Category Archives: Johnsmallman

You always have the power, your power, your freewill, which is God-given and limitless in its abilities, and so you never need or should SUBMIT to the directions or orders of someone else.-Jesus via John-

The state in which you are most joyfully aware of your Oneness with Mother/Father/God.

Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms we are watching with joy as humanity processes and releases all the ‘stuff’ that is arising purely in order to be lovingly released.  The lessons with which the ‘stuff’ has presented you have served their purpose and are no longer needed as an aspect of your awakening process.

When all has been fully released – that release is occurring now worldwide – you will feel the strength of peace pervading your individual physical environments, your personal human space, as you open your hearts fully to Love, offering It the invitation to enter into your hearts to embrace you.  It has been patiently waiting for this invitation for eons, and receiving it now allows Love to spread the magnificence of Its joy to all of humanity.

So, I would remind you yet again that you are Love, Love incarnate, and that Love is All that exists.

God is Love, is the Creator, is the Creation in which all sentient life has its eternal existence, and all life is sentient.  What you see around you in the world of form is a mélange or conglomeration of energies arising as emotions or feelings, that everyone experiences through the senses of their physical bodies, and which, unless they are recognized as such, direct and control your thoughts, words, and actions.

They are temporary, of an illusive nature, you cannot isolate them and make them real, and yet, to your physical bodies, they seem to be absolutely real.  They are not!  What is real is eternally present – LOVE!  What is unreal does not last because it is unreal.

You have all had experiences that were painful and caused you suffering, and which dissipated when the cause of the pain was removed or when you removed yourselves from the situations that were causing you pain and suffering.

Trust your inner knowing, your intuition – the always open point of access to the divine Being that you are, and whom Mother/Father/God created for eternal joy – and do not discard what it offers you by accepting the advice or guidance that another in form would intimate was wiser and more appropriate than what you yourself are receiving.

You always have the power, your power, your freewill, which is God-given and limitless in its abilities, and so you never need or should SUBMIT to the directions or orders of someone else.

You are divine beings, and you have the Power of God supporting you in every moment of your eternal existence.

Do NOT allow yourselves to be manipulated, persuaded, frightened, or enticed into doing or saying something that seems to you to be wrong, inappropriate, or unloving, that another would attempt to convince you is your duty to do or say.  Instead, trust your own divinely guided intuition, your inner knowing, which is your direct communication link with God.

When you trust others instead of yourselves you are rejecting your divine essence – your God-Given inner Knowing – and buying into the illusion or dream that is presented to you as reality by your egos, and by the egos of others who may appear to be wiser and more knowledgeable than the you that you perceive as the human body that you identify as yourself.

In the world of form it frequently seems that there are others who are wiser and more knowledgeable than you, and it is indeed they who succeed in that world by overcoming and defeating others.  That is not the Real World, the Divine World, and your intuition will always encourage you to be fully aware of that as it offers to lead you Home to the Divine World of Peace and Love – Reality!

If you will allow Love to guide you in every moment you will find yourselves at peace with yourselves, accepting yourselves just as you are, and enjoying all the delightful moments that occur throughout the day – the smile of a loved one, or of a stranger, the sunlight and shadows playing around you, the rain refreshing the Earth.

Life is Good, and you can see that it is Good!  It is a magnificent divine gift that makes it possible for you, as a human, to become aware of your perfection, your holiness, as you deal lovingly with whatever life as a human in form presents you with during the day, even as you sometimes make unintentional errors or mistakes which may perhaps upset or offend others.

And when that happens, as it will, forgive yourselves, and do your best to make appropriate amends to the one(s) you have offended.

You are good, because you are eternally – that is in every moment – One with God who created you perfect, like unto Herself.  There is no separation, such a state does not exist.

Allow yourselves to know the truth of this and thus be aware that how you live your lives affects all of creation.  Everyone affects everyone else, and so, as you move firmly along the path to awakening, know that the Tsunami of Love is flowing through you in order to bring all to their awakening.

Your human destiny is to awaken, and the human collective has made the irreversible choice and decision to do so, therefore to it is inevitable that you will.

There are magnificent signs of this occurring worldwide to delight and encourage you as you each follow your own unerring paths back to your natural and eternal state, the state in which you are in every moment fully and most joyfully aware of your Oneness with Mother/Father/God.

The joy of that knowing, of that experiencing cannot be meaningfully described for you.  You have to participate in it with full awareness, knowing yourselves as One with your heavenly Source of Love, the Source from which All of creation is eternally extending Itself in the most glorious and harmonious cooperative and inspiring adventure that is not and cannot be in any way be reduced – so that you may understand it – from the VASTNESS that It is!

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Jesus: The Need to be Mindful

by John Smallman

You do not need to do anything to move into wakefulness, you just need to BE

You are all – every sentient being without any exceptions – firmly established on your personal paths to awakening.  Even though there is only the One, the One experiences Itself differently through each of you as you follow your individual paths to awakening.

None of those paths are accidental, unintended, or inadvertent, each of you very carefully chose the paths that you are now following towards the grand awakening because you wanted to be as helpful as you possibly could be by proffering and portraying an uplifting and inspiring demonstration of the awakening process to those with whom you would interact during this lifetime as a human in form.

And everyone of you, without any exceptions, is doing precisely what you planned to do, as you designed and set up the human life paths that you are presently following, quite brilliantly.

Do not be concerned by the seeming worldwide chaos and confusion presently affecting all of humanity, which is also, of course, affecting you.  It is all a major aspect of the awakening process so perfectly designed, and being implemented in every moment by Mother/Father/God, Source, Love, All That Is.

When you experience any sense of inadequacy or overwhelm remind yourselves that all ISdivinely taken care of, that there are NO accidents, all that occurs IS divinely intended to lead you safely and most expeditiously Home to Reality, your eternal Home from which have never, not even for an instant, departed.

The illusion of life in form, which you constructed to experience separation, was brilliantly designed for the purpose that you intended, namely to totally convince you that each one of you, each sentient being who had taken form, was totally separate from each other and from your Source, from God, and that intent has been achieved.

However, NOW is the time to awaken from that dream, that unreal state, which seems to have held you in its thrall for so long feeling lost and abandoned, where your physical forms are seemingly always in danger of being damaged or destroyed at any moment.

Reality, where you have your eternal existence in every moment,is eternal, everlasting, and nothing could be more terrifying than to experience an intense and powerful sense that it could be terminated, and yet that is what you chose to experience. And, because you identify so firmly with the forms in which you are experiencing life, the thought of damage or destruction occurring is terrifying!

You are divine beings eternally at One with Source, and although, while in form, it seems to you that you are all separate, individual, even trivial little beings, you do know, deep within yourselves, that your true state is at One with Source. Therefore the seeming reality of separation can be nothing less than extremely terrifying, because to be separate, even if it were possible, would mean that death was real, a permanent and eternal termination of your existence at One with Source.

You are beings of LOVE, but as beings in form you are basically unaware of the Love that envelops and embraces you in every moment, so within you there lies an intense and terrifying fear of being unloved, without love, and so you are forever seeking love from others.

When it seems that you have found it your spirits are raised, and when it is found to be unreal and impermanent you become very disillusioned.  That sense of disillusionment is an essential aspect of your awakening process, it shows you that the love you receive from another being in form, while uplifting and inspiring while it lasts, is temporary.  

Either you will become disenchanted with one another, or one of you will die leaving the other alone and bereft.  The unsatisfactoriness of that sense of incompleteness is what moves you to seek Oneness, God, Love, and moves you forward towards your awakening.

So I am here to remind you yet again that you are NOT alone, abandoned, lost, or unloved.  That can never happen because you were created in the likeness of God for eternal joy as eternal beings, and that of course can never change.

Time is unreal, although while you live lives in form it appears to be very real, whereas the only real facet of it is the eternal moment of NOW.  While in form, with only your very limited intellectual abilities to help you to understand yourselves and the world around you, to accept that statement as true presents you with an enormous paradox, as you appear to experience time as the past, the present, and the future, with no way of reversing its flow.

Modern scientific research is starting to uncover indications that time is flexible, not constant as you have always considered it to be, and this is extremely unsettling for those who hold fixed beliefs about the nature of the universe and how it must have come into being.

Therefore, I ask you to relax in the knowing that there is only Now, even though, as humans in form, you are continuously experiencing the flow of time.  The flow of time is a concept that is a major aspect of the unreal environment that you constructed to allow you to experience separation, and time does separate events, people, and relationships very successfully, as you are all well aware.

Humanity’s awakening will release you from the seeming inflexibility or constancy of time.  Instead you will become fully aware of the completeness of “Now.”  And in the recognition and understanding of time as a concept or aspect of the illusion, you will find yourselves free, unburdened by the feelings or beliefs that you do not have enough time for all that you have to do in any given day, week, month, or year.  You will then be delighted to discover that you do indeed have time to smell the roses!

Therefore, as you continue to move most purposefully forward through your awakening process, slow down and be mindful in every moment of what you are doing in that moment – taking a step, opening a door, reading a book, going to work, worrying about some future event – the actuality of what you are doing, seeing, and hearing, and thus being present and self-reflective more and more of the time.

When you do this you will find meaning in activities that previously seemed meaningless, other than as a way to complete some other task or activity, and your sense of lack of time or not enough time will dissolve.  You will then find yourselves feeling more at peace, more content with the actual flow of life that you are experiencing, your feelings of stress will reduce and you will start to enjoy the moment instead of expectantly, and perhaps impatiently waiting for the next, and the next, and the next . . .

Life is meant to be enjoyable, inspiring, and uplifting, but because most humans are trained to focus their attention on their bodily needs and desires, much of their lives pass them by as they wait for an event or a meeting in a state that is unaware of the present moment, apart from the sense that it is unsatisfactory and needs to pass.

This is unfortunate because the present moment has so much to offer when you choose to be mindfully present as it happens.  Therefore focus on the NOW, because that is where you can always experience Reality, and it is into Reality that you are awakening.  And, of course, everyone can and does choose where to focus their attention, even if they choose not to focus and allow the dream or the illusion to distract them from awareness of life.

All who are in form as humans are on their path to awakening, but all have free will thus allowing people to pay attention and be aware of the flow of spiritual nudges offering them intuitive insights to assist them in moving forward, or to ignore those nudges and remain fully engaged with the unreal.

All of you reading this message have already chosen to awaken, and so you will.  And as you set the intent to live lovingly whatever arises, others, who are just becoming aware that they are spiritual beings having a temporary experience in form, will be drawn to you because of the Light that you are emitting, and their presence in your presence will uplift and inspire them and you, as you, just as you planned before your present incarnation, by your loving presence help them enormously as they search for meaning and direction on their own spiritual paths.

You do not need to do anything to move into wakefulness, you just need to BE.

So BE who you are, let go of any masks or disguises you have felt it necessary to wear as you have dealt with your daily human lives, and allow the beauty and Light that you are to shine forth.

That is why you are here.

Let go of any fear of others’ negative judgment or disapproval and BE, because you can be no one else and because that is your spiritual task, and therefore you are totally capable of undertaking it and bringing it to a most glorious conclusion.

Remember, you are never alone, so ask your support team in the spiritual realms to assist you whenever you encounter any difficulties, or feel in any way lost or alone, and they will respond instantly with precisely the guidance or wisdom you need in that moment, and you will feel their loving presence.

In fact, make a point of delighting in your tasks, because only you can do them, they are an essential aspect of the awakening process, and you deserve to take joy in your holy mission.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Joy is your nature and nothing can disturb or change it because Love, which is eternally unchanging, is, by It’s very nature, Joy.

by John Smallman

Chapter 18

Reality is where you are in every moment.

So you will awaken Now, and when you do it will seem that you were never asleep, as the joy of this eternal Now moment continues to embrace you and enfold you in the field of divine Love that is Source, that is You! You have never left Home because there is nowhere else, there is nowhere that you could go. You are One with Source in every moment as You constantly co-create in concert with and utterly harmoniously with the One, with the All, in a glorious symphony of praise that is continuously being offered to and accepted by Source, Mother/Father/God, One, Love, Wisdom – You! Joy is your nature and nothing can disturb or change it because Love, which is eternally unchanging, is, by It’s very nature, Joy.

As humans in form, experiencing the dream, the illusion, the nightmare of separation, it is almost impossible for you to conceive of it in any meaningful way. You have faith, you know that you are inseparable from Source, and yet what you are seemingly experiencing is separation! It is indeed an enormous paradox for you, and as you live in what appears to be an either/or world, enormous doubts arise in your minds. Therefore let go of your minds, take your attention away from the almost constant flow of thoughts arising there, and relax into the underlying stillness that is All. Just intending to do that, as you sit to temporarily still your minds, brings you some peace. Modern medicinal practices have confirmed that doing this, taking time out to meditate, is most beneficial and reduces stress, blood pressure, and the likelihood of premature death. So both the illusion and Reality are confirming for you that taking time out daily is essential for the health of your physical bodies, and to dissolve your doubts about Reality.

You are all divine Beings, magnificent Beings of Love, Beings shining brilliantly as the Light of God flows into you and out into the vast and powerful multiverse which, in its entirety, is within you, an ongoing creation of grandeur which is so magnificent that, while in human form, you are totally unable to conceive of it. Do not let that thought concern you in the least, because all is taken care of as the grand scheme of things – that is the ever expanding field of conscious awareness that is Source – unfolds, thrives, and flourishes in an ever increasing multitude of Self-expression, God-expression, Love-expression that is both unchanging and forever new.

Forever new and forever unchanging is the crux, the center point, the essence and substance of Reality. You were created perfect in every way by and from Love, which by Its nature can be nothing other than perfect, and so you, each and everyone of you, are absolutely perfect. The state of imperfection that you experience as humans, and which disturbs many of you, and which some of you try to improve upon, is but a temporary and illusory state that only lasts while you continue to make the choice to engage in and play your parts in the game or drama of separation.

You collectively invented the game, and all the rules and limitations that are part of it. Because you are beings of enormous power and intelligence the game you invented does appear to be absolutely real, and that was your collective intent in doing so. Now, as you enter ever more fully into the awakening process, you find the insanity of the situations and events with which the game keeps presenting you ever more unsettling and disturbing. This awareness that it is insane is the wake-up call that you all needed to experience so that you would set the intent to awaken. This you have done, and what is arising for you all is an intensifying awareness of this insanity, which further strengthens your intent to awaken.

Everyone is aware that there has to be a better way for humanity to live peacefully and harmoniously together as one community, while fully accepting and honoring all the differences between you as to race, color, ethnicity, culture, religious persuasion, and general life philosophy. This awareness is growing and strengthening in every moment, leading to a multitude of conversations and discussions taking place across the world which are seeking to resolve all the issues that have for eons been so divisive and destructive for humanity. You are all one, and your science has also finally realized this, so now the collective intent is to repair the damage to your planetary environment, and to eradicate the lack of cognizance of the field of interconnectedness within which you all have your eternal existence.

The intellectual knowledge is now present and available to all, demonstrating that there truly is no separation, that everything is connected to everything else. Now this knowledge has to be integrated with your heart-knowing so that you can live as individuals while also living as one, and in so doing actually feel and experience that Oneness, which, for you in human form, is a puzzling if not almost incomprehensible paradox. However, as more and more paradoxes arise in your awareness it becomes far easier for you to accept and honor them. By doing so you effectively feel your way into them, making them sensible to you, so that eventually you say to yourselves “Of Course!” thus moving yourselves further along the path home to the one and only Reality, the One from which you have never departed.

Reality is humanity’s destiny, and it is the Home that you have never left, even for an instant! However, because you made the experience of separation so totally real for yourselves, it does seem that to be separate is a normal and unchangeable fact, the only state of existence remotely possible. This is because of the way in which different energy frequencies interact, making things appear impenetrable and solid in the world of form. Even though it is now becoming generally accepted – due to recent scientific advances demonstrating this very clearly – that everything is indeed inseparably interconnected, you still experience a physical environment of space. Space in which things – from microbes to galaxies – exist and can be seen, touched and interacted with. To come to an understanding, or better still a knowing that this environment is unreal, illusory, is still very difficult for you, it is a realization that many are having great difficulty in accepting.

Many of those who have invested time and have focused their attention either in meditation, contemplation, or deep thought have actually had brief encounters with Reality which have convinced them beyond all shadow of a doubt that the physical environment is unreal – even though while in form you do need to deal with it – and that Reality is way beyond form, and is an experience of Presence and aliveness that is unimaginable unless it has been experienced. Those who have “been there” never again have any doubts about Reality, or their own eternal existence within It. They have “seen,” and therefore know the infinite vastness that is Love, Source, God, and have felt this unconditional acceptance, this belongingness, their utter inseparability from this state, and this gives them enormous joy and peace. As a result their previously held self-deprecating attitudes, beliefs, opinions, and behaviors, change as they embrace Love, and then share and extend It to all unconditionally and without reservation.

These people are easily and readily identifiable by the power of their energy fields which are, from that moment forward, completely in alignment with Love, Source, God, because they now embody Christ-Consciousness. Christ-Consciousness is an energy field that is completely palpable to others in its vicinity who are either immensely attracted to it, or, if they have chosen a path that shuts out Love, are strongly repelled by it because it terrifies them. These non-loving ones may well react spontaneously and immediately, moving rapidly away from it without any idea of why they choose to do so. As you have so frequently been told Love is of infinite power, and therefore Its power has to be stepped down when interacting with beings in form so that their forms do not either disintegrate or spontaneously combust.

Nothing in form, from microbes to galaxies, can remain in form and be present in the fullness of the energy field that is Love, because energy of that intensity utterly dissolves form. When Love is Present form is utterly surplus to requirements which is why your human forms would dissolve if Love was encountered full on. However, while you are in form, Love is always with you because you are Love and separation from It is impossible, It just makes Its Presence felt at a far lower level of intensity. The idea is for humans to evolve spiritually, and they have been doing so since they first evolved from lesser beings. To evolve spiritually is the way Home, and it happens in stages that suit each individual perfectly. You are all on your path, even though from the human perspective that may not appear to be the case.

The Grand Finale is very close.

May 1, 2021 by John Smallman

We are approaching the Grand Finale of this stage in your awakening process.  It is not the Magnificent and most Wondrous Event of the Great Awakening in all its glory, but it will be the most exciting and uplifting event that humanity has ever experienced.

You may be wondering what I mean here, because we have for quite a long time been talking of Humanity’s Great Awakening, and I have not previously mentioned that it is happening in stages.

Initially, in order to encourage and uplift you all, as the awakening process commenced a number of decades ago, those of us communicating with you from the spiritual realms did not mention that there would be stages in that process.  This was because you were only starting to come out of an extremely deep and eons long sleep, where the dream reality, the game of separation in which you had been engaged, still seemed very real, and so a very major event that was to occur very soon was necessary to start you enthusiastically on your awakening path.  NOTHING has changed!

The Great Awakening is moving forward beautifully, just as divinely planned, and will be the last stage in humanity’s awakening process, when all make the final choice to terminate the human separation game which has led to so much pain and suffering for all who chose to undergo it.

To fully awaken to Reality, your complete and full knowing, understanding, and experiencing of what it is to be One – knowing and experiencing the Oneness of being Mother/Father/God – requires much preparation because your choice to be human was a choice to experience the most intense form of separation that you were able to conceive of, and it has at times, as you will doubtless agree, been extremely intense.

The choice to experience separation by seemingly moving away from that divine state, even though actual separation is totally impossible and did not occur, was a choice that is so completely alien to Reality that it could not possibly be reversed until all that it entailed – the ‘stuff’ that so many of you are now experiencing, acknowledging, thanking, and releasing – was utterly dissolved so that not even the slightest memory of that experience was retained.

That is what karma is all about – an acknowledgment of an unreal but extremely intense alienation from Source, and from one another, which is then completely dissolved from your memories, leaving absolutely no trace whatsoever.  Karma has been part of the separation experience from the beginning, and in each life time the karma that you have built up over numerous previous lifetimes is presented to you for recognition, acknowledgment, and release.

Unfortunately, frequently recognition does not happen because your egos are not very fond of having their failings brought to their attention for rectification, which is why you have undergone so many incarnations as humans.

The Grand Finale is humanity’s much longed for move into heart-centered conscious awareness, and out of the mindless state that your egos have been dreaming for you in an unreal environment of form and matter that has lasted for eons.

The joy of realizing that it was only a dream and unreal will be far greater than anything – while cloaked in this dream state – that you might have imagined possible, when you perhaps attempted to conceive what it might be like to be in Heaven, in the Presence God and all the Heavenly Hosts.

Heart-centered consciousness is the state in which, as humans, you feel only love for all life, knowing that you are one with all life, and in which you love and accept yourselves in your human forms without any reservations whatever, knowing, as you most definitely will, that you are following your divinely guided path Home to Reality, and that all that occurs is part of the grand design you planned for yourselves before incarnating into form.

Knowing this, and also knowing that you are constantly being sustained and assisted by your support team in the spiritual realms, with whom you can communicate clearly and easily at all times, dissolves all the fears and anxieties that being in human form had previously involved.

The Grand Finale is very close.  

Time is unreal, but seems extremely real to you as you live life in your human forms, even though you have all experienced it as moving sometimes at great speed, and at other times as though it was not moving at all.

This, if you chose to be aware, would indicate to you very clearly that time is what you make it, what you imagine it to be.  In fact you do manipulate it regularly, you just choose to believe that it maintains a constant linear flow that you can measure extremely accurately with your atomic clocks, that it is completely irreversible, and this is what the vast majority of you experience, thus proving to your satisfaction that you do understand it and its inevitable constant rate of flow in only one direction.

Knowing this, you can understand how difficult it is for us to offer you time-lines, accurate points of reference in time by which you can know when the Grand Finale will occur.

Very soon, very close, sooner than you can imagine, are all, from our perspective, very accurate and true statements.  And of course, as we have told you so often, in truth There is only Now!  However, to tell you that the Grand Finale is occurring NOW would not be very helpful, so we choose to say ‘soon,’ or ‘very close,’ or ‘in a little while,’ so that at a deep level of your being its imminence registers very positively and encourages you to continue setting the intent daily to be only loving whatever may arise in your daily human lives.

We keep reminding you to do this because Love is your nature, but, living as humans in form with egos that would like you to believe that they are your sole source of intellectual brilliance, wisdom, and knowledge, it is difficult for you hold that truth in your hearts with complete certainty.

You do need encouragement, and so whenever you call on us – whoever in the spiritual realms you personally feel a close affinity with and choose to address – answers immediately so that you know that you are not alone, can never be alone, and in that knowing find the continuing motivation to lovingly maintain the intent to be constantly on your path to awakening.  By doing this you are, of course, assisting all of humanity to awaken, which is why you each chose to be incarnate at this point in the awakening process.

Know that you are most highly honored in the spiritual realms for the work that you are doing, even though it may frequently, or even most of the time seem that you are doing nothing at all, as you get very little positive feedback.

So I want to assure you that your loving intent, even if you seem to lose it at times and move briefly into fear, anger, or judgment, is powerfully assisting humanity toward its divinely promised and ordained awakening.

You cannot fail in this task that you set yourselves with divine guidance before you incarnated, so trust yourselves, knowing as you do that you are at all times divinely guided.

Intend to enjoy the life that you are presently experiencing, by focusing most of your attention on the fact that you are always precisely where you are meant to be in every moment, and by refraining from placing too much attention on those aspects that you dislike, the ‘stuff’ that is arising for you to release.

Remember, All will awaken because it is God’s Will, and nothing can forestall or circumvent the divine Will.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Continue, therefore, to set the intent to be only loving whatever may arise in your daily lives, because as more and more of you do this, the possibility of conflict of any kind arising becomes increasingly unlikely.-Saul via John-

Note from Nikos :reading these words made me laugh loud, it is so true!!!!” If you could know what an immense success you are creating in every moment as you set and maintain the intent to be only loving whatever arises, you would be absolutely amazed.  However, your higher selves – the vastness of who you truly are – are presently keeping that information or knowing hidden from you, because they are fully aware that your egos would seize on such wondrous information to enormously inflate the egotistical aspects of your humanness.”


Humanity’s awakening process continues to flow beautifully forward, exactly as divinely planned, while the MSM (main-stream-media) continues to direct your attention toward events that focus on dangers they claim are severely threatening your human existence.

Dangers that are presented in an unrealistic and threatening fashion to compound your fears so that you will believe in the authoritarian directives and instructions that your governments are issuing, and thus keep on abdicating your sovereign rights as free and divine beings, while accepting and following those directives and instructions.

If you will just do the necessary basic research you will see that those directives and instructions have no scientific basis, and that they are therefore being used solely to control, manipulate, and intimidate you.

They are not working!  More and more people worldwide are seeing through this scam that governments are using to increase their power, and, at the same time, persuading you to relinquish yours.  (Some people are becoming very sick, but this is truly not very different from what has happened in previous years’ ‘flu and colds seasons.)  However, you need to remember that you are very powerful beings, every one of you – and one of my duties is to keep on reminding you of this divine truth – you just need to claim that power by refusing to be manipulated or intimidated.

Your governments cannot force masses of unwilling citizens to conform to their dictates, because those in uniform, directed to control and intimidate you, are themselves humans with families and loved ones like you, and so will not do to you, in order to make you obey them, what they would not dream of doing to their own loved ones.

You are all One, and more and more of you are becoming aware of the absolute truth of this every day.  Continue, therefore, to set the intent to be only loving whatever may arise in your daily lives, because as more and more of you do this, the possibility of conflict of any kind arising becomes increasingly unlikely.  By changing your behaviors from those of fear-driven, authority honoring individuals, to those of Love-filled divine beings – which of course is what you all are – accepting and honoring all others, you are changing the world in which you live, and it is becoming immediately apparent that this is indeed what is happening.

If you could know what an immense success you are creating in every moment as you set and maintain the intent to be only loving whatever arises, you would be absolutely amazed.  However, your higher selves – the vastness of who you truly are – are presently keeping that information or knowing hidden from you, because they are fully aware that your egos would seize on such wondrous information to enormously inflate the egotistical aspects of your humanness.

This, obviously, would seriously distract you from the tasks that you all incarnated to do, as your egos attempted to prove to each one of you how much better you are, how much more advanced you are on your spiritual paths than all of your friends and associates, and even those to whom you had previously looked for spiritual guidance, which you can clearly understand would be an extremely distracting and totally unhelpful experience!

You are all in human form at this moment to assist in the great awakening process.  Yes, you are also leading ‘normal’ human lives as well, in so far as any human life can be adequately described as ‘normal.’  Therefore you have to deal with exigencies that arise for each of you personally – dealing with your own ‘stuff,’ as well as with the ‘stuff’ arising for your loved ones, into whose drama it is almost impossible for you to avoid being drawn – as humans on Earth in this time of enormous change.

You have all chosen a very courageous and essential task by being incarnate at this time, and you are in every moment fully and magnificently supported by your support teams in the spiritual realms.  But do try to understand that everyone else presently on Earth has also made this choice, even though it may well appear that they are not assisting but are in fact actively – even though perhaps unaware of this – attempting to disrupt humanity’s awakening process.

Truly all are assisting in this most magnificent process, because the karmic ‘stuff’ that eons playing the game of separation, living in the unreal dream world that is egoic human life, has precipitated into the game has to be seen for what it is – painful, shameful, unloving, and UNREAL – but then acknowledged, thanked (it has helped to bring awareness to the insanity of engaging in unloving thoughts, words, and actions), and lovingly released.

You are all – every expression of consciousness, every expression of the Divine, and there are NO exceptions here, or anywhere – and always have been One with Source.  There is NO separation.  The separation that you have been undergoing in human form for what appears to be an inconceivably long time is unreal, has never occurred.

However, as I and many others from the spiritual realms have explained to you on numerous occasions, when we were created God gave us ALL that She Herself Is – which, of course includes free will, because LOVE withholds nothing – and we were then free to construct, with great skill, the incredibly real seeming state of separation with which we have been fully engaged ever since.

God, knowing instantly that it would prove to be an immensely painful state, even though it did not and could not in reality exist – because there is only Love – in that instant provided the way out, the way back to the knowing and experiencing of Reality, to the knowing of ourselves as One with and utterly and completely inseparable from our Source – ALL THAT EXISTS!

The human awakening process that is now fully under way is waking people up in stages, as they begin to come to a very powerful awareness that life is not just about earning a living and surviving in an environment that is less than totally user friendly, and that there is much, much more to life than ensuring that the basic essentials for survival are available.

Awareness is growing that life lived fully can be extremely satisfying and uplifting, bringing joy and happiness to those who choose to engage with it in a manner that encourages them to be mindful of the vast numbers of ways in which they can experience the beauty of it frequently and unexpectedly during the day.  It is only necessary to be alive to one’s bodily senses that are constantly alert to life as it flows through them, instead of being focused almost exclusively on the stories that people tell themselves about the inadequacy or undesirable aspects of their lives, which distract them from actually living moment by moment.  It is the moment to moment alertness to the flow of life – and that flow is endless, unceasing – that brings into conscious awareness the joys that can be experienced when the mindless chatter of the ego is ignored for even a few moments.

Allow yourselves to enjoy life by focusing on the good aspects – and there are many constantly available flowing through you with the life flow – as they arise moment to moment, the only time that you can experience, the now moment that is your life.

The future and the past are distractions from life now, in this moment when life is happening.  As you allow the now moment to be present in your awareness more and more frequently, you will discover that there is joy in your lives, joy that perhaps you had largely been unaware of because of all the worries and anxieties on which you felt that you should focus your attention, on which you needed to focus your attention.  Life is really much simpler than you have been led to believe, and when the realization of this awakens within you, you will also realize that humanity is indeed awakening.

With so very much love,


Be aware of it(pain,suffering,conflict), but do not focus on it, or make it a part of you, doing that causes you much totally unnecessary pain and suffering, thus draining you of the energy that you need to set and maintain your intent to be only loving whatever arises.

by John Smallman

Humanity is awakening from the deep sleep of eons, during which you have had some horrendous nightmares, and now is the time to bring an end to those seemingly endless experiences of separation and abandonment which have caused you so much pain and anguish.

Life is meant to be joy-filled but, since you chose to experience separation from Mother/Father/God, that has very much of the time not been what you have encountered.

Separation has been an ordeal in which you have frequently undergone intense pain, suffering, uncertainty, and fear, and now you have finally and collectively decided that enough is enough, that you will awaken and live once more in the state of joy that is Oneness with God.

All around the world now people are forming into loving support groups to assist one another in dealing with the chaos, confusion, and intense uncertainty of recent times.

This coming together is a major aspect of the awakening process, because in coming together with loving intent you inevitably come to the realization that all are one, that each one of you is dependent not only on Source, and on one other, but also on the earthly environment that lovingly supports you in each moment of your human existence.

Awareness of the nature of the ecosystem that is the Earth, and that makes life in form possible, has been growing for decades, and many groups worldwide are coming together in order to make their voices heard and bring to an end the wanton destruction that the industrial age has been wreaking on the planet.

This is Love in action, this is an essential aspect of humanity’s collective awakening process.

Be aware that you most definitely are awakening from the nightmare and illusion that has brought you so much suffering.

Life is Joyful!  What you experience through your egos is not.

Your egos chose separation – in human terms it is a little like teenagers insisting on their independence from their parents – and found themselves feeling alone, abandoned, and totally separated from Love, from Mother/Father/God, the Source that is All That Is.

This is a terrifying and ongoing experience, that you have attempted to deny, or bury out of sight out of mind, until you finally chose to let go of the guidance and direction that your egos are constantly pouring into your minds as fear, judgment, and the need to take action to protect yourselves.

The ONLY ACTION necessary is to be what you are in every moment – LOVE!

Deep within your hearts you all know this Divine Truth, but when you chose to allow your egos to direct and control your thoughts, words, and actions as separated humans, those egos effectively drew a veil or dark curtain between you and Source, and you found yourselves without access to Love, your true nature.

Now, finally, awareness is growing rapidly that it is time to awaken from the dream of separation and return to living lovingly – the only way to live – in every moment.

As I have said, there are signs of this magnificent awakening all across the world which are very easy to see when you stop focusing your attention on the widespread and widely reported pain suffering and conflict as the ‘stuff’ that humanity needs to collectively acknowledge, release, and forgive arises into your awareness for this purpose.

Be aware of it, but do not focus on it, or make it a part of you, doing that causes you much totally unnecessary pain and suffering, thus draining you of the energy that you need to set and maintain your intent to be only loving whatever arises.

Your intent to be what You are – Love – brings immense peace and healing to all, and is why you chose to incarnate at this moment in the awakening process.

No one else can do it but you, because you each have your own and individual major chosen tasks in this most wondrous event.

When you doubt Source, when you doubt yourselves, when you doubt that others are truly Love, remind yourselves of your deep inner knowing – even though you doubt it – that there is only Love, Source, Mother/Father/God, YOU!  There is only the ONE, and that One is LOVE!

Your loving brother, Jesus.

you were created in LOVE to experience infinite and eternal JOY! -Jesus via John-

Fear is not the opposite of Love, it is the sense of its apparent absence.

February 6, 2021 by John Smallman

As you are all now well aware, the human collective, all on Earth presently incarnate, are in the final stages of the awakening process.

As you experience time, when you are in form, it has been a very long time coming, but, as you know in fact, the process commenced only a moment ago, an instant ago, just as soon as you acted on your collective choice and decision to experience separation.

Your infinitely wise and loving Father knew – there is nothing, of course, that He/She does not know – that as soon as you experienced separation from Love, from Source you would want to end it.  However, because you – due to the enormous creative abilities bestowed upon you at the moment of your creation – had fabricated the separation experience/experiment so competently and efficiently,

She knew that without Her assistance you would be completely unable to find your way Home to Unity from the maze of unreality that you had built.  Thus, your collective awakening process was created in the same instant in which you moved into the experience of separation.

Separation never happened, it couldn’t happen because there is only Unity with Source, and that is NOT in any sense a limitation, it is infinite vastness.  Limitation is of the separation experiment, and is also completely unreal. However, you perceive yourselves as limited, separate, alone beings, disconnected from Source, as you even wonder if there is One!

Your task is to awaken, it is the sole meaning of your human lives, and all the lessons with which you are presented during those lives and lifetimes are to assist you in that process.  It is a task that you cannot fail to complete because you are divine beings at One with Source, the only Reality.

Unreality can never satisfy you, and you will be satisfied, no other outcome exists or is possible!  To reiterate: you were created in LOVE to experience infinite and eternal JOY!  That is your changeless and eternal state of Being – One with Source, FOREVER.

What you are experiencing now, as humans in form, is the assignment that you planned, wisely and lovingly assisted by your spiritual support team, before you incarnated to undergo this present human lifetime in order to massively assist humanity during the last stages of the awakening process.

You knew that it would be very demanding because of all the collective trauma and karma that needed to be healed and released in an extremely short period of time.  You also knew that you would complete it perfectly, even though you would experience doubt, anxiety, fear, and suffering that at times would seem overwhelming.

Your choice to be incarnate at this moment is most highly honored here in the non-physical realms because we also knew how demanding would be the task that you chose to undertake.  It is a task of enormous service to humanity during which, and while enduring it, you would experience the most extreme sense of separation, aloneness, and even abandonment – the most extremely intense experience of that state with which the separation experiment could present you.

You are not separate beings!  It just seems that you are.  Whatever you think, say, or do affects the whole of humanity.  Therefore, to spend time each day quietly relaxing, meditating, contemplating, or just resting without attending to or thinking about your daily human lives (not so easy!), while setting the intent to be a conduit through which Love can flow abundantly to all is the most effective way to assist in the awakening process.

If, personally, you are not physically involved with conceiving, creating, or introducing some of the essential changes that are needed for the well-being of humanity and the planet, then understand that you do have an additional task besides your own awakening, namely that you are here to hold the Light of God’s Love and allow It to flow out through you in every moment to heal humanity and the planet.  This isalsoyour task, and it is absolutely essential.

Daily, many times daily, set and reset the intent to be conduits through which Love flows.  You are all here to do that, regardless of whether or not you are aware of this.

Remember: EVERY human is a divine being, a being of LOVE.  Therefore your nature is Love’s nature, and Love’s nature is to share and extend Itself completely and utterly with All of creation in every moment.  By being aware of this, and setting the conscious intent to do so, you intensify and accelerate the awakening process.

Just being aware that you are Love, even if you do not get a felt sense of this but only have an intellectual acceptance of it, is enough for you to most powerfully extend healing to all, thus carrying out your personal part in the awakening process . . . effortlessly.

Being human and living a human life is very demanding and stressful for most people, but extending Love and healing to all demands nothing from you.  You just need to let go of any negative judgment of others or of humanity at large, and then Love will flow through you, because you all, all who are presently incarnate, set the intent to do just that prior to incarnating.

The Love flow through you only reduces, or maybe even ceases temporarily, when you choose to engage in attitudes, thoughts, and behaviors that are not in alignment with Love, so let them go.

Try to understand that, in spite of your experience of humanity generally, and of the seemingly insane and vicious behaviors and activities in which so many engage, people are always doing their best!

People behave according to their personal understanding of what is best for them – when people are loving what is best for them is best for all – and that understanding is based on their level of spiritual evolution modified by the effect of trauma that they have experienced in their present lives, plus any accumulated generational karma.

In other words, many are unaware, completely unaware that their true nature is Love, and that unawareness fills them with uncertainty and fear.

Fear is not the opposite of Love – because Love has no opposite, It is everything – it is the apparent absence of Love.  Those who feel an absence of Love are always seeking It, and they most frequently seek It outside of themselves, where It can never be found because It can only be found within.

The choice or decision to seek Love outside the self arises because of the traumas experienced while growing from human infancy to adulthood.  No human completely escapes the experience of not being good enough, because in infancy and childhood the little ones see that other older ones are stronger and more adept than they are, and quite often they are shamed by others for their inadequacies.  Even if the shaming is done with the best of intentions, namely to demonstrate to the little ones that they can and should work harder to become more able, more competent, it almost always leads them to feel unloved and, if done repeatedly, unlovable.

When that occurs it feels to the little ones as though, instead of feeling and experiencing the love of parents, siblings, and care givers, a terrifying and empty space has opened within them from which love has departed, and so they learn to seek love and approval from others because that inner sense of emptiness is intensely painful, and they experience a desperate need to fill it.

So, to remind you yet again, there is only Love.  Each one of you is Love, that is your divine and eternal nature.

However, separation is the experience of being separated from Love, and that is an absolutely DEVASTATING experience!  Of course you all want to return to Reality, the state of eternal Joy and Love in which you are always eternally enfolded, and from which it seems that you have been separated for eons.

It is indeed a paradox for humans to be told that they are Love, One with Source, and yet to be experiencing separation, aloneness, abandonment.  Many feel that they personally are more alone, more abandoned than others, and they try to emulate the apparent success and happiness that they perceive others as enjoying by working extremely hard, and through that work – whatever form it may take – seeking the approval and admiration of others, while at the same time feeling bereft and unworthy.  Being a human in form is not easy for anyone!

Whenever you take time out and enter into your holy inner sanctuaries, the first item on your agenda should be to send Love to all others – withholding It from absolutely no one, no matter how bad or evil you may judge them to be.

You are Love, and so is everyone else, it is just that you appear to be separated from that state.

Love is ALL, It accepts and embraces everyone unconditionally because that is Its nature, your nature!  

Your awakening process is an awakening to that absolute Truth and knowing it.

I, and all my brothers and sisters in the non-physical realms know and honor that Truth, and soon, so will all of you, and your joy will be immense.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Humanity is awakening, and there are signs and indications of this throughout the world as more and more people choose to be only loving whatever arises in their daily lives.-Saul via John-

Your natural state is “the pure joy of Being”

All is unfolding precisely as divinely planned!  Humanity is awakening, and there are signs and indications of this throughout the world as more and more people choose to be only loving whatever arises in their daily lives.

Here in the non-physical realms we have been intensifying our love and support for you as you so powerfully and brilliantly move forward toward your awakening.  You are making it happen!

Yes it is God’s divine plan and intent for you to awaken, but you have to bring it to fruition in complete and loving cooperation with one another, as you all planned to do before you incarnated for your present human lifetimes.

This is because Mother/Father/God and You are One in eternal and most loving cooperation.  That is what Oneness means!  It is All, forever in the most beautiful and harmonious relationship with Itself – Source and All of the divine creation – totally joyful, totally complete.  It is Divine Perfection at One with Itself in every moment, delighted and enraptured with the pure joy of BEING!

Your natural state is “the pure joy of Being!”  It always has been and it always will be – NOW and FOREVER – because this is the only time that exists.  So, as you prepare yourselves for this momentous and miraculous event – and ALL of humanity, without any exceptions, is doing this – CELEBRATE!

There is much in the news that would suggest otherwise, alarming reports of divisive activities and behaviors in many parts of the world.

Be aware that what is being reported is basically the arising of many centuries of collective karmic ‘stuff’ that has to be acknowledged, thanked for the lessons with which it has presented humanity – which humanity has now learned – and lovingly released.

Truly, if you will look, there are signs everywhere of your collective Grand Awakening.  This is a time, a moment of enormous possibility and opportunity that will most definitely be fully availed of as the harvest of your tireless endeavors comes to its most glorious fruition right in your own awareness, amazing and delighting you.

You cannot have the slightest concept of the wonder that awaits you all.  The divine Plan is achieved, brilliantly, perfectly, and for ALL.

You do of course have free will, and that freedom will never be overridden, so some may choose to delay their awakening.  Do not let that concern you if you feel that friends or loved ones are not yet paying attention, are not yet ready to accept that only Love exists, and who appear to continue to feel a need to judge and even condemn those whom they perceive as evil ones, instead of awakening to the Love in which they, and all those they would judge, are enveloped.

These are indeed very confusing times as the collective return to Reality draws very near.

Many will have what you might describe as an instantaneous awakening – a sudden and most unexpected inflowing of Love for all of humanity – something that at present appears to be impossible, inconceivable, beyond all plausibility, and then their whole perspective on life will change, to their absolute amazement, in that instant.  Assuredly you have seen nothing yet!

As you have been told so often and by so many, God’s plan for humanity is magnificent, in fact it is transcendent!

You have been waiting longingly and, for the most part, patiently for the awakening process to come to completion.  Many of you have studied history and seen how much pain and suffering divisive attitudes, arising from political, ethnic, racial, national, and religious differences, have unleashed on so many, as wars have been fought to diminish or destroy those of differing beliefs.

Well, the time for such divisive activities is over!  Worldwide vast numbers have come to the full realization of the insanity of attempting to resolve grievances and differences through conflict, and the will or desire for conflict is diminishing rapidly. Humanity is coming of age!

As you go within daily, to your holy inner sanctuaries, to rest in the peace that is always there, deep within you, open yourselves fully to the infinite field of Love, which is also your own personal energy field, and allow yourselves to feel the Love, the peace, the harmony, the Oneness with All, and with all of humanity, and allow yourselves to know the truth, the Reality that is you, and that is every human.

You can feel the Love when you choose to allow yourselves to do so.  But often, you, and so many, many others, have so completely deceived yourselves about yourselves by accepting beliefs and belief systems that tell you that you are unworthy to be in the Presence of God, and so you refuse to allow yourselves to feel God’s Love for you, which is of course also your own Love for yourselves.

You were created in Love from Love, by Mother/Father/God, to rejoice and delight in the sheer joy of just BEING.

Your true nature is Love, it has never changed, and it never will change, because you, like Love, are eternally One with Source.

Choose, NOW, to open yourselves to the divine Embrace, God’s loving Embrace.

Know that you are completely and utterly accepted without reservation of any kind by Mother/Father/God, and that you truly are One with the Love that IS, and that is All.

You are One, you are All, because God created you like unto Herself in an unchanging and eternal relationship of LOVE!

Therefore release your doubts, your anxieties about your worthiness to be in the Presence of your Source, because that is where you always are, inseparably, permanently, and uninterruptedly, and REJOICE in the wonder that you are.

God does, and therefore so should you!

With so very much love, Saul.


”To celebrate further intensifies each individual’s energy field, further integrating it into the energy field of the One, the divine field of LOVE that is All That Exists”

Jesus: To seek a deeper meaning in life is a task that each human needs to address.

January 30, 2021 by John Smallman

We are on the edge!  Humanity’s awakening is imminent!  The time of chaos and confusion is drawing to a close, even though it may well appear that the chance of new conflicts arising in many places is intensifying.

Much collective karma is arising to be released as this happens,hence the chaos and confusion.  Do not be anxious, the divine plan is flowing perfectly smoothly just as Mother/Father/God intends, it is just not fully apparent to you because the veil that the illusion formed between you and Reality is still in place.

As this veil fades from your minds, dissolves, or disintegrates, as it will as you move into wakefulness, you will become increasingly aware that you have just not been able to see the illusion for what it really is . . . illusory, purely due to this illusory veil!

As your knowingness expands you will come to a true awareness of the fact that you are One, that you are Love, that there is no separation, one from another, or of you from Source.

Many of you have accepted on an intellectual level that this is true, now you will begin to feel it in your hearts, in fact many of you are already beginning to feel and know this truth.This knowing will confirm for you what you have accepted intellectually, that you are, and always have been in every moment of your eternal existence, uninterruptedly and inseparably in the divine Presence.

It truly is very simple, and it is your re-knowing of this that will bring into your awareness the joy in which you have always existed.

As children you played games with other children, sometimes they were very enjoyable and you did not want to stop, and at other times they were not fun, perhaps because others were teasing or bullying you and thereby interrupting or destroying your enjoyment.

As you moved into adolescence the kind of games you chose to play changed, and they did again as you moved into adulthood.

Adulthood could seem to be either a blessing or a curse as, when playing adult games, you found yourselves having to become increasingly responsible for your thoughts, words, and actions, which others were always happy to draw to your attention any time you attempted not to be responsible for them.

Accepting personal responsibility for your lives is perhaps the most difficult part of becoming adult, and many find themselves unable to take this major step into maturity and wisdom, choosing instead, when things go wrong, to blame them on others or on circumstances that were beyond their control.

Being a human in form means that you are limited in many ways by the very fact of your physical nature.  To grow up, from the first moments in-utero, through infancy, childhood, adolescence, and into adulthood, is to learn and deal with the limitations of that state.

As children, when you first begin to reason, you tend to see adults as very wise and powerful beings then, as your reasoning abilities develop, you begin to realize that you too will eventually become adults and that your parents are not as wise as you had thought, and so you start to look forward to the assumed state of independence that you will achieve on becoming adult.

But often, due to childhood experiences or traumas, you develop a sense that you are not good enough, clever enough, strong enough, beautiful or handsome enough, as you observe others whom you perceive as better than you in these areas.

This then makes it very difficult for you to develop a strong sense of self-acceptance.  Many thus have an inner sense that they are just children in adult bodies, and that although they are fully developed physically they feel that they are not really adults, and they find themselves feeling threatened and fearful in this adult world, a state of being which they had hoped would bring them a great sense of freedom and independence.

This sense of inadequacy is especially widespread among those who live in the more technically advanced areas of the world.

People there feel an intense need to present themselves as everything they inwardly feel that they are not – competent human adults living wisely and honestly – and often find themselves in competitive struggles to prove to others, and of course to themselves, that they are as good as or better than their peers.  If this way of living seems to bring them an acceptable level of success they will likely achieve a reasonable sense of self-acceptance, and the stress of feeling ‘less than’ will diminish.

However, true self-acceptance comes not from winning or forging ahead in competitive encounters with others, but from coming to the realization that the state of being human imposes limitations upon you that you can work with or fight against, and doing the former – accepting the actuality of this – leads to a more peaceful state of mind, as the previous constant stream of negative ‘what if?’ thoughts reduces considerably.

In this natural and far more relaxed state of human existence a person will find themselves seeking a deeper meaning to life than is available when life appears to be a constant and ongoing struggle to pay the bills and hold your relationships – with your partner, family, children, or workplace associates – together.

To seek a deeper meaning in life is a task that each human needs to address.

Some become aware in infancy that something is missing in their lives as humans, others do not become aware until well into adulthood.  However, because of the plans you designed for yourselves before incarnating, there are certain lessons that you need to learn before that awakening process, that search for a deeper meaning in your lives can commence.

But, whenever a person does become aware, and all will at some stage become aware – even if they refuse to acknowledge this to themselves – it is always at precisely the right time for that individual.  You all have your own unique paths to follow that will lead you Home to Reality.

Those of you reading this, or other loving messages from those on your support teams in the spiritual realms, are already seeking and finding that deeper meaning.

The most wonderful aspect of this is that however deep you go there is always further to go, more to encourage you forward, as more peace and joy emanates in your lives.  As this continues you will find that more and more people are drawn to you due to the love and peace that flows through your energy fields like a magnetic sphere of influence that extends and shares the magnetism of Love.

And of course this is why you are incarnate in this moment of humanity’s awakening, because you are each absolutely essential aspects of the human awakening process.

You are each assisting others, others of whom you may be totally unaware, to become aware that there is a far deeper meaning to life than they had ever previously conceived of.

Your presence in their lives, either momentarily or long-term, consciously or unconsciously, is encouraging them to seek out this meaning within themselves, where it has always been, awaiting their choice, as they allow themselves to become aware of it, to allow it to arise into their conscious awareness to uplift and inspire them.

An amazing and most wonderful miracle is happening within the human collective right now, a miracle that has been divinely planned since the beginning of time, since the moment when the experience of separation occurred, and this miracle is humanity’s collective awakening to the realization, understanding, and knowing that there is only LOVE, and that nothing more is needed or is possible.

Therefore, as I have counselled you previously, CELEBRATE!

To celebrate further intensifies each individual’s energy field, further integrating it into the energy field of the One, the divine field of LOVE that is All That Exists.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Just Be.

Today,i asked my Higher Self how can i best be of service right now?And the answer was :Just Be.So this message from Sananda/Jesus,once again,confirms what i always get from source.And i must share with you that about 99,99% of what i share on this website,is first confirmed within me and that is how i know it is true.The 0,01% is for all the sharings i do on disclosure and political aspects sharings i do where i must confess might be wrong as they are written by human minds and not higher intelligence channelings.I share those mostly to confirm how the collective vortex works and how timelines may shift depending on where the vibration of the collective stands.


Jesus Through John: The Necessity of just Being

January 15, 2021 by

Being is your most important task right now – there is no doing involved!  Being is to accept yourselves in this moment . . . and this moment . . . and this moment, without judgment or negative self-assessment of any kind.

The vast majority of humans have learned during their formative years that they must do or not do certain things in order to be accepted and loved by their parents, siblings, families, and teachers or caregivers.  Just being is discouraged because it appears that there is so much that needs to be done, and that hard work is an essential aspect of a successful life, while doing nothing is seen as a waste of time, as laziness.

To a certain extent this is a valid concept.  However, and for vast numbers of people, work has become life’s purpose – even though they may often dream of being free, of having holidays away from the stress of normal daily living – thus separating them from the fullness of their being!  Being is who you are, and if you do not allow yourselves to spend plenty of time just being – and most of humanity does not – you cannot know yourselves.

When you were born into human life, the life of form, your memory of who you really are was lost to you.  This is because of that long ago choice to experience separation from Source.  If you retained your memory you would not experience separation.  However, Source knows that not only is separation impossible, and that therefore the experience of separation is harmless, She also knows that that experience is something you would – eventually – choose to terminate, and so your collective awakening process was established at the precise instant that you chose to experience separation, in order that it would be there for you to avail of as soon as you chose to do so.

Now vast numbers of you are making the choice to terminate the experience of separation, and in that choice you are finding or uncovering within yourselves the awakening process.

It has always been there.

God did not choose to have you spend millennia incarnating and incarnating and incarnating as you sought the way Home.  He placed it within you, clearly marked and labeled, so that when you chose to awaken the means was there.

Because you had chosen the separation experience that too was there for you, and although it presented you with a multitude of lessons to learn which seemed to insist that you undergo many incarnations to complete the learning process, there was and is no requirement for you to do so.

Over the eons humanity became addicted to the distractions and excitements of the separation experience – duality, right versus wrong, good versus evil, love versus fear – that being in form made possible, and you came to believe that one life in form was all that you would get, so you had better make the most of it.

Yes, many cultures established myths and religions that spoke of an afterlife, and of the karmic necessity for many reincarnations, but those too were distractions.

You are, each and every one of you – in every moment of your existence – One with Source, Love, Mother/Father/God in your own unique and individual way, and so youwilleach find or uncover your own unique way Home to that state of eternal knowing.

The myths and religions were helpful at times, they were like incompleted maps which offered some directions, but which needed to be individualized as each of you was on a different spot on that map.  But over time many of them they became power structures, which some used to control others with judgments of what was right and wrong, and with severe punishments imposed by the ‘authorities’ on this who refused to conform.

Now, as you move along through the awakening process toward Home, you are rediscovering your God-given sovereignty, your divine right to choose your own unique path.  Only your path will work for you.  

People are, therefore, breaking away from the bonds and restrictions of organized religions, with their idea of one path for all, and the judgments they have established to validate the truth of that, and of what is right or wrong.  They are coming to the realization that, yes, there is only Love, and that the only rule is to be loving at all times.

As you have been told so often, Love never judges or condemns, Love always accepts.  Those who live lovingly never intentionally harm or seek to harm or offend anyone.

When someone judges you or offers you uncalled for advice or guidance they are not offering you Love.  However, when someone listens to you compassionately without offering advice or guidance, she allows you to find yourself within yourself, if you choose to listen to yourself, hear yourself, understand what you have said, and then truly look within.

Looking within is the key to finding your awakening process, but many have been so traumatized, and have buried so much pain and suffering deep within themselves, that they are constantly seeking distraction from that insistent but very quiet call to go within.

They are terrified of what they will find there.  Yes, they will uncover shame, blame, unworthiness, and memories of unloving behaviors that have hurt them badly and with which they have harmed or hurt others.  But then, with the loving assistance of their individual support teams in the spiritual realms, they will be able to come to an understanding of why all this occurred, and through that understanding will be able to see the invalidity of those negative self-judgments, allowing them to forgive themselves, and any others who have harmed or shamed them.  The knowing that they are God’s beloved children will arise and confirm itself, and then they will be able to release their hold on the buried guilt and shame that they have been carrying for so long.

By releasing these burdens they allow and invite Love to embrace them, which It does instantly, and the result is an intense sense of inner peace, self-acceptance, and love for all.  It is the dropping or discarding of an enormously heavy and energy-draining burden or load, that serves neither them nor anyone else, and a marvelous experience of lightness and peace replaces it, as all the shoulds and musts, or shouldn’ts or mustn’ts just fall away, and, often for the very first time, the person feels FREE, ALIVE and filled with joy for life.

This is your natural state as a human, but it has been hidden, buried, unavailable because of all those invalid negative beliefs about yourselves that the various traumas you have undergone have ingrained deep within you.  Self-acceptance is essential, it is your path Home, and it is also, of course, the wonderful realization that Mother/Father/God, Source, Love is your nature, that you are One with That, and that THAT is YOU!

Humanity is awakening, and the realization of that ONENESS is dawning every day on more and more of you.  The evidence of this is available for all to see because of the ability that each has to cruise the world-wide-web and meet others who, like themselves, are enthusiastically choosing to awaken.

Do not engage with the ongoing dramas with which the mainstream and social media flood the airwaves in order to distract you.

Choose not to spend inordinate amounts of time checking phones, emails, and your favorite news sources, because doing so is extremely addictive.  Instead set a precise and very brief time period no more than twice daily – morning and evening, perhaps – to learn what you feel you need to know about local or world affairs, and then get on with LIFE.

The miracle that is life reveals itself to you in every moment if you pay attention by being mindful, instead of engaging with the negative thought patterns that flow automatically and uninvited through your minds whenever you let your awareness stop being aware.

You are awakening, it is the divine Will that you do so, and the divine Will is always perfectly achieved.

Therefore let go of or release your tight and fearful grip on doubts and ‘what if’ thoughts that do not serve you, and allow the Love, that you and every conscious entity truly is, to embrace you, inspiring and uplifting you as you go about your daily lives in form.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Saul Through John: You were created completely Free.

It is God’s Will that you feel His Love for you.

We are One! All are One, there is no separation, ever.  There is only LOVE, SOURCE, MOTHER/FATHER/GOD, the divine field of CONSCIOUSNESS in which all LIFE is ONE.

Consciousness is eternal, everlasting, a permanent state of existence in which All is always fully present.

Form is temporary, and that includes all form, from the Multiverse to the smallest sub-atomic particle that your science is aware of, or anything smaller even than that.

You are mostly aware that your human bodies are composed of billions of cells and trillions of smaller particles all interacting in perfect harmony in a healthy body.  In the same way your bodies are all interconnected to one another and to the multiverse.

Separation is an illusion, everything has an affect on everything else, just as each apparently separate entity of consciousness affects every other.

Awareness of this is now well recognized, although not very well understood, and this awareness is leading more and more people to the realization that each one’s thoughts, attitudes, words, and actions truly do affect everyone else, and that, therefore, to be only loving benefits all, including, of course, those actually choosing to set the intent to be very positively loving whatever arises.

More of you reading or listening to this and other loving messages are already making this choice daily, it is why you chose to be incarnate now to assist in the collective awakening process.  Each day the process continues to accelerateas we move ever closer to this miraculous moment.

In the intervening period, please do not allow yourselves to be distracted from your essential and individual tasks of assisting in the awakening process, the tasks which you each chose so enthusiastically to undertake prior to incarnating.

You are each, without any exceptions, absolutely essential aspects of the collective process, so release any doubts that you may have about its actuality, because it has been divinely planned and is being perfectly executed because it is the divine Will, and that Will is always brought perfectly to fruition.

When you awaken you will know what an honor and a joy it has been for you to participate, even though now you may well be filled with doubts.  Doubt and uncertainty are major aspects of the game, dream, or possibly nightmare that is presented to you as a human in form from which you are shortly due to awaken.

Yes, of course I am yet again going to remind you of the necessity of going within daily, to your holy inner sanctuaries, to open your hearts as fully as you are able and then to invite Love in to open them even further as It enfolds you in Its infinitely loving embrace.

Truly, you have NO idea of how deeply loved you all are – every conscious entity without exception.  That is extremely difficult for you to even conceive of comprehending while you are in human form, due to the severe limitations that being in form imposes on you, which is all part of the collective choice to experience the unreality of separation!

So, go within, invite and allow Love to embrace you, and feel your doubts and uncertainties diminish and dissolve.

It is God’s Will that you feel His Love for you.  The reason that mostly you do not or cannot is because, having chosen to experience separation from God, there is a deep underlying sense that you have offended your Creator, Love, and that you are unworthy to be in the divine Presence and feel the all-embracing Love that is offered to you in every moment.

You were created completely Free.

Yes, you are One with Mother/Father/God, and, therefore, inseparable from the One, and yet you are also Free.  As a human in form that is quite a paradox to engage with and attempt to understand.

Yes, you are Free, and God never revokes or interferes with that inviolable freedom.

You were created like unto God, Who is Free, by God Who gave you everything – there are no things! – All that She is.

What I and so many others are attempting to impress upon you is that you truly are forever Free, and that you are forever infinitely loved.  There is nothing you can do to change that, but you can and have chosen not to believe it.

Now is the moment to release your hold on this invalid belief, and to awaken into the joy that is your rightful inheritance as children of the Divine.  That is the divine Will for you, the divine Will is always that.

Going within, to those truly holy inner sanctuaries that are always within you, waiting to welcome you, is the most effective way in which you can begin to know and feel this.  Meditation, contemplation, or plain relaxation without any expectation is the way to this knowing, to this experience of great inner peace and joy.

Very few of you are able to totally free yourselves from distracting thoughts and impulses – check the phone, cruise the fridge, check the latest news – and you often view this as a failure on your part.  Truly it is not!

You all have an ego, it is a split off part of your mind that will always attempt to react emotionally to the slightest drama that you become aware of.  Its original purpose was to protect you from imminent and unexpected threats – it is often referred to as the “fight or flight” syndrome, and it has been very useful – however, over time, for most people, it has become their identity!  And that it is not!

However, it does endlessly and enthusiastically seek out your undivided attention, it is the narcissistic aspect of a personality, and was necessary in infancy when your ability to communicate meaningfully with your parents, caregivers, or siblings was extremely limited. However, it was meant to be gently outgrown as you matured through your teenage years and evolved into adulthood.

Unfortunately, most of you were traumatized in infancy and childhood – psychologically, and/or physically– and that trauma was not healed at, or shortly after, the time at which it occurred.  For most, it is far too painful to remember what caused it, and so the emotional response to threat of any kind remains.  The ego, therefore, maintains its powerful influence over you, causing you to react in fear or anger in the moment, often quite unnecessarily, and often leaving you feeling guilty or ashamed later.

So, now that you are aware of this – and most of you are! – it is time to let go of your impulsive need for an instant response or reaction to an event, and you do have the ability to pause momentarily when something, seemingly threatening, arises in your environment.

Time spent within, in quiet meditation or contemplation, is a practice that will lead you forward into a space of peace in which you will find peace, and that inherent need to react instantaneously will subside and become far less intense, allowing you to be loving whatever may arise in your daily lives.

As more and more people become able to live like this, the rush to conflict will lessen, and conflict will occur far less frequently.

This ability to pause is becoming far more prevalent worldwide, despite what you may hear or read on the mainstream or social media, and is a very positive indication of the collective preparing for its awakening.

Know that all is indeed well, and that your awakening is moving forward most beautifully, just as divinely planned.

With so very much love, Saul.

It can be seen that the damage caused by these restrictions far exceeds any that the virus has actually caused.Nevertheless, humanity is awakening . . . NOW!-Saul via John-

Massive releases of ancient trauma clear the space to allow Love to enter and embrace all.

by John Smallman


Saul Audio Blog for Saturday December 19th

As the year end approaches the human collective is experiencing considerable fear and anxiety, because the increasingly authoritarian restrictions on your freedom of movement and freedom to interact socially have been having a very negative impact on family gatherings, especially during the nationwide holiday at Thanksgiving, and now it seems likely that these restrictions will continue through Christmas and the New Year as well.

People are very sensibly and naturally questioning the need for these restrictions as it becomes ever clearer that there are no practical plans in place to bring these restrictions to an end, and as it also becomes very clear that the number of people dying from all causes has remained just about normal throughout the year in spite of the dire warnings that were made when the virus was first identified. It can be seen that the damage caused by these restrictions far exceeds any that the virus has actually caused.

Nevertheless, humanity is awakening . . . NOW! The confusion and chaos that have been ongoing, and experienced by everyone since early in the year, have vastly intensified humanity’s collective awareness that change of a major order is essential in your beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors if you are going to move away from the threat of major conflict to a state of peace and freedom for all.

You all want peace, but due to the way in which humans have engaged with each other over a very long time period, and because of the experiences that have resulted from those engagements, people feel and believe that life is unsafe, and that therefore defenses have to be built and maintained to ensure your survival. Over the last few months these defenses have been strengthened, causing you to feel even more separate from one another, and even more threatened by one another. This is insane!

You are divine beings, your nature is divine, and that nature is Love. The restrictions imposed upon you over the last few months have tended to shut out Love by encouraging fear, suspicion, mistrust, and wariness of others – even within families – to arise within you. The upside of this is that you are questioning all of your ingrained beliefs and fears, and as you do so it becomes increasingly difficult for you to justify them. Life has not become more dangerous. In fact over the last few decades there has been proportionally more peace on Earth than at any time in your recorded history. It is time to acknowledge, thank, and release the ingrained trauma that you have all experienced – the ‘stuff’ that is arising within you all. Doing this opens an enormous amount of space within each one of you – space that has been almost totally preoccupied with unhealthy and fearful “what if” thoughts that cause you unnecessary stress and anxiety – that Love will fill if you will allow It to do so.

As all the channeled messages from loving ones in the spiritual realms, and also the ones offered by those among you who are very well established on the path of spiritual evolution continually reiterate: Love is the life force, the energy field which flows constantly, abundantly, and without interruption, through all of creation eternally. Nothing that has been created is ever lost, ever ceases to exist, because the divine Creation is God eternally extending and sharing Itself in infinite peace and joy with all that It has created for all eternity. There is nothing to fear because there is only and eternally Love, Mother/Father/God, the divine field in which all that exists is eternally present, and beyond or outside of Which there is nothing. There is no beyond or outside, there is only God from Whom no conscious entity or field of awareness can ever be separated, because whatever has been, is being, or will be created is, by its very nature, One with Source.

As humans your awareness of this divine Truth is limited by your own individual choices to experience separation from Source as part of the human collective. There is no one who is in form who has not personally chosen to be in form. You are in form to learn lessons that can only be learnt while experiencing life in form, and those of you who are reading this, or other loving channeled messages, also chose to be in form in this moment to assist in the awakening process for the collective of which, of course, you are all individual and essential parts, while at the same time being inseparably and uninterruptedly at One with Source.

It can therefore be seen that there are no accidents. All are in form by by their own personal choice, and the consequence of that is that all will awaken from the illusion or game of existence in form to know themselves once again as divine beings forever in the Presence of the One with Whom they are One when they choose to do so. That is the nature of free will. And everyone will make that choice because it is impossible to remain forever in a dream or illusory state that is unreal. The unreal does not exist, therefore it is impossible to remain there!

To know yourselves as One is your divine destiny, and it is inevitable. However, as already made clear, you each make choices totally freely about how you wish to experience the complete unreality of separation, and you are always totally free to change those choices. Your egos would have you believe that your existence as a human in form was imposed upon you either by God, or by the circumstances of chemical evolution that occurred following the “Big Bang.” The Big Bang, that modern science believes was the moment in which the Universe as you experience it started to form, is just an aspect of the experience of separation from Source in which, both collectively and individually, you chose to participate.

Now, humanity has collectively chosen to awaken, and the first signs of that are clearly visible as increasing numbers of you make contact, physically, psychically, or electronically with others who, like you, have chosen to awaken and are doing so. The Tsunami of Love continues to intensify, and there is no one presently in form who is not being nudged toward their own personal awakening. This can be unsettling for those who were not consciously seeking or following a spiritual meaning in their lives, as it arouses a sense that maybe they have been wasting their lives as the realization dawns on them that life is far, far more than it appears to be when the focus is solely on its material aspects in form.

The task you chose, with great wisdom and foresight, to undertake before you incarnated for this present human lifetime, is now being presented to you in your daily lives and is unmistakable. It is to be only loving whatever arises and whosoever you are interacting with. Deep in your hearts you do know this, but due to the egoic defenses that you have established within yourselves, you also feel that to be only loving will lay you open to betrayal, pain, and suffering. And, yes, you will encounter those who would tell you that it is insane to be only loving, as well as others who will take advantage of your loving kindness. Nevertheless, you made the decision to be loving at all times before you incarnated, and as you now continue to set that intent daily, you will find your determination strengthening, and you will find yourselves being met with Love more and more frequently because humanity is awakening, and the nature of humanity is Love.

So, in spite of any seeming setbacks you may encounter, continue to set the intent daily, and any time during the day that you experience doubts, and make a point of celebrating every occasion on which you encounter loving intent or purpose in another, because it will also be a loving reminder, a drawing to your attention of the fact that humanity is indeed awakening.

In this season of festivity, during which giving gifts and giving thanks is widespread, intensify even further your intent to demonstrate love in action by doing so, and by refusing to allow yourselves to react defensively or in anger to some unexpected, unwarranted slight or offense. Remind yourselves that ‘STUFF’ is still arising into the consciousness of many who have previously managed to deny, ignore, or bury the pain and anger of old trauma, and silently send them love, knowing, as you do from your own experiences, that stuff arising can be intensely unsettling as long buried emotions escape, seemingly uncontrollably, driving people to act out of extremes of fear or anger.

Love is All that exists, and is always and only unconditional. Therefore forgive everyone without exception – with yourselves most definitely included – for whatever arises that is out of alignment with love, because you know that it is leading you forward to your awakening as massive releases of ancient trauma clear the space to allow Love to enter and embrace all.

With so very much love, Saul.

To refuse to accept yourselves, and then to spend inordinate amounts of time in self-criticism and negative self-judgment – or in egotistical denial – of your faults and inadequacies drains your energy.Frequently remind yourselves of your divine provenance…-Jesus via John-

December 3, 2020 by John Smallman

Today I want to talk to you about self-acceptance, not self-esteem, just self-acceptance.

There are very few among you who have not suffered psychological and emotional trauma as you grew from infancy – as soon as your consciousness began to arise in-utero – to adulthood.  Those traumas are the basis of your fears and lack of self-acceptance.  The traumas were the result of judgment and shaming by those who were your caregivers – parents, close relatives, siblings, school teachers – who were all, with no exceptions, doing the best that they could in each moment.

They too had been traumatized from infancy.  When you are traumatized your human nature automatically builds psychological and emotional defenses, and, when you become a little bit independent – crawling, toddling – you start making your first attempts to build physical defenses to help you feel safe, through bodily physique and/or strong personality development.

The result is that most people, when interacting with others in any manner at all, are on the alert in case they experience a situation in which they feel a need to defend or assert themselves, or preemptively attack someone else.  This is an extremely stressful manner in which to live your daily lives.

This has been an aspect of human life for an extremely long time, and now, with the collective awakening process approaching completion, the amount of ‘stuff’ arising into people’s awareness for acknowledgment, forgiveness, and release has become enormous.

All your triggers or buttons concerning self-acceptance are being massively activated, thus intensifying the felt need to be alert and on guard against attacks of any kind.  Naturally, because you all feel – even if you are unaware of it – the energy signatures of others, this sense of threat and the need to be alert becomes intensified.

Therefore I want to remind you yet again that you are, each and every one of you without any exceptions, the beloved children of God whom She created as perfect divine beings like unto Herself.  This being the absolute Truth, please accept that it is so and make a point of giving yourselves permission to accept yourselves just as you are.

Yes, as humans playing the game of separation, it appears that you do have a multitude of flaws and inadequacies, and of course you do make errors and mistakes as you live your human lives.  However, instead of judging and condemning yourselves for those errors and mistakes, become aware of and understand the lessons with which they presented you when they occurred, and then you can learn from them and move forward very positively on your individual paths of spiritual evolution.

To refuse to accept yourselves, and then to spend inordinate amounts of time in self-criticism and negative self-judgment – or in egotistical denial – of your faults and inadequacies drains your energy.

Frequently remind yourselves of your divine provenance, and of the Truth that God totally accepts you just as you are – and this is most certainly the case – and, therefore, necessarily honor and respect your eternal Oneness with God, your absolutely inseparable Oneness with God.

Doing this enormously increases your energy, strengthening your field, thus ensuring that you most powerfully share and extend the Love that you are – the Love flowing unceasingly through your human form – with all those with whom you interact in any manner at all, even if only for an instant – the Holy Instant!  This is why you are presently on Earth in human form, and deep within yourselves you do know this, so allow yourselves to become aware, fully aware of this divine Truth.

Yes, you may well find it difficult to be constantly self-accepting, so call on me, or on anyone on your spiritual support team with whom you usually or normally commune, to praise and encourage you in this vital personal undertaking which greatly assists all of humanity in the ongoing and accelerating awakening process.

In spite of the chaos, conflict, and confusion being reportedby most of the media, humanity’s collective awakening process is moving forward very rapidly, just as divinely planned and intended.  The divine Will, God’s Will is always achieved!And each and every conscious being is an aspect of that divine Will.

Therefore it is good, very good, to be celebrating as you advance toward your collective awakening, because this increases the intensity of your awakening intention, at the same time reducing or dissolving any doubts you may have about Reality, the existence of Source, Mother/Father/God and what that means.

Each time during the day that you go within, remind yourselves of your inseparable and uninterruptible connection with your Oneness, with Source.  Doing just this is all that you need to doto be the change that the world needs now.

Yes, of course some of you have tasks to carry out in the physical environment that will assist people to awaken, to be healed and freed from their ‘stuff,’ but your time spent within, holding and resetting the intent to be only loving, is an absolutely essential aspect of the awakening process.  The more frequently and consciously you reset that intent the more powerfully it flows through you, healing humanity.

As humans in form you truly can have no idea of the immense power of Love that flows through you all in every moment because you are divine beings.

You are having a temporary experience in form in order to massively assist in the awakening.

You chose to be here to do this now, in this now moment as you read this message or listen to it.  This is the meaning for which so many of you have been searching outside yourselves, admiring those you see as more spiritually aligned, enlightened, or advanced than you are.  Cease comparing yourselves to others, it can be a major distraction from being yourself, the only One you can be, and are!

When you find yourselves making comparisons of this nature, notice what you admire in another and realize that it is but a mirror image of your own beautiful self reflected back to you.

As individuals you are each perfect but unique and different reflections of the One, of Source, and when you allow yourselves to just be, then that is what others experience as you – the calm, stable, peaceful beauty that is Source – reflected back to them to show them their true selves.

Stop underestimating the powerful loving beings that you are, allow yourselves to be seen and experienced as the Love that you truly are.

Know that this is why you are here now in this only moment, this moment that exists for all eternity, as time ceases momentarily for you and brings you into awareness of this magnificent and intensely inspiring Truth.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Your loving intentions help so many others to deal with their arising ‘stuff.

Saul Through John: Truly, words cannot even begin to suggest to you the joys that await your awakening.

11/23/2020 by John Smallman

As governments worldwide are enforcing or attempting to enforce a new lock-down on their citizens, fear and anger is intensifying.

This is a very natural result when people feel that the ways in which they live their lives are no longer allowed to be self-determined but will, instead, be decided by various government organizations that ‘claim’ to be doing so purely for the benefit of their citizens.

These sensations are extremely unsettling because they disturb the “status quo” to which most people had become accustomed, the ‘relatively’ unchanging circumstances of their daily lives.  Change is, of course, constant, nevertheless, people resist it unless the circumstances of their lives are experienced as unacceptable, but it often remains unseen because most people follow regular daily routines which confirm for them the sense that change is not occurring.

Now, in this time of confusion and apparent chaos that appears to be largely due to the pandemic, people feel very threatened and unsettled because their normal daily routines have been closed off by authoritarian decree, and there is no indication that this unhappy state of affairs is going to end any time soon.

It is no wonder that people are feeling fear and anger, because they are totally unaccustomed to the uncertainty that has now been established, and is apparently intended in their own best interests, if they choose to believe the reasons that are being promulgated by all the mainstream media.

And, of course, fear is very divisive, so trust in one’s neighbors is collapsing as negative judgments of one another arise, and confusion over the validity of the measures being imposed leads to disagreements, sometimes fierce disagreements within neighborhoods and within families over how serious and dangerous the situation has become.

This is indeed a very confusing and unsettling time for you all, so I would, yet again, remind you how absolutely essential it is for all of you to take time out frequently during the day to go within and reset your intent to be only loving whatever arises.

That intent, consciously held and reset frequently, is extremely powerful and is greatly needed as the collective awakening process draws toward its conclusion.

Your loving intentions help so many others to deal with their arising ‘stuff,’ while not being completely overwhelmed by the general sense of anxiety that is very widespread at present.

You chose to be in human form at this time to do just this, because you knew that it would be extremely effective in driving your collective awakening process forward.  However, due to the amnesiac process involved in becoming human, you have mostly lost your connection to your awareness of that knowing, and so intense doubts arise within you.

Therefore engage regularly in conversation with your support teams in the non physical realms, ask them for reassurance that all truly is moving forward as divinely planned, and they will provide it because that is a major aspect of their work as your support teams.

You will feel their love and support, and you will find that your doubts and anxieties have eased, further confirming for you the value of going within to your place of inner peace where Love resides awaiting your invitation to enter into your hearts so that you can joyfully accept Its warm embrace.

Knowing, as you do, that you made a very positive and enthusiastic choice to be incarnate on Earth at this moment in humanity’s collective transition to a much higher level of spiritual evolution, you can relax with certainty into the radiant significance of this upcoming occasion.

This is not business as usual, this is the time of Humanity’s Collective Awakening.

It is a most wonderful occasion that was created for you by Mother/Father/God at the very moment in which you collectively chose to engage in an unreal drama, a game of separation from Source, so that when you changed your minds – as you inevitably would because

Oneness with Source is Reality and embraces you in endless joy – and chose to return to rest in the divine Presence, from which you have never, not even for an instant, actually been separated, the path would appear, lovingly and enthusiastically inviting you to follow it Home!

Truly, words cannot even begin to suggest to you the joys that await your awakening, because it appears to you that joy is an ephemeral state that may only be briefly experienced and then lost, as the basic survival needs of your human living conditions once again demand your full attention.

Nevertheless, deep within you there is a knowing that is now rising into your conscious awareness, a knowing that life is a most wonderful and amazing gift that is offering you a prodigious treasure of inconceivable magnificence.  You just know that this is the case, although you don’t know why youknow,and yet, in spite of this, you do have doubts.  Doubting God’s infinite and unchanging Love for you, and doubting if you really are blessed with eternal life in that loving Presence is an aspect of the unreal drama that you experience during temporal life as a human.

This is indeed an amazing, confusing, unsettling, and inspiring time to be present in form on Earth, and all of you reading or listening to this, and other similar channeled messages, do feel this, and are filled with eager anticipation.

I assure you that you will not be disappointed, because what awaits you when you awaken will completely dissolve any residual fears or anxieties that you may be clinging to while you wait expectantly to awaken.

Life is about to blossom into the most glorious and delicious state, a state that you presently cannot even conceive of, and yet you do know that this is true.

With so very much love, Saul.

CELEBRATE!-Jesus through John-

Jesus Through John: Your Awakening is Happening Now

Life is Good!

However, if you focus on what you do not like in your own individual lives this does not appear to be the case.  I would therefore remind you . . . AGAIN, that Life is eternal.  

Life manifests unmistakably and completely palpably, constantly and eternally, in the Presence of Source, with Whom each individual conscious living entity is One in every moment without interruption.  Because there is only Source, Mother/Father/God, Love, THERE IS, AND CAN BE, NO SEPARATION . . . EVER!

Where you are mainly focusing your attention – on being a human on a small planet in a VAST universe – distracts you from allowing yourselves to know yourselves as you truly are, divine Beings infinitely loved by God, Who never judges you.

There is NO judgment! Judgment is an aspect of the illusion that you invented and use to divide one another into good, mediocre, and bad, depending on your own individual, and mostly horribly confused perceptions of another, or many others.  This has caused such enormous suffering throughout human history that the collective has finally decided and set the collective intent to awaken from the dream/nightmare that you seem to have been undergoing as reality since the beginning of time.

Your awakening is happening now, and consequently all that is not in alignment with Reality, with Love, to which humanity has been clinging in fear, and then expressing in anger, judgment, and condemnation of one or many others, is arising in the collective consciousness to be acknowledged, thanked for the lessons with which it has presented you, forgiven for the suffering it has caused you, and released, thus making an enormous amount of ‘space’ available in the collective dream/nightmare for Love to flow in and awaken you into the Joy that is Life, that is Reality.

So, to reiterate, yet again, you are divine beings, always infinitely and eternally loved by God, having a brief and unreal experience as a human in form.

That form appears to you to be totally real – the senses with which your bodies are furnished are intensely sensitive – because you wished to experience separation as fully and completely as possible, and, consequently, that is how you do experience it.

Nevertheless, you do have to differentiate between what is good and what is not good, namely between what it means to be loving and what it means not to be loving.

At the deepest level of your being you do know this, you can most clearly differentiate between these two states – even though there is truly only one state . . . LOVE – but, because of the fear that the sense of being separated from Source instills within you, you actually find yourselves cognizant of myriad differences – myriad forms of goodness and myriad forms of evil – and spend inordinate amounts of time discussing these apparent differences, and then making judgments about them.

And the reason for this?  It is because the sense of separation that you are each experiencing individually makes you appear to be quite different from one another, while at the same time showing you that you are indeed all human.

You then pay attention to the evil that is so evident all over the world, and come to the conclusion that you need to gather in families, groups, tribes, and even nations to fight and destroy the evil that you so clearly recognize in other families, groups, tribes, and nations.

However, humanity has, as your history makes abundantly clear, been doing this for much longer than is recorded in your ancient annals, and it has never worked!

Conflict always leads to further conflict, because those who are defeated know that they are in the right, and therefore, when they rebuild their strength, they will engage again with those who defeated them, seeking to avenge themselves for the wrongs and suffering inflicted upon them . . . and so it has been going, on and on.

Now, humanity has finally decided collectively that “Enough is enough!”  And the results of that decision can be seen most clearly in the world around you as seemingly more and more divisiveness arises between people planet-wide.

This divisiveness is clearly visible for all to see, and can be seen to be accentuating and intensifying the differences between you, and accentuating and intensifying the need to destroy and conquer all that is evil in the world.  And that realization – the need to conquer and destroy evil – is finally being seen for what it is . . . Humanity’s death knell!

People are coming to the realization, on a MASSIVE scale, that major changes in the way in which you interact with one another worldwide are vital and essential NOW!

So, in spite of what is being reported on the mainstream media, and in many other places, the present chaos, confusion, and seemingly increasingly divisive behaviors and actions demonstrate very clearly indeed that humanity is waking up massively, and becoming aware in this now moment that change is essential now.

And, although it is not yet being generally reported, the effects of this globalchange of heart by humanity is leading rapidly to a cessation of unloving behaviors in many areas where such a concept was, until very recently, thought to be impossible.

Therefore, CELEBRATE!

As I have told you before, celebrating raises your frequency, because in celebrating you honor one another, and when you do that you offer love to one another, further raising your frequency toward full alignment with Love.

Full alignment with Love is the aim of your spiritual evolution, but, because there is only Love, which is utterly non-judgmental and unconditionally accepting of every one of God’s beloved children – and ALL are God’s beloved children – your awakening will occurbefore you are fully aligned with Love.

On awakening you will then be led Home into full alignment with Love, your true and natural state, by your support teams in the spiritual realms who are most eagerly awaiting that magnificent moment, and who have prepared a most wonderfully welcoming Homecoming for you all.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

more and more people are becoming aware each and every day that their lives have a deep and powerful spiritual meaning

Saul Through John: The Awakening is Individual as well as Collective

11/03/2020 by John Smallman

The US presidential election is attracting an enormous amount of attention worldwide as governments continue to adjust their COVID-19 containment plans.  This is a very big distraction from the real Event – Humanity’s Imminent Awakening!

Most of you are waiting for the Awakening with eager anticipation, but are at the same time harboring doubts and anxieties as the chaos and confusion enveloping humanity plays out in the mainstream media.

Therefore, set and maintain the intent to spend less time focusing on the mainstream media, whose main purpose is to keep you distracted, so that you find yourselves with no time for prayer, meditation, or contemplation.  The more quiet time you can make available to yourselves the more effective becomes your intent to be only loving of all humanity, and the more effective is the healing flow of Love through you and out to all of humanity.

All of you reading this, and many, many more people also setting the intent now, and constantly, to be only loving, chose to be incarnate at this moment in humanity’s collective spiritual evolution in order to assist most efficaciously and powerfully.

As you are all aware, more and more people are becoming aware each and every day that their lives have a deep and powerful spiritual meaning, and are seeking to discover ways to understand what that means for them.

Your presence on Earth, being loving, is an essential and powerful addition to the Tsunami of Love as it flows so freely and abundantly across the planet impacting every single human, and nudging them gently and lovingly toward doing the necessary spiritual inner work that they have, possibly for many lifetimes, “put on the long finger.”

As I have mentioned before: “Stuff is arising to be acknowledged, thanked, forgiven, and released.”  This is what is happening now worldwide, and, initially, it appears to be very divisive for humanity.

The reason for this is that the ‘stuff’ is karmic.  It contains uncountable bitter memories, along with a horrified awareness of and an intense need to judge and condemn “other men’s” inhumanity to man over the eons.

Consequently there is a lot of bitterness, hatred, desire for vengeance, and resentment within it.  Hence the imperative need to forgive and release it so that Love may fill the space that it ‘owned.’

I assure you that this ‘stuff’ is being released all over the world, as more and more humans become aware that only Love will bring them peace, harmony, and joy.

The rate of release is accelerating exponentially as humanity’s collective awareness of its true spiritual nature intensifies and expands, allowing Love to dissolve all that is out of alignment with It, unreal!  Our Father’s intent has always been for humanity, and indeed all life that has taken form, to awaken to its real identity – One with Source – LOVE.

So, as the mainstream media continues to vociferously demand your attention and insist that you focus on the horrors that so many are undergoing, please refrain from doing so.

That ancient karma feeds on the negative energy expressed by those who watch the chaos and turmoil, engaging with it in deep disgust, and even hatred, believing that it is their duty to do so.

To focus on the horrors in the world – unless you are very actively involved in rescuing and healing those who are hurt – reduces the power of your loving intent to heal these ancient traumatic divisions among you, and hinders and slows down the awakening process unnecessarily.  Of course none of you want to do that.

In these times of uncertainty and confusion do what you set the intent to do before you incarnated namely: keep on resetting the intent to be only loving.

Make a point of going within whenever you have a moment during the day – waiting to cross the street, waiting for a train, bus, or airplane, waiting for the children to come out of school – there truly are many, many moments when you can, by setting the intention just momentarily, intensify the power and effectiveness of the collective awakening process.

It is the divine Will that You awaken from the dream/nightmare, but because God gave You free will, it is each one of you that has to do the awakening.  And, of course, because it is the divine Will, and because you are all eternally One with Source, it is also your individual will to awaken, and you did set that intent before each of your human incarnations.

During each of those incarnations you were presented with the lessons that you had chosen, in advance, to learn.  However, most of you completely underestimated the intensity of the amnestic effect of taking form.  Thus many are feeling lost and abandoned in an unfeeling, unseeing, and impersonal and dangerous world.

Now, in these end times for the old order, a great many of you have been able to recognize and maintain your pre-incarnational intent to awaken and to assist all others in their individual awakening.

The awakeningis individual, as well as collective, because each of your free will choices to experience separation was, therefore, a choice to be an individual – one being separate from all others – although, of course, the initial relationship with your earth mother is as one in unity.

However, children grow up and want to be independent from their parents, this is totally naturalfor the ongoing continuation of humanity’s existence in form, but mothers frequently, perhaps almost always, never lose or let go of that sense of oneness with their children.

Having your own children, loving them, and assisting them to grow into mature adulthood, is an important aspect of each parent’s awakening process.  To be a parent – even if you have been horribly traumatized during your own childhood – is part of your planned pre-incarnational life path, and it presents you with an absolute abundance of opportunities to be only loving whatever arises.

Doubtless, the vast majority of you who are, or who have been parents, have frequently failed to live up to that intent momentarily on numerous occasions.  Let go of any negative self-judgments that may have arisen within you because of these ‘failures.’

Truly they are not failures, but are learning experiences for you, and for your children.  Remember, there are no accidents or coincidences, everything that occurs is part of an individual’s life path, specifically chosen for the lessons that it would present.

Everyone, without any exceptions, set themselves a pre-planned life path, before they incarnated, that would offer them countless opportunities and lessons for their individual spiritual development and evolution.  Therefore, although you may have – in fact most likely and definitely have – at times treated your children or other people unlovingly, forgive yourselves, after all God has never, and never will judge you!

God Loves, God is Love, and God loves you because you are her divine creation, perfect in every way!  Who are you to dispute God?

In these times of confusion just trust that the divine plan will be brought to a most magnificent fruition, knowing, as you do deep within yourselves, that no other outcome is even remotely possible.

As you initiate your daily practice of meditation, contemplation, relaxation, or prayer, remind yourselves that you are infinitely loved – however much your egos may insist that you are not good enough, worthy enough, or loving enough – by Mother/Father/God, and that therefore it is insane not to love yourselves.

Then settle into that quiet inner space, that holy inner sanctuary that everyone has within them, and allow the infinite field of divine LOVE to embrace and envelop you as you relax into the divine Presence where you always have your eternal existence.

With so very much love, Saul.

Whether you were born into extreme poverty, unimaginable wealth, or some in-between state, you all were traumatized to a greater or lesser extent during your journey from infancy to adulthood, no one escapes trauma.-Sananda via John-

October 29, 2020 by John Smallman

You are All ONE, and Divisions between You are Unreal.

Humanity is on the cusp of the awakening process as the numbers of ones becoming aware that there is far more to life than its material aspects continue to increase rapidly.

The present confusion and uncertainty, along with the major restrictions on your freedom to move and to socialize, is motivating people and inducing them to question the validity of many of the restrictive and invasive regulations that are continuing to be imposed upon you by various governments across the world,and which the major news organizations are reporting on as being not only necessary, but absolutely essential measures to ensure that humanity’s health is fully protected.

As I have told you before, much is arising into people’s awareness, from the hidden depths of their minds, that is extremely disturbing and unsettling.  It is “stuff” of a traumatic nature that was very emotionally damaging when it occurred, and so it has been buried below the level of conscious awareness until now, and has festered there causing myriad relationship issues for practically everyone and every nation.

It is now arising to be acknowledged, forgiven, and released.  The pain and suffering that this acknowledgment entails has led to much of the present conflict, chaos, and confusion, and to the fear-driven authoritarian restrictions imposed on your freedoms, and on your individual sovereign and God-given rights as divine beings, because it appears to divide you against one another.  But you are all ONE, and divisions between you are unreal.

Once you can truly and completely forgive all others and, of course, yourselves for what arises, and understand that you do have One indivisible nature with one another and with Source/Life, Love will inspire you to open your hearts fully to that Oneness, that Love, and then your need to judge or condemn others will fall away, as you realize that what you do to others you are in fact doing to yourselves.

Thus Love will dissolve all the ancient hatreds, resentments, and bitterness you have been feeling toward others, and to which so many of you have been clinging.

As I, and many others, never cease telling you: Love is the only Reality.

Now, as your collective awakening process accelerates and intensifies, many are beginning to realize that this is indeed the only Truth.

However, as humans experiencing life in form, and exposed to all the diverse and divisive cultural, racial, religious, political, and economic enculturation and socialization that your upbringing from infancy to adulthood imposes upon you, those experiences have caused you all much trauma of an emotional and psychological nature.

For you to grow up and live successfully within society you needed to “forget” that trauma by burying it deeply in the subconscious or unconscious parts of your minds, then what did remain conscious was intense fear and resentment of the seemingly very dangerous and unfair environment in which you found yourselves.

Whether you were born into extreme poverty, unimaginable wealth, or some in-between state, you all were traumatized to a greater or lesser extent during your journey from infancy to adulthood, no one escapes trauma.

As children, that trauma is too intense and painful to bear, it has to be hidden, buried, or in some manner disguised or concealed so that it remains unfelt and unrecognized.

In adulthood, unless it is seen, recognized, and healed, it becomes the root of all of a person’s life issues – psychological stress, illnesses, relationships, inadequate sense of self, etc. – which is why there are always so many interpersonal conflicts, and ongoing wars between nations.

All presently incarnate chose to be on Earth at this time to assist in the collective awakening by being and expressing the Love that each one is.

However, once incarnate, the memory of these pre-incarnational plans and intentions is lost.  But a major part of the collective plan for all those who choose to incarnate as humans is for them to evolve spiritually – that is to awaken to their true nature – and in doing so to then put into action the plan that they had previously formulated for their intended life path.

Increasing numbers of you are doing this daily, and this awakening to your spiritual nature can be slow and gentle, or extremely intense and rapid.

Therefore, it is totally inappropriate to judge another, because there is no way that you can know what kind of path they had planned for themselves, or how far along it they have so far progressed.  Rest assured that everyone – absolutely every human presently incarnate – is precisely where they are supposed to be, and that they – whatever others may think – are most definitely doing their best.

That is very hard for you to accept because judgment of others is encouraged in nearly every race, culture, and religion, not to mention in all political, economic, and personal relationships.

When you live from your hearts, setting the intent at least once daily to be only loving whatever arises, you are, most profoundly and effectively, being the change you want to see in the world and putting that change into effect.

Deep within yourselves you do know this, so acknowledge it and accept the validity of it.  When you do so the power of your individual energy field intensifies, becoming even more effective.

What you have forgotten is: You are all very powerful and effective divine beings!  Consequently your collective success in awakening is assured and absolutely inevitable, because it is the Will of God.

You have all, through many lifetimes, made myriad “mistakes,” – that is, you have done things that were unloving, sometimes extremely unloving – and within each of you is a deep residual memory that this is so.

You have no need, no need at all to remember what those mistakes were.  Just understand that the stuff arising within you to be acknowledged, thanked, and released is part of the collective’s unloving acts and behaviors, that occurred over a very long period of time, and that you, along with everyone else presently incarnate, are here to assist in this enormous task of releasing ALL that is or was in any way unloving.

Trust God, and trust yourselves, because you are achieving what you planned, and, despite your doubts and concerns about the motives of other people, other groups, other nations, what you planned is occurring . . . NOW!

You incarnated most courageously at this point in humanity’s spiritual evolution because it was absolutely the right time for you to do so.

Know that any pain, suffering, or distress that you are undergoing personally will cease.

You are all the beloved children of Mother/Father/God, Source, the infinite field of Love that is ALL that exists, and while, at present, that can be very difficult for you to accept and believe, deep within yourselves there resides the knowing that this is so.

Therefore, let go of all your doubts and mistrust, and again reset the enormously powerful intent be loving in every moment, and to engage lovingly with all – whether in your minds, in your hearts, in person, via social media, or as you read the world news – because that is why you chose to be here in this time of chaos and confusion, knowing that your presence was an essential aspect of the collective awakening process.

You can have no idea how enormously successful you are all being in this now moment, as you extend Love into the dream/nightmare of unreality, and most powerfully contribute, as only you can, to this great awakening.

Here in the unseen or spiritual realms we are cheering you on mightily, as we honor and respect the immense task that you have undertaken and are now bringing to an utterly successful completion.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

That ‘work’ is to be loving whatever arises

A Saul Message by John Smallman
Humanity’s awakening process is advancing rapidly now, as each day increasing numbers of the population worldwide become aware of the essential need now for major changes in the manner in which people think of each other – friend, untrustworthy other, or foe – and understand that all, without any exception are, like themselves, the beloved children of God. Realizing that, and knowing it, they are then able to let go of judgment, dislike, and dismissal of others as different and wrong, and instead listen to them and discuss with them issues that need to be resolved. There are many issues that humanity can most successfully resolve if they choose to listen to and hear the opinions and beliefs of others in order to engage in meaningful discussion. Remember, you have limitless loving assistance and guidance available to you from your support teams in the spiritual realms if you will call on them and allow yourselves to hear them – your intuition – without believing the instant egoic disparaging thought arising: “That will never work!”
All are in Relationship with the One. There is only relationship because all are One. The experience of separation that you undergo as humans in form is unreal, although you experience it as very real, and that was the intent with which it was designed. When you feel that you are a separate and tiny individual being in a vast universe filled with uncountable numbers of ‘others,’ that are not you, it causes you to feel fearful, alone, unsafe, threatened by the vastness of which you appear to be such a small and insignificant speck or particle. And yet, in truth, you are that vastness, because you are in relationship with it. It and you are One. At present, as your awakening approaches and as so much is moving from the unseen – the unconscious part of the collective mind in form – into your individual conscious minds that is extremely unsettling if not, in some cases, terrifying, it is not surprising that many are feeling the extremes of uncertainty and confusion. Over many incarnations, due to the nature of the game of separation in which humanity is engaged, much negative karma has been built up by the human collective over the eons which is now arising into each soul’s individual awareness for forgiveness and release. It may well seem totally alien to the person experiencing it because, not being from the individual’s present life time, it is unrecognizable. A
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You all chose to incarnate at this moment in the awakening process to assist one another with this mighty task. You all knew that it would be difficult and painful, but you also knew that you would be totally supported by God and by your spiritual support teams, and that your success was inevitable. Nothing has changed!

However, because of the amnesia involved in taking on human form, that knowing, that certainty is hidden from you, and at times the lives you are leading and the suffering that you are undergoing seems unfair, unwarranted, very real, and something that a loving god would never allow to occur. You need to keep on reminding yourselves of the unreality of the game of separation from God, in which you are engaged, and in which all are playing their parts precisely as planned to bring about your awakening, even though, when you observe the divisive and chaotic situations in so many areas of the world, it is frequently difficult for you to remain convinced that your collective awakening is imminent.

Although it is good to be aware of the pain and suffering that so many are experiencing, so that you can keep sending them love and healing – a very powerful and effective thought form – do not allow yourselves to be constantly distracted by the angry content and reports of intense suffering on which the mainstream and social media channels focus so much attention.

When you do, as you must have noticed, your energy fields weaken leading to depression and a sense of helplessness, even hopelessness.
You are very powerful beings! And you are precisely where you are meant to be to assist most effectively and lovingly in humanity’s awakening process.

When you focus on what is not loving in the world you are permitting your egos to distract you from the work you incarnated to do.

That ‘work’ is to be loving whatever arises, letting go of judgment and condemnation of others who are behaving in unconscionable ways, and sending Love to all to help them to become aware and awaken to their true nature which is identical to your own . . . It is Love!

Go within at least once daily, and preferably much more frequently – it need only be for a few moments as you set the intent to be only loving – because when you do the loving energy that is flowing through you, and out to all of humanity (you really do affect All of humanity), intensifies enormously, raising your frequency and also the frequency of countless others of whom you are unaware. That is the ‘work’ you incarnated to do, and when you remind yourselves of this you realize that it is not really work at all, it is, instead, a most enjoyable occupation that fills you with peace and contentment, because you are doing the divine Will, and you know it.

With so very much love, Saul.

To celebrate is essential because it uplifts and inspires all who participate, and doing so helps you to find your way through the maze of confusion that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused.

Saul Through John: You are always in God’s Presence, because there is nowhere else!

Saul Audio Blog for 10/09/2020. by John Smallman

As new information concerning corruption in high places is released into the public domain on a daily basis, people are opening much more readily to the idea that they have been basically asleep and dreaming and that the “shadow side” of the human collective has for eons been working hard to set people against each other by intensifying their sense of the differences between themselves and others, and by persuading them that these differences are bad and can harm them.

Many of you, with numbers increasing daily, are realizing that this divisive way of thinking needs to change, and are becoming aware of the enormous creative possibilities available to you if you will listen carefully and lovingly to one another without preconceived ideas or negative judgments.

An integration of your light and shadow sides needs to occur, individually and within nations, and you are beginning to see this and, by setting the intent to be only loving whatever arises, you are making this happen.

This is a perfect reason to Celebrate!

You may well believe that celebrating in these confusing and very unsettling times is totally inappropriate, but I would like to remind you that by celebrating you strengthen your life force and your energy field, and you intensify the flow of Love into and through your hearts, enabling you to engage far more easily with the joy and peace within yourselves – always present, but often ignored or avoided as you focus your attention, and your resultant anxiety, on the distractions of the news cycle and social media.

With so much attention being focused by so many on the negative “What if possibilities?” that the current news cycles encourage, the general level of your energy fields is weakened, leading to fear, anger, depression, and ill health.

To celebrate is essential because it uplifts and inspires all who participate, and doing so helps you to find your way through the maze of confusion that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused.

You are all the beloved children of God – whom He wills to live in peace and joy – presently immersed in a dream or nightmare from which you need to awaken.  You are awakening, and in this moment many are experiencing that unsettling and frequently disturbing state that often occurs in the moments before awakening, in which you appear to be in a strange and unwelcoming place from which there seems to be no exit.

In fact this state is the exit, it is the moment prior to awakening into Reality.  While you are experiencing it it can seem interminable, and then, like morning mist, it will dissipate allowing the sun (LOVE!) to shine through.

You are not lost and abandoned waifs in a strange land, you are the divine children of God having a dream from which you cannot avoid awakening.

Most of the time the dream – or nightmare – can and does seduce you into believing it is real.  It is not!  Reality, where you have your eternal existence, is a state in which you experience infinite peace and joy in every moment – NOW – the only moment, the eternal moment in which all existence occurs continuously and without interruption.

Therefore, Celebrate!  Go within daily, to that holy inner sanctuary that is present within each of you, and allow Love, your true nature, which is always present within you, to embrace you.

It only waits for your permission, and your permission just means to surrender any and all negative self judgmentabout your value, self-worth,or any belief that you are an undeserving sinner, and any other sense that might convince you of your unworthiness to be in the Presence of God.

You are always in God’s Presence, because there is nowhere else!

Just acknowledge that divine truth and joyfully accept the divine embrace, instead of fearfully warding It off as you attempt to convince yourself of your unworthiness.

How could any creation of God be unworthy of His Love?  That is an impossible condition, so CELEBRATE in the divine assurance that you are fully worthy of every gift He would bestow upon you.

The many of you who are parents know that you could never withhold love from your children, so it is insane to even imagine God withholding His Love from you.

Open to His Love and allow yourselves to awaken!

With so very much love, Saul.

old order just disintegrates due to a complete lack of popular support.A new environment, in which peace, love, acceptance, understanding, and cooperation unite all, is being established, and signs of this are becoming visible in many places.

People everywhere are reclaiming their individual sovereignty.

08/31/2020 by John Smallman

Saul Audio Blog for Monday August 31st

As your moment of awakening draws ever closer, there is a palpable air of excitement worldwide, in spite of all the “bad” news that the mainstream media is focusing on so constantly and vociferously.

Truly, there is much pain and suffering as age-old hatreds and resentments rise into people’s consciousness to be acknowledged, forgiven, and released.  Awareness of the insanity of many of the old patterns of human behavior – one on one, in families, in social, political and religious organizations, and between nations and groups of nations – is spreading, and people are making it clear that change of enormous magnitude and on a global scale is essential NOW!

It is becoming apparent to all that for peace and harmony to prevail the oneness and interconnectedness of all to all must be honored in harmonious loving acceptance of one another, regardless of any and all apparent differences that you observe between each other.

Humanity is a vast family, with many diverse interests and creative abilities, and it is now time to recognize this and honor all your brothers and sisters, instead of dividing yourselves into opposing groups that judge and condemn the appearances, beliefs, and creative endeavors, etc., of other groups.

You have been aware for a very long time that that does not work, nevertheless, the immature and egoic need to be right, to which so many cling, has made it practically impossible for you to truly honor even one other because of your own lack of self acceptance.

That sense of non acceptability is the result of trauma of varying intensity inflicted or imposed upon you during infancy and childhood.  None among you grew to adulthood unscathed by the trauma of childhood unacceptability, trauma so painful that you had to disown it or bury it deep within you – out of sight, out of mind – to enable you to face and engage with others, even though there still remained within your conscious awareness a sense of not being good enough.

What you had buried so deeply within yourselves as totally unacceptable was constantly being reflected back to you by others who were similarly traumatized, whom you then judged and condemned, just as you had been judged and condemned as little ones.

Growing from human infancy to mature adulthood is not easy, and many were so traumatized that they have never succeeded in maturing emotionally or psychologically.  Many of those then used their physical or intellectual capabilities to defend themselves against what seemed to be an an almost constant and aggressive onslaught from others, and often sought positions of power and authority over others in order to find some kind of personal self-acceptance, which has frequently brought disastrous consequences raining down on humanity.

What you have come to accept as normal behavior is behavior that has been conditioned by your childhood experiences of trauma, now mostly concealed below the level of your conscious minds, and is basically a defensive mode of existence in which you are on the alert for any sign of confrontation arising which might threaten you emotionally, psychologically, intellectually, or physically.

To live in such a state of alertness is, of course, very stressful and energetically draining.  But, because it has for so long been the apparently essential way of life, it has become normal for most humans, and so stress is expected and dealt with on a daily basis unless it becomes totally debilitating, in which case many who experience that state seek medical assistance.

It is not the way you would choose to live, which is why you so often watch infants, before they have become too traumatized, playing and engaging with life in delightful spontaneity and wonder why you cannot find the same joy in life, even if only momentarily.

It is this wondering that has, over the last few decades, encouraged people to look for more rewarding and enjoyable ways to live, and has therefore brought into their awareness the insanity of modern express-paced living in which there is no time to just be.

And even when people do realize this, and try to relax for a short period of time doing nothing, or engaging in meditation or contemplation, the almost constant and insistent urge to do something – anything! – sends them rushing to find some kind of distraction.

And there are countless opportunities for distraction available in your modern lives, that often appear to you to require your instant attention, but which obviously do not, except in your intensely felt need forsome distraction, Please!

Now, as is clearly apparent, people are ready for change, are demanding change, and those in positions of authority, who are generally rather egotistically driven, either cannot see this, refuse to see it, or are so driven by their desire to maintain their sense of power, that they try to retain their hold on it by passing new and unacceptable rules and regulations to maintain the status quo – authoritarian control – and demanding that the police and other “security” forces then impose them.

This approach always seemed to work in the past.

But, the Past is Over!  Change, inevitable and absolutely essential change is occurring, and will continue to occur until the old order just disintegrates due to a complete lack of popular support.

A new environment, in which peace, love, acceptance, understanding, and cooperation unite all, is being established, and signs of this are becoming visible in many places.

People everywhere are reclaiming their individual sovereignty, the sovereignty with which they were created, for and in eternal joy, to live in freedom, being what their loving and amazingly sensitive hearts guide them to be – Themselves – unhindered by even the slightest feelings of guilt, shame or unacceptability, because such feelings or negative self-judgments are, and always have been, utterly invalid!

You are all divine beings having a temporary experience in form as humans.

As humans your task was to evolve spiritually, and you have been doing this for eons, and the fruits of this evolutionary progress are beginning to ripen beautifully as they start to become a most magnificent harvest for all to enjoy.

Therefore, prepare to CELEBRATE.

With so very much love, Saul.

There is nothing of God that is not also you!You are completely free, you are sovereign beings, and you are free to do whatever you choose in any moment…Your daily time out, meditation practice, period of contemplation, or just quiet relaxation is the time when you work most effectively on your task. And, of course, it is not work! -Jesus via John-

July 21, 2020 by John Smallman

We are approaching a momentous period in humanity’s spiritual evolution.  Although life in form, separated from Source, is quite unreal, it appears to be very real indeed, and while experiencing the unreality of life in form you have all chosen to learn lessons that will assist you enormously in your inevitable awakening. Audio Player00:0000:00Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.

If properly understood and assimilated they will greatly decrease the time required for you to ready yourselves for your return to Reality – although, of course, you have never left Reality!  The choice to experience life in form was made collectively, and instantly God provided the means for your return to full awareness of your Oneness.  Nevertheless, in His infinite Love for You, His divine progeny, He gave you, at the moment of your creation, absolutely ALL of Him/Herself.  

There is nothing of God that is not also you!

As I have already told you in previous messages, Love is all-powerful but It is also totally free of any kind of coercion or compulsion, otherwise It would not be Love.  You are completely free, you are sovereign beings, and you are free to do whatever you choose in any moment.

While you are experiencing human life your memory of your real nature is hidden from you by your collective choice, and thus it seems that to be in human form is an extremely limited state of being; nevertheless, you do have free will.

Part of the reason for taking life in form was to experience that freedom without an awareness of your true and eternal nature – Love.  Without that awareness it has been possible for you to engage in some extremely unloving behaviors over the eons, as your history so clearly shows you.

As a result you came to believe that Love is weak, and that for you to survive and prosper you had to develop and use physical force in conflict to beat and defeat those – many, many other beings that were, it seemed, completely and utterly separate from you – who, it appeared to you, threatened your survival.

On laying down your physical forms at the moment of death you instantly become aware of how you have lived your human lives, and your unloving behaviors, revealed to you in that moment, either shock and horrify you, leading you to an intense desire to re-experience life in form to correct or heal any pain or suffering that you have inflicted on others, or you go into such a deep state of shock that it places you in what in human terms you would call a coma.

Then – and of course at the moment of your passing/transition you are totally overwhelmed by the intensity of LOVE that immediately embraces you making it abundantly clear to you that you are One with It– you either plan a new incarnation, or remain in a state of coma while long term healing occurs, which, when completed, will enable you to once again review your life in form and arrange and plan a new incarnation to present you once more with the lessons that you then choose to learn.

No one, on laying down their human form, is compelled to reincarnate – as I explained above, Love never uses force or coercion – but very many desire to do so in order to learn the lessons that they had missed or misunderstood.

Now, many are learning the lessons that they previously missed or misunderstood, and at some deep level of their consciousness the awareness of the unreality of anything other than Love is arising and guiding them most beautifully toward awakening.  This present momentous period in humanity’s separationadventure is the moment in which you are being presented with the opportunity – due to the awareness arising in so many of you that you are spiritual beings having a temporary experience in form – to greatly shorten the time and reduce the number of incarnations in form that you need to experience before you return to Reality.

It was planned by Source from the instant that you chose to experience separation, because She knew that the pain of separation would become so intense that the majority of those incarnate would wish to bring it to a point of termination.  Therefore “a window of opportunity” was planned to occur, during which those who wished could dramatically reduce the number of human incarnations they needed to undergo by learning, understanding, and fully and completely engaging with their true nature – Love.

After anyone has made the choice to do this, then from this moment onward in their lives he or she can only be loving, because there are no other options since only Love is Real.  To know that, as humans in form, is the most uplifting and inspiring experience that can possibly happen to anyone.  They cannot, and will never, revert to the limited form of consciousness in which most humans are entangled, and in which it seems that there is a constant ongoing conflict between good and evil.

Evil is unreal, but within the illusion it appears to be very real and causes enormous pain and suffering for untold millions.  Now the opportunity has arrived, for those who choose to take it, to awaken from that unreal or dream state and return Home.

Many are presently feeling very much that, here on Earth, they are not at home, and this is very confusing because life in form is all that they appear to have ever known.  The Truth is, of course, that they are not experiencing Home, Reality, because of their choice to undergo a state of apparent separation from Source, and the deeper knowing of this Truth is now rising into their consciousness, leading to a cognizance that where they presently appear to be is not their real Home.  That realization is extremely unsettling because the illusory environment of physicality still does seem to be inordinately real, causing great confusion and inner strife.

Each one of you reading this message, or other similarly uplifting ones through other channels, are aware of your spiritual nature and heritage, and are each becoming increasingly aware that your individual tasks – which are very similar, although in many respects they are very different – are to assist in the awakening process by being loving in every moment, whatever may arise on your own individual life path.

Your daily time out, meditation practice, period of contemplation, or just quiet relaxation is the time when you work most effectively on your task.  And, of course, it is not work!  What you are doing is demonstrating a most joyful expression of Love.

That expression, as it flows through you, and out to embrace all with whom you interact in any manner at all, is warm and most welcoming, drawing toward you those in your vicinity who are seeking to understand and gain relief from their sense of not belonging, of being in the wrong place, of being in the wrong body, or being on the wrong world.

Many are presently experiencing feelings of this nature, as the truth that they are indeed divine beings starts to arise into their field of consciousness; and initially it is very confusing for them.  Your awakened presence, by offering them a safe place in which to talk about these startling feelings while you just listen, is precisely what is required to assist those who have been deeply asleep to begin to awaken, while calming the fears and anxieties that are also arising within them as the ‘old normal’ way of living becomes increasingly untenable for them.

To reiterate: Each and every one of you reading or listening to this, and to similar channeled messages, are precisely where you are meant to be in order to assist many others as they consciously choose to take part in humanity’s most wonderful awakening process.

Everyone presently incarnate on Planet Earth, and there are absolutely no exceptions, is being nudged in one way or another so that they pay attention to the undeniable presence of their true spiritual nature which is arising into their waking consciousness and demanding their attention.

To dismiss this powerful intuitive sense that there is far more to life than is normally apparent would be unfortunate, and perhaps quite a large number of people will do this, however, it only serves to delay their inevitable awakening.  Nevertheless, those who do choose this option will not become aware that they have missed out, and will continue to evolve spiritually – that is continue on their path to the point at which they do choose to know themselves as One with Source, and in that knowing they too will awaken.

All are One.  There is no separation, and those few who continue to choose to engage with a sense of separation, with the sense that they have but one personal and individual life in form that terminates with the decay and death of that form, have in fact already chosen to awaken – but not just yet.  That choice is absolutely fine, but it will involve them in rather more pain and suffering as they unnecessarily maintain their sense of separation and choose to identify solely with their human forms.

You are all free, totally free, because that is how God so lovingly created you.

You were created free because to love another is to totally honor and respecteach other, including their inalienable and sovereign right to live completely free from any rules or restrictions.

You are free beings of Love, extending and sharing that Love, because that is what Love is and what It does – eternally.

While living as humans in form this is not apparent to you because of the limitations that state imposes upon you, until you start to become aware of the loving nudges you are receiving to assist you to awaken.

All of you reading this have at least started to become aware of your true nature, and as this awareness grows and strengthens your inner Light brightens and helps others to start becoming aware.

Know that what you are doing now in your human lives, just by being yourselves, is an absolutely essential part of the collective awakening process.

Here in the spiritual realms, you are greatly honored for your fortitude and strength of intent, so please make a point of honoring and loving yourselves, because doing so allows the Light that you all are to shine even more brightly and more effectively to assist those who feel lost, alone, or abandoned.

No one is ever lost, alone, or abandoned, but many feel that they are, and your Light and your acceptance of them, just as they are, helps to dissolve that feeling and gently brings to them the awareness that they are loved, and that all will be well.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Truly, all of humanity, every single person, is contributing enormously and very effectively to this most wonderful human awakening process…Everyone presently incarnate has their own individual part to play and is playing it perfectly, even if they are totally unaware that they are doing so, and even if it appears to others that some of them are causing the problems and are, therefore, far removed from the solution.-Saul via John-

by John Smallman

The present anxiety and confusion, due to the corona virus, that is continuing to be experienced globally, will not last much longer because new information is being released daily that is helping to resolve the issues that are causing the confusion, and so the uncertainty that is being experienced will be greatly eased.

Epidemics have have always been a part of life on Earth, as have storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, droughts, floods, forest fires, etc.  They are part of the earthly environment that occur, develop, and decay, and they do indeed cause a lot of pain and suffering for many while they are present, and in their aftermath.

With your modern transport systems, epidemics can spread far more rapidly than they used to do, and they also come to an end far more quickly, as the present one is doing.  And because far more people in these times have clean water, good personal hygiene, and sanitation, epidemics are far less harmful than was the case in earlier times.

Due to the large numbers of people now incarnate on your beautiful planet, and because of the global economic system that is based on short-term financial benefit for a very small number of people, and which has, until very recently, largely ignored the consequences of this unsustainable way of using the planet’s abundant resources, it is now essential that major changes in the way you nourish and nurture yourselves are put into effect.  Changes that will allow the planet to heal the vast areas that have been so thoughtlessly and unnecessarily abused and desecrated starting at the dawn of the industrial revolution.

You can and you will make the necessary alterations to the way you engage with the planet so that she can continue to support you and all the other life forms that are a part of her very diverse eco-systems, because, collectively – though perhaps not totally consciously – humanity has made the decision to do so.

As a direct result of this collective decision, humanity is now, and very rapidly, becoming increasingly awarethat the imprudent way in which you have been availing of your planet’s abundant resources has to end.  Photographs of the devastation that has occurred in remote areas of the world are now widely published on many media platforms so that no one can now be unaware of what has been happening.

As a result the collective intent to make the necessary life style changes to repair and lovingly care for the environment on which your human existence is utterly dependent has been set in motion.  Situations across the world may appear to continue to deteriorate for a short while before a massive turn around in attitudes and behaviors starts to show many positive results.

Very few of you reading this message – or others of a similar nature – are directly involved in setting up and establishing the means to put these essential changes into effect, but that does not mean that you are not part of this process.  Many activists are involved, and their involvement is what is going to bring it about in practical terms.

Those on a quieter path, who are deeply spiritual, by intending to be only loving whatever arises, and by intending to be channels or conduits through which Love can flow to where it is most needed, are making just as powerful a contribution to this process.  Truly, all of humanity, every single person, is contributing enormously and very effectively to this most wonderful human awakening process.

Everyone presently incarnate has their own individual part to play and is playing it perfectly, even if they are totally unaware that they are doing so, and even if it appears to others that some of them are causing the problems and are, therefore, far removed from the solution.

The overall plan is far more complex than you can possibly imagine.  And those who appear to be obstructing the changes – for example, leaders of industrial and financial corporations and the politicians beholden to them – are also very important operatives in the divine plan.

Major change nearly always requires a large shift in perspective if people are to recognize the need for change, and so some of the present turmoil is leading to the major shifts in perspective that are necessary to show people that they have to demand that those in positions of authority either start to put the changes into effect, or resign to allow wiser ones to replace them and make the decisions that have to be made.

Again, it comes back to taking time out daily to set loving intentions and then putting them into practice.

Doing just that is amazingly powerful and effective.

Therefore, believe in yourselves, believe in the power of your intentions, reset those intentions whenever you think of them, and bring humanity lovingly and joyfully to its long-dreamt moment of awakening.

That is what you chose to do and what you are incarnate to do, and you are doing it, most successfully.

When you look back over the last few decades of your present human lives you cannot be unaware of the major changes that have occurred and which have removed many barriers to peoples’ freedom.

It may well seem now that ‘the authorities’ are attempting to roll back those rights and freedoms.  It will not happen, because the power you are using and demonstrating by your loving attitudes and behaviors is invincible.

Love always wins, never by conflict, but by gently awakening people to the realization that there is only Love.

With so very much love, Saul.