit.  Some of you most definitely have had enough of earth-life as a human, while others would very much like to live long and fruitful lives experiencing the wonderful creative possibilities of human form to the fullest.  When you awaken all possible options will be accessible to you, but choosing a particular option from the many amazing ones available will not limit you in any way, because you will be able to choose again and again from limitless options and use your God-given creative talents and possibilities in any manner that appeals to you.

You were created perfect and unlimited beings like unto Source, your heavenly Mother/Father/God, and the divine intention was for you to continue adding your own personal signature to creation so that it continued endlessly providing enjoyment in infinite and harmonious abundance for all.  The creative possibilities available to you are simply limitless, as is the constant and most powerful divine intent to do so, which is also yours.

All humans are aware that all is not well, that something very important is missing from their lives, and not just because of human pain and suffering due to the many causes that arise in their lives.  Many have no idea what that might be, and spend their lives seeking they know not what in myriad ways – physical, emotional, psychological, intuitive, and intellectual pursuits – that never satisfy them and that never can satisfy them.  Others are or become aware that there most definitely is some kind of spiritual purpose to life, and then spend much time seeking guidance and direction from mentors, those who seem to them to be more spiritually advanced than they are, or from religious leaders or gurus.

However, every single human has their own direct connection to Source through the Holy Spirit, and through their favorite saints, angels, or guides in the spiritual realms.  Mostly when a person is unable to make contact with those in the spiritual realms on whom they call it is because they feel unworthy of calling or of being heard.  Well this feeling is the ego trying to maintain its sense of individuality, of separation, because it believes that if contact is made its power over a person will be lost.  The ego lives in fear and does its best to keep a person in that state because then they are distracted and anxious due to the endless flow of thoughts about what they should or should not do, and they therefore cannot hear the quiet loving voice that resides within them desiring only to help and support them.

In the modern world it has become well known that too much thinking in an endless and repetitive loop is stressful and exhausting, and meditation, which was once seen only as a spiritual practice, is now a highly recommended form of stress relief.  In that form it is used basically to quieten the mind and allow a person to relax and let go of the worries and anxieties overwhelming him or her for a short period of time.  It does take a considerable amount of practice before the mind can be quickly and easily quietened, but the benefits of doing so are enormous for your human bodies.

What can be most helpful when you sit to start your meditation practice is to set the intention to commune with and clearly hear the guidance from your support team in the spiritual realms.  Then just relax into the quiet space that arises during your meditation, and listen.  Wise helpful thoughts or ideas that you immediately recognize are not your own roof-brain chatter will flow in.  We in the spiritual realms are always with you and we long for you to hear us so that you can avail of our loving guidance and support.  So persist in your meditation practice even if at times or at first it seems to be totally ineffectual.  Your persistence will bring results, and a sense of peace and safety will envelop you, and as you feel the love we offer you in every moment, any sense of worthlessness or unworthiness that you have been experiencing will start to dissolve.  You will come to a state of self-acceptance, acceptance that you truly are a beloved and essential part of the Source, the infinite field of Love that is All That Exists, thus recognizing and honoring your true nature as One with Source.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Every single human has their own direct connection to Source through the Holy Spirit.